#ev: full moon ball 2023
wayt0dawn · 1 year
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𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ riku park ch. study ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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iandores · 1 year
closed starter for: @twentymabobs​ location: full moon ball
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it didn’t take much convincing  for the owner of mantercorn tavern to let the entire staff have the night off, considering everyone who had ever stepped foot in elias seemed to be at this ball tonight. a couple dead hours into his shift this morning and he made a couple calls, relieving everyone of their duties for the day. he spotted april in the distance and made a note to say hello to her later. 
for now he was off to find something to drink, thankful he wouldn’t have to make it himself. he was glad to see ariel too once he reached the bar, knowing how excited she was for the ball and how working tonight was originally going to cut into her time here. “ hey, you made it ! ” he said with a smile. “ are you having fun ? ”
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highstakesr0ller · 1 year
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𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵
。・゚゚・orion bartholomew ch. study ・゚゚・。 
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miscelliteeous · 4 months
Underrated 2020s Horror Movies (So far!)
Making this list because these are all good or at least fun or interesting horror movies that I genuinely think need more love!
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Freak (2020) - Gory slasher movie where the killer is played by a really gnarly puppet!
Cadaver (2020) - Artsy post-apocalyptic horror inspired by Sleep No More!
Bloody Hell (2020) - Ex con gets captured by a cannibal family!
Hunter Hunter (2020) - Sad and BRUTAL story of a family in the woods finding bodies!
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Spare Parts (2020) - Girl punk band vs weirdly Mad Max-esque cult!
Fear Pharm (2020) - Corn maze full of a family of killers with moneymaking aspirations!
The Oak Room (2020) - Slowburn thriller taking place in an almost empty bar!
Anything For Jackson (2020) - Grief drives old couple to demon worship!
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Vicious Fun (2020) - A loser gets caught up in a support group for serial killers!
Bingo Hell (2021) - Deadly bingo game with Richard Brake being weirdly hot as always!
The Cursed (2021) - Period piece werewolf movie with very creepy werewolves!
The Final Rose (2022) - The Bachelor but with a slasher on the loose!
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Gatlopp: Hell of a Game (2022) - Horror comedy about a cursed drinking game!
Moon Garden (2022) - A little girl in a strange, surreal world tries to get home!
Requiem For A Scream (2022) - A slasher who records his victims screams for music!
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls (2023) - Obnoxious guy and a group at their magician idols spooky mansion!
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House of Dolls (2023) - Artsy slasher about sisters who stay in a giant doll house to win their inheritance!
Baby Blue (2023) - It's like The Ring meets Nightmare on Elm Street meets Slumber Party Massacre 2!
Bring Her To Me (2023) - Weird dreams bring a woman to a strange realm with a demon who wants her!
Dante's Hotel (2023) - Slasher set during a New Years Eve ball, very similar tone to Ghost Ship!
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Renfield (2023) - Renfield tries to leave his abusive relationship with Dracula!
Bury The Bride (2023) - Evil rednecks target a bachelorette party!
You Shouldn't Have Let Me In (2024) - Sexy vampires target a bachelorette party!
Abigail (2024) - Kidnapped rich girl fights back against her kidnappers!
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Happy New Year’s Eve to you too! :D I can’t wait for that “crossover” with the duo. I bet it’s young avengers or something (I’m more DC than marvel to be honest)
1: what is something the duo will never forget? Like Clark telling Chris you belong here; a El instead of a zod.
2: what’s their favorite YouTubers to watch?
3: I know you answer this already but every character in mortal kombat have two fatalities, so what other fatality would you give them? How about friendship move? I can Jake using his sticks to create firework sparklers.
4: when Chris use his darkness powers, is it like energy balls/blast or flames?
5: if it’s flames can he use it setting his farts on fire? or have Kon-El do the farting while Chris have his darkness near his butt XD
6: how would you write Superman & Lois? I definitely need more time to write more seasons lol
Just for a minor spoiler, that crossover for the Starburst Duo I had in mind (at least for the idea stage) is with Dragon Ball and given my liking of Son Gohan….I think you can piece together something from there lol
Anyways in celebration of the New Year, my last ask for 2023….
1) Aside that talk he has with Clark in reconciling on the Moon looking at a sight over the Earth, Chris’ most memorable moment would be the first ever time Jon finally had full flight which meant he joins Chris in the air, first the first time ever playing sky tag.
Meanwhile for Jake, besides that fateful duel with Zsasz and subsequent comfort he got in the hospital from Chris and his loved ones, his first ever patrol at the age of 8 years alongside Batman which invoked taking on both Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy at Bludhaven Stadium is one he’d always treasure and for good reasons.
2) I lean on Linkara of Atop of The Fourth Wall, The Blockbuster Buster and Angry Joe as their main go tos, otherwise the Duo would find both Nightwing and Superman channels which are highlights of their amazing feats captured from their smart phone cameras and more.
3) Chris; One other Fatality I can see him do would be a combination of sorts of Both Superman’s and Supergirl’s Injustice finishers. First, punching his opponent across the atmosphere in rapid succession, followed with a clear uppercut right into Earth’s Orbit finalized with a huge blast of heat vision that zaps into said opponent accelerating their fall to Earth and crashing in a massive asteroid sized explosion.
As for a Friendship, he’d use his shadowy aura to create flowers for giving while offering a free hand to pick up his beaten opponent of the ground
Jake; First he’d use a Starbolt charged Thunderclap blast his opponent back straight into the nearest wall, following it up with speed rushing to their face and laying down savage punch after right in the face, then grabbing them by the color, slamming them back first onto the ground and finally using a overcharged Starbolt on his escrima to slam it on the opponent head, the subsequent explosive discharge shaped like a massive lightning bolt.
For his Friendship, as you said, he’d use his sticks and starbolts to create sparkles while giving a respectful bow to his dazed and confused opponent.
4) Visually speaking, if not for his shadow based powers, they’d resemble energy blasts and balls akin to Dragon Ball’s Ki blasts and charge ups
5) As for the old flatulence stunt….I actually see both Conner and Chris not exactly going for it albeit for differing reasons; Conner as he thinks doing that is so 2000s, it’s no longer cool while Chris simply thinks it’s gross
6) Well, I’ll freely admit it has been quite some long time since I’ve seen enough clips of the show itself but I will give this.
Since Jon’s ten years old and likely attending Middle School, he’d instead take part in the baseball team as opposed to football. That said, I can see for see Clark being one of the coaches and during one game, Jon gets hit in the face with a ball when batting, the pain involuntarily causing his developing heat vision to burn up so Clark would use a hand to catch said heat cain on it so it doesn’t create a massive fire while calming down his hurt son. Jon feels real bad about it afterwards and locks himself in his room out of fear and anxiety about his loss of control. Not helping of his super hearing picking up on things all over the place and struggling to control it.
He’d mumble to his parents and brother something around the lines of “it’s too much….too big”. Then Clark would remember what his mother Martha told him once “Try making it little small” which help calm his senses down and allows the family to come in and comfort him
So yeah a bit of both the show and even Man of Steel 2015 (one of the actual gold scenes) thrown in if anything lol
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silverskull · 1 year
One Last Secret
Chenford Week 2023 Day 4: Happy Hawley-Day! Another fic that (kind of!) ticks all three boxes! The song from the S5 promo, holiday themed, and relationship firsts! * self-impressed fist pump *
In the space between asking her out and actually getting to date her, Tim has a special New Year's Eve with Lucy.
Full fic below the cut, or here on AO3.
Winter brought snow.
White flakes fell like magnolia petals, dusting the tropical plants in the parking lot with a coat of sparkling soft down.
“Weird, but fucking beautiful…” he heard Lucy murmur under her breath.
It didn’t last long, but the air stayed chill enough to send him to the back of his closet, digging out an LAPD puffer jacket he’d requisitioned on a whim many moons ago. They were discontinued now, and he enjoyed the smug feeling of superiority whenever he encountered a shivering junior officer, their duty jacket no real match for the unconventional weather.
He made the mistake of leaving it on the back of his chair once, the air-con in the station set to ‘heat’ with no suitable balance to be found between ‘not warm enough’ and ‘gates of hell’ and  Lucy had snagged it without telling him. “Just a quick run to the taco truck,” she’d offered, afterwards - and she looked so damn cute bundled inside its too-large hood, her nose and cheeks pinched red and bright with cold, that he couldn’t bring himself to demand its return.
The snow brought out the weirdos and the wackjobs, and work doubled in pace, officers dropping like flies with coughs and sneezes. “It’s not the cold, it’s viruses spreading when we gather indoors,” explained Thorsen, and Tim promptly bought a box of masks to leave on his desk and present to anyone who so much as sniffled in his direction.
He had a date to make it to.
They’d made initial plans for the weekend following the collar bomber, but work had put paid to that, a spate of Santa Stick-ups running riot along Miracle Mile for a whole three days before they managed to round them all up. After that, in their enthusiasm to get the ball rolling, they’d picked the following Thursday - the only day they both had off work that week - and then Kojo decided to swallow some squirrel droppings that had him puking his guts out for an entire night. Tim was stuck chasing after an emergency vet, and then ensuring the dog had regular drinks of rehydration medicine for twenty-four hours afterwards.
Getting frustrated, Lucy suggested going straight after work, late-night be damned, and he was almost willing to agree, but he really, really wanted this to be special.
She was special.
And when he told her that, she’d glowed, bouncing on the balls of her feet and shrugging herself deep into the folds of his jacket, satisfied that it was worth waiting for the right time.
But Christmas was coming, and it got more and more difficult to find a reservation - weekends, late nights and corner tables already swamped with office parties and family gatherings booked months in advance for the holiday season. He even enlisted Thorsen, bargaining a week - two - of warbag duty, if he could just find him a table somewhere nice on a day that suited them. Aaron had quirked an eyebrow - “A table for two?” - but at Tim’s sharp scowl, wisely said no more. 
But even the rich and famous couldn’t beat the system and, between them, they’d agreed to postpone their date until after New Year, when things quietened down and they could give it the attention it deserved. It nearly drove him mad, but - in one way - it was a pleasant sort of inconvenience, his days in the station passing with secret glances and shared smiles; Lucy trailing out of her way through the bullpen so she could ‘accidentally’ bump into him, or him ‘mistakenly’ buying two coffees instead of one, and passing the second along to her when they met under the stairs.
It was Nolan, of course, who nearly (unintentionally) outed them, inviting everyone to a New Year’s Eve celebration at his house, and at pains to publicly stress that Lucy and Tim were both welcome to bring plus-ones, even if their previous partners were now in the dumpster of history.
Lucy had covered well, smoothly professing that she was at peace with her singleness, and it would mean far more to attend with just their own familiar group. Tim nodded in energetic agreement, deciding to leave the talking up to her in case his tongue betrayed him in some way.
And so, they’d ended up in Nolan’s garden together, the chill air fended off by strong outdoor heaters and the champagne flowing freely. Angela’s mother had come to visit, happily babysitting Jack - and Leah too, when her parents dropped her off - and the older offspring of the group all had more important engagements than their parents’ lame backyard gathering.
Lucy had filled a plate for him from Bailey’s buffet, and they’d stood with Wesley, idly chatting about the increase in compensation claims for slipping on ice (why did people suddenly forget how to walk when the weather changed?). She kept stealing things from him when Wesley wasn’t looking - potato wedges, cherry tomatoes, tiny gourmet sausages - and he feigned exasperation, resting his elbow on a high table and raising the plate out of her reach. Wesley had given him a curious look, but didn’t ask any questions.
Angela and Nyla were practically high, the night of freedom from their parental responsibilities all but turning them into teenagers, starting rounds of shots with anyone who was available and wiring into Bailey’s drinks cart with willful abandon.
Grey and Luna arrived late, but brought enough sparklers and party poppers to make up for it, Luna ensuring that everyone was supplied with at least two handfuls of everything before midnight.
And when the countdown began, the little group wound its way to the back wall, Nolan’s new foliage artfully framing his small view of the city lights below them, and they listened in to the neighbour’s Spanish radio, excitedly counting off the seconds in a musical lilt.
Tim had stayed behind the others, Lucy hovering beside him with her sparkler lit, her eyes reflecting the flames like small galaxies, and he couldn’t resist the urge to wind his hand around her. She’d worn a beautiful outfit - she seemed to own nothing but beautiful outfits (or maybe it was her? Who knew. He was too far gone to tell.) - a black number with pink flowers, the flowing skirt slit on both sides, providing teasing views of her legs when she walked. He’d noticed the gap of skin at her waist before, and now he could feel it too - soft and warm and rising into goosebumps in the wake of his fingers.
She looked up at him as the last seconds ticked away, fireworks beginning to crackle to life in the sky above them, and as the countdown ended and the others cheered - each couple happily throwing themselves into a New Year’s embrace - it took everything in him not to kiss her there and then. He settled for taking her hand, raising it to his lips while she held his gaze, the fireworks lighting her face in gold and blue, her shy smile setting his heart aflutter.
Her skin was soft. So soft.
They’d been accosted by the others then, Angela merrily leading the exchange of hugs, Luna ensuring that everyone’s sparklers were sparkling and their poppers popped. Grey gave him a friendly clap on the back, his eyes darting between him and Lucy, but all he said was “Next year’s gonna be better than this, son,” before turning to hug Bailey and thank her for the party.
They’d stayed for a while afterwards, chatting and nibbling until the fireworks started to die down and Nyla and Angela began to yawn. James offered Lucy a ride, and Angela poked Wesley until he agreed to take Tim, and soon they were all packed into their separate cars and waving goodbye to Nolan and Bailey, backlit in the doorway of their home.
Lucy’s eyes caught his from the back seat of her car, one stray firework cascading in iridescent orange above her, and he tapped his fingers to his lips unconsciously. She mirrored the move, her smile stretching bright across the apples of her cheeks, and then she was gone, spirited away into the night and the new year that lay fresh and full of promise before them.
Next year's gonna be better than this year!
Next year's gonna be better than this 'cause
New Year's Eve comin' with a fresh kiss, yeah!
Next year's gonna be better than this!
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asixteenthrosecc · 2 years
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Maxis Match Clothing CC Haul [1]📃🔗
I have gathered all the links from today's video!
Time to ✨S H O P ✨ 👀⬇️
💻 watch here
- female tops
So Mean Top
PJ SET-289 Top
KNIT SET-286 Top
DEEP SET-285 Top
Chia Top
Clumsy Jacket
Short Hoodie
cassio bodysuit
Blondie Jacket
Button Sleeveless Top
Mae Knit Top
arya top
delilah corset
Jolly Sweater
Distress Tee
After Midnight Top
Sticker Jacket
Lemonade Top
Full Moon Top
Alia Knitted Sweater
Ariel Corset
Ruffle Sweater
-children tops
Graphic T-Shirt
trafalgar sweater
-toddler tops
Basic Toddler Hoodie
- female bottoms
Pants Set 01
PJ SET-289 shorts
KNIT SET-286 Pants
DEEP SET-285 Skirt
SEQUIN SET-290 Skirt
SPLIT SET-280 Legging
Tracksuit Pants
Chia Pants
Solshark Gymwear v2
Melanie skirt
spectacular pants
Denim, Part One
ASAP Shorts
- male bottoms
Bom Pom Jeans
-children bottoms
Basic Jeans Edit for Kids
High Waisted Jeans
-toddler bottoms
Toddler Boy Christmas Collection 227B
Fitted Jeans
Tot Skinny Jeans
Ribbed skirt
Eco shorts
- female full body
Kokoro Bodysuit 
bg bathrobe recolor
Goddess Gown IV
Carol Dress
Fullbody check long skirt
One Shoulder Bikini 03
Mistress Robe
Swimsuit 201906_6
Myshuno's Wardrobe - 2 Dresses
Multi Strap Lace Lingerie
spoopy suit
New Year’s Eve 2023 Dress
High off Love Swimsuit
Tilda Jumpsuit
Headline Shirt Dress
Trust Me Dress
Medusa Dress
Honeymoon Bodysuit
-children full body
festive set
-toddler full body
Logan Onesies
Oh My Goth dress
Mariella Dress
Birthday Dress
anya scarf
Stocking 4+5
Twisted Chain Earring
Tooth fairy earrings set
Selina Socks
Low French Set
Gradient Effect nails set
orthodontist headgear
uni acc. cardigan
Braid Crown Accessory
BLASPHEMY Eyebrow Stud Piercing Selection
rainbow sockies
Ball + Bow Earrings
Accessory Chain Belts
Stone Heart Stockings
Luna Earrings (all ages)
Hangin’ Toothbrush
- female
xmas boots
Party collection 04
Children’s shoes collection 02  
Children’s shoes collection 02 
Toddler critter slippers 01 
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 8.14
Anniversary Day (Tristan da Cunha)
Assumption Eve (France, Holy See)
Color Book Day
Commemoration of Wadi al-Dahab (Morocco)
Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland (Abkhazia)
Engineer’s Day (Dominican Republic)
Falklands Discovery Day
Faradda di li candareri (Descent of the Candlesticks; Sardinia)
Feast of the Tiger (Elder Scrolls)
Husbands in Love Day
International Nagging Day
Kaj Munk (Lutheranism)
La Torta dei Fieschi (Italy)
Liberty Tree Day (Massachusetts)
Military Marriage Day
National Financial Awareness Day
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
National Slap Someone in the Back of the Head Day (Garfield)
National Tattoo Removal Day
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Oued Ed-Dahab Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day (India)
Pramuka Day (Scouting Day; Indonesia)
Romance Awareness Day
St. Arnold of Soissons' Day (patron saint of brewers and hop-pickers)
Social Security Day
Sports Day (Russia)
Tristan da Cunha (Saint Helena)
V-J Day
Wiffle Ball Day
World Calligraphy Day
World Lizard Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Altbier Day
Anchor Steam Week begins [Sunday of 3rd Week]
Chock Full O’ Nuts Day
International Rosé Wine Day
National Creamsicle Day
2nd Sunday in August
Bagel Day [2nd Sunday]
Don’t Wait, Celebrate! Week begins [Sunday of 2nd Full Week]
Father’s Day (Brazil, Samoa) [2nd Sunday]
Gay Uncles Day [2nd Sunday]
Melon Day (Turkmenistan) [2nd Sunday]
Spirit of ’45 Day [2nd Sunday]
Victory Day (Rhode Island) [2nd Sunday]
V-J Day (a.k.a. Victory Day) [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Pakistan (from UK, 1947)
Feast Days
Arnold of Soissons (Christian; Saint) [brewers, hop-pickers]
Assumption Vigil (Vatican City)
Buck Dharma Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Day of Peace Between Horus and Set (Ancient Egypt)
Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Coeur (Positivist; Saint)
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church)
Maximilian Kolbe (Christian; Saint)
Ready Eddie (Muppetism)
Think About Infinity Day (Pastafarian)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [45 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 37 of 60)
Can’t Buy Me Love (Film; 1987)
Can’t Stand Losing You, by the Police (Song; 1978)
Dora the Explorer (Animated TV Series; 2000)
The Commitments (Film; 1991)
Hang On Sloopy, by The McCoys (Song; 1965)
The Kill Order, by James Dashner (Novel; 2012) [Maze Runner #4]
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Film; 2015)
Ponyo (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2009)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
So It Goes, by Nick Lowe (Song; 1976)
Ted Lasso (TV Series; 2020)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Film; 2009)
The Way of the Dragon (Film; 1972)
Who’s Next, by The Who (Album; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Maximilian (Austria)
Alfred, Euzebije, Maksimilijan (Croatia)
Alan (Czech Republic)
Eusebius (Denmark)
Gisella, Svea (Estonia)
Kanerva, Onerva (Finland)
Évrard (France)
Maximilian, Meinhard (Germany)
Marcell (Hungary)
Alfredo (Italy)
Virma, Zelma, Zemgus (Latvia)
Euzebijus, Grintautas, Guostė (Lithuania)
Hallgeir, Hallgjerd (Norway)
Alfred, Atanazja, Dobrowój, Euzebiusz, Kalikst, Kaliksta, Machabeusz (Poland)
Mojmír (Slovakia)
Maximiliano (Spain)
Uno (Sweden)
Anahi, Athena, Tamara, Tamia, Tammie, Tammy, Tara, Taryn, Terra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 226 of 2022; 139 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 32 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 17 (Ji-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 17 Av 5782
Islamic: 16 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 16 Hasa; Oneday [16 of 30]
Julian: 1 August 2022
Moon: 90% Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 2 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jacques Coeur]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 55 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 23 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (a.k.a. Sextilis or Augustus; Julian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 8.14
Anniversary Day (Tristan da Cunha)
Assumption Eve (France, Holy See)
Color Book Day
Commemoration of Wadi al-Dahab (Morocco)
Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland (Abkhazia)
Engineer’s Day (Dominican Republic)
Falklands Discovery Day
Faradda di li candareri (Descent of the Candlesticks; Sardinia)
Feast of the Tiger (Elder Scrolls)
Husbands in Love Day
International Nagging Day
Kaj Munk (Lutheranism)
La Torta dei Fieschi (Italy)
Liberty Tree Day (Massachusetts)
Military Marriage Day
National Financial Awareness Day
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
National Slap Someone in the Back of the Head Day (Garfield)
National Tattoo Removal Day
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Oued Ed-Dahab Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day (India)
Pramuka Day (Scouting Day; Indonesia)
Romance Awareness Day
St. Arnold of Soissons' Day (patron saint of brewers and hop-pickers)
Social Security Day
Sports Day (Russia)
Tristan da Cunha (Saint Helena)
V-J Day
Wiffle Ball Day
World Calligraphy Day
World Lizard Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Altbier Day
Anchor Steam Week begins [Sunday of 3rd Week]
Chock Full O’ Nuts Day
International Rosé Wine Day
National Creamsicle Day
2nd Sunday in August
Bagel Day [2nd Sunday]
Don’t Wait, Celebrate! Week begins [Sunday of 2nd Full Week]
Father’s Day (Brazil, Samoa) [2nd Sunday]
Gay Uncles Day [2nd Sunday]
Melon Day (Turkmenistan) [2nd Sunday]
Spirit of ’45 Day [2nd Sunday]
Victory Day (Rhode Island) [2nd Sunday]
V-J Day (a.k.a. Victory Day) [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Pakistan (from UK, 1947)
Feast Days
Arnold of Soissons (Christian; Saint) [brewers, hop-pickers]
Assumption Vigil (Vatican City)
Buck Dharma Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Day of Peace Between Horus and Set (Ancient Egypt)
Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Coeur (Positivist; Saint)
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church)
Maximilian Kolbe (Christian; Saint)
Ready Eddie (Muppetism)
Think About Infinity Day (Pastafarian)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [45 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 37 of 60)
Can’t Buy Me Love (Film; 1987)
Can’t Stand Losing You, by the Police (Song; 1978)
Dora the Explorer (Animated TV Series; 2000)
The Commitments (Film; 1991)
Hang On Sloopy, by The McCoys (Song; 1965)
The Kill Order, by James Dashner (Novel; 2012) [Maze Runner #4]
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Film; 2015)
Ponyo (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2009)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
So It Goes, by Nick Lowe (Song; 1976)
Ted Lasso (TV Series; 2020)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Film; 2009)
The Way of the Dragon (Film; 1972)
Who’s Next, by The Who (Album; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Maximilian (Austria)
Alfred, Euzebije, Maksimilijan (Croatia)
Alan (Czech Republic)
Eusebius (Denmark)
Gisella, Svea (Estonia)
Kanerva, Onerva (Finland)
Évrard (France)
Maximilian, Meinhard (Germany)
Marcell (Hungary)
Alfredo (Italy)
Virma, Zelma, Zemgus (Latvia)
Euzebijus, Grintautas, Guostė (Lithuania)
Hallgeir, Hallgjerd (Norway)
Alfred, Atanazja, Dobrowój, Euzebiusz, Kalikst, Kaliksta, Machabeusz (Poland)
Mojmír (Slovakia)
Maximiliano (Spain)
Uno (Sweden)
Anahi, Athena, Tamara, Tamia, Tammie, Tammy, Tara, Taryn, Terra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 226 of 2022; 139 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 32 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 17 (Ji-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 17 Av 5782
Islamic: 16 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 16 Hasa; Oneday [16 of 30]
Julian: 1 August 2022
Moon: 90% Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 2 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jacques Coeur]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 55 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 23 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (a.k.a. Sextilis or Augustus; Julian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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ovc-bulletin · 4 years
Members of OVC’s Community celebrate Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year is called many different names in different places, but this celebration is observed all over the world. The most important holiday in the Chinese calendar, Lunar New Year begins on February 12 this year. Zhenzhen Liu, OVC 2023, shares information about the history and celebration of this festival. OVC wishes our community a Happy Lunar New Year as we celebrate our diversity, our peers and cultures who contribute richly to our community.
What is Lunar New Year?
Lunar New Year is called many different names in different places (Chinese Chunjie/Spring Festival/春节; Vietnamese Tet, Korean Solnal, Tibetan Losar, etc.) It was typically celebrated in China and other Asian countries, but nowadays, the celebration can be observed all over the world.
As the most important holiday in China, the festival begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, which is 15 days later. The dates of the festival vary slightly from year to year, but typically fall in January and February according to the Western calendar.
In China, the Western calendar is used for everyday life, but the lunar calendar still determines most of the traditional holidays.
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What is the origin of the Lunar New Year Festival?
The origins of the Lunar New Year Festival are thousands of years old and are stepped in legends. One legend is that of Nian(年), a hideous beast believed to feast on human flesh on New Year’s Day. Because Nian feared the colour red, loud noises, and fire, red paper decorations were pasted to doors, lanterns were burned all night, and firecrackers were lit to frighten the beast away.
Nowadays, many of the traditions are still followed, but they are now more of a fun way to celebrate the new year with families and loved ones.
How is Lunar New Year Celebrated?
The 15 days of the Lunar New Year are reserved for family celebrations. Families usually gather to cook and eat together. Traditional dishes such as dumplings(Jiaozi/饺子)and sticky rice balls (Yuanxiao/元宵)which resemble family reunion, are usually served along with other tasty dishes.
On New Year’s Eve, the elderly in the family will also hand out red envelopes  (Hongbao/红包)containing small amounts of money to children as a symbol of good wishes.
Many families also take the opportunity to honour the departed.
Besides family celebrations, people also take part in many festive activities in the community, such as lighting fireworks and lanterns, watching dragon and lion dance performances, and visiting the busy local temple fairs with families.
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What is the story behind the Chinese Zodiac?
Lunar New Year also marks the beginning of a new Zodiac of the year! The year 2021 is the Year of Ox (Niu/牛).
There is an interesting legend called the great race about the origin of the Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor wanted to select 12 animals to be his palace guards. The ox was almost the first one to cross the finish line, but unexpected to everyone, the smart Rat hid on the Ox’s back and occupied first place at the deciding moment. The Tiger was crowned as the King of the Forest while the Dragon was titled the Lord of the Sea, and they ranked behind the Ox. The Rabbit won a race with the Dragon and gained fourth place. The Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster followed. The Dog was fast but spent too much time taking a bath in the river on the way, so it only took eleventh place. The pig was the last because it stopped to gobble up some food and inevitably took a long nap.
Illustrations by Xin Yu (Shirley) Wei Chen and Andrea Jia, OVC Class of 2023.
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iandores · 1 year
closed starter for: @megarx​ location: full moon ball
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ian was on the hunt for something to eat when he spotted meg lingering by an otherwise empty table, drink in hand. his brain automatically recognized the situation as a potential quiet pocket in such a large and boisterous room, leading him to weave his way through the crowd to reach her.
“ how do you feel about some company ? ” he asked with a small smile as pulled out a chair, sighing a little as he sat down. there were times when events like this were a little overwhelming for ian, but there was something about sitting at a quiet table in an otherwise busy environment that made him feel separate enough from the festivities to calm down. he’d have to thank her (or apologize - god, was he intruding ?) for the opportunity. “ i, uh -  just need a minute ... do you know where they’re serving food ? ”
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