#even if it was heckin wimdy
idlesuperstar · 1 year
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Carsaig - The Phone Box // The Pier April ‘23
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
What Stalks Among Us
YA thriller
two best friends skip a field trip to explore some old forgotten backroads - and get trapped in a looping corn maze full of weird shit, including their own dead bodies
they have to figure out how to get out, what’s killing them, what’s causing the maze, and face their traumas
fat girl MC with anxiety, both are bi and have ADHD, no romance
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
MINUS 27 HOOOOOOO I can't even imagine, I'm so sorry...I hope it warms up soon...such temperature is literally unimaginable to me! :(
When I went out side to my balcony and got fresh air the tips of my hair froze lmfao it is wimdy up here! Yeah its pretty heckin' cold! I hope it warms up too! D:
Me and cold don't get along well. I'm more prone to cramps in my legs, feet, and hands! It sucks.
I'm happy we got snow finally but I'm not happy with it being so horribly cold. dfjsdlfj
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goldieballerina · 2 years
does anyone have the heckin wimdy fox picture? my curtains are blowing in the breeze even though the windows are closed
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Weirdest work day for me was when we had to have someone help open the doors for customers, because the wind had previously forced a door over the doorstop and it hit someone. We had to close the doors for the rest of the day, but then the wind made it hard for customers to open them. One thing leads to another, and the catering is down from four to three staff because someone has to help customers open the door, because of the fucking wind. What is the meme again? ‘It’s heckin wimdy’, is it?
Oof, that sounds even more annoying than it sounds weird. I don't really have "weird work days," but I do have a list of things I've found around my theater over the years:
Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Found a half-empty bottle of wine in the women's room once.
Lots of lighters.
Envelopes of money.
An honest to goodness shank.
Pocket knives.
Some tubs of Ben & Jerry ice cream.
Chewing tobacco.
Something that might have been drugs (couldn't say for sure what except it was white and powdery and didn't smell like any drug I've second-handed).
Leftover Chinese food, and other things. And we had a policy of checking bags for a long time for security reasons, so people really had to be clever about sneaking in outside food and drinks.
A crucifix necklace, which was found in The Nun, no less.
Condoms, both used and unused.
A pair of lacy blue panties. Unfortunately, these were found not in a typically sexy movie like The Shape of Water, but a Tom Hanks movie.
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kazeofthemagun · 3 years
[So Kira's advertising me and he thinks it's totally gonna blindside me but HAH! Black Wind's summons have one thousand eyes so I don't think so.]
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[The UNO Reverse to use on you has been decided!]
[Ever since Kira first followed me over a year ago and I checked his muse list and found m a r s h m a l l o w b o y I was awestruck that someone else was mad genius enough to roleplay in this dead and buried fandom. Seriously guys, FFU is 6 feet deep beneath the Soil and only a few people that follow Gunboi even know where tf he's from. The rest stick around cuz funky crayon man. But Kira here runs Kumo, the counterpart to Kaze, the Heckin Cloudy to my Fucken Wimdy, and I am 101% delighted to be writing with him. I followed him over at @alchemic-elric too cuz that was the absolute main activity blog at the time and though I did not rp with Ed I read around and sent asks and oh boy is that moon boy an utter joy to see on dash. And now - the other moon boy is just as much joy if not more because OH MY GOD KUMO YES. Kumo is my #2 comfort char and to see the Duo complete literally fills my heart with so much happiness.]
[And Kumo isn't written by just anyone either. Kira is such a talented writer I can't even find words for that. I'm always AWED at how much stuff he gets done while I sit here hyperfixated on one (1) thread and that's that. Yup, my mind is exactly as one-track as Kaze's if a bit less obsessive (thank god). But Kira is just seemingly infinite writing energy here despite dealing with major shit and honestly, that's so inspirational.]
[Kira's art journey is also a treat to behold. I love seeing how it progresses and improves, I love seeing the confidence in posting it and I APPLAUD! Go you! Get that good art out there! 😎 Be it FMA or FFU it's always a treat to see the Soft Boys out in the wilderness of my dash. Honestly Kira's content always brings a smile to my face and Y'ALL SHOULD GO FOLLOW]
*points like Kaze* -> One sword marshmallow, served: @shiroi---kumo
*also points* -> One golden moon, served: @alchemic-elric
[Go, go, go! You won't regret ^^]
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teenageturbulence · 5 years
Even though Wyoming doesn’t exist it’s heckin wimdy there
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