#event: magic anons
rowanxaubri · 2 years
confess | liam & rowan
No, no, no, no, no.  It was the predominant thought in her mind as soon as she realized that an errant spell had hit her once again.  But this one was particularly dangerous, terrifying.  Telling her professor precisely how she felt about certain experimental methods he was incorporating was the first hint that something was awry.  Telling the Starby’s barista just how hot she was was the next hint.  Essentially vomiting out her feelings about her dead mother at a passing stranger?  No, no, no, no, no.  The slave tested her theory by trying to say the sky was green, but the words refused to leave her mouth.
Rowan wasn’t in the habit of lying.  Maybe playing off how she was really feeling behind humor and a certain ‘laissez faire’ attitude could be considered lying by omission but that wasn’t really lying ... right?  All she had to do was avoid the people she hid her feelings from and she’d be safe.  Easier said than done as an unclaimed slave who had to return to the cells after her free hour was over.  And that was the last place she felt safe from the spell on the entire island.
The human tried to make herself as small as possible on her bunk, arms wrapping around her shins as she prayed certain people would not be around tonight.  Of course, she had no such luck.  Haunted eyes met Liam’s, grinding her teeth to try to avoid the spell’s magic.  “Sir,” slipped out from a clenched jaw, mouth so tight it felt painful.
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jodylinnel · 2 years
[ cont from here with @variantofmetal​ ]
Fucking island... Magic was causing all kinds of problems and Jody was doing his bed for damage control at home. He needed a walk, he needed to get out of the house...
He still looked 60. Other things had passed in 24 hours but here he was still feeling... older than he should. And he had some odd need to go see Steele and show them that they were wrong. He was going to get old. He wasn’t like whatever Steele had thought he was. He wasn’t as supernatural as people thought. He was cursed. Unlucky. Maybe possessed. He hated to think it. So much of his reading had pointed to that. But he couldn’t face it. It had to be something else.
And his father’s ghost wasn’t helping any. Andrew Linnel didn’t know anymore than his son. Even now. Andrew’s image trailed behind, but not too far. Mouse kept glancing back at the ghost of a man who was even younger than Jody’s actual age.
Jody hadn’t spoken to Steele in a good long while and that needed to change. He didn’t know if he even wanted to get back with them... if that were even possible. He knew he just had to see them. Even if it was under weird circumstances.
Jody knocked on the door to their place, prefacing as soon as Steele opened the door. “It’s island magic. I’m old. And I will actually probably look like this someday, Steele. I never knew where you got the idea I wouldn’t age. This is it. And... I felt like you should see that. Or that-- maybe we should actually talk.”
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dhanilyman · 2 years
[ cont from here with @edmund-elofsen ]
It wasn’t... ever that Dhani had seen Edmund this upset. The reverse plenty of times. Edmund had been around more often for some of Dhani’s more emotional and harder years. Dhani didn’t know what to do... Luckily his own mother was behind him, following him. It was unnerving it first. Now he liked it. Now he knew when the magic of whatever the island was doing was over he wouldn’t want her to go.
He wondered if she was it. Or maybe Bubbe would show up. Or maybe his biological parents. He wondered if he’d see his birth mother’s face for the first time or if magic only extended as far as his own memories. In which case his father would look like the handful of pictures the university website had and his mother a mystery. He didn’t think the hauntings were real, not really. He was lucky to have a good one.
“Baby, go talk to him. He looks so lonely.” Donna spoke gently, encouragingly to her son. Her hand moved to touch his shoulder and he felt a coldness, glancing back. It didn’t actually touch. Ghosts and all.
“Yeah,” Dhani gave a nod, grateful his mom was there. He might’ve done anyway. He liked Edmund, even if he didn’t always think Edmund liked him.
��Hey, Ed.” Dhani walked up, not making any attempt to hide that he’d seen Edmund so upset. But that was why he was here. He moved to sit next to him, looking over to his mom, smiling proudly at him. She made a gesture that silently spoke to excuse herself and give them their privacy and she moved away just a few feet away, finding somewhere else to sit.
“What’s going on? You can tell me.”
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heyxmissxjude · 2 years
loud noises | jude & thalia
It was never unusual to find the professor in the Crimson Clover during the evenings, particularly after family dinner.  The club may as well have been a separate home given how comfortable she was in the space.  Not to mention the amenities that were found at the top of the stairs.
No, what was unusual was just how easily distracted she was that evening.  Every thrum of bass was felt low in her stomach, nipples visibly hard despite the custom latex dress she was wearing.  Jude almost regretted the choice, even if it was sort of a standard uniform while she was overseeing the Clover.  Latex always made her feel particularly sensual, and that was clearly unnecessary tonight.
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She was doing her best to continue to attend to her responsibilities, keeping eyes out for their staff and schmoozing with customers.  But the more crowded the place got, the more she was considering slipping upstairs to find some relief alone.  Until her telepathy picked up on a familiar flavor of thought, curious as to what brought Thalia to the club.  The djinn weaved through the crowd to seek her out, even if every body she brushed against did nothing to help her current level of desire.
Jude gave the girl a warm smile, or an attempt at one.  It would hardly be shocking if that arousal also came out, delicate fingers reaching to push the slave’s hair behind her ear.  “What brings you out here tonight, my darling?”
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watfletcher · 2 years
Wat Fletcher was kidding himself. Wild would never forgive him, never come back to him. What was the point? He had loves that had left him more times than he could count and had left people he'd grown close to even more than that. Why was this bloody Kiwi so different?
Because he'd come back. Because Wat had made the decision to tell Wilder everything and Wild had accepted him. And then Wild had gotten hurt, nearly killed. Wat took his revenge. And Wild hadn't wanted that.
Wat left. And Wild believed it was because he had been turned. That Wat was just a coward. Not a monster.
But he was. He was both.
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He didn't deserve to be here. Certainly not across the bloody hall from the man he'd betrayed, the man he'd shattered when he was needed most.
Wilder didn't deserve to be reminded of that pain every fucking day.
"I can't be here. I can't... I should... I'm so selfish. Fuck. I should have stayed away."
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lesliestedeman · 2 years
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"Is it just me..." Leslie tugged off his jacket part way, flicking his hair back. "Or is it getting kind of warm in here?"
He wasn't normally like this. So bloody forward. But he was tired of being... polite. Afraid of what life had to offer. Just because he wanted to know a person? Why? What reason? He wasn't disinterested in sex. He'd so rarely had the opportunity.
And now he wasn't restricted because of social normatives. Everything about this place was hardly normative of anything.
He dropped his jacket on the ground behind him, moving behind the bar area and pouring himself a glass of ice water. He picked up one of the ice cubes, placing it against his throat, still playing coy.
For now.
"Ooh, it's so warm, I think I might have to take off more clothes in just a minute..."
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slavexisabel · 2 years
unleashed | sawyer & isabel
The bars.  The fucking bars.  Not unexpected but suddenly more infuriating than the shapeshifter could remember since coming to this infernal place.  Anger churned in Isabel’s stomach.  How dare they?  To a legacy?  The Phan’s had attended the Institute for two generations now, and likely more to come.  The shifter tried to morph into her preferred butterfly form to squeeze out of the cell, but was unsuccessful.  Not that she’d forgotten that she’d been bound so much as a refusal to believe she could still be unable to tap into her abilities.  “Fuckers!”
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The guards seemed immune to her protests.  Expected but more infuriating than she would have expected.  Isabel took a couple of deep breaths, and allowed her more rational mind to take over.  If they would not listen to her demands, she’d have to find freedom another way.
Footsteps echoed in the basement, her entire demeanor seemingly changing even as anger continued to roil under the surface.  Some cold part of her knew her good half’s charms, and thus she pretended to tap into that.  “Please help.  I ... I don’t want to be here right now.  Please.”
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nartothelar · 1 year
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he forgot to eat his chicken nuggies
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kuromispamton2000 · 2 months
Yooooo! 4! Friend. Buddy. Chum. Pal!
Guess what?
I got two tickets for Deadpool and Wolverine!
Wanna go? -Jess💛
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le-brave-des-braves · 2 months
magic anon: you are now a battle mouse for three days!
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What is this nonsense? Why is everything so large? Levavasseur? Heymes? Everyone?!
Nobody can hear him as his voice is now silent and very, very squeaky.
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rowanxaubri · 2 years
confess | xavier & rowan
No, no, no, no, no.  It was the predominant thought in her mind as soon as she realized that an errant spell had hit her once again.  But this one was particularly dangerous, terrifying.  Telling her professor precisely how she felt about certain experimental methods he was incorporating was the first hint that something was awry.  Telling the Starby’s barista just how hot she was was the next hint.  Essentially vomiting out her feelings about her dead mother at a passing stranger?  No, no, no, no, no.  The slave tested her theory by trying to say the sky was green, but the words refused to leave her mouth.
Rowan wasn’t in the habit of lying.  Maybe playing off how she was really feeling behind humor and a certain ‘laissez faire’ attitude could be considered lying by omission but that wasn’t really lying ... right?  All she had to do was avoid the people she hid her feelings from and she’d be safe.  Easier said than done as an unclaimed slave who had to return to the cells after her free hour was over.  And that was the last place she felt safe from the spell on the entire island.
The human tried to make herself as small as possible on her bunk, arms wrapping around her shins as she prayed certain people would not be around tonight.  Of course, she had no such luck.  Haunted eyes met Xavier’s, but there was less fear than before once she recognized the man.  It didn’t stop the feeling deep in her gut that this could only go wrong.  “Xavier,” she began, licking her lips and swallowing.  “Are you feeling this too?”
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jodylinnel · 2 years
for @elijahxxwilson
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[text] I need you to come home. Now. Something's... well, you know the island. But I need to speak with you. Nothing bad, I promise.
Jody could hardly wait for Elijah to get home. But it wasn't something he could just say over a text. It had to be in person. It had to be... well, grand gestures were never Jody's thing. But it had to be made clear. The poor kid had waited too long, been through too much. Jody being... looking older might complicate things a little more.
"Okay, wait!" Jody should have warned him before he returned home. But it was an odd thing to try and explain.
"I look older. The island. It's still me. Still Jody. Listen, Elijah, I have to tell you something... It's-- I'm sorry I couldn't say it sooner, but I guess waking up and seeing myself this way, you know, older and realizing maybe I have even less time than I always thought..."
Jody took a deep breath.
"I love you, Elijah. I'm in love with you."
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dhanilyman · 2 years
[ cont from here with @sabrina-christiansen​ ]
She was going to turn on the light, and then she was going to scream and then they would both have to figure out what happened and more importantly, how to tell Keith. Or Dhani could avoid him for the rest of his life.
Dhani scrambled for clothes, but didn’t see his briefs, or the cargo shorts he’d been wearing the day before. He hadn’t worn of suit--
Holy fucking shit his hand was white.
Dhani ducked inside the bathroom before the light snapped on. Dhani shouted at what he saw in the mirror. It was fucking Keith’s reflection looking back at him. He took a deep breath, starting to panic. But it just... filled his lungs without any satisfying intake of air. He let it out. His mind raced. What in the fuck?
“Sabrina? It’s--” Oh, weird, yeah of course he would sound like Keith, what did he expect? “Something is --fucking going on...” His voice shook, he looked down at his hands. They were shaking. He was still naked.
Not bad.
Dhani shook his head, Keith’s head, getting a hold of himself. Mentally.
“Magic happened, Sabrina. I’m not-- me. I’m-- this isn’t Keith. In here.”
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heyxmissxjude · 2 years
loud noises | jude & katell
It was never unusual to find the professor in the Crimson Clover during the evenings, particularly after family dinner.  The club may as well have been a separate home given how comfortable she was in the space.  Not to mention the amenities that were found at the top of the stairs.
No, what was unusual was just how easily distracted she was that evening.  Every thrum of bass was felt low in her stomach, nipples visibly hard despite the custom latex dress she was wearing.  Jude almost regretted the choice, even if it was sort of a standard uniform while she was overseeing the Clover.  Latex always made her feel particularly sensual, and that was clearly unnecessary tonight.
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She was doing her best to continue to attend to her responsibilities, keeping eyes out for their staff and schmoozing with customers.  But the more crowded the place got, the more she was considering slipping upstairs to find some relief alone.  Until her telepathy picked up on a familiar flavor of thought, curious as to what brought Katell to the club.  The djinn weaved through the crowd to seek her out, even if every body she brushed against did nothing to help her current level of desire.
Jude gave the fae a warm smile, or an attempt at one.  It would hardly be shocking if that arousal also came out, delicate fingers reaching to push the slave’s hair behind her ear.  “What brings you out here tonight, my darling?”
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watfletcher · 2 years
Things were getting a bit weird around here... People were acting differently. Looking differently in some cases. He was sure some of these things were causing a good deal of stress... and he knew just the answer. He'd be around to help out anyone who needed it. But living alone caused it's own problems. He had to go search someone out to serve.
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lesliestedeman · 2 years
RULE 63:
Leslie woke up patting Virgil's head on his chest before sitting up. And feeling like Virgil's weight was still there. He looked down... very surprised to see a pair of breasts. He gasped, scrambling out of bed and into the bathroom. After a moment he stopped freaking out and took a deep breath, his fingers moving to stroke his long strawberry blonde hair.
"Okay... Okay, this is fine. People said there was weird magic here. I should get dressed. And then go shopping. Oh dear..."
He heard Artemis whine at the bathroom doorway.
"I think I look pretty good, Artie... Don't you?"
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