#even tho there’s only one season but my praise for that one might’ve been a bit more than the others
theamazingannie · 1 year
Greatest thing just happened: my sister asked me for show recommendations. My time has finally come
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anyway here are my thoughts on the final table after finishing it the other day
I’m not the first person to point this out but the fact that the show boasted about being a “global” competition but focused heavily on western cuisines was kinda annoying. And on top of that the final four ended up being 4 white men. It’s just like..... ok den. It is what it is but I just wish the show hadn’t gone on and on about how “global” it was when it really wasn’t *that* different from many other cooking shows in terms of cuisines shown lol
also that almost the majority of the last half of the show had no women in it...... I know the culinary world is still very sexist so I guess it’s not all on the show in terms of gender disparities but also considering that there were tons of arguments between the men on the show that never got shown but the one time there was tension between the only female team they gave it lots of airtime and played it up leads me to believe the show may have also had a misogyny problem 🤷🏿‍♀️
the judging on the show seemed so weird and inconsistent to me. Sometimes being traditional was a good thing that was praised, other times it was critiqued. Sometimes going outside the box and not being traditional was praised, sometimes it was critiqued. It just seemed like there weren’t consistent standards between the sets of judges (or even within a single episode!). I guess u could say it reflects real life or whatever bc every person who sits at ur restaurant is going to have different standards or ideas for what the meal should be but idk man.... there was just no standardization or consistent set of criteria which made it feel like u never knew what the judges were going to want or like or dislike
also the celeb “ambassador” judges thing was kinda iffy to me. Like, no disrespect to hasan minhaj or dax shepard or whoever but what the fuck do these people know about fine cuisine that I, as a professional chef on this show with possibly decades of experience, have to listen to your opinion 💀
but I guess u could argue the celeb’s provided an Everyman™️ perspective on it, as in how would the average person feel and react to the dishes the chefs were making because maybe the perspectives and thoughts and comments of a professional chef or food critic might not be super relatable to the average person so that’s what the celebs are for? Idk I’m of 2 minds on this
also speaking of inconsistent judging, when the French chef taste-tested Rafa and esdras’ food, she said she found it spicy, but then during the judging the reason she gave for eliminating them was that the food wasn’t spicy enough???????? My brother was so pissed about this lol
also the fact that the reason Shin and Ronald left was because the British chef didn’t like their presentation...... I get that all the dishes were good enough that nitty gritty details start to matter and someone had to go home, but come on bro 😭 was it really bad enough to justify kicking them off the show? Especially since the presentation that she didn’t like/get was them using a Japanese technique/style
in general with the judging being the way it was I always felt really bad when a team went home because it usually just felt like it was out of their hands bc it came down to whatever the judges felt like doing basically lol
also the way they decided who the winner was was so weird to me. They all talked about how Timothy doing a dish that he was familiar with and had done multiple times put him at a disadvantage but then the American chef just went “but is that a disadvantage tho???????? 🤔🤔🤔” and because they didn’t show the conversation that happened after that or how they came to a consensus in the end it just seemed like they all just went along with the American chef??? And we also didn’t hear enough from all of the chefs either. Idk the discussion was cut so short and was so rushed which is annoying and doesn’t make sense bc the whole season was leading to that moment.... they could’ve afforded to have a slightly longer episode (literally just an extra minute or two) if it meant giving us more of the decision making process.
it was an enjoyable watch but I found it to so be garish and melodramatic and over the top lol... also again going on about being a “global” competition while still being quite euro/western-centric was just.... the show came across as being a bit more proud of itself than it really deserved to be
i cannot BELIEVE those chefs were cooking in front of a live audience omg I would’ve been so nervous
I liked Darren but the amount of times he went on and on about “I’m a white guy making Japanese food, I had to fight to prove myself” was just..... it’s clear he had a lot of love and respect for the cuisine and acknowledged that he was just a student of it and didn’t delude himself into thinking he was doing something new or reinventing the wheel or whatever which was nice but just the amount of times he went on about the whole “I’m a white guy” thing was a bit much lol. it might’ve been the editing tho so idk
I know Charles and Rodrigo are probably a bit too pretentious for some people but I loved them sm 😭 I was so sad when they left
I also loved the Australian chefs so much 😭
hey Alex i am free on Thursday if you want to hang out please call me about hanging out on Thursday which is when I am free
In general I loved all the chefs tbh, the highlight of the show is getting attached to each contestant. I was always genuinely sad for each team that left
If they ever do any more seasons I will watch but it’s really not as groundbreaking or original or as fresh as they really tried to play it up as. It was definitely a bigger scale which was interesting to watch I guess but that’s really it lol
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x07 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Yas eileen
Zee: This thing with the bullet I still don’t completely get
Kat: So happy she’s back
Kat: It’s not a real bullet
Giulia: Us
Nat : do they always have to have a flashback tho
Zee: Future corpses
Kat: But it’s explained a bit more this episode
Nat : Tag yourself
Giulia: I know the blonde one
Giulia: I’m the brunette
Zee: I’m the brunette
Kat: Brunette for sure
Nat : I'm a mix
Kat: Nah babe you’re the blonde
Zee: I’ve only been the blonde once
Zee: Amazing
Nat : What
Nat : I didn't hear a car
Kat: At least the blonde didn’t get murdered
Zee: Bitch wipe the spit
Nat : Yet
Giulia: Oh no clean your lips yuck
Kat: Too much throw up sound
Nat : Ridiculous. You would still hear it
Giulia: Well ok wow
Giulia: I jumped not gonna lie
Nat : Ew What is that
Zee: Was that a werewolf ?
Giulia: The wendigo feels
Nat : snorts
Kat: Red shirt of sex
Giulia: Oh look wallowing in depression again
Nat : Ah Deano
Zee: Weak
Kat: Yum
Kat: No surprise there
Zee: What’s that sound of his lips?
Nat : "Yeah"
Zee: Mostly
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Zee: Real bacon
Nat : Real bacon?
Nat : lol
E: We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night.
Giulia: WOW
Kat: Fucking adorable
Kat: So domestic
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S: You're turning down bacon?
D: Mm, yes, yeah, I'm actually... I'm gonna head out.
Kat: Get out
Giulia: DEAN’s weird
Zee: I’m good Dean motto
Nat : "I'm good" I'M GOOD, GOOOOOOOOD
D: It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to...I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head.
S: Eileen and I have stuff to do.
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Giulia: Lol
Giulia: I BET U DO
Zee: Look at that face
Kat: Aw someone’s feeling like a third wheel
Zee: Aaagggggghhh
Giulia: MY GOD
Kat: The dimples
D: Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know.
Nat : sock on the door
Zee: Sock on the door
Kat: The wink melts
Giulia: not only on the door
Nat : well that would be highly uncomfortable
Giulia: Oh shush you know what im talking about
Nat : What's with the hair
Zee: Can he shut his face ?
Giulia: The accent lol
Giulia: He weird
Nat : Jensen's jealous that the sheriff can have an accent and he doesn't
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Zee: Do you all talk like that Kat ?
Kat: Excuse you. I do not speak like that.
Giulia: Snort
Kat: Dean is not impressed
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Zee: Can we focus on the scruff for just a sec?
Giulia: And the crazy hair
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Kat: The blue steel
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Giulia: You’ve got the look
Zee: Is he hitting on him?
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Giulia: IS IT TIME
Zee: Swayze’s???
Kat: Roadhouse nod
Zee: Look at that strut
Giulia: Nice
Nat : Fun that there's only one parking spot left right in front
Giulia: I wanna go in a dump like that
Nat : Lots of Woo girls
Giulia: Hand it over
Nat : Get in line
Giulia: Lol i like her. Will she die
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Giulia: Oh well now she will
Zee: Nice
Nat : Ow
Kat: Damn girl
Giulia: Cute. They cute
Kat: Dean friggin Winchester
Zee: Is this ep filled with his close ups?
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Giulia: So cute
Nat : HE owns this joint?
Zee: I’m happy
Nat : Will this be the place where Dean will always end up tho. Because his friend owns the joint
Zee: Look at that couple
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Giulia: SO CUTE
Giulia: the stares
Giulia: Cute
Giulia: Why don t we do something fun
Zee: Do something fun
S: Yeah. Um... ideas?
E: I mean, a few.
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Zee: Go girl
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Giulia: NO. COME ON
Zee: Seriously ???
Kat: It’s not okay
Nat : Ah
Giulia: my bb has done nothing wrong in his entire existence,ever, shut yo mouths
Nat : Snort
S: So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith
C:  Lilith?
S: Yeah, uh, she's back.
Giulia: U should have read your messages cas
Nat : Hey, nobody can say that they've been cock blocked by an aNgEL oF tHe LorD
Zee: I think that Sam’s virginity might have grown back man
C: So there may be some of you inside Chuck.
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Giulia: Ew
Zee: Ew
Nat : Is that sexual
Giulia: Family business beers lol
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Kat: I think you’re right
L: I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.
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Giulia: Awe dad. Crusty sob lol
Kat: Oh.
Kat: No
Giulia: Ah well praises from dad Winchester
Zee: His crinkles are distracting me
Giulia: And his smirk
Kat: Aren’t they great
Giulia: ...ah that stare
Zee: So that’s how you felt last ep? @Giulia
Giulia: Yes. U get it now
Zee: He needs to shut up
Giulia: Awe dean. And now some zoom
Nat : Dean, you don't wanna do that
Zee: That head nod hurt my soul
S: Cass, are you sure about this?
C: No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it.
Giulia: Yes probe cas
Zee: Probe
Kat: Ew lol
Giulia: Im ready
Giulia: Same
Zee: This is gonna sting
Nat : This is gonna sting
Nat : snorts
Giulia: Sam are you ok
Nat : a little
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Giulia: Awe
Giulia: Oh wow
Giulia: Nice cas
Nat : AH
Zee: Amazing
Nat : Well he's not ok now is he
Kat: Poor Sammy
Giulia: Awe that cheek rub
Zee: Sam knocked out again
D: This is Dean's other-other-other-other phone. Leave a message.
Zee: Other other other
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Giulia: AH how does it feels now cas
C: Dean, I need you to call me back. Sam is hurt, and I..
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Nat : How many phones does he has
Zee: Jaggers
Giulia: Look at that tuff of hair
Nat : Ew
Giulia: Slutty
Kat: Everything about him is slutty
Zee: Can’t spell it
Zee: Love it tho
Nat : Split up Triplets?
Zee: He’s gonna get some me thinks
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Giulia: What a dumb stare
Kat: Ah I miss blushy Dean
Giulia: Oh him again
Nat : Who dat
Giulia: Sam winchester is hurt
Giulia: What else is new
Giulia: The one with gabe grace
Nat : A collecter
Kat: You think so huh
C: Let me rephrase. If you don't help me tonight,
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Zee: Cas is serious
Kat: A return of badass Cas finally
Giulia: Lol yellow fever
Nat : Cas has zero patience
Giulia: Same
Zee: We’ve been knew
Giulia: U have even less
Nat : No but I just don't think that he'll get any this season cuz it won't do anything to the plot
Nat : Plot of dying guest stars
D: Trust me, uh, bigger doesn't always equal better.  
Giulia: what she said
D: Besides, who's gonna look out after the little guy? God certainly isn't.
Giulia: Damn brother that’s rough
Zee: Rough decade
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Zee: No shit
Giulia: He has no idea
Kat: Ugh that smile
Nat : Dean has doubts. I hate that
Giulia: aw look that is future dean if he’s going on like that
Giulia: GIMME
L: Remember that old song your dad used to play us before we'd go out on a Hunt?
D: Oh, no.
All of us: Oh, yeah.
Zee: YAS
Giulia: come on BOI
Kat: I had to look the song up
Giulia: YEAH what song
Kat: I didn’t know it 😂
Kat: Dukes was a clue
Giulia: idk her
Giulia: still don’t know her
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Giulia: YEEEEP
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Kat: Exactly
Giulia: flips table
Nat : Better than Karaoke Demon Dean
Giulia: don’t let him hear you
Giulia: YAAAS
Zee: Wait in line
Zee: He’s so happy I’m scared
Giulia: AWE 20sec of happiness
Kat: NO
Nat : Ah
Kat: Damn I’m soaked again
Giulia: Me
Zee: Thank god don’t need my ovaries anymore
Kat: He sounds so Texan this ep
Zee: Oh fuck yeah
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Kat: Them bowlegs
Nat : What a concidence
Zee: Not the ghostbusters
Nat : I like Sergei. He's got attitude
Giulia: I hate him
C: Okay, that's enough. You're here for a reason.
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Giulia: Cas needs to tie his fucking tie because he slutty af
Zee: He’s following the mood of the ep
Kat: Poor Eileen so worried
Zee: Dying?
spn fandom: what else is new
Giulia: Not even surprised
Giulia: Of course he is
Nat : What else is new
Giulia: She loved jesus and america too
Giulia: So I’m a bad girl
Zee: It was a good car
Nat : lol it's the tom petty song
Giulia: me in the morning
Zee: You love Jesus and America in the morning ?
Kat: Love that song
Giulia: Am I too young for that shit?
Nat : Freeeeee Faaaaallin
Giulia: No, that whiskey in the coffee. Pay attention
Zee: Yeah. Like you paid attention last week
Giulia: Well I was on the important stuff
Kat: Okay children
Giulia: Look at my confused bb
Kat: Sergei is so dramatic
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Giulia: Nice shit
Zee: The legs
Giulia: Shot
Zee: Also correct
Nat : HE knows that the junkyard is NOT a runway right?
Giulia: Don t think he does
Kat: Everywhere is a runway for him
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Giulia: That haircut is bad ok
Kat: I saw it coming a mile away
Nat : He ded
Zee: Wait for it
Nat : Like I said, plot of dying guest stars
Giulia: They need to stop with these jumpscares
Giulia: SERGEI
Zee: Fucker
Nat : They need to find Amara. Think Amara is sick of her brother herself. she'd probably help them without even wanting anything in return
Kat: Don’t worry Cas takes care of him
Giulia: good
Giulia: Nice Eileen
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Giulia: The key to death. Psh fuck off
Kat: The key to death. That’s going to come into play I bet
Giulia: So dramatic
Zee: Cas still confused. And angry
Giulia: Look at that face
Nat : Sergei is so fucking extra
Zee: Suck it Sergei
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Kat: He called Bobby
Giulia: Oh the other bobby. Forgot about him
Nat : They should get the key and open the door to the empty. Bring Jack back. And death. Ah why am I babbling
Kat: It’s what you do
Giulia: Snort
Nat : The eye squint
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Kat: It doesn’t open the empty though I don’t think lol
Giulia: Wtf is in there
Kat: Aw Dean tied down. My fave
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Nat : What is that thing 
Nat : What she said
Giulia: But also
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Will dean have to kill his fwriend
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: Nice
Zee: He will huh?
Giulia: It won’t be a great addition to his mental health
Nat : Have you been watching the same show
Kat: All his friends die
Giulia: All their friends die
Kat: Well Eileen’s back lol
Kat: I know but my heart can’t take it
Nat : Every one who comes on the show die
Zee: Shush
Zee: Can blood really go up the tube?
Giulia: If there is vacuum yeah
Nat : I don't think they care
Giulia: The monster needs to suck
Nat : It doesn't suck
Giulia: He stupid
Zee: Oh stop please
Kat: Come on Dean get out
Giulia: What she doesn’t say
Kat: Nice
Nat : The monster will get out
Nat : what he said
Zee: And kill lee
Awe look at Dean’s repulsion towards his friend
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Giulia: Nah dean will kill lee. Because this is supernatural
Zee: Daddy’s home
Nat : Surprise
Kat: The head
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Giulia: Is that the sound of water 2
Kat: Ew
Zee: God bless Texas
Nat : Why does Lee do that for again? I missed it
Zee: His happiness
Kat: Money health
Nat : Feeding people to a monster makes him happy
Kat: Because fuck everyone else
Giulia: Ah saw it
Giulia: Oh yeah dean?
Kat: The monster gives him things for keeping it fed
Nat : Ah Nat : Dean distracts me
Kat: He yummy
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Zee: I kill monsters
Giulia: Awe dean . Well you become the hero or the monster you hunt i guess
Zee: Welcome to my world
Giulia: Ouch
Zee: Impaled
Giulia: That should hurt so much more
Nat : Ah, that's the cue he was talking about that didn't break at first and he had to "walk off the pain" Kat: What
Giulia: ?
He told it once at a con I think? They had a fight with a cue and the cue didn't break like twice or three times and his back was blue
Giulia: Awe bb dean
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Kat: Aw his murder face. Now sad face
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: awe look at them
Giulia: Oh
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Nat : Awkward
Zee: That bed is too small
Kat: No, he’s just huge
Kat: What she said
Zee: What she said
Giulia: Everything is too small concerning to sam
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Nat : Preview?
Kat: Ya go watch
Nat : Adam snorts
Kat: Basically tells them to suck it lol
Giulia: you let me rot in hell. Well he ain t wrong
Nat : Can u blame him
Kat: From his view, they must
Zee: They left him there for ages
ee: I’m happy with this ep. Need to change panties but I’m happy
Zee: You can leave this out
Kat: No leave it in lol
sam and Eileen cute gif
Giulia: They kill me
Giulia: Ok but if that’s sam endgame i’m so good with that. My bb deserve it
Giulia: Hope it doesn’t end in smoke
Giulia: snort
Giulia: That was mean
Kat: Wow Giuls
Giulia: Ok but look at it from chuck’s eyes
Giulia: PLOT
Giulia: lol
15x08 coming soon
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​s
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goddess-aelin · 4 years
7x07 thoughts:
-Gabriel is SO HOT fuck
-sanctum sanctum sanctum blah blah blah
-ok at least we got acknowledgement of how fucked up it was to put the flame in madi
-oh god I’m going to throw the fuck up
-why. What is the point. Why do they make me fucking watch this with my own two damn ass eyes. I need to go do a saline rinse to cleanse this garbage from my eyes brb
-I take great pleasure in knowing that bellamys hair really looked like that the first time they kissed. Side note: whoever thought that hair was a good idea should be FIRED what thee fuck
-octavia calling e.choke family? LMAO. Bitch since WHEN. Tellin stories to Hope on the reg of how much she hated you and how ridiculous you were? But now we’re FaMiLY
-FINALLY got some acknowledgement of how fucked up it was for octavia to beat bellamy! Now only if she could apologize to him directly for that.
-look who it is...Nicky BANG BANG lmao
-mention tallies:
l/xa mentions: 56722
Lincoln mentions: 5
Wells mentions: 0
-jr Bourne as sheidheda is honestly funny. Like he’s so good but sheidheda as a character is laughable
-anyway where is clarke? Don’t you know shes the key?
-ok diyoza/hope fight yassss
-SHE LOOKS FUCKING STUPID AS HELL LMAO OMG bless you anders for being like what the fuck girl.
-Nelson you dummy
-idk I know people would rather Clarke fell to her knees but I really feel like that scene was enough. Falling to the knees might’ve been cheesy and I’m hoping we get some kind of crying or something in the future.
-look at you, anders, smiling while power walking and doing praise hands in your sassy little dress.
-*whispers* the key
-wow. Such shock. Really didn’t see this coming, Bill cadogan.
Overall: LMAO. Tbh I was laughing half this ep. directing? Great! The storyline is just so laughable at this point tho, no disrespect to the writer. Like what even is going on. I don’t care a bit about half of these characters! Most of them are new. And then there are these moments where they’re trying to be legitimately serious and epic and it’s just HILARIOUS. What even the fuck was that entire e/cho thing? Literally what? Not only did she look like she was being exorcised when crying but she also reminded me of Gollum from LOTR when she was sitting with her back turned, carving up her face and whispering to herself. Please do us a favor and be gone. I wasn’t interested in the cadogan story then and I’m not now. I really wish they’d do new stuff and not continuously tell us that there closing a specific storyline only to have it all relate back later. How are casual fans understanding any of this? I really need to come to tumblr to have everything explained to me. Imagine watching as it airs, never rewatching the show, and then coming into season 7? Wow. It’s a completely different show than before. Not in a good way either. Meh
Also, where the fuck is clarke. E/choke has had more scenes than she has! And that is a TRAVESTY.
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