pileofsith · 6 years
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Jabba the Hutt and Admiral Piett hold a toast for @eustacefrog!
Commissioned by @allthewians as a gift :)
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festeringsilence · 7 years
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Admiral Piett sketchcard for @eustacefrog. Added a little extra to your shipment cos you spoiled me with that cute reaper rat crochet doll (◕‿◕)
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mistressminako · 7 years
Everything Could Change
The Imperial summoning circle with dear @eustacefrog at the helm has requested the rise of demon!Krennic. I did my best to oblige. 1717 words.
Content Warnings: post-Rogue One, mentions of death; unhealthy power dynamics; boot fetish; torture; poison; character death; possession; incorrect usage of holocrons; Tarkin/Krennic; Galen/Krennic
The telltale tap of leather jackboots on durasteel centered his attention. Orson Krennic steeled his jaw and raised his chin.
The lock clicked and in stepped a pair of his own death troopers. Strolling behind them, his arms tucked behind him like an old schoolmaster, was Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. The troopers moved to flank his sides and Tarkin came to parade rest right in front of him.
He sat motionless. A cold barrel prodded his shoulder. He kept his eyes fixed on those boots. The worn leather had known the kiss of countless worlds. He’d watched the blood of men and beast alike soak into the leather. He’d licked his own cum from the rough surface. His wrists were raw under the binders. His shoulders ached from being locked into position behind him for so long.
He spat at those boots. His troopers reacted instantly, not even allowing him the satisfaction to see his fluids once again marring Tarkin’s beloved footwear. The butt of an E-11 came down across the back of his head, sending him crashing to the floor.
He’d felt the heat of the superlaser scorch the air above him.
Galen Erso had sabotaged the project.
He lifted his head to stare at the crumpled body of it. Galen and Lyra’s child. The creature that had escaped him so long ago. The harpy that had sealed his fate.
“Galen…” he croaked, his voice weak and broken. A pair of arms threaded under his shoulders and he was blinded by white-hot pain as the stormtroopers hauled him to his feet.
He woke with a start. Durasteel flooring flowed past him. His custom Ar’tranio leather boots scraping the breaks between floor panels he had designed, which allowed for the changing external pressure caused by the Death Star’s Class-IIV Mark 3 hyperdrive. His lips pulled tight in a congratulatory grimace.
“Awake now?” Tarkin’s voice was cold, his customary politeness clipped and impatient.
“I’m awake,” he looked up, the corners of his mouth lifted in that boyish smile Tarkin loved so much. “Wilhuff.” The name fell from his lips in a breathy sigh. He could see the line of the old fox’s cock through the thick folds of his uniform.
Tarkin’s hand came down across his cheek in a swift and brutal traverse. The force of the blow knocked him sideways, wrenching the shoulder that damned idiot had blown open in his pathetic attempt at heroism.
His scream rang in his ears. His shoulder was a white-hot blaze of agony. His fingers brushed limply against his jodhpurs, clutching reflexively at thin air.
“You talk too much.” Tarkin’s curt dismissal went straight to his cock. A door slid aside into the bulkhead and Tarkin disappeared into the dark hallway. He was dragged in after, unresisting.
The room was full of an assemblage of petty officers. Faceless uniform stuffing that he could have never been bothered to notice. The men were standing in a loose circle. Tarkin casually strolled through their line in his measured officer’s walk. He found himself dragged after and, quite predictably, thrown to the floor. Tarkin hauled him up by his chin until he was kneeling before the man.
This time, he spat blood.
“Oh Orson,” Tarkin breathed, dropping smoothly to one knee. It was then that he became aware of a low murmur. The brainless group of petty officers had closed ranks around them and they were…chanting?
Tarkin jerked his head back to center. That wizened face loomed in front of him like a death’s head.
“Lucky for you, Erso showed his hand too early. We fixed the drift he had coded into the targeting system. I must say, it was very cleverly hidden. Still, I would be a fool to think Erso planted a failure that deep into the mainframe all by himself. Why, the metadata even recorded an officer’s access code.” Tarkin paused to fix him with one of his tight-lipped smiles. “But not your code, of course.”
“Then why are you dragging me through the bowels my battle station?” He snarled, his temper long past its breaking point.
“Because you’re an uncultured whelp who must needs to be reminded of whom he serves.” Tarkin gave him a hard shove. He flailed desperately against the ship’s artificial gravity for an instant before crashing to the floor in a crumpled heap.
His boots were ripped off. Hands unbuckled his belt. An ugly laugh bubbled up in his throat as his pants and briefs were tugged free.
“You’re going to fuck me while your men stand around and watch?” His voice cracked. Black gloved hands hauled him back to his knees. His own men. He turned his rage on Tarkin’s smugly smiling face.
“Are you so insecure in your masculinity that you’re jealous of Galen’s corpse?” A bitter chuckle bubbled up in his throat as he fought against the iron-clad hold of his men.
Tarkin kneeled down and brushed his cheek tenderly. Against his better judgement, he leaned into the touch.
“That’s better.” Tarkin leaned in, pressing warm lips against his own. A whimper escaped his throat and he licked Tarkin’s lips hungrily.
Then the old fox dug a thumb into his shattered shoulder.
He jerked back, inhaling sharply. There were any one of a hundred curses on his lips as he blinked through the red haze of seething hatred. Tarkin was dabbing at his lips with a handkerchief. He drew in a shuddering breath.
“You think I helped Galen?” He rasped, throat suddenly tight. He watched as Tarkin removed the stopper from a glass vial and downed its contents. The man gave an exaggerated sigh of delight and handed the vial off to one of his officers.
“In fact, Orson. Whether you helped him or not is none of my concern. I am in charge of this battle station now, meaning you have lost your purpose.” Tarkin dropped to one knee again, a slight smile playing on his lips. “But I have graciously convinced the Emperor that you have more to offer his Empire.”
Tarkin opened his hand, producing a small glowing pyramid. “A Sith Holocron. The Jedi and Sith have used these for centuries to record their knowledge and pass it on to those who are deemed worthy.” He watched as Tarkin took the device in both hands and gave it a cruel twist. There was a loud click from inside the device.“Pathetic superstitions of a dead religion.”
His chest seized. He gasped for breath though there was little enough air making it into his swollen throat.
“Relax, Orson.” Those bony, gnarled hands reached out to pet his own greying hair. “The poison works fast.”
He jerked in his restraints, fighting to relax his throat. The device in Tarkin’s hand began to glow as the low chanting around them increased in volume. A sickly green smoke rose from the cursed thing and he watched in horror as Tarkin breathed deeply, inhaling the smoke into his lungs.
Tarkin’s eyelids fluttered and he watched in muted horror as thin veins of green rose in Tarkin’s face and neck. Tarkin’s lips pulled back, face twisting into something inhuman as he leaned in. Cracked, cold lips pressed against his own.
The world brightened for a second as Tarkin forced the tainted air into his lungs. The smell of smoke burned his nose and his mouth tasted like ash. His nerves were buzzing even as his chest heaved from lack of air. Tarkin pulled away and he slumped forward in the troopers grip as a black void slowly closed in around him.
He’d never asked where they took Galen’s body.
He had his life’s work to oversee. He couldn’t have been bothered by the mortal shell that had barely contained Galen’s brilliance. The Rebellion had come to take Galen, and so he had done his duty to the Empire and eliminated Galen rather than allow him to fall to enemy hands. What happened to the body he’d run his hands over countless times was no longer his concern.
A pilot. One AWOL pilot had brought the galaxy down around him. Such an insignificant distraction had created the opening for Tarkin to seize the battle station out from under him. His anger roiled, filling his chest and spreading down his limbs.
His eyes snapped open and he gave voice to the formless, white-hot rage within him. The roar that came forth made his throat ache but the sound brought with it a queer sense of satisfaction. He roared again and the sound filled the chamber, doubling and echoing with unnatural harmony.
Every muscle, every nerve, every cell of his body pulsed with agonizing pain. He was lying on his side, bound on a cold durasteel floor. He writhed, testing bonds now at his elbows and ankles.
“Really, Orson. Must you make a scene?” The veneer of Core world polish scraped at his ears and his head whipped towards the voice.
“Release me!” He snarled, unsurprised to find Tarkin settling down beside him. The man reached out a hand and he snapped at it.
He should have been ready for the backhand across his already bruised cheek.
“Now listen here, boy. You are my creature to command as I see fit. You will obey me.” Tarkin’s breath stank of sulphur. With a resigned chuff, he nodded his acquiescence.
“Good boy.” Tarkin’s smug sense of self-satisfaction rolled off him in waves as he reached out again. Those withered fingers combed through his hair, and he found himself pressing into the touch.
Tarkin’s movements shifted and he jerked with a gasp as long fingers curled around something attached to his skull. Tarkin’s fingers rubbed along the ridged protuberance, helping shed the bloody velvet that clung to the twisted horns rising up from his nest of grey-brown hair.
He moaned as his exposed cock twitched against the cold floor. Tarkin’s low chuckle only added a delicious layer of shame to the arousal and confusion that swirled inside him. He filled his lungs with recycled air, enjoying the way it cooled the fire pulsing through his veins.
“Oh yes. I think you’ll prove very useful to the Empire in this new form,” Tarkin murmured in his ear as he pressed a chaste kiss to the base of one of his horns. “Very useful, indeed.”
Note: Krennic’s horns are kudu
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mini-mantis-blog · 7 years
@eustacefrog replied to your post:                   Kylux meme 11 🐸                
   My bad :) what abou 15?    
it’s ok ^^
Which one has an ex that the other is jealous of, and who is it?
Hux. one day they talk about their past flings and hux mentions a great time with a chiss during his academy days (the said chiss later visits finalizer as a part of an inspection or something) and kylo - since he’s only a boring human - takes it a bit personally and ranges from insufferable to possessive. hux only rolls his eyes at him but enjoys the extra effort kylo puts into the sex afterwards. eventually they’ll work it out.
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silver-fox-krennic · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Firmus Piett & Jabba the Hutt Characters: Firmus Piett, Jabba Desilijic Tiure | Jabba the Hutt Additional Tags: SlugAdmiral - Freeform, Don't Judge, Firmus is happy, it is what he always wanted, Jabba adores his pretty little Admiral Series: Part 10 of Trash Compactor Summary:
Piett always had a shameful secret, an obsession with aliens. He had to keep this secret buried until one day he came face to face with the formidable Jabba the Hutt and his shameful desires were re-awakened.
@eustacefrog  Here is my end of the bargain. I hope you enjoy.
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argent-gale · 7 years
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Look who showed up today! Thank you so much @eustacefrog. Conure arrived safe and sound. Bolt is a bit unsure of her. I had so much fun with this exchange and I am so happy you like your SlugAdmiral fic. Thanks again. I love her.
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kenshiliker · 8 years
2C for Firmus Piett please :-)
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Send me a character + expression!
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ellstra · 7 years
eustacefrog replied to your photo “My family collects the 50 koruna coins, which you may know from...”
Kde jsi to koupila? O_O
Knihkupectví Dobrovský. ale věci od stejné firmy jsem viděla věci i v Hornbachu
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pileofsith · 7 years
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Admiral Piett - Data Analysis
Little gift for @eustacefrog as a thank-you for the commission!
The request was for Piett reading with a kind of holo-photo album behind him, so I thought he’d be very into reading about technology, local sector issues, and everything important to himself...
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festeringsilence · 7 years
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For @eustacefrog. She gave me some really cute crochet dolls (pics later), and I haven’t started my part of our trade OTL
Piett in my drawing style. I’m still trying to get him to look consistent.
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sinningsquire · 8 years
eustacefrog replied to your post “Got three vegan food blog bots following me in two days since I...”
I am not sure what is worse if vegan blogs or porn blogs...both brings certain amount of nightmare
I studiously block every porn blog but I’m keeping the vegan ones in for the pure glee that they’ve made a terrible mistake. Well, I know it’s only a bot and no actual vegan is using a brain bleach at the other end of the line but still. 
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oh-great-authoress · 3 years
My Fanfiction/Original Work Masterpost
This will be updated regularly, as I publish new stories, so keep an eye out!
Star Wars
Soothe the Savage Breast
(Classical musicians AU, background Reylo)
First Order Symphony and New Republic Philharmonic have always had a tenuous relationship throughout their ages-old cold war. There were only two rules: don’t play the same repertoire as the other within a season, and don’t poach each other’s players.
When world-class French Horn player Finnegan Trooper leaves First Order Symphony to play for New Republic Philharmonic, the conflict intensifies, leaving the warring orchestras one choice: a joint concert with members of their orchestras and their Artists in Residence — Rose Tico and Rey Palpatine for New Republic, Armitage Hux and Ben Solo for First Order.
Can these musicians come together to play beautiful music, and perhaps, find something more along the way?
Destination: Love
(Aviation AU, background Reylo)
Written for @welsharcher for a Fanfiction Trope Mash-Up ask game
On her way to a family reunion, Skywalker Airlines First Officer Rose Tico has a problem.
She is the only member of her family not in a committed relationship.
Combine that fact with her aunt, her grand-aunts, and the bane of her existence, her cousin Clarisse, asking, in varying degrees of kindness (or in some cases, the lack thereof) why she is dreadfully single, she is not looking forward to the reunion.
But one act of kindness (or insanity) from fellow Skywalker Airlines employee, Purser Armitage Hux, changes everything.
The Peace of Love Series
(Canonverse AU)
The Peace of Love
Written for @girl-among-mts
Armitage Hux, erstwhile General of the First Order, now Chief Technology Developer for the New Republic (along with his wife), reflects upon his past and his present during a quiet morning.
Love Lies Under the Shadows
Armitage Hux is plagued by nightmares of seeing his mother die at his father’s hand, despite knowing that she died during the Siege of Arkanis. Can Rose comfort him, and perhaps bring the truth of her death to light?
Love Multiplied, Not Halved
For years, Rose Tico-Hux has believed that she’d never have children.
Now, that fact has been incontrovertibly refuted.
The Food of Love
It’s Armitage Hux’s forty-fourth birthday, and his daughter Thanya wants to surprise her Daddy.
Love’s Legacy
Thanya Hux discovers an old poster, which leads to more than Armitage and Rose expect.
Love’s Lullaby
Written for @welsharcher
Two parents.
One baby.
Who will win in the middle of the night?
Reylo and Gingerrose
Benjamin Solo and the Shadow of Death
(Grantchester AU, Ben and Armitage friendship, Skywalker Family Feels, with bonus Firmus Piett and Maximilian Veers)
Canon Benjamin Solo and Armitage Hux are the Vicar and Curate of the small parish of St. Andrew and Mary in the quiet English university town of Chandrila.
What their congregation doesn’t know, is that they have a dark past, and now, it’s coming back to haunt them.
Will Ben and Armitage make it out of the dark valley they must now walk, or will they fall victim to the shadow of death?
Gen Fic
Gray Guardian
(Canonverse AU, Pre-TFA, Mentor Asajj Ventress & Protégé Ben Solo, Ventrobi Friendship, Family Feels)
As a child, Ben Solo was tormented by Snoke.
But what if there was someone who could shield Ben from Snoke's whispers and the call of the Dark Side?
Someone who had been steeped in its evils, yet returned to the Light?
What would the Galaxy's future be?
Would Ben Solo still Fall, becoming Kylo Ren, or would he fulfill the Skywalker's destiny anew?
(Set in @musewrangler’s Original Trilogy AU Empire Reimagined Series, inspired by this post by @eustacefrog)
Or: How the New Republic Military’s Officer Mentorship Program got started.
Star Trek (AOS)
(Jim & Pike Father-Son Feels)
James Kirk never got to say goodbye to the closest person he had to a father when he died in the Daystrom Conference Room.
Now he, Jim, is dead too, and at least the afterlife looks like the Enterprise.
Unfortunately, someone’s sitting in his chair.
This time, though, he doesn’t mind at all.
Set during ST:ID.
The Legacy Series
The Will of Admiral Christopher McKinnies Pike
(Jim & Pike Father-Son Feels, Triumvirate Feels, Pike/Number One Feels—it’s a Feels Fest in here—name drops/references from across Star Trek canon)
What it says on the tin.
The Endurance of Memory
(Pike/Number One Feels, Jim & Pike Father-Son Feels, more name drops/references from across Star Trek canon)
How does Number One cope when the Admiralty tells her they are decommissioning her Yorktown?
Or: Jim Kirk is a devious jerk.
The Dream is Ended (Now Is the Morning)
(Pike/Number One Sob Fest)
Number One is dying.
At the end, someone special comes for her.
Lord of the Rings
The Rousing of the White Lady
Inspired by an amazing piece of art from @winterofherdiscontent on Tumblr
When Faramir, Steward of Gondor, Prince of Ithillien, finally departs his office at an unholy hour of the night, an unexpected sight greets him in the grand hall of his home in Emyn Arnen.
DC Extended Universe
The Harlequin and the Colonel Series
(Rick Flag Lives AU, Slow-Burn, Best Friends-to-Lovers)
Prom Quinn
Written for @batmantaking-hobbits2gallifrey
After Corto Maltese, Harley begins to get closer to Rick, and one night, they have a conversation about regrets.
Rick can’t do much about most of the things she regrets, but there is one thing he can help her with.
Sometimes Guardian Angels Wear Red and Black
When a midnight visit to Rick runs too late, he insists Harley sleep on his couch.
In the middle of the night, she hears a noise from his room.
Mens Sana
The mission had, so far, gone off without a hitch.
Strike one.
Maybe they'd all get out without a scratch.
Strike two.
I’m Dyeing Over Here
Harley wants to refresh the color on the ends of her hair.
But she’s still recovering from that bullet she took to her chest.
What on earth is a girl to do?
Pavane Pour Une Infante Défunte
Rick receives a mysterious note from Harley.
Why does she want him to go to a cemetery in Queens, and why does she want him to dress up?
She Drives Me Crazy (and I can’t help myself)
Written for @webtrinsic1122
The mission is easy, but it also goes wrong.
Or does it?
Rick doesn’t quite know.
Does That Make Me Crazy? (Possibly.)
Harley has been doing the hardest thing she has ever had to—stay away from her best friend, with whom she is more than a little in love with.
Now, as he asks to see her, will her heart be broken again?
5 Times Athena Noticed Something About Bobby and Didn’t Tell Him + One of the Many Times She Did
Dedicated to @dawntainbobbynash
Or: Athena Grant’s love story told in six parts.
Gen Fic
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
During a long twenty-four hour shift, the 118 Crew is bored.
Hijinks ensue.
House M.D.
Ten Years Later
Ten years after the deaths of Dr. Gregory House and Dr. James Wilson, many changes have occurred at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.
This is a look into how those changes have affected characters both familiar and new to us.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Rafael’s Soliloquy
(Speculation fic, Barson Feels, background Rollisi, pre-Bensler, Team-as-Family Feels, FEELS)
During an ordinary day at the 1-6 a couple of months after the Wheatley trial, one phone call leads to a million things Captain Olivia Benson never saw coming.
Gen Fic
(Rafael Barba & Rita Calhoun Friendship)
Rafael and Rita have a conversation shortly after the famous Paley case.
Original Work
Musica Dell’amore
(This is basically “Soothe the Savage Breast, just with several different elements, so yeah, I pulled an Ali Hazelwood *sigh*)
Melinda Lovelaw and Matthew Hawkins, world class classical musicians, have carried a torch for each other since they met at their best friends’ wedding.
Now, as they play a charity gala together three years later, will sparks fly once more?
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neumh · 4 years
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@betsybo83​ read your tags on this and thought of a pic that got linked in my discord by @eustacefrog​ recently. I had the same thoughts!
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mini-mantis-blog · 7 years
Kylux meme 11 🐸
already answered but thank you nonetheless! :)
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doublefacetiger · 5 years
16 questions
Well, I decided to take the challenge. Thanks, @mfolcore
Rules: answer 16 questions and mark 16 people you want to get to know better.
My nickname here: doublefacetiger
I was born in: Year of the Tiger
Home country: Russia
Occupation: Teacher of English
How long I've written: since I was 11
How long I've been a fan of SW: 20 years
Why I came here: to find those who share the same interests
My favorite SW characters: well, a lot, but the most special are: Director Krennic, General Pryde, General Grievous, and, of course, Sebulba, my first SW love!
My favorite SW planet: Naboo, that's the paradise I'd love to live in.
What I value in people: politeness and nobility
What I despise: greed and rudeness
What I value in myself: hard work, my life experience
What I despise in myself: laziness and shyness.
Things I want to change in my appearance: I wish I had longer legs and less fat
Things I want to change in my life: I want to see more polite but direct people in the streets
What I couldn't survive without: tasty food.
@eustacefrog @hikariarts501 @yiuokami @mendo-r @pryde-before-the-fall @pileofsith @director-orson-krennic @houseofmendo @orsonsinnic @xdominantdaddyx @jynnic @legosaurus @starwars @starwarsvillains @sexyolddudes @swprequelappreciation
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jihyo-x · 8 years
potato-dragons reblogged your photoset and added:
I’m seriously debating whether or not i should get...
eustacefrog reblogged your photoset and added:
He was ordered and I am waiting for him to arrive...
omgg I’m going to the disney store on friday to see if i can find him. I’m going to try get sheev too. I never was bothered by these little. sausages but dam they won me over with huff,,
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