#the ghost of thornton hall
lickieloo · 11 months
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Happy Death Day to Charlotte :(
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thebeastofblackmoor · 4 months
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original by @spacerockband
I absolutely HAD to take this comic about brood parasitism--when a bird egg is placed in a smaller species' nest and as it grows, it ends up starving out its "siblings" to survive-- and make it about young Clara Thornton and her relationship with Charlotte and her family. The metaphor was just too perfect for me to resist.
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call-1-555-mystico · 4 months
is anyone gonna talk about the sludge creature i keep seeing on the floor in the work room with the cotton gin in ghost of thornton hall or am i just hallucinating like nancy????
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Nancy Drew needs to make peace with the idea of breaking shit on purpose. Like, you’re in a house fire and instead of just ripping the damn painting off the wall you have to play some dead lady’s clock puzzle? NO. I’m ripping that portrait out of its frame and me and Mrs. Matchbox Fingers over here are gonna fully body slam into that frame and then roll down those nasty ass stairs, through the wall, into the living room. RIP Hiriam, but oh well. I’m not messing with CLOCK HANDS while the literal door to the bedroom is on fire.
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As a Georgia native, I’m so proud that my home state has such good representation in the Nancy Drew games (Ghost of Thornton Hall and Savannah Woodham)
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naancypants · 7 months
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nancy he has depression
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perpetuallylocked · 8 months
My boyfriend is currently in the process of playing Ghost of Thornton Hall. It got to the point where Bess asks Nancy to rate Colton on a Ned scale. Since this is the third Nancy Drew game said boyfriend has ever played, he did not know what Ned looks like.
I pull up a picture of Ned's phone avatar from Sea of Darkness to show him. Said boyfriend looks me in the eyes and says, "Are you dating me because I look like Ned?"
I will neither confirm or deny.
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nancythedrew · 9 months
gas company notified me that my furnace was leaking carbon monoxide. lame as hell cause now they wont let me use it and I didn't even get to experience getting murdered by a hallucination because i said a poem wrong :(
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henrikvanderswoon · 7 months
jump scare warning ⚠️
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anxious-heart13 · 4 months
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i like ghosts because they show you me what is, not what i want to see, and wearing boots don't make ya stupid. makes ya smart — if it's muddy.
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Nancy this is literally your exact phone in a different color why did your brain jump to "charge it using pennies and oranges" and not "oh sweet let me grab my charger from my bag"
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nancydrewpcpolls · 29 days
Aside from Nancy
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thebeastofblackmoor · 4 months
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i do think most people who see me on a day-to-day basis would be alarmed at how much of my mental real estate i devote to the hidden darkness of an actual nancy drew game
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just-a-madrigal · 1 year
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Sounds like upstairs people problems to me. I’m downstairs people.
Ghost of Thornton Hall
Nancy Drew Embroideries
My first multimedia piece! I gave myself extra time for this one, and I’m so happy with how it turned out. I was inspired by the road leading up to Thornton Hall, it sets the tone of the game perfectly right from the start. I wanted to convey the ethereal nature of Thornton Hall and it’s hauntings— not to mention the blurry visions from all the carbon monoxide— so I used watercolor to paint the silhouettes of trees in the background. The Thornton family was rigid in their understanding of the world and their greed in protecting what they considered to be theirs, so the gate is in a bold black stitching. The mist is made from cotton batting, I wanted to tie the piece together with some 3D elements and I’m excited about how it turned out! I love seeing other people’s art for this game especially, I feel like it’s so rich in symbolism and the visual aesthetics are *chef’s kiss*
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Why do I posses the compulsion to make these? I’ll tell you…I don’t know.
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mrwooglewogle · 10 months
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