#everybody say thank u nemo
anlian-aishang · 11 months
You gift him a new tie to wear, he puts in on immediately. Only for you to pull him nice and close with it later.
Like the lecture hall has been emptied after the last class of the day, you grab the fresh, pristine, new tie right near his throat and and twirl it around your hand so it's a solid hold, and yank on it to bring him forwards. He gets a cute little blush cause you're being so up front about it (which could be unusual) but it's for your benefit as much as his, really.
After all, change is as good as a holiday, right?
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Have been screaming about this inbox for over a year and only tonight was my brain able to respond with some words.
tags: [professor] levi ackerman x [wife] reader, smut [foreplay], modern AU, fem!reader word count: 1400
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Watching him lecture to a hall of hundreds, it was hard to believe he was your husband. Just this morning, he had brewed you a pot of coffee, wearing nothing but glasses and briefs. So opposite to the professor before you now: black slacks ironed, button-down tucked perfectly into them, sealed with a leather belt - one you remembered using in less academic contexts.
Levi’s voice was uniquely stern, one you seldom heard at home, almost as if he was trying to frighten the undergraduates into remembering every word out his mouth. He could feign all he wanted, but you knew just how deeply he cared. Office hours that often ran overtime: Ackerman never turned away a student at the door. When he finally did make it home, his nights were sleepless: staring at the ceiling, praying that his students were meanwhile studying. He was convinced that he was more anxious for the final than they were - their futures relying on their grade, on their comprehension, on the quality of his teaching, no matter how distantly. 
Maybe that’s why the veins were standing in his neck, why his hand gripped the chalk so tightly, why those ice-blue eyes snapped glances at the clock so often. You shivered in your back-row seat and felt warped back to your first encounter: longing for him to look at you, terrified that he would. Suddenly, you felt the fear of the students, yet in good company of his fangirls. Greatly outnumbered, you were sure that if they knew the marital status of the classroom’s intruder, violence would ensue, and they would promptly audition to serve as her replacement. So ridiculous, you giggled to yourself - at least you had tried to, but someone managed to hear.
“Please,” although his voice was far from pleading as Professor Ackerman spotted you in the crowd. Glaring through black bangs, “contain yourself.”
Audible was the turn of everyone in their old, wooden chairs. All eyes on you felt miniscule compared to his, which still - after all these years - took your breath away. With his students’ attention off of him, Levi tossed you a smirk. Then, with half an eye roll, Ackerman turned back to the board, “Right, as I was saying…”
// // // 
He had warned you that the line would be long, but silly you had not thought about what to do with yourself during that time. You were the only “student” who had brought a purse instead of a backpack, whose notebook was merely a planner’s extra pages, who had not worn sweatpants to the last lecture of the semester. Awkwardly, you paced in the back and made yourself a shadow, aiming to give privacy to the students, their professor, and their last-minute questions. 
Maybe it was the anticipation of what would happen after they left, but you could have sworn that those students were taking their sweet time. Eyeing his wedding ring? Eyeing something else? Soaking up every second with him? Vying for some favoritism before grades were submitted? Your thoughts were ridiculous, but your heart inexplicably tightened. Levi would have scoffed if he knew how you felt, especially given all the times he had referred to them as “snot-nosed brats.” Nevertheless, your pacing burst free from the background: heels clacking loudly, echoing through the near-empty theater, and by proxy - shoving the last students out of the room. 
“Good luck.” By one hand on the podium, Levi pivoted out from behind and waved to them on their way out, “And don’t forget to-” but you had shut the door behind them before he could finish.
With arms crossed and a sour look, you made your way down the aisles, a thwartless pace to the professor. He placed one hand on his hip and teased, “Ah - coming to apologize?”
Right hand slithered over his shoulder, left hand met it at his nape. A brief swipe of his undercut before crawling back down his chest. Palms over his pecs, lungs breathing heavy underneath. Levi tilted his head and stared, “I have to ask, little Mrs. Ackerman, was something funny? Or were you just trying to distract your classmates?” Slender finger traced under your chin and beckoned your gaze to meet his. “I take discipline very seriously, so please - explain yourself.”
“Oh, I just… you know… this class is so boringgg.” You flashed an obnoxious grin, donned an even more obnoxious voice. “I thought I’d just scroll on my phone a bit, cause I mean, when are we ever really going to use this stuff anyways?”
Between your words, your touch had deviated. Fingers delicate as they traced down his sleeves, familiar with all the muscles they hid, until interlocked in his hands. With that hold, you lifted him to your lips. Tongue danced between his chalk-covered digits, lips circled them clean.
Filthy. The clean freak held back his swears, a heavy exhale instead. He bit his lip, biting back a sultry smile. Shaking his head, the pinch of your chin tightened. Snide, “Afraid I have no choice but to give you an F.”
Falsified shock, your lips parted with a gasp that made his pants tighten. Fingertips drifted even lower, following the sewn threads of his shirt. Nails hiked over his nipples and gave a pair of split-second pinches, drawing a stiff arch of his back, at last pressing him to your front. The man shuddered against you, but that did not stop your pursuit. Knuckles hooked through his belt loops and pulled him even closer. At your sex, you could feel him grow: hard, warm, throbbing, though his calm expression gave little indication. As his erection grew, though, his composure was inversely related - as he would put it. Leaking tip met the bottom of his cold belt buckle, his inhales turned sharp. Frustrated grunts as his swell bargained with the confines of his linens. Music to your ears, you felt he deserved some too. 
One hand cupped the back of his neck, the other his length. Snapping his ear to your lips, where teeth scraped, words soothed: “Oh, Professor Ackerman,” with a high-pitched whine and breathless sigh, you kneaded his cock in your grip, “wouldn’t you at least consider giving me a D?”
Before he could react - laugh, choke, or even ask himself did I hear that right? - you grabbed his tie and yanked him to your lips. The satin of the accessory and that of his kiss were a perfect match, exactly what you thought when you bought it. The heel of your hand rode the curve of his nape, fists made in his locks, angling him right where you wanted. Black tea and mint in his taste, you longed to sweeten it with your cream. 
The force he matched you with - you believed he wanted that, too. Brows knit in determination, Levi’s tongue began its own expedition down your throat, teeth sandwiched your lip, prying you open for all his desires. Maintaining the kiss, you hastened to strip each other free. 
At an agonizing pace, you undid his buttons and pulled on his zipper. You were either clumsy or sadistic to fumble with him the way you did: scraping over his slit, dragging his precum along his length, making him extra vulnerable to the evening air when you finally unleashed him. Your delicate touch incited the opposite in him: an unwavering speed he undressed you with. Hem of your shirt to your collarbone, your nipples hardened fast in sudden exposure. Bra hooked loose by one hand, neck squeezed by the other. In a handful of seconds, your only coverage was the love marks on your jawline. 
Pulling away from the kiss, you opened your eyes to a completely different person: no longer the calm and collected Professor Ackerman, but his tender alter ego. Bright blush and disheveled hair, polar to his pale complexion and standard gel. Instead of his commanding speech, embarrassing breaths echoed down the hallway. Perfectly pressed clean clothes had turned wrinkled in strife, damp with overstimulated sweat, especially at his middle. 
Levi’s exhales became your inhales as he struggled to regain his breath. Trembling in your arms, he shook his head and sighed, “Is this why you bought me a tie?” And made some crazy excuse to come to work with me today?
A low chuckle, it was your turn to reciprocate the eye roll. With a quick jerk, you swiped the tie out from under his collar. A lazy swing of your new lasso, “Let’s put this thing to real use.”
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// masterlist //
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neverinadream · 3 years
Do a dad chilly one where he is tucking your child in to bed and they’re talking about how you too met and love and they don’t know u can hear them Just super cute and fluffy please
Once Upon A Time
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Whoever you are, thank you for the request!! Lachlan Chilwell makes his return
Summary: Tucking Lachlan into bed, Ben is asked about of how he and y/n first met
Song: Adventure Time - Bry
When we think of classic children's bedtime stories, we immediately think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Rumpelstiltskin or Jack and the Beanstalk, but for Lachlan Chilwell, there was no greater story than that of his parents' love for each other.
It was nearing eight o'clock when Ben realised the time. Y/n and Ben had been tricked into watching Toy Story again for the third time that week, after Lachlan had been introduced to it at the weekend. It was a replacement for his Finding Nemo obsession, but neither could complain though, it kept the hyperactive toddler quiet after a brutal day of training and a nightmare shift at the gallery.
He gazed down at his son, dressed in spacemen pyjamas. His beloved penguin plushie, now a little faded from repeated rounds in the washing machine, was clutched in one hand as the other tiredly played with his brunette curls. Y/n was curled into the corner of the sofa, barely able to keep her eyes open as she watched the ending of the film. They were the two people he loved the most.
"I'll put him to bed," Ben whispers, knowing Lachlan would protest if he heard the B-word. Y/n just nodded her head, humming as he kissed her forehead. "Come on, Lucky," he scooped him up into his arms, resting him on his hip, "time for bed."
"No," Lachlan shook his head, protesting as he kicks his legs in the air, "Toy Story!"
"You can watch Toy Story tomorrow," he chuckles as y/n shoots him a tired glare, "but, right now, I'm tired, mummy is very tired and you are nearly falling asleep in my arms. So, it's bedtime for all of us." Lachlan huffs, giving up his protest, for the promise of watching Toy Story again tomorrow.
Ben carried him upstairs and into his bedroom, keeping him balanced on his hip as he bent down to switch on his nightlight. Lachlan lifted his head from Ben's shoulder, gazing up at the stars projected onto his bedroom ceiling. It didn't matter how many times his nightlight was turned on, those imaginative stars would always capture his attention.
"So, what are we reading tonight?" Ben asks, sitting on the edge of his bed, after tucking him tightly beneath the covers. He took a glance at Lachlan's bookshelf, eyebrows rising when he sees a children's book about the most popular artists of all time. He flicked it over, giving Lachlan a quick smile. "Mummy still thinks you're going to be the next best painter, doesn't she?" He asks, rhetorically. The footballer vs artist debate was still going strong after nearly three whole years. Lachlan just giggles. "Jack and the Beanstalk?" Ben asks, scanning over his many books.
Lachlan shakes his head. "Mummy and daddy," he says, untucking his left arm from under the covers, "your story."
"Well, you remember mine and mummy's love story is a lot different to everybody else's, right?" Ben asks, aware that the start of his and y/n's relationship wasn't the most conventional.
Lachlan nodded his head. "Mummy didn't know she loved you until after Granny Nell passed away..."
"Which was just before I was born," he finished, fingers tiredly playing with his hair.
"That's right," Ben nodded, giving him a soft smile, "but I knew I loved mummy from the second I saw her because she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."
"Like a princess?"
"Even better," he shook his head, "I thought she was an angel." Ben chuckles as Lachlan gasps, eyes growing wide with excitement. "She had the most prettiest blue dress on and she had the biggest, warmest smile, but daddy was too scared to talk to mummy because I didn't think I was cool enough for her. So Uncle James pushed me into her as she walked past us; I nearly spilt my drink all down her pretty blue dress."
"That's silly," he giggles, before letting out a yawn.
Ben leans over, brushing his hair from out of his face. "It was very silly," he agrees, placing a delicate kiss on the centre of his forehead, "but if Uncle James hadn't pushed me into mummy, then I wouldn't have met her and then you wouldn't have been born." Lachlan's eyes blinked in repetitive sequences, trying to fight off his tiredness. "You and mummy are the best things to have ever happened to me," he whispers, stroking his thumb across his chubby cheek, "and I love you both so, so much. Never forget that."
Ben sat with him for another minute, watching him until he had drifted off to sleep, but feels his whole body jolt when he sees y/n standing at the door. "How long have you been standing there for?" He asks in a hushed whisper.
Y/n takes a step back out onto the landing, waiting until Ben had shut Lachlan's bedroom door halfway to speak. "You missed out the part where you stumbled through every word you said until you were drunk enough to speak to me properly," she teased, giggling as he rolls his eyes.
"Like I'm going to tell him that part," Ben mumbles, humming as she wraps her arms around his neck. He held her waist, fingers brushing over the soft material of her sweater. "He has to think his dad is cool."
She played with the hairs on the nape of his neck, pushing up onto tiptoes to kiss his lips. "You're the coolest person ever to him," she says against his lips, quickly kissing him once more, "though Mason and James are nearly as cool as you, so you might want to work on your coolness levels."
"Well, at least I'm still cooler than you," he quips, y/n having to hold back her boisterous laughter as he pinches her waist. He kisses the tip of her nose, chuckling as she scrunched her face up. "I love our love story," he admits to her, slowly guiding her back to their own bedroom, "it's unconventional, a little crazy and so unique like the woman I fell in love with."
"Oh, you're mister emotional today, huh?" She giggles, letting one arm drop from around his neck to push down on the door handle. He wiggles his eyebrows, smiling as he gazes down at her. "Well, I love our love story too," she agrees, yelping as he lays her down on their bed.
He kisses her jaw and her cheeks, before leaving a singular kiss on her lips. "Good, because I am never letting you go."
Definitely send more dad!ben ideas in, I love them!
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popatochisssp · 3 years
I need memes for the new boys. Meme me, Poppy. Meme me.
As always, I am ashamed at how well-equipped I am to answer this question...
Meme Fluent: Ash (Undergloom Sans), Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus), Sunny (Gastertale Sans)
Can At Least Ask Where The Bathroom Is In Meme: Brick (Horrorfell Sans), Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus)
Meme-blivious: Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus), King (Horrorfell Papyrus), Merc (Horrorswap Sans), Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans)
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Very savvy and up on all the most popular memes, scrolling through memes is an activity very low on the ‘activity’ part and great for when he’s feeling a little too tired to do anything else. He’s very into tiktoks, which help him keep up to date on the latest meme songs-- some of which he might try to learn to play on his own. In general, he’s also into memes with funny or weird-looking animals (frogs, possums, axolotls, etc), no specific kind of meme, the presence of a goofy-looking creature in it is usually good enough to get a smile or a chuckle out of him.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Not all that up to date on the meme scene, he’s usually busy with other things... but! He really loves relatable memes, especially ones about procrastination or not being able to focus on work or having to do chores, everyday mundane irritations that everybody can relate to! He also thinks reading comprehension errors are great harmless fun (i.e., “my bad i thought u said moths”), just silly misunderstandings that make for confusing interactions until someone realizes.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Doesn’t always remember every meme, but he gets the gist of most of them. His favorites are the MS Paint memes, usually the more poorly drawn, the better (but a fan of pretty much every catcrumb image he sees, those chaotic little cats are great). He can also be caught laughing himself to wheezing and banging on the table over completely bizarre and out of context interactions--for some reason, they just hit right on the funny bone and he has no defense against them. (The ‘Nyquil Detroit Become Liquid’ post nearly killed him, but he would’ve thanked it.)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Not too interested in memes. He’s peripherally aware of them but rarely knows the latest trends or cares to know them. He does have a slight fondness for evil memes--ones about being evil or having an evil lair or just have the word ‘evil’ as an adjective in front of something else seemingly incongruous--he finds them silly and they can usually win at least a smirk out of him when he happens to come across one. If you want a laugh, though, find him some of those screenshots of old newspapers from the 30s-50s, formally written humor that still holds up even now (like The Windsor Star, Ontario, November 1, 1958, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Ohio, February 21, 1947, or Barnard Bulletin, New York, December 20, 1935). Sensible chuckles abound from those!
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Not too into memery, he’s definitely got a lot of other things going on and isn’t always online. Still, he is a fan of stuff like one-time-i-dreamt and other accounts of peoples’ dreams or thought processes. He thinks it’s interesting, the little peek into the wandering, strange, and sometimes funny subconscious, or how people think about love and tenderness and nostalgia and remind others to appreciate those things, too. It’s a very niche, wholesome sort of enjoyment for sure... but not to worry! If you’re looking for something more mainstream and ‘haha funny,’ he also got very into the whole ‘Surprise! It’s cake!’ meme trend that was going on for awhile and is still delighted to find a video where a realistic object is cut into and turns out to be cake. He’s definitely going to make one himself, maybe as a social media marketing thing for his home business...
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Very meme savvy and tends toward some of the maybe darker types of humor--stress and anxiety memes, introvert memes, et cetera. Animated text is a big one he likes, with enough of a mix of pessimist and optimist memes that he doesn’t come away from checking it actually bummed out or feeling bad, a fine line to walk to be sure. He also likes coding and programming humor! He’s still kinda teaching himself, so he definitely doesn’t get them all, but it gives him a little sense of accomplishment and community when he does, which he really likes.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Not interested in memes, and a lot of them are heavily based on visuals which, unfortunately, he’s going to miss the context. Still, he does get a hell of a kick out of brazen and blatant misinformation--the smooth sharks post, facts-i-just-made-up, and the like--and finds it hilarious when someone insists something that is obviously untrue, especially if a lot of people aren’t getting the joke and are trying fervently to convince them of their wrongness. He’s also a little bit evil, so whenever he learns a new piece of whatever slang is popular and in at the moment, he’s going to use it incorrectly, or use outdated slang to induce cringe in those around him. ‘Totes yeet yo’? Yes. ‘That is so pog, as the kids say’? Of course. ‘It’s lit, fam’? Definitely, who do you take him for? The cringier, the better, he revels in the discomfort of others when he throws one of those babies out.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Definitely knows a little bit about memes, not always the latest trends but his base knowledge is pretty good, and of course has his favorites. He loves John Mulaney references and reaction images, they just Speak to him, y’know? Outside of that, he’s very fond of day-of-the-week memes, Tuesday Again?, Out of Touch Thursday, Fat Fuck Friday and so on. Aside from being a useful reminder of what the hell day of the week it is, he likes the consistency and recurrence of it, just a silly little moment to look forward to at some point like, “oh yeah, it’s el muchacho monday, nice!”
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Pretty wise to the meme scene overall, loves the fun and creativity of it all. If you want him to absolutely lose his shit, though, show him a terrible picture of an animal--by which I mean, poorly photoshopped, blurred, in mid-panoramic, as long as the end result is an absurd or very screwed up image. Why are things like ‘buff half cat’ and ‘dog but very, very long’ his sense of humor? He has no idea, but the worse it looks, the harder he laughs. He has a bit of a fondness for ‘gotcha’s too, like a Rickroll but really anything where you go into it expecting one thing, and get trolled by receiving something else. (If Megalovania memes were a thing in his universe, he would be all over them, if that gives you an idea of the kind of gag he thinks is funny!)
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Aware of memes, but not all that invested in them. He likes corporate and office/business memes a lot-- the kind that roast bosses and unnecessary meetings, translate ‘polite’ corporate phrases, anything to do with emails--because they can be very relatable. He also likes seeing screencaps of people on Facebook or Twitter getting dragged for misinformation, or trying to act like a pompous jerk and getting shredded (for legitimate reasons of course, not just random unprovoked cyberbullying). He...may be involved in a bit of that sometimes himself: he may not be working in a scientific field, but he is half of a scientist, and just petty enough to spend a few hours of his free time looking up and reading through a few credible sources to cite in a strong and well-crafted rebuttal argument if someone is being especially, dangerously wrong about something. Not everyone has the time and resources to do it, so why shouldn’t he? 😇
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
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Oh god, oh fuck, what did you ask, why did you ask this, this is instantly growing out of hand- I legally have to put it behind a “read more”. Sorry, but this gets really long for no good reason. I’m so sorry, when it’s about music, I just lose it-
- Mike scoffed. “This ask was clearly asked by someone who doesn’t listen to music. Asking for a favorite songs as though there is ANYONE on this fucking world who would go “ah yes, I have ONE song for every event that I ALWAYS want to listen to, no matter my mood.” That is absolutely ridi-“ “FREDBEAR AND FRIENDS THEME SONG!” Jeremy instantly screamed, a big smile on his face. “It’s so cute! So happy! I love it so much!” I’ll be your friend, right to the end! Join the party! Don’t be afraid, we’ll find a way! Join the party! Follow the pack, we’ll have a blast! Join the party! I’m here for you, we’ll make it through! JOIN THE PARTY!
Irritated Mike glared at him. “Is that even a song? Technically speaking? It’s a fucking INTRO.” This disagreement was quickly dismissed by Jeremy. “No, it is a song that I love very much.” There was an annoyed sigh, but not much pushback. “… fine. I have a SHITTON of songs I like, but… I think my currently favorite song is… ULTRAnumb by Blue Stahli. I don’t know. It hits just right.” VIOLATED! SO DEGRADED! The show has just begun! (Three, two, one!) DOMINATED BY ALL YOU HATED! This will make you ULTRANUMB!
Phone Guy seemed a bit embarrassed. “U-uhm… I don’t, uh, listen to much music. I really like the stuff they put in the background of documentaries is actually pretty impressive stuff. I like that, but I can’t really… access that? I mean, I don’t know how to. But I like having something calming in the background.” So… soundtracks, huh? There are pretty good soundtracks, like “Winds over Neo Tokyo” from the movie Akira- “I think though as a SONG, I really like… a bit dumb probably, but “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz? It’s probably pretty standard… but, uh. I like the light distortion. Makes it easy to sing along. And I kinda, uh- relate to the feeling of hopelessness in it…” Windmill, windmill for the land… Turn forever hand in hand! Take it all in on your stride, It is ticking, falling down Love forever, love has free, Let’s turn forever you and me! Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in…? “Uh- I know the song is probably about something completely else, but I just-“ Scratching the back of his neck, Phone Guy looked away. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
Materializing out of thin air, Nemo proceeded to T-pose. “YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. YES. MY TIME HAS COME. I have the best taste from everyone here. I have the EDGY music.” Getting out his MP3-player, he began searching through the music library. “Ah, there we go. This one. “Arrested Youth” – The Kid I Used To Know. That the one!” Life is a voyage some people try to avoid it- I seek to try and destroy it, I swear I feel like a toilet bowl, Shitting on everything I’ve ever said or I’ve done You told me this should be fun! Thanks for the talk, are we done?! This is my masterpiece, a tragedy, I wrote it myself, It’s full of irony and blasphemy, it’s practically hell, But the perfect part about it is it’s all that I’ve got! I’m over wasting time in life trying to be something I’m not!
‘Cause fuck that shit! Yeah, I don’t want be that kid. No, I’m not going to hang my head, And be another accident!
So long to the kid that I used to know! So long to the place that I used to go! I’m not an R.I.P. I’m not another sick, sad tragedy! “The song is great, I absolutely relate to it.” The teen laughed. “Especially the tone of the singer. Really fits me. I could imagine writing songs like that myself!” A bit too excited, he began oversharing. “I always wanted to write songs. And I did! A lot, kept them in a little book.” His expression broke a bit. “… then I lost it. At home. Somehow.” He turned a bit bitter. “Yeah. Asked mom. She didn’t see it. Asked dad. Of course, he had NO idea. Anyways.” He threw his bitterness away with a shrug. “Now you know the reason why I’m actually not rich and famous yet. I lost like… 3 years of absolute riches to that setback and I feel stolen from. The world OWES me and castle and I WILL get it. But until then, I guess I listen to other artists like me!”
Dave was jumping up and down excited. “Oh, oh, Anon Sport, you don’t even KNOW how many I have! Like everything Sportsy whistles! And Rasputin- that one- oh, oh, no, in one car I stole there was a CD- and they had a group- Royal Republic? Funky songs, pal, lemme tell ya. Listen to it while rushing down the highway, it made it some of my favorites! The best is “Good to be Bad” though, no contest!” Oh lord come help me die! I can’t believe my eye! I’m not the same that I was when I got here! I´ve made a dirty mess, My lord I do confess, I know I’ve been bad, So bad! I’m not the only one! I’m not the bastard-son! The other kids made me do things that I don’t usually do… Misunderstood, I’m the plague of the neighborhood! And it feels so good! So good! “Seein’ Sporty making a flip in the running car while this was playin’ was somethin’ MAGICAL!”
Marion scoffed. Was he even included in “the gang”? Well, if Jeremy was, so was he. “Seeing as I never had much choice in listening to the music I could like, I don’t really have a taste. Everything that isn’t nursery rhymes made into songs is GREAT. Especially if it has nothing to do with music boxes.” It still calmed him down to hear music like that, but he developed a bit of a grudge against it. Sure, he and Jeremy were working on that, but he really couldn’t call it his favorite kind of music. “… well, Dave oftentimes played the CD he just mentioned while transporting me. I guess I liked a few songs from there? Somewhat? “Everybody Wants to Be an Astronaut” was pretty good.” I can feel my body shiver, the lights are everywhere! They marvel at my heartbeats inside the atmosphere… And I’m looking at the world, in a way you never could! I knew I’d be a traveling man, but I misunderstood… So tell me, why is it we’re never happy?
‘Cause everybody wants to be an astronaut! And take the long tall trail into the stars! Everybody wants to show a brother what they got! Everybody wants to be an astronaut! Marion looked away. What he kept for himself was that he really disliked the last line. Everybody wants to be a superstar! No. None of the kids wanted to be a superstar. … ‘cause everybody’s happy when they’re playing the guitar! Everybody but them. Everybody. But them. So tell me, why is it we’re never happy?
Old Sport smiled, for a moment a bit sadly. “Oh, it used to be “Not too late” by Lemaitre.” Not Too Late my friend! Take it up and try again! I’ll stand right here… While you walk to face the end, As the skys clear up again I’ll disappear- And have a go again… Snapping out of his emotional side, he laughed. “But now I actually have TASTE, thus it’s TAYLOR SWIFT’S “Look what you made me do”, RIGHT MIKEY-“ “YOU HATE THAT SONG TOO, ADMIT TO IT. YOU FUCKING HATE IT. ESPECIALLY THE REFRAIN. IT’S ALL SUCH UTTER SHIT, YOU ONLY PUT IT ON TO FUCKING TORMENT ME. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!” “Like clockwork. It’s a thing of beauty.” He laughed until Mike quieted down from the back, then looked back at the Anon. “But seriously, why did you even include me. You know what it is! THE CLASSICS! “All Star” and “Never Gonna Give You Up”! Well, maybe with a dash on “We are number one” for good measure. You know, the songs people with TASTE listen to.”
Ethan was sitting in the back, looking at the golden guard badge he had received for signing up with the company. Quietly he sung. “Sven Korner was in the newspapers this Monday Big picture from a time he danced the waltz Yes, he took the life of Victoria Come home, explain to Christiania “Come here, officer, here are thousand bucks I’ve saved” And give me Korner, and give me him soon!” He closed his hands around the badge. “It’s a song by Kaizers Orcherstra. I just happened to stumble over it- originally it’s in the Norwegian language- I do not even know how I found the translation. But I like it a lot. It helps me work.” He hadn’t found her. He wasn’t even quite sure in what kind of afterlife he was. But it gave him great satisfaction to know the man who did this to his daughter was in a far, far worse place. “I know what’s in store for you… I know what it is you’re hoping for, I know what’s in store for you.
Oh, you have a tune you think everybody will follow! But I wouldn’t follow that tune, not on my life! We’re playing poker with a revolver, Having no respect for Fredrik Meltzer… Now you shall dance to our tune 'till you bleed! You shall dance Ompa 'till you Die!
Think about it, Sven, how good it will be in Heaven… I hope you fold your hands before you go to bed… Cause it can get hot down here. It can be hot down here. Sven, it can get hot as hell down here!” -
Henry leaned back bemused. “The best thing about this ask is certainly that everyone now knows what a horrible taste you have.” Says the guy who has his head so far up his ass that he basically only listens to classic. “Oh, no. I listen to everything. But at least I acknowledge that everything I hear has some form of merit, even if it is not my taste. You however, do not, thus you can be shamed for your taste.” Screw you.
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cdralenko · 5 years
a bunch of tag games!
i got tagged in a few of these at once and i felt bad for spamming everybody with 10 miles of me answering questions so here they are under a read more!!
i’d feel bad for making a ton of people wade through all of these so i didn’t tag anyone but thank y’all for tagging me, these were super fun and i appreciate all of you!! 💖💖💖
20 Questions Tag
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better.
i was tagged by @namackinnon!! thank you! <3
1. Nickkname - ains or ain
2. Zodiac sign - taurus
3. Hogwarts house - pottermore said ravenclaw and my harry potter knowledge is minimal at best so we’re rolling with it
4. Height - 5′5
5. Last thing I googled - king cobra conservation status
6. Favourite artists - oh oof elo, superfruit, and queen rn
7. Song stuck in my head at the moment - in the big blue world – finding nemo the musical, please help me
8. Followers - 1800
9. Following - 329
10. Do I get asks - once every other year but i’m also on here sporadically so that’s on me tbh
11. Amount of sleep - either one hour or like 12 there’s no in between
12. Lucky number - 24
13. What am I wearing - a very on-brand tank top for my url that says “alenko trash” and pajama shorts
14. Dream Job - a writer for vidya games tbh
15. Instruments - a very minuscule amount of guitar
16. Languages - english and uh. mando’a oops
7. Favourite song - sweet talkin’ woman – elo
18. Random fact - i spent $100 on a replica arc reactor this week because i love tony stark and have no self control
19. Aesthetic - 80s arcade games, a scratched pair of aviators, the flashing marquee above an old cinema, worn converse, piles of comic books, falling asleep on the couch to a favorite movie
20. Dream trip - this is so dumb but the dr pepper museum in waco omg. i also really wanna go back to disneyland in cali and visit london again but i’ve already been to both of those before so waco it is
comfort characters
i was tagged by @kelean!! thank you so much! <3
dragon age
alistair theirin anders hawke dorian pavus my inq, luciano trevelyan
mass effect
cdr shepard kaidan alenko legion
nathan drake
marvel (mcu & comics)
tony stark peter quill eddie brock
(i feel like i have a bunch more but these are just. the Comfiest characters of all of them for me idk!!)
get to know me tag!!!
rules: once you’ve answered everything, tag 10 bloggers you want to learn more about!
tagged by: @kyrtsad​ u dork
name/alias: ainslee/boba fett’s gf
hair color: light brown??
zodiac sign: taurus
height: 5′5
hobbies: video games and wasting all of my money on cosplay supplies tbh
favorite color: red!
favorite books: the republic commando book series or like. percy jackson djghggjkh
last song I listened to: advaita shuffle -- the fratellis
last film I watched: what we do in the shadows
things I love: dragon age, tony stark, quoting unimportant lines from old movies
what brings me peace: pretending i never saw avengers: endgame
meaning behind my url: kaidan’s rank in ME2 (staff commander) abbreviated to cdr alenko. (aka lt alenko and maj alenko were taken)
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rosymaplemoth · 6 years
Aether Voicemail
A prompt in my 30 Day Journal was “a voicemail that your protagonist will never delete”.
I went a little overboard and had most of the cast of C:R (plus a few OCs) leave her voicemails. The one she’ll never delete is the last one.
Aether Transmission “Voicemails” for Aronnax (Non-Canon due to voicemail not existing... duh... takes place after Chapter 32: Diver’s Fatigue).
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Arsene Lupin
A warm greeting to my fellow outlaw! So you’ve finally landed in South America, have you? I’m certain that a grand adventure awaits you!
How is Cardia doing? I’m certain that by now she and Impey have… well, do me a favor and give them my well-wishes! …I know that he’ll make her happy. He’s my partner, after all.
Well, it’s time I’m off! I’m in the middle of stealing the hearts of Paris for you, so be ready for it!
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Abraham Van Helsing
What did they expect me to say into this…? I’ve never even met this woman.
… If you let anything happen to her, I hope you know what will be waiting for you when you return.
Oh, and tell Impey that he doesn’t have to worry. I’ve been keeping the others well-fed.
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Victor Frankenstein
It’s been awhile since we last met. I’m glad to hear of your continued success. I’m sure that Impey is keeping things exciting, too. Cardia is probably having to put up with a lot right now.
Ah, but… that’s not the purpose of this message. Um, listen, can you… can you keep this to yourself?
…I really wanted to thank you, Professor Aronnax. I suppose it doesn’t really make sense, but… I feel relieved, like a weight has been lifted off of me.
Nobody deserves to be alone.
I guess what I’m saying is that… I’m glad that Nemo found a friend, too.
U-Um… you will keep that to yourself, right? For my sake? Ahaha… ha… ha…
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The Count of Saint-Germain
Oh? There’s still room for more messages? Well, you were a part of humanity’s first submerged trip across the Atlantic. Please, take a moment to congratulate yourself for this accomplishment. You have certainly earned your place in the history books, Professor.
Hm, there is much more that I need to tell you, but I will be seeing you shortly. It should wait until then. I only wish I could… … well, you will say hello to Miss Cardia for me, won’t you?
Delacroix II and Sisi
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Huh? But I’ve never met Aronnax, why…
Sisi, you want to say hello to Professor Aronnax?
Huh… Oh, I get it! You miss Cardia, don’t you?
I understand, I miss her, too. Hey, Professor, you’ll tell her that we miss her, right? Ah, Sisi, did you have a message for Impey, too?
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Huh? Aronnax? I thought I would be able to leave a message for Sister here. Tch… what a waste.
Between those two boneheads, I suppose you’re really the one I can trust the most… though, trust me, it’s not a position I want to be in. … Protect Sister. If you make her cry… I will make that weird creep of yours suffer ten times as much!
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Queen Victoria
Oh? All of this secrecy, and yet you allow me to leave a message? Aren’t you cheeky…
Even though I can’t claim you as a child of England, I still feel somewhat of an obligation towards you. Perhaps it’s because you’ve gotten yourself tangled with that scientist… hm. Well, your friends have certainly made things interesting around here. I must thank you for sending Doctor Frankenstein back into my midst. He’s so stubborn, though, still rejecting my invitation into the Royal Society.
…Just how much do these boys think they can accomplish? It’s rather frustrating how much they’re standing up to me. These rebellious streaks, can they stem from anything other than your beloved prince charming? Ha! No, I suppose everyone has their own reasons. Lost homes, their dreams, a desire to belong… what was your reason for rebellion? When I catch you, I hope you’ll give me a fun answer, Pauline Aronnax.
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Ned Land
Oh! Got the signal! Knew I could get that twisty-thingamajig working! Hey, Pauline, why’d you have to run away so fast? You made my sweetheart really upset, you know. He stayed up all night looking for any trace of that damn submarine. Had to knock him out so he’d finally get some shut-eye. … Don’t be stubborn, girlie. Let Ned Land take care of you. I promise I’ll reunite your princey with his lost family quicker than you can blink. He won’t feel a thing! Of course, if you keep on resisting… it might be fun to see how much he can squirm on the end of my harpoon, hahaha! Oh, you all can hide all you want, but the Great Hunter always finds his quarry! Always!
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Ah… Professor…
How does it feel to be back in South America? We were there for your 20th birthday, weren’t we? Yes, that’s when we went to the Amazon River. You shone like the sun on that expedition.
And then you fell in with those piranhas, remember? You were leaning out too far over the boat to get a better look… I jumped in after you and got you away from those beasts. You looked so confused. I’ll never forget—“Piranhas aren’t inherently dangerous”. “Piranhas have a bad reputation”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!
… It’s the same now, isn’t it? You say the man isn’t dangerous, but everybody knows the truth! London was a sea of fire because of him! I know that if you stay at his side, he will strip you to the bone! I swear I will be the one to save you, Professor, I will make you come to your senses! Please, please come to me!
Do it for yourself, do it for Paris, do it for your Grandfather—
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Jimmy A. Aleister
Aronnax-kun. Have you made it as far as you wanted to go? I’m sure a voyage like this has merely whet your appetite. I’m also sure that there are many things you want to say to me right now. Hold on to that anger, let it settle inside of you until it becomes a part of your very existence. That way, when we meet again, you can show me just how far you’ve come.
I truly, truly look forward to that day.
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Good day to you, Professor Aronnax.
We haven’t met yet, but I’m afraid I’ve let my impatience get the best of me once again. It’s one of my greatest vices. I’m sure you understand, right? After all, you couldn’t wait to begin your journey. You couldn’t wait for your friends, your family… you had to leave it all behind to chase after a dream. We’re a lot alike in that way. Oh, Professor, I cannot wait until we meet. You were blessed with a mind capable of piecing together fragments that nobody else could begin to comprehend. You, of all people, will appreciate what I am doing.
Ah, your lover, too, I’m sure… but you have a greater appreciation for peace, do you not? Yes, the peace of silence, of a quiet world where true contemplation can thrive. A kingdom under a sky dancing in rainbow hues… the place I was born to rule… I cannot wait to show it to you.
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Bwahahahahahaha….! Now, the greatest message of them all, left by your beloved genius scientist NEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOOO---!!!
Are you exciiiiiiited? Hmm, I could talk to you in person, but… your sleeping face is so cute… so I’ll leave this message of iiiiiiinspiration as a surprise instead!
Have you really let it sink in? What the Harper has accomplished? What this meeeeeeeeeans for the world?! A new way of travel! Expanded horizons! Perhaps even a new era, hmmm? Ahhh, sensei would have been so proud of meeeeeee… and what about you? Hee hee, are you just as proud? Of course, you’re very lucky to sleep in the arms of the geeeeeeeeeenius who will change the world!
……. Ahhh---
I shouuuuuld say… I’m pretty lucky too. ❤
Have you realized what you are to me yet? Me, the greatest disciple of science--! What would that make you, the one that humanity is beginning to call “the Bride of Science”? Ohhh, I can’t wait to tell you… the beatification of a still-living scientist—no, apotheosis!! Ahhhhh--- there is a goddess lying in my arms tonight--!! Won’t you allow me, the most devoted of all scientific acolytes, the pleasure of worshiping you?
Hmmm~ I can’t wait to watch the expression on your face as you liiiiiisten to this… you’ll come and find me, won’t you? Now, embrace your beloved and let him use science to lift you to raaaaaaaaaaaapturous delight!
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Nemo’s Top Ten KPOP Choreos! 
these are honestly mostly my opinions which nemo shares 90% of the time and its my bday so i decided that was fine. also for my bday everyone should watch these videos bc they r good and interesting 
Fallin’ Flower: This is flawless, the way it tells the story with the movement. CHEF’S KISS. i literally did an in-depth dissection of this dance so go look at that maybe or just watch it god plz 
Crown: this is a DEBUT and it’s so fast, and the partnering is so intricate– a kind of dance u need all five members for which i absolutely ADORE!! The part where they make an arrow? Amazing. And the song itself is about disability which Nemo really really jives with. 
See Sea: the part at 0:54-1:08 like made me gay and is the reason why nemo is pansexual actually. Like u ever wanna feel fun flirty sexy and cool like runnin around with ur pals on the beach and stuff. exactly
Pretty U: LITERALLY WHAT STARTED IT ALL FOR ME i cannot express enough how much this number changed me. Like its the theatricality of it. Its the dcom over the top energy of 13 boys going batshit crazy over the terror of telling a girl she’s pretty. The innocence of that confession. And to talk about the dance itself like the genius of the couch and how its incorporated. I literally love every moment of this dance it makes me feel better stronger invincible and also very beautiful.
honestly nemo probably wouldn’t choose this he’d choose SNAP SHOOT so go look at that its so fun. There’s a lot of setting/formation type stuff in this one and it’s like the spiritual successor of Pretty U. Apparently Holly says the shifts in weight is way harder than it looks too so like shout out that. 
Everybody: u can not physically remain unhyped this song is legit wack its Camp, capital C. this dance has everything. Pretending to be a wind up doll. Lifting ur best friend in the air. Creating a like… helicopter out of ur bodies. Nonstop movement and so much belting, jumping, and shaking your ass. I have so much fun watching this. 
Mic Drop: this is a masterpiece as well. Jhope doing the ‘turnstyle’ move at the beginning big chef’s kiss for me. Then everyone freestyles and u can see each member’s personality before it starts in earnest and then from there it is just flawless from start 2 finish esp the dance break version. This song puts dynamite in my brain make no mistake
Good Evening: unlike everybody this is so loose and all about the pause between the big moments and the build up to the improvisational section at the end like this is straight up abstract art in dance bc the lyrics r all about feeling trapped and then finding freedom. Also that part at 1:44 sustains me i love homoeroticism in my dance 
Save me: its about the FOOTWORK YALL. its like called lightfeet or something and its super cool and extremely difficult they r like rabbits hopping around!!!! There are def flashier bts choreos but this one speaks to their agility, balance, and technique i think 
Bboom Bboom: these girls said LEVELS. They said LINES! They said FUN! U ever see a dance that u automatically wanna get up and learn? Yeah this is one of those. All of the formations are super interesting and the choreo for the chorus is like easy enough to adapt for beginners but still challenging enough to entertain more skilled dancers. Im speaking from experiences bc of my sister who is a trained dancer and loves this song. 
Baby dont stop: this song and dance would kill a victorian child. Its the PARTNERING for nemo and also the homoeroticism in this one as well. And for me. But no its really so smooth and tight and sexy this is the slave 4 u of kpop but with men
Honorable Mentions: 
THANKS by seventeen Cherry Bomb by NCT 127 La de da by Everglow  ON by BTS  EVERYTHING Taemin has done I am terrible for not putting a Taemin on here but i literally couldn’t pick between Move, Idea, and Advice. Also Criminal. Ok seriously everyhing he has ever done.  Mmm - KAI  Sneakers - Ha Sung Woon  Filter - BTS (Jimin) Thrill Ride - The Boyz 
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megapotatosaurus · 7 years
All the Disney asks :D
challenge fucking accepted, friend
Aurora: Story of your first kiss.
All right listen up folks because this is probably gonna be the best story of them all as I’m going to get progressively more tired as this post goes on.  It was a dark and stormy night - actually, it was in the middle of the day, and I was on my first real date.  No, I was not a teenager.  And he couldn’t drive so I’d brought my car to the train station to pick him up before going on.  Anyway so I should point out that this dude was older than me but even less experienced.  Like some painfully shy nerd or something.  Like, I’d never kissed before, but I knew how to kiss, right?
He sure did not know how to kiss.  Like the dude hadn’t even looked at a single youtube tutorial or something.  He was not prepared.  So when the time came to kiss, time kinda slowed down, and I was like, omg, here it comes, me first kiss at last, get ready for the fireworks, here it comes.
And this dude right, this fully grown man, SMASHES his face against mine so that my head slams back against the car seat, LATCHES onto my mouth with his like a vice, our teeth clash and his tongue rams straight down my throat.
So I’m sitting there on the receiving end of this absolutely terrible kiss, this guy’s tongue is waggling wildly against my tonsils, and I just feel so fucking exasperated, like, I feel like in the movie of my life, the camera should have freeze-framed on me at that moment, and a voiceover would’ve come in like “Yep, that’s me there, the girl with the tongue down her throat.  I suppose you’re wondering how I got myself into this situation.  Well…”
Rapunzel: 5 things from your bucket list.
I don’t have one so I’m just gonna make up some things now that sound like they would be pretty awesome: 1. Become proficient at astral projection so I can go on spooky adventures in my sleep, 2. Write a book that gets a movie AND video game adaptation, 3. Set up a charity to help women fleeing from domestic abuse in countries where the law is not on their side, 4. Build my own house, 5. Get married and have an owl fly the rings down the aisle because I love owls.  Ok so that started off silly and gradually turned into things that I ACTUALLY want to do.
Dory: Something someone has told you that you can’t forget.
This one’s easy, I don’t remember fucking anything.
Pocahontas: Something new you taught someone.
To love and accept themselves?  I’m a teacher and a therapist so all I ever do is share my great potatoe wisdom with people young and old
Mulan: Do you trust your gut feeling?
Always!!  My intuition is always good.
Jasmine: The story of when you had to really trust someone.
Ah yes, I remember the last time I fully trusted someone, it was back in 1884, I was but a young potatosaur, I was trapped in the cargo hold of a ship on the way to Newport from Argentina, and the other stowaway was a bearded vagrant who gradually began to starve as the months went by.  I had to trust that man not to peel and eat me in my sleep.  My life was in his hands.
Belle: Is there someone you are close to who no one else likes?
To be honest, years ago I would have had to say yes, but now I’m older and I’ve often found that if nobody likes somebody, there’s a good reason.
Ariel: Where do you think you belong, and why?
Honestly, I have no idea, and just when I think I’ve found somewhere I really belong, as a member of a community or whatever, something always happens to smash it and I have to move on.  So now I try to cultivate my own personal sense of belonging separate from other people, so I belong wherever I am.
Flounder: Something that surprised you and frightened you.
Dump Truck becoming president?  Brexit happening?  The rising tide of racism and intolerance?  The looming threat of nuclear war? Lots of things have surprised and frightened me in the past year.
Eric: Have you ever helped a stranger?  What happened?
Well I remember a couple of months ago a lady’s car broke down and her husband wasn’t picking up his phone so I drove her home.  Tons more vague memories come to mind but that one was pretty recent.
Aladdin: A sacrifice you made for someone.
Back on that Argentinian sailing ship, I allowed my friend the vagrant to cut a few chips out of me to save his life.  I might have a hole in my side, but my heart is full of the joy of true love.
Tiana: A time you tried your hardest for something.
Probably when I was sitting my Chemistry GCSE, I was never much good at it or so I thought, but I had a teacher who really encouraged me, so I studied hard and got an A!!!  Still very proud of that :]
Boo: A childhood hero.
Emmeline Pankhurst, one of the leaders of the Suffragette movement here in the UK!  One badass bitch
Cruella: Something you really want but aren’t allowed to have.
Tbh I mostly just get whatever I want eventually, life’s too short to have regrets :D
Seven Dwarfs: 7 things you like in the people around you.
Alrighty so not directed at anyone in particular, some traits that I value in my friends: Kindness, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, good humour, non-judgemental, an interest and curiosity for many things.
Kronk: What are you best at in the kitchen?
First of all a moment of appreciation for Kronk, the best character.  Secondly I am a rocking cook so basically I’m good at everything in the kitchen.  But u know my microwave skills is off the hoooooook too
Simba: Something a parent has taught you.
How to hold my ground against people who are emotionally manipulative.
Cinderella: “A dream is a wish your heart makes.”  What’s that for you?
My dreams are all dead and buried like so many potato peelings.
Nemo: Your bravest moment.
Maybe when I stood up for one of my friends in school against a thug who was threatening him, there were tons of witnesses but everybody else didn’t move a muscle.
Terk: Are you a big sister figure to anyone?
Buzz: Your favourite fantasy world.
Do I hafta pick one?  They’re all so good ;o;  And I like all the ones I make the best because they’re mine and I can do what I want :D
Alice: Done drugs?
Ew, no, never.
Peter Pan: Something from your childhood you still love.
My teddy bear!  And going to feed the swans at the lake near where I grew up.  Been doing that all my life. :]
This was fun and also horrendous, thank you friend shoe, I hope my answers were worth it!!!
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