we-are-dogclan · 7 months
Wasn't Steampaw the cat mentioned to have liked cardinals? Is Coyotekit basically them reborn or something? I see a lot of red feathers and I AM A SUCKER for symbolism. OR DID STEAMPAW PULL A QUIET WHERE THEY CONFUSED COYOTEKIT FOR PINE!!! Sorry huge fan of all this.
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peck2neck · 9 months
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yeah let this thang kill
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juliet-ohara · 3 months
I fear the binotto finger wag is permanently haunting garage 16 at silverstone
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veresidae · 4 months
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Remembering rodya this world goth day , you wouldve loved goth music, and you fit right into the style. xoxo
just colored in a pen doodle from the other day...
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kiliofdurinsline · 5 months
I'm following the rules by sending you an ask but demon/vampire mb au????? idk why that's the "weirdest" thing I saw in your list
(ask me about my WIPs)
That fic was gonna be for a MB big bang like... a year ago? 2 years ago??? and i dropped the event bc i was so busy with school + zines and it was my lowest prio (plus was slipping out of sk8 writing at the time).
my initial idea inspo was one of those twitter "QRT with pics based on your zodiac/birthday/battery %" things, which gave me the prompt: Immortal AU | Mutual Pining | “Listen to me, just this once.” my essential idea: Kaoru is posessed by a demon (Carla) who grants him eternal health + youth + life in exchange for her getting to live in his body + occasionally use it as her own (gets her a "get out of Hell free" card). Kojiro is a vampire. The two meet in Venice, have an on-again-off-again situationship for a few centuries, until they meet up in modern day when Adam (a demon possessing the politician Ainosuke Shindo) appears and decides, hey, he really wants to be a dick to Carla, so why not get the pretty body she's got while he's at it?
featuring high drama from Kojiro, who refuses to let Kaoru be possessed by Adam, Kaoru who has a demon and a vampire as his forever family, Carla who is a snarky demon shit, and amateur demon hunter group comprised of Reki/Langa/Shadow/Miya who are investigating this super sus politician, Ainosuke Shindo.
Snippet below the cut (this is long but i legit forgot i wrote this and it *slaps*) cw for: threats of violence, blood drinking, loss of control of body due to demon possession
The moonlight shines on the water’s surface, and Kaoru breathes the salty air in deep. Venice reminds him of home, with the ocean air rolling in and the markets full of freshly caught fish. It’s been nearly sixty years since he left home, but Kaoru still finds himself most at peace by the ocean.
It’s far safer to travel in a group, Kaoru knows, but he slips away from the caravan of traders he’s travelled here with to explore the city for himself.
He looks up, losing himself in the stars as he walks along the waterfront. Gondolas drift by in his periphery, and Italian chatter spills out of open windows as he meanders along the walkway.
A hand on his arm startles Kaoru out of his reverie, and the shine of the moon on the water disappears as he’s pulled into a dark alley and a hand is slapped over his mouth.
“Just what the hell are you?” and Kaoru’s staring into angry wine-dark eyes with his own eyes open wide, and Carla says “Oh, fuck,” in his head, and then—
His mouth is moving but Kaoru’s not speaking. He can see his hands coming up to grip the stranger’s shirt tight, but he’s not moving them. He can feel his own face twist into a smirk and a leer but he’s not the one doing it, what is this—
Carla chuckles, deep and low, and the sound comes from Kaoru’s throat. “Oh, you are a pretty one, aren’t you? What are you? Werewolf? No, you’re far too cold for that. A lost soul, then, clinging to a life it has no claim of? Or,” and Carla leans in close and brushes the stranger’s hair away from their neck, revealing two light scars dotting the flesh just behind the jugular.
“Oh, how interesting,” Carla purrs with Kaoru’s tongue. “A vampire, here in Venice? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, your kind loves the waterfront—”
The vampire shoves Kaoru, no, Carla, into the stone wall behind them, and steps back. “Well, you know what I am. Now answer my damn question: what are you?”
Carla crosses Kaoru’s arms — and Kaoru does not like the feeling why can’t he control his limbs — and tilts Kaoru’s head. “My name is Carla. I’ve struck a deal with this mortal, so now I get to use his body.”
The stranger’s eyes narrow. “A demon, I should have known by your stink—”
Kaoru protests in his head, but the words never pass his lips. Carla cuts the stranger off with a laugh. “Oh, come now, love, the boy and I have our deal. He agreed to this, and he gets what he wants out of the bargain. There’s no need for such insults, especially not when I know every weakness your kind has.”
In a flurry of movement, Carla has the vampire pinned to the wall, Kaoru’s dagger held to his throat. “It’s made of steel, to be sure, but beheading works just as well as a stake through the heart. But I’m sure we’d both rather this not end in violence — surely, this city is big enough for the both of us, at least for the next few days? We’ve got enough problems from all the humans slinking about; if they catch onto either one of us, it’s bad news for us both. So, what do you say? Truce?”
The stranger grits his teeth and nods curtly. “Truce.”
Carla nods and pulls away, sheathing Kaoru’s dagger in one fluid motion. “I’ve told you my name already, and the boy’s name is Kaoru.”
“Kojiro,” the vampire says. He narrows his eyes as he looks Carla up and down.
“Let me out,” Kaoru says, but the words never pass his lips, and Carla’s voice resonates around him in his head. It rumbles in the dark space Kaoru is in, shaking every fiber of his soul as she croons, “Hush, now, all in due time.”
“Kojiro,” Carla says aloud, and she taps Kaoru’s lips with a finger in thought. “Well, in the name of our truce, what say I buy you a drink?”
Kojiro rolls his eyes. “And you claim to know so much about vampires.”
“Not alcohol, moron.” Carla turns back to the water and the moonlight shining on the river’s surface. “We demons have quite a network already established, one that can even benefit you vampires.”
They end up at a dingy pub. Kojiro claims a booth while Carla speaks with the bartender. She asks for two glasses of wine, “One red and one darker,” she says. The bartender pauses and looks at her, locks eyes with her for a moment, then nods and turns away. He comes back with two glasses, one with wine and one with a thicker, deep red liquid. Carla takes the glasses, and the thicker liquid clings to the side of the glass as it shifts. Kaoru realizes with horror that the liquid is blood.
Carla brings the glasses and slides the glass of blood over to Kojiro. He sniffs at it, eyes narrowed in suspicion. His eyes widen as he looks at it.
“Huh,” he says. “You actually got human blood.”
Carla lifts up her wine glass. “Like I said — connections. Alla tua.”
“Alla tua,” Kojiro says, and he clinks his glass against Carla’s before taking a deep sip. “So,” he says, “what brings a demon to Venice?”
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ithidunes · 6 months
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im changing my mind on this panel but it still turned out good, so here.
new comic chapter on its way soonish..... 👀
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rivalkieran · 9 months
btw I did infact recieve those asks about solisverse Im just. brain melted. sorry
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jakedayseekerxiv · 1 year
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Silly little character guide - Jakeob Dayseeker
What I tried to make:
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What my character’s family sees:
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What I think my character is:
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What my character really is:
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Tagged by: @blackbirdffxiv (Not directly but they said anyone who saw their post could soooo)
Tagging: @phoebe-of-ivalice
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achilleslyre · 1 year
my dad made me smth to hang my beaded earrings on so that they’re not taking up as much space being carefully layed out on my dresser 🥺🥺 (+ one other dangle earring i own ajsjjsjdj)
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lupin-jpgs · 1 year
i swear ill refill the queue soon i sWEAR
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caracoloco · 1 year
I feel so bad bc whenever my friends recommend me any series I'm like 'I don't watch TV, sorry' and yet the other day I was bored and started watching a random kdrama bc I thought the protagonist was hot
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moominsnufkin · 1 year
Easy growing ? No never because I can’t decide where to place seeds 😅 and then I forget I just planted them and put something over them.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 7 months
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Morning breek doodle before i write
This took like..7 mins so enjoy
Ill eventuallyyyyy post actual effort trolls stuff again, im tired
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bareee · 7 months
I absolutely love Mark, he's an absolute delight. Now I'm curious though about his history with fey though??? What happened there????
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Happy ya enjoy, even though Mark would think he didnt deserve to be called a delight XD
Answers shall come eventuallyyyyy, Mark’s story I’m pretty much coverin where the Durge’s story would be in this game in my doodle land. Bein’ I did the tav story line with him in game but he has so much more goin on then that basic nothin-ness. I know the Durge and bhaal spawn has been BG’s deal since the beginnin, but I was yanked into dragging Mark through this shit so these brats now gotta deal with his plate of disaster instead, meanin yal get too as well XD
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gl0wsitckkkk · 27 days
Girly, get some sleep, and don’t stress about answering asks right away either, you have your own life outside of tumblr which I’m sure everyone understands since as do they, self care is very important<3 also as a side note peppermint oil on the back of your neck and temples is really good for headaches too, I don’t really like to take pain medicine often so I always use that instead to help :)
Wowowowoie buster thank youu for the help appreciate itiititt lol I eepit
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beetlehoven · 3 months
Bug Moore, (formerly) the best shapeshifter in Europe!
Now, uhh....he's not as focused, you could say
My Skulduggery Pleasant oc/self insert! Omg! My guy! My man! My stress ball to traumatize with every new idea!
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(if im being completely real those all abt me school worksheets r actually useful as hell for ocs. also giggle worthy)
Okay SO. Most important thing, his magic. obvs. He can shapeshift, he's a neoteric and was gonna be raised without annyyy knowledge of magic but! He is also.....a....tranana 🏳️‍⚧️ (self insert part). So little eight yr old girl him was wishing really really hard to be a boy and it happened 🙀. but that was at the beginning of the 20th century so it'd be a bit awkward to explain allat to family and neighbours n stuff so the most logical thing to do was to run away and start a new life. obvs. So that happened and he did a few things and joined maybe an uprising or two before the Sanctuary started getting on his ass abt using magic while fighting in mortal stuff. hate when that happens!! 😾😾 so he kind of works w them kind of not bc they like having this kind of unique guy that they can boast abt or something.
he fights by changing into something with sharp teeth and/or claws (or giving himself those if he's feeling adventurous that day) and just going at em (he CANNOT fight without his magic he's bad at prioritising like that). He gets tired and achey and all if he does too much, yk the drill. he eats A LOT to keep up his energy for it. sometimes he photosynthesizes.
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reason for the bald spot! surprisingly not male pattern baldness!
stick with me here. i LOVE darquesse n tanith and billy ray so when they were all working together in sanguine's safehouse i had to get my guy in there somehow. So!
when darquesse got control in the bride's of the blood tears temple she knew she had remnant Tanith to come back to so she decided to get her favourite apostle a gift! thenn there was a whole thing where she tortured my guy Bug and, very meticulously, stabbed his brain so he was a little bit stupider than a dog (idk if that's fucking possible i just thought it was cool alr darquesse is smart she can do that) but it was all in the name of her gal pal cus then Tanith had a barely conscious shapeshifter to use on all her misadventures! Yay!
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yea soooooo that happened! and eventuallyyyyy with the Sanctuary's cool magic medicine they got the dagger out of him when all those shenanigans were over and kind of put some of his brain back together (if they can do it for scapegrace they can do it for my little guy) but he was still a smidge traumatized and brain damaged and can't look at any darquesse imagery or at Valkyrie cain without being on the verge of pissing himself but oh well. life happens yk. that's when his twink death starts and he starts spending every evening in scapey's pub and distancing himself from everyone he knows and loves.
what do i say its half 5 in the morning rn.
oh yea and his name is bug bc memory loss so he just goes by a nickname his old mortal soldier buddies gave him. buggyyy bug bug
hes kind of like jschlatt if he was trans and depressed and magic and had ptsd but was in denial and i don't know anything about jschlatt actually i just like his mutton chops he's hot
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