#thread: link
sassa-fiske · 8 months
who: @ironlvngs when/where: homecoming, after the crowning
Of course Sassa couldn't even enjoy the fact that she was named to homecoming court, the entire experience tainted by the presence of one of the other winners.
Lincoln Crawford.
They hadn't spoken since the end of last year, when Sassa had clearly been suffering some sort of head injury or severe post-traumatic stress disorder after the fire that manifested in concern for him. No way would she have been worried about their fate otherwise. Several unanswered text messages, a busy summer, and Sassa found herself back on campus, content to ignore Link. Until she learned he had gone and found himself a boyfriend - then her indifference accelerated straight past apathy to straight outrage.
And yet people were voting him to homecoming court. They would never if they saw the truth of he was, like Sassa did. It soured the entire evening, her smile fading away in a petulant frown as she left the stage, hoping to grab Leaky for the dance of the homecoming court, ignoring any potential rules about them supposedly dancing together. Or at least intending to, the plan halted when she came face to face with Link beckoning her into the dance with him. "Do you actually think I'm going to dance with you?" Sassa said through her teeth, not bothering with any greetings or pleasantries after the months of silence between them.
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mari-zuko · 3 months
who: @ironlvngs when: the weekend after the 13th where: wherever makes sense for linky poo
Mari was hungover from having gone out the night before, losing her sobriety because it had felt like the only other option was losing her mind. And for a minuted, it had helped, her thoughts no longer spiraling solely around Greer and her fate. But crawling back to a clear mind was harder than normal, every minute seeming to bring a new panic pounding through her with each pulse of her throbbing headache. And of course, she had no such luck of being able to just stay under the covers that day, which had been terrible planning on her part. She had to put a face on, pretend she was okay, pretend she was normal. The very thought had her ducking around a corner in the mostly quiet building as she made her way towards the appointed meeting spot her father had commanded she be at (blah blah something about needing to put on a good public show before he had declared they should get lunch that weekend), her back leaned against the wall, hand pressed to her chest as she tried to take in a breath, the effort only making it harder for her. Her inhales were sharp, their speed increasing when she heard footsteps approaching, Mari half hunched over as she tried to straighten up, to pull herself together, only resulting in her undeniably looking like more of a mess as they rounded the corner.
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jacqui-velazquez · 6 months
who: @ironlvngs when: mid-day, jacqui's birthday where: inked in red
The bell on the door tinkled as Jacqui swung it open, the sight of Link behind the counter causing a smile to spread across their face as they slide their sunglasses from their nose to the top of their head. "Hi!" they greeted with a bright wave, approaching him as their smile only widened. "If I remember correctly, I think I saw some sort of advertisement for a birthday tattoo deal." Had they? Absolutely not. But Link had said they wanted to tattoo them some point last year, and what better occasion?
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n8-shaw · 2 years
who: @ironlvngs​ when: sometime during the day of the afterparty/storm where: somewhere central to the partying ofc
Nate wasn’t sure how people were still going, but they didn’t have much of a choice, stuck in the chalet - people had been sleeping off and on, but for the most part, the partying had been continuous. He was actually making his way  to the kitchen to get a drink refill, through the crowded living room, when he felt a slightly shorter figure’s shoulder bumping into his. He glanced over, seeing it was Link trying to get by, having barely noticed him. “Watch it,” Nate said threw his teeth, not in the mood for dealing with Link’s shit that day.
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ash-morse · 1 year
who: @ironlvngs when: shortly after they got there where: the warehouse rave
It was safe to say Coco was not having a good night. He didn't even want to go to this rave, which was off for him - usually he was down for any type of large social gathering, any sort of party. Even more so when it involved dancing.
And drinking.
And more so recently, drugs.
But anyways.
He had gotten away from Ollie as quickly as he could after G's ill fated attempt at match making, mirrored sunglasses still over his face, though his hat had been spun around backwards at some point, weaving through the crowd as he looked for someone. Anyone, really. That would at least make him feel better than the interaction with Ollie had. Sucked when one of the reliable dealers on campus hated you. Sucked even more when the other one was the first one's fucking boyfriend.
Court nearly had to do a double take when he saw Link, not expecting them to be at the rave, but his mood immediately brightened across his face when he saw them. At least they were, like...on good terms again? He thought? It seemed like they were at least. He reached out, grabbing Link's upper arm and tugging him towards him, so they were standing chest to chest. Easier to hear each other over their raving compatriots that way. "Hi," Court said, a smile playing across his lips. "Wanna get high with me?" he asked, leaning in to murmur the question into Link's ear.
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lucia-olivo · 2 years
who: @ironlvngs when: sometime during the day of the afterparty/storm where: lucia's room in chalet c
Sometimes Lucia was fairly certain she was blessed - the party continuing in her chalet, as a storm raged and light came and went…well, this was one of those times. She had long since changed into something more comfortable, though not everyone had that luxury - and yes, the something more comfortable still involved someone else’s discarded dress shirt. It was chic, okay? “Poor Link,” she purred from where she was stretched out on her bed, listening to her ex complain about their lack of clothing change. “I could probably find something for you,” she said, a wicked gleam coming into her eye, a surely unsavory idea starting to take form.
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cara-mrrsn · 2 months
who: @ironlvngs when: right before cara's interview where: the quad or somewhere
Cara was supposed to be meeting with the agents investigating Greer's...death any minute now. But before she did, she needed to take the edge off - numb herself slightly, so she could sit there and actually deal with this. Look them in the eye and answer questions about her sister being missing and possibly dead like it wasn't one of the most absurd things anyone could ever have to do. And who better to provide such a thing than local degenerate, Lincoln Crawford. Granted, she may have just felt that way currently because her ex was walking towards her at the moment, Cara catching his eye and beckoning Link closer from where she was perched, despite their recent history of in person interactions being less than friendly. "I need your help," she crooned, waiting for him to agree before she offered any more information.
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archerdepartures116 · 20 days
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Ill post this au( inspired by tweet above) i started on my twt on Tumblr too
First part
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more comic panels below
Second part
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Third part
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Fourth part
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Shenanigans side extra
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this is currently an ongoing series, if this does well here, I will continue posting these in bulk (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
for more frequent uploads, you can follow my twitter at ArcherD116, feel free to ask me ab this au and give your suggestions!
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tomandgeriatric · 1 year
Good news everyone. I found an app that helps you identify birds in your region by sound.
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aslyran · 9 months
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feluka · 7 months
Rasha Ezb leads a pro-Palestine chant in front of the Journalists' Syndicate in Cairo, Egypt.
غزة جعانة، غزة جعانة مين حينسينا الخيانة؟ يا حكومات عربية جبانة طفلة ف غزة نايمة جعانة عيش، حرية، الأرض فلسطينية
Gaza is hungry, Gaza is hungry Who can make us forget this betrayal? O cowardly Arab governments A Gazan child sleeps hungry Bread, freedom, and a Palestinian land
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sassa-fiske · 10 months
who: @ironlvngs when: sometime after link was released from the hospital where: link's room
Sassa was fine. She had been one of the first people out of the Commons, she hadn't had so much a cough, she had been immediately released. She was lucky - she knew that. She was inclined to put herself first, so that was what really mattered. And yet...for some reason, when she heard that Link had been in the hospital she felt...worried. It was unlike her, and yet she couldn't stop thinking about if they were okay.
When she heard he had been released, she found herself going towards his room, despite the fact that there were probably other people - people who actually liked him, because she did not, beyond a grudging respect for his manipulation and double-crossing techniques - who would be checking on him. She just needed to...see that he was okay, and then she could stop going in circles about the whole thing.
She knocked on the door, swallowing deeply while she waited for someone to answer it, surprised when she was it was Link themselves. "Are you okay?" she asked, eyes scanning over him, looking for the reason he had been kept in the hospital.
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mari-zuko · 10 months
who: @ironlvngs when: after finding the texts where: top floor of the commons
Mari glanced at one of the print outs, having quickly realized they were all of the same thing - a text from Greer, no indication of who she had sent it to, of her with a blatant...thread, in a way. Holding the paper tightly in one hand (doing her best to steady the shaking), she looked around, noticing Link with one in his hand as well. Trying not to draw attention to herself, she slowly, quietly made her way to his side. "What the fuck is going on?" she asked them in a low voice, glancing out the paper he held too - yup, another one of the same message.
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tinartss · 8 months
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something something two guys walk into a garden
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astralleywright · 1 year
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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ash-morse · 1 year
who: @ironlvngs​ when/where: during the carnival, evening
How long had it been since he and Link had spoken? Court couldn’t even think of the answer when their eyes landed on him, longing spearing through him. There was no easy way to broach the gap that had widened between them since winter break, Coco having long since wanted to check in on them, see if Link was okay, but not knowing how - and even if he did know how, he was so unsure of if Link would even want him to. And every time he thought of the reaction, how Link had stormed off....it made him too nervous to even think about trying to attempt it. 
But something about the way that Link was skulking around at the carnival made the endearment overpower the anxiety, Court slipping through the crowd to appear at his side, a smile painted on, blue eyes sparkling, forcefully pretending that nothing had gone wrong - if he acted normal, maybe Link would forgive them, forget it. “You look awfully out of place,” he said, head cocked to one shoulder. “If I win you a prize, will it make you look happier to be here?” 
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