#even tho hes like lanky everywhere else?
hinamie · 22 days
hi hina!! i'm still not over your gojo megumi piece........that one really really got me like i don't think i have adequate words to express my sheer depth of feeling. the tenderness in gojo's eyes.....i am never recovering. amazing job as always <3 and not to drastically change the vibe but i was wondering what you think of mappa’s 'twinkification' of gojo and whether you prefer the manga or anime version (insofar as you prefer anything gojo hgkshfjd but like, design-wise).
HIIII MARIAM <3333 thank u so much i'm happy it struck such a chord fr u !! u know me i always have a blast with megumi angst and i admittedly have a History with father/father-esque figures in media.....smiles.....anyway
re: the actual question part of your ask i'm crying it’s actually so funny u ask this bc sam and i had a conversation literally yesterday about where gojo falls on the muscle tone spectrum of jjk characters and how different fanartists interpret him. personally i like it best when he’s in like. a middle ground between the fushiguros — not as sinewy as megumi but not as yolked as toji. he’s very obviously muscular but i like it when most of that is confined 2 the torso, with everywhere else being lankier muscle . he is long in the limbs and SHARP ik this bitch got elbows tht could take an eye out.
since now u know my Gojo Muscle Tone Preferences it shld come as no surprise tht i’m rly not mad about his twinkification. i /vastly/ prefer it to the alternate timeline where they lean harder into making him super bulky,,, i think his design n the way gege draws him combined with. gestures. u know. Everything About Him personality-wise makes him very twink-friendly what can i say :/ . in the wise words of 2020 hina, ‘he’s a bastard and would benefit from being called a little bitch’. ik gojo is canonically muscular but I’m just very happy that (so far) mappa has generally tried to keep him lean and lanky i think it suits him so much better :’> i’ve accepted that this will likely change when they have 2 animate him and his 24 inch waist in that slutty fucking skin-tight black t shirt takes an extended drag n exhales wearily
putting anime gojo aside tho bc the REAL star of the show is mr gege akutami n manga gojo listen ok listen. even as a certified gojohater i am not immune to how fucking POINTY gege draws him it’s such good food the shapes the lines i want to put them in my mOUTH. he looks like tv static. he looks like chewed wires. he looks sharp n lethal and it’s SO GOOD. although i have nothing but respect fr animators and mappa does amazing work, there’s almost always so much more personality in the source material that does not and cannot translate to animation. I will admit s2 teen gojo comes close 2 getting that Razor Blade vibe right but nothing will ever hold a candle to the manga in my eyes. 
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Does tubbo have a role in this au? If so, in what chapter will we see him? Since Tommy has no idea how big the world actually is, and then he sees it on a map, does he think the world is flat? What about his backstory? Did he get bullied back at the colony? If he did, maybe he flinches whenever someone raises their hand. Do the crafts ask where he came from? If so, what's his excuse? Do they believe his lie, or are they suspicious? How do colony's work in this world? Is the reason he was so small to begin something to do with his size shifting ability? What if he meets one of the old borrowers from the colony? What would his relationship have been with Tommy? Nice to him, pitying him, or bullying him. What would their reaction be to him size shifting? I want to know everything.
sorry if I'm asking too much, you don't have too answer everything. Have some cookies as an apology 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So for now the main characters are just sbi. I may add other characters if I can think of how it ties in with the story but for now just them. (Although Tubbo and Ranboo are mentioned in this somewhere so you never know)
This is canon. Yep definitely canon. Im going to say in a previous house he saw a map on a table once and heard it was the world. But doesn’t realise it’s obviously not to scale but def thinks the world is flat. He has a very heated argument about this with the twins and refuse to think otherwise without proof.
Constantly. As I said he’s different. The borrowers of this colony really did not like that he was different and they made sure to remind him of that. They’d either outright ignore him or deliberately make him do the worst jobs possible. Some borrowers (especially the ones around his age at the time) would deliberately go out of their way and hurt him for fun. So yes. Tommy in the beginning flinches a lot when he thinks he’s about to get hurt or someone moves to fast. Takes a long time for him to not be so tense about it but everyone is very patient about it and understanding when he semi outlines the abuse. The trauma of it all still a bit too fresh in his mid for detail
Yep of course they ask where he comes from! The Crafts wanna know who they need to go beat up. But I’m not gonna say if Tommy does or doesn’t say yet. Mainly because I’m not sure. But if he hadn’t yet, he’d tell them after the reveal properly.
Colonies in this world work a lot like the one in the 1997 The Borrowers movie in terms of how they have civilisation set up. There’s traders and stores and all sorts of things but they’re spaced out heavily and more built in underground caves then sewers. It’s more common for borrowers to live in forests and such then towns, but they have tunnels connecting places everywhere. This is how Tommy went from living in the smack bang middle of nowhere in the forest to living as an innie borrower in a house. Most borrowers know of the tunnels so a lot of innie borrowers are actually traders in a sorts that they’ll live in houses and bring back the ‘exotic human Bean’ things to trade in the colonies. Tommys parents however we’re not born in a colony, tho they knew of them, and lived mainly outside. But they were not very kind people and when Tommy was born, it just became more obvious to them that their child was different and so rather than waste supplies on a child they now didn’t want, they abandoned him.
Yes. Tommy being smaller than everyone else is because of his sizeshifter abilities. Sizeshifters born are kind of stunted in height. It’s part of how you can identify them. They’re also just a lot thinner and more lanky in appearance because they have the ability to change size and this somewhat allows them to do that. (Or I think it’s just funny to describe Tommy as lanky) but yeah even as they get older, they’re just a lot weaker physically too which would be fine because their shifting sort of makes up for that aspect. So while Tommy is an inch shorter then everyone else his age in the colony, if he knew he could size shift, he wouldn’t have been hindered as much.
If Tommy ever met someone from the old colony again, I think he’d probably just run out of the walls to find Wil, Phil or Techno. I think itd probably be one of his bullies that hurt him the most and Tommy would just go into panic attack mode and run for his life while probably being chased by them. He’d then run screaming into the room for someone while the bully still pursues them, and then of course he shifts. They’d be terrified and book it back to the walls and get away as fast as possible, while Tommy receives comfort cuddles.
Tommy is just scared child that runs from danger. He needs therapy.
You can never ask too many questions. Ask me more! I need the distraction. Thank you for the cookies ✨anon✨! Have some more lollipops 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
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chemicalconnection · 6 years
I vanish into the night while laughing because my friend wrote a short with two guys and one was called Hannes and I had to think of "my" Hannes the whole thing... The tank top was in character (in summer) but the toned abs...... Not so
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fweasleyswhore · 4 years
If you are taking requests for the kinkmas list, can I pretty please get, dry humping & humiliation kink for george 🥺 thank you! If not it’s completely fine, no worries!
Kinkmas Day 1:
Humiliation and Dry Humping
George Weasley - Get Off
a/n: I have already told you but this is so hot and it was really fun to write, thank you for this request <3 I know its a few days late but ofc right after I got excited for kinkmas I got my period and its hard to write when I cant stop crying and hurt hella bad lmao - all good now tho
pairing: george weasley x gender neutral reader (mentions reader wearing a skirt, no pronouns)
word count: 1.4k 
warnings: smut, humiliation/degradation, dry humping, p short my b
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Fuck. It had been all day. An entire day of purposeful brushes, small touches, dirty words, and then, nothing. Strutting through the halls of the castle I couldn’t deny the burn that spread through my entire body. All-day, all damn day, George had been teasing me. And now I could not find him. 
The only thing stopping me from heading to my dorm and fixing the problem myself were his words. 
“Hold out for me sweetheart, tonight I want to show you the stars.” The words echoed through my head again making a shiver run down my spine. The words he whispered to me during herbology followed by a light smack on my ass fueled the fire I now felt all over. I had scoured the entire castle after dinner, starting in his dorm and then everywhere else. I even checked the library but to no avail. I decided I would try the last few places before I completely gave up. It was by no doubt after curfew by now, and I didn’t mind disobeying George if I literally couldn’t find him. 
Trudging up the stairs to the astronomy tower I played with the hem of my skirt. If I focus hard enough I could almost feel George’s hands raking up my thighs, a feeling that I craved so badly right now. 
Making it to the top of the tower I gingerly pushed open the door, a soft plush mattress sat on the floor, covered with an immense amount of blankets and the soft glow from a few floating candles surrounding the area. I felt my breath hitch as my eyes trailed to the lanky ginger boy laying on the bed. 
“What is this?” I asked softly. His head popped up at the sound. His eyes were dark but his face adorned a giddy smile that made me weak knowing I was the cause. 
“Well, I did say I wanted to show you the stars now didn’t I?” He said in a cocky voice, his head cocked on the side. 
I felt my cheeks heat up as guilt panged my stomach. “Oh Merlin, I’m an idiot aren’t I?”
“Maybe, but you’re my idiot.” He said plainly. I couldn’t help but smile at the boy, laying down slightly, propped up on his elbows, legs spread. His school sweater was nowhere in sight, and his tie laid untied around his shoulders. He looked delicious, and I needed him. 
“I wasn’t aware I belonged to you,” I said lightly, sauntering over to him I watched the way his smile fell and had to hide my own smile as I plopped down next to him on the bed. 
“After everything I did to you today you still want to be a brat?” He asked pulling himself up and looking at me like a predator would his prey. 
“I have no idea as to what you are talking about.” I lied cooly. I was thankful for the dark lighting hiding what I assume to be a dark blush coating my features. 
He sighed and pulled his tie off of his shoulders. His hands rung the fabric, tightening around it for a moment so his veins popped out ever so slightly. The sight made my desire deepen and I rubbed my thighs together, feeling my wetness begin to pool as the day’s events caught up to me. 
“What you are doing says differently sweetheart,” He didn’t look at me as he spoke, opting to continue to play with his tie. “What you are doing is telling me that you’re a misbehaving whore who needs to be put in their place.” He finally looked at me. The tie in his hands now was pulled into an intricate knot that had two loops similar to handcuffs. 
“I watched you today, I watched you rub your thighs together in potions like you wanted me to bend you over right there.” His words had my mouth dry and my pussy drenched. I had no words or cheeky comeback as he watched me with dark hungry eyes. Every word sending me closer to the edge. “I watched how after every interaction we had you grew more desperate, you may say you don’t belong to me but your body sure does, and by the end of the night your mind will too.” 
I opened my mouth to shout something back but before I could his lips met mine in a wet sloppy kiss. His hands soon found my waist and hoisted me up onto his lap, straddling him. From the new angle, our kisses grew more heated and synced. His hands trailed down my waist to my hips, he pushed me down rutting his hips into mine. I felt his clothed bulge grind straight into my core and I didn’t hold back the moan that erupted from my chest. He took that moment to stick his tongue in my mouth, I didn’t bother fighting him with my own, I continued to grind into him sucking on his tongue. He squeezed my hips and pushed up again in sync with my own rhythm I had set that felt amazing. I pulled back letting out a high-pitched whine. 
“Look at you saying you’re not mine but falling apart before I have even properly touched you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were soaking, no one else can do this to you, you’re my whore.” I simply nodded at his words. Too caught up in the pleasure he was giving me to formulate a proper response. “Do you think I could get you off on my thigh? Do you think you could get off by humping my thigh like a worked up whore?” I buried my head in his neck, continuing to rut my hips into him as he spoke I felt my orgasm quickly approaching, and the thought of having to stop to situate myself on his thigh seemed counterproductive. 
“N-No.” I barely whispered. “Don’t need to.” His hand trailed up my side and behind my head, until he grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling harsh enough to pull my head back but not enough to hurt me. I looked at him with half-lidded eyes. The devilish smile plastered on his face told me he was enjoying me falling apart on his lap. 
“Gonna cum from this?” He asked pushing his hips into mine with force. I whined, nodding as much as I could with his hand in my hair. 
“Yes, god yes,” I said hastily. The knot in my stomach was fraying at the ends, beginning to fall apart or snap any second. “Please Georgie, need to cum, need to cum now,” I begged. 
I watched as his smile fell into a more serious expression, the hand on my hip grew a tighter grip as he spoke. “Say it, slut. So eager for me, about to cum without me touching you, admit it. You’re mine.” His voice was a few octaves deeper than normal and slightly hoarse. His words pushed only further at the knot in my stomach which was moments away from unraveling. 
“I’m yours, all yours Georgie. Please let me cum, please let your whore cum for you.” I begged, rutting my hips harder. I screwed my eyes shut, willing my every fiber to wait for his permission. 
“Cum for me.” I fell apart in his lap. Panting out broken ‘thank you’s, and blinking away tears. He released my hair and my head fell forward onto his chest, I slowed down my hips and soon enough my breath followed suit. 
“Yknow, I was joking when I said that I didn’t belong to you,” I said breathlessly. I felt his chest rumble against my forehead as he laughed, one hand running up and down my back soothingly. 
“I know, I just wanted you to know you couldn’t get away with that.” He whispered in my ear. I picked my head up gingerly, looking into his lust-filled eyes. 
“Can you do something for me?” I asked quietly, trailing a hand up his chest. He hummed in response causing me to let the smile I was trying to hide slip onto my lips. “Prove to me your mine.”
“Oh, you are in for it now.” I couldn’t hold back the giggle that left my lips as he pushed me down onto my back, towering over me. 
Tonight would be a long night.
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kaaytea · 4 years
So how about Lev, Tsuki, Kuroo and Oiks with a really short and shy s/o. (I'm 4'9 so all i want is for someone to pick me up from under the arms like a cat and carry me on their shoulders 👉👈🥺) - Bug Anon
Jsksndk ✨this~✨
Short s/o
⤷Includes: Tsukki, Kuroo, Lev, and Oikawa 
I'm sorry but this is Tsukki, he will clown you
No one else is allowed to tease you about your height tho, he will actually end them with some back handed comment
He's the type where if you walk up to him during the day and start talking he'll kinda ignore you a bit then be like "oh sorry, I didn't see you down there"
He’s so mean about it but at the same time he loves when you ask him for help
He makes a big show about being annoyed that you need him to grab something off the top shelf when secretly it's his favorite thing
Thinks it's the funniest thing when you try to kiss him
Like it's not gonna happen you're way to smol to reach his lips
He'll torture you for a bit but eventually he leans down so he can kiss you
Sorry but he rests his arm on your head a lot 😔
Is probably happy that you're a bit shy bc it's easy to fluster you and he vibes well with people that lean more introverted
Living with tall people is actually the worst, like whY does Tsukki feel the need to put all of your favorite mugs on the tOp!! Shelves when he knOws you can't reach them
You know it's fine, you're used to this and have become a champion counter climber 😌✨
So that explains why you were currently kneeling on the counter reaching up for a mug at 10 pm
"What the hell are you doing?"
".......getting my mug? What's it look like silly"
Why are you like this? Why do you feel the need to put yourself in dangerous situations so much?
Kei sighed and walked over to you, he grabbed your waist and pulled you down from the counter then reached up and got the mug down
"You need to stop endangering yourself when you could literally just ask me to help you"
"I wouldn't be endangering myself if you stopped putting MY things on the high shelves!... I swear you do it on purpose sometimes"
He definitely does it on purpose....but he'll never tell you that :)
God he loves you
Kuroo is such a huge dork so expect him to fawn over you
He won't tease you toooo much like he occasionally will hold something out of your reach to watch you jump around trying to get it back
But he really just appreciates you as you are 😌
Kuroo is used to shy, introverted ppl so he's not bothered by it at all
As long as he can hug you he's happy
He LOVES to rest his chin on your head!!
If you're still too short for him to do that he also LOVES giving you back hugs, so either way it's a win win
You were watching Tetsu practice spiking, most of the team had left, only a few stragglers remained trying to get in some extra practice
You were very content with your spot, you were out of the way and happily sat swinging your legs back and forth. Plus you had a pretty good view of Tetsu and Kenma from your bench meaning you could soak up the pure joy that radiated off your boyfriend
Tetsu looked over to see you watching
"Wanna try spiking, sweetheart?"
"Tetsu, I don't think I can even jump high enough to see over the net"
"We won't know until you try~"
I mean he was right...I guess it couldn't hurt
And ya know he looks really cool when he spiked so maybe you'd look pretty cool too!
You walked over to Tetsu and gave Kenma the ok to set the ball for you
You jumped up and you actually hit the ball!!
But the ball didn't even make it past the net 😭
"No no you did really good!... You uh... Looked very cute?"
"Here do it again I wanna try something"
You sighed, he was just setting you up for failure so he can watch you make a fOOL of yourself again
Kenma set the ball and you jumped up
You hit the ball and it shot to the ground with a satisfying slap!
"Yeah you sure look intimidating having me lift you up so you can look over the net"
"Let me have this moment, Tetsurou"
If anyone were to pick you up like a cat it's this kid
He is lAnKy and you being smol?
He will pick you up....you physically cannot stop him
Likes to lift you up and spin you around when you come to visit him at practice
It usually ends with you being pretty dizzy and Yaku kicking Lev for treating you like a cat
Lev is pretty oblivious to what he says, specifically to people that are shorter to him
He might say something that’s a little rude and unknowingly offend you but he really doesn't mean it
Like it just doesn't click for him that there's a chance he's being insensitive
Just remember that Lev would never ever hurt you intentionally and if he realizes that he hurt you he'd probably panic and continuously apologize to you for the next week
I feel like Lev would compare your hand sizes a lot. He thinks its funny how much smaller your hands are compared to his he gets this funny feeling in his chest whenever he does, you’re just very tiny and cute
It seems like wherever Lev goes he always finds a cat
It's very odd
You were walking around a park for a date when he suddenly stopped at a tree
"......It's pretty far up there Lev, I don't think even you can reach it"
"We can't just leave it!!! Quick get on my shoulders!!"
How did this happen?
Correction, How did you let this happen?
You reached your hand out to the orange cat sitting on the branch, it slowly made its way in your direction
"Did you save it?"
"almost, move a little to the right"
That cat gracefully leaped into your arms and started purring
Ok maybe this was worth it bc this cat is really cute🥺
You and Lev ended up playing with the cat for a bit getting it to bat at some leaves
The cat even followed you guys for a bit and you see it every so often on your park dates
You named it apricot
I hate to say it but you know that feeling you get when you see a really cute kitten or puppy?
Yeah that's how Oikawa reacts
You're just.....tiny and he has this overwhelming need to hold you
He honestly loves that you're short
Oiks is, surprisingly, pretty tall. Like man is pushing 6'0 so having a small s/o just makes him :))!!
Oikawa doesn't mind your timidness, he thinks it adds to your charm!
Boy friken loves when you hide your face in his chest
Also king of piggy back rides 😌
He will carry you everywhere if given the chance
You were walking back to Oikawa's place
He just finished practice and it was a Friday so he insisted you come over for a sleepover
Yes he still calls them sleepovers, let him live it's cute
You were walking down the street, hand in hand, and the sun had just started going down painting the sky with warm reds and oranges
To be honest you were kinda tired so you started dragging behind a bit
You took a nap while you waited for Seijoh’s practice to end and you only woke up maybe 15 minutes ago? So you were kinda in that weird state where your awake...but not very aware
"Did you not hear what I said?"
"no....I'm sorry Turoo I'm still a bit tired"
":0!! I can't have my precious s/o wAlking if they're tired!"
He just scOOPS you up bridal style and continues walking like it's nothing
Huh I mean sure I guess, if you really insist Tooru
You wrap your arms around his neck for more stability and he sneaks a kiss on to your cheek
"Won't your arms get tired carrying me?"
"Oh please, you're as light as a feather"
😳 ig Volleyball training has it's benefits bc he really can carry you everywhere and never get tired
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inkivaarinensart · 5 years
Nsfw character trait meme for Demon!Might
I’m a dirty heathen, so I’ll just fill this for my own enjoyment, even tho no-one asked. For my Demon Au Toshi~ Avert your eyes, minors! Answers are approximately done according to where the happenings of the fic are now (chp8). 
Preference for top or bottom?
He certainly enjoys both, especially now that he got the first true taste of bottoming. But top or bottom, he loves when you take the reins. He would love to bottom more, but is still shy asking for it himself. 
Favorite type, looks and personality wise?
For him, personality is more important than looks. Though he does find humans very endearing, and has come to prefer them over other demons. Secretly, he loves being taller and bigger than his partner. Appreciates softness (He loves to cuddle up, and a little plumpness makes him purr). Favourite type of personality would be the calm and caring type, with whom he can have deep conversations with. 
Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?
Bask, sticky and wet, skin to skin. Loves to leave his scent on his partner, and watch in fascination as his seed seeps out from them, even if it makes him blush and a little embarrassed. Grumble enough and he takes a shower with you, glued to your side, happily sighing and running his hands over your skin.
Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?
Monogamous. Wants to focus his attention in one person, and in turn be the center of his partner’s attention. 
Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?
Normally? Deep and slow. Something affecting him, like a flare of possessiveness or the need to mate? Hard and fast! Or if he’s bottoming, or otherwise at your mercy? Doesn’t say it out loud, but please overwhelm him.
Favorite sex position?
Any position where he can get as much skin contact as he can. All the better if he can touch you all over. And hide his face because he flusters so easily. So, spooning would be optimal.
What’s your character’s favorite kink?
He has just began delving into kinkier stuff. Probably being completely overwhelmed and overstimulated. 
How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?
When he gets over his shyness, he likes to get into it just as much as you, sometimes even more than that, when the need strikes him. But stick something in his ass, and he becomes a completely useless whimpering mess.
Kissing during sex, yes or no?
YES. Kisses everywhere!
Clothes off or on during sex?
Off! Needs to feel the skin and warmth. Though he tends to forget to remove his own clothes fully if he gets too riled up.
Lingerie? Yes or no?
He doesn’t really get the appeal of lingerie and underwear in general (silly human things, he occasionally goes commando himself) but he would combust should you wear some lingerie for him. Would be a bit reluctant wearing anything himself.
Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?
Goodness no. Wants his partner all to himself, and would feel like a... Burden, an outsider if two people tried to get him into bed with them.
Your character’s Penis size?
He is very well endowed, enough so that you definitely need lube and a bit prepping for sex to be enjoyable, but it’s not a monster dong. Looks larger than it actually is, because of his lanky and willowy frame. 
Preference for penis size?
No preference. Just... Nothing too intimidating. 
Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what?
Doesn’t even know that roleplay exists. Would be confused of the idea, and if miscommunication occurs, even a little hurt that you would want him to be something else that he is.
Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?
Bareback, if possibly needed birth-control is otherwise taken care of, and there are no STD’s. Deep down, it satisfies his more animalistic side to feel his seed filling you, and then bashfully watching as it drips out. He did that. He left something of himself in you. And you accepted it, wanted it... He can’t but feel weirdly proud.
Your character’s most private sexual fantasy?
He is pretty much living it, having sex with someone he is emotionally deeply invested in, and getting his feelings and want returned. Although, it seems that he highly enjoys getting caught masturbating and being “punished” for it... 
How sexually active is your character?
Before, not active at all. After meeting the reader, very active, it’s like a switch was turned in his body. 
When did your character lose their virginity?
He had been somewhat intimate with others before, but the first time he went all the way was with reader. In chapter 5, to be precise :’D
Kinks your character would participate in?
Hmm. Bondage, sense deprivation... Edging and orgasm denial, he definitely has a praise kink... Very mild blood play. He is not a terribly kinky demon. For now.
Kinks your character would not participate in?
Any kind of striking or choking, unsanitary kinks, degradation, anything that is outright dangerous.   
A character that yours fantasizes about coupling with?
You, the reader! You’re quite amazing in his mind, he fantasizes about you even if it hasn’t been that long since your last escapade.
Well, that’s all for now. 
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jincherie · 7 years
Inheritance | Afterstory [M]
Pairing: Yoongi x reader Genre: hybrid!au, fluff, smut, hybrid!yoongi Words: 8.8k+ Rating: nsfw Warnings: explicit sexual content, oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, slight cumplay, multipe orgasms, hybrid sex lol Notes: SURPRISE @yminie EVEN THO IM PRETTY SURE U PROLLY GUESSED WHAT I WAS WRITING LMAO ENJOY!!
Ever since Yoongi kissed you that day, there’s been tension between you and all it takes to prompt a resolution is a little bit of catnip.
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Masterlist | First | Prev.
It had been three weeks.
Three weeks since your aunts had dropped by to try and take Yoongi one last time, three weeks since Taehyung had stopped them with the help of his boss, and three weeks…
Three weeks since Yoongi, caught up in the moment, had kissed you.
Much to your regret, it wasn’t something either of you had touched on yet. In fact, the two of you had been dancing quite spectacularly around the subject. You’d say it was almost as though it had never happened, except that wouldn’t exactly be true— now there was a certain tension in the air, an atmosphere between the two of you that seemed to sizzle the closer you got to each other and crackle like electricity down your spine when your eyes met across the room. There was something new in his gaze; a want, a yearning, and you were willing to bet it was reflected in your own.
Rising sexual tensions aside, everything else had been pretty much smooth sailing. When you weren’t avoiding the other’s eyes across the room, you were still spending amicable time together, watching movies, cooking, the like. To be honest, it was getting pretty domestic, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, and could hardly ignore the tiny storm of butterflies the thought elicited within you. Yoongi’s kiss had stirred up all the emotions you’d been putting aside while living with him and over the three weeks that had passed you’d come to realise that they weren’t just fleeting, but you truly did like him. You cared for him so much, and in such little time he’d managed to firmly embed himself into your heart.
It was the loud ringing of the doorbell throughout the house that tore you from your current train of thought. There was a split second of confusion ebbing at your mind before you remembered Taehyung was coming over today with one of his hybrid friends from the shelter. You’d met Jimin before with Yoongi, and while he had been shy at first he’d warmed up to you quickly, and in no time at all the Pomeranian hybrid was cuddling up to you, shamelessly asking for pets, and playing with Yoongi. Something about the hyperactivity of the puppy hybrid awoke a set of instincts that usually lay dormant within Yoongi, and he’d really let go and play. Video games, board games, even play wrestling— the panther side of Yoongi, the predator side, was happy to have a playmate and an outlet for the restless energy you didn’t even realise he had.
But even though Yoongi liked Jimin, and was glad to have a playmate, you could tell there were times when he wasn’t quite so fond of him. The feline hadn’t spoken a word to you about it, but you could just… tell. Whenever Jimin touched you, whenever you pet him or scratched behind his ears, whenever you paid him the slightest bit more attention, there would be a peculiar glint in Yoongi’s eyes, a shift in his gaze and a slight tick in his jaw that told you he wasn’t pleased. You were inclined to think that what was ailing him so was jealousy, as each time after Jimin left Yoongi would pull you to the couch and wriggle close, demanding pets and attention and not letting you get up until he was either asleep or satisfied. After cuddling you and rubbing his face against your thighs when you scratched behind his ears, his loud, rumbling purrs filling the air, he would sniff you as discreetly as he could and if satisfied, he’d allow you to get up. However, how discreet Yoongi thought he was being didn’t always match up with how discreet he was actually being, and you noticed the action each time he did it. You’d asked Taehyung about it, and with a sly, knowing smile the blonde had informed you that you probably smelt like Jimin after spending time with him, and Yoongi didn’t like that, so he was covering you in his own scent once more. The words had caused a hot blush to rise to your cheeks, and your tummy to do several small flips. The action was oddly possessive, and were it anyone else it might have sat wrong with you, but it was Yoongi and instead it caused a thrill to race down your spine.
When you pulled the door open you were met with two grinning faces, one looking a whole lot more sheepish than the other. You grinned, stepping back to allow them in, “Ah, finally. I was wondering when you’d get here.”
A bluff, considering you’d forgotten they were even coming until they’d rung the doorbell. Jimin grinned, rushing in with a wagging tail and pausing only to deliver a tiny lick of greeting onto your cheek. Like you usually did when he did this, you blushed, and Taehyung laughed at your expression as he stepped in after his friend.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he apologised, sheepish. “There was a bit of a… mishap, at the shelter.”
At the mention of the event Jimin burst into light, pleasant peals of laughter, moving into the kitchen, his tail still wagging happily behind him. You followed after him, shooting Taehyung a curious look— you hadn’t realised they were actually late, of course, so you were curious as to what story the blonde had for you today.
“What happened?” you queried as the three of you arrived at the kitchen, and you resumed stirring the cookie dough as you had been before they arrived.
Jimin giggled once more and Taehyung let out a dramatic sigh as they both took a seat on the stools opposite you. You weren’t sure where Yoongi was currently, but if you had to hazard a guess you’d probably say he was napping in his room. He’d join you whenever he woke up.
“Well, we got a shipment in today,” he began, gesticulating grandly for your viewing pleasure. It brought a smile to your face as you continued mixing the dough. “Of catnip. We keep it for soothing purposes mostly, since when used in moderation and mixed into teas it’s been shown to mollify feline hybrids that are particularly anxious or wound up. Anyway, we got a really big shipment— like three boxes.”
Jimin was grinning, and you had to wonder where this particular tale was going that he found so hilarious. Taehyung continued, “Keep in mind these boxes are literally full of catnip. Anyway, we managed to get 2 of these big boxes into the storeroom out back, but the third one… the third one didn’t quite make it.”
Taehyung let out a great sigh for dramatic effect and you found yourself chuckling alongside Jimin. “Joon was carrying in the third box, and I don’t know if you remember but Namjoon hasn’t always been the most graceful being to walk this earth. He got like two steps through the door before he tripped,” Taehyung made a face, bringing his hand to his forehead. “He tripped, and the box went flying, and when it hit the floor… catnip went everywhere.”
You burst into laughter, Taehyung continuing with wide eyes, “And when I say everywhere, y/n, I mean everywhere. All over the floor, the walls, the counters— and most importantly, all over me,” he allowed himself a brief second of grief. “I didn’t even have time to change before coming here, there was so much.”
You couldn’t stop laughing, imagining your tall, lanky friend Namjoon tripping on air and the box in his arms flailing through the air so vividly in your mind you were concerned tears were going to start coming from your eyes. Taehyung resumed his tale, rising from his seat and coming around the counter to retrieve a drink.
“Anyway, catnip was everywhere— pretty much still is, despite how much we cleaned up,” he said as he retrieved a glass from the cupboard behind you. “And now the feline hybrids are all over the place. It affects each of them differently, you see. Some, if not most, get high— this is usually the domestic cat hybrids and similar types. But for some, usually predator type feline hybrids, it sort of… awakens their instincts more, that primal side of them that usually lays dormant. They’re more emotionally volatile, their instincts are stronger, and their senses are heightened. So some got high as hell and some got moody, and some… got horny.”
Jimin was giggling, “Poor Jungkookie hasn’t left his room ever since this morning,” he said, meeting your questioning gaze as you tried to get your laughter down. “He’s a clouded leopard hybrid and being surrounded by that much catnip really set him off.”
You had the decency to blush despite your chuckling, and Taehyung laughed, pouring some juice into his cup after peering into the fridge for a good ten seconds. He gulped it down, letting out a happy noise when he was finished. “Ah, Jungkook’s probably gotten very well acquainted with his right hand tod—AH WOAH!”
In his dramatic turn to illustrate his point, Taehyung swung and moved to leave the kitchen, walking right smack into Yoongi. The hybrid let out a noise of alarm, and, to your shock and surprise, upon collision a massive cloud of dust entered the air from Taehyung’s sweater. Both of them sputtered, Yoongi lurching away and coughing a bit, sniffling to try and get it out of his nose but instead just inhaling more. You retrieved a glass of water for him as he glared at Taehyung.
“What the hell? Did you walk through a dust cloud on the way here or something?” he coughed, pausing his glare to send you a fond look when you passed him the glass.
Taehyung was waving the dust out of his face, hacking slightly. “Somewhat,” he answered, making a face.
Jimin was snickering by the bench but went ignored as the two of them regained control of their lungs. Yoongi sniffled, offering Taehyung another glare before speaking, “I came down to ask y/n if she wanted to watch a movie with me, but since you guys are here I guess you can come too.”
Taehyung clapped his hands together, and Jimin let out a happy noise as he jumped from the stool and ran over, gripping Yoongi’s arm and dragging him to the living room. “Yes! A movie sounds so fun, let’s go!”
You and Taehyung followed the two hybrids to the living room where Yoongi had already set up a movie. You went to sit next to your hybrid— you blushed at how embarrassing it was that you’d just thought that— but before you could get close Jimin’s hand shot out to grasp your own and he yanked you down next to him instead. He leant forward to brush his nose against your cheek briefly before pulling back and beaming at you with a smile both of you knew you couldn’t resist, “Can you pet me while we watch, y/n? I never get petted anymore, Taehyung is always too busy being a traitor and brushing Jungkook’s hair or tail, or giving other hybrids pets.”
You glanced at Taehyung to see him rolling his eyes with an amused grin. “Jiminie I pet you all the time, you greedy Pomeranian.”
Jimin continued smiling at you, as though Taehyung had never spoken, and as expected you caved. A smile of your own slipped onto your face as you obliged the puppy hybrid and reached up to run your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ear. Immediately a thumping noise could be heard as Jimin’s tail wagged furiously and hit the couch behind him, his face contorting in satisfaction.
You could feel a gaze burning into you from the second your fingers brushed against Jimin’s honey blonde hair, and decided to just continue and ignore it. You could tell Yoongi was jealous, but you were surprised he had managed to get to that point so quickly. It usually took a lot longer and a lot more than just petting Jimin. However, the thought of Yoongi growing jealous so quickly over you touching someone else sent a peculiar thrill down your spine, and a part of you secretly hoped that it might prompt him into action and you could both finally talk about the kiss that had left things so tense between you.
The movie started, and you divided half of your attention to petting Jimin. You knew he got more than enough attention and pets at the shelter, but for whatever reason he especially enjoyed yours, and you didn’t see a reason why you shouldn’t indulge him. There wasn’t any harm in it, and he didn’t come around too often anyway. The hybrid practically melted under your touch, tail wagging a mile a minute, and he leaned heavily on you in satisfaction. You could still feel pointed eyes on you, but you kept your gaze either on Jimin or the tv. You shouldn’t be pushing it, shouldn’t be playing with him like this, but you were sick of waiting for one of you to finally take action and with this you were hoping it might finally prompt him.
Not even ten minutes into the movie, and Yoongi began to shift from next to Jimin. He wriggled and readjusted himself, shifting constantly in the corner of your eye, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say something was itching him. Another 5 minutes went by, and Jimin went to move and lay on your lap, nudging Yoongi, when a growl split the air.
Your gaze, along with Taehyung’s and Jimin’s, whipped to Yoongi, your eyes wide. The panther hybrid was glaring at where Jimin had nudged him, and where he was half-sprawled across your lap.
“Yoongi, are you alr—” you began, but he jerked, snapping suddenly as he tore his gaze away.
“I’m fine,” he hissed, the sound sharp against your ears and slightly cutting against the tender flesh of your heart. Your eyebrows shot up, alarm niggling at the back of your mind. Well, this was spectacularly out of character— even if Yoongi was jealous, he would never take it out on anyone around him. Concern was next to make itself known to you; Yoongi continued shifting, sniffing every so often and wrinkling his nose in discomfort. You could visibly see it as he grew more agitated with each minute that passed.
The whole time, you hadn’t stopped petting Jimin, and his tail was still wagging happily, if less wildly. Yoongi broke his eyes from the TV for the first time since speaking and immediately his gaze fell upon you— or rather, what you were doing.  A deep, rumbling noise that caused the hairs at the back of your neck to raise emanated from the panther’s chest and he shot up, tearing from the couch.
“I’m getting a drink,” he muttered, gaze narrowed as it fell over you and Jimin before he spun on his heel and made for the kitchen, ears flattened against his skull and tail lashing angrily behind him.
Alright, something wasn’t right. You gently nudged Jimin off you with an apologetic look as you rose from the couch to follow after the hybrid, your gaze falling upon Taehyung as you moved. He seemed to be thinking something along the same lines as you, brows furrowed as he tried to decipher a cause for Yoongi’s behaviour. It was only as you passed the couch that his eyes widened in realisation.
“y/n, wait a second!” he stage-whispered loudly, beckoning for you to come back. You waved him off, and he looked mildly alarmed. “y/n—”
Without a word you followed Yoongi’s path back to the kitchen, and Taehyung stayed in the living room with Jimin, the movie still playing.
Yoongi stood by the sink, posture stiff and tail still lashing behind him, as he stared into the empty glass in his grasp, lost in thought. You approached quietly, not wanting to alarm him, your hand brushing against the fur of his tail as it flicked wildly in agitation. “Yoongi—”
He nearly dropped the glass, a sharp noise of alarm escaping him at your touch as he spun and lurched away from you, tail whipping behind him. “Don’t touch me right now,” he warned, tone low and carrying the barest traces of a threat, although strangely enough you weren’t getting a dangerous feeling from him. His words hurt slightly, not that you could really understand why. You took a tentative step forward, holding your hands up to show you weren’t going to touch him.
“Yoongi, are you okay?” you asked softly, gaze seeking his own. His eyes met yours and you watched as emotions pooled in his gaze and his body shifted. Agitation seemed to roll over his form and he took a step to the side, away from you and towards the entry to the kitchen.
“…Leave me alone,” he said, and it bordered on a growl as it left his throat. You were beyond shocked at his behaviour— he hadn’t acted so hostile towards you since you’d first entered the house and met him. He turned on his heel once more, walking quickly from the kitchen and towards the stairs.
You stood in place, blinking for a second before your mind caught up with the current events and you quickly started after him. He stormed around the corner, moving quickly up the stairs and towards his room. You hurried after him, not wanting him to enter his room and lock you out before you could make sure he was okay.
“Yoongi,” you started as you slipped into his room after him before he could slam the door. “Are you alright? Please, if something is wrong you can tell me.”
The hybrid seemed slightly conflicted, his entire form tense. It was as though a myriad of emotions were filtering over him one after the other, and he couldn’t choose which to settle on. The thought struck something akin to recognition in you and you were filled with realisation as he finally settled upon anger. Yoongi stormed over to the door, shutting it loudly and locking it out of habit. You hardly noticed, too busy processing your realisation.
Taehyung’s words from earlier about how catnip affected feline predator hybrids came back to haunt you, and you were certain this was what Taehyung himself had realised when you were downstairs. The dust that had burst into the air when Yoongi ran into Taehyung had been from the catnip spilt all over him at the centre, and it had gotten all over the panther hybrid, and now he was feeling the effects, if his current moodiness was anything to go by. It would also explain the itching if all of his senses were heightened and fabrics felt much more different than they usually did.
Currently unable to control how wildly he was swinging from one emotion to another, Yoongi glared at you. You realised that with his current state, your display earlier to make him jealous must have without a doubt riled him up a lot more than you ever intended.
He seemed to realise how overwhelmed he was growing, as he took a deep breath. “No,” he finally responded, tone low and bordering on a growl once more. Contrary to what you felt before, this time, while trapped in a room and in such close quarters with him, a spark of excitement shot down your spine, a thrill causing your heart to skip a beat. Yoongi’s ears twitched towards you and you knew he’d heard it. “I’m not okay, I’m furious. His god damn scent is all over you, and you were— you were just—”
In the flurry of strong emotions currently swarming him, he had no filter and for once was speaking up about what was bothering him. A feeling of anticipation began to swirl in your abdomen, and you took a step forward. Perhaps he would finally breach the topic of your kiss and the tension between you would finally be resolved. You decided to prompt him a bit more, your eyebrows raising in what you hoped looked like innocence. “Why are you furious?” you queried, taking another step. He growled lowly, but it wasn’t threatening. “Did it bother you that I was touching him, and petting him? Did it bother you that he was touching me?”
At you words he began to visibly simmer, hot, uncontrollable anger bubbling up in the culmination of all the jealousy he’d felt over the past three weeks. He stepped forward, gaze dark and pupils blown as they met yours, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. “He shouldn’t be touching you,” it was a whisper, yet it resonated perfectly in your ears. A shudder threatened to roll down your spine at his proximity and the heady undertone to his voice. “His scent shouldn’t be all over you; you don’t belong to him.”
One of your brows rose, a fake show of bravado that did nothing to hide the excited hammering of your heart. You completely forgot about the guests downstairs, the tension so thick between you it felt like if you brought your hand up you’d be able to physically feel it slide between your fingers. “I don’t belong to him?” you echoed, and Yoongi’s gaze darkened further. He took another step closer, brows furrowing.
“Don’t play with me right now, y/n,” he warned, and it was like electricity was racing beneath your skin, sizzling with how close yet so far away he was.
“Why were you jealous?” Against your better judgement you pushed further, holding his gaze. “Why don’t I belong to him?”
Yoongi snarled, stepping closer so that your chests just barely brushed, and it felt like he’d stolen the air right out of your lungs, his hands shooting to grip your hips possessively. Your heart skipped a beat as he leant forward, breath just barely brushing your lips, “You’re not his,” he began, his low tone sending tremors of anticipation down your spine. “Your heart doesn’t skip beats for him, your body doesn’t tremble for him.”
You couldn’t breathe, thoughts caught on how aware he was of how he made you feel. He leant closer, breath fanning over your cheek before his lips brushed your earlobe. “You’re mine.”
A growl resonated through his chest with the words and you felt your knees weaken, a shudder finally rolling down your spine. Heat burned your skin where his hands gripped your hips and electricity sizzled between you. There was a beat of silence, then his teeth caught your earlobe and your heart stopped in your chest as he snarled again, definitive and absolute. “Mine.”
With that the tension between you snapped and you shifted, his lips slamming onto yours. Immediately a moan caught in your throat, hands coming to clutch his shirt and cup his jaw as he kissed you with such passion and fervour, so differently to how he had before, that you were almost seeing stars. His lips moved against your own, soft and pliable but commanding and you couldn’t help the gasp he elicited as he brought your bottom lip between his teeth, sharp canines poking the soft flesh. A pleased snarl rumbled in his chest at your vocal responses, one of his hands leaving your hips to grip the back of your neck, nails dragging over the sensitive skin of your nape and causing you to shiver and moan once more.
When he kissed you before it was light and full of so much love you felt like you could have floated off in perfect contentment. But now, he was pushing you back, your knees hitting the bed, and in the absolute lust and need burning between you he was swallowing you whole.
He pulled back, allowing you to breathe only for the second it took to grip your hips and throw you onto the bed. You yelped, bouncing on your ass thanks to the springy mattress, but he was climbing over you and pinning your hips to the bed with his own before you even had a chance to move further. He kissed you again, tongue brushing your bottom lip before he sucked it back into his mouth and through the haze beginning to cloud your mind you had to wonder where on earth he’d learnt these things.
Yoongi removed his lips from yours once more, and you thought you might have gotten a chance to recover and breathe before his mouth was on your neck and you were gasping once more. He sucked harshly, lips pressing and teeth scraping the tender, sensitive flesh beneath your jaw and down the column of your neck, pink and red blossoming in his wake. The panther hybrid paid special attention to your pulse point, laving his tongue over the skin and sinking his teeth in slightly before suckling another bruise— you were moaning, mewling, each action of his tongue against you sending pleasure and heat to your core, and he was drinking each and every sound in.
Soon he reached the collar of your button-down shirt and without a second thought ripped it open, buttons popping and cluttering to the floor. You gasped sharply in shock and surprise, your upper half almost completely exposed, “Yoongi!”
At the sound of his name he paused, eyes seeking yours and even without speaking you knew he was asking if it was okay to continue. It warmed your heart that even influenced so heavily by the catnip and as a result his own emotions and instincts, he still managed to think of you. You nodded, the tiniest action, but confirmation nonetheless and with it the panther dove down to resume pressing kisses and nipping along the skin of your neck.
“When I’m done with you, you won’t have a single bit of his scent left on you,” he rumbled against your skin, teeth scraping against the flesh covering your collarbones and eliciting a sharp gasp that dripped into a moan as he suckled the skin into his mouth. “Only mine— mine, mine, mine.”
He nipped the flesh at the swell of your breast and you squirmed, hips shifting against his where they held yours down, wetness beginning to seep into your panties. A deep, guttural groan escaped him and you stilled, a hot spark of arousal shooting straight to your core as you mewled instinctively in response, hands fisting the bed cover beneath you.
Yoongi paused his ministrations only to remove the rest of your shirt, ripping your bra too and throwing it to join the other discarded garment before you could reprimand him in outrage. Your mind whirled, cheeks flushing at the fact your upper half was now bare before the beautiful hybrid above you, the hybrid you loved and were attracted to, and it began to sink in that this was happening. The anticipation in your gut swirled into desire at the way his gaze darkened as he looked down upon you. His fingers came to trace over the trail he’d left with his mouth over your skin, your form quivering in excitement, and trailed down to brush along the curve of your breast, swirling it over your skin until he came to your rosy bud and pinched it between his fingers. You let out a sharp moan, head moving back but your eyes meeting his and you shivered at the sheer lust and desire in his gaze, a deeper need for you swirling in the depths of his eyes.
“Mine,” he asserted with a growl once more, tugging your nipple harshly, excitement thrumming beneath your skin at his tone and pleasure shooting to your core at his action. You gasped out a moan. “You wouldn’t react to him like this, wouldn’t let him touch you like this, would you? No, only me. Mine.”
You never thought you could get so turned on by the possessive streak alone that Yoongi was showing but here you were, enjoying it more than you thought you would, trembling beneath him and crying out in sudden pleasure as he lowered his head and wrapped that sinful mouth around your hardened bud. He suckled harshly, teeth gripping the flesh gently and your back arched into his ministrations, a loud moan falling from your lips as he coupled the sensation with his other hand on your other breast.
As he continued his attention on your chest, eliciting moan after delicious moan from your lips, his free hand snuck down, tracing over your stomach until he reached your clothed core and he pressed, rubbing firmly over your clit. A sharp whine left you, hips bucking up into his hand and your hands flew to grip his arms. “Yoongi!”
He hummed against you, nipple still enveloped in the delicious heat of his mouth, his tongue pressing and rolling it against his teeth and tearing a harsh mewl from your throat. You trembled, body writhing beneath him and it was only the beginning. Yoongi quickly shifted his attention from your chest back to his original goal, trailing his mouth down your form once more. He suckled bruises beneath your ribs, over the swell of your tummy, teeth scraping against your hipbone so perfectly you almost didn’t notice as his fingers slipped into the waistband of your shorts and he tugged them down in one fell swoop, underwear along with them.
You yelped, thighs immediately closing on instinct and Yoongi shot you a warning look. He threw the clothes behind him, shifting himself closer and gripping your knees to pull your thighs apart with ease, his tail thrashing behind him. Cool air hit the heat of your core and you mewled, more heat rushing to your cheeks as Yoongi stared, lust-blown gaze drinking each and every inch of you in. You were dripping, so turned on it was almost embarrassing but Yoongi didn’t mind— quite the opposite.
A long, drawn out moan escaped him at the sight of you bare before him, and it blended into a possessive growl as you covered your face in embarrassment. You couldn’t see it as he leant down, but felt it as he nipped the yielding flesh of your inner thigh and continued marking your skin.
His name escaped on the next breath that floated past your lips and he froze, shivering in pleasure at the way your voice had caressed his name so sensually, so needily. He dipped his head down and licked a long strip up your slit before wrapping his soft lips around your clit and sucking harshly.
It was so much so suddenly, you nearly shrieked at the sudden flood of pleasure pooling in your abdomen, the sudden pick up in the thrumming beneath your skin. Your hips bucked up and he was quick to hold hem down, your thighs trembling either side of his head as you tried not to close them around him. “Yoongi, fuck! Oh fuck, Yoongi—”
He slipped his lips down, tongue lapping up the juices spilling from your core, his nose pressed against your clit as he reached further into your entrance and ate you out in earnest. You couldn’t stop the constant stream of curses and moans spilling forth from your lips, your hands threading into his hair and tugging, fingers rubbing and kneading his ears. The feline almost keened into your core, shivers rolling down his spine. His fingers bit harsher into the flesh of your hips in warning, and he returned his lips to your clit as one hand moved down to run a finger along the length of your slit.
He nipped your clit lightly and you whimpered, before his finger pressed against your entrance and slid into you with ease, slick juices dripping onto his knuckles as you moaned loudly and your velvety walls clenched around the digit. A low groan escaped him as he sucked and licked at your sensitive nub, finger beginning to thrust into you. Noises spilled from your lips, your hips straining against his hold in an attempt to buck into his mouth, but his grip was firm and you couldn’t shift an inch. Your fingers press into the flesh at the base of his ears where they met his skull and you were rewarded with a sudden and particularly harsh suck and delicious vibrations, long finger curling within you as the feline between your legs moaned loudly against you.
He slipped another finger in, and then gradually another, stretching you out and curling his fingers with each thrust into you. You were so wet you didn’t doubt your thighs would be covered in slick had Yoongi not been diligently lapping up each and every drop that spilt from your core. Pleasure was shooting hot through your veins, pressure building within you as the panther hybrid brought you rapidly closer and closer to your release. Your thighs trembled on either side of his head with the strain of trying not to bring them together, the muscles in your abdomen clenching and unclenching as the pleasurable sensations flooded your body.
With each suck of your sensitive nub and each press of his long fingers into your g-spot you climbed higher and higher, tilting on the precipice of the edge when you looked down on impulse. His eyes met yours and at the sheer look of desire in his lust-blown pupils as his tongue laved sinfully at you and his fingers fucked into your core, it was too much. A glint entered his eyes and all at once on the next thrust of his fingers he curled them and sucked harshly on your clit, teeth nipping the sensitive bud gently, and it was all it took to push you off the edge. A loud cry tore from your throat as you came harder than you had in a long time and your head flew back onto the bed, your back arching and the muscles in your legs trembling and spasming with the surprising intensity of the sensations flooding your being. “Yoongi!”
Yoongi remained busy at work, lapping up each and every drop of you throughout your orgasm until you had to push him away with trembling hands when the stimulation became too much. The possessive edge in Yoongi’s eyes had faded somewhat as he sat back on his heels, satisfied, but the unabashed desire burning behind his gaze had not and you could feel the shivers it elicited in you rolling over your skin. You sat up on trembling limbs, and if anything you could have sworn the hybrid looked proud as he observed you before he resumed his place hovering over you and planted his lips against yours once more.
There was less anger fuelling the passion in his kiss, but you could still feel the dangerous tension in his form that told you he was still affected somewhat by the catnip. It was so easy to lose yourself in the movement of his lips against your own, in the skipped beats of your heart and the rekindling flames in your abdomen. A thought niggled at the back of your mind, threatening to drown in the haze of need that was quickly returning as a thick mist over your mind with each second that passed. Yoongi shifted forwards, hips pressing into yours once more as he moved himself as close to you as he possibly could, and you lifted a hand to his ears once more, deft fingers finding the base and rubbing it gently.
Yoongi choked on a moan, his hips jerking against yours and eliciting a whine of your own as his clothed bulge pressed against your still-sensitive, aching core. Your other hand dragged down his back on a whim; you needed to get him in a position where you could do what you had in mind. Your fingers trailed, dragging down his form and his back bowed following your touch, a rumbling beginning in his chest.
When your fingers found the base of his tail he jerked, and a loud moan tore from his throat, his teeth nipping your lip as he pulled back to drop his head in the junction of your neck and shoulder. He whined, stumbling over words that couldn’t pass his lips as you rubbed and kneaded the flesh, shudders rolling down his spine.
“y/n,” he warned weakly. “D-Don’t—”
You ignored him, knowing that having the appendage touched felt good normally and that with the effects of the catnip heightening his senses it would have to feel ten times that now. At the shaky moan that escaped him when you dragged your nails over the skin of his tail, you knew you were right. He sank his teeth lightly into the flesh of your neck as an anchor as you continued, his hips shifting and rutting against yours with each movement of your hand and causing a moan of your own to tear from your throat. He was incredibly hard, straining against the material of his pants, and you were quickly growing wet once more. At the strengthening scent of your arousal in the air Yoongi let out another low growl, although somewhat shakier than those that had come before it. You moved your hand to tug at the material of his shirt that hindered you from feeling all of him.
“Shirt,” you whispered against his ear and he shuddered, pulling back immediately and tearing the t-shirt from his form. Power still resided in his limbs but a thrill travelled down your spine as you met his heated gaze and realised that like this, beneath your ministrations, he was like putty in your hands. He’d had a certain measure of control, of dominance, over you until his point but now, at the mercy of his sensitivity and your knowledge of his weakness, you were the one with the power over him. The thought had a surprising amount of arousal shooting hot straight to your core and your stomach flipped.
You brought a hand up to caress the smooth expanses of skin that had been revealed to you. Yoongi was pale, but the tone of his skin was warm and while he wasn’t bulky his form was defined and the muscles of his abdomen rippled visibly beneath your touch. His breath grew heavier in anticipation the further down his body you went and low, needy whines left his throat as you reached the waistband of his sweats and continued moving your fingers against his tail. He looked like he was torn between allowing you to continue and revelling in the sensations, and reclaiming control of the situation. You didn’t give him an opportunity to choose, instead slipping your free hand into his sweats and wrapping it around his length.
Yoongi shuddered, a hiss escaping through his teeth as his upper half folded and his head fell against you, a moan caught in his throat. He was hot and heavy against the skin of your hand, so thick it almost had your mouth watering. You tugged his tail at the same time as you gave him an experimental stroke and he keened into the skin of your neck, fingers coming to grip at your waist, biting into the soft flesh. His hips shifted into your hand, and you were sure that for the moment he didn’t care that he didn’t have control— he was too deeply taken by the pleasure your actions were causing him to mind.
He was so sensitive, even the slightest of touches against him had him moaning against your throat, hands clutching you almost desperately, and you were relishing in it, each sound he made sending a spike of pleasure and arousal straight to your core— you could feel yourself getting wetter with each second that passed by. You could feel his ears flick against the skin of your neck, lips pressing against your shoulder in an attempt to muffle the moans and whines tumbling from his mouth, and all the while you continued your motions. You quickly grew annoyed with the final barrier between your bodies, however, and tugged his sweatpants down without warning. He growled, but it came out sounding more like a whine as you pulled the material to his thighs and his length sprung free, hitting against his stomach and causing a shudder to roll down the length of his spine. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him, swollen and already leaking precum from the tip and so big your core positively throbbed in anticipation.
Licking your lips, you resumed the motions of your hands and Yoongi moaned loudly, the edges of his voice rough and bordering on a growl. With each stroke of your hands and flick of your wrists he became more and more undone, and you were relishing in it. You knew as soon as you finished this he was going to resume control and the thought had you rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. You rubbed your thumb and fingers beneath the head of his member, using the precum flowing steadily from the slit as lubrication of sorts as you dipped your thumb in the slit and gripped his tail tightly. The hybrid choked on a loud, sudden moan as you continued, and suddenly he was jerking back, hands finding your own and gripping tightly to stop them from moving as he panted. You stopped, not wanting to push him but also worried you’d done something wrong.
You didn’t get an explanation at first, waiting as he gathered his wits and evened his breathing. His eyes opened and met yours, a shock running down your spine and anticipation curling in your abdomen at his gaze. Power rolled off his form once more and you were reminded yet again that he was a predator hybrid, a very large part of you instantly wanting to submit at that look and more slick seeping from your folds in response.
“Any more and I don’t think I could have lasted,” his voice was low once more, gaze holding yours unwaveringly. A certain type of pride filled you at his words but you didn’t have time to relish it. He moved forward, tail curling behind him with a slight tremble as the remnants of pleasure still coursed through him. He’d stopped you before he’d finished, and now he was painfully hard in your slack grip, hot and throbbing against your palm.
Yoongi used his hold on your wrists to pull your hands from him with ease and in a split-second pin you back on the bed, arms either side of your head. You couldn’t do anything but gaze up at him, caught in your own all-consuming desire as anticipation thrummed beneath your skin and burned pleasurably where his skin met yours. Something sparked in his eyes and your heart skipped a beat. “And I’m not coming until I’m inside you.”
Your breath hitched, but he didn’t give you time for his words to sink in before he was moving between your thighs once more, head dipping to take your abused nipple into his mouth once more. You cried out instantly, hands straining against his hold to find purchase in something, anything, but unable to clutch anything but the bedsheet. Yoongi snarled possessively against your chest, no doubt able to hear the racing of your heart, and released your nipple with a pop as the tip of his cock brushed your entrance. You were so wet, your core so ready and aching for him, you almost sobbed as he teased you, brushing his length over your folds and along your slit.
“Yoongi,” you whined, gasping as he moved over your clit, “Yoongi, Yoongi please—AH FUCK!”
At your pleas he let out a soft groan, gaze hardening and hips snapping forward to begin easing into you. Your eyes screwed shut, a high keen sounding from your throat as he filled you up deliciously, the stretch around his girth burning slightly but the sensation of him filling you so perfectly more than enough to balance it out. Yoongi watched you come undone beneath him in only one stroke, a deep groan falling from his lips, your limbs trembling as he reached places within you that had you seeing stars. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as he allowed you to adjust for a moment, before you wriggled your hips and he was pulling back to snap his hips back into you with such force it robbed your breath from your lungs. It was a sharp cry that tore from your throat as pleasure, hot and intense, flooded your senses and tingled up your spine, your core throbbing in need as he began pounding into you.
“F-fuck, y/n,” he groaned, that peculiar groan that sounded like a growl rumbling in his chest, his tail thrashing behind him before wrapping around your thigh possessively. “You’re so tight, so good around my cock.”
His ears twitched at the wanton moans that tore from your throat at his words and with each hard thrust of his cock into your velvet heat, his hips meeting the soft flesh of your inner thighs with a sharp slap. Heat and desire mixed and swirled in your abdomen, pleasure sparking deep within you and running currents along your spine. You could hardly think with all the sensations flooding your being, your thighs coming to squeeze his sides desperately.
He snarled at the action, hands moving from your wrists to your hips to hold you in place, fingers biting into the soft flesh and eliciting a loud whine from your throat. Now freed, your hands moved immediately to his form, one finding the base of his ear and the other weaving into the hair at his nape and tugging. Yoongi choked on a moan that shifted into a growl, ears flicking back and the heat in his gaze scorching your being. He was entranced by you, taken by the way you looked beneath him, the way your beasts bounced with each thrust and your body glistened with sweat.
Your hips strained to buck and meet his as he pounded you into the mattress, your walls clenching with each stroke of his thick, swollen length. There wasn’t an end to the moans tumbling from your mouth, your throat almost raw at the constant use of your voice as the heady pleasure robbed you of control. You could feel it building within you, pleasure and pressure increasing with each deep stroke of Yoongi’s thick member into your heat and you clutched at him almost desperately as you hurtled towards your high.
He wasn’t far behind, each clench of your velvet walls around him and each sharp cry that met his ears urging him closer and closer to the edge of his own release. He was still so tightly wound from the previous stimulation that each tug and knead of your fingers on his ear had him trembling as he slammed into you.
One of his hands left your hips, trailing up your body to pinch and tug your sensitive nipple and elicit a cry, hot pleasure shooting to the coil in your abdomen, before it lowered. His thumb gathered your slick before pressing to your clit and it was all you could take before you came with a loud, needy whine, Yoongi’s voice falling like a mantra from your lips as absolute pleasure flooded you and the intensity of your orgasm had stars blooming behind your eyes.
Your walls clenched around him so tightly, so perfectly, and he couldn’t last. With a deep, guttural groan rumbling in his chest and one final slam into your tight heat he came, heat painting your insides and filling you even more to the brim than you already were with his swollen length. He bent, teeth sinking into your neck as his orgasm washed over him powerfully and you let out a sharp moan at the sting. He continued rubbing circles around your clit as you both gradually came down from your highs, your breath short, and you only just realised the death grip you had on his hair and ear.
Yoongi shuddered as you released his ear, thumb still working and you whined in oversensitivity, pushing his hand away with trembling fingers. He removed his teeth from your neck, tongue laving over the mark soothingly, and he pulled out of you. All at once you felt both of your mixed releases gush forth and seep from your abused hole and onto the bed. A shock of excitement had your heart skipping a beat as he leaned back and brought his fingers to your slit, gathering the cum on his fingertips before pushing it back into your hole, fingers sliding in with ease. Your body tremored, a shaky moan escaping you as the remnants of your pleasure buzzed beneath your skin.
Yoongi shifted his body slightly to the right and flopped down, arms winding around your waist and tugging you as close as you could be against him, your heart skipping several beats despite what you’d just done. At your questioning look he nuzzled his face affectionately into your neck. “’want kittens,” he mumbled in explanation as his eyes drooped slightly but held your gaze nonetheless, his words causing your tummy to do flips and heat to rise to your cheeks.
Honestly, you weren’t surprised at all that he was tired right now— you’d be more alarmed if he wasn’t, considering this was Yoongi you were talking about. You yourself were pretty drowsy, limbs weary and an ache already beginning to make itself known in your core. You were surprised by how outright affectionate he was being, however. Your own arms wrapped around him in return and almost instantly the deep, chittering purrs erupted in his chest, his face burying closer to your neck as he tugged the blanket over you both. His lips pressed soft kisses to the skin of your neck, along the trail of pink and purple he made earlier, before they curved up your jaw and over your lips.
This kiss, in contrast to the previous and the events that had just occurred, was sweet, and light. It caressed your heart softly, and, like sugar, left you craving more just like it. All at once you were reminded how fitting his name was, recalling the other events that had prompted that realisation. Times in the living room, the park, the kitchen… oh no, the kitchen.
The cookies.
Horror mixed with the next realisation that filled you. The guests.
“The guests…” you hadn’t even realised you said it out loud until Yoongi hummed against your throat, nuzzling against you. His fingers traced patterns against your hip and waist.
“Don’t worry, they left a while ago,” he mumbled, nibbling the skin beneath your ear. You almost succumbed to the sensation, but managed to pull through.
“When?” you dreaded the answer.
The hybrid chuckled, nose pressing against your jugular as he inhaled your soft, enticing scent— a scent that now had no traces of Jimin and was mixed suggestively with his own. He hid a satisfied smile in the curve of your shoulder. “After you let out that really loud moan.”
You groaned— that could have been at any point! You were loud the entire time because honestly? You’d forgotten Taehyung and Jimin were downstairs at all. It was silent for a moment, before Yoongi’s sleepy voice greeted your ears once more.
“y/n?” You hummed in response, and he continued after another couple of beats of silence. His fingers played on your hip. “That day, when I kissed you…”
It was silent for several long seconds as he mulled over how to word what he wanted to say, how he wanted to explain his reasoning for kissing you. You waited patiently, and finally he spoke once more, “I love you.”
You froze in surprise, but were unable to pass up the opportunity to tease him. “I know.”
Yoongi nearly choked, and you burst into laughter, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Your own eyes were growing tired and you allowed them to close as you smiled. “I’m kidding! I love you too.”
Appeased, the hybrid snuggled closer, bringing the blanket tighter around you both and clutching you tightly.
As sleep began to fog your mind and drag you further into the abyss, you couldn’t help but think. You wouldn’t ever be happier than you were right here, in the arms of the hybrid you adored, the hybrid that adored you back.
You’d do anything for Yoongi, and you knew as you finally fell asleep in his arms, that he would without a doubt do the same.
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martyy-party · 6 years
Next Gen HP Looks
James Sirius Potter; “Jamie”, “Jay”, “Jay-Jay”
6′4 height. Photogenic. Muscular and lanky. Messy thick shiny black hair in Cole Sprouse’s haircut. Perfect jaw and cheekbones. Plump lips. Great bone structure. Light freckles everywhere, specially on his nose, cheeks,  shoulders and back. Olive skin, he gets extremely tan during summer. Can actually pull and grow facial hair, which it is more reddish than black. Teeth white af. Handsome and cheeky smile, with adorable dimples on each cheek. ‘Potter’ perfect smirk. Always smiling. His eyes are almond shaped and a light honey colour with some gold hints. Long fingers, perfect for playing the guitar and the piano. Gorgeous. Tallest guy at school. Looks like a mix of Harry, Ginny and James Potter Senior. Extremely handsome and good-looking. 
Albus Severus Potter; “Al”, “Albs”, “Albie”
6′1. Photogenic. Black shiny hair, quite short. Cheekbones for days. Olive skin, but he can’t get a tan, tho. Emerald Green eyes. Muscular, beater type, with broad shoulders. He doesen’t have lots of freckles, only a few single ones in his arm and one over his left brow. Sharp features. Ironic smile. ‘Potter’ perfect smirk. Can rock a Sherlock Holmes costume. Looks great in Green and black. White teeth and a dimple in his right cheek. Extremely expressive face. Can raise a brow. Eyebrows on fleek. Looks a lot like Harry, but you can see a bit of Arthur Weasley on him. Very good-looking like his brother and attractive.
Lily Luna Potter; “Lila”, “Lily Lu”, “Lil”
5′8. Photogenic af. Dark red hair, that used to reach her bellybutton, but she choped it into a lob. Naturally skinny and slender, she has a thin hourglass figure. Legs for days. Almond shaped Green eyes, but instead of being emerald, the Green is more like an avada kedavra green. Thick eyelashes and red brows. Round-squared face shape, like her mum. She looks a hell lot like Natalie Portman. Perfect bone structure. Olive skin, Lily can easily tan. She has freckles on her nose, shoulders, boobs and hips, and then she has freckles and moles separated, creating constellations through all her body. She also has a single freckle over her lip, at the right, just like Marilyn Monroe, which Fleur loves. Her extremely pink and full lips are her signature look, usually painted a cherry red. She’s a blend of a lot of Lily Evans and some of Ginny Weasley. Sassy smile, Potter perfect smirk, cheeky smile with dimples. ‘Quite the little heartbreaker. Drop dead gorgeous and seductive, with a sweet delicate voice. A beauty.
Victoire Apolline Weasley; “Vic”, “Vicky”, “Toire”
5′6 and a half. Model looks. Long glossy golden blonde hair that used to be more reddish as a kid. Light freckles all over her face. Big bright pale blue eyes. Quite tan skin during summer. Her hair is fabulous and her skin is shiny af. Full pink lips and the cutest nose ever. Round-squared face shape. Great bone structure. Dimples. Always painted nails. Model Slim figure. Sweet and kind smile. Never wears make up even though she loves it. She looks like a blend of classical beauty and california girl. She has her veela charm and she’s crazy beautiful.
Dominique Belle Weasley; “Dom”, “Nick”, “Dommie”
5′9. Long wavy pale blonde hair, dyed baby pink (she changes her hair colour every year). Big ocean blue eyes. Freckles on her face but she covers them. Sarcastic smirk. Cute smile. Long legs and arms. Skinny figure. Ears pierced and a small tattoo on the back of her neck. Pretty pink plump lips. Perfect soft skin. Sharp and dark eyeliner and fabulous black smokey eye, like Effy Stonem. Rocks a leather jacket like no one else. Grunge and rock ‘n roll style. Can eat a lot of fast food without gaining weight. Pale skin, she can’t get a tan. Cheekbones and collarbones. Relaxing smile. Veela charm. Fucking extremely pretty.
Louis Charles Weasley; “Lou”, “Louie”, “Lous”
6 feet tall. Gold blonde hair, lighter in the tips because of the sun. Ocean blue eyes, like Dominique. Perfect eyebrows. Grateful that he’s blonde and not ‘another ginger’. Muscular without playing Quidditch. Freckles only on his feet. Dimples. Broad shoulders. Can’t grow facial hair. Baby soft skin. Uses a lot his veela charm. He’s very attractive and he knows it.
Rose Jean Granger-Weasley; “Rosie”, “Ro”, “Posie”
5′5. Middle back lenght copper hair. Big, chocolate brown eyes, like her mum. Thick eyelashes. Button nose. Great eyebrows. Petite frame. Pretty and cute. Her body is fully covered with freckles. They are everywhere. Perfect nail shape. Small hands. Very fair skin, if she isn’t wearing sunscreen, she burns. Pink heart shaped lips. Heart-shaped face. Clumsy but graceful. She looks a lot like Hermione.
Hugo Billius Granger-Weasley; “Hugh”, “Huey”, “H”
6′2 and a half. Curly brown hair. Pale blue eyes. Tall and lanky. Dark freckles all over his face, and loads of them on his nose. Not too muscular. His dad’s nose, his mum’s and Rose’s mouth. Heart-shaped face. Very long arms. Fair skin, with the dark freckles. On his body, they aren’t a lot of them but they’re everywhere. Bushy eyebrows. A cute blend of Hermione and Ron.
Molly Anne Weasley; “Molls”, “Annie”, “Moll”
 5′5 and a half. Soft Copper hair. Pale blue eyes. Thin red lips. Long bangs. Few freckles on her cheeks and arms. Long fingers. Button nose. Really cute. She can raise a brow. Perfect teeth after a year of brackets. Ivory skin. Can’t get a tan. Needs sunscreen every day. Perfect body.
Lucy Audrey Weasley; “Luce”, “Lulu”, “Lu”
5′3. Shoulder lenght dark copper hair. Large Coffee Brown eyes. Bushy eyebrows. Thin lips. Athletic figure due to Quidditch. Fit legs and butt. Fair skin. Freckles on her back, because when she plays Quidditch is where the sun mostly reaches her. Quite cute. Big bright smile. Her nails are always short, because she bites them. Heart of gold.
Frederick Gideon Weasley; “Freddie”, “Freds”, “Freddo”
6feet tall. Copper hair. Carmel skin. Very bushy eyebrows. Dark Hazel blue eyes. Few almost invisibe freckles on his nose and forehead and lots of them on his arms. Builder built. Broad shoulders and muscular. Big hands. Imperial nose. Strong jaw. Cocky happy grin. He looks like KJ Apa, but with natural ginger hair.
Roxanne Kate Weasley; “Rox”, “Roxy”, “Katie”
5′4. Glossy wild ebony black hair. Dark skin. Fabulous hourglass figure. Full lips, always with lip gloss. Big dark blue eyes. Thick eyelashes. Pearl White teeth. Freckles on her face. Stunning. Photogenic. Cheeky grin. Looks like Angelina with some Weasley in her.
Edward Remus Lupin; “Teddy”, “Ed”, “Teddy Bear”
6′1. He always wears his hair turquoise but its natural color is a mousy Brown. Dark blue eyes. Eyebrows on fleek. Quite muscular. Clumsy af. Fair skin but he’s able to tan. Remus’ looks with Tonks’ metamorphomagi.
Note: English isn’t my first language so if there are any mistakes, plz don’t roast me.
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umjammercammy · 7 years
I beat Mario Odyssey yesterday finally after setting it down for weeks so I could burn in Retail Hell (which I'm still doing, but at least I had two days off) and I honest to god can't express my love for this game enough. Like, I was blabbering about stuff on Twitter, but Odyssey completely goes above and beyond on all fronts.
I know what Mario is. I love Mario. I've always loved Mario, I've been playing Mario games since I was 3 years old and watching other people play them before then. Mario's always been a part of my life and a part of my family's. I played SNES with my grandma, my cousin had an NES and the Mario TV stand, my dad bought me an NES from Goodwill with a load of games from Funcoland when I was 4 years old, etc. Mario means a lot to me.
That being said tho, there was a point when Mario stuff started to slog me down, when NSMBWii and NSMBU were new and the same fucking render you saw everywhere of Mario blankly staring forward wouldn't go away. A lot of Mario stuff was trapped in that limbo, that boring, soulless, hollow limbo of generic stale garbage. The videogame equivalent of a goddamn saltine, just without the salt.
Odyssey is Mario again. Odyssey is Mario to the highest degree by, ironically, being different. Mario feels like Mario, he looks like Mario, his pudgy jolly physique completely tops his lanky weird Wii-era build and the 3D art has finally harmonized with the old 2D stuff. Running around in Odyssey feels like the best adventure ever because every world is so different. Sunshine felt like a vacation with Mario, like a place you could really go to. Odyssey brings that vibe back, you feel like you're a part of it. It doesn't feel like you're sitting back and watching stuff happen, you feel so pulled in. The best thing about Odyssey tho is how different it is. It's different while Mario himself is the same. That's like, a quintessential key to feeling like an adventure. You know who Mario is, but you don't know what you're in for this time, and it feels totally magic. Everything feels strange, and the bits and pieces of familiarity make these environments feel even more foreign. Running into an old enemy is like running into an old friend.
The references to older games don't even feel like "forced nostalgia-pandering" or whatever, it feels like cohesion. Like things just exist and make sense now, these worlds and kingdoms and costumes, like "oh, so this is how the world works in Mario".
I love the music. I dunno what else to even say about that, the OST fucking rules and I love the vocal tracks. The Honeylune track for the Bowser part is insane, it's so out of left-field and I was completely blown away because I would absolutely never expect something like that in a Mario game. The early-2000s rock-poppy sound of it melted my heart and had me tearing up, it was like it tapped into my soul and this rush of feelings poured out, memories of summer days spent playing Sunshine while my uncle blasted music on his sound system pulsed through me and it was like every inch of dust that had collected on my heart was blown off. Memories of my mom, young and still in her 20s, singing Avril Lavigne songs. All the negative shit I've gone through, all the pains and bullshit of growing older and losing people and dealing with depression felt burned away immediately, if but for a moment, by this freaking game. By this familiar mustachioed cartoony face who's been with me for as long as I can remember. None of the bad stuff that's happened since I was a little kid mattered, I felt like me again. I felt like an excited bouncy goofball playing Super Mario Sunshine flopped down on the living room floor again. Memories of the past flooding through my head while I played, fused with the energetic happiness of everything in Odyssey like... I dunno, it revitalizes me. I know I sound really pretentious and I'm kinda tearing up hard as I type this stuff but I love this game. I love Odyssey. I love Mario. I'm so extremely glad to live in a world where this game exists, and no matter what awful shit is going on in the world or in your life Mario's always there and he's always himself and he always reminds you that everything is gonna be alright, because the kinda colorful dreamlike perfection of this game is like, "maximum good future".
I wish more people played games. I genuinely believe video games can save the world. I'm blabbering really hard right now and should probably stop.
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mensajeroseis · 7 years
andrés 1, 12, 20, 30, 36 !
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
andrés isn’t one for being slow. always has a good rhythm, strong footed and long strides (bc of his lanky legs) so he walks fast already. he doesn’t slouch, but he doesn’t stand up straight either ? keeps his shoulders close together. he likes leaning against shit,. he gives off a lax energy, usually, hanging back is what he does best.
12. How are they bodily expressive? How do they use nonverbal cues such as their posture, stance, eyes, eyebrows, mouths, and hands?
nonverbal gestures are his best way to be expressive, even when he tries not to be, his face always gives him away. he shrugs his shoulders a lot when he’s nervous, bends down a lil too. tryna make himself small,, ppl always make note of his eyebrows, he raises them at inopportune n inappropriate times, but are always furrowed, just a lil, which is why most ppl think he’s angry. his dumbass spider like fingers, are usually stuffed in his pockets, and when theyre not, his arms are crossed. if he’s got something in his hand tho, his hand goes everywhere n the object he’s holding ends up across the room
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
most of his relationships have been on the more intimate level, he’s a very loving guy, among friends and relationships more though. but he has more of..actual intimate relationships than friendships usually, mostly stemming from his loneliness. he’s a bit shy at first but opens up real well afterwards, a little cocky. but still super caring, like intensely caring, he cares a fucking lot. he’s intensely loyal as well, but to few people. regarding family, he just grew distant with james, and didnt want to work it out, though he still loved his dad. impersonal relationships he’s more of just getting to business, figuring out details, n that’s that.
30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much?
he prefers minimal activity, like containable ? he’s fine with just sitting around, or walking in silence n nothing else bothering him. he needs a lot of breaks, or else he gets overwhelmed. if there’s absolutely nothing for him to do, he gets very antsy and just paces around a lot, or goes shooting to just do something. if he get’s too much he just shuts himself in his room and chills, sleeps usually.
36. How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this?
he relies much more on intellect and instinct. he’s never been one for spirituality, and is a huge skeptic on everything in that realm. emotions he tries to keep to a limit, but he can easily crash and burn with that if he’s dealing with something that pulls at his heart strings.
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therewas-a-girl · 8 years
I was thinking before how it must look to felicity that almost all the women oliver has been shown to be attracted to are - with the exeption of sara - of the tall, leggy and brunette persuasion.
- Laurel: 1920 clasic kind of beauty, brunette, tall and lanky physique. - Samantha: tall and lanky, brunette, gorgeous long hair, very sweet beauty. - Shado: i dont remember if she was tall but i do know she had a knockout body of the sinewey (dunno how to spell this word) variety, a brunette and a kind of beauty that is almost too much to look at for too long. (I love my daughter) - Tiana: brunette also and also tall though u dont even remember if she and oliver even kissed last season. Did they? - Helena: snow-white gorgeous. Could have been a model. - McKenna: also tall and lanky, brunette again. Utterly astounding face and… everything really. - Isabel: same thing. Icy ‘can and will rip your balls off’ kind of beauty. - Susan: tall and lanky, model kind of body, legs for days, lovely dark hair.
So far we are in the 'could actually kick your ass’ category with all of them - except for Susan and Samantha. They are all very clasically, obviously beautiful. The 'turning heads’ kind. They’re so alike in some physical aspects that everyonen is right to think oliver does have a type.
That type looks nothing like Felicity. Or rather, from felicity’s perspective - she looks nothing like them. Among those gorgeous women, there was only Sara who broke the rule. She is tiny and blonde and mostly dresses for comfort, jeans and such, totes laid back - tho the first Sara was ALSO the tall lanky brunette kind.
And thats that.
Then there is Felicity, who is short and who is practically round everywhere, all lovely curves (tho not the only one, admittedly.) Who had dyed blonde hair and was and is a dork and who has a beautiful style but its not classical at all like the women above. Felicitys style is sharp but eccentric and loud and bright. She talks a lot and has glasses and a thousand other things that, where apparences are concerned, dont fit olivers type at all. Im sure she used to notice that a lot before.
And i was sitting here wondering whether or not, after the break up, olivers choice of parter did spark a moment of aprehension for her. Susan - everything felicity is not and everything in line with what oliver had liked before he liked Felicity. (One could say that he did it because this contrast was its own kind of comfort. Or because he really does find tall-leggy-brunetter types more effordlesly atractive, idk).
And peobably Felicity knows it doesnt mean anything, it doesnt have to and she knows that. She knows Oliver well enough to know that there were other things these women had in common that drew his attention, which have nothing to do with haircolor or body shape.
But she /would/ notice it. Would she?
Ive always thought, from the quips she made here and there, that when felicity compared herself to all these women, she seemed to find herself… on a lower scale. And it astounds me the way she does it - she doesnt get mean about it, she doesnt put them down or aything. Not even isabel, who she actively disliked. I love that felicity doesnt get catty like that. She thinks they are all gorgeous and admits it openly, unironically. Cause its not about them or oliver - its about her.
And sure, this kinda fuels my headcanon that she is bi. But also the other one that she percieved herself as sth *else* from gorgeous.
And im not saying that s5 felicity sees herself as s2 felicity did. I think in s3 the was she dressed and walked and carried herself showed that she did grow into herself and that she loved and enjoyed her body and her beauty. And between end of s3 and the break up she really did gather prof enough that oliver found her as attractive as she found him, as well as being in love with her.
But she would have noticed, i think, how Susan mirrors all the other women before Felicity. Like a kind of broken reflection of all of them. Susan, and the seven other women who look like her - what oliver naturally gravitates towards. And Felicity probably having that flash of awareness that she was part of the anomaly, not the rule. And it probably stung.
And then someone calls her attantion and the thought melts away cause its the least of her problems and not the point anyway.
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