#everyone is a little bit in love with kevin and thats so fair
state-of-divinity · 5 months
Once Jean and Jeremy get further along in their healing and get to a safer space I NEED them to have an intensely weird and erotic threesome with Kevin so they can all get this out of their system.
Also imagine Kevin's ego being a part of not one but TWO throuples. Kevin Day is the real sunshine court and everyone is fighting to play on his team
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gothicafish · 9 days
I wake up randomly in the middle of the night so here are some things I love about kevin can fuck himself
-obviously the switch between sitcom and drama pov. It's such a good way to show how Kevin's pov (sitcom) controls the narrative especially in front of other people and how other people don't really see the abuse bc "lighthearted" narrative he pushes that often makes Allison look bad (she's a bad driver, she's not funny/can't take a joke, etc)
-this kinda goes with the last one but how people who have interacted with Kevin treat Allison. Like Sam. When she goes to the diner the night she sneaks out Sam she says she needs to talk because she finally has something to say and as she's trying to vent to him, instead of just listening he tells her that all she wanted was someone to "sit her and nod and agree with you" Like dude obviously she wanted you to LISTEN not you're advice.
-This similar thing also happens with. Diane. When Allison steals the bellecheck hoodie and wears it to work Diane's first question after hearing Allison say it's her new favorite is "has Kevin seen this new look ? ...it's not fair to Kevin...you got lucky" [that she's letting herself go ].
-i also love how they make almost every male character suck at least just a little bit bc yeah it be like that sometimes. For Kevin it's obviously the verbal, emotional abuse/manipulation of not only Allison but everyone in his life, with Sam it's that he's cheating on his WIFE and (imo) very dismissive of Allison's abuse, with Neil it's thay he's mooching off of patty and manipulating people into thinking he's dumber than he is so people will do things for him and he generally just treats Allison like shit, and Chuck (Diane's husband) just a disgusting cheater, the man from the car shop could have gotten Allison assaulted bc she slapped him while she was high. Etc. The only redeemable man i think is Kevin's dad who went along with a lot of Kevin's dumbassery but was ultimately also a victim of Kevin's abuse and did try to remind Kevin to be good sorta.
- I also love how they are able to portray several types of abuse and the reasons why they can't leave/ are in the sitchuation to begun with.
-Allison can't leave kevin bc she has no money (he controls the finances) doesn't have a good relationship with living parents, Diane is in the same situation too. And then IMAGINE trying to divorce kevin?? NIGHTMARE. Not only bc as we've seen he'd never let her do that to begin with but also because if they pushed the divorce the most likely story is that, with Kevin's luck he'd find some kind of loophole that let's him stay with more than Allison.
-Dianes husband is cheating on her and she's able to leave for a few weeks. Bc once again she has no where to go, Chuck probably controls the finances and has sole ownership of their house, I assume has no family to turn to so she goes back and "forgives him" because there are simply no other viable options.
- niel has been using patty to provide basically everything for him and what she doesn't kevin pays for. AND I think she dodged a bullet with the boyfriend.
-even Jenn (sams wife) has been emotionally cheated on for pretty much the duration of their relationship and then fully cheated on for thr latter half.
-OH YEAH I almost forgot the whole reason I made this post. Throughout everything kevin in someway always wins. And dude if you have ever lived with someone like that THATS EXACTLY HOW IT FUCKING IS. no matter what happens to them or if you do or anyone else does something to subtly and inadvertently teach them a lesson they always fucking prevail. People like kevin are the luckiest goddamn people in the world and the only times they're NOT lucky is in situations that also/mostly affect you. It's the most infuriating thing to witness bc despite all your suffering, grievances, and through all the inconvenience and annoyance they cause you they still fucking win at your expense.
-ANOTHER THING a love about this shoe is that it also does a pretty good job of showing the nessecity of female companions as a woman. If you've ever taken a college level English class you've probably heard of this notion before (I'm sorry I can't remember the exact term they use for it rn ) but basically it's a good rule of thumb to have another woman you can talk to and share with. Allison is pretty much completely isolated except for Kevin's friends or Diane or Sam. But when Allison and patty become genuine friends imo she starts finding who she is again and who she could be without kevin. (I think I'm gonna edit this later bc I think ibexplained thay horribly.) And not only that, Tammy with all her expirence in the cj field, despite her jealousy of Allison and multiple confrontations she still believes Allison and completely sympathizes with her.
-one more thing Allison and patty 100% in love. They're literally gonna die old and alone together.
-my own personal headcanon that I think was hinted at in the flashback to when Allison met Kevin. She met patty first and I think patty liked Allison immediately buy Allison chose kevin.
- also one thing I have noticed is if you watch this show with women they clock immediately the subtleties of the abuse (ex. Kevin standing on Allison's pottery barn coffee table and breaking it) but if you watch with a man that kinda goes over most of their heads. Cause like yeah it's just a table. But it's not. It's a POTTERY BARN coffee table that she found on SALE and it's thr nicest thing they own and it's constantly being treated like shit and Allison is always being bullied for buying a cheap table.
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faggot-bastard · 2 years
1,834 words
Chapter 8/?
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ( i need to update these links, visit my pinned post for the updated links)
The group heads over to the elevator. Eddie is walking because apparently the doctors said it was okay. Steve didn't fully belive it but whatever. Steve was also walking with Robin at his side making sure he didn't fall.
At least thats what she said thats what she was doing. From Steve's perspective it looked like she was walking next to Steve while she stared off into space.
They all crammed into the elevator in a comedic fashion. The elevator wouldn't be considered small if it was just one or two people but when there were 5 people coming into the elevator with three people already in there, it was small. The elevator ride was uncomftorable and weirdly quiet. Once they got to the third and last floor everyone rushed out and exhaled as if they had been holding their breaths the entire time, which Robin was.
Their group started walking toward Erica's room and the three other people walked the other way. Two of them looked to be a couple and the third person was headed in the same direction but didn't seem to be walking with the couple.
The group walked into Erica's room. Lucas, Max, Eleven, and Erica were playing a card game that looked suspiciously like Go-Fish. They all looked up when the group walked in.
Erica and Max laughed seeing them all try to fit through the doorframe at the same time. El and Lucas were barely holding themselves together. Mike sat next to El and Dustin sat down next to Lucas. Dustin looked at Lucas' cards and then at Erica's. He smirked and then leaned back in the chair. Robin, Eddie, and Steve sat in the chairs away from the bed.
"Do you think it makes you better than us when you sit back there?" Max asked in a mocking tone of voice.
"I think that there's no more room next to Erica's bed." Steve responded.
Eleven passed more cards out to Dustin and Mike and they continued the game. The game finished with Max winning. El started shuffling the cards and Mike spoke.
"Do you guys want to try playing this fun game I learned recently."
"Sure." Lucas said
"Why not." Max remarked
"Is it stupid?" Erica asked.
"Well I like to think its not stupid but you probably will think it is."
"Thats fair."
"What are the rules?" Dustin asked.
Mike began explaining the rules. The game sounded unnesecarily complicated but really fun.
They began playing and El won the first round. (Steve didn't say it but he saw her wiping away the nosebleed she had from looking at the cards.)
The kids played games for the next hour or so. El, Max, and Lucas were joking around alot and it sounded weird to say but, it looked like Mike and Dustin were somehow third wheeling. Or would that be fourth and fifth wheeling.
"Hey, do you want to go into the hall and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about?" Robin asked.
"Yeah sure." Steve said building up some confidence. It was Robin, she would love him regardless but he was still nervous. It was like there were thousands of tiny butterflies rolling in his stomach.
They walked out of the room with Steve following her. The two walked a little bit away from the open door, enough that the group wouldn't be able to hear them unless they were trying to.
"So, what is it?"
"Um I," Shit, Steve was stuttering. Why was he nevous. It was going to be fine. "I think I uh might be Bi."
"Really, I knew it."
Steve lowered his shoulders and relaxed. He didn't know what he was so nervous about. Robin was literally the one who had brought up the idea. "Wait, you knew it?"
"I mean I guessed. You were staring at Kevin Bacon the whole time we watched Footloose."
"I didn't even think about that."
"Okay so what did make you realize?"
"I'm not telling you."
"C' mon I've told you pretty much everything."
"I'll tell you if you tell me the name of that new crush."
"Fine." Robin stuck out her hand and Steve shook it.
"Well, it was Eddie." Steve said blushing like hell.
"Shit, Eddie. I mean thats fair, he is hot."
"Okay, whats the name of your secret crush?"
"Not telling you"
"You shook on it!"
"I was crossing my fingers. Anyways, I would bet that Eddie has a thing for guys. And he'd be crazy not to go for you."
"No, I don't think he's into dudes."
"Your gaydar is ass."
"My gaydar is perfectly fine, it works."
"Steve, you thought I was straight, ME."
"Well, yeah. But my gaydar still works."
"Fine, if your gaydar works so well answer me this. Which of the kids is probably queer?"
"Will and Dustin."
"Steve, its all of those kids. They are all queer."
"Robin, I trust your gaydar but you're wrong."
"Am I though?"
Steve laughed "Yes you are, Mike is most definitely straight."
now it was Robin's turn to laugh, "Even if I'm wrong, which I'm not, Mike is they gayest one there."
"No way."
"Have you seen the way he stares at Will?"
"He does not."
"Yeah, all the time. I'm suprised you didn't notice."
"Am I oblivious or are you wrong."
"You are a dingus so I would guess that youre oblivious."
"I am not a dingus."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"You guys sound like children." Eddie said with just his head sticking out the door and the rest of his body inside the room.
"Hey Eddie," Steve said, blushing. "How much of that did you hear?"
Eddie steps fully out into the hallway. "Just the 'Am not, are too" part of it." he says in a mocking tone of voice.
"Did you need something or did you just come here to bother us?" Robin asked, their words sounded mean but their tone was joking and nice.
"Everyone was just wondering what was taking so long. Dustin wanted to listen in on you guys but I told him we shouldn't."
Robin looked at him skeptically.
He looked back at her sheepishly, "Okay fine it was Lucas who said we shouldn't."
"We're done anyways." Steve said.
They all walked into the room and sat down.
"Finally, you nerds are back." Erica said.
"What?" Steve asked, "Were you worried about us?"
"We were just wondering if you idiots had somwhow died." Erica was joking and everyone knew that by the sound of her voice but there was a serious layer in her tone. A tone that was saying that they could die that fast, that everyone in this room has seen people die. Everyone laughed but they all knew that they could die, pretty much at any time.
"Nope, not dead yet."
Robin and Steve sat down in their chairs and Steve laughed. Neither him or Robin were sitting in their chairs properly, or anyone else for that matter.
A doctor walked in and Mike, El, Erica, and the adults all tensed.
Dustin, Lucas, and Max were all still laughing together completely oblivious to the change in tone. Finally they saw that everyone was looking at the doctor and they saw him too.
it was quiet and tense in the room, there was a sense of hope but it was also filled with anxiety and fear. Everyone held still and was as quiet as possible. If someone were to walk into the room they would instinctively beome quiet and would probably have anxiety loop around their chest and slowly pull.
The doctor chuckeled awkwardly, "I come bearing good news."
They all relax and it's still quiet but less like during an imprtant test and more like relaxing with close friends.
"You're able to be released from the hospital now. We've already called your parents and they are heading here."
The kids all stood up and started cheering. Lucas danced around with El, Max and Mike and Dustin were standing up and laughing with everyone. Eddie and Robin were still sitting but they were smiling. Steve was talking with Erica.
Time passed quickly and soon all the kids were dropped off at home. (courtesey of Mrs. Sinclair and Robin who had stolen Steve's car while he was in the hospital)
Steve and Eddie were back in their hospital room, they were watching a movie Robin had brought for them.
"Hey Steve?"
"Do you belive in a god?"
"Well thats a really compliated quiestion. I used to, before all of this. Things happened and I realized that God just didn't care if he even did exist. If I'm really stressed out I might pray but its more to comfort myself than anything. What do you think?"
"I personally think that there might be a higher power of some kind, but they aren't whatever religions describe."
"That makes sense. Why were you asking?"
"Just curious. I've met lots of people with lots of different beliefs. You're one of the only people who didn't scoff at me before answering with something like: 'I'm a christian.' "
Steve laughed. Eddie was interesting and funny. He didn't look his usual self without the clothes and rings, but he still looked really cool. He looked like someone who would flip off cops with no hesitation but help people whenever he could. Of course Steve had seen him do both so it wasn't all that hard to imagine.
A different doctor than the one in Erica's room walked in. He looked as uncomftorable as the other doctor. Although the other dotor had been uncomftorable because of the tension, this one was uncomftorable because it was such a private moment.
He spoke confidently anyways. "You two are able to be released now."
"Again!?" Eddie remarked.
"Again?" The doctor asked.
"Our friend was released today too." Steve answered.
"Oh our hospital tries not to keep anybody over four days unless they truly need our help."
The doctor them begins to explain how to take care of the concussion and stithes to both of us. Steve wasn't paying attention but he did catch when to use the pain meds he perscribed so thats good.
Eddie's uncle Wayne came to pick him up and brought him fresh clothes.
Robin came to pick up Steve but unfortunately she didn't bring clothes for him. Steve couldn't think of any words, he was too tired. Instead of trying he just listened quietly to Robin's music.
The music sounded more muted than usual. Over the last three years Steve had gotten some hearing damage so that he could barely hear out of one of his ears.
They finally reached Steve's house and he walked straight upstairs, took his disgusting clothes off, and laid down.
He passed out almost immideately.
A/N: I feel that I may have rushed this but im fine with how it is so i wont change anything. I finished this last night but I couldn't think of a title and then I passed out. Also to the friend who told me that I shouldn't go past 13 chapters, I'm going way over that. Steve is a tired little bitch who sleeps alot.
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frunatic-fanfic · 5 years
the end of a dream ?
To everyone who is still reading , thank you so much ! I know it has been a while but I’ll update more frequently now. There’s no John in this chapter but he’ll be back soon, I promise <3 Enjoy and leave some feedback to keep me motivated :)
„ No it’s fine really. I dont need to talk right now or anything. I just want to take a shower and sleep and forgett about everything for a while“ While you speak these words your best friend Rony looks at you with a worried expression on her face , knowing that the Jolene shes been a friend to for over 12 years is again just trying to run away and surpress her sadness and anger just to hurt herself once again even more.
After a last minute flight from west to east coast and feeling trapped inside a plane packed with just all of the very few things you owned, you made it to New York City and got picked up at the airport by your best friend Rony who moved to new York to start a carreer as a designer here.
„ Jolene… what the hell hapened? Just talk to me for a minute. I mean… YOu called me this morning sounding like you were actually panicing and 8 hours later youre standing in my aparement, looking like Ozzy Ozbourne from the mascara dried all over your cheeks. I mean I get that you want to sleep but so do I – the thing is knowing my best friend must have gone through some insan shit to step into a plane to travel to New York so fast must be serious. Just give me a hint at least.“
You sob again and wipe away some fresh tears coming from your eyes. All you see in your head is John standing in front of you in that supermarket , mumbling, stuttering, but really – not saying anything that could help you cope with that feeling of being left, of being „not enough“  of being… just something that could  be replaced by something better anytime.
„well…it’s just… John and I broke up…“ „Wait…you mean THAT John? John Frusciante eh? The time you were at the hospital we didnt really have a lot of contact and that time was a mess here too, moving from california to NYC is hell, … Im sorry I wasnt there enough for you! But i did get your letters and well, Kevin used to listen tot he Red Hot Chili  Peppers a lot so of course that name wasnt a strange one to me. Oh man, Jolene had tu bump into a lost rockstar for sure…“ „ yeah… I wish I hadn’t…“ „Did he do anything bad to you?“ „No,…I mean Rony I… I was seriously so in love with him, the time we spent together in rehab felt like a dream. The both of us got better and the more time we spent, the more it felt like we didnt really need there bad, self destructive habbits anymore. It was unsure how our relationship would go on after our treatment there but at that point, it felt like it was sure we’d stay togehter….and…“ You start crying again as you think of John hugging you and kissing you when you first met again with Flea down at Venice Beach. „ well, through all the time I thought we could be together and I had finally found someone to be with, to look after me, someone I could be the center of his life for but….“ „Wait Jolene. Stop for a second. He is John Frusicante. And well, we all must have heard the news by now, he’s back in the band and they’ll have a big comeback later this year. I know how much you’re longing for that one person centering his life around you but I dont think that would be a healthy relationship for either the two of you and… it definitely wont be a rockstar on the rise…“ You see your tears fall onto the wooden floor of Ronys flat while hearing her words. Of course. Sure she was right. That childish naive wish of being the reason for someone being alive was just irrational and impossible to be true. Yet you had been holding on to it for so long. Maybe because for you, many times in your life you didnt feel like you wanted to be alive – you just kept on existing for other people.
 „Hey…Ill make us some ginseng tea and we’ll sit down on the couch and talk for a bit. I understand that you’re feeling a lot of pain right now. You feel left behind and like you were not worthy enough to someone you loved to let you stay the one thing with the highest priority in his life. At least you think and feel like that. But come on. You’ve learned a lot in therapy. Your habbit of seeing everything in either black and white, the fact that youre always clinging onto a person you love and never want to let them go, make your whole life depend on them like they’re god… We both know where these feelings and behaviours come from, right?
„Are you talking about that… Borderline Personality Disorder I got diagnozed with?“ „We both know. Look, I cant fully understand what ist like to be you, with that mindset of yours. I dont know what its like to feel all these waves of anxiety about being left alone and not good enough to be loved. But these things combined with that strong sense of envy you get everytime someone does not pay all their attention to you will make you unable to have a happy relationship forever. I dont know the full story, but seen from a rational point I think ist great that John joined the band again. You told me in your letters how passionate he looked when he was playing guitar. You wrote in one of your letters that it seemed like he was drifting into another dimension while playing for you. And now that man has made it to recover fully. He’s back in his band and can do what he loves the most. Isnt that something you would wish for him if you really loved him?“
 All the while Rony was speaking to you, you couldnt say anyhting. She was so right. Your head always kept messing with you. Growing up with abusive and alcoholic parents that never showed you even a little hint of love you kept searching for that love in every relationship you ever had- clinging onto your partner, manipulating him and controling him to make sure he couldn’t leave – and of course, these things would always make you end up alone.
 „Did John have the chance to say anything about this? I mean If you spent some time togehter before you all of a sudden descided to come here, he sure must have had an own point of view about the whole thing?“  „yeah… he…He tried to speak but I wouldnt let him.. I just ran..away..“
Rony facepalmed herself. „ Thats so classic you. I love you, you’re my best friend . But not giving him a chance to speak,not fair.“
It hurt to talk to Rony about all of this because it made you realize that you overreacted in an irreversible way. Looking back now, your reaction was far away from any logical, ratioanal thing to do and just a typical , impulsive and panic „solution“ to a problem that you had made out in your head.
 „We cant do much about all of this now Jolene. Im glad you descided to come here instead of doing some bad shit to yourself again. Kevin and I broke up so there’s one room free here. If you can help me with the rent you can stay as long as you want.“ „wow, i Have like no money at all at the moment“ „yeah.. you’re in new york. We’ll get you a job somehwere. We’ll get through this.“
 As you lay down in the bed Rony had prepared for you , your best friend sits down on your bed for moment again looking at you „Heads up girl. We got this.“ „ Do you….do you think John and I will ever meet again? It feels wrong seeing it end like that but…“ „He’s a rockstar. I guess you’ll just have to turn on your TV“ „Thats not what I meant…“ „I know you idiot.“ Rony laughs, but imideatly realizes that jokes are no good idea right now.
 „ I hope you can maybe meet again. But for now, let time pass. You’re in New York now and he is in California. Maybe you should give up these california dreams for now. We’ll find you a job and maybe a good therapist. And thats really all that matters now. You, being okay.“
 Before You fall asleep you keep on seeng John in your head. The shock in his eyes. Like he knew how much he’d hurt you. Looking back now,it didnt seem like he looked like he got ‚caught‘ but more like he was worried about you and how seeing his face on that magazine would make you feel. And the moment he tried to say something…you just cut him off. You didnt give hime a chance to speak…. What if.. what could have been….
 No. Give up your california dreaming for now, Jolene.
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bugheadbughead · 7 years
blossom memorial hospital
disclaimer: this is an au where veronica never came to riverdale, jason never got murdered, and jughead, after archie didn’t go through with the road trip, grew apart from the group and eventually went to southside high
also im pretty sure that someone used the name blossom memorial hospital in a fit so lmk if thats u! this is my first fanfic so i hope y'all don’t hate it 
chapter one
Betty Cooper sat down in the uncomfortable plastic chairs that the hospital provided in the break room. Today, a premature baby had unexpectedly developed pneumonia. That, and her gossiping best friend Kevin, had kept her occupied all morning. For there was a new resident at Blossom Memorial Hospital: the sleek, sophisticated Veronica Lodge.
Apparently, the New Yorker had done her first year residency at the New York Hospital, just like the resident curmudgeon of the team, Dr. Jones. Then, after realizing that she would be “more fulfilled” in Riverdale than in a big city, she transferred her residency from one of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States to this small town clinic.
Little did she know, her new mentor would be Cheryl Blossom. Though Betty and Cheryl were technically related, the blonde couldn’t help but shudder at the neurosurgeon’s biting critiques and sarcastic comments, reserved not only for the interns, but coworkers as well. No one (except maybe Josie) was spared.
“Oh my God HI!”
A squeal suddenly snapped Betty out of her reverie. The infamous Veronica Lodge was expectantly holding out her hand. Oh, how she wished Kevin was here to save her.
“Nice to meet you! It’s Veronica. Veronica Lodge. Are you Betty Cooper? I’ve heard so much about you here already!”
“I hope not all bad,” Betty joked. She hoped that her nervousness wasn't’ showing too badly; among Kevin’s other juicy tidbits of gossip, she heard that Veronica’s father, Hiram Lodge, was a billionaire. 
“Nonsense! From what I’ve heard, you’re the sweetest and most competent doctor here.” As an embarrassed, but proud Betty blushed, the pearl clad woman pulled up a chair to the otherwise empty table.
“So! What’s all of the hot gossip here? Tell me everything! After all, from my first impressions of all the other women here, I think that we’ll be the best of friends,” Veronica continued.
Betty stuttered, and started to say something along the lines of “I’m definitely not the person to ask about gossip,” when suddenly, the intercom system crackled to life.
“Betty Cooper, you’re needed in room 305. Two weeks premature with respiratory distress syndrome.”
With an apologetic glance to the curious brunette, Betty became Dr. Cooper and ran off to the elevator.
“I got a pocketful of, pocketful of sunshine,” the familiar ringtone blared. Betty paced around her apartment, debating whether to answer her phone. The smiling Alice Cooper (nothing but a cover, of course) filling the screen beckoned her to press the green button. Finally, she succumbed to the guilt of not answering her own mother’s phone call.
 “Hello Elizabeth. Anything new today babysitting infants?” Betty bit her lip at Alice’s subtly condescending words. Ever since she had passed up a scholarship to NYU for journalism, her mother never missed an opportunity to remind her of a lost career path.
 Betty’s nails drugs into the fading crescents of her palms. “It was fulfilling, as per usual, mother. Someone new came though.”
 “Really?” Alice asked. “And who might that be?” Her sickly sweet voice betrayed her skepticism of Betty’s announcement; after all, it was a rarity for anyone to move to Riverdale, and if they did? Everyone would know about it within the hour.
“Her name is Veronica Lodge.” She was going to find out anyways, right? Betty thought.
 “Oh no! She’s the daughter of Hiram Lodge, and he was on trial for fraud and embezzlement. We can’t have you being friends with the daughter of a criminal, now can we?”
 Her fingernails pressed deeper into the now scarlet red, bloody cuts on her hands. “Mother, I make my own decisions, including what I do and who my friends are!” She pressed the red button to effectively end one of the more tiresome conversations with her mother. That phone call was a new record, Betty thought as she checked her phone. Thirty one whole seconds.
 One of the reasons that she got an apartment in the first place was to be away from the condescending matriarch that is Alice Cooper, but apparently, not even five miles could sever the ties that the 29-year-old still had to her childhood home, and consequently, her mother.
 Well, she thought. Tomorrow is another day. One that I’ll get to see Archie. And with a smile, the blonde promptly fell asleep.
As soon as Betty got to work, she heard that trusty intercom blaring across the empty halls of the hospital.
“Staff meeting. Be in room 121 in twenty minutes.”
Betty could barely conceal her excitement. The cause, as was typical for every Tuesday, was the staff meeting that she would inevitably see Archie Andrews at. In her opinion, he was the perfect guy; sweet, kind, and caring to the children he operates on, steady hands, smart, and god-like in his looks to match. Yes, he had some grey hairs in his beautiful auburn locks, but what doctor here didn’t? (Except for Cheryl Blossom; everyone suspects that she dyes her bright red hair to keep it so fluorescent.)
It helped that all throughout high school, they both fit perfectly into the cheerleader and captain of the football team narrative. Yes, she had her fair share of boyfriends in Maryland where she went to Johns Hopkins med school, but they never stayed longer than a month. One could call it an illogical childhood crush (for that’s what it was), but Betty never could get over the titian-haired football player. It was just her luck that they found each other in Riverdale once again.
As she settled into a plastic chair on the first row of many, the most lovesick of them all patiently waited for Dr. Andrews to make an appearance. As the door started opening, her excitement increased exponentially, but to her chagrin, it was only Veronica. As she tried to not let her disappointment show though on her face, the brunette slipped into the seat next to her.
“So, have you always lived in Riverdale?” Veronica delicately tore off a piece of her donut, powdered sugar falling like snow on her black skirt.
“Yeah, ever since I was four. I went to Boston for college and med school, but I couldn’t bring myself to stay there. Not when I knew that my true calling was right here.” As Betty continued talking about her love for this town, she didn’t even noticed Veronica’s not-so-subtle head turn and subsequent jaw drop. Archie Andrews had walked in. And of course, his eyes immediately landed on the raven-haired princess.
“Hey, are you new here?” Archie’s voice had an easygoing, sweet cadence, and as soon as he started speaking to someone, they knew that they were in good hands. Perhaps his voice is what made him so amazing with the kids he performs surgery on; it could calm you even if you were jumping off a helicopter.
“Yep.” She popped the P with her powdered sugar covered, yet still enticing, red lips. “Did you know,” she said, suddenly standing up, “that I’ve tasted every flavor but orange?” And with a stroke to his titian locks, she strutted off the coffee machine. Archie, with a single look back to Betty, quickly followed, whispering something in Veronica’s ear.
 By now, Betty was gaping, mouth and eyes wide open, at this spectacle. Archie barely ever talked to her, and they had been best friends from age four to eighteen! And now he was going to waltz in, and start flirting with her newest “friend”? As the buzz of their conversation (which she had tried her best to block out) plagued her ears, she took to her typical approach. She dug her nails into the soft skin of her palms. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, Betty counted, five, four, three, two, one. She tried her best to calm her mind, but all she could think about was what Archie whispered to Veronica.
 Why was I so foolish? she asked herself. Did I think that we would ride off into the sunset together as soon as the word “hi” came out of my mouth? Of course Veronica is always going to get the guy. Why did I ever think it was possible for me?
 Yes, technically Veronica never knew of my undying love for Archie, but at a staff meeting? At 7:56 in the morning?
 People finally began to filter in, relieving Betty of the awkward tension in her shoulders at Veronica leaving her side to sit next to Archie. But of course, the first person walking in the door had to be Cheryl Blossom.
 “Awww, did your so called “best friend” leave after finding the delicious boy toy that is Archie Andrews? Oh well. I don’t blame her.” The redhead talked down to Betty, almost like her mother in the obvious condescension of her tone.
 Flipping her long scarlet hair, she walked away to her normal seat, hips swaying as if she was modeling on a catwalk. Why did she wear bright red acrylic nails if she was going to be operating with a tiny scalpel all day? And those six inch heels? Her patients are under anesthesia, it’s not like they’re going to compliment her on her shoes of choice mid-surgery.
 And of course, because her day was amazing already, Dr. Jones walked in. No one knew his first name, but he had a mysterious aura surrounding his every action that everyone, even lifers, struggled to understand at the hospital. He was the most quiet out of any of them, the only person even coming close being Phyllis, a secretary. The surprising thing was that when she looked into his icy blue eyes, all she saw were layers of sadness, anger, and pain. If she was being honest, he almost scared her, with his brooding disposition and evidently somber way of life. But he didn’t scare her for the sake of self preservation. Rather, Betty Cooper was scared because he was the epitome of all that she was, but didn’t dare to show. Every moment not spent with him reminded her that she could keep up the facade of perfection surrounding her life. But when she looked into his eyes? The darkness threatened to come out.
 Dr. Jones did his familiar slump-walk hybrid all the way over to the chair next to her. “Taken?” he muttered.
 “Of course not,” Betty replied. This was going to be a long staff meeting.
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oldtoothgun · 7 years
movies on uk netflix worth watching (that ive seen) (in my opinion)
anastasia (1997) stunningly historical inaccurate but the songs are great and its fun
rise of the guardians (2012) remember when everyone was obsessed with this lmao? anyway its a fun and cute kids movie
the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl (2005) just for the laffs
kung fu panda (2008) its good!
kung pu panda 2 (2011) its good too!
green room (2015) gross gore effects cool plot good acting whats not to luv
creep (2014) ik this ones kinda polarising but i thought it was pretty good and creepy!
the craft (1996) classic!! bitchy gothy goodness
would you rather (2013) jeffrey combs seeing what gross shit desperate people will do for money? loves it!
the invitation (2015) one of my favourite movies of recent years. could talk about for hours! slowly creepingdinner party horror flick
burlesque (2010) 119 minutes of blatant moulin rogue, cabaret and chicago rip offs and christina aguilera fannig her ego and i enjoy it thouroughly every time
dreamgirls (2006) one of the best movie musicals in my opinion. the sheer raw power and talent in this movie!!
footloose (2011) bad movie but its 1 of the 20 movies miles teller has been in and i’ll take what i can get. also he dances and has a southern accent and wears a cowboy hat ad thats all pretty good.
a single man (2009) colin firth? julianne moore? matthew goode? tom ford? christopher isherwood? in all honestly tho this movie is beautiful.
whiplash (2014) you probably already know. miles teller again as well.
aileen: life and death of a serial killer (2003) documentary about aileen wuornos. its really sad and insightful. worth a watch.
escorts (2015) very nsfw documentary about two escorts living in london. its really interesting and quite funny.
labyrinth (1986) you already know.
boys dont cry (1999) this movie is harrowing as shit and might make you want to die but hilary swank, chloe sevigny and peter sarsgaard put in brilliant performances. i have a LOT of opinions on this movie, not all of them good, but its a pretty good watch.
jackie brown (1997) better than pulp fiction!
the drop (2014) tom hardy and puppy?!?!?!
amanda knox (2016) another really good documentary. 
gone girl (2014) you probably have already seen this.
we need to talk about kevin (2011) creepy and good
layer cake (2004) daniel craigs in it and tom hardys there as well. idk why but ive got this on dvd. crime movie.
legally blonde (2001) classic!!! but seriously this movie is really funny and good
uptown girls (2003) brittany murphy being beautiful and lovely :’( 
a series of unfortunate events (2004) no matter how much he tries, neil patrick harris will never be jim carrey
arthur christmas (2011) this is my favourite christmas movie i cry every time i watch it and i will until i die at age 39
nativity! (2009) another christmas movie i cry at every time. they did it !
fantastic mr fox (2009) the detail in this movie is just lovely. and so is the soundtrack. 
bratz: the movie (2007) shaped me as a person
shrek 2 (2004) classic
eddie the eagle (2016) i love taron egerton i love hugh jackman this movie goes!
funny girl (1968) barbara streisand man.
hotel for dogs (2009) lots of dogs in this one.
annie (2014) very cute
charlie bartlett (2007) i watched this in like 2007 going through aton yelchins filmography and its a pretty dece teen flick
just my luck (2006) lindsey lohan, chris pine, mcfly. whats not to love!
21 and over (2013) agai, shitty movie, but miles teller is in it
legally blonde 2: red, white and blonde (2003) this ones got gay dogs in it!
monsters vs aliens (2009) when i was a kid i used to pretend i was in this movie
the duff (2015) not as awful as you think itll be
flushed away (2006) ive seen this movie so many times man
angus, thongs and perfect snogging (2008) another classic
fargo (1996) blood has been shed, jerry
birdman (2014) its alright
the big short (2015) again, its alright
the big lebowski (1998) yeah well thats just like your opinion man
super (2010) rainn wilson is a gem
kingman: the secret service (2015) exceeds expectations greatly
hunt for the wilderpeople (2016) taika waititi knows what hes doing
seven psychopaths (2012) i love colin farrell i love sam rockwell i love martin mcdonagh. 
drive (2011) youve proabaly seen people raving about this and for good reason! its good! good acting good soundtrack good lookin its got everything. fair bit of violence and fast cars too.
the nice guys (2016) funny and all that. my favourite film of last year. ryan gosling and russell crowe work so well together.
turbo kid (2015) great little movie. post apocalyptic 80s nostalgia gore goodness. netflix describes it as: offbeat, violent
night of the comet (1984) like totally underrated 80s sci fi horror. two teenage girls wake one one day to find everyone turned into dust. its brilliant
coherence (2013) if you liked the invitation youll like this one. indepentant sci fi thriller set at a dinner party. you have to think a little though.
star trek into darkness (2013) aw i went to see this on my 14th birthday
under the skin (2013) this movie is brilliant. netflix says: chilling, scary, cerebral, steamy 
watchmen (2009) worth it for the opening titles alone
equilibrium (2002) GUN KATA
the lobster (2015) this movie is so left field and weird. high hopes for the killing of a sacred deer yorgos!
ex machina (2015) 2015 was such a good year for movies. oscar isaac, domnhall gleeson and alicia vikander are all brilliant
what we do in the shadows (2014) funniest movie ive ever seen. taika working his magic again. if youve met my dad, he’s probably told you to watch it
sing street (2016) funny and good.
let the right one in (2008) kid vampires!
from beyond (1986) one of my fav films ever. i wanna be jeffrey combs so bad.
starry eyes (2014) first time i watched this i thought it sucked but second time around i thought it was weird and cool and its got some good gross bits!
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ts-2020-olympics · 4 years
Episode 12 - “Jacob’s Squirrel Brain Took Over” - Nicole
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Alright, so for starters, Karen was voted out last round, everything worked out for us newbies, but really did not expect Karen to get that many votes.   If I knew Karen was getting that manh votes, I would have informed Tommy about the Karen vote too.  Definitely thought was going to be a closer vote though, then also had that glass idol played so everyone knows who voted who.   Now for this round, not sure on what plans are, but I think Nicole and Kevin are my biggest threats, as I find they both have a fair amount of connections, and are also decent in challenges.   Only thing is that, could be tough getting the votes to get rid of either of them this round, do it might have to wait, just don't want to wait too long.   Anyways, hopefully I survive and make final 11!
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Screw them all! At this point I'm a solo person I don't trust anyone, but this game makes you have to trust people so I'm going with my intuition and instead of thinking long-term at the moment I need to think what will save me this round and at this point I believe the newbies will be reluctant to vote another newbie out, the second swap Miraitowa are working together, and Kevin has a lotta pre-game relationships which is why his name even though it was thrown out died really quick last tribal. This leaves Jacob, Nicole, and Myself and obviously I don't want to go home and between Jacob and Nicole I think Jacob has better interests in-store for me plus getting rid of Nicole gets rid of another winner so if I do survive this round it's better and more people voiced to me worry about Nicole being a threat. I do realize I'll be putting the second swap Sonkei in the minority but at this point I don't care it's all about self-preservation and I still have a HUGE chance at going home tonight so as long as it ain't me I'm fine with voting wherever.
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By the grace of our Lord And Savior Jordan Pines, I’m still here and not in as bad as a spot as I really could be. I voted with the majority, Jacob’s squirrel brain took over the reigns of his big brain and he didn’t. Jordan used a vote revealer on all of us and we all got a fun little surprise when Jacob voted for Sammy.   Now my gut told me not to use my advantage last round and it was right.  This round it’s a little more complicated. I worry about Jacob if I go, he really is a good ally to have because he is (seemingly) more loyal as the rounds go on. Sammy and I have mended a little bit of trust. I’ve decided maybe I’d vote for him at the end but maybe not. He’d have to be sitting next to Stoner and Eve or Sarah and Emma , some mix of that to really get my vote. Anyone else and I’m voting them. I really hope Darcy gets to the end with Kevin that’d be a good f2 scenario. I’d vote for Darcy, I think most people would vote for Kevin. I’m not even entertaining the idea I get to the end. It just seems like too impossible of a possibility at this point. But, tides my change and who knows. Either way, back to the game and tonight’s tribal. I’m going to try to get an idea of where the votes are going. They might split between Jacob and I but it’s early in the day. If they need me for the vote idk what I’m gonna do. I really truly have no clue. What I could do is try to get a lot of votes on me, skip tribal and leave them scrambling, when they scramble the majority is already solid and they have to decide who their counter vote is. I feel bad because I want to work with Kevin badly but our connection is dimming just a bit in the midst of I think, both of us finding better paths to the end. I think voting out Karen kind of shook up our plans so, I don’t know. I still hope if I can’t pull out a win he can. Check back later when more is happening, toodles. 
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I saw a hawk today. It was a fat hawk. It was a good day. 
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Bro fuck Nicole 
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This round, Basically I think Nicole is a clown, i dont wanna speak to her, and if she idols someone out, BYE like shes going next week anyways, might as well pass ur idol onto someone who can use it, its my fault you're ass is built like a fucking HOUSE. BRICK. MOTHER. FUCKING. WALL. I just want her to go, and i wanna wave bye as she leaves this island, BUT SHE CAN IDOL I DONT CARE BECAUSE I KNOW SHES NOT WINNING THIS GAME P E R I O D. shes gone next week anyways
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I just set off a bomb oh my goodness. I did not want Nicole to go it doesn’t make sense for me to lose Nicole over someone like Jacob or Kevin or Tommy or Darcy right now so of course I told her name was going around. I’m not gonna compromise my agenda for someone else’s, not if I really see a benefit in keeping Nicole and I do.  Now everyone is fighting and no one knows it’s all cause I set off a catalyst this round. I’m worried I may be over extending myself strategically and it might catch up with me, but I’m not gonna stop till it does, this is my game to lose and I’m having a blast!
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I am trying to balance my allegiance to nicole while she's on her deathbed so she doesnt blow up at me and expose me while also carrying for this newborn baby that is my allegiance to caeleb/sammy/eve who i want to work with long term but i simply cant just drop nicole, my full grown rebellious child, because i have a new baby? you know, like i love all my children but some need more attention at different times in their life. I just hope that I can survive this vote and really be able to distance myself from nicole even though shes STILL gonna be here the next round. But after that she is pretty dead in the water unless she wins immunity, which she found an advantage in so thats GREAT, i really have no idea whats gonna happen right now 
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Sparknotes: I’m so pissed that Nicole would ruin my game like that. It’s a game I get it, and I get that she wants to ruin another persons game on the way out. Caeleb is playing an idol on me even tho i don’t think I need it. Eve is amazing. Kevin is amazing. Jordan is amazing. Caeleb is amazing. Jacob is okay but this game just don’t trust him anymore. Emma is sweet. I don’t talk too much with tommy Darcy Sarah or stoner. I’m just over this round and frustrated. Why me? Nicole stirred the pot but she’s the one getting burned.
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*this is a wrap up of my last confessional that I’m writing during tribal bc I’m not there* So I used the tribal skip and honestly I’m not even happy about it. I tried to take heat off of Kevin and Jacob by saying stuff about Sammy and Eve but they made it so personal. This game isn’t fun because of them, every time I try to do something they go absolutely too far. Bunch of bullies. I think it hurts because personally I always felt they were alright but now? I don’t know. Just rude. I have no faith in the rounds ahead, and if I go it’ll probably at least I won’t have to try to claw my way into a somewhat okay position. I’m just tired all around I really wish Eve’s ego wasn’t so pronounced that they didn’t think they were actually doing something by attacking my mental health because you know what? I’m not doing well. But I still like to play these games as much as everyone else and I don’t think mental illness has to be called into question. It’s a fucking online game for 40 dollars, get your head out of your ass. 
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the boyz
these charts are almost nct level bad
1. jacob
after a lot, a lot of contemplating, this is the best chart amongst them. he’s a sweet talker! when he’s invested in a conversation it will never end!!! he’s thoughtful, a real charmer ... a very likeable person!!! people always have good things to say about him. he’s a bit of a ditz on the surface but he’s also smart, kind, and a true friend.
2. changmin
LOUD, sharp humour, quick intellect yet completely clueless at the same time. knows more than he even realizes. a homebody ... finds comfort in friends, family, places of familiarity, ect. protective of himself, loved ones and possessions.
3. chanhee
never thought id say a double taurus has this good of a chart but here we are. he’s incredibly smart, the kind that almost shocks people at first, its not what they were excepting. he’s care free, doesnt care too much what others think, some may even say he’s full of himself but its all under the guise of a joke. he’s a romantic to the bone.... he gives the type of love that makes you feel safe no matter what.
4. kevin
all pisces n cap placements babyyyyyy. mega mega creative and superrr dreamy, elegant, 80s movie star energy. he is hilarious ... almost everything said is not to be taken seriously even though he’s being dead serious. feels a lot but can’t express it well.
5. eric
we already know i feel about his chart. that aqua venus is like the plague but fortunately for him there are worse charts. he’s the type to be “mean” to the people he cares about bc he has a tough time probably getting his emotions across to people, scared of opening up without realizing it. an Intense thinker .... feels deeply but doesn’t let anyone see.
6. hyunjae
i put him here at the half way point on purpose bc our charts are nearly the same and i don’t know if i’d love that or hate that. he’s good at paying attention to details, sees the things others don’t always notice or pick up on. he has big ambitions, wants to be the best because nothing less will leave him satisfied. he’s competitive, easily motivated, driven, gets what he wants.
7. hwall
tries too hard to be cool but it comes off as awfully endearing, the quirky type. a flirt ... its almost embarrassing but theres something so sweet and almost child like about it that people just melt for him. possibly has a victim complex and wants to paint himself as the innocent one even when he’s wrong.
8. sunwoo
a little bit messy and emotionally unstable but its okay hes trying his best <3 he’s funny and snarky, never one to miss a punch. always down to talk or hang out but also needs his fair share of being alone, acts as everyones therapist but never seeks anything in return.
9. sangyeon
i rlly dont have anything to say, i’ve seen worse but it’s not particularly good either. all i can tell you is his ego is mega huge.
10. younghoon
you guys wanna say water signs are whiny? spend one day with someone who has this chart, then you’ll see. needs attention or he’ll die, literally. cant hide his emotions!!! acts tough but is just babey.
11. juyeon
bad . its just bad . scary bad. god complex level 1000000, probably always pissed off, never knows when to cut it out.
12. haknyeon
not to project but this is like my dads chart and i cant shake that thought whenever i see it. he’s easily angered and way too sensitive its unbearable, can’t hold a grudge and gets over thing in 3 seconds flat, lies in order to make himself look good. has a horrid sense of humour, thinks he’s funny and thats why he’s not, can’t keep opinions to himself.
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