fortheloveofmead · 9 years
☯ (Reverse because Kael still has to thank her properly >:3)
☯ Give them a hug
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Never to be the person to get real touchy with people, she found herself at a loss of what to do with her arms as she felt the mer wrap his around her. Something along the lines of ‘Hey thanks for the help’ would have been just as good if not better than whatever this- was? Not to mention, the Redguard least expected someone like the other to be much of a hugger.
Either way, she couldn’t find it in herself to push him away. Instead, she resorted to giving him an awkward tap of his arm, not even bothering to reach around and pat his back in return.
“Hey big fella, it’s fine I promise. You don’t need to do anything for me. In fact, if you could get off me that would be splendid.”
[ Under the cut is a note, it’s personal so ya’ll don’t have to read it]
[[ Oh man was I in a shock when I looked up EveningWolves blog for references to find out that the blog has been retired. It’s rather sudden and I will admit I am sadden by this happening but, I’d rather Ace do what they feel best. I adored their character and their blog. I will very much miss interacting with them on tumblr. Though I surely hope this won’t be the last time I get to speak with them; for it isn’t just their blog that made me excited to get back into RPing on this blog.
It was also the person.
Thank you for giving me such a good time, even if it felt short-lived.
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enovire · 9 years
The Imperial gave a small shrug at the other. “No, it seems the rest of my day is unscheduled,” he replied. “I was just out taking a walk when I spotted you. However, now that you mention it I think I might just do the same. I haven’t eaten lunch yet, and come to think of it I am rather thirsty. Perhaps you would know of a good place?” 
Within only another matter of seconds the wound was healed. Bringing his hands to his side, the Imperial leaned in to examine his work. “Yes, I believe that should be finished,” he informed him. “Glad that I could be of help.” 
That was a relief to hear. He supposed that the update on his wound was nice, too, but he was thankful for the changed subject. “Is it? Thank the Gods for you, mate.” He sighed in relief, all too eager to be done with this entire thing.
He couldn’t help but cock a brow at the next question, and he nearly turned around (forgetting temporarily what position he was in) to look at the Imperial. “Plans? Me? Well, I was plannin’ on headin’ to a tavern for a drink or tw—for a drink.” He corrected, not wanting to come off as a mead swilling simpleton to the other. “Why do you ask? Are you havin’ plans?”
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whatdosendhelp · 9 years
((5 and 7?))
5. Have you ever been confronted personally with the terms Mary Sue/Gary Stu? What is your opinion on these terms in the way people often recently use them and what is your personal definition? If someone you vaguely know is accused of playing a Mary Sue or feels insecure because they wonder whether their character might be one- what advice would you give them?
I've been never seriously confronted with accusations of Sue-ing-- there may have been, like, one trolling anon at some point. I don't actually remember for certain (shows how little things like that affect me, lol).
I kind of feel like everyone has a Sue at one point or another-- it's just a natural early step in learning how to develop characters. The trick is learning to move past it, to learn how to give a character flaws, insecurities, and little quirks as well as strengths and positive traits. Depth. The Mary Sue Litmus test is a decent place to start, but it definitely should not be taken as Word of God.
Do you remember your first OC? When and why did you create them, for what fandom and for how long did you actively play them? In how far has your first OC in a rp community shaped your experiences and opinions?
Lordy Lordy.
The first character I really put effort into creating was for an original story I was attempting to write with a friend of mine in high school. Looking back, she was awfully Sue-ish and I was blissfully ignorant of the fact, lmao. I never really rp'd with her outside of with my friend and even then, we were more interested in discussing plot points than roleplaying the characters we created. I actually recycled a few little details when creating Caesa-- similar hair and eye color, extremely privileged upbringing... Older half brother she doesn't know about that comes from a drastically different culture and economic background... Holy shit. I had forgotten all about that part, actually. Oops. Alhusayn is a thousand times more interesting than his broody teenage counterpart tbh in my defense I was fifteen
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fortheloveofmead · 9 years
Just had my birthday yesterday and I am wiped out....
[ THANK YOU BAB <3 *HOLDS* I haven’t got my haircut yet but soonnnn! >:3 Also I has a knife now and it’s pretty spookyyyy UvU ]
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firsandfletchings · 9 years
((When getting into a debate/argument, what's Tristan's thought process? Would you say he'd be more focused on getting even or being right? Are his arguments more logic or emotional driven?))
Tristan tries everything he can to avoid an argument, because once he’s in the heat of it he loses control very quickly. He screams loud and he screams hard and the right words never come up at the right time. He’s very focused on being right, but will revert to childish one-upmanship if he’s too threatened. Emotion rules all with this speech-constipated nimrod.
If you’ve ever fought with someone and then thought of the perfect retort for a comment of theirs the next week? That’s Tristan for literally every point the opponent would make. 
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whatdosendhelp · 9 years
((How does Alhusayn deal with competition amongst other mercenaries? What does he do to make himself stand above the competition? Would you say he's competitive? Is he confident that there will be no contest between him and the rest?))
{ In Sentinel, Al had it fairly easy thanks to a little bit of nepotism– both his stepfather’s contacts and the very merchants that watched him grow up gave him steady work, so even if he never became rich, he did well enough for himself at the time.
In Skyrim, Alhusayn has a strong tendency to milk the whole “Alik’r warrior with exotic curved swords” thing for all it’s worth. The reputation that comes with being a mercenary from Hammerfell seems to open certain doors when it comes to jobs like guarding trader caravans, though a reputation alone is pretty useless when it comes to things like picking up bounties. Al isn’t terribly competitive, or driven– he works only to keep a roof over his head, with little ambition to progress further in life (at least right now; he’s pretty much aimlessly drifting at this point in his life). He’s very confident in his abilities on his own, but works best as a team-player– if he runs into someone going after the same bounty, for example, he’s more likely to offer to work together and split the gold than fight over it. }
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fortheloveofmead · 9 years
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So Ace and I got our hands on a a website that allows you to draw together and this kinda just- LAUGHs, it was terribly fun and I’m excited to do it again~ UvU <3
Also take note, Iscribble has no undo button..
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norokyolsil · 9 years
((May I toss my URL at you? :))
My Opinion on;
Character in general: *aggressively wraps Kale-poo in a hug and never lets go* ok jerks with a heart of gold are my favorite thing ever so I adore Kael like thing else and just UUGH. He’s a strutty lil peacock but he actually cares about people?? How do you do this??? And his relationship with his family don’t even get me started. There isn’t a thing I don’t like about your sweet wolf man. Not a thing.How they play them: Um, see the above. So well!The Mun: You’re unbearably adorable.So sweet, so nice, and friendly!
Do I:
RP with them:  A lil bit.Want to RP with them: Obviously.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I will follow your blog into Oblivion and back every day of the year. LOVE ♥♥♥♥♥
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[ It’s been awhile since the results were announced so here’s a progress report on the prizes
1st tier:
snake-and-heretic: 5/10 tropes, 0/4 images
Koussikka: 6/10 Tropes, 1/4 images
halforcsmash: 8/10 tropes, 4/4 images
Eveningwolves: Complete!
Skyrimtravelogue: 4/10 tropes
Scalesandsecrets: 3/10 tropes
inquisitorial-attainment: 3/4 images
askthethreedovahkiins (Vaalie) : 3/4 images
nextsummersseeds (Mya) : 4/4, uncompiled
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shadowofabear · 9 years
((Fandom: Dragon Age))
The character I first fell in love with: Alistair
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: VARRIC FUCKING TETHRAS
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Solas
The character I love that everyone else hates: I’m not really sure which characters are the most disliked, honestly. Opinions seem all over the board. Anders maybe?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Morrigan, but that’s just because she and my warden were besties then she threw a hissy fit and left when my warden wouldn’t let her sleep with her boyfriend. Like, jesus, woman, calm down. She’s also a bitch if you drink the Well of Sorrows. Like ugh
The character I would totally smooch: LET ME LIST THEM FOR YOU - Alistair, Blackwall, Cullen, Varric
The character I’d want to be like: Cassandra, with a little less religion
The character I’d slap: Sera
A pairing that I love: Trevelyan/Blackwall
A pairing that I don’t: Dorian/Iron Bull
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netepi-seht · 9 years
✥✢✣❋✦❆ (Everything good and more :D)
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great. 
✢ I like your character(s). 
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s).
❋ Your blog is one of favourites. 
✦ I like seeing you on my dash.
❆ I love your art. 
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ramiallerva-blog · 9 years
✿ ☼ ✉ ?
Send me a symbol for my character’s thoughts on your character’s…
✿ Appearance
“He’s too tall! Much too tall, and broad, too, but broad is different. It’s, ah, impressive in a way? He’s clearly strong enough to wear the heavy armour which is nothing to scoff at. Why’s he got to be so tall, though, all the way up there like he is? I’m very displeased.”
☼ Personality
“He seems... not entirely unpleasant? But like he’s got something to prove. ‘Chip on his shoulder,’ I think is how the expression goes. That said, there’s a... a sort of general friendliness underneath all that, so I think he can be forgiven for some external hostility. It’s probably not without reason.”
✉ Intelligence
“Doesn’t seem very, ah, book-smart? But that isn’t a mark of an inherently foolish person. My uncle, he says that there’s different sorts of intelligence, and if Sirrah Kael’s a mercenary, and he’s still breathing, then that means he isn’t an idiot, probably. If he’s not got book-smarts then surely he’s got the other kind.”
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