#ethel bosinny
keepscrollinghun · 1 year
nancy drew: curse of blackmoor manor out of context
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i hate that she gave me jumpscare twice, and i fell for both of em ಥ_ಥ
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julymaysay · 2 years
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the real beast of Blackmoor 👀🕯️
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 2 years
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Ethel Bosinny
“Many of my ancestors were tutors of some of the Penvellyns and I feel very honored to continue that tradition.”
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tfg5 · 11 months
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A 14th-century English mansion haunted by a tragic past. The Beast of Blackmoor
Will the tragedy of the past make things hairy for the present? A family and a home full of secrets waiting to be uncovered, unlike the lady of the house who keeps herself hidden away.
Is it the beast that truly haunts these halls? Or is it the people, a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing among them. Only one way to uncover the truth by stepping foot inside the walls and uncovering what's hidden behind the curtain of this mystery? Or maybe...Who?
Amelie Bea Smith as Jane Penvellyn
Lindas young stepdaughter, a curious nature and a craving for attention, especially for playing games, Knoweldgeable and aware of the Manors secrets, is it possible her love of playing games leaves everyone a pawn in her chess match against her stepmother in hopes of moving back? Or is she simply just homesick?
Lucy Boynton as Ethel Bosinny
Jane's tutor from a long line to the Penvellyn Family. Charming and mysterious, with a close attachment to the Penvellyns. Is it possible she knows their secrets? Or maybe has some of her own?
Fiona Shaw as Mrs. Drake
Janes great-aunt, The housekeeper of the Manor, that she would have owned, if not for the arrival of her nephew and his wife, Linda. Devoted to the manor and keeping it in order. Is it possible she might be trying to scare Linda out, so that she may own the manor once more?
Riz Ahmed as Nigel Mookerjee
A historian with interests close to the Manor and the family that resides, Could he be a confidant? or a keeper of their secrets?
Sally Hawkins as Linda Penvellyn
The current lady of the house, refusing to see anyone, believing she is cursed, what keeps her hidden away? Fear of what's out there? or fear of what others might uncover?
7.DOG 10.SHA 11.CUR 13.TRN 15.CRE 16.ICE 17.CRY 22.TOT
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yiikesyikes · 4 years
Clue crew members exploring Blackmoor Manor
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4okra · 4 years
look I know everyone has made this post a million times but that’s because it’s TRUE: Ethel Bosinny is scary as hell
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I replayed Nancy Drew and the Curse of Blackmoor Manor recently, because in my opinion it’s one of the best games in the series: Good story, good puzzles that are firmly rooted in the game and not just random, really interesting environment.
But. Freaking. Ethel.
You see this woman four times, and only three of those times do you actually talk to her. And yet somehow she is more terrifying than whispers in the night, the threat of lycanthropy, or anything you find underneath the mansion. The lifeless automaton in the front hall is less threatening than this woman is. I had a glass of water on my desk the second time Ethel shows up while your sneaking around the passages and that was almost a disaster.
I mean...can we prove the real Beast of Blackmoor wasn’t the Bosinny family all along?
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thefandomgamesfour · 4 years
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thefandomgamesfive · 2 years
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dagny-silva · 2 years
ethel “gatekeep” bosinny
jane “gaslight” penvellyn
lou “girlboss” lou
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julymaysay · 4 years
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«Нэнси, я знаю, ты хороший человек, и понимаю, что ты очень хочешь узнать, что же происходит с Линдой. Но у меня есть некоторые обязанности которые могут противоречить твоим интересам. Я не буду вмешиваться в твои дела без разрешения. Но как только я его получу, ты будешь вынуждена покинуть Блэкмур».
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 4 years
Weird fears for Ethel!
Just the weird fears then? I agree with @papenniesandbentoboxes headcanon that Ethel is scared of clowns. That makes total sense. But I will add my own idea that she is also scared of the ocean. It’s too vast to be fully known. She’s sure that she’ll drown or mysteriously vanish beneath the surface if she sails on or swims in the sea.
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snigora · 3 years
How Nancy Drew characters would do in Squid Game Part 3
-Linda Penvellyn: would attempt all the games on her head and doing cartwheels and would not succeed
-Jane Penvellyn: is a literal child, but tbh she would probably watch and get entertainment out of it
-Mrs Drake: would be killed by the pink soldiers for trying to create a hybrid plant armour
-Nigel Mookerjee: he would try to raise everyone’s spirits by story telling but his stories are more like encyclopaedias so he would probably be killed by other contestants
-Ethel Bosinny: ultimate girl boss. Definitely wins, no doubt about it
-Loulou: is a bird
-Emily Crandall: gives up before the games start
-Jane Willoughby: is there on false pretences but dies anyway
-Richard Topham: claims to know what each game is coz telepathy but actually doesn’t know jack and he’d have a humiliating defeat
-Jim Archer: originally he would join the games, but would opt out and not go back if he got that choice
-Lori Girard: “when Daddy hears about this!” *gunshot*
-Tino Balducci: “everybody just stay calm! No need to panic! I’ll get to the bottom of-” *gunshot*
-Charleena Purcell: “I refuse to play in such childish games” *gunshot*
-John Grey: “the ghost readings here are off the charts!” *gunshot*
-Fatima: literally friends with everyone. They all let them win because they handed out taffy
-Minette: the games are utterly rude. But not the good kind of rude. Would do like a barbie princess charm school and make her tracksuits into a high fashion garment
-Heather McKay: might get halfway through then die
-Dieter von Schwesterkrank: tries his best but also doesn’t win
-JJ Ling: she’d be like Mi-Nyeo but less annoying. Would go to any lengths to survive, ultimately wouldn’t though
-Jean Michel Tranquenard: is too French. Enough said
-Big Island Mike: he would play ruthlessly, killing other people in the games to diminish competition but wouldn’t win
-Pua Mapu: she’s super fit so she’d get really far. Gives me Sae-Byeok vibes, but friendlier
-Dr Quigley Kim: uses other people as human shields, but at some point her glasses break so she can’t see anymore
-Dr Malachi Craven: his anger is enough to get him to the last game, I don’t think he’d win tho
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perpetuallylocked · 4 years
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- - - make me choose, nancy drew style - - -
- - - anonymous asked ethel bosinny or charlotte thornton? - - -
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