#everyone else is always a mage and then Ive got a handful of rogues
waluigisgaybf · 8 months
I really want to play more non magic based classes or at least just more heavy fighty type classes but I just love being a super magic bitch in my video games sm
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creativegodtiers · 4 years
Prompt Response: Upstart/Exodus Scenario
(apologies for the troll quirks 😔) “yo,” Virave, the Knight, said, lying sideways across their chair. “there’-S a lil -Situation -Stirrin up” “Yes, I Gathered bY the fact You’d called us all into the Situation Room,” Evelit, known to the mortals as the Mage, said with a raise of her eyebrow. “be nIce!!” Lilith, the Sylph, admonished, before turning back to her moirail. “what’s the matter??” “okey doke, here’s the thing,” the Knight said. With a flick of their hands, a small figure appeared on the table, bearing a smug smile and a toga. Lilith leaned in to inspect the figure. “Caesar?” “no i think that is the chicken man,” Summer, aka the Rogue of Void, said solemnly. “Don’t be ridiculous,” the Mage admonished. “{summer has a p(o)int. he greatly resembles the chicken man,}” Wisria, the Heir of Space, said. “I don’t know who that is,” Evelit mumbled. “haha!! smartie Doesnt know something!!” Summer crowed. “Fuck off.” “can we get back on track?” the Knight demanded. There was silence. “thank-S. thi-S guy claim-S he’-S a ‘better’ god, the ‘true’ one.” They tapped a claw on the table, narrowly missing the little figure. “-So far a-S i can tell, he’-S a de-Scendant of one of u-S who got hopped up on power and ha-S a literal god complex. needle-S-S to -Say, i want thi-S twink obliterated. who want-S to go put the fear of the god-S in hi-S heart with me?” The Rogue, the Sylph, and the Witch (also known as Elmara) immediately raised their hands. “{i d(o)n’t like c(o)nfr(o)ntati(o)n, but if y(o)u need a s(o)lar eclipse, text me,}” the Counter of Stars said with a small smile. Evelit sighed. “This could Go a lot of waYs. If I See You start makinG bad choices, I’ll alert You throuGh the usual method.” “texting “DONT DO IT DUMBASSES” to the group chat,” Virave said with a nod. “got it.” The man—his name has been lost to mortal minds, but we’ll call him Chad, because he was so a Chad—stepped down from his platform. The people adored his message, his speeches were on point as always, and just as he’d thought, those so-called Creators were either not real or too detached to do anything about it. “yo.” Chad glanced over to see four unassuming troll youngsters. He had to stifle a chuckle—three of them had their arms crossed and one was leaning her elbow on another, the very picture of teenage skepticism. Regardless, he would convince them. He was very convincing. “What can I do for you?” he said, putting on his best smile. He’d never been fond of trolls, but more followers were always needed. “A little birdie t+ld me y+u’re playing at g+dh++d,” one said, moving forward. Her red skirt swirled around her feet. Chad idly wondered how she avoided tripping. “I’m not playing, my dear, I am a god. A better god, in tune with the people, not sequestered in my tower all the time like some ‘gods’.” “okay but like heres the thing” one girl said, stepping forward. Chad wondered what caste these trolls were-none of them had a sign, and the dark blue of this girl’s shirt didn’t point to one specific caste. “the gods r literally always out n about u just gotta LOOK DuDe” Chad scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. If the gods are so active, why haven’t we seen them in action recently?” “maybe you haven’t,” the jadeblood (you could tell by the scarf) girl muttered. Something clicked in Chad’s head. “Ah. You’re going to try to prove you are the gods.” “well, he caught on...decently fast,” the jadeblood said to her comrades. “so how we gonna play this?” the blue shirted one said. Chad felt a sting of mild irritation that they were ignoring him in favor of keeping up the “gods” facade. “okay, here’-S my idea. i -Shank him, and lilith heal-S the wound,” the one who hadn’t spoken before said. They pulled a knife from their yellow coat and twirled it easily in their hand. Lilith (presumably) gently whacked them on the arm. “don’t be sIlly! we‘re under some sort of oath not to harm mortals, aren’t we?” “no,” the other one grumbled, “but fine, i gue-S-S.” “I c+uld d+ the timey thing,” the one with the red dress suggested. There was a chime and she looked down. “Ah. N+pe. Evelit says bad idea. Damn.” Chad couldn’t deny a stirring of fear in his chest, but he pushed it down. “If you are the gods, then which ones are you?” “fuck yes!!” Lilith cheered. “transformatIon sequence tIme!!” “Yes,” Red Skirt Girl said. “HELL ye-S,” Knife Kid said. “hell fuckin yes” Blue Shirt said. “Can I g+ first?” Red Skirt Girl said. “I’ve been practicing.” Everyone nodded, so she took a breath in and began to twirl. The edges of her skirt flew up, revealing striped green stockings, which quickly became a blue as she spun faster and faster until- A glittery green shoe clicked hard against the pavement and the girl stopped, beaming with pride. Her skirt settled around her, shorter and fluffier now, her sleeves longer and— The Timecrest emblazoned proudly on the front. “The Wild One,” Chad whispered, unable to keep a hint of reverence from his tone. The Goddess of Tune did a very silly bow. “In the flesh.” “me neXt!!” Blue Shirt cried, clapping her hands. She closed her eyes and- Chad couldn’t quite describe it. She seemed to almost fold in on herself, imploding, but before she could implode all the way, she was back, suddenly, fully formed. She was still wearing the oversized blue shirt and black leggings, but now she had fingerless gloves, a domino mask, boots, and most importantly, the Voidcrest on her shirt. “The R-g-e of ——“ Chad said. Or, well, not really said so much as half-choked. The Rogue grinned. “Someone knows their history!” “So you’re-“ Chad turned to the other two. The jadeblood girl simply flicked her hands and the scarf transformed into flowing ribbons, the dress lengthened, and the Lifecrest bloomed into existence, along with several flowers springing up around her feet. “I thInk some people call me the Goddess of UprIsIng, whIch Is great, don’t you thInk?” The one remaining had apparently already changed, into the glowing golden cape and matching shirt and pants of.. “The Speaker of Truths,” Chad said. “Bingo bongo,” the Knight deadpanned. Chad took a deep breath in. No matter. He was still the better god, even alone. He had something they didn’t! “Well, regardless of your flashy transformation sequences, you are out of touch,” Chad declared. “The people have forgotten you, and a new god—a better, friendlier god—is here.” “woooow,” the Rogue drawled. “i cant even...ive seen stupiD, but this is something else.” “can i plea-Se ju-St -Shank him?” the Knight said, twirling their knife. The Sylph gently patted their cheek. “shoooosh.” “can we call in a solar eclipse now?” the Rogue said, but the Witch shook her head. “It w+n’t d+ any g++d. This is a matter +f rhetoric.” “OH!!” the Sylph said suddenly. “I’ve got an Idea!” She turned to Chad. “when’s your next sermon?” Chad checked the time. “A few minutes, actually.” “great! we’re comIng,” the Sylph said, and shoved past him, dragging the Knight along. Chad, confused, followed. When he arrived on stage, a crowd was already gathered, expectant. The gods stood off to one side, leaving the microphone available. Chad stepped up, tapped it a couple times, and told himself his mantra in his head. You are powerful. You are mighty. You are open. You are a god. “Helllooo, my people!” “our people,” a clear, commanding voice cut in. Everyone turned, and when they saw the gods, gasps and whispers broke out. “is it gonna b a rap off” the Rogue stage-whispered to the Knight. “nah,” the Knight said back. “i think i get what -Sylphie’-S plan i-S.” The Sylph started to walk towards the podium, and her friends followed, creating a strange little parade. “um. hello,” the Sylph said into the microphone, and the whispers increased. “thIs man claIms we have abandoned you, that we are out of touch. he lIes. we are among you, always, and not even fIguratIvely. who here has been to a protest recently that turned sour?” A few people raised their hands. The Sylph nodded, pointing at one of them. “you. protest for goldblood psIonIc headache medIcatIon to be legalIzed? there were a bunch of sonIc blasts, but somehow no one got burned. that was me helpIng. best of luck, btw.” “you, the one with the nice jacket,” the Knight said, and the people quieted, because the Speaker of Truths would not lie to them. “i told your mom -She had to get you vaccinated. did -She?” “Y-Yeah,” the kid said, looking shocked and maybe a little overwhelmed at having this attention put on them. “She did.” The Knight nodded, satisfied. “Y+u,” the Witch said, pointing at a young woman. “We fucked +nce. Last week, actually. Call me?” “okay, well, that Isn’t the best example-“ the Sylph said. “we went 2 a rave together!!” the Rogue said, pointing at yet another startled face. “wait, u 2? aw fuck man. i cant believe uve done this.” “-So, we gonna -Smite the-Se dork-S?” the Knight, and the crowd all backed up a bit. Chad, for his part, was eyeing the mic as if weighing the chances of being able to grab it back vs the chances of the Knight “shanking” him. “nah, they’re good,” the Sylph said. “just needed a lIttle remInder of theIr real gods, I thInk.” “sure we shoulDnt try 2 push that reminDer a bit?” the Rogue said hopefully. The Sylph smiled. “Already texting Wisria,” the Witch said. The Rogue stepped forward and raised their hands dramatically. “citizens! in the interest of fairness, we will allow this chaD here 2 give a lil Demo of his talents.” Chad stepped forward, looking like a man who had just seen his own death and was not at all pleased with the indignity of it. “Yes. Ahem...observe!” He pulled an apple from thin air, spun it around with a flourish, and then tapped it, It instantly aged and became a wrinkled and gray mush. “Cute,” the Witch said. The Rogue nodded. “one of urs. alright, y’all got the flashy anD non fatal powers. take it away!” The Sylph seemingly spontaneously grew a pair of jade wings and fluttered over the heads of the crowd. With a hum, she perched on a tree and gestured to the Witch, who sprouted matching wings of her own and joined her. Together, the two managed to age a small tree to the point where it’s shadow fell upon the whole gathering (considerably grown by now), and then to the point where it died. The Sylph then casually regrew all its limbs, and the two leapt down from their now considerably heightened perch. “Alright, our turn,” the Knight said, and right on cue, the sun went out. There were several gasps and a few shrieks, but everyone fell silent when the glowing Crests of the gods appeared in the sky, bright enough almost to replace the sun. Then they faded, the sun reappeared, and the gods took a bow in the style of stage plays. “learned your lesson, dearIe??” the Sylph said to Chad as the Rogue shoved him in front of the mic. Chad looked down at his feet, not meeting the eyes of what had once been his congregation. “I...I am not a god.” “damn right,” the Knight said. “alrighty, peace out y’all.” “stay safe!!” the Sylph cried. “keep an eye out 4 us,” the Rogue said with a wink. “Call me!” the Witch said, pointing again at the young woman in the crowd she had singled out before. And the four ascended away, pleased with a job well done.
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fulcrum-agent · 5 years
About the Character - Ashe of Dalmasca
Ashe of Dalmasca (Princess* Ashla Manasse)
Ashe, Phoenix (Little Phoenix), the Princess of the Heart, the Lioness Rampant
Dark Embers (Balmung)
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While I am updating all of the graphics for the FC, I still really love how the original logo (which is above, once you ditch the Year Five! subtitle) turned out for the FC. The new one is in progress, as I lost all of my layer styles and PSDs during the issues with my PC.
[ Twinthings ]
Most twins have some sort of innate bond, particularly monozygotic and bi-monozygotic (there’s a third, yet unnamed type of twin science is looking into, so I gave it a name, your welcome science), but the bond shared between Ashe and Rel exists on a deep and complex aetheric level. The existence of such has manifested several times over the course of the Manasse Twins lives.
While minor changes to her aetheric configuration, such as colouration changes or ‘hiding’ her freckles, don’t affect her twin all that much, major changes to Ashe’s aetheric configuration - like longer-term aetheric dispersal - do have an impact on Rel.
Despite being in their 40s, Rel looks remarkably young, though not quite as young as Ashe does. He’s only just starting to get his first grey hairs, and there aren’t many of them. This discrepancy stems from the handful of times that Ashe's aether has shattered, for a total of somewhere around 7 - 10 years of ‘missing’ time; while she looks barely 30, Rel looks to be in his mid-30s or so.
Major alterations to their forms brought about by things like injury also reflect from one twin to the other, to varying degrees. While Rel’s hands were nearly destroyed during the battle at Nalbina Fortress, his sister frequently has arthritis-like symptoms in her hands, particularly within the palms, which is where most of the damage to Rel’s hands occurred. And while his scar has faded quite a bit more than hers, the scar across the bridge of Ashe’s nose is from an injury her brother suffered not long after Nalbina.
There’s quite a number of additional scientific and anecdotal things involving twins that I’ve as headcanons for the Manasse Twins, but the above is the most modified version of such.
[ Aetherology as Particle Physics Science ]
As much as people baulk upon the initial hearing of this phrase, the game has plenty to support the idea that a lot of aetherology has roots in quantum and particle physics. The most notable being the way the aetheryte systems and other forms of teleportation are described/how they work.
The specifics of Ashe’s Echo gift are all based on this concept, built on the same sort of idea as the Sphere Rote system of Mage: the Ascension. The applications of this are only limited by the person’s imagination and their ability to think on their feet - much like on the fly Rote casting in MtA, which I got pretty good at (I also dodged Paradox like a champ, but that’s for another post).
However, much like MtA’s Sphere system, there are a number of things that can limit how much or how fantastical Ashe’s use of this can be. While it’s not quite like the Paradox system, there’s a similar underlying concept. There’s checks and balances on this, even though they weren’t all that clear near the beginning of playing Ashe, due to having to frequently make the Storyteller call of removing the limiters to deal with certain RP situations.
Underpinning all of this is Ashe’s core Echo gift - the ability to ‘see’ aether in its rawest forms. Much like Neo in the Matrix, the minutiae structure of aether is plain to her, though how it’s actually seen is more like the colour/shade overlays of the Miraluka sight in KotOR.
Cooking - While she’s always been a capable enough cook, after spending time learning the more granular layers of the art from Elric, the Roegadyn chef employed by the Knight-Captain, cooking has become something that is relaxing, even though she’s constantly challenging her skill level with new styles, techniques, and recipes.
Writing - Although she’s thus far only published translated works since arriving in Eorzea, Ashe writes frequently. Sometimes it’s just updating her journal (though I’m shite at that since a couple of months after starting the character), or working on writing the modern history of the Kingdom, or working on the occasional piece of fiction. Aside from long-form novella writing, she’s got some skill with poetry and prose and can write song lyrics, when such a fancy strikes her.
Dancing - Most make the mistake of thinking that Ashe learned how to dance due to her family’s station prior to the invasion, however, they would be mistaken. Ashe loves dancing, having learned and taught herself myriad of different styles and techniques, as well as creating something of a fusion style with all she knows. Though she doesn’t get to dance often, she does really enjoy such.
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[ I. Her Knight ]
{ @thelionofdalmasca }
There will always be a soft spot in Ashe’s heart for the squire that had been assigned to guard her when she was a child. No matter the trouble she got up to, no matter how well hidden she was, he’d always find her, being sure to make her smile and laugh before guiding her home.
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[ I. The Lion of Dalmasca ]
{ @thelionofdalmasca }
Despite the passing of decades, the man the squire became ultimately didn’t fail in keeping the promise he made to her when they were but children - that he would always find her. Though the passage of time has greatly changed him, and though their paths have since parted, she’ll always care about him, and always - though sometimes begrudgingly - respect him.
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[ II. Her Starlight ]
{ @jurien-ashur }
If someone had told her how important he’d become, how integral a part of her life he’d be, the day she met Jurien, she would have laughed and brushed their words aside.
Perhaps it’s as much of a surprise to her as it is to everyone else that she and Jurien have become something far more than anyone ever imagined. After everything that had come to pass between herself and her Knight, the last thing Ashe was looking for was something that lay between philia, ludus, and pragma***.
Despite the fact their marriage was something of an accident, she can’t bring herself to take off the ring from their eternal bonding ceremony; thus far, he’s given her no reason to want to, and she’s hoping he never will.
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[ III. The Doctor ]
The level-headed nature of this Raen, along with his penchant for tea and the higher sciences, led to Ashe coming to respect and trust Doctor Briggs in short order after their first meeting. Before she began her rapid trips between Dalmasca and Eorzea, she considered him something akin to her royal physician, even though she knew he’d never enjoy such an unforgiving position amid the court.
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[ IV. The Violet Mage ]
{ @gal-the-violet }
Despite initial uneasiness between the two, Ashe developed a healthy respect for Galtara during her few moons with the Desert Sapphire Company. The woman’s passion for knowledge, both practical and theoretical, gave the Mage something of a foot in the door with Ashe. Her capability as a combatant, as well as her quiet method of leadership, also garnered respect from the Dalmascan.
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[ V. The Axe-Maiden ]
{ @vayduh }
While there is still much Ashe doesn’t know about J’veda, what she has seen from the Seeker has earned the woman an odd sort of respect from Ashe, one that’s quite unique to Veda.
The warrior’s confidence with her feelings, stating her mind, and particularly her body and sensuality - while sometimes overwhelming - creates something of longing respect for the Seeker. Ashe would very much so like to be as carefree and confident about such things, but always feels the grip of noblesse oblige and the expectations of her behaviour it places upon her.
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[ VI. The Gilded Lily ]
{ @mai-takeda }
Although they’ve not interacted all that often, soft and quiet respect has been growing for the Raen. While initially, she seemed far too naive and far too shy, Ashe has realised there’s more to Mai than she initially expected, finding her wide-eyed selflessness to be incredibly endearing.
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[ VII. The Playwrite ]
{ Return to Ivalice NPC }
Despite the fact that he’s a Garlean pureblood, she has nothing but respect and admiration for Jenomis cen Lexentale. His love for her kingdom and the kingdom that came before it, coupled with his passionate sacrifices have deeply touched Ashe, and given her hope for the Garlean people.
With her understanding of auracite, knowledge of the Lucavi, and the geography of Dalmasca, Ashe became something of a fixture within the group attempting to prove the writings passed down within the Lexentale’s family correct. The journey from a return to Rabanastre, to the Lighthouse of Ridorana, and finally deep within the Golmore Jungle to discover the strangely familiar Orbonne Monastery has been something she’s quite thankful to have experienced.
For some time, she’s been working on both a written adaptation of Lexentale’s precious artefact known as the Durai Papers and an adaptation of the play he’s created from the Zodiac Braves myth that’s more palatable to foreigners with no background to the story - primarily, Eorzeans.
Her time as a conscript within the Garlean Military.
Revealing her childhood love to the person whom it was for.
Tagged by @jurien-ashur (This was sooooo long! And I crashed like six times and lost most of my work on it. YOU HAD BETTER APPRECIATE MY FINISHING THIS.)
Tagging: Everyone in the list of seven people are tagged for this, along with @snow-and-sea, @the-ruby-rogue (WHY YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME ON ME, I WAS SO CONFUSED), @kazexvoss, @arcanakiller, @galla-xiv, @rinrin-rinalys, @aelathetrashcan, @catdette, @velarishiku, @thewitchofthechocoboforest, @zhauric, @garlean-nonsense, @hei-lowell, and anyone else who’s wanting to torture themselves for a few hours!
* - I made the mistake of not hauling down my line of succession information off my SCA document backup before working out the Manasse family’s place in the nobility and lineages. As it turns out, it all put Ashe into the line of succession, and given the death toll in Dalmasca, she’s now fairly near the top of such. Until there are more clarifications on the leader of Lente’s Tears, and/or perhaps the B’nargin twins’ life before the Garlean invasion, it leaves her within the top 5.
I considered retconning it but got encouragement to keep it, and so I did. It should be noted, that unless something is really super wacky with the Dalmascan story that’s unfolding, Ashe is so not going to become the rule of Dalmasca - and even then, I’d feel awkward as hell and probably not. XD
** - Choosing just seven people was rough because there’s more than that many people that Ashe gets along with, or has respect for while saving space for some of the NPCs she deals with. In the end, I picked just one NPC, even though there are three or four who fit the bill.
Please don’t feel like your character isn’t important to Ashe if they’re not mentioned in this list. All of Ashe’s friends and colleagues are important and cherished by her - and by me.
*** - Anyone who knows me has heard me bitch about how terrible a language English is, in so much as the fact that we have words that have myriad and varying meanings, which leads to far more confusion than necessary. Often, when expressing some sort of ‘love’, I will revert to the 7 Loves created by the ancient Greeks. Because while they still don’t cover the various different types and levels of love, they do a hell of a lot better job of it than English could ever hope to.
Also, as English is nigh a requirement in this world, I prefer the Queen’s English. Deal with it.
**** - Most of my characters have this phobia because my RL arachniphobia is so bad, I can’t even fake that it doesn’t exist for role play fun times.
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Desolate Caladium: Chp 4 Madness of the Heart and Mind
Desolate Caladium: chapter 4
Madness of the Heart and Mind
As I brought callum into the cabin with Evelyn’s help, I began to notice his head was burning. It must have been from the shots fired at us, there was no sign of anyone out there and I had to ensure no one was going to follow us out here. Evelyn told me she would watch the outside and let me know what she found while I tended to callum. It was twice to one that we saved one another, not much else can be seen from that other than a life debt. I remember my training well and got his fever down quite a bit but his wounds were much more severe than I imagined, with his back burned by magic bullet wounds, most likely fire. Had I been properly watching out for everyone id have been able to keep myself from falling victim to a damsel in distress motif? It didn’t matter as the two of us were still heading slowly to the new life we wanted away from the kingdom, but if im going to be a burden to him like this, is it worth it for me. Remembering he kissed me on the forehead, I gotta snap back to reality, there isn’t any use being a sniveling coward about any of this. Evelyn will help as much as she can but shes still weak from hunger and callum is out of commission.
“evelyn, im going into town for a while to get aid for callum, watch over him for me.” “you got it desmond, ill make sure hes safe.” as I left I knew in my stomach something was up with her. Why in the world would she appear here of all places and while we were camping out in the first place. It didn’t matter to me though, I needed some red leech tree bark and lavender for a ointment for him. Although the ingredients are quite expensive they will be well worth it for better recovery. While returning with supplies and some food, I catch evelyn talking to a tall man wearing a red cloak with a broadsword on his back. Getting closer I cant believe what I was hearing from the two of them.
“you idiot, I told you to wait til I gave a signal, I didn’t wanna hurt him.” “you told me to attack when you were found so I did, you know these magic items are hard to control” “fucking hell, hes hurt all because of our need for food, what a debacle.” “im sure things will get better as soon as we explain it when he wakes up” no way of knowing if he will or not, things aren’t exactly good with that, our shots really did a number on him.”
“oh man, well no harm no foul, I say we grab some of that foods he has stashed and split.” I noticed evelyn slapping him and looking as if she was crying, approaching the two the cloaked man disappeared and left Evelyn alone to talk with me. She explained how they went rogue in the kingdom and had to live off the land but being on the path of one was tiring and found a alve she freed with some of her savings and gave him a job as a guard, even buying him a broadsword. I could tell he is inexperienced and lacks control over anything, but he does look well defined by labor work. As I invited her back inside I began making a herbal remedy to heal callum, only to see that the marks are fading faster than expected, leaving nothing but small scars on his body. Although healed he still hasn’t awoken. Evelyn warned me not to wake him as the last time that occurred, someone nearly got killed, she mentioned it was something about his mage craft that changes his personality a total 180 and effectively would make everyone an enemy.
“its not worth it, he needs to wake on his own, not by force, trust me I know, hes a monster when in that state.”
“you sure this guy who is kind enough to travel with his ex and a doctor, is a monster when woken up.” “listen civilian ive known him for many years and I know what in talking about, he isn’t supposed to be woken up or else the consequences will be irreversible .”
Despite what I thought, she had a point, she knew him longer than I ever have and it wasn’t fair to usurp dominance over someone that was trained in royal courts all her life to deal with whatever the case may be with callum. As the day went on I decided to do some hunting, finding mostly some doe and birds to cook up for supper. When I returned I noticed that there was dead silence everywhere, curiously I thought that both evelyn and callum would be asleep due to the days events, but I was sorely mistaken. Out of nowhere a hole ripped open from the cabin with the cloaked man being shot out brandishing his broadsword covered in blood. From the smoke I saw callum covered in dark runes with hollow black eyes staring dead in the mans eyes no emotion or life whatsoever.
“I can contend you wanting food, but to go this far just to awaken a primal urge from your own volition needs to be punished.” “really now floating ball of denial, why don’t you make me.” I watched as callum created a small sphere of navy blue magic and launched it at the cloaked man.
“Alfan!!!!!!!” I couldn’t believe it as he slowly looked down at the beaten man, and grabbed him by the neck.
“you dare awaken a prince filthy slave, the girl gave you a name, alfan, ill remember it when your gone.” He flung the young man into the trees smashing him into a large oak, chasing after him I noticed callum meeting my gaze and just started walking to the direction of the crash. I wanted to help but I froze in place, is that who he is, some demonic mage bent on murder all to remain asleep. Now I get why he stayed away a long while and slept in seldom shifts. He wanted to remain calm instead of breaking out in a fight the minute something went awry. I picked evelyn up who suffered a broken ankle from the debris and told me that the state callum is in is from his mothers side.
“his mother is a moon elf, a divine being of the night capable of lost magics from beyond our grasp, her son bears her magic seal giving him the blood line to the moon and its secrets, he knows the arcane arts like the back of his hand as well as focus on the prospects of being the rightful heir to the throne of two kingdoms, now you see the power that comes from the royal blood.”
Evelyn has me carry her to the forest where we see the two continuing the fight. Alfin still trying to use his sword to no avail, simply missing every swing.
“a barbarians sword in the hands of a slave, is still nothing more than an oversized gardening tool.” thrusting his palm into alfin he pushes him into the trees again hearing a cracking of his bones.
“bastard took out one of my ribs” “and I shall crush the rest, mongrel” I looked away as I realized he repeatedly punched alfin in the gut breaking more of his ribs leaving him on the ground.
“picking a fight indeed was foolish  but you did allow me to be free of that prison for a while, so thank you, now whose next to challenge the prince of the moon elves, heir to the queens magic as well as tremis’s kingdom.” evelyn grabbed me and covered my mouth, signifying that this wasn’t safe and trying to get near him only would aggravate things further.
“come out come out evelyn, don’t make me hunt you dear, or I may have to burn the forest down.”
Evelyn looked at me with sincerity in her eyes that someone capable will snap him out. that instant I really understood what the dangers of leaving the kingdom entitle, callum doesn’t want the crown magic, or even power, he wants to be far from that things plans as possible.
“stay put I got this taken care of, hey prince wanna fight the princess.” “why of course, always wanted to ensure that the two of us wedded, but alas we were unable to ever have a proper match, given societal breakdowns of womens roles, keeping them as wives only stifles their warrior potential, like that slave over there.” “I saved him caladium, remember you gave him away to escape being made a sacrifice by the church, you gave him a name.” “right and fighting a queen is what im doing.” Evelyn calmly begins trying to get callum, only to be brushed off as nothing, being bombarded by light spells that cause minimal damage to her.
“what happened? You said he wouldn’t be a problem” “I know des but that thing isn’t callum anymore, the more he awakens the more hes capable of staying in control. His father and mother weren’t exactly the best parents.” I noticed that callum was growing weary of his stance and was regressing to his normal gaze although in one eye. But as he calmed down I noticed he was talking to himself.
“keep out, stay back, why control me now after 10 years.” “power is what you want the throne is yours.” “I don’t need it to help people I want to be gone as a martyr of peace and neutrality not of calamity and desolation.” “give in you know you want to.” “never again” as he finished I noticed him returning to normal again and falling down from exhaustion. Evelyn picked alfin up and told me to get them both to a inn keeper to be doctor. As we watch outside we come across the doctor examining both of them for abnormalities. Chris woke up shortly after and promptly tried walking despite much of his mana being eaten. I helped him up and I could tell he was crying from his eyes.
“im sorry you had to see that, I never thought that would come out again, it wasn’t fair for you to deal with it.” “are you kidding you worried me to death, I wasn’t afraid I was concerned you would make it out alive from that.” “no worries desmond, ill be more careful next time, but for now im very strained so im gonna go to the hot spring.” taking a cane I watched him limp out as alfin was operated on and making a recovery, the doctor allowed for him and evelyn to stay as long as possible until he recovered. Walking out I watched callum enter the entrance to the springs and followed suit. He was weak but I know he needed alone time to process the circumstances of what occurred, but part of me wanted to make sure he was okay so I snuck behind the rocks and watched as he began stripping down to his skivvies getting in the hot water.
“my oh my, did I truly need this tonight, desmond I know your out there, come out now I can sense your life force.” “sorry, I didn’t know if you wanted to be alone.” “just join me okay, holidays are coming up soon, all grace day comes our way in two moons.” “I didn’t know about that, sorry.” “why are you still dressed, get in the water before you freeze.” I took my clothes off and join him on the opposite side. It didn’t take much to get him to smile again, drinking a little rum really helped boost his mood effortlessly.
“I cant thank you for carrying me to the inn, it was a nice gensture when I lost myself.” “it…. Was no problem callum, please don’t hold it over me.” “of course not, im just happy to be alive and just relaxing for once, I wanna spend the holiday without crap coming back for me.” “I can hold that to high regards.” “hold on, I wanna give you a grace days eve gift, close your eyes” “fine” As I close my eyes I felt a cold metal go around my neck, when I opened my eyes it was a silver and black amulet necklace shaped in a cross. I saw the ring I wore that he bought before leaving was the same as the one he just gave me.
“I know cost a lot, but I figured a matching set would have a good look on you, plus the gems match your eyes.”
“I don’t know what to say, I love it.” As I began to notice the snow falling under the clear skies, callum came close to me taking my hand and softly kissing me with tears running down his face.
“I think I may actually love you.”
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worthyfate · 5 years
// Dragon Age Questions
Tagged by: @dalathin Tagging: idk man come take it
01) Favourite game of the series? i am ATTACHED to da2, but dai has jumping and man i love that so much
02) How did you discover Dragon Age? uh.... no idea honestly. i think i bought my ps3 and then just grabbed a handful of games, and dao was one, and then i just. i was hooked. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games? 
dai way more than i should, but i’ve only finished dao twice, da2 once, and dai like. several (ive been on a dai finish quest for alllll endings)
04) Favourite race to play as? 
elves because... elves.
05) Favorited class? it was mages at the v beginning but dual wielding rogues? my new fav
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? i generally make the same choices, but sometimes i just go ‘fuck it’ to see what happens -- one of my most recent playthrus, my inquisitior was a dick. i mean i loved her, but she was truly a horrible person
07) Go-to adventuring group? mmm in dao it was alistair, wynne, zevran usually. in da2 it was typically fenris, anders, isabela. dai usually sees me with dorian, bull, and then the third one changes based on 1) who i’m romancing 2)what my class is and 3) who has the best weapons at the moment
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? 
definitely teren by far. he’s my baby and i feel everything he does on such a strong level. but ellie is now beginning to get the same amount of effort
09) Favourite romance? 
you can pull the dorian romance from my cold dead hands thanks. THAT BEING SAID i also adore encouraging bull/dorian, and if that means i need to romance someone else, then fine. cullen, too, is precious. i’m quite fond of zevran and anders’ romances. (i love fenris as a romance, but i feel like idk... there’s just more thought and angst in anders)
10) Have you read any of the comics/books? 
nope 11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
i should get on this, honestly
12) Favourite DLCs? trespasser is gold, but i ADORE jaws of hakkon. ameridan’s story is just. i love it. admittedly i haven’t actually... complete most of the dlcs for dao or da2
13) Things that annoy you. i mean nothing comes to mind? i guess the sort of inherent sympathy for mages? like the game kinda pushes you to that, and the templar route in dai is so fascinating and kind of? more developed? than the mages? but everyone chooses mages because, well, mages.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? ferelden on like.. principle, but orlais is hilarious.
15) Templars or mages? i always end up choosing the mages just because i feel like thats what the game wants, but i also really love the templars in dai
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? well my player characters are generally in their own verses, but game canons are generally all lumped together. mostly its based individually though
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) i only ever named my dog in dao, and that was rune. i think i named the one in da2 something similar. i don’t.... name things.
18) Have you installed any mods? 
i only JUST got into modding and well. that’s why i don’t do anything else anymore
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? 
aedan didn’t, aliana hadn’t considered it but was pretty happy about it
20) Hawke’s personality? sort of a sarcastic dick, honestly.
21) Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition? not for all companions, but my quizzie and their LI always have matching armor (and if its bull/dorian, i give it to them too).
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? teren would never go to the conclave, ellie wouldn’t have had her vallaslin removed, aedan would have tried harder to train, ali wouldn’t have changed much, warren probably would have tried harder to get along with carver. then there’s all the canon shit for the game canons
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? idk how much of what my hcs are are for or against canon. my main thing is that fenris is not from seheron or whatever. also teren’s mark began acting up at least a month before the council, but he hid it from people. morrigan is not straight, but that’s mostly just for samarha. and also hawke isn’t just a mage. he’s actually more a rogue than anything.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade? 
i typically leave stroud where its an option. teren left loghain, and ellie leaves alistair because... i mean mostly because she didnt want to see varric sad. ive left hawke a few times though
25) Favourite mount?
i’m really fond of the frost elk
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riverofmemoriesft · 7 years
. Between the Lines . 173
It was nearing evening when Lucy finally woke. The Games had continued after the first horrifying match with rules clearly stated aloud. Minerva had been taken off of Sabertooth's team and replaced with a timid young woman. Sting had given Fairy Tail a fairly public apology, looking miserable.
Natsu had refused to leave Lucy's side after the healing mages and Porlyusica had done what they could.
"I'm sorry, Natsu," Wendy had said gently. "We can't do a lot until she wakes up. We've dealt with the worst of the wounds. Doctors helped us and did x-rays. Her jaw was broken in two different places. She had a few cracked ribs we dealt with. The doctors said it would be best to wait for much more. If she's awake in the morning, we'll see. If not...they'll take her away to the hospital."
Natsu had been silently sitting beside Lucy since Wendy's gentle comment. His hands gently messed with long blonde hair as Lucy slept away. And when she finally stirred, a pained moan leaving her lips, he nearly tripped over himself jumping to his feet. Happy, curled in his lap, yowled as he hit the floor. "Lucy?!"
She didn't answer, flinching at pain he wanted to take away. But she blinked her brown eyes open and met his gaze before grimacing just barely.
"I'll go get Wendy and the crazy witch lady," he promised. He paused to lay a gentle kiss on her head and then bolted like a wild animal out of the room, leaving them behind. Happy crawled onto the bed to settle beside her.
Lucy felt a flash of worry for her keys, but was distracted when the door opened and Porlyusica entered with a strange man Lucy didn't recognize. Natsu moved to slide in behind them, but the cranky older woman slammed and locked the door before he could.
"Hello, Miss Heartfilia," the man - Lucy assumed he was a doctor - said as he approached. Porlyusica kept her distance, watching with icy eyes. "How are you feeling?"
Lucy snorted softly, not answering, and the doctor gently began to feel along her jaw and chin. She flinched, biting back a gasp.
"Wendy saw to the broken bones, but that's all," Porlyusica said curtly. "Anything else needs to heal on it's own. Too much magic will make your immune system and other such things weak."
Lucy didn't move, but blinked in understanding.
"Magic's incredible," the doctor sighed, checking her vitals. Lucy grimaced as she realized she was connected to an IV. "It'll help make great advances in the medical field, I truly believe that. Ms. Porlyusica, my recommendation is to have those two girls come back, lessen the damage a little more. Not much if what you say about it weaking her immune system is true, but enough that she can talk, eat, and drink without this IV."
"I'll send that brat after them," she replied irritably. "If that's all, I'll leave."
Lucy was somewhat glad. Porlyusica had always made her nervous and now she was making her more than just a little uncomfortable.
The second Porlyusica unlocked and open the door, Natsu glared at her. The sharp look in her eyes, however, had him stepping aside and looking away. "Go get Wendy," she snapped.
Natsu looked as if he was considering ignoring the order, but huffed and raced off to do that.
The doctor looked amused. "That boy's had more energy than my daughter. And she's three years old."
Lucy's lips barely twitched into a smile.
"All done!" Wendy pulled back a short while later, her eyes warm. Lucy grimaced as she carefully sat up, ignoring Natsu when he complained. Wendy patted her shoulder and whispered, "I did a little more than Porlyusica said I could."
Lucy smiled briefly. "Thanks, Wendy," she said hoarsely. "I appreciate it."
Wendy beamed.
From where he was seated beside Wendy, Natsu puffed out a flame of annoyance. "She shouldn't be in here to begin with." His onyx eyes narrowed irritably. "Luce, why didn't you say that things had changed! Or Gajeel for that matter," he muttered under his breath.
Lucy pressed her lips together. "I didn't think it would end like this," she admitted. "I figured if I got beat, no big deal." She huffed. "This was not getting defeated. This was getting my ass kicked. Which Loke is going to do...where are my keys by the way?"
"Right here." Natsu shoved his hand into his pocket and dug them out. He passed them and her choker to her. "The doctors wanted all of this kind of stuff off and I offered to take it."
"Thanks," Lucy replied.
She hugged her keys to her and felt out how much of her magic she had left. It was barely there. It stunned her. "My magic stores shouldn't be this low after a five minute match with two Zodiacs...wherever she sent them must have sucked up more power."
"Possible," Natsu mumbled, folding his arms. He leaned on the bed and planted his chin on them, looking up at her from beneath his eyelashes. He looked exhausted. "Laxus won against Meredy, by the way. Lyon threw a fit because Lamia Scale lost twice against Fairy Tail, but I think Meredy got him to relax."
"That's cute," Lucy admitted. "He likes her." She ran her fingers through Natsu's hair and then shot Wendy a grateful look. "Thanks again, Wendy. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me."
"Just be more careful," Wendy scolded playfully. She reached out to hug her. "I'll go let everyone know you're getting better. Sabertooth has been hanging around - well, Sting, Rogue, and Yukino have. Their cats, too. Sting will probably come up when I tell them you're up."
"That's fine. Send them up even if they don't," Lucy told her.
Wendy nodded and headed out. Natsu's breathing quieted as they waited and Lucy rolled her eyes as she stroked his hair. "Why are you so tired, you idiot?" she murmured. "You should be wide awake."
From where he was watching with amusement, Happy said tiredly, "He was really crabby all day and kept trying to fight people when he wasn't in here. I think he was really upset."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Idiot," she repeated and then kissed her dragon slayer's head.
It was a few minutes before there was a knock on the door. Lucy called for whoever it was to enter and gave a tired smile in greeting when the three Sabertooth mages shuffled in. Frosch and Lector were cradled in Yukino's arms.
"Lucy," Sting blurted. "I'm sorry! Minerva was admitted into the guild last month, and I knew she wasn't the nicest person in the world, but I didn't think she'd go this far!"
"We sincerely apologize for what happened," Rogue said in a low voice, grimacing. His gaze flickered to the sleeping Natsu, who didn't wake despite the noise. "We're willing to compensate you for what happened, of course."
Lucy shook her head. "It's not your guys' fault," she reassured. "I don't blame you. Besides, I'm feeling better. It's not like I'm in a coma or anything, right?"
"Still," Sting protested. "Name a price and we'll compensate, like Rogue said."
"No," Lucy said stubbornly. "I'm not taking money." She turned her attention on Yukino, hesitant. "Would you be able to summon Loke for me? Is that...possible? My magic levels are too low. And I want to talk with him before Aquarius gets her claws on me for being stupid again…"
Much to her disappointment, Yukino shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I can't, Lucy," she murmured with a sympathetic look. "I would if I could. I understand that they're worried about you though. My Spirits have been restless since everything happened."
"That's good at least. They're alright and that's all that matters to me."
"Miss Lucy!" Frosch said with a shy tone, surprising her. She turned her dark eyes on him and Yukino smiled as she set him carefully on the bed. Frosch scampered closer and planted himself nearly on top of Natsu's head, startling the dragon slayer awake. He blinked blearily and then snorted smoke, not bothering to move his head.
"Here!" Frosch said, thrusting a pink flower at her. She took the flower with a warm look, amused.
"Thank you, Frosch," she said honestly, knowing just how protective Rogue was of the cat's feelings. "I appreciate this a lot."
He purred and then returned to Rogue, who scooped him into his arms as Natsu sat up. Yawning, Natsu muttered, "Oh, it's you guys."
Sting snorted and then told Lucy, "We're sorry, Lucy. Since you won't take payment, I'll let you have a favor of any kind from Sabertooth, okay? Is that alright?"
"That's better," Lucy said with a chuckle. She patted Happy's head gently and the cat purred. "Thank you, you three. I appreciate the thought of it all more than an actual compensation to be honest."
Natsu decided to pipe in and tiredly wrapped his arms around her waist from where he sat, resting his head against her side. "She can get money from my hoard. She doesn't need yours."
"Natsu, I'm not taking money from anyone," Lucy huffed, flushing. "Thanks again, though," she added to entertained Sabertooth mages. "I know the guild's not to blame, Sting, so don't worry. I won't try to sue you or anything."
He beamed, entirely relieved.
He eyed the windows with care. They were high - the third story of a hotel - but he could do it. He had to make sure that she'd survived, even if he logically knew that she would be fine.
It wasn't hard, scaling walls. He'd done it dozens of times before everything had gone wrong for him and even worse for his friends. He ignored the aching of his muscles when he reached too far or the scratches he got from gripping brick too tight. When he finally reached the top, he hauled himself onto the window seal and expertly tested the window.
She'd been expecting someone, he thought with amusement. But Natsu Dragneel wouldn't be there. He'd over heard the healing witch order Titania and Gray Fullbuster to keep him out of room for the night and knowing Erza Scarlet…
He'd not be entering that room until ten o'clock the next morning.
He grinned to himself when the window swung open. He scrambled in and then rolled his muscled shoulders with a huff. He eyed the blue-furred cat curled up against the sleeping blonde, aware that wrong one sound would bring both to awareness and he'd be screwed.
If he was caught…
Well. They shouldn't be seeing him just yet.
"Get out of there!" a voice called softly from outside.
He jumped, peering out the window. A familiar face glared up at him. Her hood had been drawn down and her body was tensed, her hands on her hips. Her dark eyes blazed furiously. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
He rolled his eyes. "Visiting?" he said lowly, not wanting to wake the cat or Lucy herself. "It was the second day. I had to make sure."
"She's fine, now get out."
He ignored her and sidled over to the bed. With a calloused hand, he lightly stroked her hair. He eyed the bruising that had appeared over her jaw, remembering the crack that had failed to be caught. The ever cheerful Natsu would demand it be seen in the morning, when he found the bruising.
He smiled when she sighed and leaned into the touch before turning away.
She was alive.
That would tide him over for the time being.
He swung out the window. He hit the ground beside his companion without looking at her, his knees bending to catch the impact, and she smacked his arm. "I was told you'd been doing this, but seriously? Do you want to get caught? I'll make you trade places with me at this rate."
He shook his head hastily. "No, I want to watch over them. I need to protect her." She looked a little hurt, and he smiled faintly, touching her cheek. "Trust me. I won't get caught."
"You better not," she relented. She pulled her head. "You guys are all I have left. If I lose you-"
"Which," he cut in. "You won't. Trust me for once, would you? Please."
"...fine." She shook her head. "But remember. Be where you need to be or you won't be able to do what you're here for." She gave him a long look. "We both know what's going to happen and what has to be done. We will both do our parts. Or there will be no world to live in."
His lips twitched into a smile. "Yes, ma'am."
She gave him a final glare and then turned away and started down the street. Neither said a farewell, knowing that they would see one another again. The day they might not was approaching, however.
And both were determined to stop it.
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n3s0-old · 7 years
all the ocean asks u wanna do!!
i just did them all cause i thought this said to do them all lmao
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?I’d go to either germany or mexicoGermany bc im german, and mexico because theres really good food there (according to my friend) 
sails: describe your perfect partner.i dont really know tbqh, ive only dated one person (and currently still am, soooo)
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?depends. Normally i wear a bit of concealer, but sometimes i wear nude lip and eye makeup
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?Vampire, i dont like being hairy ;-;
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?i pants’ed a manikin in Justice once
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?when i was little i always had this dream (like once a week) where me, my friends, and my sister were in the tower and we had to complete tasks or else we disappearedall my friends would disappear first but when it got down to me and my sister, i would lose and fall through the floor 
waves: favourite season and why?Fall, nice sweater weather but not too cold
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?yeah but id probably never propose ;-;
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.Going on a roadtrip around the U.S
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?idk some sort of big cat
sunlight: least favourite song?literally any song thats a white guy rapping about being a douche bag and how its cool
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?ye, i’d probably never get it tho its $$$$
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?eyes or fingers, ive got cool iris and my fingers are long and ive got great nails lmao
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?YESi have a list of piercings i want and tattoos i want tooi want some ear piercings (idk specifics to that), and a nose ringi also want a tattoo of all planets in a row along my forarm, birds on my collarbone, a heartline that turns into a wave on my hip, a cubone skull w flowers on my calve, and a little stem of lavander w/ flowers on the side of my hand!
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?Rho/HysanKeith/LanceRose/KanayaZarya/MeiWidowMaker/Sombra
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?cherry ice creamis cold, once you try its sweet, people either really like it or dont
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?Modern and simple
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?i cant think of one lmao, horror movies dont bother me
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?Rogue
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?all time fav is mudkip but i also like meloetta, the + and - ones i forget their names, and servine
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?lips, noes, and legs/hips (ive got violin hips ;;;-;;;)
aquamarine: describe your dream date.staying home, binge watching tv, panda express takeout and cuddles
brine: gold or silver?Silver (i have cool undertoned skin so gold looks weird on me but i still like it)
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?Greens! Nature cools work well for me like greens, blues, and browns (some brown reds work too)
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?cleaning (sometimes), decorating, window shopping, making art (sometimes)
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.id be in late highschool but taking college classes, hopefully fluent in spanish by then too!
coastline: what is your favourite flower?Lavander 
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?Cookie dough cake pop with a vanilla bean cream! (its the only thing i get there lol)
voyage: what are your favourite names?I like my name but i also like my alias (Fish), i also really like names like carson, arron, and hazel 
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.Ill do my fav oc cause i have a fewShe looks like a ballerina, very girly but could break someones back if she wanted to, cute but creepy, v sweet
cerulean: do you believe in true love?yeah i think if people didnt have true loves, you could just date anyone and get along fine (but that doesnt happen)
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?either german or spanishgerman because of my familyspanish because its a really popular language and not everyone in my state know spanih
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.ripped jeans (if i could fit in jeans ;-;), a grey tank top with flowers on it, and my butterfly bomber jacket w/ my flower boots
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?im amniverted and idrc about it
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.i twirl my hair but i do it absentmindedly (it makes people think im flirting w them sometimes its annoying)
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