#career tribute
moonslesbology · 1 year
i very much have little to no evidence on what headcanon i have, but i’m still putting it out there
i genuinely think that volunteering in career districts was done as an act of defiance until the capitol manipulated it.
like i cannot see kids volunteering if they witnessed / knew of the conditions the first lot of hunger games was in. why would they? tributes were kept in cages, treated like zoo animals, literally given medical exams by an actual vet.
who would volunteer for that?
now we know that after lucy gray’s game, snow put forward the idea of sponsors, victory village etc. luxuries really. but i don’t think that would be enough for someone from 1,2,4 to volunteer.
i like to imagine ppl from those districts did volunteering out of loyalty to their people. protecting the weak and vulnerable, you get me?
but of course that defeats the purpose of the games. now they lack the control, sometjing the capitol has to maintain in order to secure order and therefore manage chaos.
so what’s a better way of gaining control than controlling the volunteering system in the districts? it’s constantly reminded to readers that preparing for the games is forbidden, but the capitol seem aware that these kids are prepared prior. it’s never outright stated, but it’s almost like an unspoken fact. even districts, who lack details about each other, are aware of it.
the capitol would’ve easily been able to manipulate the career system. propagating volunteers who win, for example, would definitely be a method. highlighting how extravagant their lives are. meanwhile it’s so easy to vilify someone who “benefits” from the system. thus, hatred is directed at career tributes and not the capitol.
perfect method of deflection
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fleshthatfalls · 3 months
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" 𝙖 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡. "
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𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖚𝖘 𝖘𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖝 𝖉𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘 𝖑𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖟
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nsfw writings are starred !
♡ -- prologue
♡ -- pretty little liar : coriolanus snow x oc, part 1
♡ -- pretty little liar : coriolanus snow x oc, part 2 ★
♡ -- pretty little liar : coriolanus snow x oc, part 3
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havithreatendub4 · 6 months
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#Deauville Film Festival #2019
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jesncin · 4 months
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This lil' sequence in Birthdays is a reference to the iconic issue Hold Me (by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean). I hit it with the middle-grade-graphic-novel beam :p but generally still wanted to pay homage to its essence.
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vertigoartgore · 21 days
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The Works of writer Alan Moore by comic book artist Alex Ross.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
the idea of d4 being a weak career district is weird. i can see where it came from since katniss doesn't describe them as being feral nuts like she does with d1/d2 (yet another case of character bias shaping the narrative/our perception as readers) but just because they're not frothing at the mouth like cato & clove / enobaria & brutus were doesn't mean they're not equally as competent/"career."
annie is kind and beautiful and "lovely" in katniss's words, finnick is funny and and sexy and a good friend in katniss's mind, but that doesn't preclude them from being deadly. all that says is that the biased 1st person narrator, katniss, liked these people where she didn't like "traditionally" career people like cato or glimmer. a person can be violent and deadly at the same time as they are kind and loving, those things are not mutually exclusive and reflects how real people and well written characters sometimes contain contradictions in their personalities. even cato, the one katniss hated most of all, had his moments of being a terrified kid and caring for someone other than himself despite being for the majority of the book a murderous asshole to katniss.
katniss saw the kinder side of d4 people because they were her friends and allies, and she focused more on the traditional violent side to district two kids because she straight up disliked them and were threats instead of allies. when you remove katniss's biases, as seen in tbosas, the d4 kids clearly have their own special brand of ruthlessly willing to murder to ensure their own survival - despite the fact that career districts/culture didn't exist in 10th games, coral did not hesitate to violently murder her fellow tributes. mizzen, who i am inclined to remind you was a 13 year old kid, proved how strong and violent he was.
perhaps they're not as militant as district two, but d4 are careers through and through and there are plenty of canonical examples of it.
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floworence · 4 months
Ok but being fr, I think the new book won't be from Haymitch's perspective but from the perspective of a career tribute, maybe even from the perspective of the girl from District One who almost managed to kill Haymitch. Considering that Collins said in the interview the new book will take a look at propaganda and "how few rule many" it would be wise to assume that the book would be from the perspective of a person who is most susceptible to propaganda - a volunteer tribute from a career district.
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sometimes i think about how 4 of the 5 people we can be relatively certain were subject to the victor trafficking (finnick, cashmere, gloss, and enobaria, excluding johanna) were trained as career tributes, and 3 of those 4 are, by all appearances, capitol loyalists during the quarter quell.
that's three quarters of the career pack. at mimimum, three quarters of them have been completely betrayed by the capitol, and somehow, not a one of them is trustworthy. the conspirators are comfortable with the idea that they must die.
it's such a quiet tragedy, the tragedy of the career victors. the only moral i can think to take away from it is that, sometimes, you can't save everyone. sometimes even an unambiguous victim of the system is so far gone, it's too dangerous even to try. sometimes you have to leave people behind because they've been nailed to the floor and will actively resist attempts to pry them up.
anyway, one of the reasons the capitol turns a blind eye to career training is because career tributes come pre-groomed and you will not convince me otherwise.
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technoturian · 8 months
There are two prequel stories for The Hunger Games I would be interested in. Annie and Finnick's story is the first one.
The second one is literally any Career victor.
I really want to see it all through the eyes of a true believer, a child who was trained from birth to kill, told it's their glory and purpose, willing, ready and volunteering for it... And then the reality of the games. And after that, the reality of winning.
Gloss and Cashmere being from the same winning lineage like they were a couple of racehorses. How do you kill a bunch of kids and then watch your sibling take their turn? What did he say to her? What did she say to him?
How do they keep up the honor and glory shtick when they finally know better? How do they look all of those kids in they eye and encourage them to make the same "choice"?
And how did they make friends and form relationships in the Academy with people they know they will have to kill? Did they joke about it? Make pacts of how they wanted it to go?
Cato cried for Clove not to leave him as she was dying. But it was his job to kill her. They both knew even if everything went right, it would come to that. They both knew what they signed up for. No hard feelings. It's just a game, after all. It's all just a game.
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thatthingilovewith · 20 days
Heavily related to the career tributes today (a yellow jackets nest fell on me and I had to run for it)
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theloveinc · 9 months
c.w: fem pronouns
Just watched the new Hunger Games movie and I need to slobber on some district!Bakugou for a while! 😫😫
Like imagine you're both there for the Reaping and a random boy's name is called and both your shoulders drop just a bit because at it's not Bakugou. However, your name is called for the female tribute and Bakugou immediately volunteers. He can't step in for you since there has to be a female tribute, so he steps in as the male tribute so he can at least protect you during the games, even if that means killing or to be killed 😫😫
FUCKKCKCKCKKKKKKKKK and you're just bawling as he walks up to the stand, half out of sadness half out of rage; he finally, finally escaped the games (this being his last reaping), yet here he is, just offering himself up on a silver platter all because of you.
You can't say you don't love him even more for it, are even a little relieved, but... now you're both gonna die and you're not sure who to blame. Bakugo trades places with the random boy (who practically runs off stage) and goes in to comfort you, tell you it's all gonna be okay as the peacekeepers start leading you away, but instead of accepting the gesture, I can imagine you swat him off, angry because he didn't just save himself.
(It doesn't get any easier as time goes on—in waiting for your turn to say goodbye to your family, you can hear his mother berate him for being weak and softhearted, his father is practically nonverbal with tears, disowning him unless he's able to make it home. In boarding the train to the capital, your district mentors tsk at him for "choosing" a girl over a lifetime of freedom, and even the news can't seem to stop bringing up the fact he volunteered only after you were picked.
It makes Bakugo mad, furious even, and more determined to win given how they underestimate him... but it's not like that protects you along with him.)
and even though he never brings those moments up to you once they pass (and you forgive him enough to at least speak to him), there's still these question of what your strategy is going to be. Do you play up the fact that you're a couple, or do you pretend that you don't know one another (except at night, when you can finally sneak into each other's rooms without anyone noticing)? Do you team up in the games as soon as possible and do the whole thing together, or see how far you get alone???????????????
UGH, JUST.... WHY WOULD U DO THIS BAKUGO ????????!!!!!!! we know he gets you both out though
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claudiatherelentless · 4 months
And the Themes are Propaganda and Misinformation and how they're used to control the Masses like SUZANNE do you even understand how SEATED we all are
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saucypankakes · 8 months
It's so interesting to me that all of the victors who voted no in the symbolic hunger games all won passively while those that voted yes won through violent action. It's definitely a commentary on the cycle of violence and how the victors (victims) who directly were taught and conditioned to repeat the behaviors the capitol wanted, to survive, are more accustomed/predisposed to the idea of violence once again and an eye for an eye while those who did not repeat that cycle - or wanted out like Beetee - and who were less exposed to these behaviors did not want to repeat them
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thefloatingwriter · 6 months
if i see one more person saying glimmer is annoying i am going to disintegrate into a million pieces.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 8 months
katniss literally calls the career districts the capitol's lapdogs (this is mostly her aggravation towards the tributes who are obnoxious and her most dangerous/direct opponents, so it was easier to hate them because they were easier/closer targets and hating the capitol openly the way gale does is a death sentence, but that's not important rn) and yet: district four was openly in rebellion after her games. so was district one. literally every district, even d1 and d4, the supposed "lapdogs" according to katniss, declared war against the capitol in mockingjay and were openly anti-capitol in their actions. so even if the career districts are in fact the capitol's favorites, d1 and d4 clearly were not content with snow's regime.
the only true career district that stayed loyal, despite the fact that their children die too as much as those from any other district? district two. district one and four apparently (at least, from katniss's pov) receive the same benefits as d2, yet they were bold enough to rise up against the capitol regardless. so what's the difference?
it most probably has to do with sejanus and the lessons snow took from that tragic death. snow has personal experience with district two people, he watched a boy from d2 adhere to his principles, openly defy the games, and reject the wealth and opportunity he had been given despite his animal-adjacent District status (snow's words) that snow believed he should be grateful for. he watched that d2 boy hate what the capitol does so much that he was willing to rebel, and that boy got hung for it, at snow's discretion. then snow profited off of that boy's family's grief by deceiving and manipulating them.
the point is, he knows from personal experience the dangers that d2 people and their convictions possess that harms snow's philosophy of power. he literally saw it happen. yes, d1 and d4 get preferential treatment as well (d1 supplies the cosmetics/luxury and also it as well as d2 literally surround the capitol according to a map i saw online, so they pose the most threat). but they still rebelled anyways six decades later. d2 stayed loyal to snow because whatever his strategy was between the 10th games and the 74th, whatever he gave to d2, clearly it worked out so well that instead of moral and kind and justice-driven people like sejanus, d2 gave panem bloodthirsty murderous children like cato and clove.
even the original career tributes (coral, mizzen, tanner) weren't nearly so crazed and violent and enthusiastic about their violence as the d2 tributes, and d2 had little to no advantage in the earlier hunger games which means that career tribute culture that we see in the 74th and 75th games obviously hadn't developed yet. so the fact that d2, and its children, grew so powerful during the next six decades can almost directly be traced to snow's desire to prevent a man like sejanus from ever returning to d2.
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rithmeres · 8 months
love how we get a full list of all 24 capitol kids and all 24 tributes lined up next to each other as foils and honestly it feels like a district-kids-vs-capitol-kids games before the games even happen because the pre-game beef is so understandably crazy that 17 of the 48 kids end up dead, missing, or hospitalized before the official games even start
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