#even the pixel versions are cool
nuzzle · 2 years
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kermakatti · 2 months
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Finally played through the Pixel Remaster of Final Fantasy VI, it was a game
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idea in my head: i would love to animate what the little buddies would do while you get a combo, even if it's just like 5 frame "animation" bc i'm not good at animating
problem: how do i. draw out and animate a combo. like the actual puzzle game part, how would i even start to do that. do i just leave it up to the imagination
#i have a few in mind aaaaaaaaaa i wanna draw the little pig spinning around#i know this makes sense to none of you but i wanna talk about it#I HAVE AN OLD DRAWING OF DEO AS THIANA THAT HAS BEEN LAYING AROUND FOR *YEARS* NOW KJFHDJG#THIS IS AN IDEA I'VE HAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME BC THIS IS MY FAVORITE GAME#a distant dream of mine would be to actually retexture the game and make it playable i would kill to see that happen#but im ***so bad*** at sprite art. i draw in pixel art sometimes but i mean like. 32*16 sprite art HOW DO YOU DRAW THAT SMALL#augh i tried to make one a very long time ago for a long-dead video game au and the creator of the au liked it but. i did not.#maybe if i try again i could do a bit better today#if i retextured even one stage i would actually cry like could you imagine if that worked#i dont even know how to access that info in my roms but clearly someone knows how#bc i have an english version of the japanese game#ALSO COOL THING IF YOU'VE READ THIS FAR I ACTUALLY HAVE THAT ENGLISH/JAPANESE ROM ON A CARTRIDGE :D (it's for the snes)#the cartridge is 3d printed and red it is SOOOOO cool. got it shipped to me for $13 and it is my prized possession that's my babygirl kjfhd#i get to use my super busted up held-together-by-electric-tape controller on it yippee wahoo i like the computer roms but#i like the feedback of the real snes controllers. i have a few usb ones but it's not the same#i thought about replacing the buttons with my (second) real snes controller buttons#but. then i lost my screwdriver set when i moved back home for The Covid Year. so :/#wow that was an essay. i really needed to talk about something that wasnt strictly mcyt fkjdhg i needed a good soul cleanse i think#chat
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I've recently mentioned that I would like to write more about some of the techniques I use, and this last search presented the perfect opportunity.
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Here, we see that if we pass the starting image to SauceNAO as is, all that it returns are repeated results, seemingly identical to the edit we have. However, with a simple tweak, we can change that.
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We start by cutting out all sections of the starting image that do not appear to belong in the original—in this case, that's only the overlaying text. It's better to keep as much of the underlying image as possible.
Next, we fill these holes with something that looks like it belongs in the image. Since I have Photoshop, I use the Content-Aware Fill tool, but you could achieve a similar effect by copying pieces from the remaining sections.
Lastly, we apply a soft Gaussian Blur over the filled sections to reinforce the uniformity over the image. If you squint and it looks like the image is consistent, it's working.
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Now, if we pass the modified image to SauceNAO… et voilá! A result for the original image with proper attribution shows up. Isn't that cool?
I can try to explain the reasoning behind this technique, but since I don't know the inner workings of their system, think of this as informed speculation only.
There are many ways to build a Reverse Image Search system, but that will often involve the construction of a descriptor—something that captures the visual characteristics of an image—traditionally created out of a downscaled version of the input. That might be due to the complexity of the construction process or to size requirements for storage.
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Above, I shrunk the images we used into 32x32 pixel kernels. Notice how, in the starting image, the overlaying letters are still quite noticeable, even in this small size. The modified sample, however, looks strikingly similar to the kernel of the original image, even though it's just a reconstruction without any additional information.
That's my guess, at least. Now, this might not work that often, particularly when most of the underlying image is covered, but I hope that it can be useful to some of you!
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not-so-rosyyy · 9 months
i literally don't know if that's really them but i'm here to feed your delusions so here's a brightened-up, zoomed-in version of that video @merydz10 posted. a sticker will pop up somewhere in the video indicating where they're supposed to be. do your worst, pixel analysts 😌
(if it really is them then, three things:)
1. her turning to him in "I love all of the things that make you, youuuu"
2. her turning to him again in "I think you're so cool" then seemed to tease him when the "even though I'm cooler than you" part hit
3. him leaning his head against hers in "I love that you can't help but be yourself around me" part AND THEN them kinda swaying with the music with their heads still leaning against each other 🫠🫠🫠
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ohnoitstbskyen · 7 months
The Heartsteel splash art is very bad, and here's why
I am not a fan of the collective Heartsteel splash art, and in fact, I think it's kinda s***ty. Not on a technical level, mind you, it is every bit as well rendered and nicely drawn as most other Riot art is, but as a way to introduce these characters? As a pitch to get us excited about them? This is genuinely kind of f***ing terrible. First of all, it's copying the original K/DA splash arts, which also had each band member copy pasted in different positions in each splash, with a different character in the spotlight. And that's not a great place to start from, because it feels like a total lack of confidence in the product, like some suit-wearing executive saying "just copy whatever worked the first time!" The splash art should be an opportunity to introduce what's new and unique about the band, and copying K/DA like this completely fumbles that opportunity and invites really unflattering comparisons. Second, the copy pasting is a problem. For two reasons: First, it looks cheap. It just does. There is no way to put out six splash arts with the exact same pixels copy-pasted into different positions that doesn't, on an instinctual level, feel cheap. All that says is "we didn't want to pay for more than one splash art." It looks like corner cutting. Second, it forces every character in the art to be completely separate from one another. A big part of the band's charm in their excellent music video is the interaction and camaraderie between the boys as they get into frat boy shenanigans shooting their music video, but since every character has to be able to be copy-pasted and moved independently in the splash, they can't interact or pose together in any way, making them seem completely disconnected from one another. One of the simplest ways to add a bunch of character and charm to these splash arts would be to have one character up front doing their cool pose, and then the other five boys dicking around in the background, armwrestling or hugging or, I dunno, giving each other piggyback rides. Instead, we just get sterile clip-art of each of them that don't even seem to be aware that the other guys are there. And when they are up front, the poses they do are also… mostly kinda lame? Sett is supposed to be this tough-guy with a heart of gold rapper with a big attitude and he's just, like, vaguely flexing, kinda. K'sante is supposed to be this imposing, powerful vocalist and he's just… standing there. Yone looks bored, Aphelios looks like an emo kid who's being forced to be in a family photo by his mom, and Kayn, who's supposed to be this rowdy chaotic bad boy, is just… doing a peace sign and sticking his tongue out? He gets completely overshadowed by himself: his Shadow Assassin and Rhaast forms in the background, which DO get to interact, which DO get to play with each other, and who are more charming than everything else these splash arts do. It genuinely baffles me that Riot couldn't be bothered to spend the money to get each of them unique splash arts, give these characters an opportunity to show off their costumes and their personality, or at least spend the money to have them drawn a little bit different in each of the six versions of this thing that they put out. This splash art, to me, feels like an active discouragement from investing in Heartsteel, because looking at this, looking at all the corners that are being cut, even Riot doesn't feel committed to them as a project. And like yeah, the music video is great and it's doing a lot of heavy lifting for them, but this splash art is an actual liability, it makes the whole project look worse.
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lunarmoves · 3 months
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through pixel eyes (chapter one)
pairing: DCA sun/moon/eclipse x reader
mentions: kinitopet/virtual au, gender neutral reader, general creepiness
a/n: ignoring that it's 3am where i am... ch1's finally here! yippee!! ending is rushed but im tired so excuse it LOL pls check out the masterlist for more info on the fic (tags & summary). hope u guys enjoy! :D
word count: 5.3k+
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Click. Click. Taptap tap tap. Click. 
You chew aimlessly at the bottom of your lip as your mouse roves over to the latest email in your inbox, opening it with another decisive click. Perking up slightly, your eyes skim through its contents, mindful of the zip file attached to it at the top. 
Valued employee, the email reads, thank you again for your decision to assist Fazbear Entertainment in the latest beta testing stages for our developing proprietary technology. Attached is the file you are required to download to begin testing. As always, be mindful of the documentation you have signed previously; a failure to comply will result in immediate termination. Located at the bottom of this email is the submission form you will need to populate each time you conduct a run. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email. Have a Faz-errific day! 
You hum and scroll back to the top of the email again so you can look at the attached file. FazPals1.1_DCA.zip, it says. You click the download button, then lean back in your chair as you wait. 
For being such a large company, FazCo has a rather small beta testing team. You suppose it makes sense, though; their technology is so unparalleled that you are sure they’d want to keep information as closed off as possible. Hence why you’d been forced to sign all matters of forms—contracts, an N.D.A., and waivers, of all things—before they’d signed you on. You’re sure they are even more restrictive with their information after the pizzaplex burned down all those years ago. You’re lucky you’d managed to slither your way into their ranks to make the beta team, though you figure it helps that your resume is stacked with experience. 
You are certainly curious as to what they’ve been doing while they parade assurances that the pizzaplex will return “better than ever.” You have a vague idea from your past emails with management as you were being incorporated into the beta testing team—some kind of interactive game of sorts, you think—but they’ve been rather hush-hush about it. Your answer resides in the zip file that’s just finished downloading to your computer. You navigate to your file explorer and begin the extraction process for the files. Luckily, it doesn’t take too long. You scratch idly behind your ear, shifting your headphones a little to rest more comfortably atop your head. 
Okay. File open. Where is the— There! You double click on the FazPals_DCA.exe file to run it and begin installation. A brief glance at the time shows it is a little after six in the evening. You have quite a bit of time before you’ll need to head to bed. You’ll see how far into the program you get before you hit a checkpoint or something. 
You watch as a tiny pink and white bear on the installation window flips a pizza over and over while the progress bar steadily inches its way to full completion. It is oddly hypnotizing. And when the program finally finishes installing, the window closes. An icon of a cool crescent moon tucked into the burning yellow of a sun appears on your desktop and is labeled as FazPals. Nice. Thank you, fast WiFi. Without much preamble, you double click on the icon. 
A small window pops up in the middle of your screen. You glance through the text quickly. 
Welcome to version 1.1 of FazPals, your very own virtual desktop friend based on the hit characters from Fazbear Entertainment's Mega Pizzaplex! They are able to walk, talk, joke, tell stories, give fun facts, adapt, and play games! FazPals are like no other with their innovative adaptive technology! You'll learn from them as they learn from you!
Click the button below if you are ready to meet your new FazPal!
Not what you’d been expecting, but it sounds pretty cool. It reminds you of the Tamagotchis from all those years ago—only with the A.I. of Fazbear-branded technology. Well! No time like the present! You click the ‘Proceed’ button and the window closes. 
In the center of your screen, a small music box appears. It’s an unassuming little thing, wrapped in yellow with a red ribbon crossing over it to tie into a neat bow at the top. A crank awaits your click, so you do just that, watching as it rotates around and around until— Pop! The box opens and something jumps out of it with a flourish and a jingle of bells that echoes through your headset. 
The box disappears and you’re left to stare curiously at the little figure swaying animatedly on your desktop. He seems to look around a bit, then a small dialogue box flashes over his head. But before you can read its contents, the box disappears in a static puff. You cock your head slightly. A glitch, maybe? You file that away for later and instead observe the tiny, taut grin of the program. Your FazPal, or whatever. 
You recognize him from the pizzaplex commercials you’d seen on the television years ago—the Daycare Attendant. A fellow—fellows?—modeled after celestial bodies. You’re looking at the sun, currently, though his design is a bit different from what you remember seeing.
Before you can get a good look at him, however, another dialogue box pops up over his head with text accompanying a voice that chirps into your headset. You are momentarily surprised at the sound; you hadn’t expected FazCo to incorporate their voice module into the program too. 
“Hellooo, New Friend!” Sun exclaims in a slightly pixelated manner—hardly noticeable, really—as he waves a small hand. “My name is Sun, your very own F-FazPal!” There’s a slight glitch on the word that makes his voice deepen slightly, but it passes easily enough. “What’s your name?” 
Following his question, a window labeled ‘Name?’ pops up to his side with a textbox for you to input your answer. Figuring he isn’t going to proceed with his script until you type your answer, you take the moment to properly analyze his design. 
Detached sunrays of white and gold hover around his head, framing bright eyes and an equally as bright smile on a face split into a crescent. He’s rather lithe, with a red sash tied around his waist that’s adorned with small, golden bells. Another bell is tied around his spindly neck with a red ribbon, and those same ribbons are tied around his wrists. His torso is bare and colored in different shades of yellow. Puffy red pants cover his legs—triangularly shaped with sharp lines and edges. They are decorated in a design that reminds you of the circuitry of a motherboard—dissecting lines connected by small circles that start from his waist and make their way down the length of his pants in a trickle. Pointy shoes with little suns on their sides finish the look. 
He is all angles and unforgiving points, with a digitized sort of look to him that fits the whole ‘FazPal’ aesthetic, in your opinion. It’s certainly interesting. You like the futuristic feel to it. 
Pulling yourself back to the present, you type in your name. Sun has his arms crossed behind his back as he waits, swaying gently side to side. You hit enter and the window disappears. 
“Lovely name!” Sun chirps, his rays spinning around his head eagerly that you eye in interest. They look like floating pieces of fractured, stained glass, dainty yet deadly. “I’m sure we are going to be the bestest best friends!” You snort at the declaration. 
“To start our little quest of friendship,” Sun continues on, his head moving towards the dialogue box that pops up near him like he’s looking at it, eyes narrow. It’s honestly difficult to tell with that blank gaze of his. He returns his gaze to the front, where his eyes upturn into little crescents. “Why don’t we get to know each other? Sound good?” 
Another window appears with two simple buttons sitting next to each other under it: A ‘Yes’ and a ‘No’. You click the ‘Yes’ and Sun gives an excited little clap of his hands. It’s cute, in a way. “Wonderful! Okay! To start, what iiisss your favorite color?” The open window closes, then reopens to a textbox again with the new question displayed at the top. You hum and tap your chin thoughtfully, then let your fingers fly across your keyboard as you type the color in. 
You pause, however, before you hit enter and decide to tack on a ‘hbu?’ to your response. If only to satisfy your curiosity and really test the limits of FazCo’s ingenious A.I. Hey, you’re a beta tester—it speaks for itself! 
Sun grins even wider, if possible. “That’s a good one! As for me…” He makes a thinking gesture, eyes narrowing like he’s contemplating it deeply, then brightens up. No, literally. A lightbulb appears over his head for a quick moment. “I like all the colors, it’s so hard to choose just one! Normally, I just say ‘rainbow’!” He makes a little semicircle gesture with his hands around his head. Little pixelated sparkles wink into and out of existence near his fingers before he clasps his hands behind him once more. You’ve got to hand it to FazCo—they certainly know how to add some flair to their characters. “Next question! If you could have any superpower ever, what would it be?”  
You chew at your lip again as you lean back in your chair and ponder his question. Why is it when people ask you these kinds of questions you always blank on the answers? Sun is ever so patient as he waits, moving in that idle animation next to the open window. 
Ah well, it’s not like you’re answering an interview question or anything. You wing it. ‘probably invisibility, or something. hbu?’ And enter. 
“Ooh! Invisibility!” Sun nods like he’s giving his approval. “Good in the right hands! I would want the power to read minds, I think! All the better for making fantastic friends!” 
You make a small sound at that. Well, you suppose that’s one way to make friends, albeit not a very… stable foundation to base a friendship off of. Sun proceeds with his next question. “This one’s a bit of a tough one! What’s your favorite word?” 
‘Tough’ is an understatement. You’re stumped. You rake through your mind for a word and draw up nothing but blanks. You’re certain you have one, but you just cannot think of it at the moment. Shrugging, you type ‘idk. i can't think of one rn, sorry. do u have one?’ 
His head cocks to the side, grin curling at the edges. “That’s more than one word, New Friend!” Sun replies amusedly, then laughs—a loud, tinkering thing that cuts off a bit strangely at its end. “Kidding! I’ll let you off easy for that one!” He is quite good at adapting to your responses, you note lightly. Very intriguing. You wonder how that’s coded. “My favorite word is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!” You blink in surprise. The dialogue box is barely able to hold the word inside of it. You didn’t quite expect him to say that, of all words, though you guess it makes sense for him. Sun doesn’t elaborate, just transitions merrily through the next part of his script. “Now, for this question, I need you to be as detailed as possible, okay? It is”—he pauses for a second—“essential.” 
You nod, but it’s not like he can see you, so you end up looking like a fool. Sun stares straight ahead and it… it feels a bit like he’s looking directly at you. You shift uneasily in your seat and watch his eyes go dark along with his white rays and wide smile. Abyss-like. Something drops in the pit of your stomach at the abrupt switch. His smile widens. It cracks like he’s on the edge of something hysterical. And when he speaks, it’s in a low, garbled voice that grates at your ears. 
“Where.” He grits out. “Are—” 
He doesn’t get the chance to finish. A glitch encompasses his body that makes his rays twitch erratically and his limbs to jitter about like he’s being electrocuted. You jerk back out of surprise and consider exiting the hell out of the program. But then he’s back to normal like nothing had ever happened. White eyes stare up at you with an equally as white smile. 
“Oh!” Sun exclaims cheerfully, swaying about gently. You’re taken aback and, quite frankly, confused out of your goddamn mind. “Silly me, look at the time! I’m afraid our friendship will have to wait! There’s someone else who’d like to meet you!” 
“What.” You utter the word mindlessly, eyes flicking down to the time on your computer. 6:59 P.M. Time sure did fly by through all of… that. You’re not entirely sure what to think of it. 
“Talk to you soon, New Friend!” Sun waves a hand in farewell, then spins himself around in a little animated tornado. You can only stare, oddly transfixed and still utterly flummoxed, as he spins around, and around, and around until the clock changes to 7:00 P.M. and he slows to an elegant stop. 
Only, it’s not Sun you’re looking at anymore. 
The rays are gone, replaced with a nightcap covering his head that’s adorned with twinkling stars and a little bell at the end. All the yellows have shifted to greys, blues, and blacks, though he still retains the golden bells, red ribbons, and red sash. His pants are a midnight blue with the same circuitry design, and his shoes now have little moons etched into them instead of suns. 
This must be the moon, you conclude once you’re done observing him. The other half to the Daycare Attendant you remember seeing via advertisement—the one who’d been in charge of naptime. 
You watch as Moon seems to look around. You’re not sure what he’s looking at, but you can only wait. Gentle ruby eyes move from your desktop icons to the open window that Sun had been standing next to. His smile turns jagged like the outline of a mountain. And then—
And then he slinks away, disappearing straight off of your monitor without a second look. You’re left staring at the open window, the cursor still blinking in the textbox and awaiting your input. What… just happened? You blink at where he’d disappeared off screen and wait a few moments. But he doesn’t come back. 
What the hell?
Five minutes turns into ten, which turns into fifteen and then twenty, but he truly does not return. You’re stupefied. 
Maybe you should restart the program? You nibble at your lower lip and right click on the FazPals icon so you can end it and then boot it back up again. Your mouse turns into that loading circle of death, and you swear you’re not holding your breath in anticipation or anything, but it sure does feel like it. 
Loading… loading… loading…
Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. Moon does not appear. You groan and scratch at your ear again, shifting your headphones. Day one of testing and you’ve already run into a problem. Great. Well, it wasn’t like you’d expected everything to be smooth sailing. Still annoying, though. Just in case, you try restarting your computer. 
It doesn’t yield any results either, and you end up just watching some videos as you wait to see if the bug will magically fix itself. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t and you eventually give up as the clock ticks closer to midnight.
But well—you think as you slowly pull up the submission form FazCo had sent you for your job to fill out—you suppose this is why the program’s still in the testing phase. It obviously has some kinks that need to be ironed out. Hopefully it’ll get fixed up in the next patch update. Until then, you’ll just have to deal with it. 
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A benefit of working from home? You get to set your own schedule. A blessing, at times. 
That unfortunately means you have to stick to it while ensuring you’re properly taking care of yourself, and going outside to get fresh air, and also getting all the necessary work done on time, and also— 
Well, you get the point. 
You wake up groggy the next day and stumble your way out of your room, just barely managing to step over the little Roomba aimlessly bumbling down the small hallway. At one point it was another product you were testing, but then it was given the green flag for mass production and admission to stores. The company let you keep the one they sent you. It was a little finicky, but it worked just fine. You named it Chicken Nugget a while ago—Dr. Nugget for short, because a Roomba with a PhD was just too amusing to pass up. You’re still musing over what area its PhD is in.
There is much to be done. Dishes from last night need to be washed, food needs to be prepared to last you a few days, timesheets need to be filled out before you forget your hours. It’s easy to multitask on household chores while you do your job. You're on the beta testing team for quite a few companies, so you’re kept busy evaluating their programs and products while you julienne onions and clean plates. You earn enough to live comfortably, and it’s all you can ever ask for, really. 
Eventually, after a long day of being a responsible human being and submitting numerous evaluation forms for various applications, you plop down in front of your computer with your headphones and turn it on. Evening has just started to creep in, turning the sky into a picturesque gradient of burnt mandarin and dusty magenta. Your desk is right by a window, so it’s nice to draw the curtains back and let fresh air circulate around the room from it.
Alright, computer on. You type in your password to log in and wait as it finishes booting up. First thing on your list—check your email. There’s nothing of importance, not that you’d expected anything, really. Oh hey, you’ve got a discount code for your next purchase at your favorite pizza store. Sweet. You save it for later. 
All you have to do is test FazCo’s program and then you can relax for the rest of the night. You preemptively open up their submission form and minimize the window, then double click on the FazPals icon. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems. Code is weird like that—working perfectly fine at one moment and doing fuck all the next. And it’s always a pain filling those surveys out when there’s an abundance of bugs and glitches to point out. It’s simple, but oh so tedious. You guess that’s what you’re getting paid for, though. 
Blinking back to attention, you squint at your empty desktop then double click on the FazPals icon again. Ah, there you go. Loading symbol. 
Instead of the little music box like you’d been expecting, Sun comes into view by cartwheeling in from the side of your monitor. It’s silly and you smile slightly as he jumps up to his feet and splays his arms and a leg out wide like he’s about to fall into another cartwheel. 
“New Friend!” he exclaims loudly alongside the text in his dialogue box, rays spinning rapidly about his head in delight. You wince slightly and lower your volume a bit. No need to kill your eardrums. “You’re back! It has been twenty-two hours, nine minutes, and thirty-seven seconds since we last interacted!” 
Your brow raises at his precision, but what else did you expect from a computer program? Sun relaxes into his normal stance and leans forward eagerly. “So! What do you wanna do?” A small, labeled window pops up next to him for you to type in. One of his rays twitches slightly. “For a list of activities I can perform, type ‘/help’!” 
You’ve already forgotten what he can do other than walk around and talk your ear off, so you do just that and the window disappears. You didn’t even have to hit enter. 
Sun beams. “For your present and future reference, I can tell jokes, give fun facts, play games, and storytell! Pick your poison, New Friend!” 
You ponder for a bit, then type ‘can u tell me a fun fact?’ in the new window before it pops out of sight, again before you can press enter. Huh. You make a note of it mentally. The back and forth with the windows is going to take some getting used to. 
“I sure can!” Sun does a little wiggle and stands at full attention with his arms crossed behind his back. “Did you know that neutron stars spin six hundred times per second? Pretty cool!” He seems very cheery today. You’ll have to keep an eye out for any more of that strange glitching from yesterday. “Want another one?” 
Eh, you don’t see why not. You shrug and click the ‘Yes’ button when it appears. Sun gives a little salute. “The most water ever discovered surrounds a black hole about twelve billion lightyears away! It has the equivalent of one hundred and forty trillion times the volume of Earth’s oceans!” You’re starting to see a theme here with his fun facts and it honestly checks out. Sun’s rays spin a little to the right as he tilts his head slightly. “That was two facts in one, technically. Just for you! Don’t tell anyone!!” And then he winks, accompanied by a little star spinning out from his eye. It’s a small detail, but it still makes you smile. Consider you charmed. 
“Alrighty! I have an idea of what we can do next!” Sun says as he skips away to the edge of your monitor. You watch him curiously as he sticks a hand beyond your desktop—somewhere offscreen?—and starts pulling over a large open window from it. Like he’s unraveling a spool of paper. He drags the window over to the center of your screen, then wipes his face with his arm and takes an exaggerated breath. “Phew! That’s heavier than it looks! Luckily, I’ve got these to help me!” He flexes his stick-like arms dramatically, posing this way and that like he’s a pro wrestler. 
You notice, as he poses, that another small window pops up—indistinct and unlabeled this time with a simple textbox for you to type in. But he… didn’t really ask you a question or anything of the sorts for you to respond to? You eye it for a moment, then decide to type a little ‘hi’ in it to see if it’s a bug or something. After waiting a few seconds to see if the window will close again without you hitting enter, nothing really happens. Oh, is it fixed now? You hit enter and the text disappears, but the window stays. You guess it is. Code, man. So finicky. 
Sun stops flexing to shoot you a bright beam with a spin of his rays. “Hello!” 
Okay, maybe it’s not a bug if he can still process your texts. Shrugging it off easily, you turn your attention to the window Sun had pulled over from who-knows-where. It looks like your computer’s Paint app. How did he open that? ‘what’s that for?’ you type into the textbox.  
“This is for us to play some games, silly!” Sun brandishes his hands towards the Paint window like he’s presenting a masterpiece. “How does Tic-Tac-Toe sound?” 
Well, not like you have any other ideas for what to do. ‘sure, let’s play.’ 
“Faz-tastic!” Sun claps his hands, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a comically large wooden pencil from its depths. Seriously, it’s nearly the length of his arm. It’s like something right out of a cartoon and you grin at the silliness. He steps closer to the Paint window and draws four perfectly straight and intersecting lines—each of them the same length and splitting into the same sized boxes and everything. He then draws a perfect circle in one of the corner boxes and steps back. “Your turn!” 
You crack your knuckles and roll your shoulders. Okay. Time to lock in and kick this program’s ass. 
Except you don’t. 
You lose horribly. Seven times in a row, in fact. 
‘r u cheating? ur cheating, aren’t u,’ you type into the open textbox, which had remained in place all throughout your games. Unusual, but you’re not too bothered by it. After you lost the first few rounds, you started complaining to him using it. You figured you might as well. It’s almost like having a conversation with him and you’re pretty impressed by his verbal versatility. 
“Cheating?!” Sun squawks, offended. He splays a hand across his chest as he somehow manages to twirl his giant pencil in his hand like a baton. “A rulebreaker, I am not! I think someone is getting a little grumpy!” He gives you a pointed grin. 
You should have expected you’d lose to fucking A.I. software. You run your tongue over your bottom lip, where you’d been incessantly troubling it with your teeth throughout the rather merciless Tic-Tac-Toe beating you’d just received. You’re considering mentioning in the submission form that the program is too difficult to beat at games, but maybe you’re just that bad at them. Your ego’s definitely going through it.
‘i’m not grumpy,’ you grumble. Sun shakes his little digital head in good mirth, seeing right through you, of course. You switch topics. ‘let’s play something else. got any other games?’ 
“I sure do, Friend!” He uses his pencil eraser to clear the Paint canvas and starts drawing what looks like a game of Hangman. He gives you a sly smile. “Think you’re up for a real challenge?” Cheeky! 
After some rounds of Hangman and Pictionary (which, to your pleasant surprise, you’re not too bad at, but maybe Sun’s taking pity on you), Sun eventually closes the Paint window and makes a show of stretching languidly. “My time’s almost up, I’m afraid!” Sure enough, a quick glance at the time shows it’s nearing seven o’clock. Time flies when you’re having fun. “Make sure to stretch your back and arms out, Friend! Hydration is also important!” 
‘yes boss, u got it, boss,’ you reply before stretching out your arms. You have a water bottle on your desk that you take a quick drink out of, the liquid inside of the insulated material still cool and refreshing. You shiver a little and eye your window still letting the night air into the room. You should close that soon. And maybe turn on the lights so you’re not sitting in the dark illuminated only by your bright screen. 
Naturally, you do neither. Too much work right now.
Sun wiggles a little, then clasps his arms behind his back. “This was fun! I will talk to you tomorrow, Friend!” His grin widens, curling at the edges. “Don’t keep me waiting too long!”
And before you can really process the tone of that, he pulls out a red curtain from somewhere behind him. Shaking it out slightly, he pulls it up in front of him to block your view of his little figure entirely. You raise an eyebrow as the curtain wiggles and protrudes out like he’s changing into new clothes, before eventually it falls down and reveals Moon. His nightcap is pulled down to partially cover his glowing ruby eyes.
You lean forward in your chair, attention instantly grabbed. Will he work properly this time? You consider him for a moment as he simply stands there—sullen and, dare you say, annoyed. His eyes are narrowed and his mouth is pulled into a scowl. He shifts like he wants to move or leave, but something keeps him rooted into the same spot Sun was just in. His hands are tucked into the pockets of his pants (he has pockets??) and he slouches like a puppet cut from its strings.  
He’s not saying anything. Only glares off at a point somewhere on your screen. You bite the inside of your cheek and decide to take one for the (nonexistent) team. 
‘hi moon,’ you type into the textbox that’d remained even after Sun left. Pressing enter, you watch curiously as something tense seems to line Moon’s small shoulders and he moves his glare to the open window instead. 
His head twitches. “Hi,” he replies slowly in a raspy voice. It’s not what you’d expected, low and murmured like he’s speaking to someone in a dark and quiet corner. His gaze darts to the dialogue box that pops up next to his head and seems to narrow even farther. 
Oookay. He doesn’t say anything else. Is he still bugged or is he just programmed to be much quieter than Sun? You’re not sure if that makes sense for this type of program, though. You try to nudge the conversation again, thinking back to the list of commands Sun gave you earlier. ‘can u tell me a joke?’ 
Moon seems to look at you and it’s just as creepy as it had been when Sun did it. His scowl deepens. “No.”
You’re taken aback. No? Oh. Well. Maybe you should try something else? ‘can u tell me a fun fact?’ At least you know this command works for certain.
It’s like pulling teeth over here. 
You’re determined, however. This is your entire job. ‘what about a story?’
“No.” Moon bares knife-like teeth at you in aggravation and you’re tempted to do the same thing back. He doesn’t want to do anything! Something is definitely… off. You make a note of it to include in the submission form later. At least he hasn’t left your screen. You’ll take the win where you can. 
You’re stumped on what to do. The only thing you can think of is to keep inputting commands until something gives. Maybe things will sort themselves out? You try asking for a fun fact or joke again, but Moon still just scowls and answers in that same clipped manner. His fidgeting seems to increase. 
You’re getting close to calling it quits. ‘why don’t we play a game or something? tic-tac-toe?’
“P-Persistent little thing,” Moon growls into your headset and it’s such a reprieve from the constant rejections that you’re not even offended. You perk up slightly only to deflate at his following words. “Didn’t anyone teach you that ‘no’ means no?” 
‘no,’ you type as a response—partly in annoyance and partly just to be snarky. Moon twitches again, and then in the blink of an eye—he glitches. 
Similar to Sun, it spreads down his body in a wave and makes him jitter until he snaps back into place like a rubber band. He flexes his hands and takes a step to the side—tentative and exploratory. The window with the textbox pops out of existence and Moon gives you one final, narrowed glare before he just… leaves offscreen. Again. What the fuck?
You scrub a hand down your face and groan. You don’t expect him to return, but just in case you wait around a little and kill some time by filling out the submission form. Name, program version, strengths, encountered issues, and so on. You submit the form when you finish and roll your shoulders. Yeah, he doesn’t come back. At least there was some progress compared to yesterday. 
You end the day with a final squint at the FazPals icon and a shrug of your shoulders. Things could be worse, you suppose as you power off your computer and stare at your reflection through the dark screen of your monitor. Hopefully tomorrow brings more improvement. 
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part two
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kopw · 11 months
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g1 season is upon us! i'm too lazy to gif every match myself! the world needs gifmakers like you! yes you!
this guide includes: basic gifmaking, actions, how to blur on-screen graphics, coloring tips catered specifically to wrestling footage (mainly aew and njpw), how to add subtitles, what tags to use
what you will need:
photoshop (i currently use cc 2017 for windows which you can grab from this post by birdysources)
kmplayer (for extracting frames)
what you might need depending on what you're looking to gif:
4k video downloader (for downloading videos off youtube)
vkopt (browser extension that lets you download videos off vk)
step 1: getting the footage
if you're directly downloading from a site this step is super easy. just make sure to always go for the highest quality of footage available (for njpw this is nowhere near 1080p, and even aew's 1080p footage is pixelated in places—but don't let this deter you!)
if you plan on giffing something off a ppv, chances are you might need to torrent the event. if you can, look for versions off fite with either web or webrip in the title for the best quality. this applies to weekly television too (fite doesn't have picture-in-picture). always seed your torrents. yes, even that one match from 2012. especially that one
you can also get recent shows off watchprowrestling dot co (previously org) which includes njpw tour shows and indie events as well. check out indy★wrestling★group on vk for smaller promotions and japanese promotions outside of njpw (tjpw, stardom, noah...)
step 2: choosing a clip
wrestling footage quality is not consistent. entrances with too many flashing lights or small particles will have huge quality drops, so unless it's something really special, don't put yourself through that. close-ups are generally your best friend but don't shy away from clips with lots of movement (you do sometimes want to gif the wrestling parts of wrestling too)
step 3: extracting frames
open your video in kmplayer. go to the part that you want to gif (though, i suggest leaving a bit of fodder before and after the actual clip. you can always trim the frames down later and it's better to start off with more). then, press ctrl + g
this should bring up this window:
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your settings might be different if it's your first time downloading the app so just copy what you see here
kmplayer automatically captures into its own folder, which you can change if you want, but i just left it as is. i recommend pinning the folder you regularly use to the quick access menu in your file explorer
hit start, start the video, let it capture frames for however long, and then hit stop on both the extractor and the video itself. and now you have a bunch of frames in a folder. cool!
step four: converting frames to layers
open photoshop. this will take ages but open it. go to file -> scripts -> load files into stack...
this will bring up this window:
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click browse... and select all the frames you just extracted. depending on the number of frames, this might take you a bit. then hit ok and let your layers load into photoshop. this will take a long time (saying this as someone whose laptop tends to heat up to the temperature of an egg pan at this point in the process)
step five: actions
i use actions (user-built series of recorded commands, meaning you don't have to click everything manually) for everything except coloring. i use a mishmash of like three different actions that i never bothered to organize. these are the two most important ones:
actionpack #1 by giulia (i use the setup and save portions from this one)
squishmoon actions by lildohnut (i use the hd sharpening from here, first layer on 0.3 for close-ups and 0.2 otherwise, and the second layer at the suggested 50%)*
*most sharpening settings you'll find are made for current films and tv shows so you do have to make some adjustment to fit your crunchy wrestling footage
step six: sizing
pick a size for your gif! here is a handy chart:
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as for height, it can range anywhere from 300px-540px and beyond. most people go for 350px-450px. 400px is the sweet spot
personal preference: adjust canvas size not image size and fit your footage accordingly. some footage (looking at you aew) can have an odd black bar at the bottom, and manual resizing can help getting rid of it. if you just resize the whole image that will stay there and bother you
additional tip: guidelines
9/10 times you will leave your footage centered. however, there are times when this can look a bit awkward, depending on the framing, in which case i like bringing in a few guidelines. go to view -> new guide layout...
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rule of thirds is generally good for drawing the eye to certain places. these settings will divide your canvas into nine squares that help you reposition your main gif layer
optional step: blurring pop-up graphics and banners
so, you have your sharpened, resized gif... but the sharpening made the small text and other unwanted elements on your screen shrivel up like raisins. you can leave it as is, people won't mind, it's a wrestling gif, who cares. but, if you want, you can just blur it out
i'm at least a little bit certain that i'm personally the guy who brought this over from k-pop tumblr (not saying i invented the concept, i just love being a trendsetter) and so i can give you a few reasons as to why people do this. such as:
adding subtitles over pre-existing, burnt subtitles (example: njpw post-match comments off njpwworld and not youtube)
getting rid of elements that might distract people from the focal point of the gif (the hotties... and the moves. mostly the hotties)
it makes your otherwise milquetoast sharpening look a little better in contrast
it's gonna be ugly either way so it's a pick your poison type of situation. if you do want to try the blurring method, you will need a basic knowledge of filters and layer masks
step-by-step blurring process:
duplicate your gif layer
blur the layer on top (i typically go for a 4.0 gaussian blur; for this, go to filter -> blur -> gaussian blur...)
apply a layer mask to the blurred layer and make the layer mask black (this will remove the blur effect, don't be scared). to access the layer mask just click on it. you can press alt before clicking to "enter" the layer mask (though you won't see your gif this way)
go in with a soft round brush (or any brush) with white and draw over the bits you want blurred. this is the tedious part
here's a comparison:
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it's really down to personal preference ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
i convert my base gif layer and the blurred layer into a smart object before moving on with my process because sometimes photoshop likes to do this thing where it only applies the blur to the frame you're on. you can avoid this by combining the layers manually
if you're working with njpw footage and your clip plus coloring combination allows you to, you can also just go over the banner with black and blend it into the background. it's by far the best option but there's so rarely an opportunity to utilize it (i did it in the little header i made... go back and look at how beautiful she is)
step six: coloring
the big one. oh boy. prefacing this with: you can just skip coloring if you want. the sharpening settings i recommended earlier give a nice contrast to the gifs as is, so if it looks fine like that, you don't need any fancy colors. that being said...
my thought process going into coloring is to focus on skin tones and adjust everything around them. i don't tend to use psds, i always just manually color correct based on the actual footage i'm working with (venues differ, lighting differs, hues differ... incredibly hard to plan for all of it in advance). if i plan on making multiple gifsets of the same event/match, i do re-use settings, but sometimes minor adjustments are still needed
to begin coloring, you will need to use adjustment layers. you will pretty much need a basic knowledge of all of them (to the extent of knowing what the sliders and values do)
[1] i always begin with an exposure layer. this will remain above all of your layers (unless you plan on adding subtitles). here are my settings:
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again, every layer you add after this will go below your exposure layer
[2] i add a selective color layer to further adjust the blacks. this will vary gif to gif but keep your adjustments small
[3] i add a vibrance layer. wrestling footage has major saturation problems that you can manage early on to make your life easier. take back a tiny bit (usually from -3 to -5) of vibrance before you begin your other color adjustments
[4] this is the big skin tone adjustment step using a curves layer. it does most of the heavy-lifting in my process. here is a video tutorial that explains the technique i use. it works the same with gifs as it does with images. the key differences are:
the image you are color picking off of shouldn't be a limited skin tone chart but rather an image of the wrestler(s) in natural (or as close to natural as you can find) lighting. i just go for renders used on the roster page. fan photography is way too edited to use here
try picking from a darker area of skin (shadows, midtones). it fits better with match lighting
this step will most likely correct color tints, but keep in mind that different promotions/shows/venues have different lighting. here are my personal observations:
aew dynamite and rampage have strong magenta tints
aew collision and roh honor club have strong red tints
njpw has a washed out blue tint
impact has a strong green tint
you can either lean into these (play around with making them really vibrant) or cancel them out using opposites on the color wheel (for example: to get rid of the magenta tint on dynamite, either decrease the magenta slider in your neutrals using selective color or add more green using color balance)
you will almost always have to add more cyan as well (either using color balance or channel mixer; channel mixer can also help you fine-tune skin tones with its blue tab—don't get rid of yellow undertones!)
[5] here is where i start fiddling around with manual adjustments that i seriously can't help you with... just add layers and change colors until you think it feels right. don't be afraid to start over if needed
[6] finishing touches! if you're like me you will have overcolored in the previous step. don't be afraid to add a saturation layer and decrease specifically the saturation of the reds (this will affect the skin tone; if you feel like you're on the right track but it's just too orange-looking, it's a saturation issue)
i also tend to add a black & white layer below the exposure layer up top set to soft light and lowered to 10% opacity. this gives you a bit of additional contrast that pulls the final gif together in my opinion
optional step: adding subtitles and watermarks
always add text layers above your coloring!
[1] subtitles
the font i use for subtitles is arial rounded mt bold, which you can download for free here. the point of subtitles is for them to be readable, so feel free to use any other font as long as it can be read with ease (nothing too thin or too blocky). if you plan on using the font i use, make sure to set it on faux bold and faux italics
font size differs based on the size of your gif, but it should normally be between 17pt and 23pt. i like to keep my tracking (letter-spacing) the same as my font size (so for 21pt subtitles i would have the tracking also at 21). i keep leading (the space between multiple lines of text) 3pt or 4pt
if there are two people speaking, i like setting the second speaker's text color to #ffd300. this is a generic yellow caption color that is still easy to read
after you have your basic text done, right click on your layer to add blending options. adding a stroke and a drop shadow can further help bring your text to the foreground. I keep my stroke (hah) at a simple 1px black. here are my drop shadow settings:
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here is a more detailed guide about subtitles by clubgif
as for placement i add a horizontal guide at 95% and put my text on top of the line (while also keeping it centered vertically)
[2] watermarks
i personally don't use watermarks because i just don't care to, but if you want to add one, the same general ideas apply. just lower the opacity of your text layer at the end (if you want... again, a watermark is personalized)
step seven: timing
this is where you'll have to convert your video timeline back to a frame animation!
delete the frames that you don't need and then set a consistent timing (click on your first frame and shift + click on your last one to select all of your frames before adjusting). i like my gifs at 0.04, but depending on the footage you can go for 0.03 (newer bte episodes) or 0.05 (this also works if you don't have enough frames and want your gif a bit slower)
step eight: exporting
go to file -> export -> save for web (legacy)...
here are my export settings:
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make sure to keep your gif under 10mb! if your file exceeds 10mb, you can't upload it to tumblr. you either have to cut some more frames or add compression to your gif (something i would never do, i always just cut frames)
additional tip: tagging
you have your gif! but how do you get people to actually look at it?
i always tag wrestlers* (full name, for both searchability and tag filtering purposes), promotions (initialisms like #aew over #all elite wrestling; if it's a more generic promotion name i.e. impact, go for #impact wrestling), tracked edit tags (#aewedit, #njpwedit; this not only helps source blogs find your posts and give them a bigger reach but it lets you browse other people's works). if you want to go the extra mile you can also include which event/video the gifset is from somewhere in your tags (if it's not already in the caption)
*even if you feel like it personally hurts you to tag that one wrestler you can't stand who happens to be in a match with your fave: do try tagging all wrestlers involved for ease of filtering, especially if you don't add image descriptions to your gifsets (tumblr's post content filtering system picks up on those)
general tumblr etiquette but don't cross-tag (i.e. tag a wwe gifset as #aew). no one likes cross-taggers. crossover events are exempt from this rule of course (forbidden door, multiverse united...)
additional tip: accessibility
don't use gradient text in your captions. screen readers can't read them!
if you can, include an image description. no matter how basic. this not only helps people with screen readers but the alt text of your gif is what's going to be displayed in case the gif isn't loading properly. here's a guide on how to caption gifsets by shangs
and you're done! all that's left to do is get silly with it. once you have the basics down you can virtually do anything. you can make those pretty graphics with blending. you can gif every single match of your fave in chronological order. sky's the limit
don't be discouraged if your gifs are not "perfect" from the get-go. this is a hobby just like any other hobby, and with time you'll get better at it. don't compare yourself to others and don't put your efforts down. only you can make the exact gifs you want to see
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egg-emperor · 5 months
Here's something Heroes related I haven't put here yet: In an early trailer we see a slightly different, extended animation of Eggman in the CG opening! (Quality low because it's only available highly pixelated online XD)
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Here's the final shot for comparison, where it fades in and out much faster and the camera position is slightly different
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And here's a really cool interesting detail: In the early trailer version, Eggman is standing in front of Shadow's capsule!
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Compared to the final, where it's out of view and he's surrounded by Egg Pawns instead
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You can tell it's the real Shadow's capsule and not one of the androids because it's the specific room where only one, the original, is kept. All the background details are the same
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This is neat because it's like it was going to hint that something was up with this specific Shadow and indeed there was.
It's also part of why I choose to see this as the real Eggman getting a shot in the opening instead of Metal disguised, while he secretly had Shadow encapsulated as he used him to make the androids and had his beautiful Egg Fleet before Metal highjacked it. I just want that awesome shot to be the real him okay XD
But even if it's not, still a neat detail for Eggman to have been with the real Shadow capsule initially!
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Those hip to the Ash Lore might remember me trying and failing to extract something from the FLCL Collectors Disc:
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Namely, a collection of screensavers - we in the 2000's boys - that came with the disc. Everything else is pretty easy to pull, but screensavers are OS-based, these were built for a 2002-era Japanese version of Windows, which is not the easiest thing to emulate these days! My attempts to do so failed.
But the Power of the Internet cannot be so easily deterred; yesterday after posting about the abandoned fanwork FLCL fighting game, god-tier hero of the internet @m-accost messaged me that it reminded them of the CD, and being the coder I am not they were able to extract the data from the .exe directly. That revealed that its actually an SWF aka Flash file, which you can just emulate with any of the extant flash players, no Japanese OS bullshit required. So they did, and now you can play the screensavers from your browser right from the Internet Archive!
Discovering the images would have been nice but honestly a bit useless - as I had guessed, its all screenshots from the show. But extracted as screensavers, they have really cool transitions, music from The Pillows Soundtrack, and fun coloring effects. The coolest are absolutely VESPA.exe, which has a chaotic tiling effect:
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And MANGA.exe recreated the 'moving manga' style sequence from the show. Ironically, GIRLS.exe is the *most* boring - cashing in on the name on that one GAINAX.
Making such things accessible is of course an exceedingly tiny win, but A: any Lost Media found is good, and this was pseudo-lost media due to its inaccessibility; and B: these kind of things were way more valuable in their original context. The internet in 2002 did not have readily accessible dumps of every frame of the show, gifs of key sequences, easy downloads of whole episodes, every promotional image digitized, etc. Some of it existed in some form for savvy users, but the median person would not ever transition an episode of TV to their computer at all. As such, recreations of things like the ending credits and the moving manga sequence, even in this very different form, was for some people the most accessible way they had to put a piece of media they loved on their computer. For someone somewhere this CD was a big deal in 2002, and its great to be able to see what they saw in it.
Also fucking screensavers man, just an amazing relic of computer tech. Gotta prevent burn-in of the pixels on your cathode ray tube monitor! And if you are doing that with HARUKO.exe you have won at life.
(tagged @flclarchives since I think you will be interested in this, and ofc @m-accost thank you for the amazing work, I am just the reporter on this one)
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mickedy · 2 months
Big old TS!Underswap thoughtpost. Spoiler free :p
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* It's really visually striking in almost every sense of the term. The areas are beautifully colored and the characters are all so well designed and the spritework is pretty fantastic. So many little character animations that bring the game to life. I like that the overworld sprites try to replicate the battle sprites, as opposed to the original Undertale that scaled down their designs into little low-pixel chibi things. It gives TS!US it's own visual identity which I appreciate.
* CHARACTER WRITING!!! Oh my god. The character writing. Oh my god? Probably the most in character Undertale fangame I've ever seen. Everything from the character interactions to the dialogue down to the humor feels like something Toby would authentically write. You'd think swapping everyone's roles around would make it difficult to keep the characters... in character, but actually it's astoundingly good. Toriel and Asgore have the same motives, but the difference here is that Asgore was banished to the ruins after waging war on humanity. Sans is a pretend superhero in a big old PR thing orchestrated by Papyrus. It's awesome. I give huge props to the character writing for those last two specifically. It works. You'd think an Underswap fangame would be horribly OOC but actually. It just works. it all works so well.
* Character writing+. There are loads of new characters that actually feel like monsters that could exist in the original game. There are two cartoon henchmen named Larry and Harry that are rivals to Crossbones and they are my absolute favorite of the new characters added. So many loveable characters here (which makes the No Mercy run all the more difficult... so props to TS.)
* Game mechanics. Lots of new game mechanics added. There's a journal that keeps track of the monsters you've encountered and how you've dealt with them, plus a collectibles menu and even a quest system. (The quests seem to be integrated into the morality system which is a really cool spin on the morality system of the original Undertale; the game even commends you for going out of your way to complete quests instead of barreling through areas! It makes me wonder how much of the "control" aspect is at play here.)
* The Human. The human has a lot of little character quirks and dialogue and animations that really make them such an endearing protagonist. I could talk about this character all day. Chara fans will love this one.
* Character writing. Mentioning it again. So good. Really good characters. Oh my god
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* I dont even know
* The music is good but it's just kind of "good" when the rest of the game is so much more polished. I feel like there could be more... instruments in a lot of the songs. I don't know, I'm sure they were trying to replicate the chiptune style of Undertale music, but if they went through the trouble if changing up the art style then I'm not sure why they couldn't put a spin on the music style also, it kind of clashes with the theme. A very small complaint though. Muffet's battle music is so so catchy it's been stuck in my head.
* I dont know what else
* The No Mercy run is scary and it made me scared :scared:
* Sans is sidelined for this mysterious masked superhero guy named Crossbones?? Why'd they even bother putting Sans in the game. And who is this enigmatic Crossbones fellow...
* for real though i have very little complaints here its so so polished. Please please please play TS!IUnderswap i will dedicate the rest of my life trying to convince everyone to play it. It currently goes up to this universe's version of Waterfall but there's about 6 or 7 hours worth of content here already.
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nejishadow · 2 months
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31 Days of Sonic: Day 17 - Antagonist + Day 22 - Deity
Creation Date: Jan 23rd, 2024
This drawing was me throwing so many things into a blender and going until smooth.
Combination between my personal Mephiles design from high school + the skills I wished I had back then. Just missing a long spiky tail lol. Wanted a real strong angle, because I can never get it to work. But it turned out pretty good for once.
The OG canvas is 6000 pixels so doing the background was making everything lag like crazy, so the textures there don't look as good as wanted, but even shrinking it to 4000 wasn't helping much.
Anyways, Mephiles?? He's pretty dang cool, such a sick design. Finally got his plushie for christmas
No effect version below the cut, if you wanna try to draw this design, go ahead, please tag me tho I beg
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slimejunior · 2 years
People in space colony 646X in tbe year 6,000:
SamSkingle5985: Do you see this? This was a frog 🐸 . I recovered this off am archaic media storage device called an SD card I inherited from my grandma. They lived on earth and ate another animal called "bugs"
Comment section:
SimScorn42068: Wow this picture is so low quality. Lol. It still has pixels. The 3000s really sucked.
ScrillbyStiff83: Faaaake oh my god. People will believe anything now. This is even worse than the whole elephant thing.
BamHurger12: Actually the elephant was proven to be real. They have one of its bones preserved on a nearby colony and they got its dna and cloned it and everything. They had to put it down though because it was too big. I heard it reached 5 feet tall and could eat an entire cube. This one is obviously fake though.
KrimStump69: Even though its fake its still cool.
JesusSavedMe900BC; GOD created life as he created animals and mankind for life on the space colonys that he created. The bible says nothing about life on earth or frogs or elephants. "Because of my Godly Power I have created the space colony and to inhabit it I created Mankind and 10 plants and animals to live on the colony." Dimp 7:54
SamScringle: Actually apparently it did talk about earth in older versions. But anyways i think its fake too. It looks kind of wet, like old CGI, and its so small I dont think it could be alive.
UltraGrimby800: I am selling cubes laced with DRUGS for 18 gamits. DM me for details.
They all message UltraGrimby
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immortalarizona · 10 months
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“This is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch.”
— Agatha Harkness
a sketch showcasing my Wanda design!! credit to @adorkastock for the pose reference used :)
below the cut is a full breakdown of my design, including its evolution, my thought process, and other unposted drawings relating to this project, so read on if you’re interested!!
okay, so real talk, I first decided I wanted to make my own Wanda design because I Could Not be bothered to keep looking up refs for whatever tf is going on with her mcu costume bodice. I mean, look at this:
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I mean, maybe it looks okay onscreen, but there’s so many fiddly little details, especially around the collar, and it was just a pain to draw whenever I would draw my Wanda. and okay I’ll be real I also wanted to distance my Wanda from the whitewashed Wendy version of her, because I Do What I Want. and also, the dullness of the reds did not spark joy within my heart. she’s the Scarlet Witch, people, not the Vaguely Maroon Witch!!
and I fell in love with the Kevin Wada design when I first saw it. it’s gorgeous, it’s sleek, it’s witchy, and it’s significantly less frustrating to draw!!
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so for a while, I drew my Wanda in a variation of this fit, blended with some of my own touches (a high ponytail + an occasional choker) and a few of the things I did like from her mcu fit (the crown + the half skirt thingamabob + the long cape). but I was still feeling :/ about it, mainly because while the off-the-shoulder design looks lovely, I found it tricky to draw whenever Wanda would raise her hands above her head. exhibit a below:
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behold, the sketch for an old drawing I never finished!! and I know artists smarter than me have figured out How The Sleeves, because some comics even today still use this design, but I only have so many brain cells to spend, and I felt like simplifying things for myself even further.
that was when Russell Dauterman’s design for the 2022 Hellfire Gala dropped. and I went FERAL.
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it’s gorgeous!! it’s stunning!! high collars my beloved!! so I took the collar design and ran with it for my own design.
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behold, a janky rendition of my costume design in the crappy colored pencils provided to us during my fashion design class!! I know, I know, the coloring looks atrocious, but I was working with what I had. now, you may have already noticed some elements not present in any of the designs I cited as my influences. let’s talk about those!!
the sleeves are split from the main bodice as gloves: this was for my own sanity, haha. it was a construction my smol lizard brain could comprehend and work with much better than Whatever is going on with the comics designs.
the red portion of the gloves tapers in kind of a V design rather than cutting off at the fingers: personally, I felt like this accentuated the elegant flow of all the hand gestures Wanda makes when using her powers better than the classic fingerless design, or whatever thumb strap thingy was going on with her MoM costume.
where’d the design for her cloak clasp come from?: now we all know that tumblr’s pixel budget is next to nil, but if you zoom in, you’ll notice that the clasp of Wanda’s cloak is not her M crown design, but rather a golden kinda coffin-shaped thingy. see, I saw this one theory that this hex shape in Wanda’s mcu bodice was an homage to Vision and the Mind Stone, and I liked that theory, so I referenced it with a hex-shaped clasp.
and the runes on her bodice and skirt?: I actually referenced the Enochian font for those!! according to wikipedia, it’s said to be the language of angels, which feels appropriate for a character as tied to cosmic powers as Wanda. also, real talk, it just looks cool. the script on her bodice originally said “not born, forged,” in reference to the Darkhold’s Scarlet Witch prophecy, but it’s become truncated as the bodice has become shorter to accommodate a more high-waisted structure, which I personally believe to be more flattering in general. I added the runes pretty late in the design process to her skirt to tie the whole fit together visually. from an in-universe perspective, I like to think of the writing as Chthon visually marking Wanda as his creation. his witch.
why does Wanda have a high ponytail when she’s never had one in her most recognizable incarnations?: because a) I do what I want, and b) Alba Flores looks STUNNING in a high ponytail.
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and let it never be said that I am not fruity as all heck about Wanda Maximoff <3
so there you have it, a Wanda design that I think is as beautiful, regal, and magical as she is, not to mention one that I can draw repeatedly without having to immediately reach for my phone to Yet Again look up references for how the heck the bodice works.
(and really, it only seemed fitting that the Scarlet Witch of Earth-19384 should receive her own unique design.)
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stitchwraith-stingers · 5 months
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lampwick for @castlingvanias , sophia carter for @springbonnie-fanclub , amaya izumi for @valleyfthdolls , heath for @frindoka, ocha for @toothlesstdm , satoshi for @cobrajacky and GLaDoS for @bearionette
seperate versions under cut + extra words <3
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andrew - HI ANDREW SORRY IK UR IN UR PKMN BRAINROT MOMENT RN BUT I ALWAYS LOVE TO DRAW LAMPWICK EVEN THOUGH I DONT KNOW HER AWHOLE ALOT <333 thank you for making pinnochio yuri real in ur adapation and i did not expect you to follow me after i found ur andrew art that one time and im still so happy i mananged to name one of ur aus AKJDKJ ALSO YOU JUST ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST OPINIONS EVER . EVERYTIME YOU GO INTO MY ASKBOX TO TYPE AN ESSAY UR THAT ONE GUY WRITING ON FIRE GIF... COOLEST PERSON IVE EVER SEEN
bonnie - THANK U FOR HAVING SUCH BASED OPINIONS I LOVE THE IDEA OF TRANSFEM JULIUS... estrogen probably saved her... GRAHH I LOVE UR PIXEL-ISH ART STYLE AND YOU ALSO JUST GET IT.. YOU GET EVERYTHING AND I ALWAYS TRUST U W FAZ FRIGHTS OPINIONS..... yes rouge thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a hot topic /ref (how faz frights yuri should be more popular)
onyx - GRAHH I LOVE UR IDEAS SO MUCH UR SO GOOD W WORDS i love ur au as well AND I LOVE UR IDEA OF VANNY / VALENTINE....that one time you made a comment about how ur impressed w the fact i can draw in ms paint has stayed in my mind i dont know why ..... ONE HUNDRED BILLION TRILLION SMILES AND HUGS... UR SO COOL AND EPIC WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE IT
fret - HII FRET .. NOT ALOT OF WORDS CUZ WE ARENT SUPER CLOSE SORRY </3 ur art is so epic and awesome and i love how you draw tufts so much ... i did not expect you to refind me again after i dissapeared from twt LOL but so cool and epic... i tried to get heath as accurate as possible but i couldnt find a ref that wasnt from september and i wasnt sure if it was updated so im sorry if i got anything wrong </33 i LOVEDD doing the stripes so much sorry the ones on the tail look so rushed
lillie - WE DONT TALK ALOT EITHER!!! I LOVE HOW COMPLICATED YOU CAN DO ANY DESIGN!!!!!!!! i tried to challange myself to get it fully accurate to the ref i found.. yeah that anon was me sorry....GRAHH UR ART IS SO PRETTY IM GRABBING YOU LIKE A SOPPY WET CAT.. PEACE AND LOVE ON THE PLANET EARTH you are the most joyus person on the planet i have ever seen i swear if i walk into your room it would be straight up the sun you are SO HAPPY AND POSITIVE I LOVE IT
charolette - HIII ... KEEPING THE RUNNING THEME OF ALWAYS MISPELLING UR NAME CUZ I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO SPELL IT.. YOUVE BEEN HERE THE LONGEST ... EVER SINCE MY DA DAYS AND MY DRTWT SHINANIGANS... i will forever mourn the fact the 'WHAT THE FUCK IS POISON GENDER' video where we dunked on some random romanian dudebro guy for making fun of my pkmn headcanons and we used danganronpa sprites is gone... ur the type of person to read the bible as if its some random every day novel and i think thats rad and cool.... this florust guy looks so cool i hope atleast he survives abit in ur fangan.. holding a cake that says IM SORRY THAT YOU KNEW ME WHEN I WAS 11
atlas - HI ATLAS... UR ART IS THE SHIT I LOVE IT... THE COLORS R SOSOSOSO BEAUTIFUL.. ONE BILLION SMILES FOR YOU AND I LOVE UR CASSIE DESIGN... IF I EAT UR ART IT WOULD PROBABLY TASTE LIKE MANGO... GRAHHH i cant believe we started to talk after you drew my cookie run oc that one time... ITS SO COOL TO SEE HOW FAR YOUVE GONE W UR ART.. i tried to keep the blocky shape of ur GLaDoS design AND IT WAS SO FUN TO EXPIRIMENT WITH..... yipee
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Years, many years ago, you may have looked forward to software updates. New features, bugs fixed, an evolution of an already pretty good instant messenger or paint program or Usenet pornography downloader. Nowadays, a software update is dreaded. There are many reasons: it may contain a grotesque new turn towards adware or algorithmic timeline bullshit, an eye-searingly-bad redesign, or the developers may have “accidentally” broken your favourite feature and want you to buy the Pro version to get it back.
Yes, software is very bad today, and getting worse. It’s ruining everything that our society used to love: self-driving cars, video game systems, laptop computers, and the sentient synthetic intelligence that spontaneously developed in your washing machine, which you can no longer connect to the internet in order to receive text messages of when your clothes are done being washed for fear of extinguishing this new and fragile form of sapient life with an update that makes the front-panel lights slightly less flickery. And I don’t think you need me to tell you that this fucking sucks.
Is there a solution, beyond fleeing into the woods and carrying half a 1980s Radio Shack worth of 8-bit microprocessors and firearms with you? Although that does sound pretty good, now that we’re talking about it, I think there is a way we can keep all of our modern conveniences (like roads, and freshly-squeezed high-octane gasoline) while turning back the tide of anti-progress. All we have to do is outlaw pie charts.
That’s right. Pie charts. We thought they were innocent when they first appeared, a way to use our trigonometry classes to make a cool-looking chart. Pretty colours. Hell, maybe they come in 3D, which makes them totally useless as a way to tell how big the slices are, but boy does it look cool. The problem is, some people took the pie charts way too seriously. Upper management began to obsess over them, their eyes seeing special secrets – margin, even – hiding at the border of each ridiculous pixelated slice. And they chased those secrets, drunk-driving the world into a technological hell.
Once we throw pie charts in the collective shredder of humanity’s memory, we can move on to things that make more sense. Bar charts, for example, can still lie, but they don’t exist purely as a function of lies. I’m not so naive to believe that humanity won’t re-invent the pie chart at some future date, of course, but I’m pretty convinced the extra productivity means that we’ll be able to build really reliable hunter-killer robots to wipe those folks out, and leave them behind for future generations. Even if those robots don’t have a “dark mode” or special new typeface every couple of months to boost engagement.
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