#every sick fuck complicit in this deserves it
hussyknee · 8 months
I miss when different things used to happen. Memes and movies and discourse and world crises and celebrity drama and political discourse and disaster and more memes and such. Now it's just genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide,
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𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒊𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 - hyunjin x reader x felix au fanfic
1 - Hi, nice to meet ya, got nothing to believe in
Hushed murmurs and gentle hands patting on shoulders, sniffles, the trembling, flickering warm lights of the candles burning their yellow flames against the dark backdrop of the thick black velvet curtains.
Drapings and pillows, several different bouquets of orange carnations and white lillies, a few of his favorite dark red roses drowning out the stench of death. Not that there was any, actually. You just smelled it despite the frigid coldness of the now empty burial chamber, well hidden behind the curtains and window panels and intricatly decorated black wood dividers with depictions of cherry blossoms and spring.
Death could never feel like spring, death was ultimately winter.
Clusters of old family friends and relatives gather around the main refreshments table, picking at the humongous display of finger food and drinks being served in tall crystal glasses. Sitting in the far corner, you sip from your own glass, your hands only slightly shaky, flashing pictures of the funeral just being held swimming around your brain.
You thought you weren't going to crumble and you didn't. Emotionally frozen, you had silently promised yourself the tears and the pain were only yours to see, yours to feel, like they did the night you found out he had died, and so you stood, motionless, stoic even while watching his body being lowered in the ground, the muffled sounds of his mum crying with a handkerchief pressed hard against her nose and mouth, cutting you deep but not enough to make you stumble.
Your heart as cold as ice. You hadn't even cried, not a single tear had spilled down. All the symptoms were there, the grip constricting your chest, the blockage in your lungs and in your throat, your fingers trembling, but no sound came out of you, you had just repressed everything down, down down, six feet under.
Shrapnel to his chest during a battle drill, Hyunjin had died foolishly. There. You said it. You said it a thousand times in your head, over and over until you had convinced yourself there was no more point in crying, until pain had become all you were, not just part of you, your bones hardened like a shield made of stone, until it rendered your blood vessels numb.
He was gone. And you had to live with it. He was gone and you had to live. What a stupid fucking thing. Life was a joke with the most twisted, sick sense of humor. One minute he was there with you, curled up in your own bed, crying laughing as he clapped his hands and his feet, even, watching some underfunded b-list kdrama with you, and the next minute mandatory conscription had taken him away from you. Forever.
Perhaps you deserved it. Perhaps you just weren't meant to be happy and in love. The matching jewellery and stealing his clothes on late Sunday mornings while drinking from his cup and riling him up for no reason other than see him getting turned on, the long talks over books and coffee, the fights,oh ... the fights.
The fights where you yelled and cursed him out and he giggled because "you're so beautiful, even when you scream at me you're so beautiful", top teeth sinking into his plush bottom lip, large hands cupping your reddened face and forcing you to kiss him silly, which you always abided to.
The crazy makeup sex, the catching the last show at the movie theater, clothes soaking wet with rain cause you had been caught up in a storm while taking pictures in the city. Restless nights, day trips to Jeju, flowers in every corner of your house, paint stained t-shirts and complicit eyes, with tears spilling from the corners.
You were violently in love with him, felt the happiest, fullest version of yourself each minute you spent with him. You had cherished so much, enjoyed 7 intense years of him being your first everything, your first and only love, foremost, of growing older and fonder and greedier for you never wanted to share him with anyone, and you were getting punished for it.
Cause now he was no longer yours and he was no longer anyone else's and he was just no longer.
Staring into nothingness, caught up in a daze of memories, you bring your empty glass to your mouth, your burgundy stained lips grazing the cold rim, teeth almost biting glass, your grimace and frown, heaving yourself up begrudgingly so you can reach the table and grab more wine, you have work tomorrow but the emptiness needs to be filled somehow.
"Oh, sorry. You go first". You look up from your hand clutching the bottle of Moscato to find two squinty orbs staring back at you. And freckles. A miriad of them.
The platinum blonde young man in front of you smiles politely and gestures for the bottle in your hand, relinquishing his turn for you, something about his elven like features, perhaps a glimmer in his seemingly kind eyes catching you a bit off guard, or perhaps the alcohol warming your blood, too. Destabilizing you just enough.
"Why-why do I feel like I'm supposed to know you?", you stammer out, trying to focus on his face, raking your brain for any glimpses of recognition, something oddly familiar going off at the back of your head but you can't quite point your finger on what it is or why it feels familiar to you in the first place.
A surface deep dimple and cushion like eye bags, he smiles, warm brown eyes squinting, big straight teeth flashing, "Lee Felix, I'm not sure we've met before. But perhaps you know of me, I-I used to be friends with Hyunjin... ", low voice, heavily accented, faltering on his last syllables, he clears his throat and half bows to you.
"We... we were actually supposed to be called up in the same military roll out but I - ugh... I have a really bad back. Herniated disc. They deemed me unfit before I even managed to declare I would renounce cause I have my Australian citizenship other than my Korean one".
Felix. The name resounds in your head but said in Hyunjin's voice. Something about your boyfriend missing him terribly ever since he left for Sydney. Something about early high school days and sharing music class and p.e.
"Feeellix, is the nicest person you'll ever meet. We have to visit him next summer, you'd love him, I'm sure" - "what makes you say that?" -a half hearted, breathy giggle rolling off your lips, - "just a feeling. Deep in my heart, I just know"-Hyunjin's dreamy eyes, a knowing smile.
You nod just barely, biting at the inside of your lips, "I'm sorry for your back... must be... painful", you murmur, feeling his eyes staring as you pour the wine in both of your glasses, not knowing how to make small talk, not knowing what to say and what to feel, how you're supposed to either talk in the present tense or past one about Hyunjin with one of his friends, if you're supposed to talk about him at all.
Everyone in your family, you had shut out. Not that there was much dialogue or communication of any type with both your parents before Hyunjin's passing, anyway. You had been living in different continents even before that.  His family... you had no idea how to approach either.
Both his mum and dad had welcomed you in their family like you were their own child, they loved you so and never failed to mention that, but to see them so devastated had made you incapable of coming up with anything but the blandest, most predictable condolences . It was likely you both needed each other, for you loved the same person, although differently, but the wall of pain and wanting to respect that same pain hindered the way for everyone involved, especially with how fresh his death was.
Felix nods uncertainly and sighs, he takes a slow but big sip of his wine, keeping the drink in his mouth for a little longer than necessary, "it's okay... I mean... Nothing is okay right now is it?".
A small, sad smile, shiny eyes that clearly have been holding back tears, they briefly flicker all over your face before they settle into yours: a different kind of sympathy resides in them, a knowing of sorts, he offers no circumstancial wishes and appraisal.
And perhaps it's the sugary, alcoholic sweetness on your lips, the Yves saint Laurant emanating off of the collar of his black button up or maybe it's the comforting, steady silence you two share, your eyes locking as the both of you take another sip of your drinks, but something indistinct and burning quietly settles somewhere inside of you where you don't ever look anymore.
It's the alcohol you tell yourself, it's the loneliness, the heartbreak for a heart that's no longer there.  A delicious rush to your neck, no questions asked, no wavering in your hands when they undo the button of his shirt, one by one, or when they rest on his smooth and soft pectorals.
No kisses. He goes for it, he really does, mouth hovering over yours, warm breath entering your nostrils. But then he sees the heat burning behind your stare, and he goes for your neck instead, fingertips trailing up your hair, pulling at the nape of your neck until you tilt your head back and expose your jugular to him.
It's the alcohol but your vision isn't blurry at all. It's the alcohol but you're hyper aware of how dirty you feel. Not enough to shake you. Not enough to stop him from palming your chest, bite your skin, kiss it better. Your back hitting the door to your apartment, tight, tailored suit pants riding up his crotch as he immobilizes you against him.
Your boyfriend is dead. And you're fucking his best friend.
Chapter 2
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miraculous-lesbians · 1 month
Let's see 25 and 30, shall we?
25.) Least favorite plot hole
Emilie as a character and plot device. How long was she considered dead? Is she considered dead or missing? When did Gabriel decide to become a super villain instead of, you know, using the miraculous’ he had to heal her? Why didn’t he focus on fixing the Peacock miraculous first, instead of being Hawkmoth? Was Emilie a perfect parent who did nothing wrong? Was she complicit in Gabriel’s bad parenting? That doesn’t sound like a good parent to me all. And why the hell are there so many statues and paintings in her name? They couldn’t have all been done after she died/went missing/went into her coma, right?
30.) Stupidest discourse in your fandom and the correct take on it
Whether or not Chloe was 1) redeemed, 2) planned to be redeemed or 3) deserves redemption. As someone who really likes Chloe, and at this point in the series, I could give less of a damn about this discourse I’m sick of it! Sick! Ship her off to New York and never touch her again! Stop bringing her back into the plot! Make new fucking villains and bookend the ones you have!
…the correct take is Chloe should’ve been at least neutralized, only because we can’t have two mean girl rivals for Marinette. Chloe should’ve been dealt with before they introduced Lila.
I don’t care if it’s via redemption, moving to a different country, or just lowering her importance and using her for comedy. (A la Mandy from Totally Spies. You see how they never decide to make her integral to any overarching WOOP plots? And before you ask, yes those do exist in Totally Spies. She’s basically a conflict starting character that writers actually like to use because they use her at the beginning of almost every episode.)
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calamitys-child · 2 years
Wow the speed from which I went from elated happy comfortable confident in my status as a queer artist with good friends and a solid community (indie books event) to absolutely sick and shaking with fury (leaving event to see my friend barely out of a panic attack because a huge anti trans protest had just gone past our work). Let us live let us live let us live we live we love we make art we love we try we try we try let us fucking LIVE oh my god you bastards stabbed a fucking child to death and said she deserved it for daring to be happy I hope every single one of the people complicit in this spend every second of their mortal existence in agony and then discover that nothing comes after that except a return to the earth where they will grow the crops our trans children eat and finally maybe they'll have done one fucking worthwhile thing I hate them I hate them I hate them the worms are too good for them but at least the worms are inevitable
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cascadianights · 8 days
If I see one more donation post openly guilting Americans into giving up their money because they are directly responsible and complicit in genocide-
I have moral ocd. I've rehashed everything I've ever done that had any potential negative affect, even perceived, on anyone. And yknow what? I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of this shit. I'm SICK OF THIS SHIT!!!!
I didn't vote for my taxes to go to the military! I didn't give up 25% of my nonexistant income that has never been enough to break even instead of sinking further in debt to WAR. I am sick of every single social movement focusing on how directly responsible I, as a person who's been living on the edge of homelessness and without work for 4 years, as a person who's too disabled to go to town more than once every other fucking week, as a person who spent every part of my time when I could work doing caregiving and political activism, is directly fucking culpable for every harm that's ever been done by this shitass country. I was not in my ancestors bodies I am in MINE. I don't control any one else's fucking actions and I control very little of my own fucking life. I've spent every iota of energy I've had establishing safe spaces and laws and houses to turn around and be explicitly told by protest movements thst I'm not doing enough and my body deserves to be a shield. To be told by "leftist activists" I'm never doing enough to wash the blood from my hands and my veins, and can't I give just a little bit more - if I can afford X (I cant!) I should be! To be surrounded by groups of people who hash out the right for my body my existence to even be here and then tell me my privilege, no matter how much of it is assumed, makes me that much more responsible and you're never doing enough. Never trying enough never paying enough never talking about it enough never putting my literal body on the line enough.
Meanwhile I can't afford bread or spices. I can't afford insurance or gas. I can't afford the PO Box my voting pamphlet will be sent to. I live in a falling apart trailer because I don't have the money to work on it, on the property of abusive people using me for free labor on top of the rent everything I own including my body goes to selling for. I haven't had housing security for the next month of my life in years. I'm SURROUNDED by other people in the same awful fucking circumstances. And we're just not trying enough!!!! We need constant daily reminders that we are as culpable as the people making the laws and pulling the triggers and signing the deals to send missiles! We're at fault for every problem in this country and abroad! And if our bodies are not on the line, if my trans disabled broken body is not physically on the line for EVERYONE ELSE in EVERY SENSE, then we're just aiding and abetting genocide happily and willingly.
I understand the anger of those facing a genocide, because I've spent half my life facing one. But you pathetic little horrible gastric bypass snails of the fucking world leftists who jump on the bandwagon to use everyone else's pain to continue your crusade of pain, of catholic shame and guilt, of being above it all by simply opting out of a vote while nothing we can do frees us of the reign of blood you say came from the feeble broken steps I take, you can eat dirt and shit gravel you abusive monstrous war profiteering catholic mother FUCK E R S
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malicemizer · 10 days
Fuck. I’m so fucking angry with… I don’t even know who with. But I’m just angry. And I’m sad. I’m so deeply harrowingly sad. All the pictures of children with their families, their beautiful families that were just living their lives. And it wasn’t great by any means. But they had food, shelter, love, light, happiness, and God. Tumblr is really my only source of information about the genocide in Gaza. But I’m so glad I’m able to know what’s happening across the world from me. I’m so touched by the people messaging us, sharing their stories, showing us these horrible pictures, being so so vulnerable to thousands of people. But they shouldn’t have to do all that. They shouldn’t have to deal with any of it. That should not be their reality but Israel and the United States and every other country that has been complicity silent about the atrocities being committed in Palestine has FORCED that life onto them. Where is the humanity? Why don’t people care more? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Here you have an opportunity to eliminate the suffering of millions, and these governments and polished-shoe wearing autocrats are SILENT because they know they can benefit in some way from brown people far away being killed. There are children who must be rocked to sleep to the sound of gunfire, dads that must watch their backs always in case they are drone struck, mothers who have to care for the frail and sick, grandparents with no remaining descendants, entire families obliterated because these colonizers are SELFISH and cruel. How can this go on? How can people be so disgusting? And on today, the eleventh day of the ninth month, I’m expected to mourn 3,000 people who didn’t deserve what happened to them, but I’m expected to do that and send my thoughts and prayers to their families instead of pounding the pavement to do something about the people that can be saved from state violence RIGHT NOW. These governments are the REAL terrorists. It makes me so fucking sick. And it makes me sick to know that I’m complicit in any kind of way.
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blazenfire223 · 4 months
[ID in undercut]
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I am angry I am angry I am so damn angry. Why must this country feel no shame for the blood strone across its lawn? History is repeating itself relentlessly. We have the playbook in our hands, and yet it's as if we only look at it to reminisce and not realize it's there for us to learn from. Why does this country try to pride itself for being great and moral when it has REPEATEDLY done some of the most IMMORAL and DISGUSTING things in history. Living here makes me feel insane for being so compassionate and empathetic. It makes me feel insane for going on with life knowing this awful fucking place is complicit in genocide. I feel insane when I point out how shitty it is here. I am embarrassed to be born and live here. That flag that seems to wave every where you fucking look is not my flag. I refuse to have pride in it. I. Refuse.
Reading the thousands of names of Palestinians, of children, murdered made me sick as I drew this but I did it anyway. I feel guilt that I couldn't include all of them. They all deserve to be remembered. They were human. They were lives snubbed out before they even truly began.
ID: A 3 panel traditional comic. Panel 1: A parent in white holding their bundled up child in purpleish-pink. They're waking up to the touch of their parent's finger against their cheek. The background is red with words that say "Look into my eyes, and tell me what you see..." Panel 2: It is a close up shot of the child's face. They're smiling bright and their eyes shine. The background is bright yellow with the words "Do you see a future friend? A future artist, a poet? A hero? A daughter or son?" Panel 3: It shows a graveyard with the names of dead Palestinian children. The middle name says "Sabreen al-Rouh Jouda 2024-2024". One off to the side is a bit cut off but says "Saja Musa Muhammad Al-Aidi 2022-2023". Then one behind that one says "Rehab Essam Hussein Saleha 2021-2023", and the final visible one says "Bana Iyad Gamal Nasr 2020-2023". The text says "I could have been all but you Killed Me before my life even began." /End ID]
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toshootforthestars · 1 year
Here’s that viral video of a U.S. House Representative from Tennessee that may or may not be truncated, and may or may not be missing context.
1.  “...and we’re not gonna fix it. Criminals are going to be criminals.” Fuck you.
2.  So many people are guided by such quaint, folksy “wisdom” that this guy espouses.  This isn’t reasoned, critical thinking.  It never will be.
3.  “Buddy... if someone wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there isn’t a whole heck of a lot you can do about it.” 
As I’ve heard endlessly from the social conservatives and moderates today and yesterday, this man speaks the TRUTH. There ISN’T a goddamn thing you can do about it... other than KILL. Get your weapon of choice, quickly gain tactical advantage, and kill the fucker before they kill you. Great! I genuinely hate that this is the best and only option. This fucked-up dumpster fire oligarchic country provides little for the individual anymore, and so many elected leaders shrug their shoulders and decide “Fuck it, you’re on your own” as if their only job is to compliantly do the bidding of their financial backers. Mass shootings?  Just buy a gun and be careful.  If you get shot up, that’s on you.  OK.
So *supposedly* we can’t end mass murder because this is a violent world and for I to think otherwise and act otherwise is an invitation for death. Every moment of every day I have to stand my ground and prove my worth and watch my back. Slip up and fuck around, and I’ll find out a hard lesson fast.  And until society gets tough with all the weirdos and mentally ill and criminals and whatnot, we all can't have any safe space.  Not for us nor our kids. 
And I don't kid myself, this is a dangerous world full of dangerous people. In many places I have to watch my back.  The past few generations of leadership in this country is complicit in this. 
I want to imagine a better world and strive to make that happen... and I'm very well aware that many people in this country are not on the same page with me, as they don't have the imagination nor inclination to envision a better world, and also perhaps have an active stake in keeping things the bloody way they are.
This proxy war against the enemies of political and social conservatives and moderates is the choice the leadership in this country chooses to make, instead of doing anything else. They make these choices out of ignorance and spite, and my friends and I can’t help but be afraid now to be who we want to be and live the quiet lives we want to live, because a sick cadre of reckless individuals ordains upon themselves control over this country. The fraction of us that want peace and understanding are being forcibly shut out from the lives we want and deserve on this floating space rock...
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culturedirectory · 2 years
With its frequent references to an underfunded NHS, grim bursts of hedonism and explosive misdirected rage, Nil By Mouth (Gary Oldman, 1997) is a masterclass in British realism which not only deserves, but requires a remaster in 2022 (and a wide release in every British cinema if I had my way). Inspired by Oldman’s youth in New Cross, the film focuses on a working class family terrorised by the alcoholic patriarch Ray (Ray Winstone) and held together by the stoic matriarch Janet (Oldman’s sister Laila Morse) whose factory job provides for basic necessities including her son Billy’s (Charlie Creed-Miles) heroin addiction. Ray is the husband and abuser in chief of Janet’s horrifically mistreated, despairingly strong, pregnant daughter Val, portrayed sublimely by a haunted Kathy Burke in one of the greatest British performances ever put to screen. 
The film places viewers directly into the action, leaving the messy web of relationships to be discovered as we are drawn into the films extraordinarily detailed and dizzying world of depravity. Starting in a large and blue dimly lit social club, an aura of menace arises from the first shot. In a close up we first see Ray demanding the barman for a insane amount of booze as the camera, in close up shots, whips from detail to detail, capturing and mirroring the heady drunken night in full swing. Children and families are present as a comedian on stage spits the most misogynistic jokes imaginable, in a place you’d hope would be a refuge from the oppression its inhabitants suffer in the outside world. The camera, snapping between extreme close ups of punters’ faces, is eternally spinning and we follow Ray back to the table where Val and some friends are sat. He plonks some drinks, grunts vaguely at them and then walks off to join his bloke mates with the rest of the alcohol. Once there his sleazy friend and favourite enabler, Mark (Jamie Foreman) mirrors the discourse of the comic with a hedonistic tale of an orgy he once attended. The audience, not yet grasping the lengths of the two mens violence against women, is compelled to laugh at the absurd crassness of the tale. 
 At some point after this introduction into their world, the family (Ray, Mark, Val and Billy) are sat in Ray and Val’s flat and Mark and Ray are entertaining Billy with stories of their youth, this time focused on extreme senseless violence. A murder commited by a clearly mentally ill former classmate is remarked upon by Ray asking rhetorically “Who the fuck gave him a gun?” leading us to question why instead of being helped, the classmate was given a tool for violence which, obviously, he used. When Val tries to enquire about the story, watching with hollow eyes from the kitchen as she makes the men tea, she is told to shut up, belittled and called a cunt (as of 2019, the movie contains the most uses of this word in any film). She can never become a part of their sick world even when she attempts to be complicit in it. Their conversation also swings to their incredibly excessive substance abuse, Mark and Ray’s potion of choice in their youth being prescription pills and booze – “blueys, reddies, greenies, uppers, downers” – a desperate attempt to self medicate with a subversion of the tools given to them by the NHS. Mark is also surprisingly candid, although dismissive, of his experience with depression, claiming the “happy” pills they gave him to treat his case made the user violent, “likely to murder your parents”, one of the many markers of distrust in the film in relation to a decaying social system and a demonstration of the neo-liberal American grip tightening on the throat of the NHS. Even if the pills don’t provoke such an extreme reaction they are entirely numbing, leaving sleazebag Mark unable to “fuck” to his absolute dismay. The soundtrack, written by Eric Clapton, aids in this air of faux Americana as his blues riffs spiral and repeat throughout the film, providing an engrossing trance-like state whilst also being reminiscent of the sparse arrangements of a Morricone backed Western. This talk of medical imagery, present in the title of the film itself, conjures the writing of Mark E Smith as part of The Fall, their ballad “Mr. Pharmacist” being a damning takedown of the hypocracy around legal drugs and their sedating, numbing effects on society. This distrust in the of the NHS under its state of managed decline also extends to the female characters in the film, the people most vulnerable and in need of refuge. Potentially the most shockingly violent and unflinching scene in any kitchen sink drama, which for the sake of it’s pure cinematic and social power and already available discussion I will not be exploring explicitly, occurs around the halfway point of the film. The scene afterwards masterfully dismantles the shock value of the violent episode, using the viscerality to its benefit, lingering on the emotional, micro-structural implications rather than upping the ante. A horrifically disfigured Val lies to Janet that she has been run over. It is evident Janet is not buying her story but in an act of conditioned British foolishness refuses to press further. When asked why she didn’t go to the hospital, Val responds “you know what hospital is like at night.”. One can only imagine the kinds of violence fuelled by social mismanagement and underfunding which could provoke such a hesitancy to seek help in the exact place one should find it. 
Ray and Val are the two characters we see the most of, their respective actors delivering the richest performances. The character in the family we see the least of is their daughter. Raging desire to feel anything has left Ray with many children, a precise amount never given. Is her absence a sign of his lack of care? Most likely not, rather forcing audiences to identify with this tabula rasa of consciousness, who has only been privy to violence from her Father in her life. The harrowing radial point scene is ended by Ray saunters off the hellish, paranoia fuelled assault on his wife and in a wide shot constricted by a flight of stairs, sees his daughter at the top of them. Viewers have to speculate whether this pillar of innocence in the film was actually present during the beating and by extension, whether the point of spectatorship in the film is behind her eyes. This would certainly address the theme of cyclical abuse which Oldman is intent on exploring. When someone is exposed only to violence and witnesses only violence, they are likely to be violent. This much applies to Ray, who in a perverse therapeutic lapse in his utterly derranged macho demeanour,  speaks to Mark of his Father putting down his beloved dog whilst on holiday with his Gran and being the same kind of violent drunk as himself. This childish scene of regression where he longs for the affectionate yet shallow displays of a Father, demonstrates the eternal scars that abuse leaves and the frigid and facistic men it can create. His cries are so childish and unlike the exterior we’ve witnessed that we realise this man, whilst being frank with Mark, is not deeply understanding the root of the psychic and politcal conditions that create such infernal scenes of poverty. Thus the cycle continues. This makes it easy to view the ending with its disturbing, reunion of the family due to Billy’s recent incarceration as unfathomably precarious. Everyone is smiling and in good spirits, but Billy is now in prison and being threatened to have his head cut off for snitching and siding with the powers that be. Val’s promise to have fun and be happy by leaving Ray and his patriarchal, objectifying acts of pathetic control is now in tatters. This can especially deject audiences when considering how full of joy she was in previous, brightly lit scenes without Ray anywhere near her. She is living her dream to not be “someone people feel sorry for”. Possibly to the detriment of the film, this is nearly all her character has been up until this point. The attention given to Billy and his heroin odyssey could be better spent on Val’s internal monologue. This includes a bizarre hand held long take where a fellow addict recites a scene from Apocalypse Now. This does not seem a politically relevant movie and more of a way for Oldman to insert Brechtian meta commentary and flex his directing chops, although I understand the commentary on dehumanisation and isolation. This makes the moments of lightness unbearably sad. Viewers that long to see her as a fleshed out character and identify with her will have this immediately snatched from them only a few scenes. And therefore, the final scene offers only the monochrome darkness of their flat, now mended by Ray after completely trashing it. Again, the only work Ray can put in is the literal physical reconstruction of his damage, rather than anything deeper. 
This is a world where violence exists as a given. However, due to being a deeply personal piece of work, it doesn’t point fingers as explicitly at the causes of violence beyond the family. Yet this political imprecision is powerful because the viewer, through the grainy handheld camera, is a part of the family. We are forced to deal with the same reality that they deal with, including a structural inability to confront the governmental forces which have fostered such evil, without the physical means to create an environment of love. When seeing the world through the humanised and pharmaceutical-cloaked camera lens, viewers are left numb to the despicable suppression of the British working class, focusing on the misdirected cycle of rage and abuse that it leaves in its wake. The film ends with a dedication to Oldman’s father, his mother’s voice is dubbed in the scene where the family’s grandmother sings, his sister plays the matriarch holding the family together and his real Dad sat in the same armchair used in Ray’s flat. It is my opinion that we must congratulate Oldman for creating such a resonant piece which stands the test of time whilst being so deeply personal. The film is never dissatisfying in what it intends on achieving and the ambiguity of the ending is simply heart-shattering many years on.
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I don't know and I'm sorry if you have answered this before, but what do you think about toph being a cop, there's so much hate on it but I personally don't find it that wrong, I'm not sure tho I haven't seen korra yet. thank you:)
I'm going to be honest with you and say that I'm still pretty on the fence about this myself. I've spent a lot of time pondering it, but I'm still not sure where I stand, because I feel like there's an argument to be made both for and against it. Not sure if I'll be able to provide you with a straight answer, but I'm happy to provide some thoughts on both sides of the argument as well as on how and why I think she got into the field, my issues with the way the police force was run in LoK (under the assumption that it was built from the ground up by Toph herself), and what I would have done differently (or rather what I think Toph would have done differently that would have made it feel more in-character, if that makes sense).
The main argument as to why it's out of character for Toph to go into law enforcement is that in the original show she's portrayed as somebody who is anti-authoritarian and has no qualms about breaking the law. Kid Toph is very much a "fuck the rules" kind of person and dislikes being told what to do, so the idea that enforcing rules and regulations would become her future career is definitely confusing. Although I was also extremely confused at first, over time it's grown on me in a way and I can make sense of it. However, I agree that it's still not the most in-character and I can understand why a lot of people don't like it.
Although it's still up for debate as to whether or not she has the philosophy for the job, she absolutely has the skill set for it. I can see her enjoying getting to exercise her metalbending skills on a daily basis. Toph is in extremely good physical shape and is an athletic person who enjoys exercise, and having a physically-oriented job would definitely be good for her. She probably made an excellent detective as well, what with her lie-detecting abilities, seismic sense, and general fine-tuned observational skills. Oh and can you imagine being interrogated by Toph? Scary shit. There's also something to be said about how although Toph hates being told what to do, she absolutely loves being in charge and telling other people what to do. Like they say, "When you get sick of breaking the rules, you make the rules," which is sort of how I view Toph in this scenario. Toph is largely unhappy with a lot of the rules and regulations in society, so I think that if she were offered a position where instead of having to follow other people's rules, she would be able to create her own rules in a way she saw fit, I don't think it would be entirely out of character for her to take it. My headcanon is that she created the police force as a favour to Aang and Zuko because they asked her to and she wanted to feel like she was playing an important role in the founding of Republic City. Toph has many virtues, but humble she is not. I really do think she would enjoy the glory she received in such a high-profile position as the Chief of Police. Would she be passionate about the law, per se? Well no, but I think she would enjoy being able to exercise her unique skill set on a daily basis and would likely get a thrill out of bringing people like Yakone to justice. She would enjoy feeling important. Toph isn't someone I view as really wanting a long-term career, so I imagine her getting into the position was less "I want to be a cop!" and more "Welp, I need to get a stable career eventually, and Zuko and Aang really want me to do this for them, and hey I guess I'll get to metalbend everyday and oh I'll have lots of people to yell at and being in charge would be fun and you know what I don't trust anybody but myself to make the rules in this goddamn city so what the hell, I'll take it." I do think that people forget that Toph wasn't just a beat cop, she wasn't even just a detective. She was the Chief. And it wasn't as if she inherited the system from somebody else, it was quite literally a system of her own creation. She wasn't upholding somebody else's law either, she was creating her own laws. Toph was the law in Republic City, and there are few things that girl loves more than being in charge and telling other people what to do.
Now, as to how the Republic City Police Department was portrayed in LoK, it really didn't feel like a system of Toph's own creation like we're supposed to believe it was. Apparently it was largely inspired by the Dai Li, and the idea that Toph would create a system modelled after the Dai Li is preposterous. Toph hated the Dai Li and Ba Sing Se in general. The RCPD is largely "arrest now, ask questions later" and very focused on security, security, security, which just isn't Toph's style. I've seen people throw around the idea of an alternative system loosely inspired by the Kyoshi Warriors, which is something I do like, and I think Toph would as well. I don't think that Toph would really bother with petty day to day stuff like robberies. The main function of the police force under Toph's control would be to bring "real" criminals like Yakone who legitimately endanger the lives and safety of other people to justice. In fact, I can see Toph wanting to rehabilitate and give a second chance to "petty" criminals, especially youth (this is especially true when you take into consideration that she is somebody with a criminal past herself). As we see throughout the show and the comics, Toph is a forgiving person who gives second chances and will hear you out even when you don't feel as though you really "deserve" it. Hell, even if you are a "real" criminal, Toph would probably still hear you out and give you a chance to properly explain yourself. She's 100% the kind of person who would demand fair trial for every single criminal who comes into her custody, even the guiltiest of the guilty, because that's the kind of person that Toph is. In general I think she would likely be a controversial figure in Republic City who would routinely question every single law the council tried to pass. Toph would flat out refuse to uphold any and all laws she felt were unjust or unnecessary, which is part of the reason why having someone like her in the position would in some ways be beneficial.
To be completely honest as somebody who's read a ton of Toph-centric canon complicit post-ATLA-pre-LOK fanfiction, I've kind of just gotten used to the idea. In some ways it makes sense, in some ways it doesn't, and in my opinion it's far from the worst thing that LOK did to Toph's character. But that's just my two cents.
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isolctions · 3 years
“ILYSSA” + past lives.
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................*just throws up peace sign*
no but really, y’all know clear & concise hc posts are Not The Vibe here and nothing makes sense n this likely won’t, either. it don’t even make sense to me & i’ve been writing this entity since 2016. anyway, let’s get started. trigger warnings do apply for descriptions of body horror, mentions of death, natural disasters, plagues and the like, & a lil’ sprinkle of creepy supernatural horror elements.
THE CREATOR — i tried leaving any one specific religion out of her development, bc it really doesn’t even play that huge of a role in her life & aspen’s life, so i always thought of The Creator as a well-known-but-not kind of entity. The Creator created...everything, obviously. all beings, all forms of live, all dimensions and everything in between, including The Void that comes up later. there’s no specific gender, name or details, just The Creator. ilyssa was once a child of The Creator, birthed as an Angel, assigned with certain tasks such as maintaining The Creator’s life forms in a designated area, & ilyssa’s assignment was Earth & its’ inhabitants.
FIRST LIFE — ilyssa no longer remembers any clear details of her first life as an angel. doesn’t recall her name or her appearance, just certain sensations that she felt that lasted throughout her existence. she wasn’t exactly a guardian angel bc she wasn’t allowed to interfere with any of The Creator’s plans or engage with any of the life forms on earth, simply observe & report. and she was so good at her job too, and she was a fairly well known Angel among The Creator’s many children, and she was complete with the warmth of a glowing halo & the weight of shimmering wings & light in her heart & the absolute horror of multiple eyes and an elongated but welcoming mouth. very reminiscent of biblical angels. mildly terrifying. she more or less followed the rules bc let’s face it, Earth & its’ inhabitants were super boring for the first few thousand years. but they started getting so creative! it was so fun seeing them grow! she slowly felt tempted to see what it was like on this big place for herself, so occasionally, she’d disguise herself and walk among humans for a while. if any other Angels took notice of her sneaking off to earth every now and then, they never said anything abt it.
THE FUCKENING — several thousand years later, nothing but sickness and plague and despair filled Earth & its’ inhabitants. ilyssa was very confused. for all time, she watched as humans suffered and animals perished and places burned and volcanoes erupted & buried cities in ash or oceans with floods, and there was...nothing? she could do about it??? she felt compelled to end their suffering in any way she could, including (not so sneakily) sneaking back to earth to give them blessings to ease their woes, but The Creator reminded her that it was not her place to do such a thing. why? because it was all part of the plan, of course! divine intervention was not to be tolerated, no matter how much she found humans to be cute little things. and ilyssa was complicit for a while simply because she didn’t want to cause a rift between herself and her creator, but then humans kept fucking suffering — even those who didn’t deserve it. and she kept asking questions and kept demanding to put a stop to such cruelty and begged The Creator to step in and help, and they refused. finally, The Creator got fed up. ripped the wings out of her back, stripped her title as an Angel, and banished her to lifetimes of solitude. she was fated to fall, halo broken, and would never interact or interfere again.
THE VOID + OTHER 79 THOUSAND LIVES — banishment wasn’t the only punishment. nope. The Creator took it a step further by destroying any sense of identity that ilyssa once had, by condemning her to constant death & rebirth at the hands of the Void, with each rebirth shaping her into an entirely different being. the first few millennia that passed within the Void, she literally didn’t have a fucking face. she was nothing more than a featureless shadow stuck in an empty wasteland, only seeing life within the crystals & color that made up each of her rebirths. while in the Void, many things happened, such as: slowly birthing with more distinctive features (later becoming her present True Form: twelve pitch black eyes that form an hourglass looking shape on her face, a stretched out mouth with razor sharp teeth, sharpened claws, four arms & bony, elongated limbs. she also shrieks, has multiple voices, has No Nose, & is super fucking tall. just store that in ur brain for later babes!), figuring out that there are a multitude of dimensions that exist, ripping into said dimensions & rearranging timelines for funsies/to piss off The Creator, forgot her true name, was killed/reborn like 80 thousand times prbly, & finally harbored absolute, unfiltered, unwavering hatred for all humans. also realized that falling made her feel so painfully cold and empty, and the closest thing to feeling whole were to consume the soul of a human. definitely made some enemies, bc u don’t just waltz into an alternate dimension & eat every living human there without pissing off a few other entities.
80 THOUSAND — eventually, ilyssa figured out a few hiding spots to avoid The Creator’s wrath & spied on different dimensions. earth, specifically, bc she liked to project nightmares onto humans & consume their souls via sleep paralysis / pass through them & possess them until their bodies died off. ilyssa gave up on trying to name herself bc let’s face it, The Creator was just gonna get the Void to hunt her down & kill whatever body she’d been created in for the next thousand years anyway. life literally had no meaning until aspen was born.
MEMORABLE DETAILS — her true form, obviously. only named herself bc while attempting to communicate with aspen via projecting a night terror, aspen called to her by making a noise that sounded like a name so she just fucking rolled with it and went by ilyssa. prbly does not immediately like any other Angels, and will act very antagonistic towards more ‘pure’ beings out of resentment. kind of dig the idea that there are a few Angels that remember her / she remembers fondly from first life that she’s less likely to attack. her style of ‘hunting’ victims by tiring them out via chasing / wounding them comes from The Creator’s method of killing off her current life while in the Void, bc they’re one cruel motherfucker, let me tell u. and just for technicality’s sake, i guess you could say that she’s not exactly a demon? not in the pure sense, anyhow? but over time, that’s what she’s been known as by humans who managed to survive any night terror encounters from her, so most methods won’t deter her. (she still cannot physically pass through most holy spaces, bc The Creator or other watcher Angels keep her out.) in the most non romantic sense, aspen is very much ilyssa’s first true love, bc she is the only thing she’s ever felt any intense sensation or urge to protect towards. this can & will grow into feeling love for other humans as well, wink wink nudge. was prbly NOT intended to ever reproduce, so aspen being pregnant with ilyssa’s offspring (in her current form before this lifespan gets killed n what have you) is something that was NOT planned by The Creator, should NOT even be possible, and they are VERY confused and UPSET!!!! >:(
anyways, the only reason i suddenly decided to change ilyssa’s direction & give her a backstory involving actually having been an angel (other than how deeply she cares for aspen & how she’s come to softening her hatred for humans post-asp) is because of this goddamn post right here. read it. feel it. let it make u cry. ok that’s all thank u all for listening to this dumpster fire of a post <3
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heatherclowndler · 4 years
An Open Letter To the Six Fandom
I'm gonna be real with you guys: I’m getting really tired of the moral superiority of some people in the Six fandom. Six is a barely historically accurate concert-musical where the queens fight about their trauma for an hour, but it’s about white women, so I guess that means that its #girlpower is so much more respectable than Hamilton being representation to POC.
If you think I'm not talking about you, I am, @historemix / @ghostheather . I’m fucking sick of your bullshit. How come every time you get called out for being a hypocritical bully, you have a little meltdown, say you'll be better, and then go back to the same bullshit as before?
Before I actually get into the reasons that you’re a hypocrite and a bully, I want to thank everyone that sent me the screenshots and testimonials used in this post. It’s good to know that multiple people are as fed up and disturbed by this behavior as I am, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Anyways, back to the matter at hand. First and foremost, your obsession with being on a fucking high horse is embarrassing. Your self-congratulatory posts about the Six fandom being so much better than the Hamilton fandom is fucking laughable coming from you, and here's why.
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Before you get on about the Hamilton fandom being toxic, and the major reason why you can't fuck with the musical, remember that much of the fandom are people of color: most of whom are also minors. And they’re often the first to be driven out of it– not by harmless headcanons and fanfics or kids being "cringy”, but racist, toxic ass adults, colorism, whitewashing and constant harassment. Black fans, minors especially, would be the first to tell you this, since there’s been multiple incidents on Tumblr and Twitter where Black fans have been harassed, called slurs, etc. just for liking the musical, and that isn’t even getting into the amount of shit that’s been sent to the Black cast members for being a part of it. But clearly you haven't been fucking bothered to read the posts of how Black people in this fandom and in the cast have been treated, because maybe if you did, you’d be quiet and think before you start spouting shit, instead of constantly putting Hamilton’s name in your mouth to say shit that you think will give you woke points with the funnymen crowd.
Do you really think that the same bloggers that make fun of Hamilton would see any difference between those fans and you, the adult stanning a musical where Real Life Catherine of Aragon, a character played by a black woman, owned slaves, and was the person that introduced slavery into England is portrayed as a strong, feminist Queen? Or how Catherine Parr, a woman who was complicit in child molesation and later got upset with said child for being a victim of sexual abuse, is portrayed as the ultimate feminist and hero of the musical? Or is it okay for you to talk about how these child-molesting slaveowners were oh so admirable and honorable because you "respect the history,” whatever the fuck that means.
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Yes.. I'm sure white women from the 1500s would be so pleased about the fact that their history is being told by women that they thought were inferior to them based on the color of their skin.
Also sidenote, you may want to reconsider your definition of what is a respectable Six fan when you're writing a literal AU for your favorite dead queens. Sis, just say that you want to write Six fanfiction. There’s no shame in it– especially because the people that write Six fanfiction are more respectable than you are.
But speaking of history, you need to take off your clown mask and realize how ridiculous the notion that “respectable Six fans” are ones that have a genuine respect for Tudor history, because despite the fact that you say this, Six completely disregards the actual Tudor history.
Take the example of Boleyn. Anne Boleyn – a woman who was judicially murdered on false charges including incest with her brother, witchcraft, and adultery in part because she couldn’t give birth to a son and wouldn’t be a submissive wife to her husband – is reduced to a three minute comic relief song that makes light of her murder and states that yes, she actually was guilty of adultery, but she only flirted with those guys to make Henry jealous! Writing an entire song about a woman whose name has been dragged through the mud for nearly 500 years after she was murdered on false charges and then saying that she actually did do the thing that caused her to be executed is just peak #Feminism, am I right? And so is making light of her unjust execution by calling the song “Don’t Lose Your Head” and continuously making joking references to her being beheaded, I guess. Never mind the fact that Boleyn was reportedly near-suicidal and “ready to be done with life” by the time she was executed. Never mind the fact that the six fingers rumor – something that’s also repeated in the musical and presented as a fact – was started by Catholics attempting to quell people’s sympathies over Boleyn’s execution by attempting to make it seem like she actually was a witch and therefore deserved to die. None of that matters because Six is about feminism and it does the Queens justice, right?
And let’s not even get started on Catherine of Aragon. You know, the person who you've reblogged posts about that claim she was “a remarkable woman”, and that you’re apparently so sad about the fact that she died that you’ve made memorial posts about her knowing good and well that she was a garbage person who owned human beings? The same Catherine of Aragon that was reduced in the musical to only being angry that her husband cheated on her and wanted to divorce her, as well as bickering with Boleyn? The same Catherine of Aragon that also was reduced to constantly talking in the musical about how she was forced to move to a country where she didn’t know anyone? On that note, isn’t it funny how that works? Especially since she and her garbage family owned slaves, forced them to convert to Christianity and change their names to Spanish ones, and then forced them to come to England with Catherine when she moved there to marry Arthur Tudor!
All of the queens are dumbed down for the sake of the musical and it isn't until the very, VERY end of the musical that they all realize that fighting over who got the worse abuse from their husband is fucking stupid. And, even then, it’s still incredibly fucking problematic and gross because the Queen that makes them realize that the fight is stupid, and ultimately the Queen that’s praised for being the most feminist in the musical and by its creators, is the Queen that literally held her stepdaughter down while her husband molested her. If you’re really so damn upset about how much Hamilton and its creator glorify the Founders that it ruined your ability to enjoy the musical when that musical at least still acknowledges the fact that Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Madison owned slaves (and its creator acknowledging that none of the Founders were good people), why aren’t you upset about how Six portrays Catherine Parr and Catherine of Aragon as feminists when they were a child molester and a slave owner, respectively, and it's never acknowledged in the musical? Why isn’t your enjoyment of Six ruined by the fact that the Six creators praise Child Molester Parr and Slaveowner of Aragon for being strong feminists, or the Six Instagram calling Ferdinand and Isabella (you know, the people that committed genocide against Black people in Spain, had others tortured and executed for their race&religious beliefs, and literally caused Columbus’s colonization of the Americas [and by extension, the Transatlantic Slave Trade] to begin) a “power couple”?
The entire premise of Six is flawed, arguably even more so than Hamilton’s, because at least Hamilton actually did what it sets out to do throughout the entire musical, and not just the last five minutes. But even so, the basic plot idea remains– fictionalized (heavy emphasis on the fictionalized, Heather!) versions of real people fighting to tell their story. So, if the creators of Six cast aside historical accuracy for the sake of creating a diverse and modern take on the Queens’s lives and you eat it up as much as you do, why should we give a shit when Hamilton does the same thing? Since you love Six so much, you clearly fucking don't, because otherwise you’d be shitting on Six just as much as you like to shit on Hamilton. It really just goes to show how much of a hypocrite and a pick-me ass bitch you are, because the fact that you love Six makes it really obvious that you only care about hating Hamilton so much because it’s a stance that you think will give you more street cred with the Tumblr and Twitter crowds.
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^^ The absolute hypocrisy of you reblogging this when you regularly make posts and reblog posts of you and other people doing the same thing with Hamilton and its fandom. Embarrassing.
I'm saying this as someone who enjoys Six’s songs and also has common sense and brain cells– they're fictionalized versions of real people, and those real people were shitty. And that’s okay. But you need to stop embarrassing yourself and acting like you’re morally superior to people that enjoy Hamilton when your core arguments for enjoying Six literally could also be said for Hamilton, and your core arguments for hating Hamilton could be said (and would definitely apply better) to Six. I see you all the time making the argument about how important it is for Six fans to see an all-woman cast, do you think Hamilton fans of color can't make the argument that they feel it's important to see a cast with over 95% POC? How for those teens, it brought them into giving musicals a try in the first place (this is just one of many examples)? How Hamilton's overwhelming success brought jobs to so many actors of color, including helping some of them (most prominently, Daveed Diggs) make a stable enough income to give them a place to live and rest their head? When it paved the way for musicals like Six to gain popularity, too? Cognitive dissonance isn't a good fucking look on you, luv.
And don’t even try the "creator is problematic argument", bitch. You're all over Mean Girls, where the creator (Tina Fey) is shitty for a multitude of reasons, blackface and saying the n word included. Not to mention the Heathers musical, where the creators turn JD into a sympathetic villain and apologise for him when the director and writer of the original movie made it clear that JD wasn’t a character that people are supposed to sympathize with. It's a fucking joke that you go "I can't get behind a musical with a bad creator!" when you base your whole blog around a musical whose creator that's transphobic and antiblack, as well as a musical whose creators apologise for an attempted school shooter and use their musical to make him sympathetic. We know LMM is a piece of trash, but that doesn't give you the right to steamroll over fans (again, most of whom are minors of color) who just want to mind their business and enjoy a fucking show, like a pick-me ass theater kid you are.
And while we're talking about your hypocrisy, let's talk about your incessant harassment of a teenage Six fan for fucking months. You’ve instigated wave after wave of bullying towards a fan who was only 15 at the time when it started, for various reasons. I don’t give a fuck if you were just trying to “spread awareness” about their actions, or get them to change their ways, or whatever. You’re a grown ass fucking adult. If you see a minor in fandom – especially one that’s 3+ years younger than you – doing cringy/problematic stuff, let other minors be the ones to say something about it. Your harassment and creepy behavior around minors isn’t justified by the fact that you think that you’re doing something good.
This is just one of the many examples of you vaguing/posting about the teenage Six fan under the guise of trying to “spread awareness” about their reaction. This one is just fucking rude, especially because they’re a minor with ADHD/ADD that projects traits that they have onto fictional characters and vice versa. I’d expect you to know a lot about projecting onto characters and picking up traits from them, since you channel Heather Chandler and Regina George’s bitchiness and their consistent harassment of teenagers that they consider to be lesser than them into your internet persona and identity, am I right?
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The potential end result doesn’t justify the means; but clearly you think it does since you never say shit about this teenager getting harassed until you get called out for your complicity in it, say that you never sent them any asks, promise you’ll do better about the way you interact with minors in fandom, repeat.
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Not to mention the complete hypocrisy of this statement in the tags of one of the below posts– especially considering that you were the one that made it open season on this girl in the first place with your consistent vaguing about her and making joke posts about her with your friends when she was only fifteen. And on top of that, denying that you ever harassed Lizzie, claiming that your only crime was vague posting her – when you and your shitty friends posted memes about stuff that she had been doing and making it really clear in your vagues that it was about Lizzie. Just because you didn’t name her directly doesn’t mean that it wasn’t harassment, asshole.
Oh, and here you are, months earlier, admitting that you did cause her to get harassed and acknowledging that you named her? Interesting.
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The fact that you say that you have to take responsibility for it, but you never fucking do? [Narrator Voice] Heather would not take responsibility for that.
And let’s not forget how after almost driving the girl to the point of suicide and after getting called out multiple times for it, you promised to be a better person, before running to Twitter and continuing to vague about her. And in addition to that, you making memes and joke posts about Jay, the black teenager who was also bullied almost to the point of suicide for minding his own fucking business and making some fucking fanart and quirky headcanons, is fucking nasty. To further stick your nose up at him and go “not my fandom” at him for drawing Trans!Jefferson art when your Tumblr icon is Anne Boleyn with a lesbian flag behind it and your Twitter icon is the same thing with Katherine Howard... the joke writes itself. Do I have to repeat my point?
Not to mention the fact that you fucking lied in your apology on your viral post about him, because you said that you only became aware of the fact that he was a Black teenager that was harassed after the post whent viral.. when someone told you months before (in the replies to the above post) that he was a Black teenager that was harassed relentlessly for his fanart and asked you to leave Hamilton fans of color alone. But clearly you still stand by your point about Hamilton fans. Who’s surprised?
And then after receiving a 22-anon thread where anon presumably called you out on your hypocrisy of this, you still went to Twitter and started bitching about the fact that you were called out despite saying that you were deeply ashamed and that you would do better. Yet another example of Heather the Hypocrite, am I right or am I right?
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You really switch up from “I feel incredibly ashamed and I want to reassess where to go forward from here” on Tumblr to “I hate Tumblr purity culture” when you’re on the safety of your Twitter account like clockwork. And it’s awfully bold of you to mention Tumblr purity culture like you didn’t cause waves of harassment to be sent to a 15/16 year old girl to the point where she felt paranoid that someone was going to come to her house and attack her, and later make memes/joke posts about a Black minor who was harassed to the point where he tried to commit suicide and later had to get rid of his online presence altogether for his own safety.
Also, you posted the IP address of the anon who called you out, and tagged them as “asshole” on the website that you use to track IP addresses. But you genuinely felt ashamed, right? You wanted to change and reassess yourself, right? (The anon’s IP address has been blocked out by me to protect their privacy, because the person who sent in this screenshot didn’t black it out, either.)
And even then, aside from all that, your actions have caused multiple minors in the Six fandom to feel uncomfortable. Below are testimonials about your behavior, and how it’s made minors in the Six fandom feel. One of these is also a reply on a post that called out your behavior. (URLs and icons on both Tumblr and Discord are blacked out to protect their privacy.)
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Take in what these testimonials are saying. The fact that your behavior with harassing minors has grown so much that people are afraid to post in the Six tags and express their love for the musical because they don’t want to get harassed by you and your group of friends is concerning.
You, a grown adult, have made minors scared to be themselves and do things their way. You’ve created a culture of fear in a fandom where over 80% of its active fans are minors. You should have been leading by example, showing Six fans how the message of uplifting women should be implemented, but instead? You caused a floodgate of harassment to be sent to a then-15 year old girl that got so bad that she was suicidal and paranoid that people would come to her house, and it ended with even more minors afraid to post in the fandom’s tag because they’re afraid that you and your shitty friends will come for them, too. Shit, I was a follower for a while! I had only unfollowed due to your moral high horse, but it wasn't long before I was made aware about your history of bullshit.
You shouldn’t just be ashamed of yourself– you should be mortified with yourself. And your little friend group should be, too: not only because of their part in all of this, participating in harassing and making fun of that poor girl with you, but because of the fact that they keep enabling you to do this harmful shit by not properly shutting you down or calling you out. But it's not like you care anyways, because you’ve made fun of people voicing their concerns about your behavior and calling you out for making the fandom an unsafe space.
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"But I said I'm sorry-" Yeah, we know. We saw a series of half-assed “I'm sorry” posts, paired with you not taking real responsibility for any of the harm you’ve caused. And clearly you didn't actually mean anything you said, because you kept doing it again. And again, and again, and again.
By the way, Heather, the implication that you would be indicted for murder if Lizzie committed suicide despite never speaking to her isn’t just an implication: it’s a literal fact that people can be prosecuted for manslaughter/murder without ever laying a finger on the suicide victim. This includes cyberbullying.
It means nothing to admit you're a hypocrite and do nothing to improve, especially because you’ve said this same exact “apology” multiple times, almost word from word. You're a grown fucking adult that vicariously lives out her dream of being a highschool bully through Tumblr by harassing teenage girls on the internet, and it gives me secondhand embarrassment. Grow the fuck up already, Heather. You’re 20 years old.
You're always harping about how the Six fandom is becoming toxic and embarrassing without considering the fact that you’re one of the toxic ass adults that make children embarrassed and ashamed to be a part of their fandoms. Whenever they do something even slightly cringy, and not even genuinely problematic like some of the other shit in the Six fandom, you’re quick to be like “This isn’t respectable,” “The Six fandom is going to be the next Hamilton fandom,” or whatever the fuck else you say. Teenage girls calling Boleyn a gremlin and making headcanons about the queens siblings/children is not the end of the world, and the fact that you act like it is when you’ve actively created a culture of fear in a fandom that’s mostly made up of teenage girls is embarrassing and disgusting.
I don’t care about whatever apology or sob story you’re going to say after you see this post, because in the end, it’ll just be an empty promise as long as you stay on here. At best, you’ll say that you’re going to do better and leave Tumblr for what, a month? Only to bitch on your Twitter account for the entire month, then come back to Tumblr and do the same exact thing that I’m calling you out for.
You need to stay away from minors in fandom. As a matter of fact — stay out of fandoms that are mostly made up of minors as a whole. You’ve proven time and time again that you don’t care about the safety or feelings of minors, nor do you care about actually “improving” or reassessing yourself every time you get called out. The fact that you’ve been called out for the same things via being indirected on a Tumblr post (linked here), being sent multiple anons by different people (shown above), and being sent a 22-anon thread by one single person calling you out (stated by you above), and you still haven’t changed? Is all of the proof that I need that you won’t change.
That’s all I have to say to you.
People in the Six fandom, I’m heavily urging you not to continue giving this person a platform. I can’t force you to do anything, but you all deserve the right to know what’s been going on. Aside from her hypocrisy about Six, it’s historical figures, and its fandom as a whole, she’s been involved in harassing a minor to the point where she felt paranoid and wanted to leave the fandom on separate occasions, made jokes about another minor in a different fandom that was harassed to the point of attempting suicide on multiple occasions (then lying and claiming that she was never told he was a Black minor who was harassed after she was called out due to a post she made about him going viral when someone told her months before that he was all of those things in the notes of another post she made about him), and other minors have posted/stated that they feel her behavior went too fair, and that because of it they feel unsafe posting stuff in the fandom.
She’s been called out on her behavior on multiple different occasions, and each time she said that she would reassess her behavior and discuss how her actions were toxic. People have given her multiple chances, and each time, she’s gone back to the same toxic behavior and done the very things that she claimed she would stop doing. It’s getting ridiculous at this point, and her actions have gotten to the point where it seems like the only course of action is to call her out publicly.
Like Heather herself said, and I will now brilliantly quote because karma is a bitch: “If you keep making the same “mistake” MULTIPLE TIMES, people aren’t gonna be happy about it.” She isn’t exempt from criticism, especially when this stuff has happened multiple times and she hasn’t done anything to change her behavior. Listen to what she said, and hold her accountable.
Again, I can’t force you to do anything, but I hope that everyone in the Six fandom keeps what was said in this post in mind the next time they consider interacting with her or her content. Take care.
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scottsumrners · 3 years
really hate how so many ppl on this site have taken to going "millionaires aren't as bad as billionaires!" or "having tens of thousands isn't rich! that's not even a millionaire!" like please. please shut the fuck up. rich ppl deserve to be fucking criticized ESPECIALLY if they're trying to pass off fake woke messages like grimey doing a photoshoot with the communist manifesto in her fake ass outfit or hasanabi in his fake woke "make the rich pay" shirt like i don't get a fucking shit if they're not billionaires, they still have wealth and power and influence and they're turning movements into fun little aesthetics they can put on and take off when they're done and i'm fucking sick of it.
i think it's actually kinda funny, in a sad way... like. we all know there's a huge wealth inequality problem plaguing the world, but so many people refuse to actually face it because it would mean that some people whose content they consume are complicit on it, and they don't wanna feel bad about it.
like, we know billionaires are bad. that's obvious! nobody should hold that much capital. but billionaires aren't the only capitalists. there is no reason why an actor, a singer, a politician, a streamer, or a sports player should get played millions of dollars for a movie/concert/game/being a politician. it doesn't make sense. it doesn't! it doesn't! especially when the rest of people working around them (especially irt actors) are paid in scraps. yes, some of these people are talented, but the fact that a marvel actor can be paid 6 million dollars to do a few scenes in front of a green background while doctors and nurses and teachers have to scrap by every day is absurd. it's criminal. and it drives me NUTS when i see these same people making donations of, like, 10k to charities, or doing "challenges" to help raise money. just pay yourself! what the fuck does d*niel cr*ig need 100 million dollars for?? li*nel m*ssi makes a million dollars and half A WEEK. and for WHAT? to kick a BALL around?
and all of this is like. normal. like we just accept it as a fact of life. and then continue to shout "eat the rich" at jeff bezos or whoever. like yeah, i want to see elon musk decapitated on-screen, but hollywood and twitch and fifa and whatever else should be burned to the ground as well
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ursifors · 4 years
a few things that my brain is just stuck on like gum to a shoe about this whole thing is
> the fact he used money from streams to pay for flights and hotels so his wife wouldnt find out. like it makes me sick because he directly took the support and love from the community and used it for predatory behavior, all while saying the money he received was going towards his children’s college funds. every part of everything he has done is vile but this fact just really is so upsetting to me because i bought bits to give to him! just so i could tell him that i loved him and supported him! and he threw it right back at all our faces. 
> the way his ego is so big that he’s still trying to manipulate girls by giving them sob stories or making threats to make them worry about him. it makes my fucking skin crawl. i keep thinking about how he deleted his snapchat and then redownloaded it, almost like he knew and wanted his victims to go screenshotting just so he could try and silver tongue them onto his side. i hope with everything i have that some of what he said is true, that his wife really has left him. he deserves to have nothing. 
> the way that all of achievement hunter are dealing with this but are so worried about us throughout all of this, and the way that they feel they have to keep trying to prove themselves is breaking my heart. they had no idea and yet because they didn’t see it they feel complicit. but none of us could have known. he was very good at hiding it, until he wasnt.
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hazel2468 · 6 years
Goyim stop throwing around the word Zionist challenge. 
Because y’all don’t know what it means. You have no IDEA what it means, you don’t understand all of its applications. You probably don’t know that “Zionism” isn’t just one big homogeneous thing, but rather is as varied as the Jewish community itself. If I say that I am a Zionist, literally all that is telling you is that I think the Jewish people have a right to self-determination. Full stop. It says nothing about my opinions on Israel, it says nothing about my thoughts on the conflict or the Israeli government or on Palestine. Fuck, I can think of like, four different kinds of Zionism off the top of my head. 
The fact that I see a bunch of fucking goyim going around saying shit like “op is a Zionist”, as if that actually says anything about OP and what OP thinks, is making me fucking sick. Goyim have taken the word Zionist and turned it into a word that means “A Jew that I do not like/ a Jew that said something I don’t like/ a Jew that doesn’t Jew the way I think they should”. 
So goyim, until you fucking learn that being a Zionist can mean any of a hundred different things, until you learn that Zionist doesn’t mean what you antisemitic fucks love to say it does (namely that Zionism is white supremacy and other bullshit like that, because it isn’t), and until you learn to stop inserting yourselves into discussions about actual fucking Jews being murdered by Nazis in our houses of worship with pathetic, hateful posts about Zionists, as if there is ANY reason why a Jew deserves to be murdered for being a Jew, you can fuck right off. 
Because every single one of you who does this shit? Who goes around talking shit about Zionists, who accuses Jews of being your bullshit definition of a Zionism, who reduces Zionism to some twisted racial ideology, every single fucking one of you is complicit in the murder of Jewish people. You are spreading antisemitic rhetoric that directly contributes to our deaths. 
So cut it the fuck out. 
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friendsdontleave · 5 years
Susie Scene #3
Before Ch 3
Summary: Ralsei suggests Susie meet with Kris. Things get out of hand.
Ralsei’s returned and he’s still keeping up that ridiculous spiel. Friendship and cakes and worse, he’s toting Kris as some sort of star student. It grates on Susie’s nerves to hear over and over how they’re so kind and considerate and fucking complicit in their own capture. She’s absolutely baffled at how they can just sit down and accept this. Do they not care about getting out? She’s not jumping over herself to get back to the drudgery of school and home either, but anywhere has to be better than this. It’s not like they’re mistreated by Toriel or something. Even the consideration of the kind and soft elementary teacher doing anything to harm Kris is laughable at best. They simply make no sense. It’s as though they don’t care at all. The thought makes Susie stall.
They really don’t, do they? She recalls their vacant stare across every step of their journey. Whether they be pinned up against a locker or thrust into an impossible land of magic and adventure, they just ragdoll. Frankly, it creeps her out.
Ralsei’s voice speaks up to break her out of her musings, “And they even offered to visit with you. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
She huffs, “Why the fuck would I want to chat with some suck up?” Do they think being nice will get them out of here? Being nice is the damn reason they got trapped in the first place.
“I can tell you don’t like me very much, and for good reason, but Kris is your friend, right? It would be nice to speak with them.”
Susie considers this. Are they friends? Before this she was just a common bully, and then she did nothing but make a nuisance of herself the whole time they were here. Maybe they bonded a bit along the way, or maybe she’d just wanted to believe that. She’s been let down too many times to know what to think. “I don’t know what we are, and frankly I don’t wanna play any more games.”
Ralsei perks up, “Oh, well we don’t have to bring along any games. You two could just chat and-”
“Ughhh, not those kind of games.” It’s the brain games she’s sick of, the pretend and the smiles, that expressionless look. They’re like a doll, or a puppet, and there’s no way to trust a puppet. Anyone could be pulling those strings. “Any lapdog of yours can’t be a friend of mine.”
“Really Susie, they’ve done nothing deserv-”
“That’s just it!” Ralsei bites his tongue at her constant interruptions and she continues, “They’ve done nothing! Absolutely nothing to fight back, to escape, it’s like there’s nothing even there. They’re just, empty.”
“Now that’s not true-”
“They really are a freak. Fuck! I should’ve just finished what I started in that hallway!”
“Susie you don’t mean-”
“What good is someone with no fucking mind of their own. An empty abomination like that shouldn’t even exist.”
“Susie!-” he’s shaking now but she doesn’t bother to notice.
“Honestly, would anyone even care? A freak like that is just a waste of spa-”
She’s suddenly struck with something like a ragged knife but with more magical force behind it. It doesn’t hurt so much as it shocks her out of her rant and she finally looks to Ralsei.
His face is shining red and his fists are clenched at either side. He’s absolutely fuming, but once he notices her stare, his eyes widen and arms drop. His breathing staggers and he seems torn between reaching out to her and getting as far away as possible. He opts for the latter and rushes out without another word.
Susie stares at the space that Ralsei vacated, mind still racing to process the situation and form a reaction. She ultimately settles on astonished anger.
He hit her. He just hit her and ran off, without so much as a healing spell or an apology. So that’s how it is now. He finally let down the charade.
A part of her wants to be pleased that one more wall is down, but she’s too worried about the possible consequences. She has no idea how he really is under the saccharine smile. Will he finally put down the act and give her a true fight, or will he continue to be a coward and only hit her when she can’t fight back? She pauses to consider a third alternative that flies unnecessarily about her mind. Will he kill me?
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