#I think I played warrior classes only twice in Dragon Age lmao
waluigisgaybf · 11 months
I really want to play more non magic based classes or at least just more heavy fighty type classes but I just love being a super magic bitch in my video games sm
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phoomwhoosh · 1 year
best video games ever
Ask and you shall receive! Fair warning, you have opened Pandora's Box lmao. I will limit this to my top seven (not in any specific order) and put them below a cut:
The first one is Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. It's a first-person shooter that came out in 1999. I had fun playing it except for that one stealth mission. I played it, like, a ton. You have no idea. It's my favorite Rainbow Six game and I honestly don't think any others could compare to it. Well, Raven Shield could but I only really play that one because Rogue Spear won't work on my computer anymore. Probably because it's from 1999.
Second favorite would definitely be The Sims 2. I feel like it is superior to the other games. I'm sorry, folks. I still have The Sims 2 installed onto my computer and I might have to make a deal with the Devil to get it to function but it's worth it.
Third favorite? King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride, a point-and-click adventure game from 1994. I have the intro memorized. I can tell you exactly where my sister was in this game when I shoved a small bell up my nose as a child. I played this game a shit-ton. Second favorite in this series is for sure the sixth one, though. I have never completed the third one because I kept getting turned into toast. I also played Mask of Eternity, the eighth game, a lot but that one is…well, it's not a point-and-click adventure. Also, the royal family isn't involved in it. I did so love mocking Connor's voice LOL.
Fourth favorite game is Torin's Passage, another point-and-click adventure game but this time it's from 1995. I actually made Dreep (look him up, he's a funky little guy) out of clay for a project in high school. I have this entire game memorized. I love it so much.
Number five would be Dragon Age: Origins (with Awakening). I love all three games but Origins is dear to me. My favorite character I've ever made in a video game is Lazlo Surana, my Warden who romanced Morrigan. He survived killing the Archdemon and I love every reference to him in the later games. My man could solo a dragon by the end of the first game. He was an Arcane Warrior, Shapeshifter, Battlemage, and Spirit Healer because I had enough points to choose a 4th specialization. Most badass character ever. Loved soloing the assassins in Awakening. XD
Number six is Wildermyth. It's a far more recent game (2019) where you can make your own characters, choose their class (Warrior, Mystic, and Hunter), and follow different storylines. Your characters can get married and have kids who later join them on their adventures. It's a fantastic game and I've had a ton of fun with it. Also, if your characters name their kid something stupid, you can change it. In fact, you can customize the characters' appearance at any time outside of combat. XD
Number seven is Resident Evil 2 and, yes, I'm talking about the remake. It's a horror game, it's a game where you shoot things, and it's a horror game. Yes, I said that twice because, let me tell you, this was the first Resident Evil game I had ever played and it was terrifying when I was in the sewers. Again, knew nothing about the game but knew something bad was about to happen to Leon in the sewers.
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fenharel-archived · 5 years
25 Dragon Age Questions       
tagged by @lelibela ♥♥♥ tagging: @denerim @flmeth @blckwall @clanventrues @thalasians @cireael @rkyloren @noonvraith @aloths and anyone who wants to talk a bit about da!!!! 01) Favourite game of the series? Inquisition. I’m just here to smooch Solas, ok.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age? It’s all @flmeth’s fault!!!!!! She once made a post about it here. :’/ (♥)
03) How many times you’ve played the games? TOO MANY TIMES. And that’s saying something, as someone who usually only plays a game once or twice lmao (I like trying out new things, ok!). I just checked and I apparently have 798 hours in Inquisition alone. Including DAO & DA2 I would estimate around 1400 hours, hm... wtf@me
04) Favourite race to play as? Elves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05) Favourite class? Mage!!!!!!!! Rogues are cool too though I just really can’t do warriors tbh.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? Depends! I have several characters in each game who make slightly different choices and I stick to them if I re-play them, or I just do something that I don’t ~consider canon~ just because I’m curious. So I’ve tried out most choices by now! Except for DA2, I always do the same in DA2.
07) Go-to adventuring group? DAO: Zevran, Morrigan, Alistair DA2: Anders, Varric, Fenris DAI: Solas, Dorian, Cole is my fave during main quests, but I really don’t have a solid “Go-to group” in DAI tbh. There is so much banter I don’t want to miss, you know! The companion that is always in my group is Solas lmao. :^)
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? Oh boy idk. All of them? Feels weird picking only one. I mean I re-played Alvar the most so I guess her maybe? Idk
09) Favourite romance? *drum roll* SOLAS.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books? The books, yeah! Not all of them yet but I’m on it.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book? So far the Masked Empire
12) Favourite DLCs? Trespasser. I would even say it’s my fave DLC throughout any game series? The emotional turmoil this one gives me is INSANE. The STORY. The SOUNDTRACK. THE ENDING.... @ everyone who follows me and still hasn’t played DAI & all it’s DLC’s in the Egg romance yet: It enhances your experience SO MUCh. It’s so GOOD. Trust me on this one.
13) Things that annoy you. I can’t smooch Solas casually. What the hell.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? Orlais..... is prettier?
15) Templars or mages? Mages.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? It’s both for me! I have a big universe in my head where all of them have their roles and this is also the one I consider the most important, but I also have separate world states for each. It’s just easier sometimes depending on which OC I play.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) Nymeria’s dog: Fang, Cari’s dog: Fluffy, Eleanor’s dog: Sinner. Oh, Cari is also able to summon a Skeleton buddy, I called him Klaus.
18) Have you installed any mods? Yyeeahhhh...
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? Nymeria didn’t, but Cari thought it sounds interesting, at least the getting out of the tower part.
20) Hawke’s personality? Eleanor is mostly purple. But she uses blue and red ofc as well, depending on the occasion. (& Lynne is not a Hawke, but she used mostly red, with blues sometimes when she talked to her friends)
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? Like making them all look the same? No.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? Nymeria wouldn’t have made Shianni the Bann of the Alienage, since they killed her for it. Cari wouldn’t change a thing, she believes everything happens for a reason and that she wouldn’t be the person she is today if she would change something. Eleanor would go back and try to save her mother & sister, she would also stop Carver of joining her into the Deep Roads expedition, so that he wouldn’t have to be a Grey Warden now. Lynne would like to have given the DA2 clique a chance earlier, they are bffs now but it took her so long to get her armour off. Alvar keeps thinking about Crestwood and what she could have done or said differently. Falon regrets something that happend with him and his ex boyfriend. He would like to fix that.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? So many, it’s more fun that way! I have three living Grey Wardens in DAO for example, instead of two, since both Cari & Nymeria get recruited. Or I also have Lynne, who is another member of the Kirkwall crew, without being a Hawke, etc.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade? In my current “canon” it’s Hawke :/. But since switching Cari to the Warden it should be Stroud. So that might change. If I’ll ever be able to let go of the angst. Also if Hawke doesn’t come back in DA4 I’ll do it in an instant.
25) Favourite mount? asjkdhkjsdhs “Pride of Arlathan” but honestly only because of it’s name. I don’t use mounts at all lmao.
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pikapeppa · 6 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @galadrieljones - thanks lethallan!  This is a long one - I’ll continue it under a cut. 
Tagging forward to @schoute @viktuuri-fluff-saved-my-life @thevikingwoman @buttsonthebeach @charlatron @mrscullensrutherford @oops-gingermoment @iarollane @aban-asaara @irlaimsaaralath @wardsarefunctioning and anyone else who wants to play!
01) Favourite game of the series?
I haven’t played Origins yet, but between DA2 and DA:I, Inquisition is my jam! I’ve played it 3 times already and I’m not yet tired of it! So many places to explore, and I still haven’t heard all the banter yet, and the lore is just so rich, so many codex entries, yes yes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Basically all my Horizon Zero Dawn friends insisted - INSISTED - that I play Inquisition. For some reason I thought I wouldn’t like it, like “ahh everyone says it’s so great, how great can it be.” WELP LOL. I have no regrets, but my HZD friends might, given how HORRIBLY OBSESSED I have become LOL. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
- Origins: 0 times, but looking to rectify that this year! - DA2: 1.5 times. Ughhh Act 2... - DA:I: 3.5 times and still loving it!
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elf. Hands down. I played a Trevelyan once and was like MEH BORING.
05) Favourite class?
MAGE. MAGE MAGE MAGE. Although I’ve been playing as Fenris a lot in DA2 and it’s surprisingly fun!! Good thing too since I’ll have to be a two-handed warrior during my Fenquisition playthrough
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I’ll answer for Inquisition. There are some things I always do the same (e.g. Bull saving the Chargers, allying with Abelas, making Solas APPROVE OF ME LMAO), but other things I alternate. I’ve gone with the mages and the Templars twice, respectively; I prefer picking the mages, it just makes more sense and is more “ethical” to me, but I ADORE COLE and I think the whole envy demon storyline is very interesting, so I quite enjoy siding with the Templars too. I have done something different each time at the Winter Palace, and this time I plan to do something different yet again. I strongly prefer Cole as a spirit, but I’ve had him as a spirit and as human twice each. 
My Fenris-as-Inquisitor playthrough will be interesting. I’ll be playing in character as him, so it’s going to be quite different than what I canonically do, and I’m quite interested to see what happens. Solas is going to hate me oh god
07) Go-to adventuring group?
- DA2: FENRIS and Anders, and then I alternate my rogues. I love both Varric and Isabela, but depending on how far into my Fenris romance I am, I often have to leave Isabela behind because I HATE WATCHING HER FLIRT WITH MY MAN <sobbing> - Inquisition: SOLAS, Cole and Blackwall is my favourite group, but I also love bringing Cass instead of Blackwall - I love Cass and Cole’s banter. But Solas and Cole are my FAVOURITE PAIRING. I could listen to their incomprehensible chatter forever.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Damn. Umm... I put equal amounts of thought into Elia Lavellan (romanced with Solas), Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas) and Rynne Hawke (romanced with Fenris). Before I started writing those ships, the question I had to answer was this: Why would Solas/Fenris/Abelas love her? I know why Elia loves Solas, and I know why Rynne loves Hawke and why Athera admires and eventually loves Abelas. But what is it about those OCs that those men fall in love with? I build my OCs around the men in their lives, not the other way around. 
09) Favourite romance?
URGH WHY MUST YOU ASK ME THIS. GOD FINE. Fenris rivalmance, ok?? But I also love the Solasmance and the Blackwall romance to the point of swooning so just FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THIS QUESTION THXBAI~
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
Yes! Masked Empire and Asunder.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
Masked Empire. I really liked getting more background on Celene/Briala and Gaspard (i.e. WHY THE FUCK I SHOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WINTER PALACE MISSION AT ALL). I loved Felassan and Briala’s dalen/hahren relationship. And it was just better written than Asunder.
12) Favorite DLCs?
Must agree with Gala here; Trespasser is bae, and Jaws of Hakkon is just beautiful (and also AMERIDAN <sob>). But I also liked Mark of the Assassin quite a bit! So amusing!
13) Things that annoy you.
The fact that it takes a MILLION YEARS to get banter in DA:I, and also that you can’t just click on your companions in DA:I whenever you like if you just want to hear their voice. I KNOW I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CLICKED ON FENRIS CONSTANTLY TO HEAR HIM SAY “I enjoy following you”, OKAY? LIKE ALL I WANT IS FOR SOLAS  TO SAY “vhenan” TO ME WHILE WE’RE WANDERING THROUGH THE BLOODY WESTERN APPROACH
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden? We seem to spend more time there. But I’m kind of neutral I guess.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Hands down. Sorry Templars.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
All parallel universes. None of them coexist. Rynne Hawke doesn’t even coexist with any of my Lavellans because Fenris becomes the Inquisitor in my headcanon
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I have only one pet, Hawke’s mabari, and his name is Toby. 
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only <sob>
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
n/a - haven’t played Origins yet!
20) Hawke’s personality?
PURPLE HAWKE, with a healthy dash of Isabela-level flirtiness. But Rynne (over?)uses humour to deflect pain and agitation and anger.
21) did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?
HAHAH so I made matching colour armour for Elia and Solas, yes. And I generally like to dress both Cole and myself in black and red!
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Ohhhh.... fuck. This is tough. - Elia Lavellan (romanced Solas): ...surprisingly, nothing really. She’s got a pretty zen kind of ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. In her darkest moments she might regret falling for Solas, but overall, she doesn’t really regret anything. - Arya Lavellan (romanced Blackwall): nothing. She is very confident.  - Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas): honestly, she questions half of her decisions half the time. After Trespasser, she regrets not dissolving the Inquisition. (I haven’t decided yet if she eventually does dissolve it after all; perhaps we’ll see what DA4 brings us).  - Rynne Hawke (romanced Fenris): a LOT of things. She regrets letting Bethany attack that ogre. She regrets not bringing Carver to the Deep Roads, because maybe then he wouldn’t have joined the Templars to spite her. She regrets not following up more closely on Emeric’s murder investigation because otherwise maybe her mother wouldn’t have died. She basically blames herself anytime anything bad happens with her family (including the Merry Band of Misfits). 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
I actually quite enjoy sticking to canon for the most part, and expanding on facts that we already know. The one canon-ish(?) thing I don’t love is the idea of Dalish Inquisitors understanding or speaking a dialect of Elvhen that’s mutually intelligible with the dialect that Solas and Abelas speak. I let it slide in my Solavellan fics, but I mean, it’s been THOUSANDS OF YEARS between Arlathan and the Dragon Age. Dalish Elvhen (even if they have many many dialects, which is most certainly the case) is very unlikely to be mutually intelligible with ancient Elvhen. I’ve been meaning to write a full post about this for like a year oops
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
They all contain some elements of self-insert, so... me, I guess? XD
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
The first time I played Inquisition, I had not played DA2 yet, so I left Hawke in the Fade for LOGIC REASONS OK - Stroud was like the only senior Warden left, I thought they needed him! I’ve left Stroud there every time thereafter. 
26) Favourite mount?
Well, it WOULD be any and all the harts, except for that FUCKING HORRENDOUS SOUND THEY MAKE. I thus prefer to ride dracolisks for the Coolness Factor™. 
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vvakarians · 6 years
DA 20 Questions
Tagged by @goblin-deity ! Thank you fam! If anyone wants to be tagged consider yourself tagged!
1. Favorite game of the series
Inquisition! It’s the one I started with! It’s an amazing and beautiful game. 
2. How did you discover Dragon Age? 
There was a cosplayer I used to follow here on tumblr that cosplayed as this character named Dorian, and then they cosplayed as Fenris. I looked into both characters because I really liked the designs. From there I checked out the game from the library and fell in love with DAI!
3. How many times have you played the games?
I’ve played DAI too many times to count, I can probably count on my pc, which is a handful of times, otherwise on my ps4 at least 25. DA2 I’ve completed exactly twice, played it four times. DA:O I’ve completed exactly once, but played multiple times, like three times I think.
4. Favorite race to play as?
Elves or qunari!
5. Favorite class?
I absolutely love mages, always have. In DAI I play as a necromancer or knight enchanter, in DA2 I play as a blood mage or a spirit healer. I have a harder time playing as one in Origins, but I usually play as a blood mage or an arcane warrior. Other than that I play as a Double Handed Warrior, usually a Reaver or some other scary subclass lmao.
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions?
In general I usually make the same choices kind of? Mostly because I can’t push myself to ally with the templars. I do edit my canons outside of the actual games, like Calliope allies with the Mages but they do end up saving the templars as well, just after they get to Skyhold. Artemaeus, my city elf who was adopted by the Dalish, sided with the mages but left the templars to fend for themselves (save for Barris who did not deserve to die). Honi, my Adaar, sided with the mages and conscripted the templars, she was pretty harsh on them but decided that both sides could benefit from coming together. In general I haven’t changed my stance on the Grey Wardens, it wasn’t their fault that Clarel had a moment of weakness in being manipulated and I couldn’t find my Inquisitors justifying anger towards them enough to banish them. With Halamshiral I can’t in any way place Celene on the throne, it’s just my personal thing. After reading Masked Empire I said nah. But if ya like her that’s cool. I don’t usually have someone drink from the Well, I considered it with Callie, but I felt that shit could go down from a Solas perspective and I was not about that angst. 
7. Go to adventuring party?
1st World State: Tauriel Mahariel /Ophelia Hawke/ Calliope Lavellan
DAO: Alistair/Zevran or Leliana/Morrigan or Wynne 
DA2 (When I need Anders): Anders/ Aveline/ interchangeable rogue
DA2 (When I need Fenris): Fenris/ Sebastian or Varric / Merrill
DAI (Base Game): Solas/ Sera or Cole/ Iron Bull
DAI (Hakkon): Dorian/ Iron Bull/ Sera or Cole
DAI (Descent): Vivienne/ Iron Bull/ Sera
DAI (Trespasser): Dorian /Iron Bull / Interchangeable rogue
2nd World State: Aviel Tabris / Valentyne Hawke / Honi Adaar
DAO: Alistair / Leliana or Zevran / Wynne
DA2: Anders (or Merrill)/ Isabela / Fenris (or Aveline)
DAI: Dorian (or Vivienne) / Sera / Iron Bull (or Blackwall)
3rd World State: Mah’Vir Surana / Sparrow Hawke / Artemaeus Lavellan
DAO: Zevran / Morrigan / Alistair (or Sten)
DA2: Fenris / Merrill (or Anders) / Interchangeable Rogue
DAI: Dorian (or Solas) / Cole or Sera / Cassandra
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Calliope 100%, I put most of the thought into my first world state characters. Tauriel was the easiest to make and her canon hasn’t changed much, same with Ophelia, but all three of my heroes were well, well thought out. I’ve had four or five years of making them under my belt.
9. Favorite romance?
For angst, absolutely Solas. You can’t get much more angsty than that. Other than that my most favorite romance is Fenris’, he’s a character that I love greatly and as a sexual abuse survivor with PTSD I related to him a lot lmao. 
10. Have you read any of the comics/books?
I have all of the books except for Last/First Flight (?), I’m currently reading Masked Empire. I also have the World of Thedas Volume...2? And I have the first Magekiller comic.
11. If you’ve read them, which was your favorite book? 
Masked Empire for sure, it’s because I love Felassan.
12. Favorite DLC’s?
Trespasser or Jaws of Hakkon, I absolutely love the stories in both. I’m also biased towards my favorite of the series/I love killing Dragons. And Veil Quartz, I love Veil Quartz.
13. Things that annoy you?
The fandom mostly. I fucking hate some of y’all shits. I hate the lack of rep too, they did fucking great in DA2 with almost every LI being bisexual. Could have done that with DAI with the straight LI’s but, shrugs. Other than that I don’t hate it much. 
14. Orlais or Ferelden?
Orlais, it has the Emerald Graves and I love big ass trees. 
15. Templars or mages?
Is that even a question? Mages
16.  If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have three separate world states, and then an AU with @trans-aloth . Calliope’s has at least 25 separate oc’s in it because I’m a fucking menace. Other than that they usually stay seperate. Alexx and I combined worldstates with Cianan and Callies for that AU. 
17. What did you name your pets?
I only have names for Calliopes world state pets, but I will def name the rest of the others when I play. 
Tauriel: Kili (mabari)
Cassiopeia: Ser Claws (mabari)
Merielle: Howl (mabari)
Serynn: Athena (mabari)
Fen’Asha: Pluto (mabari)
Ophelia: Willoughby (mabari)
Calliope: Bones (Deepstalker) , Enasalin (Dracolisk) 
18. Have you installed any mods? 
I did way back when I thought my computer could handle it. Still got all of them downloaded but I play primarily on my ps4 or ps3.
19. Did your Warden want to be a Grey Warden? 
Tauriel had accepted the fact that she needed to become a Warden and only was angry about it when Duncan said that it was no place for the children. She managed to convince him to let her take them however. Cassie did not want to become a Warden and fought it tooth and nail, but had nowhere else to go. Serynn had accepted it wholeheartedly, it wasn’t much of an issue. Merielle wanted to get out of the Circle but was difficult in taking the Ritual because she didn’t like the fatality rate. Fen’Asha was also in that same boat and at first saw it as another injustice. 
20. Hawke’s personality? 
Ophelia is a securely purple unless dealing with templars, then it’s Red through and through. Halcyon (their eldest sister) is a Red Hawke, Blue with her family, and Hero is a Blue Hawke, Red with templars.
21. Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquistion? 
Yes! I usually do! I use a gold/red/black color scheme, so it involves a lot of fucking Dragon Bone. 
22. If your character could go back in time and change one thing what would it be?
Tauriel would have gone back and saved Tamlen. She would have insisted that they look for him and at the very least if they found him they would make him a Grey Warden too. If that wasn’t an option she’d make sure Evra and Krie didn’t get traumatized by the fact their father was killed by a mirror of all things. 
Ophelia would go back in time and watch their mother more closely, or perhaps ask Carver not to go to the Deep Roads with them. Leandra’s death was the hardest thing they ever had to go through aside from handing Carver over to the Grey Wardens. The estate just felt so empty without Leandra. 
Calliope would go back in time and save their best friend from being taken by the templars. But they also realize that things would have been vastly different or the both of them that way. And they also realize that they were pretty young when Isi was taken from the Clan, they wouldn’t have been able to do much. It’s just something that haunts them to this day. 
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Calliope is a mage and a warrior, SO I MEAN. Calliope’s home clan is also from Orlais and their mother is a former slave from Tevinter who then went to the Kirkwall Circle after being captured in the Free Marches.Other than that they end up with a First Enchanter that’s an oc of @trans-aloth ‘s. I also have an oc that ends up with Varric, because I have a distaste for the real life Bianca. Tauriel also ends up in a poly relationship with Cassiopeia and Alistair. Other than that, Alistair, Zevran, and several other people are trans. 
24. Who did you leave in the Fade?
Stroud, all three times.
25. Favorite mount?
Dracolisk’s or any of the Harts, I love ugly boys and giant elk.
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