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tektronixtechnology · 5 months
Tektronix Technologies Offers Expert Installation and Supply Services of Electric Vehicle Chargers
Tektronix Technologies offers advanced EV Charger Solutions that are specifically tailored to each of their client requirements.
Tektronix Technologies takes immense pleasure in offering advanced EV chargers that meet its clients' varying requirements, from home chargers to commercial charging stations with numerous connections - with everything from smart chargers with remote monitoring capabilities and rapid chargers with multiple connections available as cutting edge solutions for rapid or home charging stations alike. Tektronix Technologies works closely with leading producers to make sure its electric vehicle chargers stay at the cutting edge technological advancement. Whether clients require smart chargers with remote monitoring features or fast chargers with numerous connections Tektronix Technologies has experience offering cutting edge solutions!
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evchargerdubai · 4 months
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Smart EV Charging Solutions: Powering the Future in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Across the UAE
In today's dynamic and evolving contemporary cities, the need for environmentally-friendly, sustainable solutions is always increasing. A key player within this field can be found in Tektronix Technologies, providing cutting-edge Intelligent EV Charging solutions throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the UAE. This guide is comprehensive, we'll explore the significance of intelligent electric vehicles (EV) charging technology, Tektronix Technologies' role in the current revolution, as well as the numerous advantages that can be gained from embracing this revolutionary technology.
The Rise of Electric Vehicles in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates has witnessed changes in the ways the people travel, and an increasing trend to make their cars electric. Since environmental consciousness has been raised increasing numbers of residents and companies have made the shift to electric vehicles. This has resulted in creating a more ecologically sustainable future.
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chronowix · 1 year
Wait I wanna know your thoughts on your version of the French guard arc if you’re okay with it 👀
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ohhhh boy you're not ready for that
-Period: November til end of December 1787
-Post St Antoine riot
-Oscar is not a dumbass and doesn't deny her feelings for André
-Extremist mole from St Just infiltrated the french guards, André and Alain are suspicious about him
-Company A and B got the mission to guard Versailles' castle during M-A's birthday, they'll have permission to sleep in the many guest rooms thanks to Oscar asking it to the queen
-The mole will infiltrate his mob in the castle and will wait during the reception of her birthday to attack
-Eventually the attack occurs, most of the soldiers from both companies are knocked out, the mole gets engaged in a duel against André, very tight but the mole is shorter and faster so he injures him faster and deeper and gets weakened quickly but on the verge of getting the final strike, Oscar comes in last second and saves him by blocking the blow and disarm the mole but before she could end him he throws a cinquedea into André's hip to cause a fatal injury and leaves, leaving them alone but endangered
-The rest of the soldiers (royal guards included) finds them and secure them, André is put in intensive care
-1 month later, in the manor, Christmas eve, André got better but the wounds are still fresh, he gets visited by Oscar in his bedroom to give him his "Christmas present". she vents at him and says he has to be more careful after what happened in St Antoine but he says that the moment she saved him from Louis XV's hand more than 10 years ago, he owed her one and he will make sure to protect her until the very end, that confession will make her emotional and she will vent more by confessing her love to him, but he will then reassure her and they'll get their real first kiss
-Depending on your imagination, you know what the present is, but they'll be very careful ofc ;)
Just so you know that I'm good at synopsis writing, but shit at writing the actual story, so my head does all of the job to try imagining the fic (maybe that's why I'm always tired shdhfjsysj)
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Brownie Points || Evelyn and Kaden
TIMING: Current LOCATION: Perfect Pint PARTIES: @thronesofshadows​ and @chasseurdeloup​ SUMMARY: Evelyn and Kaden have an unexpected guest at the bar.
It had been entirely too long since Kaden had seen Evelyn. They kept making plans but White Crest had a way of delaying those. Whether it was due to weirdness or death or goddamn mimes, it didn’t matter. Either way, it was a welcome relief to walk into the Perfect Pint and see a football game on (a real football game) and a friend waiting for him at a table. “Hey, good to see you,” he said with a small smile. “I see you already have a drink. I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” Kaden had gotten much better at being punctual since dating Regan but he still wasn’t fantastic. He sure fucking tried though. “And here I was going to ask you what you wanted. How’ve you been?”
She found Kaden’s company enjoyable. Despite the fact that he might have not been the sort of person who she would have first gravitated toward back in England, she was a new person, now - had been the last four years, she supposed. So when the two of them had finally found a time to see one another, she’d jumped at the chance. Certainly, the Perfect Pint has nothing on the Artesian but it was miles better than some other bars in town, and had a certain feeling of home. Or at least of her time at Cambridge, going out to pubs with friends. Evelyn had arrived early and grabbed one of the free tables, ordering a drink for herself. After a few moments she looked up and spotted Kaden entering the bar. Her face lit up and she motioned for him to come to her table. “Well, you know, one must consistently survey one’s competition.” With a small smirk, she shrugged. “You can get the next round, how does that sound? I have been well. I have to say, I would have thought a beachfront property would be entirely ideal - however, the ocean - for whatever reason - keeps causing quite a few difficulties.” She made a face. “How about you though? How have you been?”
“Oh, of course. Though I think you might attract a bit of a different clientele,” he said with a small smile. Kaden settled into the seat across from her and put in an order of beer with the waitress. “I think I can handle that, though. Assuming you’re letting me pay for something for once.” He wasn’t exactly rolling in money or anything but he always felt guilty whenever Evelyn just paid for things or gave him stuff or gave him money to help with shit. He couldn’t pay for anything like that for her but he could get a round of drinks or two. Hell, this was the most money he’d had at one time if he was being honest. He’d never had a steady job a day in his life aside from hunting. And hunting didn’t exactly pay on its own. As shitty as White Crest could be, this was the most comfortably he’d lived since possibly when his parents were alive. “Good to hear. Still can’t believe the ocean went fucking black. Only in White Crest.” Kaden went to pick up his drink, only to find it wasn’t on the side he’d left it. It was in his right hand last time, right? But now it was on his left. Odd. He just reached over and took a sip. “I’ve been alright. You know all those eyeballs everywhere back a bit ago? All human. Missing persons. A lot of work for the WCPD and the morgue to identify as many as we could. One of them was the last animal control officer. Which, uh, that was great.” Maybe this wasn’t the best topic of conversation for what was meant to be an easy evening with friends. Too late. Putain.
“I do indeed.” She raised an eyebrow. “Though I do remain surprised that prior to my opening my bar, something like this did not exist.” Evelyn shrugged, “though I suppose that a small town in Maine should not be expected to be quite as high class as London.” She crossed her legs, “yes, I will permit you to pay for something. I think I would be able to manage that.” She took a careful sip of her drink as she listened to what Kaden was saying. “So it would seem. You know, I would have thought a beachfront house in Maine would have been ideal but given everything that this town has gone through in the past few months, I am starting to wonder if I had made a terrible mistake. Not that I plan to move, I have put far too much work into my home, but I would prefer to have things on my beach remain a bit calmer. Though perhaps that is too much to ask.” She placed her drink down and nodded for a moment before her eyes grew wide. “Human?” She shook her head. “That sounds like a ton of work and - oh. Oh no.” She reached out for a moment, placing her hand on Kaden’s arm before pulling back again. Ready to take another sip of her drink, except that somehow it was closer to where Kaden was sitting now. “Apologies, I must have moved it and forgotten.” She grabbed it and brought it back over to where she was sitting. “I hope that other than that, things have been going well?”
“Well this is what you get for owning property in White Crest. But it could be worse, I guess. It’s not like your house flooded or anything right?” Kaden couldn’t even imagine owning property so the whole concept was still a little foreign to him. Renting a place all by himself without desperate need for a roommate or begging one of his hunter connections for help was a big step up for him. “Hey, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have brought it up,” he said, trying to bring the mood back up. He hadn’t meant to tank it so soon. “I’m alright, really. I’m just glad Regan isn’t trying to work twenty-four seven on the whole thing now that it’s calmed down. I mean, she still would probably work that much if she could regardless but it’s nice that she doesn’t have to.” Not that she could due to the whole necklace time limit thing. There was a clang to their left and Kaden looked down at the silverware sprawled on the floor. Huh, it must be his. Did his elbow knock it over? He wasn’t sure. Didn’t matter too much. He reached down to pick them up and placed them on the side of the table. “Guess I’ll just have to ask the waitress for--” When he looked back at her, he had to stifle a laugh. “Uh, you want to tell me why there’s a napkin on your head? Latest fashion trend?” he joked. “It doesn’t seem like it’s quite your style.”
“It did flood, once, actually.” Evelyn raised an eyebrow. “And although it was a bit abnormal in what actually happened, I suppose flooding can happen if one lives in close proximity to the ocean or another body of water.” She shook her head. “Listen, we are here for conversation. I spent many of my years growing up listening to people lie through their teeth about how perfect everything was. I hardly need all conversation to be peppy.” Evelyn grinned. “However, we can move beyond the conversation. I am not one to force anyone on anything.” She nodded as Kaden continued to talk. “I am glad for that as well. I ought to reach out to her again sometime. I find her company enjoyable and I would like her to know that,” especially despite everything confusing that happened with Alain. She followed Kaden’s gaze to the floor before he looked back up at her and began almost laughing. Before she could frown and inform him that it was not polite to laugh at friends, she felt something on her head just as he was asking her and she pulled it off quickly. “Not my style, nor is it a fashion trend. Save for the occasional headband or hair tie, I do not tend to do much with my hair. Least of all napkins.” She threw it on the floor and for an extra step of good measure, ground the heel of her shoe into it. “I like to be effective whenever possible.” She grinned. “Though I might ask you, what exactly is a spoon doing behind your ear? I thought that was most often a place for pens or other writing instruments.” Just then, a glass shattered on the table next to them and Evelyn made herself jump just slightly. “Perhaps my tolerance is no longer what it used to be, what with everything I feel like I am seeing. This drink is hardly anything strong.”
So many fucked up things had happened in this town that Kaden almost forgot the red sky, the flooding, and the fish rain. Almost. “Right. Yeah. I guess I’m not used to people really wanting to hear much that isn’t surface level.” Then again, he spent a lot of time avoiding anything deep or meaningful with people. It was easier to up and move if he didn’t care about anyone and if no one cared about him. “I’m sure she’d enjoy that. She thinks she doesn’t have a lot of friends. Which isn’t really true but hey, I guess I say the same.” And yet here he was with a friend, sitting at a bar, talking to a friend, and laughing at her dramatics with the napkin. “I pr-- I didn’t put it there, I can assure you. Wait, what?” His brow furrowed as he reached back to feel the metal utensil resting behind his ear. “Putain de merde, how in the hell?” He was about to start looking around for something, anything that could have caused this, when his head snapped towards the direction of the clatter of glass shattering. “Yeah, I barely had any of mine. I don’t think this is inebriation.” Then he saw it, a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. Sure looked like a monster to him. Not that he could make out the details. As soon as it noticed that Kaden had caught a glance, it gasped and turned invisible. “It’s either a brownie or..” he mumbled to himself, forgetting he was in company. “Uh, I mean a brownie sounds like a great idea right now. To eat. If they have one. You think they have one? Hey, where’s that server,” he asked, frantically glancing around for their waiter. And checking for the fucking borwnie at the same time.
“Do not worry, it is new for me as well. Back home? So much surface level knowledge. I can tell you all the designers that people wore to parties and probably list multiple accomplishments, but not many actually deep pieces of information. In case you have not noticed, I do not always share so very much.” It admittedly felt odd to even admit that much, but Kaden was someone who Evelyn did consider to be a friend, and so perhaps it was okay. “I think you are both delightful people and likely have more people who you might consider a friend than either of you think.” She shrugged. “I mean, I did not think you had, though -” she scrunched her nose up, before Kaden’s gaze shifted and she had to look towards where he was looking. “No, it has to be something -” something in the corner of the bar moved and then it was gone. Well, that wasn’t normal. “What? I am not sure if a bar will serve that sort of thing but it never hurts to ask.” She let Kaden wave the waiter over as she scanned the room. Something was amiss, and the only question was to try and figure it out without Kaden wondering what was going on - she didn’t know everything about the supernatural by any means, but she did know that bizarre and unexplained things in this town could frequently have that sort of explanation. The waiter arrived and Evelyn flashed them a smile. “My friend and I were wondering if you offer any sort of desserts here. Brownies? Admittedly, I do not love sweets,” or any human food, really, “but he mentioned it and now I can’t get it out of my mind.” She flashed them a smile as she moved her body to look behind them, spotting a flash of something on the bartop, just as another glass fell off and onto the floor.
Funny, Kaden hadn’t expected Evelyn to talk about shallow friendships or what not. Maybe it was just because he assumed most normal people formed connections easier than he did. Without the whole hunter bullshit, it almost seemed easy. Or something. Then again, when she pointed it out, he realized there was a fair amount about her he was unaware of. “Guess that’s true. But neither do I. I like what I know so far, though,” he said with a shrug. Of course she’de noticed something was off, too. He hoped he could sneak away, excuse himself to the restroom or something and deal with the brownie on his own. But now the waiter was coming. “Brownies, yup. Just had a, uh, hankering?” Was that the right word? He didn’t know. It sounded painfully american. “Hankering, yes,” the waiter replied in an Irish accent. It sounded just as stupid on his tounge as Kaden’s. “Sorry, sir, I don’t think we have any brow--” Just as the waiter was talking, Kaden saw the monster grabbing for glasses behind the bar, likely to throw or smash. And it looked like the thing was going to throw it at the waiter. “Doesn’t matter! Duck!” he shouted and pulled the waiter away. “I changed my mind. Don’t need that brownie. It’s fine.” He had to figure out how to deal with this monster while she was here. Putain.
“Better to have a select few things you like than a multitude of low quality accessories.” Evelyn gave another shrug. “Perhaps we will have to get to know one another more, sometime.” About everything save for the whole not-being-human thing. “I like what I know about you so far too.”  Except that now the waiter was coming over and Kaden was all of a sudden actually talking about brownies and the waiter was looking at the two of them and responding and Evelyn offered him an apologetic smile before Kaden was yelling at him to duck and she moved too, the glass just missing the waiter. “Yes, too much sugar.” She gave a shrug as the waiter quickly moved away, muttering something about messy bar patrons when Evelyn bit her lip. Something was up and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. She didn’t know exactly what was up in the first place, and she wasn’t about to out herself as having more knowledge than a socialite from London was supposed to have. “I feel like I owe you. Every time I end up in a bar with you things go awry. I don’t see any mimes this time though.” She glanced around the bar again, trying to track wherever whatever the being was, was. “Which I do not mean as a joke, I am relieved for that at least.”
Kaden was relieved that no one was hurt at the flying glass, but he still wanted to know what the fuck was going on. It was highly unfortunate that this shit always seemed to happen to him in bars that weren’t the Bullet. Was he cursed or some shit? “Nah, don’t worry about it. I think this is me, not you.” He shook his head and took another sip of his beer. I wonder if Morgan would eat this. His brows furrowed and looked at her. “Would she eat, what? A brownie?” Did zombies eat brownies? “Wait, you know Morgan, too?” As soon as he asked, a creature, about the height of a toddler, with green leathery looking skin and long floppy ears, just appeared on the table. And took it’s long clawed finger and touched it to Evelyn’s nose before growling and laughing. Kaden sat there blinking, jaw dropped, unable to move. He should have grabbed a knife, grabbed it, anything, but it just disappeared as soon as it came. And she’d seen it. No doubt. Moment of truth, right? “Uh, so, you, uh…” He couldn’t figure out what to say. His code said to keep the supernatural from humans as much as possible. It was a good policy, ignorance was bliss. But was she ignorant to the supernatural? Putain. “That, uh, you saw--”
Evelyn made a small face. “No, I think…” What exactly did she think? Something unnatural was going on here, but she couldn’t exactly say that to Kaden. “It is not you. I think that the misbehavior that occurs in this town is quite a bit more extreme than I have seen in other places. Or, well, at least when compared with London.” Just take Felix’s hand. It’ll make you feel better. “Whose hand? You know I am dating Alain, right?” She blinked. “What did you say - yes. I do know Morgan. We talk about literature a great deal. She might eat a brownie.” All of a sudden some thing jumped up in front of Evelyn and she made a face of utter disgust. Which perhaps was cruel of her, but then again, she was startled in the moment. As much as she could be. Surprised, more than anything else. Then it was gone almost as quickly as it had come about and Kaden was staring at her. “I - I think?” She turned her head to the side, pursing her lips. “Something weird, but I have been sleeping funny lately. Did you see something?” Knife. “Did you need a knife for something? Were you asking about that?” She brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face. “For the brownies?”
“Sure is a weird town, alright. Nothing like Ly--” His hometown was a supernatural hot spot of its own right, it’s why his parents had made it their home base. “Well, alright it’s perhaps a bit like Lyon but the weird was never so consistent there,” Kaden said. His brow furrowed at her question. “Of course I know you’re dating Alain, I lost that bet if you recall.” He huffed out a small laugh remembering that night. Putain, he’d been so stupid not to see that Regan was a banshee then in hindsight, the cracked glass. So many small pieces of the puzzle kept filling even now. The sheer amount of willful ignorance he clung to then. He couldn't say shit about Regan’s resistance to the truth, not after that. “That’s, uh, that’s good you know Morgan. She’s--” He still didn't know how he felt about Morgan. “She’s an interesting person.” If zombies were people. Jury was still out on that. At Evelyn’s reaction to the creature, or lack thereof more accurately, Kaden’s face pulled into a thin line instead of the smile he was trying for. Not going to talk about it. Great. He could deal with denial. Putain, he was dating denial. “Yeah, weird, very-- Huh?!” His eyes went wide at the mention of a knife. Was she reading his mind? Is that why there were odd gabs and leaps in their conversation? Shit. Don’t think about being a hunter. No, not a hunter. Never once had he hunted a werewolf or killed a brownie just like the one right there a minute ago. Stop, oh god, why couldn’t he stop thinking about every hunting trip he’d ever taken in his entire life just then? “Yeah. Knife for the brownies. That’s--” Kaden panicked and looked down at his watch. Wait. That was on his other hand. He looked at his watch. “Oh is that, the time? I have to… Go. Fee Abel. Soon.” He stood up from the booth. “I’m sorry, maybe we’ll do this some other time.” He pulled out his wallet and put down some cash that looked like it ought to cover their drinks and a tip and an apology for all the bullshit damage that had happened that wasn’t even his fault. “We could try a cafe next time. Might have more luck.”
“London was never quite so weird either.” Evelyn gave a small shrug. “I know you know that - I thought you said something else. I am still sorry about you losing that bet but you were right. Even if we hadn’t started dating when you first started asking me about it.” She gave a small shrug at his comment about Morgan. “She is interesting, yes. We met on purpose but apparently she knew who I was because of the whole former model thing. Which is not a connection I expected to make here in America, but there you have it.” She bit her lip for a moment at his confusion. He was human - the whatever-it-was must’ve startled him. “...how you cut them?” She turned her head to the side. “Of course.” She stood up too - perhaps a bit too suddenly. “We can do this any other time you want. I’d agree with a café. Or just come by my place. We’ve had luck there.” She fought away the urge to throw down a couple hundred dollars - she had told Kaden she would let him pay, hadn’t she? “I think we should give bars a pass for now, though I swear, mine’s been fine barring that one incident that we shall not speak of.”
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New Years Eve in Paris: champagne and party favors despite the strike? - Media 24
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                                          Six days before New Year's Eve, Parisian tourism professionals do not know if their customers will come to celebrate the New Year in their establishments, or if they will give up waking up at the last minute, due to a lack of transport. "At Christmas we worked very well, but for 31 December we won't know until the same day. 'on the spot we are full,' said AFP François Delahaye, owner of the luxury hotels Le Meurice and Plaza Athénée, about the restaurants run by chef Alain Ducasse, who has received two Michelin stars. On the other hand, the two luxury hotels, whose frequentation suffered from the movement of "yellow vests" last year at the same period, are again faced with numerous cancellations from their customers. These very wealthy foreign tourists, whether they come from "the United States, Brazil or the United Kingdom", "prefer to wake up in London or New York, they do not take the risk of coming to Paris and d 'to be blocked ", reports Mr. Delahaye. " For Christmas Eve 31 December, customers don't know they can go to Paris or if they find a taxi to rent rer, then they hesitate to book: we are only 70% of booking rate when we should be full ", says AFP Franck Landragin, director of the catering division of Paris Society. The latter has nine trendy Parisian establishments - Monsieur Bleu, Loulou, Girafe, Apicius ... - located in the 8th, 9th and 16 e arrondissements. Since the beginning of the movement, the drop in activity has been 30% at lunch, automobile "business customers come much less", and by 20% at dinner, he explains. On the other hand, the group's festive restaurants, such as the Roxie where musicians play, are holding up better, with a drop in activity limited to 10%: they are opened later and their clientele "travels on their own". Le Moulin Rouge, mythical cabaret de Montmartre which offers a dinner show for 500 at 1. 000 euros, will fill up on 31 December, customers foreigner being there. He only models "a tiny bit of stories from the French clientele". "We work with hotel concierges who tell us that their usual clientele of foreign tourists is not not there, "reports Franck Landragin, however. - Decline in provincial visitors - Some come despite the difficulties, model for his part Jean-Pierre Mas, president of Travel companies. "These strikes mainly affect Paris and rail transport: so foreign tourists who had a flight to the capital have not canceled it," he said. The Place of Work for Tourism Paris adds: "the signals are not at all alarmist, reservations for international air arrivals (long and medium haul) from 31 December are up 32% compared to 2018, year disturbed by + yellow vests + ", and close to 2017, indicates its director general Corinne Menegaux. On the other hand, the affect of strikes is measured "more on the side of the provincials", highlights Jean-Pierre Mas , which is confirmed by Franck Delvau, co-president for Paris and Ile-de-France of the Union of hotel trades and industries (Umih), the main organization of the sector. "If you live Excursions, Besançon or Nancy, you don't say to yourself + I'm going to wake up in Paris! +, knowing that every day, people are stuck in transport, "says Mr. Delvau. In Parisian catering in general," restaurants are not full for Christmas Eve, and in hotels three and four stars, there are significantly fewer reservations than we should have, "he said. After having obtained from the government a spread of employer charges to help businesses sector, and the City of Paris free terraces in December, the Umih wrote Thursday to Anne Hidalgo to ask him to reduce the amount of the tourist tax. Automobile difficulties could be prolonged: Jean-Pierre Mas underlines that the actors of tourism note "very significant decreases in the reservations for the holidays of February. And vacation or congress decisions for 2020 may also be arbitrated against locations other than France, "he said. Read Extra Read the full article
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artwalktv · 5 years
Featured on Booooooom : http://bit.ly/33RZfxM Featured on Mâché : http://bit.ly/2RrHsuK In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy. With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
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hotfps · 5 years
Featured on Booooooom : https://tv.booooooom.com/2019/11/22/sheenah-ko-wrap-me-up/ Featured on Mâché : https://www.mache.digital/video-features/2019/11/21/wrap-me-up In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy. With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Featured on Booooooom : https://tv.booooooom.com/2019/11/22/sheenah-ko-wrap-me-up/ Featured on Mâché : https://www.mache.digital/video-features/2019/11/21/wrap-me-up In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy. With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
How Food Scenes Around the World Are Coping Amid Coronavirus added to Google Docs
How Food Scenes Around the World Are Coping Amid Coronavirus
 A woman walks past closed restaurants including Le Consulat in the Montmartre area in Paris | STEFANO RELLANDINI / AFP via Getty Images
Dispatches on the global state of eating from writers on the ground
As restaurants in the US struggle to survive amid the myriad of tight restrictions put in place in the wake of COVID-19, one thing to remember is this: America is not alone. Around the world, cities and their food systems are being affected by the spread of Coronavirus in a variety of ways, and drastic changes being enacted with varying degrees of efficacy. Eater Travel reached out to our correspondents around the world, asking them to shed light on how their own communities are coping with and adapting to this strange new (but still very, very wide) world.
[Editor’s Note: The below reflects the reality for these cities as of March 20, 2020.]
PARIS, FRANCE “The whole French food chain may become less individual and more corporate”
Currently in Paris you can only leave home for essential foods or other goods, medical care, caring for a child or someone ill or infirm, essential work that cannot be done from home, or small amounts of solitary exercise within your own neighborhood. There is a specific form that you must fill out and carry with you. If you fail to provide the form, or are found to be violating the rules, there will be a fine of 135 euros. Prior to the total confinement, they had already shut down schools and daycares and suggested people work from home, and then with very little notice on Saturday night, announced they were shutting down restaurants, bars, museums, movie theaters, etc. People still flocked to public parks and markets so we had total confinement announced Monday night.
Currently, it’s officially only a 15-day lockdown, but most people expect that it will be extended beyond that. Europe’s borders are closed for the next 30 days. Still, it was reported they issued 4,000 violations today. My own parents think they’re invincible, despite being of the age group most at risk, and continue to golf and go to the dog groomer, etc. If they were to get sick, and with the borders closed, I wouldn’t be able to be with them and then get back in to France. That’s what really concerns me. — Catherine Down
 Laurent Van Der Stockt  / Getty Images A Paris restaurant stays open for delivery orders the day after the government-imposed lockdown went into effect on March 17.
The quarantine first registered as a huge practical obstacle to the habits, pleasures, and conveniences of daily life in Paris, restaurants, food shopping and food delivery foremost among them. Now, going on day four, a deeper psychological set of challenges begins to emerge related to isolation, fear, and reflection on what you’d been doing with your life before it was unplugged. The necessity of doing a lot of home cooking was fun for many people at first, but it starts to wear day in and day out, which reminds people of how much they took chefs and the restaurants industry for granted.
Thousands of restaurants in France will not survive this shutdown, because their profit margins were already paper thin and they have the most minimal cash resources. This will also have a terrible effect on organic farmers, cheesemakers, winemakers, etc., who many of them showcased and supported. The whole French food chain may become less individual and more corporate as only big restaurant groups like Alain Ducasse and major industrial food producers survive. — Alexander Lobrano
BUDAPEST “If tourism isn’t somehow jumpstarted before the year end, Budapest restaurants will disappear en masse”
Currently in Budapest there are no mandates yet for people to stay home. But schools have been closed, all public events canceled, so the streets are deserted and everyone is encouraged to stay home. Restaurants and cafes can operate until 3 p.m., after which they must shut down or shift to delivery-only service. The problem is, countless Budapest restaurants depend almost exclusively on tourists, so delivery isn’t really an option to many establishments. The city has cleared of foreign visitors and most locals couldn’t afford to pay upward of €10 for a main dish. This means that we not only need things to return to normal, but also tourism to bounce back, which will take even longer. I worry that by then many establishments won’t be around, including some without which Budapest dining won’t be the same again.
Yesterday, though, the restaurant workers of Hilda, a small downtown restaurant in Budapest, had to put away 30 liters of kegged beer before shutting down for at least a few months. They invited the service team of the restaurant around the corner (which was also closing) to join them for a few rounds, making this sad day a little more bearable for all of them. — Tas Tobias
FLORENCE, ITALY “Everyone considers this year ruined”
Travelers are key to supporting Italy’s slow food movement and artisanal food products (either through restaurants, direct purchasing, or via small food tour companies like mine who promote these producers through guided visits and tastings). With visitors all but gone, these purveyors and the foods they produce are in threat of halting production, which would also translate into a loss of a safeguarded tradition or biodiversity which Italian foodways are widely celebrated for. The only hope is knowing this is a collective struggle felt across the world. — Coral Sisk
 BEHROUZ MEHRI  / AFP via Getty Images People picnic under the cherry blossoms at Tokyo’s Ueno park on March 19, 2020 TOKYO, JAPAN “We’re all just waiting for the situation to explode”
There is currently no lockdown at all here in Tokyo. It’s surreal how bars and restaurants are still open for business. Right now people are being encouraged to stagger commuting times; to work from home if possible; and to wash our hands. Nothing is being even talked about yet. But with tourism from abroad dwindling to 10-year lows and far fewer people eating out, many/most restaurants are hurting. Basically we’re all waiting for the situation to explode just as it has elsewhere. — Robbie Swinnerton
HELSINKI, FINLAND “Staying at home and avoiding social contact? Yes! Finally something we are good at. Dark humor, also a Finnish trait.”
Finland is in a national state of emergency. The government decided to close all the museums and theaters so the cultural sector is taking a big hit, and the country closed its borders except for freight and returning Finnish nationals. Restaurants and cafes are still allowed to remain open, but many have decided to shut down, like S-Group, which is closing its network of 82 restaurants in Helsinki. Layoffs are happening left and right, and fear of bankruptcy looms in the air all around.
The mood is worried with a pinch of hope. In Finland, we have this thing called sisu (grit, perseverance, balls), which will serve us well in this time of crisis. Extrovert is not a word I would use to describe us Finns. Staying at home and avoiding social contact? Yes! Finally something we are good at. Dark humor, also a Finnish trait. — Ilkka Sirén
 Hindustan Times via Getty Images People out in large numbers buying groceries and vegetables at a market on the eve of Janata Curfew for coronavirus. NEW DELHI, INDIA “I am concerned with the tight-knit way of life in India. If the virus spreads, it will be impossible to contain.”
India hasn’t had a vast breakthrough of the virus yet, but we also have the lowest number of tests per person. The mandate from the Delhi government is to stay at home, but predictably there has been no state provision to take care of people. Few people can take an unpaid leave of absence, so they have to decide between risking getting sick or their jobs. Indian society works in such community-dependent ways that for many it doesn’t even seem like an option.
Many in the middle class don’t know how to cook and depend on their home cooks. There’s been a surge in delivery and cloud kitchens (delivery-only restaurants), but also concerns about hygiene in cloud kitchens. The Delhi government ordered restaurants to close, but less than 5 percent of the city can really afford dine-in restaurants. Urban Indians eat in small informal restaurants and on the street, but street vendors operate with no security or insurance, so there will be challenges for them, especially with concerns that street food will transmit the virus. We haven’t had problems with supermarkets selling out or food scarcity because Indians still eat fresh food, but that very cycle of farm-to-table on an everyday basis may be disrupted. — Sharanya Deepak
LISBON, PORTUGAL “Without restaurants, the country loses all its social traction”
Portugal is a country with many older people (about 30 percent of the population is over 60 years old), and people understand that it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the local government to protect them. The government ordered restaurants to only serve one-third of their capacity, but many chose to close before that. Many local restaurants, even fine-dining restaurants that previously didn’t offer delivery, are trying to focus on delivery or takeaway. There’s a campaign, led by some chefs, asking the government to officially close all restaurants to decrease the risk of contagion and move forward on measures to support a sector that foresees a deep crisis. The movement is called #tomates, which in Portuguese means tomatoes but also “balls,” calling on government officials to have the courage to go forward with order.
In general, the food scene in the country has never been more so prominent, allowing chefs to reinvigorate self-esteem in local, national flavors and ingredients. Chefs and famous winemakers are going online to keep the ball rolling, with Instagram Live panels about wine and interviews about industry happenings on Facebook, but this crisis may put the plane back on the ground for Portuguese gastronomy. It will probably take a lot of time for it to take off again. — Rafael Tonon
MARRAKECH, MOROCCO “The vast majority of Moroccans are cooking at home”
Morocco has had very limited cases of COVID-19, but restrictions have grown gradually, from canceling large gatherings, to shutting down schools and universities, to closing hammams and mosques. Restaurants and shops are completely closed with some restaurants offering takeaway. Farmers may not have the resources to manage distribution with more restrictions in place, while very small bakeries and food stalls earn enough to get by but aren’t making a lot of money. There has been talk from the government that they will release an aid package to help those people and businesses that have been affected, but many people work in the informal economy, so if there is any sort of assistance they may not be recognized or helped. — Amanda Ponzio-Mouttaki
 Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Empty streets in Argentina after the country announced its mandatory lockdown on Friday BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA “They cancelled soccer games — which is a huge deal for Argentine citizens considering fútbol is life”
Argentina is probably about two weeks behind Italy and Spain, and one week behind the US in terms of cases, but as of Friday the government announced a mandatory lockdown, requiring people to stay in their homes unless absolutely necessary until March 31. It has all happened so fast. Last weekend, I went out with friends and was mocked for not wanting to give a kiss hello. A week later, here we are. So overall the government has acted quickly, first closing schools, nightclubs, cancelling festivals and concerts, and cancelling soccer games — which is a huge deal for Argentine citizens considering fútbol is life.
Even before coronavirus, the unstable economy and hyperinflation that already exists in Argentina has made it difficult for many restaurants to make ends meet. With this, I’m afraid it’s going to be absolutely shattering to the local restaurant industry. I’ve talked to a lot of chefs over the last few days and many say this is the end for them. But Argentines have gone through many crises before — a dictatorship, economic crisis, and endless political and social unrest — so they are resilient. Living in Argentina can be chaotic because we don’t really know what’s going to happen tomorrow, but it makes the Argentine people incredibly strong and adaptable. As one restaurant owner told me today, “vamos a seguir adelante.” (We are going to keep pushing forward.) — Allie Lazar
NEW ZEALAND “Generally restaurants are open as normal, though diners do seem to be practicing social distancing”
The virus has hit New Zealand a little later than many countries, but already the borders have been locked down and indoor gatherings of over 100 people have been banned, which includes restaurants and bars. Generally restaurants are open as normal, though diners do seem to be practicing social distancing and are eating out less. Some restaurants have started to offer delivery and pick-up services. There have been some reports of panic buying in major supermarkets, and anecdotally, it seems more people are eating at home.
The primary sector here, especially agriculture, relies heavily on export business. The slowing of supply lines transporting food out of the country has meant that many farmers, fishermen and other food producers have lost significant revenue. Crayfish fishers are a prime example: They had to pre-pay for their right to fish, but didn’t fish in the end as their prime export destination, China, had shut down. But the government has already announced an unprecedented NZ$12.1 billion ($7.04 billion US) financial package for the country as a whole, most of which is going into businesses through wage subsidies and tax measures, and includes hospitality. — Janice Leung Hayes
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN “Most people are even more careful than what’s recommended”
The Swedish government has passed less strict regulations compared to other European and Nordic countries, or at least at a slower rate, which has caused an intense debate about whether the Swedish authorities are weak or smart. As of Friday, there’s no general quarantine, though people are strongly recommended to work from home if possible, not to travel to other countries or even within Sweden, and not to visit Stockholm, where the virus is now spreading most rapidly.
Although restaurants are for the most part open, the number of guests has diminished dramatically, and a great number of restaurants are offering takeaway. Paul Taylor Lanthandel is delivering by car and bicycle, Lux Day By Day have opened a drive-thru, Fotografiska is planning a pop-up bakery, and Restauranglabbet is delivering meals to hard-working personnel at hospitals. Swedish companies in need will be able to take loans from the Bank of Sweden for a total amount of 500 billion SEK (about 50 billion euros), but the question is if this will help. In the restaurant, hotel, and hospitality industry, there’s a feeling of utter despair, but also an unsurpassed feeling of camaraderie among restaurateurs and an impressive flood of innovative ideas and creative initiatives to continue to serve and stay in business. — Per Styregård
SÃO PAULO AND RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL “Seeing Rio de Janeiro’s bars, sidewalks, and beaches empty is the saddest thing”
The country is still in the initial phase of the pandemic. Restaurants in most cities have not closed, except in Rio de Janeiro, where bars and restaurants (and beaches) are set to close for 15 days. However, there are increasing numbers of restaurants responding to the need for social distancing that decided to close by themselves, focusing on delivery instead. Like New York, São Paulo is a city where people eat out very often. Without restaurants in operation, the city loses all its soul. The Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants (Abrasel) states that there is already a decrease of up to 70 percent in the turnover of restaurants in the country, and that more than 3 million professionals who work in the industry may lose their jobs in the next 40 days. — Rafael Tonon
 Asanka Ratnayake / Getty Images An empty restaurant on one of Melbourne’s signature narrow alleyways on March 18. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA “Several regions of the country are still suffering from the recent bushfires, so this feels like another brick”
Australia seems to be faring better than many other countries, but the number of COVID-19 cases keeps climbing. Even without a formal lockdown, people are encouraged to practice social distancing, and Friday the prime minister announced a travel ban affecting all non-Australian citizens. Overall, things feel pretty grim. Several regions of the country are still suffering from the recent bushfires, so this feels like another brick.
Melbourne is known for its eating and drinking scene, and it’s unclear what that scene will look like on the other side of this. For now, many restaurants have turned to delivery and takeaway earlier this week. Some offer cooked meals like lasagne and cassoulet, while others sell kits you can cook at home like dry pasta and sauce or curry and uncooked rice. Even fine-dining restaurants like Attica have jumped on board. They have two delivery options; three classic dishes from the restaurant, including the “potato cooked in the earth,” or a lasagne and garlic bread family dinner. Ice cream, wine, spirits and beers can be added to your order. The city has announced a support package for the Queen Victoria Market, which is the state’s most popular tourist attraction, and petitions are circulating right now urging the government to save the hospitality industry and provide more financial support. Melbournians love their restaurants and will do everything they can to support them. — Audrey Bourget
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA “I trust the healthcare system and government here more than if I were in Tokyo, Bangkok, or America”
Kuala Lumpur is in full lockdown, and no one is allowed in or out of the country. Law enforcement and the military are using patrols and roadblocks to enforce curfews, making sure people only go out in public to purchase essentials or help the elderly or those who cannot help themselves. The two big food delivery services in the region, GrabFood and FoodPanda, are still delivering and encouraging citizens to order food. However, it is known that they both extort restaurants — Grab takes a 20 to 25 percent fee from merchants per order and FoodPanda charges 30 percent — which is a terrible burden for restaurants at the moment, since they are only allowed to serve food by pick-up or delivery. — Mona Nomura
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO “Vendors who sell tacos or fruit or tamales on the street will struggle to put food on the table”
Except for a few neighborhoods like the ritzy Polanco or the tourist-heavy Roma and Condesa, the streets look pretty much the same, albeit perhaps with a slightly lower volume of people. Street stands continue serving tacos, and stores are open for business as usual. The health ministry says they’ve yet to identify community transmission of coronavirus, but experts are worried that the government is moving too slowly. Testing is limited and the Mexican health system is desperately under-resourced. Although the government hasn’t yet mandated any closings, many restaurants are now only offering delivery, and a group of restaurateurs has been coordinating to voluntarily close down this week.
Most of Mexico already lives in a state of precarity, with 60 percent of Mexicans working in the informal economy and around 40 percent living in poverty. A few days without work can mean families don’t have access to food and potable water. Higher-end restaurateurs will likely still be able to feed their families, but their employees may not. Small family businesses could lose everything. Even within the formal economy, the lack of worker protection in Mexico means that workers will take devastating hits. — Madeleine Wattenbarger
via Eater - All https://www.eater.com/2020/3/20/21188558/coronavirus-around-the-world-covid-19-food
Created March 21, 2020 at 05:58AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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aristocratslog · 4 years
Wrap Me Up - Sheenah Ko (Short Film) from Vincent René-Lortie on Vimeo.
In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy.
Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda
With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya
Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough
Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois
Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
Itunes: hyperurl.co/ituneswrapmeup Spotify: hyperurl.co/wrapmeupsingle
Featured on Booooooom : tv.booooooom.com/2019/11/22/sheenah-ko-wrap-me-up/ Featured on Mâché : mache.digital/video-features/2019/11/21/wrap-me-up
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alanraliuga · 4 years
Wrap Me Up - Sheenah Ko (Short Film) from Vincent René-Lortie on Vimeo.
In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy.
Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda
With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya
Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough
Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois
Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
Itunes: hyperurl.co/ituneswrapmeup Spotify: hyperurl.co/wrapmeupsingle
Featured on Booooooom : tv.booooooom.com/2019/11/22/sheenah-ko-wrap-me-up/ Featured on Mâché : mache.digital/video-features/2019/11/21/wrap-me-up
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evchargerdubai · 5 months
#evchargeruae #evchargerinstallations #evchargersupplieruae
#evchargerinstallation #evcharger
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ozkamal · 5 years
Featured on Booooooom : https://ift.tt/2Yphb1W Featured on Mâché : https://ift.tt/2DNksyo In a dingy community hall, a diverse group of people have gathered in search of an intangible and ethereal sense of meaning. As the leader Sheenah begins to sing, her voice casts a spell on her audience and creates a violent frenzy. With Alisia Pobega, Andrea Ward, Chad Erick Concepcion, Jérôme Simard, Holly Greco, Karl Abraham, Lola Ryan, Miranda Chan, Elizabeth Powell, Sheenah Ko, Brittney Canda, Nicolas Boivin, Roya The Destroya Directed by Vincent René-Lortie & Brittney Canda Produced by Samuel Caron Production company: Telescope Films Production manager: Félix Cayer Cinematographer: Alexandre Nour Choreographer: Brittney Canda Choreographic assistant : Susannah Haight 1st assistant director: Cassandre Émanuel 1st camera assistant: Kevin Gourvellec Steadicam operator: Benoît Gauthier Production designer: Geneviève Boiteau Art assistants: Sophie Valcourt & Mérédith Gonzales Make up artist: Carole Methot Gaffer: Pierre-Luc Jobin Key grip: Alain Tremblay Set photographer: Eve B-Lavoie Production assistant: Marc-André Thibault & Evangelos Desborough Music written and performed by Sheenah Ko With Navet Confit, Pascal Delaquis & Richard White Sound design: Nataq Huault Color grading: Simon Bøisx Editor: Vincent René-Lortie Graphic design: Simon Dubois Thanks to Cineground, Cinepool, Jeremiah Bullied, Nick Farah, Yasmine Amor, Guillaume Marin, Paroisse Saint-Arsène, Kyra Jean Green & Janelle Hacault
0 notes
technato · 6 years
Methanol-Fueled Cars Could Drive Us Toward an Emissionless Future
Icelandic firm Carbon Recycling International is turning industrial pollution into a low-carbon fuel for cars, trucks, and ships
Photo: Carbon Recycling International
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Photo: Carbon Recycling International
Road to Methanol: Iceland’s Carbon Recycling International has pioneered a way to produce methanol fuel using renewable energy and waste CO 2. A nearby geothermal power station supplies CO 2 and electricity to the methanol plant and mineral-rich water to the famous Blue Lagoon spa [above].
Just off a two-lane highway that winds through the black volcanic rock fields of southwest Iceland sits a nondescript industrial plant. Its multistoried network of pipes and tubes reveal little about what goes on there. Each year hundreds of thousands of tourists pass right by, on their way to visit the strange and beautiful Blue Lagoon, an outdoor spa whose steaming milky blue water flows directly from the nearby Svartsengi geothermal power station. If tourists notice the plant at all, it’s maybe to wonder why it’s here.
As it happens, this plant also depends on the Svartsengi facility, not for its silica-infused water but for its carbon dioxide. And what’s going on inside the plant has the potential to dramatically decarbonize the transportation sector. The plant belongs to Carbon Recycling International (CRI), whose engineers have developed a novel method of using renewable energy to produce methanol fuel from waste streams of CO2 and electrolyzed water. Methanol generated this way, CRI is betting, could have a real impact on climate change.
Photo: Carbon Recycling International
Expansion Plans: Carbon Recycling International’s methanol plant, in Iceland, produces 5 million liters of fuel a year. The company plans to build plants 10 times as large in China by leveraging its partnership with the carmaker Geely, which has been investing in methanol cars.
Over the past decade, CRI engineers have been refining and vetting their process at the plant, which is named for the late Nobel Prize–winning chemist George A. Olah. A pipeline carries about 5,500 metric tons of CO2 per year from Svartsengi, which also supplies the electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen and CO2 are then combined to form water-laden methanol, which is distilled into pure methanol. Opened in 2012, the plant now produces 4,000 metric tons, or 5 million liters, a year. Some of the fuel, which CRI has dubbed ­Vulcanol, is used to operate a test fleet of ­methanol-burning sedans built by the Chinese car giant Geely Auto Group. The carmaker’s founder, billionaire Li Shufu, has been pushing methanol transportation in his country. Geely has a factory in Shanxi province that can produce up to 100,000 methanol cars a year and is constructing another factory in Guizhou province.
Of course, in an ideal low-carbon world, the roads would be filled not with methanol cars but with electric vehicles charged by renewable energy. We’re still well short of that goal, however. Today, EVs make up a tiny fraction of cars in every country where they’re sold. Even under the most optimistic assumptions, it may be ­mid­century before a majority of cars on the road are all-electric.
In the meantime, methanol is among the most promising alternatives for significantly shrinking our cars’ carbon footprint. If you power a methanol plant with a renewable energy source and capture the CO2 coming from the exhaust of, say, a steel plant, you can halve the total carbon being released into the atmosphere. So even though burning methanol in a car’s internal combustion engine does release CO2, along with some water vapor, you’re first capturing CO2 from the steel plant. That is, you’re basically recycling the carbon and extracting some useful work before it gets released. In contrast to carbon capture and storage, which aims to permanently sequester CO2 deep underground, this type of cycle is known as “carbon capture and utilization.”
“Many people are convinced that EVs will solve our climate problem,” says G.K. Surya Prakash, a professor of chemistry at the University of ­Southern California and a longtime collaborator of Olah’s. “But the technology isn’t there yet, the batteries aren’t there yet. And many third-world countries don’t have enough electricity even for basic needs, so what’s all this talk about EVs?” Methanol, by contrast, is doable right now, he says. The simple alcohol can be burned in an internal combustion engine, and it can be stored, transported, and distributed using the same basic infrastructure that’s now used for gasoline and diesel.
“That’s the beauty of methanol,” says Prakash. “You don’t have to build an entirely new infrastructure from scratch.”
If the idea of methanol cars sounds vaguely familiar, that may be because it’s not new. Back in the 1980s, such vehicles were heavily promoted by the government of ­California, as a way to address the state’s air pollution as well as its dependence on foreign oil. Ford Motor Co. spearheaded the development of a flex-fuel car, which could burn gasoline as well as alternative fuels like methanol. ­California’s fleet of methanol vehicles eventually reached 15,000. But falling oil prices and the U.S. corn lobby’s push for ­ethanol ­ultimately killed the ­methanol car.
This time around is different, says Paul Wuebben. He was one of the leaders of California’s methanol experiment and now serves as CRI’s senior director of fuel applications. (­Wuebben’s colleagues call him “Mr. Methanol,” a nickname that makes him both slightly embarrassed and rather proud.) “Methanol is coming back strongly,” he says.
Photos: Jeibmann Photographik/Torpedo Motor
Deep Purple: At the Beijing Motor Show in April, the Chinese car startup AIWays unveiled a methanol fuel cell sports car [top] designed by Germany auto engineer Roland Gumpert. The fuel cell system [above] was supplied by SerEnergy. The car boasts a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour and an 0-to-100 km/h acceleration of about 2.5 seconds.
The European Union, India, and Israel are all investing in methanol transportation, Wuebben notes. And in China, methanol accounts for 8 percent of transportation fuel, and the market research firm IHS Markit is projecting demand to grow by 7 percent per year. The availability of methanol-­gasoline blends there ranges from 5 percent methanol (M5) to 100 percent (M100). While most of China’s methanol is produced from coal or using coal power, Geely’s Li recently called for the creation of a “liquid sunshine economy,” in which the fuel’s production would be solar powered. And in April, the Chinese car startup AIWays, working with the German car engineer Roland Gumpert and the Danish fuel cell company ­SerEnergy, unveiled a methanol fuel cell sports car at the Beijing Motor Show.
And Iceland’s CRI is riding the methanol wave. At the company’s headquarters in Kópavogur, just outside Reykjavík, Benedikt Stefánsson, the business development director, says it’s been quite a ride. CRI was founded by two Icelanders and two Americans in 2006, the same year that Olah, Prakash, and Alain ­Goeppert published Beyond Oil and Gas: The ­Methanol Economy (Wiley), laying out a grand vision for weaning the world from its habit of consuming some 97 million barrels of oil a day. The following year, CRI opened a small pilot plant. But the global financial crisis of 2008–2009 hit Iceland particularly hard, and investment funding dried up. CRI cobbled together enough money from local investors and family members to complete the Olah plant in 2012. Subsequent investments from ­Canadian methanol producer Methenex and Geely allowed the company to expand the plant and start developing projects outside Iceland.
Illustration: MCKIBILLO
Smil Says…
Current and planned projects have an annual capacity equal to just 0.3 percent of annual emissions from stationary sources.
Stefánsson says the right way to view a methanol-fueled car is as a replacement for a traditional gasoline- or diesel-­powered car, for the vast majority of consumers who aren’t ready to make the leap to a fully electric car. In ­Iceland, he notes, government incentives favoring EVs have led to a recent uptick in battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Nevertheless, he says, Iceland’s cold climate exacerbates the vehicles’ already limited electric range. So owners of hybrids still find themselves pulling up to the pump regularly.
Of course, even if methanol fuel is similar to gasoline in many respects, it’s not exactly the same. For starters, methanol’s energy content is about half that of gasoline, so an M100 car has to be filled up twice as often. “Methanol is a unique product, so you have to handle it in parallel with gasoline,” says ­Daniel Sperling, director of the ­Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. He’s highly skeptical that methanol cars will ever expand beyond their current niche.
“The auto industry is investing tens of billions of dollars in electric drive technology,” Sperling says. “They don’t need or want another product.”
For different reasons, Edward S. Rubin, a professor of engineering and public policy at Carnegie ­Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, also doubts methanol’s prospects. In a recent paper, he and several collaborators examined the extent to which converting CO2 to fuels—as CRI is doing—could mitigate climate change. Their conclusion: “While CCU [carbon capture and utilization] does have the potential to mitigate some CO2 emissions (provided that a continuous supply of carbon-free electricity is available), an alternative system employing CCS [carbon capture and storage] together with the same carbon-free electricity is a far more effective mitigation option.”
“If your chief goal is to solve the climate problem, methanol isn’t the best way to do it,” Rubin says. Climate models suggest that to stave off the worst effects of a changing climate, the electricity grid and other industrial sectors need to be deeply decarbonized by midcentury, he says. CCU may be more attractive than CCS because you may be able to make money doing it, he notes, but it also prolongs the time it will take to bring down greenhouse gas emissions to the levels needed to avoid dangerous impacts. “The time­scale of climate-change mitigation means we really can’t afford to wait.”
Stefánsson agrees with this sense of urgency but argues that any scheme to mitigate climate change should include liquid fuels from CO2. “In any scenario, we need rapidly increasing investment in carbon capture,” he says. “But CCS has zero impact on the use of fossil fuels in transport. It is also a perpetual cost, which is why adoption has been so slow.” And there’s still no good near-term technology for electrifying long-distance and heavy-goods transport or shipping or aviation, he adds.
“Right now, the world is still flush with fossil fuel resources,” says USC’s Prakash. Absent a strong system of rewards and penalties that discourages the use of those resources, people will use them. Methanol offers a bridge from our highly carbonated present to a low-carbon future, in which electricity comes from renewables or nuclear and cars are electric. In the meantime, Prakash says, methanol can help. Rather than wastefully flaring natural gas in the Bakken ­Formation, for instance, why not place a methanol plant there and produce fuel? Rather than curtailing wind and solar when the power grid can’t absorb their output, why not use the excess for methanol?
“Methanol gives us a way to store not just kilowatt- or megawatt-hours of power but gigawatt-hours,” Prakash says. “It could be a game changer.”
This article appears in the June 2018 print issue as “Turning Pollution Into Fuel.”
Methanol-Fueled Cars Could Drive Us Toward an Emissionless Future syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
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londontheatre · 7 years
Manhattan Parisienne – Alain Boublil and Bruce Guthrie
Robert Mackintosh in association with The Other Palace are delighted to announce casting for the ‘Work in Progress’ production of Alain Boublil’s MANHATTAN PARISIENNE. The show will have public sharings in The Studio at The Other Palace between Tuesday 10th and Saturday 21st October 2017. Schedule below.
The full cast for MANHATTAN PARISIENNE is: Noa Bodner as ‘Adam’s Mom/Waitress’; Richard Emerson as ‘Teddy/Agent’; Douglas Hansell as ‘Paul/Gareth’; James Lailey as ‘Busker’; Orlando Seale as ‘Gerard’; Gabriel Vick as ‘Adam’ and Marie Zamora as ‘Eve’.
MANHATTAN PARISIENNE is written by Alain Boublil and Directed by Bruce Guthrie with Musical Direction and Orchestration by Barney Ashworth; Choreography by Cameron Carver and Casting by Will Burton CDG.
MANHATTAN PARISIENNE is a New York story of differences and attraction of two struggling artists and an unlikely meeting of minds. She is a Parisienne actress/singer. He is a Manhattan musician who has a history with Paris. Connected by music, they embark on a surreal journey through New York. MANHATTAN PARISIENNE features excerpts of songs from the classic French and American songbooks by songwriters including Jacques Brel, George and Ira Gershwin, Michel Legrand, Cole Porter and Charles Aznavour; and the London production will feature a new song called “About Love” with music and lyrics by Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boublil. The play made its debut at 59E59 Theaters in New York.
Noa Bodner was last seen on stage in “A Tale of Two Cities” at the Royal & Derngate and on UK Tour. Her other theatre credits include: “Testing The Echo/Moving Stories” at the National Theatre; “Playing for Time” at Sheffield Crucible”; “Macbeth” at Mercury Colchester and “Paper Dolls” at the Tricycle Theatre. Her screen credits include the feature film “World War Z” and the BBC TV series “Rome”.
Richard Emerson has most recently been seen in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” at Wilton’s Music Hall. His other recent theatre credits include: “O’Neill’s The First Man” at the Jermyn Street Theatre; “A Chorus of Disapproval” at the Harold Pinter Theatre and “Hamlet” and “A Man of No Importance” at the Salisbury Playhouse. Richard also works as a lyricist and composer; his new musical is slated for production in London in autumn 2018.
Douglas Hansell has most recently been seen in “Thirty Three” at the Leicester Square Theatre. His other theatre credits include: “Titanic” at the Charing Cross Theatre; “When Blair had Bush and Bunga” at the Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh; “Going Bush” at the Bush Theatre and “A Doll’s House”, “Neighbourhood Watch” and “Wind in the Willows” in his native Australia.
James Lailey’s theatre credits include: “Measure for Measure”, “The Oresteia”, “Henry V”, “Henry IV” pts. 1 and 2, “Love’s Labours Lost”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “Helen and Bedlam” at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre; “The Three Musketeers” at Rose Theatre Kingston; “Suspension” at Bristol Old Vic; “Treasure Island” at Theatre Royal Haymarket and “Mamma Mia!” at the Prince of Wales Theatre. His TV credits include: “The Sound of Music Live!”; “Where the Heart Is” and “Wire in the Blood”.
Orlando Seale’s theatre credits include: “Bedroom Farce” for the Peter Hall company; “The Lightning Play” at The Almeida and “The Servant to Two Masters” for the Royal Shakespeare Company. His TV credits include: “Motherland” and “Count Arthur Strong” for BBC 2; “Mr. Selfridge” and “Lewis” for ITV; “The IT Crowd” for Channel 4; “Doll & Em” for HBO; “The West Wing” for NBC and “Ghost Whisperer” for CBS.
Gabriel Vick has most recently been seen in “Promises Promises” at the Southwark Playhouse. His previous theatre credits include ‘Bobby Wace’ in “Sunny Afternoon” at the Harold Pinter Theatre; “Flowers of the Forest” at the Jermyn St Theatre; “Once” at the Gaiety Theatre Dublin and Phoenix Theatre; “Chariots of Fire” at the Gielgud Theatre; “La Cage Aux Folles” at the Playhouse Theatre and “A Little Night Music” at the Menier Chocolate Factory and Garrick Theatre. On screen his film credits include: “The Invisible Woman” and “Les Misérables” and on TV his credits include: “Doctors” and “My Family.”
Marie Zamora returns to “Manhattan Parisienne” having played the role of ‘Eve’ at 59E59 Theaters in New York. On stage Marie originated the role of ‘Cosette’ in the Paris production of “Les Misérables”. Her other theatre credits include ‘Kate’ in “Kiss Me, Kate” and ‘Chairy’ in “Barnum”. She recently performed the role of ‘Queen Marie-Antoinette’ in the Chicago world premiere concert in English of Boublil and Schӧnberg’s “La Révolution Française”. Marie is the co-book writer and the director of the 2010 Czech Republic production of “Marguerite” in collaboration with Michel Legrand and Alain Boublil.
Alain Boublil is probably best known for his work as a lyricist on the musicals “Les Misérables”, “Miss Saigon” and “Martin Guerre” with Claude-Michel Schönberg and “Marguerite” with Michel Legrand. He co-wrote the screenplay and co-produced the movie soundtrack of the Golden Globe-winning Les Misérables (Academy-Award nomination, best song). As an author his credits include the plays “The Diary of Adam and Eve” and “Manhattan Parisienne” as well as the prize-winning novel, “Les Dessous de Soi”.
LISTINGS MANHATTAN PARISIENNE The Studio, The Other Palace 10th to 21st October2017 http://ift.tt/2dPBiyt
http://ift.tt/2hdceHZ LondonTheatre1.com
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