#every single person filmed fireworks
mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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poland2 🙄
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eerna · 4 months
Wait okay omg I would love to hear your thoughts about the Broadway Mulan Rouge because I also have many feelings about it, most of them disappointment unfortunately lol. It could've been amazing!! But I just!! I don't feel it like I felt it in the movie idk man
Yeah, I am the same... I was SO hyped when I heard that they were turning it into a musical, but in retrospect it is pretty clear it was never gonna be what I wanted it to be :(
THE MUSIC. To me, MR! has this very recognizable music style where it is a jukebox musical, but every song is rewritten and its accompaniment changed so that they all fit together with the soundtrack of the film. It's percussion heavy, it's piano heavy, very jazzy/mid century film music? If you know the songs and try to sing along, you will fail, because they're just that different. That's why it doesn't suffer from the jukebox musical curse, in my opinion. However, BMR! totally removed those stylistic changes and turned them all into pretty standard musical theater arrangements of pop songs, and they all overstay their welcome because they aren't even shortened. NOW it suffers from the jukebox musical curse, bc how am I supposed to take's Christine's "I want" song seriously if it's FIREWORK by KATY PERRY. The worst example of this is what they did to El Tango de Roxanne, the most iconic part of the movie. In MR!, it's a mashup of Roxanne by The Police (representing the Argentinian's tale) and Tanguera by Mariano Mores with original lyrics (representing Christian's angst over Satine). Both songs take turns and overlap, pointing out the parallels, rising in intensity until everyone starts screaming and crying. Absolute insanity. I don't know a single person who wasn't floored by this song when they first saw the scene. In BMR!, it's Christian's solo, which means no parallels, most of the song is Roxanne and the iconic Tanguera melody shows up for like 40 seconds in the beginning and in the end just so they can say they put it into the show. There is no rising tension, there is no overlaps, no development, it's just. There. Like yes you put it into the show, but pretty much all of its symbolism and memorable aspects are gone. And the jukebox issues are stabbing you in the eyes. WHY IS CHRISTIAN SINGING ABOUT A WOMAN NAMED ROXANNE. WHO IS ROXANNE. IT MAKES SENSE IF ROXANNE IS THE NAME OF THE WOMAN FROM THE ARGENTINIAN'S STORY, BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE THAT CHRISTIAN IS THE ONE SINGING ABOUT HER. God.
THE WEIRDNESS. MR!'s aesthetic is super interesting to me because it represents its aura of sex appeal and hedonism through the lenses of grotesque. It would have been super easy to put the sex workers into sexy outfits and glam up their faces and make them sing seductive songs on beautiful stages, but no. Their outfits are eye stabbing, their makeup is garish, and they're screeching and throwing themselves around violently on stages that are dark, kitchy, claustrophobic, and loud, while the camera switches every 2 seconds and your brain feels like it's running on fumes. AND IT IS SO FUN. The club looks SO nasty and SO fun and I wanna go there. However, BMR! doesn't want to alienate anyone, so they did... Exactly what I said. Everyone is universally attractive, the stage is very clean-cut and open, the appeal of the club is played completely straight. This is best shown in the production Christian writes for the club. I know that the play from the movie is not very PC so I totally get why they would change some of it, but... They turned it from a vibrant, oversaturated opera with enormous musical numbers that lends itself perfectly to the big dramatic finale taking place during its premiere into a THREE CHARACTER CHAMBER DRAMA. Like who tf signed off on this change. WHO. LET ME SEE. WHO SAID THAT THE FINALE OF THE ENTIRE STORY WILL BE SET IN A STAGE IMITATION OF A LIVING ROOM. GOD I AM SO UPSET.
THE ROMANCE. MR! works because Christian is a naiive, innocent, idealistic poet with grand ideas of love. THAT'S why Satine falls for him - he is completely different from other men, and he makes her believe love can be more than what she'd been given throughout her life. Also, he's never been in love, so everything feels much more real and intense for him. In BMR! he is a completely different character, an overconfident seductive sexyman. Why would he be any different than all the other men in Satine's life??? Because he can write good??????? She has met many writers before, as we know, so what makes this guy different????? And not only are we less forgiving of his bad actions because he is older and experienced, HE IS SO MUCH WORSE IN THE SHOW. In MR! he sells his typerwriter to buy a ticket for Satine's premiere to go see her one last time and scream at how horrible she is - bad, and horrible to watch. In BMR!, he sells his typewriter to BUY A GUN and goes to Satine's premiere SO HE CAN KILL HER OR HIMSELF ONSTAGE - absolutely insane and horrible and how tf did we get here. AND LET ME REMIND YOU that this version of the story DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE STORY CONTEXT OF EL TANGO DE ROXANNE, in which Roxanne's lover kills her, SO THEY REMOVED THE ONE BIT OF FORESHADOWING THAT COULD HAVE MADE IT MAKE SENSE.
THE REST OF THE WRITING. BMR! tried to give depth to side characters and their relationship with Satine, but that means they totally sidelined that Satine is a deeply unhappy person in a very unhealthy situation. They tried to make it look like she is choosing to marry the Duke (YEAH I FORGOT TO MENTION, THE DUKE IS A SEXY SEXY GUY WHO WANTS TO MARRY HER IN THIS VERSION) without any pressure put onto her by the club, but that makes it all so much more boring. MR! is far from a deep analysis of Satine's friendships, but I thought that the little bits and pieces we saw were delightfully complex. Satine is going to become the Duke's mistress because he will sponsor the club, and everyone employed there will live a better life. Ziegler is her father figure, but he is also her pimp who is pushing her into the relationship. He feels sorry for her and obviously cares for her outside of their business relationship, but he is so deep in the "underworld life" that he no longer sees a way out for anyone. But when it becomes apparent that Satine can no longer withstand the pressure, that the life they are all living is something she can't deal with, everyone just. Helps her out. They bail her out of the tower, they threaten the Duke, they stand with her, it's not verbal, it's all in the actions. It's why we can have a grand finale where everyone sings and dances while the Duke is crying in the background. BMR! has the girls telling Satine they care about her and her telling them she will protect them, but they are completely useless in the plot. No one comes for her in the tower, and the play is a THREE PERSON DRAMA so Christian is the only one there to stand with her in the end.
THE PLAY. I already said most of my issues with it but just to point it out once more. There is nothing more annoying to me than a piece of media that's about a piece of media being written, and then that piece of media ends up unseen. Throughout MR! we see the play being written, we see many scenes being added, hear a ton of songs from it, the issue of the plot resolution is a big dramatic point, and the finale of the movie is also the final scene from the play. In BMR! we see one scene, the show's end, that keeps being repeated over and over again.
SATINE'S WHITE DRESS. It deserved its own point bc what the hell is this.
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This is already super long, but this show annoys me so much I could legit keep going lol. Everything is worse. Everything is toothless and clawless. It's such wasted potential.
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zodiactalks · 7 months
What You're Secretly Obsessed With, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The things we are interested in, our obsessions so to speak facilitated the formation of our personalities. For instance, if you really like travelling, chocolate or beauty products for example, these things will shape the way you behave. Today we are going to talk about your zodiac sign and what you are secretly obsessed with according to your zodiac sign.
The Zodiac signs tell us a lot about ourselves, like our secret talents to the way we fix things, the way we explain complicated things and the way we deal with a heartbreak. Obviously your zodiac sign cannot determine every single personality trait. However, they can provide some indication of what you might be interested in.
Maybe zodiac signs determine our personalities and every zodiac sign has particular things they are interested in. What is your secret obsession?
Aries really enjoy adventurous things, they love entering competitions, they are adrenaline junkies and they love to dance to loud music. They also enjoy endless and non-stop laughter.
Taureans enjoy movies, luxury bedding and warm beds, scrumptious food and Thanksgiving and being proud of something that they did, or made happen.
Gemini is the twins sign, they love laughter with loved ones, evening rain, sunny days and endless conversations with those they love. They also love telling great stories and discovering the coolest restaurants.
Cancerians enjoy warm embraces, winter clothing and endless Netflix nights. Early mornings, and late nights. Rainy afternoons reading their favourite books and buttered toast and tea.
Leos enjoy attention and making people laugh. They also enjoy finding the best bargains, Shakespeare plays, fine wine and food and long road trips with their best friends or loved ones.
Virgos love hanging out with people they are comfortable with. They enjoy solving problems, achieving their goals, listening to childhood stories and chilling out after a difficult day at work.
Libras enjoy being recognized for their hard work, good coffee, French films, Indian food and culture, Thai food and watching their favorite films multiple times.
Scorpios love laughing, candy, rainstorms and warm beds. They love colourful socks, snowboarding and passionate kissing.
Sagittarians love to win, mystery books, traveling and big smiles.
Capricorns enjoy morning coffee, funny movies, minimal and clean closets and loyal friends.
Aquarians love songs that convey their exact emotions, creative and interesting people, being in nature, bare feet on grass and colourful fireworks.
Pisces enjoy observing the sun rise or sun set, the kindness of strangers, designer travel gear and spending vacations at the beach.
These are just some of the things you might be secretly obsessed with according to your Zodiac sign.
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sawthetruthinme · 1 year
i love when taylor writes about towns in her songs !! because usually the towns can be metaphors for something bigger... a life / an experience/ a person/.. oftentimes it feels like a stand in for taylor herself, where instead of saying “i” she says “my town” … etc. maybe i’ll elaborate with better logic in a longer post later but yeah . just contemplating on:
“my town was a wasteland” “it always leads to you and my hometown” “our whole town came and our mamas cried” “when my world wakes up today, you’ll be in another town” “this is a big world, that was a small town” “left a small town never looked back” “i’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town” “we shouldn’t be in this town” “let’s get out of this town” “i’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town” “the only thing we share is this small town” “staring out the window like i’m not your favorite town” “maybe i stormed out of every single room in this town” “you were my town, now i’m in exile” “the loudest woman this town has ever seen” “you’re a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town” “the coastal town we wandered round had never seen a love as pure as it” “you got shiny friends since you left town” “the ladies lunching have their stories about when you passed through town” “i didn’t choose this town, i dream of getting out” “karma’s gonna track you down step by step from town to town” “you don’t live in my part of town” “rip the band aid off and skip town” etc. etc. etc.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
pick between 5 of my babies? 🥺 GLADLY
(these aren't necessarily my favorites btw. just the ones that i wanna boost!)
lies of attrition
my priority atm, and also a super fun collab with me and @ladyofthenoodle! if you want some post-s5 angst, action, pining, and ladynoir enemies, this is the place to be!
summary: The trust between Ladybug and Chat Noir is stretched to breaking point when a new butterfly holder emerges in the wake of Monarque's defeat. Chat Noir doesn't know who to trust until Chrysalis confronts him with a truth Ladybug had tried to bury: Monarque made the Wish—and she wants Chat Noir’s help to undo it. excerpt: “Chat,” Ladybug said, her voice coated with worry. “Did something happen?” He could tell her, now. He had come here to tell her, to show her his face after three years of partnership, to let her see why so much was suddenly wrong. If only he knew what she would say when he pulled off his mask. If only he knew whether she would stay or go. “I could tell you,” he ventured, turning to look directly at her. “But… it’s easier if I show you.” He saw the moment she realized; the way her blue eyes widened, her pink lips parting in a tiny “o.” They stared at each other, unmoving, the sounds of the parade fading into the night. A single firework burst overhead, shattering the standstill. Red blazed over her face, the fall of sparks raining down behind her. Then her features pinched, and in that moment, every hidden place within him was painted red too. “Oh, Chat Noir,” Ladybug whispered, her expression growing more pained by the second. “I… I don’t know.”
Like Smoke from a Furnace
one of my personal favorites! this was an experiment for me in present tense and internal conflict, and i really like how it turned out!
summary: Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again. excerpt: Giving up the Ladybug Miraculous was supposed to unshackle them both. If she had done so earlier, it could have been different. If Adrien had spoken up later, it would have been different. But Ladybug knew nothing about Chat Noir except the heart he had always laid bare, and that was of her own doing. If Marinette passes him in the street, they will both keep going, none the wiser, the culmination of all their self-imposed secrets. She has nothing to go on. No name, no circumstance, no poorly-disguised hint, as she suspects he has tried to leave before. Chat Noir had become better at following her rules than she, and Marinette had so recently been simultaneously proud of him for it—and resented him too. It doesn’t sink in until several quiet nights later, when she and Adrien are tucked together on his couch, the soft blues and grays of his chosen film flashing across his screen. She is never going to see Chat Noir again.
rest your head (upon my shoulder)
i love this one so much. sometimes i go back and read it to myself because it gives me the exact toe-curling pining i always crave. i like to think of it as one of those "so close but so far away" stories - one of my favorite brands of angst.
summary: Ladybug can save Chat Noir from anything, except what he doesn't tell her. excerpt: “I don’t think there will be any Akuma attacks for a while.” She frowned, but he leaned back, staring up at the starless sky through the leaves of the tree hanging overhead.  Something was wrong. She could feel it lingering over him, heavy like suspended rain. “Chaton?” “I had this dream the other night,” he said, gazing over the roof of the Musée. “We grew wings without needing anything—no macarons, no magic words, no Miraculous. And then we just…took off. I don’t really remember where we went, but it was beautiful.”  His eyes slid to hers once more, unnaturally bright. Her blood rushed with unbidden heat and she reminded herself why she had stopped sitting in dark, quiet places alone with Chat Noir. 
borealis green
a feligami oneshot! this covers the time between "pretension" and "representation" and is probably one of my only canon-compliant au's. i really like writing kagami's pov so this was super fun!
summary: Getting to know Felix is easier than Kagami anticipated, especially as he keeps following her. excerpt: “Goodnight, Félix,” she whispers, though she does not need to. Nobody is around to hear them. No one is watching them. It is only a taste of the freedom he promised her, and yet it sinks into her with the softness of the street lights and the prickle of the night air.  “Can I see you again?” he asks, just as softly.  She has exactly nine minutes to walk back to the ikebana studio where Tatsu will be waiting to transport her home. She can make it if she walks fast. She can linger a few moments longer if she runs. The vertigo crescendos as she remains in place, watching the gleam of headlights flash in his eyes as cars speed past.  “You should go home,” Kagami tells him, holding his gaze. “It’s not safe for you in Paris.” Félix tilts his head in acknowledgement, but the corners of his mouth turn up. “No,” he agrees. “It isn’t.”
mirror image
another post-s5 fic centered on adrien & felix, but with a twin telepathy twist. it's kind of like my r&r time for fic, easy and cathartic and a fun break for me between other projects!
summary: The voice in Adrien’s head is strangely familiar. It also tells him the truth (when no one else will). excerpt: You are hearing things, the voice said as though in answer. Doesn’t mean I’m not real. Adrien reached for the silver chain around his neck, his fist closing around the two rings resting warm against his sternum. “As real as me?” Yes, idiot, the voice replied with a bite. As real as you. “That’s not what some people would say,” Adrien replied, not caring if the voice was annoyed. It was his head, after all. Well, what would you rather be? The voice plowed on, unbothered by Adrien’s ire. Born of magic, or born of Gabriel Agreste?
ty for the ask kayla 💛 love me some self-promotion. hope y'all enjoy!
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
🗻🏃🏻‍♂️箱根の山は? 天下の険!🗻🏃🏻‍♂️
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We finished our annual Run with the Wind rewatch last night, which is a series I love so intensely that if I had to recommend one anime to someone it would be this one. It clocks in at a cool 23 episodes, which makes it approachable, and it's so character-driven it doesn't matter if the premise sounds inherently interesting or not.
Do you love running? asks fourth-year university student Kiyose Haiji in the opening scene. If you don't, YOU WILL, as all of his roommates are about to find out, whether they want to or not (they do not).
It's based on a light novel by Miura Shion, who also wrote The Great Passage, which is a book (and anime series!) about writing a dictionary, which if you're like me will sell you on her instantly and if you are not might sell you on the premise that it's not the premise you need to be drawn to. The premise of Run with the Wind is the Hakone Ekiden: An annual, university marathon relay held up and down the mountains of Hakone just after New Years. Specifically, a 10-person college dorm that gets tricked/dragged/lovingly blackmailed into becoming an elite, 10-person marathon relay team.
Except most of the house aren't runners, and none of them wanted to be (except Haiji. Haiji's the one in the green. Can you tell?). They're law students and game show-loving job hunters; sun-starved otaku; coders who smoke; they're at the club; they're after girls; they have a girlfriend, actually; they are unassuming exchange students who like bathing in the dark and tuning into their friends' shoujo-style love lives; they are stealing 100 yen buns because they lost all their rent money in a single night of gambling.
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Run With the Wind comes with all the tropes (extreme underdog story! DESTINATION TRAINING CAMP! fireworks! bathhouses! shared meals! hurt/comfort! very questionable driving (is this a real trope? it is to me)! cute dog! extremely homosexual soliloquies! extremely polyamorous nakama! It's goofy and charming and incredibly grounded in all of the small details of its characters lives and passions and insecurities. It's philosophical without being pedantic, existential without being nihilistic, and it's pure in the sense of being genuine, pure in the sense of being about some weird dudes who are willing to be deeply weird and to witness each other's weirdness.
There's so much to love about this series: The little notes on the walls of their dorm; the personalizations of everyone's shoes and phones and clothes; the amount of mayo someone is willing to put on curry; the eyes of the taxi driver as people have an insane conversation in the backseat; the amount of shit that exists in piles in the halls of the dorm; the slopes of Hakone; the team cheer; the sound of a metal windmill, creaking in strong wind.
It makes us cry every single time. The world for the Aotake boys. <333 Plus, this year (2024) was the ONE HUNDREDTH RUNNING of the real Hakone Ekiden!
For additional recs, here's my favorite:
film "about" running - Atanarjuat (2001)
fanfic "about" running - Run, glasshoe (2009)
essay "about" running - Repetitive Stress, Devin Kelly (2021)
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
How are bangtan spending new years with a partner?
Namjoon: Has some kind of elaborate plan made up. He started it their first year of dating and to get their attention and realised how badly he fucked up when he decided to up himself every year. It started with an intimate dinner with food brought in from the restaurant of their first date. The next year there were tickets to a private box for a light show. Then he presented them with tickets to a museum tour just for them where they could watch the fireworks from the roof. He is getting extremely stressed thinking of anything this year when his partner surprises him with tickets to another country (weeks in advance so he doesn't have to plan anything). He still brings a ring with him for a midnight walk along the beach.
Seokjin: He hosts a new years dinner party and game night in their apartment. Everyone is coupled up. Obviously, the couples have this built-in, but all of the singles are carefully masterminded into partnerships that Jin and his partner think would be cute. To make it fair they make it seem random, splitting regular couples up into new pairs, but people do start to think it's odd that married people end up with other married people and the singles end up with strangers they've never met before. (Jin's favourite pair will always be Yoongi and the mail person from his partner's firm... they have been together for four years nearly, it gives Jin a horrendous ego)
Yoongi: Loves an intimate night in. Sets up snacks and a movie that he can watch in bed with his partner. They talk about their new year's plans, all their resolutions and dreams for the next 12 months. They spend time reflecting on everything they have managed over the last 12 months. They dirft in and out of paying attention to the film and paying attention to each other, playing with each others hands, sharing idle kisses, checking the time so they don't miss the ball drop.
Hoseok: Hires a private karaoke. Dances all night with his partner and their friends. Drinks are offered by the bottle, they play games to talk about the next year, everyone has a chance for a solo to which Hobi claps the loudest, but never louder than he does for his partner. The music turns off at midnight and they share a toast. He and his partner head home and spend the next hour alone, talking, drinking, kissing, delighting in one another's company now that it's just the two of them. Seems like the type to have a morning walk tradition to start the new year off the right way no matter how hungover they are.
Jimin: Likely to want to spend time with family. Maybe his ad's restaurant is hosting a New Year celebration so he and his partner attend. It's a lot of drinking and chatting. His hand stays on his partner's hip all night if they are standing. If they are sat either he is on their lap or they are on his. They share a chaste kiss at midnight. Then they help with clear up, celebrating with family until they escape and pass out until the next morning. 
Taehyung: Once Taehyugn settles down I think he would quite happily settle in for a quiet life. Escaping to the countryside with his partner, walking up a hill at 11pm and setting up a picnic so they could be under the stars for the strike of midnight. Delicious snacks and good champagne. Slow dancing as fireworks go off somewhere far in the distance. Continuing this tradition after having children, his little princess dances on his toes while his partner holds the baby, a dog running around trying to trip them up.
Jungkook: Loves New Year with a partner. The first year he gets tickets to the biggest gathering of people he can to impress his partner, only to realise he didn't get to spend the amount of time he wanted to with them and he had to share his attention and he is far to jealous a person for that. Every subsequent year he tries for something more intimate. They settle on a tradition of hiring a boat and releasing a latern with their new years resolutions on them.#
I’m alone for new years! send me an ask to keep me company! Let me know what you are doing this year!
Taehyung's is my ideal, what about yours?
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hecateisalesbian · 9 months
i already know 4 but 3-44
3: Uhh I’ve done it like a few times but not really no
4: I know I always joke about this on my blog but actually? Not really. I don’t actually like the taste of most alcohol. The only drink I’ve had and really liked is an espresso martini 🍸 (and some lemonade seltzers but shh)
5: I have medicated drugs that I take for allergies, period cramps/pain in general, and another one for personal reasons but in terms of like weed like I said I’ve done it a couple times but not really.
6: anywhere from 14-24
7: Nope.
8: Hell Yeah Baby! I want a bunch
9: Only your basic one in the earlobe
10: I’ve already planned out my next couple piercings (Double Earlobe, Helix, etc)
11: Irl: My friend [redacted] who I’ve been best friends with since we were 7. She lives in Colorado but we’re still amazing friends. Digitally: 👀 not tryna start a war but I’d have to say the person I’m closest with digitally isssssss [redacted] (<— hah you thought I was gonna say)
12: Single 😔
13: (in a romantic sense) when they like the same things i do. Also dressing hella cool. If you’re a stranger in public and your dressed cool I’m instantly in love with you
14: (In a romantic sense) making fun of others for just being themselves.
15: *sigh* Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
16: I love you. Simple as that. (Also the previously mentioned dressing hella cool)
17: My sister and my Ex-Best friend
18: Oooooo we’re not diving into that rabbit whole. It does connect with the fact that I don’t do discord tho :p
19: I’m GAY (in all realness though my favorite animal is a snake because of Slytherin (🖕 you jkr) but now it’s my favorite animal because I think they’re awesome)
20: My physical appearance
21: Hmm. My sense of style or my calfs (seriously)
22: Actor, professional cosplayer, or something in the film/acting industry.
23: With all of them I’d say it’s pretty good
24: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
25: I’ve never really thought about it but just something that sparks both our interests. A simple date to the park or a date to Meow Wolf (<- so cool) are both great ideas
26: the us government
27: I’m polyam so like. There’s kinda a few. But one of them is tall with reddish brownish hair and she’s a great friend :,)
28: almost every person at my school
29: It got boring and a little awkward after we finished doing everything fun so I asked my sister to pick me up but pretend like I didn’t ask her to
30: The people
31: “I’ve only gotten money from [Redacted], and [Redacted] says she’s gonna indivually buy”
32: Idk. I’m disappointed is definitely up there
33: I like your style
34: Women
35: Men (not really attracted to them as much but if the right one came along)
36: My home in Colorado
37: Stretch Marks
38: Being a Vet (but then I found out animals die 😔)
40: A lot of people
41: In my bed nice and warm and asleep
42: Waffles and sausage
43: …..chat noir
44: In Florida (where I live atleast) it’s illegal to set off fireworks on the beach except on the 4th of July, and New Years Eve and New Years Day
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lovecharged · 1 year
starter for @heroexxs continued from here.
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as usual, their chemistry is burning and they are quickly getting praised for their ability to work together; to nail a scene first time, every time. occasionally perhaps a scene hadn't been quite so...successful, but there was a chance that it was down to his want to re-do it just to kiss her and touch her more, and the responsibility did not actually land on either of their abilities. they'd so often been complimented on their chemistry, right from the very first chemistry read and it had only grown and blossomed as time had gone on. gareth hopes that doesn't in anyway burden the movie, with them not filming in chronological order, but he supposes it would've been mentioned if it was a genuine concern. they were playing other people, yet each kiss and touch grounded him. it felt so real and those fireworks that surged inside his frame were as authentic as anything he'd ever experienced in his life. gareth hoped that once they had wrapped up, it wouldn't be the end of them. that the kisses and touches would continue; only in the privacy of their own rooms, or their own homes. laughter fills the space between them as she questions him about the milkshakes, "i was, i thought -- if we get this done, nail it the first time, the quicker we get our milkshakes. it's all that filled my mind." not a total lie, but not the complete truth either. he was thinking about how much he enjoyed just being with her. how he had been so deathly afraid of getting lost in kisses with her, missing when their director or assistant director yelled 'cut!'. "see you then," he salutes, finding it easy to agree to meet her in his hotel room, quickly vacating the set and making his way back to the room, changing into his own clothes to feel a little more comfortable.
once he hears the knock at the door, he's quick to open it; his smile bright and blinding before he'd even recognised it. she made him feel so uniquely happy and he dreads the time when he won't get to see her every single day. "hey," gareth starts, staring at her for a second too long before realising that he hadn't opened his door enough for her to walk inside. with that, he's taking a step closer to the wooden surface; opening it up more and granting her access to his room. the leaflet for the particular milkshake place is resting on the side and he'd been quick enough to turn on the television and turn on netflix. although he'd never be ashamed of being spotted with her, he knew it would go down like a lead balloon if they were caught and written about, but not only that, the idea of a cozy night in with the woman was enjoyable, and one of his - if not his - favourite way(s) to pass the time. "choose the milkshake you want and the pancakes or...waffles and i'll order them right away!" the sooner he got the ordering out the way, the sooner he could focus on her and spending the time decompressing with her. relieved that they were here now, after another day of working hard. not that gareth ever complained - he was living the dream, even without taking the chance to kiss his favourite person in the world into account.
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flythesail · 1 year
hi hello me again i finished s2 of nancy drew last night and it was SO GOOD. the arc of it was really well done and i loved all the single-episode stories that built up to the wraith. the crew becoming closer and more complex, the dads, nancy struggling with her sense of self and belonging, the world building, all of it. (nancy is my best girl and i love her so much)
absolutely obsessed with the drew crew dynamic. no bad pairings, the balance of their personalities and skills, all of it. every time nancy, bess and george are together i am happy. they really are a family and they take care of each other. i am so seated to learn more about the road back and for whatever bullshit temperance is up to with them !!!
still loving the nace slow burn!! this season really builds on what s1 started and it was so angsty and jealous. obviously gil is terrible (i cheered when she broke up with him) but i’m pleasantly surprised by amanda. the fact that she asked if ace and nancy were ever together after she saw them crack a safe together???? she would not survive seeing them just exist around each other like they usually do sorry girly :/
favorite episode is by FAR 2x10. i’m writing down favorite moments as i watch and the entry for that episode is double the length of the rest lol. other best moments:
2x03 nancy and the dads finally lay lucy to rest
2x06 kitchen autopsy
2x11 attempts montage
2x13 birdie and nancy on the dock
2x16 nancy finds celia’s body/carson finds the polaroid
2x18 the entire wraith dreamscape
hoping to watch s3 this week and then start watching s4 with everyone weekly!! the fandom seems so lovely i’m excited ❤️
Hii!!!!! S2 is and will probably always be my favorite season. S4 is a solid competitor, but it probably won't be able to top it since it's competing against the nostalgia factor too lol.
I'm really glad you enjoyed all the drew crew and character stuff in s2! There's a bunch of episodes in there where they get to just exist in their relationships - s2 had the time to do that - and it's so great.
With the road back, I will warn you (😭😭) it's as of now not going to be brought up again. Long story short, trb was the big bad of Tom Swift, which was canceled one season in. The writers said though they imagined an episode where Nancy and Tamura would show up and they'd wrap up everything with Celia.
Gil is the worst! I like Amanda too. And really, as bad as Gil is - I don't mind him as a character. In some other world I like to imagine there was a Bobbsey spinoff and he'd have a chance at some deep character development. Lol and the SAFE SCENE!?!? "No vibe just friends," Ace says, lying.
I loveeeee the end of 2x03 so much. It's so sad and beautiful and I cry every time.
I LOVE 2x06!!!!! Easily one of my favorite episodes of the whole show. If you didn't know, if not for covid 2x05 would have been the end of s1. But they made 1x18 the finale when they had to stop filming. So that's why 2x06 has a premiere feel to it!
The 2x11 attempts montage is so well done. What an all around fantastic episode too. A great one for Nick and for Tunji to show off his acting.
The 2x13 scene with Birdie.. so so good. Perhaps a theme here but that also makes me cry. I always imagine the idea behind that scene as a possible end to the show too. Nancy watching the fireworks with the rest of the drew crew would bring things really full circle.
2x16 is devastating!! Ugh I still remember watching it for the first time and the shock of it. And Nancy crying because she doesn't want Celia to go.
Gosh the entirety of 2x18 is ART. All the detail put into the dreamscape, the drew crew helping Nancy through it, the nace scene at the bluffs!!! What more could you ask for.
Nace in s2.. will always be so famous. They're just walking the line of friends to something more and as far as slowburns go that's one of the best parts.
It took me a sec to respond to this so you might have already started s3..!? I hope you enjoy!!! If I'm being honest it's my least favorite season overall. However, it has some of my favorite episodes of the whole show. So it does balance out.
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ngt48fanshub · 8 days
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"It Feels Like Seeing a Fragment of Youth"
This is the third installment of the relay interview featuring Miharu Nara, a first-generation member.
Deep Affection for the 10th Single in the 10th Year
Ⓠ How did you feel when you were selected as a member for the single? Miharu: I’m very happy to have been chosen for NGT48's commemorative 10th single. Personally, since it’s the 10th year since I joined, this single has a special meaning for me. I want to do my best to introduce NGT48’s wonderful songs and attract more interest.
Ⓠ What was your first impression of the single "Isshun no Hanabi"? Miharu: Since this song is a collaboration with the Gion Kashiwazaki Festival's grand fireworks display, I felt like I was seeing fireworks in the background. I thought the sound was delicate and I really liked it.
Ⓠ How do you plan to express the outlook of the song? Miharu: I want to express the outlook of the song clearly, just like the fleeting nature of fireworks and the lyrics, to convey what I want to share.
Ⓠ What did you think of the coupling track? Miharu: I’m participating in "Namida ga Kareru Made Soba ni Iru," which is structured to connect songs from first to third-generation members. The lyrics are comforting and deeply touching, making it a truly divine song.
Ⓠ Can you share any memorable episodes related to the 10th single, such as recording or MV shooting? Miharu: With the big theme of "fireworks," the costumes were designed with fireworks in mind, and the choreography also incorporated elements of fireworks. It was impressive how the MV filming felt very beautiful and firework-like. The dance scenes were sprinkled with many "emotional" moments, giving a sense of seeing a fragment of youth.
NGT48 is the Best in Any Era; I Want to Continue Working in Niigata
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Ⓠ Can you share any memorable episodes related to the 10th single, such as recording or MV shooting? Miharu: With the big theme of "fireworks," the costumes were designed with fireworks in mind, and the choreography also incorporated elements of fireworks. It was impressive how the MV filming felt very beautiful and firework-like. The dance scenes were sprinkled with many "emotional" moments, giving a sense of seeing a fragment of youth.
Ⓠ What are your favorite things and charming points? Miharu: I love taking walks. Niigata has many great spots for walking, with rivers and the sea nearby, allowing me to relax and enjoy nature. I’m good at being independent and can go to restaurants or anywhere alone. I enjoy using social media and aim to post content that brings smiles to everyone, even though I take a relaxed approach.
Ⓠ What are your dreams and goals for future activities? Miharu: I strongly desire for many people to get to know and love NGT48, just as I have for over 9 years. I believe every era of NGT48 is the best. My goal is for as many people as possible to know and support NGT48. Personally, I want to continue loving and working in Niigata.
Ⓠ What do you find appealing about the NGT48 theater? Miharu: The "Omoide Ippai Kouen" at the NGT48 theater features a setlist exclusively of NGT48 songs, allowing you to fully experience NGT48. We update the songs for different seasons and events, working together to create enjoyable performances. I would be happy if people could visit and feel NGT48 up close.
Ⓠ Can you recommend a spot in Niigata? Miharu: In summer, the "Mizubering" event is held along the Shinano River at Yasuragi-Tei Embankment (Translator note: This is the pathway along the river). It’s a summer event where you can enjoy outdoor air and delicious food with tents and barbecue spots. It’s a great place to enjoy both fun and deliciousness.
Ⓠ Are there any NGT48 members you’re paying special attention to? Miharu: I’d be happy if everyone could pay attention to all NGT48 members, but particularly, the fourth-generation members, who have only been with us for less than a year, have shown vibrant colors in NGT48. I hope you find someone you’re interested in.
Ⓠ What are your favorite TV shows and music? Miharu: I love NGT48’s songs. There are many great songs by various artists, but our own songs are filled with personal meaning and are very important to me.
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Ⓠ A message to fans and readers? Miharu: Thank you for reading to the end. NGT48 is active in Niigata, with a diverse range of members from the first to the fourth generation. I’m sure there’s someone among us who will capture your heart. If you’re even a little interested, we’re waiting for you in Niigata! With lots of delicious food, I hope you leave with both your stomach and heart full. Please continue supporting NGT48!
(From The Television web, published 2024/08/20)
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meekmice · 10 months
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The way you love me
is quite possibly the most beautiful thing
I’ve ever seen.
You look at me with stars in your eyes,
Like the moon is in mine &
We share a night sky
& never quite touch,
Just longing.
You tell me, “I know you can do it,
But let me.”
A foreign love language I never heard
Spoken out loud.
I lay on your chest
& the voices in my head
telling me I’ll never be good enough,
Finally go silent.
& my demons can’t feed in the quiet.
They too, leave
with great haste.
Our love
Like a new years parade
in the most crowded streets,
Time slows down for us.
& I could spot you a mile & a half away
Just by the way you smile.
The fireworks go off,
& I’ve never seen them quite this close.
You kiss me like
we won’t see each other
for years to come.
A goodbye kiss like in an old film,
A train departure, an old coat.
A black & white farewell.
You hug me when I’m about to break..
& I feel the anxiety
that’s been writhing
inside me—
start melting away—
Like candle wax slowly hitting the plate
underneath it.
The fire of the candle stays lit
Every single time.
You look into my eyes often
& kind of giggle,
I always spastically say “what?”
smiling ear to ear, hiding in your chest.
Most of the time you never respond,
But I think I know what it means.
Your eyes say more than
your voice does
Your gorgeous
Van Gogh masterpieces,
Mesmerizing green,
Like lilypads
or stunning leaves in
the most gorgeous of trees.
I stutter & tremble,
putting into words
just how lovely I think they are.
Just how lovely I think you are.
I love that you look at me
like I’m the only person there
when we’re in crowded room.
I feel your love radiate
through the floorboards.
I feel your warmth
from across rooms.
You look at me under covers,
Grab my face..
And tell me you love everything about me,
That you wouldn’t change a single thing.
Can you feel my heart pounding?
Can you feel the butterflies inside me?
I feel so comfortable with you,
It has me questioning planes of existence,
If reincarnation is possible..
If there are past lives..
I wonder if I’ve found you in other lifetimes.
& I know now that I’d search for you
in every one
that’s left to come.
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ollie603 · 1 year
Course resource: Graphic design; now in production
Part of my research gathering phase was to look into the course resources provided. I wanted to better understand what went (and furthermore, what goes) into creating motion design. The course resource I will be looking at is "Graphic design; now in production" by Rob Giampietro; Åbäke (Design studio); Walker Art Center published in 2011.
"Film titles are containers of information about the film they're attached to".
Title design during the silent era of entertainment gave context to the audience by addressing key points and adding dialogue to muted conversations. Borrowing from print design of the early 1900s.
During the golden era, titles were used as a branding tool for the films. Setting expectations for the audience by evoking the content of the film in the designs.
During the 90s, Kyle Coopers title design for David Fincher's film Se7en (1995) contained "frenetic typography, staccato pacing, and irreverent visual mash-ups" and furthermore was considered a landmark in modern title sequence design.
In the 2000s, television adopted the trend, commissioning designs that were on a par with anything found on the movie screen. More recently, video games have started adopting the trend to encourage/inspire awe as-well. This variation in media pioneered a new sophisticated visual direction in title design.
Ian Albinson in regards to what he learnt designing the title sequence to "How We Built Britain" includes;
That having an open-mind and listening to your producers is a positive thing. That they know the project much better than the designer would and that they understand what will work visually for their product.
Tom Kan on typography for the title design for "Enter the Void" includes;
Having a large choice of typefaces allows the designer to find what will work best based on the context and mood of the work you are basing the design off. Having a large pool of typefaces allows the designers not to be constricted to a narrow selection of design choices. Making work in different styles (media, cultural history) allows the designers & producers to find the best work that visually represents the work, rather than a singular style.
Jim Helton on abstraction for the title design for "Blue Valentine" includes;
Reviewing the footage before creating the work. Jim saw how the end of the film used fireworks and so he created a firework montage for the start, which refers back to my previous research and understanding of title design back in the 1900s by providing context to the audience (albeit not knowingly until the audience watches the film, acting like an Easter egg/surprise).
Jim Helton on making something flow in title design for "Blue Valentine" includes;
By making content understandable without audio, it will certainly be flow with audio. This allows the audience to become enthralled by the visuals and the audio at the same time.
Kyle Cooper on having a team for "The Incredible Hulk" includes;
Collaboration is crucial for success in title design (and design in general). Testing and experimentation is needed to effectively portray the product. In my case, the lecturers would be my teammates, allowing me to get feedback on what I can do to effectively streamline my design process.
Kyle Cooper on picking his favourite elements for "The Incredible Hulk" includes;
By breaking down fragments of the design into frames you can visually see each frame as a singular composition, allowing the designer to make the call whether or not it works. Cooper makes sure every single frame in his title designs are personally approved, otherwise he will go back and correct it, even if the frame is viewed for part of a second.
Damien Smith on the design process for "A History of Scotland" includes;
Collaboration with other people to get an unbiased mind to give thoughts on the work done and understanding the cultural/historical significance of the time for the work the designer is trying to portray. Attention to typographic elements is important for contextual reasons but also the visual elements to provide context on the aforementioned factors above.
Overall, my research conducted on this course resource will better prepare me for the project about to take place. What needs to be considered to create a piece of work that will leave an impression and successfully represent my speech.
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irisellke · 2 years
Film Review - Black Coal, Thin Ice
I chose to watch it because the Chinese name sounds romantic and dreamy, but the real story was cold and chilling. 
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I like the cinematography — although the director chose to shoot the scenes in dilapidated buildings, the images still look beautiful and give a feeling of peace. There are many full shots and long shots in this film. They reveal the background of that era and the relationship between people and indicate Zili Zhang and Zhizhen Wu becoming more intimate.
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I watched the Berlin version, and it doesn’t show the person setting off fireworks; however, it implies Zhang did it because a firefighter said the person was drunk. I think it was tough for Zhang to find out the truth of the murder because he had to decide whether betray his friends or love. When I saw the scene in the Ferris wheel, I was so worried that Zhang would become Zhijun Liang — hide the truth and even sacrifice himself for love.
This film was so quiet, and the characters said only a few words, but the camera’s movement made me see every single detail in the story. I felt everything happened in the dark and silence, and no one could save the victims, and the lack of technological development also led to more people being killed.
The story was miserable, and I believe it could happen in the real world when we had insufficient power to fight against evil, and it could happen even more frequently in the place and era of this film.
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zcarus · 2 years
5 Events You Need To Know About That Are Perfect For Singles
If you’re a single person in the modern world, there are certain things you need to know about. For one, dating apps like Tinder and Grindr have made finding a partner much easier than ever before. And with so many events happening all over the city, it can be difficult to figure out which ones are actually worth your time and money. In this blog post, we will highlight five events for singles that are perfect for singles and will help you figure out what’s worth attending. From dancing nights to movie screenings, read on to learn more about what’s hot in the city these days.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. It's a day to express your love and appreciation for your partner or loved ones. There are many events and activities that you can do on Valentine's Day to make it special for you and your partner. Here are some of the best events to know about:
1. Send Love Notes
One of the best ways to show your love on Valentine's Day is to send handwritten notes. This will let them know how much you care and appreciate them. You can use any traditional or creative methods to make your notes special, such as using fancy stationery or sealskin paper.
2. Go Out For Dinner And A Movie
Another great way to spend Valentine's Day together is by going out for dinner and a movie. This will provide an opportunity for two people to get close without feeling too rushed or pressured. You can choose a romantic restaurant or go see a movie that you both enjoy.
3. Make A Home-cooked Meal Together
If cooking isn't your thing, don't worry! There are plenty of restaurants open on Valentine's Day that will be happy to serve up a delicious meal for two. Choose something light and healthy so that you can really enjoy spending time with your partner.
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture. In honor of the day, many restaurants offer discounts and specials on food and drinks. There are also plenty of events and activities that can be enjoyed by singles. Here are five events you need to know about that is perfect for singles:
1) The San Diego Beer Festival: This festival takes place at the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis in downtown San Diego on May 5th from 6-10 pm. There will be over 130 different beers available to try, as well as food from local restaurants. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and has a good time.
2) La Jolla Film Festival: The La Jolla Film Festival is held every year in May at various venues in La Jolla. The theme for this year is "The Artist as Hero". This means that screenings will feature movies with strong female characters who are portrayed in a positive light. There are also workshops and panel discussions scheduled during the event, so there is something for everyone.
3) Taste of Long Beach: This event takes place at the Queen Mary Events Park in Long Beach on May 5th from 12 pm-9 pm. It features food from over 30 local restaurants, live music, arts & crafts, as well as vendor booths. It's a great way to spend an afternoon surrounded by friends and enjoy some delicious food.
4) Fiesta del Rio: This event is held at the Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego on May 5th from 12-10 pm. There will be music, dancing, and lots of fun events for the whole family. It's a great opportunity to celebrate Mexican culture and have a good time with friends.
5) Cinco de Mayo II: This event is held at The Observatory in Santa Ana on May 6th from 10 am-6 pm. There will be food, drink, and entertainment from various local businesses and organizations. It's a great way to get involved in the community and have some fun.
Independence Day
There are a lot of great events that are perfect for singles this Independence Day. Here are four of the best:
1) There's a free concert at Navy Pier in Chicago. The concert features performances by Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and DNCE.
2) There's a fireworks show over the river in Cincinnati that is perfect for couples or small groups.
3) There's also a free concert at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ. The concert features performances by Bruno Mars and Radio Company.
4) Last but not least, there's a free fireworks show over Niagara Falls that is open to everyone.
Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the first Monday of September. It commemorates the American labor movement and the 1894 Lawrence textile strike. The date was chosen to coincide with international workers' day, May 1. Labor Day is also a national day of rest.
Looking for something fun to do this Halloween? Check out some of the events below that are perfect for singles! Whether you're looking for a party or something a little more intimate, there's something for everyone.
First up is the annual Halloween Parade in downtown Columbus. This event is sure to get your pumpkins turning green with excitement and is a great opportunity to show off your costume and meet other singles in the area.
Another great option is Trick or Treating at local parks. Not only will you have a blast getting treats, but you'll also have the chance to meet new people and make some new friends. If you're feeling extra spooky, why not take part in one of Columbus' many haunted houses? They're definitely not for the faint of heart, but they're guaranteed to give you some good scares!
Last but certainly not least, don't forget about Happy Hour! Whether you're looking for drinks by yourself or company for an hour or two, there's always somewhere affordable to go around town. So mark your calendars and get ready for one scary (but fun!) night!
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kimseunghoney · 5 years
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i’ve waited for this moment for five years.. 💜
yesterday was so magical, you guys have no idea how bad i wanted this ;( for so long. i don’t usually go to concerts like these because i don’t have such money to spend, but bts are so special and it was worth every single penny. the fact that they headlined the wembley fucking stadium … i’m still in tears. i remember how during ahl they would go around asking people on the streets to attend their FREE concert and hoped at least a few would show up. or how when i first heard one of their songs from my friend and looked them up none of the search results were about them. none. not to be emo but they built this from the actual bottom and their achievements go beyond anybody’s wildest dreams. i’m so glad i was with them through this and was finally able to see them live. walking into the wembley stadium.. god i’ve never experienced anything like this before. i got the most intense chills all over my body. and the adrenaline during the concert is incomparable. my hands were visibly shaking until like mid concert and to think that it must be that much more stimulating for them, i honestly have no idea how they pull through these concerts.. yesterday was magic 🔮
#i filmed the whole ending only to find out it was cut off because i had no more storage :(#im so upset i literally filmed the fireworks and confetti and everything.. but here is a compiled vid from what my friend recorded#(also i apologise for the screams jfjdksk she screams while i shed tears)#THE PRODUCTION VALUE YO wtf it was insane#i couldnt go last year bc the ‘waiting room’ for tickets was like four hours long and they sold out in minutes#if it wasnt for my friend i wouldnt have been able to go this year either#whats really annoying is that so many people go without knowing them or their songs#they dont even enjoy themselves and just sit through it#i witnessed it myself yesterday and i just?? dont get it?#not to be that person but so many people are crying at home because they dont have tickets and would die to be in their places#but anyway nothing could describe how special yesterday was#EVERYBODY was there for them#i saw fans gathering from the moment i stepped outside my house#that was an insane amount of people#i live in london and i dont think ive ever seen a bigger flood of people#roads were closed and there were queues coming out of every single store/cafe near the stadium#it took us about two hours to get from the stadium to the station after the show (which is a max 20 min walk)#trains were so packed security were telling people they have a higher chance of catching an uber home#and traffic was bad..lets just say we got out at 10:30pm but got home at around 2am 🙃#ik these things are annoying but it made me so happy bc it was a real life visual representation of how far theyve come#their posters were spread like flags from the station to the stadium it was beautiful :’(#joon was soso excited it was very obvious#him and hobi actually leave the most lasting impressions live#i swear if this was my first time seeing them joon would probs be my bias lmao he’s not even my bias wrecker goddamn#but jimin omg i love this baby like nobody else. i would give him the world if i could. i could never even describe how much i love him :(((#idk what it is i just fucking cry seeing him (i truly cried during an upbeat song bc of him)#anyway these boys are the most genuine down to earth amazing human beings and deserve everything they have and more#im sorry to whoever read through all this fjdksk this is the only time y’all will catch me writing so much#bts#bts wembley
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