#event 002.
valeria-flint · 2 months
Starter for: @xamycuscarrowx
Val had seen Amycus walk in with not just one date but two dates. People had checked it out for a second but then had gone on with their conversations. Meanwhile she was being looked at like she had kicked a dog or something. Annoyance was slowly growing inside of her throughout the night. But the man she was approaching right now was not responsable for that. With two glasses of champagne, Val made her way over to her former betrothed and she held out one for Amycus. “I’m being replaced by not one new date but two, look at you go Amycus. I’m actually a little proud of that.” She raised her glass at him before taking a sip of the liquid. “How have you been after everything got called off?”
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kimsuyeon · 8 months
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prompt one - idol and era seulgi during 28 reasons era for anon
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kyufeed · 8 months
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prompt one - idol and era scoups during left and right era for anon
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orchid-arts1 · 2 months
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Finally finished with this!!! :D Took a while but I’m happy with the result.
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ode2rin · 1 year
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pairing. isagi yoichi x gn!reader
genre. strangers to .. hopefully something more? | slow burn | chance encounter
content/warnings. 2.3k+ wc | characters are in their early 20s ! | pro-athlete!isagi | reader works in a bookstore | profanity | a bit heavy in narration | written in reader’s perspective |  minimal proofread | ooc!isagi (sorry it’s my first time writing for him..) | open ending
in which: a cafe encounter with a stranger shows you exactly how well fate intervenes
💭 thank you for the request anon!
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this is it. this is the last straw.
this is the last time you’re ever allowing yourself to be vain and believe empty words from a man.
sitting in a café, self-pity takes hold of you as regret washes over your being. the nagging feeling, the hollowness in your gut that you should have paid attention to, now mocks you with its undeniable presence. how could you have ignored it, brushing it off as if it were insignificant?
the bustling café seemed oblivious to your disappointment, the air thick with the laughter and whispers of couples lost in their own bliss. their happiness, a stark contrast to your own melancholic state.
you glance at your phone, the screen displaying a conversation that adds salt to the wound.
you: let me know if you’re on your way! [2:06 pm] you: hey, i’m already here :) is everything fine? [2:43 pm]
a heavy sigh escapes your lips, the weight of anger and embarrassment settling upon your shoulders. 
dating in your early twenties has proven to be far more challenging than you ever imagined. while your friends effortlessly navigate the labyrinth of love, you find yourself trapped in a cycle of dashed hopes and unfulfilled connections. 
here you are, once again left sitting alone at a table meant for two.
and you know it's destructive to point fingers at directions pointing to you, but for goodness sake, can anyone just tell you what's wrong with you? or can fate simply provide apparent signs, allowing both you and the divine to save precious time? 
because it's becoming increasingly draining. 
the cycle repeats itself relentlessly: falling in love, only for it to unravel into a cacophony of screams and tears. your heart shattered, you gather the pieces and muster the courage to try again, only to wonder what awaits in the next stage of this never-ending cycle.
and you can’t help but to wonder, when will it ever be your turn? if other people could experience a love so kind, why can’t you? why can't you have what they have? what makes you any less deserving?
is it really too much to ask for a love that doesn't demand a piece of your soul as collateral? can't there exist a love where vulnerability isn't met with heartache?
and coming from someone who has been gravely hurt in the name of so-called love, it’s impossible not to wonder if such love even exists in this world or if it's merely a figment of your imagination born from those contemporary romance books you read on your lonely nights.
well, there's no use crying over spilled milk. he wasn't all that anyway. besides, you had only agreed to this supposed date due to your friend's persistent nagging, urging you to break your self-imposed “man ban” streak and venture back into the world of romance. “why not?” you had thought at the time, only to be reminded why you even imposed such a ban in the first place.
“excuse me, is this seat taken? the place is kinda packed, so if you don’t mind..” 
lost in your thoughts, you're momentarily startled as a soft voice interrupts your reverie. the stranger before you stumbles over his words, shyness coloring his demeanor.
you take a moment to truly see him— this man who has unexpectedly entered your sphere. and heavens, he is gorgeous.
“no, it’s not taken. please, feel free.”
with your response, the stranger settles into the seat across from you. as he takes a sip from his cup, your nose takes a whiff of the inviting aroma of his latte, which fills the air, adding another layer of warmth to the already vibrant café atmosphere.
taking a contemplative sip of your own drink, you savor the flavors that dance on your tongue. the comforting embrace of the warm liquid spreads through your body, soothing your senses.
his blue-eyed gaze drifts toward your own drink, curiosity evident within those pools. “what drink is that? it looks intriguing.”
you can't help but internally chuckle at his attempts at small talk. your drink is nothing spectacular, let alone intriguing, but the fact that he wants to make something out of it gives you a glimpse of his endearing shyness.
still, you smile, pleased by his interest. “it's actually their signature drink. i find it quite enjoyable. and your latte? it looks divine.”
well, you’re not any better than his attempts. seriously? what looks exceptionally divine about a latte?
the man in front of you nods appreciatively, taking another sip from his cup. “nothing grand, just a decaf latte. i find it soothing and energizing, especially on slow days like this one.”
you hum in response, seemingly out of attempts for small talk. but the lack of a coherent response from you doesn’t elicit an uncomfortable silence, but rather the opposite. a cozy silence settles between you, the ambient sounds of the café serving as a gentle backdrop to your now shared sphere.
after a few minutes of sitting in silence, you notice from your peripheral vision that he steals a few glances your way, as if waiting for the right moment to strike up another conversation.
it's an understatement, as a matter of fact. the guy before you is downright mesmerizing. if you could gaze at his face for more than two seconds without being called weird, you could map the entirety of how blessed this man’s face is — the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he speaks, the subtle strength in his jawline, and the way his hair falls in a perfectly disheveled manner.
and his eyes. damn, his eyes. such a beautiful shade of blue must have taken the hand of god some time to create.
“so –”
“what –”
the two of you speak simultaneously, your voices overlapping in the air, prompting you both to take a moment and stare at each other before laughing at the coincidence.
“you first,” you offered.
“no, you go first.”
you offer a warm smile and motion for him to go first. “i insist.” the truth is, after seeing him laugh, you momentarily forgot what you were even about to ask.
it’s just a laugh. get it together.
were you this deprived of someone’s company to melt at their laugh? or is this stranger just so painfully beautiful that it’s now affecting your memory and ability to converse?
his lips curl into a shy smile as he hesitates for a brief moment. his eyes flicker with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. “alright, well, i was wondering... do you come here often? i don’t think i’ve seen you here before.”
you shook your head, a soft laugh escaping your lips. “not really. i'm actually a newcomer here. i work at a bookstore nearby, and i stumbled upon this place by chance.”
it was two truths and one lie. and as apparent as it was, you sure as hell didn’t “stumbled upon this place,” where in truth and fact, you were invited here by your supposed-to-be date who might have forgotten to reply to you two hours after your last message.
“the bookstore on the main street? it’s a huge place, that’s so cool. my friend, chigiri, has been meaning to visit there. maybe i’ll try to tag along some time.”
a blush crept up your cheeks, touched by his admiration. it was a stark contrast to the belittlement toward your job you had encountered in past dating experiences, and this wasn’t even a date. “thank you. i’ll be happy to help you and your friend when you drop by.”
“so, what do you do, mr…?” you asked, trying to delve deeper into the conversation.
“oh, pardon me for not introducing myself properly. i’m isagi yoichi, and i, uhm, play soccer for a living. it's not as impressive as being surrounded by books all day, though.”
isagi yoichi. soccer player.
so that explains the hint of a lean physique beneath his clothes – not that you were checking him out. anyone with eyesight could detect that this gorgeous stranger, isagi, is in great shape. yup, definitely not checking him out.
“and yours?”
“hmm? sorry, what were you saying?”
a soft smile tugs at isagi's lips as he repeats his question, “i was just asking about your name.”
you bring your attention back to the present, realizing you've momentarily lost yourself in his gaze. “oh. it’s l/n y/n.”
as the words of your name hang in the air, a sense of familiarity begins to settle between you. you and isagi engage in a comfortable conversation, effortlessly weaving in and out of topics. each exchange reveals more about your respective lives, forging a connection that feels too genuine for people who just met not even an hour ago. 
isagi shares stories from his soccer career, the highs and lows, the challenges and triumphs. his passion for the sport shines through in every word, and you find yourself captivated by how animated he is in sharing his tales. it's a pleasant break from your previous experiences, where self-importance seemed to be the common thread among your dates. 
with isagi, there's no trace of conceit hanging in every word. 
in turn, you open up about your love for literature and the joy you find in sharing stories with others. isagi listens attentively, his eyes sparkling with interest as you speak about the power of words and the magic that exists within the pages of books. 
while it becomes evident that he may not be an avid reader himself, there's a beautiful acceptance and respect in the way isagi listens. he never once made you feel as though your love for literature is any less significant than his passion for soccer.
amidst the lively exchange, you catch glimpses of isagi's gentle nature, his ability to make you feel at ease, and his genuine curiosity about your thoughts and experiences. it's a refreshing change from the superficial interactions you've had in the past, and you're left wondering if the man in front of you is even real.
you can't help but laugh at the thought of men being able to hold a conversation like isagi. and while that proves that the bar may be in hell, but damn, it is as if isagi raised it above his own head.
time seems to slip away as the conversation flows effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and genuine moments of connection. there are no awkward silences, no need for pretense or guardedness. it's as if you've known each other for much longer than a chance encounter in a café.
just when you think the moment might stretch into eternity, isagi’s ringing phone slices through the air, abruptly breaking the spell. 
his eyes widen, a touch of regret flickering across his face as he retrieves his phone from his pocket. “ah, it's my teammate. i'm afraid i have to head out first,” he says with a tinge of disappointment.
your heart sinks a little at the prospect of parting ways so soon. “oh, it's okay. i had a nice time, isagi,” you reply, attempting to mask your disappointment.
“me too,” isagi responds, his voice filled with a hint of tone you’re feigning ignorance too. “i wish we could talk more.”
you can sense the hesitance in his words, the unspoken desire to extend the encounter. it's an opening, a moment of curiosity lingering between you. seizing the opportunity, you decide to tease him ever so slightly. “hmm, well, that call seemed important,” you remark, raising an eyebrow playfully.
you’re not dense, but you were curious to see how he would try.
isagi fidgets, shyly rubbing the back of his neck. “yeah, i think so. we have an upcoming match next weekend,” he stumbles over his words, clearly struggling with the invitation he's about to extend. “speaking of the match, would it be too forward of me to invite you to watch?”
wouldn’t it? 
your heart flutters at the invitation, and for a brief moment, you contemplate the possibilities.
this day had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. one moment, you were nursing the wounds of being stood up, wallowing in self-pity and contemplating the challenges of dating. and now, here you were, being invited by a complete stranger — a stranger who also happened to be the most captivating person you've ever laid eyes upon.
fate be damned, because it seems to have a wicked sense of humor, toying with your emotions from one extreme to another.
glancing down at your cup, you swirl the remaining liquid, feigning nonchalance to mask the racing thoughts in your mind. “depends on who you want me to attend as,” you tease, curious to see how he responds.
you raise your eyes, locking eyes with isagi, only to find him wearing a boyish grin that could rival the sun and staring at you with those damn blue eyes that put the oceans to shame.
“anything you can offer to be, right now.”
fuck it. 
with a surge of boldness, you decide to take a leap of faith. “then i would love to be there.”
the energy shifts as isagi beams at your acceptance of his invitation. he bids you goodbye, only to hesitate and return to you with an endearing awkwardness. he offers his number, tripping over his own words as he suggests you can call him whenever you want. you can't help but laugh at his adorable awkwardness, finding it endearing beyond measure. you hand him your phone, and with hurried movements, he inputs his number before bidding you goodbye once more.
with a smile lingering on your lips, you watch isagi's retreating figure, feeling a warmth radiate through you. your gaze then shifts to the phone in your hand, where you see the contact name you've set for him. 
maybe: isagi yoichi
why not, right? you're down to take the chance.
because maybe, just maybe, one more try wouldn’t hurt this time.
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note. welcome to isagi mimi debut omg i kinda do not like it but huhu this trope is so hard for me to write, i’m not gonna lie. but i surprisingly had fun making this hehe. and i’m not really a fan of instant love soooo, here’s the best i could do ._. i think i would rather opt to make a sequel than a time skip so let’s leave it at that :>
thanks for reaching this far!
💭 back to: milestone event
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wmu-cedes · 7 months
Think sprinkle is an understatement
Like you'd fully know.
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lucianasbentley · 5 months
closed starter for @owenxbentley location: downtown, arts & crafts
Luciana was all smiles as she walked with Owen and her daughter through the booths and vendors. She was so happy to be able to do family days like this and she was looking forward to their daughter joining them in a few weeks. She held Owen's hand as they walked while one hand was on her bump and Rowan led them over to the face painting booth. "Oh, Row, the butterfly would look cute on your cheek." She said as her daughter looked through the options to get.
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dianaswhitney · 4 days
closed event starter for @orionxblakewood activity: getting some food
Diana liked to avoid the big parts of events like these where she could possibly run into her parents. The mayor's speech, inducting whoever won the royalty contest... she steer clear of those and would go to things like checking out the food or playing some mini games since she knew they wouldn't be caught dead around there. At least, she hoped. Walking around, she was debating what to eat when she spotted a familiar face. "Hey! It's my knight in shining armor." She remembered the night he helped her when a guy tried to mug her, but she couldn't recall his name for the life of her.
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alinaceyhan · 4 days
closed event starter for @enriquemarrero activity: hayride
While spring was Alina's favorite season, she did have a love for fall and all fall related things. Carving pumpkins, apple cider, and hayrides were always things she found herself doing during this time of year. And now that she had someone to do it with her, she was excited to have Ricky by her side. So, of course, the first thing she wanted to do was go on the hayride and she dragged him to get in line. "Aren't you excited? I'm excited. First hayride of the season."
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hellonexrth · 11 days
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002. kaya & theo event: laurie & hope's wedding reception @hntershunted
Putting on a brave face ended up being much easier than the hellhound, now tribrid, thought. After Ingrid turned her, she'd thrown herself into party planning, making sure that the wedding reception was absolutely perfect for her best friend and her new husband. She still couldn't believe that Hope was actually married. Meanwhile, she and Theo hadn't even had the talk yet, despite having spent an astounding amount of time together. But despite her confident exterior, her nerves often got to her, and she didn't want to assume anything about her relationship to him.
Especially since she'd yet to tell him the big news. It just felt odd to have to come out and say it. How would she even go about that? Like, hey, sorry, forgot to mention, but I'm a vampire now because my best friend force-fed me her blood and then killed me. No, that was ridiculous, and it sounded crazy to even think, she couldn't imagine how it would sound said out loud. Despite trying her best not to think about it, some of the negative thoughts still nagged at the base of her skull, and she spent a good deal of effort trying to push them back down. Trying not to feel anything. Especially since she didn't want to ruin this moment for her friends.
So, she flitted around the party in a tight red dress with a corset top and puffy off the shoulder sleeves, looking hot but feeling more stressed than ever. Channeling all of those negative emotions into making sure the space looked perfect. When people started to arrive, she moved like a blur to the entrance, looking over the shoulder of the vampire they'd paid to check invites, making certain he was doing his job. There, she spotted Theo, specifically uninvited from party setup as a way to distance herself, to keep from having to tell him anything. But there he was, looking as handsome as ever, and Kaya couldn't help but step in his direction, pulling him toward her so she could throw her arms over his shoulders. She offered him a wide smile, "Long time no see. So nice of you to make an appearance, Mr. Salvatore." She paused, then said "How was that? Very professional welcoming party of me, right?" with a wiggle of her brows.
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lcvergrl · 2 months
WITH: @ohvalleys / marcel WHEN: stardew valley field day
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Seline narrows her eyes viciously, a look that is somewhat off balanced by the rainbow war paint covering her face, and her popsicle-patterned overalls. "I swear, Marcel, if you mess this up for us, you'll be the Mangled Marcel instead of the Marvellous One." She stomps her foot for an added flourish. If there was one thing Seline took seriously, it was competition, and she was determined to beat the ice bears... whatever they were called.
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papaflynn · 27 days
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kimsuyeon · 9 months
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prompt one - idol and era chaewon during perfect night era for anon
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kyufeed · 8 months
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prompt one - idol and era jonghyun during 1 of 1 era for anon
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godlinghq · 4 months
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While our gracious host may not be able to drink due to a little curse upon him, that doesn't stop the Son of Dionysus from once again opening his cabin doors for the others. "Come dressed to the theme or you are not allowed in," is all he barks out at the guests this time, no showy speech or declaration of joy. Still there is booze flowing and 80's themed decorations and music playing overhead. The Son of Dionysus of course, also, has his godly domaine active amping up the revelry in the cabin; just because he can't drink doesn't mean he won't get you drunk.
welcome to the second of many bacchanal nights hosted at the dionysus cabin! some of you asked for another and here it is! while our host may be a bit cranky i promise that there is still god level booze flowing and everything else we experienced in the toga party previously. it lasts all weekend so plenty of time to get into some fun with the fellow camp members.
it goes from from friday night to monday morning and when threading, tag your threads with the title event: 80s party so we can keep track of all the drunken revelry that will occur!
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beauwolfsong · 2 months
who: @jayparkv where: jay's house in the early morning of july 14
It had been a long night, and Beau knew it would probably be a while before he attended the summer festival again—maybe not until next summer, if ever. He finally managed to catch up with Nathan, who looked a little worse for wear but would be okay. Though beyond exhausted, there was one more place Beau needed to go before he could rest. He had to make sure Jay was alright. His phone hadn't worked during the festival, but now it did. Still, that wasn’t enough. He needed to see Jay with his own eyes, touch him with his own bloody hands.
Sneaking out of the house without waking his brothers, Beau avoided drawing attention to himself. They’d all had a long night, and the last thing he wanted was to answer a million questions. He drove to Jay's place in record time, swerving around debris scattered in the road.
What he found at Jay’s wasn’t what he expected: dead animals and their stench. Glancing in the rearview mirror, Beau saw himself caked in dirt and dried blood. The blood on his hands was Nathan’s, from when they pulled that metal rod out of his foot. Maybe he should just go home, text Jay like a normal person. But Beau had never been normal when it came to Jay. He turned off the car and got out.
It didn’t take long to find Jay on the edge of his property, digging holes. Beau’s heart constricted in his chest as he watched him for a moment. Jay seemed perfectly fine. Relief flooded through Beau, and he quickened his steps to reach Jay faster. "Jay, I—" He stopped short, noticing the dead pigs beside Jay. His empty stomach twisted. He was hungry, but not that hungry. He stepped closer, stopping a couple of feet away. "Do you need any help?"
As Beau stood there, a realization hit him like a freight train. It wasn’t just relief he felt; it was something deeper, something that had been simmering under the surface for far too long. His heart wasn’t just constricting out of concern—it was out of something much more powerful. Beau had always been protective of Jay, always felt a strong connection, but he’d never allowed himself to dig deeper into those feelings. Standing there, he couldn’t deny it any longer. He cared about Jay in a way that went beyond a hook up.
"Jay, I—" Beau started again, his voice softer, more vulnerable. "I’m really glad you’re okay." The words felt inadequate, but they were all he could manage at the moment.
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