#even bech næscheim
evak-elu-nicotino · 4 years
I need to ramble about OG SKAM and remakes, and it's gonna be a long-ass post !
Before I begin, just to be clear : I haven’t watched all of SKAM NL, and I didn’t really like SKAM Austin. Well, I watched the first episode of SKAM Austin a while back, but I didn’t really wanna watch the rest of it, so...yeah.
So far, I watched the whole of SKAM Italia, and OG SKAM of course. I watched parts of season 1 & 2, and then from season 3 of SKAM France until current season 6; season 2 of SKAM España; the first episodes of SKAM NL; part of season 1, then complete season 3 Druck; and some of the season 1, the complete season 3 of WTFock, as well as WTFockdown, though.
Anyway, I was talking with my wonderful beta-reader, @unfinishedbusinessss​ a couple weeks ago,and thought, wow, I can’t even begin to rank Even & Isak’s versions in every remake, each couple has chemistry, and I can’t even pick a favorite among the remakes !
This got me thinking, I kinda wanted to do a humongous post about the whole SKAMverse though, not just the Evak versions.
Obviously, OG SKAM will always be first, and Even & Isak are just...OTP, forever. I fell in love with their story so much, but I feel like every remake managed to get me to fall in love with every Even & Isak’s version, and I wasn’t prepared fo that, tbh. Vilde is so irritating. Noora is the best character in the whole SKAMverse, and William is an ass. I loved Sana’s season so much it hurts, and Yousef is a sweetheart. Cried during the whole Jonas’ speech at the end, and during the Vilde-Chris scene as well, even though I don’t like Vilde ! That’s saying something. Isak is one of my favorite characters, but Even comes close. Eskild is my precious child.
Top 5 characters from OG SKAM :
1. Noora Amalie Sætre (wow, what an icon ! I mean, I kinda wish they would’ve dropped her whole storyline with William, because I definitely do not care for him, and I like Noora’s opinions in season 1 & the beginning of season 2. I love that she’s a feminist, so much more mature than the rest of the girls’ squad, and her introduction in the show, when she meets Eva, is jus perfect. I loved her from the first second ! Red lipstick looks incredibly good on her too, just saying.)
2. Isak Valtersen (I can’t tell you how much I like and relate to Isak, me, a 31-year old woman. (lol) He’s very much a teenage version of myself back in the days ! I like his inner battles, his friendship with Jonas is everything. His internalized homophobia is portrayed very realistically, I might add. I liked his character from quite early on, but his season just did it for me. Tarjei Sandvik Moe is a very good actor, we got so lucky with his casting in this role ! I love his character development from season 1 to season 4. He’s grown so much in such a short period of time !)
3. Even Bech Næsheim (okay, let me start with the obvious : Henrik Holm’s smile, eyes and laugh had me gone from the start. He’s gorgeous and I can definitely see why Isak fell for him ! His character is soooo well written, Henrik portrays Even so beautifully and with so many nuances, I loved every on-screen minute Even gets in season 3 and season 4. He’s got so much layers ! I also liked that we were all lost because of his atttitude when we watched season 3 of OG, because what the hell’s happening right now, Even ?! That’s really a proof of how amazing Henrik was in this role. And their chemistry was off the charts from their very first scene together, which doesn’t hurt either !)
4. Jonas Noah Vasquez (amazing best friend to Isak when he needs it !)
5. Sana Bakkoush (queen ! I love her so much, she’s definitely an iconic character ! I think all of the Sanas in the remakes don’t even come close to her, but Imane in SKAM France is amazing, Amira in SKAM España is fantastic, Yasmina in WTfock is sooooo good (can’t wait for her season !!), and Amira in Druck is freakin’ amazing as well. But like I said, Sana in OG SKAM is definitely the most fantastic one !)
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SKAM France
When I heard they were making remakes, I honestly thought, “okay, so they’re gonna make seven different copies in seven different countries ?” It didn’t make any sense at the time. 
So when SKAM France aired, I watched from afar, terrified that they would mess this up in the only way the French knows how (I’m French myself), and I didn’t really fell in love with the first two seasons. I didn’t even like Lucas, to be honest. He was a minor character in the background, and I didn’t expect to fall in love with Lucas and Eliott’s story as much as I did. I also didn’t expect their love scenes to be this tasteful and beautiful, so I was kinda blown away by that, and by their chemistry. The piano scene and the paint scene will forever be on my mind whenever I think about season 3 of SKAM France. I also fell in love with Imane, to be honest. She’s gorgeous, and her season with Sofiane was amazing. I didn’t expect to like “Le gang” as much as I did either. Mahdi and Magnus in OG SKAM are not really among my favorite characters, but boy did I liked Arthur and Basile. Both the actors are amazing, which tremendously helps ! I didn’t find Daphné as irritating as Vilde in OG SKAM though, don’t know why. She might actually be in my top 5, whereas Vilde is one of my least favorite characters in OG SKAM, with Emma of course. Oh, and I love the fact that Alexia is bisexual in this version ! That’s such a good addition !
I loved season 5. I was kinda dreading it at first, but when I learnt that it was gonna be based on Arthur, I was kinda relieved. I think Robin Migné is a terrific actor, and his performance during this whole season is just stellar !
So far, I quite like season 6. Maya will definitely enter my top 5 sometime very soon, honestly, and Lola’s not far behind her. Basile has redeemed himself so much since season 3 when I thought he was annoying as fuck !
Top 5 characters from SKAM France :
1. Lucas Lallemant (that guy. We’ve been blessed, you guys : Axel Auriant is a freakin’ incredible actor, which makes the character all the more realistic and likeable. I’ll be forever impressed by episode 7 of season 3, especially the beginning with the scene on the couch with Mika and Manon, where Lucas is crying because of Yann’s stupid reaction to Lucas coming out. What a shitty friend, honestly...)
2. Imane Bakhellal (she’s so fierce and I almost like her even better than I did Sana in OG SKAM. She’s beautiful and witty AF, I loved her season !)
3. Alexia Martineau (bi queen with colored hair, I love her so much !!)
4. Arthur Broussard (he grew on me sooo much in season 5, but I liked him from the start, tbh)
5. Manon Demissy (although I didn’t get around to watch her own season yet, but I hate Charles’ character with a passion, so I can’t bring myself to watch it yet...)
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SKAM Italia (SKAM Italy)
Oh boy, does this remake has a particular place in my heart. I’m in love with the Italian language, have been for YEARS literally, and I think the whole cast is just gorgeous ! Eva might be my favorite Eva version to date. Season 4 was just SO GOOD, OMG, and I don’t even like Italian Sana that much, but wow, this was amazing !
Top 5 characters from SKAM Italia :
1. Martino Rametta (what a surprise ! It’s not a secret : Martino means the world to me. I was drawn to him very fast, very deeply. Maybe it’s because Federico Cesari is one hell of a an actor, maybe that’s because of his boyish cute freckly smiley charm, whatever; but he’s my number one favorite character from the whole SKAMverse. I can’t explain, really. He’s got something about him that just...makes me squeal every time I see him on screen. His season was SO GOOD YOU GUYS. I loved that we got to see his relationship with his mom. I loved the way Fede portrays his emotions, his inner battles, his fears. The way he acts with his eyes. And boy, season 4 was fireworks. Fede was always good, but season 4 was AMAZING. That scene with Sana is all kinds of incredible. Martino has never looked this good. He never looked so open, raw, vulnerable. His storyline with Niccolò kinda broke my heart, to be honest, but we got so much Martino screen time, I’m not complaining. He’s a gem. I’ll never not like Martino, he’s my person. I just connect with him so much, I can’t even explain it clearly !)
2. Giovanni Garau (”con la u finale, perché è sardo” ! Giovanni, aka the best Jonas in the entire SKAMverse. I loved OG Jonas, as well as German Jonas, don’t get me wrong, but Giovanni is ALWAYS there for Martino, and their friendship definitely fall into the brOTP category ! I love how supportive he is all through season 2, fights for Martino’s right to be happy and in love in public in season 3, and just never leaves his side in season 4. We’ve been blessed with this character you guys ! The male characters in SKAM Italia are so strong and likeable, it’s not even funny !)
3. Filippo Sava (one of the most amazing versions of Eskild to ever exist. I don’t have enough words to describe how much I LOVE this character ! Pietro Turano did an amazing job, wow. If Milan in WtFOCK wasn’t so fantastic, I’d definitely put Filippo in first place in the Eskild versions ranking !)
4. Niccolò Fares (I think Rocco Fasano did a fantastic job portraying Niccolò ! He’s definitely an underrated actor. Loved Niccolò quite late in season 2 though, but from the moment their first kiss happened, I fell in love with their story. And season 4 was just SO GOOD. We definitely get a side of Niccolò we didn’t even get with Even in OG SKAM, and his clip in episode 10 is amazing. Kudos Rocco, you definitely deserve recognition for your portrayal of  Niccolò !)
5. Eva Brighi (one of the best Evas in the whole SKAMverse, IMO !)
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SKAM España (SKAM Spain)
I’m not gonna ramble too much on this remake, especially because it might be the one I connected the less with, and I’ve only seen season 2 so far. Might be an unpopular opinion, but Cris gets on my nerves sometimes, that’s why she’s not in my top 5 characters from this particular remake.
Top 5 characters from SKAM España :
1. Lucas Rubio Fernández (the spanish Eskild, I think he’s cute AF, and incredibly brave. I really loved all of his interactions with Cris in season 2, he’s bringing her some wisdom she didn’t even knew she needed !)
2. Joana Bianchi Acosta (queen. I quickly was drawn to her character, I think from the moment we see her in her first scene with Cris. Tamara Ronchese is fantastic !)
3. Amira Naybet (OMG, her reaction to Cris coming out is everything !! Can’t wait to see her season !)
4. Nora Grace (she reminds me so much of OG Noora sometimes, it’s uncanny ! She has such a graceful presence !)
5. Dani Soto Peña (Cris’ older brother. I quite liked that we got to see Cris’ family in this version, her mother and brother. Dani was soooo annoying at first, but he was sooo sweet to Cris from the moment he drove her to the hospital to see Joana, and that scene when they smoke together on the terrace is everything. Such an accurate sibling scene !)
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Druck (SKAM Germany)
Hooooooly wow, this remake is FREAKIN’ FANTASTIC. I finally watched season 3 during lockdown, so it’s very recent, but GOD it gave me so many feelings ! That version of Isak and Even is everything. 
Top 5 characters from Druck :
1. David Schreibner (KING. Holy wow, Lukas Alexander/von Horbatschewsky is GOLD. He got me crying more than once. David’s story actually changes a lot from OG SKAM, but thank youuu Druck for shining a light on transgender’s representation in TV shows. David is a sooo well written character, he struggles a lot, but he’s relatable in so many ways. Wow, he’s just such a layered and complex character, I was blown away, really. And again, THANK YOU Druck for showing a sex scene with a transgender character, and him having an open conversation with Matteo about his struggle and how he sees himself is soo so important. It is so important to feel represented in movies and TV shows, I’m truly so thankful for this version of SKAM. Thank you Lukas !)
2. Matteo Florenzi (Matteo is an actual teenager, his portrayal is on point, and I felt his pain from the start. Michelangelo Fortuzzi did an amazing job, wow. Matteo grew on me so much in just one episode, it’s actually scary ! By the end of the first episode I wanted him to be happy, dump Sara, and just kiss David already.)
3. Jonas Augustin (Matteo has such an amazing best friend, with such a good singing voice ! Episode 10 of season 3 had me shook ! Iconic episode !)
4. Amira Mahmood (just a word for you : QUEEN ! Amira’s iconic ! I can’t wait to watch her season !)
5. Sam M’Pele (LOVE Chris’ version in Druck ! She’s awesome and so stylish ! I’m in love with her hair !)
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WTfock (SKAM Belgium)
Yet again, I actually caught up on WTfock during lockdown, since Druck and WTfock were the only remakes I never watched at this point. And yet again, I was BLOWN AWAY. WTfock got me feeling so many things, and I only watched season 3 and WTfockdown. Wow. hOLY WOW. Might be one of my favorite remake, it’s SO GOOD.
Top 5 characters from WTfock :
1. Milan Hendrickx (the flemish Eskild, one of my fave characters in all of the SKAMverse ! FUCK, Lars Brinkman knocks it out of the park, he truly does ! Milan is by far my favorite Eskild character. He’s sooo supportive, he’s a true friend, he’s funny AF - OMG, that scene where he tries to flirt with Moyo got me howling with laughter !! And he’s loyal. I love that he’s almost a father figure to Robbe, who definitely needs it ! That scene in episode 6 when Robbe tells him about the homophobic assholes...His reaction...I think I cried for like a good five minutes when I watched this, I couldn’t catch my breath. Milan’s precious, and we must protect him at all costs. A favorite. I’m in love with him, his supportiveness, his loyalty to Robbe, his smile, his affection for both Zoë and Robbe. They matter so much to him. He’s a sweetheart !)
2. Robbe IJzermans (FUCK I didn’t expect to feel so much things when watching season 3. Robbe is the Isak version that goes through the hardest stuff. His own internalized homophobia is sooo painful to witness... Jens is supportive when he comes out, but then Moyo and Aaron act like the biggest jerks on the planet, they just have this RIDICULOUS reaction when Robbe tries to tell them thay he's into Sander...And the end of episode 5 is awful. I just can't. He's gone through so much that season,it's insane. And yet by the end of episode 10, my heart felt so full for him and Sander finally happy...Gosh. What a rollercoaster...Willem Herbots is insanely cute and wow how well did he conveys Robbe's emotions. I'm speechless !)
3. Sander Driesen (holy wow this character is sooo good ! I was wondering at the beginning of episode 3 when we'll get to see him, and the minute he appeared on screem, him and Robbe instantly had that insane chemistry. Which peaked in the first kiss, in the pool in episode 4. That scene, that sing, that intensity...Yeah, Robbe and Sander bewitched me !)
4. Zoë Loockx (such a good character as well !)
5. Yasmina Ait Omar (can't waiiiit for her season !)
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SKAM NL (Skam Netherlands)
This is gonna short and sweet, since I’ve only seen a couple episodes, but I already like quite a few characters so far !
Top 5 characters from SKAM NL :
1. Liv Reijners (what a badass character ! She’s beautiful and fierce, what a great Noora version ! I love her so much and I haven’t even watched her season yet !)
2. Isa Keijser (very relatable version of Eva, I must say. She’s cute AF and I love her friendship with Liv !)
3. Janna Mertens (one of the best Chris’ versions I’ve ever witnessed so far ! She has a unique look, and I think she’s an awesome female character !)
4. Lucas van der Heijden (a sneaky little shit I just love ! I’m sad we won’t get his season though...He’s very attractive, and I would have loved to see him meet his Even...)
5. Imaan Elami (once again, a version of Sana I quite like ! She’s beautiful, and kind of a queen, to be honest ! I really like her a lot. Yet again, so sad we won’t get her season, nor her friendship with Lucas...)
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elsarah · 5 years
I was tagged by @flying-elliska and @smblmn thank you so much!
Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better.
Nickname: Manon, Manonita, Buttercup
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 1m64 (I’m my mother’s daughter)
Nationality: French
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite flower: roses, lilies and carnations
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffeeeeeeee
Amount of sleep i get: I need at least 8, otherwise it’s haaaard. 7 when I work.
Lucky number(s): eeeer, don’t have one sorry.
Dream job: I don’t dream of working but if I could make a living out of my crafts… I guess I’d love to be a doll-maker. Model them, create their clothes, make dioramas… oh yeah.
Dream trip: I’d love to go to Asia (not a country specifically, I’d just love to visit in general) and New Zealand.
Wearing: black slacks, a blue light jumper and a dark blue wool poncho. Very confy.
Favorite color: All shades of blue and lilac.
Favourite fictional character(s): Oh man…
Buffy Summers, Spike, Isak Valtersen, Even Bech Næscheim, Lucas Lallemant, Eliott Demaury, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Eyre, Eowyn, Penelope Wilhern, Ralph and Vanellope Von Schweetz, Shihiro and Haku, Danielle de Barbarac, Virginia Lewis and Wolf, Jareth the Goblin King, Rae K Farley, 9th and 10th Doctor, and I think I should stop but there are so many others…
Cats or dogs: Cats, no contest
Random facts: I have the stump of a sixth finger on my right hand; it’s something that runs in my mother’s family. People insist it’s a wart but it’s really not. I’m very short-sighted, which proves useful when I’m sewing doll clothes. I will fall asleep in any moving vehicle (I mean except motocycles of course) as long as I’m not driving.
Followers: 267
I can’t tag 17 people sorry haha. But @sublimena @fifilallemantdemaury @srodvlv (of course!), @tarlos-nicotino and @sandalwoodhusbands, feel free if you want to!
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bangzchan · 8 years
But like what if the trailer doesn't drop on Even's birthday but on the 13th ? just to mess with us... like we see Even wake up in Isak's bed but Isak's not there so he walks around the flat and he arrives in the kitchen and sees that Isak had cooked a nice breakfast for them because Isak wants to show his cooking skills that he improved thx to Bech Næscheim. And also, the flat is filled with baloons and birthday stuff cause nobody cleaned cause Evak ended up making out and you know..
im conflicted between the trailer being a cute one and a bad one,,,
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