#eventually bill just gets his own on his phone or smth so then he’s not depriving richie of his method of communication
t4tozier · 1 year
nonverbal richie tozier who uses AAC send tweet
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planetwaving · 2 years
okay so um francis @by-thunder gave a brainworm with his tags abt a mamma mia monkees musical so. here's my ideas for
Monkee Mia (working title)
first of all this would have to be a fusion/crossover w some of the og mamma mia characters just bc there is Not enough recurring monkees characters to fill all the roles :')
Micky as Donna -
i think he fits well as the wild character who was getting it on w all three of the others on some greek island . also because i love projecting wanted the story to make sense, micky is trans <3 i can't decide whether he was out when his kid was conceived and the Fathers knew, or if he's come out since and now its like surprise !!! that masc girl you got with 20 years ago is a guy now (and you still find him hot)
Mike as Sam -
basically mike is engaged and getting married too young to try n ignore the fact that he's gay, and obviously it's not going to be a very happy future for mike (or his fiance). and then he meets micky - so quick sidetrack here, i can't think of a way mike would get to greece? on his own? so either the whole story is actually just set in LA or cali wherever instead of greece OR micky gets w mike in california and then soon after goes to greece (this could work for the whole 'i came back 2 weeks later and you were gone' thing) - okay so yeah they have like a few weeks or aonth together? and they fall in love ofc, but then micky finds out about mike's fiance (phone call or letter or the classic finding a photo) and they fight and mike goes back (to texas? to his fiance anyways) and then yeah the whole 'i broke it off w my fiance and came back for you but you were already gone' thing - however that works out
Peter as Bill -
idk most of my reasoning here is that he's also a scandinavian hippy who would 100% just travel around in a boat if he could... he meets micky (if we're doing greece then they meet in greece and peter has a boat like bill does; if just cali then i think he's more of a roaming surfer) at like. the beach i guess, they have a fling for a couple noghts and then part amicably - i think peter's moving onto somewhere else, and they split as friends :)
Davy as Harry -
again my justification here is mainly that i can easily equate the characters - davy as a timid little queer-coded english guy isnt that hard to imagine lmao. anyways instead of how in the movie harry basically sleeps with donna to try n convince himself that ge's straight, this is davy having like. his first gay experience. i think if we do greece then they meet in greece bc davy's doing the whole english boy does the Med thing for like a gap year or whatever, and if we do cali then he's visiting the west coast from new england where he's doing broadway or uni or smth. either way they have like a one night stand, and davy afterwards somehow manages to briefly bump into peter - not knowing who he is of course but i think maybe pete helps him sort some stuff out (they probably meet in a bar or something)
uhhh in terms of the main storyline with the fathers showing up to the wedding, i'm just gonna leave sophie and skye as they are and have their same storyline lol .... that is not the focus here. obviously Sophie's dynamic w each of them will be different to the og dads:
i think mike is the one who teaches her some guitar and is all like omg... youre so quick to learn... and they have that cute little bond w him being a biiit awk over the whole 'micky's kid' thing but he gets over it eventually
peter teaches her about either the boat or surfing and they just have a super chill vibe.. he shows her some photos of him & mick in the hippy days (more later on time period setting)
davy & sophie go into hysterics over what a nutter micky was for just getting it on with this rando he found moping arnd the beach (and talk abt his awakening etc?) and they're besties from there i reckon
okay so about time period setting:
as much as the original mamma mia is iconic for being in like a timeless little greek town, i think it's important to have the time period when all of them met (and sophie was conceived) be the late 60s, bc well. thats when the show characters existed & were young. that doesnt mean it would be specifically set in the late 80s or whatever bc again - timeless greek island (unless we do the beach of course which . idk what would happen w that id just not refer to current events) but yeah . summer of love etc <3
if i did end up writing this i'd probably change sophie's character up a liiittle just to make her more matched with what micky's kid would be like, but probably not skye bc he's a bit 2D anyways (would def change the names but idk what to)
i'd keep tanya&rosie as micky's friends bc theyre honestly perfect as is, and would include them in flashbacks pre much the same as in mm:hwga (rosie would fancy peter etc)
me and my friend had the atrocious idea of calling their trio 'micky and the minnies' instead of donna and the dynamos, which i would definitely not do but i DO think they should still have their singing group bc !!!! micky can sing boy !!!!! and i love the idea of him doing the whole glam rock glitter thing for sophie's hen party <3
anyways yeah plot pretty much stays the same, sophie & sky end up travelling instead of getting married, i dont think mike would outright propose to micky (ambiguous setting is suddenly a bit questionable once you start thinking abt gay marriage/recognition of trans people etc) but they def get together in a more private moment that same day.. im not saying peter/rosie endgame if anything it's tanya/rosie endgame and peter/davy endgame even if both are ambiguous bc i believe thats how the og movie shoulda worked out anyways >:)
this is absolutely batshit wild all over the place. and i think i need to actually write this AU now.... but lmk if you guys have any further thoughts !!
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moonprincess101 · 5 years
OCs- Jacob Xavier
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“The Cursed”
Hi guys! I decided i’d try making aesthetic boards or smth,since i can’t draw like any of the AMAZING artists of this fandom :3 hope you enjoy! Also,sorry if this is bad,I’m still new to the Aesthetic scenario ^^;
Information (this is an updated version on an old one i did for Hogwarts Mystery Week. Also please note that my HM Story takes place in the future,rather than in the past,and would serve as a spiritual successor to the Lightning Era. As such,there will be changes to better adapt the new time period,such as the absence of Bill Weasley,Charlie Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks. Not to mention there will be direct links to the Marvel Cinematic Universe,as this also takes place after Avengers: Endgame. If such alterations bother you,I suggest it would be best to take your leave,thank you :) )
Full Name: Jacob Ryker Xavier
Age: 11 (as of 2018),16 (when he goes missing in 2024),21 (2037,when he’s found)
Birthday: 31st October,2007
House: Gryffindor
Patronus: Red Fox
Current Status: MIA
Status: Halfblood
Wand: Maple wood,Dragon heartstring core,10 inches (old), Aspen wood,Dragon Heartstring,12 inches (new)
Jacob is the older brother of Kristen Xavier,eldest son to Victoria Chase and the late Allen Xavier,and eldest grandson to Charles Xavier.
Many would describe Jacob as happy,kind,charming,witty and overall a likable character. He’s brave and bright and tries to look at the bright side and outside the box sometimes. Due to his upbringing and his own abilities,he will sometimes tend to mimic a person in subtle ways,such as actions,speech etc.
However,Jacob is also incredibly stubborn and hard headed,when he sets his mind on something he WILL do it. This has led to unfortunate incidents with friends over his years at Hogwarts up until his 5th year. Another trait that so little people are even aware of,is the fact that if given the circumstance,Jacob can become absolutely merciless and unflinching,not to mention he’s incredibly observant.
Skillset and Abilities:
Jacob’s status as a Mutant-Wizard Hybrid has him with a boost in power over both wizard and mutant. In this case,he’s given the ability of mimicry/shapeshifting and illusion.
With mimicry,Jacob has the ability to mimic sounds,voices,actions and even people if he so desires.
With Illusion,as the name implies,gives the ability to make realistic constructs out of the energy around him. Small bouts of it might drain the battery of a phone,but large enough illusions would have him suck the power out of a large building.
When it comes to the magic side of things,Jacob is an adept flyer and a well practiced duelist,relying mainly on Counter and Defensive spells. He’s also very good with a wand,though these days he’s been leaning more to hand to hand combat and the use of blades and firearms.
The Cursed Vaults: (while the story is the same at some points,this tale would diverge from canon pretty far)
His story with the Cursed Vaults used to simply be out of mere curiousity. After finding tales regarding the Vaults and the treasures they might hold,he manages to get the help of 6 people to assist in finding these vaults. Two of which being Duncan Ashe and Olivia Green from Slytherin and Ravenclaw respectively,and the remaining four joining in when the first 3 have reached 2nd year: Angelica Cole,Chester Davies,Jane Court and Felix Rosier.
The Ice,Fear and Forest Vaults were unlocked by the time year 5 for the three and year 4 for the prefects had begun. And at this point,this is where R comes into the picture.
At first R’s influence seemed friendly enough,helping them with clues and hints on how to get to the next Vault. However,R began to have a darker toll on the group itself,inevitably manipulating Duncan into making the potion that would take his life. That incident becoming the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
From that point on,Jacob’s motivation for the Vaults had changed. From a mere curiousity and adventure seeking innocence,he began to believe that if he found whatever was in the vaults,it would validate everything he had to do to get there. Even Duncan. ESPECIALLY Duncan.
The group fractured even more,eventually he began to go Vault-Hunting solo and was ultimately expelled just before the end of his 5th year. Soon after that,he disappeared without a trace.
((There will be a bit more on this in another post. This is getting too long))
-If he were to look at the mirror of Erised,he’d see all is friends and family,alive and well and happy
-After the Vaults and after he heals from this sheer shitload,he develops a hobby of Muggle Photography
-Was well aware of Angelica Cole’s feelings for him and even reciprocated them
-he has a magical tattoo on the inside of his wrist of a compass rose. Each arrow is colored different and each represents himself and his friends and sister. The arrows themselves change color depending on how that person is feeling at the moment (for example,if Kristen is happy,her arrow turns a bright sunny yellow). As of the moment,2 of them are pitch black and no longer change (Duncan and Olivia). Not to mention,this tattoo is the one thing that doesnt change when he shapeshifts
-when he gets older he goes on to inherit the Xavier Institute and becomes the next Headmaster of the school
-he has considered becoming an animagus for the sake of vault hunting. If he went and did it,his form would be the same as his patronus
-Is able to see Thestrals (again,will be explained another time)
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malicemizer · 3 years
like ok, im gonna rant for a minute so under the cut we go
i was having a conversation w my cousin, who i love dearly and hes cool and we relate to each other on a lot of things, but god. hes so fucking clueless. i said something earlier today on discord to him about how im feeling lost because im going into my 4th year of university and i know i need to get my shit together and put my best foot forward from now on. he said he was thinking about going to university but didnt feel like it. then he said he just figured he could work at walmart or smth and be happy that way. and im like uh if you wanna leave your parents house then thats probably not the best idea (mind you hes legit like a week away from having a degree in cybersecurity, hes 26, hasnt worked since his last job which was for 3 months at scentsy, and lives w his parents who have never asked for a thing from him) and hes like oh well you can make 1900 something a month working at walmart for 15/hr, like how much is rent. and im like ahahahahh because 1 walmart will not let you get 40 hours a week so prepare to get multiple jobs 2 rent is not nearly as cheap as you think it is and because of how old you are they likely wont want to rent to you because you have no history. anywho. he said maybe hed get a camper and just travel and im like [shudders] bc my life was so unstable growing up and I've literally had to couchsurf before and stay in hotels because we didnt have anywhere to go so living in a camper sounds awful. ahem. and then im like oh apr on those is kinda bad depending on your credit and hes like oh my credit and history is p good. and im like oh yeah, mines not bc i had a medical debt on my credit for over a year so it sucks now. and then he just said that he wanted freedom.
like is it just me, am i overreacting, am i thinking too much about this. I just cant help but feel like this whole conversation considering the context is absolutely ridiculous. like mans doesnt know anything about working, renting, money. nothing. he spends all his god damn money on crypto currency and computer parts to upgrade his computer so he can mine faster. he has a literal collection of old Macs, and he'll be like oh its only x amount of money. and i just sit there and im thinking that would legit pay for my internet/power/a fraction of my rent. how can you sit there and pay $700 for a video card out of your student loans and just not think about it. i realize ive fucked up too and ive made choices that werent the best but i also have actual responsibilities. he doesnt pay for anything besides his phone bill. like. literally. i just dont understand. how can two people who share a set of grandparents be so incredibly different. maybe im just envious? maybe im just going thru shit in my own head thats making me wish i could just not care about anything at all 24/7. im just so wrapped up in my head all the time, ive had so many medical problems that were never addressed when i was a child, i grew up mentally ill and eventually digressing into disability, i was neglected and abused by my mom and abandoned by my dad. and even now, my dad is an alcoholic who doesnt care who he hurts. im just so angry with my situation and i just want to scream so bad. what the fuck what the fuck what the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU
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