fabtypes · 2 months
“So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out, and decide.”
— Meredith Grey
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fabtypes · 6 months
why do people have to beg just to live. there is no where to go for the palestinian people, the israeli government has them in a death spiral going north and south cutting out there food and water supplies making it hard to reach out to other countries BEGGING for help. you can’t even wish them safety bc there is nowhere to go not even in america where three palestinian men were shot. please please call your senators and state representative (i have a script on my account if needed), education yourself, and boycott companies published on the bds boycott list. please don’t let this genocide be a trend
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fabtypes · 6 months
I dont think people realise that being the reason why people feel valued and welcomed in your surroundings, and making them feel like they matter and their opinions mattered is such a wholesome thing to do.
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fabtypes · 6 months
When i was in school, I had the privilege to be surrounded by amazing friends, who were there for me and loved me selflessly, I also did the same. But when I went to college , I started to realise people are not like this everywhere. people can give you nightmares, be ungrateful and rude no matter how much you do for them, and even belittle you. I've struggled emotionally thinking that how I will survive in this world, and should I change myself and be the way people are with me. I always loved the idea of being a giver, without expecting anything in return. But when I had to do it for real, I constantly got hurt. Because we tend to start expecting from people, even if we dont want to. But recently after thinking a lot I finally made up my mind. There's a famous saying that dont cross oceans for people who woudn't cross a puddle for you. As much as this is true for relationships like friendships, romantic interests, because you cant be constantly doing for someone without knowing the fact they love you the same, but other than these relationships, I think I will definitely choose to be a giver. Even if it was emotionally draining at first, but I believe that being nice and helpful wont hurt me in the long run, and I also believe that I'll be rewarded by my Lord for this. Even if I keep religion aside, I'll always choose to cross oceans for people knowing they wont do the same. I believe humans are designed to be givers, and peace of mind comes with how much we can give, not how much we gain at the end. Whatever I face, I wont let the world change me from being the person I am.
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