#event: commencement
sassa-fiske · 10 months
who: @ironlvngs when: sometime after link was released from the hospital where: link's room
Sassa was fine. She had been one of the first people out of the Commons, she hadn't had so much a cough, she had been immediately released. She was lucky - she knew that. She was inclined to put herself first, so that was what really mattered. And yet...for some reason, when she heard that Link had been in the hospital she felt...worried. It was unlike her, and yet she couldn't stop thinking about if they were okay.
When she heard he had been released, she found herself going towards his room, despite the fact that there were probably other people - people who actually liked him, because she did not, beyond a grudging respect for his manipulation and double-crossing techniques - who would be checking on him. She just needed to...see that he was okay, and then she could stop going in circles about the whole thing.
She knocked on the door, swallowing deeply while she waited for someone to answer it, surprised when she was it was Link themselves. "Are you okay?" she asked, eyes scanning over him, looking for the reason he had been kept in the hospital.
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n8-shaw · 10 months
who: @nataliavega when: afternoon, may 28th where: linden #6
Nate would talk to pretty much anyone if it bought him more time before having to head out that afternoon, positively dragging his feet about returning to Sag Harbor. But, maybe surprisingly, he actually wanted to see Nat. And as more than just a procrastination technique. He found himself in front of her door without really deciding to fully go through with it, knocking at it and waiting for her to answer. Once she did, he just looked down at her for a moment, one corner of his mouth slightly twitching up. "Can I come in?" he asked. He could admit that it'd be more than reasonable for her to say no - fuck, he had been trying to push her into wanting to say no for over a year now. And yet...here he was.
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ash-morse · 10 months
who: @charfletchh when: may 27th, halfway-ish through the night where: the commencement gala
"Holy crap," Court said as he grabbed Charlie's hand when he saw her, the blonde walking by him on her own. Finally. Honestly, he had seen her a while ago, but she had always been with someone, and he kept losing his nerve to approach. "You look amazing," he said, spinning her around fully so she ended up facing them again. "Come dance with me," he suggested.
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jacqui-velazquez · 11 months
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mari-zuko · 10 months
who: @ironlvngs when: after finding the texts where: top floor of the commons
Mari glanced at one of the print outs, having quickly realized they were all of the same thing - a text from Greer, no indication of who she had sent it to, of her with a blatant...thread, in a way. Holding the paper tightly in one hand (doing her best to steady the shaking), she looked around, noticing Link with one in his hand as well. Trying not to draw attention to herself, she slowly, quietly made her way to his side. "What the fuck is going on?" she asked them in a low voice, glancing out the paper he held too - yup, another one of the same message.
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cara-mrrsn · 10 months
who: @aletheapierce when: may 27th, right after g's texts where: the commons
Cara's skirt swished around her ankles as she walked into the commons, chin high, looking utterly at ease. In spite of the circumstances that had brought her there - or maybe because of them. She glanced around, looking up the stairs as she moved past them, towards the back of the first floor...only to see a figure of someone moving up the stairs. Despite the instructions to stay on the first floor (this person wasn't listening to them, apparently), Cara disregarded the back of the entrance hall and instead stepped up onto the bottom step. "Um, 'scuse me?" she said as she took a few more steps up the staircase, only to realize....it was Alethea heading up ahead of her.
If only this was the first time she had been sent to the same place as an ex of sorts by G. Like...what the fuck was this anonymous bitches problem? "What are you doing?" Cara asked, her tone flat as she stomped up the rest of the stairs to the landing she had caught Alethea on.
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johnslittlespoon · 21 days
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Only You Can Cool My Desire
[WC: 6K | Gale Cleven/John Egan, Tough And Sweet AU, Summer, Heatwaves, Ice Play, Blow Jobs, Light Dom/Sub, Teasing, Orgasm Delay]
“Gale,” John gets out, wriggling where he’s trapped beneath Gale’s arms. “I’m cooled down, please, can you–”
His plea breaks off into a curse when Gale lets the ice cube in his palm slide onto John’s stomach, watching as it settles in the dip of his belly button, John’s skin so fever–hot that Gale can immediately see the smallest pool of water beginning to form.
“You’ve been whining about being hot all week,” Gale says, pressing his lips to John’s thigh, feeling the muscle twitch at his touch. “I’m just helpin’ you out.”
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innerbeast · 3 months
so short was his reprieve. he could almost forgive the spinning of his head once feeling a familiar tug and sway behind himself, a freedom to his thoughts he'd come to miss. but what was spirale city if not a place to pluck one from their comforts?
for no sooner had he expelled a sigh of relief towards some normalcy, did he feel himself lurch forward with an upsetting, familiar dizziness.
there's was a subtle hope it was merely a wave of nausea, an after effect of the prior switch. perhaps he was too eager with such wishful thinking. this was no sickness, just that same soul-gripping tug he had felt before; a sense of grounding becoming non-existent as the world around went black.
dizziness followed him once dar'khol was able to open his eyes again. already he was aware of an unfamiliar cieling, a few blinks given to try and determine if he could brush the whole thing away with an adjustment of sight. to no such luck. this was more than some bad dream, he was experiencing a new page of that three-eyed beasts game.
with a grown he's pushing himself up, hand rubbing at his face before running it back through a longer set of hair. for a moment, he finds himself pausing with a palm-ful; staring at the hair and the hand that held it. that's when eyes shifted to the side, the sound of something moving nearby catching his attention.
one might think his heart had stopped with how quickly he froze up.
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"repede...?" the miqo'te's voice ( not really his, was it? ) left him quietly; a breath of disbelief as the dogs single eye stared back. there was a look of confusion that they seemed to mirror for a moment, broken by a questioning 'grruff?'.
"shit." perhaps not the most helpful choice of word, but there was a clear panic etched into the stare he gave. realization could not have hit him any harder, the fact emotions could run so vividly like this, too -- not at all stunted like he'd put up with prior.
"sorry, boy," dar finally muttered to the companion he was left with, "afraid i'm not exactly the guy i'm all dolled up to be." though partially awkward, at least he could talk fairly freely, but that wasn't important right now.
sliding from the bed he'd awoken on he was making quick work onto his feet, a hand instinctively reaching for a sword kept nearby. dar'khol held no intention of needing it, yet this body held enough of a routine regarding it. guess he was taking it with him.
"i have a sneaking suspicion where he might be, though." repede offered him another stare, something about it holding a sense of understanding to it. dar found himself rather thankful for it, all things considered.
briefly does the idea strike him to utilize yuri's phone; to give his own a ring to check in... but there's a sense of hesitation. something about it seemed different, yet familiar to how he's felt since they last interacted. no -- no, surely that's just his own still peaking through.
" -- c'mon." forget the phone idea, he knew were he needed to go and repede seemed willing enough to follow.
-- @darkenforcer
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ssreeder · 10 days
hii, i’m reading LIAB rn and i’m almost finished with book 1. I wonder if we ever get Zuko’s POV in the later books?
Sorry it took me so long to answer but no unfortunately there’s no zuko pov in LIAB at all. Lots of Sokka pov though!
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planet4546b · 5 months
shift was so bad today my hands were numb when i got out LOL
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therealbruce-wayne · 1 month
To those who have been following my fic antics, I got hit with ✨crippling self doubt✨ and therefore work on the chapter has been paused! I anticipate releasing it within the next week though! Thank you for understanding :)
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sassa-fiske · 10 months
who: @cinnamonfm when: may 27th, middle of the night where: commencement gala
Sassa watched Henrietta move through the gala with a hint of wariness in her eyes, other galas and other interactions at the forefront of her brain. What Heni was attending this one? The one who had offered her a drink at New Year's, or the one who would've thrown one on her in high school? The fact was that Sassa had no idea what to expect, which may have had something to do with why it had been months since she had allowed herself to cross paths with the other girl, at least so directly. She was fully intending to do the same that night, but as Sassa was watching Heni, their eyes met. She froze for a second, before she painted on the picture of utter self assuredness, raising her class slightly towards her in greeting.
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n8-shaw · 10 months
who: @ollieinoue when: after the news breaks about sam where: ollie's room
A lot of people were leaving even quicker than the normally would on the day of graduation. The campus seemed to be emptying out - and Nate couldn't exactly blame them. But he still wasn't in any rush to do so, despite what he may have taunted Parker with. He knew what was waiting for him for the summer, and it wasn't exactly something he was looking forward to. And he know he couldn't be the only one who felt like their head wasn't on straight, with everything that was going on. He found himself making his way towards Ollie's room, knowing that Sam and Ollie had been close. And knowing, based off Ollie's very public reaction, that he didn't beleive Sam had done this.
Unfortunately, Nate knew all to well whether or not she had wasn't what mattered.
The door to Ollie's room was open, Nate rapping his knuckles against it anyways to get his attention. "Hey, mate. You, uh...you good?" he asked when Ollie looked his direction, leaning against the door frame. Of course not, but Nate wasn't exactly the type who could offer comfort, too often indulging in his own self pity for it anyways. But hey, maybe he could make Ollie feel better by making Sam the second person he knew who was falsely (maybe? at least according to Ollie) arrested for starting a fire.
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ash-morse · 11 months
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jacqui-velazquez · 10 months
who: @carmenhearst when: may 27th, after g's texts where: on the way to the commons
Jacqui was sick of playing this game. And yet, when they got the texts - they didn't want to go, even if it would put a stop to it. But after those other texts, the rave, the run-in with Parker....they didn't want to risk it. Who knew was on the other end of these texts, whose path may have been instructed to cross Jacqui's this time? So they slipped away from the gala, grateful for their lug-soled loafters that made their steps easy to muffle as they moved towards the exit so they could make their way to the Commons. They were nearly there, turning a corner in the path when they nearly crashed into someone - Carmen and their path crossing...or was intersecting? "Shit, sorry," Jacqui said, their eyes darting between her and the building not too far away now. Should they ask - are you also responding to a mysterious text that summoned you in this direction? "I wasn't expecting anyone else out here."
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mari-zuko · 11 months
who: @ollieinoue when: later in the evening, may 26th where: outside the dean's house
As soon as enough of the evening had passed that Mari could slip out without being reprimanded for it, she took the opportunity to. Glancing over her shoulder a few times to make sure her father would not see her, she wove through the crowd, on her way to the front door, finally making her exit with a relieved sigh, hand already digging into the pocket of her pants to pull out a cigarette and lighter when she glanced towards the people in the yard, barely a passing side eye given to them as her head ducked down - until a moment later, it registered that it wasn't someone who she'd inevitably have to pretend to be in interested in conversation with for the sake of favor with her father, but...Ollie. Infinitely preferable, even if it meant she had to hold off on the cigarette for a moment (it went without saying that Dean Zuko would be disgusted by it, especially in front of potential donors and influential alum). "Taking a break from schmoozing?" Mari asked as her stride drew her closer to Ollie, slowing but not fully coming to a stop (not wanting to stop the momentum of getting out of there), head angling towards one shoulder.
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