pen-of-roses · 1 year
Whispers of the Grey (WIP sorta Re-Intro?)
The Grey are a bedtime story, a warning meant to scare reckless Casters who don't want to learn control over their power. If there were real cases, they were few and far between, meant to be swept away quickly. They weren't supposed to be real.
And Evashen wasn't meant to be remembered. Or found.
The Blytridj siblings are the darlings and terrors of The Wyvern Coven of Korryn, a prestigious research collective of Casters. Najdinel "Din" is a dedicated researcher, and her sibling Oren is a promising healer-in-training, both of which causes most to look the other way in regards to their mysterious history and perhaps less than legal means of getting by outside the spyre's walls.
It starts as a simple expedition to a crack in Korryn that reveals a seemingly unknown Shard with ruins that connect it to their deities. Then they trigger an old curse. Reports say that only a handful survived, with the rest presumed dead. And among the fallen is Din. But the curse isn't finished, as Casters start to lose control and the very Shard of Korryn itself begins to break apart, with creatures out of horror stories spilling out of the cracks.
And Oren starts to have visions of their sister still alive, and an ancient land and it's forgotten last leader.
Armed with these foreign memories, an heirloom of the Coven dating back to it's founding, and a companion claiming to be sent by the Veyrit themselves, they set out to save their sister, and their home if possible. But bringing light to the darkened history of Korryn and the Veyrit ruled kingdom before it might prove far worse than any realized.
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Oren Blytridj: The healer turned knight.
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Najdinel Blytridj: The researcher lost in the ruins of history.
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Safirel: The last Prophet of Evashen.
Tag List: @concealeddarkness13
Let me know if you want to be added (but know I'm sometimes bad at using it)
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
If you're doing this, happy world-building Wednesday! Across your world-building what trends would you say your worlds have? On the flip side, what worlds of yours would you consider almost "complete opposites" if any?
So all my wips are technically in the same world, but different parts of the world play by very different rules do to how the world as a whole functions.
That said, trends are definitely that magic has consequences, language and it's meaning are very important to the people whether spoken, written, or other, and the concept of life and death are very interconnected and inseparable. (my life/death deities tend to be the same person)
As for complete opposites, Dusken and Faedaal (and Glassfeld) are rather opposites because of their aesthetics and inhabitants, with Dusken being the catch all of Esharial, hosting people from across the shards and being almost entirely rather bright and loud city in a shard of almost eternal rain and storm and more technology than pure magic focused, whereas the other two are fae shards of beautiful if mostly empty scenery, with tight packed communities scattered throughout of almost exclusively fae.
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pen-of-roses · 5 months
Tagging: @concealeddarkness13 @maple-writes @mrs-mikko-rantanen because y’all follow my stuff the closest (even though i haven’t talked much about stuff lately)
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pen-of-roses · 11 months
A statue towered over the people who passed by it with little care, as though it was the most normal thing to them. Judging by the moss and wear on it, it probably was. How many years had passed since its construction? Carefully carved in marble, a figure stood proudly with a shield in one hand, and a sword raised in the other, pointing out to the horizon. The Order’s uniform intricately worked to near perfection from this angle. Their hair spilled in a braid down their back. And the face… The weight of non-existent eyes had them tug their hood down further. Their armor seemed to shine brighter in the sunlight where it escaped their heavy cloak than it had when they entered. Every instinct screamed to flee back to the shadows they now belonged to. They didn’t need to be able to read the plaque to know what it would say. The Last Knight of Evashen.  The great, nay mythic hero, felled during the last stand of the kingdom, defending the legendary Prophet. Their eyes traced the golden veins of the marble and something dark churned in their stomach. Burning heat crawled under the skin of their arm and up to their heart. It took everything in them to keep their hand still at their side and not chase after it to soothe the feeling away. They swallowed the stone in their throat, tore their eyes away, and slipped into the crowd. It was time to find transport out of here. They couldn’t stay now, not with those blank eyes watching them anywhere in the town. Those eyes judging and condemning them for standing there, for daring to be alive, and for failing.
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pen-of-roses · 6 months
I should name this wip shouldn't I
Like I can keep using Fairytale WIP, or Evashen WIP, or Veyrit WIP
But. I feel like I should have a better name even for a placeholder
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
My name is Rowyn, and I was a knight of the Veyrit Order of Evashen...
I am Leyna VII, the last Prophet of a long fallen kingdom...
It's Damen Rinbeyn, the best dragonrider this side of Wyvwelen...
Oliver Rook at your service, explorer, thief, guide, whatever suits your fancy...
Just Serah works, Reide if you must know, and I'm a healer from the Coven...
I guess you can call me Silver, and....I have no idea who I am.
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
Happy WBW! How are people in your world named? Do they have a milk name vs a child's name? Do their name change with feat(s) or rites of passage? How would they earn a title or nickname? - @duskforged
So this isn't for fairytale wip and the Evashen Shard, because that's pretty basic naming like we're used to except the last names. (and I have more world development to do around titles and rites of passage and stuff there)
But for another shard in Esharial with a very undeveloped wip idea, where child is given a short, three letter name that's basically a hope (or forced characteristic) the parents have for what that child will be like with the.
(The wip focuses around Malithra and her sister Ilmaryne, and 'Mal' means strong and Ilm means hope/dawn)
Then, when they reach adulthood, they choose the last half of their name based off what they want to be themselves, and these can be characteristics or like. things like animals or natural phenomena that symbolize those to them.
(-ithra means a plant that is commonly associated with healing in the shard but can also be used as a poison if improperly prepared, (Malithra made potions for her city that was accepted as being a place for healing, but she also sold to a shadier group, as well as having had to do unsavory things to protect herself and her family). -aryne means something close to shadow, and Ilm chose that for herself at the same time she decided she was an adult, which was two seconds before stealing a very powerful artifact from very powerful people and forcing both sisters on the run)
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pen-of-roses · 6 months
For any oc you'd like!
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Thanks for the ask, let's answer for Din! mostly because she's my current brainrot
🍅: In universe she's rather severely disliked, as people think she's a failure dooming her home through no fault of her own, the god-like beings just kinda suck and she's taking the fall for it without even getting a reason why. She also has to maintain a rather stoic and unshakable face in public, maintaining a distant air that makes it seem like she doesn't care about anyone else, when she's actually breaking under the pressure.
🧅: Throwing her failures in her face. She won't cry in front of everyone, but when she thinks she's alone, she let's it all out. Din believes that no one knows, but her closest friend, the person who raised her, and the acting ruler all know.
🍍: Even in a modern au i don't think Din would have been allowed to have pizza to form an opinion, but given my current Evashen worldbuilding has them relying on fruit as a main staple, she's probably fine with it
🥑: That she is a healer first and chosen second, and that it is the duty of her order to help heal people even if it puts all of them in danger. She believes there's no point in them being in charge or even existing if they won't.
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
Happy WBW! What parts of worldbuilding do you usually start with in a culture? Do you enjoy it? - @duskforged
Oooh hmm
I think it honestly depends on my wip? Because for the fairytale wip I started with the religion which lead to language because the religion plays such a huge part of both the wip itself and the culture of Evashen.
For the Abyssal Damned wip, which I haven't done much with yet at all, I started with the naming scheme and how that relates to stages of their life and it bled into what the culture sees as good because Ilmaryne revealing her full name is one of the first interactions we see between the sisters.
With my Oliver Rook wip, I haven't really started much on the culture outside of the importance of magic to the people of Korryn for....very specific plot reasons related to Oliver and because a Coven of Casters (the magic users) is one of the main...conflicts.
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
Evashen is devoid of bird, but Korryn, Oliver and Evander’s home, it entirely bird
*~*sky islands*~*
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
happy wbw! what's the food like in your story?
Hi! So I don't have concrete ideas of the foods in my world yet. That said, in Evashen where fairytale wip takes place, I know that they have a lot of access to more tropical fish and fruit/plants with limited meat options (as the wildlife is mostly draconic in nature), with exotic meats and foods from other shards being rather pricey luxuries
In another wip (that i haven't talked much about but am getting rather attached to), set in the frozen shard of Glassfeld, their diets are mainly meats of the animals able to survive the climate with them, as well as the few hardy plants
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pen-of-roses · 4 years
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Rowan: rowan tree; courageous, bravery
As a knight, Rowan was a very brave, slightly reckless individual, always throwing themselves into danger to protect others. The first to fight, the one to win, never backing down from a challenge no matter how seemingly insane, always wearing a seemingly unbreakable mask, but with a big heart.
That person died.
That person failed.
And they have no idea why they woke up.
Or who’s calling them.
Now, with only a flickering memory of who they were, their sense of duty, their guilt, and their old determination and bravery drives them forward, into old habits and roles. Overshadowing them and tinged with fear. And doubt.
All they want now is peace and time to see the beauty in the world and the ability to grow old.
This new world wants the hero they were in the old one. But they died. And how could they possibly live up to a hero of legend after everything that’s happened?
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
Dris, Rin, and Naj are the original Veyrit of Evashen and are generally considered by the populace of Evashen to be the creators of all of Esharial.
Dris is the Veyrit of nature, earth, life, and death. (though life is later attributed to another. Gardens and graveyards are her domain.
Rin is the Veyrit of fire, change, knowledge, and passion. Schools and hearths are her domain. 
Naj is the Veyrit of storms, magic, water, and exploration. Ships and magic circles are her domain.
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pen-of-roses · 3 years
Kingdom of Ash and Gold
What brings you to this door
Wretched place of bitter cold?
Nothing’s left out there of
The Kingdom of Light and Gold.
Your yearning for something
Lead to histories untold
Of magic and legends,
Of a madness uncontrolled.
There’s nothing left to see,
But the ruin he foretold.
No knights or demons left,
No Kingdom but Death and Gold.
Rest a moment here now,
Very far have you strolled.
But you won’t be sated,
Not until the story’s told.
There’s nothing to offer,
Just a tale from time now old.
You seek this legend of
A Kingdom of Blood and Gold.
It started long ago,
Not in the Palace of Gold.
But with a young boy and
Horrors only he’d behold.
They called him a prophet,
His words the truth they’d uphold.
Brought him to the palace,
In a Kingdom Grand and Gold.
And few know what happened,
Of events that’d soon unfold,
The foreseen hero fled,
Evashen fallen and cold.
Nothing left but ruin,
And creatures of ash and gold,
Crowned their prophet King of
The Kingdom of Ash and Gold.
Tagging: @concealeddarkness13 (I figured you’d want to see the first official poem for this) 
Let me know if you want to be added to the list for the Evashen Compendium previously Fairtytale WIP!​
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
star gazing?
Thanks for the prompt! (under the cut)
Night in Moorfyren was a quiet affair, with most people shutting themselves and their families inside as soon as the sun hit the horizon. And few dared stay out during arleyrail. And fewer still when only the stars and distant shine of Leyra lit the world. 
And by fewer, it was really only her, alone on the roof. 
Oorel would likely be out to chase her back inside as well, soon as he realized she wasn’t yet in bed. 
For now though, she had this moment. 
She laid with one arm under her head, and the other tracing the patterns of the constellations that were visible. Tonight, Naj’s star was almost directly overhead, meaning the Great Wyrm was the prominent feature, watching over them through the brightest star. If some were to be believed, it meant change was on the horizon. After all, the Wyrm it was named after had first been seen during the Shattering, and again during the founding of the kingdom. Had it been seen 100 years ago as well? Would they see it when— 
“Damen? Damen, are you out here?” Heysha called from the window. 
“Not so loud, Oorel will hear you.” Her voice startled her, not expecting her to actually be above her on the roof. 
“What are you doing out there?” 
“Star gazing.” 
Even in the dark, she could make out the scrunched up face. “Why though? Isn’t it dangerous?” 
She snorted. “Hardly, nothing ever comes this close at night anyway. Besides, how can you study the stars if you can’t actually see them?” 
Heysha hesitated for a moment at that, clearly not having any answer. “You could...see them from the window?” 
“Oh just get out here.” She offered a hand to help pull her up, and after only another moment’s hesitation, she took it. That settled, she laid back down and Heysha followed, watching her carefully to mimic the exact position. “Oh for the love of the vey, look at the sky not at me. What do you see?” 
She rolled her eyes, though the other likely didn’t even see it. “What do you see in the stars?” 
“Uhhh...I think I see....” 
With a sigh, she moved until they were laying side by side and guided her arm until she was pointing at Naj’s Star. “That is the eye of the Great Wyrm.” She moved her hand to trace it. “Named after the Wyrm that birthed the Veyrit. And the one below it is Ajarel, the weaver of stories.” 
“How is that a person?” 
“The same way a star is an eye, you have to believe you can see it, so you do.” 
Her face scrunched again, likely to call it stupid as she had in the past, but wisely chose to keep her mouth shut instead. Instead, she pointed towards the gap in the blanket of stars. “Let me guess, that’s the great hole?” 
“No, of course not.” 
“That’s where the Hero of Evashen will go after they end the War.” 
“Now that’s stupid.” 
She shoved her, which only earned a laugh, loud in the otherwise quiet night. 
“Heysha? Where in the abyss did you—Damen!” Oorel’s head appeared out the window and they both froze. “What are you doing? Did you drag her into this now as well? Isn’t it bad enough you endanger yourself, now you have to...” 
His usual rant faded into white noise as she let her head fall back against the roof. 
Maybe she could disappear into the stars one day, and then what would he say? 
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pen-of-roses · 3 years
With a cloak of forest green,
Do you know what they all say?
Blade stained gold and shadowed beast,
A wanderer roams this way.
With face young but eyes so old,
No one does know who they are.
They give no name or home place,
Only that they’ve travelled far.
From forest they do arrive,
And to forest disappear.
They won’t linger very long,
Something follows that they fear.
With their eyes of brown and green,
Do you fear what they all say?
Leaves strewn all through brown curled hair,
A wanderer roams this way.
There’s whispers of a lost knight,
The people they do defend.
A legend long forgotten,
But what warnings do they send?
If they wander all this way,
Creatures aren’t far behind.
Our hero they could be,
Or of Fate’s dreaded designed
With a broken and scarred heart,
We hope that they never say,
What all those eyes must have seen,
A wanderer roams this way.
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