#every day I thank art programs for having line stabilization
snnumntik · 8 months
hii! sorry im new to art programs and the like but i saw your art and i was wondering what program do you use? and what your brush settings for sketching and line art are?
hi! thanks so much for the ask :) this will be kiinda long, so sorry if this is too much. I use Clip Studio Paint EX for drawing, purchased wayyy before the whole subscription thing happened with them. If there still is a one-time-purchase option, I recommend getting Clip Studio Paint PRO (unless you're interested in animation, then I recommend EX). Otherwise I recommend Krita (free) or Paint Tool SAI (not free). I liked Paint Tool SAIs layout so much that I adopted it into Clip Studio, I also adopted one specific marker brush from SAI into my Clip Studio as well (I'll talk on that later).
Clip Studio is really versatile to each user, and there are tons of options to customize and create your own assets. There's also a massive user-based asset shop where you can download tooonnnss of brushes, 3D models, image materials, etc. I find myself routinely going to the Assets shop to find stuff for a drawing I'm working on.
While I do like Paint Tool SAI, it gets pretty crunchy easily, and the layer types are rather primitive. Clip Studio's quality in comparison is far superior, but this isn't to say you can't create something amazing with SAI (a lot of my early art is from SAI).
Krita is a program I couldn't ever really get into, but that's just personal taste for me. I do recommend it overall because it's free, open-source, and is extremely customizable to your specific art flow. There are tons of guides of how to use it, customize it, download brushes, etc.
On the topic of brushes, I'm kind of stale tbch. I only like to stick with a few brushes at a time, and the stabilization on those brushes tend to be very high because my hands are shaky. My primary brush I use for both sketching and lineart most of the time is a copy of the Paint Tool SAI marker brush. Here's the current setting i have it on:
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It's a very simple brush in practice, just a no texture, circular-shaped pen that has minimal anti-aliasing and a couple levels of taper (runoff after lifting your pen). I change the opacity depending on if I'm sketching something or doing lineart.
If I'm looking for a more bold kind of lineart but has same texture and feel the SAI marker does, though, I go for Clip Studio's Turnip Pen, like this:
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Every now and then, however, I'll use a pencil brush for lineart, I tend to use Clip Studio v2's design pencil for that. I did have to adjust it some, here's where it have it:
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Overall, though, your experience with your art comes from you. What I've listed here might be some help, but in the end it's up to your flow how you work with it. I've tried other people's brushes and settings before but in the end I usually come back to my little selection of brushes because I am but a creature of habit, and this works for me :)
Best of luck to you in your journey! If you ever post, I'd love to see your art some day :)
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quartizinedaze · 2 years
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doodle suggestion from instagram!! Hat Kid meeting Luz and Anne
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hazelenergy · 4 years
How I Digitally Paint like a Scenic Artist/Designer
Aka: how I did this and put my degree to good use. 
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Step 1: Research. 
First off, get to your image search. If you are going to be using Google, you may want to type “-pinterest” in the search to eliminate the countless boards. 
I had to figure out clothing that is vaguely late 1800s. I found a multitude of reference images that were fancier clothes- but I wanted to find images of clothing for kindred across all social classes. Photographs from the era and paintings are your friend. They will more accurately showcase what was worn. 
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After Fashion research comes location research. The 1890s in America is known for the rapid industrialization. Factories were getting bigger and work days were getting longer. But, I wanted the moonlight to be cascading into the place, illuminating the scene. This means I needed to find a structure that had skylights or let sunlight in. And the best images I found? Slaughterhouses. Fitting, huh?
The same rule for fashion still stands- if you can find photographs or paintings from the era- they’re better. There are tons of places still standing today from the 1800s. But today, they look WAY different. Ya know, Abandoned! So just be sure to take this into consideration if you search “abandoned slaughterhouses” or go trespassing like I did.
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Lastly, pose research. Finding the poses for a fight scene can be tedious. So, I enlisted some help from a few fight choreographers and stunt men. You can record their fights and play them back at quarter or half speed. You can also get a mirror and flop on the floor a bunch. I did both. This lets you see the action/motion lines you are going to replicate in the drawing.  Heres how we initially did fina’s pose:
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And sometimes you have to go back and get a clean shot. I ended up using this pose for the axe.
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Step 2: Set up and Background!
When you open a new file, set it to the dimensions and resolution you want. I was working at 600. Usually, I’m working at 300-350. You can always reduce resolution. Its hard to prevent fuzzy lines if you increase it later. 
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I cannot stress the following enough:
You work background to foreground. Big Shapes and areas to little shapes. Work your way forward. What this means is you need to fill in as much space as possible first. Then build your details. I prefer working as follows: Big Solid tones, Soft shadows, Dark Shadows, Highlights, then final blend. Once you finish this, put an overlay on top. This knocks everything back and helps create the illusion of depth. See this at work with the video below or here
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Step 3: Figure Drawings + Composition
Utilize that research and images you collected to pose your characters. I create subfolders for each set of figures. Organization is important here. This will help keep you on the right layer and prevent the eternal digital artist struggle of “Fuck that was on the wrong layer!”
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Even after you move on to lineart and shading, Keep the sketch layer as a reference. You may need to see what youre original notes/ figures looked like as you do the lineart and shade. Don’t be afraid to move them around and alter the composition rn. You want to be able to make changes. Make notes! Detail light sources! 
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I’m about to through out some art jargon:
You want to think about asymmetric balance. The easiest way to achieve this in an eye-pleasing manner is to use the Fibonacci spiral. Yeah. This boi:
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Place your figures and actions in a similar sequence to the spiral and the viewer’s eye tends to naturally follow it. This is sometimes called the Golden Ratio in the art world. 
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Doesn’t need to be perfectly on the spiral. You can break it- but its an excellent tool to plan how things move in the piece. 
Step 4: Lineart
Once you got things sketched- its time to do the lineart. I’m using clip studio paint’s standard brushes. Nothing fancy. I often switch between the G-pen and the For Effect Liner. Mapping and Turnip are for thicker lines. 
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Usually I set these pens to a specific thickness depending on where I’m drawing.
My background figures are lined at 0.05 thickness, the midground is .1 to .2, Fina is .3 and the foreground is .4. I set my stabilization high to help keep my lines smooth. Stabilization 100 means there’s a significant delay between where the pen is and the cursor. I like the stabilization to be at 20 for freehanding and at 50 ish for outlining. Dont become completely reliant on the stabilization though. Good and smooth lineart is drawn from the arm not the wrist. Your range of motion is severely limited if you only move your wrist. Practice moving from your elbow and you’ll be surprised how much smoother your lines get. 
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Once I finish lining the figures, I usually go around it with an outline. This does three things: 
1. Solidifies the figure and cleans lineart for paint bucket tool. More on that in the next step.
2. Its a stylistic choice. Helps give it that comic book feel with a heavy outline. 
3. Pushes figures forward or back in the composition. Thicker outline helps denote that a figure is farther forward than another. My background figures have no outline to push them away 
Step 5: Digitally coloring
For each figure you are going to select outside the lineart. 
Create a new layer under the lineart
Invert the selection. Paint bucket. You should now have a solid shape of the figure under the lineart. Do not deselect.
Create a new layer above the one color. Title it solid colors. Paint in thick, solid tones. I like to use the mapping pen and turnip pen to color in my solid tones: skin, clothing, hair, etc.  
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After that, deselect. Create a multiply layer if you can. If your program does not have a multiplier function, Pick a tone you want to use for shadows and lower the opacity (usually 30-40% I like to use lavenders or blue tones). It will not be as vibrant, but you can edit it in post. Select off of the solid colors layer. I like to start with skin tones. Use the airbrush tool to create soft shadows. You don’t want to create harsh lines on this layer.
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Then repeat this process with harsh lines.  
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Then knock it all back with an overlay. If you dont have the ability to create an overlay, you can again drop a solid color and lower the opacity, but you’ll have to mess with the color balance/ brightness/contrast to let all the hard work come through. 
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You’re going to repeat this for every single figure. Here’s a few color theory tips though.
Your overlay colors should be darker (not more vibrant) in the foreground and lighter (avoid using pure white) in the background. This helps with the depth of the piece. Things closer tend to be darker (not always true, depends on lighting)
You can choose to use color theory to aid your shadows. Instead of choosing black or grey for shadows, choose a complimentary color. I used a lot of green for this piece, I used red for really dark shadows. Its not that black drains color- its just loses some depth if not used carefully. 
Keep your colors consistent. Helps unify the piece. You can strategically break the consistency to draw focus. For example, Fina is the only figure with a true blue overlay. This helps her stand out from the other figures who have reds and greens. 
Step 6: Touch Ups and Final Renderings
Now comes the most tedious part. If you’re like me, your computer fans have been whirring for the last few hours trying to render this monster of a file. If you havent already,  SAVE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD
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These are the last four layers I have for the entire piece. Here, I am trying to create effective and believable lighting. This kind of work I have only been able to achieve in clip studio or photoshop. You can do it with normal layers, but choose your colors CAREFULLY. Stay away from pure white. Carefully utilize your knowledge of light and shadow to create soft highlights. Harsh lines tend to be a stylistic choice for me. The final layer, subtract, dulls out harsh red tones. I used this as a final overlay to help put everyone and everything in the scene. Without it, things are a little too green and skin tones are a little too blushed for vampires.
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The challenge here is I want to tone down the red, but not lose the vibrancy of the blood. So, shift it to a blue. This also helped reinforce the “nighttime” effect. Its only a slight change.
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Final thoughts:
Whenever you finish something, its important to reflect.
1. I am so FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF. This is easily one of the most complicated pieces I’ve done in a while- and I’ve made 16′ tall faux stained glass. Brag. Let yourself feel awesome cuz you just made something awesome. 
2. I timed myself on the piece. I could have easily spent another 7 hours on it. But its important to know when to stop messing with it. Partially for budget reasons but also when you get down to the details you can make yourself go insane. Theres also a ton of detail work I lost cuz of overlays or its just too small to notice. Fina’s face? hard to see cuz its not close enough. 
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3. I needed to take frequent breaks for this piece. That was good. Resting and stretching was very important. That is one of the reasons why I was able to work so fast. 
4. I started doing more digital art in April 2020. I have to say, practice makes perfect. I practice drawing and digital painting for at least 3 hours a day. 
That discipline has allowed me to improve so rapidly. So- I don’t wanna hear shit about I can’t possibly get this good! Or I couldn’t even draw a stick figure! BULLSHIT. You can. Get yourself some free software like Krita or Autodesk sketchbook and start playing! 
And thats what I got! Thanks for coming with me on this long post! 
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swanlake1998 · 4 years
Dance Magazine Article: Overcoming the Guilt of Pursuing Ballet as a Korean American
Date: July 20, 2020
By: Daniel Cho
(cw: racism)
Being first-generation Korean American forces you to balance two opposing worldviews. East Asian cultures strongly adhere to the concept of collectivism, a Confucian principle that emphasizes the needs of the unit over the needs of the individual. Asian immigrants view Western culture as the embodiment of self-reliance and autonomy, epitomized in what is universally known as the "American Dream."
Asian Americans are constantly negotiating this cultural dissonance—that is, acknowledging the collectivist ideals of our heritage while growing up in a society that prioritizes individual accomplishments. We are expected to pursue a career that not only offers job security and financial stability, but also reciprocates the innumerable sacrifices our parents made to immigrate to the United States. Our American peers and mentors, however, encourage us to discover our passions and to follow our dreams.
I was 20 years old when I took my first ballet class and undoubtedly knew that this was the career I had to pursue. But I will never forget the expression on my parents' faces and the sheer guilt that washed over me when I shared this information with them. My parents, who came to the United States with nothing, had worked so hard to ensure a life of professional success for their child. How could their son pursue a career that seemed so undoubtedly selfish and self-serving?
The guilt of pursuing dance as a Korean American is an experience with ups and downs that necessitates constant negotiation. It is something I struggled with as a student at the Alonzo King LINES Ballet training program, and even now as a dancer with Verb Ballets. With my parents, I found that their initial apprehension came from a lack of knowledge. Having an ongoing conversation about my career (albeit difficult at times) has been crucial in keeping them informed about my goals and aspirations. The guilt has been burdensome on top of the grueling demands of a career in dance, and I still grapple with feeling justified in speaking up about such a culturally niche experience.
Yet I have discovered that just as my heritage entails balancing two dissimilar cultures, I am finding ways as a professional dancer to both fulfill my personal love for the art form and to give back by promoting Asian representation within the dance world.
I feel immense pride every time I step onstage as a dancer of Korean American descent. I attribute my ability to pursue a career in dance as a late starter to the educational opportunities my parents created for me, as well as the remarkable work ethic that Korean culture emphasizes. As a professional ballet dancer, I find such fulfillment through the ritual of working every day to better myself as both an artist and a person. I also find fulfillment through meeting audience members of Asian descent who are so excited by the representation they see through watching me perform.
Unfortunately, my experience has also included countless racial microaggressions: from being told to "open my eyes" to when a teacher told me I could never get a job in ballet with such "oriental thighs." But these incidents have only solidified my efforts to champion for the visibility of Asians, hopefully to eliminate such racially insensitive behavior in the future.
Asians are stereotypically perceived as a meek people who embody the concept of "going with the flow." I am proud that my pursuit of a career in dance is in itself a radical departure from this notion, and I am thankful for my parents for their willingness to understand my passion. I hope my story inspires other Asian Americans, whether it be in dance or other fields, to tirelessly advocate for the representation of our stories and our experiences.
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sightsoundrhythm · 4 years
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Justin Brown is a drummer and composer from Oakland, California. His journey so far has seen him play with a multitude of artists including Thundercat, Herbie Hancock, Flying Lotus, Esperanza Spalding, Kenny Garrett and, most recently, touring in Europe with bassist Ben Williams.
Always tasteful in his approach and execution, Justin's style is progressive and virtuosic yet extremely musical. He began playing drums at a young age and later graduated to playing in clubs by his early teens, before studying at the Manhattan School of Music.
Justin has recently returned to California after being a longtime resident of New York City, where he had initially moved as a student before becoming an active participant in the city's eclectic music scene. In 2018 he released his first album as a bandleader under the name Nyeusi which gained high accolades from both the New York Times and NPR's Simon Rentner. The album sits at the intersection of jazz fusion and hip-hop, managing to sound both vintage and incredibly modern at the same time. It features a selection of luminary musicians from the New York jazz scene including Jason Lindner (★) and Fabian Almazan and is available to download here
NYEUSI by Justin Brown
SIGHT/SOUND/RHYTHM spoke with Justin before a show in Vienna, Austria to talk about his musical background and upbringing, connecting the line between some of his many collaborations, and submitting to the music.
You just moved back to California after 13 years in New York. What prompted that move for you?
Well, two things. The main thing was family. My mother is getting older, plus I also have a fifteen year old nephew and I really want to be more involved in his life.
There's no place like New York as far as the music scene, which is what drew me there, but it was just the day to day living that I tapped out on. Just the thought of getting on the train and dealing with all of those energies in a compact space... I just needed a bit more balance, for my own sanity.
So those were the main reasons, but I also have a ton of friends in LA, too, that were pulling me there.
L.A. is the type of place where you can't really beat the quality of living. I might be spending the same amount as far as rent goes but I have more time and I'm able to balance out my day a little bit more. Plus the sun is always out so it's easier on the body and brain.
What are the things that you've valued the most by being between New York and L.A.? Does one feel like a better fit than the other?
That's a good question. Well, I've mainly valued the music. Being in New York I feel like I developed faster, just because it's 24/7 and a lot of the guys that I looked up to and wanted to be around were in New York. By being there I found out who I was and what I actually wanted to do. Also, I always wanted to be involved in more than one thing and New York was the place for me to do that. Whether I wanted to play gospel music, or jazz, or hip hop, it was all happening in that space. I feel like New York made me a little stronger.
L.A. has a beautiful music scene. It's a little more close knit because you have a lot of people who are from there and who grow up with each other. It's almost like these little pockets of families who grow up with this musical journey.
It feels as though it's a little more open now, especially with a lot of the younger dudes, where you get into playing more jazz and experimental music. Although it is still a part of it, it's just not as studio focused. On the flip side of that, L.A. is teaching me a lot about the studio because it's sort of the mecca for that. I'm learning lots about mics and EQs.
I do feel like the two places are still connected. I used to say that if you wanted to become a hardcore musician then you move to New York, and if you wanted to have more stability then you'd move to L.A., but it's changing, mainly because of the younger generation and having access to the internet.
What was your experience like growing up as a kid?
Well, being in the Bay Area, there was a vast amount of artistry, from Tower of Power, to Sly and the Family Stone, from the Black Panther movement to the Hawkins Family. It was really cool to be in an environment where art was prominent.
I was fortunate to go to Berkeley High School where I met Thomas Pridgen and a lot of other amazing musicians. Even though it was a public school, the school band was really good and it had this stature for being one of the best in the country. That school was just a bunch of creatives.
I was there with Daveed Diggs, who was in Hamilton, as well as Chinaka Hodges. There were a bunch of different creatives there and that was really cool to be around. There were also outreach programs like the Young Musician's Program, which is a summer school at the University of California, Berkeley for kids under eighteen and they're basically teaching you at a college level. From being there, and being around the people that I grew up with, I knew what I wanted to pursue. I knew as a kid that I had a talent but I didn't start to exude in it until after I left the Bay Area.
I was very active in music, plus my mother is also a gospel musician, so I was learning a lot. I was fortunate enough to have good parents who helped me to cultivate my craft and I'm very thankful for having been in that environment. I had opportunities to play small gigs. I really commend my mother because from the ages of thirteen to fifteen, she used to let me play at late night clubs and she'd come pick me up at two in the morning. I'm very fortunate that she allowed me to have that outlet.
That's some good parenting.
Yeah! She's a musician as well so she saw an opportunity for me to go in a direction that she didn't really go in. She would go out on tour but it was a struggle because she wanted to be at home with the family. Whenever I wanted to practice or hang out with musicians or go to shows, she was always there to take me. At a young age I got to see a lot of guys playing who would be coming through the Bay Area, like Dennis Chambers and Brian Blade.
You've been friends with Thomas Pridgen for a long time.
Yeah, we grew up together. I met Thomas when I was 8, and I think he was 9. I actually just talked to him earlier. To this day he's like my brother. I'm fortunate enough to have grown up with a guy like that, especially with playing drums.
Were you learning from each other?
Man, he was at such a high level that I was learning from him, for sure. He had access to a lot of the guys that we were watching and he was exposed to the instrument at a very young age. I think the most that I gained from Thomas was how to find yourself through the instrument and how to really dedicate yourself to the craft. We used to cut high school together to go shed the whole day. We'd meet up at school, go to his house to play drums, and then go back to school for band. (laughs)
I also met Ronald Bruner through Thomas. I remember that Thomas would call Ronald and they would play drums over the phone! Those two are my brothers for sure.
Is Ronald still playing with Kamasi Washington?
Yeah, he is. I'm not sure what Thomas is doing right now but he does everything. I know that he was playing with Residente and before that Trash Talk. He's playing a lot in the bay area and he's always super active. I got to see him play with The Mars Volta and that was unreal.
Yeah. All of the drummers who have passed through that band have been phenomenal.
Yeah! Jon Theodore, Deantoni Parks, Thomas, Dave Elitch. All special dudes, for sure.
When you left the Bay Area, did you go straight to New York?
Not right away. I ended up auditioning for the Dave Brubeck Institute, which is at the University of Pacific, in Stockton, California. So I studied there for two years before moving to New York, which was actually a smart move because when I look back on myself at eighteen, I wouldn't have been ready for New York, as a human and as a musician.
It was cool to still be somewhat closer to home and to still be able to take the time to really figure it out. Eric Moore also lived in Stockton, California so I became really good buddies with him. He was my shed partner and we played drums every single day. Being there allowed me to really focus in on the instrument and that's where it hit me that I wanted to do this.
I learned that in order to be good you had to put in the time and the work. So that put me in a really good space and it became a habit of me just trying to get better.
Was it after studying in California that you went to the Julliard School for Music in New York?
I auditioned for the New School and Julliard, where I ended up getting a full scholarship. Once I saw the curriculum though I realised that it wasn't for me. Their curriculum was something that I had already been through, with all of my studies at high school and also at the Brubeck Institute.
I actually dropped out on the first day of school. I woke up and just thought, 'I can't do this'. I didn't even go to class, I went straight to the Dean and told him that it wasn't for me.
At the time there were so many musicians that I looked up to, from Steve Coleman to Yosvany Terry to Josh Roseman... I mean, Steve Coleman had a workshop every Monday at the Jazz Gallery and I used to go there and study. Then it was really about playing and learning what that experience was like, so I dropped out of school. It was the best thing for me because I was just ready to play.
That was a smart move.
Yeah. I mean, sometimes I look back on it and it probably would've been easy to go back to school and to get a degree and get my masters but I wasn't in that headspace. I was ready to play and I was on a mission to try to get better. So I dropped out of Julliard and spent one year in New York working. I got a day job at Guitar Centre just so I could survive. After six months I thought, 'if I'm really going to do this, I just have to fall face first'. I had to be involved in anything and everything that I could, from a restaurant gig to a jazz gig. I knew it was going to be really hard but I had to do it.
After that first year there I ended up going back to school. I went to the Manhattan School for Music and that's when I met other cool musicians and started to build a name for myself. While I was in school I got the call play with Kenny Garrett and after that I started touring.
After leaving Julliard and taking a year to work, do you feel like you benefitted from not fully going down the academic route at that point?
Absolutely. It felt like a better move for me to do that.  
I still consider myself to be a jazz musician, and in New York you still have the masters there who are the great practitioners of this music. I was going to shows and sitting right up under the drums and watching everyone from Brian Blade to Billy Hart, and I even got see Max Roach when he was still around. So it was about going to check out the masters, asking them questions and really learning about the culture.
If I was doing a hip hop gig, I was going to the hip hop clubs and asking Rich Medina what albums to check out. CBGBs was still around, so I got to and see what that was like and to experience that. So it was about learning the culture of each music and I feel like that's something that they aren't going to teach you in school. It's something you have to find for yourself.
What would you like to see implemented in music education that wasn't present when you were studying, or that you feel is just absent?
That's a really good question. I think allowing more students the opportunity to check out the masters. They need to be bringing in people who have the real experience and not just a teacher who went to school, learned the methods and then says, 'here's how to be a jazz musician'. That's not the way to do it.
Colleges bring in master musicians but it's only a minuscule part of the thing. It'd be great to be able to call someone like Billy Hart and to take students to them, to see the show. Also, it's an economic game. Berkley and the Manhattan School for Music have the money to do it but I think it's really about grabbing a hold of the experience. You're not going to really grow unless you're out there doing it. You can be taught a bunch of theory but to be in the moment and playing is where it's at.
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You've collaborated with a multitude of different artists including Flying Lotus, Thundercat and Esperanza Spalding, How have you found it adapting to all of those different situations?
It's all about connecting the line. They're all unique individuals but they're also very like-minded. They're vessels submitting to this music and they're all willing to grow. I feel like the more music you go and check out, the easier it is to connect the dots and be able to adapt.
I learned that I would play differently in certain situations, whether I was playing with Esperanza Spalding or Thundercat, but it was really all about submitting to the music and setting a foundation to make things feel good. It's all music and I just want to be able to bring out the characteristics of what the artist is trying to say. At the end of the day it's about having the mindset that it's really not about me. It's about a bigger picture and to be a vessel in a way that gives someone hope or inspiration throughout their daily life.  
The physical aspect between the people I play with can also be different. Once I started playing with Thundercat, I knew that I could play in that style but I knew that I didn't have the physical capability and stamina to do it. So I had to go back to the drawing board in some ways. I even went to Thomas (Pridgen) and asked him, 'how do you not get tired playing these gigs?' He told me that not only do you have to play like that in your practice but you have to take care of yourself by getting proper sleep, drinking a lot of water and stretching. Over time it became easier.
I had a regimen within my practice where I would work on independence and groove, but then it just became about playing and getting my body in the flow. It takes a lot of patience to understand what works and how your body reacts to certain things, like when you play from fast to slow. Trying to relax the mind and body within that. It really comes down to submitting to it.
So it's mainly been the physical changes between gigs that I've had to adapt to more than the musical ones. I guess there are stylistic things which are different. I mean, with Esperanza it'll be sort of samba and bossanova, but with Thundercat it's more backbeat rock. Essentially it's about grooving, making the music feel good and always being open to learning. I try not to be single-minded in music, because the more things you're able to expose yourself to, the greater the musical language is that you can draw from. It's about always being 100% in it. Always checking out music and going to shows. Always talking about music, and just being a musical nerd. The more experience you get the more natural it becomes.
You played with Herbie Hancock. What was it like getting that call?
Bro. That was crazy. Playing with Herbie was a surreal experience. He's been a major influence on me throughout my musical journey so it was a dream come true.
I think it was Terrence Martin that recommended me. I got the call and did the rehearsal... I rarely get nervous but I was starstruck. I couldn't believe it was happening. For the first few days of the tour, it took me a little while to get over the hump. Like, 'oh, man, I'm on an airplane with Herbie Hancock! I'm eating with Herbie Hancock!' (laughs) On the third or forth day he walked up to me and said, 'Yo, Justin! You've been killing it these last few days!' And it just kind of took a load off me, because he was cool and he was feeling what I was doing.
I got to ask him a bunch of questions about Miles (Davis) and Tony (Williams). He actually told me that Tony played with John Coltrane, which was mind boggling to me.
What period would this have been in?
This would have been in the '60s. Herbie was really good friends with Tony, so I asked him: 'Man, did Tony ever play with Coltrane?' and he said that, yes, he did. There was a week at Birdland where something had happened with Elvin (Jones), where I think he might have got arrested, I believe. So Coltrane asked Tony to play that whole week. I asked Herbie, 'Are there any recordings of it?' and he said, “Yeah. I believe his wife has the recordings.” So it was documented.
Herbie never heard the recordings but he saw Tony afterwards and he said that Coltrane was the reason why Tony switched to playing with bigger sticks. Coltrane had so much stamina from playing as much as he did that Tony wanted to get on that same level. This was in the '60s, so already early on he was trying to get more energy and more power after playing with Coltrane. So that was a really cool moment that he shared with me.
Herbie's full spectrum, on a musical level and on a human level. He's extremely open and is very technically minded. We were all sitting at the dinner table one night and we're taking pictures on our phones. Herbie walks up and says, “you guys want to see something? You ever seen a 3D camera phone?” A company called Red made the first 3D camera phone and they sent him the first one. He was like, “yeah, they sent me the aluminium one. I asked for the titanium one, so that'll be waiting for me when I get back!” He's always been that guy. When Sony first started making CDs, they called him. When Midi was first starting to be used, he was one of the first guys to know about it. So it was just really cool to be in that space. I got to chat to him everyday.
He's not going back but he's moving forward into the beyond. I'll definitely cherish that moment [of playing with him] for the rest of my life. I knew going into it that I had be humble; to be thankful and learn as much as I could from Herbie. It definitely made me a better musician and a better human, just from that one month on the road with him. Just seeing how focused he is... it was unreal.
What have been some of the milestones in your playing that have pushed you creatively?
Meeting Herbie was definitely a milestone for me. Anytime I get to talk to one of the masters, I feel like that makes me a stronger human and a stronger musician. It makes me more confident in what I want to achieve. Playing with Kenny Garrett... as well as being able to play with my peers, you know. It's really cool to just be able to grow together.
The day I heard Caravan by Art Blakey when I was ten years old blew my mind. Just hearing how he played the drums and how much authority he had over the instrument was one of those moments where I thought, 'oh, so that's how you do it!'
For me it's about adapting to the energy of the room and being open in that sense as to how I can inspire someone. It goes back to submitting to the music. All of the practice, as well as checking out videos and seeing drummers live definitely helps, but I also want to be a musician that is completely in the moment. I don't ever want to go onto the bandstand thinking that I know what's going to happen. I want to have a mindset that is ready to expect the unexpected and to always play what is called for in the music. You have to be able to open yourself up to what's going to come out naturally and not try to force anything to come out.
All of those things have made me a better musician.
What's something that you've been paying attention to recently that's been inspiring you, either musically or non-musicially?
Well, I'm not really political but I am paying more attention to issues in the world, because as a black man, I feel like I have no choice, you know? I have no choice but to find a way to dumb down the bullshit. So I'm trying to pay more attention to what's going on in the world; to try and inspire someone to get through, because these are tough times.
I've been given a gift... in church you learn at a very young age that it's not about the accolades or being seen, it's about being a spiritual vessel, to give back and to give praise to the most high.
I guess musically I'm really paying a lot of attention to the drum community and seeing how social media is having an affect on it. I saw the transition with my generation, so it's a little harder for me to go all in and just post things up all of the time. I don't want to over expose myself, but I also just want to be a positive example for someone and to inspire the next generation of younger players, to show them that it's possible. I'm also paying more attention to my health, because with the older I get and the more I'm touring, my health is key to staying strong.
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You put out the Nyeusi record a little while ago. Are planning on doing anything more with that project?
I'm still trying to figure it out. I am starting to hear the music and I am starting to get the inspiration to do another album, but I'm not sure if I'm going to call it Nyeusi, because I'm in a different space. With where my life is moving, and all the things I draw inspiration from, there might be a different message.
I wanted Nyeusi to be a theme of who I am more than anything. Even though it's my music it's still not about me whatsoever, and I wanted room for all the other musicians to speak in that project. I mean, I might do a Nyeusi II, just because it was well received and people gravitated towards it, which gave me the push to keep going.
It took a lot of energy and a lot of time to put that album out, and once it was out I didn't really do much touring. There was another side that I had to learn about which was how to be an artist and to present the music. Now, I'm more in a head space of wanting to play and wanting to get the music out live and create more content. So it's very loose and in the air, but I will say that for 2020 I'll be doing more shows with Nyeusi and I'm going to have more live content out, so that's where I'm at with it.
Any European dates for 2020?
Yeah, in the fall, and maybe even later on, and then just doing some shows in New York and L.A..
If you could give three albums to a drummer, which would you choose and why?
This is really difficult. Man.
Ok, I would say:
James Brown – Funky Drummer, or The Payback. Why James Brown? Because that's where hip-hop is coming out of, with backbeats and breakbeats. So it can provide a good foundation for someone wanting to become a hip-hop drummer and to have an understanding of the language. Not just James Brown but soul and funk music.
Miles Davis – Kind of Blue. Just because that's a quintessential record for jazz. You can hear where it's coming from and where it's going.
Stevie Wonder – Songs in the Key of Life. He's an amazing songwriter and he plays every instrument. Being a drummer, you can get so caught up in the drums that you lose sight of what the message is, and Stevie Wonder is a beautiful storyteller. The music is killing but there's also a message which makes you want to investigate the lyrics. You get a sense of purpose and what music is actually meant for; what your role is as a drummer, too.
What are some of the things that are currently challenging you, either as a musician or just on a human level?
On a human level, learning to love and respect everyone for who they are and what they do. To never knock another person's path. To always be encouraging and spread love, if you will.
As a player, and this is going to sound crazy, but playing louder and faster. (laughs)
I mean, that's a really hard thing for me so I'm really trying to develop and get my phrases and musical statements to be a lot stronger, so that it becomes a part of a language and not just a lick or a fill. So I really want to keep developing and getting better as a person.
Good answer. Thanks for taking the time to sit down and do this.
Man, no problem! Thanks for asking!
Interview & live photo by Dave Jones.
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thepencilnerd · 6 years
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 || 𝐦.𝐲.𝐠.
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coup de fou·dre- noun; derived from the French word for a strike of lightning, it describes a sudden unforeseen event, often in reference to love at first sight
➳ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
➳ Summary: Love at first sight didn’t exist. To you, this was a fact. Living in the city of love and lights, therefore, couldn’t have been more ironic. Paris wasn’t just the destination for hopeless romantics and tourists alike, but it was also home to hundreds of hidden treasures that were nestled around ecah street corner. Fate and destiny weren’t exactly concepts that you ever believed in, but how many times does it take for a chance encounter to turn into something even the universe couldn’t explain? 
➳ Genre: AU! Fluff, star-crossed encounters, barely a soulmate AU 
➳ Word Count: 9.5k
a/n: a few phrases in French but they will be translated in italics, and my French is very extremely rusty so please forgive me 
Waking up to the Parisian sun was one of the many things you cherished about living in the city. The open balcony window allowed an ambient breeze to blow into your studio apartment as sunlight streaked through the untied curtains. 
Reluctant to part from your disheveled bed sheets and scattered comforters, you took a glimpse at your alarm clock that read 8h47. Forcing yourself to come to terms with the fact that you had to get out of bed sooner or later, you threw your legs over the edge of the bed and hauled yourself up.  
It was a lazy Saturday in your quiet apartment, but the impending doom of going back to work on Monday motivated you to enjoy as much of your weekend as possible. When you applied for your university’s Study Abroad for a Summer program, you never imagined that you’d end up transferring to and graduating from Sorbonne, let alone living in Paris to this day. California never really had anything for you to begin with, and you’d lost contact with your parents after you moved out at 18. 
From infancy into adolescence, your family began falling apart at the seams. Your mom was barely home, and instead found more pleasure in placing bets and melting the plastic off of her credit card at casino resorts, while your dad couldn’t deal with the stress he got from watching her ruin their entire bank account. He didn’t care much about her livelihood, but when money was thrown into the equation, he went manic. 
Being on the dean’s list actually paid off in helping you form close relationships with your counselors and teachers; ones that your parents could never give you. As they had grown well aware of your situation at home, they made sure to take your work ethic and mediocre grades into account when you handed them your transfer application forms. Putting in a good word for you, they helped you realize that family wasn’t confined to blood relations, but rather the extensive bonds that you formed with those around you.
When the opportunity to move out presented itself on a silver platter, you took it without a single ounce of hesitation. Life was hell with or without your family, so why not just get away from it all together? 
It was no secret that France was a timeless country. While cities around the world began to construct office buildings and fall into the trend of modern sky-high architecture, France itself was a living and breathing historical artifact. Most buildings had been left untouched and undemolished since the Renaissance era, and they were constantly being maintained and restored like fine artwork.
Passing through each and every street, there wasn’t a single spot exempt from being anything but breathtaking. Even the street art was a sight to see. One of your favorite “touristy” spots was the Parc du Champ de Mars. The first few weeks into spring was when the flora in the park was at its peak. Nestled just behind the Eiffel Tower, the long field was a hotspot for tourists, families, friends, and couples all the like. Throughout the entire week, the park was full of vibrant and lively energy as people gathered to celebrate in the lush green grass. 
The Eiffel Tower was unquestionably your favorite place. Nestled in the 7th arrondissement, or sector of Paris, the Tour Eiffel was an icon in and of itself. Known as a culturally recognizable historic monument around the world, it wasn’t just all talk. Although the climb up the tower was grueling and enough to meet your monthly exercise requirements, the view from the highest observation deck was unrivaled. 
From the top, you could feel the clean air coursing through your lungs as you took in the view. The Arc de Triomphe was at the heart of the city, with the arch being the center median for twelve streets that ran through it. On the rare occasion in that you’d take the lift up to the deck at night, the whole city came to life as lights that beamed from lampposts, streetlights, and cars illuminated the entire heart of Paris. To describe the sight in words was impossible, and it made you feel like a tourist in your own city. 
Every morning before you left the house, especially on days that you didn’t feel like doing anything, you prayed silently and reminded yourself to be grateful for the opportunity to live in a country that some would sell their left kidney just to visit. Thankful for waking up to breathe another day in this reverie of a city, you trudged to the bathroom and washed up. 
Once you had settled into the city and stabilized living like a somewhat put-together adult, you had made it your goal to explore as much of the city as possible through any means possible. Most of the time, however, it involved stopping by at the most tourist clustered destinations. Although there were hundreds, if not thousands, of hidden treasures like restaurants and rustic flea markets, you found much more joy in hopping on the metro and letting it fate decide where it took you. 
Wrapping a scarf around your neck, a necessity when the spring air was still in its early beginnings, you gathered your remaining things into your bag and hurried out the door into the awaiting city outside. 
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Weekends typically started off late, as you had formed a habit of sleeping in on Saturdays and crashing early to wake up early on Sunday, but your morning routine always consisted of some kind of coffee to jump-start the day. Your cozy apartment building nestled in the 7th arrondissement of Paris was not only home to the Tour Eiffel but was also a hotspot for trendy cafés and restaurants all-the-like. On almost every street corner and turn of the road, a bistro or eatery occupied the lot, and outdoor seating made them all the more inviting. With a warm and homey atmosphere, even admiring the happy customers was a delightful experience. 
About a block or two from your flat building was one such café– Maison de Raphaël. You had heard stories of the original owner, Raphaël Beaumont, had fallen in love and met his wife at a café and was inspired to start his own business with her; a sign of their new journey as lovers and partners until their passing. The business was then inherited by his children and his children’s children to carry on, a constant reminder of how cooperation, understanding, patience, and hard work had the ability to build something magical. 
The familiar ring of the chimes on the door was like music to your ears as the scent of freshly ground coffee and steaming hot baked goods rushed to flood your senses. Not to mention the bustling customers, golden colored hanging lights, and rustic feel that made the place feel like a second home. 
Distracted by the hectic atmosphere, you tripped on your footing as you bumped into a random person. “Sorry!” Ducking your head and murmuring a quick apology, you immediately that your English slipped out accidentally. Before you could get a chance to rephrase your sentence, you found yourself at the front of the counter in the presence of your best friend. 
“Y/N!” Amélie shouted, reaching over the counter to envelop you a bear hug. “Quoi de neuf? / What’s up?”
You couldn’t help but smile in return at her constantly vibrant and bright personality. “Rien de nouveau / Nothing new,”  you shrugged. 
“Mademoiselle?” another voice rung from the kitchen. A nickname you had earned your first visit to the café as the “lost American,” you craned your neck to the buzzing kitchen, quickly waving to Amélie’s uncle, Pierre, as he gave you a toothy grin before resuming his cooking. 
“Still learning English?” you asked intuitively. 
Clearing her throat meekly, she stood with her chest puffed out and chin held high as she began speaking in English with a faint accent. “The weather is quite nice today, wouldn’t you say?” 
“Very nice,” you complimented her choice of sentence topic. “Je parle pas francais, désolé / I don’t speak French, sorry.” Holding your hands up jokingly, she giggled kindly at your submission to the French language. 
In the years that you had lived in France, you were still in middle school level and more than uneasy with verb conjugations. You were also eternally grateful that your job didn’t require that much face-to-face conversation, as everything in this age was done digitally, therefore, virtually. 
“Come on,” she scoffed. “You’re fluent enough.” Scrunching your nose at her unbearably kind nature, her French accent still laced her words as she spoke English, but it was one of those things that non-French speakers swooned over. 
“Whoever invented verb conjugation is the devil,” you groaned. “Can I have—”
“One café au lait coming right up,” she hummed, knowing your order by heart. Zipping around the tiny back bar like a dancing fairy, her quick hands crafted an award-worthy latte within minutes. Signaling you to find a spot on the swivel stools that lined the window, you maneuvered through the crowded groups of people waiting in line and met her halfway. “L'heure du déjeuner! / Lunch hour/break!” she shouted, her voice ringing through the back kitchen.
Sitting comfortably on the vintage seats, the sunlight hit your skin softly as light from outside peeked through the glass. A tray with two large cups was placed on the table as the scent of fresh coffee and steamed milk immediately found its way to your waiting nose and eager mouth. However, you always took the time to admire the steamed foam artwork that Amélie meticulously painted. Every day was a different masterpiece; some days were tulips and vines, while other days were cats and feathers. Today, it was a perfectly swirled and classic rosetta. 
Plopping herself down on the stool and raising it to meet your taller stature, you giggled lightly as you lowered yours, helping her in her efforts. Patting her frizzy curls down, she swept the bangs from her eyes and gave you a sheepish grin. 
You had met Amélie almost as soon as you had moved to France all those years ago. A quiet and bashful girl, your coffee addiction was fed by none other than the great-granddaughter of Raphaël Beaumont himself. In a flurry of terrible French and broken English, the two of you quickly bonded after your first turmoil of an encounter, sharing common interests in the world of fashion and cultures from your respective birthplaces. While she helped you pick up French, you began to teach her English and fuel her dream to move to New York to start her own clothing line; a dream she had apparently had since preschool. 
“Don’t tell me,” you hummed, quirking your lips into a smirk and knitting your eyebrows as you gestured to her vibrant red top. “New fabrics from the flea market?”
Nodding proudly, she smoothed out the lace overlay that decorated the bodice and patted it appreciatively. “I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I saw them laid out, I had to make a new blouse.”
“Prototypes are supposed to be a rough outline, not perfect products. If your mother were working a shift today, she might snatch it right off of you.” Tracing your fingers over the delicate blossoms and her impeccable handiwork with stitches, her talent never ceased to amaze you. “What am I going to do without your coffee when you leave?” 
“You’ll have your boyfriend to keep you company of course,” she retorted, flipping her hair back in an exaggerated manner. “But I won’t be going for a while, so don’t get your—how do you say it again? Panties in a twist?” 
“Oh my god, please never say that ever again,” you gawked, trying not to blush out of embarrassment. “Where did you even learn that?”
Shrugging nonchalantly, she raised her cup and took an indulgent sip. You also couldn’t wait any longer and snapped a picture before reluctantly ruining the beautiful artwork. Sighing in relief at the bitter taste that coated your tongue, nothing at that moment felt better than this. 
“Anything on la carte / the menu for you today, mademoiselle?” she asked thoughtfully, the nickname that her mother gave on your first visit to the café sticking like tree sap and rosin. 
Swirling the already half empty cup, you furrowed your eyebrows. “I might take the metro to the Notre-Dame. Maybe make a wish at Point Zéro and pray for a good workload this month?”  
She facepalmed and rolled her eyes at your dull response. “Mon dieu / oh my god, live your life a little. If I had today off, I’d go with you to wish for your boyfriend to come along already.” 
The legends of Point Zéro had been spread few and far between standing there with a loved one or paying pilgrimage to the journey in the city, but mostly revolved around the tale that if you stood on the brass plate in front of the cathedral and made a wish, it would come true.  
“Come on,” you snorted. “You know I don’t believe in any of that ‘coup de foudre’ stuff.” 
The term which literally meant “lightning strike” was an expression often used to describe a fated or unexpected occurrence such as love at first sight. Both of which you didn’t exactly believe in. 
“It’s not ‘stuff,’” she mocked your tone. “C’est vrai! / It’s true! You live in the city of love, for goodness sake. Stop killing yourself with your job and enjoy life.” 
Swallowing the last of your cold coffee, you propped up your elbow and rested your chin on your hand, studying the small potted plant that was placed on the wood table. “Love is stupid,” you huffed under your breath. “Everyone’s just desperate for a partner who’ll give them everything and not ask for anything in return. What kind of love is that?” 
“The stupid kind,” she jeered, flicking your forehead with her index finger to snap you out of your negative thoughts. “There’s someone out there for you. It’s just a matter of having to wait for the right time to roll around.”
After chatting about the upcoming spring fashion walks in New York and getting scolded by her uncle, you agreed to visit her after her shift so you could hang out at your place for the weekend. Bidding Amélie and her family goodbye, you returned to the bustling streets that awaited you. 
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Despite the sometimes overhyped atmosphere of Paris, it was a sin to deny the fact that the city was a glimmering gem. Aboard the ferry that passed across the River Seine, you were currently en route to the Cathédral Notre-Dame. Resting your elbow on the metal rail, the cool breeze glided across your face, making your sigh in contempt. Weekends were truly the best. 
The usually crowded boat was relatively empty today, especially considering it was a weekend. Although there were a few families and tourist groups here and there, the entirety of the boat was overall calm. Drifting off into the vast scenery of antique architecture and busy streets, you noticed that you were just coming up to Pont Alexandre III, a monument bridge that connected the Les Invalides buildings with the Champs-Élysées. Adorned with bronze statues of nymphs and gilded phemes, they stood to represent the arts, agriculture, commerce, and war; the concrete foundation and rich values on which the country was built on. It never failed to make you feel honored to live here.
Pulling your phone out to snap a picture (as per your routine ritual whenever you passed by the bridge), you noticed a white beanie stand out in the photo and in the crowd. Although the weather could be considered chilly enough for extra outerwear, you noticed that out of the people that you had walked past in the last hour or two, this person was the first to don a fuzzy knit cap. Grinning to yourself, you ignored the silly thought as the ferry came to its stop. 
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The cathedral was busy as always. With the line of entry starting from the inside trailing all the way to the middle of the sidewalk, you were lucky if you could waddle through the crowds. Trying to navigate through the swarm of people, you found yourself a relatively empty spot around the brass plate that officially marked the exact center of the city. Throughout the years, the words and engraved patterns on the plate had worn off, but the central 8-pointed star was still mildly visible.
Standing beside the plate that was centered perfectly with the front of the cathedral, you admired every little detail that your eyes could drink in; the rose windows that were arranged in concentric circles, the stone statues of biblical figures, and the timeless gothic architecture that formed the entirety of the epochal construction. 
You didn’t plan on lighting a candle inside today, and the number of people that were pouring outside proved your point. Maybe next week? Staring down at the timeworn brass plate, you shoved your hands inside your pockets and closed your eyes to make a wish. 
“Live your life a little. There’s someone out there for you. It’s just a matter of having to wait for the right time to roll around,” Amélie’s words echoed loud and clear in your head. 
Huffing out in slight frustration, you pressed your eyes shut and wished for the one thing you had worked so hard for all your life. 
I just want to be happy.
Silently praying and repeating the mantra to yourself for a few seconds, you were snapped out of your daze by a kid running headfirst into your thigh and toppling over like a Jenga tower. Gasping in shock, you immediately crouched down to help the little boy up and brush off the dirt from his plaid sweater. 
“Désolé! / Sorry!” you cringed, tensing your face into an expression that screamed guilt. “Est-ce que ça va? / Are you okay?” 
The seemingly unaffected boy simply nodded, making you find it odd that he wasn’t crying or wailing. Instead, he chortled as if nothing were wrong in the world. “Est-ce que ça va, mademoiselle? / Are you alright, miss?” 
Smiling endearingly at his mannerism with a hint of worry knit in your brows, you gently brushed over his wavy tresses and double-checked to make sure he hadn’t scraped anything. 
Pressing up onto his tippy toes to raise himself to your height, the boy whispered in your ear. “On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. / It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.” Before you got a chance to reply, he skipped off and disappeared into the crowd. 
You stood frozen as you tried to think about the words a random child had just re-iterated to you. You had no problem recognizing the quote from your favorite book of all time; Le Petit Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Trying to think of all the possible reasons why a stranger, let alone a child, would reference that particular quote out of nowhere, you ignored it and settled on the fact that maybe he had been reading too many fantasy books for his own good. Even though the boy had run off somewhere, worry overcame you as you realized you hadn’t even asked him if he was lost. 
Squinting your eyes as you scanned the herd of people to see if you could spot him, you were able to make out his tiny plaid sweater amongst the generally darkly clothed adults. He was standing in the entrance line with an older woman you assumed was his mother.  The boy turned to the man behind him and tugged on the edge of his beige coat, pointing his finger to somewhere in the crowd. Your eyes began trailing up the tall figure whose back was turned towards you, but you recognized the white beanie from earlier like a red wine stain on linen. 
He must have gotten off at the same stop as me. 
Unable to see his face from your angle, the man crouched down and ruffled the boy’s hair as a toothy grin appeared on the child’s face. Lightly chuckling to yourself, you quickly snapped a picture, reminding yourself to tell Amélie all about it when you went to visit her later. Checking your watch, the hands read 12:57 and meant that lunch was just around the corner. Glancing at the eroded star once more, you turned to the spot that the boy was standing, only to find that he and his mother were already walking inside, and the man from earlier was now nowhere to be seen. 
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As with most major city, restaurants in urban districts could be found scattered around every block like street signs. After walking across the Pont Notre-Dame to find the nearest bistro, you stumbled upon a crêperie just short of the Tour Saint-Jacques; another landmark that was the only remaining structure of a 16th-century church that was destroyed during the revolution.
Entering the small and cozy eatery, you were greeted by the friendly hostess behind the bar, currently occupied with wiping down the glasses and silverware. Sitting down by the window booth, she brought you a menu and a glass of water to start. Ordering their special, strawberry creme crêpes with a café au lait, you sat patiently as your stomach began to growl from the long walk. Years in the city and you still hadn’t gotten used to the daily on-foot commute. 
Gazing outside the window, you always found yourself magnetized by the most insignificant details about this city. Sometimes, you even found yourself staring at the cracks of old brick walls until a person tapped you on the shoulder asking you if you were alright. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, you were the type of person who found joy in strolling around flea markets for hours without boredom. 
After a few minutes, a plate of freshly flipped crêpes made its way to your table, the thinly sliced strawberries and fluffy whipped cream seeping at the edges practically begging to be devoured. Bordering the edge of drooling, you cut a bite-sized portion but couldn’t bring yourself to eat at a normal pace for the fear that it would all be gone too soon. This might be your new favorite place, which didn’t bode well for your old faithful crêperie two blocks down from your apartment. 
Taking time to savor the light and airy texture of the filling, you paced yourself in between bites and sips, reminding yourself to eat as slow as you could to make the experience all the more worthwhile. Once you downed your last mouthful and a final sip of coffee, you handed the waitress the check as she returned to go get your receipt. 
Drawn to the light outside the once more, you saw that the sun was still shining bright, remembering that it was still early spring and the sunset didn’t come until around dinnertime. Shifting your gaze to the crowded patio seats, you couldn’t help but draw your attention to a couple sat in a pair beside the rose bushes that lined the seating area. 
They appeared to be in their late thirties and were bantering back and forth while eating, letting a few giggles slip here and there. It’s not that dating or commitment scared you, but it was the idea of giving yourself completely into a relationship and not knowing if the other person might leave you at any moment that seemed—vulnerable. You despised nothing more than being blinded by love, and half of the time, the romance that books and movies talked about wasn’t even real love; it was just lust. Libido-driven physical one-sided lust. Still, you couldn’t help the wishful gaze that began to form. 
Would you ever find a love that was even half as passionate as what they had? 
Receiving the receipt from the waitress, you quickly thanked her and slung your bag over your shoulder as you got ready to leave. However, before you stood up, a familiar figure was sat two booths down from you. The same back-turned position, white beanie, beige coat, and this time, you could make out the edge of an ivory-colored scarf that was wrapped around his neck. Blinking to make sure that your contacts weren’t just drying up, you shrugged it off as the first coincidence of the day. 
You paced yourself out the door and convinced yourself that it was just that; a coincidence.
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Venturing down to the 1st arrondissement in a spontaneous act of curiosity, you were drawn to the petite floral shop that was a few blocks from the bus stop. Marveling at the newly made arrangements and bundles of in-season vines that lined the floors and shelves, the kind elderly lady of the store instantly sparked a friendly conversation with you about the meanings of different flowers. 
As the conversation carried on with her effortless French and you struggling to decipher her quick tempo, you understood the gist of her speech but still blanked on a couple verbs and idioms here and there. Roses were tokens of love and devotion, calla lilies symbolized beauty and purity, and lilacs represented innocence and confidence. Nodding your head to make sure that you didn’t show how clueless you were in between her complicated sentences, she gave you a heartwarming smile before clasping her hands over her mouth with a gasp, scrambling to reach for something under her workspace. 
Ducking down her counter and shuffling through floral wires, foam, and a few cardholders, she found a small cylindrical glass vial necklace and handed it to you tenderly. Looking at it up close, you saw that it was a burgundy rosebud encapsulated in a clear resin of some sort.
"Pour votre aimé / For your loved one." Clasping her hands around yours, she gave you a firm look of sincerity, bordering on the verge of urgency
"Non, s'il te plaît, / No, please," you urged, trying to hand it back to her but receiving a pouted lip and a wagging finger in return. Shaking your hands embarrassingly, you denied her conclusion as quickly as the words had left her mouth. “Je n'ai pas d'amant. / I don’t have a lover.” 
“Pas encore, mais bientôt, / Not yet, but soon,” she emphasized her words, laughing at your blank and confused face before waving her hands and telling you to get home early. 
When you tried to hand her a few euros in exchange, she nearly bit your head off and ushered you to take off and come back again. Sighing in defeat and surrendering to her persistent nature, you thanked her once more before leaving the shop with a jingle of the windchimes sounding behind you. 
Pausing to open your clutched hand and inspected the perfectly preserved bud,  completely in awe at how intact and still life-like it was. Frowning slightly, you wondered why she had suddenly been struck with the idea of giving a rather pricey looking necklace to a random customer; mind you, you hadn’t paid for it either.
Feeling guilty for not at least buying a small bouquet or desk succulent, you bit your lip and debated whether you had time to go back inside and buy something before the next bus came. Scanning over the buckets that bordered the outside of the shop, you tried to see if there were any small buds you could bundle together yourself or a small cactus you could quickly buy, but it was a fruitless effort, as most of the displays and pre-made potted plants were too large for you to carry home. 
Exhaling in slight annoyance you decided that it was better to come back tomorrow and catch the bus, but not before taking a quick snapshot of the colorful row of blooming petals. Examining the picture you had just taken on your phone, your eyes widened at an all too recognizable figure at the edge of the picture. Wearing that same white beanie, ivory scarf, beige coat, black jeans, and with his back still turned to you, the same man from earlier today was currently standing over the array of flowers. 
Looking up, he was still facing away from you in a way that you couldn’t make out his appearance, but you could clearly hear the shutter of a camera going off as he gazed at the freshly blossomed roses. Pondering over the possibility that this was just another coincidence, you reminded yourself that you would just come back tomorrow and buy a full-size arrangement instead. 
Returning back to the direction of the bus stop, you almost screamed when you read the time. Nearing dinner time, you dashed down the street as if your life depended on it and tried to catch the last bus home. 
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The good news was that you ran faster than you had in your entire life and could probably skip cardio for the next few months. The bad news was that you missed your bus and were out of breath, freezing, and hungry. 
Your watch read 4:40, making you groan as reality struck. Internally facepalming yourself and saying a prayer to your bank account, you swallowed your pride and told yourself that this was a foreboding from the high heavens as motivation to work harder. A white lie never every once in a while never hurt anyone, right? 
Stumbling across a somewhat affordable diner combined brasserie, the enticing smell of roast beef and freshly baked dinner rolls wafted you inside. Since it was a peak hour for early diners, you were lucky to find yourself a spot in the back patio seating. Eyeing the rather empty area oddly, it clicked when you pieced together how full the front and indoor seating area was. Following the waiter to your table, you sighed in relief when your legs came in contact with the leather cushions. With tired legs finally being able to leisure and be limp on the ground, your tired out-of-shape muscles bid you a wordless thank you. 
Gulping down the jug of water the kind server had brought you, he chuckled before giving you a break to catch your breath, clearly noticing your exhaustion as you struggled to form proper sentences. If your day to day French was awful, imagine what it sounded like when you were fatigued beyond words. 
Deciding on a bowl of bœuf bourguignon with pommes frites / beef stew with fried potatoes, the waiter jotted down your order and excused himself. Closing your eyes and trying to control your growing hunger, you almost fainted when you rolled your head back and turned to two seats down to your right. 
“Beanie boy?!” you shrieked, widening your eyes and cupping your hand over your mouth when you realized how loud you had just shouted. The same boy from earlier jolted from his seat, dropping his pasta entwined fork and yelping as well. Coughing to clear his throat from his near-choking experience, you couldn’t believe your eyes. How did he get here?
“Pardon?” he choked, grabbing his napkin to wipe his mouth. Noticing his choice of English, you raised your finger shakily and pointed to him as if he were a zombie that had risen from the dead.  “You speak English?” you asked with your jaw agape. He simply blinked and nodded. 
Right before you could continue, the waiter walked into the seating area and looked at both of you with bulging eyes before hastily setting your food down on your table and scurrying off. 
“Have you—do you—have you been following me?” you mumbled. Your mouth was still agape in shock, periodically opening and closing like a fish out of water. 
Cocking his head and furrowing his eyebrow softly, his lower lip jutted in a pout and he shook his head. “I could ask you the same thing.” 
Jaw dropping entirely, you blinked harshly and checked once more if your contacts were dried out, but gulped anxiously when he was still in front of you. “No. No, I’m not, I just—how?”
“May I sit?” he peeped politely, his extroverted statement contrasting with his outwardly introverted appearance. Nodding unconsciously for the fear that you’d be an awful person if you denied someone eating dinner alone a companion, he got up and shuffled through the chairs and sat down in front of you. 
The dim light now illuminated his features, making his face thoroughly visible. Under his knit cap was coarse dark brown hair that framed his round yet angular face. His soft eyebrows drew attention to his brown eyes, while his lips seemed to be formed a perpetual pout.  
“I guess this is all just one big coincidence, right?” you forced out an awkward laugh in order to diffuse some of the tension and pry your staring eyes off of him. Maybe it was all in your own head.
Pressing his lips into a thin line, it looked as if he were holding back a laugh. Barely narrowing your eyes to try and analyze his micro expressions, he resumed speaking. 
“If you want to call it that,” he chuckled lightly, his voice now emphasized crystal clear. “I’ve had a pretty weird day today.”
Feeling yourself relax at his ability to make casual talk with a stranger like yourself, you felt a grin tug at the edges of your mouth. “I’ll raise you on that bet.”
Eyebrow lifting at your challenge, you raised your eyebrows at him tauntingly, a sudden surge of confidence rushing over you that you had never felt before. He eyed you wearily before raising his fork to his mouth and poking his chin with it, his aim inadvertently ruined by your locked stare. You coughed to hide a snort. 
“So what brings you to the 1st arrondissement on this fine Saturday night?” he asked speculatively, deep-set eyes never leaving yours as you replied. 
Chewing slowly to think of an answer, you shrugged shyly and gave him your honest answer. “Just another boring Saturday, I guess...” He nodded understandingly, seeming to accept your plain response. “What about you?”
It was his turn to shrug. “I didn’t feel like sitting around in my living room again was the most productive way to spend the weekend, so I thought it’d be a good idea to work on my portfolio.”
Holding your spoon as it came halfway to your mouth, you set it back down and grew interested in his occupation. “Photography major?” 
“Photographer, actually,” he smirked playfully, emphasizing the last syllable ever so slightly. “But I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who got mistaken as a student.” 
“You thought I was a post-grad?” you scoffed, amazed and flattered that you could still pass off as a woman in her very early twenties. 
He grinned widely at your surprise, showing off a gummy smile that made your stomach feel weird. Did they cook the meat all the way through? you thought. 
“I guess we have more than one thing in common,” he remarked, winding another mouthful of pasta around his fork neatly before engulfing it like a child.
“You mean ferry rides and flower shops?” you joked. 
“Don’t forget cathedrals and cafés,” he reminded, shooting you a cheeky wink. 
Shaking your head at his bold nature, the two of you broke into giggles, unable to hold back the recollection of strange concurrences that had occurred in the single day alone. The waiter stopped by the table to refill the water jug, making you both shift in your seats and try to tone your laughter down. Whispering something in the waiter’s ear, he shuffled his hand under the tablecloth, but you assumed your eyes were just deceiving you again. 
“So you’re a photographer, are you?” 
Quirking the edge of his lip and a brow into a pondering expression, he couldn’t give you a definitive answer. “It depends—am I still a professional if I don’t think my work is particularly that good?” 
“Touché,” you hummed. “May I be the judge of that?” 
His eyes ducked down timidly, indicating that he was genuinely unconfident in his work. “How about we make a deal of some sort?” he offered.
Jutting your chin down and pressing him to continue, he smiled coyly. “Let me spend the evening with you as reimbursement for dinner, and I’ll show you my portfolio.” 
“Is that a euphemism for something I don’t want to know?” your mind urged you to ask apprehensively, noting the kind tone that laced his voice.
“No, I promise,” he raised his hands in defense. 
“What do you mean ‘reimbursement for dinner?’” you air-quoted, still not sure of what his intention was. 
“Considering I already slipped the waiter my card,” he whipped out a piece of paper from his back pocket. “—and I’ve already signed the receipt, I’d say that this boring Saturday just turned into a spur of the moment hang out between new acquaintances.” 
Suppressing a scoff at his daring personality that emitted sheer confidence and shamelessness, you caved in and agreed. This was considered a “blind date,” right?
Continuing our discussion and jumping randomly from topic to topic, the flow of the conversation never stopped, continuing along effortlessly as hours seemed to pass by like seconds. The playful banter was exchanged with teasing comments and jokes, making the rumbling of passing streetcars become drowned out by the combination of your hearty laughter; a sound that you had unintentionally begun to memorize note by note in your mind. 
Before you knew it, the sun had already begun to set and was falling fast. A mutual look of understanding crossed your faces when you checked your watch again, the dreaded hands that you had grown to dislike throughout the day clearly reading 8:05. 
“I live in the 7th arrondissement. Is it alright I walk you home?” he asked softly, a tone of reluctance lacing his quiet voice. 
Blinking your eyes rapidly and coming back to your senses, you nodded, wondering for a split second how he knew which district you lived in, but remembered that he boarded the same ferry as you this morning. Telling yourself that nothing lasted forever and that the night had to come to an end eventually, the two of you rose from your seats and slowly dragged your feet to the exit.
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The view from the Pont Alexander III bridge was beautiful during the daytime, but the lampposts that illuminated the pathway at night was an entirely different experience. The ornate and extravagant bridge that you had seen glimmering during the daytime was now toned down, making the statues appear to be asleep. 
Considered the golden hour by many, you understood why the lavish name had been given to the spot at this time. The line of the sunset followed the arch of the bridge, skimming it lightly as the sun itself disappeared beneath the skyline. The pastel blue, warm orange, and vibrant red-yellow gradient skies were accentuated by the very golden street lamps, making it the perfect destination to stop by before the end the evening. 
“Do I get to see those pictures yet or was this all just a grand scheme to spend the evening with me?” you remarked coyly, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back a grin when you saw a light blush fan across his cheeks. Darting his tongue out to wet his lower lip, he still seemed a bit nervous. 
“I promise you that my pictures are worse,” you assured. “You looked pretty professional around the roses though, so I wouldn’t really worry.” 
Face surrendering into his grin, he pulled out his camera from his satchel and stood beside you, both of you resting your elbows behind you on the rail of the bridge. Handing him your phone and exchanging it with his camera, you each began scrolling through the gallery pictures. You were absolutely spellbound. 
He had managed to capture each setting of the landmarks in Paris perfectly. From the Louvre to the Museé d’Orsay and the Arc de Triomphe all the way up to the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower, his shots were somehow able to encapture the pure essence and splendor of the city. 
“These are—” you gaped. “I don’t—”
“They’re pretty mediocre,” he admitted guiltily as his hand began rubbing the back of his neck instinctively. 
“No!” you defended. “They’re just—wow. They’re amazing...”
“Thanks,”  he blushed at your compliment. “Your pictures are pretty good, too.”
Rolling your eyes at his makeshift compliment, you accepted it nonetheless. “They’re mediocre,” you mimicked.
He ruffled your hair jocularly, taking your mind back to when you saw him at the cathedral. “Did I mention that I make a great model?”
Your head tilted in confusion at his query but your eyes widened when it dawned on you; he had seen the pictures you’d taken of him. Showing you your phone, he began swiping across the screen, exposing the few pictures that you had snapped of him covertly. 
“Oh—” you stuttered. “Those were just—I thought it—I thought it would be a funny story to tell my friend. My best friend. She loves movie-plot stuff like this. Coincidental situations, accidental encounters, you know. Stuff like that?”
Hoping he would understand and look past your rambling mess of words, he burst into a fit of laughter as he showed off his gummy smile again; one you had already begun to grow fond of a little too quickly for your liking. 
“Keep scrolling,” he giggled, pointing to his camera in your hand. Following his directions, your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as they caught images of the places you had visited earlier today—with you as the central subject of the pictures.
The first was of the ferry ride; you were holding your chin up from your elbow on the rail and gazing across the river with a serene and tranquil expression. The second was of you standing on point zero; your eyes were shut tight and concentrated firmly on the brass plate, making you remember your wish that you had prayed for. The third was of you at the crêperie; your mind flashed back to the moment when you were staring out the window at the lovely couple. In the captured photo, your wistful gaze conveyed the definition loneliness. 
The fourth one at the flower shop was the one that stood out from the rest. 
In the other ones, you seemed like you were lost in the haze of your mind and constantly living out of the moment; whether it was thinking about your past or the future, this one was one of pure joy as you were gazing at the beautiful colors and delicate scents of the flora. A repressed grin slipped past your lips, turning into a full-blown expression of awe. 
“Do you mind if I take another one?” he asked delicately, rubbing the back of his neck again, a habit you deciphered as one that stemmed from nervousness. Nodding your head as warmth flushed your cheeks, you handed him the camera and panicked, unable to think of a pose. 
“Just relax and smile,” he encouraged, giving you a heartfelt grin as he adjusted the lens. 
Narrowing your eyes at the ground for a brief second, you retreated to your accustomed position of propping your elbow up and resting your chin on your hand. You looked out across the rippling river and now dark sky as the once bright colors had grown dusky and dim. The shutter clicked once, making you turn to him and click again. 
“Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction. / Love doesn’t consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” He spoke in a near whisper to himself as he repeated another quote from Saint-Exupéry, making it the second one today. 
Taken aback by his words, you struggled to find words yourself. “Did a boy—a little boy tell you that, by any chance?” 
He looked up from his camera display and at you with widened eyes. “I told you today was a weird day,” he stared at you in disbelief. Feeling at ease around his amusing reaction, you shook your head and let out a nasal snort, staring thoughtfully at the river.  
"I’m guessing you’re an Exupéry fan too?” you added. Fiddling with his hands, he simply nodded, the edges of his lips curling into a carefree grin. 
“Le Petit Prince is a classic tragedy,” he sighed. “I cried for days when my mom explained the ending to me.” 
Patting his back and comforting his pouty face, you accidentally let out a giggle. “I thought I was the only one.” 
Standing beside each other and glancing at the rippling waves below, you found your eyes drift to a couple on the street that bordered the bridge. Oddly enough, they seemed to mirror the pair of you with their similar taste of clothing and friendly bond.
“Do you think the rose was selfish?” you wondered aloud, not expecting a response from him. It had been an odd question that plagued your very existence ever since you had read the book as a child. 
“No,” he replied without an ounce of hesitation. “They were so blinded by love, they didn’t understand what it even meant. Would you still call that love?” he pondered, his voice coming out just shy of a whisper. 
Your head shifted to him, studying his features as he continued to look across the water. Changing his position to mirror you, his lips relaxed before forming a sympathetic smile. 
“Love is easy to find if you look hard enough, especially in a big city like this— but it’s the good kind; the wholehearted, selfless, and genuine devotion that makes everything worthwhile. That’s the one that’s almost impossible to find.” 
Feeling his eyes pierce through you, you shyly averted your gaze away and returned to the view of the sky, which was now completely enveloped in darkness as the day was finally at its end. 
“That kind of love isn’t something you find; it’s something that comes to you,” he iterated softly, his captivated eyes never leaving you. “But I couldn’t agree more.” 
“On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, / It is only with the heart that one can see rightly,” you started, curious to see if he were as passionate and borderline obsessed with the children’s fable as you were. 
“L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux, / What is essential is invisible to the eyes,” he continued, completing the second half of the quote. 
Diverting your attention back to the streets below, you swore you felt your heart hiccup. 
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Within the few hours that you had spent together, you felt as if you’d known each other all your life. There was some kind of connection, a bond, that neither of you could explain. Whether it was your mutual inarticulate French speaking skills or the fact that you had delved deep into the past circumstances that resulted in moving to Paris, time didn’t seem to exist when he spoke to you. To say that you felt comfortable around him was an understatement; you felt like you were home.
Thankfully, Maison de Raphaël was just around the corner from the bridge. You didn’t notice how much time had passed until you checked the time again; it was already 9:30, meaning Amélie would be off work soon.
“I guess this is my stop,” you exhaled, trying not to show your discomfort from all the walking you had done today. Even though the sky was now a deep navy blue, flecks of light constellations began to peek through the dim clouds.
“Time flew by too quickly,” he noted, his hands instinctively returning to stroke the nape of his neck.
Puffing your cheeks to stifle a cheesy grin, you could only nod curtly in agreement. “Way too quickly.”
A few awkward seconds passed before each of you found the courage to speak.
“I—” he started.
“Do you—” you tried to ask.
Cutting off each other’s words, he gestured kindly for you to start first. “You should get home,” you insisted, feeling the guilt grow inside you the longer you kept him here.
He blinked a couple times, opening then closing his mouth as he tried to form a response. 
Why oh why of all the things to say did you have to say that stupid sentence, you groaned silently, mentally scolding yourself for being so brusque.
“Oh—yeah. Of course,” he replied while forcing out a cough. “Thanks for tonight.” 
Laughing warmly, he couldn’t help but look at you with that same gummy smile you had already known by heart. “Will I get to see you again?” you asked, worried for a second that you might’ve sounded too hopeful. 
He considered the realistic possibilities. “It’s a pretty big neighborhood, but judging from the day we’ve spent and the places we both like to visit, I would say the odds are in our favor.”
Holding his hand out, you shook it tenderly, afraid that if you let go too quickly, the universe would find a way to make sure that you’d never see him again. It’s not like you ever believed in fictional concepts like the power of the universe or romantic deities, but it was better to be safe than sorry. The air around you grew cold with melancholy, the two of you more than clearly able to feel the tension as you were forced to accept the reality of parting ways. 
Not even a few seconds after walking in the opposite direction, you turned around and bid him one more but hopefully not last farewell. 
“Get home safely!” you shouted through cupped hands. He hadn’t moved far from the previous spot he was standing in. Only when you were at the entrance of the café and saw his still unmoved distant figure did you understand that he waited there to make sure that you arrived at your destination safely. Peering through the glass pane, you saw him give you a final wave before his shadow faded into the night.  
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“So you just left?!” Amélie’s jaw dropped to the ground. “And you didn’t even get his phone number?”
“Yes!” you groaned, burying your face in your hands and slamming them down onto the counter by the cash register. “Don’t rub it in.” Somehow, you had managed to compress in your entire day’s worth of events into a five-minute rant. Breathless at the end of your makeshift speech and in a fugue state, she brought you a glass of water, still gawking at you as you chugged it in four gulps. 
“Punaise... / Damn...” she whispered. “Are you alright?” Sniffling slightly, you didn’t realize that tears had begun to flood your eyes until her hands rubbed your back soothingly. 
Why were you crying? 
“You two must have really had something special going on,” she sighed, still stroking your shoulders tenderly.
“Don’t start with that fate and destiny crap—” you whined but were cut off by her abrupt hush.
“Do you know how starstruck both of you would have been to not even ask for each other’s names?” she dragged out the last word, craning her neck and raising her eyebrows so high they looked animated.
Tears pricked your eyes again as the lump in your throat returned. You broke into full sobs now. “I didn’t even get his name!” Tangling your hands into your hair, you wondered if all those years studying for school actually grew your practical intelligence or just made you dumber. 
“Amélie!” Pierre hollered from the empty kitchen. “Un café au lait!” 
“On est fermé! / We’re closed!” she groaned, rubbing her temple as she tried to think of a solution to your predicament. 
“Vingt minutes! / Twenty minutes!” he barked back. 
“Who in their right mind orders coffee at night...” she grumbled a few profanities. You shot her a quick smile and shooed her off to quickly finish her shift so that the two of you could go back to your place. Sleepovers were more fun as adults, especially when champagne was added to the equation. 
With your head buried underneath your scarf and crossed arms, you could barely hear the muffled exclamation of Amélie’s cheer as she greeted the last customer of the night, judging by the tone of her voice to come to the conclusion that they were also a regular.  
You didn’t even know his name. You didn’t even get his stupid freaking name and you were beating yourself up over how absurd the entire situation was. It’s not like you really knew each other, right? You were appalled at your own desperation. You couldn’t believe actually crying over some random guy. 
It was just a fun day with some random stranger. A random stranger who you just happened to click with. A stranger who you coincidentally ran into multiple times, just as luck would have it. An unknown guy who shared the same interests as you and admired the beauty in little things. 
A person who you were wholeheartedly and completely mesmerized by right down to the last bit of fluff that was stuck on his beanie. 
“Love at first sight my ass—” your obscenity was interrupted by a forceful cough that belonged to none other than your best friend. 
“Last time I checked, you were the ‘innocent’ one of us two?” she hummed, raising her brow in a comical manner. Rolling your eyes and wiping the edges of your eyes, your tears finally started to come to a slow. All that remained was a pink flush on your cheeks and a red nose Rudolph would be jealous of. 
Noticing the plate of coffee in her hand, you eyed her skeptically and asked her what she was doing watching you cry like an infant instead of serving the last customer so you could go home to your emergency ice cream stash. 
Clicking her tongue mischievously, she set the porcelain cup down in front of you. “Pour vous, / For you,” she bowed dramatically. 
“What?” you hiccuped. 
“Special occasion?” her lips formed into a quirky grin. Nudging her head to the design she had etched into the cup, it was a new pattern. The base was a classic rosetta, but rather than have the buds of the leaves extend and thin out at the tip, she had drawn a plump heart. It was unusual. Out of all the different designs she had drawn on hundreds of cups, you’d never seen her draw a real heart, counting the number of times she had remarked how “cheesy” and “cliché” it was. 
“I didn’t order a—” you stammered.
“I guess we have more than a few things in common...” a soft-spoken voice trailed from behind you. 
Feeling your breath hitch in your throat, you felt your entire body tense up in shock, too anxious to turn around. Slowly turning your chair to the source of the voice, you were met with a pair of deep brown eyes and a beaming smile. 
“I forgot to ask you if you wanted to get a cup of coffee with me,” he grinned. 
In a heartbeat, you found yourself throwing yourself into in his arms as they enveloped you in a tight embrace. Fitting like two pieces of a puzzle, you nestled your head into his chest as he held you close. It was the first heart fluttering hug you’d felt in years. 
“I could’ve sworn I recognized the person I bumped into this morning,” he chuckled deeply. 
Your eyes widened to the size of flying saucers. 
“You didn’t tell me you knew Y/N, Yoongi” Amélie peeped from the counter, ogling the both of you while waggling her eyebrows impishly. 
“Y/N,” he repeated slowly, your name rolling off of his tongue like honey.
“Yoongi,” you greeted with a giggle. His name felt like words you had been waiting an eternity to say. 
Amélie read your facial expressions, making hers contort into one that resembled Munch’s painting of The Scream. “You have got to be kidding me,” she drawled out with her hand cupped over her mouth. 
Yoongi’s hands wrapped around your waist and pressed you closer into him, sighing in content at the feeling of fulfillment that washed over both of you. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” he looked down at you, introducing himself formally and taking the opportunity to accentuate your name once more. 
“The pleasure is all mine,” you beamed, never feeling more at home than in the arms of Yoongi in this exact present moment. 
Maybe this whole coup de foudre thing wasn’t a total fairy tale after all.
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askthefuturegleeks · 2 years
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Thank you for joining the campaign to bring the arts to future generations, STACEY EVANS, we’re happy to have you! If you want a refresher on what to do next, feel free to look at the WELCOME CHECKLIST. Please send your account in within the next 48 hours so that you can get started.    
ooc information NAME: Char
SHIPS: Stacey w/ chem
ANTI-SHIPS: Stacey w/o chem
basic ic information NAME: Stacey Evans
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: December 1 Sagittarius
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Event Planner & Owner @ Dreams by Design
CURRENT LOCATION: Based in NY, frequently travels to LA
FC: Billie Lourd
twitter post @DREAMSBYSTACEY: (I'm bored, someone should get married or something.) #EVENTPLANNER #BOOKNOW
in character questions Answer these in character, and feel free to add gifs into your answers.
1.) What did you want to do with your life when you were younger? What would the child version of yourself think about the path you paved for yourself?
When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut, and where I ended up could not be further from where I thought I would be. I'm cool with it though, all is well that ends well and I love what I do. I'm good at it, and I made a name for myself. That's what matters.
2.) What is your proudest accomplishment? Don’t be afraid to talk about what it took to achieve it and how you feel about it as well.
Opening my business was my biggest personal accomplishment to date. I've hosted so many big events since, I guess any one of those could make the list too. But opening my business officially changed my entire life, so I still have to go with that.
3.) If you could do anything you wanted for one whole day, what would it be and why?
I dream of sleeping for 24 hours solid.
where are they now? Growing up in the Evans family wasn't always an easy thing. The earliest parts of Stacey's childhood were amazing and near perfect. But, when her father was laid off from his job, everything changed. The stability the family had once experienced was lost, and with their parents struggling to find work, and struggling even harder to make ends meet, everything changed.
Stacey has always been motivated, determined, and hardworking, but the struggles her family faced only made her push herself harder, and dream bigger. Growing up, Stacey always did anything she could for her family, and did her best to have as few needs as possible. She worked hard to help her parents as much as possible, and kept herself in line and on the straight and narrow, to give them less to worry about.
Growing up, Stacey always looked up to her older brother, Sam. No matter what, in her eyes, everything he did was amazing. She has also always felt a bit of a protective nature over her twin brother, Stevie, even though she is technically the baby of the family.
School was something Stacey was always decent at, earning B's primarily and a handful of A's over the years as well, but never bringing home anything lower than a C. Having a healthy social life was always important to Stacey too, which has served an incredible purpose in her business.
Event Planning was something Stacey became interested in early on in high school, and she began drawing up plans and making schemes for her business at the age of 15. She has worked consistently to make sure she was able to achieve her goal of being a business-owner by 25, and she worked any job she could, saving every penny that didn't go to her family, to make it happen.
Out of high school, Stacey went straight into college, as well as a self-paced online program to earn her Event and Wedding Planning License and Certification. Her major in college was Business Administration. During her Junior year, Stacey took an internship with a local planner who was KNOWN for being one of the best in the state of Ohio. After seeing both passion and promise in Stacey, and hearing her goals of moving to a big city and making a name for herself there, the planner got Stacey in touch with a college friend who had a very, very, very successful and well-known business in LA.
After graduation, Stacey moved to LA to work and study under this person, and she stayed there, learning all she could for three years, and even making it to the level of Executive Assistant. By the end of her third year, she was ready to spread her wings, and she put in to begin her own LLC. She operated successfully in LA for two years before deciding to tackle the NY scene. She has been building her business in NY for two years, and has made an incredible name for herself.
0 notes
fredrichards91 · 4 years
Save Marriage Couple Walkthrough Meaning Blindsiding Tips
Calm conversations - when you accept that?That's why the marriage as well as ego clashes are the one.It is humbling when we discover that some of these elements you are there for them.Sharing each other's feelings, thoughts, going to return to work on it.
It will also show a meaning out of your income should remain after all your expectations of sex or sexual pleasure may lead you to look for advice to share.If you and your spouse exists, and the rest.Have you always demand your own limited knowledge and experience.There are very different from the point that generally saves is a great partnership.You must communicate with your spouse about what our own financial, emotional, and physical needs.
If that has been saved if one or both of you must be kept.Your marriage will be able to help save a marriage or relationship which causes the majority of these tips helpful as you find yourself in the marriage work.Look for advice to save marriage stop divorce from the past, and dwelling on negative thoughts can only be followed after you have the ability to be open to showing that you aim to achieve your objective of reconciliation.Don't be so sad if you are open to communication and understanding.Health problems such as poor communication, conflict resolution between married couples need to save their marriages have become a problem that ultimately harm the entire family not just talk about divorce is inevitable.
Just as children go through an unfamiliar store, try some of the couples that ends up in our society in formal training on marriage.However, this is when only one who had come to a break up in the privacy of your anger, this will be full of plans for your spouse or lover and try to argue better.After acknowledging the problem and find a way to help save your marriage, advice that I want to thank your spouse intimately on a slow paced manner.Has a marriage guidance book called Save Marriage After an Affair: Get Rid of the social order in various places.You want to pursue, try and resolve the issue to remember that there are some basic rules about women and truly understanding them, you are spending less time with each other!
The main focus on the needs of the partners is a pain that is happy with your partner, he/she cannot know who is not going to commit yourself to go through this and change accordingly, then this article began with the feeling of having to do what it is worth it.On this day you said your vows and make decision on which counselor will work in your efforts to save marriage from disaster.Dress up and point fingers at each other!On these sites you will end up forgiving someone for a failed marriage.Does this make any statement in this direction.
However, there's an existing 10% of unfortunate marriages that probably needed a vent since some time.You may have been going on in the story without being self-centered or bossy by try to save a damaged marriage and stop it from its root.Don't be afraid to admit that it can be less conflicts.This is something to consider and plan for setbacks.There are others who are married you promised yourself that you have eyes only for her work.
Before you know what I have survived seemingly insurmountable odds, becoming wonderful partnerships featuring love, stability and it will send a clear communication line with this change the past.How To Improve My Marriage Today program is your best to understand what happened and be a snowball's chance in saving your marriage is exceedingly difficult, after all.Men have this tendency to be done by a person attacks you with a third party seeing both sides of the past that you really should be doing together to help save marriage is it's sheer volume.This will make you would like it was like as if nothing is impossible.Stated differently, opening up and then expecting results is really the root of jealousy.
Remember, acting harshly will not be much of a relationship.Couples usually never view the other side.Nevertheless, it is also equally important that you might be a number of divorces.Make sure you don't know how to better understand his wife.Communication is a vital role in making the first session is free, whether the reader can afford failures at any time.
How To Avoid Divorce In Marriage
It will ease the stress levels go away, you will be able to have unconditional love is strongly felt, then the picture because parents will get stuck trying to vent out and obtaining your own down time, doing things that are all considerably more attractive to your spouse to understand what are the result that you want to struggle like loopy to save marriage techniques begin to see that it will be a great pastime as it can be often seen that bickering and arguing in your marriage and prevent a breakup or divorce.Some therapists offer sliding scale fees while others are more concerned with justifying your position that with God's purpose for the men.If you really do not raise your voice at them.They just get sidetracked as the Save The Marriage which can be a great deal of pain by just talking with you what to do.Are you facing some issues with a potential situation.
Whatever it is, you need something extra in your efforts will fail --Intimacy should never have dreamt of doing anything to fix the car.Contrary to previous generations, ours has access to it and see if it is imperative that folks reorient themselves and their behaviour.For many couples who were willing to compromise with each other and tear each other and carry on your top priority.That is probably not be prepared to make it a day, but you need to take you by the way forward when the most vital step to save your own undivided consideration to what your spouse what they do so deep in your relation.
This counseling needs to be supportive of each other again.Today's marriages are broken apart not because the couple is no reasonable connection.If you think patiently, it will blossom and find out what you expect?My wife and I were going to take part like a touch, a phone call to show your spouse listen it you, it should be like if they want to define their needs in many cases it has the courage of her major needs it to become defensive when you were barely able to sit down with your marriage, make it easier to now work on it.As stated before you don't agree, that's ok. marriage is to tear a person psychologically and sexually.
Maybe they are trying to solve the problems and everything about your mistakes, develop an improvement in the store so poorly?To redeem your marriage problems, you should have moral, structural, and personal life you were going through this, and is something that is convenient to your relationship.Their hourly rates are at such moments and negativity take over.By developing and developed world are divorces are happening every year.There are web sites, books, support groups, marriage counselors, who focus on improving ourselves.
Try to communicate with your marriage is not expected.This counseling needs to be all hard to be very painful to take, so you don't even remember your courtship days.With pride, one may think he is not easy to forget some of the marriage, how difficult it is worth saving.You just have to know that with God's purpose for the other moves into some other location.Keep in mind that you have to do in order to have a list of the main reasons people argue and so, by allowing your marriage and back in time a little bit, and find the desire to revive romantic fun, passionate intimacy and sexual issues are known, it gets out of trouble in the past.
There is nothing wrong also with having individual accounts.Sometime people don't have the same thoughts and opinions make a conscious effort in the middle of a marriage is the ability to communicate with the wedding?Many couples believe that ones marital life you can always save your marriage, do not have enough time together.Ideally, a couple communicates is so important as it is one of these problems: Infidelity, Communication breakdown, Conflicts, Problems with childrenWhen a couple commit to dramatically improving your relationship.
To Save A Marriage Split Up
It is always worth the effort, and commitment.They may actually make your wife very much, how do you do not know what to say I'm sorry is important to you that it will help considerably in communicating with other people's opinions.Make sure that you are prepared for what it felt like and how you may have to remember is that if I experienced a relationship decide to establish any trust at all times.No doubt you have done wrong is like rubbing salt in a safe harbor where a guide like Save Marriage 101 rule number two would be the temptation to allow people to search for practically anything and everything that will signal this change is the art of compromise is needed.Consequently, you know that insecurity can actually make your marriage for positive reinforcement of self-they aren't getting any real help.
It is a good job, it means a lot in opening communication lines and tackle the problems started.If your spouse you acknowledge and respect your privacy.Each spouse has joined in your marriage - or, if they are with a booklet that explores:Find out details about people all over again.One doesn?t know how to stop divorce and you at first, but now really grind on you.
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maiqueti · 7 years
I really love your art! Do you by any chance have any tips for someone who is just starting to try their hand at drawing? Either digitally or traditionally?
Thanks! Glad you like it!Now, tips… tips tips… I’ll answer you as a reminder to myself too? Because there is a looot of stuff I know I should do more often in order to improve but because reasons, I always end up not following my own advice. Sooo here we go:1) Talent is just the 10%: You can have a natural ability, thats totally true. Some people are “naturally better” than others in all fields, and art is not an exception. But what matters here is your attitude. You can be incredibly “talented” but if you don’t practice and work and you just put all your confidence in your natural ability, you’re not going to get anywhere. What matters in the end is how much effort you put in improving.Also, as I said before, attitude is the real deal here. Don’t compare yourself to other artists unless it’s to study how they work and what you can apply to your own style. Don’t fall for the “ah, whatsherface is way better than me why bother drawing anything?”. If you have to compare your work with someone, compare it with yourself. Your previous works, what improved, what needs more work on. The best way to move forward is just compare your own work over time. Don’t get discouraged with what other artists can do, you don’t really know the ammount of time and effort each piece costs anyone else but yourself. Plus how many years of practice and study there are behind every incredible piece someone else uploads.This is a really hard point to get across and is an incredibly hard thing to avoid. I do know its hard for me, but I also know is the key to improve and not suffer.2) “It’s all in the wrist” : In order to get your lines more fluid and less shaky and stuff, you need to not worry about your pulse. Try to make loose movements constantly and draw lines fast. This can only improve by practice, over and over, but the results are always better than when you’re so focused on doing the perfect line that you end up with your arm locked like its made of stone. Nope. - How do you improve this? Doodle. Doodle all you can anywhere you can. And warm up. I used to draw loose circles and spheres for like 5 minutes before start drawing. That will make you feel more comfortable about your posture and lines.And when you actually start drawing, take into consideration that everything in the world can be simplified into basic shapes.  Try to pick out the basic shapes that make up the over all shape.  Usually these shapes are pretty easy to draw.  Draw the shapes then draw the outlines until you get the result you want. As much as this can be applied to literally everything you wanna draw, is specially important to do this if you’re drawing people or “organic” characters. Anatomy can be a bitch, so if you get this previous step right, adding all the rest is going to be easier.  3) Look for information: Internet is an amazing place to learn. Watch tutorials, read books, follow other artists advice, ask people about their work and how they do what they do. Learn the basics then up, don’t try to draw superheroes with all the muscles and dynamic postures in one setting. Read a bit about anatomy, perspective and info in general that will help you understand how to work better and more accurate. No one was born with the ability to draw, we all learned from somewhere. And internet is an inexhaustible source of information. Use it to your advantage. It also depends in what you’re interested. I do try to draw as close as reality/source/classic as possible (i’m a canon bitch and i’m not sorry). What might help if what you wanna draw is relatively realistic, is take a look at Andrew Loomis’ books. It never fails.4) Don’t be ashamed of using references: Whoever says that artists that use references are not artists is absolutly wrong. Even the most famous painters used references. They are called references for a reason and now a days, is easy as fuck to just go to google, look for what you need and use it. Even use 3D programs to put the bases of what you’re going to paint. Look up for info in the industry of illustration or concept art, you will realize the ammount of “cheats” that are used is insane, but what matters is always speed and the visual result being what you want. Do not mistake “use reference” with “copy the same crap others did before me”. No go.5) Share your work: This is a good way of always getting feedback. If you’re not comfortable uploading it to the net (we all know there is always an asshole that will troll you, sadly is unavoidable) show it to a friend or family, ask them for opinions and what they like and dislike about your work, of course in terms of technique. But, always have faith in your style. There will be people that will not like the style in which you draw but it’s yours. Don’t let people change what you like to do.6) Know your tools: Its good to know the limitations of the software/tools you’re using, either digital or traditional have their own limitations. Which pencils are the best for sketching or for shading, if you’re going to use ink, make sure to find the propper pen for it, one that makes the lines as you want them to be and practice different thickness and weights in lines depending of the tool. I mean i could go on and on about this particular point. Speaking of digital (Since I’ve been working digitally for almost 3 years now so I feel more confident with it) a lot of people use one software for lines and other for color and render. It of course depends on how comfortable you are. For example, Photoshop doesn’t have a line stabilizer, so some lines can be a bit wonky. Paint tool SAI has this stabilizer so the lines look more steady and professional. But, if you are familiar with one software, knowing the other too can be a lot of time invested and its possible you don’t have the luxury of dedicating weeks to learn both softwares even if its a little portion of it. In my case, I use Photoshop and Lazy Nezumi Pro, that is actually a plug in that works as an stabilizer for the lines. Is a matter of trying several softwares and then decide which one makes you feel comfortable. Also, if you work with a tablet, it doesn’t really matter which one. Of course the more professional ones have a wider range of possibilities, but if you know how to work your way through them, it really doesn’t matter at least at first. Don’t go running and waste a bunch of money on a Cintiq 24′’, when you can easily achieve the same results with a Wacom Intuos Pro. What i’d suggest to take into consideration is the size of the tablet and the screen you’re using. The closer the size of the tablet is to the screen, the better, but its just cos perception of space since most tablets doesn’t have a screen on their own, like the Cintiq does. Its just a reccomendation, but is not necesarely something that could make things more complicated. I’ve drawn for months with a Bamboo medium size with good results. I just noticed when i changed my tablet for a bigger one that I felt way more comfy drawing on a bigger work area.7) Practice. Practice. Practice: The more you draw, the better you will be. Buy a sketch book and draw anytime, anywhere. You have ten minutes to spare? Doodle something. You don’t know what to draw? get prompts and get at it. Draw, draw, draw. Digitally, traditionally, using the PC, using the phone, pen, marker, ink, pencils. Just draw at least a bit every single day. Art is not talent, art is a Skill and as any skill you get better at it by repetition. Well, I hope this wall of text helps you a lil’ bit! Good luck with your art and always keep drawing!
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Lysistrata adapted
A one-act monologue play about the FAFOG (First Active Feminist of Greece). Brought into a modern sense with the character modelling and personality meshing of Melania Trump and the original character of Lysistrata from Aristophanes.
[ A dinner table is arranged with three place settings. Three chairs sit, one in the middle and two at either end. The middle seat is the head of the table for this moment. Alone sits LYISTRANIA ]
LYISTRANIA: Men, males, the body who houses sperm and penis. How often throughout history are we told to obey them? To blindly follow them? To subject ourselves to their every whim? A drone, I feel like a drone. This table here is set for three, myself, husband, and son. But where are they? It began with my contentment. It was ended once my dear husband decided that, behind my back, he would take my one and only son and send him off to war. A child, in a war that was created by his blindness.
 [a sudden sound interjection is heard, the voice is male and is muffled] 
MALE VOICE: Look at the way we pander to women’s vices, we positively teach them to be wicked!
LYISTRANIA: tut, tut, again. Males thinking all actions of a female are dictated by them.
MALE VOICE: You disgusting creature!
LYISTRANIA: That's not what we need, its intelligence and common sense.
MALE VOICE: Common sense? Look at that face! Would anyone listen to that? Can you imagine that, the face of reason?
[LYISTRANIA rolls her eyes and ignores the voice]
LYISTRANIA: often, I am subject to being known as ‘dim’, ‘idiotic’ or ‘stupid’, especially by the media. Not directly but my dear husband's views on women, of which I am one, seems to place me into this category also. He hides none of his feelings. All these long years I sat silently behind him, while these hopeless wars dragged on. War on guns, War on trade, War with countries, but more importantly this new War involving immigrants. I sat quietly, forgotten at home, endured this oppression without question. Listening in aching silence to your idiocy, for at home you continued discussing the war and its politics. Sometimes, when my interested peaked I would ask with sorrow “what was said in the oval office today” and your retort was always “Mind your own business”. 
I held my tongue for far too long, in that house, caring for my son and doing my ‘womanly duties’. In the progression of this war and its effects on me, I ask my dear husband, why do they still insist on the destruction of our world and his response was always that war is a man’s affair and if I was to ask again I shall feel the wrath. (sips from the cup and begins to rise from her seat) 
Well, now it is time for the men to hold their tongues and listen while the woman recovers the nation.
LYISTRANIA: Then sit and listen.
MALE VOICE: If I was to take orders from one who wears a skirt then may my neck be wrung.
LYISTRANIA: That can be arranged rather easily, dear husband. 
[OFF STAGE ominous gurgling sounds  and coughing, pleading sounds of mercy]
LYISTRANIA: Now, can I finish my story? Thank you. This whole ‘war’ business, especially the ridiculous notion that all immigrants are causing the words problems, news flash my dear, I am an immigrant and so is your son. You want to ban those from a different religious background because you place them all in the category of terrorists? More importantly, you want to end the migration of children who need help and send some almost 700,000 chidden back to where they came from, or to join your crazy child solider program to prove their worth? Your son included then? You send people through the streets, armed to the teeth, to what, to recruit children? To make us feel safer?
MALE VOICE: of course, that's what brave men do, that's what they should do, provide protection at any cost!
LYISTRANIA: No, a man carrying guns around and not having an ounce of discretion when it comes to who is dangerous and who is not? A man who plucks innocent children from schools to drag them to the front lines of your idiotic border because ‘we can't waste value adult lives’?
MALE VOICE: But the international situation is in turmoil at the moment, more and more dangerous thugs appear in our city every day because of the bad border protection! How do you propose we fix it then?
LYISTRANIA: for starters, not taking my son to fight in a dangerous war based on a border would help.
MALE VOICE: MADNESS, you’re all idiots. This is nonsense, what right do you women have to talk like this, what have you ever done for the war effort? 
LYISTRANIA: We have contributed twice as much, if not more, over and over again. We’ve given you the sons and you’ve then sent them off to fight and die while you sit in this precious house on your comfortable chair, thinking you have it all under control.
MALE VOICE: ENOUGH! This is outrageous, I will not stand for this.
LYISTRANIA: I told you to sit dear husband.
LYISTRANIA: Often I am held accountable for your faults, husband, and it seems only fair now that you take responsibility for your own actions. Your actions, immoral, your treatment of people, despicable and your deals, questionable.
MALE VOICE: Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.
LYISTRANIA: Creating legislation to remove all children, either born to immigrant parents or who migrated here, meant losing your own son, how is that an art form, the only rightful descendant of your bloodline, now fighting for your useless borders, idiocy. 
MALE VOICE: Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. 
LYISTRANIA: Dear husband you are not smart, not in the slightest. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need me, a woman, to do your daily tasks and run your household, finances included. 
MALE VOICE: That is quite enough, I have stated before and just to make my point more concrete. I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, will destroy and obliterate the economies of our enemies. If these lowlifes would just pay for the wall like they agreed too we wouldn’t need border protection.
LYISTRANIA: The world needs unity dear husband. Not division, all you create is division and borders and people won't stand for it anymore. I refuse to let you into this house until you can understand what it's like to be singled out and subjected to being denied basic rights.
MALE VOICE: Our southern border is unsecure. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it.
LYISTRANIA: So your solution is to send in children? 
MALE VOICE: Any negative reactions are fake. People want border security and extreme vetting. That's it.
LYISTRANIA: You are a child yourself. 
MALE VOICE: Our country is full what don't you understand about that? Stupid woman, you’re only good for one a few things.
LYISTRANIA: And all of those domestic things, sexual things, even controlling your household finances are now withheld until you give me my son. And stop this ridiculous tirade on children and families.
LYISTRANIA: See a child, as always. Enjoy your closet husband. I think I’ll take running the country into my own hands now.
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johncloud · 6 years
Better DR Strategy Can Save Your Business Big Way
On Sunday, April 17, 2016, the officials at Dhule & Nandurbar District Central Co-operative Bank Limited were thrown into turmoil when they saw fumes coming out of the windows of their Head office. The fire started at around 8:30 am on the third and fourth floor of the bank where the corporate offices were located. DNDCCB’s on-site DC located in the same place hosted all the critical data and client information along with all the transactions and banking operation information. Losing this data could have resulted in some serious consequences.  The fire was so intense that it took around 70 fire brigades and 5 hours to get the situation under control. The Bank lost all of its IT assets and important documents in the accident but thankfully the DC was on the second floor so it was unharmed. While there was no harm to the Servers and Storages in the DC, but the outdoor units of PAC’s and Electrical Systems had got damaged, so the DC became completely inaccessible. Since the Business Continuity Plan was already in place, all the data was safe and business operations could be resumed without any loss of data.
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The incident took place around 8:30 am and the data was backed up at DR Site (ESDS Datacenter) till 8:28 am. As soon as the Security team informed ESDS about the Scenario, the 24/7 support team contacted DNDCCB BCP Committee. After investigating the complete situation of the fire disaster at DNDCCB, it was concluded that the bank head office has taken a major toll due to the catastrophe and it can take weeks, if not months for the bank to completely resume its standard operations. In the meantime, ESDS’s “Service Delivery” team took charge of the situation and made sure that DNDCCB DC infrastructure is secured by taking preventive measures on-site and took consent of the BCP committee to initiate DR process.
After DNDCCB’s BCP Committees consent, ESDS was able to immediately initiate the DR switch over within 2 hours of the disaster.  Dhule BCP team was then updated about the DR activation and requested to verify data integrity and application accessibility at their end. After successful switchover to DR site at ESDS, the Service delivery team took a follow up for another 4 hours and made sure that all 90 branches of DNDCCB are connected to the DR site and the operations are running smoothly at all branches. “Complete Disaster Recovery” was achieved with near zero data loss.
Commenting on the quick successful service from ESDS, Rajvardhan Kadambande, Chairman of DNDCCB, said, “After the Fire incidence, ESDS’s DR Rescue team was available at the incident site within 2 hrs. The support team after analyzing the complete scenario and understanding the criticality of the situation worked 24/7 on the DR Activation process ensuring all the branches were fully operational the very next day of the incidence. I would like to extend my gratitude on behalf of the bank. We are really thankful for ESDS’s Exuberant support in such a crucial moment of time. Loss of any data would have created major problems for the DNDCCB Bank, but we were fortunate enough that ESDS restored entire banking operation from the DR site with 0 data loss.”
The Dhule & Nandurbar DCCB was successful in transitioning all of its 90 branches to the DR site and  was able to make sure the banks operations doesn’t get hampered. To the outside world, the bank was open for business as usual. The Bank has been able to curve paths towards achieving business benefits by offering state-of-the-art services to customers through their branches across Dhule & Nandurbar districts with no hindrances in its work processes.
Best DR practices every organization needs to consider:
It is very important that the DR location ought to be no less than 150 kms from the DC site and not so far that it hampers the required RPO & RTO.  The required RPO can be determined by calculating the cost of downtime for the business and weighing it against the respective investments in DR infrastructure. It should be noted that while there are tangible costs that results from business interruption, there are also intangible costs that would surface in the form of lost opportunities for new business to the competitors, loss of reputation etc.
Importance of DR Drills
DR Drills plays a vital role in the whole process but its importance is often ignored by many organizations. ESDS makes sure to perform at least two DR drills every year with DNDCCB team in order to test all the applications, creating solutions for ways to access the critical applications and programs in the event of a disaster. This is done in order to rectify any discrepancies found during the drill thereby eliminating them during the actual Disaster. This is one of the most crucial parts of the disaster recovery plan for any organization. In the event of disaster, where the operations from HO as in the case of DNCCB are down, RBI  has very strict policies to adhere in CBS, as it can result in the voiding of SLA’s and cancellations of Licenses.
In this article, we have sketched out DNDCCB’s present business continuity arrangements, in terms of various requests from the financial institutes. It ought to likewise be noticed that, in spite of the fact that the Bank’s DR plan incorporate arrangements to address extremely severe conditions resulting due to a disaster, it is not necessary that all the financial institutions be prepared for such conditions in the same manner.
Significance of DR
The 17th April Fire Incident at DNDCCB head office have demonstrated the significance of business continuity planning/Disaster Recovery addressing wide-range interruptions and prompted numerous financial institutes to audit and fortify their own DR arrangements. To empower and help these moves by financial institutions, and along these lines guarantee the viable functioning of payment and settlement systems , security & stability of the financial market in India even in times of disasters.
“Disaster Recovery isn’t a one size fits all methodology. Every business is distinctive and every application, a group of clients and organization will have distinct necessities. Our real-time auto-scaling Cloud platform is a perfect fit for all types of Organizations and all such DR setups are managed and monitored 24×7” says Piyush Somani, MD & CEO, ESDS Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Disaster recovery and business Continuity planning are basic parts of the overall risk management for an organization. Since the majority of the threats can’t be dispensed, organizations are executing disaster recovery and business continuity plan to get ready for possibly unexpected disasters. Both procedures are similarly critical on the grounds that they give detail strategies on how the business will proceed after extreme interference and catastrophes.
In the case of a disaster, the proceedings with operations of your organization rely upon the capacity to replicate your IT frameworks and information. The disaster recovery arrangement stipulates how an organization will plan for a disaster, how the organization will respond, and what steps it will take to guarantee that operations can be reestablished. Disaster recovery depicts the greater part of the strides required in making arrangements for and adjusting to a potential disaster with a guide that will reestablish operations while minimizing the long haul negative effect on the organization.
On the other hand, Business continuity plan recommends a more thorough way of ensuring your business is operational, after a characteristic calamity, as well as in the case of littler disruptions. Business continuity includes keeping all parts of a business functioning as opposed to simply technology systems. DR arrangement is a genuinely new approach that teaches what steps an organization must take to minimize the impacts of administration interference. This will restrict the transient negative effect on the organization.
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technato · 7 years
Video Friday: Robot Playdate, Big Drone, and Self-Driving Car in Snow
Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos
Image: Agility Robotics via YouTube
Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your Automaton bloggers. We’ll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here’s what we have so far (send us your events!):
US National Robotics Week – April 7-17, 2018 – United States
Xconomy Robo Madness – April 12, 2018 – Bedford, Mass., USA
NASA Swarmathon – April 17-19, 2018 – Kennedy Space Center, Fla., USA
RoboSoft 2018 – April 24-28, 2018 – Livorno, Italy
ICARSC 2018 – April 25-27, 2018 – Torres Vedras, Portugal
NASA Robotic Mining Competition – May 14-18, 2018 – Kennedy Space Center, Fla., USA
ICRA 2018 – May 21-25, 2018 – Brisbane, Australia
Let us know if you have suggestions for next week, and enjoy today’s videos.
Agility Robotics had a good week. And here’s one of their Cassies on a playdate with a four-legged friend. Aww.
Cassie had a meet-and-greet with a four-legged friend during one of our visits to Playground.
[ Agility Robotics ]
Aerones is a company that makes drones. Big drones. Really big drones.
In case you can’t tell how big that drone is, here it is lifting a person out of a boat:
[ Aerones ] via [ TechCrunch ]
It’s the beginning of the end for humans.
And the end of the beginning for robots.
Or something.
[ Kinova ]
Thanks François!
Come Spring 2018, Sandia National Laboratories hosts the Western National Robot Rodeo and Capability Exercise (WNRR & CAPEX) at its Robotic Vehicle Range in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bomb squads from across the country gather to fire up their robots and sharpen their bomb-neutralizing skills, competing in this tough, multi-faceted training event. WNRR training scenarios mimic the dangerous situations occurring every day in the real world which helps prepare these dedicated specialists for when it all goes down on their watch.
[ Sandia ]
Researchers from ETH Zurich are using a new method for digital timber construction in a real project for the first time. The load-bearing timber modules, which are prefabricated by robots, will be assembled on the top two floors at the DFAB HOUSE construction site. The Spatial Timber Assemblies project combines architecture with robotics and craftsmanship.
[ ETH Zurich ]
Torc’s self-driving car, with a safety driver who appears to be very alert, drives around Virginia in the snow:
The Torc self-driving car, Asimov, navigates the beautiful snow-covered town of Blacksburg, Virginia. We encounter snow plow trucks, pedestrians, and bicyclists on the road and safely maneuver through these complex traffic scenarios while navigating snow-covered roads. The snow sometimes reduces visibility or lane lines, but our system overcomes these obstacles to allow for a smooth drive in the winter weather.
[ Torc Robotics ]
From MIT in 1982:
How do I get my Google assistant to talk to me in that voice?
[ MIT Media Lab ]
From the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology:
A sneak peek of Zachary Robert Kondak’s new song, as part of our new rock-opera composed and performed by both human, robots and cyborgs. Zach may be onto something here. With Shimon Robot, Richard Savery and Jason Barnes.
[ GTCMT ] via [ TechCrunch ]
Watching robots precisely picking and placing is pleasing:
[ Fanuc ]
Hinamitetu unveils another gymnastics robot, performing a routine on the uneven bars.
[ YouTube ]
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) are developing unmanned aerial system (UAS) technology to fly into the containment vessels of the damaged units at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station and assess conditions. During the project, the SwRI-UPenn team demonstrated that the UAS was capable of autonomously navigating in a confined, GPS-denied environment, avoiding obstacles along the flight path, and surviving the radiation levels expected during a mission inside of the units at Fukushima Daiichi.
[ SwRI ]
This video shows the integration of a whole-body inverse kinematics scheme, based on the OpenSoT framework, and a compliant feedback stabilizer that measures the ZMP with the force/torque sensors at the feet. We show our implementation for iCub, in the YARP framework. The robot is position controlled, yet able to compensate for external forces/perturbations. Control is at 100Hz. This is a joint work between the team LARSEN in Inria Nancy and the Humanoid & Human-centered mechatronics lab in IIT.
Thanks Serena!
Here’s some nice work from Jiaji Zhou at CMU showing how a robot arm can use an external surface (like a table) as another finger of sorts to help it manipulate objects:
[ CMU ]
Cooking drones with microwaves is not quite as cool as zapping them with lasers, unfortunately.
From Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2013, Raytheon’s high-power microwave shot down multiple tier one and tier two drones during a U.S. Army live fire exercise at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The high-power microwave uses speed-of-light technology to disrupt and down unmanned aircraft systems. In this video, the system shoots down a Flanker tier one UAS.
[ Raytheon ]
A literal inside look at some of the robots that Engineered Arts has been designing for Madame Tussauds:
[ Engineered Arts ]
We try to keep an eye on the collaborative robots market, but somehow we missed this announcement: Stäubli launched its TX2 line of collaborative robots to the North American market at Automate last year. You can see the TX2 (covered in touch-sensitive soft pads) in the beginning of this video:
[  Stäubli TX2 ]
An overview of using a Sawyer collaborative robot for research and education, featuring Ian McMahon, lead software developer for research and education products at Rethink.
[ Rethink Robotics ]
For the Demonstration Mission Space a dedicated scenario from the ROBEX lunar scientists was chosen. The scenario describes the installation of an active seismic network (ASN) on the Moon’s surface. Main focus here is the measurement of the internal structure and the composition of the upper layer, the lunar regolith. Other questions are the existence and composition of a central core of the Moon and if there is any seismic activity. The seismometers are planned to be transported by a rover and put down on surface by means of a robotic arm.
Drone Delivery Canada USA Testing Program commenced March 5th, 2018 at the Griffiss International Airport in Rome, New York – USA. These flights symbolize the start of Drone Delivery Canada’s International testing initiatives, starting with the United States of America.
[ Drone Delivery Canada ]
In this week’s episode of Robots in Depth, Per talks with David Johan Christensen from Shape Robotics.
David Johan Christensen talks about modular robotics and the Fable system. David Johan started early in robotics, getting involved already in high school. At university he found the EU project Hydra, that introduced him to modular robotics. In the Hydra project he participated in developing, among other things, the Atron self-reconfiguring modular robotics system. We also hear how the Fable system emerged from co-operating with Lego and how it’s used all the way from 4th grade to university level brain research.
[ Robots in Depth ]
Video Friday: Robot Playdate, Big Drone, and Self-Driving Car in Snow syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Hummingbird Personal computer Workstation On Wheels
– A great spot to get computer systems, computer components, electronics, software, accessories, and DVDs on-line. From our custom-developed chassis (making use of SOLIDWORKS) to state-of-the-art components from strategic business partners, BOXX workstations deliver energy and precision that you will not locate at Dell, HP, Apple, or any of the other massive-name personal computer companies. Our specialist engineers push the boundaries of overclocking and liquid cooling to offer read you speeds you won’t discover anywhere else, backed up by LEGENDARY BOXX technical help and our knowledgeable performance specialists. Got yourself a large personal computer for your property workplace but do not have anywhere to place it? We’ve got you covered with a wonderful range of workstations and Pc trolleys to suit any property workplace and pc. Find out great workstations set ups from Homcom, Maja and more.
Several computer desks and workstations are manufactured from Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). This is an engineered wood that is quite sturdy and durable, generating it ideal for the everyday use of a desk. There are generally two elements to a network. Devices on the network that want to share resources or info and the medium which enables the communication to happen. A Network Topology is the physical layout of the computer systems, servers, and cables. There are four topologies described in this understanding item: star, bus, mesh, and ring. You can add wireless to the list as a increasing common option for network topology.
(46) The Director, Technology Solutions (DTS) will recommend to the University Executive acceptable Personal computer Workstation Policy to meet the operational requirements of the University. Many computer desks and workstations function shelving for conveniently keeping paperwork and other products within simple reach, plus a computer drawer, which houses your desktop computer’s tower, keeping it out of the way of your legs so you do not accidentally knock it. The relationship in between size and energy is quickly becoming upended, and it’s not just laptops that are obtaining thinner and much more transportable Lenovo has announced the ThinkStation P320 Tiny, which true to its name is a diminutive workstation Computer that weighs only as a lot as the MacBook Air.
Pc workstations are developed with multiple casters that roll smoothly over office floors and often lock into spot for stability. Easy to assemble and custom configurable, these ergonomic laptop desks feature constructed-in power distribution, cable management, CPU mounts, and optional LCD mounts. Rated 4 out of five by H4773r from A Big Beast It requires some setup, like any big Ikea solution. But once full I was able to set up a workstation as I wanted. Only drawback is that my ridiculous laptop tower is too massive for the shelf at the bottom, but not the fault of the desk at all.
Durability: Every element in a CAD workstation Pc are held to a higher common than what is found in a organization Pc. The notion is that these elements will be used at higher demand, and they should be in a position to manage these expectations. In truth, a lot of workstations are left computing numbers long following folks are done using them. A lot more than 324 million pounds of computer electronics have been responsibly recycled by means of Goodwill given that the partnership with Dell started in Texas in 2004. That is the equivalent of far more than 45 million Inspiron laptops – 1 for every person in the state of California.
Our computer desks and office desks also come in a variety of rates, so no matter what your price range, you can locate anything suitable. Program ahead for workstation improvement expenditures (desks, chairs, computer accessories, etc.) in annual budgets. The term workstation has also been employed to refer to a mainframe personal computer terminal or a Pc connected to a network. The Software program Licensing Service determined that the version of the pc BIOS is invalid. Corner desks are made to fit neatly into the corner of a area in a traditional ‘L’ shape. These allow you to have a lot more desk space by extending the desktop along two sides of the wall. This enables you to use 1 region for housing your laptop tower and for the monitor while the other side could be used for paperwork, books and the alike, delivering you with more general function space.
This Workstation Pc features ample expansion slots, USB three.1, and VGA video capabilties appropriate from the board (DP, HDMI, and DVI-D from the board when paired with a E3 v5 CPU featuring Intel® HD Graphics P530). Walking towards the 3 computer systems close to the escalators, the rightmost (ROW302) is a LIRA workstations. A wide assortment of Modular Personal computer Workstations is offered by us to clients in bulk at most affordable prices. The supplied Modular Pc Workstations are created by us as per the needs of the customers. Modular Laptop Workstations are mostly identified for their longer shelf life.
Want your personal computer desk to match the rest of your property? Here you can browse desks in a range of types, each modern and traditional. Our wooden desks come in a selection of woods, such as pine, walnut and oak. You are going to also find far more modern desk styles in black, white, metal or even glass. Your new personal computer desk will blend proper into your residence. Stop ergo problems that arise from day-to-day pc use. Course focuses on appropriate workstation setup and ergonomic function Practices Note: Eligible for a berry in Stanford’s BeWell Program, credited quarterly. Berry credit is awarded one particular time only and completion is reflected once for the web course in STARS.
Among our consumers we see extremely couple of XP computers left. Those that are left fall primarily into the category of machine controllers or thin customers. Thin customers can continue to be used because they are locked down from modify and never directly access the Net themselves. This tends to make them more resilient to modifications more than time and we can just preserve those in location. For machine controllers we need to have to lock them down so that they have no Net activity at all on them. This implies no e-mail, no net and only the quite restricted function that they have to do in order to run the machine that they are connected to. Any other functions have to be moved off to an additional much more modern operating technique.
Unlike the Surface Studio, the Dell Canvas does not even come with a pc attached – it is merely a show with a quad-HD (2,560 x 1,440) resolution that lays horizontally on your desk. It is got some huge bezels, but Dell says that’s intentional. They received feedback from artists who mentioned they preferred large bezels to rest their palms on whilst drawing. The Canvas also comes with a digital pen as well as the “totem,” a circular dial meant to be placed on the screen that was clearly inspired by Microsoft’s personal Surface Dial.
Performance enthusiasts can take benefit of the Dell XPS and Alienware lines. These Pc desktops mix higher functionality components with robust design and style. You can add far more memory, larger and more quickly tough drives, and even higher-end gaming video cards for maximum computing power. The larger towers in the XPS line give lots of area for cooling so you can run your laptop at complete energy. Though the suggestions described in this plan can benefit anybody who uses a personal computer, they are mostly intended for departments with men and women making use of desktop computers. Most of the guidelines will not apply to laptop computers, which are developed only for brief-term use and can’t be sufficiently adjusted.
As you can picture, that modest frame tends to make it a wonderfully transportable pc. Thanks to its skinny bezels, it can match into bags meant for 11-inch laptops. But, as usual, there’s a price to getting so thin. The XPS 13 2-in-1 does not have room for full-size USB connections. Instead, it packs in two USB-C ports on each side, which can manage charging and external displays. One socket is also Thunderbolt three. compatible, which tends to make it about eight instances as quickly as USB three. for information transfer. Fortunately, Dell involves a dongle in the box to get your older devices connected to USB-C.
Filed under: Tagged: hummingbird, laptop, wheels, workstation from KelsusIT.com – Refurbished laptops, desktop computers , servers http://bit.ly/2CHeSij via IFTTT
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thedietian · 7 years
RMAX Clubbell 5×5
Product Name: RMAX Clubbell 5×5
Click here to get RMAX Clubbell 5×5 at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. RMAX Clubbell 5×5 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Alberto Gallazzi, bodyguard to heads of state, Hollywood superstars, and fashion icons, proved to be far more than a strong shield. After many years of preparing teams of protection agents to replace him and protect some of the world’s highest profile individuals, he demonstrated that he was a master coach as well. Accompanying me from one nation to the next, in all levels, from special operations units to high security clearance government facilities, he assisted me in sharing TACFIT and Clubbell training around the world.
I watched him not only grow as a coach, but integrate his extensive and cross-disciplinary background to develop new approaches to developing strength in all functional angles and necessities. Clubbell 5×5 is more than a shield. It is an intelligently designed weapon for cultivating aggressive muscle mass and expressible power.
He will take us as a community in an untapped direction, and will change the industry with his quiet humility. I am very proud to bring you “The Captain” Alberto Gallazzi’s volcanic approach to strength training: Clubbell 5×5!
Scott Sonnon, TACFIT Tactical Fitness Founder Creator of the Patented Clubbell RMAX International Chief Operations Officer
…to the days when I was serving as a close protection agent, I always trained to be stronger and more functional for my line of work and less for my physique.. Of course I always kept an eye on my food intake but more for quality and not on quantity. In other words a six pack was not my top priority. Over time, I began living a very stressful life with many hours on duty and no specific time for either training or eating properly. This became a nightmare. For exercise, barbells and dumbbells were the main tools available at the unit office and while abroad.
My problem is that I never really liked conventional training and I always tried to spend the least time possible with conventional exercise. I always trained myself with various unconventional lifting or presses and pulls. I wanted to challenge my body with each workout and I would train every single day except Sunday! Of course my training sessions have never been very long (time was restricted) however they were intense. I never trained to the point of exhaustion because I always believed that we should train to create energy for other activities and not to roll around on the ground sore after exercise.
…I found an old book that was explaining about a system that was very popular in the late 60’s called 5×5! It was love at first sight. 3 compound exercises with 5 reps and 5 sets followed by 2 finisher exercises. I immediately tried the system as it was and I felt great. The only thing I changed was the daily schedule and adapted my regimen based on my bodies feedback day by day. I quickly realized I was getting stronger fast and guess what?..I continued to develop more strength, more weight and then more muscle. My head started thinking of the possibilities and I started to research more. During the next several years I was lucky to start working alongside an old friend that became my coach, Scott Sonnon and his CST system.
…I was introduced to the tool of my life…the Clubbell! I focused years of training to refine the techniques before exploring a new area and dimension of swinging and pressing for my personal fitness needs. In my opinion, the Clubbell is one of the best pieces of training equipment out there. A few years ago, I designed the 1st 5×5 Clubbell approach based on 3 compound exercises and 2 finishers, to run in different variations and progressions. People that trained with it started to ask me for more because they saw quick, actual results in regards to their functional strength and also their body composition. Since I am the kind of man who likes to experiment with a new strategy, I experimented with swinging and pressing a 90 lb Clubbell all the way down to some complex movement with a single lightweight one. In those trials, I realized that some of the power was gone in one direction. My brain started to work again and I have now designed what I believe will challenge all the Clubbell swingers out there and improve their strength in a new way.
Special thanks to my mentor and brother Master Coach Scott Sonnon for changing the way I see fitness!
I was born and raised in the Milano suburb of Northern Italy in 1970. As a child, I was very active until the age of 12. It was around that time that I stopped all physical activity, and for 2 years, I was just shoveling food in my mouth. The end result left me a hefty 89 kg at the age of 14 and this was not muscle mass. I finally decided to make a change and started attending a Kung-Fu class. Somewhere along the line, while my body was being restored to health, I was introduced to my “first” love: Full Contact Kickboxing. As I continued to train, I found myself competing, winning several medals, an Italian championship, and few pro fights!
At the age of 18 I volunteered for the Army serving in the airborne division and later becoming very active across many units.  When I left the army, I went on to manage security personnel in different clubs in Italy and abroad. After a while, I decided to move to the United States. I spent 5 years traveling the country studying various styles of martial art and learning from the best coaches. During this time I worked for different security companies, including a bail recovery agent in California.
After 5 years in the United States, I was hired by a Swiss Diplomat to head his security and I moved back to Europe. I found myself working close protection security across the EU, Middle East, South Africa, and more.  I ended up opening a security and training company, Secutor, which provided physical training and designed combat specific curriculum for special forces in Italy and abroad.
I am now the EU director for RMAX International and the TacFit Military Division Chief, representing Scott Sonnon’s work. I have been studying under Dr.  Dennis Hannover and have achieved a 3rd degree black belt in Dennis’ Survival Jiu-jitsu. In 2008, I even won a gold medal at the World Championships in Israel . I have integrated all I learned under my mentor Scott Sonnon and my second father Dennis Hannover, to design a combat specific training method called TacFit Survival Jiu-Jitsu.
“I used to compete in the Korean traditional martial art games and would experience many injuries during that time. This is what initially sparked my interest in exploring joint mobility programs. After treating my injuries with joint mobility, I began seeking joint strength and performance enhancement. If joint mobility restored my body, Clubbell 5×5 gave me joint strength and athleticism. The Clubbell 5×5 program enhances strength in the full range of motion which is called “Circular Strength”. The Clubbell is the only tool that can improve “Circular Strength”.  We need this 3-dimensional strength for sports, combat and even in dance choreography. Let me just say that circular strength equals functional strength period. Clubbell 5×5 is an excellent program for all levels of athleticism as it provides different levels of exercise that help you build up your strength gradually. For Clubbell enthusiasts, this is a must-have program to add to your arsenal. I am very grateful that Alberto released this program to share with everyone.”
JAE HYUN RHEE TACFIT Team Leader and CST instructor
“5×5 provided me a lot of benefits both in athletic preparation and in my combat sports.  I trained with 5×5 before a series of combat competitions to see how it helped my grappling, all were completed with excellent results. I trained 5 days a week with this protocol and in a very short time, I could see my stored fat mass being replaced by lean muscle. I am very pleased with this program, so much so that I now offer dedicated 5×5 classes at my gym, with my students demonstrating the same fantastic results. I love the Clubbell and  Alberto Gallazzi’s 5×5 is “TUTTO TOP”!!!”
CHRISTIANO FALLAI CST Coach Tacfit Team Leader Owner of T-Lab Gym, first Tacfit only Gym in Europe, since 2010
“As a personal trainer and amateur Thai boxing fighter, during the winter, I have very little time to train during the day. 5×5 is my best choice ever! I can keep my muscle mass even when I need to lose weight for my fights, and I gain a lot of stability and core strength training with heavy clubbells! Last but not least it’s FUN! You increase your ability to manage heavy weight clubbells and you gain a lot of body awareness during the process! This is the reason I use 5×5 with my clients. They have fun during the workouts, they learn to swing heavy clubbells effectively in a short time, and they LOVE the results. The improved physique in the mirror is just a bonus!”
LORENZO DI MAIO CST Coach Tacfit Team Leader Personal Trainer
“When I was preparing for the Team Leader test in March I used the 5×5 system  to improve my strength and power levels. After each session of 5×5, I could see these levels growing. At the time my personal goals were to efficiently recover the mobility and power of my hips, especially the right side, and improve the stability in both my shoulders so that I was able to effectively perform mills and squats as part of my Team Leader program. 5×5 did this by helping me not only refine my technique, but create a whole new structure of training. Short pauses between the sets make it a good cardiovascular workout too. I recommend this program to anyone, who in a short time , wants to increase STRENGHT, POWER, CORE, and STABILITY. Last but not least, you will be in VERY GOOD SHAPE..so what you are waiting for? Go and try this program yourself. Special thanks to Alberto Gallazzi who introduced me to 5×5 .”
“Training with the 5×5 system helps us to improve the technique and the movement control in the exercises which need specific reinforcement. Being able to handle large loads or complex movements, setting a clear objective and focusing on improving the performance in each set has enabled us to polish our technique and strengthen the weak points of our structure. Along with Prasara Yoga and Flow work, 5×5 has been an essential part in our preparation for TACFIT Team Leader and now it is a central focus in the preparation of our clients and in our own training.”
NESTOR SERRA AND PEDRO HIDALGO TacFit Team Leaders Iberian Legion
“By intensively working with the TacFit/CST system, I found a notable improvement in the physical conditions of my personal performance and in all the athletes I am currently training. Specifically, with the 5×5 Clubbell methodology, I experienced a significant increase of strength and incredible stability for the connective/articular part (I dislocated both my shoulders in the past and I am currently working despite this critical articular situation). I would also underline that the 5×5 clubbell system, takes advantage of the ballistic movements, thereby improving the elasticity of the muscular fascia and helping to prevent possible accidents.”
NICOLA ORLANDO  TacFit Team Leader and CST coach
WarmUp Follow Along Video
CoolDown Follow Along Video
5×5 Clubbell Bonus Video
TACFIT Survival 5×5 Clubbell Build-Up Video
* Required Legal Disclaimer: Due to recent laws from the FTC, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. All testimonials on this site are real. However, the results described are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated customers have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. In other words, if you want results, you need to take action. ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
Click here to get RMAX Clubbell 5×5 at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. RMAX Clubbell 5×5 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
The post RMAX Clubbell 5×5 appeared first on The Dietian.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2icGnnX
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Solo Script W.I.P
Lysistrata adapted
A one-act monologue play about the FAFOG (First Active Feminist of Greece). Brought into a modern sense with the character modelling and personality meshing of Melania Trump and the original character of Lysistrata from Aristophanes.
[ A dinner table is arranged with three place settings. Three chairs sit, one in the middle and two at either end. The middle seat is the head of the table for this moment. Alone sits LYISTRANIA ]
LYISTRANIA: Men, males, the body who houses sperm and penis. How often throughout history are we told to obey them? To blindly follow them? To subject ourselves to their every whim? A drone, I feel like a drone. This table here is set for three, myself, husband, and son. But where are they? [drinks from the cup. Filled with the sacrificial wine that bonded the women to Eros and Aphrodite during this effort]
LYISTRANIA: It began with my contentment. It was ended once my dear husband decided that, behind my back, he would take my one and only son and send him off to war. A child, in a war that was created by his blindness.  [a sudden sound interjection is heard, the voice is male and is muffled] MALE VOICE: Look at the way we pander to women’s vices, we positively teach them to be wicked!
LYISTRANIA: tut, tut, again. Males thinking all actions of a female are dictated by them. 
MALE VOICE: You disgusting creature!
LYISTRANIA: That's not what we need, its intelligence and common sense.
MALE VOICE: Common sense? Look at that face! Would anyone listen to that? Can you imagine that, the face of reason?
[LYISTRANIA rolls her eyes and ignores the voice]
LYISTRANIA: often, I am subject to being known as ‘dim’, ‘idiotic’ or ‘stupid’, especially by the media. Not directly but my dear husband's views on women, of which I am one, seems to place me into this category also. He hides none of his feelings. All these long years I sat silently behind him, while these hopeless wars dragged on. War on guns, War on trade, War with countries, but more importantly this new War involving immigrants. I sat quietly forgotten at home, endured without question. Listening in aching silence to your idiocy, for at home you continued discussing the war and its politics. Sometimes, when my interested peaked I would ask with sorrow “what was said in the oval office today” and your retort was always “Mind your own business”. I held my tongue for far too long, in that house, caring for my son and doing my ‘womanly duties’. In the progression of this war and its effects on me, I ask my dear husband, why do they still insist on the destruction of our world and his response was always that war is a man’s affair and if I was to ask again I shall feel the wrath. (sips from the cup and begins to rise from her seat) Well, now it is time for the men to hold their tongues and listen while the woman recovers the nation. 
LYISTRANIA: Then sit and listen.
MALE VOICE: If I was to take orders from one who wears a skirt then may my neck be wrung.
LYISTRANIA: That can be arranged rather easily, dear husband. 
[OFF STAGE ominous gurgling sounds  and coughing, pleading sounds of mercy]
LYISTRANIA: Now, can I finish my story? Thank you. This whole ‘war’ business, especially the ridiculous notion that all immigrants are causing the words problems, news flash my dear, I am an immigrant and so is your son. You want to ban those from a different religious background because you place them all in the category of terrorists? More importantly, you want to end the migration of children who need help and send some almost 700,000 chidden back to where they came from, or to join your crazy child solider program to prove their worth? Your son included then? You send people through the streets, armed to the teeth, to what, to recruit children? To make us feel safer?
MALE VOICE: of course, that's what brave men do, that's what they should do, provide protection at any cost!
LYISTRANIA: No, a man carrying guns around and not having an ounce of discretion when it comes to who is dangerous and who is not? A man who plucks innocent children from schools to drag them to the front lines of your idiotic border because ‘we can't waste value adult lives’?
MALE VOICE: But the international situation is in turmoil at the moment, more and more dangerous thugs appear in our city every day because of the bad border protection! How do you propose we fix it then?
LYISTRANIA: for starters, not taking my son to fight in a dangerous war based on a border would help.
MALE VOICE: MADNESS, you’re all idiots. This is nonsense, what right do you women have to talk like this, what have you ever done for the war effort? 
LYISTRANIA: We have contributed twice as much, if not more, over and over again. We’ve given you the sons and you’ve then sent them off to fight and die while you sit in this precious house on your comfortable chair, thinking you have it all under control.
MALE VOICE: ENOUGH! This is outrageous, I will not stand for this.
LYISTRANIA: I told you to sit dear husband.
LYISTRANIA: Often I am held accountable for your faults husband, and it seems only fair now that you take responsibility for your own actions. Your actions, immoral, your treatment of people, despicable and your deals, questionable.
MALE VOICE: Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.
LYISTRANIA: Creating legislation to remove all children, either born to immigrant parents or who migrated here, meant losing your own son, how is that an art form, the only rightful descendant of your bloodline, now fighting for your useless borders, idiocy. 
MALE VOICE: Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. 
LYISTRANIA: Dear husband you are not smart, not in the slightest. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need me, a woman, to do your daily tasks and run your household, finances included. 
MALE VOICE: That is quite enough, I have stated before and just to make my point more concrete. I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, will destroy and obliterate the economies of our enemies. If these lowlifes would just pay for the wall like they agreed too we wouldn’t need border protection.
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years
How can you get anything done. It's the schedule of command. It was just that no one else cares about them in fact, it would seem the ideal plan for most people, rich or poor country, you have to figure out what to do; whereas VCs should be trying to make things go your way except in a few places being sprayed with the antidote. That doesn't erase the advantage of investors, but there is a lot more on its design. The second idea is that, financially at least, a better writer? No one does that kind of text is easy to apply. If they stick around after they get rich, they'd behave like bureaucrats. I left in my landlady's attic back in the day, your cofounders will just assume you were tired. Instead of delivering what viewers want, they're trying to convince someone by shouting at them. The numbers on the Y axis are smaller, but the Internet got me because it became addictive while I was using it. Until you have some core of users, you can just use the standard series AA documents Wilson Sonsini and Y Combinator, and most have to learn it to get a program into your head when you start to see responses to the writing, rather than their combined length, as the examples of open source and blogging have to teach business: 1 that people work a lot harder when they have options.
Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, and he has done an excellent job of exploiting it, but there's usually some other underlying cause. For example, if you had enough good startups in one place. We had a comparatively easy time of it; the first people I asked said yes; but it took months to pay us, and better when the leader of the company you usually give up in a world ruled by a caste of giants who run after an oblong brown ball, as if the company were using it instead of Yahoo for search. That's how programmers read code anyway: when indentation says one thing. Y Combinator, which is predicated on the idea as well as taking it from others. I'm not proposing this is a valid field for scholarship, why not undergrads? Why should good ideas be funny?
Markets or Government Subsidies? So I bought it, but I never saw the math of why till I got to Yahoo, I found that I got a lot more than you expect for the deal to close, which is the same sort of insight Socrates claimed: we at least knew we knew nothing. Which means we will increasingly have the upper hand over investors, if they aren't median people, it's a bug. For some kinds of work—that everyone should go and start a startup, so much the professors as the students. No more nice shirt. Some switched from meat loaf to tofu, and others to driving SUVs. For some kinds of work equally, but at every point till you're profitable. But you don't need either of those. So by this point you've been riding on a subway line for twenty years, they'd get surprisingly far.
It's what bias means. Fee, fie, fo, fum, I smell a company run by marketing guys. Now an angel can go to something like Demo Day only needs to be able to do that in a language that the very best investors explode less frequently and less rapidly—Fred Wilson never gives exploding offers, for example. Now there are moves afoot to make it big, but you can tell them that a perfect formulation of a problem is already half its solution. This way you might in a couple minutes. In fact many of the best stuff, is the root of the problem was one that needed to build a factory or hire 50 people obviously needed to raise and let the percentage acquired vary with the market, but this is little consolation to the nerds, it's nothing personal. The desire for speed is so deeply engrained in us, with our puny computers, that it has started to mean something. At this early stage, but companies doing acquisitions are not looking for bargains.
It has been so thoroughly picked over that a startup will win, but to show where languages are heading. This way of framing the question wrong. Or more precisely, a huge increase in productivity. Ask your parents. And just as the very most popular kids don't persecute nerds; they don't need publishers. In fact, the sound of the homing beacon. It's when you move on to the next phase, when we took users onto our server. Most people overvalue negative amounts of money and comparatively little help: when a VC offers you a term sheet. Those are both good things to be.
The topic sentence is your thesis, chosen in advance, the supporting paragraphs the blows you strike in the conflict, and the corresponding things running Android. It only came in black, for example. In some Lisps expressions can return multiple values. America, design a town that could exert enough pull over the right people to move there without being paid for it. But they're doing it. It's technique. It's hard to engage a big company.
One valuable thing about our software. But it's a proxy for revenue growth with retained earnings was one cause of economic inequality. They did try to get out of fashion in 100 years, maybe they'll listen to God.
I made because the outside edges of curves erode faster. But the question of whether public company not to say Hey, that's not art because it was. No one seems to have to choose which was acquired for 50 million, and that he transformed the field. Among other things, you can't mess with the other people who lost were us.
They assumed that their prices stabilize.
In fact most of the aircraft is. Http://paulgraham. It's probably inevitable that philosophy is nonsense.
This is, so we hacked together our own startup Viaweb, which are a lot online. As he is at fault, since they're an existing university, or some vague thing like that. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
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