#everyone in canada has as (or should I SAY to my cat as we watch PIZZA bake in the Oven
sbnkalny · 4 months
I met my husband on r/Cigarettes in 2011. We were making fun of everyone there among the first to do so. We moved to MSN and I hacked his account: he loved a freaky hacker chick. I went to visit him in the sexy part of Canada in 2012: he fucked on this freaky hacker chick bodyy
O heavenly Kalny, will my husband return from war.... It is quite intense i’m not making fun of him). She hacked me all your recent posts tagged DAY1 ? what are YOU. Mmm hit me baby one more Time to be popular with everyone in canada has as (or should i say to my Friends at this party oh wise one?
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chytilovian-daisy · 2 years
so for some unholy reason i was with? a ex-friend from childhood? like i dont know if we were the last age we saw each other or what but anyway its like worst nightmare of emotional abuse these so idk WHY. anyway ig we ran at cat cafe together or were starting one. the guys from DEG come in. im trying not to freak out bc wow its deg!!! someone else waits on them and something about lanterns because we were doing halloween themed stuff.
ANYWAY. me and ex friend get into a fight. I apologize to the ppl in deg for fighting in front of them, tell them im a fan, leave. im in my old city at night but there are people around so im feeling better. Somehow it turns into day as im walking and im seeing ANOTHER childhood friend and im like “: D“ but i feel awkward going up to them bc ik they realized they were trans and I dont wanna deadname them but idr their current name. Anyway, their dog keeps coming up to me but ig they dont recognize me. I do recognize more people from childhood with this friend including this girl who kept wanting me to scream my lungs out on the playground as a kid.
Anyway, I keep going I realize. shit. im lost. I see someone else I knew but atm i cant remember who, but also from childhood. He says “Wrong turn too?“ I laugh and I nod. We head back to another street and down that street-- which I recognize actually, theres some weird gang wars going on but everyone has pink hair. I don’t know what to do, so I try and avoid it by going up another street. I remember some weird audio above me as im walking but idr WHAT. Someone talking something weird.
Because I get close to the gang stuff again somehow, I duck into some small alleyway but its like. only 2 sheds and barely any space. I emerge from a shed seconds later but also so do suit actors and I narrowly escape some weird gang shootout thing. I’m heading home and idk HOW, this part is fuzzy, but I end up getting completely lost and somehow accidentally stealing a mans life.
The guy whos life i stole was some star rich athelete. idk WHY they thought I was him or some shit, but anyway his girlfriend and whole family were assuming I was him and I was like “ok ig i live here now“. except I still just wanted to go home to my family. So long story short I do some weird sneaky shit around this giant college campus but its also a house, listen in, think about what movies im gonna watch when i get home. I keep being told by some gps thing my house is only 5 streets away.
I find out somehow I am in what SHOULD be Greenland, but its a tropical rainforest with crocs and shit. I steal one of the familys jetskis and try and go back to the states on it, or at least in my hopes, reach Canada and walk back??? But instead I crash into some party ship. My family is there! Somehow the college campus-mansion-boat collide and now its 1 big thing.
So im telling them I switched lives with this guy and theyre like “oh, we know. We have him here btw. we have ransom lets go.“ And I find out the ransom isnt the guy, he’s free to go, but his pokemon card screenshot collection??? So my mom goes to talk to the mom and shes like, “they said 1k but i want at least 10k.“ And it becomes this whole meeting between the families and the guy who I switched lives with comes in, in swim gear and a sign around his neck and im being a real dick and asking him how cafeteria food tastes and hes sobbing. And then I wake up.
0 notes
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Of Quartz I Will
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Amethyst You So Much✨ Part 2: Of Quartz I Will
Summary: after 2 years of dating, Spencer decides it's finally time to get Y/N something to match her Amethyst bracelet.
Warnings: fluff, gun violence, shooting tw, Reid's season 5 knee injury, hurt/comfort, emotional smut, body massage, hand jobs, riding, penetrative sex.
word count: 6K
Spencer notices her as she walks in, through the briefing room window, she’s wearing his purple shirt. He wanted to wear that for work today but couldn’t find it anywhere, now he knows why.
“Excuse me,” he says to his group of teammates as they contribute reading case files.
“Hey,” Spencer grabs her attention from the railing beside the briefing room. “I’ve been looking for that shirt everywhere.”
“It’s mine now,” she smiles, setting her things down at her desk for the night. “I’ll buy you a new purple dress shirt.”
“Buy yourself one, I like that one,” he whines.
“Finders keepers, doctor Reid. Either stop leaving your shit on my bedroom floor or move in already.”
Everyone hears it. All eyes are on them as they bicker in the middle of the bullpen, including the team of profilers just beyond the window.
“Okay,” he agrees. “We’ll talk about this later.”
She climbs the stairs quickly, giving him a good morning hug even though it was 9pm. “I love you, that’s why I’m wearing your shirt.”
He smiles against her shoulder as he holds her, “I love you, more so in my shirt.”
When he sits back down at his chair at the round table, everyone is waiting with a raised brow. They want details, they want his opinion, they want to hear him stutter and see him blush like he used to. But he doesn’t.
“Yes, I will be moving in with her. We have people to save,” Spencer reminded them. Avoiding eye contact and flipping through the files.
Derek tugs on his amethyst bracelet, he hasn’t taken it off since he got it, almost 2 years ago. “Are you ever going to get her any other jewellery?”
“When she goes home I’ll show you,” he whispers, still avoiding eye contact as they all gasp. “Keep it cool or I will kill you.”
He keeps an eye on her at her desk, smiling when she looks up to see him. She blows him a kiss and waves softly a few times, but other than that, they don’t talk for the rest of the day.
The next time She sees him, he’s in her bed sound asleep as she’s coming home from work. She sits on the edge of the bed and brushes his hair away from his face to wake him up gently, he blinks into the morning sunlight to see her.
“Good morning,” he smiles.
She’s in his pink shirt today. She liked to keep something of his close on bad cases that take him out of town. In this case, out of the country. He was in Canada for a few days, the case was horrific and she had to deal with all the office work in Penelope’s absence.
“Amethyst,” she whispers, it was part of their secret code.
Spencer, being a cunning linguist, he loved anagrams.
They had Amethyst for I miss you, Quartz for of course, and Olive for I love you. It was easier to keep the PDA to a minimum at work, not wanting to sit in a seminar like Derek and Penny about sexual misconduct and hostile work environments.
“Olive,” Spencer replies, pulling her down into the bed so she can cuddle in.
“We can’t stay, there’s another case. JJ told me to bring you in on my way home,” she explains softly. “They need you to go to ER Doctor Barton’s house, in McLean, he got a note saying someone was going to kill his son. So far they’ve also connected him to a few surrogate kills of Hispanic men, they need the speed reader to go through all his recent surgeries.”
He sighs, holding her tightly and snuggling in against her back, “no.”
She laughs, “Spencer, you can read really fast and the faster you read the faster you can come home to me.”
“Fine,” she has perfect logic, he always tells her that. “Are you driving me to the guy's house?”
“Yep, so we can stop for coffee and talk in the car, I really did miss you a lot,” she struggles out of his grasp to turn and face him, opting to hold his face in her hands as she looks at him. He’s exhausted, just like her.
“I missed you too, I’m sorry I was gone so long,” his voice is barely a whisper, “We should take a day off together soon.”
“Yeah,” she smiles wider, completely in love with him. “I’d really like that, maybe we can look at apartments?”
“Apartments?” He repeats the word with a grin, raising his eyebrow softly. “I thought you liked it here?”
“It’s too small, I want to get a cat, if you’re bringing your closet here we’re going to need a bigger one,” she ranted. “And actually, I was thinking if you’re on the same page as me and this is a long-term thing for you too, what if we just got a bigger place and got a mortgage and start a little life outside the FBI, together?”
He’s so in love with her, “get my bag?” Is all he can say.
“What?” She’s so confused, shaking her head softly as she comprehends it.
“On the floor there, grab my bag, please there’s something for you in there,” he points behind her, trapped under her and the blanker so it’s not like he could get it himself.
She gets up, placing the bag on the bed for him as she watches him dig through it for a little box. “Arminius helped me pick this out.”
He had become best friends with the owner of the rock shop, she wasn’t surprised to hear that he had gotten something else from there for him. It made her giggle with excitement, bouncing softly as Spencer sat up and moved his bag out of the way.
But then he got out of bed, he’s in a pair of purple boxers and his hair is a mess and he’s so nervous and she has no idea why until he gets down on one knee.
“I was waiting to do this.”
“Holy shit.”
He nods with a shaky laugh, “yeah, I’m in it long term if you are?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to drive you to work now?” She laughs, unable to stop smiling as the two of them stare hopelessly at each other. She hasn’t even looked at the ring yet, too occupied with the wonderfully happy look on his face.
“Quartz,” is all she can say, flabbergasted as she keeps laughing with a shocked smile.
He takes it from the box and she watches as he slides the most beautiful purple Amethyst ring over her ring finger and then her hands are back on his cheeks. Pulling him into a kiss, she can’t seem to hold him close enough as she breathes in. Holding her breath as she keeps him there.
He pulls away with a laugh, “when are we supposed to be there?”
“Damn,” they’re all giggles.
And it doesn’t stop, she takes off Spencer’s shirt and he puts it on instead, matching it with a vest and a tie while she makes him a coffee and can’t stop smiling as she glances at the ring.
It really only made sense for their engagement to happen in the same place she fell in love with him.
Sure, she liked him a lot when he was getting her rocks and she really wanted to get to know him more after his last note, but it was the bracelet that made her fall in love. He went out of his way to make her smile on what felt like the worst day of her life, and she knew she wanted forever with him from then on out. Now she was going to get it, she was going to be Agent Y/N Reid, and her ring was absolutely perfect.
He catches her taking photos of it in the sunshine when he comes out of the bedroom. She still can’t stop smiling, it’s just so perfect and she’s just so in love with him.
They get muffins from the bakery under her apartment before getting in her car, “where is it?” Spencer asks, playing the role of GPS whenever they drove together.
“120 Kensington Road, McLean Virginia,” she members it clearly.
“Take a right,” Spencer smiles, and she’s off.
She drives with one hand, looking at her ring almost more than the road as Spencer held her other one. She pulled up to the Doctor’s house and he didn’t want to leave. Sighing, he looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
“I will see you when you get home, I’m going to call out after this case is done and you get mandatory 24 hours off for back-to-back cases,” she said, knowing protocol almost better than him. “Go to work.”
“Fine,” he frowns again, getting out of the car and walking around to her door. She rolls the window down and tilts her chin up, leaning out for the kiss he’s waiting to give her.
“Let me know when you’re done, I can come and pick you back up,” she whispers against his lips between kisses.
One last smooch and he pulls away, backing up so he isn’t tempted to stay any longer, “olive.”
“Olive,” she replies with a smile, waving slightly before he disappears behind the door.
She releases a long sigh, melting into the chair as she lets the butterflies swarm around a bit in her stomach, it felt wonderful.
She went home, napped from 10 till 2 and then sat in bed to stare at her beautiful ring for a little while. She couldn’t believe he proposed just like that. All she asked was if he wanted to get a mortgage on a house and she guesses he heard "spend the rest of your life with me."
Sometimes, when Spencer was on a case in Virginia and too busy to keep her updated, she would turn on the police radio and listen to what was going on around in the area. It was good to keep her mind preoccupied and to remind herself that he was safe.
At least that’s what it used to do.
“Shots fired at 120 Kensington Road, McLean Virginia, 10-999, 11-41, all units in the area are requested.”
“10-999, officer down, 11-41, send ambulances,” she whispers to herself, remembering all the dispatch lingo from the office.
She doesn’t have time to panic, she unlocks her safe and grabs her gun, loading it and then she’s out the door, in her car and pulling up behind the sheriff's car as she’s running out.
She tosses her badge up to show the cops as she tries to run onto the scene, “I’m an FBI agent on his team, let me through!”
She slides her knees along the grass, surely ruining her jeans as she dives for him. She places a hand on his bloody knee and looks everywhere else, “are you okay? Are you good? Holy shit, Spence?”
Her breathing is so heavy, she clutches her chest with her left hand and tries to calm down as he looks up at her and they breathe in and out a few times without breaking eye contact. He’s completely fine, there’s just a bullet in his knee, he assures her.
“I’m fine,” he laughs lightly, wincing at the pain as he leans forward to kiss her gently.
She’s there only 2 minutes before Derek, JJ and Rossi are pulling up on the scene. Everyone huddled around them on the grass as the EMTs bandaged his knee up before taking him to the ambulance.
“You need to call Emily,” Spencer speaks over everyone, “something happened to Hotch, I’m fine here with Y/N, just go see him.”
He was always going to be fine with her, that was for sure. She never left his side, except when they took him in for surgery and forced her back into the waiting room. But as soon as he was okay again, his hand was in hers.
He was given a month off after his knee surgery, but he still ended up in the office most nights. Becoming more of a night owl than usual as he accompanied his fiancé to her desk and sat beside her as she did her work. It was really nice to spend time with her and not have to do anything.
Of course, he filled his time by going over other case files, things they weren’t able to get to as a team and things that didn’t fit the criteria of the BAU. He made phone calls and sent emails, helping small-town cops make simple connections and doing more good that way.
He sat at her desk, his leg resting over her lap as she made a few phone calls. Handing the background of the cases, filing off invoices and approvals. Dispatching units and requesting files and overrides from other departments. She was amazing.
She hangs up the phone, finally, after 45 minutes of rolling her eyes and sighing as she was transferred from office to office all around America. She places her hand on his leg and absentmindedly runs her hand along his shin, staring off at the desk, silently.
“Are you okay?”
She nods, “do you think you’re healed enough to start looking at places?”
He nods back, “actually, I already found one. Hold on,” he slides his leg off her lap and stands with his crutches, hobbling over to his desk where he looks through his files for a new folder.
When he comes back to her, he places the folder in her hands, “forever homes,” is listed on the tag and he sees her heart melt in her eyes. She opens the folder as he sits down, there are about 15 pages of house and apartment listings printed off.
“When did you do all this?” She whispered, shocked and not wanting to cry at work.
“Before I got shot, I was on the phone with Penelope and I asked her to help me find some, she printed off like 50 and I selected the good ones, but there’s more if you don’t like an-“
“Babe,” she cut the rant short, “I’m sure I’ll love any of them, as long as they come with you.”
He pulls a specific sheet from the pile, “this one is my favourite.”
She can see why, it’s a large, green exterior, Victorian home. There’s a turret and a porch, large windows with a bench seat in the kitchen. A garage, 4 bedrooms, a finished basement, a study and a pretty nice backyard.
“It’s a bit of a fixer-upper, but Derek said he’s willing to help teach me how to fix some stuff,” Spencer pressed his lips together awkwardly. He really wanted this on.
“Let’s get a Realtor and set up a walk-through,” she agreed, “and we should bring Derek because he’ll know more than most inspectors anyway. I don’t want to get a place with a cracked foundation or a faulty water heater.”
He smiled again, “remember last week when I had that extra appointment?”
She tilted her head, “no, there is no way you’ve already been there to check it out without me.”
“And I put an offer in, but I was waiting for your approval,” he adds, nervous for her to hate it.
“With what money? I thought we were doing this together?” He’s not sure why she’s upset, normally she loves his surprises.
“When I sold my moms house, I invested the money and it’s been gaining interest for years now,” his voice is soft, “I got through college with scholarships and if I was ever down on money I just had to go to one casino and I always leave with two grand, minimum, I promise, I’m really in this for the long run. I know what I'm doing.”
She smiles, picking up the listing and calling the agency. “Hi this is Y/N Y/L/N calling, my fiancé, Doctor Spencer Reid, recently put an offer in on the listing for 247 Chestnut Drive, I’d love to come and see it soon and take some measurements and things. If you could call me back…”
Spencer is so in love with her it hurts. He wants to scream right then and there, like a kettle on a hot stove for too long, he’s bursting at the seams. She hangs up the phone with the best smile he’s ever seen, “I’m going home early, cause I’m sick, care to join me?”
She stands then, putting her hand out for him so he could stand with her help. “Quartz,” he replies, taking her hand and stands, she gathers their things and she clocks out. No one really cared about all her sick days, she did her job well and they wanted the good doctor to be taken care of.
When he finally gets to show her the inside of the house, she is so in love with it. The hardwood is all original, same with the railings, shelves, banisters and countertops. They're all rustic and beautiful, she can’t help but run her finger over everything as she looks around with an open mouth. X
The kitchen cabinets are green, there is a beautiful colourful wallpaper as a backsplash… and it’s completely empty. It was a remodel, some house flippers did it up and didn’t want to stay. It was made more modern, updated appliances and every safety protocol met. It was perfect.
She turned to him with a smile after only 5 minutes of looking, “this is it.”
“Good,” the women showing them around said, “because your offer was approved, with your say so I can get everything started with escrow.”
“Holy shit!” Y/N cheered, jumping a bit and showing off while Spencer just leaned on his crutch. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek a few times.
“You can start that paperwork,” Spencer smiled, holding her back with his face in the crook of her neck.
The hardest part of moving is transporting all of Spencer’s books from one home to another. It's at least 30 boxes of books and Derek will be faxing his chiropractor bill to Spencer within the week.
His office here was huge, floor-to-ceiling oak shelves and green walls, full of all his books and belongings now. It was his own space in the house he shared with his future wife.
It felt crazy to him.
She used to just be the cute girl in the office, he can remember the exact moment he laid eyes on her. She was walking around aimlessly with some files in her hands when he turned around at his desk. She looked lost, overwhelmed and like she was about to have a breakdown.
She looked at him with the same fear he felt on his first day, he took the file from her and knew exactly where it was meant to go. She followed behind him, quiet as a mouse as he placed it in a folder by the wall under a sign that said "Anderson."
He turned with a press-lipped smile and a nod and then they went their separate ways. Silent conversations became their thing, the only time he really heard her voice was when she called him in in the middle of the night or when he heard her on the phone.
Other than that; she smiled when they passed each other, she’d tap her watch when he needed to be doing something Hotch asked for and was preoccupied with something else, she even knew exactly what he was looking for by just observing his chaos. Always able to pull a sheet of paper from the bottom of the stack with ease, and always silently, until that one day she said sorry to him after slamming the phone.
Now he knows that she talks in her sleep, she likes to go over her plans out loud in the shower every morning, and she sings all day long. Be it little tunes, hums, random tongue clicks or whistling, she’s always making noise. His favourite, however, was when sometimes she’d remember something she was trying to remember during a conversation they had, 4 days prior, and she’d scream it out like he knows what she’s thinking every second of every day.
He was in love with her voice, he never wanted to stop hearing it.
He was in love with her face, he never wanted to stop seeing it.
He was in love with her body, he never wanted to stop touching it.
He was in love with her mind, he never wanted to stop exploring it.
All those thoughts rushing to his brain and rushing a new form of butterflies for him. Like anxiety, but happier. Like he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. It was anticipation rather than fear.
She really was it for him, and as he unboxed his life into the house they were about to share for the upcoming future, it all became very real. This was how the rest of his forever was going to look with her. All their memories from here on out were going to take place in this house, in these rooms.
When he picked this house, it was just a fun idea, and now he looks at the hardwood floors and thinks about how wet baby feet are going to sound during bath time. He wonders how many times the creaky steps are going to let him know she’s coming up to bed, he wonders what screaming matches and fights and love-making will happen beyond the bedroom door across from his study.
He wonders if she’s going to love him as long as he wants to love her.
He opens his study door then, “Hey, babe?”
“Yeah?” She calls up from the bottom of the stairs.
“Can you come up here?”
She marches up the stairs, still not used to the creaky staircase or the length of stairs she had to climb, soon enough, she’s on the second floor and walking into his study, “what’s up?”
He doesn’t know how to ask, he doesn’t even really know what he wants actually. He just missed her, and she was only just downstairs.
“Can I have a hug?”
It comes out more pathetic than he predicted, cringing at the embarrassment as he shrunk into the couch.
“Quartz,” her voice is soft as she approaches him.
Sitting on the brown leather couch that was once in his apartment, she wraps her arms around him and he holds her back softly.
Resting his head on her shoulder, he just wants to hold her for a while. Eventually, they end up laying down with her on his chest, still holding each other as silent as they were in the beginning.
“I love you,” Spencer whispers against her hair.
She snuggles in more, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder softly, “I love you, too, are you okay?”
He nods softly, “I was just thinking about everything and I wanted to hold you.”
She swoons, “do you remember the first night we cuddled like this?”
He nods again, brushing his chin against her head each time, “it all feels like history repeating like it’s supposed to be this way for us.”
“I like to think so,” she agreed. “I actually think you’re my twin flame.”
He hums, thinking about it, “I’m not sure I know what that means.”
“So soulmates are kind of like mirror souls, they are exactly everything that the other needs and they fill the missing parts for each other." She explains softly and he can already tell where her rant is going.
"I don’t think that’s us because we are too similar; sometimes we butt heads and don’t see eye-to-eye, and you drive me crazy a lot of the time because we have the same anxiety and daddy issues, but it’s also because you do things I think about doing and then I can’t do them because they're done already and they’re my calm down things so then I have nothing to calm down with, like yesterday-“
“Babe,” he whispers, “I know, we finish each other’s sandwiches, that’s what your niece said when she saw us together.”
It makes her smile and he can feel her cheekbone against his chest, “twin flames are what happens when one soul is ripped in half and sent to two bodies. They’re capable of surviving separately, as long as they have the right kindling, but they burn brighter together.”
“People sometimes think fire is living because it consumes and uses energy, requires oxygen, and moves through the environment,” Spencer says softly, “have you ever seen something catch fire on both ends?”
“Yeah, a few times, why?”
“It’s never about burning the item entirely, both fires are only concerned with connecting to each other for mass destruction. They always burn in the strangest patterns, but they always connect first before devouring the victim.”
She sits up to look at him, “are you saying I devoured you?”
“That would be de-flowered,” he teases, “but no, I’m saying it makes sense. We really have been burning through everything to find each other.”
“I cannot believe you just said I de-flowered you before the most beautiful thing you’ve ever said,” she laughs, “and it was a mutual de-flowering, might I remind you.”
“I will never forget,” he coos, leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers.
She pushes him back against the couch, it’s been forever since they’ve really done anything. With moving, Spencer’s recovery, her working nights and sleeping all day. It hasn’t been rewarding in a long time, it’s just been enjoyable.
“No,” he whispers as she starts to trail kisses down his neck. “I’m not having sex on the couch the first time we do it in the house.”
She laughs against his neck, pushing herself off the couch and extending a hand to him, “did the doctor even say you can yet?”
“I can’t do all the work, but I can give a second opinion?” He couldn’t stop the grin on his face as she hauled him to his feet.
“Let me heal you,” she whispers, and he knows exactly what she means.
She lays him down on their bed, on top of the covers with no clothes on as she gathers her things. She closes the blinds, turns on her amber lamp, and lights her candles. But his favourite thing that she adds is the sound therapy… helping the water in his body vibrate at the right frequency to calm him completely. She’s going all out for this one.
Much like the first time.
She’s naked too, both of them completely unfazed by each other’s naked form by now. She sits between his legs with all her chakra stones in her hands and she sets them down on his stomach before arranging them in order where they’re supposed to help on his body.
The Amethyst is just above his head for his crown chakra, touching his scalp gently. He closes his eyes as she places a Lapis Lazuli on his third eye, in the centre of his forehead. An Aquamarine on his throat. Rose Quartz on his heart, Tiger’s Eye on his solar plexus, Pyrite on his belly button and finally, Fire Agate at his core.
He always felt so totally relaxed like this, even the first time she ever laid him down like this. He was so calm, he knew he was in good hands and seeing her bless the room made him feel even better.
“Only good may enter here,” the words she repeats every full moon when she opens the windows and blessed the whole house. Keeping them safe, happy, healthy and loved.
She kissed the scar on his knee, causing him to open his one eye to see her. She was laying between his legs now, head resting on his hip as she lightly ran her fingers over his knee, ticking the skin where he finally had feeling again. It took forever for the numbness to go away, even longer for the pain. But she was so patient with him the whole time, taking the best care of him.
She doesn’t mind that he’s hard, she’s very close to his dick as it rests on his stomach beside the crystal.
She kisses his hip, inching each kiss over until she’s pressing one right to the shaft of his dick and he takes a deep breath. Knowing she’ll stop if he forgets how to do the breathing exercises she showed him. He wasn’t allowed to tense his body, this was about pleasure and there was no rush.
For either of them.
He’s done this for her a few times over the years too, just as slow and sensual as she was being. It was calming, rewarding, they bonded with each other and really felt like one being this way.
He heard a cap open, but he was so used to it by now that it filled him with contentment rather than excitement. He remembers the first time she said she wanted to do this, getting some skin-safe, homemade, vegan massage lube and almost turning inside out with how awkward she was asking to do this for their first time.
She sat on her knees between his legs with a small bounce as she got excited about her favourite part. She sat with the bottle resting between her thighs, warming up while she ran some of it over her hands. She massaged his thighs first, getting all the knots and making sure there was no “Charlie's on any horses”, the first time she said that he almost cried laughing and ruined the mood for a little.
She took the rocks off him then, sitting more on his hips as she drizzled the warm oil on his chest. He let his hands rest on her knees, wanting to feel her skin while she felt his. Her hands felt like magic, running over his chest, arms and shoulders like this was her job. She knew every crook, every cranny, every pressure point and soft tissue on him. His body was just as much her’s now.
It's when she presses her body flat against his that he knows the mood is changing. Her breasts are flat against his chest, her hands are behind his head as she looks down at him, her groin pressed right against him as he aches for contact, grinding up into her slowly as she stares into his eyes.
“Better?” She whispered with a small smile, already feeling how much calmer he was, she just wanted confirmation.
“Much,” he’s just as quiet in his reply. “If I don’t bend that knee, it’ll be fine.”
“I don’t mind doing all the work, baby,” she kisses him quickly, “I know you like it more like this anyway.”
She slithers down his body then, his body slick with oil as she easily glides down and creating the most wonderful amount of friction with him. He groans, tossing his head back against the Amethyst on his scalp.
She sits on his good thigh, avoiding pressure with his bad knee like he was an old man now. She makes contact with the only part she didn’t message, adding more of the massage lube to her hand before lazily jerking him off. He keeps a hand on her thigh, groping and managing her right back as she kept a perfect rhythm.
She occasionally grinds against his thigh, mostly when he moans and groans. Extremely turned on by him having a good time, proud of herself for relaxing him, always complaining that he was too tense, she really knew how to release the pressure.
Just as she gets into it, the calming sounds of rain and high-pitched frequencies come to an end… Rhiannon starts playing and he literally watches her come alive; changing her rhythm to match the beat as she starts to grind against him more, she only added his song to the queue, somehow an hour had passed and her music was resuming.
And when Spencer said she was eclectic, he meant she could go from listening to a rare Canadian band called the Tragically Hip, to Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Evanescence and back to Fleetwood Mac. He had no idea where the mood was about to go.
He moved his hand up her thigh as he tried to power through the pleasure, her hand was so amazing he was bubbling away under his skin. He manages to get his middle finger between his leg and her, massaging her clit as she bucked her hips down on him.
Mutual pleasure in any sense was enough for them, seeing the other being perfectly content after everything they went through; it was euphoric. She leans up then and kisses him desperately, unable to stop stroking him as she sucked his tongue into her mouth.
She smiles against his mouth as the song changes again, it’s the song from the ending of Dirty Dancing, he knows how much she loves that movie. Her kisses get softer, she’s so gentle as she strokes him just a few more times before throwing a leg over his hips and lowering herself onto him in one go. Bottoming out faster than before, both of them making the same moan as they curled forward for each other, mouths clashing as they held onto each other.
Grinding together, Spencer kept a hand on her to help her ride as she was preoccupied with her hands in his hair and kissing his neck as they moved in tandem. It was so good, he was incredibly close but he wanted to hold off as long as possible to feel her finish first.
His ultimate pleasure was knowing she was pleasured, he massaged her clit once more between their bodies and she shuttered, “right there,” her words are small as she kisses under his ear, tugging his hair softly as he moans so she can lick at his neck as she moves her hips up and down, gloriously.
He can’t keep his eyes open, everything is too much and he’s so relaxed; it’s like his body is floating on a cloud as she rides him like they’re actually in heaven. He was really having the time of his life and it made him smile at the end of the whimper he released as she tightened around him suddenly and on purpose.
She moves faster, and so does his wrist as he helps her over the edge first. She’s panting in his ear as she rides him with purpose. She cums with a gasp and then he’s gone, her whole body stuttering as she let out the most relaxed and uncontrollable moan he’s ever heard from her.
His grip on her ass tightens as he holds her hips down, he cums with a gasp and it’s so powerful he passes out.
He’s so cute when he sleeps.
She’s got him all cleaned up, everything put away and where it’s supposed to be in their new room. She just lays beside him as she watches him nap, blissed out and relaxed, she doesn’t even care that it’s such a typical guy thing to fall asleep right after.
That was kind of her mission.
He’s been so stressed, he wasn’t going to tell her because he didn’t want his stress to become her stress like it so often did. Feeding off each other like a fire, he really knew how to give a phrase to a feeling. But he was stressed because he was in pain from his knee and no matter how much he lied and said he was fine, she knew he wanted to relieve the pain but he was afraid of even taking a Tylenol.
This is the most relaxed he’s been in months.
She ordered a pizza while he was asleep, it arrived before he woke up too. She sets the pizza box, 2 bottles of pop and a roll of napkins at the end of the bed, gently, before getting back into her spot.
She brushed his hair from his face and kissed the tip of his nose gently, seeing him scrunch his face and swallow before blinking awake. She smiled at him, “Hi, sleepyhead.”
“Hello, beautiful.”
“I ordered pizza,” she whispers.
“Olive,” he replies.
“Well yeah,” it makes her giggle but she has to say it, “I got our regular green olives, mushrooms and extra cheese.”
He laughs too, extra happy after both the sex and his nap. “I love you,” he says the full thing this time.
She presses another kiss to his lips before hauling him into a sitting position, “I love you, too.”
It’s the best night of her life so far.
the house
Taglist: @dreatine for inspiring a part 2 <3
@shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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retrogradedreaming · 3 years
UHHHH maybe,, you could write a little thing for reki making the sk8 fam tea? and kaoru thinking hes gonna have to pretend he likes it but then "oh wait reki can actually make tea what-"
just bc this has been living in my head for awhile sdkljfs
It turns out I am completely incapable of writing ANYTHING short, so have a full one shot type thing, I guess. I hope it's okay that I kinda borrowed headcanons from you and @that-was-anticlimactic for Reki with TS at a couple of small moments in the fic?
It used to be Kaoru alone who visited Kojiro’s restaurant when it was closed on Mondays. But since the start of winter break, Sia la Luce had become much livelier now that Reki, Langa, and Miya weren’t in school all day, and Shadow came when his days off lined up right. If Kaoru were being honest, it took some time to get used to the space no longer being only his and Kojiro’s, but he’d grown to like how their group came together like this.
The afternoons were the quietest part of these days. Kojiro took these opportunities to try out new recipes on them, leaving everyone contentedly full and pleasantly sleepy. Today, Langa had actually fallen asleep in the booth, and Reki sat beside Kaoru at the counter, playing with a tiny skateboard and making soft sounds like a small motor. Shadow and Miya sat at a table across the room, arguing over whether clown or cat makeup looked cooler while Kojiro finished cleaning. Kaoru let himself sink into the lull, Reki’s noises and that of the skateboard wheels on the counter an almost comforting presence beside him. And yet, one thing was missing, keeping him from truly relaxing.
“Seems like a good afternoon for tea,” Kojiro said, as if reading his mind as he appeared out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. “You want me to make some?”
“Absolutely not,” Kaoru scoffed. “People who microwave their tea should be arrested.”
“There’s no way you can tell the difference,” Kojiro said, defensive. “Hot water is hot water.”
“Only an uncultured pig would believe that,” Kaoru snapped. He was about to stand, to tell Kojiro he’d make the tea himself like he always inevitably had to, when Reki all but leaped from his seat, skateboard abandoned for the moment.
“I’ll make it!” he offered, and the way his face lit up meant that Kaoru took too long to say not to bother. By the time he’d found his words, Reki had already bounded around the counter and into the kitchen, and Kojiro didn’t even try to stop him. Before Kaoru could tell Kojiro to stop him, Reki called out to Kojiro, asking about the industrial stove, and soon, Kojiro was not only allowing Reki to make the tea, but encouraging him.
Kaoru supposed this was a step up from Kojiro’s microwave technique, but if Kaoru were likely to trust anyone other than himself to make a decent cup of tea, it wouldn’t be Reki. The idea that he’d wanted his tea made well and was unlikely to receive it as such set him on edge. As he listened to the water boil and the conversation continued around him, he found himself wrapping a strand of his hair around his finger and tugging, letting it go, and repeating the process until his scalp hurt. He didn’t even notice that Langa had woken up until he appeared beside Kaoru and spoke.
“What’s Reki doing?” he asked.
“Making tea,” Kaoru said, doing his best not to appear so anxious about something so small.
Langa peered over the edge of the counter to where Kojiro and Reki were talking in the kitchen, and then turned back to Kaoru. “I like how he makes it. I never liked it before I met him.”
Kaoru hummed a halfhearted response. He doubted that Langa’s standards were very high, given that he’d grown up in Canada. He’d likely had tea often enough, given that his mother was Japanese, but Kaoru knew from experience that plenty of people even here in Okinawa had no idea how to brew a proper cup. It was about timing, knowing how hot to make the water, how long to steep the leaves, and so many people rushed the process—or worse, forgot about it and steeped too long—that Kaoru preferred to make his own.
He couldn’t help but envision Reki handing him a bitter cup, or one that tasted like little more than hot leaf juice. He grimaced at the idea of having to drink it and pretend he liked it, suffering all the while. He would have to wait until he was home later to make something better for himself.
He was still trying to think of a polite way to decline the tea he’d obviously wanted when Reki came out bearing a tray of steaming cups and began making the rounds through the restaurant. Reki handed the first one to Langa, who accepted it, smiling softly up at Reki. Langa sipped the tea immediately, only to flinch and draw it away after the first sip.
Not promising, Kaoru thought. If he’d boiled the water, it was ruined, even if it was something as simple as green tea. And yet, Langa only took another sip while Reki looked on approvingly.
“It’s good,” Langa finally proclaimed, and Reki glowed as if he’d received praise from the emperor himself. Reki moved on, handing Kaoru his cup.
“Thank you,” Kaoru said, accepting it with both hands. Fortunately, Reki moved on to Shadow and Miya without waiting for Kaoru to try it, which meant that he didn’t know Kaoru only held onto it without making a move to taste it. If nothing else, he could enjoy the warmth that crawled from his fingertips all the way to his elbows.
Neither Miya nor Shadow hesitated in drinking theirs, though Kaoru couldn’t imagine they cared much how it tasted, as long as it was hot. And yet, as he watched, the two of them looked just as pleased as Langa when they tried it.
“Oh wow, the slime makes good tea,” Miya pronounced, hugging the cup close to him like a space heater.
“Damn, this is pretty good,” Shadow said, drinking deeply and draining half the cup. “How’d you even learn to make it like this?”
Reki shrugged, taking up his own cup, the last on the tray. He set the tray down on the counter and took the empty seat beside Langa. “I dunno, I guess I just picked it up over the years. It’s kinda like making skateboards, y’know? You have to figure out how all the parts fit together, and if you do it wrong, the tea doesn’t taste right.”
Kaoru looked up at him from the murky depths of his tea, brows raised. When it came to making tea, the analogy was rather profound, and Kaoru couldn’t argue it. Reki was right—tea was about the sum of its parts, the pieces fitting together perfectly. And as with building skateboards, the person making it had to know exactly how to combine each piece to create the whole.
“That doesn’t make any sense, but whatever,” Shadow said, taking another sip. “All I care about is that it doesn’t suck.”
“How come you’ve never made us tea before?” Miya asked, eyes trained on the Switch he’d pulled from his pocket now that he’d abandoned his conversation with Shadow.
“I don’t really have the patience for it,” Reki said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s kinda like, if I don’t wanna put in the time to do it right, why bother?”
While everyone was wrapped up in conversation, Kaoru finally chanced a discreet sip. If it was as bad as he’d expected, he could school his expression appropriately while they were all distracted. Perhaps he could even get away without having to lie about how good it was. And yet, when the tea touched his tongue, he paused.
It wasn’t too hot.
It wasn’t too weak or too strong.
It wasn’t too bitter and the leaves didn’t taste as though they’d been burnt.
It was, as far as Kaoru was concerned, some of the best tea he’d had outside his own home. For a moment, he couldn’t find the words to say so. He sipped it again, just to make sure he hadn’t deluded himself based on everyone else’s praise. Sure enough, it was almost more delicious the second time.
“You surprised?” Kojiro murmured at his ear, his own cup dangling from his fingertips. Kaoru jumped, nearly spilling his tea. When he turned to face him, Kojiro’s lips quirked in a smug grin, and he raised one brow meaningfully. Kaoru shot him a hard glower in return, a silent command to keep his mouth shut before Kaoru turned back to Reki.
“It’s delicious,” Kaoru said, and it wasn’t forced in the least. “I’m impressed.”
Reki, who had already immersed himself in talking to Langa, gaped at Kaoru, one of his hoodie strings falling from between his teeth. Then, he flashed a wide grin. “Glad you like it!”
“Have you ever practiced tea ceremony?” Kaoru asked, reluctantly setting his tea down on the counter.
“Nah, my parents let me try it once when I was younger, but I kept messing up the steps,” Reki said. “It’s not really fun when people get mad at you for doing it wrong.”
“I studied it for some time,” Kaoru said, remembering how the order felt comforting, how the amount of concentration it required gave his anxious mind something to focus on, how the simple yet refined aesthetic felt like clearing his head. In recent years, he didn’t have time for it with his calligraphy business, but a part of him missed it. “It’s quite a bit different from drinking tea like this, but if you wanted to, perhaps we could do a...modified version of it. Something less formal with everyone here.”
Reki’s eyes brightened, and he looked to Langa, who only seemed to share his enthusiasm. “It sounds fun, yeah! A lot better than getting yelled at by a bunch of old people because ‘tradition.’”
“I’d say so,” Kaoru said, and they devolved into talking about their favorite teas and the best ways to brew them. Kaoru couldn’t remember the last time he’d talked to someone who actually understood that tea was an art even more than it was a drink. But Reki did, and when the rest of the group finally left, leaving Kaoru and Kojiro alone in the restaurant to clean up, Kojiro nudged him with an elbow.
“You didn’t think Reki could make tea like that, did you?” he said, the words teasing but too close to Kaoru’s own thoughts for comfort.
“Shut up or I’ll leave you here to wash dishes alone,” Kaoru quipped, even as he accepted the next cup to dry. “I will admit, I was pleasantly surprised.”
“I knew you would be,” Kojiro said as he dried his hands and stretched.
“Anything is better than microwaved tea,” Kaoru said. And although it was true, he couldn’t help but look forward to the next Monday, and the last before the kids started school again.
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puckinghell · 4 years
Acts Of Service | Elias Pettersson
Summary: When people have different love languages, sometimes it’s hard to understand what the other is trying to say. 4 times Elias shows you he loves you, and the 1 time you tell him.  Words: 7.5k (whoops) Note: This concept was very interesting to explore. Also yes, this entire thing was written because of that one picture of Elias in that blue sweater stepping out of the car like a fucking GQ model. 
(Some time ago)
“Didn’t you say there’s an apartment free in your building?” Brock asked as soon as you answered the phone, forgoing the “hello”.
“Hello, Brock, my very good friend, how nice to talk to you! How are you doing?” you deadpanned.
At least he had the decency to sound ashamed. “Ah, yes, hi. Sorry. I’m just in a hurry and it’s important.”
You frowned. “Why? Are you looking to move?”
“No.” Brock laughed. “Stetch would kill me. No, it’s about the rookie. Petey? I told you about him. Swedish, quiet, best fucking hands in the league.”
Yes. Brock had told you about the rookie, although you still thought it dumb to call him that. Brock was basically still a rookie himself.
“What does that have to do with my apartment building?”
“He said no to having a billet family but everyone on the team thinks it’d be good for him to have someone to kinda look out for him a bit. He’s never been to Canada before this, you know, and he’s never lived on his own either. His English isn’t that great and everything is new for him. And since you’re such a caring, loving person, we thought…”
“You thought I could babysit him?” you finished for Brock.
“It’s not babysitting. Just, being friendly if he needs anything. Obviously we’re there for that too, but it’d be nice to have you so close by.”
Close by would be an understatement: the free apartment was across the hall from yours.
You weren’t sure if this sounded like something that you would necessarily want to do, but you did feel a bit sorry for Elias: you’d met him at a team thing earlier that week and he’d looked completely lost in the midst of all the Canadian hockey slang that you barely managed to follow, even after having been friends with Brock for years. He mostly kept to Eagle, spoke in Swedish, and his eyes flickered nervously across the room whenever anyone else approached him.
“Fine,” you sighed, “I’ll talk to my landlord. But you owe me, Blondie.”
Brock was happy enough that he didn’t even call you out on the nickname.
“Have I told you lately how much of a lifesaver you are?” You lean across your desk, resting your chin in your hands. Elias looks mildly amused as he hands you the papers.
“Nearly every day,” he says, “but then I save your life every day, so that seems fair.”
You grab the papers from his hands.
“You’re a lifesaver and the love of my life, Petey.”
You think back to when Elias just moved into your apartment building, only because Brock thought he needed someone to look after him. You could laugh, now, thinking about how wrong he’d been.
Elias is the most self-sufficient, independent person you know. You don’t think he’s ever needed anything from anyone. Like in hockey, where he can make the play and score the goal all at the same time, Elias has his life together.
Unlike you.
Despite the fact that Elias hadn’t needed much help from you, you had become very fast friends. His quick witted sarcasm always managed to make you laugh and he liked how upfront and honest you were with him about things. It was easy, too, to spend time together. With him living just across the hall, you found yourself wandering to his apartment whenever you were bored, and he showed up at yours often when he didn’t feel like cooking.
Just because he could cook, didn’t mean he always wanted to.
And ever since the two of you had become friends, Elias had your back. When you needed someone to water your plants, or feed your cat Puck – Brock had named him – or, apparently, bring you the important work papers that you forgot at home after having worked on them all weekend.
You groan as you flick through the papers. “I thought I was going to die. Without these I can’t finish my presentation.”
“When is it?” Elias asks, eyes searching behind you. You know he’s looking out for your asshole of a boss, who will use any excuse to yell at you, especially the unannounced visit of a friend.
“Tomorrow. I got all the content in these papers here, but I still have to make the PowerPoint.” You sigh. “It’s still so much work.”
“Oh.” Elias’ face lights up. “Almost forgot. Brought you this.” Triumphantly, he reaches down and comes up with a paper bag from your favorite coffee shop.
The words fall off your lips in a gasp. “You didn’t!”
“Strawberry scone and a large caramel macchiato with soy milk.” Elias grins. “I also got you a chocolate chip cookie for later.”
“Marry me,” you proclaim, as you make grabby hands for the bag. The coffee is precisely what you need and your mouth is already watering at the idea of the food.
“Get me a ring, then,” Elias jokes, as he starts getting up from the chair.
Something tightens in your stomach, so you quickly take a bite of the scone: anything to push those feelings to the side. It works a little, and at the very least it tastes amazing.
You’re just friends. If you were gonna be anything more, Elias would’ve made a move already. Or, if you’d been brave enough, you would’ve: but he’s never said anything to make you think he’s interested and quite frankly, you’re not that brave.
“Thank you,” you say, mouth still full of scone, and Elias wrinkles his nose at that as you knew he would.
“I’m going to the store now,” he says, “anything you want me to pick up for you?”
“Wine?” you ask, hopeful. “I’m gonna need it after today.”
Elias rolls his eyes at you, but when you come home after the most grueling day at work there’s a bottle of rosé sitting in your fridge, next to a bag full of your favorite Thai take out food.
Love you, you quickly text Elias, even though you know he can’t answer because the game is about to start.
You take some time showering and putting on comfortable clothes, then situate yourself on the couch and put on the game. It has already begun, and you know it’s not gonna be an easy one, against the Bruins.
It’s not until the first intermission, when you check your phone, that you see there’s a reply from Elias waiting for you.
It’s just a simple heart emoji, but it makes your heart race anyway.
“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I can barely hear you.” Fiona’s tone is disapproving, and you pull your mouth away from where you’d pressed it into your arm to scream.
“I said, this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me!”
She laughs. “It’s just a car, Y/N.”
You don’t necessarily like your job, but Fiona is one of the reasons you’re still putting up with it. She’s not just a colleague anymore, slowly turning into a friend and someone you confide into about everything – even about your Elias problem – and you love her, but sometimes you could murder her.
“It’s not just a car,” you bite. “It’s my only mode of transportation, because you know how much I hate taking the bus, and it’s broken, and I probably can’t even afford to get it fixed. And now I have to walk home, and it’s raining.”
“Well, when you put it like that,” Fiona admits.
After a long day at work, you couldn’t wait to get home and watch The Bachelor until you fell asleep, your cat in your lap. However, when you finally got away from the office and stepped into your car, it was clear the universe had different plans.
It didn’t start.
After trying approximately 15 times, you’d screamed, nearly cried, hit the steering wheel, and then went back inside to scream and cry a little more at Fiona’s desk.
“I just wanna go home, Fi.” You know you sound miserable, but you honestly can’t help it. Taking the bus always heightens your anxiety, so you avoid it at all costs: however, walking home in this pouring rain doesn’t seem like much fun either.
And Fiona can’t even bring you home, because she takes the bus to work like a normal person.
“There’s a simple solution to this, you know,” Fiona says. She starts to organize the papers on her desk, a clear sign that she’s getting ready to leave the office as well. “You could just call…”
“No,” you interrupt her, knowing exactly where she’s going with this. “I can’t call Elias. He’s got the boys over today and I won’t interrupt his fun with my misery. Besides, he does too much for me already, I can’t ask him for more.”
“Right,” Fiona drawls, “but when he hears that you were stuck here and didn’t call him…”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, but she doesn’t have to.
Elias would be furious.
One time, you were on a night out when you got a little too tipsy and didn’t realize your phone had died. By the time you noticed, all your friends had already jumped in their respective Ubers, but you had been too busy chatting with some girl you didn’t know to order yours, and now you couldn’t because you didn’t have a phone. 
You knew you could’ve asked any random person to order you an Uber, or at least to borrow their phone to call Elias – it’s not like you didn’t know his number by heart – but that felt like too much. It had been 3 am and he had a game the next day, so you decided to walk home.
When he found out the next day, he got so mad he didn’t talk to you for 4 days. Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore and just sat on his couch pouting at him until he spoke to you again.
“Something could’ve happened,” he’d muttered, explaining to you why he got mad in the first place. “And I’m your best friend, and you should know me enough to know that I would much rather you wake me up than you walk home alone.”
You did know that, and he was your best friend, and you’d promised him you’d never do it again.
It’s only that promise, that causes you to reach for your phone.
“I’m texting him, but if he’s busy, I’m walking,” you tell Fiona stubbornly. She ignores you, which is probably fair enough.
Hey, you busy right now? Are the guys still there?
The answer comes right away. What’s wrong?
Damn, he knows you too well. You quickly explain the situation and before you know it, Elias is on his way to come get you, and Fiona is bidding you goodbye after you promise her you’re fine on your own for the twenty minutes it’s gonna take Elias to get there.
You’re just checking your email on your phone when you hear the bell at the front door.
“I’m coming!” you call out. You hurry to grab your bags and then walk quickly to the door, where Elias is standing with his car keys between his fingers.
“So Bella finally gave up, huh?” he asks, a sly little smirk on his face. He always teases you with the fact that you named your car.
“Yes, and I know you told me,” you sigh, and it’s clear that he immediately – and correctly – reads your mood.
Without a word, he opens his arms, and you gratefully fall into them, hugging him tightly to your body. There’s very little in the world that brings you more comfort than one of Elias’ hugs: although being on Elias’ couch wearing one of his old hoodies watching some stupid reality show might come close.
“Let’s go home,” Elias finally mumbles, and he holds out an umbrella when he lets you go.
It’s raining really hard, and you know he has to park his car a little bit away because there’s no parking in front of your office, so you take it.
“You could’ve just called, I would’ve ran out,” you tell him sternly, but he shrugs.
“But then how would you have gotten the umbrella?”
You would tell him you’re not made of sugar, but as soon as you step outside the rain clatters loudly against the fabric of the umbrella and you realize you would’ve really, really hated to not have it, so you stay quiet.
Instead, you walk after him as he runs to his car and opens the passenger door for you. It’s still running, and the heater is on: only then do you realize you’re quite cold.
This morning they said it would be nice outside, so you didn’t bother to take a coat.
It’s quiet in the car for a while, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s the silence that only comes when two people understand each other, and combined with the soft music that is playing on the radio it lulls you into a false sense of comfort.
Until you realize something.
“Oh God,” you groan, “I’m gonna have to call someone to tow Bella to a mechanic.”
Elias raises an eyebrow. “Well, you could just leave her there.”
Normally you would’ve at least playfully punched his arm for the sarcastic tone in his voice, but right now you’re too busy freaking out.
“And how am I gonna get to work tomorrow? Don’t you dare say you’ll bring me cause I know you’ve got morning practice and it’s super out of your way. Fuck, why did this have to happen to me?”
You let your head fall against the window. The glass is cold against your cheek and it’s enough to stop the spiraling in your brain at least for a second.
“Hey.” Elias’ voice has lost all sarcastic edge. It’s gentle now, and he’s speaking low as if not to startle you. “Don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll call the tow truck and the mechanic and get your car fixed. And Brock lives close enough that he can take me to and from practice and you can just take my car to work.”
It’s… a reasonable solution, but once again something that Elias has to go out of his way for, even just a little bit, and you feel something warm bloom inside your chest.
“Okay,” you answer, the stress already ebbing away. “Thank you. You’re the best.” You reach out and place your hand on his knee, squeezing slightly. “Seriously. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Elias mumbles something incoherent. You think you see some color on his cheeks, but surely that’s just because the heater is on, because there’s no way he’s blushing over something you said.
You turn off the heater, and let your thoughts wander as Elias drives you home.
Traveling is fun, but traveling for work is instantly a lot less fun. You really don’t know how Elias does it.
You’re feeling run down and jetlagged when you come back from your work trip, which is ridiculous cause you flew to Toronto, not to freaking Europe. But it’s late at night and the three days you were away were so busy you can barely remember sleeping at all.
Fiona slept on the plane, so she looks a little more alive than you when your feet touch the ground at Vancouver airport.
“Is Elias coming to pick you up?” Fiona asks, as you’re both walking through the gate.
You shake your head. “I’m sure he would’ve insisted if he could, but he’s in California right now. They played the Kings tonight and they’re playing the Sharks the day after tomorrow.”
“I wish I was in California,” Fiona says wistfully. It’s cold and wet in Vancouver and it wasn’t much better in Toronto. The tiredness doesn’t help: it feels as if the cold of the night is slowly creeping into your bones.
“Come on then, I’ll drop you off.” You thank Fiona and follow her to her car. Normally you wouldn’t have minded taking an Uber, but right now you just wanna get to bed as soon as possible.
“If I fall asleep, just let me sleep here,” you mumble, resting your head back against the head rest. Fiona laughs as she starts the car.
“No way, you’ll freeze to death.” She squints outside. “Do you think it’s gonna rain?”
“It always rains,” you say, despite the fact that it’s not raining at the moment.
Fiona turns onto the highway. “So, are you finally gonna put up that bookcase you bought?”
Involuntarily, you groan. “Stop, don’t remind me.”
Your old bookcase is big and ugly, and it has been a thorn in your eye ever since you moved in. The person that lived there before you left it there, and you only kept it because you couldn’t really afford not to.
Four weeks ago, you finally allowed yourself to buy a new, prettier bookcase.
“It’s just so big,” you whine, repeating the excuses you’ve been giving Elias every single time he raises a judgmental eyebrow at the old bookcase still standing in your living room. “It’s gonna take forever to take it apart and then it’s gonna take me even longer to somehow get it all downstairs and get rid of it.”
“And then you have to build the new one,” Fiona nods understandingly. “And you’re not good with furniture.”
“Hey,” you protest, but it’s weak. You’re not good with furniture, which was proven when you tried to help Fiona move in and didn’t manage to help her put together anything at all. Instead she ended up with a table with three legs. 
You even tried to read the manual, but it’s just not your forte.
“I’ll do it,” you add, “I promise you I will. Just, maybe not this weekend…”
Fiona laughs, but she doesn’t call you out on the fact that it probably won’t happen during the week either.
Finally, you arrive at your building. You can’t wait to go to bed, and you thank Fiona multiple times before dragging your luggage upstairs. When you open the door to your apartment, Puck comes running up to you, meowing and weaving between your legs.
“Don’t be dramatic,” you tell the cat sternly. “Petey sent me many pictures of you sleeping in his lap and I know he feeds you chicken when he thinks I won’t notice, so you got spoiled this week.”
You lovingly scratch Puck’s ears, before flicking on the light and kicking the door behind you in the lock.
Instantly, you notice the difference.
Your apartment isn’t big: real estate in Vancouver isn’t cheap and your job isn’t great. You got this place mostly for the location, and you like the big windows in the apartment and how it manages to get in light even during the darkest of winter days.
One corner of your living room, however, was always darker than the others. The bookcase took away the entirety of the white wall, and it created a dim lit, sad looking corner.
Now, it’s open and bright, as your new bookcase stands proudly in its place.
There’s only one person who would’ve done that.
The phone rings a few times, but you know the Kings game ended a while ago so you let it ring. After a while, Elias picks up.
“Sorry for the background noise,” is the first thing he says. “We’re on the plane. Taking off in a few minutes, probably.”
In the background, you hear some yelling. Probably Jake.
“You put up my bookcase,” you blurt out, ignoring Elias’ statement. “You put it up and all the books are in it and the other one is gone.”
Elias sounds a little smug when he answers. “Well, it’s not like you were ever gonna do it.”
“Thank you.” To your own horror, you can feel tears burning behind your eyes. “Elias, seriously…”
“It’s nothing.” You can hear Elias’ smile even over the phone: you know everyone always makes fun of his deadpan tone when he talks to media but with his friends, his voice always betrays everything he’s feeling. “I know you were worried about it, and I know how much you hated that old one.” He laughs. “I get why now, by the way. It took me and Brock like four hours to get that thing out.”
“Brock helped too?”
“He did.” Elias is silent for a while, but in the background you hear another voice. “Brock says to tell you that I forced him. But that’s not entirely true.”
Entirely. You know Elias definitely did force him.
“Tell him thank you too.”
“He says you’re welcome,” Elias says, quick enough that it makes you think Brock didn’t say that at all. “We’re about to take off so I have to put my phone on airplane mode. But call me tomorrow okay? I wanna hear about your work trip.”
“Okay.” For some reason, you can still feel the lump in your throat. You didn’t notice it momentarily, while you were focused on Elias’ and Brock’s bickering, but now it’s back, and with a vengeance.
Fuck. You just…
“I miss you.” You blurt it out before you can stop yourself and if anyone would ask, you would blame the exhaustion and the fact that Elias can’t see how wet your eyes are over the phone.
“I’ll be back soon,” he answers softly, and his voice is gentle in a way that makes you think he knows about the tears, anyway. “And when I am, we’re gonna take a whole night to eat food and stare at that bookcase, because it needs to be appreciated after the effort I had to put in to build it.”
You laugh before quietly saying goodbye to Elias and hanging up the phone.
In the kitchen, Puck sits in front of the fridge. When you open it there’s a pan with chicken.
For Puck the note next to it says, and you send Elias a picture of Puck with his chicken.
“He spoils you,” you tell your cat. You decide to ignore the fact that he kinda spoils you, too.
When you open the door to your apartment, you’re met with the smell of garlic.
After yet another shitty day at work, you can already feel the lump in your throat building again. You didn’t even tell him, this time. In fact, you carefully avoided his texts because you knew he’d clock that something was wrong.
Fuck. That’s probably where you went wrong in the first place; usually you never ignored Elias’ texts.
“Hello?” you call out into your own apartment.
There’s soft music playing and there’s light coming from the living room, but the amazing smell that tickles your senses is clearly coming from the kitchen, so that’s where you go.
Elias is standing at your kitchen counter, chopping a carrot.
“Hey,” he greets, smiling your way. “I’m making dinner.”
It’s almost too much, how domestic it looks. And how right: like he belongs there in your space, waiting for you to come home.
Suddenly there’s the overwhelming urge to go towards him, so you do. His arm immediately lifts, creating space for you in the crook of his body, and you slip under his arm easily.
“How did you know?” you mumble into the fabric of his worn Canucks hoodie. It smells like him, a scent that reminds you of home as much as your mother’s signature dish.
“You didn’t answer my texts,” Elias hums. His arm tightens around your body. “So I figured you could use some good food and a bath.” His head motions towards the general direction of the bathroom. “I’m running it as we speak.”
God. You love him.
It hits you, then. You knew you had a crush on him, knew you wanted to kiss him and hold his hand and feel his hands on you. But it’s more than that, now.
It’s the realization that you want to share everything with him. The ups and the downs. The bad nights and the bright mornings. You want him in your kitchen, but more than that, you want it to be his kitchen, too.
Fuck. You’re so royally screwed.
Because he does this, and he does so much for you, but he’s never said anything, anything at all, to indicate that he wants that. Or has even considered it, thought about it.
Maybe it’s never even crossed his mind. Maybe he takes care of you like he would take care of a sister.
“Hey.” Elias’ voice is gentle as it pulls you out of your thoughts, back down to earth. “You’re shaking. Go take a bath, and I’ll finish dinner, and then we’ll watch How I Met Your Mother. I wanted to watch the next episode but I waited for you.” His grin is a little lopsided. “Isn’t that chivalrous of me?”
It is, and normally you would tease him for it, but you can’t really think or speak, so you just nod.
“There’s wine in the fridge, if you want a glass,” Elias says. He holds out a wine glass, already waiting for you on the counter.
And who cares that it’s only a Tuesday: you deserve it, damn it, so you open the fridge to find the wine.
You’re met with more than just that.
“You bought groceries?” you ask, your eyes traveling through your fridge. You hadn’t gone grocery shopping in like a week, and when you left for work this morning the fridge was basically empty. Now it’s so full you wonder how you’re gonna close the door.
“How else was I gonna cook anything? You only had cat food left,” Elias tuts. You’re not surprised to find Puck at Elias’ feet, waiting for him to inevitably slip him some human food.
“Did you get…”
“Your coconut yoghurt? Yes.”
He did, and he got basically all your staples, and nothing you wouldn’t buy yourself.
“Honestly,” you say, as you finally reach for the bottle and pull your head out of the fridge. “I don’t know what to say, Petey. Thank you. I had such a sucky day and now it’s already endlessly better.”
This time you know you’re not imagining the flush on Elias’ cheeks.
“It’s fine,” he says. “You should go take that bath before it goes cold.”
You want to say more: to tell him time and time again how amazing he is, how much he means to you, how thankful you are. But you know once you start, you can’t be trusted to not say the one thing you don’t think he wants to hear.
So you say nothing, and simply go to take your bath.
But you think about it.
You think about it all throughout Christmas, where you don’t see Elias at all. You think about it during NYE, when you get a drunk SnapChat from Elias with his brother, right at midnight.
At least, you figure, he’s not kissing any girls.
You’re not kissing any boys, either. You’re at a NYE party with Fiona and it’s fun, it is, but it’s not the same as it would be if Elias wasn’t all the way in Sweden.
You miss him like a limb, and you know it’s not fair because he rarely gets time to go home to Sweden and he deserves that time with his family, but you can’t say you didn’t wish his time off ended already.
When it finally does, it’s not Elias you see first. Troy is throwing a late New Years party, just to welcome everyone back to Vancouver as they get ready to start the season back up, and when you arrive at his house it’s early enough in the evening that there’s only a handful of people there.
“Y/N!” Brock calls out, opening his arms to give you a big hug as you enter. “Missed you!”
You laugh. “Get off of me, you giant. I’m gonna drop the wine.”
“Not the wine,” Troy says dramatically, tearing it out of your hands. His eyes are sparkling when he thanks and hugs you, and then Brock is ushering you into the living room, where Jake is talking with Quinn.
Or talking at Quinn. To be honest, you never really know when Quinn is paying attention.
“Y/N!” Jake exclaims, much like Brock had. “I’m glad you’re here, we need your input on something.”
“Okay?” you ask, curiosity instantly taking over. Whenever Jake and Brock get together, it promises to be an interesting evening.
“We’re trying to decide Brock’s love language.”
It’s sudden enough that you laugh. “His what?”
“Love language,” Jake explains. “Like, how he shows people he loves them. He says it’s quality time, but I think it could be physical touch. He’s always touching people.”
“Jake is deflecting because his love language is physical touch,” Brock scowls. “I think I know my own love language, Tuna.”
“Hold on.” Unfortunately, you have to press the pause button on their discussion. “What options do we have?”
You’ve got no idea where they got this from, but it doesn’t really matter. You’re always down to share your opinion on stupid stuff with your favorite boys.
“There’s gifts, quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, and…” Brock pauses, and you can nearly see the wheels in his head turning.
“Acts of service,” Quinn offers, which proves that he was actually paying attention.
“Mine is physical touch,” Jake says determinedly. “When I care about someone, I always wanna be touching them, and when I’m in love with someone that’s like twenty times worse.”
“Poor girl,” Quinn mutters, and the conversation gets paused in order for Jake to put Quinn in a headlock.
“I think yours is quality time, actually,” you tell Brock when Jake is done murdering the rookie. “Your ex was always on her phone during your date nights and I remember it drove you crazy.”
“See,” Brock says proudly. “Quality time baby. If I’m there I’m there.”
“What about yours, Huggy?” Jake asks. “Physical touch would make sense, since you’re called Huggy.”
“I’m not called Huggy,” Quinn deadpans. His face is devoid of any emotion, but you know him well enough to recognize the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He reminds you of Elias, when he does that. “And if we were going by nicknames your love language would be fishing.”
Everyone cracks up on that, and then the doorbell rings and Bo arrives.
The topic gets put on hold, then, because Bo is instantly talking about Gunnar’s first Christmas and Brock is talking about becoming an uncle again and you feel warm and happy on the couch with your wine, squeezed between Brock and Troy.
Until, a little later, you realize someone is missing.
“Where’s Petey?” you ask Troy. “Isn’t he coming?”
Troy shrugs. “Should do. But you never know with Pete.”
It’s not entirely true: if Elias promises he’ll be there, he will be there. But, to be fair, he usually doesn’t promise that to anyone but you, and you hadn’t asked him to come, this time.
You figured he just would.
“What about Petey’s love language?” Brock asks idly, not knowing he’s opening Pandora’s box for you. “Definitely not words of affirmation, huh.”
Troy laughs.
“Nah, Petey’s an acts of service guy. He’s always doing shit for Y/N.”
You would protest if you trusted your voice not to shake. As it is, you stay quiet and hope the flush on your cheeks gets mistaken for a wine flush, and not an Elias flush.
Brock brightens. “Oh, yeah! Getting her car fixed, making dinner, building her stupid bookshelf, feeding her cat… He is a typical acts of service guy.” He bumps against your shoulder playfully. “I hope you appreciate his showing of love, Y/N. He rarely does that shit for me.”
Troy snorts. “That’s cause he’s not in love with you, Boes.”
“He’s not in love with me either!” you squeak, unable to stay quiet any longer. You know if you don’t derail this trail of thought very soon, it’s gonna end badly for you.
Both Troy and Brock look unimpressed, at that statement.
“Yes, he is,” Brock says slowly, as if explaining something to an unruly child. “He drops whatever he has going on to do small things that make your life easier. That’s literally the same as him screaming I’m in love with you from the highest rooftop in Vancouver.”
“He’s not like you,” Troy continues, a little more gentle. “When people have different love languages, they don’t always understand what the other is trying to say. Your love language is words of affirmation. You’re always telling Petey how amazing he is. But he doesn’t see that as a declaration of love, or whatever. He thinks you tell everyone that they’re amazing.”
You do, to be fair, but not as often as you tell Elias. Because he’s…
Well. Amazing would be an understatement, actually. He’s everything to you.  
Things are starting to make sense, like puzzle pieces fitting into place. Suddenly, you start wondering if there’s more to his acts of service than plain friendship, or him being a good guy.
It’s not like he does stuff like that for all his friends. He helps them out, sure, but he always goes above and beyond for you, usually not even needing to be asked.
But he’s not in love with you, surely? He hasn’t said anything…
But maybe words aren’t his thing. Not like they are yours: the way you can’t stop yourself from gushing into Elias’ ear even when you know you should stop.
What if Brock and Troy are right?
You don’t get much time to think it through, because that’s when Elias finally appears in Troy’s living room, looking endlessly cool in his blue sweater, wearing his glasses. He’s sending death glares at Jake, who wolf whistles from the corner, but then his eyes meet yours and they soften.
“Hi there,” he smiles, reaching out to you. You immediately jump up and launch yourself at him, any previous conversation about the two of you momentarily forgotten as you curl your body into his, his arms tightening around your waist.
“Missed you,” you hum into his shoulder, and you’re rewarded with a grin you can feel against the skin of your neck.
“Are you sure hers isn’t physical touch?” you hear Brock ponder, and you would flip him off if you could be bothered.
You can’t. All you can be bothered doing is plastering yourself to Elias’ side and not leaving him alone even for a second, the rest of the night.
It works at least for a while, until he asks: “Do you want another drink?”
“I’ll go with you,” you say, not willing to part with him yet, and you ignore the knowing look Brock shoots you as the two of you find your way to the kitchen.
Elias immediately goes for the wine, because he knows you better than anyone else.
“I asked my dad about the job,” Elias mentions casually, as if it’s not a big deal at all. “He thinks he can get you an interview.”
“Wait, what?”
Suddenly your heart is ticking in your throat. Before he left for Sweden, Elias had mentioned that his dad knows a guy who works for a similar company as you’re working for now: apart from the shitty boss you have or the ridiculous low salary you get paid. It’s your job, but better, and Elias promised you he’d get his dad to ask if there were any open positions.
There were. And you sent in your application not thinking there was gonna come much from it, but now…
Something warm washes through your chest, like your heart grew three sizes. Of course he asked, of course he made it happen. Looking out for you, always and at any time, from any distance.
“It’s not a done deal,” Elias warns, oblivious to your mental breakdown. “But he said he thinks they’ll like you and he’ll put in a good word for you.”
You squeal and throw yourself in his direction once again. Elias laughs as he catches you, fingers curling in your hair where your face is pressed against his chest.
“Thank you,” you mumble.
“It’s about time you get rid of that dumb job.” You can hear the frown in Elias’ voice. “They don’t take good care of you at all, it’s not good for you.” The distaste is obvious and it’s adorable. You pull away.
“I don’t need them to,” you say, carefully. You can still hear Brock’s words in your voice, and you figure it’s worth a try, probably. “Because you’re always there to take care of me.”
Elias’ cheeks darken substantially.
“I mean it when I say I don’t know what I’d do without you, Elias.”
“You’d be fine,” Elias waves away the compliment as you figured he would. But this time you’re not backing down.
“Maybe I would be. But I wouldn’t be as happy.”
They say when you really love a person, you’ve got to show them. But you’ve never really known how to do that, instead you always use your words to tell them. But it seems like Elias isn’t believing you, not even now.
And you’ve got to fix that.
It’s not until you’re in Elias’ car on the way back home that you bring it up again. The party wasn’t really the time and place, but the conversation with Brock and the guys has been nagging in the back of your mind since it happened.
If you didn’t realize Elias’ acts of service meant something, maybe he doesn’t realize your words of affirmation mean something. And even if it doesn’t mean he’s in love with you – you’re really not that sure about that – you need him to at least know how much you appreciate him.
“You know I’m always there for you, right?” you start, carefully breaking the silence in the car. Elias shoots you a glance from behind the steering wheel.
“Like, even if I’m maybe not as good as you are at realizing what you need me to do, if there’s ever anything I can do to help make your life a little easier or better I wanna do it. I’d do anything for you.”
It’s too honest, probably, and too much all at the same time. But Elias doesn’t look that surprised. In fact, there’s a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“You make my life better by just being you, Y/N. You don’t have to do anything for me.”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach and you wonder how you’re gonna get through this conversation. But it’s one that needs to be held, so you press on.
“What is your love language, Elias?”
Now he frowns. “Have you been talking to Brock?”
Of course Brock talked to Elias before he talked to you. The traitor.
You decide to ignore that, for now. You’ll talk to Brock later.
“You know my love language is words of affirmation, right?”
Elias shrugs. “Brock did say that, but I didn’t know what you thought it was.”
“And yours is acts of service,” you hazard a guess. You keep your eyes firmly on Elias’ face, which is the only reason you catch the slight change in his expression.
Like a wall, crossing over his features. He’s trying to protect himself, although you have no idea why. Does he not get where you’re going with this?
“I can tune it down if you want me to,” he says, a little grumpily. He’s staring straight ahead at the road, stubbornly refusing to look your way.
And oh God, he’s truly not getting it, and this is going the exact opposite way you want it to go.
Troy did say that when people’s love languages don’t match, they don’t understand what the other is trying to say. But you honestly don’t know how you can make it any more clear to Elias.
Well, except…
“I love you,” you blurt out. “Like, in love with you love you.”
The words ring loudly in the quiet car. For a second, nothing about Elias’ expression, almost like he didn’t hear you. You can almost feel your heart sink into your stomach.
Then, he pulls over the car.
It comes to a stop at the side of the road, two wheels on the pavement and two still on the road. It is, objectively, not super safe, but it’s also 3am and there’s no other cars to be seen. Very carefully, without looking at you still, Elias turns on the hazard lights.
And then finally, finally, he turns to you and kisses you.
You weren’t expecting it but it doesn’t really matter: it’s like your heart and head both light on fire, and everything outside of the car simply disappears. It’s just you and Elias, and his lips on yours and his hands on your body.
It feels right. Like it was always meant to end up like this.
After what feels like ages, he pulls away. He’s smiling, and his eyes are bright blue in the dark car.
“I thought you said those kinda things to everyone,” he admits, quietly. His thumb is rubbing your side, his eyes fixed on that spot. Almost as if he can’t really believe he’s allowed to do that.
You don’t want him to ever do anything else.
“I thought you did those kinda things for everyone,” you shoot back.
Elias raises one eyebrow. “That bookcase weighed at least 300 pounds.”
You can’t help it: giggles are escaping your lips and suddenly you’re both laughing. The tension in the car dissipates instantly, and suddenly it’s just Elias again, your best friend.
Your best friend that you’re now allowed to kiss. So you lean in and press your lips against his again.
After all, kissing is a love language you think everyone understands.
“I’m home!” Elias’ voice sounds through the empty apartment, and you immediately leave your spot behind the kitchen counter to run into the hallway.
With a squeal, you fly towards him, and he catches you easily as you knew he would.
“Hey, babe,” he laughs quietly, pressing a kiss into your hair before returning the hug fully. “Is that my sweater?”
“Maybe,” you admit, as Elias’ hands make their way under his own blue sweater, that you definitely steal from him most evenings. “Missed you. And I’m very proud of you.”
“I missed you too,” he answers. “Watched the game?”
“Obviously.” You roll your eyes, even though you know he can’t see it with your face still buried in his shoulder. “A hat trick, huh? I think that needs to be celebrated.”
“Oh?” Elias pulls away then, one eyebrow raised and a cheeky twinkle in his eyes.
“Not like that,” you scold him, lightly punching his arm. “Or, maybe like that. But first, I made Kalops.”
At the mention of his favorite Swedish food, Elias’ face lights up. A while ago, you asked his mom for her recipe and it’s one of the only Swedish dishes you can make, but you make it well.
“Also,” you continue, as you take his hand and start leading him towards the kitchen, so he can sit at the counter while you cook as he always does, “I called the electrician so the TV is already fixed. I know you could have done it, but I decided I’d much rather use that time to hang out with you. I took Puck to get his shots at the vet and I also used my free afternoon to take your car through the car wash.”
When you reach the kitchen, you twirl around towards Elias and his arms immediately circle around your waist.
“You didn’t have to do all that,” he mutters, taking the opportunity to kiss you once more. “But thank you. I love that you took the time to take care of that for me. And I love you.”
“Look at us,” you tease, lightly tugging at the ends of Elias’ hair. “Speaking each other’s love language like that.”
“Perfect couple,” Elias agrees, and you smile back at him.
Somehow, you and Elias managed to create a language of your own: one that you could speak with nobody else. But luckily, you don’t have to.
Cause he came home to your shared apartment like he always does, and well. That’s the biggest act of service he could do for you.  
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. do a flip!
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"haha yeah, im with the others right now" reki said to the phone as he wiped a table clean. 
"really? are you at S?" y/n asked from the other line 
"oh no, we're at joe's restaurant." reki replied with a laugh "everyone's eating right now." he then covered the phone with his hand and sent them a nasty glare "everyone but me.. " he grumbled bitterly 
miya stuck his tongue out at the redhead and tauntingly bit into a piece of steak. "not our fault its your shift right now" he said. reki playfully rolled his eyes and brought the phone back against his ear. "anyways, y/n what're you up to?" he asked 
"i remember you mentioned joining a club right?" he said. "is it one for skating?! i didnt know schools even had those!" 
from the other line, y/n chuckled sheepishly. "ah no.. its a club for volleyball" she said "although im just a manager" 
reki furrowed his brows in confusion "volleyball? i didn't expect that" he said 
"me too reki. but it's really fun! if you ever come here we can try playing with my friends" she said excitedly 
"sure! im actually coming th-" before reki could finish his sentence, joe quickly covered his mouth and snatched the phone. "hey rookie!" joe greeted with a laugh "little reki here is busy at the moment but why don't ya chat with me?" he mused 
"oh, hi joe." she greeted him "why is reki busy? i thought you were just eating?" 
"ah well-" 
"are you lying? does reki not wanna talk to me? is he with someone else? or did something else happen?" she bombarded him with a chain of questions 
joe sweat dropped and looked over to the rest for help. "ah no, none of that happened, rookie" he reassured her "reki here is helping me out in the restaurant so he's a bit occupied" he explained 
"oh.." y/n mumbled in response "okay then" 
"dont spoil it, you slime!" miya scolded him "our visit is supposed to be a surprise!" 
"i was just excited!" reki defended himself with a huff "whatever, dude! y/n's gonna think i don't wanna visit her" he said 
"then make it up to her when you get there" shadow said as he ate . "good idea, old man shadow!" reki exclaimed "i'll do just that, but for now let me talk to her again-" 
before reki could reach for the phone, miya has already sprung up and snatched it. "y/n~" he cooed with a smug cat-like grin "how's it going?" he asked as he clawed reki's prying hands away 
"oh hi miya!" she greeted him cheerfully "everything is fine. though i miss you and everyone else" she said 
miya smiled in delight and his face exploded into a bright red hue. "you miss me?!" he asked excitedly. he then cleared his throat and scoffed. "how cute. you like me or something?" he said 
reki, along with the others watch with a deadpanned expression as miya shyly fiddles with his hoodie with a blush, although his tone of voice seems quite different. 
"of course i like you" y/n said 
miya splutters and throws the phone at reki's direction. "take it! i'm done here!" he shrieks as he turns his back at them and slaps his red face repeatedly. 
"you're my friend. why would i hate you?" she continued, although he wasn't there to hear it anymore. 
"hi y/n" reki said 
"hi!" she shrieked, followed by a loud thud, as if she had fallen. 
"hey, sorry about earlier! we can talk now if you want" he said with a chuckle 
"oh sure! lets--" 
reki's brows furrowed in confusion as the call suddenly disconnected mid-sentence. "hello?" he called out 
"huh? she hung up!" he exclaimed. "maybe she didn't want to talk to you" miya teased him. reki faced him with a look of distraught. "you think so?" he asked in panic 
"dude" miya sweat dropped "of course not. its y/n we're talking about" 
"REKI!" y/n shrieked out as she reached for the phone that was snatched out of her hands "why'd you take it?!" she exclaimed as she tried to reach for the device 
the class sweat dropped as they watched her try to reach for the phone in the teacher's hands
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"i don't know who reki is, but you can't use your phone. classes are about to start" he said 
"but-- but i was on a call with reki.." she sulked 
"you can call each other after class." the teacher sighed. "i won't take your phone since its your first time doing this, but let it be the last please" 
"okay.." y/n replied as she took the phone from him "i won't call during class. sorry." she said as she bowed her head 
"good. anyways-" the teacher cut himself off as he caught sight of her hunched over and rigorously typing on her phone. "hasegawa y/n! you can't text either!" the teacher scolded her 
"but i'm not making any noise.." she reasoned with a confused tilt of her head 
"it doesn't matter. you have to stop or i'll take away that phone." the teacher said. he then narrowed his eyes threateningly and said, "along with that skateboard of yours" 
the whole class sweat dropped as they watched y/n shudder in fear and quietly place the phone into her bag 
"sorry." she muttered as she placed her hands on the desk and tensely kept her eyes on the blackboard. "apology accepted." the teacher said. "anyways, let's start.." 
oikawa side eyed her, watching as her eyes and hands twitch , as if she was itching to pull her phone out again. the brunette leaned over iwaizumi, who groaned in annoyance, and poked her shoulder 
"yahoo, y/n-chan~" he whispered quietly 
"oikawa-san, please go away. if i make noise he'll take my phone and my board." she said 
oikawa frowned and poked her again. "don't be so cold to me, y/n-chan~" he cooed "i just wanted to ask you to join me for lunch later." he said. "lunch?" y/n hummed. "yup. let's do something fun together" he replied. 
"okay, oikawa-san" she agreed with a curt nod. "i'll join you" 
"hasegawa." the teacher called on her. y/n jumped and shakily faced the man. "yes?" she replied. "answer the question on the board." the teacher said 
"i can't!" she quickly denied. 
"why not?" the teacher said with a sigh "this is english class. you're from canada right? all im asking is for you to say something in english." 
"sorry!" she replied in english. "please don't take my phone and my skateboard away." 
"good job." the teacher gave her a nod before moving on 
"sorry" oikawa chuckled sheepishly "lunch later, okay?" he cooed. y/n simply nodded and gave him a thumbs up, refusing to speak a word. 
"shut the fuck up, shittykawa." iwaizumi grunted as he pushed the brunette away. "you're causing everyone problems" 
"ow! just for that, you're not invited to our lunch" oikawa said, to which iwaizumi simply replied with an eye roll 
"you didn't even plan on inviting me anyways, didn't you?" iwaizumi huffed
"so why did you want to have lunch together, oikawa-san?" she asked him
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"i see" y/n hummed. "im glad you enjoy my company, oikawa-san" she grinned
"no reason~" he cooed in response. "i just wanted to be alone with you, that's all" he said
oikawa nodded along as he transferred some food from his bento onto hers. it was placed on top of her board as she lightly rolls it around. "tell me about that reki guy, will you?" oikawa said with a curious hum. "i always hear you talking about him.." 
y/n peered up at him with a look of confusion, but nodded nonetheless. "i don't know why you'd like to know about him but okay.." 
"reki is my best friend. i met him when i moved to okinawa with my mom. he was my first ever friend and he was the one that taught me how to skate" she explained 
oikawa watched as a fond smile lightly grazed her lips, followed by a distinctive glimmer in her eyes. 
"reki is really amazing. i admire him a lot." she muttered 
"i see." oikawa hummed. "i'll love to meet him one day" he said. y/n perked up at the statement. "really?" she asked "don't worry, if you ever met him you'll get along just fine! reki is very friendly" she said with a smile 
oikawa simply nodded and quietly ate his food. she did the same, and they both sat in silence. "hey, y/n" oikawa muttered "you really like skating huh?" he mused 
"oh well... yeah, i guess so" she said. "can you teach me how?" oikawa asked with a cheeky grin. "teach you..?" she cocked her head to the side. "why?" 
"no reason." oikawa huffed "but will you do it?" 
"put your foot here, and push with the other" she demonstrated as she explained. "then you just have to keep your balance" 
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oikawa watched with calculating eyes, nodding along from time to time as he listened. "usually, tricks should come later on when you've already mastered the basics. but it was pretty easy for me, so maybe you can do it too, oikawa-san" she said 
"that was an ollie. reki said that if you got that down, you'll be able to do other tricks." she said. "it should be easy enough to learn" she grinned "just watch videos like i did!" 
she did an ollie and skated closer to him. 
oikawa sweat dropped and timidly placed his foot on the skateboard. "i don't think it'll be that easy, y/n-chan" he chuckled 
"yo, what the hell are you two doing?" 
they both looked back to see hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi walking towards them. hanamaki laughed and pointed at oikawa "are you learning how to skate?" he snickered 
"do a flip!" matsukawa hollered 
"i can't do a flip yet!" oikawa exclaimed "and don't laugh at me. you're probably no better than i am" he rolled his eyes. "but y/n-chan could probably do it" he said
"oh y/n?" matsukawa mused. "can you enlighten us with your skating?" he snickered 
"you always carry that around but we've never actually seen you skate" hanamaki chimed in 
y/n blinked at them and looked down at her board. "i guess i can do that" she said "but we'll need a bigger space than the grounds" she said as she motioned to the outside of the gym, where they were standing
"something like..." she trailed off as she looked around the area "like the roof?" she muttered 
the boys sweat drop and look at her in concern and confusion. "the roof?" they simultaneously asked 
"yeah. i'll jump and do a flip like you asked." she said with a shrug as she makes her way to the stairway leading to the rooftop 
"hey hey! hold on!" matsukawa interjected "are you trying to kill yourself?!" he exclaimed 
"no im trying to jump off the roof and do a flip." she shook her head 
"exactly! it's the same thing!" hanamaki shrieked out "you'll die!" 
"i won't die" she reassured them, thought it did not work in the slightest. "i've done this numerous times." she smiled at them 
"is that supposed to be comforting?" iwaizumi sighed and rubbed his temples in distress. "shittykawa. do something about this" iwaizumi said as he sent oikawa a glare 
"ahaha, right right" oikawa chuckled sheepishly. he then turned to face y/n, only to be met with thin air. "y/n.." he muttered "where is she.." he spluttered and looked up, eyes widening as he spotted her on the rooftop preparing to jump off "hey! y/n-chan get down! this feels like a crime scene in the making!" he rambled as he tried to persuade her to come down 
"oikawa-san, please watch carefully!" she yelled 
"no way! get down here right now!" oikawa yelled back at her 
"jump down?!" she yelled "okay! im gonna do it now!" 
oikawa paled as he shook his head and made an x with his arms "no! i said get down! but use the stairs! don't jump!" 
she simply ignored him and jumped anyways, much to the boys' horror. "this feels nostalgic" she muttered to herself with a smile as the wind made her hair fly around 
she spun around and grinned as the adrenaline started to make her heart pound. she placed her hand on top of her chest and kept her eyes ahead, although her mind was wandering back to her moments back in s
"holy shit" oikawa muttered as they watched her maneuver through the air as if it was no big deal 
"y/n is fucking amazing" he blinked his widened eyes and watched in bewilderment as she lands on the ground with a loud thud, followed by the mild screeching of the wheels against the concrete. 
"oikawa-san, this is called 'siderail slide' miya taught it to me." she said as she kicked her board around and let it land on its side by the edges of the concrete 
her feet landed on the side of the deck as she maneuvers her way around to turn. "stop explaining and get back here!" iwaizumi scolded her "are we going to let the fact that you jumped off a roof slide just like that?!" 
"and this is a kick flip." she said as she ignored iwaizumi and did the trick as told. "it should be easy enough to do if you know how to ollie." she said 
"hey, what's going on here?!" 
her eyes widened as she heard the same teacher's voice and desperately tried to halt her movement. although she wasn't fast enough and she was now frantically ushering the man to move away 
"ah! sensei! move! im gonna hit you!" she shrieked as she tried wobbled around 
"what the-- hasegawa-san you shouldn't--" 
he couldn't finish his words as her board suddenly got dangerously close to his face. the whirring wheels and the snow monster design almost slapping him right then and there. 
"SORRY!" she shrieked as she jumped over him and fell on the ground, rolling around, along with her board until she hit a wall nearby 
"y/n-chan! are you okay?!" oikawa shrieked in distress as he pushed the man away and sprinted to the girl. "im okay, oikawa-san" she said with a wince 
"but my butt hurts from that fall" she pouted "and my hand-- BLOOD!" she shrieked in fear. she holds the bleeding hand away from her as her expression turns into dread. "wipe it off.." she gagged as she looked at it in horror
"this is what bothers you the most out of everything that's happened?!" oikawa sighed in exasperation, though he did as he was told. 
"i don't like blood." she shuddered. "broken bones are what im used to" 
"im starting to worry for your well being if broken bones is something you consider 'the usual'." oikawa sweatdropped
behind them, the teacher glared and held his hand out expectantly. "i was wondering what the screaming was about." he said "but i didn't expect to walk in on whatever that was" 
"give me the skateboard, hasegawa-san." he demanded, making her whole body go ghostly pale 
"no uh.. i'll take detention instead" she bargained with a sheepish smile. "nope. give me the skateboard." the teacher shook his head as he went to grab the deck 
"NO! you can't take that!" she panicked and quickly grasped the other end "i can't skate without it!" she exclaimed 
"exactly." the teacher said. "you need to learn your lesson." 
"but -- but reki made that! i can't lose it! what if it breaks?!" she shrieked, now starting to gradually get more desperate 
"its not gonna break. and i don't know who this reki boy is, but you have to stop including him in everything." the teacher sweat dropped "and let go of the damn skateboard, kid. im not gonna throw it away, im just confiscating it" 
she shook her head as she peered up at him with exaggeratedly teary eyes, each looking like a pool of water waiting to just overflow. 
"will i get it back tomorrow?" 
"then im not giving it!" 
"kid, cmon. your making this job harder for me" the man sighed in exasperation ."just give it." he said as he pulled it away from her and walked away. "hope you learned your lesson, kid. you'll get this back soon enough" 
y/n watched his retreating figure with a deadpanned look. she slowly faced oikawa and grabbed his hand. "should i break into his office and steal it?" 
oikawa sweat dropped and shook his head. "you shouldn't. you'll get into more trouble" he said 
"y/n!!" matsukawa and hanamaki yelled as they dove in to check her for injuries. "are you okay?! that was sick as hell but be careful!" hanamaki exclaimed. "you're bleeding!" 
"and your board got taken! don't worry, that teacher's nice. he'll give it back to you soon" matsukawa reassured her 
y/n drowned their voices out as she laid back down on the concrete, looking absolutely lifeless. "i crave death" she squeaked out as her eye twitches in horror 
"cmon now" iwaizumi sighed "it's not that bad" 
"yes it is. i just lost the only thing i have left of reki. it's over" she sulked 
"someone make the pain go away" she pleaded 
"which one? the heartbreak kind or your injuries?" 
"both please." 
a few buildings away from the school adam sat by the balcony of his newly rented hotel room. he held a binocular by his eyes as he watched the scene go down with a wide grin
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"my eve hasn't lost her touch i see" he mused as he took a sip of his wine. "her skating is still as immaculate as ever" adam said as he let out a sigh of pleasure
"it makes my skin crawl!" he exclaimed
"and she.." he trailed off as his vision averts over to her, who was being helped by the boys. "is frowning. my eve is frowning." adam muttered as his grip around the device tightens, causing a soft snap to be heard.
his smile then fell as he watched the teacher walk away with y/n's skateboard through his binoculars. "but that nuisance is taking my little y/n's skateboard..?" he muttered
"you, dog." he called
"yes, mr.ainosuke?" tadashi replied
"get that skateboard back." he demanded as he threw the binoculars away, not caring that it had broken due to the impact. "and give it back to her as soon as possible" he said. 
"but.. are you not worried she'll know you're here?" tadashi asked him with furrowed brows 
adam snapped his eyes towards him and glared. "what was that? we're you about to disobey my orders just now?" he scowled through gritted teeth 
"do you have something to say? tadashi?" 
tadashi slightly bowed his head and replied. "no sir. i have no opinions." 
adam scoffed, followed by a grim laugh. 
"yeah. as always." 
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sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 4 years
Just spent the last two hours SCREAMING on my couch. Might as well fully put it on the interwebs.
Alyssa ‘Savin our asses’ Naeher. Did everyone tell her thank you??? Did they all give her some respectful knucks in lieu of a hug because she seems to not like those? Who are we without her?? Granted. There were a few times where it seemed like she second guesses coming off her line which exacerbated the danger of the plays.. but she came THROUGH. And looked great doing it. That blue. I mean 😍
Captain Rebecca. Put her body on the line. A nerve wracking pass or two. But really, just out here blocking with every body part she can put in the way. Bless her entire soul.
Abigail Bellpepper. Continues to impress on how she can jump into whatever environment and play a full ninety. Diagonal long balls, unmatched. A lil less targeted this go-round, but still excellent. Stepped up on some of the scary defense plays. Let her and Becky get split. Still held it down.
Crystal. Face of USWNT. Had some incredible offensive plays. Great vision for passing. ALMOST HAD THAT BOMB SHOT that got deflected. Not 100% her full Crystal Dunn magic, but the entire team was having an off day lbr
Midge! So fun to see her starting and playing eighty minutes. I thought she came up great offensively. Defensively, she got caught not covering goal side when Beckie nearly scored and Alyssa saved us. Late reaction time to jump in a few times. But her crosses were solid. She attacked down the line, she cut in, she changed it up.
Casey. Mrs. Krueger! Excellent seeing her back, it’s been a moment! Not too much time to show a ton, but she didn’t let them score. So. YAY. More minutes in other games??
Sonnett. Coming in for the chaos! Like Casey, not enough time to do much. There was one little passing sequence with Rose that could have been so cool had she gone for the diagonal corner run for Rose to ping to. Oh well. With Kelley having a knock, hopefully see more of her
Julie - weirdly not on the same page as Lindsey when they were both out there. Only coordinated about standing. Not the game plan. How do y’all knock heads? Call each other off. As usual a VERY solid midfield presence winning balls. Good to see her running down the side and getting that one sweet cross off as well.
Cat! Unlike the hype of her first caps, she got a little more on the lost side out there. But like. International soccer is different than college. She’s allowed time to find her footing. She didn’t play poorly by ANY MEANS. Just needed a little more going to the ball, and holding her own physically.
Speaking of holding their own physically. LINDSEY. She is either getting knocked over by a finger poke, or flattening three people at once. She’s so much better when she stands her ground and fights to stay up. Couple off passes and wasn’t beating people with speed. But she did adjust. She had some incredibly weighted passes, her specialty. And she definitely worked better once the beautiful brunette trio was subbed in. And. Um. We gonna talk about her nonchalantly getting subbed off with blood dripping down her face? 😳
Kristie! (My roommate and I call her Krispy and it takes everything not to refer to her as that all the time.) She definitely made a difference like all the subs. Severely underrated speed, those long leggies can GO. She linked up with Christen well. More of that forever, please.
ROSEMARY KATHLEEN LAVELLE. What a game changer. What a goal. She is wasted at Manchester. She is a GOD DAMN NATIONAL TREASURE. Gonna reiterate, wish we could have gotten a combo play with Sonnett. But god. She should have come in sooner. Such a baller.
Lynn! For the first half especially, she was the ONLY one who seemed like they were genuinely trying offensively. She was working for it and I wish that could have paid off in a goal or assist for her. Much better showing than the Colombia games. Wouldn’t be surprised if she continues getting more minutes this tournament!
Pinoe. Had her moments! Wasn’t perfect out there, was certainly tired at the end, and absolutely did not want to do the defensive work she was required to do. I mean, she got back there. But she wasn’t happy about it. Set pieces weren’t AS lethal as usual. But had some good moves, set up some good plays. Though there were a few where she definitely picked the wrong player to pass to, not seeing Crystal streaking up the side, others cutting into the box.
I don’t have much to say about Carli. It was super frustrating watching her play. Yes. She initiates the press and has the legs to run all game. But she wasn’t getting herself into position, her shots were delayed and not on target, and she refused to stay on her feet in the box. Hoping to NOT see more minutes in this tournament. Give the babies a chance instead.
Alex!! I am waiting for her first National team goal after Charlie. You can tell she’s allllllllmost back to form. Almost. She getting in the correct positions, she knows what she needs to do, but she’s not fully at sniper level yet. She is CLOSE. Soon. I hope.
And last BUT NOT LEAST. Christen Press and her beautiful beautiful hair. (So not the point but oh my god. Drop that hair care routine.) She came in with Alex and Rose ready to GO. Set piece queen. Her tricky little passes are to DIE for. Held onto the ball too long a few times, but there’s no denying her impact. Wish one of her chances would have gotten back of the net, but ya know, it’ll come.
Hoping all the gals rest themselves properly and get ready to kick some ass on SUNDAY!
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kyndaris · 2 years
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
COVID-19 impacted a lot of things for many people. Trapped inside our homes, unable to venture outside, plans that had been in the making for years needed to be abandoned or modified. In the case of my family that meant a trip over to the African continent and going on a mini-safari to see giraffes, lions and zebras out in the wild. So, in a bid to enjoy an African experience whilst in Australia, my mother booked a stay at the Jamala Wildlife Lodge for the whole family to enjoy.
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Though a little shy from what an actual trip overseas might cost, staying at the Jamala Wildlife Lodge is still considerably expensive for most individuals. $1450 a night for couples or $2525 for four adults. But should the price deter you, one should also know it’s a full package deal that includes a light afternoon tea with cute sliders, mini quiches, finger sandwiches and some sweets; along with a three-course meal that includes an exorbitant array of canapes as well as a very filling and delicious breakfast. Then, of course, there’s the entry into the National Zoo and Aquarium in Canberra and a guided tour either in the morning or in the afternoon (depending on the number of nights or room you might stay). I mean, if I can get to feed a giraffe or get up close and personal with a white lion during my stay, I’d say it’s plenty worth it! 
And having unlimited access to hot chocolates? Where can I pay for it again?
So, our night at Jamala Wildlife Lodge booked, we drove down to Australia’s capital city. For many across the world, it’s a little known place overshadowed by both Sydney and Melbourne. A bit like Ottawa in Canada. 
Among Australians, it’s known for not having much in the way of entertainment beyond a few museums and being the place of governance for the entire nation. Almost everyone has visited Questacon and the War Memorial in their youth, but beyond that, Canberra’s not had much staying power unless one works in government or works in construction.
We arrived at the zoo with a few minutes to spare before afternoon tea. A three hour drive, Google Maps steered us wrong as it thought the Federation Highway was closed and tried to take us down the road less travelled by diverting us to a nearby town where the road was actually closed.
After we arrived, setting down our luggage at the entrance, we enjoyed a light repast before taking a self-guided gander at the animals that were on display. The National Zoo and Aquarium is host to several animals both big and small. From close to the Capuchin Rooms, I was able to spy both the normal lions and the white lions that the zoo had. They were lazing out in the weak winter sun, soaking in the last remnants of warmth they could. 
And though it took me a while to figure out how to leave the uShaka Lodge and enter the zoo proper, I was down with the delightful fish, reptiles and amphibians. Then it was out into the open air with the squirrel monkeys and marmosets. I tried to spot the leopards in their enclosure but I was sure that they had been relocated as workers helped wield the gate inside. Then it was off to the otters that were being fed (and hidden from view by waist-high wall) before I diverted to the sun bear and Sumatran tigers. 
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Always eager to snap more and more photos of the animals around me, I checked in with the koalas napping in trees, saw a tree kangaroo up high on its roost and watched a cute flock of penguins swimming around in the water. Then I was off to the shared wallaby and emu walk-through area before I headed in the opposite direction of the Adventure Trail signs, diverting instead to the Tasmania devil enclosure (and saw one loping around in circles). As I went around the right hand-side of the zoo, I was startled by a serval, one of the most regal cats I’ve ever seen before taking in the ruff lemurs that were playing about. 
From there, I tried to spot the cheetahs and African painted dogs but they were nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, I wended my way through the deer and llama walk-in before heading out to see a few dingoes and stumbling upon another cheetah enclosure where they were lazing about near the edge of the enclosure. Elands, rhinos, giraffes, barbary sheep, blackbucks and zebras were all next. There was also a Canadian elk with a mighty array of antlers that I snapped a photo of.
Continuing my journey of real life Pokemon Snap, I got to see ostriches, siamang and as many primates as I wanted. Then, of course, there was an attempt at trying to snap a decent photo of a barking owl but they were having none of it. At the least, the meerkats were cute! If only I knew then that they were the one animal species that killed more of their own than any other. Dominant matriarchal meerkats are probably the worst.
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Once my quick tour of the zoo was over, we were shown to our rooms. My family were to say in the Meerkat suite. That meant that we had a small enclosure where a family of four meerkats would run around and explore the burrows that had been created for them. And I could watch them and snap closer personal shots. Others might have been satisfied to have a lion or tiger lounge up close and personal, but I feel like taking the Meerkat suite was the right call. Either that or the Reef Room where one could share one side of their bedroom with fish. 
At dinner, all of those that had chosen to stay at the Jungle Bungalows or at the uShaka lodge were able to observe the hyenas curiously looking on at us human bystanders as they became more active past nightfall. We were also treated to the sight of two white lion siblings chowing down on scraps of meat as we we made our way through a decent helping of canapes. But it was only when I was enjoying dinner and dessert that I realised that I had become the very thing I hated: a person that takes photos of their food.
To be fair, I had felt compelled to do so to show my work colleagues that I was messaging. But for absolute years I had refused to take photos of my food because I didn’t want to emulate the influencers on Instagram that seemed only to ever take photos of their food. I even rolled my eyes at my own mother for snapping shots of whatever breakfast she had.
Internet culture has ruined me...
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The next day saw a guided tour through the zoo, as well as a very generous portion for breakfast. Although I revisited many of the enclosures that I saw the day before, I had Ben and Bella providing narration and interesting anecdotes of animal facts and stories about territorial black swans. With the zookeepers leading the way, I also got to feed llama and deer alike with carrots, the elands with some lettuce leaves and ALMOST ALMOST ALMOST got to touch a rhinoceros before he backed away. At least I was able to get pretty close and personal to it.
With the guided tour over, it was time to head back home to Sydney.
Alas, my mother had other plans and we stayed the night in Goulburn. On the bright side, the place we were staying in had Amazon Prime (without the need for me to sign into the account) and I managed to watch copious amounts of The Legend of Vox Machina.
Still didn’t finish it but yay for actually sneaking in a good three quarters of the episodes?
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noodles-07 · 4 years
Snow Days :)
Characters: All members of sleepy bois inc (Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Philza and Wilbur Soot
Summary: Techno flies to the UK for the winter because I wanted to hype myself up for cold season. Family fluff ensues.
Warnings: Very brief mentions of murder and strangling, but in a brothers-roughhousing way
Phil snorted from his position on the porch, watching his two youngest sons wrestle in the snow. Wilbur currently had Tommy in a headlock, but Tommy had a handful of snow and looked to be about three seconds from shoving it down Wilbur's shirt, so he doubted Wilbur would hold him long.
Techno would be arriving soon, then they would head out for a standard family day at the park, but until then he had forced the other two out of his house for fear of property damage.
Wilbur let out a very masculine screech and twisted away from Tommy, leaving the teenager cackling as Wilbur yanked off his scarf.
“YOU LITTLE BASTARD CHILD” Wilbur lifted his black-and-mustard striped scarf in front of himself and lunged, sending a scuff of snow across the driveway as he fought for leverage.
“Don't kill your brother,” Phil called passively from the porch, “Or at least wait for me to legally adopt him so I can get the insurance money”
Tommy made a noise that he would refuse to call a squeal as he dove away from Wilbur, just as Phil heard the distinct crunch of car tires on snow and glanced up to see Techno pulling into the driveway.
Phil raised a hand to wave as the drivers-side door opened, and bit back a wheeze when his pink-haired son just opened his arms to the sides and faceplanted into the snow with no hesitation.
“TECHNO!” Tommy exclaimed, bounding over like an overexcited puppy to dog-pile on Techno, with Wilbur right at his heels.
Techno grunted but didn't move for a few moments, when he finally did he rolled over unceremoniously and sat on top of his smallest brother- Wilbur was smart enough to get out of the way- for a moment before getting up and finally offering Phil a smile back.
Wilbur put an arm over Techno with a smile. “Nice to see ya, Tech.” Techno slow-blinked at him for a moment before spinning sharply and throwing his arms around Wilbur.
“I did not fly eleven hours for a hug that you're not even going to commit too, Wilbur”
Wilbur chuckled and hugged him back for aproximately two seconds before yelping and jumping back, arching his back. “TOMMY YOU GREMLIN BASTARD CHILD-”
He was cut off by Phil wrapping Techno in a hug with a laugh. “Let's get your stuff out of the car then we can wrangle the disaster children and head out.”
Techno ducked out of the hug and stepped around the front of the car, opening the passengers seat door and pulling out a small cat carrier.
“You have a CAT?” Tommy yelled from where he was sprawled on his stomach in the snow.
“No, I have a penguin.” Techno set the carrier on the ground and opened the grate, letting his small dog out. “It costs less to fly with a cat carrier than a dog one, Thomathy”
“Okay, ONE never call me that again, and TWO YOUR DOG IS SO CUTE” Tommy scrambled over to the driveway, sitting cross-legged in front of the car and whistling at the dog.
“His name is Floof and if you touch him I will obliterate you, Thomathy” Techno deadpanned, moving to join Phil at the back of the car to unpack his suitcase and duffel bag.
Phil hoisted the suitcase without much difficulty, Techno managing to wrestle his duffel bag away from the older man before he could grab both his bags.
“Let's get your bags in your room then we can attempt to corral the gremlin children” Phil laughed, heading up the stairs to the porch and fumbling with the doorknob.
Techno, of course, dropped his duffel bag right beside the door when he followed Phil inside.
Phil led Techno to the spare bedroom where he'd be staying, (Wilbur and Tommy were staying in a hotel nearby. Phil didn't think he could handle all three of his children in the same house overnight,) and set the suitcase on the floor.
Techno had, unwisely, trusted Wilbur and Tommy to get Floof inside, which resulted in Wilbur calling in the most guilty voice possible, “Phiiiiiiiiil?”
“oh god” Phil muttered, leaning out of Techno's doorway. “What, problem child #2?”
“Dogs are allowed on couches in this house right?”
Phil gently rested his palm against his face for a moment before calling back; “Yes, we have blankets on the couches for a reason.”
He faintly heard Tommy mutter “oh thank god” from the other room as Techno snorted behind him.
“You should unpack a bit then meet us in the living room, I'll either be wrestling the children or hiding in the bathroom” Phil informed, heading out of the room with a soft chuckle.
Techno unpacked the essentials; (see: red weighted blanket and laptop;) and headed back into the living room to find Tommy lying on his back on the floor with his feet up on the couch, probably the one position Phil wouldn't approve of.
Techno flopped onto the same couch as Tommy's feet, scooping Floof onto his lap and burying his nose in the fluffy white dogs head for a moment.
Wilbur stepped into the room from what could only be assumed to be the bathroom, and Floof hopped off Techno's lap... right onto Tommy's stomach.
Tommy wheezed and did a sharp sit-up, blue eyes bulging. Techno stifled a laugh.
“Techno! Your dog almost killed me!”
Techno pulled out his phone, looking at the blank screen as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. “It's a shame he failed”
Tommy was halfway across the room to grab a pillow to throw at Techno when Phil came back in, raising one eyebrow at the sight.
Techno, sitting on the couch looking at his phone without a care in the world. Tommy, in the middle of the room with his hand on a spare pillow, and Wilbur, leaning on the doorframe with half a smirk on his face as he watched the chaos unfold.
“I can explain...?” Tommy offered weakly.
“My dog jumped on his stomach and he tried to murder me,” Techno supplied without looking up.
Tommy looked to Wilbur, probably hoping he would cover for him, but Wilbur just held up his hands and said “I'm staying out of this one” with a half-concealed grin.
Phil clapped his hands together loudly before Tommy could protest, catching everyone's attention. “Alright my problem children, let's get dressed for the weather and go enjoy the weather while it lasts!”
Techno stood up far faster than he normally did and whooped. “Yes! Screw california I desire frostbitten toes and... whatever”
“You could have just like, driven up to canada or something.” Tommy suggested from where he still stood by the armchair.
“Bold of you to assume I can drive”
“I LITERALLY watched you pull into the driveway, Technoblade”
“... Bold of you to assume I can drive... legally”
“Alright Technoblade you're sitting in the back with Tommy” Phil interjected, hiding a grin of his own.
“HEY! I want to sit in the front” Tommy blurted, shooting Phil a glare as the oldest stepped into the next room and opened a closet that presumably held spare winter clothes.
“Sorry Toms, whoever's in the front seat gets to control the music and I'm not giving you that power” Wilbur cut in, pulling on his brown jacket and glancing around. “Has anyone seen my scarf?”
“I think I saw you trying to strangle a child with it” Phil offered, shrugging on his own green coat while Techno trailed into the room to loot Phil's closet.
He found a red coat with pink lining that was exactly his aesthetic and pulled it on, crouching to look for boots that would fit him while Wilbur attempted to grab Tommy in another headlock.
He pulled on brown boots that were just a little too small and called out, “Flooooof”
A long moment of silence passed, then he got up and sighed. “Sometimes he comes”
Tommy snorted, Wilbur taking the moment of distraction to pounce, while Techno went back to the living room to grab his dog.
“Is it safe for a dog to be out in this weather?” Phil checked, setting his striped hat on his head and delibrately ignoring the two wrestling like children on the other side of the room.
Techno gave his best shit-eating grin and pulled something from behind his back. A dog sweater. Phil snorted and buried his face in his hands with a cackling laugh. “Techno you did NOT”
“I didn't what?” he asked innocently, lifting Floof under the belly to pull him into the pink sweater.
“Don't you dare fucking say you also got dog booties.”
Techno raised his eyebrows with a grin. “You said it, not me”
“Techno. Why.”
“The correct question is why not, Phil. Floof's comfort means more to me than my own life.” he pulled red dog-booties out of the bag he'd dropped by the door and made grabby hands at Floof.
After an embarassingly long time attempting to wrestle his dog into boots everyone (including dogs) had gotten into clothes suitable for the weather and Phil was parading them out the door with waving arms.
Wilbur hopped into the front seat before Techno or Tommy even got off the porch, so they took the backseats, giving Wilbur matching glares.
Phil took the drivers seat and turned to look over his shoulder, putting his hand on the other front seat in the most dad fashion Techno had ever witnessed.
“Everyone ready to go? Nobody needs to pee or forgot to grab anything?”
“No, dad, we're all ready to go.” Tommy proclaimed, putting his feet up on the back of Wilbur's seat.
“If you kick my chair I will kick you in the shins as soon as we get out of this car” Wilbur informed him while Phil gave the wear-your-seatbelt-you-disaster-child lecture.
Techno tuned them out by putting in earbuds that were plugged into nothing and stared out the window until the car started moving. Wilbur took control of the radio and gave Tommy the most shit-eating grin in the rearview mirror and started playing the worst pop music he could pull up on his phone.
Tommy groaned and covered his ears, bending forward in his seat. “Whyyyyyy must you make me suffer this way, Wilbur?”
“Because it's very funny to watch.”
Techno pulled out his earbuds and grinned. “Think of the content he could get making a storytime about how he bullied Tommyinnit with Technoblade and Philza sitting by”
Phil silently reached over and turned the music dial all the way down, snatching the phone out of Wilbur's hand and tossing it back to Techno without looking away from the road. “Put on one of Wilbur's songs, most of them are on my iTunes”
Techno quickly thumb-scrolled through Phil's iTunes until he found one of Wilbur's albums, tapping a random song as Wilbur groaned dramatically.
“Think of the CONTENT, Wilbur. My video titles for the next three months will be nothing but talking about how I bullied Wilbur Soot”
“So you mean your next video and possibly the one after that if you're lucky?”
“Okay that one hurt a little bit. Phil save me.”
Phil turned up the music and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he swayed lightly to the guitar.
They pulled into the parking lot outside the park and Phil turned sideways in his seat to look over the back.
“Alright, I have four sleds and three hours before we have to get home. Whoever gets to the sleds firsts claims them unless I get there last in which case I get the good foam one with handles”
“Bet” Techno and Tommy said in unison, throwing open their doors and springing for the cars trunk.
Somehow Phil got there before Tommy and claimed one of the foam sleds, Techno snatching the other and leaving Wilbur with the toboggan and Tommy with the saucer.
Tommy shot him dagger-eyes as they trekked to the top of the hill, taking the path beside the slope to avoid getting run over by fellow sledders.
Wilbur set his sled at the top of the hill and got a running start, giving Tommy a shit-eating grin as he did a nosedive onto his sled, catching himself on the front of his toboggan and letting his momentum send him down the slope at high speed.
Tommy had been half-wrestling Phil up the hill for the other foam sled, Techno casually falling back to avoid the combat ahead of him. Tommy had finally accepted defeat and was trying to balance standing up on his saucer.
Techno took a moment to sit cross-legged on his sled before taking off- he wasn't unwilling to admit that sitting at a computer all day playing video games hardly did wonders for your physical strength- before grabbed the handles and awkwardly shuffle-hopping to the top of the slope and letting physics do the rest.
Phil stayed at the top to watch Floof, watching everybody race back to the top. Tommy took off like a cannonball, grinning from ear to ear and carrying his sled on his back like a turtle shell. Wilbur took a moment to look upslope for his scarf, which had landed about halfway down, and Techno spread his arms and legs once he hit the bottom and just spun.
Tommy got to the top first, naturally, and Phil grabbed his sleeve before he could take off again. “We're taking turns watching the dog, first come first serve.” he dropped the leash into Tommy's hand and took off before the teen could protest.
Tommy plopped down on his sled and lifted Floof to his lap, grinning as the dog snuffled at his red scarf. Wilbur hit the top and spent a while lining up his sled, so Tommy slid forward casually and gave the back of the toboggan the hardest kick he could without sending himself and Floof over the edge.
He was delighted to hear Wilbur shout “YOU LITTLE BASTARD CHILD” as he slipped out of hearing range.
Techno reached the top and peered over the edge to see Wilbur fall off his sled trying to grab the scarf and head downhill backward, letting out a “hah” before setting his own sled down.
“Don't you DARE leave me on doggy-duty again-” Tommy was cut off by Techno lying down on his stomach, gripping the handles and grinning at Tommy. “You little-”
Then he was gone, pressing his chin to the sled and letting himself build momentum. He didn't slow down across the flat stretch at the bottom until he stuck out his feet, noticing that the trails from other sleds going long weren't much farther than his had been. Oh-kay... time to get as far as I can and destroy whatever child holds the current record.
He raced back uphill to find Wilbur on doggy-duty, Phil seeing if he could kneel on the sled and go down (he could) and Tommy figuring out what the least practical way he could descend aside from standing on his sled (which had failed miserably).
Techno braced his sled at the edge of the hill, slightly slanted but no so much so as to go over the edge without someone pushing it, and braced himself on top of it, feet digging into the snow to prevent him from going too fast.
“Phil! I could use a shove!”
Phil instantly scrambled over to brace his hands against Techno's sled. “Tell me when to go, Tech”
“NOW” Techno yelped, pulling his arms up like a turtle for minimum air resistance and grinning like a child in a candy store as he shot downhill. He shifted his weight as he reached the flat bit, pressing as flat as he could for equal distribution across the ground.
On the slopes you could put your weight in the middle and let momentum carry you downhill, but on flat ground you needed to preserve momentum so that you didn't sit too hard on the front or back and bring yourself to a painful halt.
He got about three-quarters of the way to the longest streak and narrowed his eyes, following the streak uphill with his eyes. It looked like they'd gotten a boost from a long-destroyed snow bump, which he could only replicate by making a ramp. He temporarily ditched his sled and started packing snow into the best ramp he could.
He didn't start at the bottom, instead making it a branch from the slope itself so he couldn't nosedive his sled into the ramp and stop all him momentum, and it had to be well-packed enough to take the weight of a person at high speeds...
He got distracted until Wilbur whooped from somewhere above him and came spiraling back down to the base of the slope clutching his scarf victoriously above his head.
Most of the trip went similarly. People rotating out on doggy-duty (Phil once decided to take Floof down the slope with him and claimed it was the best time of either of their lives), Techno trying to destroy the record he was sure some twelve year old was proud of getting, and Tommy and Wilbur competing about things only brothers could find competition in.
They piled back into the car panting, grinning and wrestling for the front seat (see: Tommy and Wilbur). Phil slumped against the drivers seat as Techno lifted Floof from Wilbur's arms to his lap after buckling up.
He spent most of the drive playing with Floof's dog-booties and making baby-noises at him, tuning out Tommy screeching “Ten thousand bottles of beer on the wall, ten thousand bottles of beer-” and Wilbur fighting Phil for the radio.
Techno unclasped Floof's booties and jacket while they drove, the small dog wagging his tail and attempting to seize Wilbur's scarf (again) until Wilbur scooped him into his lap and cooed; “You're such a good boy aren't you?”
Techno scoffed dramatically. “I have been betrayed by the one person I thought I could trust!” he leaned back and draped an arm across his face, hiding his grin as Wilbur shot back “Yes you did” with a matching grin.
“Alright, we're back” Phil announced as he pulled into the driveway beside Techno's car, popping the drivers-side door open and peering over the back of his seat. “Make sure to get all human and non-human beings into the house in an orderly fashion, take off your snow gear and head into the living room single-file.”
“Okay dad” Tommy said, bursting out of his door and instantly facing karma as his feet decided not to stay under him and he spilled onto his stomach with a very dignified oof.
Techno made it inside first, setting Floof on the floor and sitting down to pull off his boots and jacket. So many layers.
There was no right for winter gear to contain so many layers. He had a coat with an extra lining, thick boots, a fluffy hat (which he was definitely stealing), AND Phil had suggested he wear an extra layer under his regular clothes, which he had reluctantly done.
He stole the armchair, flopping his legs across one arm and leaning his back on the other in order to achieve maximum inconvenience. Tommy faceplanted onto the couch and gave Wilbur a grin when the oldest of the siblings walked in. Wilbur quirked an eyebrow, walked straight to the couch and sat down on top of Tommy, making the latter squeal.
“Daaaaad! Wilbur just sat on me!” he called in the direction of the kitchen, where Phil had vanished after slipping around the corner mostly unnoticed.
“Suffer” was the only response, making Techno and Wilbur wheeze.
“So are we having a movie night?” Wilbur checked, casually setting his elbow on the armrest as though he wasn't sitting on top of a squirming teenager.
“Yup! We all pick a movie and eat dinner in the living room.”
“What're we eating? I'm withering away from starvation over here” Tommy called, resigning himself to his new position as an armchair.
Phil poked his head into the room with a grin. “Like the wonderful host I am I shall only serve my guests the highest cuisine: we're having frozen pizzas and/or macaroni and cheese!”
Tommy suddenly rolled from the hips, knocking Wilbur to the ground with a cackle and folding himself into one corner of the couch. Wilbur gave a sincere smile and flopped on the other corner, pulling out his phone.
Techno shifted position so he could rock back and forth, flapping one hand in front of his chest with the biggest grin Tommy had ever seen on him. Tommy casually grabbed a spare pillow and leaned back, taking aim for Techno's chest and cackling as the flapping hand knocked the pillow away before it made contact. Techno made eye contact and Tommy felt his heart stop in his chest.
Never challenge the blood god to a fight, no matter how petty. You will lose and he will stand laughing upon your corpse. This was a lesson Tommy learned the hard way, the battle only ending when Phil walked in to Techno pinning him to the carpet in a headlock and several pillows strewn across the room.
Wilbur was studiously ignoring them and biting back a smirk as Phil softly said “Techno... why”
In a heartbeat Techno had returned to his armchair and was looking at his phone like nothing had happened. “Why what?”
“You know what” Phil told him in The Dad Voice as he sat in the center of the sofa, grabbing the TV remote. “Has everyone picked a movie?”
“Eeyup” Techno muttered, distracted by tapping his fingers in rhythm across his knees.
“I have!” Wilbur announced, looking up from his phone. “Hey did you guys know that it's illegal to hunt whales in Oklahoma, which is a completely landlocked state?”
“I did not know that” Phil said cheerfully, right as the oven beeped to announce pizza time.
“Techno?” Wilbur asked abruptly about halfway through the third movie (Techno’s pick- Babe) when Tommy and Phil were both passed one on the couch. “Can I play with your hair?”
“Uh, shore” Techno slipped out of his armchair, sitting cross-legged in front of it and letting Wilbur sit behind him.
He tilted his head down to let Wilbur slide long fingers through soft pink hair, leaning into his hand with a soft hum of content as Wilbur gently scratched along his scalp.
He let his eyes drift closed as Wilbur played with his hair, pulling it gently into a soft braid, biting his lip lightly in concentration as Techno hummed softly. Wilbur started humming a soft tune to himself, a half-finished song he was working on.
Techno drifted to sleep as Wilbur picked up a hair tie from the table beside him and used it to keep the braid together, giving Techno’s scalp one last scratch before slipping out of the chair and lifting three spare blankets from the basket next to the sofa, tucking the other three in before heading to Techno’s room to steal the bed.
Techno woke up curled up next to the armchair, Tommy draped across Phil's chest on the sofa, with Wilbur leaning on the doorway in his pajamas with a light smile on his lips. He raised a hand in a light wave and Wilbur waved back before heading into the kitchen, presumably for coffee and/or an airhorn to wake up the other two.
Reblogs > Likes please I need the serotonin
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ssvgawara · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and some oddly specific crime they’d commit
a/n: I come back and the first thing I write is a shitpost!! enjoy </3 tw for drugs, murder, alcohol and general crime committing xoxo
Daichi- he’s a cop sorry that’s all there is to it man
Suga- Suga has multiple charges of 1st-degree murder against him but they can’t seem to find his identity so he continues committing murder and will continue until he gets caught or ends up murdering enough people to be put in a position of power
Asahi- everyone is probably like “Oh Asahi is innocent” NO. He has learned that his slightly scary face will let him get away with a lot, he is buying alcohol illegally because he looks old enough to, and he’s buying so much other shit and just getting away with it
Nishinoya- This man gives fucking pimp vibes I can just see him in the big leopard print fur coat with a pretty girl in his lap and he calls himself big poppa but no one else will
Tanaka- Drug dealer vibes, probably runs an entire fucking drug ring with his sister and not just a Lil weed these mfkas have the hard shit too like you could probably buy meth from them, he’s not using it but it’s good business
Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita- They literally rob a bank they have an entire scheme and get away with multiple bank robberies and this goes on for MONTHS
Kageyama- We know he’s volleyball smart but otherwise he’s so mfing stupid and I love him for it but he is a chronic shoplifter. Just picks something up and takes it, has walked out of a store without paying for an entire bed set once and got away with it somehow so idk props to him
Hinata- He is the little guy in any heist situation, he fits anywhere so he can sneak in and out the best, he gave himself the stupid ass code name tiny giant but everyone goes with it because somehow he is the best
Tsukishima- armed robbery, but he doesn’t have a gun just a knife like he’s tall and as an attitude, a knife will get him whatever he needs he doesn’t need the gun
Yamaguchi- He runs a catfishing scheme where he pretends to be a naive girl, scams old men out of their money, and then ghosts them and I think it’s what he deserves let him carry on especially because no one would believe it’s him. Also not really like a crime crime but still a crime in a way
Kiyoko- She kills men and I know it, Queen Kiyoko ending the patriarchy one shitty man at a time like she only kills men who deserve it bc some have rights.
Yachi- She’s too anxious to commit an in-person crime so she does a lot of cybercrime, hacking government databases and releasing info to the people, truly the anonymous we deserve
Saeko- She’s running that drug ring with Tanaka, and she loves it because there’s a thrill to it even though yknow she’s dealing literal meth but like its fine plus she loves rocking people’s shit when they get too handsy, which bring me to my next point underground MMA Saeko, like the illegal one with no rules yeah <3
Ukai- this man probably sells all kinda shit to minors that he shouldn’t he is so unbothered a 7-year-old could probably walk in ask for a pack of camels and get them and leave before he noticed what was going on.
Takeda- Did y’all see how scared Hinata was when Takeda gave him that lecture? This dude could kidnap someone and scare them into giving all the information he needed, a legend truly
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa- took steroids one time. And of course in sports, that’s not allowed. But he only did it once and regretted it for months afterward. Never told anyone and was just relieved he didn’t have to piss in a cup and have someone find out.
Matsukawa- Without hesitation, I know this man takes dead people’s bones and sells them on the internet. Has dubbed himself the bone man and he feels so much power when someone buys a femur or sumn. It’s kinda funny honestly he has a hoard of bones to sell, his fave is the pelvis.
Hanamaki- He’s in between jobs because he stole money from his last job, like he said he was sorry he just needed a little extra for gas but was sad to find out that’s a literal crime and he was laundering money.
Iwaizumi- he’s a street racer, like the fast and furious style and it’s so sexy of him like late-night races ugh to be in an expensive fast car with him where he has one hand on my thigh okay that’s enough of that.
Kunimi- Look me in the eye and tell me he does not do drugs. He does and if you don’t believe me you are wrong and I will fight you on this one. 
Kyotani- If there is a crime he will commit it for fun. Like he will do it with no hesitation. He has a record longer than twilight and I’m not sure how he is not in prison actually nvm he escaped and is  a wanted criminal lol
Ushijima- Assault, he just reeks of getting into bar fights when he’s absolutely wasted. Like he most likely didn’t start it but he will be finishing it
Tendou- grave robbing, he just goes into the cemetery picked the oldest plots, and gets to digging. Has made thousands on dead people jewelry and probably won’t get caught, like besides the groundskeeper there’s no security he will never stop.
Semi- he breaks copyright laws on the daily. He’s sampling music in his all the time but he’s doing it so sneakily it’s fine its what deserves stream his band on Spotify right now,
Shirabu- His bangs are criminal enough. No, but he has stolen drugs from the hospital before he just wanted to try the Xanax, and yeah he could just write himself a prescription for it nut like it’s so easy to just go get some and no report it so that’s what he did.
Goshiki- y’all want me to say arson don’t you?? Fine. He commits arson multiple times and kills 7 people with fire before getting arrested and he doesn’t even feel bad so in prison he probably fucking runs a gang he is crazy.
Kuroo- he is a capitalist and class traitor and that’s crime enough I don’t care is he’s attractive or rich, He commits crimes daily by just existing but I still love him anyway.
Kai- Could not commit a crime he just wants to garden and live his life. Jk there’s at minimum one body in that garden let him kill a man he deserves it just let him have one dead body
Yaku- he keyed someone’s car once just because they pissed him off. Was it kuroo? Yes. But that’s fine because he also keyed Lev’s car but blamed lev for keying kuroo’s and Kuroo for keying Lev’s. He just wants to watch the world burn.
Kenma- cyberbullying but man he is mean. Like no bars held we will dig into every insecurity he can and that shit hurts and he doesn’t even feel bad about it he will just be as mean as he can if you’re not careful
Lev- his crime is being tall and dumb also doesn’t understand the economy and prints counterfeit money because why can’t we print more money? The government should get on that.
Inuoka- He released all the animals from a zoo, like snuck in one night and just let them all free, I’m surprised the tiger didn’t eat him but hey the animals are free, there’s still some missing uh oh he’s very proud of himself for it. After the rush, he starts sneaking into shelters and freeing all the dogs and cats
Yamamoto and Fukunaga- Have egged a house before, it was Kuroo’s he deserves all this bullying and you can’t stop me.
Date Tech
Aone- Criminal Conspiracy, sure he had an entire foolproof plan to get away with the perfect crime but someone found out, and now his plans are ruined, damn </3 and no one ever suspects the quiet guy either.
Futakuchi- Having a prostitute, he just wanted some company like mans is lonely so he paid a girl to just spend a Lil time with him it’s all good.
Bokuto- I know we all haha funny laugh at tax evader bokuto and sure maybe he evades his taxes but he’s also committed vehicular manslaughter, he cannot drive and has killed someone with his car maybe even multiple someones but he always drives off in a panic because he doesn’t know what else to do.
Akaashi- Hasn’t actively committed a crime but has been an accomplice in every vehicular manslaughter Bokuto has committed why the fuck does he keep letting bokuto drive? He really needs to stop that.
Konoha- A master scammer he is so convincing everyone gives him money even if they’re a little sus because he’s just that good each scheme is so convincing.
Kita- He grows weed, you can’t tell me those rice fields are just for rice he’s got all this space he is growing marijuana and selling it, let him do it I want him to be my plug.
Atsumu- "What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier."
Osamu- resisting arrest. He just said no and ran. Granted he shouldn’t have punched the cop in the first place to have to be arrested but like that’s not the point here.
Aran- accidental child abandonment, like he just forgot he was babysitting and left the kid alone for like a day. He felt terrible but he still forgot the kid and now is fearful of parenthood
Suna- owns an illegal weapon, like he just never registered it and keeps it around and would use it if needed Suna please just point the weapon at me maybe
Terushima- Graffiti, he loves painting on the walls of buildings and tagging them, has so much spraypaint and his day isn’t complete if he doesn’t tag at least one building or train car.
Daishou- Public intoxication- he got a little too fucked up and stripped on the street he will forever have to live with everyone knowing he has an ass tattoo like damn bruh
Sakusa- Perjury he simply wanted to get out of court so he said some shit so he could leave granted he lied under oath but whatever, did they ever find out? No, so he’s fine and he’d do it again if it meant he could leave faster. Like sure he was a witness to a murder but bruh he pretends he does not see.
Hoshihumi- driving without a license he simply thought you didn’t need one because why do you need a piece of plastic to say you can drive a car like??? Just know how to drive it.
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feralnumberfive · 4 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 1 of Season 1
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"We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it's funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 |
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☂️ In the Pilot script, it has a woman giving birth to a baby boy in Poland in 1984 (potentially Five or maybe even Luther??) 
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☂️ “Picture Book” is an absolute bop and no one can tell me otherwise
☂️ What if someone saw this parade of carriages and noticed that there were seven? Later Reginald announces that he adopted 6 kids, so I wonder if anyone saw the carriages earlier and heard Reginald's announcement and became confused
☂️ The concert hall in the Pilot script is in New York, which I assume is safe to assume in NYC. The script also mentions later that Diego drops the monocle in the Hudson River
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☂️ The Pilot script originally had Allison in LA, and Klaus in Amsterdam (which he was supposed to be levitating in that scene)
☂️ Diego was originally supposed to be pretty brutal and violent
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☂️ I am a huge POTO fan so having a medley of the songs from the musical is so awesome to hear. The first time I watched this episode and heard the violin starting to play, I was like “Huh, this really sounds like POTO” and then I realized it was! It gave me chills and still does to this day overtime I watch this scene
☂️ The dark and mysterious tones of POTO really matches the vibes of TUA well. It’s just so good, especially as a way to introduce Vanya. The first song Vanya plays is “Phantom of the Opera” which is a nice symbolism when introducing the Hargreeves Siblings. The song itself is Christine discovering who her true Angel of Music is, a strange masked man that everyone knows well but they truly don’t know who he really is, like with the Umbrellas and their separate personalities and struggles as actual human beings and not just as the superheroes the public knows them as. It also plays while showing Diego, who is a mysterious masked figure at that point. 
☂️ “Angel of Music” is basically Christine asking her angel to guide her, which is ironic that it plays while Klaus is getting out of a place that guides him down the right path, knowing that he’s immediately going to go do drugs again and to go down the “wrong” path
☂️ I wonder if the voice in Luther’s spacesuit as he receives his message is an automated voice or his robot named “Ben” like in the comics. I doubt it’s the latter, but who knows
☂️ Okay, here’s another POTO thing. Diego picks up his knife and wipes the blood off of it and tells the family “Your family is safe now” right as the start of “Think of Me” plays. The first lyrics of the song are “Think of me, think of me fondly” which can be seen as Diego wants the family to truly view him as a hero that saved them
☂️ Aaaand here’s another! Again, while “Think of Me” is playing, one of the parts in the song where Raoul sings “Long ago, it seems so long ago, how young and innocent we were” plays while the paparazzi begins questioning Allison about her father and siblings
☂️ Okay okay, last POTO thing. I especially love that "Music of the Night" plays when Klaus wakes up in the ambulance at night. It's so awesome! Especially since the song is basically about giving into your darkest desires, which Klaus clearly did
 ☂️ Goddamn is the music in the show amazing, and I’m not just talking about all of the fun lyrical songs! Jeff Russo you get a thumbs up from me
☂️ Ta-da! Here’s some portraits that are shown of the siblings with Reginald when they were young that are shown in the show
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☂️ Even the first person Vanya sees when she arrives home doesn’t greet her/welcome her back 
☂️ Emmy and Elliot really played that awkward hug and greeting between Allison and Vanya well. You can feel the awkward tension (hey sisters)
☂️ According to the pilot script, Diego wears his mask practically all the time like in the comics
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☂️ Luther was literally supposed to have a gorilla body in the pilot script
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☂️ “Oh, YoU gOt BiG, lUtHeR”
☂️ Godddd the song playing while Vanya looks at the books on the shelf in including her own is 👌
☂️ Ah, there’s a book called “Lunar Living”
☂️ It might just be me, but it seems like the light shining onto Five’s portrait is ever so slightly askew
☂️ Vanya leaving the lights on and sandwiches for Five reminds me of someone leaving food outside for a stray cat
☂️ Five was originally supposed to be gone for over 22 years in the pilot script
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☂️ I wonder at what point in each of the siblings’ lives did they realize, or at least they thought, their brother wouldn’t be coming home 
☂️ Babies 
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☂️ There’s so many ape and monkey pictures and diagrams around Reginald’s office. Foreshadowing for Luther?
☂️ I love Klaus’s theme. It’s heard in almost every episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJa9H8SY4wQ&list=OLAK5uy_k2NJivpu0PIwxrOmPVrqN4umBZaahOGWI&index=6
☂️ Why does Reginald have two pictures of himself featuring aircraft? In one of them he’s outside a private jet and the other is him inside a cockpit
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☂️ I must say that the dialogue in the pilot script definitely closely mirrors the dialogue of the comics 
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☂️ “Told me I should be careful who to trust” 👀
☂️ Something behind Elliot is moving
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☂️ I was hoping for this to be a gazelle of some sort above Five’s portrait, but It’s an Gemsbok. However, the Gemsbok is an antelope and all gazelles are antelopes
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☂️ “The Walker” playing during the bank robbery scene is 👌👌
☂️ Luther is ready to throw hands
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☂️ These robbers really decided to rob a bank at 10:05 am?
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☂️ I just love Five popping out of nowhere criss-cross applesauce 
☂️ Something that hasn’t been explained/fully shown is Five’s ability to teleport objects. He teleported the gun out of the guy’s hand and replaced it with a stapler
☂️ Five’s teleportation noise reminds me of something going really fast, like an aircraft breaking the sound barrier. It’s almost like a mini sonic boom, but not as loud
☂️ Okay so I’ve noticed this in most of the episodes, but I don’t think when Five teleports he makes an actual noise. I’ll point this out more as we continue through the episodes. At the bank scene when Five is on the counter, it appears that the first time he teleports the bank robber whips around when Five speaks. The second time the robber turns to Five simply because he doesn’t know where he went and he’s searching for the threat
☂️ “That’s one badass stApler”
☂️ When Ben asks if he has to go into the Vault, he looks at Klaus for reassurance even though Luther is the one speaking to him
☂️ Five was still pretty cocky back in his youth. They, or more like Ben, have more bad guys to take care of and he’s just chilling with his hands in his pockets and leaning back/slouching like he’s bored. His tone with the robber also proves that and the way he just happily bounds out of the bank
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☂️ Sir, why are you looking at the camera
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☂️ Luther’s little wave to the reporters when the Umbrellas come out of the bank is cute
☂️ The pilot script didn’t include a flashback of a bank robbery, but instead to the Umbrellas training when they were younger. There’s too much to screenshot to I’ll summarize it.
-Luther bench-presses over 500 lbs
-Diego has been holding his breath for about six hours and he flips Reginald off
-Klaus levitates stuff
-Allison is slacking off and when Reginald tells her to continue her training she simply rumors him that she doesn’t have to
-Ben is fighting guards and Reginald calls him “Number Six” to which Vanya, who isn’t supposed to be down there, corrects him that his name is Ben and reminds Reginald that they have names
- Five very quickly and quite brutally rips off the heads and limbs of training dummies, snaps their necks, and stabs them. He is referred to as “A ruthless little war machine.” Reginald calls him “Perfect”
☂️ The pilot script implies that Reginald had alien life mounted on the walls of his office
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☂️ There wasn’t a dance scene in the pilot script
☂️ Not to get super into detail about this, but Luther’s room is filled with a lots of models and paintings of aircraft, mainly from WWII. Almost all of them are of Allied aircraft, and more specifially Commonwealth aircraft, like the RCAF. So this could be more of a clue to the Umbrellas living in Canada
☂️ Diego giving that Wildebeest head the stink eye aways makes me laugh
☂️ Klaus is dancing with Reggie’s urn in a Waltz fashion, so maybe he’s just doing that or it’s the ballroom dancing lessons they received as children peeing through
☂️ I love Diego’s dancing skills
☂️ Fuck you Five for ruining their dance party
☂️ Honestly Five’s portal is pretty powerful. Here’s a description of it from the pilot script
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☂️ I like that when Luther tells everyone to get behind him and Diego copies him with “Yeah, get behind us” Luther lets his brother use himself as a shield instead be pulling the “I’m the leader, I’m the strongest” card
☂️ When Luther and Diego are shielding their siblings, Diego has his arm stretched out to guard Vanya
☂️ In the pilot script Five’s body is smoking when he comes out of the portal
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☂️ What if when Five fell out of the portal he got knocked out so he just laid face down on the ground unconscious aksdhfjsafhd
☂️ “So are we gonna talk about what just happened?” No bitch, let him make his sammie first
☂️ Diego and Klaus had some sort of bet on Five’s time traveling in the pilot script
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☂️ Here’s another example of Five’s teleportation possibly not making noise. When he teleports around while his siblings are questioning him, it looks like they only look at him when he appears and not when they hear a noise
☂️ Five in the pilot script is actually 62
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☂️ “What part of the future do you not understand?”
☂️ I like that Five styled his hair to the exact style it was when he was actually young, but eventually gets looser throughout the season
☂️ Five is so oddly calm when talking to Vanya in front of his portrait
☂️ “Well, there are worse things that can happen.” “You mean like what happened to Ben?” Yeah there’s also an apocalypse on the way lol
☂️ Five actually got a hug in the pilot script! 
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☂️ An ironic moment from the pilot script considering that Five is an assassin and has killed tons of people but this siblings don’t know that
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☂️ When Diego is talking about their names and numbers in the courtyard, Five sighs, which I’m sure he’s just bored/has better places to be and is annoyed, but I’d like to view it as “Shit, I don’t even have a name”
☂️ Funny tidbit from the pilot script during the funeral scene “Whatever the hell you are”
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☂️ Diego talks about how he assumed Reginald sent Luther to the moon because he couldn’t stand the sight of him, so he must be talking about Luther being like a “failed” leader or something? Like he couldn’t keep the team/his siblings together? Diego doesn’t know about his ape-like body so he’s not thinking about that.....
☂️ I love that Klaus reaches his arm out to guard Five, and that Five simply glares at him and bats his arm away
☂️ When Luther broke Ben’s statue, I can just imagine Ben yelling at Klaus “Seriously? Klaus, why didn’t you stop them?”
☂️ So I’m sure this is just a continuation error, but you can’t see Five walking away in the shot of Ben’s statue hitting the ground. Considering that he had just left, he should still be visible in the background. Again, probably a continuation error or maybe he even teleported inside
☂️ A detail I love about Luther is that his fingernails are dark due to the gorilla DNA
☂️ The bank robbery scene in the pilot script is after the funeral. Not much was changed for the actual first episode, just a few different scenes. Also the Umbrellas were described as gods
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☂️ Vanya drawing the tattoo on her wrist hurts my heart
☂️ “Together, you will stand against the reign of evil” gives me chills 
☂️ “This is your home and always will be” is great foreshadowing to S3, and hurts my heart when I think about how it is in fact no longer their home
☂️ When I first watched this episode and saw Pogo watching Vanya I knew something was pretty sus
☂️ Just some gold dialogue from the pilot script during the scene of Five, Allison, and Klaus in the kid area and Five is complaining about coffee (but in the pilot script everyone but Vanya is there)
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☂️ “An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms” goddamn the Academy is HUGE. Also 42 is just one away from being 43 👀
☂️ “I know how to do everything.” Yeah, like survive an apocalypse and professionally kill people :]
☂️ I’ve pointed this out before, but the license plate on the car that Five takes to Griddy’s says HERMES, which is the license plate of his car in the comics
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☂️ The exit sign in the background is only half lit up to where it says EX and if my memory serves me correctly that’s the door Vanya and Leonard enter the Academy through in episode 6
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☂️ Diego telling Klaus to lean back is like “Ugh I don’t want him with me, but safety first”
☂️ I love that they added his feral chimpanzee smile from the pilot script into he show
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☂️ “You won’t be going home.” Cocky smartass strikes again. Not to mention he smiles when he says that. He also says this to the men before he kills them in the pilot script
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☂️ Before I even knew about TUA, I had heard of the “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” scene and looked it up. I remember thinking “Wow, that kid is scary.” Now I think “Wow, that old man is scary.”
☂️ I love the little salute he does before he blinks away, and the way his basically just plays with these men like a cat playing with its prey. He knows he’s going to kill them, but he wants to have fun doing so
☂️ Five had some fancy moves in the pilot script
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☂️ Five teleporting his tie around the man’s neck is another example of him teleporting an object. Can we see more of this actually happen in S3 please?? I also love the fact that he takes it off the man’s body and puts it back on
☂️ The way he calmly, or tiredly, snaps the man’s neck is chilling to see from a child’s body. This was also included in the pilot script *chanting* Feral Five, Feral Five, Feral Fi-
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☂️ It’s honestly such a cool and iconic scene on the show. It truly shows that Five is fully capable of handling himself, and is/was great at his job
☂️ Having the city at night in the background of Diego dropping the monocle is really pretty
☂️ I really like the way they revealed Ben. Having watched both season and now watching this scene again is a bit awkward when Ben doesn’t talk. He’s probably just tired of Klaus 
☂️ “The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it.” This line combined with the music and the previous scene of Five in the apocalypse is powerful and chilling and I love it
☂️ I love that they have The Umbrella Academy theme playing during the credits in both seasons
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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survey--s · 2 years
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1. Do you enjoy being surrounded by neighbors, or would you be more comfortable someplace secluded? I like having neighbours nearby as it just makes me feel a bit safer, but I wouldn’t want to live in a crowded city centre either. I love living where we do - with people around but with very easy access to the countryside too.
2. Is there any sibling rivalry between you and your siblings, if you have any? I don’t have any siblings.
3. Do you usually root for the good guys or the bad guys? It depends on the situation? Normally I find the “good guys” dull as fuck as nobody is completely good.
4. Are you allowed to have pets at your house? Yeah, we own our home. We have three cats and a dog.
5. Have you ever lived in a trailer park? They’re not really a thing here.
6. Is there anyone that you know through the internet that you would feel comfortable meeting in person? Sure, I’ve met a few of my online friends in person and I’d happily meet others if we lived closer together. Unfortunately they all live in America or Canada, lol.
7. Have you ever had a dream involving characters from a game/movie/television show? Sure, loads of times.
8. Do you ever have dreams about people you have never even seen before? No, I read somewhere that everyone who appears in your dreams is someone you’ve met/seen in real life, even if just in passing.
9. What’s the last thing you wrote down? A note for Susie and Mark saying thank you for the Easter gift :) I arrived to walk their dogs yesterday and they’d got me a Lindt chocolate bunny and some biscuits for Archie, lol.
10. Do you remember any phone numbers from years ago that now belong to someone you don’t know? I remember my first two home numbers - I suspect they belong to other people now. My first ever mobile number now belongs to my mum, lol.
11. How often does your household get numbers for the wrong people? We don’t have a home phone so, never. I don’t often get any unknown calls on my mobile.
12. Have you ever found something strange in your mailbox? Nope.
13. Is there anything specific you need to do within the next week? Aside from work, there’s nothing in particular that needs to be done. I do have a riding lesson tomorrow though, if that counts? Plus I’ll need to do a food shop before Easter weekend.
14. What was the last movie you got from Netflix [if you use it]? I’m currently watching The Big Bang Theory on there.
15. Are you annoyed by the increase in prices for Netflix? No, but I don’t pay for our Netflix - Mike does.
16. Who was the last relative that came to visit you? My mum was here the week before last.
17. Does your bedding all match? Yeah, it really bothers me when things don’t match so we have to have matching bedding and blanket sets, lol.
18. Are you having company over the weekend? Nope, today is my only day off and I plan to spend it doing as little as possible, haha. Next weekend is Easter weekend though and my mum should be coming on one of the days.
19. Do people come to you a lot with their problems? Nope, thankfully not. I don’t have the patience for shit like that, ha.
20. Have you/would you ever consider teaching as a career? I only considered that when I was a kid.
21. Are you most comfortable with having short hair or long hair? I prefer having long hair, though it’s a pain in the arse when it comes to upkeep.
22. Do you usually cut your hair short in the summer? No, but I wear it up in the summer a lot more often.
23. Are you interested in fantasy movies/shows? Yeah, I quite like fantasy stuff.
24. Have you ever gone whale-watching? No, but that’s only because I’ve never had the opportunity.
25. What is something that you have a large amount of? Wax melts.
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fedtothenight · 3 years
this competition asked to write a short story in the dystopian genre and my entry's below - don't rb!
the sweetest fruit
The boy gasped, straining against the padded frame of the jeep just as the vehicle slowly came to a halt. ‘Look!’ he shouted, pointing at a spot about a hundred feet from the group. ‘Look, Mum! That’s so cool!’
Half-instinctively, his mother had already grabbed a fistful of his tank-top, ready to yank him back. She had spent the entirety of the trip sitting as still as possible, facing forward, eyes stubbornly fixed on the self-cooling top of the car in a pointless effort to fight her motion sickness: her patience was already wearing very thin without her eight-year-old personal safety hazard trying to get himself killed.
‘Ethan, for the love of God,’ she snapped. ‘I already told you to stop leaning over the frame! Do you realise how dangerous that is?’
‘No, Mum, you’ve got to look!’
‘Emma, darling,’ her husband whispered, a gentle hand on her shoulder. ‘You should really look at this. It’s magnificent.’
Whatever it was, even her fifteen-year-old daughter - who had spent the last thirty minutes texting her friends back home without so much as a glance at the scenery - was jaw-slacked, so she slowly got up on her wobbly knees and peered over her shoulders.
In the shadow of a tree, protected from the sweltering heat, two lions were feasting on a zebra. Perhaps belatedly, as it’d taken her a second to drink the sight in, she realised that the poor thing was still alive: writhing as blood, red and hot and pulsing, gushed out from where the bigger lion - the male - had bitten into its back.
The smaller one, the female, soundlessly sank its teeth into the dying animal’s neck, and the latter gave one last weak kick, finally falling limp. When the lioness stood again, it was almost impossible, from this distance, to see her eyes amidst the bloodied mess on her face.
‘Oh, my God, Matt,’ Emma said. ‘This is beautiful. Nature truly is beautiful.’
‘You don’t really get to see this kind of show anywhere else today,’ their guide said from the driver’s seat. He sounded proud, as if he’d hunted and fed the zebra to the lions himself.
Alberto wasn’t wrong, Emma reasoned. Given that they were parked in the middle of the privately-owned biggest North American savanna, he - or rather, his employer - was the one effectively feeding the lions. Like feeding mice to cats. She glanced at her children, glad they could have a window on a reality that was long gone. To think it would have taken a trip around the world to watch this spectacle - imagine the motion sickness then! If only, she considered wistfully, there could be a way of replicating glaciers just as accurately.
‘Honestly, it seems a bit unfair that they get to eat real meat,’ Ethan said at the dinner table a few hours later. He was picking at his plate, moving the fried grasshoppers they’d been served for dinner around, but not really eating any. ‘While we are stuck with insects and microprotein or whatever.’
Emma pinched the bridge of her nose. She was tired and sunburnt, her sensitive pale skin suffering under the blistering sun of the region, so different from the temperate weather back home North. She had a splitting headache, too. She was, yet again, at the so-called end of her tether. ‘Ethan…’
‘You should be glad you get to eat at all,’ her daughter said at the same time. ‘There’s a reason it’s illegal to eat meat. These animals are here for show, anyway. They were originally from Africa.’
‘Shut up, Becca,’ Ethan mumbled. ‘Everybody knows there are no animals in Africa. There’s nothing there.’
Becca’s cheeks were tinted pink, eyebrows furrowed. ‘Of course there were animals. There were animals everywhere before the Climate Crunch.’
‘Both of you, stop it,’ Matt interjected. ‘Ethan, your sister is right. You should be grateful that we are here in the first place. That said…’ He leant forward, voice down to a whisper: ‘I have a surprise for you. Or, well, Richard has a surprise for us. When he arrives tomorrow, he’ll bring us real meat. Bovine meat.’
‘But it’s illegal,’ said Becca.
‘It’s technically illegal,’ Matt acknowledged. ‘It’s not if you know how to get some and no one from Animal Conservation finds out. Do you think our president only eats insects? Please, Becca. Use that big brain of yours.’
‘Yes,’ Ethan snickered. ‘Use your brain, Becca.’
‘That is too generous,’ Emma said. ‘Inviting us here in the first place was, when even he hasn’t gotten here yet. Now this. I wouldn’t know how to repay him.’
Truly, all she felt was jealousy. Her guts twisted with the sheer force of it. Yes, she had known that Richard was comfortable. The gated, heavily guarded estate spanned for thousands of acres, comprised the 5000sqt villa they were staying at (five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a cinema, marble floors and solar panels on the rooftop), an indoor swimming pool inspired by vintage photos of Amalfi, two indoor tennis courts, and the savanna they’d explored earlier in the day. ‘The biggest conservation area in North America since they repurposed the Midwest,’ he’d bragged in a video call, two weeks before. ‘You will love it. The holiday you deserve. Make yourselves at home.’
But meat? He could get meat?
Matt’s family had designed DeNuketify, which was basically the only effective way of purifying ocean water from whatever nuclear waste Japan kept spewing so that it could be used and, most importantly, drunk. They had managed to flee the continent with the last handful of greencards about the time her family did, too, taking their precious Queen’s accent with them to found Nova London. She was the governor of Nova London now, for God’s sake. The bloody queen herself was long dead but she was alive, and yet, yet - they had never had meat.
‘We don’t have to, Emma,’ Matt said. ‘We just need to remember how lucky we are to enjoy this meal, this house, this holiday. Look at that,’ and he nodded towards the TV screen again. ‘Actually, Alexa!, volume up!, I think the Italians have finally surrendered.’
The war correspondent’s voice grew louder. She - they, Emma reminded herself: Becca always told her not to assume anyone’s gender - was wearing a dust mask and reading from a bundle of documents. ‘The last military hospital in the island of Palermo was destroyed four days ago by a Canadian airstrike,’ they were saying. ‘The rebels surrendered soon after, followed by the group of extremists in the Nebrodi island. Etna had already surrendered last year.’
‘It’s important to remember that these actions were necessary to finally put a rest on the instability of the region,’ they added. ‘Canada will fund a complete restoration of the Southern archipelago. The remaining civilians will be provided with a shelter and then, when the time comes, a suitable job. Nova Italia will be the sixteenth Canadian state, the fourth offshore. There are also hopes to extract petroleum from the seabed of the sunken city of Gela.’
‘Watch them make it into a holiday hotspot,’ Matt commented. ‘The weather is still nice there.’
‘Ooh, I heard about this.’ Becca picked her phone back up and started furiously typing away. ‘There’s this journal entry soldiers found over there, under the rubble, that’s gone viral. It was translated into English. Wait, I’ll pull it up. Alexa, volume down.’
‘I’m not sure I want to hear it,’ Emma said, uneasy. ‘We’re on holiday. Should we not watch a movie? Something funny?’
Becca waved her away, as if she was an annoying fly. ‘It’ll be good practice for my drama class.’
Matt didn’t help—he simply shrugged, half-apologetic, as if to say: Let her do her thing.
Becca made a show of clearing her throat, too, before she started reading from her phone—her high voice now grave, studied, as if she were speaking to a larger audience: ‘I wonder what peas taste like.’
Right then, the scene on screen changed to footage of what looked like a destroyed village, something out of an apocalyptic movie. Emma found herself unable to look away.
‘Nonna used to say that her own great-grandmother grew them in her garden. Figs, too,’ Becca read. ‘They say they were the sweetest fruit.’
Emma wondered if this journal was actually written by a child or a teenager. It didn’t sound like an adult at all. She couldn’t help but picture a girl, a brunette, not much older than Becca, perhaps a rebel, or a trainee nurse on the sweet cusp of adulthood, holding this journal of hers, or perhaps a gun. It violently reminded her that her own daughter, too, would have to serve her time in the Forces in three years.
On screen, the Canadian soldiers walked among the ruins, zigzagging between torn up clothes and discarded weapons, surely looking for surviving rebels under the rubbles.
‘Isn’t it silly that we can hear the fighters overhead and that all I can do is think about food?’ said Becca. ‘I wish we could also eat figs and be happy.’
On screen, the camera zoomed in on a long-forgotten man's shoe, some crumpled photographs, on a pile of bodies in black bin bags.
‘Grandma - I miss her - left me a poetry book, too, from T.S. Eliot. I hope the book is with me when I die, so I can give it back to her when we meet again, afterwards. So I can tell her that T.S. Eliot was wrong.’
On screen, one of the soldiers approached and showed a little trinket to the camera: a bloody, heart-shaped locket that must’ve once been golden, hiding the miniature pictures of two brunette children that would never have a name.
‘That’s enough,’ Emma said. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. ‘Stop reading.’
‘The world may have not ended with a bang, but it didn’t end with a whimper, either: the world didn’t end at all. Sometimes,’ Becca finished reading, ‘I wish it had.’
‘What a load of rubbish,’ Matt scoffed. ‘Everyone should feel lucky to be alive. I bet this journal is a fake. Alexa, turn the TV off.’
As the screen faded to black, Ethan finally popped a grasshopper in his mouth. ‘I can’t wait to have meat tomorrow.’
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Survey #378
“come as you are, as you were, as i want you to be”
Have you ever dreamt in another language? No. How long will you try out something you don’t enjoy before giving up on it? It really depends, but in most cases, admittedly very quickly. What’s something you recently realized or discovered about yourself? *shrug* What’s the most interesting news you read or received recently? What about the most depressing? Not in a good way really, but it was certainly interesting to learn I have such severe sleep apnea. Like, I was certain I didn't. The most depressing would be uhhhh... I guess Jason's mother's death, but I don't know how "recent" you'd consider that by now. Would you let politics get in the way of a relationship? It depends. Some beliefs I absolutely would not tolerate (like anti-LGBT), others I would just agree to disagree with. What is one way in which you need to learn to control yourself? I need to get better at controlling my mouth when I'm extremely upset. Do you use a photo editor? I use Lightroom and Photoshop for photography. Is your dad overweight? No, I think he's actually underweight. Ever been honked at? Yes. What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend has had? Easton, I think? An old middle school friend had him. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? Yes, but they never work for me. How did your parents pick your name? I dunno. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Canada. Do you have a balcony? No. Who is a singer that has given you chills? Man, I get chills easily with music. David Draiman from Disturbed, his cover of "Sound of Silence" is BREATHTAKING. That's number one. There are many others, they're just not coming to me at the moment. Do you have a drone? No. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. I got some crazy hot sauce. Have you ever discovered something gross in your food at McDonalds? No. What was the last thing you used sliced bread to make? A sandwich. How long did your shortest relationship last? Like a day lmao. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? A POOL!!!! I've talked before about how I want one so, SO very badly to exercise my legs without having to worry about sweat, and I can take a break the very moment I need to. Do you own a Snuggie? Yeah, somewhere. Do you listen to any unsigned bands/singers? Who? Yeah, quite a few on YouTube, but my favorite in Jonathan Young. He is SO damn talented. Who is your favorite video game character? Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill franchise. What kind of pictures do you post on Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat most frequently? Mostly of my pets lmao. Have you ever been on vacation with a significant other? No. Have you ever considered “unplugging”/taking a significant period of time away from technology? No. I know I'd never stick to it. Do you prefer to watch a documentary that is about a situation/event or a documentary that is more of a personal character study/biography? The latter. Meerkat Manor comes to mind with that, and everyone knows how much I adore that show. There was also one about rhesus macaques I fell in love with. Basically, I love animal docs, haha. Can you think of a recent time in which you might have been better off resisting, but you did something because you “just couldn’t help yourself”? Probably eating something. When you are getting to know someone, do you tend to worry that the other person will lose interest in you once they get to know the “real” you? Yyyyep. What is something that you would like to do, but really aren’t able to because of your location? (e.g., see art or get a certain job) Man, a lot of things. Photograph meerkats is a biggie. What sort of job do you think is best suited for your skills? Is this an in-demand position or something you’re unlikely to actually get? If I could actually handle the heat and was in good shape to traverse the outdoors, I think I'd be a great wildlife biologist. Even more though, if I could beat my social anxiety, I would ADORE being an animal educator with kids. Do you believe it is the responsibility of businesses, or prominent business leaders (think Bill Gates) to take the lead on social issues whether by using their influence or their money? Saying it's their "responsibility" sounds unfair and puts a lot of weight on their shoulders, but I do feel they should by their own volition and kindness use their position for good, such as through monetary assistance and other things. Have you ever gone to a job interview and realized that you didn’t want the job? Yep. Have you ever asked that someone sacrifice something (a habit, relationship, job, etc.) for you? A habit, yes. Looking back it was stupid as shit. What would you call your body type? Ew. Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? Yes. Do you enjoy big holiday dinners? Considering I spend them with my sister's bigoted, homophobic, and racist in-laws, not especially. I always feel very uncomfortable and disliked among everyone for being the "black sheep" among 'em. Is your vision good? God no. Even with my glasses, it's very poor. I need a new prescription badly. Do both of your parents have jobs? Mom has something of the sort, like she cleans a local church for a small pay, but it's not really a "job." She's still recovering from cancer, getting her strength back up and such before she can handle a consistent job. Dad's had a job for as long as I've lived. What is something you’ve always wanted a boy to do for you? How heteronormative. But whatever. It's so fucking cheesy, but singing a cute song to me while slowdancing sounds so super adorable to me. What food are you craving right now? I am craving something sweet like you wouldn't believe. It's annoying. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. Do you have a lot of scars? Yes, but most are very negligible. I just scar extremely easily. Last person you saw other than your family? My primary doctor. Last movie you’ve seen in theaters? The The Lion King remake. Who was the last person you played a video game with? Ummm I think Girt. Last game you played at an arcade? Zero clue. What was your favorite nursery rhyme as a child? I THINK I particularly liked "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider?" None stand out strongly, though. What is your favorite cousin’s first name? I don’t have a favorite cousin. Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? I think with a friend to prevent loneliness, but at the very same time, I see a great beauty in traveling on your own. Just taking new things in, seeing so many different cultures, beautiful scenery... I feel it'd be a great chance for exploration of insight. Remind yourself how small you are, that there's a much, much bigger picture than your own problems, that people are so unique but hopefully share common morals... I see a lot of poetry in it. Do you like the smell of coffee? It's one of my favorite smells. If you have a favorite photographer, can you describe their work? I can't possibly pick. I watch literally hundreds on deviantART, and many of them absolutely blow my mind. What’s one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? My lack of a career. Outside of school, have you ever used a thesaurus? Well, online ones for writing. When you see a good-looking girl in skimpy clothing, what is your initial thought? I envy her confidence, like gotdamn girl. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No. Are you on a laptop or desktop? A laptop. What color is your shower? White. Where do you order your pizza from? Domino's or Little Caesar's. What was the name of the last dog you pet? We've been calling the dog we're holding right now Zoe. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes. Have you ever seen the White House? I don't think so, but it's possible I have when we've driven up to New York, but from a distance. How about Niagara Falls? No. What do you like in your salads and what dressing do you prefer? I just like regular iceberg lettuce with some bacon bits and ranch. Man, that sounds good right about now. Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? Yeah, Metallica and Marilyn Manson. Do you think it’d be cool to have your body mummified after you die? No. I couldn't rock the mummy look even if I tried, haha. Can you tell the difference between a Scottish & an Irish accent? Not really, no. Can you read music? I used to be able to. Do you work the night shift? I don’t have a job, but if I did, I absolutely do not want to work the night shift anywhere. Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Yes. Is your mother diabetic? Are you? She is, but I'm not. Would you like to learn how to make ceramic pottery? It'd be cool, sure. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. Who did you last kiss? My cat. Why did you last lie? I don't recall. Probably to just avoid confrontation with Mom. What do you put on your hamburgers? Cheese, ketchup, and mustard, generally. Who do you think cares the most about you? My mom. Have you ever sent a dirty picture? No. What’s at the center of your dining table? Honestly, we sit in there so rarely that I don't even know. I think we might have nothing, actually. Have you ever started a rumor? No. Do you like being outside? If it's cool, yes. What’s your favourite condiment? Maybe ketchup. Or honey mustard. Who sang/played the last song you listened to? Chris Motionless is the singer of Motionless In White. I don't know if that's his real last name, though. Do you like yoga? I used to. Now all the bending and shit would make me dizzy as hell with my "how are you still alive" level of low blood pressure. Do you always carry breath mints? No, but I do carry Tictacs with me, but they're for my dry mouth. It forces you to salivate, so it helps. What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? I don't really know. I honestly don't even know how it looks inside. Thinking about it, I'd probably be more scared than anything, waiting for a bomb to drop or some shit lmao. Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? OH MY GOD I LOVED those!!! I definitely did! Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? No, I've never been the type to do that. If I'm SERIOUSLY getting mad, all I do is tighten my grip. Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? Yes. Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? I believe so. What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? My answer is Warcraft, but only because the fucking orcs' voices were so baritone that I couldn't understand them almost ever lmaooo. Like I had a mild idea of what was going on because of the game, but still. What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? The intro, or the conclusion. Both are difficult to me. Like I want to compose a gripping beginning as well as an end that doesn't just repeat everything I've already said and ends on a strong note. Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? No. KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? I don't like fried chicken. Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? I mean, I guess? Like I'd seen kisses enough to know how to give someone a peck. It just came naturally. Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? Not just for the toy, but it's the main thing I wanted, sure. Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? Seeing my mom cry absolutely destroys me. I don't want her to hurt EVER. Especially if it's seriously unfair bullshit that has her upset, I also get very angry (not at her, of course) and protective. I've seen Dad tear up once, back when he was telling us about his mother's funeral, and I felt immense surprise more than anything. He does NOT cry. How do you feel about animal testing? It's fucking disgusting and barbaric. Find a different goddamn way. Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? If I'm having vanilla, I'll usually add chocolate syrup. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yes. What’s the coolest personalized license plate you’ve ever seen? I'm forever gonna get a kick out of this one that just said "omw," haha.
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lettersformiu · 3 years
I never liked the idea of being a wife. Marrying someone and being supposed to put all my trust in them for the rest of our lives? I had problems solely with the perspective of being with someone and letting them know me, reason behind why I never made an honest effort to get a relationship, so one can easily assume that I was not planning to get married this year (although a buzzfeed quiz said it was going to happen. Guess I should have taken it more seriously). There are also the sexuality problems (I didn’t want to assume that I am a lesbian and I didn't want to be any more different for that), but this is not particularly relevant to the point I am trying to make.
Of course, I’ve already told you that, but it’s hard to have brand new thoughts when my girlfriend, fiancee and soon to be wife is sleeping very peacefully and beautifully on my side. Unfortunately, insomnia doesn’t let me do the same, so I will enjoy this wonderful time to watch you sleeping and write you a silly letter. I may repeat a lot of stuff I have said before, but I guess part of loving someone is being repetitive. I want to take good care of you, wash your hair at night when you are too tired to do it alone, hold your hand when there’s no need to be brave (and at this point I hope you already noticed that I am just quoting Mitski lyrics), among other things; I talk incessantly about this wanting and how much I want to do it; I finally fulfill this wanting and then everything goes full cycle and I do it all again. See how repetitive love can be? I don’t see a problem with that at all. I love you and I expect us to be together for many years. Life can’t always be a drama movie with lots of trauma discourses and big romantic gestures and this is okay. Sometimes we are going to fight. Maybe you will complain about my cigarettes and I will insist to keep smoking around with caring. Sometimes we are just going to live. We will go to work and then come back and deal with each other. Sometimes we will have the best days of our relationship. We will travel and have amazing dinners and pet our amazing cat child. A natural relationship has the good, the bad and the ugly, and I can’t wait to live it all with you.
There are so many things that I want to do with you. I am not talking only about the romantic stuff, but also the trivial things. Grocery shopping, buying goodies for our child, do laundry. More important, I have to take you to Japan so I can introduce you to grandma and show you the place where happened most of my happy memories. Also, we gotta go to the house I lived in Canada, because after six years my things are still there and I want to get the journal I started after our trip. You will love it: lots of entries about your soft lips and notes reminding myself of the movies you recommended me: you can say whatever you want about fifteen years old Harper, but she had her priorities straight. It's funny to think about this journal now, actually, because I've never been someone good with words. I never liked to talk, but imagine me at that time: a teenager who spent most of her time alone at home, studying and being depressed. That trip was my first big thing, my best life experience until then and I wanted to talk about it. At the same time, I wanted to keep it private: only for me, and you, of course. I had to get it out of me somehow, so I bought a journal and instead of spending my free time reading math books and playing chess alone I wrote at least twenty pages about that french girl who was sooooo much cooler than me. I am glad we are soulmates and we are together now, because that memory would be plain boring and sad otherwise. Maybe I will talk about it on my wedding vows.
Talking about the wedding, we have to choose our first waltz song. I know we aren't a traditional couple and we won't have a lot of guests, but we deserve to be a little extra, right? Brides have to have everything they want on their wedding day, they say, and that's even more important when there is two brides. It's our chance to go crazy and do whatever we want. Are we even going to have a traditional honeymoon? I will ask you that again when I wake up, but think about it.
I love you so much that I want to scream about it as much as I want to hide it, just to keep my love for you safe from the curious eyes and mean tongues. Jealous as I am (a side that I didn't know I had, to be honest. Always felt so pride for not feeling jealous, and now I am biting my tongue for it), the ugliest part of me also wants to keep this love safe to make sure no one will try to disturb it. My baby is sweet as can be, I know that very well, in a sense that I know how easily it is to fall in love with you. I remember when people in college used to talk about Marianne and how great she was and the only thing that could help my jealouness (now I know the feeling) was remembering that I knew you better than anyone there. Don't worry about it, though, because I am working on that. Soon everyone will be talking about the famous amazing and talented director Marianne, and there will be no such place for that kind of feeling when everyone is going to be properly praising and complimenting my wife.
This letter was supposed to be a short thing, and now I've written so much! Still, I feel like I haven't said all that I could. There are still missing feelings and memories, things that I will say to you in other situations, but the important thing is that I love you and I am so glad for that.
Undoubtedly yours, Harper Martin-Ono-Laurent-Lee.*
* I am practing it for my bank checks. Did you like it? It's kinda long, I know, but it sounds nice to me.
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nancypullen · 4 years
Where Is Home?
We talk about retirement a lot.  A LOT.  The mister wants out of the south because he hates the hot, sticky weather.  I want out of the south for a variety of different reasons.  He tears up when he thinks about leaving this house.  I get excited thinking of a house with better storage, maybe even a walk-in closet and a big pantry.  He loves the idea of townhouse living and all of the freedom it provides.  I love the idea of half a football field between me and a neighbor.  I wouldn’t mind being snug against a neighbor if we were in a walkable little town and I could have a white picket fence.  As we age into our golden years I want to be on city water and city sewer.  I do not want to be ninety when the well runs dry or the septic system has a fit.  Nope. No, thank you.  We have discussed towns from Maine to Arizona and are constantly trading articles about property taxes and real estate markets.  Night after night I search Zillow, Realtor, Trulia (oh, those handy dandy crime maps!) and so on.  I’ll send Mickey a house in Maryland to admire and mention that it’s just two hours from the world’s cutest grandgirl.  He responds that he loves it.  Then I send him a townhouse near Tucson and he says the same thing.  I’m getting nowhere with this guy. Side note: Yes, I know Arizona gets very hot, but it is not humid. HUGE difference. Also, Arizona has two enormous positives - we could escape allergies and my hair would behave.   If you had my hair you’d know that’s more important than the property taxes.  Two major negatives would be that it’s too far from family and I can’t imagine never experiencing another autumn. I’m happily willing to give the townhouse idea serious consideration.   I know that Mickey would love to never weed eat and edge another yard.  Remember the good old days when no one did that?  My main issue with townhouses is that they all tend to be multiple stories - sometimes three floors.  Wherever we retire, that’s where we’re going to die.  I don’t want to be unable to navigate my own home when I’m old.  Same reason I refuse to have a basement laundry, I don’t want to drag baskets of clothes up and down basement stairs when I’m a little old lady.  You know damn well a cat would trip me and Mickey wouldn’t miss me until he got hungry.  Of all the chores I’d be willing to expire while doing, laundry is not in the top three. We’re not lottery winners so our options are limited.  When we sell this house we’ll make a tasty profit that will allow us to find a comfortable home - nothing fancy, but we won’t be in a box under bridge.  I can make any home pretty, but the bones have to be good.  I’m more concerned with structure and mechanics.  Who needs a beautiful house with a bad roof or an hvac system on its last leg?   The region definitely determines what you get for your money.  For the same price you can have this sort of square footage in the south (complete with inground pool)...
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or you can opt for proximity to Portland, Maine and get this.
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The second house is new construction, but it’s itty bitty, has well water and septic, and is missing the all-important garage that we’d need up north.  This is a struggle, people.  We just want a nice little house in a nice little town, hopefully one that will meet our needs as we get older. Other items on our wish list?  Small town living with easy access to a larger city and a decent international airport.  Part of my hunt includes exploring each town’s library website (a vibrant, busy library says a lot about a place) as well as their Facebook page.  Looking past the mouthy keyboard warriors that lurk on every page, you can still get a good idea of the town’s vibe.  Let’s see - fair property taxes, decent cost of living, small town feel, good airport, seasons...sounds like we should stay put and just endure long, sticky summers, right?  Ugh, no.  Our reasons for wanting to relocate are so much more than just the summers.  Soooo, months and months of searching keep leading me to one state that ticks all of our boxes and then some.  Minnesota.  A myriad of cute towns surround Minneapolis and St. Paul, all with easy access to the fabulous airport.  I’m crazy about New Ulm (I love a town with lots of festivals) and I wouldn’t be heartbroken to live in Mankato, Owatonna, or a number of others.  Real estate is affordable, taxes are fair (and are used wisely!), all four seasons are present and accounted for, and quality of life seems really good - from healthcare to education to crime, they seem to have a handle on it.
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and you knew there was a but, right?  We could happily move there knowing that we’d be close to at least one of our kids.  Matt lives in Minneapolis and the thought of having him nearby warms my heart.  But he’s weighing the pros and cons of an opportunity that would take him to the east coast and more likely to far flung parts of the world. It’s quite possible that he’d be gone in a flash and we’d be in Minnesota, once again far from family. Right now we’re a day’s drive from everyone except Matt. Truly, we could do it in a day but it would be a miserable thirteen to fourteen hours. I have scoured Maryland and settled on a little place called Ocean Pines.  It’s okay, a bit further than I’d like to be from airports, etc -  it’s between two to two and a half hours to Baltimore, D.C. or Philadelphia’s.  That also means it’s just two hours from my favorite little girl. That would be HEAVEN.  But who retires to one of the most expensive states to live in?  Would it make our golden years miserable?  Who wants to pinch pennies when you should be enjoying life?  HELP!!  Where is home?  I left Alaska more than twenty years ago, the mister was a Florida boy -  we don’t want to live in either place.  I love the prairie,  he loves the mountains.  At one point we were looking at real estate on Prince Edward Island  (affordable and gorgeous!) but Canada doesn’t want us. Seriously, we filled out the online immigration form.  We wouldn’t be able to live there year round  and I can’t imagine having to go squat across the border for a couple of months every year once we’re old and rickety.   There are pros and cons to every place we’ve looked.  No spot is perfect and we have to decide what we can and can’t live without.  If someone could just plop this house down next to my grandbaby I’ll shut up about this forever.
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Imagine that house surrounded by hydrangeas in the summer.  I don’t think that’s too much to ask - just a little pink house near some people I love.  Some snow would be nice now and then. What a lovely dream. This boring blog post has been brought to you courtesy of my latest level of boredom.  It was either this or go dust the bedrooms, so you had to pay the price for my laziness.   My plan for this evening is to watch the Golden Globes and through that maybe find something interesting to watch.  We’re approaching the first anniversary of when we locked down here on the Pullen spread and we’ve run out of shows to binge.  Remember how naïve we all were when we thought we’d watch Tiger King and then lockdown would be over?  At least we’re headed in the right direction now.  That’s something.  I’m thrilled that my mother is fully vaccinated and so is Dr. Matt.  A handful of my dear friends are also protected now.  I’ve lost some friends to this horrible virus, including the husband of a dear Rat Patrol member.  Our little group now includes a widow for the first time. There’s been so much heartbreak over the last year.  I’m ready for it to stop. Okay - what a crazy, rambling post.  I think I’ll go dust.  It’s probably more productive.  If you’re still here, you deserve a cookie.  Treat yourself!  If you happen to know of the perfect town (I really just want to live in Stars Hollow) send me a message!  I’ll put my dust rag down and check it out! Sending out lots of love on this drippy Saturday. Stay safe, stay well, stay sane. XOXO - Nancy
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