#everyone else just keeps erasing all more messy bits and im so tired :(
bloodybellycomb · 1 year
Time and time again, the internet will claim to want more "unhinged" female characters but the moment a female character does (1) one thing that is slightly immoral or even just a bit questionable, everyone loses their collective minds and they start writing like 100-page dissertations on why she is "bad representation" and how she will "set a negative example"
And it becomes abundantly clear that when some people say they want "unhinged" female characters, what they really mean is they want a totally normal girl who just looks like she shops at hot topic
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (14)
Jaebum AU Series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen 
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pairing: im jaebum x reader genre: angst, romance, mature, drama plot: you are getting bullied and jaebum decides to help you  a/n: i got too drunk and i have no idea what i’ve written. not edited. hope y’all like it.i was going to write another part, but i think i’d rather go cry 
Everything is spinning when you wake up. Your head feels heavy, your throat so dry it hurts to swallow and a sour taste remains in your mouth. You felt your head hammer against your skull as your tummy unsettles uncomfortably as the urge to be sick threatens you. 
But nothing happens. You don’t vomit, you don’t reach for the water bottle. You don’t even move your body as the uncomfortable position pushes against your spine. You lay on your bed, sideways, staring at the wall as your mind raced and blanked all at once. 
You wished the memories of last night would have been erased. You wished you had experienced a blackout like everyone else in movies and books. But alas, you remembered everything, everything so clearly you would paint each and every second that happened. 
Jaebum had kissed someone. 
But then Jaebum was also there for you and got you home. 
That was probably just him being a good friend. 
A good friend; after all thats what you both were. 
You groaned closing your eyes as your headache increased. You tried shutting your eyes and burying yourself beneath your blanket to hid from the pain and memories, but it didn’t help with both. 
After a few minutes of defeat, you got up chugged a few gulps of water. You didn’t stop and kept moving because you knew once you stopped you’ll be filled with pain. Pain from the memories and from the spliting headache. 
You stood outside Jaebum’s door. It was a bit past noon. 
The pain in your head was refusing to go, and you couldn’t do much about it. But you could do something about the one you were pushing back. 
You didn’t want to hide from Jaebum. You didn’t want to ruin this friendship between the two of you. 
You love him; there is no denying that. You have loved him from the moment you had seen him. You continued to love him as your heart was yanked from your chest. And you love him now as you stand outside his door step with your bleeding heart. 
But you didn’t want to lose him. 
You wanted him in your life no matter what role he filled. He meant so much more than a simple crush to you. He meant so much that you could look past your aching heart and a blinded kiss. 
You reached up and were about to knock on the door, but decided to ring the bell instead. 
You heard heavy footsteps rush towards the door, before the door swang open revealing Jaebum. 
He looked like a mess. Probably more than you even though you had a such a rough night. 
He must’ve just stepped out of the shower, you guessed, as you took in his wet hair. It was slick back like last night, and it made your heart twist more.
It wrenched as you took in his puffy dark eyes, dim with dark circles surrounding them. His straightened shoulders slumping, as his whole body rigid  posture melted away as he took you in. His lips parted in shock, his eyes widening and something glistened in them, but you didn’t try to read it. 
Jaebum seemed relieved to have you at his door step, but shocked, at once. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it deciding against it. He stood there gaping and closing his lips unsurely like a fish making you chuckle. 
You pushed away everything you felt from yesterday, and smiled at him shaking your head. Before wincing as the headache seemed to worsen by the movement. 
“Do you have anything for a headache?” You walked into the apartment leaving him at the doorway. Jaebum’s body followed you like a magnet turning wherever you did; feet coming closer to you no matter which was you turned. 
“Or should I say a hungover?” You gave him an excited look raising your eyebrows. “Damn, is this a hangover? This sucks.”
Jaebum continued to stare at you wide-eyed. He stood infront of you. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything. He just kept his gaze on you, as you tried not to notice. 
“Jae,” you shot him an impatient look, “I swear my head is going to explode. Please help me.” 
You tried to keep light and friendly. Like none of last night happened. You wanted to move past it. You want to treat it all like a bad dream and pretend that it didn’t happen. 
When Jaebum didn’t move, your voice softened as you focused on him. You didn’t want to say it out loud. It would make it all too real. it would be like you were back there; in that room with Jaebum under her, her lips on his. 
“Jae,” you whispered. Please. I don’t want to do this. Please, let’s just move past this and pretend last night didn’t happen.
Jaebum sighed in defeat as if he could hear every word and went off into the kitchen. You settled onto the sofa, as Tuesday snuggled into your feet. 
“Hi, Tee,” you cooed, lifting him up onto your lap. “How have you been?” 
He didn’t reply. Instead he moved up and snuggled himself against your neck. He was hugging you. 
You casted your eyes on the ceiling to stop the tears that threatened. You stroked his soft grey fur as you brought your face closer to him, snuggling back into him. 
“Thank you, buddy,” you whispered. 
It didn’t matter how okay you act. You still felt raw. You still felt like your heart hung bleeding out of your chest exposed to the whole world. You still felt stupid. You still felt so tired that you wanted to curl up into a ball and hide away from everything. 
“Here,” Jaebum settled a tray infront of you. He sat beside you, as he picked up a tablet and a glass of water. “Have this, first. The tea is still hot.” 
You removed yourself from Tuesday, as you held out your palm to him. He placed the tablet on it, his fingertips brushing your soft skin and you tried to ignore it. 
But you failied. 
Your tummy flipped, as your heart skipped a beat. 
You took the glass, making sure you don’t touch him and gulped it down with the pills. 
“What kind of tea is it?” You were talking more than normal, but you would rather talk about the colour of the wooden floor of his apartment then sit in silence and guess what’s going on in his mind. 
“Lemon and honey,” he replied gently. His eyes looked at you, but they didn’t meet your eyes. They studyed your fidgetting hands on your lap, the puffiness of your cheeks. The reddness of your lips, nose and cheeks. The way your chest rose and fell, the movement of your neck as your nervously swallowed. 
The messiness of your hair as you had pulled it into a bun away from your face. How that once strand of hair fell against your cheek, and how he wanted to tuck it behind your ear. 
How he wanted to feel the softness of your skin. To run his fingertips over your velvetness. How he wanted to hold your nervous hands in his. How he wanted to look into your eyes. How he wanted to kiss you once to erase all the memories from last night, and then a thousand times more to create new ones. Good ones you both were proud and happy off. 
His eyes landed on your knees, and his jaw hardened. 
The scrapes from last night left your skin broken and red. 
“Does it hurt?” He asked, keeping his eyes on your knees. 
Your eyes snapped at him surprise. You didn’t know what he was talking about. Did he mean your heart? Why would he want to know? What to you say?
“No.” You lie, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Jaebum meets your gaze, but looks away instantly as if it burned him. 
“It looks like it would hurt,” He pointed to your knees this time as he got up. “I’ll go get the first aid.” 
You got up with him. You bit your nails into your palm. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” you told him, “but, if you want to, I’ll come to the bathroom with you.” 
Jaebum smiled at that. 
“Right,” he tried holding it back, but couldn’t. He shook his head at you. “You and your proper locations.”
Jaebum had learned a pet-peeve of yours was doing activities in places where they did not need to happen. For example, dressing wounds in the living room; especially where you both ate. It made sense, but your rigidness and physicial pain on your face made Jaebum find it more adorable than logical. 
Jaebum led you into the bathroom. You sat on the toilet after putting the cover down. 
He pulled out the box and turned towards you. 
“I can do it myself,” you held out your hand. You didn’t know if you could handle caring Jaebum. “I can reach it.”
Jaebum hesitated. And then he held out the box. 
Just as you were about to grab it he pulled it away. 
“Let me do this,” he said softly, as he bent down infront of you. “Let me do something for you.” 
“You do so much for me already,” you whispered, just as soft. You winced as Jaebum rubbed alcohol on the broken skin. 
Jaebum looked up at you, before blowing on your knees softly as he continued. 
He shook his head after as he reached for the ointment. 
“It’s not enough,” Jaebum said, his jaw hard but his words so faint it almost disappeared. “It’s nothing compared to what you do for me.”
You shook your head as you felt them begin to burn and water. 
“I’ve done nothing for you, Jaebum,” you told him, your voice harder, stronger making him stop and look at you. “I haven’t done a single thing for you. But you have. You’ve done so much for me. 
“You helped me. You reached out. You made me happy. You adopted a kitten because I asked. You let me cook and eat with you. You became my friend. You tried to help me at school. You cheered me up. You took care of me. You took me to my first party-” 
You stopped, and bit your lip at that. Jaebum looked away, and cast his eyes on the ground ashamed. 
“The point is,” you sighed as you put your hands on the sides of his face and turned him to look at you. “Im Jaebum, you have done so much for me. So don’t ever feel like that.” 
You felt Jaebum’s jaw harden, as removed himself from your hold. 
“But I hurt you.” 
“Jae,” you sighed. 
Jaebum angrily ripped out two bandages from its wrapper before placing them on your knees. 
“I hurt you. I made you cry.”
“Jaebum, I-” 
“It doesn’t matter what you say,” he cut you off curtly. “I hurt you, and no matter how many things you think I may have done for you; none of them can make up for the tears I’ve caused you.”
You stared at Jaebum as you sat unmoving. Your heart shivered as emotions ran vivid through your veins. Your mind with a million thoughts as you looked at Jaebum. Your felt your heart crack a little more as you took in his defeated stance. 
“Jaebum,” you whispered, as your hands gently fell onto your lap. Jaebum didn’t look at you. HIs hard eyes continue to be focused somewhere beyond the four walls of the bathroom. 
You weren’t really sure what to say to him. You didn’t know what to tell him that would erase his guilt, and take away last nights memory like a magical spell. You didn’t know what you could do to make this moment, and the moments to come worth more than the bad ones that haunting loomed over you both. 
“Jae,” you called again softer. Jaebum turned his head, his tortured gaze meeting your confused ones. You didn’t know what to feel. You didn’t know how to deal with your emotions from last night. You didn’t know how to balance your feelings against Jaebum’s guilt. Jaebum’s eyes reddened with anger; and your heart clenched. 
Jaebum was so angry with himself. He was beating himself so much. No matter what you said could take away what he felt. It would remain with him. It was more than just guilt, it was something you didn’t want to understand. It was something that frightened you. 
“Jaebum, tell me, and be honest,” you told him. Your hands clenched your skirts nervously. You wanted to hold his face, and look into his eyes and tell him it’s all going to be okay. That you would be okay, so he doesn’t need to feel this way. “Did you mean to hurt me?”
Jaebum’s took a sharp breath as his sharp eyes widened in surprise. 
“Did you do it to hurt me?” You asked. 
Jaebum shook his head. 
“No.” His voice was low and heavy, but it was certain. He didn’t do it to hurt you. 
“Was I on your mind when it happened?” You asked, and the image of her lips on Jaebum burned your mind. 
“No.” Jaebum shook his head, casting his head down. “There was nothing in my mind.”
Except her. Except lust.
“I didn’t even know it was happening. One moment she was telling me about her parent’s divorce and the next she was on top of me. Before I could do anything, you opened the door and saw everything.”
You froze. 
“I won’t lie to you. We used to do things back in the day. Maybe I gave her the wrong idea. I don’t know.” Jaebum sighed frustratedly. as he ran a hand through his dark locks. His jaw clenched as he looked pained. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to say.
“But all I know is that I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never do anything to hurt you if I can help you.”
You stared at Jaebum as his dark eyes looked into yours. The golden flakes in his dark brown eyes swirled as it glistened with desperateness as he peered into your eyes to make you understand. But he didn’t have to tell you. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you. 
You knew that much. You had just thought that him kissing her was something that didn’t relate to you; and thats why it hurt. Because you didn’t mean anything to him. Nothing more than a friend. 
But friends don’t do this. 
They don’t stare at eachother, begging for them to understand. Begging for them to not misunderstand. They don’t make eachother’s heart ache and race as Jaebum made yours. 
You casted your gaze down from his searching eyes. 
“Then it’s settled,” you lifted your eyes to meet his with a small smile. “What happened last night doesn’t matter. You didn’t mean it, and I well...” You cast your eyes away, as your cheeks tinted red. “It doesn’t affect me.” 
Jaebum nodded his head, falling back. But you could see something inside him sink at your words. You could see him falling down, deeper inside his head. You wanted to grab on to him. You wanted to hold him, and make him believe that it was all going to be okay. 
But you sat there. You didn’t know what anything of this meant. None of it meant sense to you. Not even your heart as it ached. It didn’t help that Jaebum didn’t kiss her. It didn’t matter that it was her who misunderstood things. It didn’t matter what Jaebum’s past or actions were. 
All that mattered was the now. The now where Jaebum was still not in love with you as much as you were in love with him. All that mattered that even in a small four walled room, it felt like there was a lifetime between you both. 
Jaebum could never love you, at least not in the way you did. The only thing you both had in common was that neither could let go of eachother. While your reason was laid out infront of the world, bleeding red as every beat of heart sang Jaebum’s name. Jaebum’s reason remained closed and hidden away from everyone. 
As Jaebum’s warm hands gently held your face, your body melted, but your heart tightened. As his lips softly touched your forhead, lingeringly, your heart ached. 
You didn’t know what all of this meant. 
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bwayfanficblog · 5 years
Opinions on the BMC OBCR!
(Friendly reminder this is just my opinion! I think this cast recording is over all insanely good, I’m just being a little nit picky because I’ve loved BMC for a while. I had the privilege of seeing BMC in NYC in March, which was amazing and the live performance did influence my opinions a bit. If you have doubts about Will Roland as Jeremy, seeing it live will flip your opinions. Trust me. ❤️)
(edit: my overall opinion of this is that it’s great, but it’s trying WAY too hard. Am I the only one who thinks that the try hard sound completely erases the actual message of BMC? that you don’t have to be someone or soemthing you’re not to impress someone? I feel like the old score was just as amazing and the new actors could’ve done it justice without all of these wild changes. They basically took the creepy retro vibes out of BMC to keep up with modern broadway. I don’t have a problem with it, I just think that it erases the actual message of the show to an extent. I am so in love with Will Roland! He was wonderful live. Feel free to message me and discuss this!)
More Than Survive
- Inclusion of more dialogue is good but I kinda think it breaks up the flow a little
- Will Roland yesss, this song is actually how he sounded live, I wish you could see how incredible he looked and acted during this song
- Inclusion of the “Boyf” dialogue is cute and definitely should’ve been added to begin with
- The new harmonies on “Christineeee” where Jeremy goes up a step is so nice
- Michael’s new part is just as adorable as before, kinda sad they took out the “so own it!” line tho
- Buttt more sweet giggles from Michael makes up for it!
- I don’t like how they cut off the last Canigula so quickly to make room for the chorus singing though idk
- The louder beat slaps tho
- I don’t like how Chloe’s last “I like gay people” is isolated unlike the original cast recording
- Will gives a heartbreaking “I’m never gonna be the cool guy” performance though like damn I almost cried
- The “na na na” is now “na ahh ahh ahh” if that makes sense and it doesn’t give as much impact which makes me wanna die bc that part was so pretty
- Will’s riffs at the end make up for it
I love play rehearsal
- There’s more instruments at the start and I think a flute which is so pretty!!
- Stephanie yessss with those improved vocals
- I think the extra instruments overpower her soft sweet sound at some points in the song tho
- YESS the dialogue that’s now included yesss
- The extra instruments at the end actually add more tho I love it
- A little more dramatic
More than survive (reprise)
- nothing bad to say other than I’m not a fan of the weird pop-y instrumental at the end, when I saw it I think it was a little more spread out instead of included in the song but I could be wrong
The Squip Song
- Gerard’s vocals have gotten even better like yes
- The instrumental sounds about the same as the old recording which makes me glad they didn’t change it too much
- Jeremy sounds scared when he says “you got quick” and I don’t know why ? That’s kinda odd like buddy are you good
- Is rich ok like at all in this song
- The song isn’t as like soft if that makes sense
Two Player Game
- Michael sounds like wants to die when he says “apocalypse of the damned” at the start shaksksks
- BUT THIS SONG IS SO GOOD it’s another one they didn’t change very much
- The instrumental is a little more pop-y but otherwise it’s still got that retro vibe
- George was keeping it real and not changing his vocals in the song for us thank u
- Will Roland come thru with those harmonies once again
- Jeremy’s verse is really soft and sweet and I love it he just sounds done
- The extra lil video game sounds are spot on
- The “You know that you are my favorite person” lines are done so perfect but I’m sad Michael’s little giggle isn’t as prominent
The Squip Enters
- Jake’s “that freak is freaking out” isn’t that funny in this recording sjsksksksk I’m sad
- The Squip’s surfer voice was less prominent live and more realistic and I’m not sure I like it that much in the recording
Be More Chill PT 1
- The Squip has a solo part at the start!! It’s adorable
- Jason Tam yessss
- The Squip calling Jeremy Bae and Boo makes me wanna die tho
- The first part isn’t sung anymore which makes me wanna die too bc he has such a nice voice
- The Squip’s vocals in the chorus tho yes ma’am
- Instead of Jeremy saying “Jesus” he just has a lil panic attack that poor boy
- The Squip kinda sounds British in some parts of it
- You can hear George doing a funny voice for his mall character which makes me laff
- “Jerry?” —“jerry-ME” I love Will
- Chloe is a lot more pissed in this song
Do you wanna ride
- The instruments overpower Brooke in some parts
- They didn’t change the vocal lines too much but they did slow the song a bit ?
- The harmonies are really nice though come through Brooke and Chloe
- The end is also sped up a little
- Brooke’s giggle and the little French at the end was so cute
Be More Chill PT II
- “Everything about me makes me wanna die” LINE WAS SO SAD
- the instrumental build up was so incredible !!
- This is probably my favorite song for the Squip he just brings it vocally
Sync Up
- This replaces the original More than survive reprise
- I don’t like how it takes Michael’s little part out of it because I think it was necessary plus the instrumental part of that slapped
- Also I think it gives us a good insight into the characters but it could’ve been placed somewhere else maybe?
- I also think the beat isn’t very uniform and is kinda messy and the dialogue is more interesting than the actual song
- It shows how nice Jeremy is tho
- I liked this song live better because the actual song just isn’t interesting enough to be a song on its own
- Jeremy and Brooke’s interactions in the song is really nice
- I love the distorted little “na na na” from more than survive though you can tell it’s slightly off
- I don’t like “head to play rehearsal” instead of “drama practice” though I don’t think it flows well
- I’m sad they changed one of my favorite songs !!
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into
- Once again stronger instrumental, especially guitar
- The vocal track doesn’t seem to be changed very much again thank u god
- Weird clappy sounds ??
- The harmony on “absolutely” YES
- Christine’s little breathy laugh after “I guess there’s a part of me that wants to” yes sir
- Brooke speaking French at the start SNSKSKSKSOSK
- I think the dialogue gives more insight into Brooke and Jeremy’s relationship
- “Jere-Bear” NAJAKAKA
- Jake and Christine’s part is cute but it felt a little out of place for some reason and I don’t know why, like the little sad dialogue they have about Jake’s parents feels weird but it’s really
- “I’m tired of being the person everyone thinks that I am” feels like it should’ve been a part of sync up instead of upgrade
- Brooke saying she was happy Jeremy looking at her instead of Chloe first made me wanna bawl
- Also it makes me wanna punch Jeremy
- Poor Jenna got like 1 like in this song
- I feel like it wasn’t smooth transition into Loser Geek Whatever at the end I don’t like the whole weird chorus thing leading into it at all
- Feels out of place without Michael’s little part at the end, I’m sad they’re cutting significant Michael parts, I know they kept it in LGW but it felt more in place in upgrade
Loser Geek Whatever
- It’s great and Will re recorded it for the album because it seems to have more emotion and be more genuine
- He sounds super excited at the start and it makes happy
- One of the few songs that managed to keep BMC’s kinda creepy computer tech vibe which is weird because it wasn’t even in the original album I wonder if it was written newly or was a draft from the first run back in 2013-2015
- A little more upbeat but in a good way
- Will’s vocals sound a lot better than the first recording
- Extra beeping at “my one real friend” was nice
- Brooke does a little bark at the start awe
- The beat doesn’t go as hard as the OG cast recording which sucks bc it went hard
- Everyone kinda sounds like they wanna die at the start again which seems like common theme??
- The chorus doesn’t slap either what
- The song also got cut a little short I think unless I’m crazy but I feel like it was longer than this?
- Extra verse at the end and I don’t really like it
- Kinda boring now and doesn’t give you a panic attack vibe like the OG one did
Do You Wanna Hang
- Only song where they changed a lot that made it better
- Included the dialogue at the start which makes the song make more sense
- The Squip’s Voice is so smooth ssnskskskw
- Chloe’s losing her mind a little but I love it
Michael in the Bathroom
- Jesus George’s vocals OWN MY WHOLE ASS
- He’s only gotten better somehow
- No to the new pop-y sounds in it it takes sad creepy feel out of it
- Too much instrumental added bc it doesn’t sound like ballad anymore
- I dunno how I feel about it because George’s vocals are perfect but the instrumental is doing him dirty and not making it sad enough
- This song gives me anxiety now wjsjsksks and I don’t know if that’s good or bad?
- The few lines and instrumental lines are the same as the OG which is good
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into (reprise)
- Whoever’s playing that flute was told to play that shit LOUD
- Jeremy’s “Christineee” omg he’s so in love
The Smartphone Hour
- The new instrumental sounds at the start sound bonk
- The phone sound effects make me wanna die dndkjssk
- Tiffany Mann’s voice COME THROUGH
- The “whoaaaa” was changed which makes me sad
- I’m glad they specified it was Jake’s house because when I listened to the OG one at first I was like did he just burn down a random house ??
- The dialogue between Chloe and Brooke is kinda dramatic now but it’s not a bad thing
- the whistle noise has gotta go that’s what my track coaches whistle sounded like when I wasn’t running fast enough
- I’m scared now the dance break sounds like salsa music
- “Matches, ashes” was changed to “drama, drama” girl what
- Brooke’s screams yes
- The random auto tune voices in the back are trying to capture the creepy vibe that this song originally has but isn’t doing it
- This song isn’t changed much though and still has the OG vibes which is good
The Pants Song
- The weird piano at the start scares me
- The lyrics have changed a bit too
- I’m not too familiar with this song because I don’t listen to it so often but it doesn’t sound too different from the OG cast recording which is good instrumental wise
- The chorus sounds different though I don’t know how I feel about it
- The “Michael in the bathroom” melody playing in the back during the dialogue YES
- Omg the dialogue where Jeremy’s dad tells him to say it like he’s in the army omg I’m weak
The Pitiful Children
- My fav song
- Not this version I don’t think but
- I don’t mind the lyric changes but I think it takes the dark creepy techno vibe out of the song
- If it was anyone other than Jason Tam singing this version I wouldn’t like it
- The chorus lost its punch with this new pop sound
- I’m really confused as to why the lyrics had to change tho these make less on an impact, I think a solo song with Jeremy and the Squip about Christine would’ve cooler
- The Squip and Jeremy’s harmonies tho like fuck me up
- The techno voice singing “lets save the pitiful children” is eh like it makes it cheesy
- I’m scared of the Squip singing “Squip Squip Squip”
- “Everything about us” run is still amazing as always
- I just realized the Squip is using Christine to manipulate Jeremy into squipping everyone that makes sense that’s why the lyrics are changing
The Play
- The dialogue at the start is different but it makes sense, it’s Jeremy realizing the Squip made him Squip the whole cast
- The instrumental sound is the same thankfully
- “Michael makes an entrance” sounds like Michael wants to die is he good
- It adds Michael and Jeremy’s fighting dialogue in it which I like and adds the two player game melody in the back
- Jake’s “living the upgrade” line was cut short :((( I love his voice
- They changed the “having sex” convo between Brooke and Chloe which doesn’t make it relevant to that scene anymore ?? But they also validate each other so idc
- The “I love play rehearsal” melody playing when Christine talks yes ma’am
- “I’m stronger than you think I am” I LOVE JEREMY
- The LGW melody playing when Jeremy is telling the Squip to fuck off
- Jeremy and Michael saying “oh god” back and fourth to each other in different tones of voice is an accurate representation of having a best friend conversation
Voices in my head
- The start sounds like pac-man and I’m so here for it
- RICH HAS HIS LISP YES QUEEN also his harmonies !!
- This instrumental is kept pretty much the same too which I’m happy about
- “Don’t dump her on Halloween” BYE I love u Brooke
- “We are your squad” AWE
- It’s so pure
- The second verse has some lyric changes but I like them more
- LGW melody is playing when he and Christine talk which is so soft bc he’s like owning being a loser?
- The “bowling alley performance art” line wouldn’t make sense if you haven’t watched the show but it’s cute
- The loud flute is present again shsksksksks
- Awe the ending harmonies are soft
- The Squip was tripping balls in the end of that wtf
- The “na na na” runs at the end don’t sound like the more than survive ones sjsksksk
- “You ready?” I LOVE
- Jeremy is such a dork and I love that so much in this song
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