#eurotrip including languages
kkas-art · 3 years
I've had the absolute privilege of reading + illustrating InfiniteCalm (ao3)'s 3 part klapollo coffee shop au / working holiday / rediscovery journey for @klapollo-minibang the vibes are everything !!
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writingpuddle · 5 years
The foxes and Andrew reacting to Neil with a British accent?
Hey anon im p sure you sent me this like a million years agobut I found it again when going thru my asks yesterday so here goes myattempt at a bulletpoint fic:
Neil grew up in the states, sohis default accent is American, but he is ridiculouslygood at imitating. Like give him a ten second audio clip and he canextrapolate basically an entire dialect from it
The Foxes discover this aroundHalloween when watching a spooky movie and Neil goes into a perfect deadpanmockery of the Dracula character’s terrible Transylvanian accent
It becomes a thing
The Foxes will give him an accentand just set him loose
Neil is kind of surprised bytheir enthusiasm but also secretly very pleased to have found a way to amusehis Foxes
He likes making them happy so henever denies them
Except Kevin, but that is mostlybecause the team gets more amusement from watching Kevin get frustrated and trynot to show how annoyed he is over Neil being such a petty little asshole
Also they discover that if Neilputs on an Irish accent when Kevin isn’t paying attention he will absolutelyJUMP
Give him an order in an Irishaccent and he just instantly starts to follow through before he wakes up,blinking in disorientation as he realizes what he was doing
It’s funny at first, then theyrealize it’s because he associates the accent with his mother, and then itskind of sad, and then Kevin starts telling more stories about his mum and someof the few good memories he has of her, and then it gets funny again because Foxesare Foxes and they do love a good roast
Kevin complains outwardly but itsactually kind of cathartic to talk about his mother
He tells Andrew this inconfidence and Andrew just glares at him like no shit dude, you need fuckingtherapy
That summer is going to be thesummer of the girls graduation
So they’re all determined to dosomething big to celebrate
And they get it in their heads todo a Eurotrip
Neil isn’t really payingattention at first because he’s more concerned about whether Andrew will bewilling to do a transatlantic flight
(Andrew is obviously going tocome. Flights suck, but there is no way he can cope with his whole family beingthat far away. He does not feel the need to explain this. It should beobvious.)
That’s when the Foxes pause, alldevious.
They’ve been plotting
“So, Neil,” Allison says. “At what point are you going to introduce usto your British uncle?”
Neil does not see where this isgoing
In fact he is largely baffled bythe suggestion.
“You realize my uncle is agangster, right? Like, literally a crime boss. Possibly the most dangerousperson in Britain.”
Neil is ???
“But he saved you Neil,” Nicky says emphatically. “We need to thank him.”
“Uh, kind of by accident, butyeah, technically.”
“You should call him. Just toask. You know, at least give the guy some warning that you’ll be in the area.”
Neil is still kinda confused butokay, fine.
Now here’s the thing
The Foxes have heard any numberof accents from Neil by this point
Including a magnificent Godfatherimitation
And probably half a dozendifferent British ones
But those were always for the laughs
He always picked a terribleaccent or would mock the living hell out of a posh one
Neil isn’t used to being thefunny one so he’s trying his best okay
And it’s fun and all but Neil can’tbe seductive to save his life
Even if you made him speak theFrench, the language of love itself,he’d just sound like he’s talking about the next game because he has zeroflirtability
Face it his and Andrew’sflirting sounds kind of like death threats to outsiders
They deserve each other
SO the Foxes convince Neil tocall up his uncle and they huddle around the phone
Only to be utterly disappointed
Neil talks with Stuart for all ofa minute and a half, just normal voice
He hangs up and tells them thatStuart will meet them in London in May and that they’re going to get him inshit with the FBI for this
The Foxes retreat, mutteringmutinously
Andrew is well aware of what’sgoing on, but it’s halfway amusing so he doesn’t say anything
As the months pass the Foxesbecome increasingly desperate in their attempts to make Neil say something sexy
They make him quote movies, TVshows, read out flirty text messages
One memorable time they even gethim to read out a page from Fifty Shades of Grey in a stuck-up British accent
They almost die laughing
It’s like a fucking superpower
Neil can say absolutely anythingand make it come across totally non-sexual
The Foxes have pretty much givenup by the time the summer trip comes around
Neil spends the plane ridepretending not to fuss over Andrew so by the time he arrives he’s totallyexhausted
And here is what he didn’texpect:
He is totally used to listeningto the local accents and then blending in naturally
It’s very disorienting beingamong the Foxes and their various Americanism, but hearing British accents allaround him
And his instincts are snarled upin knots
Plus he’s fucking tired
So he keeps slipping
First it happens when they passthrough customs, just a little lilt to his voice to put the officer at ease
But then it keeps happening
Stuart sends a couple cars topick them up and take them to this massive place he owns right in centralLondon
Being a crimeboss comes withcertain perks okay
Neil slips up again when he’stalking to the driver, his accent washing back and forth
Everyone else isn’t really payingattention because as excited as they are about Neil’s accent they’re in London and they’re all exhausted and fora lot of them it’s the first time they’ve been outside of the States, ever
Andrew notices
But he doesn’t say anything
They get to the apartment andfind a note there from Stuart saying he’ll pick them up tomorrow for a tour
Everyone splits off into theirrooms to sleep
Neil falls into bed exhausted, but sleep doesn’t come
And Andrew knows this but is tooexhausted himself from the stress of flying to deal with it right away
So he just wraps an arm aroundNeil’s stomach and holds him there as he drifts off
And it’s not enough for Neil toreally relax but it’s enough to make him feel grounded
The next morning Stuart shows upand everyone blinks at him bleary eyed and suspicious
But he’s charming and most ofthem find it kinda disarming
Which is how the Foxes end up takingwhat is probably the most expensive tour they’ve ever had (Allison excepted),lead entirely by a crime boss
Neil is lagging behind a bit buteveryone is so caught up in it that they don’t really notice
Except Andrew
That boy is always attuned to Neil
So he drops back with him andthey have a brief intense staring contest which ends in Neil looking away
They’re standing in Trafalgarsquare watching some street performers so no one is listening
Neil is obviously chewing onsomething and Andrew waits him out
He would wait forever
Finally, Neil just says, “I’vebeen here before.”
Which isn’t much but Andrew’smemory has never failed him before
I couldn’t live there again. I couldn’t retrace my steps to any ofthose places
Andrew knows what its like to feelsick at things that other people would love
So he nods and stands next toNeil the whole day
Not quite touching but closeenough that they can feel each others gravity
At the end of the day Stuart andNeil have a very cordial goodbye and then Stuart leaves them back at theapartment
Everyone is gushing about how charismatiche is and Neil doesn’t bother to correct them
His uncle has always been a bitof a snake-charmer but at least he knows he’ll never hurt his Foxes
They’ve still got a few days inLondon and Stuart’s secured them tickets to an underground dungeon tour thingthat usually has months worth of waiting list
Neil’s a little leery of goinginto a dark underground space, but with his Foxes there he’s sure he’ll beFine™
The team breaks out drinks aftersupper but Neil doesn’t have the energy
(Honestly according to thistimeline they’ve been in London for twenty-four hours they should be jet-laggedto hell and back, but w/e)
So he retires to their room andAndrew follows him like he always will
He sits next to Neil on the bedand waits
God there’s so much fuckingpointed silence between these two dear lord guys learn to communicate
Eventually Neil sighs. “I thoughtit would be okay. With all of them here.”
Andrew mulls that over
He doesn’t know how to admit thatit bothers him too. Seeing Neil reverting back to old habits, trying to blendin like its second nature
But he knows Neil is here to stayso he just slips a hand around the back of Neil’s neck and tugs him in untiltheir foreheads touch, breathing in the same air
Gradually the tension eases outof Neil
“We can go home,” Andrew says
“No,” Neil says. “I want to stay.I want to learn how to…do all of this, as Neil.”
Andrew squeezes the back of hisneck one more time. “Okay.”
It’s a silent promise, one he’sbeen keeping for over a year now: that any time Neil drifts too far, Andrewwill keep him anchored.
Neil knows it and he can’t helpbut smile a little, watching Andrew’s hazel eyes disappear into the shadowbetween their faces.
“Yes or no?” he asks
Andrew draws back a little
“You’ve been dissociating allday.”
“I’m here now.”
Andrew scowls and let’s go ofhim, standing up to go dig out his pajamas from his luggage
Neil flops down on the bed andadmires the view while Andrew changes
(That’s a nice thing. Andrewbeing comfortable enough to change in front of him. Sure, he’s always partiallychanged out in the locker room, but in private it’s different. It’s more. And Andrew is willing to give thatto Neil.)
(It’s very nice.)
“Staring,” Andrew grunts
“Can you blame me?”
Neil sits up again and tugs onthe front of Andrew’s shirt until he gives in and steps up close, betweenNeil’s legs
His hands go to Neil’s sideswithout conscious decision
“Nicky wants the genuine Europeexperience,” Neil murmurs, toying with Andrew’s hem. He still hasn’t been givenpermission to touch, so he doesn’t. “We’re going to be staying in hostels.Might be the last time we have a room to ourselves.”
Andrew bites down on a thousandimpulses, reflexes to shut Neil down, cuthim out
Instead he just kisses Neil, goodand slow, a reassurance that they’re there,they’re real, and that this isn’t going away
“Yes,” he says, and pushes Neilback onto the bed.
You know what happens next
They love each other deeply andprofoundly and all that but they also like each other’s butts ya know
So afterwards they get cleaned upand curl back up in bed to sleep
Andrew climbs over Neil andnearly knees him in the balls and Neil’s laughing a little and Andrew scowls inannoyance as Neil scoots closer
And with the most obnoxious chav accent that’s ever been heard says, “Any chance a bloke could get a bit of a snog before bed?”
It is quite possibly the worstthing Neil has ever said and Andrew does not hesitate in slapping a pillow overhis face to try and smother him
Neil is laughing his ass off andit devolves into some pretty stupid wrestling before Andrew gets Neil pinneddown, straddling his hips
“Bloody wanker,” Neil says, unable to contain his grin
“Shut the fuck up,” Andrew says,and kisses him so that he does.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. First of all, what do you prefer to be called? d.
2. What is your favorite form of creative expression? art. i love art galleries/museums.
3. How do you like your coffee OR if you don’t like it, why?: i hardly drink coffee coz it gives me jitters and stomach aches. i do love an iced coffee though.
4. What is the least desirable thing, in your opinion, to put on a pizza that you have heard of people actually eating?: tbh i’ve never had anchovies on a pizza. i wouldn’t mind trying it though.
5. Would you rather witness the beginning or the end of the universe?: beginning.
6. Describe your favourite pair of socks:  those invisible socks, doesn’t matter what colour since they can’t be seen.
7. What is the current or last song you are listening/listened to, and does it have any special significance to you?:  nah i just love the song.
8. Do you prefer rainbows or stars?: stars.
9. Describe the best day of your life NOT in terms of events, but in terms of your feelings: hmmm just being in love i guess.
10. Would you rather go to a planetarium or an aquarium?: aquarium.
11. Do you know the reason that 11:11 is considered to be auspicious?: no idea.
12. What decorations are hanging on your walls?: none in this room, just a corkboard pinned with random photos, ticket stubs etc.
13. What is your favourite planet in our solar system?: earth.
14. How do you express love?: being affectionate, doing nice things for them etc.
15. Do you consider yourself to be more spiritual or scientific?: in between tbh.
16. If you had a lava lamp, what color would you want it to be?: purple or pink.
17. Would you rather be able to revisit your past to simply re-experience a positive moment or revisit your past in order to change things and risk the consequences?: re-experience. i don’t wna change anything in case that changes things in the future.
18. Have you ever had a past-life regression or memory?: no.
19. What is your favourite holiday and why?: christmas. gifts, family and food + end of year.
20. Are you better with remembering dates or names?: ummm neither. faces i guess. with dates i’ll remember months and not actual dates lol.
21. What was your favourite book that you had to read for a class?: to kill a mockingbird.
22. What is your favourite number and why is it significant to you?: 7. it’s my boyfriend and i’s anniversary date.
23. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?:  neither haha. i’m a bit scared of the unknown.
24. What prompted you to call the last person you called?: i forgot who i called last.
25. Star Trek or Star Wars?: neither.
26. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?: harry potter.
27. What is your favourite band and why?: i don’t have one.
28. What colour best resonates with your best friend(s)?: yellow? idk lol.
29. Where do you work and why do you work there?: at the casino. i only work there coz it pays well, i hate it.
30. Have you ever gone to a public karaoke facility, and what did you sing?:  yep. it wasn’t really public, it was a karaoke bar with private rooms. i sang whatever.
31. What animal do you feel most connected with?: none haha.
32. Have you ever had “special brownies” or any other kind of “special” treat?: nope.
33. What book are you reading at the moment?: sometimes i lie.
34. What is the funniest thing that you have done at a fast food restaurant? umm at pizza hut the soft serve ice cream machine didn’t stop when i got my own ice cream lol. i was still a kid.
35. Do you enjoy listening to music that is sung in another language?: sometimes.
36. Quote the last movie you watched: idk lol.
37. Do you know more than just your sun sign (like your ascending sign or moon sign etc.)?: i have noooo idea.
38. Do you have any jewelery on you that holds significance, and if so, what is it and why is it significant?: my bracelet i guess. my boyfriend bought it for me after our eurotrip.
39. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?: nutella.
40. Why did you last feel warm and fuzzy inside?: i was spending time with my boyfriend.
41. What band that no longer performs together do you wish would have a reunion tour?:  idk tbh.
42. What band that IS still together do you wish would perform in your area?: boyz ii men.
43. Have you ever been in a band, and what role did you play in it?: no.
44. What has been the single most frightening experience of your life?: idk tbh.
45. Who is/was your favourite Spice Girl?: posh.
46. Do you prefer free verse or poetry set in a form?: neither.
47. In a hotel, would you choose to go in the hot tub, the sauna, the workout room, or the pool?: pool.
48. Imagine that you are exploring space. Who would you want with you and what would you want to explore, assuming you are not limited in any way?: my boyfriend i guess. cool date lol.
49. Have you ever astral projected?: no.
50. What is your favourite song by the group t.A.T.u?: none.
51. Describe what you envision as “paradise”:  being in an all inclusive resort in a tropical place with my own private pool.
52. What element do you feel most connected to?: idk.
53. What is a cause that you feel very strongly about and why?: a lot. equality tbh.
54. What was your favourite class from the last year that you were in school?: omg no idea. i already forgot what subjects we did lmao.
55. What is a topic that you study independently for your own interest?: none.
56. Describe what you would want to wear if you were getting married, handfasted, or having some kind of “love celebration” or “commitment” ceremony between yourself and another? no idea. i’d need to plan this out properly.
57. What song do you want played at your funeral?: yesterday - leona lewis.
58. Would you rather alphabetize or put things in order according to numbers?: numbers.
59. What medication do you dislike the most?: anything with side effects.
60. Would you rather write a story or a poem?: story.
61. Do you believe in non-physical entities, and if so have you ever communicated with one?: no.
62. What invention or discovery do you think that the scientific community should focus on?: cure for cancer.
63. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?:  the bahamas.
64. What skill do people often compliment you on?: my photography or desserts.
65. What are three facets of your personality or thinking patterns that you want to improve?: my laziness, motivation and being too comfortable.
66. What is your favourite symbol?: heart.
67. Name an unusual shortcut or file that’s on your desktop: idk lol.
68. What do you smell like right now?: nail polis, just did my nails.
69. You get to have a theme party of your choice, just for fun. What theme do you choose?: hmm 90s? lol.
70. Have you ever been in the depths of a cave?: yes i have.
71. How do you deal with the dark side of yourself?: think before i speak.
72. Name something that you can’t help but save: restaurant business cards.
73. What is your addiction?: smoking.
74. If you could wish something for three people, but not for yourself, who would the wishes be for and what would they be?: happiness for my entire family, success for my boyfriend and friends.
75. Would you rather send a message in a bottle or on a balloon?: balloon.
76. What did you dream last night?: i forgot.
77. What is one of your most frequent daydreams?: vacationing.
78. What is your favourite stuffed animal?: i don’t have one.
79. If you could have a conversation with any well-known figure of the past or present, who would it be and what would you want to talk about?: no idea. i’d have to make a list lol.
80. If you could bring anyone back to life, who would it be?: any of my grandparents.
81. Are you affectionate?: yes. 82. Name one thing that each of your best friends is really good at: my boyfriend is hilarious.
83. What are you a perfectionist with?: washing my car lmao.
84. Could you see yourself being able to carry on a long distance relationship?: tbh probably not. it would depend if it were temporary.
85. If you could be anything but human, including anything mythical, what would you be?: a fairy. or genie.
86. Have you ever meditated? If so, what is your method, and if not, what do you do to relax?: i nap to relax lol.
87. What is something about yourself that you feel no one else understands?: idk. 
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thewiseexplorer · 7 years
Morning Explorers!
Today, Juliey Pham shows us a marvelous little town you could visit as a day trip from Paris. Enjoy!
Tell us about yourself, about where you come from and about how and when did your passion for traveling start?
Hi The Wise Explorer! Thanks so much for having me!
I’m Juliey Pham, from Vietnam. I’m currently working and living in the UK.
I’m a Sagittarius; people under this star sign are known to be real adventure seekers/travelers. Funnily enough, when I was small I never realized how big my passion for traveling could be – I’d always been on family summer vacations but that was it. It was not until when I moved to Oxford, UK that I started to have little wanders around the beautiful town and eventually discovered my hidden thing for traveling and travel photography.
 Today you are going to share your recent trip to Lille, France. How did you decide on this location?
This summer I did a Eurotrip, which included Paris. Having 2 full days in Paris, I decided to spend the first day in Paris (as I’d been to Paris before) and go on a one-day trip to a nearby city the next day. After doing some online research, I chose Lille, “the capital of the North of France”.
How did you travel to the location? Is there/how is the transportation there? Did you use an agency, a guide or you did it all yourself?
I took a train from Gare du Nord (Paris) to Lille-Europe (Lille). The trip took just over 1 hour. There’re Metro lines and buses in Lille, however, I used neither of them because I often explore places on foot.
I hardly ever seek help from a travel agency, my wanderlust leads me to explore things by myself, although I did use TripAdvisor for some attraction recommendations.
Lille Chamber of Commerce
How was the language barrier?
It was not a problem at all! The people I met in Lille were very friendly and could communicate in basic English.
 Was the trip mostly sightseeing, or you enjoyed activities and shows as well?
My trip to Lille mainly involved wandering, enjoying and photo-taking. Though I only had one day, I gave myself enough time to chill and really “take everything in” as I was walking around the city.
What surprised you there in a good way? Any strange/unpleasant experience?
This is the most interesting part!
I took the earliest train from Paris and arrived in Lille at about 8am. At first, I was very excited and proud of my decision to go early – I believed the earlier I got there, the better chance I’d have to take beautiful and “clean” photos, because other visitors would still be in bed or having breakfast and won’t get in my frame (which often happens a lot if I go out at 12pm or later in the afternoon).
One thing I never expected was that in early mornings, shops and restaurants were not yet open, and the city center was full of cargo trucks delivering food and products to the stores, which made the whole scene, especially the two famous squares: La Grand Place and Place du Théâtre, look quite messy. Although no one got in my frame, instead I had big and not-so-attractive vans running around!
Vieux-Lille also couldn’t win me at that point as all shops were still closed. Therefore I couldn’t really enjoy “the quaint streets with pretty cafés and vintage shops” as reviewed on TripAdvisor and other travel sites, although the quiet streets in the early morning were pretty charming in a way.
So during the first 2-3 hours, I admit I was quite disappointed at the city.
Then at about 11am, the sun started to shine, restaurants were open and I immediately felt regretful for judging Lille too quickly. It was sunny for the whole day, I had so much fun visiting a lot of pretty areas in the city and took many photos. Everywhere I went, Lille kept filling me with awe. I eventually had one of the best one-day trips I had ever had!
What was your favorite sight/thing in Lille?
Definitely Vieux-Lille!
Why should people visit it? Any other attraction recommendations?
Vieux-Lille (Old Lille) is a pretty neighborhood, with loads of cafés and shops that give you a warm vintage feel.
If you come here in an early morning, you may find the streets really really quiet, but this is definitely a photo op. Then when the streets get a little busier, the neighborhood becomes livelier and even more appealing.
Place du Théâtre and La Grand Place are also very beautiful under the sunlight (without the trucks and all).
Another place I’d highly suggest is La Ville Bourse right at La Grand Place, which has all sorts of little old French things like stamps, postcards, newspapers, books, accessories… Absolutely a must-visit!
Any tips for future visitors? Anything you would have loved to know/ be prepared for before arriving?
Exploring Lille early in the morning can be an advantage because you’ll save a lot of time and be able to see how a place transitions from quiet to busy at different times of the day.
However, be prepared that if you arrive too early in the morning (before 10am-ish), you might find the city a bit disorganized (from my personal experience). But soon I hope you’ll fall in love with Lille just like I did!
Do you have a bucket list? What are some things/places on it?
Yes, definitely.
Traveling-wise, as I’m back in my hometown – Hanoi, Vietnam for the summer, I plan to explore the city as much as I can. Hanoi is very beautiful and historic and I want to do more photography to show you my home city. There’s also Santorini, I’ve been there but I really want to return soon, it’s a magical place! Paris has got to be on the wishlist as well – it’s very close to London and I could literally go there every weekend.
I’m working as an intern in the Education UK Promotion Team at the British Council Vietnam this summer. My goal is to slay this internship haha.
What is your next adventure? Anything planned yet?
I’ll be quite busy with work this summer so no vacations have been planned yet. I do hope I can go on a break though, probably to a beach in Vietnam. Vietnam has a beautiful coastline and I can’t wait to feel the ocean breeze, the chilly water, the salt and the sand.
How can we see more about you and your trips? What is your website or/and social media?
Follow me on Instagram: @julieythe1st, where I post my best travel pics
I also write about my travel experience, along with life stories, songs, short screenplays and some random stuff on my own personal blog: www.julieythe1st.com. Have a look and I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Thanks for your love and support!
Lille, France: A precious town. (Collab with Julieythe1st) Morning Explorers! Today, Juliey Pham shows us a marvelous little town you could visit as a day trip from Paris.
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10 Signs You Need to Go on Vacation to Europe
Europe is big and can seem overwhelming when you consider all the places you can visit. But skipping out on Europe is to miss out on a huge, beautiful part of the world. It’s full of art, history, culture, charming vistas, mouthwatering food and drink and of course, an enviable way of life. So the next time you catch yourself staring longingly outside your office window, consider that you may have contracted the very infectious, yet highly curable disease known as Europe Deprevationitis. Not sure you’ve got it? Well, here are 10 signs you need to go on vacation to Europe. Take us there now, please?
1. You have a desire to live out all the glamorous travel cliches
We’ve all seen the movies and we know the usual images that conjure up when we think of Europe. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in these little fantasies, from riding a gondola in Venice to riding a bike down the streets of Paris towards the Eiffel Tower. There’s a reason why a “cliche” is a cliche…it’s been done so many times because it’s amazing. Treat yourself and feel like a movie star in Europe.
2. You can taste the delicious cuisine despite being 5000+ miles away
Europe and great food go hand in hand so no matter where you call home it’s understandable that you’re always dreaming of a better meal. Wherever you are in Europe, you’ll find food worth salivating over that is unique and special to that country or region. As well as simply having pizza in its birthplace of Naples, tapas in Spain, or sampling every cheese you can in France, you should also try local delicacies like knedlíčky (flour dumplings smothered in a red or white sauce) in Czech Republic and tartiflette (potatoes, lardons and onion with melted reblochon cheese on top) in the Alps.
3. You’re bored of the sports at home that used to give you an adrenaline rush
Maybe you’re a Colorado ski bunny or a Californian surfer, either way the same old trails and oceans can often leave even the most excitable among us hungry for variety. Well good news because Europe is an adrenaline junkie’s dream, especially when it comes to skiing. The Alps – spanning across eight countries, including France, Italy and Switzerland – is home to some of the best skiing in the world, surrounded by the breathtaking views of imposing mountains in a swirl of clouds and mist.
If skiing isn’t your thing, or you’re looking for a summer activity, Europe doesn’t skimp on those, either. Explore caves, snorkel and cliff-dive in Greece and Croatia, hike in Scotland and Austria and surf in Portugal, Spain and France.
4. You love a good beach
Amazing beaches aren’t limited to the Pacific or on the shores of the Caribbean. European beaches are stunning, and more often than not, they’re framed by beautiful scenes, from rugged cliffs to colourful towns. Head to Navagio beach on Zakynthos Island in Greece (a small cove dwarfed by sheer cliffs, meeting the vivid blue Ionian sea and a shipwreck nestled halfway into the sand), Calanque d’en Vau in France, Zlatni Rat in Croatia, Peniche in Portugal and Vik in Iceland. I could go on.
5. You’re looking to add a splash of colour to your life
Colour is everywhere in Europe. Whether it’s due to the shades of blue and green of the ocean, verdant landscapes or vibrant buildings, the range of colour on this continent could put a smile on the grumpiest person’s face. One of the most striking and famous colourful views in Europe is Cinque Terre, a collection of five villages along the Italian Riviera that perch like nonchalant rainbows on cliffsides.
While you’re in Italy, check out Burano, known for the brightly painted houses that line the canals. There’s also white-washed, blue-roofed Santorini, London’s Notting Hill (especially in spring when wisteria droops over bright doors), Keukenhof’s tulips in The Netherlands and the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey.
6. You think festival season is only from July to August
Name a festival and Europe probably has it and they don’t only happen during “the summer”. There are the classic music festivals, like Glastonbury in the UK, Exit in Serbia, Primavera in Barcelona, Ultra in Croatia and Sziget in Budapest. But it doesn’t stop there – Europe has festivals of all kinds coming out of its ears, with Cannes Film Festival, Scotland’s Hogmanay over New Year’s, and who could forget, Munich’s Oktoberfest.
7. You’re desperately bored of your local Starbucks
Approximately 90% of photos of Europe show sidewalk cafes. Okay, that’s not exactly a confirmed statistic, but there are tons of charming cafes which spill out onto sidewalks, often even onto the stereotypical but beautiful cobblestone streets. It’s not only aesthetics, though, cafe culture is a way of European life. Settling into a cluster of chairs haphazardly organised on the tiny sidewalk area with a friend and an espresso is an essential element to any Eurotrip.
8. You’re tired of seeing the same old people, day after day
There are so many different cultures living side by side in Europe, making it an open-minded part of the world. As you travel through, you’ll notice the quirks of each nationality – being mindful of stereotypes, you’ll still find that Italians are enthusiastic and extravagant in gestures while in Paris, your head will turn at the sophisticated fashion of the French.
Walking around Europe, your ears are in heaven as you listen to the entrancing foreign languages and the cadences they’re spoken in. You’ll admire the art and history of a varied continent and with all of that, learn to appreciate the uniqueness of Europe’s diverse population. During your travels you’ll find everyone has a story they’re willing to tell and it’s usually one you would have never had the chance to hear back home.
9. You’re wondering if there’s more to Europe than Big Ben and the like
Travelling through Europe isn’t all about hitting the famous landmarks and we can attest to there being much more to the continent than that. But where there’s a hyped-up, Instagram-famous landmark, there’s always an alternative which most people haven’t caught onto quite yet and will highlight another beautiful part of Europe.
Take Plitvice and Krka National Parks in Croatia – obviously they’re gorgeous, but how about exploring the waterfalls of Kravica in Bosnia instead? Head to the lesser known parts of a country, like San Sebastian in Spain, Porto in Portugal, the Lofoten Islands in Norway or Meteora in Greece.
10. You feel like you need to escape your hometown, and you don’t want to wait for “peak season”
Vacation is hard. If you live in North America, you’re lucky if you get 2 short weeks off from work a year. The school system will have conditioned you to only vacation in the summer but when it comes to your desire to get out of Dodge and see something new, Europe has your back regardless of the season.
Let’s take this month by month: in spring, Europe absolutely blossoms. Spring is the perfect time to visit Europe when good weather starts but the crowds haven’t caught on yet. Summer is obviously fantastic throughout Europe, with sunbathing opportunities abound and midnight sun in Scandinavia. Autumn is best for viewing central Europe’s forests and castles. Winter has the best Christmas markets, from the classics like Prague, Dresden and Vienna to the lesser known in Zagreb, Funchal and Manchester. No matter when you realize you need to getaway, Europe has you covered.
No matter when you realize you need to get away, Europe is, has been, and always will be the answer to your wanderlust.
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Visiting Moldova - 5 Easy Suggestions to Enjoy Your journey
Moldova is a small country within the Eastern Europe. As an ex-soviet country, it's not easy to bypass some misconceptions about this beautiful little country. Listed below are 5 common errors that individuals make when you are traveling to Moldova and tips about how to prevent them, all from general observations. 1. Moldova is not Russia About 10% of our clients seem to feel that Moldova is populated by Russians, which is always untrue. Russians represent only about 9% with the total population, being the 3rd biggest ethnicity in Moldova (there are many Ukrainians than Russians in Moldova). However, the Russian language is well known by way of a big section of Moldavians. 2. Moldova isn't as poor as people believe it is When arriving at Moldova, many people tend to believe that Moldova can be a country where you can get anything for $5 (much like Slovakia was depicted in the 2004 movie EuroTrip). No doub it is true that several things tend to be cheaper than in USA as an example, although not things. You will notice plenty of luxury cars in Chisinau, more than you desire. 3. Don't merely visit the initial hotel which you found out about, perform some research In Chisinau you will find over 30 different hotels, ranging in rates from $50 to $240 per night. A few these hotels are old and were built through the soviet era. The rates are pretty high, try not to expect much luxury. Do your homework on the Internet. There is a couple of complete online Chisinau hotels guides, compare rates, pay attention to photos and descriptions. It is advisable to pay 10 minutes on research than curse your accommodation for a couple of days. Ezio-Palace Body of the finest hotel Chisinau, a romantic boutique - hotel of European class with inexpensive price points. Located in a nice green area inside the city center, where one can enjoy the tranquility and quietness. Concurrently, the key city attractions have been in merely a 10-minute drive away. This hotel in Chisinau offers 14 rooms, that successfully combines modern hotel trends, and national character. In the Ezio-Palace you may feel the atmosphere of classical comfort. The interiors of all rooms are designed through the Moldovan designers and constitute a single ensemble that can give you a few hotels in Chisinau Moldova. The Ezio-Palace offers 4 forms of rooms: Junior Suite, Double / twin room, Double room and Suite Deluxe, which can be suitable for tourist visits, for any romantic weekend within the capital or a business trip. All rooms have access to high-speed Wi-Fi, king size beds, mini-bar, breakfast and daily cleaning may also be included in the price. 4. Not tasting Moldavian wines and champagnes Well, it is obvious how to fix this: taste them. The average bottle of wine costs $4-$7, with the finer wines finding yourself in the $10-$15 range. Most sage advice is always to visit restaurants who have Moldavian cuisine. Ask the locals or at the reception desk, you will for sure find some good recommendations. 5. Don't do something that would you do in the home This might be the best suggestion I'm able to give: don't do anything here that you simply wouldn't want others do inside your country. All general rules apply here, much like in a other country. Treat people with respect and you'll be treated with respect also. Conclusion Don't judge a book by its cover, this is applicable perfectly to Moldova, a nation where one can spend some quality time and luxuriate in some of the local attractions. More details about hotel chisinau see this web portal.
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wanderingfadz · 7 years
I visited Zurich and Bern from 18-21 July 2016. My overnight journey from Budapest to Zurich was finally coming to an end soon. As it struck 7am, there was more activity in the train as people disembarking or were getting ready to disembark. Kids were waking up their parents, some were changing into their daytime clothing or brushing their teeth. I, on the other hand was trying to catch up on sleep since I did not get a good night sleep in the hot, cramped train compartments.
As the sun rose, the majestic towering mountains and green valleys complimented with pristine blue rivers as well as quaint villages started to reveal itself. I had to choose between catching up sleep or admiring the view outside. The train felt so small when we passed through the high mountains.
At one of the stations, the immigration officers boarded the train to check our passports. The only people left in my compartment were 2 Australians from Newcastle on working holiday in the UK. One of them had a British passport though.
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view outside the train from Budapest to Zurich
view outside the train from Budapest to Zurich
view outside the train from Budapest to Zurich
Once I arrived in Zurich, I had to look for a locker and exchange some money (€40 of which I got CHF36 due to commissions). I also needed to use the toilet which I realised during my eurotrip was some sort of a luxury. It was hard to find toilets let alone a free one anywhere. Same case in the Zurich central train station. I paid CHF 2 to enter which was the most expensive toilet I’ve ever paid in my life. ( The university is 20 minutes walk away and has free toilets if you can hold it in for that long ).
A few days ago, I bought a super saver ticket from Zurich to Bern for CHF20. You have to buy it early and for a specific train. It was around 11 am and my train to Bern was leaving in around 8 hours at 7.15pm. I had half a day to explore Zurich.
I pretty much walked around :
1. Bahnhofstrasse Shopping Street
I started with the shopping area along Bahnhofstrasse which was a straight long road with a tramline in the middle. It was very busy especially near to Coop, one of the Swiss supermarket chain. Full of tourists as well since it’s one of the cheapest place to find food ( cheap in Swiss terms because it was still expensive ). There were also shopping streets parallel to this road as well as the area surrounding the central station.
2. Zurich Old Town
The shopping high street leads to Paradeplatz which is a square with a station where you can switch tramlines. It is also where I started to explore Zurich’s old city. The buildings in the old city has beautiful architecture for example the Town Hall (Rathaus) built above the blue waters that flows to the lake.
Same goes with the churches where I went in to get respite from the summer heat outside. I also went up the tower at Grossmunster ( CHF 2 for students) . You can see the whole of the city centre and Lake Zurich. Apart from Grossmunster, there are lots of other churches you can check out such as Fraumunster which is located just across the bridge from it.
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Town Hall ( Rathaus ) building on the right side built on top of the river
View of the city from the church tower
I spent some time chilling under the trees in the park located along Quaibrucke and overlooking Lake Zurich. I continued on my exploration and walked towards the University of Zurich. Some of the campus is perched on top of a hill. Access is either via a steep flight of stairs or by tram from the central station. The walk from the central station is less steeper. The campus was empty as it was summer holidays.
It was finally time for me to head back to the central station to catch my train to Bern. Before that, I met a friend, Celeste whom I met in Hanoi 2 years earlier at the end of 2014.
I stayed at Simon’s place, a new friend whom I met in a 27+ hour train ride from Mumbai to Agra ( longest train ride of my life so far! ). I joined him with his friends chilling at a bar in the town centre. After that, I took a bus to his place while he cycled home. He stayed near an aptly named bus stop called Wander. The apartment was on top of the building on the 4th floor with 2 bedrooms and a large living room/room that had a couch where I slept.
The next morning, he had to head for work so I mostly explored the city on my own and joined him after work. The first morning, I walked down towards the city but I turned left towards Eigerstrasse which then changed to Kirchenfeldstrasse. From this road, I was able to get a panoramic view of the city especially from the bridge that crosses the River Aare where you can see the parliament building. Along the river, you can also see people taking a dip in the rivers refreshing cool water. The currents are pretty strong though.
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Parliament building from the other side of the Aare River before heading to the city via the Marienstrasse bridge
Old city from the other side of the Aare River before heading to the city via the Marienstrasse bridge
After the bridge, walking along Kirchenfeldstrasse, you will be in a leafy suburb ( in summer that is ) containing the diplomatic quarter of the city and home to numerous embassies of foreign countries. It was then that I found out that Bern was the capital of Switzerland.
I entered the city via the bridge along Marienstrasse close to the Museum of Contemporary Arts. Places  went in Bern include :
 1.  Bern Old City/City Centre
The city centre is surrounded by the Aare River. Stroll along the city cobbled streets and take in the sights.
If you come at the right time, there is a free tour of the Swiss Parliament that lasts around an hour. We were told that the representatives were required to know each of the 4 official languages in Switzerland as they had the option of speaking in their own mother tongue.
The view outside from the Parliament is just beautiful. Similarly, standing at the viewing point located behind the building, you will be able to see across the river towards the mountains which might still be covered with some snow even in summer.
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Inside the Parliament chanbers
Paintings inside Parliament depicting how elections used to be held
View from the Parliment
There are a few main shopping streets in the city containing supermarkets, branded merchandises and tourist shops. There’s also a shopping mall that’s connected to the main train station.
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For some reason, tourists were congregating at this clock tower..so I joined too
One of the numerous public fountains with sculptures in the city centre
There are lots of water fountains usually with columns and carvings of city emblems on them where you can fill up your water bottles. Bern can get pretty hot in summer.
The Tour de France was passing through the city when I visited in mid July. You might also have the opportunity to see it if the timing was right. A lot of the city roads were closed and transport routes had to be changed for a few hours.
2.  Enjoy the panoramic view of the city
View of Bern City Centre from Rosengarten
I went to 2 vantage points. First was Rosengarten. Located on top of a hill overlooking the city from the eastern tip. It’s next to the city centre and a short hike up a hill. On top, there’s a small park and a cafe. If the price is too much for you ( just like it was for me ), you can just sit at the benches or on the grass. Before you go up or when you come down, you can visit a small bear pit, Bärengraben located just next to the river. Unfortunately, it was either sleeping or was not there when I visited.
The second vantage point is Gurten which is a bit out of the city. I took a bus from the city up to the bus station at the base of the hill. Then, I took the tram to go up. There’s a small amusement park catered mostly to toddlers/kids. In a fenced area near the tram station on top of the hill you can see some big hairy cows (don’t really know the name ).
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Hairy cows at the top of the hill in Gurten
View of the city from the observation tower in Gurten
There are a few hiking trails that you can use to explore the area or to go back down to the base of the hill. Since I didn’t have the time, I went to the observation tower instead. Can be quite unnerving if you are afraid of heights. The tower also shakes a bit when the wind is strong or there’s a lot of people on it.
3. Swimming in the Aare River
View of the Parliament building from Freibad Manzili and the crowds at the grass area next to the river
I joined Simon and his friends for a swim at 2 places. The first one was Freibad Lorraine and the second was  Freibad Marzili.  I must say that I preferred the second place more than the first one. It had a beautiful view of the city especially the Parliament building. There’s more of a summer vibe here although it get pretty crowded. It’s located closer to the city centre as well. They provide small lockers just enough to put small belongings such as wallets and phones.
As I said earlier, the Aare River currents are quite strong so make sure you are a strong swimmer (which I wasn’t) or bring a buoy with you. A lot of people swam with their waterproof bags where they put their stuff inside and functions as a buoy at the same time.
I mitigated the high cost of Switzerland by cooking at home every night. I and Simon shared expenses for the cooking ingredients. However, Simon insisted that I don’t need to pay for my share and it was his treat.Thanks very much! 😀
The couch / bed where I slept – not too bad
As for transport, if it was close, I would just walk. The 20 minutes transport ticket already costs CHF2.50. The second longest time ticket costs CHF4.40 for 1 hour (?)
For my trip to Gurten, I took a Bern day ticket which costs CHF12.40. It includes the tram to go up. If not, it would’ve been a separate charge. It’s definitely worth buying the day ticket if you wanted to go to Gurten.
I had an enjoyable time in these 2 cities and would like to thank my friend, Celeste for meeting up with me in Zurich and Simon for hosting, bringing me around the city and for the food in Bern. Hopefully I won’t be so poor when I visit them the second time around (sobs)..See ya again sometime!
After Switzerland, I headed north to Berlin, Germany.
Expenses ( in Swiss Francs, CHF )
Below are the expenses incurred although most of my food was paid for and I stayed at my friends place. I checked Hostelworld for a hostel in Zurich and it cost around €35 a night in a dorm room.
Just a day trip of a few hours.
Zurich Church Tower : 2 ( student ticket )
Locker at the train station : 6
Muffin : 2.50
Toilet at the main train station : 2 ( crazy! )
Zurich to Bern Sparticket ( bought from the website ) : 25
Baguette ( Tuna ) in Bern from Migros : 5.80
Other food : 10
Simon paid for dinner. Average dinner shopping would’ve cost me around CHF6-8 a night (CHF12-15 divided by 2 of us). Typical meal would be vegetables and half or whole chicken. He had all the seasonings as well.
Bus tickets – ( 20 minutes, 2.50 X 3) : 7.50
        – ( 1 hour ticket)                   : 4.40
Bern Day Card                                              : 12.40
Personal Expenses : 20
TOTAL : CHF 97.60
( Would’ve cost around CHF 200 – 230 if I had to pay for accommodation and dinner every night )
Additional pictures from my trip are on my fb page : wanderingfadz
You can also find me on instagram :  wanderingfadz
                Bern, Switzerland I visited Zurich and Bern from 18-21 July 2016. My overnight journey from Budapest to Zurich was finally coming to an end soon.
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