#even the worst human wouldn't deserve this treatment
sillypiratelife · 8 months
Kuina is probably my favorite female character of One Piece, but that's because she represents just perfectly the experience of being a little girl that's into martial arts— and some other stuff.
Kuina would never be enough because she could not be man enough to inherit the dojo, according to her dad, but she was also not lady-like enough to be considered a "woman". To the eyes of other people (and what they make her believe), Kuina's dream marked her as an eternal outcast, someone who would never reach one shore or the other.
To Kuina, her body was a cage. Even if she had everything within her, her body would make her naturally weaker. Similar to being condemned to fight with a bad sword, a blade that would break. Being a child was safe. Little boys and little girls are equals. Growing up meant losing time, losing ground. Every year must have to be a burden to her, with the constant reminder that her time as the best was running out.
The fear and hatred of puberty, the horror of the way your body changes without your permission, the experience of girls who feel uncomfortable in her bodies because they don't want breasts, they don't want to be weaker once a month because their bodies are bleeding and their hormones are ruining everything— I've seen it all.
Worst even, the way people would stare at those bodies and lust for them. The trauma of being desirable. Now they think that they're entitled to your body, that they can disrespect you. You're a toy, an object, you're a woman so you're weak and fragile, you're a woman so give up, you're not in control of the situation anymore.
When Koushiro said that a woman could never be the best swordman in the world, there are soooo many things in between the lines. Why not?
As if it wasn't enough, the boys accused Kuina of being that much better than them because her dad was the leader of the dojo, so he must be teaching her in secret. Her merits were never hers, just the results of another man. "Ah, that girl can't be that good, she must be getting help, receiving special treatment, getting extra training, etc". It's infuriating and Kuina shows it. They disrespect her like it's nothing, like it's natural. Her own dad allows it and participates in that.
Before Zoro, Kuina had no one to tell her that her skills were only hers. Her body, her heritage, not of that mattered. She was the rightful winner of their matches, at least so far.
When Zoro cries out of frustration and Kuina asks him if he even knows why she should be the one crying for it? Life changing moment. Zoro got the praise and loyalty of the dojo boys, the admiration of the older people training there, he was even the special boy of her dad— Koushiro let Zoro clown around with multiple swords and watch Kuina beat his ass, but it'd never matter.
Zoro wouldn't be betrayed by his own body, his own family, his own dojo and his own hometown. He was an outsider accepted by the community, their pride even. He came out of nowhere and they gave him everything she wanted and both of them deserved. It's just that it wasn't a fair fight: Zoro was a boy and Kuina was a girl. She'd always have to fight harder even if she was better.
For me, I really think that only Zoro could carry Wado Ichimonji with him. He was the only one who respected Kuina as a person and a rival, not seeing what others saw in her. Zoro honored all their fights, never tried to discredit her, because even when Koushiro tried to give Zoro an excuse "you forgot that she's a little older than you", Zoro brushed it away. No, he could beat grown-ups. That was not it.
Kuina was better than him. Period.
The fact that she died in such an accident and the way Koushiro said "humans are fragile things"... It is just so amazing. What Kuina feared the most: all her potential, wasted. When she was finally ready to go after what she wanted, she fell down the stairs and died. Simple. The promise Zoro and Kuina made was wasted too. Now Zoro had all the time in the world and Kuina had no time at all. She was always against fate and Zoro rode with it.
I still think about how Zoro plans to make it all worth something: if she can rightfully fight for the title, then he won't let anyone have it but him. If Kuina was able to beat 2001 times the boy who would become the best swordman in the world, then no one could insult him ever again. And if he won that title with her sword, then he'd elevate both their names. If he could fulfill his promise to her, then that night would hold its meaning.
I love Kuina soooo freaking much and I love how much Zoro values her, even to this day.
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ilikepjo24 · 1 year
On de-bending Azula for the sake of redemption...
Many think that for a character to be redeemed, they need to hit rock bottom first. Right now, I can't recall if it has been stated on the show or not, but still even if no one said it out loud, that's the mentality Avatar is trying to teach us, through Iroh, Zuko and Korra.
Since the show is trying to teach this lesson, some people now believe that for Azula to be redeemed, she must lose her bending, her royal status, her previous relationships and she should be kicked out of her home, to learn consequences and humility, in order to become a better person.
There is absolutely no respect to be due as I say that this mentality is complete bullshit.
Not only it is unfair, unreasonable and cruel, but it is literally unhealthy and I pity all the people who think that way. I actually have a couple of questions for those people.
If you were brought up in an emotionally and mentally abusive household that ruined you, would you be against getting help because you haven't hit rock bottom? Would you think "yes, my parents traumatized me, but they haven't done anything that directly jeopardized my physical health so it's not that bad. I haven't hit rock bottom yet, so I don't deserve better" ?
If you had a health problem that isn't causing you any issues with your daily life as of now, but demands to be attended in order to not cause any problems in the future, would you neglect taking care of yourself because you haven't hit rock bottom? Would you think "yes, this could cost me my life later on, but there's no possibilities of that happening anywhere in this year, so it's fine. I haven't hit rock bottom, so I don't deserve treatment" ?
If yes, you need and deserve a hug right now. I might not respect you and I pity you instead, but I still would like to give you a hug. And then slap you. Cause you're stupid.
If you are in a bad position in life, you shouldn't need to suck it up cause it's not the worst position ever. Do you not value your life and happiness? If person A is stuck at the bottom of a cliff and person B is hanging by the edge and is in danger of falling, they both need help. You wouldn't only help person A and then wait for person B to fall as well in order to help them.
You don't need to hit rock bottom to deserve better, you just do, cause you're human. You're a living being. And that's enough to make you worthy of a good life without suffering.
Azula doesn't need to hit rock bottom to want redemption and she certainly doesn't need to hit rock bottom to deserve better than what she has.
Thus proven.
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fluffyotters · 6 months
Matakara if he was the original main character of Bucchigiri
Givn how people react to Arajin, they wouldn't be able to handle Matakara if he was the main character. (Though maybe slightly better due to prettiness attractive factor and gay. But probably not enough.) If Arajin trying to win over Mahoro is bad, just imagine every episode of poor Matakara going "Ara-chan!" and trying to be friendly with him. The second hand embarasamment and pity watching him trying to win him over, heck not even romantically even if he does love him, but Arajin saying multiple times we're not friends in front of everybody. Matakara telling everyone how awesome and amazing Arajin is. If Arajin is the side character now, it is an even bigger mystery and deep disconnect between Matakara's delusional idealization of Arajin and how everyone else and the audience sees him. It'd be just what are you on? Though seeing him and Zabu and Kamao would be fantastic. Everyone knows how Matakara feels about Arajin. He must constantly talk and show it constantly. He and Arajin share that obsession. Marito taunts him about being Arajin's doggie a few times. Unfortunately the audience and Zabu are still mystified. Though seeing Arajin literally one punch Marito, Kenichiro, and Akutaro actually gives justice to him being super strong and makes sense how Matakara continues to believe in him.
But no means no and it would be kind of questionable to see a nice guy like Matakara (who is a genuinely good person) be questionable and kind of essentially try to continue to push onto Arajin being friends again despite him not wanting too and even told repeatedly they weren't friends now is pretty sad. People's (the audience) heads would explode lol with how much he loves Arajin unlike how Arajin is felt about currently who is pretty over the top hated even though there really isn't anything wrong with him that deserves the reaction and dislike he gets. (Being annoying and a girl chaser is not that bad to be near worst mc hated character ever which is overkill). Matakara is a foolish Arajin chaser who is just as loud about it he just looks cuter. They're both absolutely delusionally obsessed with the ones they love and want. People would not be able to handle that Matakara will beat people up for little reason. It's a subtle thing because fighting is an acceptable and honorable thing in this fight culture excvited show but while Matakara doesn't start fights (at the start) for no reason, he has zero hesitation joining in and finishing and is pretty dang strong and dangerous (most after Kenichiro and Marito human wise. Akutaro is a maybe but in a fair one on one without weapons and Ichiya pretty sure Matakara would have smashed him). However, it does seem like people bumping into him was a challenge/excuse to start a fight as he does later deliberately and even implied at the start in the first episode that Zabu and Kamao were trying to get Arajin thrashed his first day. Had it been anyone but Arajin, it would have been very different and Zabu was too happy to get Arajin to bump him and introduce him to their big friend and Matakara is all in shadows...before oh it's Arajin! There is a very distinct treatment from Matakara between those who are his brother, Kenichiro and Arajin...and everybody else. Even his good friends (who are better friends to Matakara than Arajin ever was or unfortuantely probably will be barring the last act) are very aware of the place in ranking they have in Matakara's mind. He's nice but actually, we haven't seen him interact with many people outside of his friends and Arajin. As a main character, it would be clear he probably isn't actually nearly as nice to non Arajin's (or brother/ken's) or his buddies to a lesser degree. And while fighting is normal and over downright silly things, just accidentally being bumped into (forced) as an excuse is a tactic that...isn't a good or honorable one and used by someone who would bully. And while he isn't as ruthless as the NG group people actions, it would still be unpleasant and awful to watch them and the main character beat up a guy who had literally done nothing wrong just for fun.
It would reveal too soon and be concerning how kind of unbalanced Matakara really is and people would not like how emotionally needy and obsessed he is in chasing after a straight guy and low opinion of himself and the fear. This is not something looked kindly on by audiences and be hated for. A weak one who (while not the worst) does bully people and obsessed in love with a fantasy version of a guy who does not want him nor wants to be his friend (out of his own guilt complex but Matakara doesn't know that) and Matakara thinks it's because he's weak and just goes with it because it must be because Arajin is so strong. It's a tragic sad thing to see but also would make for a undeserved hatred of Matakara just like Arajin has now.
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deadgit · 5 months
Okay, here's the post I promised based on @ocean--grey 's poll! So if anyone randomly finds this and is confused, the poll was a question about who makes Lister feel the worst about himself: Low Lister, Sebastian Doyle, or the brain-in-a-jar from "Out of Time." I went tag crazy in my reblog, and this is just what didn't fit 🤣
So, Lister was ganged up on and victimized by all of the Lows in a scene that has to have been one of the most disturbing things that ever happened to him. But one small, probably unintentional detail that I'm going to emphasize is this: all of the Lows were working together, and reasonably well. They all teamed up against him, a solid team, 4 against 1.
And so, I find it FASCINATING that this episode directly follows "Terrorform" and "Quarantine," two episodes that heavily emphasize the everyone vs Rimmer dynamic.
Social patterns can be brutal. At the end of the day, there's very little that makes people feel more together than disliking the same person, especially if they can feel justified about it. And Rimmer is extremely easy to dislike, justifiably.
But unlike Cat and Kryten, who have fairly simple relationships with Rimmer (they know they need him there, and he has a couple redeeming qualities, but they genuinely dislike him), Lister actually sees Rimmer as a human being, with feelings that matter. He wouldn't have chosen to have this guy play a huge role in his life, but he does care about him.
And, sometimes, he treats Rimmer terribly.
It's usually not just him. It's him, the Cat, and Kryten playing off of each other, having Rimmer be the odd-man-out. And he gives as good as he gets, so it probably feels fine, mostly. You can't say that Rimmer doesn't deserve to have his own terrible actions thrown into his face, now and then.
Rimmer was exhibiting some horrid behavior in "Quarantine." His treatment of the rest of the crew before the virus set in was vindictive and petty in really destructive ways. But it was also a direct reaction to his peers talking about shutting him down. (Notably, this was right after an episode where they all pretended to like him, then threw it back in his face.) He probably saw that as a genuine threat to his life, and responded to it the way he's been conditioned to, since he was a kid: weaponize rules, use every scrap of power you have, no one else will help you.
Lister has come to understand Rimmer pretty well by this point in the show. He understands that "the wrong parents" doesn't just mean that Rimmer is ambitious and vain; he knows the guy survived some genuine, serious abuse. (Notably, he's the only character who looked disturbed at Rimmer's Uncle Frank story. Even Rimmer didn't recognize how messed up that was.) Everyone has seen Rimmer at his worst, but Lister has seen him at some of his best, like in "Marooned" when he waxes poetic about friendship and sacrifice, and wants to mirror what he saw as an act of selflessness. Lister knows how badly Rimmer craves acceptance and respect, and knows that he's actually capable of being decent under the right circumstances.
But he doesn't exactly keep that knowledge at the front of his mind. Very understandable, when your bunkmate, say, locks everyone in a room for weeks without entertainment or decent food. And it's especially easy to forget about when you're with two other people who can't stand the guy.
But I think sometimes, when the others aren't there, he remembers that Rimmer is a very miserable, lonely person, who faces almost constant antagonism from everybody in his life. He brings it on himself, but I don't think Lister wants to be a person who enjoys teaming up with his buddies to pick on the group misfit.
And yet, in series 4 and 5 especially, he kinda IS that person.
And I can't help but wonder if his treatment at the hands of the Low crew (ganged up on, having his autonomy taken away, being bombarded with everything he hates about himself) wasn't, in part, a reflection of the way he feels about all that subconsciously.
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yandere-fics · 1 year
♡ How they react to you falling asleep on them prior to dating. ♡
♡ The Kingdom Version ♡
(Revamping Miriel so if you see this and wonder why Miriel is much longer, it's because she's the oc I've chosen to do editing for today, the others will get their time at some point, please have patience.)
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♡ Falling asleep on Miriel, or really any other supernatural in the city isn't the best idea, in the best case scenario you have a supernatural who is very uncomfortable in your presence because you are not their soulmate so how dare you fall asleep on them, or worst case scenario you are their soulmate and they've taken this as permission to go full speed in their courting process because clearly you've begun to warm up to them. You will never hear the end of this from her, it's her most treasure memory, the first sign of affection she's ever received from her mate and she is never going to forget this, if you even yawn within her vicinity in the future she's already preparing herself for this to occur again because why wouldn't it, why would you fall asleep anywhere that isn't her, after all she's made for you so the only place you should rest your head at work is on her. ♡
♡ Miriel is always in your personal space to begin with, if you aren't showing her affection yet then she'll just have to get close to you and hope that you'll grow used to her and eventually learn you're supposed to give her affection, but after this she's decided that she should go full force with her affection and intrude into your personal space even farther. What do you mean her desk chair wasn't there before? She's always sat this close to you and she's always walked this close to you in the hallways, she doesn't really know what you're talking about, this is just normal. ♡
♡ In her mind it's about time that you finally gave her some sign you liked her back, in her head despite never asking you out, the both of you had already been dating and it was really weighing on her that you had yet to reciprocate any of her feelings. This is just the first step to your new happy life together, it's well deserved especially after you'd spent months coldly neglecting her with no affection in sight. Now she gets to do all the couple-y things she's been acing to do. ♡
The break room had cleared out the instant you even so much as yawned, your head drooping against Miriel's shoulder in exhaustion from the long work day. Your coworkers were no idiots, supernaturals didn't like when other people got to see their mates sleep or even vulnerable in anyway but you didn't notice their feeling, you were far too tired to pay attention to your surroundings or the fact you were laying on one of your supervisors shoulders. Miriel didn't notice at first either, she was too busy humming to herself and thinking about how she was going to rip your other supervisor to pieces, ensuring they would never again be able to work in the city for their heinous crime of exhausted her poor human.
She squeaked softly trying to maintain composure when she finally looked to her side and noticed you asleep on her shoulder, gently moving your head to her lap so you could rest more easily. It was hard to even allow herself to breathe for fear of disrupting your nap, this was the first time her girlfriend had shown her any affection and she had to savor it. She knew you weren't actually her girlfriend but you might as well be, you were soulmates and especially after this you had to be, she didn't even need to bother to ask, this made it so very clear the both of you were together. Either way after this she was going to go full blast on the girlfriend treatment whether you liked it or not though she knew you would like it, how could you not?
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♡ Immediately glaring anyone there out of the room and draping a wing over you as a blanket. Anyone who has not vacated the room either is The Boss and therefore cannot be attacked by Kassien, or someone who has a death wish. Kassien will gladly oblige that death wish as soon as her sweet darling wakes up. ♡
♡ Honestly this is definitely happening all the time, although she has not officially claimed you, Kass is your soulmate and demons can put their soulmates at ease to a level where if the mate is even slightly drowsy, they'll just have a strong desire to curl up in the vicinity of the demon. ♡
♡ She's not always putting you to sleep, she knows you're busy and have things to do, you don't want to sleep all the time but if she notices you're overworked or stressed or just need a small break, she immediate trying to induce sleep. Just sleep, she'll watch over you as you sleep dear. ♡
You refused to make eye contact with Kassien, you'd fallen asleep on her and cuddled against her wing for the fifth time this month, how could you even continue to work with her when you couldn't stop getting too cozy with her.
This time you two were in her office, she bought you lunch often, said since you did the most out of the people she supervised, she needed to give you rewards since you really made her job easier. It was true, having her mate within reach did make her job much easier to get through, and it helped that she could basically cuddle you whenever she wanted to as you were always sleepy from work. She'd prefer her mate not work but since it wasn't possible yet, she'd make the best of it.
She always had to resist the urge to grab you tightly every time you scrambled away from her in a panic. Damn the gods, why couldn't you just fucking stay still and let her hold you. Seeing you so desperate to get away only increased her anger each time it occurred. She was going to snap and claim you soon.
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♡ Kudos to you for managing to fall asleep on The Boss, like the literal ruler of the city before you're even aware of her feelings for you. You've got guts kid, now please stop being reckless for the sake of your wellbeing. ♡
♡ She's not the most affectionate, she prefer showing her affection materially rather than physically, the exception to this being her heats, but she also isn't opposed to physical affection. Just if she's not nearing her heats, it also won't cause her to jump in absolute joy like some people. ♡
♡ If you are falling asleep on her she might install a bed in her office so you can nap there with very nice blankets. Don't worry darling, if she's not super busy, she may even sit down on the bed with you as she continues to work but she wouldn't lay down, she doesn't want to take her shoes off at work. ♡
You were in her office helping her sort paperwork today. You hadn't slept very well the night before and it was beginning to catch up to you. Before you knew it you were subconsciously leaning against Sawyer before immediately straightening out and hoping she didn't notice you doing that.
This occurred two more times that afternoon before The Boss let out a sigh and grabbed your shoulder to make you lay on her lap.
"Lay down Dearest. You're clearly tired, continuing like this will only slow down my work." That was supposed to be a sweet thing but when the scary ruler of the city says that to you, it sounds downright terrifying. You'd do your best to avoid her office in the future.
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ultfan · 11 months
@jcurneysend continued from this ask.
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"I mean- yeah. That makes sense for you, Komaeda."
A flick of a oddly placed mushroom that somehow, someway found herself in her hair, and Junko stood up, stretching and cracking her back, giving a sigh.
"You probably expected you weren't gonna live long anyway."
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"I mean, you're basically terminal, yeah? Not much else you can do to fuck around on this green ol' earth anyway.." Nonchalantly, she glances back, a vile sort of glare in her eyes. Komaeda was Naegi's antithesis- at least in her mind, in her warped vision, that was Komaeda Nagito to her. Rattle on about hope this, or perform his strange acts for the glory of mankind's hope that...
Like killing off his entire classmates or even getting near it since they were oh so easily swayed by her judgement and manipulations. Jeez! How annoying can he get? Do you know how hard it was to sway Peko-freakin-yama at times!?
Still, he was resolute. Yet that darkness in his heart could be his undoing..
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"Buuuuut, it always makes me think! Man. Wouldn't it be funny if your luck somehow found a way to make sure you lived? I mean, sure! Realistically your body would be weak and feeble due to it. Like, did you know while taking treatments and the like to even fight against that, your bodys weaker to shit like the common cold!? Daaaaaamn. Anyways."
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"..I think what I'm meaning to say is, its way easier for someone who wants to die to be forced to live and witness it all. Don't you agree?~"
Shut up.
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                     he did hate her. enoshima's existence was everything that he despised wrapped into a chaotic, yet beautiful package. the embodiment of everything he stood against. so he hated her... so he says. so he tells himself. so he copes.
                     but was there not a reason he could find himself speaking to her while only having one or two passing thoughts about how glorious it would be when she finally died? was there a reason that, despite his desire for ultimate hope, he still found himself working for ultimate despair? well... for him to entertain those questions would be despair-inducing in itself. he'll just claim that it's just the nature of the super high school level gyaru to be... somewhat charismatic. even when she was being the absolute worst.
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                     ‶  hm... i guess i do to some extent.  ″ komaeda never wished for good things for himself. he would never dare to do that. it's not like he didn't want them, no. it's in a human's nature to desire happiness. to not want to feel pain. to avoid disaster. but he had to acknowledge that he would never be able to live a life without those things. nor did a lowly human such as himself even deserve a life like that.
                     he long since accepted that.
                     ‶  this talent of mine really is unfortunate, don't you think so? you would think that someone with such good luck would have things go in their favor more often... and yet here i am having a conversation with you. how unlucky is that?  ″ he cannot help the sardonic smile that creeps it's way on to his face. really, though, he must be down on his luck to find himself anywhere near her. he wonders if this bad luck would lead to something wonderful down the line. although compared to his past tragedies, this is a minor inconvenience at best. sigh...
                     ‶  but... even though i'm not scared of dying, i can't really say that i'm desperate for a way out quite yet. though i wouldn't really mind it...  ″ depending on the circumstances, that is. but he won't say that much. regardless he doubts his death would bring anyone despair... and if that's the case, maybe he'll be lucky enough to die in a way that can be used as someone's stepping stone towards a hope strong enough to beat even enoshima junko herself.
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                     ‶  even so, i'm rather glad i've lived this long.  ″ his eyes, cold and perhaps even deranged, look to meet hers. there's a darkness in him, one rather ironic for someone who speaks hope's praises so adamantly.  ‶  after all, the longer i'm around to witness this all, the greater the chance i'll be alive to see a hope great enough to destroy the despair you've worked so hard to spread. sure, the odds of that aren't very high... but if i wouldn't be worthy of the title super high school level good luck if i let something as silly as that bring me down.  ″
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northernolddragon · 2 years
oh i read your opinion about the ending in Bow. I think that Dettlaff is a character treated very unfairly by the creators. the game almost forces us to kill him. both main paths lead to killing a vampire. sparing him by not taking some ribbon is hard to achieve. because who knew how this ribbon works. Dettlaff's death is the only scene in the game that I avoid. it's super sad like in the bad ending of the wild hunt where Geralt sits with a medallion in a hut in the swamp and waits for monsters to tear him apart. The 'good' ending is an unfunny joke. we kill Dettlaff, regis is anathema and the psycho bitch will not answer for her crimes. this is the worst ending. Using Dettlaff was one of Syanna's many crimes. syanna is based on renfri and should end like renfri. She deserved only death. Dettlaff slaughtered many people but he is a higher vampire, for him people are like cows or pigs for slaughter to us. vampires in tesham mutna treated people like chickens human life have a very small value to vampires.regis mentions many times that dett doesn't reason like a human and can't be measured by human standards.regis killed many people in his youth (especially babies because their blood tasted best) but after the peasants massacred him he changed for the better. I think if Dettlaff survives, he has a chance to change for the better with help of regis. 2 humanistic higher vampires will be worth a lot more to the world than a syanna ever would be. sorry for such a long ask I'm glad you also prefer the ending where Dettlaff survives <33
Hello. And whoever you are, dear anonymous, it's always nice to hear an opinion, that goes along with mine. A very emotional.
On the first playthrough, alas, not knowing about the nuance with the ribbon, Dettlaff died from his own brother, because it seemed to me that the ribbon was important to Syanna and it would be right to give it to her. The decision to replay the ending was immediate once I got past that stage. And even considering, that I do not feel hatred or negative feelings for Syanna, I didn't understand either her or the duchess. Anna Henrietta chose to ignore the reasonableness of Regis and Geralt, and in this stubbornness didn't escape the consequences for her sister. On such a large scale. A slightly spoiled position of an imperious woman, although there is a downside - a weakness for a relative, a close person. She feared for her sister and decided, that paying with innocent lives would be the best outcome. Otherwise, she would have tried to prevent the genocidal position of the Dettlaff's flock. Enough contradictions. And in each you can find different nuances. But we are talking about the unfair treatment of a representative of the strongest race on the Continent, as well as his friend, because after the death of Dettlaff, you can see the fruits of a 'good ending'. How can one wish Regis, who has not yet been fully restored in regeneration, a similar fate? It's cruel. The injustice extends to him. And I understand your emotions and torment on all counts.
Let me touch on the topic, where Regis, with all the actions of his brother, behaves extremely prudently and reasonably (in fact, as in all situations), let's just say, he thinks the way a vampire should, who has years of addiction behind him and the consequences of this addiction in connection with his first 'death'. I think, one of the reasons, why he treats Dettlaff with his usual understanding and actually doesn't express condemnation. Despite the flaming Beauclair. The second is blood relationship and knowledge of Eretein from adolescence. He knew, what Dettlaff was capable of, knew he wouldn't do harm if he wasn't forced to do it. He is the voice of reason for the witcher. It is thanks to him that Geralt considers the possibility of a choice, for many decisions also depend on the intervention of Emiel. The third is a severed hand with a Humanist's ring, such a symbolically important moment, showing the renunciation of this worldview, since he destroyed the one with whom he managed to make friends. And Regis in all cases finds statements to make it clear how much he believes in his brother. He would definitely help him deal with the loss of Syanna by finding Dettlaff one way or another. To overcome the dark period of guilt for the deed, which he himself experienced. I liked your idea on this. There are some parallels in the lives of the two vampires. And I want a good outcome for both of them.
Let's say, Dettlaff brought nazair's roses roots to Regis to plant in them herb garden at his home in Dillingen. He would draw local landscapes, and sometimes, the way Regis works, laughing, on the occasions when he is characteristically well-mannered swearing under his breath at the wrong concentrate of herbs, that one of the local doctors gave to a patient, who came to him with acute pains; and made toys for poor children from orphanages or ordinary beggars. Perhaps, later he would sell them for a small price. And this peaceful life would calm those dark events, as well as his morale.
Thank you. Thinking about the peaceful life of both, I felt warm in my soul.
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scarefox · 2 years
I am mostly a j/bc stan, so I am on that side of twitter. But it's ridiculous when they call M/ileA/po stans delusional for their conspiracy. But they have their own too - that J/eff or B/arcode doesn't get as many promotion as the others. Which is nonsense, J/eff is an artist on his now too, he has a studio now. And they forget that B/arcode is a student. Sorry for the rant.
I might say everyone in this toxic 'ownership' over idols mindset is super delulu. The thai actor industry might ride on the whole kpop idol business wave too but these are still 'just' actors and first of all humans. Even kpop idols don't deserve that kind of treatment and control from fans or companies... which is why most of us are glad BOC does not do that with their actors but these 'fans' don't understand this.
It's never about what the actors themselves want, it's always just what their 'fans' want to see and what they think the actors should want.
As an outsider from that war zone on twt, it's just super surreal to read all those weird claims and how people count every second their favs are on promo and compare it, read the worst imaginary tales out of nothing and then weaponize this against the company. But also simultaneously expect BOC and the actors themselves to be present 24/7 on social media and monitor every tweet that says something negative about their favs... Like... this company and actors literally have other & better things to do with their life and we are lucky they share some stuff and creations with us. Do they want them to (be motivated to) create more shows and movies for us or do they want to be at war with them 24/7 on twt over bullshit nobody outside of twt cares about?
Sitting here in the KP tag on tumblr and seeing the amount of content BOC post on insta, it's already so much? What else do they want from these people? I see new pics, videos and posts about MA and the others every few days.
I am so confused and irritated by this whole entitled twt hate crowd. It wouldn't even bother me that much if they wouldn't actively harm BOC and the actors with this. Not to make up a conspiracy myself too but sometimes I wonder if some group has some hate agenda going against them since we have scandals and defamations pop up every week literally since KP episode 1 aired. It's ridiculous.
(haha sorry, got me into a rant there as well)
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kinnybeets · 1 year
We need to start bullying people who go in public and start recording themselves being just annoying to everyone around them actually like I wouldn't even consider it bullying it's just giving someone a lesson who needs it like idk it just makes me really mad when people act like that in PUBLIC if I did that I would never forgive myself I'd be haunted by it like if you genuinely record yourself harassing people or making a mess in the store you deserve the worst treatment ever like why would you do that?? you act like you're five, you're not the main character you're a grown adult making an embarrassment of yourself, dress however you want and whatever that's cool but I be damned if you don't act like a decent human being oh it makes me so mad
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niaevum · 3 months
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Has your muse ever faced any kind of discrimination or oppression for an aspect of themselves that they cannot change? How has this experience shaped their attitude toward that aspect of themselves? Have they ever perpetuated any kind of discrimination or oppression against others, whether unintentionally or deliberately?
Since she was a child she has been seen as a monster because she was not human. This was not something that she could change, not something that she willingly chose, yet that kind of discrimination came from her own family. Her step-father hated her deeply because she was different from their family and openly showed that. Even if she did nothing wrong, she would be scolded, yelled at and called names, belittled and whenever her mother was not around, she would be beaten. Since her bruises would heal relatively fast, who would know? Veronika was silent about it and just tried to get the approval and love of her step-father. She believed that once he accepted her, they could finally be a family. She thought she was the defective one, considered that she deserved that she was going through.
Overall, this changed her and for couple of years, it went to make Veronika the worst version of herself. She did not end up well after her mother, in an attempt to grant her a much happier life, send her to live with her uncle. For a while she was just ignored, but the same scenario repeated even with her uncle, despite him being a destroyer just like herself. Things got much worse once she was sent away to Crimson Glory - an organization who in theory was specialized in protecting and teaching destroyers how to use their power and harmoniously live with humans -. The harshness of the treatment she received intensified to the point she almost forgot about her own self and became something akin to a doll. Her belief was strengthened that this was the right way once every abusive thing she endured stopped and she received praise. By losing herself and becoming the perfect tool, she became the kind of weapon that was needed. This changed years later however as she slipped outside the control of her "mentors".
Everything that Veronika had to endure both within her family and also during her first years in Crimson Glory changed her for the worst for a while. Although she broke off that kind of pattern and became much better in terms of what is right and what is wrong, including what she deserves, it's not completely gone. The fear that she is not perfect, that her mistakes make her less, that is sometimes still plaguing her mind. And while she is not openly oppressive or discriminating towards humans, there is this dislike that stayed rooted inside her and sometimes is visible if you know her well enough in how she speaks to them, how she looks at them. For a normal person, her actions wouldn't count as much, but for those who know her, it would be clear that she is not very fond of humans if they go against her words or do something she does not like / looks down on. The same thing can be said about destroyers who are much weaker and cross her out of foolishness. It doesn't apply to all of them, but it depends from situation to situation, but while she doesn't show her dislike to humans openly, when it comes to destroyers, she shows her hostility and dissatisfaction without any ounce of remorse. She can have a really bad attitude too if she is in a bad mood.
Overall, the discrimination that she has endured as a child has shaped her into someone who not online dislikes both sides ( humans and destroyers ) most of the time if they don't fit her standard, but also into someone who strives for perfection. Anything less in herself is deemed as useless and worthless and she really beats herself over it. Even if this got better over the years and she is not as harsh with herself as before, it still impacts her behavior sometimes when she is by herself, as that is the only moment when Veronika allows herself display any kind of weakness.
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thenationofzaun · 2 years
Mylo took out his own feelings of inadequacy onto Jinx, and exacerbated hers.
I've seen lots of people say that Mylo was right in his belittling of Jinx, that he was only verbalizing a truth that Vi refused to see, or that while he could've been nicer when criticizing Jinx, his claim that she really was a bad luck charm that should be left behind was accurate. I disagree with this.
I can't stress enough that Mylo's constant bullying of Jinx revealed more about him than it did her. Mylo was an extremely insecure teenager who had little confidence in his own place within their group, who felt like he wasn't contributing as much as he would've liked to, and had a need to impress Vi, whom he looked up to. And he dealt with this by doing what a lot of insecure people do - belittle someone else who A) threatens their ego, or B) is an easy target (is weaker than them or has obvious shortcomings). This makes that other person the black sheep of the group, so they don't have to be. And Jinx fit both criteria.
In his very first appearance, you'll notice how often Mylo looks at Vi for approval. He's happy when she acknowledges him after his joke,
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and then immediately looks to her when he successfully replicates her leap from one roof to another.
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But during the actual job, it's clear that Mylo contributes very little. First, he takes too long to pick the lock on the door, and Vi has to kick it open.
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Then, he has trouble distinguishing between valuable items and junk.
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But you know who does know how to discern between items that are valuable and ones that aren't? Jinx. And Vi calls this out right in front of Mylo, embarrassing him. Notice how bothered he is by her comment.
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Of course, Jinx goes on to make her own blunders during the job, but this just strengthens my point. Jinx fits criteria A) and B). She has valuable skills that Mylo doesn't, and Vi, someone he admires, calls attention to it. And she's accident-prone and screws up in more obvious, explosive ways than he does. Of course he picks on her. It's a good way to draw the group's attention away from his own shortcomings and onto hers.
During the street fight later on (that Mylo carelessly provoked), Vi and Claggor come out on top like badasses. Meanwhile, Mylo struggles and Vi has to save him.
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But what happens right after that? Jinx gets cornered and loses their entire haul, except for the crystals. Mylo is (very understandably) frustrated and scolds her for this, but his performance in that fight was second worst after Jinx. His treatment of Jinx is mostly genuine frustration at her mistakes screwing them all over, and partially a way to bolster his own low self esteem. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't quite work. Vi has taken note of all of Mylo's mistakes despite his best efforts to deflect the spotlight onto Jinx's. And she calls him out for them when he, yet again, begins insulting her little sister.
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But even after this, he still insults Jinx the very next episode. Right after Claggor teases him about losing to Jinx in a shooting game.
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Now, Mylo wasn't a useless screw up with nothing to contribute, and neither was young Jinx. Without Mylo, Vander wouldn't have gotten free of his shackles and been able to protect and save Vi. But to accomplish freeing Vander, he needed encouragement and positive reinforcement to boost his confidence in himself and his abilities (things he denied Jinx).
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Mylo wasn't useless, he was just incredibly insecure that he might be viewed that way and desperate to shield himself from being perceived as such. So he ostracized Jinx, a younger, weaker person who made a lot of mistakes he could easily call attention to, who also made him feel a little threatened since she was skilled in ways he wasn't. It's a very human reaction, typical of an immature teenager. He doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud, but in no way were his "criticisms" wholly true, needed, or helpful. They were the words of an insecure boy, desperate not to be deemed the weak link in the group. And they had a greatly damaging effect on Jinx's self worth and insecurities.
It's cool that Mylo is a character with this much depth considering he dies in the third episode. And this just makes me even sadder to see the effect his bullying had on Jinx, considering they both had very similar insecurities.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, overprotective behavior, clinginess, stalking, worshipping, jealousy, threatening, kidnapping, death
Yandere Demon Slayer Hc’s
Kocho Shinobu
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🦋Despite the easy-going smile on her face and the calm attitude she always displayed, Shinobu is way more possessive than the viewer would expect. Her past is mainly to blame since she lost too much already. Her parents, her sister, her students and many more. She can't bring herself to not be possessive and protective if it means that her s/o gets to live a safe life, one that won't be destroyed from demons. The Hashira is one who is aware of her obsession but is ready to act on her darker side if it just means that you will stay alive. The lady is manipulative and uses her cheerful play against you when she sees fit and as someone who observes closely, she knows at one point what strings she needs to pull. Belongs into the category of a stalker since she follows s/o sometimes without them really knowing.
🦋Stalking is reserved for times when she can't be right next to you for whatever reasons, Shinobu is actually the type of girl that prefers to spend time directly with you. Why? Because you make her genuinely happy. Her whole behavior is at the end of the day just a mask to hide the immense hatred inside of her and her slight inferiority complex since she knows that she is from a physical point of view the weakest under the Hashira. With you on the other hand she feels the sparkles of love and joy, she finds herself completely lovestruck whenever she's with you.
🦋I wouldn't call her someone who gets jealous easier or at the very least she isn't someone who shows it very easily. Sure, she is a possessive person but also knows who her allies are or not. The girls in the Butterfly Mansion for example are people she never feels jealous about and even if the Hashira are mostly safe as well, they occasionally get to experience her jealousy. She appears rather playful at first with all of her teasing and the still prominent smile on her face. We do know that her teasing reaches almost a sadistic level with the way she picks on someone. How much she ends up bullying someone is decided by how good she knows the person or by how far the person pushes her temper. Mark my words though, her blade isn't the only thing she laces with poison.
🦋She is merciless since she has sworn to eradicate anything that brings harm against her precious darling which makes it especially bad for demons. Not that they deserve much mercy in her eyes anyways, her combined hatred with her strong love for you only worsens her aspect though. She doesn't even attempt to get along with them if they tried to attack you in any way, it's just a straightforward kill from her side. Humans 'enjoy' the easier treatment which consists of her sadistic remarks and teasing and in the worst case poison. Shinobu isn't unreasonable or anything, her possessive side is a small obstacle from time to time though and if someone triggers her protective side it's even worse.
🦋Putting all of her possessive attributes aside, I don't think that Shinobu would be someone to kidnap her darling for no good reason. She'a able to rationalize that much and holds herself in that aspect back. Surely she does take delight in teasing you and causing you to be all flustered and embarrassed, she would never do something to hurt your feelings or your body. Never. So she knows that being kidnapped by her would most likely only upset you which would upset her in return so she reserves that option for the worst case scenario. Since her body isn't the tallest or strongest she is much more content with using some drug if it comes down to it, letting you fall into a deep sleep which would make things easier for her. Shinobu keeps her s/o most likely busy in the Butterfly Mansion anyways where they work together with her other apprentices.
🦋She would be extremely sceptical and hesitant if her darling would be a Demon Slayer themselves since she can fall into a habit of overthinking what might happen and that has her going paranoid from time to time. She wouldn't say anything against her darling wanting to defend mankind, would prefer it though if they would work together with Aoi and the other girls in the mansion instead of fighting on the front lines. Loves calling you all sort of sweet nicknames that come to mind and she adores it when she can reduce you to a flustered mess with her teasing. What the Hashira appreciates the most is that she can simply be herself around you. She doesn't have to fake her smile anymore since she is able to give a sincere smile and just by knowing that you are safe, she feels at ease.
Kanroji Mitsuri
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💓We are talking about the Love Hashira herself here, a jovial and very passionate girl just as much as lover. Mitsuri adores her darling more than she should to the point where she might just come over as a small worshipper. That is simply the case because she loves everything about her darling, even the things that might flaw them or they are insecure about. She is also a very affectionate person. The girl just dotes a lot on you and is constantly showering you with compliments and her affection, PDA is expressed very often if you are fine with it. She might be overbearing, due to her being very considerate about your own preferences and wishes Mitsuri rather prefers to work on a way where she won't just blatantly ignore your opinion though.
💓She is probably delusional, though there is a sprinkle of awareness somewhere. She's sworn to never resort to manipulating you since she only wants to be genuine with you and she has also sworn to never upset you in any way either. That doesn't keep her from dreaming about a happy marriage and a happy life with you together, even if the looming shadow of the demons still dangles above both of your heads. She's due to her affectionate side rather clingy as well and if she isn't on missions, she is almost always with you. A very open girl who wants to be introduced to all of your family and friends and in return introduces you to all of her friends as well.
💓It is maybe thanks to her being so open and understanding that she actually gets so rarely jealous. Her clingy and affectionate nature makes it even to a obvious person clear in just what type of relationship she is with her darling and she is friendly to almost everyone she meets. Her innocent demmeanor shouldn't be taken advantage off since she is very fierce and ready to step up whenever someone makes her darling uncomfortable and doesn't stop. She's most likely open about the whole thing though and lets her darling know that she just felt jealous and you might keep it in mind since Mitsuri isn't the type to get jealous over nothing. Despite that she never expresses any rudeness against the person who made her feel jealous unless they were to be rude.
💓Never spills the blood of a human, though she makes it obvious that she won't just stand on the side lines to watch if someone were to hurt you. If a human has her doing something it will be for a reason that everyone will be able to understand since she acts more on a rational protective side of hers, a toxic person who uses you or someone who harrasses you would be good examples. You don't really know how strong she actually is and I bet such people would be stunned as well, even if she never really harms them. Demons are yet another story since even the Love Hashira doesn't show mercy against a demon in either case, but especially if it involves you.
💓Not one to kidnap you, though she does hope that one day she will live together with you in the same house. Mitsuri might just be one of the very few Yandere who might never resort to kidnapping. Her infatuation is far too strong to ever do anything to upset her beloved darling. Sure, she has her emotional breakdowns if her darling would stumble into a really dangerous situation and end up getting seriously injured, it never keeps her from trying to stay positive and happy so her darling feels better and more encouraged. Mitsuri knows that she can rely on her friends as well and since she shares especially close bonds with Obanai and Shinobu, she never shies away from asking one of them to look a bit after you if she isn't able to do so.
💓One of the tamer Yandere to have and a genuinely sweet one to have as well. Mitsuri is just so extremely happy to be with the person she truly loves and cherishes and plans to spend the rest of her days with you. She knows that this might not be the case since the dangers of dying aren't unlikely with her being a Hashira, she hopes nevertheless. Some of her old insecurities about being too strong that it might scare you or her large appetite might resurface, if she notices that you still love her since this is her true self, she'll be flying on the highest clouds of love. The woman can become rather bashful whenever her darling does something cute and sweet in which case a pretty pink will color her cheeks.
Iguro Obanai
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🐍Despite his harsh and strict appearance with everyone else, Obanai displays a high level of insecurity when it comes to his darling. He loathes himself, feeling like his clan is still staining him and for that goes as far as seeing himself as impure. Darling on the other hand might as well be a literal angel in his eyes which makes him the more obvious worshipper in comparison to Mitsuri. Maybe that is why he can't even bring himself to show himself in front of you since he fears to creep you out with his appearance, he's not even talking about the covered half of his face yet. He's the embodiment of a stalker though since he is almost everywhere where you are, watching, protecting and adoring.
🐍He's very protective over his darling to an extent where it might come over as ridiculous sometimes since he even displays distrust against your own family and friends in certain cases. A secret admirer who constantly leaves small presents like flowers, food or clothing behind and he'll be overjoyed when he sees that you're happy with what he's gotten you. Obanai is even possessive despite his insecurities about himself and absolutely forbids any sort of admirers to get close to you which he does by threatening and blackmailing behind the scenes, his overprotective side plays in it as well. You're too perfect for anyone, even if he is in a relationship with you he still feels that way which fuels his possessive side only more due to paranoia.
🐍Obanai is actually a jealous person. He acts on his possessive and protective impulses very often since no one is in his eyes worthy, a part of him does feel like there are still persons better than himself outside there. If he should happen to cross paths with such a person and if they should be someone you know as well, his jealous and possessive sides spike up a lot. He's quite harsh with his words and his actions whenever he is forced to interact with them, his snake shows the same dislike as his master. His eyes always seem to follow the person whenever they do as much as step a bit closer to you and he's happy to point out whatever he notices about them to not be perfect according to Obanai's expectations since you only deserve the best and more. He even stalks them and will be very willing to threaten someone to stay away as well.
🐍Demons are never to be spared from his wrath whenever he gets to know that you caught even as much as a glimpse of one. Obanai wants to spare his darling from a world which tends to be so cruel and bloody, wants to protect you from any sort of harm and is for that more than willing to get rid of every possible danger in your surroundings. This can even extent to humans as well since hurting you is a literal crime in Obanai's point of view. He goes with blackmailing and threatening before things escalate, once they do escalate he is prepared to snuff the life of a human out as well. Literally everything to keep you away from experiencing pain in whatever form.
🐍Kidnapping is the last act out of desperation which would be your life being in serious danger. The only time where he won't crumble and beat himself up because he can't imagine continuing his life without his s/o still being alive nor would he ever forgive himself for not being with them and protecting them. He might just have dubbed you, sweet and beloved you, as the heart that beats outside his chest, the heart that makes him feel alive and human. If he would lose you, he'd lose his purpose and reason of life and that mere thought terrifies Obanai.
🐍Kaburamaru is very fond of Obanai's darling as well and just as possessive and protective as Obanai himself. The Hashira fears immensely that you will fear him for his connection with snakes or that you will be disgusted if he should ever show you his whole face. He feels ugly and tainted and the insecurities of not being good enough plague his mind quite often, specifically when you're not around. When he is with his darling and they shower him in more affection and love than he deserves, he tends to forget all of his insecurities and misery. Surprisingly touch-starved. Mitsuri is a very big supporter of Obanai x darling and let's be honest, even if she is a bit clueless about love, she probably tries her best to set you two up and will be ecstatic when she finds out that you two are in a relationship.
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glassprism · 2 years
Am I the only person who doesn't think RK playing the Phantom as autistic was offensive? Most of the takes I've heard are from neurotypicals and as someone who's on the spectrum and struggles daily because of it, I feel kind of alienated from the fandom and a little bit like a horrible person. I completely understand why people find the performance itself offensive, but some have really taken his statements about it in the worst faith possible.
"He definitely is not an evil person.  He is a victim of circumstance and environment.  He has been conditioned with such prejudice in his life.  I believe the Phantom to be Autistic.  I think he has a form of Aspergers Syndrome.  When the Phantom kills I truly don't believe it to be premeditated.  He's just losing control.  Again, this all stems from his social conditioning.  He's never felt a mother's love, nor his father.  He has had to become a man without being a child." -Payvand.com
Why should this make me angry? I get that RK is neurotypical, and saying that the Phantom is "just losing control" when he kills certainly lends itself to unfavorable interpretation, but he immediately follows that up by saying it's due to his "social conditioning," not that a propensity for murder is somehow a symptom of autism.
If it is commonly understood by the fandom that Erik's deformity is not the literal reason for his wrongdoings, and it was the horrible treatment he received because the world looked upon him as inhuman that led to that, why should we assume that an actor who was portraying him wouldn't apply the same idea to autism? I'm not just some rabid stan who's mad that their senpai is being attacked. RK is lightyears away from being my favorite Phantom and he honestly seems kind of douchey, but why should I jump to the worst conclusion about his reasoning?
I really get the feeling that NT people who are mad about this don't know what it's like to be autistic, and think that we can't be violent or bad people. It feels very infantilising to me. I've been told I sound dead or robotic time and time again. I've had my comfort object lost or stolen and been treated like a threat when I get upset about it. I've had my needs and concerns downplayed, even by my family members. I've had relationships fall apart completely when the other person learns what I really am. There are times when I literally don't feel human because of the way I'm perceived. I find the idea that RK relied solely on stereotypes to influence his idea of the character, frankly, insulting, because it means that I must be a stereotype.
Hello! Thank you so much for your thoughts.
First, let me just say that nobody in the fandom deserves to feel alienated because of their opinions. I've seen people who have definitely resonated with Ramin Karimloo's Phantom because he portrayed the character as autistic, and while they may not be as "big" in the fandom, they certainly exist. As with many fandom spaces, you just have to find your people, whatever that may be!
As for the rest, I actually wasn't comfortable with answering it because I am exactly that neurotypical who is mad about it. So I went to a Discord server I am in for thoughts, and one of the members there, who has autism, wrote a response which they generously gave me permission to share. I don't know if they want me to share their Tumblr handle as well, so I haven't, but if they do, I'm sure they'll reblog this so you can continue the conversation with them. Anyway, here was their message in response to your ask:
I think the most important thing to remember is that no community is a monolith. There are people who will find certain portrayals or headcanons offensive, and others who feel comforted by them, and a lot of it depends on life experience. I could say “it’s ableist to assume that autism makes people more capable of violence because it plays into harmful stereotypes,” OR “it’s ableist to act like autistic people are never violent because there are violent autistic people and they deserve representation and dignity too,” and both of these statements would be true in various ways and settings.
For me, it’s more of an issue of discussing when (and if) non-autistic people get to draw these conclusions, and under what circumstances. On one hand, it’s very hard for non-autistic actors to play autistic characters, and can also be frustrating when there ARE autistic actors who aren’t getting work. One of the other, there’s a huge difference in impact between Ramin Karimloo, who is relatively unknown outside of theatre, watching a documentary on autism (which, it’s my understanding is what he did) and saying “I think the Phantom is autistic,” and then attempting to portray it (even badly) in a long established show than, as an example, an extremely famous actor (Benedict Cumberbatch) saying, effectively, “yeah I decided Frankenstein’s Monster in this brand new play is autistic so I went to an autistic school and watched people for research. They were just, like, pissing and shitting and had no understanding of the world. Anyways it’s offensive to call Sherlock Holmes autistic because he’s intelligent and that could give false hope to the pathetic shit-slinging autistics.”
That is. Not as hyperbolic as I wish it was.
So anyways, it’s mostly like. Is what Ramin Karimloo said/did ignorant, in kind of bad taste, and arguably offensive? Yeah. Is it a valid reason for some people to feel uncomfortable about him/his take on the Phantom? Yeah. Should it get him thrown into Ableism Jail for all time? Probably not.
As far as headcanoning Erik as autistic goes. I’m autistic. I see Erik as autistic. I HIGHLY disagree with the idea that morally good characters are inherently good rep and that morally gray or bad characters are inherently bad rep. For some autistic people, seeing villains portrayed as autistic can feel othering or even triggering. I’m not (generally, with a few notable exceptions) one of those people, but I get why they feel that way, even if I don’t agree. I feel a lot of solidarity with autistic people who want to see the side of autism that is messy and difficult and yes, sometimes violent, in characters they relate to. I feel a lot of solidarity with people who don’t feel human because of their autism. As a person who is frequently told “but you don’t SEEM autistic” by people who have never seen me have a meltdown and hit my head on stuff, I absolutely understand that impulse. Even more so, I think more people need to understand that some autistic people ARE violent or otherwise considered socially unpalatable, and that those people do deserve to feel represented.
I also think that for some people, it’s kind of a defense mechanism. Ironically, the first time I ever really heard someone discuss autism it was my brother, who said, “the Phantom is probably autistic.” I asked him what that meant and he told me “being autistic means you’re a r*tarded genius,” right before he told me about Rain Man. The day I watched the episode of House M.D., where House gets told “you’re not autistic. You don’t even have Aspergers. You wish you did. It would exempt you from rules. Give you freedom. Absolve you of responsibility,” is the day I started headcanoning House as autistic. Sometimes we feel like have to hold onto it or say it first, especially with villains.
If I see an autistic person who headcanons an antagonistic character as autistic, I assume there’s something in that narrative that resonates with them. If I see a non-autistic person do it, I tend to disengage. Non autistic people doing it isn’t necessarily wrong, but it may come with an unwanted response from autistic people.
It’s like Harry Potter. My best friend is transfem (they/she pronouns) and they love Harry Potter. They don’t monetarily support JKR, but they also haven’t covered their HP tattoo. I don’t get it AT ALL. I recoil from Harry Potter. We’re both within two of the specific demographics JKR is doing the most damage to (transfems and autistic transmascs), and we have very different responses. When it comes to my friend, I don’t feel comfortable policing her relationship with that thing. On the other hand, a cis person can tell me they’re an ally all day long, but I usually disengage with cis people who hate JKR but just HAVE to go to Wizarding World, or whatever. Like maybe you’re the world’s BEST trans ally aside from that. But when you make that kind of choice, you accept the consequences and boundaries from those communities. I’m somewhat uncomfortable with Ramin Karimloo’s Phantom for that exact reason.
Ultimately what it comes down to is that autism is a spectrum, and by necessity autistic people aren’t monoliths and will have different opinions and needs. One isn’t inherently better or more important than the other, but needs still need to be met and boundaries still need to be respected, and those things can be both contradictory and necessary.
I hope that helps, and again, thank you to the person who wrote the above for their wonderful response as well.
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septembersghost · 2 years
I don't know how to properly articulate this, but some opinions I'm reading (not on Tumblr) makes me think some people's ideas of 'justice' aren't as noble as they would like to think. "Jimmy deserves the worst treatment in jail and to never see the light of day again, Kim wasn't punished enough..." They're facing the consequences of their actions, what else do these people want? Literal torture by a group of neo-nazis (hi Jesse)??
anon we are on the exact same page (and i've seen a little bit of it on here, but not to the extent that i've seen it in comments on tvline, avclub, twitter...i haven't dared to look at the sub). it's why i've pushed back against a life prison sentence in any way equating to inner peace, and that it isn't the jail time that gives him that, it's his own honesty and his willingness to be brave and own his actions, to make a sacrifice out of love, and that responsibility and atonement is not the same as harsh punishment and suffering. it's a reductive, kind of shockingly conservative viewpoint and seems to be all too common.
there are reactions that are not only off-base (or intentionally obtuse? i don't even know. every time i have to read a "this proved jimmy was always saul and just a scumbag," "he was a sociopath incapable of remorse or change," "he didn't do this for kim and they didn't ultimately love each other," "she thought he was betraying her and went to see him one last time in anger," "she deserved losing everything/should've been locked up/should've died" - all takes i've seen, among others - i lose faith not only in media literacy but in humanity lol), but seem to reveal this very cruel perspective and a hunger for vengeance that, to my mind, the show itself condemns as harmful and futile. those types of responses are not noble, they're vindictive and punitive. they're not thinking about honoring justice or empathetic humanity, they're wanting to delight in harm. it's like the very worst form of schadenfreude and exposes something ugly. i personally wouldn't want to know someone who's so pro-prison they hope he's getting hurt on a regular basis, that's...unconscionable to me. i can't understand someone who would look at kim self-destructing and diminishing the entirety of her personhood for years and decide she wasn't harmed enough. people were wishing torture and enslavement on kim, it was very common on the sub during the hiatus. the barbarism of that. idk. i've also seen both she and jesse referred to as "snitches" and that they deserved worse treatment for that alone, so...way to miss the purpose of both stories entirely. :(
i mentioned this already, but it seems like some people are way too content to moralize in the bleakest of terms to elevate their own senses of ego, rather than explore connections to and compassion for the characters despite their flaws and mistakes, it's easier to reduce them to parts and judge them. by doing this, they thus separate themselves from questioning their own edges and darknesses - the more someone depersonalizes something, the more they can convince themselves of their own superior morality and disengage from the deeper philosophical questions a story is asking and the full scope of what a character is embodying. there's a heartlessness to that which i fundamentally can't relate to, but of course i love these characters and wish wholeness and healing on them, not more pain. the world is not healed by suffering. people are not bettered by being hurt and tormented over and over again. both of the shows, while tragedies, imho criticized the idea that answering harm with even more harm ever solves or mends anything.
i just can't imagine watching these shows and thinking that the ways in which they do ultimately pay for their actions somehow isn't harsh enough. they all lose everything, and our three sole survivors are forever changed. jesse is freed from an actual hell. kim is released from the prison of her own making that was crushing her ability to affect change or remedy herself. jimmy finally finds a true and honest sense of the identity he's struggled with for so long, but has to be behind bars. it doesn't mean they aren't paying for those mistakes, that they aren't doing penance, they will be for the rest of their lives in one way or another (jimmy literally, and jesse and kim after many losses will always carry grief/trauma as they eke out their new lives). they will never be as they were. i believe, at that point, they've earned a bit of grace from the audience, and a flicker of light in their journeys.
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ulquichaan · 2 years
Let's talk about Marinette, shall we?
Hello! Your favourite black-striped white wolf is back!
Where was I? Oh, here and there. Working on school stuff, my own little projects and looking at posts and tweets... oh right!
There blew up a big drama about Marinette as a character. That she is a bad character and bad person... And don't get me wrong, I never really liked her. Some stuff she does are making me furious, but I don't think she deserves all that hate.
Now the more I start to think about her, the more I see what a good character she actually is.
So let's have a closer look at her, shall we?
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Marinette's biggest flaw
As the drama is about how bad Marinette is let's see what are the arguments for that.
One thing that I will defenitely agree on is - she is a creeper. And no, not the minecraft creeper, although her antics are as annoying.
Marinette is obsessed with Adrien and there is no doubt about that. That makes her do things that we all are cringing on. Even Marinette fans! (The example is Puppeteer 2.0. If you didn't cringe at her antics when Adrien was pretending to be a statue....... I don't know if I should respect you, or be afraid of you...)
Those actions are pulling me away from her and yes I agree, those qualities aren't the ones children should try and copy. But there is something we can do - skip the cringe. Or at least that's what I do, lol.
So yea, this is reasonable. There is no explanation for this... or is there?
Marinette is 13-14 years old girl. She probably doesn't really know what love is all about. She does what she thinks is right. The worst part? No one tells her to stop.
This isn't entirely Marinette's fault. For me... Tikki is the worst here! She is an ancient being, with great knowledge from old times! Her experience SHOULD make her wise enough to tell her holder: "Hey, this isn't how love works." or something.
Yes I know that kwamis don't know what love is. Or do they?
They do know what love is about. They Do know the Platonic Love. Romantic Love is basing on Platonic Love. Long-term relationships are thriving because friendship is the basics of them. You know that person and you adore everything about her, both strengths and flaws, you comunicate, you spend time together. Marinette right now sees Adrien as some kind of God. She put him on the piedestal due to him being nice to her one time.
And Ephemeral shows that perfectly. When she finds out that Adrien is Chat Noir, she is doubting herself, because she doesn't like the idea/reality that her notorious, pushy partner is the one she claims to love.
At first she doesn't accept him. But later on, she learns how to love him. Both strengths and flaws and I'm pretty sure the whole stalking shit stopped.
So I wouldn't blame Marinette here. I would blame those who encourage that behaviour instead, as Mari is really just a kid.
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(^Who doesn't hate that scene?)
Marinette and her treatment of Chloe and Lila
Now here we go to the juicy part!
I have heard beliefs that Marinette treated Chloe and Lila badly. That she should do something else. And you know what? I don't really think so.
Let's get Chloe at the front here.
Chloe the blonde rich-kid. Absolutely spoiled brat, rude to everyone else. And that's understandable with her backstory. But. At first Marinette didn't know about that.
What's more, in Origins we actually know that Chloe and Marinette have incredibly bumpy ride! Like... spikey ride even!
Chloe has bullied Marinette for YEaRs! And as a person who was bullied and isolated by their class in primary school, I can relate with Mari here. This isn't anything nice. You feel lonely, unimportant. You are hurting. So why would you want to be nice to someone who is causing you pain?
"Treat others like you want to be treated."
Every action has a reaction and Marinette is absolutely not obligated by anything to be nice to her bully. Maybe it isn't heroic, but it's human. It fleshes Marinette out.
By that I'm referring to the whole Queen Bee arc.
Yes, Marinette should go and talk to Chloe. And she did eventually! Chloe was the brat that didn't get the information "You may never be Queen Bee again" through her tick skull.
Marinette had all rights to not give Chloe the Bee miraculous again. She isn't comfortable around her so why would she push herself into trusting her bully with her life?
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Now let's get to Lila.
And ooh, that one is juicy!
So, Lila is that new girl in school. She becomes very popular for some reason. And then bam! Marinette finds out that she is lying about her superhero persona to her crush! Well, wouldn't you be furious when someone is telling lies about you? When someone would try and use you for their own gain? Exploit you maybe?
That's what all of this was about. That's why Marinette bursted out on her. Should she do that? No, defenitely not. She should confront her more calmly. But. Aren't those types of mistakes what makes everyone of us human?
We all are slaves to our emotions and sometimes we do things by impulse and don't think about consequences. If anything, this situation fleshed her out as a human being even more.
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A flaw that will probably be worked on in season 5
Marinette also has another major flaw that should be worked on in season 5. Like, Mari will learn how to not be so controlling.
Season 4 was perfect example of it!
What is it?
Having control over everything. Because when you have control, you are safe.
She admits it in two episodes: Glaciator 2.0 (MariChat in cinema) and Strike Back (Final scene)
Marinette is brought out on a piedestal, being it both as Ladybug and Marinette. She is the guardian of miraculous so she needs to protect the jewels and have a constant eye on them. She is the class representative so she feels like she absolutely needs to help everyone with their problems. She has a golden heart, and thinks that she needs to solve all the problems. She is Ladybug after all! She will find solution to anything!
Marinette needs to learn letting go of the control. Trust with this to someone else (Chat Noir) and lose up a little. She admitted that already and that's first step to working on it.
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Marinette is Mary Sue
Absolutely not!
Mary Sue is a character who usually has a tragic backstory, is talented in everything and they doesn't make major mistakes.
Marinette isn't really fitting in neither.
She has a normal backstory, a one that any of us can have. A loving home, friends etc. Yes she has that part with bullying but everyone have some bad things happen to them in the past. They create us and our personality too, y'know.
Marinette isn't talented in everything. Yes she is very creative and has designing talent. Is kicking everyone's butt in games. But she is for example a horrible actor! Look up Horrificator. Or whenever they do a film project, she never takes a role of an actor.
Marinette isn't perfect and there are mistakes that are major. I am not only referring to those she made as Ladybug because they were grieve. Her confronting Lila in a way she did, was a major mistake that brought her an enemy.
But she isn't a bad person either.
Marinette is a very caring person and wants to help everyone around her. She has a golden heart, and as we all know, gold is not only valuable but also it's a very soft metal.
She has passions and hobbies like any person could. She is kind and sympathiseses with people.
She is not a bad person despite all her flaws. All they do is fleshen her out and make her more of a realistic character. :)
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Marinette is better as main protagonist, than Adrien
I am bringing this topic here, because I wrote a roleplay with my friend and I have seen few things.
It's very hard to do something with Adrien. He is very secluded, can't really go out and the only way for you to get him out is like in Startrain - a fieldtrip and Adrien has to rebel. Or something like in puppeteer 2.0. Or Photoshoots. Something unusual. No hanging out outside of school, really. It's hard to put new characters when your main protagonist can't really meet them in normal situation. It doesn't make the story in a way they try it to do. A normal days of a child plus superheroing.
Marinette is totally reasonable choice here.
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So, that's my take on this topic. What is yours? Do you have anything to add? Maybe you don't agree with me?
I'm open to discussions as long as they stay respectful to both parties ^-^
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
I don’t know your OCs very well but 24, 37 and 55 for someone of your choosing? -S
Thanks for the ask! I'm going to go with Phoenix for this (their story is here).
(24) What is the worst thing they have ever done to someone else?
Hmm... that's a tricky one. From their pov, it would be leaving their little sister with their parents when they were kicked out. It wasn't their fault, they had nowhere to go and they couldn't take her with them, but they still feel guilty about it bc their parents... aren't the best. They beat themself up about it for years (and, honestly, is one of the reasons Abbie and the rest of the team start to convince them that their treatment of Phoenix is right, even though the team don't know about her. Bc Phoenix deserves to be punished for leaving their sister behind... and soon, they'll easily believe they deserve to be punished harshly for perceived failures within the team too).
(37) What torture technique are they most afraid of? Has it ever been used on them? If so, why and by whom?
Sensory deprivation, although it's a close call between that and waterboarding. They're absolutely terrified of the dark, and once you add to that removal of their other senses... they can't even bear to think about it.
Yes, it has been used on them. Multiple times. Aside from their team using it as a punishment (shoving them in a cramped, soundproof space after Indigo's smothered any light with her powers... yeah, Kai and Aaron won't be happy when they find out about that), which Phoenix wouldn't class as torture but absolutely everyone else would, it gets used by at least two villains – Black Ice and Nighthawk (who may or may not be keeping that name, I haven't decided yet). Black Ice is the first villain to use the technique.
Phoenix is starting to develop various coping mechanisms bc of its frequent use on them, but they're not very effective, and they're still terrified of it.
(55) What would safety feel like for them?
Spending time with Kai and Aaron, just the three of them, alone. Potentially with Kai in wolf form so they can cuddle him, but it depends what they're doing, which could be anything relaxing. Kai in human form is good too!
One or the other of them being there is safe too, though not as much as both.
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