#everyone get some therapy and stop being such a bitch jeez
Season 5 episodes are more on the civilian drama than super fighting, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so aggravating to watch 😭
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fortheloveofwonderland · 11 months
Me & You & Everyone We Know | Chapter 16 | S.R
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Chapter Summary - Spencer confronts Daisy over her behaviour and a fight ensues. JJ and Maeve help him to navigate the intricacies of life as a teenage girl.
A/N - Spencer loses his cool with Daisy in this chapter. He is still learning, please bear with him. He’s getting there.
Pairing - Single Dad! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending, smut minors DNI.
Warnings - more use of the term “bitch”, arguing, angry Spencer, angry Daisy, lots of talk of puberty and periods, talk of therapy and antidepressants.
WC - 5.2k
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Chapter 16 - My Little Girl
When you were in trouble, that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone.
Now look at you, I've turned around and you've almost grown.
Sometimes when you're asleep I whisper "I love you" in the moonlight at your door.
As I walk away, I hear you say, "Daddy, love you more”.
Spencer was so angry he couldn’t even speak the entire drive home. He let Lily ride up front because she was too scared to sit next to her sister. She held Taco in her arms, nuzzling her face into his fur. 
When they arrived home he carried his youngest up to bed, read her a story and kissed her goodnight. Taco stayed with her, curled up under her arm. 
When he padded back downstairs he hoped Daisy would be smart enough to have put herself to bed. But he was proven wrong when he found her awkwardly sitting in the living room. 
He didn’t look at her as he continued to the kitchen, wishing more than anything right now that he could have a drink. He grabbed a glass and poured himself some water, leaning up at the counter and staring out into the dark yard. 
He heard her footsteps getting closer and he braced himself against the counter, not wanting to turn around and face his eldest daughter.
“Dad?” Daisy’s voice was low and croaky and held a hint of fear to it. 
His nostrils flared and he sipped the water in the hopes of helping calm himself.
“Don’t.” He replied without turning around. “Just don’t. Go to bed Daisy, we’ll discuss this in the morning.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt her.” Daisy continued regardless. 
Spencer’s back stiffened and he placed the glass down on the counter louder than he’d meant to. 
“Go to bed.” He repeated, not even trying to hide his annoyance from his voice. 
“I don’t want to.” She pouted and he could hear the dejection in her voice.
He exhaled noisily through his nose before he finally turned around and glared at her. She stood on the other side of the kitchen island with her arms wrapped around her body. Her bottom lip quivered and her large blue eyes watered. 
“Daisy, I don't particularly care what you want to do. I am your father and I am telling you to go to bed.” His voice was husky, the anger not very well hidden. 
Daisy’s eyes somehow widened, she’d never heard him like this before. 
“I’m sorry.” She sniffed. “I’m really sorry but she was being a brat!” 
“She is seven years old!” Spencer snapped, raising his voice and slamming his palms on the marbled island. “You are double her age, you should know better. If she’s annoying you, you walk away Daisy. There is no excuse for pushing her or calling her a bit…that word.” 
“Oh you mean that word you call mom? Even Lily’s heard you call her a bitch.” Daisy scoffed, her previous sadness seemingly vanishing. 
“I am an adult, I’m allowed to use that word. And I’d appreciate it if you and your sister would stop eavesdropping when I’m on the phone.” He shook his head in frustration. 
“Mom is a bitch! And so is Lily.” 
“Daisy,” he spat so harshly he saw her back go rigid and her arms fell to her sides. “You will not, I repeat, you will not use that kind of language while you live under my roof. Especially towards your mother and sister.” 
“Jeez dad, it's not even that bad of a word. I know way worse.” She clucked. 
“Daisy, you do not want to test me tonight.” He growled. “Go to bed and wake up with a better attitude. Tomorrow you will apologise to your sister and you are grounded and have no phone privileges for two weeks.” 
“What! No way! You aren’t taking my phone.” 
“Watch me.” He spat, rounding the counter and coming closer to her. 
She whined and tried to move away while he reached inside her jacket pocket and pulled her phone out. 
“That’s not fair.” She huffed, watching him stuff the device in his own pocket. 
“Life isn’t.”
“How am I supposed to text Cameron now?” 
“You aren’t! That’s the point.” He rolled his eyes.
His temples started to throb, an incoming headache. That was just what he needed.
“So I met a boy I like and I can’t talk to him but meanwhile you can date half of goddamn Virginia?” She yelled at the top of her lungs.
“Excuse me?” Spencer’s eyes bulged at his daughter’s words. 
“Oh please, you think we don’t know about you and Cam’s mom?” Daisy scoffed. “Seriously, do you just date anyone now?” 
“Bed. Or I swear to god Daisy…” he didn’t exactly have an end to that sentence so he trailed off, feeling the ache in his head rapidly growing. 
“What? What will you do dad? Send me to live with mom?” She rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest again. 
“Well that’s the best damn idea I’ve heard all night.” He bit back. “Maybe I will.” 
Of course it was just an empty threat, he would never actually send Daisy to live with her mother but he thought maybe it would be enough of a scare to stop her behaving like this. 
“You would not.” She huffed. 
“Maybe she can knock some sense into you. I don’t recognise you right now Daisy. I don’t know who you are becoming. But it’s not my little girl.” He turned his back on her, leaning up against the sink again. 
“You’re right, I’m not your little girl. I’m not your pumpkin anymore dad. I’m fourteen years old, I’m not a little kid like Lily.” She yelled but he refused to rise to it anymore for fear of what he may say. 
“Go to bed, Daisy.” He sighed. 
“No.” She stamped her foot in defiance. 
“You know what, fine.” He turned back around with a shrug. “Do what you want. I’m too exhausted to fight with you.” 
He moved past her into the hall and started up the stairs. Daisy watched him go, feeling downtrodden. 
“Dad, I-”
“Please,” he cut her off, waving a dismissive hand. “Don’t push me, kid.” 
Daisy let him go, her eyes watering a little. She’d wanted to get a reaction out of him and that’s certainly what she’d gotten. But she didn’t feel good about it. 
She heard his bedroom door close and she quietly crept upstairs to her own room. She fell to the bed and pulled her knees up to her chin before she started to cry. 
The tension in the Reid household the following morning was enough to make anyone want to drink. 
Lily wasn’t talking to Daisy and in return Daisy wouldn’t talk to Lily. Daisy tried to talk to Spencer but Spencer barely replied. 
It was Saturday and they were supposed to be going to a BBQ at Rossi’s but Spencer was in no mood and Daisy was grounded so she wasn’t going anywhere. 
He’d called JJ to let her know and she’d offered to take Lily with them to the BBQ. Thinking it might be easier if the girls spent a little time apart, he agreed. 
Around midday JJ, Will and the boys arrived to pick her up. Will took her hand and helped into the back of the car. Lily beamed brightly as she slid in next to Michael and the two quickly started chatting to one another, whilst Henry tried to ignore them. 
Spencer stepped out onto the porch and closed the front door behind him. 
“I’ve never known you ground the kids.” JJ frowned lightly. 
“I’ve never needed to. She was…I didn’t recognise her JJ. I hate this teenage crap. One minute I’m her best friend and the next she hates me.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know how to raise a teenager.” 
“When Daisy was born you knew nothing about looking after a baby.” She reminded him. 
“But I had Maeve.” 
“Fine, but you’ve been basically on your own with them for over a year and you’ve been doing just fine.” 
“Is Henry like this? Or is it just a girl thing?” He ignored her. 
“My answer is not going to make you feel any better.” She shrugged. 
“So it’s a girl thing.” He rolled his eyes. 
“He’s moody sometimes, but I guess on the whole he’s pretty good.” 
“I’m in over my head, Jennifer. I don’t know if I can do this on my own.” 
“Yes you can.” She placed a gentle hand on his arm. “You can because you have to. She’s going through a lot, Spence. You remember how hard puberty was right? Well guess what? It’s twice as hard for girls. Her body is changing, in crazy kinds of ways, I imagine she’s starting her period, or at the very least will be soon. She’s noticing boys and she’s having all these new feelings. I’m afraid you need to cut her some slack.” 
Spencer frowned, leaning back up against the wall.
“A little while ago sanitary products started appearing in my bathroom. I assume Maeve gave them to her. Do you think she talks to Maeve about that stuff? It’s never really occurred to me before.” 
“I guess so, but Maeve’s the one you’d need to speak to.” 
“Boys would have been easier.” He whined. 
“You’ll be fine, Spence.” She chuckled lightly. “Just cut her some slack, ok? And talk to Maeve.” 
“My favourite activity.” He rolled his eyes as JJ started down the stairs. 
“I’ll see you later.” She smiled, offering him a wave.
He waved back before doing the same to Lily who was waving at him from the back seat of the car. He waited until the car pulled away before trudging back into the house. 
He went straight up to his office, ignoring the music blasting from Daisy’s room. He shut himself inside and started up his computer. He put his phone on the desk, looking down at it as the computer booted up, contemplating JJ’s words about speaking to Maeve. 
He stared at the blank screen before shaking his head and turning back to the computer. It could wait. 
He opened his emails and sifted through a few before he came across one sent a few hours ago from Doctor Maria Sanchez. His stomach coiled into knots as he opened it. 
Dear Doctor Reid, 
Thank you for completing our pre therapy questionnaire. I would like to arrange a call with you to discuss your therapy needs further. I have free office hours Monday to Friday between the hours of 16:30 and 18:30. Please let me know the best time and day for you and we can schedule a call.
Doctor Maria Sanchez
He read it over a couple of times, nodding his head whilst he did so. He replied to let her know he was available any day between those times. He looked through a few other emails before turning his attention back to his phone. 
It really wouldn’t be a difficult feat for him to call his ex-wife, all he needed to do was unlock the device and find her contact. But in practice it was proving a lot harder than it needed to be. 
He stared at the phone for almost ten minutes, before out of nowhere it started to ring, startling him so much he actually jumped a little in his chair. 
And the strangest part was the name on the screen.
He swallowed thickly and picked up the phone, placing it to his ear.
“Maeve, hi.” He frowned to himself. “I was actually just thinking of calling you.”
“You were?” Her confusion was evident in her voice. 
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I kind of got into it with Daisy last night. Luke and Garcia were sitting the girls and I had to pick them up early because Daisy shoved Lily and called her a bitch repeatedly.” 
“Oh, that doesn’t sound like Daisy.” 
“I know. When we got home she just kept pushing my buttons and we fought, I’ve never fought with her like that before.” He sighed yet again. “But I spoke to JJ and she…uh, she thinks I need to talk to you.” 
“What about?” Maeve sounded sceptical. 
“Puberty in teenage girls.” He cringed at his own words.
“Ah,” Maeve’s voice had a hint of amusement to it.
“A few months back I started noticing boxes of sanitary products in the bathroom. Should I have talked to her about it? Is that what a dad is supposed to do?” 
“She came to me,” Maeve smiled down the phone. “I think I’ve got it covered since I’ve been there.”
“Right.” Spencer nodded. “And all those other female hormone things? The changes? It’s not all dissimilar to male puberty but there are certainly some variations.” 
“We’ve been through it, Spence, don’t worry. I know you like to think of yourself as a lone wolf but I am still her mother. Puberty is hard for anyone, I guess she’s acting out because of it. I know I gave my dad hell when I was her age.” 
“Super,” he sighed. “Do I talk to her about it? Would that help?”
“I think that would do more harm than good. Trust me when I say a girl does not want to talk to her father about her period or growing breasts.” 
“Oh jeez, I don’t even like hearing it coming from you.” Spencer groaned. “Boys, we should have had boys.” 
Maeve started to laugh, a real easy laugh. It may well have been the first time he’d heard that laugh from her since they broke up. And to both of their surprise, Spencer started to laugh too. 
“Whether we’re together or not Spencer, you have to remember we are still a team. I can cover those kinds of things, while you can stick to the educational stuff.” 
“Sounds good to me.” He agreed, feeling oddly at ease talking to her. “Sorry, you called me and I kind of accosted the conversation.” 
“It’s ok.” Maeve was still smiling, he could hear it in her voice. “I wanted to ask a favour actually.” 
“A favour?” He sat forward, eyebrows knitting together.
“Kind of.” She paused briefly. “Bobby and I were going to go out to California in the next few weeks to visit my family and I really wanted to take the girls. We were only going to go for a week, but if you already have plans with them or you just don’t want me to take them then that’s fine.” 
“Yes,” he was quick to answer. “Yes, I think you should most definitely do that.” 
“Yes,” he repeated. “I haven’t always been fair to you but I think spending the week with you, going to California, would be great for the girls. I think it sounds like a wonderful idea actually.” 
There was a long stretch of silence and for a moment Spencer thought she had hung up. 
“I’m sorry, I think I must have dialled the wrong number. I’m trying to get hold of my cranky ex-husband Spencer Reid?” She teased, making Spencer roll his eyes.
“Don’t push your luck.” He smiled to himself. “Take the win, Maeve.” 
“You’re sure you are ok with this? Because I don’t want to book the flights and then have you change your mind.” 
“I’m sure. I swear I won’t change my mind.” 
“Thank you Spencer. That really means a lot to me.” 
“Please don’t get sappy.” He rolled his eyes and Maeve laughed.
“Ah there he is. That’s the Spencer I know.” She giggled. 
“I’m hanging up now.” He scoffed. 
“Bye Spencer.”
“Bye Maeve.” 
He hung up the phone and for the first time in over a year, Spencer didn’t feel weighed down after talking to his ex-wife. 
If anything he actually felt lighter. 
The next week went by without much of an incident. His house sale was moving, albeit slowly and Daisy being grounded meant he didn’t leave the house much, giving him time to start packing up his home. 
Luke came by twice to carry out more training with Taco and the girls enjoyed having him around. On Thursday he stayed for dinner but while Spencer was cooking his phone rang. 
Luke waved him off, telling him he couldn’t finish up with the preparations and Spencer went up to his office to take the phone call. 
He was gone for almost a half hour and when he returned he looked exhausted. Luke didn’t mention as much in front of the girls. 
They ate and it was up to Luke and Lily to carry the conversation as Daisy still wasn’t speaking to her dad and Spencer’s mystery phone call had clearly thrown him through a loop. 
After dinner the adults did the dishes while Daisy and Lily watched TV in the living room. Luke was eyeing Spencer curiously.
“So, who was the call from? You’ve been really quiet ever since.” He leaned against the counter while drying a plate.
“A therapist. My therapist I guess I should say.” Spencer sighed. 
“You’re seeing a therapist? I didn’t know.” 
“I haven’t yet. My first appointment is next week. The doctor just wanted to have a talk, she thinks I might benefit from medication.” 
“Yeah,” Spencer nodded. “I thought I had a handle on everything, but taking medication seems like admitting that I don’t.” 
“It’s ok not to have a handle on everything, Spencer.” Luke moved closer to him, placing the plate on the draining board. “You have two kids, one of whom is a teenager. You’re a single, working dad, you’ve been trying to put yourself back out there and that’s not easy at the best of times. Sometimes asking for help is the bravest thing you can possibly do.” 
“I’ve been thinking about that a lot,” He nodded. “I’m contemplating…just contemplating, nothing has been decided yet, but the idea crossed my mind that maybe I might consider having mine and Maeve’s custody conditions reevaluated.” 
“Reevaluated?” Luke cocked an eyebrow. “As in…?”
“Joint custody. Equal time with the kids.” He chewed on his lip.
“Wow,” Luke didn’t hide his surprise. “Wow, that’s huge.”
“It’s just an idea. I haven’t decided on anything. But it would make my life a hell of a lot easier if I allowed myself to lean on Maeve a little more. I forget what an amazing mom she is sometimes. And I’m no superman, I can’t keep shouldering everything myself.” He pushed his hair back off of his face.
“You sure you haven’t been to therapy already? Because you sound like a man who has been going to therapy.” Luke chuckled. 
“I’m trying to broaden my horizons.” He rolled his eyes as Luke nudged him in the arm. 
“I’m proud of you, man.”
“Oh stop.” Spencer scowled. “Can we talk about something else?” 
“Sure,” Luke picked up another dish and started drying it. “How are things with Blair?” 
“We had one date,” Spencer shrugged. “I haven’t had a chance to see her since. We spoke on the phone once but we’ve both been busy. The girls are going to California with Maeve next week so maybe I’ll see her then.” 
“Hmm empty house and the girls will be out of state so they couldn’t possibly cock block you this time.” Luke suggestively wiggled his eyebrows. 
“I believe it was technically you who cock blocked me, as you so eloquently put it.” 
“It was either that or let your daughters kill each other.” Luke shrugged. “What’s up? You don’t seem all that excited about this woman.” 
Spencer grumbled under his breath, sometimes wishing his friends didn’t know him so well. 
“She’s great, really. Beautiful, funny, smart. She’s a single mom with a bad history with his her ex, she gets me in a way no one else ever has.”
“But?” Luke cocked his eyebrow curiously. 
“But she’s not Y/N.” Spencer shrugged. “I feel like I’m trying to force a relationship with Blair to help me get over Y/N but it’s having the opposite effect.” 
“Don’t be the asshole that uses a nice woman to deflect feelings from another.” 
“I’m trying. I think I could really like her.” Spencer rolled his lip between his teeth. “And is it so wrong that I’d really like to get laid?” 
Luke chuckled, shaking his head and slapping Spencer across the arm. 
“You are human after all.” Luke winked at him as he finished up the dishes. 
Spencer rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
He knocked tentatively on the door and waited for a response. He didn’t receive one. He knocked again and still didn’t get a reply so he pushed the door open. 
Luke had left a little while ago and Lily was in bed. Spencer had been trying to read in his office but he couldn’t focus on the pages. 
He’d stood outside of Daisy’s room for ten minutes before he finally knocked. 
He found her sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, a book cradled in her lap. When he entered she closed the book but she didn’t speak. 
“Can we talk? I’m kind of sick of this silent treatment now.” He asked and she simply nodded. He moved across the room and sat down on the edge of her bed. “Can we call a truce? I miss talking to my favourite girl.” 
Daisy rolled her lip between her teeth in contemplation and shrugged her shoulders. 
“I’m sorry about our fight ok? But you can’t treat your sister that way. You can’t treat me that way. Look I know I am the last person you want to be talking to about this but it recently occurred to me that you are going through a lot of…changes.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“Gross dad, don’t.” Daisy pulled a face. 
“Your hormones are going crazy and you’re-”
“I beg of you to stop, please.” She cut him off. “I have mom to talk to about that stuff.” 
“All I’m saying is I understand.” He placed his hand on her knee. “Believe it or not I was a teenager too once. Puberty sucks. Most of all for me. I was so much younger than everyone in school and I didn’t understand why all the boys' voices were getting deeper and why they were growing hair in places I wasn’t.”
“Ew.” Daisy wrinkled her nose. “I do not need that image in my head.” 
“I was talking about my armpits and my legs.” Spencer rolled his eyes. “And I didn’t have a dad to talk to about any of it. And I could never talk to my mom because she was barely lucid. I didn’t understand why I was so different. When my voice did start to break I was so confused. I just need you to know that you can talk to me if you want to. Obviously I’m a man and I don’t quite understand everything you’re going through but I can try.” 
Daisy looked away from him, still chewing on her lip rather aggressively. 
“I get these…cramps when I’m…you know. Really bad sometimes and I don’t know how to stop them.” She was blushing and refusing to look at him.
“Ok, well exercise can help that, which I know doesn’t sound ideal but even a brisk walk can help release endorphins which change the way the brain processes pain and can make the pain feel less intense. We can get you a hot water bottle, that will help increase blood flow which in turn loosens the muscles that are contracting and will relieve pain. Warm baths can help relax your muscles too.” He started spouting off. “Will you tell me next time you’re in pain? I can help.”
“Ok.” She nodded. 
“And if you need any products or anything you don’t need to get your mom to buy them. You’ll tell me if you need anything?” 
“Sure.” She nodded, looking back up at him. “There is one thing I need.” 
“What is it, pumpkin?” He squeezed her knee encouragingly. 
“You mentioned hair growing…” her cheeks reddened and she slowly rolled up her pants leg revealing some little blonde fluffy hairs growing on her shin. “I only noticed it recently, when we were at the pool I heard some girl mention it. I don’t think Cam noticed but I’d be mortified if he did.” 
“I will buy some razors next time we go to the grocery store.” He smiled gently at her. 
“I might need you to show me how.” Her cheeks flushed a darker shade. 
“I mean I don’t have much experience shaving legs but I’m pretty well versed in shaving my face so I’m sure we can figure it out together.” He chuckled. 
“Thanks dad.” She suddenly threw herself into his arms and he caught her with ease, wrapping her tightly in his embrace. 
“You’re welcome, pumpkin.” He kissed the top of her head. 
“And I’m sorry I was a…B word.” 
“You weren’t a B word. You were a little rude and next time you talk to me like that you will never see this again.” He pulled back so he could retrieve her cell phone from his pocket before handing it to her. 
She stared down at the device, a large smile blossoming on her face. 
“Thank you, dad!” She grinned, clutching the phone like it was a stuffed toy. 
“It does come with a condition.” 
“What?” She frowned at him. 
“You’re going to California with your mom and Bobby. You leave Friday for a week.” 
“A week? With mom?” She whined. 
“You’ll have a good time. You’ll get to see grandma and grandpa.” He nudged her in the arm. 
“You’re cruel.” She pouted. 
“And I’m also your father so what I say goes.” He shrugged. “You’ll have fun. You can go to the beach. You like the beach.” 
“Can I see Cam before I go?” She continued to pout. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” He pushed himself up from the bed. “Daisy, you said something the other night and it kinda stuck with me.”
“I’m sure I didn’t mean it.” She was already plugging her phone in to charge. 
“But you said it and it’s been bothering me.” He sighed. “Do you have a problem with me dating? Because if you do, I don’t have to.” 
“I want you to be happy.” She shrugged. “But I don’t think Cam’s mom makes you happy. Y/N did. What happened to her?” 
“You’re too young for me to answer that.” He pulled a face.
“Gross. For the record I will never be old enough to hear about your sex life.” 
“Daisy!” He gasped. “That is not what I was getting at. Jeez, I miss the days before you could talk.” 
“No you don’t.” She giggled. 
“Go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” He chuckled. 
“Love you dad.”
“Love you too, pumpkin.” 
“Thanks again for doing this, you really didn’t need to take the afternoon off of work.” Spencer spoke as he ushered Daisy and Lily inside the cute single story Virginia home. 
“Oh you know how it is. When the man you’ve been on one date with calls you up and asks you to look after his kids for the afternoon, I just couldn’t say no.” Blair smirked at him. 
“Is it super weird that I called?” He pulled a face. 
“It would have been less weird if you’d called more than once since our date or maybe even asked me out again. But it’s fine.” She shrugged. 
“I have every intention of asking you out again. My ex is taking the girls to California on Friday for a week and my schedule is wide open.” He smiled at her. 
“I’ll see if I can fit you into mine.” She smirked again. “So what is this emergency?” 
“Work thing.” He waved her off. “My friends are all FBI Agents and they’re away on a case, otherwise I would have asked one of them to watch the girls.” 
“Your friends are FBI Agents?” She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Yeah, did I not mention I’m ex-FBI?”
“You did not.” 
“I’ll tell you all about it on our next date ok? But I’ve really got to go. I shouldn’t be long.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek before he was quickly dashing back down the path, calling back over his shoulder, “be good girls, I won’t be long!” 
The last thing he’d wanted to do was bother Blair with this but with the BAU team away and Maeve and Bobby both at work he didn’t know who else to ask. 
He’d tried to move his first therapy appointment until next week after the girls left for the west coast but Doctor Sanchez’s books were full, she’d only gotten him in so soon because Tara had said something no doubt. 
He was incredibly nervous as he drove across town to her office, not knowing what to expect if he was honest. 
Before long he found himself being introduced to a middle aged woman with dark eyes and hair that was greying around the roots. 
She led him in and offered him a seat on the couch while she sat in a chair opposite him.
“It’s nice to meet you Doctor Reid.” Doctor Sanchez smiled at him. 
“Call me Spencer,” he threaded his fingers together in his lap. 
“Ok Spencer,” she mirrored his position, maybe to try and put him at ease. “So I would like to start by asking what brought you to therapy.” 
That was a loaded question. 
Spencer exhaled, eyebrows knitting together as he focused on what he wanted to say. 
“Well, my wife and I split up about a year ago. She was having an affair for a long time. It’s only been recently that I’ve started to let myself express my own feelings over the divorce. I have two girls and my main priority was protecting them from everything. I tried to start dating and in the process my residual feelings towards my wife kinda came to the surface.” He exhaled again.
“Ok that’s a good start,” she smiled encouragingly. “Let’s start from the beginning. When you and your ex-wife first met. What was that like?” 
“Uh…she was a one night stand.” He toyed with his hands. “Or I mean, she was supposed to be. She got pregnant with Daisy, my eldest, she’s fourteen. Maeve and I got married before we had a chance to fall in love.” 
“I see,” Sanchez nodded. “And you were married for…?”
“Thirteen years.” 
“A long time.”
“I suppose so.” He was chewing nervously on the inside of his cheek. 
“So you said you’ve only recently allowed yourself to feel the weight of her affair?” 
“Yeah. I told everyone, including myself, that I was ok because I was never really in love with her. I tried to pretend I was just angry that she hurt our daughter’s. But I did love her. And I guess I’m finding it hard to reconcile how I can still be in love with someone who hurt me so much. And also how I can be in love with someone else at the same time.” He frowned, looking down at his hands. 
This was going to be a long and bumpy road, he knew that much to be true. But he was at the very least trying. 
And sometimes that’s all we can do. 
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@foxy-eva @kbakery @chrissyflo3 @simxican @aysixdy @givemeth @loonalockley @shamelessfangirl-3 @derekm24 @pinkiceee-prose @werewolfbansheelove
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inoxske · 3 years
a few my hero academia headcanons (mostly kirishima, kiribaku, and bakusquad) (3rd year)
kirishimas laugh is a very wonderful sound that everyone fucking adores, so lots of people think hes flirting because he laughs a lot but he isnt lol
i believe all the bakusquad can sing but their all shy so they pretend to be really bad but theyre all closeted theater kids so when 'the room where it happened' from Hamilton played one night at karaoke night they all sang and hamonized and everyone freaked the fuck out
bakugo and denki cross dress because it makes them feel powerful and they are often seen in fashion magazines and shit
kirishima is best friends with bakugos parents and all of katsukis family adore eijirou
bakugo cries the second any kind of animal or child is hurt in movies
adding onto that ^ bakugo loves kids, more so as he gets older
kirishima will go to interviews for really important people, but because of his adhd he forgets important shit so he has to call bakugo while in the interview and ask and they always keep the clip because he always puts him on speaker
kirishima will put on classical music but like really nice music and dance with people in the dorms. hes danced with all the girls, and was caught slowdancing with katsuki once at like 3am on a saturday (aizawa cried like a little bitch)
all of 1a calls aizawa dadzawa by the time 2nd year rolls around. like, if someone calls him aizawa now he thinks hes in trouble or someone died or some shit.
kirishima can handle any kind of spice because one of his mamas is half latino and so he basically grew up with lots of spice. bakugo challenged him to a spicey wing eating thing and they ended up having to stop because bakugo ran out and threw uP BC HE WASNT GONNA LOSE OKAY
kirishima will escort young ladies home if they feel unsafe, or he will just scare the shit out of men who harass anyone
sero becomes super fucking popular with ladies like everyone thinks hes hot and he doesnt know why but like- BITCH- ..... he is so fine, next
bakugo and midoriya go to therapy together and work shit out. kirishima ends up having to go with bakugo to therapy a lot bc he says he gives him the courage to open up and not feel weak 🤨..... idk sounds kinda gay to me
a majority of class A has a mission near an animal shelter, and damage is done to the shelter and a really dangerous aggressive dog starts running at mina and bro this dog- this dog is fucking BIG like wolf big and out for BLOOD and is so loud and kiri, ya know, grew since first year and is now like a tank like 6"7 and 300 pounds of muscle and so he gets infront of mina and just goes "HEY!" in a really fucking deep like angry as shit voice and makes himself big and the bear of a dog immediately flinches and runs back into its kennel. and everyone kind of freezes and looks at him, and hes like "jeez, i didnt mean to be so loud" and bakugos like "oh no that was the hottest thing ive ever seen in my life" anyways
bakugo can cook, kirishima can bake
bakugo gets super bad sensory overload sometimes when hes had an especially bad experience with a quirk or something and will have meltdowns about his clothing or how sweaty he is, or how loud his quirk is and how bright it is and kirishima will help him. when it first happened everyone handled it really well, and turned off the lights, and momo made him a weighted blanket and noisecancelling shit and kirishima put his head on his chest to help him match his breathing and shit. v wholesome.
kirishima and bakugo got in a super big fight near the beginning of second year when bakugo was in a bad mood and called him weak again and kirishima blew up on him and told him how he wasnt gonna let katsuki walk all over him just because he feels insecure or weak or whatever and kirishima got super fucking pissed because bakugo got defensive and told him he shouldnt take it so seriously and that it was true and he needs to get stronger and kirishima was like fuck you, at least i admit i have some weaknesses to overcome, and some things that need to be fixed, and they were both hurt and shit but bakugo wouldnt apologize so he stopped talking to him for a while. and then kirishima kept teaming up with midoriya and working together and bakugo confronted him and was obviously trying not to cry and apologized and shit
^ adding onto that. kirishima is equals with bakugo, and will always be equals with bakugo. he never ever comes back crying first, and he always leaves bakugo alone until he apologizes. thats called being partners bitch, and bakugo tries his best. they barely ever argue, unless its about mac and cheese or some shit
kirishima loves calling bakugo pet names, and bakugo will absolutely never admit to anyone it makes him feel like the strongest person alive, but he will to kirishima
kirishima called bakugo "puppy" once while he was sleepy and bakugo broke down crying because he didnt know why it made him feel so nice. kirishima felt horrible. they werent even dating yet 💀
when minas bored she'll teach one of the boys a dance and make a tiktok with them. bakugo is surprising good at dancing.
bakugo, kaminari, and kirishima are the absolutely fucking hilarious when left alone together.
bakugo is super innocent so everyone will ask him random questions at the most random times just to see his whole body blush red and he turns into a grandma, like "bakugo how do lesbians have sex" and hes like "WH- WHAT THE- EW!!! GROSS I DONT KNOW! WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT!!! YUCKY!!!"
bakugo has to have braces for a year and then wears a retainer and kirishima likes it alittle too much while everyone else thinks he looks fucking stupid
denki will go wake up aizawa and sleep in his bed when he gets sick or has a nightmere. present mic will make denki breakfast if he comes to the dorms to find his spot taken.
mina and bakugo are barbz, and so is kirishima just much more on the DL.
kirishima and bakugo can talk telepathically by the time they get to 3rd year, so they always make up the best excuses. also they have really weird nicknames that only they get. kirishima did make the mistake of joking around and saying he wants to be called big daddy boss man and bakugo wouldnt cook for him until he had a written apology.
bakugo really loves cuddling but doesnt know how to ask for it so he just acts like a cat and headbuts kiri and sits on him angrily until he gets the message.
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Since I was up so early in the morning, it was hard waking up. Part of me wanted to ask Isabelle to just drag me out of bed, but somehow, I managed to get up and ready. When I got to class, I took my usual spot next to Tsukasa.
“Are you okay?” he asked, a frown on his face.
“Do I look that bad?”
He waited a second too long to answer.
“You look tired.” So it was bad, wasn’t it?
“Yeah, I didn’t get much sleep this morning,” I admitted as I pulled my notebook out. He gave me a sympathetic look, patting my arm. I gave him a soft smile.
“Hopefully you can take a nap after classes,” he suggested.
“I plan on it.” I glanced to the side to see Viggo and Fandamilia’s places empty. Even if Isabelle didn’t like her, she was nice to me and I would give her the benefit of the doubt for now. “Where’s Millie?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since last night” Tsukasa shrugged. “Maybe she’ll come in later.”
“She probably will,” Clive spoke up from my right. “If she drinks too much, she’ll miss our classes before lunch.” Was… Was this something normal with her? I gave Clive a quizzical look and he deflated a bit. “Fandamilia likes partying. I’m sure she just had too much to drink and she’ll be here by lunch.”
But she didn’t show. I kept waiting for her to come in late. I waited for her to come in after lunch. But she didn’t show up. Normally, I wouldn’t be worried and Clive kept trying to convince me it was fine, that she was probably just nursing a hangover, but it didn’t sit right with me. She’d been so upset last night. Was she okay?
The bell rang, dismissing us. I shoved my things into my bag and hurried back to the dorms, trying to find Fandamilia’s room. As I got to the top floor, there was only one suite that had the door shut. I opened it and immediately heard muffled sobbing. Viggo sat on the ground outside a door, arms folded over his chest. For a moment, he perked up, but then he went back to looking sour.
“Oh. It’s just you,” he said.
“Uh, hi?” I looked at the door behind him. The nameplate read “Fandamilia and Catrina.” So the crying was coming from her room. “Is… Is Fandamilia crying?”
“Yeah,” he answered, rolling his eyes. I moved to knock on the door, but Viggo grabbed my leg. “Hold on. She’s not going to let you in.”
“How do you know?”
“She didn’t let me in.” Again, that awful attitude. What is it with men here?!
“Uh, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re different people,” I couldn’t help but snap back. “Maybe she’ll let me in.”
“Aw, you’re being sassy with other men? I’m heartbroken.”
“Huh?!” I turned around to see Zett standing in the doorway, dramatically pretending to faint. “Zett?! What’re you doing here?!” Seriously?! We’re doing this AGAIN?!
“Viggo asked me to bring him some things.” He gave me a smile as he moved towards Viggo, who stood up. “You know, I was going to call you out for having a party without me when you told me what you wanted, but…” His eyes flicked over to Fandamilia’s door.
“You got it though, right?” Viggo asked.
“Of course I did.” Zett reached into his peram and pulled out a couple of bottles of wine. It suddenly clicked.
“Viggo, do you really think this is the right time to give Fandamilia alcohol?” I demanded.
“What else am I supposed to give her?”
“Money to go to therapy?” Zett suggested, folding his arms. “What happened?”
“She got into a fight with her crush and she’s been crying ever since,” Viggo told him. I knew she wasn’t doing that great last night when she stood up for us, but I had no idea she’d be this distraught over what happened.
“Oh, so you’re just going to give her wine until she forgives you?” Zett asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It was someone else,” I told him. He looked like he wanted to die.
“Oh. Uh, still, do you think this is the right thing to do? She’s the one with the drinking problem, right?” Zett said, although he still looked incredibly uncomfortable.
“Look, I’d love to do something else for her, but I can’t. She can’t go to therapy and this is the only thing besides books that I can give her to make her feel better and make her stop crying,” Viggo argued.
“You’re loaded. Just help her pay for sessions,” Zett suggested.
“No, it’s – ugh. I don’t want to air out her trauma, but therapy triggers her,” Viggo said. My heart broke for her. Zett frowned, eyes cast down onto the floor.
“That sucks that she can’t get help,” he said. Viggo sighed and folded his arms against his chest.
“Believe or not, she is. She’s better here than in the Day Class. The Prefects there are so incompetent. Noir and Blanc can help her better than they could,” Viggo told us. They could help? They were more helpful than the Day Class Prefects? Why would the Day Class even be involved with us? “This is just a security blanket for her. She’ll be fine as long as I’m close by,” Viggo said. Zett’s eyes slid over to Fandamilia’s door and he cringed.
“Are you sure about that?” Viggo glared at him and even though it wasn’t directed at me, a shiver ran down my back. Nope. You know what? This wasn’t my problem. I felt bad for Fandamilia but she wasn’t going to be coming out anytime soon and this atmosphere was getting stressful. I slipped out of the room and headed to Tsukasa’s suite. He’d probably want to know what was happening with Fandamilia.
I wandered the halls for a while before finding the suite. Tsukasa was in his kitchen, a plate of cinnamon-sugar toast in front of him. He perked up when our eyes met and he gave me a small wave.
“So, uh, I found Fandamilia. She’s doing bad,” I said, sitting down across from him. He sighed, face scrunching up.
“I was worried about that,” he said.
“Did stuff happen at the Night Cafe after I left with Zeus, or…?” I asked. Tsukasa put his piece of toast down and nodded.
“Yeah. Fandamilia started crying after you two left and she tried to order more drinks and I guess you can guess where it went from there,” he told me. So this has been going on for a while now…
“Is she really that upset over talking back to Zeus? Does she like him that much?”
“I guess. I don’t really know her,” Tsukasa shrugged. “Did you see her?”
“No. I went to her dorm and Viggo was sitting outside it and I could hear her crying from out in the hallway,” I informed him. Tsukasa sadly shook his head as he listened. We stayed and chatted for a bit, both of us resolving to go see Fandamilia later and check on her. I know Viggo was doing what he thought was best, but letting her get drunk wasn’t going to do her any favors.
It was getting late and I headed back to my own suite for dinner. As I approached it, I noticed the door was shut. Huh. I hadn’t seen a closed suite door at all and for some reason, it made me feel apprehensive. But I opened the door and as soon as I did, I could hear yelling coming from the kitchen. It was Isabelle. I didn’t exactly want to eavesdrop, but she made it hard to avoid it.
“You are such a fucking idiot sometimes, I swear!” she shouted at someone. Was she fighting with Aika? Or Dorian? Or someone else?
“I know, I know, Izzy, lay off.” My heart pounded at that voice. He really was just popping up everywhere in my life, wasn’t he? Something possessed me and I peeked into the kitchen. Isabelle was at the stove, hands on her hips, and Zett was at the table, looking sheepish of all things. Isabelle’s magenta eyes met mine and her face softened a bit.
“Ugh. How much did you hear?” she asked.
“Um, just that’s Zett’s an idiot and he knows this,” I replied. Her shoulders slumped a bit, as if a weight was off them. Zett laughed.
“Isabelle’s right to be mad at me, don’t worry about it,” he told me. “But we all make mistakes, right?” Isabelle’s eyes widened and the look on her face was… Well, she looked like she was about to snap.
“Bitch, you tried to sell drugs to a COP. That’s… ugh!” She turned back to the stove, working on something in a bowl. I looked back to Zett, incredulous.
“You did what?”I demanded. Again, he looked sheepish.
“I made a bad business decision and now Viggo’s letting me stay with him until things die down a bit in town,” he said.
“Really? He’s letting you stay with him? He looked pretty mad earlier,” I said.
“Oh yeah, he’s mad, but I asked for a favor instead of him paying me for the errand, so…” He grinned at me, resting his chin on top of his hand. “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other from here on out.”
“I can’t believe you’re acting so nonchalant about this,” Isabelle spoke up harshly, whipping around to face him. “You’re acting like this is some joke to you.”
“I mean, it is kind of funny I almost sold magic cocaine to a cop,” Zett said. I didn’t know what part of that sentence to address first.
“You’re going to end up getting killed someday if you keep this up,” she said, pointing a batter-covered spatula at him. “You can’t keep doing this.”
“I have a retirement plan, but I’m nowhere near where I want to be,” he said.
“Why have a retirement plan? Do you really think you’re going to live to see thirtyat this rate? It’s a miracle you haven’t already been killed,” Isabelle said.
“Don’t underestimate me, I have-”
“Your ways, I know. To be honest, I don’t think you’re as clever as you think you are, but really, this is more about others. No one in town likes you except maybe that one girl you keep talking about, the one in the cult. Do you really you can keep going on like this here?” she demanded.
“Look, I get it, Isabelle. Can you please lay off me?” Zett’s eyes narrowed and there was a harsh edge to his voice. On one hand, I understood Isabelle’s frustration but on the other hand, she was being a little harsh. But she was right. Zett could easily get himself killed. And it was only because of a favor that he would be safe for however long he was hiding out here.
Jeez. The last couple of days have thrown curve balls at me. Not only was school hard (which I knew), but it felt like everyone was tied to Zett. And I had no idea if that was a good thing or not.
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severalcakes · 5 years
Just Watched End of Evangelion
2. I wish I could crick my eyes like I crick my neck.
3. Unit-02: (activates) Me: Au contraire, mon capitan! SHEEE’S BACK!
4. “I will hate you until the day I die!” Well, considering the circumstances... that’s not a long time, Misato.
5. Gendo: Haha yes I will grope this child! Oh shit mY FINGIES-
6. I feel sorry for two of the people who made this movie: the guy who had to animate Shinji’s spooge and the guy who had to animate Rei’s forehead vagina.
7. *Insert picture of the Mass Production Evangelions devouring Unit-02 here but with “Unit-02″ as “old pizza”, “Asuka” as “a cockroach that lives in the box” and “the MPE’s” as “me and the boys”*
8. Asuka was FUCKING AWESOME in this movie and so was the animation and sound effects in her fight scenes, ESPECIALLY the part where she was fighting the MPE with a Heavy Spear.
9. Ghost Yui: (appears) Gendo: So, does bitch wanna make me a sandwich?
10. So, what did Maya see inside Rei’s ghost hand that made her freak out? My guess is the release date for Rebuild 3.0+1.0...
11. Makoto: Blood Pattern: BLUE! It’s definitely- Everyone: ANGEL IT IS???
12. The bridge crew are dedicated, jeez! Their room being invaded; their base getting bombed; the entire human race being annihilated; like ten other batshit insane things; nothing stops them from spouting technobabble and being hysterical! That kind of dedication to confusing the shit out of me is admirable!
13. Shinji: (says some bullshit and wrecks furniture) Asuka: No. Shinji: Ah. Time for death!
14. I nominate the entire Ikari family for the GET KICKED IN THE JUNK AND GO TO THERAPY challenge!
15. Shinji, in the hospital room: Hey Asuka! Remember that thing you told me about “thermal expansion”?
16. What I don’t get is, why was the hospital pumping LCL into Asuka’s body? Is that gnarly chemical soup being served hot and fresh from when it was raining rocks actually good for you?
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part Thirty One: Sing To Me
Wait,“ Dinah repeated for the millionth time. "You’re telling me that Lauren did what?!”
Maggie rolled her eyes and poured herself another glass of wine. After Lauren’s proposal, Camila had gathered some of her friends and went to discuss what had happened between them.
To spill the Earl Grey and what not.
It wasn’t out in the tabloids as yet, but knowing Dinah Jane, Camila was sure, that no later than today, her best friend would tweet something and the world would know.
“She said, you dumb bitch,” Maggie took a sip from her glass. “That they’re renewing their vows and she’s making me the matron of honour.”
“Listen here, you little bitch,” Dinah began. “I’ve known the both of them a lot longer than you, therefore if anyone is going to be the maid of honour, that will be me; Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio Kane. No one else. Period.”
Camila laughed to herself and admired her ring. She couldn’t believe that this had happened. Even though therapy was over a couple weeks now, and with her album dropping in about two weeks, she was still extremely nervous about having to go back on tour. She and Lauren had been discussing what they were going to do, and they had settled on moving to New York. They weren’t too sure about having Izzy on the road with Camila as yet because she did need to be in a stable environment; so that was going to be a major issue.
“Actually guys, I was thinking about having Becky be my maid of honour,” at the mention of her name, the teenager began choking hysterically on her drink; causing Maggie to knock her on the back, hoping she doesn’t die. “Are you okay?” Camila smirked at her sister.
“I..I what,” Becky said in confusion. “You want me, as in ME,” she pointed to herself to be your MOH? Are you for real?“
Camila reached across the table and took her sister’s hand. "I am. You’re my sister Becky, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my maid of honour. Plus, Dinah was it last time, she can’t be that greedy.”
“Um, yes I can,” Dinah rolled her eyes playfully. “But that’s a really cute idea, Walz. I can’t wait to see you crying as you’re walking down the aisle again.”
Dinah, Maggie, Becky along with Camila had met up for an impromptu visit. Since everyone was literally busy with their careers and children, it was quite difficult to schedule a group hang with everyone. Lauren, as well couldn’t make it because she had some work to do with Natasha.
“I’m really honoured that you chose me, Mila,” Becky intertwined their fingers together. “I’m just so happy that things worked out between you and Lauren. The both of you deserve to be happy.”
Camila brought their hands to her lips, kissing Becky’s softly. “I swear, I wish you were in my life a lot longer. You’re honestly the best sister a girl can ask for.”
“Speaking of sisters…” Maggie wiggled her eyebrows at her sister in law. “When is my Mini Me going to get a sibling? I believe his name was Chuck.”
She and Dinah snickered. Becky was clueless but she joined in the laughter anyway because she didn’t want to be left out.
“Not anytime soon,” Camila rolled her eyes. “I know she wants a sibling but life is just so busy right now. I don’t want to have another kid and make the same mistakes I did with Izzy. When Lauren and I do decide on having another baby, I want to be around for it all; their first word, their first steps, seeing them off on their first day at school.”
Dinah and Maggie clutched their chests dramatically. If they weren’t always at each other’s throats; possibly for the fact that they were exactly the same person, maybe they would’ve gotten along.
“You’re doing parenting right,” Becky smiled at her sister. “My mom used to whoop my ass with the chancla every time I disobeyed her. Sometimes she still threatens to use it.” She laughed heartedly.
“Oh my god!” Camila joined in the laughter with her sister. “My abuelita used to do same thing. But to be fair, I deserved it.”
Becky laughed. “Girl, same. But I would cry my eyes out and my mom would beat me with it again so that I could stop crying.”
“My parents would ignore my existence,” Maggie added to the conversation. “One time I broke my arm, the butler took me to the hospital and my parents never came.”
The table fell silent.
“Jeez, tough crowd,” Maggie muttered. “I thought we were laughing at things that were funny.”
Dinah casually draped her arm over Maggie’s shoulder. “Your parents treating you like shit isn’t funny. And even though it’s your defence mechanism to use your pain and laugh at it, you didn’t deserve that.”
The younger Jauregui kinked an eyebrow at Dinah, her mouth hung open and words weren’t able to come out.
Dinah punched Maggie on the shoulder playfully. “Just because I’m mean to you like all the damn time and I want to murder you at every given moment…it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you and love you.”
“Awww,” Maggie wrapped her arms around the woman and placed a wet kiss on her cheek. “Dinah Jane, I love you too. If you weren’t such an ass to me, we could’ve been the best of friends. An unstoppable duo, if you will. The Bonnie to my Clyde. The Pain to my Ass.”
“Do we need to get the two of you a room?” Becky asked, laughing. “It’s an odd sight to see the both of you getting along if I’m being honest. Odd but not unwanted.”
Camila shook her head, laughing as well. “Don’t get used to it. For years, I’ve been trying to find a way to make these two get along, but it’s simply impossible.”
“Oh shut up, Jauregui,” Dinah rolled her eyes. “So, anyway, topic change, is baby Jauregui ready for her surprise tonight?”
Maggie looked from Dinah to Camila, then to Becky, because for once, the woman was clueless. “What are we talking about?!”
“You’ll see,” Camila sent a playful wink her way. “You’ll see.”
“Mummy,” Izzy walked towards her mother, and tugged on her jacket. “I want to be out with mama. I wanna see you sing.”
Camila stopped talking to Roger for a moment, and turned towards her daughter, stooping to her height. “You know that song you and me were singing that day?”
Izzy furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, until she nodded her head furiously. “Oh yeah! I like that song. It’s nice.”
“Do you want to sing that with me?”
“On stage?” Camila nodded. “With you?” She nodded again. “Will you hold my hand if I get scared?” Izzy asked, her voice soft.
Camila pulled her daughter into her arms. “Of course, I will baby. I’m always here for you when you’re scared. Just look at me, while you’re singing okay?” Izzy nodded against her mother’s shoulder. “Mama, Dinah, Maggie, Becky and your abuelitas will be there too.”
“What about Elena?” The child asked once she pulled away from her mother’s embrace. “Is she here too?”
Camila laughed. “Why don’t you see for yourself?” She pointed to a little girl in the crowd, who was in Lauren’s arms. Once Elena saw her friend from school, she waved wildly at her.
“Yay!” Izzy cheered excitedly. “Hi, Elena!” She waved at her best friend. “I’m excited now.”
One of the stage hands got Izzy ready to go out and perform. Meanwhile, Camila brought out one of the microphones that Izzy had gotten her for Christmas. It had instantly became one of her all time favourite gifts from her daughter.
The mother-daughter duo, were dressed in a matching outfit as a means to represent their bond during this performance. Camila and Izzy had come a long way, and though it’s still a work in progress, it’s getting better one step at a time.
“You ready, baby?” Camila looked down at her daughter who looked extremely giddy. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She laughed.
Izzy slipped her hand into her mother’s as they headed out on the stage; the fans going crazy as Camila surfaced and even crazier as they saw their fave’s child with her.
“Good night, Miami!” Camila yelled into the mic. “Before, I start with the actual show, there’s something that I want to do first.” She glanced at her daughter, who seemed a bit nervous as she was now standing in front of these thousands of people. “I’ve never formally introduced you guys…but I have someone I want you to meet.”
Camila stooped to her daughter’s height, wrapped an arm around the child’s waist and pulled her close to her chest, before speaking into the microphone again. “This little person right here is the light of my life. She loves me unconditionally even when I find it impossible to love myself, she does.” She placed a kiss on her daughter’s cheek, the crowd swooning at their interaction. “It’s been five years, and I think it’s time I introduce her to you…please meet my daughter. My everything. My princess… Emilia Isabella Jauregui.”
Camila’s fans gave the child a warm welcome, cheering loudly as she blushed and hid her face in her mother’s jacket.
“Hi…” the child spoke hesitantly into the microphone. “I like being called Izzy.”
Camila giggled and ruffled her daughter’s hair. “I also have a special surprise for you guys. My baby and I wrote a song together, and she wanted Miami to hear it first. What do y'all say? You wanna hear it?”
The screams from the fans were enough to know that they definitely did want to hear it.
Before standing, Camila asked her daughter again if she was okay with performing, and though Izzy may have been panicking on the inside, she really wanted to be on stage with her mother. So she pushed aside her fears, because she knew Camila was going to be there for her, and nodded her head.
“I’m ready, mummy!”
The music began softly playing through the speakers as pictures of Camila, Izzy, along with Lauren popped up on screen behind them as they were getting ready to perform.
“Sing to me, sing to me, Sing to me, sing to me, Sing to me, sing to me, Sing to me, sing to me…”
Camila sang to her daughter. A picture of Izzy when she was only a few hours old, appeared onscreen. They were still in the hospital, Camila was looking at her daughter with nothing but love and amazement in her eyes.
She remembered the day she told Lauren that she was pregnant. She remembered just how excited she was and couldn’t wait to tell her wife about the good news.
She drove…well sped home after her doctor’s appointment and blurted the news out to Lauren.
“I’m pregnant!” Camila screamed as soon as the front door to their house opened. Lauren popped her head out of the kitchen, staring at her wife in confusion.
“Pregnant?” Lauren asked. “Like with new music ideas?”
Camila laughed and wrapped her arms around her wife. “No, silly. I’m pregnant…with our baby.”
Lauren pulled away from her wife, and held her at arms length, staring at her. “You mean…?” Camila nodded. “Oh…my god.” She pulled her wife back into her arms, tears of joy making its way down her cheeks. “When did you find out?”
“Literally an hour ago,” Camila laughed through her own happy tears. “I couldn’t wait to tell you. You’re the first to know the good news.”
“I’m glad you didn’t wait,” Lauren kissed her wife on the lips. “God, I’m so happy. I can’t believe this. We’re having a baby.”
Camila smiled, placing her hand on her stomach. Even though she wasn’t showing as yet, she knew that the child she was carrying was in there.
She made a silent vow that she was going to treasure their baby… always.
Their unborn baby was going to be unconditionally happy.
“We’re having a baby,” Camila smiled, wrapping her arms around Lauren’s neck. “We’re having a baby.”
Camila held onto Izzy’s hand as they were dancing. Whatever nervousness the child may have had, was long gone. As she was too entranced with relishing this moment she was sharing with her mother.
Camila beckoned her daughter to begin singing. Izzy took a deep breath, and allowed the words to softly flow throughout the arena.
“Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you)…”
The joy and pride that not only Camila felt, but Lauren did too about their daughter performing right now, words couldn’t even begin to express it.
Elena was clapping excitedly the moment that her best friend started to sing, because she knew if her friend were to become famous like her parents, that being famous by association was the best kind of fame.
Looking at her daughter perform, it brought Camila to tears on stage. She wiped at her eyes, as she softly sang ‘I love you’ after each line her daughter sang. It reminded her of when Izzy said her first word. It then brought her back to when she started walking, then to when Izzy had started preschool.
A wave of sadness had hit her because even though she was there for most of Izzy’s critical years, she did miss out on other significant things about her daughter.
Things she didn’t want to miss if she and Lauren had another child.
Significant events in her daughter’s life that she didn’t want to continue missing.
“Mummy! Mummy!” Izzy ran up to Camila, a paper in her hand. It was Izzy’s second day of preschool, and even though Camila had things to do, she didn’t want to miss this part of her daughter’s growth. “Look! Look!”
She laughed and took the paper from her child, seeing an 'A’ scrawled on top of it. “Princesa! Did you ace your very first exam?!” Camila asked excitedly. “Aw, baby!” She stooped to her daughter’s height and wrapped her into a hug. “I am so proud of you! You’re so smart!”
Izzy giggled. “Thank you, mummy. Miss Kylie says I am too. Can we go show mama my test?”
Even though Camila and Lauren weren’t on the best of terms right now, she complied.
She may not have been the best mother, but Izzy’s happiness was always her priority…even though she had a bad way of showing it.
Once Lauren caught Izzy’s eyes, she blew a kiss at her, causing the child to smile happily.
“Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me…”
Sinu wiped at her eyes. It was as though everyone who came to see Izzy perform, were in tears. Since the beginning of the performance, the child’s grandmother had been an emotional wreck. She knew the struggles that Camila and Izzy had and for them to be at this point now, where the only place to go was up?
She was overjoyed.
Sinu knew that her daughter wasn’t perfect and that she had made a lot of mistakes, those mistakes hurting her granddaughter, but Camila loved Izzy with every fibre of her being.
Camila didn’t want to make the same mistakes her father did. She didn’t want to choose someone, people, or whatever the case may be over her family.
What doesn’t make sense is our want for things at a certain point in our life, things that we would literally do anything for just to have it. Like a job, a relationship, a friendship, his love or her attention.
You may think that these things are going to fulfil you and make you whole, but when you finally get them, you don’t want them anymore.
I can’t seem to wrap my head around how you can so desperately want someone’s love, and want to love someone, that when you finally get them, get their love, you don’t want it anymore. You realise that it’s not something you want.
It doesn’t make sense that we, as human beings can constantly change our preferences and alter our feelings so much towards people, things and places all the damn time.
Because then…did we ever truly love this person?
What is fake and what is real if we keep altering our feelings?
When will our feelings and wishes become stable?
And what I don’t understand is how we can be so obsessed and so in love with someone, to the point that we’re constantly thinking about them, and we yearn to be around them…but then at another point, we simply don’t feel a thing.
That’s what just doesn’t make sense to me.
How could Alejandro love his wife, his daughter but still choose to go ahead and have an affair? Though, Camila may never truly understand why he did what he did, she made a promise to herself that she would never hurt her daughter the way her father had torn her heart apart.
“Izzy, baby did you know, That you used to live in my tummy, Izzy, did you know, I’m in love with being your mommy…”
Camila caressed her daughter’s face as she sang those words to her.
Lauren may have been Camila’s soulmate, but Izzy?
Izzy was her heart.
When Camila found out she was pregnant, every single thing she did, she made sure it wouldn’t affect her unborn child negatively.
Everything she does till this day, she does it for Izzy.
“Camila,” Roger; her manager entered her hotel room to be met with her client packing her suitcase. “Where are you going?”
Camila sighed heavily. “Roge, as much as I love being a singer, and don’t get me wrong, my career means a lot to me, but it’s Izzy’s birthday in a few days and I can’t miss it.”
“Camila, listen…” Roger began but the singer cut him off again.
“No, Roger, you listen to me,” Camila pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing heavily. “My career is important to me, but my family comes first. Izzy is turning two and she has been asking for me. This is my child we’re talking about. A missed interview and a cancelled performance, is not going to end my career.” She zipped up her suitcase once she was finished packing. “Whether you like it or not, I’m going home.”
Camila’s father, before everything had gone down and ruined their family, he had taught her to be nice first, because she could’ve always been mean after.
The thing is, once you’re mean, no one is ever going to believe that you’re nice after.
So be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then you can fuck them over after.
Camila carried that with her throughout her life. When she had her own family, she made sure to put them first, because family first and everything else after. Though, they had their challenges, she always showered them with her 'niceness’ that was until Lauren messed up.
“Sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Izzy sing to me, sing to me (I love you)..”
It was so easy for Camila to fall in love with Lauren.
But it wasn’t always as easy as they had made it seem.
Initially, Lauren was scared of falling for Camila. And who could blame her? Love is a scary thing, especially since all good things seemed to have never even glanced in Lauren’s direction.
A part of Lauren was also afraid of Camila because maybe she knew that, her crush at the time, wouldn’t break her like the other girls.
Maybe that’s exactly why she was terrified of her. Camila could make Lauren happy, and happiness was definitely something that she didn’t know.
And Lauren knew, that being happy was the most terrifying thing on this earth.
Once you’re happy, it can be taken away from you.
“I know you’re scared Lauren,” Camila caressed Lauren’s cheek. “Hell, I am too, but we can be scared together. We can make this work.”
Lauren sighed and shut her eyes for a moment. “And what if we don’t work out? What happens then?”
“You’ll break my heart, and maybe I’ll break yours,” Camila shrugged. “But being with you, having my heart broken by you would be an honour.”
Maybe the reason it hurts so bad is because of how much you loved the person, how much you loved being with them.
Maybe it’s because you’ve never loved anyone in your life as much as you love this person.
And when it ends, you finally realise exactly how big of a part they are of who you are today.
Having to leave something you poured your heart and soul into… that shit isn’t easy and will never be easy.
And then, for the first time ever, you’ll finally experience what it’s like to have your heart break into a million pieces.
Lauren laughed softly and cupped Camila’s cheeks. “I am so damn scared, Camz. You have no idea just how truly terrified I am of being with you…but being without you is even scarier.”
“I’m going to be here with you, every step of the way,” Camila intertwined their fingers. “I know I’m going to mess up. I am not perfect. I say dumb things at the worst possible moments. But when I tell you, this thing in my chest,” she brought Lauren’s free hand and placed it over her chest to feel her heartbeat. “This right here…it beats for you and it always will.”
Lauren placed a kiss on Camila’s cheek, and pulled away, staring into her eyes. “There’s no one else in this world that I will ever truly adore the way I adore you.”
Maggie Jauregui; Lauren’s younger sister stepped out into the backyard and took a seat next to the couple. “I don’t mean to be that person, but I’m going to be that person.” She sighed dramatically. “I have been rooting for this since the beginning of time, if you don’t get together this instant, I will…” Maggie paused for dramatic effect. “…..die.”
Camila laughed and playfully punched Maggie in the arm. “Why are you like this?”
The teenager at the time, shrugged her shoulders. “I get asked that a lot and I have never came up with an answer. But don’t beat around the bush! Are you two together or not?!”
Camila looked at Lauren, who looked at Maggie, who looked back at Camila.
“I’m taking that as a yes,” Maggie squealed. “Mark my words, you two are going to get married, have beautiful babies and be a power couple! I’m calling it from now.”
Izzy and Camila had stopped dancing on the stage. The child tugged on her mother’s jacket, so that she could stoop to her height, Camila obliged.
Izzy placed a hand on her mother’s cheek as she sang the last few lines of the song, staring deeply into the woman’s brown eyes.
“Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you), Mommy sing to me, sing to me (I love you)…”
Camila wiped at her eyes and pulled her daughter into a hug, squeezing the child tightly. “I love you, princesa. I love you so so much.”
Izzy kissed her mother’s cheek. “I love you too, mummy. You’re the best mummy in the whole world!”
Camila placed the microphone in her back pocket, and cupped her daughter’s cheeks. “Baby, I need you to know just how special you are to me. I know sometimes I’m not the best mummy, and I know I make you cry. I’m so sorry for ever doing that to you.”
“It’s okay, mummy. I know you don’t mean it,” Izzy gave her mother a small smile. “I love you.”
All the while, Camila’s fans were looking on at the interaction between the mother and daughter, with their hearts being warmed at such an intimate moment. Camila wasn’t worried about doing this in front of her fans, she needed her daughter to know just how much she means to her, and this seemed like the right moment to do just that.
Camila kissed the child’s forehead. “I love you too, estrella. I don’t know what I did to be blessed with an amazing daughter like you.”
Izzy shrugged and smiled sweetly at her mother. “That’s simple, mummy. You married, mama.” She looked across the stage at her mother who was apparently bickering with her younger sister, who now had Elena in her arms.
Camila glanced at her wife, shaking her head with a smile on her lips. “You’re absolutely right, princesa.”
“Can I have the vows?” The minister asked the couple.
Lauren along with Camila we’re both emotional messes at the moment, but they had to push through their tears of joy to recite their vows to each other.
“I,” Lauren began and paused. “I love you,” she brought Camila’s hand to her lips, kissing it softly. “I think that’s all I need to say, because if I go on to talk about the way you make me feel, we’ll be standing here all day.” The crowd laughed, along with Camila; she wiped at her eyes. “You make me unbelievably happy and I, in all my years of living, never thought that I would ever be this happy. You drive my heart wild, and you drive me crazy, a perfect combination. When I first saw you that day in that crowded hall, something in me knew that we would’ve been forever. I’m just glad you gave me that chance.”
Camila squeezed Lauren’s hand. “I’d give you that chance all again in a heartbeat, my love.”
“I’m shy, and I’m quiet but when I’m around you, you bring out the best in me. You bring out a part of me that I didn’t know existed. When I’m around you, I can’t imagine not being around you. I’ve never wanted a casual type of love. I’ve always wanted someone to lean on and someone to love. I’ve always wanted someone to live with, rather than exist with,” Lauren inhaled deeply, she was trying her best to not cry, but that was physically impossible when she was about to marry the woman she always wanted. “I need commitment, consistency, intimacy and connection, and I am so utterly blessed to have found that in you, Camila Cabello. You are the love that came without warning, you had my heart before I could say no. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I want you, all of you for the rest of forever. I love you, for all that you are and for all that you will be. You are my happy ever after.”
She slipped the ring on Camila’s finger and brought it to her lips kissing it gently. “I’m glad I’m the person that you love.”
“Izzy! Izzy! Izzy” Elena ran towards her best friend, and wrapped her in a hug. “Hi!”
Izzy giggled and hugged her friend back. “Hi. I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Your mummy said to keep it a secret, and I was going to tell you, but your tía said she was going to beat me up.” Elena pouted.
Maggie laughed as she heard what Elena just said. “I didn’t say no such thing,” she lifted her niece into her arms, hugging her tightly. “I said, I would want to beat you up. Not that I was going to.” She playfully rolled her eyes. “But ugh, Mini Me, you are a star! I’m so proud of you. You’re a better singer than your mummy that’s for sure.”
Izzy blushed. “Thank you, tía.” She kissed Maggie’s cheek.
“Go play with your demon friend,” Maggie placed her back on the ground, as the two ran off with Sinu and Valentina. “Your performance was amazing, Camzii. I’m so proud. I might’ve shed a tear or two.”
Lauren laughed. “You were crying throughout the whole thing.” She wrapped her arms around her wife, kissing her forehead. “Amazing as always, mi amor.”
“You really think so?” Camila asked. “I just wanted to introduce Izzy into my world. I mean, I don’t want her to grow up in it because it’s not always rainbows and trees, but I don’t want her to feel as though I’m hiding her.”
Maggie nodded, and placed a hand on her sister in law’s shoulder. “She knows, trust me. That kid is obsessed with you. You’re an amazing mother, so now, I guess I have to take it back when I said you were a shitty one.”
Camila shoved the woman away, who laughed loudly. “I fucking hate you, but also, thank you. I’m trying to be the mother Izzy deserves.”
“Hey, sissy,” Becky approached her sister. She had a plate of food in her hand, because apparently stuffing her face was more important than talking to her sister after the very first performance she had seen. “You and Izzy should start a band or something. I’m impressed. The kid has some incredible vocals.” She shoved something in her mouth. “By the way, these cream puffs are amazing. What the hell.”
“Ooh, yes girl!” Maggie snatched one out of her plate. “I love those too. Come, let me show you what you have to try.”
The couple laughed as their sisters walked away and headed towards the food table. “They’re literally the same person.”
“Right?” Camila agreed with her wife. “Well, today was a success.”
“And you were amazing as usual,” Lauren pulled her wife onto a couch, Camila sitting on her lap. “I know it hasn’t even started yet, but I can’t wait for your tour to be over.”
The woman laughed, she slipped her fingers into Lauren’s hair. “It’ll be over before you know it, trust me. And we’re going to be okay. Whatever life throws at us, we’re going to kick it’s ass.”
Wattpad: Commander_Camren
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darthkieduss · 6 years
Reasons I hate Fat Donnie Trump (will update frequently)
#Republican, duh. #Narcissistic Personality Order #He lost the Popular vote. #No previous political experience #Has unrealistic ideas about how to solve America's problems, such as getting Mexico to pay for a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. #Vice President is a crazy fundamentalist Christian homophobic wackjob who thinks electroshock therapy cures homosexuality and can't be alone with a woman without his wife present. #Believes in unscientific ideas such as the idea that vaccines cause autism (I am autistic so this is a bit personal) #Has made comments alluding to sexual harassment. #Can't let any slight go. Even comments made about his sign. Jeez, Obama simply shrugged off the trolls and haters. #Won't stop bitch-tweeting. #Enacted the separation of children from their parents. #Tried to ban trans folks from the military. As long as they serve our country, who cares? #Suspended CNN's press pass after some tough questioning. #Is imposing insanely high tariffs on imported goods, mostly from China. #Supports unconstitutional profiling of Muslims. #Supports killing civilians in war. “We gotta take our their families” WHO THINKS LIKE THIS? #Posted troops on the border just for political advantage in the 2018 mid-terms. #Is a shameless self-promoter. #Can't admit his own faults. #Believes he's qualified for president because he's rich (said this in 2013) #Has passed insane tax cuts for the rich, which only increase America's budget deficit and national debt. TRICKLE-DOWN NEVER WORKS. #Had to be discouraged from invading Venezuela, who hasn't done anything to us and poses no threat to us. #Gets advice from Fox News. #Pulled out the Iran deal which was working. #Thinks that the way to show strength is by being a dick. #Cheated on every one of his wives and lied about it. We impeached Bill Clinton for it. #Has increased the military budget way too much. We spend $664 BILLION on the military. It doesn't need anymore. #Claimed Obama spied on him by wiretapping the Trump towers. Provided no evidence. #When he is criticized for something, he claims “Obama started it...” *facepalm* #LIES ON A CONSTANT BASIS. I think he lies just to see what his fans will believe... #He won't admit he lost the popular vote. He says "If you deduct the illegal voters." Oh please... #Is undoing everything Obama did just because it was Obama that did it. If he could bring back Osama bin Laden, he would. #WORLD LEADERS ARE LAUGHING AT HIM AND US #He has his cabinet kiss his ass on a constant basis. #He committed campaign finance violations during the election. #He fired FBI Director Jimmy the Giant Comey just because he wouldn't swear loyalty to him and was investigating him. That’s Obstruction of Justice. #Attacked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not closing the Mueller investigation. #He said he wanted to lower the minimum wage back in 2015. #The infamous "Mexicans are rapists" Comment. #Attacked the late John McCain for being a Prisoner-of-War. #Gave out a Senator's cellphone number out of spite. #Blamed Megyn Kelly's tough questioning on her period. #He said "Bring back torture EVEN IF IT DOESN'T WORK". (2015) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! #Tried to have his political opponents locked up. #"Jokes" about being president-for-life. If Obama had "joked" about this, the right would've lost their shit. #Threatened martial law in Chicago. #Praised Protestant bigot Norman Peale, who only opposed JFK simply because he was Catholic. #He violated the Presidential Records Act. #One of his tax cuts gave the poor $40, the ultra-rich $940,000 #He appeals to insecure men. #He and Jeff Sessions said it is ok to discriminate against gay people. #Complains about people not respecting the flag, says the guy who molests it. #Wants North Korean-style Military Parades. #Started that Obama birth certificate bullshit... He only said Obama was born in America in 2016...when it was politically-convenient. (*cough* back-pedaling) #He believes women are beneath him. #Doesn't believe in Global Warming. #Wouldn't stop saying interrupting Clinton in the debates. #Has more in common with the criminal Richard Nixon than anyone else. (Edit: He called for an end to investigations like Tricky Dick did in ‘74) #3.2 MILLION Americans lost their health insurance in Trump's first year. #"A terror attack would help me politically bigly." or we could NOT have a terrorist attack, thank you. #Claimed he would've run into a school shooting to confront the shooter without a weapon. BULLSHIT. #His lawyers say "I can't let him testify because he can't stop lying." #His budget obliterated funding for Science, Education, EPA & labor. #He encourages Republicans to break the law. #Tweeted FAKE photos to convince his fans that the border wall is being built. #Has committed obstruction of justice. (Edit: Confirmed by Mueller) #Said he's in favor of bombing civilians. #He had the USAF bomb an antivenom medical facility in Syria. #He said he only received $1 Million from his father. HE GOT $400 Million. ANOTHER LIE. #He makes everything about himself. Even 9/11. Who makes 9/11 about himself? #Claims he's completely immune to lawsuits over constitutional violations. Nixon said that, but it didn't work for him. #He's driving us to another Great Depression. #He threatened to punish the media if they weren't nice to him. #He calls the press "The enemy of the people" when they don't kiss his ass. #He calls Sean Hannity every night. Sean Hannity is a partisan hack who wouldn't turn on a Republican president even if he found out he was using JFK's Eternal Flame to light farts. He’s so far up Trump’s ass he can taste his lunch. #He still uses his private NON-SECURE cell phone, creating HUGE National Security problems. #He admitted his attacks on the media are just to discredit negative stories. #He claims he has the power to pardon himself. NO THE HELL HE DOESN'T. #Giuliani said Trump can't testify because his memory keeps changing. #THE MOST THIN-SKINNED PRESIDENT. #He is against the protections for pre-existing conditions. HE is a pre-existing condition. #When told Kim Jong-Un is a murderer, he responded "He's a tough guy." #He says Americans should obey him like North Koreans are forced at gunpoint to obey Kim Jong-un. #He trusts brutal dictators, but not our closest allies. #He is jealous of Kim Jong-Un's absolute grip on power. #He lied about the German crime rate to justify his immigration policies. #He suggested destroying the Constitution so he can deport immigrants faster. #Authorized USING LETHAL FORCE ON UNARMED MIGRANTS!!! #Lied to the United Nations, saying poverty in America doesn't actually exist. I PERSONALLY know people who are living in poverty. #He issued a gag order to stop government employees from talking to reporters. #He said, on tape, that if Senator Elizabeth Warren proved she was Native American, he would donate $1 million to a charity of her choice. When she did, and someone pointed it out, he said "I didn't say that." Whether or not he’s obligated to pay, he said he would but now he’s saying he didn’t say it. #Says people who criticize him are a threat to America. #His trade wars have cost 100,000+ American jobs. #People who work for him tend to be convicted of crimes... #Makes slanderous lies about us Democrats. #Told German Chancellor she owes him $1 Trillion even though she doesn't him shit. #76% of the claims Trump makes during his rallies are LIES. #He has committed at least NINE impeachable offenses. #He said he believes Russian president Vladimir Putin over OUR OWN intelligence agencies. #He once said in December 2016, "Fuck the law! I don't give a fuck about the law! I want my fucking money!" #Claimed we've won the war on poverty, so let's cut food stamp programs. No we haven't. #He threatened to nuke the economy to spite China. #He said he'd drain the swamp, yet he was 86 lobbyists on his staff. #He thinks everyone else is as stupid as he is. #Corporations are PRAYING that Trump tweets us into a war. #He told a crowd "reality isn't real" so they should ignore it. #Wages have tanked after Trump's wealthy tax cut. #Nixon was guilty as hell and Trump sounds just like him. #He actually claimed you need a Picture ID to buy cereal....CEREAL...WHO IS THIS STUPID?!?! #He claimed people will die if we don't make cars less fuel efficient. #By August 2018 his lie count topped 4,200+. By May 2019, it’s now 10,000+. #His administration is now allowing more toxic asbestos into our daily lives. #His wife plagiarized Michelle Obama in a speech during the election. #He watches tapes of his rallies to marvel at his own "brilliance", if that's what you call it. More like jerking off to himself. #He said military might is more important that jobs. #He said violating ethics rules to meet with Fox news is in "the public's interest" #Discreetly called for Hillary Clinton's assassination by firearm (”Second Amendment people”) if she had won. #Claimed he would ONLY accept the results of the 2016 election IF HE WON. #Said "Let's fucking kill him" of Bashar al-Assad. Yes, Assad is a bad man, but WE DON'T ASSASSINATE PEOPLE. #He said he wants to separate migrants kids from parents INDEFINITELY. #He acted like a total ass on the 2018 9/11 anniversary. #He denies that 3,000+ Puerto Ricans died in Hurricane Maria. #Pentagon officials had to stop Trump from tweeting us into a war. #American taxpayers spent $77 MILLION on Trump's Golf trips. #Criticized Obama for golf trips...has taken more golf trips in 3 years than Obama did in 8. #Said the FBI is a "Cancer to the country". #His administration cut cancer research funding to pay for child prisons. #Puerto Rico won't get statehood simply because they were mean to him. *His administration said Planet is burning down, so let's just ruin it now. *Says he loves North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. “We fell in love”. *Talked about his dick at the debates. *He is being investigated for tax evasion and fraud. *Hates immigrants, married two Eastern European immigrant, son of a Scottish immigrant and grandson of a German immigrant. *Claimed Iraq War was wrong, yet he has increased troop numbers there. *Compared sexual assault victims to arsonists. #He denied Saudi Arabia financial interests...AFTER bragging about them. #He hasn't condemned Saudi Arabia for their murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. #He mocked decorated Navy SEAL, saying they should've gotten Osama bin Laden sooner. WHAT? #He banned 2 Million Federal workers from discussing his impeachment at work. #He demanded that he leave the G20 during the climate change discussion. #He told about skyrocketing national debt: "I won't be here." when it explodes. #Called a US Senator "The Dick". #*His hush money payments were done ILLEGALLY, with campaign cash. #His cult sent bombs to everyone he criticized. Not saying he's directly responsible but that's how cultist his fans are. #He threatened to bring Saturday Night Live to court simply for making fun of him. Awww poor baby, is someone making fun of you? Good. #Never has a president been under so much investigations except Richard Nixon. #He pulled us out of the Paris agreements. #His 2018 government shutdown lasted 35 days and was over a stupid wall. #He only works 40% of the day. He's the laziest POTUS ever. #He pulled us out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. HE STARTED A NEW COLD WAR. #He won’t release his taxes. If he’s got nothing to hide, why HIDE EM? #He threatened us Democrats, saying he has the support of the police, the military and “Bikers for Trump.” Bikers for Trump=BrownShirts. #Claims that windmill causes cancer and kill birds...Are you fucking kidding me? #His son Donny Douchebag got a crowd to chant “AOC sucks” like the douchebag he is. #Claimed his father was born in Germany. Fred Trump was born in NYC, how stupid can you be to not know where your parents were born... #Claims he should get 2 more years added to his term because those 2 years were “stolen” by the Mueller report. *facepalm-cringe* #He told 4 Progressive non-white Congresswomen to “Go back to where you came from”. 3 of 4 were BORN HERE, YOU FUCKING RACIST #One-uped the “go back to your country” but viciously attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore in a racist Twitter tirade. #Extorted the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden (finally being impeached) #He's always blaming everybody else, complaining, never taking responsibility. #"I inherited a mess." You inherited millions of dollars, you whiny...little...BITCH!
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Steven Universe Future, Here We Are!
"liveblogging" the New Cool Steven Future stuff because my life is falling apart 
Little Homeworld is wonderful and I'm so proud
God bless Amethyst for being the older trauma sister, just trying to help a brother out
*chanting and pumping fists* Jasper! Jasper! Jasper! Jasper! Jasper!
Is my boy... yelling? My sweet baby boy... yelling at someone? Oh man let em rip Stevo my dude it's been too long
Jasper is so excited to fight oh lord Bless This Mess
When The Insecurity Hits...
This is some anime fight shit right here
"I don't snow about this!" lmfao
I predict... chaos
And chaos is what I recieve
Um hey Steven can you like bend time now? Is Steven quicksilver now?
Amethyst's character development is 👌👌
OH NO WE FORGOT ONION!!!! ...eh, he's fine
Steven trying to compartmentalize his complicated relationship with his mother by moving the portrait somewhere different... bro
The zoo humans!!!!
The look on Steven and Amethysts face when he says "Family reunion"
Trauma Bonding, coming right up
"I can feel the rest of my hair falling out" foreshadowing lmao
Greg NOPEing out of there is a BIG MOOD
Everyone is weirded out and I can't fucking watch
Why is everyone leaving Steven alone with his... aunts? Is that what we can call them?
"I know it's wrong, but... I'm overwhelmed" some really big moods in this episode my dudes
Ok but why do all sleepovers end like that though
"I've been pretending that I'm fine because it's not your fault, but I'm not fine."
Nvm they're siblings that makes more sense
Ahhhhh in Lion's mane. Good choice.
"Sorry, this is just baggage." "It's not about me." Steeeeveeeennnnn
That fucking anime eye glisten
"Looks like someone's still got it bad" that is RICH coming from you Pearl lmao
We get to see where Pearl's were made???? Nice!!
Pearl vs Pearl... jeez
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
Oh boy oh no oh no oh no
Oh no oh no oh nooooooooo he's reverse-developing
"How did you stop hurting?" "I didn't."
Ruby plus Aquamarine is cockney? How does that actually kind of make sense
"Steven, you've literally invited all problematic gems to come here and learn a better way of living"
I've only had Bluebird for minute and a half but if anything happened to her I'd fucking celebrate cause I hate her so much holy shit
"I always knew, everyone knew"
Steven grudgingly asking if they're ok lmao
Greg is the best dad Change my Mind
Oh Onion. Bless his Onion heart.
This is bringing out my inner preschool teacher
Steven is not fine
When you have one protective older sister and two over-protective moms
Hey remember when Steven used to want to get all the gems together to hang out and they were too busy? I'm not gonna cry...
Together Breakfast... nope not gonna cry
"That should keep you busy for a while"
*chanting and pumping fists* Lapis! Lapis! Lapis! Lapis! Lapis!
"He's smaller than I thought" is the prevailing quote I see
"They're not nice like me" LMAO
"He is half-Diamond, maybe we should half-listen" now that's an attitude I can get behind!
Lapis song!!
Lapis fight!!!!!!!!
YOU BITCHES THOT! You messed with the wrong gem!!
"It's cool" "Is it?"
Steven... bb... no
"Are you ok?" "Yeah. Are you ok?" Damn... deep cut. Steven really does need to hang out with humans his own age.
Jackets for Phones... genius
"Oh jeez" Lars is me
Oh no... oh no...
Steven... Steven no...
Get that bitch some therapy. Bitches love therapy.
Lars initiated a hug?? That's character development.
"This may not be the healthiest approach to your new hobby."
"Why do I need to be needed?"
"Are you ok, Steven?" Pretty sure that's been asked every episode so far
Hey Steven maybe your cactus is all fucked up cause you need to go to therapy
He keeps hurting himself... the metaphors
"The cactus is earth's most resilient plant!"
"I think I've said enough" ding dong you are wrong
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entertheolivezone · 7 years
Okay, so made for tv Disney movie time. *cracks knuckles* Descendants 2 time!
Oh shit the evil kids are casting a spell
No, wait...they're singing?
They're singing out how evil they are.
Tina thinks that this probably takes place in the past.
They're giving everyone apples that make them evil.
Oh shit, Mal's mommy issues are back. Like, already. We're not even through the first song.
No, wait, everyone has mommy issue.
The apples made everyone evil and also made they learn a bunch of over-produced dance moves.
Ben's trying to stop her from getting roasted by the press.
Ooh, he sent the press away to stop them from asking uncomfortable questions. That's questionable, politically.
Tina's all mad because part of Mal's good guy makeover is dressing her LIKE BEN'S MOM.
Apparently being the king's girlfriend means running everything.
Mal look
They showed Mal spitting out food at Aladdin and Jasmine's. Fuck you, Mal.
Mal's using magic to keep up! Evie's mad at her! It's all season 6 of Buffy in here!
Tina: *gasp!* They're MAGIC-SHAMING her!
Evie got rid of her mirror? Why? That shit was so useful.
Tina: Yeah Evie, it's weird that Mal's nervous about being the steady girlfriend of the President-For-Life.
Evie's super in respectiability politics.
Jay's really into orgies.
But he doesn't want Carlos there.
Oh my god, are they trying to play Carlos as straight?
Well Jane, maybe if you weren't crawling up Mal's ass she wouldn't make evil eyes at you.
Apparently everyone thinks Ben's going to marry Mal. Makes sense, they're all the kids of Disney characters.
Ben's trying to get a stained glass couples picture of him and Mal. I sense a plot point.
Tina: Just wear a sign that says "Desperate," Ben.
Shut up, Jane.
Why is Chad going to Evie for fashion tips? She hates his ass.
Chad's gonna try to usurp. Dang.
After having locker room sex with Jay, apparently.
Evie's got cash now from selling her designs. Upgrade your boyfriend too.
Okay, Ben is trying waaaaaaaaay too hard.
Mal's really easily bought off.
Too much cherography.
Who says FINISH HIM at a fencing match?
Wait, are they just doing Mulan but with Lonnie as Mulan and a fencing team as the Chinese army.
They are.
Chad is sexist, surprising nobody.
As is the rulebook.
Geez Jay, stand up for your friends.
And jeez, don't make him straight so he can date Jane.
Jane sucks.
Ugh, a friendzone joke.
...did Mal just have an evilgasm?
Wow, going into surprsingly casual detail about Carlos' abusive childhood.
Hey Chad, don't break into other people's rooms while those people are in there.
What's with the 3-D printer stuff?
Mal made Carlos a truth gummy. So he can be honest. About being attracted to Jane. Yeah, sure, whatever you so.
The dog ate the gummi and now we're in a talking dog movie.Wasn't expecting that.
Poor Carlos. Did that dog imply he has crabs?
Welcome to the movie, Hook's kid.
This kid is 500% drama.
I think we're meeting kid!Ursula.
Oh geez, these were the kids who weren't cool enough to join Mal's gang. That's a low bar.
Kid!Ursula is named Uma. I know because they're singing a whole song called " My Name is Uma (please buy my dolls)"
She wants to take over the world because she didn't get into the first movie.
I think Harry Hook is going to be this movie's "character who seems like he want have sex with everyone in every scene he's in." (A role previously held by Ben in the last movie.)
Oh shit, Ursula does not like it when people sing in her bar. Her bar that is mostly populated with teenagers played by twenty year olds.
Harry Hook is getting handsy with Gaston Jr.
Mal is performing traditional feminity to please Ben. Gross.
Uh oh, Ben found her magic book.
Ben, don't be an asshole about this.
Okay Mal, magically date-raping your boyfriend can't be the solution to all of your problems.
Ben doesn't get how the class system works.
Bad saving throw, Ben.
Uh oh, Mal's running away with her lizard mom. Back to Bad Guy island.
Mal, did you forget that everyone hated you back home?
We're getting a leitmotiff from the first movie. Mal's going bad again.
Being King-for-Life can't be that stressful if a dance is your main concern.
At least Ben admits that it's his fault that Mal ran to the island.
Tina: It's so sad that sixteen Ben already realizes that he's doomed to repeat the cycle of abuse he parents went through.
Looks like the old gang is going back to the island. And they're gonna disquise Ben. AWESOME.
Aw, Evie doesn't want to get trapped in the place she had her hellish childhood.
Lady Tremaine owns a styling parlor. Yes. Mal's gonna get a re-evil makeover.
Kid!Stepsister is definitely a character who definitely existed before this.
This salon has a giant picture of Lucifer the Cat. Good.
Oh good, they had a spare costume from Katy Perry's California Girls video for Mal to wear.
Harry's trying to intimidate Mal, but she's knows he's Uma's bitch.
Ha ha, Ben's dressed like an evil longshoreman.
All of the ex-evil kids are afraid of being trapped where they had their incredibly abusive childhoods. Ben almost walks into a vent.
Ben, stop wandering off.
Oh, Ben. You sweet, stupid baby.
Are the ex-evil kids teaching Ben about the evils of the class system through song? Yes. Yes, they are.
"Remember the way to be cool is to be oppressed and hopeless."
Ben is having way too fun here.
He just danced into Gaston Jr. And the subtext returns.
Ben's just going into their secret hideout alone? I know he's here to have a serious talk with Mal, but they don't know who else could've moved in.
That dude still doesn't get it. I'd say that he should just leave her alone, but it's obvious her insecurities about fitting in are the root of their problems.
Aw, Mal thinks that the myth of upward social mobility is bullshit and that's why she can't date Ben.
She's so upset about this that she won't even talk to her gal pal!
Harry Hook has grabbed Ben! Those two shouldn't be in the same room together. All of the goggles in the world couldn't contain that much sexual chemistry.
If Mal wants to see Ben again, she'll have to face Uma in a fight that definitely probably won't involve singing and dancing.
Sorry ex-evil kids, Mal's gotta do this alone.
Uma wants to nail Mal to the wall. In more ways than one.
This is the way all disputes between villains are solved. By arm wrestling.
Uma wants...the fairy Godmother's wand? Is it the first movie again?
They're going to use the previous established 3-D printer to make a fake. What an odd thing to be running plot point.
Girls sure do like talking about hair I guess.
Dizzy just reminded Evie that she'll never be more than an island girl.
Oh geez, now Chad knows about it. And Lonnie.
Tina: They just gave up the whole pretense that this society is a democracy.
Why does Chad think he'll be next in line for the throne?
Dizzy: Boy, it sure sucks being an untouchable.
...are Mal and Evie going to make out?
Aw, Evie's willing to subject herself to abject poverty to stay with Mal and Mal won't let her.
Now they're having a romantic montage of moments between these two characters as they sing a song about how much they love each other.
Forehead bump of love.
This is one of the least subtle things ever.
Tina: There is no part of this that is not a love song.
And we cut to Jay and Carlos sleeping on top of each other. WELL
I appreciate how much everyone does not want this movie to become a talking dog movie.
Mulan grew a personality in between movies. Tina doesn't know how to feel. On one had, it was well needed. On the other, she's basically a completely different person now.
Did all of the gay subtext fly out of Carlos and coat everyone else?
...Harry Hook is counting down the minutes until he gets to stick his hook in Ben. His words, not mine.
Ben's trying to get out of this using his one main skill from the first movie: seduction.
He's going all in, but Uma's not buying what he's selling.
Oh great, the talking dog is here.
Everyone's off to save the group's collective boyfriend. (Ben.)
Time for some good old fashioned sing-fight-dancing.
Tina: Is this supposed to a rap battle?
Yes. Yes, it.
Oh god, Ben's trying to defuse the situation by seducing a whole crowd at once. I know it worked in the first movie, but this is so not your territory.
Turns out the talking dog thing was a plot point.
Gaston Jr wants Ben to tell his mom that he's still single.
Like, yeah, the wand was fake, but why did Uma just assume that she could do magic?
Well, that extra's dead.
...did Harry and Jay hook up in the past?
Quick, everyone swordfight with whichever character you have the most sexual chemistry with.
Except Evie and Lonnie, who just get extras because we ran out of front-credited characters.
Harry's taking another crack at Ben because of course he is.
The good guys are escaping in a limo because Ben's real power is privilege.
Uh oh, Mal left her evil spellbook behind.
Ben just realized that his duty as King-For-Life is to everyone, not just the people in the magical suburbs.
Lonnie is going to bang Jay SO HARD.
Carlos is totally pitching an orgy.
A therapy orgy.
Tina: This is where everyone is realizing that fuck Respectability Politics.
Carlos, that's not the right problem to focus on. Of course Ben's not in love with you just because of the spellbook, that's why he was all mad that you were using it early. Also because you were trying to use magic to wipe his mind.
The dog is trying to get Carlos to be hetrosexual. So that happened.
Tina called Jay using a loophole in the fencing handbook to get Lonnie on the team. By making her captain! And she's gonna make all those boys grovel at her feet.
Ugh, Doug.
Evie, you can do better.
Doug thinks that Evie might be banging Happy's son because he has a dark streak.
Tina: Why can't we see Happy's son? An evil Happy is so much better than Doug!
Oh, Carlos is trying to ask out Jane. I repeat, BOOOOOOOOOO.
We went from one of the worst hetro romances in the movie to the other.
Chad needs find his chill.
Evie is trying to establish Dizzy as an up and coming designer to get her off of the island.
Is Jane just dating Carlos to get back at her mom? That's gross. Don't use people like that.
Ew, the manservant just told Mal to work it. She's, like, sixteen. Back off, creepy.
Mal: Father-tested, Mother-approved.
Ben invited Uma! Wow, dude is really doing the groundwork to set up this threeway.
Tina: Ben is going to bring over the villains over one at a time. With his dick.
Nah, it looks like Uma probably used magic to brainwash him. The dude has no luck in the "getting magically brainwashed into dating girls" department.
Or lots of luck in that department, depending on your view of things.
How are they not getting this? This is exactly what THEY did to him last movie?
Tina: They're dancing to an orchestral version of Kiss the Girl. That makes sense.
Boy, now's a dick time to unveil that stained glass window of Mal that Ben comissioned.
Uma used the book to command Ben to bring down the mystical barrier seperating the Island of Poor People from the rest of the country. This is...a bad thing, apparently?
They're doing the thing in which two people stand on opposite sides of a room and try to get the dog to come to them, except with Ben instead of a dog.
True love's kiss, wah wah wah.
Tina: Why's Uma jumping in the water? Me: Maybe she's going to pull an Ursula and turn into a giant octopus woman.
Holy shit, I was kidding.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand now Mal's a dragon.
Think Ben still wants that threesome?
Tina: I know Ben's right, but also shut up Ben. I want to see a giant octopus lady fight a dragon.
It took him a while, but Ben finally managed to seduce Uma.
They came so close to having a good message.
Oh, okay. Apparently segregation is wrong, but only in some cases. That's...better, I guess?
And so everyone who didn't live in the island of abject poverty lived happily ever after.
Looks like Carlos is getting that orgy he was gunning for earlier.
Mal and Evie are working the subtext right to the bitter end. And Ben's getting that threesome one way or another.
Oh right, Doug exists.
Tina: Why is everyone dancing in the water? You can tell that the choreographer thought that this would look so much cooler than it does.
I guess Mal and Ben are engaged now? Well, I guess having a wife who can turn into a dragon would come in handy if you were King-For-Life ruling over a bunch of recently deposed royals. Especially since Chad is definitely going to try to overthrow him at some point.
Uma just broke the fourth wall and threatened another sequel.
Hey, they saved the cover of a classic Disney song for the credits.
Tina: Pop cover of Kiss the Girl better than rap cover of Be Our Guest?
Me: It'd pretty much have to be.
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hyper-elastagirl · 5 years
Hoh is he doing it. Is reuenthall being a dumbass and trying to rebell. Blondie is completely umphased. He even looked happy to have some excitement going on with that dramatic cape twirl.
Lutz is gonna die because they emphasized that he had a fiancee earlier. Tragic deaths are always hinted at :/// GODDAMN IT I REALLY LIKED HIM WHY DO THE GOOD GUYS ALWAYS DIE
He's being framed isn't he oh fuck poor dude. Oh noooo he's doing the whole "yep gonna die time to reflect on my past actions" thing people do. Damn this show is just one tragedy after another
EXCUSE ME referring to reinhard as "Dearest Him" is uh. Something my dude. Reuenthall congrats on joining the ranks of "goddamn he needs therapy" .
God fucking damn if people would just talk to each other and get over their fucking pride. Ugh. Men.
Mittermeyer my man you have a wife don't do anything stupid. You are in possession of the brain cell. Use it.
God I love schonkopp he's a fucking riot. And once you get to know her so is Karin??? I love them both. Julien good luck with that guy for a father in law.
Noooo the boys parted on bad terms. Mittermeyer once again showcases that he is the only one capable of rational thought. He understands that men like reuenthall and reinhard need to fight in order to feel alive and that is muy no bueno. Jeez I have no idea how things are gonna end for reinhard I assume him dying will be the only way?
Nothing more badass than throwing off the remains of your prosthetic arm in the middle of a battle to continue fighting
Oh my fucking god the man was impaled in the chest with a big ass spike and he stops to fucking fix his hair and chastise a subordinate for getting upset. Rest in peace reuenthall you glorious narcissistic bastard. Christ he just pulls it out and stands up like it's no big deal. They wear button downs under velvet uniforms god fucking damn those imperials are wack.
"Adjutant, bring me new clothes. I don't like smelling my own blood" akdnskzbeh fuck reuenthall you crazy bastard.
I wish truhit got a better death that was kinda lame. When is this crazy bastard gonna die sldnsisbsvrhec "I am enjoying the process of dying" what the actual fuck reuenthall. Oh! It's her. She is so vile wow. Well, he did make a cute kid at least. He deserves a better death than this T.T oh she just fucking left the baby what a bitch. And the last thing he does is name his kid? Oof.
Holy shit I never would have imagined reinhard having a shotgun wedding but heeeere we go.
Being a bastard saved that bastards child oh the irony.
Wow that knitting animation was good?
Conquers the entire universe. Can't make small talk with a girl he banged and knocked up. Way to go Blondie. Ohmyfuxh his face that is not a happy face. But he's being emotionally vulnerable so that's good
S norts muller says he thinks reinhard looks godly does everyone have a bit of a crush on that man I don't blame them I mean look at that hair
Have I mentioned that I fucking hate bittenfeld? Because I fucking hate bittenfeld. God he never shuts up and thinks his opinions are important. Nobody cares buddy!!!
Oberstein the fuck did you have to interrupt them during the fucking ceremony are you trying to get every one to hate you. Because they do.
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