#evelyn hayden: mcu oc
cotton-candy-haze · 1 year
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Valentine’s OC Challenge ~ Day One: All The Love (7th)
Ikaris and Apollina: Eros
Eva and Dean: Storge
Merlin and Eilwen: Philia
Jamie and Ximena: Ludus
Druig and Artemas: Agape
Alana and Neal: Pragma
Evelyn, Eve: Philautia
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
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OC Halloween Challenge 2022 ~ Day Twenty Three: Choose Your Own Path - October 23rd
Tired of playing as the hero every time? Why don’t you select Evelyn Hayden and play as the villain for a change? Explore the world as the villainous Mamba and see what sort of trouble you can get yourself into.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
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OC Halloween Challenge 2022 ~ Day Thirteen: The Killer - October 13th
Starring Evelyn...
“It’s all about presentation, darling. It’s no fun ruining people’s lives if you don’t look amazing doing it.”
“Get the fuck out of my way, you useless little creature. I will kill you!”
...The Killer
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
Okay, ik this is super random, but I'm in love with the Hayden sisters (especially Evelyn, she's such an interesting OC- I love her powers so much), and was wondering if you could talk about what their relationship was like before they were shipped off to be experimented?
Ooo, thanks for the ask! I love rambling about these two! Also, I’m so glad you like Evelyn’s powers because they were so fun to come up with!
(I'm also gonna cheat and briefly mention their multiverse counterparts because I've been figuring out where Evelyn fits in and talking it out helps lol)
Abby and Evelyn had a really close relationship when they were younger and their parents were still alive. They did everything together and, as annoying as Abby would sometimes get, Evelyn didn’t have it in her to say no to her baby sister. Even though they weren’t that far apart in age, Abby still looked up to her sister and thought she was the coolest person in the world. Their close relationship didn’t change after their parents died. If anything, they grew closer once they were put into the custody of their uncle. He didn’t really take care of them, so Evelyn took it upon herself to be the responsible one. When Evelyn was finally taken away, Abby cried for several weeks straight until her uncle managed to shut her up. Evelyn also cried when she was taken from her sister, but tears aren’t accepted kindly in a HYDRA laboratory. Abby would draw things for her sister after Evelyn was sent away in the hopes that she might see her again, but the two never reunited and all of Abby’s things were left behind when her uncle took her away to Germany.
As for the other versions of Abby, Abigail from the Original Trilogy was really close to her sister Eveline (who went by Evie). They were best friends from the moment they could talk and Evie was always a role model that Abigail felt like she could look up to. Her older sister was studying criminology and forensics and, although Abigail was never interested in the legal aspects, she found herself extremely interested in the science side of things. She would often borrow her sister’s textbooks to try and get a closer look into what her sister was studying. When Evie died in the car crash that killed their parents, Abigail was distraught, but decided that she was going to become a scientist to honor her sister’s memory and all the time they spent pouring over textbooks together.
In TASM, AJ had no relationship with her half-sister Eve because they never met and neither of them knew the other existed. They had similar lives, with AJ growing up as a neglected foster child and Eve being raised by an absent single mother, but their paths never really crossed when they were younger. Eve eventually goes to Oscorp when the company offers some quick cash to willing volunteers in their cross-species genetic trials. These trials give her abilities and mess with her mind, which sends her on a more villainous path. Although her and AJ’s paths didn’t cross before, it’s highly likely that they will cross someday soon.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
📸 for Evelyn??
I absolutely love the idea of Evelyn, evil as she is, just having a totally mundane camera roll. Because it's probably true - she's still a young woman at the end of the day.
Okay, maybe not totally mundane. She does still have a black mamba for a pet. And also stalks her sister... Yeah, ignore what I said about it being mundane actually lol.
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First we have a picture of Evelyn's beloved Keres. She's a black mamba that Evelyn fully stole from a snake conservatory. She has not had her venom removed, Keres is completely deadly, but Evelyn loves this little snake to death. Evelyn is immune to all natural poisons and venoms anyway, so it doesn't bother her.
The next picture is just a selfie that Evelyn took. There's honestly not much backstory to this. She's just a normal young adult that likes taking pictures of herself sometimes. She has a friend group to make her cover story more believable and one of those friends bought her that beanie. She probably sent them this to show them that she liked the hat.
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cotton-candy-haze · 3 years
Okay, not much is up for her but 🔀 for Hazel Conner.
https://pin.it/6vP6BnB - her Pinterest board.
She used to be a british con artist, is into history and is still very soft and gentle whole still being badass. She retires early and occasionally is a consultant for the White Collar division for her ‘history degree’ and knowledge.
(i’m trying to give her a new job that is Peter’s excuse for bringing her in but idk)
Okay, so I haven't actually fleshed out Eliana Bennett yet but I feel like they would totally get along. They're both badass female criminals, so I there would definitely be a feeling of respect, at least from Eliana's side. Eliana is Neal's half sister, but they don't actually meet until much later in their lives, so I feel like she would almost get to know Hazel before then. Just from existing in similar circles and potentially having jobs overlap.
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For OCs from other fandoms, I feel like Evelyn would work with her in a world where they're closer in age and Evelyn is more criminal and less supervillain. Because Evelyn is definitely a fan of conning people to get her way. If she wasn't evil, they could even share tips and tricks.
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cotton-candy-haze · 3 years
fuck it, 🔀 for Athena Sparrow
Ooo, okay!
Firstly, her backstory gives me very much Evelyn vibes for some reason. Evelyn wasn't actually born a Mutant, but she got strange powers that she hated after being experimented on. I feel like there are some similarities there, between getting kicked out for being a Mutant and being experimented on once powers are granted. I don't know, I feel like there would be some common ground there for them. Evelyn is technically a villain, but she's not really evil to every single person she meets. I feel like she would respect Athena if she ran into her on the street. Evelyn was also born in 1934, so they would have been similar-ish ages before the whole HYDRA thing.
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Hmm... Okay, so for an out of fandom OC I feel like maybe Mollie Fitzpatrick. Athena's parents kicked her out for being a Mutant, Mollie's parents hated her for having powers (they didn't kick her out technically, but they also didn't make her feel very welcomed), so I feel like there's some bonding potential there. Maybe if just to complain about their parents lol.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
OC ASKS: For your Marvel OCs - 🌙 MOON (what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? )
I honestly don't have enough words to express my gratitude to you for all the love you've shown to my OCs. I appreciate you so much! 💕
Abigail Rogers has sort of already gotten her greatest wish and she didn't even have to do much to achieve it. Her greatest wish was always to have a family where she felt safe and loved. Her uncle was horrible, her days with HYDRA were cold and unforgiving, and then she was treated like an enemy at SHIELD, so her dream has always been to escape it all. And then Steve showed up and showed her the care and compassion that she's lacked her entire life. She has a father now and, even though it's small, she's achieved the family she's always wanted.
Evelyn Hayden's greatest wish is to get revenge on those that wronged her. In her mind, the fault falls on Abby's shoulders. She would do anything to get back at her sister because she believes that she's ruined her life. She will lie and steal to get her way, especially if it means furthering her plans. She's ruthless and isn't afraid to hurt other people to get to Abby. Evelyn is especially prepared to hurt Abby's loved ones to get to her. Her wish for revenge isn't just to punish Abby, but to ruin every single aspect of her life.
Beatrice Velasquez's greatest wish would be to get her family back, but there's nothing she can do about that. She knows it's an unrealistic wish and I think, even in a hypothetical situation, she would be wary to change her life. Despite missing them, she's happy with how her life's turned out. For a less impossible wish, her greatest wish is to seek out justice. She wants to help those that need help and she's willing to go to great lengths to achieve that. Her choice to become a vigilante and go out to help people as Vertigo is proof of that.
Leah O’Conner's greatest wish is another tricky one because there really isn't much she can do about it. When she was younger, her greatest wish was to be able to see, but there really wasn't anything to be done about that. She would have done anything, paid any amount to get her wish, but medically there was nothing to be done and, as an orphan, it wasn't like she could pay anyway. Then when she gets a little older, her wish is to be independent and make her own decisions. She does everything she can to achieve this. She runs away from the orphanage, from foster homes, from group homes. She hides when they try to find her, she does everything she can, but in the end it's very difficult.
Artemas's greatest wish is just to live a life of her choosing, to be free from conflict or the command of others. Ideally, she would wish to live this life alongside her lover, but sometimes things don't workout and she lives alone for a period of time. She goes to great lengths to achieve her wish. She steps away from the only family she's known, cuts ties with them and goes out on her own. She risks losing the one she loves, losing his trust, to live the life that she wants. She won't hurt other people or ruin someone else's life for her own, but sometimes she seems far too unafraid to damage relationships.
Apollina loves the spotlight, so her greatest wish is simply to be important. She wants to be talked about for millennia, for her name to go on plaques and signs. She wants her talents to be appreciated, but she cares more about being the best than really showing off her skills. She's an overachiever and she'll put all her efforts into achieving this wish. She will push others behind her so that she can step forward. She has no qualms about tripping someone else up or stepping on someone's toes if it means she will come out on top.
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cotton-candy-haze · 3 years
OC Negative Traits Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @deliahscrush2003​!
I have a lot of OCs, so I’m just going to do one right now. If you want to see me do this with other characters, just send me an ask and I’d be more than happy to!
Rules: [ bold what always ] or [ italicize sometimes ]
I’m also adding [ strikethrough for never applies ].
No pressure tags: @come-along-pond​ @witchofinterest​ @eddysocs​
Evelyn Hayden
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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cotton-candy-haze · 3 years
🧥 Alexandra Thorne
😤 Abigail Rogers
👚Evelyn Hayden
Thank you so much for the ask!
🧥 If someone your OC cared about was found wearing their favorite jacket whilst asleep, how would your OC react? Would they find the scene adorable/cute? Would they feel annoyed that their s/o is wearing their clothes?
Ah, this is a bit of a tricky question due to Alex's complicated relationship with Jakob (her love interest/another of my OCs). She refuses to admit they have feelings for each other and they've never made anything official or even really discussed it with one another. They both claim they're just friends, although that's more on Alex's part. She would be hesitant to call Jakob someone she cared about, probably for fear that speaking those words into existence will cause something terrible to happen.
But, for the purposes of this ask, I am going to use Jakob as an example to answer the question. Jakob and Alex have similar styles (they're both particularly fond of leather jackets) so people probably wouldn't bat an eye if they saw Jakob asleep in one of Alex's jackets. They probably wouldn't even realize that it was hers, to be honest, but Alex would definitely recognize it. She would pretend to be annoyed and would grumble about it when he woke up, but she would secretly like it.
She would probably feel special that he liked the jacket (and her, by extension) enough to not only wear it but fall asleep in it. She would definitely take several pictures of him and, if anyone ever asked, she would claim it was blackmail, but she definitely just wanted those pictures for herself. And, if she set one of those pictures as her lock screen, he would be none the wiser.
😤 Does your OC get jealous easily? If someone they cared about was spending more time with someone else than with them, how would your OC react? Would they blow it all of proportion? Would they talk to their friend? Or would they just not care?
A thousand times yes. Abby gets jealous so easily, even though she will never actually voice her frustrations. She would probably feel really bad if she realized that a somebody she cared about had started spending more time with another individual, and she would probably notice right away. She is very observant when it comes to minor changes in a relationship like that. As for blowing it out of proportion, absolutely. But only in her mind.
She would definitely make the situation out to be worse than it actually is, but she would never bring it up with anybody. Her jealousy presents not in anger but in sadness, maybe disappointment. Depending on how much she over-exaggerates the situation, she would probably feel as though she did something wrong. She would be upset and convinced that she was going to lose that friendship if she didn't do anything. That would probably lead to her being overly nice to them in an attempt to "win them back."
👚 How would your OC react if they accidentally walked in on their s/o changing? Would they just stare at them before calmly closing the door? Would become embarrassed, and swiftly close the door, trying to calm themselves? Or would they make some flirtatious remark, and then leave, laughing to themselves?
I think this would definitely depend on the situation and how Evelyn was feeling. If she was in a hurry, she would probably shout at them to hurry up and then slam the door, probably muttering something about annoying people. It would be nothing more than a delay to her, especially if this was a room sharing situation and she was waiting for them to clear out so she could get ready.
If she had nowhere to be and felt particularly positive on that day, she would definitely flirt with them a bit. She would probably stick around to watch for a second before leaving. If they seemed receptive, she might even stay and continue her attempts to fluster them. She may be slightly evil, but that doesn't stop her from being a flirt.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
OC ASK: If you can pick Seven OCs who most embody the Seven Deadly Sins, who would you pick?
Ooo, I love this question!
Apollina as Pride
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Apollina is no stranger to boasting about her accomplishments to make herself look good. Being the center of attention comes naturally to her and she isn’t afraid of stepping on other people and pushing them away if it means shining a spotlight on herself.
Eliana Bennett as Greed
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Eliana makes a living conning people out of their valuable possessions and breaking into museums to steal all the shiny things and pretty paintings that catch her attention. She is driven by her desire to get ahold of all these things, whether she thinks she deserves them or not.
Evelyn Hayden as Lust
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Evelyn isn't really one for building relationships with people, but that doesn't mean she's against having some fun with them. Sometimes sleeping with people is just something she wants to do and sometimes it's just a way for her to get them to do what she wants.
Mollie Fitzpatrick as Envy
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Mollie didn’t have a happy childhood, so she grew up wanting what everyone else around her had. She tries to fight her jealousy, but she can’t help but get upset when she sees others doing what she wished she could do. Her art is an extension of this, putting her desires into the visible plain.
Jakob Burnouf as Gluttony
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Jakob has lived a life of hunger and struggle, so it's unsurprising that he has a tendency to overindulge when he finally gains what he's lacked for so long. He overindulges in food, possessions, and the company of others. Sometimes this overindulgence makes him clingy and scares people away.
Beatrice Velasquez as Wrath
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Bea is fueled by anger at her circumstances, at the world, at all the things outside of her control. She even struggles with self-hatred on a daily basis because of the contradictions of her own existence. Her temper burns bright and she struggles not to lash out on her bad days.
Elliot Ronan as Sloth
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Elliot is very tired of living in the middle of a war and in a family that has such a long history of doing evil. In his fear of becoming like his family and in his exhaustion of always having to do what's right, sometimes he decides to do nothing at all.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
HAPPY HOLIDAYS ASK: Which of your OCs are you most alike? Which of your OCs are you most different from? Which of your OCs do you wish you could be more like?
I already talked about one OC that I think is pretty similar to me here. But I'd love to talk about a few others just for fun! So, I already mentioned Addie who is similar to me in personality and interests (she's also half French just like I am), but let's look at some others.
Penelope Sheppard is probably pretty similar to me. We both love to write and want to publish our own stories. She's also pretty soft-spoken and tries to avoid conflict, which is pretty similar to my own personality. She's also super bad at telling people how she feels, which is a total callout, but also me lol.
Elena Hargreeves is also pretty similar. She's shy, awkward in social situations, tends to keep to herself, which is probably a fairly accurate description of myself lol. She's also Hispanic like I am, although she's originally from Mexico, whereas I'm half Colombian. So not exactly the same, but still some similarities.
As for OCs that I’m the most different from, I would probably have to say Evelyn Hayden because I don’t hunt people down for fun lol. No, but in all seriousness, Evelyn is extremely charismatic and can very easily put on a persona around different people to get what she wants. She’s a slick talker, it’s very easy for her to convince people to like her. She’s honestly the complete opposite of myself lol.
Beatrice Velasquez is also super different from me. She’s calm and collected, super sophisticated when she needs to be. She knows how to collect herself, how to be the person that she needs to be in any given situation. She’s extremely patient, which is something that I don’t think anybody would ever call me lol. She is essentially everything that I’m not. She’s outgoing, unafraid, and decisive in every aspect of her life.
Given what I’ve said, I think that it would probably nice to be a bit more like Bea. There are a lot of aspects of her life that I don’t envy at all (because I love giving my characters all the angst lol) but there are also a lot of things that I wish I had. It’s mainly the way she holds herself, the way she interacts with others, that I wish I had.
I also wish I was a bit more like Abigail Rogers because she’s sort of just a better version of myself. She’s still shy and closed off around strangers, but she’s unafraid around the people that know her. Abby is a lot braver than I am, much more open to change and dealing with the consequences.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
OC Fighting Preferences Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @deliahscrush2003​!
Since I have a lot of OCs, I’m just going to do a few of them right now. If you want to see me fill this out for another OC, feel free to send me an ask!
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly and, or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer to use their abilities / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy if possible / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Evelyn Hayden
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly and, or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer to use their abilities / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy if possible / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
OC ASKS: Does any of your OCs have tattoos and if so, what do these tattoos represent?
Thank you so much for the ask!
I'm gonna be super honest and say that I came up with these all right now. Because I'm really bad at writing down details like this, but I do think that some of my OCs would have tattoos.
Jakob Burnouf
He got a tattoo when he was maybe 16 years old. It's nothing fancy, just some stick and poke that he had an acquaintance do for him. It's a tiny spade on the inside of his left wrist. He got it to cover some of his burn scars. To him, it was just something fun to get, but it does sort of represent his love of magic tricks and how he hides behind it. The fact that he chose to put it on his burned arms also represents how negatively he views his injuries.
Evelyn Hayden
She was given a tattoo when she was brought into the HYDRA laboratory. A small tracker was implanted in her left wrist to communicate with a bracelet full of venom that she wore. It was a failsafe in case she deviated from the course. To keep track of the implant, a black "X" was tattooed over the location of the tracker. It means nothing to her, as it was just a functional tattoo.
Elena Hargreeves
She has the same tattoo as the rest of her siblings. It's a small umbrella on the inside of her left forearm. For her father, it was just to keep track of all the kids at the academy. It was a unifying little detail that he forced upon them. To Elena, it represents the traumas of her childhood. She hates the tattoo and tends to cover it up with makeup or some bracelets.
Mollie Fitzpatrick
She has a few small tattoos, all of which she drew and designed herself. She has two small rectangular tattoos on the back of her right arm that are replicas of two of her paintings. She also has a little mason jar full of dirty paintbrushes on the front of her right arm. The last tattoo she has is the "Dreamer" behind her left ear. She views tattoos as another medium of art and all of her tattoos just represent different things she enjoys.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
OC ASKS: If you could sort all your OCs into Hogwarts Houses (besides your Harry Potter ones) which House would they be sorted into and can you give a brief blurb on why?
Thanks so much for the asks! I appreciate you. 🤗
Before we get into it, I'm going to briefly mention my Harry Potter OCs for anyone that doesn't know/is curious.
Adeline Ronan ~ Gryffindor
Elliot Ronan ~ Gryffindor
Jessica Moreno ~ Hufflepuff
Now, onto the actual show!
Alexandra Thorne ~ Slytherin
Alex is ambitious and strong-willed about everything she does. She wants to be the best and she's not ready to let anybody stop her. Alex is also extremely resourceful and she knows what to do to get what she wants and needs. She is determined and stops at nothing to achieve her goals.
Jakob Burnouf ~ Hufflepuff
Jakob cares deeply about the people in his life and his loyalty is unbreakable. He sticks to the sidelines, doesn't like to put himself in the spotlight, but he'll so anything required of him if it means helping a loved one. He's honest to a fault and, once something captures his attention, he works tirelessly to take care of it.
Penelope Sheppard ~ Ravenclaw
Penny is extremely intelligent and she's fully aware of that, but she doesn't get cocky about it. Her whole life has been a pursuit of knowledge; of learning everything she can about any given subject. She's kind, so she tries not to overshadow others, but she could easily outsmart a wide range of people.
Noka ~ Gryffindor
Noka is embodied by bravery just as much as she's embodied by chaos. There are very few things in life that scare her and she's not afraid to cause a bit of a ruckus. She also cares a lot about those that she thinks need protecting. Noka is always looking out for the little guy and she'll stick her neck out for those that need help.
Abigail Rogers ~ Hufflepuff
Abby is quiet and reserved; distant from those she doesn't know. Around loved ones, however, she is warm and loving and loyal. She protects those she cares about and sticks by their side no matter what. She is also a hard worker, never one to abandon a project until she's seen it through to completion.
Evelyn Hayden ~ Slytherin
Evelyn embodies the worst of this house, using her ambition and her cunning to cause harm. She's intelligent and tricky and she uses these abilities to get around obstacles in her life. Her determination leads her to use extreme means to meet her goals, and she's not afraid to manipulate others to get things done.
Beatrice Velasquez ~ Gryffindor
Bea isn't afraid to run into danger if it means helping somebody in need. She's as brave as they come, facing difficult life circumstances and coming out on the other side, not unscathed but alive. Bea is daring and has a strong moral compass, feeling compelled to help those around her no matter what.
Leah O’Conner ~ Hufflepuff
Leah is a kind soul, hardened by a tough life, but caring nonetheless. She is loyal to those she considers family and is difficult to sway from her convictions. She's a hard worker, determined to do everything she can for herself. She doesn't like to look weak, so she toughs it out with determination.
Artemas ~ Ravenclaw
Artemas is a seeker of knowledge and a lifelong learner. She takes every situation as an opportunity to learn and expand her talents. She's calm and collected, able to keep a clear head in the middle of chaos. There's nothing she can't master or accomplish once she puts her mind to it.
Apollina ~ Slytherin
Apollina is, at times, too ambitious for her own good. She has high expectations and she is determined to always achieve them. She wants to be the best at everything she does. She's intelligent and relies on that intelligence to get her way. Apollina is also very resourceful and is somehow always able to talk her way out of trouble.
Betony Pendragon ~ Gryffindor
Betony has been courageous for her entire life, never afraid to get into trouble if it means helping someone else out. She's a little bit reckless and has an inclination toward dangerous situations. She likes to live on the wild side and sees rules as suggestions. She's also always ready to defend.
Eilwen ~ Hufflepuff
Eilwen is in tune with the emotional, empathetic aspects of magic. She's a gentle, caring person who feels deeply for those around her. She's helpful and humble, more focused on pushing others forward than stepping into the spotlight herself. She's also honest and very against lying.
☾Umbrella Academy☽
Elena Hargreeves ~ Hufflepuff
Elena is dedicated to helping those around her in small quiet ways. She doesn't seek out praise and, in fact, would rather that her actions remain behind the scenes. She also highly values loyalty and would do anything for her loved ones, even if things are tense between them. She's ultimately an optimist.
Mollie Fitzpatrick ~ Slytherin
Mollie seeks out success in everything she does and her talents often allow her to achieve that. She's determined and a hard worker, meaning that she doesn't stop until she's achieved her goals. She's an ambitious individual, sometimes struggling between chasing out a dream or sticking to something more realistic.
☾White Collar☽
Alana Montague ~ Ravenclaw
Alana is a very intelligent individual who has made a job out of seeking information. She's very curious and is always open to learning more about whatever's on her mind. She also has creative tendencies that she will sometimes hide behind strict intelligence. She likes to keep herself in check by following strict guidelines.
Eliana Bennett ~ Slytherin
Eliana is inspired by the finer things in life, pushed by an ambitious personality to seek them out. She's extremely cunning and intelligent, and she relies on that to make her way in the world. She has a strong personality and has no issue getting others to follow her lead.
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cotton-candy-haze · 2 years
Okay, I really want to develop this more. Do you think Eleanor and Abby’s relationship would make Evelyn more angry with Abby, or would Eleanor become a target?
Ooooo, is it cheating if I say both?
When Evelyn found out about Eleanor, she would be absolutely furious. Not only has she, in her eyes, been replaced by some random girl, but now Abby is calling herself an older sister. That's just adding insult to injury. Evelyn is already absolutely furious with Abby, she blames her for so much of what has happened to her, and this would just make it worse. She would try even harder to enact her revenge in this case because she thinks that Abby deserves to be punished.
However, I think Eleanor would definitely also become a target. Evelyn would be furious with Abby and would absolutely want to take her out to get her revenge, but she would also go after El. In her mind, she's just as much at fault as Abby is and deserves to be taken out. I don't think she would expend as much energy planning to get El, but she would still plan a bit. She might try to make her seem like collateral damage at the end of the day, with Abby being her main target. At that point, she's just taking out two birds with one stone.
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