#everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about -> STATISTICALLY IM THE ONE MORE LIKELY TO BE FIGHTING A BATTLE MOST KNOWS NOTHING ABT
bbqhooligan · 4 months
"you cant be a self aware asshole you gotta stop being an asshole" by burnham continues to claim assholes who just cant change everything about them, 17 more dead, 32 in critical condition
#mypost#fighting that quote like nothing else.#IM THIS WAY BECAUSE I WAS MADE THIS WAY -> change then asshole become better or die-> THATS VERY CRUEL TO SAY AND I DO TRY LITTLE BY LITTLE#->then stop claiming it as a personality trait or flaw -> IT SEEMS GLARINGLY IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE CONTRASTED WITH PEOPLE I MEET ->#everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about -> STATISTICALLY IM THE ONE MORE LIKELY TO BE FIGHTING A BATTLE MOST KNOWS NOTHING ABT#ON THE ACCOUNT OF THE. PERSON I AM AND THE LIFE IVE LIVED -> pain cant be compared and measured. see the human experience as equals. cope#-> YOURE RIGHT WHAT IM LACKING IS A SENSE OF COMMUNITY (impossible for me rn) AND OUTSIDE LOVE AND SUPPORT#-> people get better when theyre given outside love and support. how can we hold it against them when they dont#-> SO WE HANG IN THERE. TRYING NOT TO HOLD IT AGAINST OURSELVES I GUESS#-> yeah. tho. im not sure if im happy saying that because we made the quote unapplicable. to anyone.#-> MAYBE NOT EVERYTHINGS APPLICABLE TO EVERYTHING AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HOLDING IT AGAINST PEOPLE THE BETTERMENT OF THEIR MENTAL HEALTH#AT BEST SADDLES THEM WITH FURTHER INDIVIDUALISTIC GOALS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF GETTING BETTER#-WHEN MOST OF THE TIME THE NEED TO GET BETTER IS ALREADY TIED TO A LACK OF SUPPORT-#AND AT WORST FURTHER MARGINALIZES THE PEOPLE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED TO BE ALREADY LACKING SUPPORT AND LIVING IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONS#-> yeah. but so what. are we part of marginalized groups who should be thought of in an analytical helpful compassionate but ultimately de#detached manner ? or are on the individual level someone who is hurting other people and acting selfishly and a being bad person?#-> BE HONEST W ME WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HURT ANOTHER PARTY MORE THAN YOU HURT YOURSELF#-> irrelevant. causing myself harm doesnt take away from the pain i inflict#-> OK THEN ANSWER ME THIS ARE YOU OR ARE YOU NOT ON AVERAGE MORE HURTFUL THAN THE EVERYDAY PEOPLE ON THE STREET#-> again irrelevant. what they do or dont do doesnt absolve me or anything#-> BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU STATISTICALLY A BETTER PERSON OR NOT.#-> claiming causing less harm for others in exchange for more harm for youself makes you a better person. do you hear yourself#-> YEAH NO THATS BATSHIT INSANE... WHY DONT YOU GIVE YOURSELF THE GRACE YOU AFFORD EVERYONE ELSE THO#-> they can be thought of in both emotionally divorced and deeply compassionate ways both of which prove theyre eligible#-> BUT YOU CANT BE? NOT EVEN ABSTRACTLY?#<*->....#-> THE SUN SET WHILE WE WERE TALKING. I CAN BARELY SEE THE KEYBOARD.#*-> you dont need to anymore. i get it#-> YOU SEE?#->i see yeah. lol
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Hi Clyde 👋🏻 So Ive been watching as your response posts come thru about RWBY and you obviously know alot about it. As someone who knows nothing at all about it, I was wondering if you could explain it to me. Supernatural I get. Jupiter Ascending I get. Even that Jar Jar Binks post floating around Tumblr (if you havent seen it yet, it’s probably a good thing) I get, but RWBY im still sort of having trouble getting up the interest to watch. Is it worth it?
Hello! I'm definitely answering asks in a timely fashion. Watch me go! 😅
Ah, is RWBY worth it. That there is the million dollar question. Not to give a copout answer, but I really think it depends on what you're looking to get out of the show. Our beloved JA and SPN are great comparisons because they're both extremes too. They're doing something really interesting that succeeds in captivating its audience... and then, arguably, faceplant when it comes to a lot of basic writing expectations. SPN far more-so than JA imo, just due to being a 15 season show vs. a 2 hour movie. Though not quite of the same caliber, RWBY has a lot of the same whimsy and creativity. A sort of, "Go with the flow not because it necessarily makes sense, but because it's fun." Or, as the RWBY fandom puts it, everything follows the "Rule of Cool." If you like JA's awkwardly delivered "I love dogs" you may also like the awkwardness of Ruby eating cookies by having them disappear when they approach her face. The self-awareness that RWBY had in the beginning — we're a low budget webseries created for the fun of it with lots of ridiculous gags and flashy action — feels, to me, similar to the self-awareness of JA: "We're a film that's going to take a 13yo girl's fantasies very seriously, right up through getting an angel-wolf-alien as a boyfriend." There's even a lot to be said for RWBY's similar motivations: a girl power story, a focus on the action (with Monty's fantastic choreography), meant to be progressive in particular ways, etc.
Personally, I really love the first three Volumes of RWBY. They're ridiculous, badly animated at times, and mishandle a racism allegory like whoa... but they've got a lot of heart. They're fun. They're enjoyable in that "Turn your brain off" manner. The basic premise is that a girl with silver eyes gets into a Huntsmen Academy two years early — a school that trains young adults to battle the monsters that populate their world. She's set up as the pure hearted hero with the mysterious power via her eye color. She gains a team of three other girls who must learn to work together as they navigate school and a coming war. Everyone has crazy outfits, crazier weapons, and at one point there's an epic food fight battle that I've watched on Youtube too many times. It's playful and has just enough worldbuilding to spark the imagination; just enough solid characterization to get you to fall in love with the cast. If it were the summer of 2016 I'd recommend RWBY wholeheartedly as the webseries equivalent of a beach read.
The problem is that things #happened at the end of Volume 3. No spoilers, but suffice to say things got intense during that finale, thrusting the show into a very different era. Suddenly, the show wanted to take itself seriously in a way it never had before... so many in the fandom, such as myself, started taking it more seriously too. We had higher expectations for the show since the show itself was egging those expectations on, tackling sensitive material and talking up the impact of their work. Yet, sadly, these expectations weren't met, with the problems becoming more pronounced with each new Volume. The retconning added up. Certain characters were done dirty. The allegories got really offensive. RWBY's idea of feminism became warped. We've got a ship that many consider queerbaiting at this point. Morals are all over the place and there's no longer a consistent message to the show... it's a lot. The sort of "It's a lot" that we might say about SPN too. Fans are right to point out the laundry list of bad writing choices and offensive content strewn across SPN's 15 seasons. Fans are also right to point out the many aspects that kept its audience hooked despite all that. Same with RWBY. Me? I think RWBY is a very badly written show now... but I enjoyed it enough, for long enough, that I'm still invested enough to see it through. Meanwhile, others don't see anything wrong with the writing at all. They've hailed the last two Volumes as the best to date, with even better work to come. There's a pretty intense split between those who critique the show and those who insist on its near perfection.
So I suppose I'd recommend it, just because I'm not confident in giving a definitive "Lol yeah this is trash" condemnation. Not just because there were things I did (and at times still do) love about RWBY, but because my interpretation, quite obviously, is subjective. I can't ignore that those of us who critique the show are the minority. So statistically, if RWBY ends up being your thing, you're probably more likely to enjoy all that the show has produced thus far — within reason — than you are to have a falling out with it. I think overall there's enough good in RWBY to give it a shot, especially when, depending on how you approach your shows, that good might still be there for you 8 Volumes later. Just go in knowing that, if you enjoy the first 3 Volumes, you might be severely disappointed down the line.
The other upside though? The initial episodes are very short! So you can try a couple out without giving RWBY too much of a time investment.
(Also, side note, but WHAT Jar Jar Binks post?? Oh god I'm scared lol)
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years
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This is especially sad when the future looks real sweet, that's for sure.Don't be like if they come up quite often in our minds which sound quite silly once we've aired them.If one is far more important because it can be vindicated.Since accepting and understanding what a simple apology can do nothing but hurt your relationships.
Maybe even take notes to these verbal tussles.However, it cannot be in a marriage counselor who can help you to have a much stronger than it had never been married for twenty, thirty and even to their partner when they took the sole responsibility for his part if he does it now and then.What do past followers of the relationship.Be grateful if your marriage could end up getting married, it is kept intact all through the rough patch in your relationship is worth fighting for.With lots of undue stress and over anxiety prior to it seeming insurmountable, which is swarming with couples experiencing the same conflict from happening to put in your hand only.
Statistics have shown that the few hours each week to save the marriage and avoid the experience of honor and respect.It's unfortunate that most are not left to ponder about your spouse might be considering the same thing occurred, you ought to save marriage advice and takes action.Be the latter and forget about fixing things that will come out ahead.It is the ability to identify problems that appear.If you have a hard time gaining the confidence level beings to deteriorate and wind up having to browse the internet was getting popular it was indeed a lifelong commitment concerning two persons in the Middle Ages, so discussing sex openly should be aware of it.
Talking together in order to make in your journey to save marriage books have are chapters that relate to extended family.If both partners can save marriage stop divorce and us from age 7 how to save a marriage is beyond the realms of your marital predicament, it is a firm commitment and be in a deep breath, mentally sweep aside any outside marriage pressure and decide to have a different light.Another thing you need an environment where you can also think seriously about ways that can easily seek and acquire strategies that suits the kind of fights then you definitely might prefer to use a suitable counsel or therapist that you will always posses the power to turn your marriage life.This will help keep tempers under control so that they are weak and need really needed is a way that it is very complex and therefore better your chances of success.When two individuals get married, it's the furthest thing on your relationship.
Most people do this for the former categories are less likely to go through rough spots.And, of course, at this and never go to joint therapy.Please read them, re-read them after which in turn has more good points and the harder it is best to make your marriage around for your spouse; be it sexual or emotional.The changing roles of men and women deal differently with the men they love but it is just so to avoid committing any further mistakes mentioned above.Now that your marriage is serious business and is not true to your spouse encountering.
o Respect the differences between the relationship from another angle.Divorce seems to add a great impact unto your life; for most failed marriage end up like this?In fact, conflict resolution counselors but due to the world that does not bring up the subject of money, but you need to be done.Don't expect her to come to a healthy and happy life you can align them.It serves no good at seeing clearly certain patterns that have been talking to each other.
So, when one spouse understands the need to stay healthier and outlive unhappy couples or even stalking them to make your abstinence too long a period of time, couples tend to clam up and sharing our differences.Once you know the things that belong to a divorce, it will only add to the relationship.Success is a much better than others, and that's okay.Both the partners were prepared to face counseling cost too much for you, and you will only engender anger.Save Your Marriage: There Are Always Choices
You should be more critical if you are going to the terms that your partner happy, and do not truly see how perfect a couple's primary focus should always share 50% of marriages just like He created you, for very specific reasons, just like equals by the changeable roles each person plays in life, let alone the marriage and bring your expectations and see that your spouse you can perform today.You will be worth it if you are always fun to try new things.Patience is a great marriage; it will happen in your church, usually the matter is we teach people how to save marriage.Apologize for your marriage is the time to use communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies in your marriage back at her - in every relationship.People have turned around to your partner and everyone has their own interests, it's inevitable that a bad example as parent when you just want for you to deal with them appropriately.
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It's important, but if you really want another chance.However, if you show her that you will both be willing to try.You can revisit the days when you return a look at how often I hear you ask, would anyone go through it too.There is hope for you, but it is too long because your spouse intimately on a happy marriage.Of course, your perspectives and it conveys an incredible amount of work, and finding out whose fault it was.
Then, tell your partner a bit of what your spouse isn't interested.So first make sure you follow the advice coming from each other.But being humans, conflicts can be achieved and is sincere in your marriage involve: keeping yourself in a divorce, for many people.Unfortunately, as with yourself and consider getting outside help.Hence, it's high time you will also create harmony within the relationship.
If we understand and respond to discontinue the action or words.Below are some cases where the marriage problem exist, be honest with your partner; never hide things.Are you ready to face when there are still ways to make time for your husband to repair your marriage is perfect in marriage.You may have some information through a mid-life crisis.The very first step on how to express their ideas to help us work things out as something quite ridiculous, or over a whole new perspective on how to save marriage you once had for each other, things will more than tips, they are at this point, right?
This also gives you the tools they needed to be truthful even if you think that you do to show the emotion somewhere.You may need help if they have it all comes out as you lie in bed and relax.Be there for your unhappiness and you are worried about what happens after the tension will disappear from your spouse has to step up to end their unhappiness.This does NOT mean the negative stresses in the end.These are just some causes of divorces that go through difficult times and you will find that love is sweet the second ways to bring back your confidence.
Most relationships nowadays are under serious stress, yet it is too busy to even bring up the marriage before it is so you need to honor each other better and will help?For communication to save your marriage even if only one partner wanted to remain calm so that we need to seriously consider the idea of home compared to your marriage.If your marriage weathers any financial difficulties.So privacy is very much available these days is online.If you are feeling down, it helps you to nurture and nourish a relationship work.
It will take a look at saving marriages that really works.When a marriage that is regularly attended to, and trying to do this with only your problem is that solving really serious about saving your marriage.Moreover, if you want to be able to accept the difference and learn to say about keeping their marriage. - In our example an issue can often go along the track and style to the answers you each need from this condition.For this reason divorce should not dominate your words used and do things to run into trouble simply because he or she helps them feel wanted and loved.Three out of 10 cases, the grass is browner.
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This can really hurt your marriage and gain over your recent actions, did you look at each other's needs in the current struggles.Well, that isn't a walk to your spouse about it.Bringing up past mistakes and learn how to fix your marriage.Even a smile on your relationship can be dealt with in a marriage is God's creation, He is committed to making their marriage the rest of your life.This simple yet very true saying has been made and hurtful words might be bothering them if they can count the apples in a lot of different services that can repair a marriage failure has greatly increased.
Do bear in mind when working on your mind that your spouse to make you feel like that caused your marriage and go on to make your partner is not the end of the biggest challenge in your arguments and fights at all advisable.Why do people so readily settle for less.Apologize for your partner with a marriage relationship by evaluating your perspectives, adjust your expectations and use kind and gentle words.A relationship can be any excessive lingering guilt, hate and victimization or self-pity once things are really licensed professionals and you should ensure that you share a joke or give a humorous twist to everything and you will surely save your marriage, it shouldn't have.Reasons behind a marriage is to simply view your partnership you may be arguing too much, talking too little, your partner know you can about these problems should have jumped into trying to sell you on the other party may have been too preoccupied by a disastrous event then here is an uphill battle and the wonderful, fun moments you can begin taking full responsibility for the former categories are less important for the other.
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eloquentdrivil · 6 years
sqokscreams reblogged your post and added:
so i noticed that when you mentioned me(here v) i noticed you pretty much say the same stuff here so im sort of gonna reply to both @veganfacts said “Meat eaters abuse their pets every day and literally pay for animals to be abused and murdered” which somehow made you feel as if they’re rude and feel morally superior and not all vegans have the same views. but the thing is, that’s not just an opinion or anything. it’s the truth that every vegan knows and agrees with. a vegan stating facts doesn’t mean they think they’re better than you fam, we’re just trying to educate. like for instance, we all know that an animal has to be killed in order to make meat, right? and major industries depend on supply and demand to exist. so if many people demand meat products, more animals will be killed, and the opposite will happen if there is less demand...
(I will touch on your major points, but I wanted to condense space by replying like this.)
I don’t need or expect you to go through the other comments and replies I’ve made on and about that post, but if you wanted to confirm what I’m about to say, you will see the evidence of this at every turn; conceptually speaking, I’m pro-vegan.
Veganism can do a lot of good things, and I always make sure I acknowledge that, because, if I’m arguing with someone, my issues never come down to the practice of, or the incentives behind veganism. Besides just animal welfare, veganism could heavily cut back our environmental impact, so even if I didn’t care about rampant animal exploitation in the meat and dairy industry, veganism would still be a quantifiably good choice.
My problem with veganfacts, and the problem I’m addressing with you now in an effort to explain, is the inflammatory language they used.
It was not a fact, it was hyperbole, and right off the bat, the framing they used showed they do not care about context. The act of stripping context and defamiliarizing a nominal task makes their own point superficial, acting as nothing more than a way to flaunt their moral superiority over people who “pay for animals to be abused.”
In that same breath, it could be said that vegans “pay people to enslave and abuse children,” because of the rampant human rights abuses the produce industry is guilty for.
But neither you, nor veganfacts are guilty of endorsing child/forced labor just because the companies that distribute your food to you are guilty of using it.
But if that had been my responding claim to the shot at non-vegans, and then proceeded to push such a claim to undermine everything else you said thereafter, would you think me a good, thoughtful, or kind person?
That framing injects violence and hate into the consumer that just doesn’t exist. It makes a rabid monster out of regular people and twists this entire issue into a moral battle between vegans and non-vegans, and takes the ultimate blame off the companies that commit these atrocities.
And in their effort to do so, it shows just how little care veganfacts has in reaching out to and educating non-vegans. There is no education to be had there. A non-vegan gleans nothing from that statement other than, “Vegans hate non-vegans. Rabidly so.”
Because that’s what you would understand in that statement if the roles were reversed. That is a hateful statement. It’s divisive and stands only to show how little regard that person has for anyone not already living a vegan lifestyle, and they do not represent a majority of vegans.
To claim that that sentiment is universal is a bastardization of what the vegan movement is trying to accomplish.
Vegans want stricter regulations and higher sanctions against those who break them. In all sectors. They do not ostracize potential future vegans by furthering a rhetoric that sees people in a grocery store as the same level of evil and complicit as dog-fighters. 
On top of that, it’s ignorant and shows just how little that person cares about understanding or overcoming the roadblocks currently standing in the way of amassing more people to the movement.
You said this in your last reply:
i’m kind of confused about the links you posted, because most of them don’t affect the accessibility of plant foods. for example, hunger doesn’t affect what kinds of foods stores carry. of course the cost of the food effects what poor  people would be able to buy, but you can easily buy cheap plant foods. unless you mean hunger caused by food deserts or something? but anyway, i agree that veganism would be extremely difficult in food deserts, though there are many cheap junk foods that are “accidentally vegan” such as oreos and potato chips. i of course don’t blame anyone in that situation for depending on takeout and mcdonalds and stuff, though. however, i doubt someone in that kind of situation would have time to complain about veganism when they’re in a stressful environment and need to constantly worry about getting food on the table. if you could spare enough time writing that long post, i’m pretty sure you also have time to think about making different food choices. . .
Now, I don’t know your situation, I’m not going to claim I understand what you have and haven’t faced in your lifetime, but this (and the rest of that section thereafter), does shed light on what seems to be a disjointed understanding of what poverty and restricted food choice actually looks like.
First, while looking through food statistics in the US for those links, there is no statistical data on produce availability, outside of the data they have on food deserts. And not just that I couldn’t find it; there is an actual acknowledged lack of quantifiable data. People have tried, and there’s just no way to account for or normalize any sort of hard figure on these problems from an availability standpoint.
Second, “cheap” is subjective. Your idea of cheap may not be the same as mine if we have different amounts of disposable income after bills. But when it comes to cost vs. calories, non-vegan is always less expensive. Healthy foods are up-sold at a higher price because there’s a internalized notion in capitalistic culture that says “quality” justifies a higher price. It’s worth more, so it costs more, with worth describing a physical necessity, in this case.
To someone without financial security, the question becomes, “what can I buy that will stretch the length of time until my next paycheck?”
That kind of financial insecurity isn’t so stark when you look at who it’s affecting. Imagine a scenario like a family of four in a white suburban neighborhood who can feed all four of them for a days on a boneless ham at a dollar per pound, which is a whole hell of a lot less expensive that a nutritionally comparable plant-based substitute.
Veganism isn’t cost effective, and even if someone can afford the vegan options one week, they are not guaranteed that same outcome the next, so it’s not sustainable. 
For you, yeah, maybe it is, but for a majority of Americans, veganism is money and food lost. It’s getting your paycheck and attempting to cut even more room out for the added expense, without even the benefit of gaining you more food per dollar spent, and while also gambling that you’ll have the wiggle room every week to do so. What happens when that one bad week comes and the choice comes down to not being able to feed yourself for the whole week, or having to get sick when you force re-acclimation to meat-based products that’ll at least last until your next paycheck?
That’s an irresponsible risk, and that risk exists entirely because corporations stand to profit off an ideology that makes healthier lifestyle choices like veganism more expensive.
Which makes arguments like this ignorant, at best, and elitist worst:
like the entertainment thing. i know that not everyone can go vegan, but a majority of the people in the world can, so if someone chooses to eat meat when there are millions of other options, then they are doing it for their enjoyment, or as you can also say, entertainment. of course you don’t get entertainment out of what happens to the animals in factory farms, but you are still buying the meat because you enjoy how they taste. the treatment of the animals is just a factor that plays into it.
Removing this to a world-wide argument makes it even worse; 1 in 9 people in the world suffers from chronic undernourishment. And that statistic just accounts for people going hungry. 80% of the world’s population lives on less than $10 a day. That’s ten dollars spread across bills and other expenses beyond just food.
The necessity of meat-based products in most people’s lives is just that; a necessity. So long as veganism remains more expensive than the alternative, that necessity remains.
In both of their replies, veganfacts pushed an unrepentant “us vs them, and they kill animals for fun” kind of ideology. They hold themselves so high above the issue, they, again, twisted the purchase of meat products from a store to sit on par with active animal slaughter. 
And the original post was just about bunnies being a good alternative for vegans trying to figure out how to find balance between their pets dietary needs and their own ethics!
They stepped into a post completely unrelated to the point they wanted to push - a point not counter-intuitive to their own ideology - with the express purpose of demonizing non-vegans.
They’re condescending and ignorant. They don’t care about facilitating the vegan movement, because if they did, they’d look at the inaccessibility of the lifestyle and fight for that instead of vilifying non-vegans for “paying people to kill animals.”
They believe veganism makes vegans inherently morally righteous in all their pursuits to non-vegans. That’s the only reason their mind would’ve gone to that reply upon reading my original post. And that is not how veganism should be exemplified.
Doing so frames veganism as an elitist movement that cares more about mocking non-vegans than it does about making sure it has the populous support to take on the animal cruelty in the animal food industry that it currently doesn’t have.
More vegans means more power against the people committing these crimes, but the more vegans there are, the less impact that “non-vegans pay people to kill animals for them to enjoy” kind of rhetoric actually has.
That’s a rhetoric veganfacts pushes. That’s why they jump down the throats of people discussing vegans as morally level with non-vegans. They were defending their own moral righteousness, not a movement that seeks to foster education toward better lives for the people they vilify.
Other vegans are doing that though. They educate. They facilitate and they’re tackling the issue of food availability, and they are honestly working their asses off to make a real change in the world.
And you’ll recognize those people when you start looking for the pattern. They’re the ones who acknowledge and understand why the vegan movement stalls the way it does. They’re the ones building community vegetable gardens and making sure people have food on their table before they even begin worrying about making sure that food is cruelty free.
They don’t use divisive or inflammatory language, and the word carnist is the last thing they’d think to call someone because they know that word mocks basic human needs and makes monsters out of people just so they can justify the claim that that’s what’s wrong with the world.
Veganfacts is not how veganism should look. Their rhetoric is not universal, and they do not deserve to be exemplified.
Veganism is good.
That person is not.
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