#and I need to force myself to have more of a variety lmao
waluigisgaybf · 8 months
I really want to play more non magic based classes or at least just more heavy fighty type classes but I just love being a super magic bitch in my video games sm
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fortunesfavours · 4 months
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time travel in ten - sequential narrative collage piece done for my class, Artifact.
ramblings below the cut for those interested in the process/life update for friends who have noticed i've been gone
right lmao. i had two weeks to do this project and had a completely different idea that i just could not get myself to be excited about. emailed my prof in desperation, but it being like 10 pm meant that she was not about to respond. within 30 minutes, as it goes, i got struck with divine inspiration by whatever force of nature governs procrastination-induced genius, and i promptly spent the next 12 waking hours non-stop working on this.
my class, artifact, is a requirement for the foundation year at the college i attend. it centers around time-based media, ranging from the sequential illustration here to video later in the semester, and a bunch of other projects designed to get us thinking in 4d. artifact is the theme of the class - my peers are doing the same projects under a variety of different themes (tragically, haunting filled up too quickly and i missed out on enrollment in that one).
our first project was designing an artifact and doing a write-up of the story behind it. the girl to my left made beaded spiders members of a fictional cult carried. the guy across from me made an amulet of a long-dead god. you get the vibes. mine, which I still need to take professional photos of, is a pocketwatch that lets you time travel. cause, yknow. i'm me. it was gonna be about time travel.
i had originally intended to do a bunch of drawings of the watch's owner, building out her backstory and the world she lives in, and explaining why the watch exists,,,, then i couldn't bring myself to pick up the stylus. I just can't seem to find the energy for my usual digital art (sorry friends i miss yall i'm still here i swear).
here's the bit about my life so feel free to stop reading if you just care about the art 👍
I haven't drawn fanart or my ocs in months now, since last semester, and I miss it a whole bunch but right now that creative energy just. is not happening. i don't plan on abandoning it forever by any means, but p much everything i have is going towards school right now. sad as that is, i'm having so much fun, and i'm so proud of the technical improvements i've made. I've got so many things i want to create, mostly for my ocs. i still love crit role, but i've fallen of campaign three. i don't have the time, and the story hasn't been engaging me for a bit.
i've been really into dr who lately, and am eagerly waiting for the spare time to sit and watch all of candela obscura. i'm in a new dnd game. i've got friends! real life friends! irl friends who called me the wizard friend within a few hours of knowing me before i even opened my mouth about dnd lmao. i've discovered a new love of collage, and i've just declared my major in something unique to my school, a program called Studio for Interrelated Media. i'll be learning about illustration still through the extra electives i'll have room for, but i also get to explore printmaking in more depth, as well as event planning, installation, curation, and theatre work as well.
i miss being on here a whole bunch and want to be more active when i get more time. don't plan on abandoning this blog by any means. boston has been kind to me, and though i have had some Real Low Points, i've also been living the life i've hoped for since i was a kid. i'm good, really really good.
to my friends, ily, i miss you, and i hope you're well. can't wait to catch up on all yalls art and fic. sending all my love. <3
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orossii · 2 years
I'm sorry if you're weirded out by my outslaught of likes, lmao. It's because I really, really am in awe and curious about how you developed such a critical and honest worldview. What was your journey like? And what kind of books + media did you consume? I consider myself a Marxist, but I'm horribly uninformed and I want to be better. I want to exercise my critical thinking skills. I don't want to be bogged down by social media cynicism anymore. I want to have hope
@claim-staker no no, not at all, i find it flattering! thank you :)
and man there's no quick way to answer this question and i'll try not to get too long-winded with it, but i am gonna put it under a cut to give myself a little more room to be thorough lol. i’m going to mostly reference modern marxist thinkers here because they require a little more digging to find, but for classic marxist theory i encourage you to work through a good marxist-leninist reading list, such as @inqilabi’s here. i have a list of largely non-theory documentaries, youtube channels, books, and podcasts that i found personally helpful here and keep a youtube playlist of things i find interesting here. hopefully this answers your question!
sooo around spring of 2020 i got so fucked up mentally during the height of the pandemic hysteria that i started doing some very surface level reading into some buddhist meditation concepts. it clicked with me in a very intense way, and started a radical reorientation in how i think. it was like becoming a new person in a very short period of time. i had been locked into an anxious, self-absorbed worldview for all of my life and suddenly started understanding the world and human society as a coherent interlocking system that i was a natural consequence of. i found out that reality is the result of contradictions between opposing material forces leading to growth, decay, and then transformation into something new, and that concept can be applied to all scientific disciplines as well as to human psychology
from there i was like 'wow i need to get into politics for real' sometime in like, late 2020. way back in 2015 i went from gender ideology to radical feminism and remembered how exhilarating that learning process was, but also how demoralizing and alienating it could sometimes be. that experience i think gave me the sense that sometimes while learning, i'd be in a position where pursuing reality without judgment or dogma would put me at odds with other people, and i couldn't be afraid of that if i wanted to really learn
after dicking around with ‘progressive alt media’ trash like the young turks, i started learning about noam chomsky's media model of propaganda and had another awakening of sorts. i realized that the way information was presented to us under western capitalism was being used to manufacture consent for military aggression against the third world, and that the US economy basically ran on this subjugation. i became very interested in the iraq and vietnam wars and how the media was used to promote it. getting really interested in that subject caused my faith in western media to bottom out completely, and i became more receptive to the marxist ideas i was seeing presented alongside noam chomsky's work
i started listening to a podcast called 'revolutionary leftist radio' that in the present day i find grating for various reasons lol, but the host had some excellent interviews with a variety of activists, and i found myself most drawn to the marxist-leninist position. i was exhilarated by descriptions of the dialectical materialist process, which fell directly in line with what i'd learned from reading about buddhist philosophy except applied to the study of human society. basically, marx said that society is propelled forward by contradictions that arise due to the unequal distribution of resources within a class society, and that it's possible to predict certain outcomes based on analysis of those economic contradictions. mao's "on contradiction" and stalin's "dialectical and historical materialism" explain this in more detail and in plain language
from there i found outlets like the grayzone, mint press news, and breakthrough news, that outlined the ways in which the US and its western allies were plundering and degrading the global south via a highly aggressive and extractive finance economic strategy called imperialism. i read imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism and the state and revolution, both by vladimir lenin. i got really into the work of modern day marxist economists and political theorists like richard wolff, michael hudson, vijay prashad, utsa and prabhat patnaiak. more recently i'm really enjoying the work of jay tharappel
having that economic understanding of imperialism gave me the tools to analyze existing socialist states in terms of what their needs were as well as what they were up against re: being forced to co-exist with a militarily aggressive sole superpower that necessitates the subjugation of the rest of the world to function. i started systematically going through mainstream articles condemning these enemies of the US state and checking sources, seeing how long it took me to come to a conclusion entirely divorced from the local economic and political context at best or coming from "unnamed US intelligence officials" or paid off ex-pats at best. people like brian berletic on youtube are great at outlining how this process is executed by the western media and NGO- and military-industrial complexes. i developed a strong value for national sovereignty as an essential foundation for the development of a truly democratic and healthy society, which made me sympathetic not just to existing socialist states, but to non-socialist states that were targets of US regime change for the crime of not handing their resources and human labor over to the empire
i was in a supposedly marxist-leninist communist party for about 8 months before their dogmatic liberal leftism got the better of me and i stepped down. after the overturn of roe v wade i was disgusted by their complicity in the alienation of women, and it made me start to notice the ways what we in the US understand to be 'leftism' promotes dogmatic, anti-marxist thinking and contempt for the working class. i see the job of marxists to be firmly rooted in material reality at all times, and that means learning to find a synthesis between tradition and progress that comes from the will of the people and not from the top down. we can have our own personal beliefs, but when they're used to push the uninitiated away from the revolution the masses are supposed to be at the helm of that becomes unacceptable to me. if our position is truly materialist we should be prepared to defend it in such a way that bridges gaps, not entrenches them
we also have to reject cultural liberalism and recognize the ways much of what we understand about 'progressivism' to be an imperial export used to justify US imperialism in the modern age now that the patriotic marketing campaign used during the bush era is no longer viable. this article outlines what i mean well. there's a grain of truth to much of it in that racism and patriarchy are absolutely massive social problems in need of serious consideration, but the conclusions reached by this milieu are often individualistic, aggressively dogmatic, self-perpetuating, and rooted in the creation of new markets (cosmetic surgeries, drugs, diversity and inclusion consultancy programs, book sales, etc etc) as opposed to dedicated to the destruction of the economic systems that perpetuate inequality. racism and patriarchy can't be fought solely in the domain of people's minds, nor can their solutions be foisted upon a society that hasn’t been given the space to wrestle with them from the bottom up. hassan ali on substack has some good articles on this, and his wife brigid o'coileain hosts a fantastic gender critical and anti-porn marxist feminist podcast called ‘probably cancelled’ that hits on a lot of topics relating to patriarchy as well as the cultural domestication of the western left
the absolute best starting point for anyone interested in the anti-imperialist position is michael parenti. he’s been the gateway for thousands of english-speakers looking to learn more about scientific socialism, he’s a genius public speaker and very accessible. i also really love garland nixon’s videos on youtube for current day geopolitical analysis. i’ve yet to hear him describe himself as a marxist, but he’s a fantastic materialist thinker regardless
if you find yourself clicking with any of the people i mentioned above be sure to check their references for further reading!
thank you for this nice message and feel free to message me any time if you have questions. i’m honestly still very much just getting my feet wet with this, but would love the opportunity to talk things out with someone else who’s also interested in learning about imperialism!
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chiyoso · 9 months
i think i'll discontinue the mara's will
i've talked about this before, i voiced my own thoughts about the series - but to those who don't recall or haven't seen it, it's honkai star rail fic purely based on raw inspiration from a song (tot musica from one piece, by ado) accompanied with the growing interest of honkai impact 3rd again.
i enjoyed writing that fic immensely, and i had intentions of ONLY making it as an open ending to a chaos, the ending of chapter 1. it was very much intentional as i previously stated.
but then the overwhelming support and a tremendous amount of asks and commente for it to be continued happened.
resulting in my people pleasing problem to resurface, so i listened when i shouldn't have, giving myself to the pressure and expectations, instead of letting it stay the way it is, not to mention - even with the xianzhou arc over, or... somewhat since the appearance luocha in the end, i have no idea where the mara's will, will lead.
i can't muster up any ideas for it right now, maybe because i'm in a state of burnout once again, or maybe the expectations for it, or perhaps it is a series that is already probably forgotten lmao - either way idc, my brain is tired trying to force ideas about that series, a series that was originally supposed to be an open ending oneshot for YOU to imagine yourself.
don't get me wrong, the support was more than fulfilling, it brought me joy, but i honestly shouldn't have listened to the pleads, i should've listened to my own needs and instinct.
it was perfect as it is, but in the end, i chose the variety's choice instead of my own satisfaction — and that is a failure to myself, doubting my own ideals and creativity, denying my own will.
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— Via. The Mara's Will; Jing Yuan's threat dialogue in CH1
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official-big-q · 10 months
Heyyy papa idk why I am invading ur inbox rn DNFNFNFB I just wanted to say stuff about how for some reason I like hearing your memories maybe cuz I never had like those kind myself just the feelings of things that happened in cannon
So I like you talking about them or your wings and your HUGE nest in las nevadas I think I would have liked to be there just us sleeping and you wrapping your wings around me and me wishing to be able to fly around with you
I think I always liked the idea
Of being a big dragon and fly around with my wings and have fun and spend time with my family
I didn't make the entire revived AU for nothing dnfbfjr
If you want to ramble abt your memories idm I love hearing them :]]
That’s heartwarminngg hhhhh<3
I WOULD HAVE LOVED FOR YOU TO BE THERE IN MY NEST AS WELL - that nest was so cozy it made me feel so safe and it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE NOW SOB
I was so very very vocal around you kids - dsmp and qsmp,, im just full of bird noises :]!! Coos, chirps, quacks, squawks, you name it !!! I had a large variety of bird noises I made towards you and your siblings <3 !!
In the dsmp i had a bad track record with love and was verY traumatized so the way I showed love at first was through gifts !!! I used to spoil Tommy rotten :]. (Tubbo wouldnt let me - he refused to take my gifts)
And then after I healed and realized I didnt need to hide my affection for others - I gave out words of affirmation and physical touch !!!
I WAS LIKE. PRETTY FUCKED UP ???? In the dsmp, after I got my injury to my eye/face, I had to take a couple weeks at least to be able to properly navigate again. Karl and Sapnap forced me into using a cane, which was something I very much needed if I didn’t want to walk into something or just fall over-
And just the eye thing in general messed me up permanently ??? Like I stopped using my cane and was okay most of the time without it - but my vision was really fucked and I couldn’t read cursive at all and needed bigger writing on documents to be able to read them, but the dsmp wasn’t a very accessible space so I just sucked it up and dealt with it.
I even learned braille because of it !!! Sam taught me braille !!! Sam also taught me some basic ASL and Foolish taught me more in depth ASL.
I remember Wil getting bad back pains and just aches after they got revived. I think it was just a side effect they had to deal with after it all. We couldn’t do much to help it, but I always made sure to give them a heating pad and some good pillows !!
Speaking of - I believe both me and Wil had chronic fatigue ? I think I just had it while Wil got it as a side effect from getting revived - either way it SUCKED
I remember playing with Fundy during Pogtopia and making sure he stayed fed and kept him company when I could :]
This isn’t a memory but in my head I always refer to Ranboo as the weird stray cat my kids decided to start feeding that never left lmao /lh /aff
Phil took care of me once ???????? I’m pretty sure I was grieving Wilbur and dealing with a whole bunch of feelings about that entire situation when he died - and I ended up on Phils doorstep basically completely shut down and he took me in and just started fully taking care of me. It was a weird experience- I don’t like the man for my own personal grudges but he’s still a kind soul.
Wilbur had a tendency to work himself or keep himself busy until he passed out - he hated sleeping after revival.
Schlatt but the bi in bitch - and other than that fantastic line I don’t want to talk about him lmao
OH I once panicked after I couldn’t find Tommy in the penthouse thing we stayed in in Las Nevadas and made various chirps and warbles while searching for them- they were simply in another room and I was panicked for no reason , Tommy did end up responding with quiet confused chirps hhdjdbd
I HAD SHARP FANGS AND TALONS >:D!!!! I think I also wore fingerless gloves too - sometimes just wearing plain gloves to hide the burn scars that I had on my hands
AND I DONT HAVE AS MANY QSMP MEMS BUT I remember feeling uneasy around Bad ????? He was a friend of mine n all but I remember avoiding him for a bit and feeling unsafe around him annnd I don’t quite know why
Jaiden and Baghera were / are like siblings to me, almost !!! I remember we were pretty close :D !! Jaiden and I were close friends and Baghera and I had more of a sibling relationship !!
I vaguely remember Maximus introducing me to his daughter !!! She was pretty cool and it was an awesome experience
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regalia-of-wisdom · 1 year
The ecchi food show writes better than Naruto
Currently on twitter there’s been a discussion going around regarding fandom spaces and the original media and how often fans are either willing to defend female characters or to ignore them, specially when compared to male characters, etc. So I was going to write a thread but I ended up writing, like, a big ass essay on Food Wars and Naruto, of all mangas. Needless to say it got too big to be uploaded to twitter, so to tumblr it goes! Let’s get to it!
So when I was watching Shokugeki no Soma (I know I know, epitome of feminism, ultimate media for activism, Nobel peace prize worthy etc.) I remember being comfortable enough in the writing to actively dislike a female character. This isn’t true anymore btw, upon rewatches + future plot I think she’s wonderful now. But something I focused on, often, back then was the particular way in which I tended to phrase that to myself: “feeling comfortable to dislike a girl”. This wasn’t something I tended to do. Even when I found certain tropes or characteristics annoying, I always felt like I needed to like and defend the girl characters, bc if I didn’t then no one else in the fandom spaces I went to would have.
So what did it mean to “be comfortable”? I think it meant feeling like the author wasn’t making their female character fight uphill battles in terms of likeability and relatability. Everyone knows that Kishimoto doesn’t know how to write women, and the one or two chances where he does it feels like luck. That means that it’s E A S Y to ignore anything he writes when it comes to his female characters and their flaws, because these wouldn’t be applied to the guys. They were fighting uphill battles, it was unfair. If all the girls are shallow and boy crazy and incapable of fighting for themselves, then that wasn’t a flaw that I had to personally assess, that was a set of comfortable tropes that Kishimoto didn’t care to fix or explore and therefore the character as it was written was not complete. To judge them as I would with Kishi’s male characters would have been unfair.
In Food Wars, I never had this vibe (do wanna point out that I never finished the manga or the anime, so if the writing in terms of the girls’ arcs specifically goes downhill, I’m not talking about that LMAO). It was incredibly refreshing to see girls with a variety of personalities AND flaws, in a way that made it clear that I could just honestly Judge them based on their own merits. What about their personalities worked for me, personally? How do they handle obstacles? How do they react to the plot??? The answer wasn’t the same for every single girl. They all had different priorities! It was mind blowing, and this came from a fucking. Ecchi manga where everyone keeps getting naked everytime they eat food. The artist literally drew hentai sjdkdkdlld.
They even made me change my mind on the character I disliked, by the way, after she went through her character arc. Her role in the story changed, and I had a new view of her. All was right with the world. I loved them all again! And this time it was because the authors knew what they were doing, and not out of spite! What the fuck!? THE ECCHI FOOD MANGA??
How can THESE people make me feel like I knew how to read characters, while others didn’t? Rather, why did I feel like I NEEDED to force my brain to see the way characters are treated differently in other media? There’s something so gross about the way that other fans close their eyes away from the faults of their favorite authors. I can’t stand Naruto fans that don’t want to admit Kishimoto’s fatal flaw. I don’t assign misogyny to authors because I don’t fucking know them, but Kishi’s writing was misogynist. Food Wars might be objectifying (and I do think that people downplay how often girls, specifically, tend to get naked more often. I know guys get naked too and it’s a whole “equality” thing but I know what I’m talking about when I say that. The ratio isn’t actually equal and ALSO It’s Shonen jump, many of the girls are teenagers and yet their boobs are huge. This is something else tho, I’m actually praising the character writing lmao.) but it’s purpose wasn’t to demean the impact of girls as both an audience and a subject matter, at least in terms of story telling. Naruto was way too toxic for its girls, despite having minimal fanservice when compared to the foodgasm manga.
But, like, more importantly, the fandom footprint of Food Wars just doesn’t compare to Naruto. Food Wars was big for like 3 seasons and then I never heard from it again, but Naruto is known by every fucker on the market. Everyone knows who Sakura is, and everyone feels comfortable insulting her and shitting on her character choices, as if she was a real human being and not the product of some dude’s head. It is IMPERATIVE that I understand what Sakura COULD be and focus on that, because otherwise endorsing the kind of environment that feels comfortable insulting girls that don’t act correctly just ends up causing trouble all around, when the shitty ass male characters get so much nuanced writing thrown at them by comparison.
I refuse to accept understanding men as being more “natural” than understanding women, that just isn’t fucking true, and allowing it to continue could lead to genuine misogyny towards REAL people. I actually do know people in real life that refuse to understand why women would stay in abusive relationships, or why they apologize so often, etc. And these opinions are equally reflected in how they view certain characters in media. More often than not, understanding why men would damage themselves became more second nature than understanding why women would act “foolishly”.
I don’t think media consumption and literacy are actually, like, the be all end all in terms of the betterment of society or whatever, but at the very least I think endorsing an environment where we can stop accidentally insulting one another by no longer putting in some fucking filter over whether or not we care about certain characters is worthwhile. Sakura isn’t real but other girls are, and treating her like ass because she couldn’t finish her power up arc isn’t a hot take that does anything for anyone.
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mrbolds88 · 5 months
Dear Bee 🐝,
I see your calling card at times and each time I utter Hey Bee, love ya girl! I can’t say that I miss you because I know where you are but it’s the best term I know to use right now! It’s coming up on 4 years since you fled this place. It’s a harsh reality that we(all the people whom love you dearly) can not physically hug you! You are loved and remembered by many.
Your beautiful soul has been left with each person that you touched. Please forgive me for the dark thoughts that I’ve had that they’re people that don’t deserve to be here more than you! You saved so many lives in a variety of capacities! I had a student tell me she wanted to work in the NICU one day and I asked her if I could give her a hug. I told her about your big heart and that I hope hers is bigger. I hope that parts of you left me and went into her.
Though a part of me had admiration for you as a lover, you & 👁️ know that the friendship was of more importance! In the last 4 years I realize how much I needed those random encouraging messages and check ins. Don’t need them right now I just want them!! It’s really because I want you here. The world needs beautiful people like you here to perpetuatally become a time and space filled with love.
The irony of all of this is that if you were I wouldn’t be the man I am now. Yet part of the man I am now is because of knowing you. I thought of you a lot today on my early hours run. It was an 8k Greatful run on the Nike app. The path that I ran were all a part of the routes I took when I once lived in this area. It’s quite beautiful how much a place can bring time into perspective. All while time brings appreciation to a place.
I was grateful for a lot of things on my run. What I have to highlight is you saying you wasn’t adding me to your circles for me to drive you crazy lmao. 1. I get to have you on my pending invites lol. 2. I am currently doing it to Whit instead lol. I am not badgering her about fitness like you thought I would do to you lol. I had been actively walking 10 miles on Saturdays to condition for the 🌙 City Classic (CCC). January 1 was when I started conditioning for Paris and training for CCC. So pretty sure she gets all those updates.
I got some family business going on but business is good(major Payne voice) lol. Nah but fareal, Thank You! Thank you for 🐝 ing you, to all the people you came in contact with! You are a centripetal force! Well I’ll write you again just keeping showing up for ya people we love ya girl!
$haddy Be
P.s. I don’t be answering to that name no more or associate myself with it except for certain people. I will maintain this discrimination because everyone doesn’t deserve to call me that lol. I got a rap with that alias in it 🤣😂🤣. I’m sure you’ve heard me flowing it randomly 😂😅🤣.
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #004
(aaand this one was earlier today, so caught up!)
What beverage do you prefer to drink in the mornings? I am an awful person who is very serious about my morning Mtn. Dew AHHHHHHHHHHHH Tell me what some of your nearest & dearest like to eat for breakfast. Uhhh wow, I actually don't really know. Mom hates eating because since chemo, she's always gotten terribly nauseous afterwards, but obviously does eat. As of recently I do know she's been making scrambled eggs a lot for the protein since she apparently needs that. What colour was the last car you traveled in? It's white. Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer? Roman prefers fancier wet cat food, and I know Cookie prefers some sort of more expensive food as well. Mom tends to mix a bit in with both of their foods most mornings. What’s your favourite variety of apple? I don't really have a favorite color, I just care that it's a firm apple with zero mushiness. What are you listening to? I finally listened to Ozzy's new song "Patient No. 9" and UMMMMMM i am OBSESSED so it is on repeat laksdjfl;ajew Are you looking forward to anything within the next few days? Not really, no. When you woke up today, did you have unread messages on any social platform? No. What’s something you used to believe in that you don’t anymore? For most of my life I had shitty, disciminative conservative beliefs as a whole. Thank fucking god I grew out of it all myself, but jc I coulda done with someone knocking me out lmao like why did mfs spare me What do you admire most in a person? Resilience, particularly from traumatic events. It is NOT easy to just always keep going; it takes an incredible breed of strength. What’s your favorite dinosaur? It has always been the spinosaurus, ever since I was a kid, through all anatomical adjustments that have been discovered. I am also very fond of social raptors too, though. Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what would you like to be reincarnated as? Nah, but I don't think it's completely impossible. Do you ever use the grounding technique "54321?" Yes, and it's very helpful. What’s the silliest thing you’ve gotten injured from? idk Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave your place of residence? Uh, either Dad's place or far more preferably Girt's. Living with my "Covid is a government scheme" bigot of a stepmother would eventually cause problems, I know it would. Hell, to be honest, my boyfriend's mom might even be problematic with how anti-religion I am; I'm immediately defending her first with I absolutely do not know how deep her religious side goes, but if it's the shitty intensity that tries to encroach on others', oh there would be problems. Do you play any instruments? I played the flute all through middle school and I wanna say three years of HS, and I was consistently a pretty high chair at it. I don't even remember the vast majority of notes now, haha. I also took lessons for the electric guitar very briefly. I wish I'd kept up with it. Fucking props to guitarists, it was NOT easy. What is an unpopular opinion you have? The government was 120% to SOME degree in on 9/11. Research that shit. Those were fucking pre-placed bombs, not just planes. Have you ever done a crazy dare? No, not my thing. What’s the oddest text you’ve received? Something Jason once asked me early into our relationship that is not going to be repeated. Caused a fight. Looking back, I honestly overreacted. What’s something you believe everyone should have? Shelter and access to food and water at the very, very bare minimum. Do you believe love is blind? Certainly. If you owned a restaurant, what would you serve? Man idk, I have zero desire to own a restaurant. Have you ever met a president? Nope. What food tastes better than its appearance to you? Uhhh this is hard with how picky I am, haha. I guess sloppy joes? Do you actively post on social media? Well I did make a new Tumblr that I'ma try and be active on. I also "share" a lot of stuff on Facebook, but I practically never post about my own life. What’s the best name you’ve heard a pet named? My shitty uncle's family once had a dog named "Pia," which really just stood for "pain in the ass" lmao. That was sa good damn dog. Would you rather have multiple hobbies or 1 true passion? Multiple hobbies. I get more joy out of diversity, although for me personally I always do gravitate towards one BIG obsession. Like I like other things, but they're tamer interests. Then there are ~incidences~ such as with meerkats, Rhett & Link/GMM, Mark, and Rammstein. Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones? Nope. Would you say you’re good at saving money? I honestly don't think I've had enough experience with money to confidently answer this. Have you ever ridden in the front of a roller coaster? Bitch I will go down FIGHTIN if you try to get me on a rollercoaster, nvm the front car. Has anyone ever given you a gag gift? Possibly, I don't know. Have you ever broken into a public place, like a high school, after it was late and secluded? No, but it's one of those subdued cool ideas, haha. Like I'd totally do it if I wouldn't get arrested or anything, but at the same time it's not like a dream or something. Have you ever gone to the movies and hopped from movie to movie all day? No, now that's something I don't want to do. Would you be interested in going scuba-diving? YES Have you ever had sex with someone you didn’t love? No. Have you ever been in a cave? NO, I WISH. :( Do you know anyone who’s painfully socially awkward? bitch me, like i nearly burst an artery everytime i speak to someone Do you actually know anyone named "Bill" or "Bob?" I have a NON-insane uncle named Bill. He's the one that's leading the charge against my shithead one. Do you tend to sneeze a certain number of times in a row? Yes, twice or thrice. One of those. One is my mom and the other is me. I can't remember which is which lmao. Who were you last in a hot tub with? Oh jeez. I legit haven't been in a hot tub since the apartment... so Jason, Jacob, and Amanda. Have you ever sold anything to a pawn shop? No. Is there anything other than clothes in your dresser? practice safe sex kids What’s in your closet? Uhhhh hoodies, jackets, "fancy" shirts, my flute and guitar, "treasure" box, uhhh... other stuff but I don't feel like going to look. How many pictures do you take of yourself in a week? Shit, I generally take zero a month. Has anyone ever sent you flowers? Yes. Have you ever had a water balloon war? As a kid, yeah! Good times. The most expensive clothing item you own; how much did it cost? I have zero idea. Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive? Yep, I'm pan. Literally anyone can be sexually attractive to me. Have you ever seen an eclipse? I have seen lunar eclipses. Have you ever been in any kind of an abusive relationship? No. What kind of parent do you think you’ll be? I won't be a parent. Even with the direction the government is going now, I honestly think I would illegally terminate if I god forbid got pregnant, because otherwise I would almost certainly *slides finger across throat* so with that being said: Fuck The Supreme Court. What kind of parents do you have? Dedicated, supportive, hard-working, loving ones. What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you? It is literally still when Markiplier reblogged the gif I made of him and his dog/child Chica and I couldn't sleep for three fucking days because he noticed my existence lmao. Damn that Tumblr better get revived bro, I had some Quality gifs on there. Have you ever had a Nutella and marshmallow fluff sandwich? No, but now I NEED to try that. What keeps you up at night? Nowadays, my hypomania. Do you or would you wear apparel with your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or video game? UGH I want more video game merch shirts for sure. Have you ever seen an NC-17 film? Can you name one? I have no clue. Have you ever been in a house with an elevator in it? No. What Rock Band or Guitar Hero games have you played? What would be your favorite? Holy cow, SO many. I was a pro at the game and pretty much collected them. .I'd say my favorite *might* have been Metallica's edition of GH. Have you ever watched a film that was originally in English in a different language? I don't believe so. Your favorite animal (or one you really like): Is it the whole species you like or are you just interested in one breed of it (example with dogs: You like all dogs but mostly pugs)? Meerkats have four known sub-species I believe, and I love them all, BUT I find the Kalahari-dwelling subspecies (suricata suricatta siricatta) to be the most attractive. Possibly Meerkat Manor bias, haha. Were you upset when you found out certain things weren’t real? (Santa, Tooth Fairy...) I mean I wasn't devastated. I pretty much already knew before I was told. Name something you’re proud of. Brag a little bit. I'm proud of how DP came out. :') And we're not even totally done yet! It was just SO long of feeling like I was making the most minimal edits, but it's all coming together. <3 Where would you like to go right now? Well I'd need a shower first but it'd be extremely nice to see my boyfriend after his 18-day work gauntlet where seeing each other just wasn't practical because of gas, sleep, and time. Name a random fact. I'M LOSING WEIGHT AGAIN lkjfalk;sdjfa;kldwjfql;wjeiow this thyroid med doin WORK What’s been an embarrassing phase you went through? Y'all remember the "LAWL SO RANDOM!!!!!! XD" phase? I wish I didn't. Would you ever move a far distance for a relationship? If it meant Girt and me staying together, yes. I can almost guarantee it's not something he would do though for the sake of knowing he can get right to his mother if she needs him. What’s the ugliest animal in your opinion? Blobfish, I know you get picked on a lot, but c'mon, my man. What about cutest? Meerkats, esp. the pups. :') What song describes your life currently? No idea. Are you in any pain currently? No, just kinda tired. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I have not. What’s a law you would create if possible? Hey how about we fucking keep abortion completely legal, or is a stretch to prioritize a more developed life with dreams, goals, memories, plans, morals, and educated emotions? fuck outta here Have you given any thought about what the Christian god looks like? The devil. :) What’s your most used emojis? Either the crying or laughing one. How many slices of pizza can you eat in one sitting? 2-3, depends on how hungry I am. I have to be absolutely fucking starving for four. Do you prefer to fix things yourself or always call an expert? I mean, it depends. I lean more towards the second option though because I always worry I'll fuck something up.
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jade-palette · 2 years
Inscryption: scrybe gaming headcanons.
Author note: This is based on games I have played, and thought they would personally enjoy. I would suggest you to play them as well if you haven’t. Just going to pretend they have access to PCs and consoles lmao. I can imagine their minecraft chat logs being hostile as fuck.
If this is badly spaced, sorry! Something is up with my tumblr where no matter how many time I change it to nicely spaced it cramps together again.
Also my dumbass forgot the uberbots and students, they are next.
Warning: Language, minor spoilers for Viviette, advice for stardew ig? (?).
He prefers games with an interesting story or based around nature.
He loves Minecraft.
While playing, he is rather peaceful. Only really playing the game for exploration and mobs.
He is the type of player to tame as many animals as possible, having a pack following him as he travels the world.
Currently has 23 wolves, 17 cats, and 3 horses. The number decreases more than increase.
If anything ever hits him, it’s instant death by wolf.
When he stumbles onto a village, he doesn’t loot or commit mass murder.
He would also play Stardew Valley.
His farm is well decorated with plants and trees
Unlike P03, he doesn’t make bank each harvest. This is partly due to him choosing to focus on live stock and their quality of life than the money.
Because of this, he opted to marry Shane because of the blue chickens.
“I know, glorious isn’t it? My farm is a safe haven to the beasts of this game-“
“ Your farm is shit.”
“Your farm is shit.”
“I have put a lot of effort into this, why-“
“Just because you have a variety of animals and decorated the place, doesn't mean it’s good. I bet you’re broke as fuck. Your husband is a bum and-”
*Offended gasp.*
“And...how did you get a blue chicken?”
Grimora enjoys horror games and multiplayer games.
She also has minecraft, but doesn’t often play it.
This is because she prefers to play with friends, and the other Scrybes just do their own thing. So it isn’t as fun as it could be.
She loves realistic horror games, but she adores the ones with a cuter art style more as they tend to have better writing and gameplay.
This includes games such as Viviette and Inmost. The two games were adored by her due to the cuter art-style, and the gameplay.
In Viviette, despite having extremely difficult puzzles had been extremely fun. She liked how you had to run and hide, even if you were doing a puzzle.
Despite the game being short, she had spent about 7 hours trying to complete it.
Out of curiosity, she told P03 to play the game.
They completed it within four hours and had little difficulty.
Inmost’s art style and music did wonders to create a sombre mood.
The game had a lovely story as well…
She had recommended the game to Magnificus, as well as a few other things she tried.
“I feel as though you would enjoy this game.”
“You should try it.”
“I will.”
“When you try the game, tell me how you feel about it.”
“ You would appreciate the art-“
He doesn’t play video games of his own free will. He is either forcefully made to play, or bullied into trying.
Often, he wonders what he has done in life to deserve his treatment.
But if he had to pick his favourite type of game, he would pick something that focuses around visuals or has a interesting story. Genre doesn’t matter.
Once he was forced to play layers of fear by Grimora and ended up genuinely enjoying it. The visuals were great, especially when things started to warp.
Then he was forced to play minecraft by the other Scrybes.
He found the enchantments interesting, as well as the ender. However due to being shit at video games and the dumbass twins (Leshy and P03) being unhelpful and Grimora being offline, he hasn’t managed to get to the ender dragon.
“Everyone. I require assistance and resources. I need to find eyes of ender to continue and I do not have to necessary resources to retrieve them myself.”
“Sorry I do not know what that is.”
“Lol, noob. I’m not helping by choice.”
Then several days later.
“Hello, sorry. I do not have anything to spare.”
As mentioned in a previous headcanon post, they prefer to play games that make them feel productive, or that are challenging.
Other games not mentioned included Hollow knight and Minecraft.
With Hollow knight, they got pissed off at gameplay and were shit at first. But out of spite, they tried to get every achievement available and got them all within 4 days.
They hated god seeker mode with a vengeance.
But god was it worth beating it. He got bragging rights for a fairly unknown game.
In minecraft, they commit arson or they hack into Leshy’s world to kill his pets.
They find it funny because Leshy gets attached to his pets, even though they aren’t real.
The fool holds Stampy style dog burials.
Despite often being the murderer Leshy always invites them to the funerals.
They still attend to pay their respects… and to commit arson again.
“We have assembled here today, to pay our respects to one of the best boys of minecraft. My wolf Jeremiah. He-“
“Boo you whore.-“ *Pulls out flint and steel.*
“P03 stop disrespecting the grave.”
“Let the machine. This is more interesting.”
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Where Was She?- George Weasley x Female Reader
   Summary:  Taking a trip through Diagon Alley to help your nephew pick out robes and books for her first day at Hogwarts should of been uneventful, and it was until your niece was very excited to look inside a colorful shop, with a ginger with a top hat on top. 
   Kody: Ha, it rhymes. I am just hilarious. Also i’m giving them names, cause i can and if i don’t i’ll get confused lmao. Also changing some plot for this story lol. 
   House: Ex- Gryffindor / Half blood
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, George being a simp, Fred being utterly confused half the time, that good fluff
    you were currently stirring a bowl of cupcake batter when the house phone rang. In a quick haste, you drop the whisk in the sink and ran over to the living room and towards the house phone. You pick it up and press and the call button before holding it up to your ear.
   “L/n residence. Who am i speaking to?” you ask in a polite manner as you wiped your hand on the pink apron you wore. “Hey Y/n, it’s me Kai. So i just got a last minute meeting and i won’t be able to take Aedyn to diagon alley to get his books, robes and such. I have money to give you and such”
    you could hear the irritation in his voice, he hated missing important memory making moments with his son, but he really needed the money considering his wife dipped when Aedyn was born. You smile lightly, having not been back to Diagon Alley in year since you graduated. You missed it.
    “no problem, i’ll make sure to take a ton of pictures for you. Don’t worry about it, i get to see some of my old classmates and i’m fine with paying- “ “-no Y/n, i’m paying” Kai tried to interject, but you made screeching noise with your mouth. “Sorry, can’t hear you. Your cutting out. Love you!” you quickly hung up.
    the day had arrived and you wore a black turtleneck with a burnt orange button up as well as black pants. You had just arrived to Diagon Alley with Aedyn and he seemed a bit upset. “hey dude, you alright?” you asked, nudging his shoulder with your arm. He shrugged, looking ahead.
    “i just thought that dad would take me shopping, i know he isn’t a wizard or anything. It’s just-” you stop walking and crouch down to height “Yeah i get it, i loved going to Diagon Alley with my parents, but let’s make the most out of this yeah? Your witchy aunt has got your back!”
   your enthusiasm seemed to cheer him up as the corners of his mouth turned up “Okay, the first thing on the list is robes” he says, pulling a sheet of folded up paper from his back pocket. You smile and stand back up “Robes it is, onwards my dear nephew” 
    after buying about three sets of robes as well as uniform shirts and pants, you both went to get textbooks, which was super boring. Once you had finished stacking all the textbooks, you held them all by a string. Aedyn didn’t seem to want a animal, you didn’t either when you attended Hogwarts.
   as you walked with Aedyn, you felt a tug on your sleeve “Oh, can we go in there!” he says, you look to where he was pointing and saw a shop decorated in orange and hints of purple. Looking up, you saw a statue picking up it’s top hat. Oh. OH. “the weasleys wizard wheezes?” you ask, looking down at him.
    he met your gaze and tilts his head “Have you been there before?” he questions and you nod your head once “Yeah. Once. It was when it first opened though, so it may have changed” you spoke, shrugging it off. You grab his head and walk into the colorful shop.
    how much has changed?
    as you step in, your almost overwhelmed by the variety of things in the shop. It really didn’t change much. There were kids running around and parents who seemed displeased at there kids dashing through the place. A feeling of nostalgia ran through you.
     your nephew turns up to look at you “Can me and luke check out the shop together?” he asked eagerly, making you chuckle. You nod once and both of the boys run off. You sigh contently and place the textbooks down near the umbrella holder. Stuffing your hands in your pocket, you began to casually stroll around.
    the Weasley’s wizard wheezes. What a cool place. “Welcome miss. First time?” you turn to face one of the ginger haired twins in the flesh, wearing a orange sweater and beige pants. George Weasley. you give him a polite smile, collecting yourself quickly. 
    “Thank you. Um- no not my first time. I came here with Hermione Granger when you guys first opened.” you explain, tapping your foot on the ground. He raises a brow. You seemed to have spiked his interest “You know Hermione? How come i’ve never seen you before?”
   you shrug your shoulders, making a clueless face. “I’ve been told i blend into the background, so that could be why” you say. He steps closer to you, analyzing your face “How could i have missed you? Were you on any teams?” guess you were playing twenty questions now.
    you stifle a laugh as you began to walk around once more, the twin sticking to your side “No, i never liked attention. I did watch all the quidditch tournaments- Oh! I started the weakly quidditch magazine for the school” you say, thinking he remember seeing it somewhere or maybe he had read it before?
    you watch his honey colored eyes light up “Oh! yeah i read that. Wait- if i remember correctly you wrote one just about me” his smile turned into a grin. Oh how embarrassing. You chuckle bashfully as you use your hand to cover your mouth for a second “Yes. I did. You were a quidditch heartthrob. It sold well”
    you hear him gasp loudly and watch as he places a hand over his chest, where his heart was “You used my face to sell magazines?” he said. Wait a minute. “How do you know i put your face in the article?” you question, your own grin forming. A bashful smile makes a way onto his face.
    “I bought one for myself” he spoke and you burst into a fit of laughter at his confession “Oh wow, Mr. Weasley” you say, joking with the formality. You both were now making your way back to the entrance, where you two had started your journey in the first place.
    “Just call me George.”
   you two then talked for what felt like hours, but in reality it was twenty minutes. You both had a lot of common interest and soon enough. The Weasley started to flirt with you. It was playful and cute and you found it adorable coming from him. As he reached to push a strand of hair from your face and loud shout was heard.
    “Were late! We are so late!” Aedyn came running from the top story of the shop “Dad said to be home an hour ago!” and with that he ran out the shop. You E/c eyes widen. Oh shit. You quickly grab up the textbooks, a confused George staring at you. “Wait, your leaving?”
   “Yes” you force out as you quickly rushed out the shop, George following. He stops in front and watches as you run away “When can i see you again?!- What’s your name?!” he shouts, catching the attention of a few wizards and witches passing by. 
   you give him a quick smile before you turn the corner, leaving his sight completely. What’s the fun in that right?
    “Hey George. I’m back!” Fred Weasley called out from the shared home. He raised a brow when there was no answer and walked down the hallway, he turns the handle of Georges room and pushes the door open. He sees boxes scattered everywhere. 
    George was sitting on the floor, looking through stacks of old school papers “What in the bloody hell is going on?” Fred asked, looking a his brother strangely. George snaps his head towards his brother and stands up quickly. “Do you remember the weakly quidditch magazine?”
    “Do you know where i kept the one written about me?”
    “Where is it?”
    “...I’ll be right back”
    Fred left the room and returned a couple minutes later with an tattered magazine “Your article is on page 5-” George ripped the magazine from his brothers hand and began to turn the pages rapidly “Okay then” Fred walks over to sit on George’s bed.
    “Found it! When George Weasley isn’t pulling pranks. He is expertly playing the quidditch field, just like yesterday's game. Taking out both Ravenclaw beaters at the same time. Charming, good looking, funny, and skilled. No wonder the girl’s of Hogwarts are fawning over Gryffindors beater. -Y/n L/n”
    George smiled brightly “Y/n L/n, that’s her name..She called me good looking. Where was she when i was at Hogwarts?” he gushed, making Fred roll his eyes “Your talking about Y/n? How is she doing, heard her nephew is starting Hogwarts soon. I was supposed to meet her today, but i got caught up”
     George’s head snapped like an owl towards his brother “You know her? Did you sleep with her Freddy? You horny bastard. You just had to sleep with half of the girls at Hogwarts didn’t you? Couldn’t leave anyone for me? First Lavender brown then Hermione Granger, now Y/n. What the hell man?”
    Fred waited for his brother to stop talking with a irritated expression “First of all. I didn’t sleep with her. Second of all, we kept in touch because i thanked her for writing an article about me, like she did for you. Also! You didn’t notice her, because your fucking stupid. I’m making dinner” he announced.
    he stood from the bed and walked out the room. George pouted “Can we have mac and cheese?!”
    “No!........Okay fine!” 
    fast forward to about two weeks and Aedyns birthday was coming up. He had taken a liking to quidditch and you wanted to get him a new broom. It was a bit chilly outside so you decided on black high waisted skin tight jeans, a light grey long sleeve t-shirt, and a heather grey and a charcoal colored button up. 
    “Quality Quidditch Supplies” you read out loud, this was definitely the place where she saw kids get brooms.  You step in and began to look around at the broom’s, wondering which was a good fit for your nephew. You were looking at the Nimbus collection when a ginger haired boy jumps out from behind it.
    you jump back a bit “George?! What the hell. You almost gave me a heart attack!” you shout. He smiles nervously “So after our last encounter, i found that article you wrote about me” he spoke. You rolled your eyes and began to look at the broom’s once again “Okay” you said plainly. 
    “You said i was good looking and charming. Y/n L/n” he says, a twinkle of pride in his eye. “Your also friends with my brother and didn’t tell me” he said, that pride turning into slight jealousy.”You didn’t ask” you said simply said, his eye twitched in irritation.
    “Anyway, i was wondering if you could go out with me- like on date. Next saturday?” he says, you saw the hopeful look in his eyes as you looked from the broom to him. Aw. “No” you said, waiting to see his reaction. He blinks mindlessly for a couple of seconds “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have asked-”
    “-I have to watch a quidditch match. It’s my job for the witch weekly. i report for the local matches. I would love to go some other time” you say, giving him a genuine smile. He rubs the back of his neck “That’s the only time i’m free this mouth! Oh how ‘bout i go with you?” he asked. 
    you shrugged “I’m okay with that. I’ll be distracted half the time though” you explain. He smiles happily “Wicked. Plus, i’d like to see you all focused. I bet it’s cute” he said, leaning in close, his hand placed on the shelf above your head. There goes the flirting again.   
    you pretend to not have heard him and reach into your pocket for a piece of paper and pen. He tilts his head curiously  and tries to read what you were writing, but you shielded him away with your hand. “What’re?-” he was cut off when you walked passed him and grabbed a Nimbus infinity.
    you walk up to the counter and pay for the broom. It was quite costly, but you didn’t mind. George followed like a lost puppy, until you both made it outside. You turn around and hand him the paper. George grabs the note and reads an address? “What is this?” he asked. Boys are so dumb.
    “Write me sometime, Weasley. I’ll see you on saturday” with those parting words, you turn on your heels and began to walk away with a sway of your hips. George sighed deeply as a warm feeling invaded in every being “Merlin. Fred was right. I’m whipped.”
    the week spent apart was quite wholesome. George wrote you kind letters, sometimes flirty ones and send you small treats within them. Once he sent a pressed flower, a marigold. You didn’t think he have such a soft side to him. Each day a new letter came and you grew to like the Weasley boy more and more.
    the day had finally arrived when you would be attending the quidditch match. You wore a black turtleneck and heather grey pants, paired with regular sneakers. You were waiting at the entrance for the weasley boy, looking up t the sky. It looked like it was about to storm. Hopefully it would clear up soon. 
    “Hey!” a bright cheery voice shouted. You look back down to see George coming up to you. His shoulder length hair was tied back in a ponytail, with loose strands framing his face. He wore a burnt orange sweater with white and brown plaid pants. Style.
    you smile lightly and nod your head towards him “Hello” you spoke and watch as his honey colored eyes gazed at your outfit “Your looking ravishing, per usual” his comment made you snort. You shake your head and wave your hand “C’mon. I have front row seats” you say, making his eyes go wide.
    “Woah! Really!?”
    you both were seated in the bleachers with an amazing view of the game. You took out a notepad along with a pen, getting ready to take notes. George watched you as the game started. You bit your bottom lip when you were ‘in the zone’ as you would call it. George would call it cute. 
    the match was highly eventful and George had a wonderful time watching, especially the small breaks when you would talk to him. He would occasionally feed you popcorn as your wrote. Gotta make sure you were fed. You secretly liked it. 
     the match came to an end when one of the teams caught the snitch and the crowd roared in applause and boos. George stood up, cheering while you politely stood alongside him, clapping your hands. The cheers began to die down as heavy rain poured out of nowhere.
    people began to scramble out of the bleachers like ants so they could apparate out of there. You look at George who’s hair was damp, strands of ginger hair sticking to the side of his face. he was just staring at you “What?” you call out over the loud sounds of the rain.
    “I had a great time. I wish i had met you in Hogwarts so i could of had a cool girlfriend writing articles about me. Is it okay if i make up for lost time?” he said, your heart melting a his words. How smooth. A smile grew on your face “i’d love that” you said and that was all George needed.
    he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a deep kiss. Rain came down on both of you and your notes were most likely destroyed, but you were too in the moment to care. You two eventually left the bleachers and apparated to your place where you gave him a change of clothes and hot tea.
    the day ended with you two cuddled up on your couch, next to the fireplace and it couldn’t be more perfect.
    Kody: the sheer amount of writers block this shit gave me was insane. Anyways, peace. 
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thebuckleydiaz · 2 years
1.6 Skin
fuck it. I make the rules here, and I really would like to not have to force myself just to do one episode a day. I'm skipping ahead a bit. I'm gonna hit a few major eps in season one, then hopefully more consistent for season 2.
LMAO I caught a glimpse of the phone screen as Sam was checking his email from his school friends, and he's email is lawboy@??? (I couldn't make out the rest)
John Winchester is a Piss Ass Hunter / John Winchester's A+ Parenting (take your pick): "According too the lore" jokes aside, these early episodes are VERY lore focused. Dean comments on how every culture in the world has some kind of shapeshifter lore, and Sam lists off a few varieties. But from this conversation, it feels like neither of them has actually encountered a shapeshifter or possibly any of the things they're talking about. They certainly don't know the signs very will. Despite the fact that they've both known about the supernatural basically their entire lives, it seems like a lot of it isn't practical knowledge. Because John Winchester is a terrible hunter who actually only dealt with a select few types of monsters OR because John Winchester is a terrible father who raised his kids to be hunters but didn't actually teach them anything they needed to know. See also: Vampires
Dean wants a normal life: the shapeshifter, as Dean, knows his thoughts/memories/feelings, and uses it against Sam. While some of that could be made up just to torment him, it's very possible that most if not all is true. Dean wanted to go to college, but felt obligated to stay and help day. kms
Dean has major abandonment issues, (re: shifter dean; this comes from a somewhat unreliable source, but stands to reason as being truth) angry at Sam for leaving, angry at dad for leaving. Mad at Mary for leaving. This is an ongoing issue throughout the series.
This one could go under several of my self-imposed headers. Weird Wincest shit, Eyecandy Dean, etc. The shapeshifter says (to Sam) "it'll be a shame to lose this skin, you're brother's got a lot of good qualities" which immediately sounds like he's saying dean is well-endowed. Then he says "you should appreciate him more than you do" which is then just gross. What were they thinking.
Dean is a Closet Nerd: "Like a vulcan mind meld?"
Because now I'm paying close attention to it, who is the focus of the episode? I'll call this one mixed, because it's initially driven by Sam's past, but ultimately the episode feels it's about Dean.
Major Character Deaths: first one of the series! Sort of. Dean doesn't die, but legally speaking, he's dead.
Final thoughts: great music. Ridiculously disgusting shapeshifting.
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luvsdisc · 2 years
long post and random thought but i used to be jealous of people that didn’t have to work as soon as they were old enough to. like even now i have a hard time not being bitter about it but, esp since i job hopped so much while i was younger, building relationships with people from different backgrounds in different circumstances at different ages and being forced to work together is something really so special to have experienced throughout my youth through today. it’s something that’s hard to be replicated outside of the “unskilled workforce,” because even if you’re exposed to the variety of people, you’re not working /together/ with them for upwards 8 hours. and yes it sucks that i swear i’m so perpetually tired from laboring since i was in high school that no amount of rest will free my soul from exhaustion, and i would never romanticize staying at work til 11/12am only to go home and do homework then wake up at 6am for school sometimes 5 days a week, or failing exams in college because i needed money and had to pick up more hours at work thus had no time to study. but i’ve genuinely never really thought about how much these forced comraderies shaped me as a person which might sound stupid but lmao…. all this because i was thinking about my immigrant coworker who was older than both my parents telling me at 16 to stop apologizing so much for every little thing because i’ll burn out the word sorry and it’s meaning, something i took to heart that helped me build boundaries and stand up for myself more. workplace comradery is such a special thing
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kylo-hen · 4 years
Super Bloom Part 3
A/N: Sorry for the wait on this one, but she’s up! I’m slowly realizing my star wars encyclopedic phase was a long time ago and knowledge is beginning to seep out of my brain lmao. Hope you enjoy the extreme self indulgence in this because I have no self control
Kylo Ren X Soulmate!Reader (intergalactic soulmate AU)
Summary: Kylo takes you aboard his ship in attempts to acclimate you but how can he show you his life without revealing his demons?
Warnings: Fluff, lots and lots of fluff. Maybe 2 sentences worth of angst if you read into it.
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    The dinner was in a word, luxurious, a multitude of different foods some native to this planet others from far off planets in galaxies I had never heard of. There was casual conversation flowing between the elders and Kylo about trade agreements and protection orders. Kylo and I sat side by side at the table and I tried to listen and absorb as much information I could from the discussions.
    Kylo sat confidently, comfortably, next to me his gaze intimidating and relaxed as the men and women around us worked to appease our every need. Kylo’s lifestyle had no room for wanting, if the thought passes his mind it appeared before he even needs to voice it, I wondered how far the luxury extended from his power to mine.
    As the night waned until the moon was high in the atmosphere it’s light breaking through the branches of the grove behind the dining hall, the goblets we drank had run dry, stomachs full from the variety of courses served, and all conversation lulled into peace; Kylo stood. His new position called for the rest of the room to follow in his footsteps, and soon the whole room of dignitaries stood except for me. Kylo extended his hand out to mine, similar to the stance he had in the beginning of the evening. He pulled me gently to my feet, keeping me close to his side as he announced his departure for the night, reaching for his helmet and returning to the state I met him in. The elders surrounding the table bowed their heads in respect for the man at my side and the guards surrounding the room, the ones who had flanked the man the whole day, readied themselves for their new task.
    Kylo ushered me along, keeping a close eye on me even as we walked out of the temple in their secure formation then. The streets after dark housed new beauties for the festival. Large gatherings of people performing with sparks of fire, more loud boisterous music, and lanterns strung over the main stretch of road. Many people laughing, dancing, drunk and in love made whoops and hollers when they saw us passing through. No one dared get in the way of the important men and women the temple was honoring, but their intoxicated minds must celebrate us.
    Kylo seemed particularly tense on the way back, every interaction with the crowd left his senses tense and overloaded, his instincts not ready for the bold people lining the pavement. The shadow of darkness did not allow him any relief, the nature of the city allowing for many vulnerable places for people to strike.
    His tension only melted as we approached the edge of the city, where a large ship laid waiting for its leaders’ occupation. There were men in white armor and blasters stationed outside of the ship, as a walkway descended to the ground, creating an isle up to his world. More guards in white armor descended in two lines and I wondered where they were all coming from, or if they had been waiting all day for this.
   As Kylo led me aboard his ship I felt like I was transported into a different dimension altogether. I had never been anywhere but my small planet, I had barely left the city in all my life. The sleek and simple black and white design of this looked state of the art, unlike anything I have ever seen. There are a couple more people to greet us, him, when we boarded.
     “Supreme Leader!” one of the men addressed Kylo enthusiastically, “Your earlier message made it seem like you would not be returning tonight,” his tone laced with acidic uncertainty, “We weren’t expecting you so soon.”
    Kylo’s gaze hardened in an instant, “My movements do not concern you.” He spoke to the small man who fell back into his rank surrounded by the guards behind him. “Leave us, we’ll have no petty interruptions tonight officer.” With that Kylo made a dramatic turn away from the hoard welcoming us abord, and towards the hallway adjacent to us.
     I followed him quickly, not wanting to invade his space if he was upset but also not wanting to fall behind and be lost on his ship. After travelling down a corridor for some time he came to a stop at a barren doorway that opened without hesitation.
     His room was barren to say the least, it was gracious in dimension but lackluster in any personality. The sterile minimalism extended to all parts of his ship, I wondered if this ship was his home, somewhere he spent frequently and if it was there had been so sign of him before.
    Kylo removed his helmet as soon as the door was secured behind us both, his demeanor shifting to the relaxation under the sun this afternoon. He regarded me with a smile so soft and quick I almost missed it.  I had stepped into the threshold of the room but no further, not knowing how to fit into this part of his life yet. All of my comfort that I retained from this evening had slowly melted away, and it left behind the ebb and flow of the anxiety in my stomach. I stood as still as possible, only a dew steps into his room watching as he moved with definitive purpose, exactly the opposite of my floundering worry.
    He didn’t address me until he began to remove the intricate bindings of his outfit, starting with the secures on his wrist. He looked up and saw my tense fearful body awaiting his instruction with my eyes darting all places in his room before landing on him. He stopped his pursuit of comfort, changing direction to aide my own. The cogs turned in his head for a moment, true vulnerable uneasiness passed over his features as he tried to acclimate me to his world.
   “I had one of my knights bring your things, they should be in the closet,” He started with a practical steady tone, “You are welcome to explore.” He tried with less certainty, his façade falling further with every tactic.
    “Can you show me?” I asked, not recognizing my own voice as it came out of my mouth a foreign cadence that lilted like the music in the market after dark. That lilt must have washed over him like a warm breeze because the trepidation before melted away, a smile graced his features as he moved to show me the amenities aboard his quarters.  
   He spoke softly about the room, which switches controlled which light, stopping at a bare display of buttons that he explained called droids for various services at any time. He showed me the fresher, the small space itself completely foreign to anything I had ever seen. Kylo must have found delight in my ignorance because he refused to tell me how to work the dammed contraption, opting to let me figure it out myself. When I looked up at him in protest his eyes were shining down on mine, full of a joy and passion. There was a third emotion I couldn’t quite put my finger on, it was dark, misty, but not intimidating.
    He paused before moving on to show me the rest of the amenities, his hands coming to wrap around me, the first physical contact we’ve had since stepping on the ship. They snaked their way around settling on my back once I was pressed to his front. He tilted his head down, wordlessly asking for a kiss. I obliged tenfold, pushing up to meet his lips with desperation. My hands finding purchase on his cheeks.
    This man lit a fire in my bones, not being able to touch him, to hold him in my arms for as long as I had felt like walking in the desert without water. Now, with his lips pressed against mine, his large sturdy hands keeping me secure, his breathe breathing me new life, his soul intertwined with my own, I was drowning. No, I was basking in his passion for me, his need. His touch, even juvenile, had me floating far from the rest of the world.
     When Kylo pulls back I feel the lack of his heat immediately. The unpleasant contrast from the pure joy before forced a whine from my mouth before I could stop it. My hands dropping to his chest as he moves away from our tight embrace. He didn’t try to hide his amusement with a deep reverberating chuckle sliding out his lips which curled up into a light hearted smirk. His hands moving from my back to my neck, tilting my head up to meet his intense gaze.
     “Don’t get greedy now sweet girl.” He commanded softly, his gloved thumb skimming along my cheek sweetly contrasting his words.
    “I hardly think wanting a kiss from my soulmate is greedy.” I countered teasingly, fluttering my eye lashes and pushing my bottom lip out at him. His body visibly reacting to me calling him my soulmate. His cheeks flushed red and he leaned in like he was going to kiss me once again.
    His lips ghosted mine slowly, his hands keeping my head locked in place not that I would dare move when he was this close, “Say it again.” He asked, a new layer of vulnerability in play with him.
   “You’re my soulmate Kylo.” I whispered against his lips before he gently pressed us together again. Once again there was purpose, there was meaning, light all through my bones because of him. The man that deserved no less than the galaxy, and had it all and more, pressed against me in a fresher because out souls were connected to one another. I was vastly out of my playing field with this man and something about it made me feel like I was going to learn to run before I learned to walk.
    I pulled away from him this time, he hesitated, trying to regain his self-control before moving forward. His grip on my face loosening up as my hands explored his torso softly, trying not to cross any of his boundaries. “You’re…” He looked so conflicted, so lost, unable to say every thought in his head. His mind so jumbled that even one sentence was too difficult. I didn’t push him to say anything at all, he just shook his head and retreated to stand before me.
    “I need to use the fresher before we sleep.” I mumbled, sorry to be changing the subject before he could express what he was thinking. But the smile on his face made my heart shine, he welcomed the diversion away from whatever plagued his mind before.
    “I’ll lay some things out for you in the closet.” He offered, and with a swift kiss to my forehead he left me to my own devices to get clean.
    The fresher had an endless stream of hot water, I don’t think I had ever experienced anything close to this luxury. His soap smelled dark and musky like him, laced with spices that I had only smelled at the market before. The stream of water resetting my mind for the night, giving me time to realize that as enthralling as Kylo was, we needed to talk before doing anything too risqué. The steam that fogged the mirrors had cleared my mind from the soft caresses Kylo bestowed on me earlier.
    He held his promise, leaving out the set of night clothes I had packed and a towel for me. I took the time to ready myself for bed before I emerged into the bedroom. Kylo sat in the bed that looked much smaller with the large man on top of it. He had a datapad and was looking intensely down at the object. He didn’t hear me come in until the doors automatically skimmed shut behind me.
    Kylo’s eyes raked up my form only outfitted in the thin nightgown I’ve worn all of my adult life. He swallowed thickly, discarding the datapad on a shelf next to the bed an welcomed me to sit next to him. I moved slowly, not wanting to do anything that was odd to him or something that maybe only my planet did. It’s becoming clearer that he had a very different lifestyle than I was used to.
   Nevertheless, he pulled back the covers and welcomed me in his normal-sized, yet somehow small, bed. The lights overhead dimmed, but did not shut off and he laid down. At first, we laid separately, an awkward tension hung in the air, keeping us repelled from one another not wanting to break the boundaries. I made the first move, scooting closer to the middle of the bed, which was more like his side due to his large stature, hoping he would do the same.
    “I’ve never been in a bed this comfortable.” I admitted shyly looking up at him as he propped himself up to look down at me. His hand skimmed my arm softly up and down as we spoke.
    “This is nothing compared to my bed in Coruscant,” He began softly his voice lulling me once more into a comfortable serenity, “It’s much larger too, far too large for just myself.” He tested experimentally waiting my reaction.
     “Do you share your bed often supreme leader?” I asked half-teasing, half-terrified of the possible answer. He was handsome, there was absolutely nothing stopping him from taking a thousand different women before me. He could have a wife back home, he could have a concubine, I had never considered the possibility before now. My veins turned to ice while I watched him answer.
     “No,” he ended my spiral with definitive assurance. “There has not been much time for romance admittedly.” His confession is whispered shamefully into the air of the bed between us.
    “Fate has a funny way of changing your plans.” I looked up at him only to find he was already watching me, his eyebrows furrowed but his expression was curious. He was trying to find something in my features but he was not coming up with an answer. “Do you believe in fate?” I asked, startling him out of his concentration.
    “I believe in the force.” He countered, swerving around my question. I cared little about that, realizing what he said. The ancient force myths were rarely spoken of on my planet, and even more rare was it not used as a cautionary tale. The limited knowledge available at the library was biased, and my father kept many of the ‘radical’ copies out of my hands.
     I shot up in the bed, no longer able to stay peacefully laying with him, onto my knees to continue the conversation. “You believe in the force too!” I all but shrieked out excitedly, thrilled about the new avenues of conversation we could research and debate together. “My father always told me they were just old myths! He never let me put any real stock into the stories, but I knew it! If the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy believes it, it must be true!” I rambled out quite loud and quite fast and once I had come to take a breath and look at Kylo he was laughing.
     “Sweet girl,” He chuckled out, adjusting his position to a more active one on the bed, and lifting my chin to meet his gaze, “I don’t want to shock you, but I thought it was common knowledge.” He began.
      “What? The force? It’s hardly common here, no one had time for my fanciful tales anymore.” I rebutted, slightly irritated at the thought of so many people dismissing me and I was right the whole time. The only reason they dismissed me is because I was just a little girl to them. I then realized that I was probably just some ignorant little girl in Kylo’s eyes too. He was the supreme leader of the galaxy and my home planet didn’t even think the force was real. How was I supposed to be Kylo’s equal when I don’t know anything about life outside my own planet?
    “Sweet girl,” He cooed out, bringing my attention back onto him, “You were up in the clouds for a moment,” he shifted forward bringing me closer to him, “I thought you knew, the force is very real, and I am trained to yield it with the Sith lords among me.” He spoke soft in volume but hard in resolution creating an odd tone. Yet the only thing I could think of was that my soulmate, the absolute reflection and completion of myself was a Sith Lord. All the years of reading the myths, of understanding bits and pieces of these Jedi and Sith masters battling to the end of time over freedom and peace and justice now I had one right in front of me. I wondered if he could hear any of my thoughts. That brought me abruptly from my shocked state.
    “Can you really read my mind?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. His worried, and dare I say conflicted position, dropped with the mindless question and he huffed before explaining.
    “I can choose to know whatever I want about you sweet girl.” He spoke mysteriously. My excitement barely quelled by his non answer which forced me back to sitting, hoping he would elaborate. “I can enter your mind without your permission, but its painful. However, when you’re preoccupied with feelings, you project messages through the force, and I can hear those.” He explained slowly, allowing me to absorb the information he fed me by hand.
    “What kind of things have I projected?” I asked plainly.
     “In the library, when you saw me for the first time, I could hear your thoughts.” He spoke slowly with every word a new possibility for my brain to process. “Your thoughts are so pure, so strong my sweet girl.” He finished with a compliment, urging me towards him. I took the opportunity to lay my head on my chest, he countered by tracing my left hand with his right.
    “I don’t know much,” I felt the need to explain myself, “All of my knowledge comes from the books in the library, and most of is too old, or incredibly one sided.” I scoffed at the stances taken in most of the stories about the history of the Force. “You know, you’ve seen much more than I have, more than I ever thought possible.” I mumbled into the chisels of his chest.
     “I’m glad you’ve not seen what I have seen.” His voice holding secrets from demons he had yet to exorcise from his head. “I can’t promise that I tell you everything now, nor can I promise that you’ll like what I have been in my past. I can’t-“ His voice was shaking, his eyes glossed over with the look of a thousand defeats passing through.
     “Will you love me?” I interrupted him, shaking him from the dark road he was heading down, “Will you love me? And be loyal to me? And be patient while I try to learn?” I countered with the love that I knew was imprinted in my soul and matching on his, I don’t need riches, or adventures, or galaxies bowing down at our feet. The universe gave me this man for a reason, and I wasn’t going to give up because of his past. “Will you try?”
    The last one seemed to get his attention, his striking gaze hazed with unshed tears matching my gaze of unwavering support, “Yes.” He answered simply. Agreeing to not be a different man, but to be himself and try something new.
     “That’s all I need from you.” I reassured him, laying back down on his chest, listening to his heart beat calm slowly from the anxious beats before. His breathing slowed immensely, leading me to believe he could be asleep, but the lights weren’t quite off, nor were his hands quite still.
     Just as I was drifting off to sleep, in the odd stage of awake and away his voice rumbled through his chest, had I not been using him as a pillow I’m certain I would have missed it. “Marry me?” it was soft, a timid ask from the man that lay beneath me.
    “Kylo?” I called out, mostly looking for clarification. It wasn’t odd that he wanted to get married to me, not at all. Most couples, after finding their soulmate, got married quickly, not wanting to part from one another. My sister married her soulmate within a week of meeting him, my parents within the month. It wasn’t odd for me, but from what I knew that was hardly the case outside of my world. I didn’t want him to ask for my sake, I wanted him to ask because he wants to marry me.
     “I promise I will try; I will be patient and teach you what you want to know, I will be loyal to you, I-“ he broke off, his voice faltering, but regaining it’s strength, “I will love you.” He stated, confident in his own feelings for the first time. His fingers stilled on my back, waiting for my response.
     “I will love you too Kylo.” I spoke softly, gripping my hand on his arm, bracing myself to look at him. He looked terrified, vulnerable, but he saw me and he looked happy.  “I will marry you.” And despite the long days ahead, and the seemingly endless amount of things I had left to learn about the world that lay before us at our feet, all I could think about is how quickly the man had taken every part of my heart and soul by storm.
    I am completely and irrevocably his and he is completely and irrevocably mine.
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clayandstuff · 3 years
Becho Musings Part 2
Some more musings about Becho while simultaneously addressing unfounded blorke takes that make my blood boil and have no basis in reality. Focusing on S5 and on since I’ve already covered Becho’s relationship before they got together, this will look at them specifically as a couple. Posting this for posterity on my blog.
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Not to accidentally validate any of these blorke claims by talking about them or giving them attention, but they’re so easily debunked by canon I can’t help myself... 
Garbage take #1
Echo is just following Bellamy, she doesn’t love him, he is her King, they have a spy/king dynamic (lmao this isn’t even a real thing like wtf does this mean? You can tell blorkes are pressed about the knight/princess racist trope their ship falls into but you can’t just make things up! What a sad, misguided attempt to create a false equivalence between bellarke and Becho. A spy/king dynamic is literally not a thing - and unsurprisingly, it doesn’t accurately represent the relationship between Bellamy and Echo at all - but nice try I guess), Echo is only looking for someone to follow and take orders from, etc. 
There’s so much to break down in this hot garbage take:
Before I get into absolutely destroying this hot garbage, let’s quickly address how the subtle framing of these “arguments” purposefully doesn’t acknowledge Bellamy’s feelings for Echo. Attempting to discredit Becho by designating Echo as a follower deliberately disregards Bellamy’s active role in his relationship and his feelings for her. Bellamy loves Echo and that’s clear throughout the show, but it’s wonderfully vocalized on screen multiple times in S5. Bellamy considers Echo his family (5x01 “we’re family and nothing can change that”) and it’s explicitly verbalized in 5x07 (”Our friends are there. People we love”) and once again in 5x12, from Clarke herself, when she told Echo “Bellamy loved you”. So, ya know, Bellamy loves Echo. That’s not debatable.
So first off, Echo’s relationship with Bellamy is not at all like her relationship to the Azgeda royal family (who she was in servitude of and essentially employed by). This is one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen and I’m not sure how anyone can logically come to that conclusion? (Which is mainly due to the fact that this claim is made in bad faith and isn’t actually based on logic or what we’ve seen in canon, but I digress). Not to mention Echo refers to Roan and Nia with honorifics and obviously does NOT do that with Bellamy, seriously wtf show are blorkes watching... Being loyal or devoted to someone does not mean the same thing for every relationship. Context matters. People can be loyal to each other for a variety or reasons, family/survival/clan/duty/temporary alliance/self-preservation/etc. Echo's never even hugged Roan, that already contextually makes her relationship with Bellamy very different from her relationship with Roan. Being devoted to someone because it's your job to protect the royal family (as a member of the Queen's guard and spy for the Ice Nation) is not the same as being devoted to someone because you are in love with them, in a romantic relationship with them, and want to keep them safe because they’re precious to you. Hello?? 
The other glaring inaccuracy with this garbage take is that Echo is not someone who just follows people or orders. That’s never been her character. She is a soldier, like Bellamy - but even when she was loyal to Azgeda she was never just a good little follower. She singlehandedly took control of Polis for Azgeda and commanded the entire Azgeda army in Roan’s absence. She doesn’t sit around waiting for people to give her orders or tell her what to do next. That’s simply contradictory to what we’ve actually been shown on the show. Mischaracterizing her as such is nothing more than a blorke ploy to minimize (and outright ignore) her strengths and agency as a character, intentionally erasing the fact that she is a brilliant strategist, skilled warrior, and a trusted political confidant. 
Also, did blorkes forget that she’s literally a goddamn spy?! Being a spy is not the job for a follower who can’t think for themselves and needs someone to take orders from. A spy is given a mission and it’s up to them alone to make it happen. There’s actually an enormous amount of freedom and trust given to a spy. No one gives you step-by-step instructions to achieve your goal. You are literally on your own, often in enemy territory, having to think on your feet, adapt, and come up with a plan to get the job done. Oops embarrassing they forgot she’s a spy (it’s laughable to watch S7 and think she would ever actually betray her friends. She. Is. A. Spy. Infiltration is her job - we even saw her successfully infiltrate Diyoza’s camp in S5 and Diyoza herself actually admits she “got played” by Echo - CMON. Loyalty is her defining characteristic. PAY ATTENTION)
Calling her a follower is such a gross mischaracterization. Just look at her relationship with Roan (her actual King). She constantly argues with him, gives him push back, and even insinuates that he’s weak (to his face) on more than one occasion (in 4x01 when she flat out tells him “we can’t afford for our people to think you’re weak” and he gets offended enough to call her out on it, and then again when she’s sparring with him in 4x02 and offers to take his place once she knocks him on his ass). She doesn't even follow orders all that well if we're being honest (bless her little panda heart). She's the one who tells Roan to "send me to Arkadia" when she thinks Skaikru isn't being honest. She's the one telling Roan, the king, what to do! Not only does he let her talk to him like that, he actually values what she has to say. 
Furthermore, the one time we see Roan actually give her a direct order (to bring Octavia back alive) Echo ends up NOT doing that (lol). She isn’t afraid to speak her mind or make her own decisions. One of her biggest character defining moments (that gets her banished from her clan) is when she decides to act of her own volition and go directly behind Roan’s back, to cheat in the conclave. No one ordered her to do that, it was all her. And there’s also all of the S7 Bardo Disciples plot which further proves that Echo isn’t just some mindless follower (cough cough Bellamy with the Shepard cough cough and Pike...). She’s always been her own person who thinks for herself and does what she believes is best for her people. (Even as far back as her introduction in S2 when she realizes Bellamy is Skaikru but still decides to trust and work with him in Mt. Weather. She also silences all those grounders in the cages with a single command and they ALL shut up and obey her, but sure yeah she’s just a follower 🙄🙄🙄)
So now that we’ve established how she interacts with Roan, let’s look at how she interacts with Bellamy. I’ve already detailed their attitude towards each other before they get together here, but now let’s look at how they act as a couple. 
In S5, we see in their first scene together that they are very affectionate towards one another (so much kissing, arm rubbing, smiling, and forehead touching) as they mutually comfort each other. Echo is apprehensive about things changing on the ground because of Octavia and the fact that she’s still banished, but Bellamy makes an effort to get her to smile (even going so far as to joke about her “almost killing” his sister and him being more stubborn than Octavia. He gets her to laugh with him and even exclaims “good!” once she finally relaxes and smiles). He also tells her “we’re family and nothing can change that” - very different from her relationship with Nia (who Echo bowed down to when in her presence) who used Echo as spy/weapon of war, and Roan, who cast her out after using her political knowhow to effectively lead. Then on the Eligius ship in 5x03 they get their battle couple on by working together and fighting side-by-side to take out the prisoner who woke up. Later in that same episode, they jointly come up with a plan to deal with the cryo-sleeping prisoners that isn’t just murdering them (ultimately utilizing Echo’s plan to use them as leverage since Bellamy doesn’t want to kill them and Echo knows that it’s a strategic mistake to leave their enemy with reinforcements if they can stop it). When they don’t agree on something, they always talk it through and compromise (a sign of a healthy and mature relationship, where both people are regarded as equals and their input is valued). 
Also, Echo was the one who came up with the plan to counter McCreary’s forces when he’d stolen Diyoza’s battle plans. Echo and Bellamy share a voiceover as they both relay the plan simultaneously to their separate groups. Once Bellamy finishes explaining, Octavia says to him “tell Echo I said well done”, giving Echo credit and acknowledging the fact that this is indeed Echo’s idea. Can someone kindly point me to where Echo is being a follower waiting patiently to be given her orders from her “King”?? Because as far as I can tell that never actually happens...
Side note, anyone else remember how blorkes were irate that Echo was the one leading Spacekru at the end of s5. They complained that it didn’t make sense for Echo to be in charge because “Raven was smarter” and Echo was being “so bossy”. Let’s just take a moment to acknowledge the contradictory nature of the arguments “Echo is so bossy and leading Spacekru” but also “she’s just a follower with a spy/king dynamic to Bellamy”. She can’t be both 🤣 stick to a story please. (Also, I LOVE Raven so this is in no way me shading Raven, she’s amazing and brilliant). Bonus: when the show runner is sick of your garbage takes and calls you out
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To reiterate, the contradictory claims and clear disregard for facts and the truth of the show just further proves that their “complaints” are made entirely in bad faith. They are rejecting reality and demonstrate no comprehension of canon - their garbage takes should not hold any weight and are merely a form of lashing out because they’re upset their fanon ship never happened.
Getting back on topic...
So, S5 is where Becho are canonically established as a romantic relationship and the audience gets to see, for the first time, how they interact after 6 years in space and falling love. (Can I just point out that the entire purpose of a time jump is to have our characters change and be in emotionally new and different places - it’s a storytelling device to change the status quo and shake things up - it’s perfectly acceptable to have Becho get together during it given their history with one another. I address this in more detail later so we’ll put a pin in this for now)
Once they get down to the ground, Bellamy fights for Echo (both figuratively and literally) with Octavia and at every turn he doubles down on his love for Echo. To summarize, Echo won’t turn in the defectors and is willing to be banished for it, leaving Bellamy to stay in Polis with Octavia so he can still have a relationship with his sister. However, Bellamy won’t let Echo do that. He doesn’t want her to leave and he doesn’t want to be apart from her. He offers to defect with her! He would chose to give up his relationship with Octavia and Clarke (who he just found out was alive and reunited with) to be with Echo. Echo doesn’t like that plan because she doesn’t want Bellamy to be in harm’s way. She even tells him “we’ve been through this. You’re not going with me” to which he responds “like hell I’m not!” and she tells him “you are not dying for me”. Bellamy seems inconsolable at the thought of her leaving and can’t even look Echo in the eye when he’s telling her that he’ll be in the rover and it’ll only take him a few days to get to her, and once again Echo comforts and reassures him. 
While Echo is at Diyoza’s camp trying to take down the eye, Bellamy has been staring at the monitor nonstop for 8 hours waiting for any change or sign that Echo made it there safely. Harper has to come in and tell him "you've been staring at that all night" and to “go, get some sleep”, knowing that if left on his own he would emotionally exhaust himself worrying about Echo and her safety indefinitely. Bellamy responds that the eye should be down by now and even says that he "wishes it was me over there". (This line reminds me of when he took her place in Mt. Weather to get bled in the harvest chamber. He is always willing to put himself in her place if it means getting her out of danger - he loves her and would do whatever it takes to keep her out of harm’s way). 
Eventually Bellamy marches through the desert and carries Echo’s sword for her. He even sits by the fire and holds onto her sword because he can’t reach out and hold Echo (meanwhile Echo is being comforted by Emori that she’ll be together with Bellamy soon - I love a good yearning parallel!). When they reunite at the end of the season, they hug, grip each other tightly, and stay pressed together just being in each other’s embrace (again, this is NOT how she acted with Roan or Nia... this is a romantic relationship, and it's obviously played out on screen very differently. Echo never received a singe bit of comfort - physical or otherwise - from anyone in Azgeda). 
Before they get out of the rover after rescuing Octavia, the minute Echo and Bellamy are reunited, Bellamy reaches out for Echo's hand and holds it (a callback to earlier in the season when he was reaching out for and grabbing onto her sword in her absence). Then they battle-couple-it-up again and take out the gunners making it possible for Wonkru to march through the gorge. They are equals (and partners) on and off the battle field.
S5 ends with Bellamy staring at Echo in cryosleep, yearning for her once again. And in S6 right off the bat they compromise with each other to get things done. The planet is dangerous and Bellamy doesn’t want to take fighters but Echo counters that it might be a mistake not to bring their to best fighters (Echo vouches for Octavia here) and Bellamy doesn’t want Octavia to come so instead he agrees to wake up Miller - another compromise where they make decisions together and work as a team. In S6 we also see in real-time Echo opening up to Bellamy and trusting him enough to let him in to her traumatic past, strengthening their relationship (directly in front of the audience) as Bellamy promises “from now on, we look forward not back” and comforts her with a loving forehead touch and a kiss. 
Bellamy and Echo both come up with the plan to rescue Clarke from Josephine (Echo directly gives Bellamy the go ahead to “go save Clarke” while she stays back and saves the rest of their friends after they set off the EMP taking down the radiation shield). While Bellamy is in the forest, he expresses regret and worry for Echo explicitly two separate times (Bellamy asks Clarke “what about the people I left behind” and Clarke assures him his actions helped to keep Echo specifically (as well as Madi) safe. He has another separate conversation with Octavia about Echo where Octavia reassures him that “Echo’s strong” and “she’ll be okay”). Bellamy also gets more reassurance from Murphy, who informs him that “Echo is in trouble” but he’ll “do what [he] can for her”. He tries to console Bellamy because Bellamy is currently captured and can’t get to her to help. Once Bellamy returns from his mission in the forest, he sees Echo smiling right at him and he sprints into her arms, hugging her desperately and smiling into her shoulder with his eyes closed. Becho is a loving, healthy, mature relationship filled with trust and mutual respect, where both people are treated as equals.
So yeah, no follower spy king dynamic BS. Equal partners in love.
Garbage take #2 
Becho is toxic because he got mad at her and called her a spy, etc.
 Blorkes love to incorrectly imply that Bellamy’s little outburst in 6x04 at the party means that “Becho is toxic”. Well, if you actually watch the rest of the episode you’d see that there was a loving resolution to this “fight” 🙄
As Echo is walking away from Bellamy at the party, Bellamy instantly hangs his head in regret. He then immediately goes to find her and apologizes. He tells her “I’m a jerk. I was taking my feelings about Octavia out on you” and “I’m sorry”. Then we see Echo open up to him about her past and would you look at that! Their romantic relationship is being explicitly developed on screen! The trust! The love! The tears in Bellamy’s eyes as he listens (it hurts him just to hear what she’s been through)! The way he gets up on his bad leg (thanks Clarke) and goes to comfort her, kisses her head before he even sits down and tells her “Everything we’ve been through has brought us here. From now on, we look forward, not back”, fully committed to her and reaffirming that they’re in this together. Then Bellamy touches his forehead to Echo’s, but that’s not close enough so they kiss to be together. Their love is so palpable. 
Show me where this is toxic??? Because it’s not and you can’t just say things. Words have meaning. I don’t understand how anyone can deny that lovingly resolving a misunderstanding only strengthens Becho. Getting in disagreements/arguments is part of every relationship. Becho having one (one-sided) “fight” doesn’t make them toxic. Especially when Bellamy immediately goes to apologize, knows that what he did was wrong and wasn’t fair, and they talk about their feelings and work through it together. That’s like the exact opposite of being toxic.
It's fine not to ship them, but there's no need to be willfully obtuse about canon or what the show presents. Their romantic relationship is not toxic and is arguably the healthiest one on the show.
Garbage take #3
Becho’s development happened off screen, Becho has no development, etc.
In season 5 Bellamy and Echo are revealed to be in a romantic relationship. I’ve already addressed how the ‘no development’ claim is just a blatant lie, so I won’t repeat myself here (you can just read about it in my other post which was previously linked). But let’s talk about why this “argument” is also pretty garbage and is once again made in bad faith.
S5 is THE definitive Becho season (and it absolutely slaps). Blorkes couldn’t accept that Becho were a couple because they intentionally chose to ignore all of their previous development and then had the nerve to (falsely) claim that it all happened off screen. (Which is blatantly untrue, but even if it was true - quick reminder that “lack of development” doesn’t seem to be an issue for Marper - it’s just a problem for Becho 🙄 even though most of S4 was explicitly focused on developing Bellamy and Echo’s relationship while Harper and Monty had sex once and then were instantly a couple...hypocrites 🤷). It’s the flagrant refusal to accept what’s being shown on screen that bothers me. You don’t need to make up lies and spread asinine comments about the characters - you can just acknowledge that the show is going down a route you don’t personally like. You don’t need to twist yourselves into a pretzel to justify your preferred ship. Just be honest about what’s really upsetting you.
I’ll admit that it’s fair to say you wished we could have seen more of their development becoming explicitly romantic, but the ground work is absolutely there and to say there’s NO development and that it all happened off screen (ala Gina the walking plot device who didn’t exist as a character until she showed up as Bellamy’s gf for all of 5 mins before getting killed off) is just simply untrue. And while I’m addressing genuine criticism/complaints, it’s definitely frustrating that we never got to see any flashbacks of the Ring during S5 despite getting to see both Clarke and the Bunker during the 6 year jump. Thankfully, we did eventually get to see Becho’s first kiss flashback (swoon 🥰) in S7 but even without explicitly seeing Spacekru flashbacks during S5, all of Becho and Spacekru’s interactions throughout the season made it perfectly clear how much they all loved each other and were a family. The writing and character interactions easily convey to the audience Spacekru’s closeness and tightknit bond and it was a joy to watch. Because Octavia becomes Blodreina, you need to see at least some of how that happened, so we get bunker flashbacks. And Madi is an entirely new character, so we have to see how she met Clarke. But it’s actually not that big of a leap to get to romantic Becho since it was clearly set up (we also don’t see Memori break up, but again it’s not a big leap to understand why they would given the explanation we got), so Spacekru flashbacks aren’t actually necessary although they would have been greatly appreciated.
Garbage take #4
Bellamy doesn’t care about Echo and abandoned her for Clarke
This is somehow the narrative blorkes like to perpetuate about S6, but again this is completely factually incorrect. If what they are referring to is Bellamy going to get Josephine out of Clarke’s body while Echo stays back and looks after everyone else, it still makes no sense. There is no reading of the show in which this garbage claim has any basis. Bellamy would never willingly leave Echo behind (splitting up to take care of something they previously established they were going to do is not abandoning her 🙄x50).
Here’s what is actually happening in that scene: Echo is the one who tells Bellamy that she will stay and “keep the others safe”, and that he should “go save Clarke”. (keep in mind that saving Clarke actually isn’t the end goal of what they are trying to do here anyway. They are trying to get Josephine’s mind drive to use as leverage with Russell so that their people can have a place to live). Echo told him to go because the alarms were going off and they needed to get Josephine to Gabriel instead of waiting for Jackson to get to them and take out the mind drive. Context fucking matters. Blorkes just love to twist anything onscreen to fit their agenda and it just ends up making them look delusional.
As for “Bellamy not caring about Echo”, show me where????? S6 gave us one of their softest and sweetest scenes (as well as a fireside cuddle) that begs to differ. All of S5 begs to differ. Hell, all of S4 begs to differ too. In fact, the entire goddam show begs to differ. Bellamy “sprint into the arms of my girlfriend Echo” Blake begs to differ. This garbage take has no basis in canon. It’s once again just another bad faith claim by blorkes who are hardcore projecting. Because guess what? Not caring about the other person is exactly the way Clarke feels (or more accurately doesn’t) about Bellamy. Clarke left Bellamy to die in Polis in S5. Clarke physically slapped him in his face. This is canon. That’s THEIR ship, that’s not how Bellamy feels about Echo.
Blorkes like to say Becho don’t have any scenes together, but they’re really just so tilted that Echo gets her own plotlines every season, has relevance to the story, and actually isn’t solely defined by her relationship with Bellamy. She can’t be “just Bellamy’s girlfriend” while blorkes claim that “Becho doesn’t even have any scenes together“. Those are two contradictory statements guys... again, stick to a story please. So we have Schrödinger’s Echo, who is somehow both “just Bellamy’s girlfriend” and also “doesn’t have any scenes with him”. Give me a break. Neither of these statements are true and they’re honestly just dumb. It makes blorkes furious that Echo gets narrative focus each season, so they decide to twist that into “she and Bellamy don’t share any scenes”. But guess what? Queen gets both 👑. She can cuddle by the fire with her little spoon boyfriend and also spread the seeds of revolution while sniping at Russel with her bow and arrow during an execution to save her family and friends.  
Also to the people who think S6 was so good for bellarke
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Why didn’t Bellamy actually realize that Clarke wasn’t Clarke. Josephine reveals herself to him, he didn’t figure it out 🥴 (Echo was able to piece it together though, so Clecho Endgame I guess)
At the naming day lantern thing, Clarke tells Bellamy that she “lost sight” of him (supposedly) being important to her. She tells him that he is her family too (which he doesn’t verbalize back oop) and she won’t forget it. How nice that that’s something Clarke COULD forget and that she said that to his face 🥴
Bellamy is oblivious that Josephine is impersonating Clarke, so much so that when he hears her say “chill out” to Gaia, he repeats back “chill out? Happiness looks good on you”. He can’t even tell that’s not Clarke and he actually thinks she looks happy 🥴
Why was Bellamy completely unfazed, not jealous at all, and totally cool with Clarke having sex with Cillian. He even says “I take it you had fun with the doctor?” and Josephine!Clarke says back “let’s just say it’ll be a while until he recovers” and Bellamy couldn’t care less that “Clarke” is talking to him about her sexcapades with other people. There’s no angst or jealousy or longing looks or sadness lsdjsdkf. He’s genuinely happy for her. Then he makes an “ugh TMI” face and turns away. As if the thought of Clarke having sex in general is uncomfortable. Great blarke content, much romance  🥴
When Josephine has control of Clarke’s body she flirts with Murphy (and not Bellamy... a huge L in the metastory)
When Josephine is in Clarke’s mind and has access to all of her innermost thoughts and feelings - there’s no mention of any hidden or repressed romantic feelings for Bellamy (but we do get Josephine taunting Clarke about an actual love interest - “it’s why you cry when you think of Lexa”). Where was all this good blarke content guys?? 😩
The crumbs were extra stale in S6 if you ask me... almost as if the story between Bellamy and Clarke is, in fact, not a romance  🥴 🥴 🥴
Becho as a couple are emotionally supportive of one another, unshakably stable, communicative, open, and loving. They support each other, they fight for each other, and they absolutely cherish each other. Whoops looks like I accidently wrote a thesis paper (and I’m sure I still managed to leave a bunch of stuff out). Thankfully, the show is the show. And it will always be about canon romantic Becho. And blorkes can die mad about it while we rewatch and enjoy the show to our heart’s content 😊
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calumthoodshands · 3 years
I feel like you’re the kinda person that reads a lot of fics, so like what’s your opinion on platonic relationships in fics? And do you have any recs cause I need somee lmao
I appreciate you for assuming that because i do love reading fanfictions i just wish i could read more because i currently don’t have too much time in between school and writing myself which is sad hm
My opinion on platonic realtionships that’s an interesting ask!! I really do love romantic fics but every once in a while i love me some good ass brotp and I think the last one i read was ‘I think you’re my best friend’ by Emmybazy on Ao3 (can recommend it was really really amazing to read just an unexpected ending but the whole fic makes up for it i thought about that fic for like three weeks afterwards :’) ) i haven’t really read a fic about a purely platonic ship i think? It’s rather rare ig
Well if you’re talking about platonic relationships in genereal in fics then i’d say that they can really add to a fic because they make it all more authentic and takes the focus from the main couple so that it’s not always full-on the whole time yk what i mean? Also makes the characters more authentic because you have romantic and platonic interactions which shows different sides of the character (i’m not sure if this is what you asked if not feel free to ask again) but yeah
Oh fic recs! I feel like i’m gonna disappoint with variety cause I’m fairly new to this fandom but here you go anyway (they’re all Cake i don’t really do x reader, hope that’s what u were going for but i’m gonna assume you did):
First if all my favourite fic up until today: the flatmate arrangement by @kaleidoscopeminds (same url on Ao3)
Also her fic He Did Ballet on Ao3
Also her meet you in the back under exit lights on Ao3 (I’m exposing my whole fangirl ass here... you should just read all of her stuff really it’s all so good she has other pairings as well (including atl i think?))
Working Fine, No Glitches and inches away by @staticsounds (thanks @clumsyclifford for correcting me) as galacticsugar on Ao3, she also has a lot of other cake fics and other pairings as far as i can remember i bet they’re all just as amazing just try them all, they’re on my to-read-list heh
Baby You’re a Work of Art by @pixiegrl as Fayehunter also on Ao3 (this one is very beautiful and fluffy and cute)
also @clumsyclifford aka bellawritess on Ao3 her writing on tumblr was pretty convincing for me so far so you could check her out as well
Then as i already mentioned I think you’re my best friend by Emmybazy which isn’t exactly romantic but really stuck with me
And i think’s that’s where my knowledge ends, sadly i’m still digging my way in, i’m a very picky reader to be fair :D but small warning you’re gonna have high standards after all of these so be aware
EDIT: hell yeah there i remembered!! @cakelftv has some cake too and i think their @ on Ao3 is humanluke!! Check them out as well i’ve read several on tumblr here and they were all really good!!
If you want smut recs send a separate ask for that i have a few i could spare
If you’re brave there’s even a good fic on Wattpad called forced it’s from imagineuphoria (literally the only good thing that site has to offer but you didn’t hear that from me)
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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