#and more joy when I saw the pier
idlesuperstar · 1 year
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Carsaig - The Phone Box // The Pier April ‘23
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coyotestarcraft · 3 months
In honor of Stan & Ford for their birthday, here’s a little fic about the reader reuniting with them after they sailed the world.
I know nothing about boats so if anything is wrong please don’t hesitate to correct me.
• You watch all the boats come and go as you sit on a branch anxiously waiting for a certain grey haired grunkle get off his ship.
• You think about before seeing him leave, it left you both in tears and not wanting to part from the oh so tender but firm hug you both embraced each other in. “I know you’ll come back, but I’ll still miss you so much.” You wiped a tear that fell down your cheek as you gently thumbed Stan’s cheek.
• As you smiled thinking about the memory a familiar voice cut off your thoughts.
• You look up to see both brothers waving at you from their boat just across the pier.
• You smile so big you’re face hurts a little, you jump up and start running to give Stan a hug. As you practically jump into his arms you start crying.
• “Whats gotcha so upset sweetie?” He asks as he gently pries your face from his shoulder. You sniffle a little with a smile, “I just missed you, that’s all.” Stan’s gaze softens as he takes in your features.
• “I’ve missed you too toots.” Stan smiled, you leaned forward and captured his lips in a kiss, you both stood there like that until a grunt came from behind Stan.
• You look to see Ford blushing a deep red, you chuckle a little, forgetting he was here.
• “Sorry Ford.” You replied.
• “No worries, just wanted to let you guys have the moment.” He smirked.
• You let go of Stan to walk behind him to give Ford a hug, to which he happily accepted.
• “I’m glad you both are back, you don’t how much I’ve missed being around you.”
• “So do we.” They both replied.
• You sat on a bench happily watching boats and people walk by, you secretly were hoping it’d be a certain six fingered grunk to walk by.
• As you thought about the time hugging him right before he left, you couldn’t help but let a tear slip. You loved Ford with all your heart but that departure was the hardest thing to do.
• Your arms were around Ford’s midsection as one hand was on the back of your head and one on your back. “I’ll miss you, more than you’ll know.” You said, as Ford gently pulled back, he saw small but noticeable tears running down your cheeks, his thumb softly wiped them away as he left a kiss on your forehead.
• You both waved to each other as the boat left the dock, you didn’t leave until you couldn’t see the boat anymore and even then you still stayed for a minute to see if it would come back.
• You we’re brought out of your thoughts when the sound of a loud boat horn boomed through the pier.
• You looked up to see Stan smiling and waving at you while he docked the boat. You smiled big and waved back, jumping up to run over.
• Heya toots! Long time no see.” He grinned engulfing you in a big hug, you laugh as he picked you up and swung you around. You’ve always treated Stan like a big brother and he was happy to have a young sibling-in-law.
• As you broke apart, Ford came up from below deck. When he saw you he smiled and opened up arms, you laughed in joy as you jumped into his open arms.
• “I’ve missed you!” You smoosh your face in his chest taking in his natural scent along with the scent of the sea.
• “I’ve missed you to my love.” He said, his kissed the top of your head before lifting you off the ground to spin you around just like Stan did.
• “I’m glad you both had a great time together.” You say as both brothers smiled at each other.
• “Yeah, now we can spend that time with you and the kids when they come back for the summer.” They both replied.
I absolutely love them both and I wish them the best birthday ever!
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matcha-dango · 1 year
Return of the Spring
Yan!Itto x F!Reader [NSFW]
CW : yandere themes / smut / noncon / porn with plot / breeding kink / size kink / childhood friends to lovers / dom character x sub reader
Word Count : 5513
For thousands of years, humans warned their children about Onis and how dangerous they were. As soon as they could walk, their parents taught them not to leave the village alone, not to go into the nearby forest without an armed adult and most importantly, to never talk to one if they ever saw an Oni in the distance. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, people forgot what Onis looked like and each generation changed a detail here and there. 
Ironically enough, this was how you befriended a young and energetic Oni, who madly fell in love with you at first glance. 
From time to time, you remember fondly how you two met, when you were kids and kept hanging out in secret. You always wondered if things would have been different, if you knew from the start that Itto was the “dangerous predator” everyone warned you about. It was only when you noticed his little red horn that you understood who you were being so close to and panic filled your chest, but you grew quite confused when Itto apologised for being, himself ? If he was so bad, why did he do that ? You figured out that maybe Onis weren’t that bad and that they could be friends with humans, just like the two of you. 
Nearly a decade passed ever since and you remained good friends, in secret of course. You became the grown up who was responsible for groups of kids when going a bit further past the village, to gather herbs, berries and such. One day, as you went out together, you noticed bits of Sakura Bloom gathered in the air, a magical view letting you know spring was back once more. But also a reminder that you had to herd the group back home earlier than usual. 
Back within sight of the village, you noticed some villagers putting up stronger barricades, a more depressing spring view. You knew of stories of your ancestors’ piers abducted by Onis, you wouldn’t doubt the elders. But was it all that necessary ? Couldn’t peace be finally made ? You decided to talk to the village chief as soon as you delivered your basket. 
“Good afternoon mam. I hope you have been well.”
“I have indeed, thank you for asking, my child. But I feel that you have a reason for your visit though, other than small chit chat.”
“Pardon me for my ignorance, but I have something very important to discuss.”
“What could possibly be so important, that you would come here directly, instead of preparing your house for the night ?”
“Well, I was wondering if there was any reason why we had to do all of this and-”
“And make peace with the demons ? My child, you do not understand.You must be out of your mind, go rest.”
“No, I am serious. I am sure that we can coexist and even live together. It is not impossible and there must be valuable benefits for both sides if we all cooperated. We don’t have to do this every year instead of enjoying the seasonal changes.”
“It seems that your parents failed to educate you my child, I will not blame you for your unconscious behaviour. For others, spring is a beautiful thing that brings life and joy to those stopping for an instant to admire the sky and trees. But not for us. As soon as snow starts melting and shows the green grass underneath it, as soon as flowers start to bloom, we need to set up spikes and barricades, we need to arm our men. I can see doubt and incomprehension in your eyes, you think we act like war happens every spring. But it does, my child.”
You didn’t want to lie to the village chief, but you didn’t want to be rude either. You believed your parents raised you well, you’ve only been told off several times during childhood for running around or other childlike harmless acts. Why would she accuse your family of such irresponsibility ? 
“You see, our village has been lucky these past decades. We didn’t lose anyone in those years and it has been only thanks to all of our security measures. The same cannot be said about the other villages, you were there last year, when I announced the loss of three young women who were your age. They left their village to gather Sakura Blooms to make Sakura Mochi but they never came back. We do not live in the city, where we can eat anything at any time. This is the only way.”
“I understand. Thank you for your time and wise words. Please allow me to take my leave.”
“You go, my child. Never forget that we are not meant to be together, ever.”
Leaving with a heavy heart, you couldn’t help but feel guilty towards the three girls, who you actually met last year for the local summer festival. You always told yourself that if Onis were truly the ones to take them, those three weren’t eaten or killed. Though you didn’t really want to know what else could happen to them if it’s not those two possibilities. Chances are, it wasn’t even Onis but ill-willed humans. 
It was getting dark already, you had to quickly get back home before you would get scolded for lateness. The village looked grim, even under the beautiful red and orange sky. Tints of a familiar red, reminding you of your friend. At that point, there was no way you could reveal your friendship to anyone ever. Was it also the case for him ? Maybe Onis too had been warning their kind to never approach human dwellings during this season ? You should ask him that next time. 
Thankfully, spring wasn’t all depression and desolation. You loved seasonal changes for the delicious new meals that you could eat only then and there. Usually, Unagi Chazuke would be eaten just the way it was, but plums being now ripe, you always added pickled plum to the dish. This year also, your parents told you they ordered a small bag of Sakura Blooms, so you could make sweets and snacks just like in the city. You simply couldn’t wait for the package to be delivered. Hopefully tomorrow ! 
After eating dinner, you washed yourself and decided to read a recipe book, in case you were missing needed ingredients. It would be such a bummer if you got everything ready but one crucial detail. Maybe you could make Sakura Taiyaki and share them with your friends and family, and Itto… Right as you were about to start missing him, you heard the sound of small rocks hitting your window. Two exactly, which was the code you and Itto had, when he wanted you to know he left you a message close to your house. 
Excitedly, you responded to his signal by shutting the lights of your room twice and pretended to go to sleep. You had to wait until your family was asleep before you could sneak out and retrieve whatever Itto left for you. You didn’t think you could chat with him this time though, no way you could leave the village with all the protection they set up for the night. 
Soon enough, silence filled the house, making your heart beat louder and louder with each second passing. Once you felt you had the right timing, you quietly got up and went out of your room to reach the door. You should have thought about that one, it was locked and barricaded, just like all windows of the ground floor. Your only option was to leave through your window. 
You climbed the stairs back up, as discreetly as you could manage. Back to step one, you had to think of a way to flee without breaking your bones. After mentally debating for minutes, you decided to jump out to catch the sturdy branches of the tree in front of your window and then climb down to safety. You kind of had no choice, if you didn’t want to risk someone else finding Itto’s message. 
Under your window, you placed several pillows, covers and your bed so that you wouldn’t hit the ground when you would leap back inside. You were agile enough to make it, if not… You would need to think of your best excuse for being outside at this hour. Anything was good, as long as no one knew about Itto. 
You prepared yourself to jump, one swing back and forth and you did it. Everything went well and your feet touched the ground. This tree was such a life saver, literally. You quickly ran towards the usual spot behind your house and found a folded piece of paper. You opened it and read its words. 
‘hope you been doing good !! its been a while since we last hang out, wanna come out tomorrow ? promise ill be careful ! ill wait for you at the usual super duper secret spot, at our usual super duper secret time !!!!’
You couldn't help but giggle at his message, it was very cute and very much Itto-like. Of course, you knew and remembered everything. You actually had various secret meeting places : secret, super secret and super duper secret were all different ! Same went for time, you two discussed them and decided on a few in accordance with the village activities schedule, so no one would be suspicious of you wanting to suddenly leave. 
You hurriedly went back to the tree and safely jumped on your mattress. The adrenaline in your veins did a really good job. You were so excited for tomorrow, you prayed for the Sakura Blooms to arrive before you had to leave the village. 
Morning birds woke you up with their beautiful melodies. You sluggishly sat up, before remembering your plans for today. Getting an immediate boost of energy, you got downstairs to check for any package and there it was, on the table. You eagerly opened it and it was indeed a bag full of freshly gathered Sakura Blooms. You took out the piece of paper with ingredients needed for a semi-dozen of Sakura Taiyaki and started baking the delicious snack. 
As planned, you volunteered to go venture into the forest with a group of youngsters. You hid the still piping hot sweets in your basket under a piece of fabric, if anyone were to ask you’d say it was in case anyone got hungry during the short trip. If they didn’t believe you, they would think you had a crush on someone from the team. No one would ever suspect you of being friendly acquainted with an Oni anyway. 
You chatted with the group while walking on the clear path and reached the area where you were supposed to find mushrooms. Slowly, you detached yourself from the rest and as soon as no one was paying attention, you quietly ran off to the super duper secret place. 
As you got closer and further down the forbidden parts of the woods, you could make out a very tall figure, with white and reddish hair. Surely, it had to be Itto. And as you approached the person, you could actually hear loud and cheerful chattering. Yep, no mistake, it was 100% your one and oni friend. 
“Hey I’m here !” 
Your bright voice got his attention and the happiest he was when he saw your smiley face. 
“I’m so glad you got here ! And it smells good too !! Did you make something ?”
“I sure did ! We received some Sakura Blooms so I baked us Sakura Taiyaki, you remember when we talked about it and how delicious it must be ??”
“You’re amazing ! Can we eat them now ?!”
“Sure ! Let’s sit around here and eat while chatting, it’s been such a while !”
As soon as you revealed the insides of your basked, Itto grabbed one Taiyaki and bit into it like a starved man. It was so good he had to let you know with his most dramatic reaction, including fake tears and theatrical gestures, which always made you chuckle. Nonetheless, you knew he was sincere in his praise, which made you feel proud of yourself. 
You two kept chatting, catching up and just talking about everything and anything, without any care. However, it made you feel almost heartbroken that you would have to leave and go back to the group sooner or later. No one made you feel so understood and appreciated the way Itto did. Almost as if you weren’t as human as everybody else. 
“Hey, you look kinda sad… You ok there ?”
You could see the genuine worry in Itto’s eyes, which made you smile in return. 
“Well, if I said yes you would know I’m lying anyways, so I’ll just say it. I wish I didn’t have to meet up with you in secret, I wish I didn’t have to hide it from everyone else. I’m sure you would get along very well with my friends…”
“I see… Don’t be sad though, I think I have a plan !”
“A plan ? What kind of plan ?”
“Just trust me ! Can you do that for me ?”
Itto’s eyes were shining with excitement and determination, how could you not say yes ? He never harmed you in any way and always made sure to be careful so you never got in trouble. 
“Sure, I’ll trust you.”
The second you finished your sentence, you felt yourself being lifted in the air and rested on his shoulder. You never realised how strong Itto was but this almost convinced you were as light as your basket. By the time you processed everything Itto started running not towards your village but the complete opposite direction and it made you panic. 
“W-wait ! Where are you going ?”
“Don’t worry ! I’m going to introduce you to my clan and I’m sure they’ll all love you !”
Hearing his words had the opposite effect Itto wanted. Now you were panicked and confused. He was supposed to be your friend, so surely they wouldn’t try to devour you, right ?
“...but wouldn’t it be dangerous ?
“Huh ? Why ?”
Itto sounded puzzled which made you the more puzzled out of the two. Was he acting ignorant on purpose ? What the hell was going on… 
“Aren’t they going to want to eat me ? Are you serious ?”
“Huh ?? No ?! Wait.” 
Your words made him instantly stop in his tracks. After a few silent seconds, he loudly gasped in realisation. 
“So that’s why you guys been avoiding us like crazy ! We don’t eat humans though, well, not anymore at least haha !”
“What do you mean anymore ?”
“Uh… like, for the past few centuries ? Something like that, before I was actually born !” 
His explanation had to be trustworthy, Itto never lied to you once and he kind of sounded like the guy who couldn’t lie to save his own life, if you had to be honest. You felt deep shame but also hope. You were determined to explain everything to the village elders and let them know that peace was actually an option and could be a reality if only both sides could talk to each other and clear up all misunderstandings. 
“Itto, I’m sorry for doubting you and your kin this whole time…”
“No worries ! I’ve heard of all the stories from the past so I understand why humans would still remember, it’s not like we told them about our dietary changes hahaha !”
You smiled to yourself, so thankful for your wonderful friend, who then resumed his rapid pace to his home. He has always had been the most supportive for you and you were always thinking of doing something in return. You were filled with determination more than ever, you knew you could change history and it was certainly far from being a small deed. Everyone would be finally free ! 
While you were lost in your thoughts and plans, Itto kept running and running until he saw his own village. When he got close enough he had to slow down, he looked up for the first time and noticed the sun already hid behind the trees and the sky was adorning beautiful ardent colours. Winter might have been over but the days were still in the process of getting longer with each day. 
“We’re almost there baby ! See ? That’s my house on the right !”
Baby ? That was quite unusual, he never called you that before… But oh well, he was so excited he probably misspoke or something, plus you were growing curious about how the Onis lived, compared to fairy tales. You were trying to prop yourself to get a glimpse, Itto’s grip still keeping you in place on his shoulder. 
“Can’t really see like that, you know haha ?”
“Oh shit sorry my bad ! Don’t worry, once we get inside you’ll have plenty of time to look around haha !”
Itto couldn’t contain his excitement, finally he was able to bring you to his own home and introduce you to everyone. Knowing you, he was sure you would have no trouble making friends either. Heart buzzing with trepidation, he marched towards the main gate of his village, which appeared larger and larger with each step towards. Onis were bigger than humans, of course they would require bigger housings. He had no doubts you would get used to the differences pretty quickly. 
It was only when Itto stepped past the entrance that you could see what it actually looked like, as well as the intrigued faces of his kin. What felt strange to you was that they were exactly that, intrigued. Not puzzled, confused, horrified or predatory. Admittedly, they didn’t appear like they wanted to devour you but they…had a strange look. Maybe they actually had not seen humans before, outside of books or pictures ? 
Suddenly, Itto grabbed you with both hands and carefully placed you on the ground, with the biggest smile you have ever had seen on his cute face. It was the first time he brought you over, while most kids had that experience much earlier.
“So this is your house huh ? It is much bigger than the ones in our village, everything around here is bigger haha”
“Wanna come inside ?! I’m sooo happy you’re finally here at home !”
“Of course ! I’m so happy too ! Never thought this dream of mine could come true one day…”
Awfully excitedly yet gentlemanly, Itto ran to the door and almost broke it with the sheer force he opened it for you. You giggled and went inside, eyes wandering from wall to wall. Interestingly enough, outside like inside, Oni homes didn’t seem to differ that much from regular humans homes in Inazuma. Although, they did have features appreciated by the Onis, such as anti-bean artillery. Or maybe that was just Itto’s house. You cringed on the inside, remembering that one time you almost killed your friend with a dorayaki. 
“So uh…do you like it around ?”
Itto’s shy question made you turn towards him and you saw a blush creeping on his face. He was so nervous he couldn’t look up. You could tease him but, he might actually cry so maybe not this time. 
“Yea ! It actually kinda looks like home, I didn’t think it would be so similar. Though, it kinda makes sense ?”
“I’m so glad you like it ! Are you hungry by any chance ? I’d love to make you food to celebrate the occasion !”
How could you say no ? His grinning face was too cute to refuse and, if you were being real, if you weren’t going to be eaten, was it that bad to be here when you were both adults ? You weren’t a kid anymore, you could make your own decisions. 
“Alright, I’ll be your guest but ! I’ll help you with the cooking, I don’t want to be sitting around doing nothing while you do all the work buddy.”
“Sure, cooking together is super nice too !”
You also planned to make sure he wouldn’t cut a finger off due to overexcitement… Apparently, knives were also bigger than the ones you were used to, so the both of you had to be careful. 
After chatting and debating, you two decided to make some Yakisoba Oni style with Tofu Soup on the side. For dessert, you brewed tea and had some Oni made candies, with new flavours like Sakura Bloom, which instantly became your favourite. Now that the situation was different, you could take some back home and let everyone taste them, maybe even make them yourself. There was no more need to order Sakura Bloom from the city. 
 “Can I take the remaining ones for my village ? I’d like to have the village elders taste them and explain to them what happened.”
“Sure ! But those might go bad by the time you see them again haha ! Alright, let’s set the bed up. Sorry I didn’t prepare it, I had no idea you’d be coming over…”
“It’s ok, I had no idea either. Oh, but I didn’t bring any of my stuff… could I maybe…?”
“No worries ! The Greatest Oni has everything covered !”
Itto rushed to a drawer and took out a small box, which contained human sized toothbrush with toothpaste, both which seemed rather familiar, but all toothbrushes looked the same anyway. 
“As for clothes, you can borrow my stuff if you don’t mind, of course. If it’s too much, I can always ask the granny next door !”
“Thank you, I don’t want to bother you but I want to bother others even less so your shirt will be enough haha”
Sometimes, unplanned sleepovers were the best and you were set on making it the most memorable. Although, it should be the first of many memories, now that there were no danger or threats. 
You took a bath and got changed while Itto was bathing too, although you didn’t need to ask any questions about him feeling happy, considering the speed of his washing time. Nonetheless, he came out squeaky clean and even more excited than he had been all day long. 
“Should we turn the lights off and chat in the dark ? I’ve always wanted to do that but my parents didn’t let me sleep out and by the time I didn’t need to ask for their permission, we grew out of sleepovers…”
Itto’s last wish was to make you sad in any capacity. If anything, he wanted to make you the happiest and now was the best time to start being the reason why you smile. 
“Anything for you, My Lady.”
Good thing he had some pants or he would have 100% dropped the towel while making a dramatic reverence. 
“Come over quickly then !”
Itto dashed to your side and jumped on the bed, making your body bounce up with the impact. Oni beds had thicker and bouncier mattresses, noted. 
Hours passed and eventually you passed out, excitement had run out and exhaustion claimed your body. Before it got to his turn, Itto fondly watched you sleep, as he still couldn’t believe it was real. The only way to know was to wake up the next morning and he would be sure that it wasn’t a dream of sorts. 
Morning birds sang spring tunes and sunlight came through the spaces between curtains. Itto woke up as usual and as soon as he turned his head around, he remembered everything that happened and got immediately filled to the brim with joy. He managed to contain his emotions so he could watch your peaceful face for longer. 
To his biggest disappointment, you ended up waking up a couple of minutes later. After the initial shock, you too remembered the escapade and pieced everything together. It really felt different to wake up like this. But it was unfortunately time to go, if you didn’t want your whole village to take up their arms and storm through the forest. 
“How was sleep ? I think I’ve had my best night in a while haha”
“I dreamed of you last night, no joke ! Imagine my surprise when I woke up with you in my bed… I thought I was still dreaming !”
“Haha I don’t remember my dreams, all I can remember is that we were together and no one else was telling me to go home… But sadly, I think I have to or my family will be too worried.”
“It’s ok, you can stay for longer, we have food and everything you need. As for your family, I can send them a message telling them that you’re fine and all !”
“Uh yea but… I don’t think I can stay though…”
You slowly sat up on the bed and started stretching your limbs, closing your eyes in the meantime. You really had an amazing night of sleep, that mattress must be the reason. Maybe there was a human bed sized one, you would love to have one at home. You opened your eyes and that was when you noticed Itto hadn’t answered you back. You looked up to him worriedly. He must be sad at the idea of you leaving so soon. 
Or so you thought. 
Itto wasn’t happy but he wasn’t sad either. What he felt was an ache in his chest and he knew what he had to do, if he wanted to stop the growing pain. Surely you would understand, right ? 
Itto’s lips crashed against yours, a hand of his behind your head holding you still. You tried to push him away but he was too strong, so you had to wait for the kiss to end before you could speak to him about your boundaries. 
After what felt like minutes, Itto broke the kiss and locked eyes with you while catching breath. There was your moment. 
“Itto… I really like you a lot, but…-”
‘you’re my dearest friend and that’s the only way I see you.’ was supposed to follow but Itto didn’t let you finish. His lips devoured yours once more and this time he pushed you down with his body, trapping you between his own much bigger frame and the bed you had slept on. 
Although your efforts to push him away were quite fruitless, Itto caught your wrists with his hand and pinned them above your head. The realisation of what he was doing and what you were wearing made his blood rush down to his growing member. His Oni genes blessed him with better smell than humans and he definitely could smell how his scent was now mixed with yours on the shirt he lent you for the night. 
In his rut, Itto accidentally bit your lip but as soon as he was about to apologise for hurting you, he got much harder because of the little noise you made and the taste of your blood in his mouth. He really tried to be gentle with you but he couldn’t fight back against his instincts. His whole body had been screaming at him to fuck you senseless and make your belly go round with his offsprings. 
He loved you too much to let you go, he knew you would never return. He lied to you when he said Onis stopped eating humans, some clans still did. Two girls were caught last year and were offered to be shared with his village, although they refused the offer. Another girl, on the other hand, didn’t end up in the stomachs of neighbouring Onis. She was actually still there in his village, kept as a wife. Which was exactly what he planned to do with you. 
His head full of domestic fantasies, Itto’s other hand travelled all over your body, which turned out to be much smaller compared to his size. He never had the chance to look or touch you so directly, he had no idea he would be so turned on by this discovery either. 
Itto quickly grabbed his signature thick white and purple ropes and tied your wrists together to have both his hands free to explore your body with more ease ; all the while he kept kissing you over and over, with breaks long enough to breathe a bit but too short to say anything in between. 
Itto grabbed your thighs and parted them with seemingly no effort, even though you did all you could to keep them closed to no avail. He settled himself between your legs and pushed them a bit higher up to your chest. A concern suddenly got to his mind, so his lips parted with yours. While catching his breath, Itto thought hard about one thing : to keep or to remove the shirt that was now glued to your sweaty skin. His pondering gaze was stuck to your heaving chest, he couldn’t see you shake your head, tears in your eyes. 
After a few seconds, Itto steadied his breathing and made the decision. He grabbed your top and tore it open, buttons flying all over the place but kept it on you ; he wanted you to wear it while making you his, as a romantic gesture. 
The sight of your jiggling breasts made his cock impossibly hard and unbeknownst to him, his hips started rutting against your still clothed core. You assumed that his shirt was so long you didn’t need any bottoms, so you only wore your panties you washed before sleep. Having pants would have changed nothing in your case. You still felt how hard he was, but most importantly, how huge he was. You should have known, if everything about Onis was bigger, of course their cocks would be much larger than human ones as well.
Your clothed heat felt so, so good that Itto felt his impending orgasm. But he gathered all of his willpower to not cum on the spot, rather he wanted to fill your pussy to the brim with his seed and not waste a single drop. He could paint your skin white another time.  
He somehow managed to stop his hips before tearing your underwear to shreds and admiring how wet you became. Seeing your clit throb with need made his member throb in reaction. Itto smeared his precum with his tip all over your pussy, while slicking himself up. 
Before he could move again, you opened your mouth to beg him to stop and reconsider. Unfortunately, Itto’s mind was so dizzy with his love for you that he couldn’t even imagine your denial. The only thing he had in his mind was making you moan and cum around his cock, milking him dry in the process. Which was why he cupped your cheek in a loving and tender manner, while pushing his tip inside. 
Everything hurt, he was just too big. He penetrated you slowly but surely, until he could feel your cervix. Tears fell down your face but Itto kissed them all away. He didn’t like seeing you in pain, so he stilled himself inside of you. You felt his hand slide down your belly and reached between your folds, aiming for your clit. Itto repositioned his hand so his thumb would be giving it languid circles, which made you tighten around him with each stroke. 
When your cries turned into moans, Itto slowly pulled back up to the tip and pushed back inside with more ease than the first time, which he happily took as a sign that your pussy was ready for him. He then gripped your thighs harder and his thrusts turned animalistic. 
Each thrust was so deep and hard, it was so much more intense than anything you felt before. Itto was so big he made your pussy stretch around him without any more space left, he could reach all your pleasure spots at once when his tip was kissing your cervix. All of that was happening at a maddening pace. Your mind was clouded with pleasure and all you could think about was Itto and how good he was making you feel. So good that you felt the coil in your stomach explode, making you clench tighter than ever.
Needless to say, Itto was getting drunk on the feeling of your throbbing pussy around his cock. The fact that he was the one who could pleasure you like this filled him with happiness and pride, as well as a hint of possessiveness. The last bit made his thrust go even harder, he was sure you wouldn’t be able to walk properly for weeks. Not that you would even need to, in fact. Soon, you would become his sweet and delightful wife and mother of his children and not of some bastard, how beautiful you would be ! 
Such thoughts of you quickly sent him over the edge. In your haze, you felt his load flowing inside of your pussy, yet that was only one round. Itto wanted to make sure you would make his own dream come true, he had to make sure you were overflowing with his cum. Fortunately for him, his cock was still as hard as a rock and ready to fuck load after load into you. 
“Baby, I love you so much ! Let’s keep making memories together !”
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formulas-bitch · 5 months
Family above all - Daniel Ricciardo x sister/reader
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The sky was a deep, cerulean blue, unmarred by a single cloud. The air was warm and gentle, caressing Daniel Ricciardo's cheeks as he stood on the edge of the pier. His little sister, Mia, skipped along beside him, her long, chestnut hair bouncing with each joyful stride. The waves lapped rhythmically against the wooden boards beneath their feet, creating a soothing melody that seemed to echo throughout their souls. Daniel turned to face her, the sunlight reflecting off his piercing green eyes. He could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders, the burden of responsibility that came with being the big brother. But in that moment, with her bright smile and infectious laughter, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace.
"I'm sorry, Daniel," Mia said softly, her voice barely audible above the sound of the waves. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way."
Daniel looked at her, surprised by the sincerity in her eyes. "It's okay, Mia. I know you didn't mean any harm. It's just… things have been tough lately, you know?"
Their parents had been going through a rough patch, arguing more often and retreating into themselves. It was like a dark cloud had settled over their happy home, making it hard for anyone to find any joy. But standing here with Mia, Daniel felt a sense of hope begin to stir inside him. She was his little sister, his best friend, and he knew that together they could weather any storm.
"You know, Dan," Mia said, her voice growing stronger, "sometimes when things get tough, we just need to find a way to make each other laugh." She giggled, the sound echoing across the water. "Like that time you tried to teach me how to ride a bike and I fell over and scraped my knee. That was so funny!"
Daniel couldn't help but smile at the memory. "Yeah, that was pretty funny," he admitted, feeling a small twinge of guilt. He wished he could take back some of the things he had said earlier, but it was hard not to feel protective of his sister. She was only 24 years old, after all.
Mia's face lit up at the mention of the memory, and she giggled again. "You should have seen your face when I fell over!" she exclaimed, her brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "It was priceless!"
Daniel couldn't help but laugh too, feeling some of the tension ease from his shoulders. "Yeah, well, I guess I was just trying to be too protective," he admitted. "I didn't want you to get hurt or anything."
"I know, Dan," Mia replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "But I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle myself." She paused, her expression growing more serious. "And even if I can't, I know you'll always be there for me."
The sincerity in her words made Daniel's heart swell with pride and affection. He looked into her eyes and saw not just his little sister, but a strong, independent woman who would one day make her own mark on the world. And as much as he wanted to protect her from everything, he knew that he had to let her spread her wings and fly.
"You're right, Mia," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "You're not a little kid anymore. You're growing up, and you're going to face your own challenges. And I'll be there for you, through everything. Just like I always have been, and always will be."
Their eyes met, and for a moment, they were lost in each other's gaze. The weight of the world seemed to lift from their shoulders, if only for a little while. They stood there, side by side, watching the waves crash against the pier, feeling the warmth of the sun on their skin.
"You know, Dan," Mia said thoughtfully, her voice barely above a whisper, "I've been thinking… about our parents. I know they're going through a rough patch, but I think we can help them. We can be there for them, you know? We can be their strength when they need it most."
Daniel nodded, considering her words. He knew that Mia was right; they could make a difference. They could be the ones to bring their parents back together, to help them remember why they had fallen in love in the first place.
"Yeah, you're right," he agreed. "We can do that. We can show them that we're here for them, that we'll always have their backs." He paused, looking at her with determination in his eyes. "And we can have some fun along the way, too. Just like we used to."
The two of them shared a knowing smile, remembering the countless happy memories they had made together. From building snowmen in the winter to camping trips in the summer, from watching movies under blankets on the couch to staying up late playing board games. Those were the times they cherished, the times that made them feel like they could take on anything.
And so, with renewed determination and a sense of purpose, they began to plan. They would start by spending more time with their parents, finding ways to include them in their daily lives. They would arrange family dinners, movie nights, even simple outings to the park. They would show their parents that they were still capable of enjoying each other's company, that there was still hope for their relationship.
The first step was to invite their parents over for a picnic at the beach. Daniel and Mia spent hours planning the perfect menu, making sure to include all of their favorite foods. They set up a beautiful spread on a blanket, complete with fresh-baked bread, cheese, fruit, and a selection of cold drinks. As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water, they eagerly awaited the arrival of their parents.
Their father was the first to arrive, looking slightly uncomfortable in his dress shirt and slacks. He took a seat next to Mia and offered her a small smile. "So, you two have something special planned?" he asked, his voice a bit strained.
"We sure do, Dad," Mia replied, returning his smile. "We just wanted to spend some quality time with you and Mom. You know, like the old days."
Their mother arrived a few minutes later, looking more apprehensive than their father. She glanced between them uncertainly before sitting down beside Daniel. He put an arm around her shoulders, offering her a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, Mom," he said, "we're just glad you could make it."
As they all sat there, the sun dipping lower in the sky, they talked about everything and nothing. They told stories about their childhood, laughed at old memories, and shared their hopes for the future. The food was delicious, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing background to their conversation.
Their father seemed to relax a bit as the evening wore on, even cracking a joke or two. Their mother smiled more often, and her eyes lit up whenever she looked at them. Daniel could see the love they still had for each other, even if it was buried beneath years of hurt and resentment.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, they gathered their things and walked hand in hand along the beach, the warm glow of the setting sun painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. They stopped at a small rock formation jutting out into the ocean, and their parents leaned against it, watching the waves crash against the shore.
"This is beautiful," their mother said, her voice soft with wonder. "It's been so long since we've just been able to enjoy each other's company like this." Daniel and Mia exchanged glances, pleased with the progress they had made.
"Yeah," their father added, his voice gruff with emotion. "You two are something else. You know that?" He turned to face them, his eyes shining in the fading light. "I don't know what it is about you two, but you have this way of bringing people together. I'm not just talking about us, either. We've seen it with our friends, our family… You're like a little ray of sunshine in everyone's life."
Mia blushed at the praise, looking away shyly. Daniel, on the other hand, was beaming with pride. He placed a hand on his father's shoulder, feeling a newfound sense of closeness and understanding. "Thanks, Dad. We're just glad we could help in some way."
Their mother smiled, her eyes filling with tears. "You don't know how much it means to us, Daniel and you, Mia. You've given us hope. Hope that maybe…" She trailed off, searching for the right words. "Maybe things can go back to the way they used to be."
Daniel and Mia exchanged glances, their hearts swelling with affection for their parents. They didn't know what the future held, but for now, they were content just being together like this. As the stars began to twinkle in the sky, they stood up, taking turns helping their parents to their feet.
Hand in hand, they made their way back to the blanket, gathering up the last of their things. The cool breeze off the ocean tickled their skin, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore was a soothing lullaby. As they walked, Daniel and Mia couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over them.
Their parents, too, seemed to have relaxed, their steps more steady and their conversations more animated. They laughed at old stories and shared memories, and for a brief moment, it was as if the years had never passed. They reached the car, and as they loaded the blanket and chairs into the trunk, their father glanced at Daniel and Mia.
"You know, I've been thinking," he said. "Maybe it's time we started planning some family vacations again. Just the four of us." There was an unspoken promise in his words, a vow to work on repairing their relationship and rediscovering the love they once shared.
Mia's heart swelled with hope as she looked at her parents, seeing them as they used to be: a strong, loving couple who could face anything together. Daniel, too, seemed to sense the shift in the air, a newfound sense of optimism that they hadn't felt in years.
Their mother spoke up, her voice tinged with excitement. "That sounds wonderful, dear. I've always loved spending time with all of you. It would be wonderful to make more memories together." She smiled at Daniel and Mia, her eyes shining with gratitude.
Their father nodded in agreement. "We'll find a place where we can all unplug from our phones and laptops and just be together. Someplace quiet and peaceful where we can reconnect." He turned to face them, his expression serious. "And I want you two to know that we're here for you, no matter what. If you ever need to talk, or just need some space, we'll be there."
Their mother reached out and took their hands in hers, squeezing them gently. "We love you both so much, and we're so proud of the people you've become. No matter what happens in life, we'll always be on your side." She glanced up at the stars, her voice filled with emotion. "I think this night has taught us all an important lesson. About love, and family, and the power of forgiveness."
Daniel and Mia exchanged another glance, their hearts swelling with love for their parents. They knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but they felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. As they climbed into the car, Daniel slid into the front seat beside their father, while Mia nestled in next to their mother. The scent of the ocean lingered in the air, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore faded into the distance.
Their parents continued to chat, sharing stories and laughter, the tension that had been so palpable in the past dissipating with each passing mile. Daniel and Mia listened, content to simply enjoy the company of their family. They couldn't help but feel that something had shifted, that a new chapter was beginning for all of them.
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championleonsslut · 6 months
Leon when his wife gets pregnant, please?! You know you want this, we all want this.
YES I DO WANT THIS!!! I WANT THIS SO MUCH I LOVE WRITING PREGNANCY AND BABIES! to the anon who requested this: 💍. I’ve done so much research on pregnancy for a fic of mine, so I got a lot to bring to the table. (Scientifically too)
For now I’m just gonna stick to baby #1 BUT I’d absolutely LOVE to talk about the other kids you have with Leon. (It’s five, you guys were busy)
Leon expecting his firstborn
Female reader, mentions of sex, childbirth, and dealing with newborns
It was no secret that Leon wanted to have a family with you someday. With his obvious breeding kink, and the way the two of you often discussed it. About four years into your marriage, when you were both in your late twenties, you both decided that maybe it was time to have a baby. You’d have more time after all, with Leon now running the battle tower.
You two quickly started trying, and after countless nights spent in one another’s arms… It finally happened. You’d been feeling a little strange the past three weeks and were suspecting it was a baby, but weren’t sure. At the end of the third week you finally took a test, and were delighted to see it was positive. You cried a little to yourself out of joy, at the prospect of finally having a child with your husband.
You told him later that night, while you both were in bed, and he sat straight up. He was silent for a few moments, before tackling you into the mattress with a cackle. He was so excited he started sobbing, talking about how excited he was for this baby, and to be a father.
The main downside of your first pregnancy; the morning sickness. Oh it was dreadful. This baby was making you so nauseous, and you threw up very often. Leon tried his best to be as accommodating as possible, and did a very good job. He was supportive, sweet, and gave you your space when you got mad at him for what he’d done to you.
When the first ultrasound came around, Leon cried upon hearing your unborn child’s heartbeat. You knew he’d cry, and tried not to sob along with him. You were just glad he was so invested.
When your bump finally began to make its’ appearance, Leon was ecstatic. He was so happy to finally see the baby, and just how much hotter it made you. He loved resting his hand on it, and fucking you silly becuase of it. You were feeling a little self conscious with your new body changes, but Leon reassured you every time.
By the end of your first trimester, you both decided it was high time you told your families. His mother is always asking when you two will have kids anyway, because she just can’t wait to be a grandmother. Well nonetheless, when you both dropped the bomb, everyone was ecstatic. Hop was no better, he was so excited to be an uncle to your unborn child.
Your friends were no better when they found out, Sonia and Nessa flipped out, Raihan smiled wider than you’ve ever seen him grin, and Piers and Marnie actually looked decently joyful.
When your second trimester rolled around, you were certainly rounder, and less nauseous. And Leon was even hornier for you. Your cravings began to kick in, and Leon did keep track of what you were eating, just to make sure it was mostly healthy. You mostly wanted fruit anyway.
Leon was hoping the baby was a girl, in all honesty. He just always thought he’d make a better girl dad, and was seriously hoping for a daughter.
And finally the day came when you could find out what kind of baby you were having. You both wanted to know the gender beforehand, to not only pick out a name, but also make sure the nursery was decorated accordingly. Leon cried again when he saw the ultrasound of your child, and you both anxiously waited to know what the gender was. The doctor smiled at you and said:
“It’s a girl.”
You were both over the moon to finally know what you were having, and Leon cried even more after finding out about your unborn daughter.
He loved decorating the nursery with you, you both decided on pastel purple and yellow instead of pink, becuase she already had plenty of pink baby clothes. You were working on a list of names too, which Leon proved to be very picky about.
Your daughter was rapidly growing, and moving around a lot too. Leon loved feeling her flutter around in there, and even more so when she began kicking. He’d always feel for kicks when you two were snuggling, and would giggle when she smacked against his hand. He also liked talking to her, which you thought was adorable.
He thought you were hotter than ever too, and frankly, you got super horny in your second trimester. So sex became a daily thing.
Finally your third trimester rolled around, and your daughter was not leaving a lot of room inside you. You were exhausted, and took the next three months off because of just how tired you were. You felt like a Wailord, but Leon didn’t see it that way.
All your friends and family were very excited for the arrival of the baby, and even sent you guys a few gifts. Hop knitted Dubwool’s wool into a jumper for her. (Gloria taught him how).
But by week thirty seven, everything was kicked into high-gear. In the afternoon, you started having contractions, and quickly called Leon. He decided to meet you at the hospital, because he was in the middle of a match.
My man had a full out panic attack on the way there. But like… in a good way.
When he met you there, you were already in the room with Sonia. She quickly left, and you two were alone. You were already five centimeters dialed, and terribly nervous.
After six hours of waiting for her, your unborn daughter finally decided now was the time to come out. Leon stayed by your head the entire time you pushed, and let you break his hand for all he cared. He was terrified on the inside, but tried to be as calm as possible on the outside.
Halfway through pushing, it was determined that your daughter was breeched. Apparently she had her father’s awful sense of direction already. You were moved from your back, to leaning on the side of the bed while standing, so gravity could do its work.
You continued pushing for another long while, all the while Leon was ever so supportive. You were getting exhausted… This was taking too long, why didn’t she want to come out?
When the room was silent for a moment, something caught your attention.
A soft baby’s cry.
She was here.
Leon brought you in for a quick yet passionate kiss as you both started crying. You were placed back on your back, as your daughter was taken away to be cleaned and checked up.
When she came back a few minutes later, completely swaddled, you and Leon finally got a good look at her. She was so tiny, the doctors said she was only six pounds.
She had her father’s tan skin, along with his golden eyes, but she had a full head of your hair, which was spiky, just like Leon’s. You both sobbed over just how cute she was.
Leon began crying even harder when he got to hold her, and gave her a soft kiss on her little forehead. She squeaked at him, and grasped his finger.
When you got to do skin to skin with her, a nurse came in to get her name. You and Leon knew just what to name her, the name you’d agreed on weeks ago.
Adelina Daphne Woodrow was born at 8:26 pm, on the first of October.
And she was perfect.
Everyone was ecstatic to meet Adelina, but you both wanted to wait a little while. Hop and Leon’s mother got to meet her first, and cried so hard at the sight of her. They both thought she was precious, and she was cuddled so much.
When you finally got to bring her home a few days later, she was actually a surprisingly easy baby. She was quite calm (except for when she was hungry) and loved to be held. You and Leon held her as much as you could, because you were totally infatuated with your daughter.
As the days went by, Adelina grew from a small, swaddled bundle, to an actual baby. She kept you both awake at night, but you loved her for it. She was a heavy sleeper too, and often conked out on her father.
When she learned to crawl, she was much faster than either of you. She was a struggle to keep up with, which got even harder once she started walking. She showed an immediate interest in Pokemon, which Leon was thrilled about.
And of course, her first word was “daddy”. It caught Leon completely off guard, and he came to you crying. You were only slightly jealous.
You loved the little family you had, and Adelina was perfect in every way.
(Okay well, except for when she set the living room rug on fire in second grade, but that’s a story for another time.)
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yatsurinamikaze · 3 months
Sombre (ninth - part ii) - (ninth - part iii) - (tenth)
//tw: miscarriage, blood, depression, dark stuff.
Miya Atsumu x Reader (angst)
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The Eisa festival finally arrived, bringing with it a palpable sense of excitement that enveloped the entire village. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and lanterns adorned the streets, casting a warm, inviting glow. The rhythmic beat of taiko drums filled the air, mingling with the joyful laughter of children and the hum of animated conversations.
The villagers gathered in the central square, dressed in vibrant traditional attire. The women wore bright kimonos, and the men donned happi coats, each garment adorned with intricate patterns and vivid colors. Dancers prepared for their performances, adjusting their hanagasa hats and practicing their movements.
You and your father joined the celebration, you found comfortable seating on the pier, your spirits lifted by the festive atmosphere. As you watched the dancers perform the traditional Eisa dance, your father leaned in to explain, “You know, the Eisa festival is more than just a celebration; it's a tribute to our ancestors. It's said that during Obon, the spirits of our ancestors return to visit, and we dance to honor and entertain them."
Your heart swelled with emotion as you listened to your father's words. The thought of your ancestors watching over everyone brought a sense of peace. You turned to your father, your voice tinged with curiosity and reverence. "Do you think Mother is watching us too?" You asked softly.
Your father gazed at the dancers for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I believe she is, y/n. Our loved ones never truly leave us. They live on in our memories, in the traditions we uphold, and in the love we share. Your mother is a part of this celebration, just as much as we are."
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but your smiled, feeling a profound sense of peace. "I hope she's happy seeing us here together,"you whispered.
You father placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, his eyes reflecting the same mix of sorrow and hope. "I'm sure she is. And I think she would be proud of the strength and resilience you've shown. Life has its challenges, but we find joy and meaning by staying connected to our roots and to each other.”
You look at the little dressed up kids, playing in the background, feeling the bile rising in your throat and your heart getting heavier.
“But Im anything but resilient.” You frown. You confesses about the miscarriage and the reason you came home after so long was because you and Atsumu broke up. Your father looks at you with concern, “What happened? Did Atsumu do something?"
Through her tears, you shake her head. "No, it was me. I completely shut myself off, he tried you know. I just..” You sniffle.
Her father wraps his arms around her, letting her weep on his shoulder. "I had no idea you were carrying so much pain. I'm sorry, y/n. I'm so sorry for not being there for you."
You pull back slightly, eyes filled with a mixture of anger and despair. "I didn’t want to burden you. You've already been through so much. And look at me—I couldn’t even keep my own marriage together."
He shakes his head, tears glistening in his own eyes. "You are never a burden. Never. I wish you had told me. We could have faced this together.” You nod your head gently as he holds you against his shoulder.
“You know y/n, your mother was a formidable woman. She had this strength that was quiet but unyielding. And I always saw so much of her in you.” You sniffle, "I don’t feel strong. I feel like I’m falling apart.”
"When your mother passed away," he begins, his voice filled with emotion and regret, "“I just.. I just saw so much of her in you know? Every time I looked at you, I just.. couldnt. I thought you would be able to deal with your emotions. I was drowning in my own grief and always thought you were brave and would brave this as well. But I think I went wrong there. I should have talked about it, shared my feelings, and not let this wall build up between us."
He sighs deeply, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Not talking about our feelings became the norm in the house. You shouldn't blame yourself for it; I'm partially to blame as well. We never talked about anything... and I guess that changed you."
He pauses, gathering his thoughts. "I guess that's why you shut yourself off from Atsumu as well. But that’s not a good thing to do. In good relationships, you talk about things. Your mother always said the same. She believed that love was about sharing everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly."
You nod, her heart aching with the weight of his words. "I want to do better, Dad. But I don’t know how. I feel so broken."
He hugs her tightly, his voice breaking. "You’re not broken, y/n. You’re hurting. And it’s okay to hurt. You just need to believe that you can heal. And remember, we're in this together. Always."
As they stood side by side, the past began to blend with the present, their shared grief transforming into a shared hope. The festival, with its joyful noise and vibrant energy, became a backdrop for their healing, a reminder that even in the midst of sorrow, there is space for joy and reconnection.
The night stretched on, filled with laughter and the hum of life, and as you and your father joined in the festivities, you found themselves woven into the fabric of the celebration, your hearts beginning to mend with every passing moment. The festival's spirit of unity and remembrance wrapped around you both, offering a promise of new beginnings and the strength to face the future together.
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silent-words · 3 months
I want- nay, I NEED- with Gale and Imogen #27 & #65 from that recent prompt.
Please m’lady I’m starving 🥣
This meal was stewing for a long time, but now it will be served! Sorry for the delay.
27. Giggly kiss
With his robes on, his hair smoothed and his beard trimmed Gale was ready to face the horrors of the Shadow-Cursed Lands and, more importantly, the woman he still couldn't believe was in love with him just as he was with her. He opened the flap of his tent and looked around. There was no sign of the green-haired half-elf. He walked to the centre of the camp and suddenly caught a glimpse of something big and white-feathered.
Gale strode towards it, and finally made out that it was an owlbear lying on its side with its belly exposed. Its eyes were closed. Gale furrowed his brows and started thinking. It was not the cub, for his feathers were brown, and it was not just a random adult owlbear, because they were usually hostile and protective, so one wouldn't be lying around like this in a place with so many humanoids. Some of these humanoids could use Wild shape, of course... He had an idea:
'Halsin, is that you?' The owlbear opened its eyes and made a noise, akin to a snort. Gale felt a familiar psionic buzz of the tadpole.
'He tends to Thaniel in his tent, remember?' the voice in his head said. 'Make another guess, use that beautiful brain of yours.'
Gale smiled, but raised his brows in wonder:
'It can't be you, Idgy! I've never seen you Wild shape into an owlbear.'
'You'll see it quite often, because this feathered body is comfy, and I also am big and fierce enough to protect you now.' She stretched as a cat. 'See these claws? They will tear that Absolute to shreds, and my beloved wizard will remain intact.'
Gale's heart was suddenly filled with warmth and joy. To think that someone would go this far as to learn a new shape to protect his useless life. But that were not the thoughts suitable for the moment. Instead, he came closer and reach his hand out to the fluffy belly. Still he hesitated:
'Will it be appropriate for me to...'
'Scratch my belly and ruff me feathers, I've been waiting for you to do it the whole morning.'
Gale put his hand into the feathers. They were so soft, and the huge body was warm, actually warmer than human. He started scratching, first with one hand, then two. The owlbear produced some hooting noises. The wizard started moving his hands, scratching everywhere.
Suddenly the large beast started jittering, and several seconds later Gale was blinded by an outburst of golden light from druid magic. When he regained his vision, instead of an owlbear he saw a giggling half-elf lying on the ground. She had to calm herself to speak:
'I said scratching, not tickling!'
Gale got on his knees and started tickling Imogen on purpose:
'That's so much more fun!'
'Hey!' She didn't stop giggling, but tried to kiss Gale. It was a clumsy kiss, they were both laughing at the time. But a few pecks later they both gave into the kiss. Still smiling they caressed each other's mouth gently and with profound care. Imogen could be ferocious on the battlefield, but she was the most caring person with her beloved wizard.
65. One small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other.
They clumsily climbed upon the pier, all drenched and exhausted. There was a hollowness in the brain, after all those months with a tadpole to be suddenly free of its psionic force. Imogen looked at the sinking mass of the Elder brain, and then at her party. With cuts and bruises, eye-bags and shaking limbs.
But they were alive. And she didn't lose any of them. She watched as Gale tried make himself presentable even drained of all magic. He did not sacrifice himself, he was there, and he was willing to live a mortal life.
Imogen nearly jumped on her lover and kissed him. Gale was surprised, but embraced her. She pulled away and said:
'We're alive, Gale! You're alive! We can be together, can you believe it?'
He gave her the most genuine and heart-worming smile:
'Yes, my love, nothing can tear us apart now.' He pressed his lips top hers, she reciprocated. Soon their hands were in each other's hair. Imogen, always the impatient one, licked Gale's lower lip and he opened his mouth inviting her tongue. When she got a taste of him, she moaned in a most wild and ungraceful way. But that's how he liked it. He tasted her. Their mouths were full of river water, but it didn't matter. They devoured each other, and Toril could stop spinning for all they cared.
They won. They were alive. They deserved this kiss.
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navarice · 2 years
my dearest fellow mdzs stans, i really don't want to spoil anyone's fun but sometimes some things must be said. please do NOT mistake fanon characteristics for canon characteristics because by GOD is it frustrating to dissect a character when all anyone wants to do is blindly turn away from the very vivid and metastasizing flaws.
jiang cheng is an extremely complicated character, and that's why we love him. but by god, he is a jealous, self-victimizing asshole with a massive inferiority complex who likes to torture (probably) innocent look-a-likes of his (as far as he knew) dead adjacent family member. jesus christ this isn't some simple case of miscommunication (well it is but, you know no amount of communication will ever mend the giant chasm that developed between them. especially not with asians raised within the most classical case of asian parenting, i mean come on now) but a matter of deep and intense self-loathing developed since early childhood projecting violently outwards. let me be clear. he hates wei wuxian. he loathes him. he wants to kill him with his own hands again and again so some part of his convoluted sense of justice and superiority will be fulfilled. he's a classist, a bully, and abusive to everyone around him. ong at the end of mdzs, i was nearly crying tears of joy when jin guangyao flayed him flat on his ass bc that man needed to hear it. he needed to feel it. he needed to stop blaming others and blame himself.
and!! he's homophobic!! the entire cultivation world is, yes, but he's the only one we see give wei ying and lan zhan active shit for it!!
point is...his complexity makes him interesting. as a child, he was pretty alright tbh. he was understandably upset when three of his dogs got taken away and he saw his dad give a completely random kid such a gentle hug when jiang cheng never received one so far. he was a kid, and it was sad and helped the readers get a glimpse at the already dysfunctional family dynamics before wei ying came into the picture. as an adolescent/teen, yes he had a lot of unresolved rage and inferiority issues building up when he was constantly being compared to wei wuxian by his mother and not given enough reassurance from his father (once again, all present before wei ying...everyone just likes to dump the shit on him bc it's easier to point fingers at others than at yourself). perhaps he could have turned out differently if literally either of his parents stepped up and took accountability. however, after the burning of lotus pier? after the golden core transfer? after wei ying stuck around as his subordinate just as he promised, and protected jiang cheng like he promised, and defected just to save the yunmeng clan's reputation so jiang cheng doesn't have to put up with the other clan's shit, still continuing to keep his promise? after wei ying's death? idk abt y'all, but all bets are off bro.
mxtx makes it a point to make him so irredeemable. he's an exploration of what can go wrong if you let your traumas, self-hatred, and revenge fantasies blind you. he has the worst traits of his parents for a reason, directly contrasting with the other sibling, who is a perfect picture of eldest daughters born into a dysfunctional family. jiang yanli has the best traits of her parents (in terms of compassion and standing up for her family), but the family dynamics also made her the way she was. the responsible, the mediator, the occasional mother, stepping in where madam yu cannot.
there's just so much potential to hold him accountable buried under the pretense of misunderstandings and kinnie moments. he just had so many chances, more than any other character, to make a different choice. to actually look past his misgivings and unlearn the bad habits he used to protect himself as a child. i'm not saying he has to magically heal from all his traumas, but at the very least know not to be like his parents. but he wasn't written that way. because that is what happens when you give into your insecurities and generational trauma.
bottom line: jiang cheng is a fantastic archetype that needs to be explored in all his authenticity, including his moments of loyalty and cruelty.
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I saw your requests were open and almost fainted from joy, would you be willing to add denmark to your “dating them would include” series 🥺🥺
Being in a relationship with Denmark would include...
Blinding smiles and Matthias’ bright blue eyes
Strange, but endearing humor
Nights of playing silly card games
Going down to the pier and watching all of the boats and people go by
Finding the best bakeries in town,
and if you’ll indulge him, he would love to try and bake something with you!
Him feeling so appreciative when you join him on Nation-related business trips. Matthias looks forward seeing you when he gets back to the hotel—it’s something to look forward to,
and then when he does get back to the hotel, you both can take a look around the city you’re in for anything fun, delightful, or interesting!
Matthias taking care of you when you’re not feeling well—you’re very surprised how well he can play nurse and you don’t think you’ve seen anyone so doting.
Matthias making sure you’re properly bundled for the colder seasons,
Matthias is definitely the type to offer you his coat, his scarf, his gloves, hat, etc….
“Matthias if you offer me anything more, you won’t have any clothes left!!”
You and him taking afternoon naps and then staying up a bit too late in the evening
Matthias doing this little thing where he comes to your height and presses his forehead against yours,
you then get to enjoy the way he nuzzles his nose playfully against your own and presses a kiss to your lips.
Him sneaking up from behind, lifting you off of the ground and spinning you around—this may or may not end in him obnoxiously tickling your sides
Matthias always joining you in the shower, and if you ever hope to get out in a decent amount of time, you’ll really have to convince him
You finding his head in your lap after you’ve both settled down on the couch
Matthias not being able to shut up about you around friends and family
Finding that Matthias can be the ultimate comfort on a horrible day—he’s kind and sweet and warm.
Yes, he is a little loud, but it’s the fullness of his heart and how much he cares about you that’s even louder.
Every tear shed from your eyes is a kiss from him that follows, and when he draws you into an embrace, everything else seems to fade away,
like everything else never even mattered,
because really, when are with him, Matthias is all that does matter.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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happy belated birthday @pedrito-friskito 💜💜💜💜 this gift is from both me and @inklore we love you so so much and I hope you had the best birthday ever! thank you for always being such a wonderful friend 💗
pairing: santiago garcia x f!reader
genre: fluff, mild angst, second chance romance, smut
summary: leaving frankie behind, you decide to take your chance with santi. he takes you to the beach where it almost happened.
warnings: underwater sex, piv, praise kink, fingering, semi-public sex, mild breeding kink
word count: 2k
click to head back to the start
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The look Frankie gave you when you decided to go with Santi broke your heart, but what’s done was done. You still cared for the pilot, which is why you decided to spare you both from the inevitable fallout that would happen if you gave the relationship another chance. 
“So where are we going?” you ask Santi as he hails a cab. He smirks, gaze full of mischief. 
“You’ll see,” he answers without truly answering. “Let’s just say I’m gonna take back the clock a bit.” 
You have no idea what he means but his smile is infectious and you find yourself vibrating with excitement at all the possibilities that lay before you.
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You look down the pier. The water is a vibrant shade of dark blue. Silver light dances over the soft waves, a gift from the crescent moon above. You shiver at the cold wind blowing, yet you crave the feeling of water against your skin. 
Among all the places you never once thought Santi would bring you back here, the place where a kiss was almost shared. 
A particularly big wave crashes against the wooden pillars. Beads of water kissing the tips of your shoes. 
“Your silence is worrying,” Santi quips as he stands next to you above the pier. 
You shake your head and smile. “It’s perfect,” you say, turning to him. “I’m glad you brought me here.” 
“That’s a relief,” he hugs you from behind, strong arms tight around your waist. “I always regretted not kissing you that night.” 
“Really? And here I thought I just read the signs wrong  from that night.” 
“You read them right,” he murmurs, lips moving along your cheek and dropping to your neck. “But. . . I saw the way Frankie had been looking at you for the past month and couldn’t.” 
Your hands dance along his forearms, warm underneath the pads of your fingers. “What changed now?” 
“He had his chance and he blew it,” You feel a hint of teeth on your skin, your lips part with a soft gasp. “I’m not going to let you go ever again.”
You’re speechless and your pulse skyrockets. Santi seems to be taking immense joy in your loss-of-words state as he smiles. His forefinger finds your chin, you shudder at how warm it feels, tilting your eyes to meet his, he smiles. “Let’s take a dip, cariño,” he says. 
“In the water?” you choke out a laugh. “We’ll freeze this late at night.”  
“We won’t freeze,” he answers. His hands begin tracing the contours of your body, heat blossoming under your skin. “Besides, I have ideas of how we can keep warm.” 
“Look, even if I wanted to, I don’t have my swimsuit with me.” 
He laughs, “I would’ve find it very off if you did. Who comes to a wedding with a swimsuit?” 
“So what do you suggest then?” you ask, turning within his arms to face him.
He raises an eyebrow, lips curling with mischievous humor. 
“You have underwear don’t you?” his eyes shine underneath the moonlight. “Unless you’re going commando. . . ” Santi’s eyes drop to your cleavage as if imagining what your bare breasts will look like. You flush from the inside out, stomach clenching at his mere gaze.
His presence coils around you like a snake, squeezing the air out of your lungs, he leans closer, crowding your personal space. His lips touch yours, warmth blossoming underneath the soft skin. You suck in a sharp breath, your bodies inch closer, and you can almost taste him in the air lingering between you two. 
But he pulls away, leaving you searching for more. 
“Come on,” he repeats, his fingers tracing your jawline. “Let me see every part of you. I’ll go first since you’re so shy.” 
He takes a step back, his eyes never leaving yours, his fingers moving to the buttons of his shirt. With a deliberate slowness, he undoes them one by one, revealing the smooth expanse of his chest. The moonlight dances over the contours of his muscles, highlighting every curve and ridge.
Your breath catches as he discards his shirt, revealing more of his torso. He's strong and lean, with a hint of stubble peppering his chest. A cascade of emotions washes over you – desire, vulnerability, and a touch of disbelief that you're here.
Santi's gaze remains locked on yours, tenderness in his eyes. He gestures for you to come closer, his hand extending towards you. Your fingers tremble slightly as you reach out and let your fingertips graze his skin.
The sensation sends shivers down your spine. Santi's warmth against your touch is inviting.
"Your turn," he says softly, his voice a gentle invitation. 
You take a steadying breath, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. With a shy smile, you start unzipping your dress, baring your collarbone and a hint of your chest. The moonlight seems to embrace you, offering a comforting backdrop.
As your dress falls to the ground, you stand there, allowing the heat of his gaze to wash over you. In this quiet exchange, words become secondary.
Then Santi suddenly jumps. 
“H-Hey!” you call out, worried. You’re left only in your bra and underwear as you look down. Santi’s there, waiting for you, droplets of water dripping from his hair. You shudder, skin tingling with goosebumps. His brows furrow with worry when he meets your gaze. 
“Come on, jump in. You’re going to freeze up there.” 
“Sorry, the longer I stare the more scared I get,” your body trembles, but a soft smile tugs at your lips. “You promise not to let me drown?” 
“Of course.” 
And you jump. 
It's a bit daunting at first. You've never been one to easily open your eyes underwater, dreading the sting of salt against them. The initial coolness of the water sends a shiver down your spine, a sensation akin to steel touching your skin. Your limbs sway as you kick your legs and move your arms, the anticipation of resurfacing tugging at your senses. Yet, something surprising happens – the water's chill begins to recede, replaced by a comforting warmth that wraps around you like a gentle embrace. 
Santi holds you, his hands firm against your body, he pulls you up and you gasp for air, filling your lungs with sweet oxygen. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, thanks,” you open your eyes, smiling when you see him. “I’m still cold by the way.” you lie.
Santi grins, pulling you tighter. Your chest is flushed against his, your breasts pour out of your laced bra, his lips only an inch away. His nails catch against the small of your back, a tingle rushes up your spine, and you move closer. Your eyes drop to his glistening lips.
Santi, assuming that you’re still cold, tightens his grip and inches closer. He finally gives you what you want. Your lips move against his. It starts out slow, gradually becoming more needy. You press your thighs together when he licks the seam of your lips. You part for him and feel his tongue inside of your mouth. Santi takes what you have to offer with greed, he sucks your tongue into his mouth, hands dropping to your hips, he grinds himself into your aching heat. 
You part away with a moan. As your hands cradle his neck, he nips the skin above your chin. Santi continues to force your hips up against his own, you can feel the drag of his cock between your clothed folds. 
“F–Fuck,” you wrap your legs around him, water sloshes around the two of you, the salt burns your tongue.  
“Look at you with the sailor's mouth,” he teases, thick fingers pull at the waistband of your panties. “Did you ever think about me, mi amor?” 
“I have,” you confess, albeit slightly guiltily. “I have,” you repeat without indulging further. 
His body reacts in a way that surprises you. He hunches over, fingers finding your clit, he starts to draw short, quick circles. The pleasure is electrifying, it takes you everything not to accidentally drown you both. Santi’s lips follow a path that ends at the curve of your right breast, he sucks, teeth digging into the ample flesh. You let out a sharp moan when he thrusts two of his fingers, heat licks the bottom of your spine. The water, despite your initial thought, doesn’t prove to be a good lubricant, but lucky for you both your body provides enough for him to glide with ease, the slight pain you feel with every drag only makes you want him more. 
Santi pulls out his fingers and forces them between your lips. You moan at the taste of salt and bitterness. He mouths against your earlobe, his voice a pleasant timbre in your ear. 
“So wet for me. Only for me.” he rasps, pushing your body up, his one hand resting on your stomach. He turns you over so you can brace your palms against the wooden pillars of the pier. “You have no idea how many times I thought about that missed moment on the beach. The thing I would’ve done to you if we had only kissed.” 
The husk of his voice makes you shiver. You want to retaliate, reply with something snarky and smart to impress him, but the words die on your tongue as he buries himself into you with one smooth motion. Your mouth fills with water when you gasp. It’s the most intense feeling, your toes curl, nails clawing at the pillar. Your vision is spotted with black dots, jaw slacked. He pulls back his hips only to fuck his cock even deeper into you. His hips slotted into your own, he allows you to drift back, your breasts leisurely moving above the water. Santi uses you as he pleases, you feel lifeless with pleasure, every muscle growing taut and loose, only to repeat itself. He groans and grunts, the noises of rushed waves filling the night. 
His cock is deep, stretching you wide, his thumb circles your clit. Your legs lock up, heat rushing down your stomach and pooling between your legs. 
“I’m gonna come,” you moan, reaching for him. Santi takes you by the hand and pulls you against him, your body now flush against the pillar “Gonna come, gonna come, gonna come–” you repeat like a chant, your whimper following your sinful promise. 
“Don’t. Wait for me,” 
You cry openly, tears flowing down your cheeks, your cunt throbs. He whispers things you assume to be consolations, you only hear the words that make your heart squeeze. 
“Good girl. My good, sweet, girl. You’re doing so well for me. Just a bit more. I’m so close…” 
He speaks in a hushed tone, it soothes you like a frightened animal. He kisses his skin, salt burning his lips. He hammers into you deeper and deeper. You feel only pleasure. You beg him for more. You beg him for less. Your mind is a tornado of mixed emotions and lust. 
Santi spills into you and at the same time bites into your neck, your own orgasm crashes down on you, leaving you limp. White flashes before your eyes, pleasure raking up and down your body as you try to breathe. Santi continues to grind his cock into you, his hand moving over your stomach. 
He pulls out of your carefully, you make a sound between a sigh and a whine. Santi turns you around and continues to hold you, the waves calm once again. 
Santi kisses your neck, then your jaw, and lastly your lips. 
“Never losing you again,” he promises, touching your lips with the pad of his thumb. 
“Good,” you answer, kissing him long and hard. “I’ll never forgive you if you do.”
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rayan12sworld · 6 months
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💠💙Following the Rules
By:BegrudginglyTumbling (SarcasticSmiler)
To the outside world Lan Wangji was the picture-perfect example of what a Lan should be.
He was quiet, studious.
He knew every rule and followed them to the letter.
Never a hair out of place, his pure white robes pristine.
He was perfect.
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that he was the pride and joy of his Sect.
But to Gusu Lan he was an absolute menace.
Jiang Cheng could feel the sweat beading up on the back of his neck. Jiang Cheng had, of course, seen porn before. He had his own small collection stuffed under his mattress back in Lotus Pier. But he’d never expected to see porn in the sacred library of Cloud Recesses. Unlike the other Lans in attendance, Lan Wangji merely blinked at the Teacher, before setting his brush down and calmly folding his hands in his lap. “How is it not appropriate? Books and scrolls are the keepers of knowledge, they are to be respected and studied. How are these tomes any different to the other subjects housed within the Library Pavilion?” “Promiscuity is prohibited, Lan Wangji, as you well know.” “I do.” Lan Wangji bowed his head in acknowledgement, and Jiang Cheng felt the collected Lans relax. But he’d grown up with Wei Wuxian for a brother, he instinctively didn’t trust what he saw before him. His instincts and experience were proven correct when Lan Wangji lifted his head and spoke once more. “However promiscuity is enacted through the use of the body. I have not indulged in any of the acts portrayed within these works and shall not until such a time as I am married. I fail to see how I can be accused of promiscuity when I am merely following the tenets of our Sect and expanding my mind through the acquisition of knowledge.” “You-!” Jiang Cheng didn’t want to admit it as he scrambled to the side, bowing respectfully to the Teacher storming out, but he was impressed. Every teenager he knew hid their porn like the dirty little secret it was. Even Wei Wuxian hid his porn like the dirty little secret it was. Yet here was Lan Wangji. Reading it in public and claiming to be studying. There was no shame. No blushing and stuttering as fumbling hands tried to hide it. He honestly, point blank, dubbed it a source of knowledge and his Elder couldn’t do anything because he wasn’t technically breaking the Rules. Jiang Cheng was honestly in awe.
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Peace and Love (AO3 link)
Summary: A short story of something that could happen If Hyacinthus were to have come back in the world of Percy Jackson days after his death.
Notes: So it turns out with the myth of Hyacinthus that three days after his death Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite resurrect Hyacinthus and he is celebrated as a god of decay and renewal. He was also very celebrated by the Spartans and had a three day long festival held in his honour called Hyacinthia.
So the man isn't actually dead dead, how fun!
Hope you enjoy this 😘✌️
The day Hyacinthus died, the world experienced only dusk as the sun dimmed with Apollo's heartbreak (not complete darkness as the Sun Gods from other pantheons managed to take some control from Apollo.)
Instruments could not find a tune, poets could not find the words and sicknesses instantly began to run rampant.
This lasted for three days.
It only lasted for three days as Artemis, who could not bare to see her twin in such pain, Aphrodite who was so weak for love and Athena who saw no wisdom in allowing the mortals to experience such turmoil decided to resurrect the fallen Spartan prince.
The resurrection was simple enough, as Hyacinthus soul had not reached Hades, as he was turned into a flower. The not simple thing was having to petition Zeus to turn the prince into a God.
Surprisingly, when Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena and Hyacinthus came to Zeus' throne room, Zeus himself was in a good mood for once and turned Hyacinthus into a God with nary an argument.
The conversation being:
"My King," said Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena and Hyacinthus.
"Yes," said Zeus sitting high and mighty in his throne.
"We ask that you turn the demigod mortal Prince Hyacinthus into a God." Said Artemis.
"Why should I?" Asked Zeus.
"So my twin stops crying." Said Artemis.
"For true love." Said Aphrodite.
"So the mortals, necessary for our existence, stop dying." Said Athena.
"Sound arguments." Said Zeus. "Now to you, Prince Hyacinthus, do you wish to be a God and join us in Olympus?"
"I do, my Lord." Said Hyacinthus.
"So be it." Said Zeus and turned Hyacinthus into a God, the God of Decay and Renewal to be specific.
Apollo, finding out that his dead mortal lover had come back and ascended to Godhood experienced such joy that the sun shone bright with peaceful warmth, musicians performed beautifully, poets wrote the best poems of their careers and all those experiencing illnesses were miraculously cured.
Together Apollo and Hyacinthus lived happily ever after.
Over 3000 years later:
"So the cabins each represent a god, right?" Asked Percy as he sat with Annabeth on the pier.
"That's right, there's one for each Olympian God." Annabeth replied.
"So the Golden cabin represents Apollo and then all his kids are in it?"
Annabeth bit her lip, "Apollo is a bit of a different one," she said, "it's not just his children in his cabin, but its not like Hermes where all the children of the Gods are welcome inside."
"What other kids would Apollo have then?" Percy asked with confusion.
"His husband's children, the God Hyacinthus." She replied and pursed her lips, "but.." she drew out.
"But what?"
She sighed, "I don't know how ready you are to hear this."
"I found out my best friend has goat legs and I saw my mother get squeezed to death by the Minotaur on the same night, I'll be fine."
"Listen, you understand that the Gods are very different from us mortals right, that they don't have DNA like us."
"I didn't, but now yes."
"Well, it's the same with how they make us children, sometimes we spring from the thoughts of our mother," Annabeth shifted uncomfortably, "sometimes they have children with mortals of the same gender. And don't ask me how," she said quickly when she saw Percy's mouth open that quickly closed at her words.
"And other times," she said after a moment, "more than one god has a child with the same mortal."
"A human has two different children with two different gods? That's not that weird."
"No," she grunted with frustration, "that's not what I meant. Sometimes the children have three parents, two Gods and one mortal."
"So you mean that-?"
"Yes Percy, some of the kids in Apollo's cabin are the children of both Apollo and Hyacinthus and a mortal."
Percy's brain was actually struggling to compute this information along with everything else he's learnt, not that he'll admit it to Annabeth.
"Huh." He said, it was the only thing he could say.
Annabeth nodded, "that's right," she said, "huh."
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cinamun · 1 year
Cin…ciiiiinnn…so I was catching up with the RRR posts I missed from yesterday and here I am again on my bs 😂:
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The joy I lowkey felt when I saw this 💀 cuz unless you delete that baby and pretend nothing happened (I personally think he’d lose all the points he’s gained in the community if we integrated that he does have this family and left them to try things with Mercy for whatever reason especially after the pier incident), Sean is seemingly off the table for her SO I say all that to say this…there’s still our lovely black cowboy that has yet to be implemented anywhere as far as I know 🫢🫣 I will never let that go btw lmao Mercy is such a southern belle type of lady but of course with some femme fatale thrown in there and I think her on a ranch making cornbread and collards for her man would be EVERYTHING AND MORE. He could be like a riding instructor and the twins learn how to ride and stuff once they’re older like 😭 please Cin, we did it for little red when she was just a test baby and we can do it for unnamed black cowboy too. The petition to bring him in will go out at noon EST 😂 I will be 60 years old still talking about this lmfao think of all the modern southern belle outfits you could put her in…I’m just saying…
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*giggle* Riding Instructor *giggle*
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Mercy could prolly use some *cough* riding instructions....
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missyourflight · 1 year
Directors commentary on the opening scene of tender is my heart please!! ❤️
ty keypad! ❤️
Max drives into town with some people from the cottages, squashed into the back middle seat; Helen thinks she saw a possible for Laura B. in one of the shops. A bit of clone worldbuilding stuff right up top - I do worry sometimes in AUs about just throwing people in the deep end and not explaining stuff enough but in this case my excuse is that the NLMG book does basically the same thing (apologies 2 kazuo for the happy ending etc). Anyway the cottages! Just initials bc clones don't get last names 😭
He doesn’t care much one way or the other about finding someone’s model, ah, the joys of Max POV, and also more clone lore but there’s nothing to do at the cottages besides walk in the woods, peel the vegetables for dinner, scratch at the personal essays they’re all supposed to be writing. The town is by the sea, and Max has never seen the sea. 🌊🌊🌊 5/12 of my f1 fics on AO3 end with them near water/running away to sea etc... what you might call a Tell
They pile out of the car, Alex carefully feeding coins into the parking box. I like "parking box" bc the phrasing is just off enough Max takes a deep breath in, catching something salty on the air. There are birds overhead, their squawking sounds different to the ones in the woods near the cottages.
They make their way into the town, and the deeper they go, the less Max wants to find the possible. He hates the idea of it, suddenly, the group of them pressed up against some shop window, scanning faces trying to find a version of Laura’s.
“I’ll come and meet you later,” he says, catching Alex by the elbow, not wanting to be there for the scene. The others are already marching ahead and Alex doesn’t make a big deal about it, just tells him, “Back at the car at four, okay.”
Max retraces his steps, following the salt smell past where they parked the car until finally he can see the sea in front of him, rolling grey into the distance, spindly-looking pier stretching out. It’s not like the pictures he’s seen: when Em @powerful-owl read this she called it pattern matching, which I hadn't thought about but hurts my feelings 😭 I love clone Max 😭 less blue; the water less clear. Still, he likes it, the way he can’t see the end of it. Horizon feeling stuff comes back later in the first sex scene but like: the endlessness of the water/the immensity of his feelings for Daniel etc
He follows the road curving along the seafront, past the little shops. They’re mostly boring-looking bookshops, stalls selling sticks of rock and candy floss classic seaside items. There’s one with a jumble of things in the window that remind him of the Sales at Hailsham – a model car painted red, pencils with little animal-shaped rubbers on the end, a tub of marbles. Max stops to look, just for a minute, putting his hood up as it starts to rain.
The pavement turns into the planks of the pier, leading Max from the land out over the water, the sound of his steps suddenly different, the noise of the cars falling away behind him. I love piers; my hometown has a pier. I like the world literally changing underfoot here for him bc something big's about to happen; threshold stuff etc
The cafe sits at the end of the pier. I did just picture the NLMG pier from the film throughout - I cheated a bit bc the cafe from the film is not on the pier but I love piers It’s made of glass, like a greenhouse. Max startles at the jangling sound of the bell as he pushes the door open. At Hailsham they’d just practised in a classroom with a few desks moved about; there hadn’t been the smells, or other people sitting at the tables, or music playing. Like the NLMG clone worldbuilding stuff is So sad and I think the roleplay stuff is from the film rather than the book? But it breaks my heart. He's never been in a cafe! In many ways a story about firsts and being in the world for the first time etc
He stands there for a moment, blank. Does he just sit down?
“Be with you in a sec,” says the man behind the counter, looking over at Max with an easy smile. “Go ahead and grab a seat.” I hate the part of the story where we all have to pretend we don't know who Daniel is lol
The glass walls make it seem like the whole cafe is made of windows. Max sits where he can see the water, far beneath him, the little white peaks of the waves. He cranes his neck trying to see in the other direction, the sea stretching away. I do like the image of the glass box of the cafe glittering away at the end of the pier - it's kind of magical and this little box for them to fall in love inside but also it's made of windows - ultimately they can't hide there forever
“What can I get you?”
“Oh,” Max says, hurriedly unfolding the menu. “Sorry, I haven’t –”
���No worries,” the waiter says, using his pen to poke his hair back behind his ear. Max notices his little hoop earring on that side. He has the longest hair of any man Max has seen in person, messy-looking curls around his face. At least half the reason I wrote this story was to write Daniel as a 90s dreamboat lol - like part Home and Away boyfriend part AJ's cardigans from Empire Records At Hailsham they were never allowed to grow it out like that; Max still keeps his short, like most of them at the cottages, out of habit and because it’s easier. More Hailsham stuff which just sort of drip-feeds through the story until the ~clone reveal, but like, you get that it was like controlling, isolated - and it's not really pushed in these early scenes but it is also the only place Max has known and like part of his identity. It's sort of similar to the Roman Holiday AU or the Below Deck AU bc I can only write one story - like royalty and the yacht and being a donor are all things that the story ultimately wants to break him out of and also basically a horribly obvious stand-in for like the relationship with the team/his d*d. It means he doesn’t have anything to do with his hands now, though; he wipes them on the corduroy of his trousers. I picture clone Max exclusively in Andrew Garfield's little outfits from the film
“Something to drink, maybe?”
The waiter’s voice is strange, too; he doesn’t sound like anyone Max has met before. He sounds like the people on the soaps they watch in the cottages before supper, people arguing on sandy beaches, wearing shorts and t-shirts like they never get cold. Everyone on the soaps is beautiful and the waiter is too, very handsome. The little thread of Max constantly comparing Daniel to Home and Away/Australian soaps... idk if it's too much or I leaned too hard on the nineties nostalgia stuff, oh well
He’s still standing there, waiting for Max to stop staring and order. Max blinks down at the menu, picks the first thing he recognises.
“A coke?” he says. “And, a plate of chips, please.”
“Coming right up,” the waiter says with a smile, and wanders off.
There’s hardly anyone in the cafe, just Max and a couple of older women together at another table, metal pot of tea between them. Metal teapots classic cafe item... I did enjoy giving Max some of my most stereotypical caff items... later he has a toasted teacake 😭
Max looks out of the window again, watching the clouds blow across the sky until the waiter comes back with his plate of chips.
“Thanks,” Max says, and picks up his fork, but the waiter puts a hand out to stop him.
“Whoa, let me grab –” He lifts a little basket off the next table and sets it in front of Max. “Condiments,” he says with a flourish. “You can’t eat naked chips, mate.” Daniel kind of harmlessly flirts with everyone because otherwise he would be so bored, he is intrigued by Max wandering in in his little outfit and staring at the clouds and having no idea what to do with himself tho
Max feels his face get hot, and he sprinkles salt and vinegar all over his chips even though he isn’t supposed to have so much salt bc of his organs 😭. The smell of the vinegar is strong and delicious, rising in a warm cloud. When he looks up, the waiter is still standing there, watching.
He raises his eyebrows. Max shrugs. “I like vinegar.” This is Soph-coded bc I put So much vinegar on my own chips
“Yeah, clearly,” the waiter says, smiling like Max said something funny.
Max gestures at the rest of the condiments. “What do you recommend?” he says, a line straight out of the class role play the only way he knows how to behave lol, and this time the waiter laughs. He leans over and picks the ketchup out of the basket, shakes the sauce straight onto Max’s plate instead of handing him the bottle. Flirty! Also very weird behaviour honestly but if I like anything I like when people are weird about each other 🤷‍♀️
“Got to go with the classic,” he says.
Max swipes one of his chips through the sauce. “It’s good,” he says. Then, looking up at the waiter, feeling bold: “Do you want some?” He's going off-script
“It’s cool, they actually pay me in chips,” the waiter says, but he takes one anyway. “Vinegar’s good,” he says with a grin.
He isn’t treating Max like a donor at all. Maybe it’s because Max is by himself; if there’s a group of them out together people always seem to be able to tell. Sometimes someone will come over and thank them, squeeze their hands; more often they just stare. It’s easier at the cottages, not having to deal with any of that. Maybe the biggest stretch in the story is that Daniel doesn't know what's up with the donor stuff but I handwave it thusly: it's not a thing in Australia, maybe it's not polite to talk about in the UK bc people would rather not acknowledge the horrible things they are doing to the clones, he's not the most politically engaged lol, also the reason he is in this tiny seaside town at the end of the pier is bc he has essentially retreated from the world
“You can sit down,” Max says. “Or, you don’t have to, if it is too busy.”
The waiter looks around the nearly-empty cafe. “Yeah, Mavis and Joan have me run off my feet.”
He sits down, and Max asks, “Aren’t you supposed to wear an apron?” Pattern matching. In the roleplay the waiter would have been wearing an apron!
“Is this like, an inspection? Are we finally getting our five stars?”
“Five stars out of five,” Max says, “for sure.” Max's love language is gift giving but it's also going along with the bit
The waiter’s still smiling at him, warm and crooked; suddenly Max can’t remember any other lines. He casts his mind over small talk, trying to find another question to ask him, make the moment stretch a little longer.
At last, the obvious: “What’s your name?”
“Daniel,” he says, and Max sticks his hand out. “Max V.”
“Max V.?” Daniel laughs at Max’s nod, and shakes his hand. “Just the initial, like Gina G? What are you, a DJ?” Oh god there's just so many nineties references 🙃
“No,” Max says. He takes his hand back, wipes it again on his trousers under the table. “What’s a DJ?”
“Oh my god. Where are you from? Is this a Third Rock From the Sun situation?” He leans across the table and peers at Max, brown eyes twinkling. “Be straight with me: are you, like, a Jehovah’s witness?”
Max reaches for the line they gave them at Hailsham, for people asking too many questions: “I’m doing a residential,” he says, adding, “We’re staying out at this old farm, we just drove in for the afternoon.”
“Oh, nice,” Daniel says, and then, “watch your chips, they’re getting cold.”
Max pushes the plate towards the middle of the table, and Daniel takes another.
Daniel sits with him for ages. Sometimes he has to get up and fetch a pot of hot water for another table, take an order, but he comes back to sit with Max again. He doesn’t seem to mind Max’s questions, about the cafe, the town, anything he can think of.
“What do you call this kind of shirt?”
It’s soft-looking, with a faded check pattern. Daniel hasn’t even done up the buttons, leaving it open over his t-shirt hot 2 me and also Max. Max wills his fingers still on the table top; he doesn’t reach out and touch.
“A flannel, I guess. It’s my lumberjack look.” Daniel shrugs modestly. I'm so bad at describing Daniel's cute lil movements but it's a very specific cute shrug I'm thinking of and also he does it in the car later before they make out “I’m a woodsman.”
“I have not seen so many trees in town,” Max says.
“Uh, yeah, because I got them already.” He mimes swinging an axe.
Max’s face hurts from smiling. “This is called a jumper,” he says, nodding down at himself, feeling warm inside when Daniel laughs. A constant etc
“Hold on,” Daniel says. “A jum– how do you spell that?” He flips to a new page on his pad, clicking his pen, and Max has to bury his head in his arms to stop his laugh bouncing off the glass. They're very silly and they like each other very much!!
When Max looks up at the clock on the wall, there’s barely five minutes before he has to meet the others.
“I have to go,” he says, standing up in a rush. He turns back at the door, remembering himself, the role play, his questions. “Can I give you some money?”
“You better,” Daniel says. “It’s kinda part of the deal, you’ll get me in trouble if you eat and run.” He is So fond already
“Sorry,” Max says, and unzips his pouch to start counting out money. Daniel shakes his head when he sees, stretching his hand out to take the coins from Max. Picturing Max with a money pouch/bumbag situation that he wears under his jumper, for Security
“Absolute Mormon. Go on, get out of here.” He flaps his hand goodbye as he leans on the counter, smiling creases at Max. The Mormon thing... idk how well it works but it's like Daniel's excuse to not ask questions about Max's very obviously weird situation. Also "smiling creases" is weird but it's So hard to find different ways to describe smiling and grinning 🙃
“Thanks for the chips,” Max says, even though he should be turning to leave now, not still standing here smiling back at Daniel, watching the lines on his face deepen.
“Any time, Max V.,” Daniel says. “Come back soon.”
He has to jog back to the car to make it in time, his feet thudding against the wooden boards of the pier, slapping the seafront pavement as he passes the shops. The sea’s rolled in while Max has been eating chips; everything looks different. Stuff changed!! He's changed!! The clouds have parted, too, the sky clearing just in time for dusk, wet pebbles shining on the shore. The glass of the cafe is catching the sun, pulling Max’s eye back towards the end of the pier.
When he catches up with the others the mood is subdued. It hadn’t been Laura’s original after all; it never is. It’s never nice people in shops or offices, who they’re modelled on. Keira Knightley is actually so good in the NLMG film and I always think about her saying "We're modelled on trash." Clone stuff very bleak!! Probably all their originals are already dead. Max could have told them that and saved them all the trip, but then he would never have found the cafe.
Max looks out of the window all the way back to the cottages. He still feels warm, from the chips, from talking to Daniel; the glass is cool where he leans his head against it. Eddie C. takes a wrong turn somewhere and it’s dark by the time they get back, so late they’ve missed the soaps.
Max watches with everyone the next night, sitting with Charles on the floor in front of one of the couches. He thinks about saying casually, I met someone from Australia. He was so good-looking, he could be on Home and Away. Nineties dreamboat!!
If he tells them about Daniel, half the cottages will want to come back to the cafe with him, just to hear his voice and ask him questions about surfing. Carloads of them trailing down the pier, crowding in and filling up the tables. In the end Max doesn’t say anything, but he does pull Pierre aside to ask him what a DJ is. I got so carried away with the music/mixtape stuff in this story but I do think this beat is funny
On their run the next morning Alex asks him, “Where did you get to the other day, then?”
“Nowhere much. There was a cafe, I had some chips.”
Alex makes a betrayed sound, and they run on through the woods, autumn leaves crunching beneath Max’s feet as he concentrates on his breaths, the steady pump of his heart. Sorry this was so long but I wanted to talk about the little running scene in the woods! There's three of these: this one where Max is just thinking about his body as something functional, his heart and his breathing; the one after they start hooking up where he's moving so easily and like leaping over logs; the one after they've broken up where he trips on a root and sits there trying not to cry. And then running together on the beach in Perth at the end 😭 One of the very limited tools in my toolbox to show the same thing a bunch of times to illustrate change lol - but also one of the main things I wanted to do with the story was show how Max's relationship to his own body changes, how sex changes the way he thinks about his body and its uses, how love changes the way he thinks about donations etc 🫀
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lollipencil · 6 months
High Tide: Part 2
I really wanted to do another part to this AU, even had a seperate Part 2 (now currently Part ?) in my drafts for months. So, here is Part 2, or "How Layla meets the merboys".
Enjoy and be gentle ---
Layla was not an inexperienced diver. Her dad had taken her on dives in the past, long after he had enforced the knowledge of the risks and of what to do in various situations. So, when her leg got caught on one dive shortly after his death, Layla kept calm.
Light from her headlamp lined the nearby ledge she'd previously been before part of the ceiling had gave way. Focusing all her efforts on breathing slowly, she looked back at her pinned leg.
The rock was too big to shift herself. She wasn't on her own, but they were exploring other parts of the temple. Layla was on her own.
At least, it seemed that way at first.
A minute passed, before she could make out a figure appearing over the opposite passage. Layla waved them over, thinking it was one of the other divers.
The first sign that it wasn't, was how they swam. Almost slivering through the water, occasionally using their hands to push them along. As they grew closer, her headlamp erased any belief that this was one of the others.
Scales, beginning as blue before lightening to white towards the centre of their body, covered almost all of them apart from the hair on the top of their head. There was no nose, just a slight bump and small gill-like slits where it would be, and proper gills down their neck. In place of legs, the figure's body went from human-like torso to fish tail smoothly. Their lips part slightly as they neared, showing sharp teeth.
But Layla still didn't panic. Because those were not the eyes of a savage beast.
They paused briefly mere inches from her before focusing on the rock. Clawed and webbed hands grasped the edges, and they pushed. It lifted and Layla quickly snatched her leg away.
The world seemed to still. The merman looked at her, and she looked back. Then, their head jolted to the passageway she'd came from, and they shot off with astonishing speed back the way they came. Just before the lights of Layla's group appeared over the ledge.
Layla had said nothing about what she's saw.
It was the sort of thing that gets you called crazy, but she knew what she'd saw. And she wanted, no, needed to know more.
It took a while, but soon word began to spread of a creature in the water. It would frighten children who tried to wade out too far, even would carry back those who couldn't do it themselves if needed. There was some minor differences regarding colour and pattern, but based on the description, the same species. So, with hope and eagerness in her heart, Layla made her way to the shore where most of the stories originated.
The cold air brushed up her spine, even as her hands soaked up the heat of the pizza box in her hands. Tiredly, she sat down on the pier, set down the pizza, and lay against the post with her eyes closed.
She almost drifted off when the sound of something surfacing from the water hammered straight into her mind. Sounds of swimming got closer followed by the faint noise of climbing. "Oh?" a soft voice with a british accent came from the edge of the pier, "Someone's had a fun night. Shouldn't miss a slice or two, right?"
Something heavy heaved themself up onto the pier, landing with a faint huff. Layla waited with baited breath as he neared and the sound of unfolding cardboard soon reached her ears. "Oh, no meat, no cheese," he hummed happily, "Perfect."
She waited a minute before cracking her eyes open.
Definitely the same species. His head was hidden under the box lid as he tucked in with joy, tail wagging like a dog with a bone. Dark scales were revealed as green by the faint streetlight while the streaks were a clear amber.
As he kept going, a thought suddenly hit Layla. Where does she go from here? Suddenly, the wind blew the lid fully open, showing the creature with sauce all around his mouth. He looked up. And met Layla's eyes.
Neither of them moved. A crust hung from sharpened fangs. Moonlight reflected off of his eyes fully, leaving two glowing orbs that failed to hide the sheer panic in them. Idly, Layla noted that the amber made it look like he was wearing eye makeup. A dog barked in the distance, and he bolted. Right over the side of the pier and right into the dark waves below.
Leaving Layla with a open box of cooling pizza, and the same number of unanswered questions.
One week. That's how long Layla went to the shoreline, night after night, but there was no sign of either creature. Which left only one cource of action.
The moonlight rendered the waves a molten silver as Layla stripped down to the swimming costume she'd put on that morning. Slowly, she acclimatized herself to the chill with each step further in, before lunging slightly into a front stroke. For a minute, she swam.
Then something hooked around her waist and pulled her back to the store.
Only the fact that she'd been expecting it stopped her from thrashing or yelling. And yet, even when she looked down, she could see nothing under the water. Even when dumped underneath the pier, nothing appeared to be her "savior". But something was there. "Hello?" she called softly into the shadows. "What are you doing?" a harsh whisper replied. "Going for a late night swim," Layla shrugged. "Don't lie," the voice hissed, "I know you've been here all week. Looking for my brother."
The water in front of Layla suddenly stirred. Then, a shimmer passed over the air before her, to reveal the creature described in the rumors, silver with black patches like a koi: "Why?"
She could see no reason to lie to him, "Because I met another of your...species during a dive not too long ago. I wasn't looking for your brother, I am sorry if I scared him. I just want some anwsers." "Can you describe this other?" the creature asked after a brief pause. "Blue at the edges, brightening to white further in." He half-sighed and groaned. "He's also my brother."
Ah. "We aren't really a species," the creature admitted slowly, "us three, we are fully human once." "Fully?" "Yeah. Not too sure how much of this," he lifted a clawed hand up, "counts biologically, but we can still look human, if we choose." "What happened?" "An accident. Ended up sinking down into the arms of a statue of Khnum. He brought us back, like this. Now, occasionally, he has us do things for him."
Layla let this soak in. She nodded. "Happy now?" the creature smirked slightly, moonlight revealing a mustache-like patch on his upper lip. "Could you tell him, the one I met first, thank you for me?" Layla asked. "Si, I can do that," and then he shimmered, and the water rippled, and Layla was once more alone in the water.
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kachawo · 2 years
Happy Birthday Wei Ying!
For his birthday, I want all the Wwxs to meet.
Child wei ying, first disciple wei wuxian, the yiling partriarch, the ressurected.
It’ll be confusing first, don’t you think?
15 y/o wwx would be sooo confused: why are you so skinny? And why is the future us shorter than you?
Mxy!wwx: is the height the only thing you noticed?
Baby wei yimg would be just there, silently watching his counterparts speak over each other with a cute little absent expression.
And yllz!wwx would be drinking the hell out of those wine jars mxy!wwx has in the jingshi
Yllz!wwx: we’re we always this scraggly?
15 y/o wwx: you’re one to talk! You look like a skeleton!
It’s all so chaotic and fun at the same time. Sure, if any sane person saw this scene it would sound insane. To enjoy the company of yourself? Insanity.
Both yllz!wwx and mxy!wwx envy the joy their younger self still has, the light in his eyes that they can never recover again. They indulge in this little temporary space they’ve made for themselves in this world, knowing that it won’t last forever.
They care for baby wei yimg like they do with a-yuan, they make him smile, break him out of his wary instinct.
15 y/o wwx tells him tales of his new home, the rivers and lakes, lotuses, the kind people. While the older two listen in with pained smiles, one more than the other.
“You’ll meet the most beautiful and kindest shijie ever.” Their teenage self would say.
Baby wei yimg would smile, comforted by the fact that someday, he would have a home, would have someone to love him and care for him.
Both young wwxs wouldn’t notice how yllz!wwx’s face curls in longing, and how mxy!wwx would flinch.
It’s painful, it’s the truth, it’s something they both ran away from.
“I miss her.” Yllz!wwx would admit, “It’s been a few months since I saw her. Heard she had a kid.”
While mxy!wwx would say nothing.
“Her kid’s name is Jin Ling.” He would whisper, “He’s just like his uncle.”
15 y/o wwx would joke that, jc would be a sour looking uncle. “So she really married the peacock?”
“Speaking of children. How’s a-yuan?” Yllz!wwx asks.
Then, mxy!wwx would go on and on about how good he’s been, how much he has grown, what his courtesy was, all with a fond smile.
“Aiya, he really acts so much like Lan Zhan.”
And then they all promptly discover that mxy!wwx is actually married to lan wangji.
“Eh?! That fuddy-duddy?!” 15 y/o wwx sputters, face red.
“We-we went back to gusu with him?” Yllz!wwx mutters, a bit hopeful.
“He’s patient with me, he understands and he wait. You have no idea how much Lan Zhan loves us.”
Mxy!wwx says. “I can’t imagine living a life where he isn’t a part of it.”
“That’s why.” He points accusingly towards both of them. “You both better suck it up, and treat him better for god’s sake!”
“Hah?!” “Stop shamelessly disrespecting him you young fool! And you!” He points to yllz!wwx.
“Hear him out.” he says softly, “Gusu isn’t meant to be a prison, he wants to protect you.”
And when it’s all settled down, and they’re back to chattering chaotically once more. A small, shy yet bright giggle blooms from between them.
Baby wei yimg looks at all of them with a satisfied smile, so young and childish, so innocent and free.
“I’m really happy we have a home!” He says with a smile.
A fond huff from all of them, and soft smiles.
A home, was Lotus Pier,
And even if it was on borrowed time. A home, was with refuges who only had each other, till the end of their lives.
And now. A home was with the clouds.
“Yeah.” Wei Wuxian says to himself.
“I’m glad we had a home.”
And he wakes up, birds chirping and sun light seeping through the windows.
“Happy Birthday, Wei Ying.” His husband greets him fondly.
This is home.
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