#detached manner ? or are on the individual level someone who is hurting other people and acting selfishly and a being bad person?
bbqhooligan · 4 months
"you cant be a self aware asshole you gotta stop being an asshole" by burnham continues to claim assholes who just cant change everything about them, 17 more dead, 32 in critical condition
#mypost#fighting that quote like nothing else.#IM THIS WAY BECAUSE I WAS MADE THIS WAY -> change then asshole become better or die-> THATS VERY CRUEL TO SAY AND I DO TRY LITTLE BY LITTLE#->then stop claiming it as a personality trait or flaw -> IT SEEMS GLARINGLY IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE CONTRASTED WITH PEOPLE I MEET ->#everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about -> STATISTICALLY IM THE ONE MORE LIKELY TO BE FIGHTING A BATTLE MOST KNOWS NOTHING ABT#ON THE ACCOUNT OF THE. PERSON I AM AND THE LIFE IVE LIVED -> pain cant be compared and measured. see the human experience as equals. cope#-> YOURE RIGHT WHAT IM LACKING IS A SENSE OF COMMUNITY (impossible for me rn) AND OUTSIDE LOVE AND SUPPORT#-> people get better when theyre given outside love and support. how can we hold it against them when they dont#-> SO WE HANG IN THERE. TRYING NOT TO HOLD IT AGAINST OURSELVES I GUESS#-> yeah. tho. im not sure if im happy saying that because we made the quote unapplicable. to anyone.#-> MAYBE NOT EVERYTHINGS APPLICABLE TO EVERYTHING AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HOLDING IT AGAINST PEOPLE THE BETTERMENT OF THEIR MENTAL HEALTH#AT BEST SADDLES THEM WITH FURTHER INDIVIDUALISTIC GOALS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF GETTING BETTER#-WHEN MOST OF THE TIME THE NEED TO GET BETTER IS ALREADY TIED TO A LACK OF SUPPORT-#AND AT WORST FURTHER MARGINALIZES THE PEOPLE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED TO BE ALREADY LACKING SUPPORT AND LIVING IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONS#-> yeah. but so what. are we part of marginalized groups who should be thought of in an analytical helpful compassionate but ultimately de#detached manner ? or are on the individual level someone who is hurting other people and acting selfishly and a being bad person?#-> BE HONEST W ME WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HURT ANOTHER PARTY MORE THAN YOU HURT YOURSELF#-> irrelevant. causing myself harm doesnt take away from the pain i inflict#-> OK THEN ANSWER ME THIS ARE YOU OR ARE YOU NOT ON AVERAGE MORE HURTFUL THAN THE EVERYDAY PEOPLE ON THE STREET#-> again irrelevant. what they do or dont do doesnt absolve me or anything#-> BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU STATISTICALLY A BETTER PERSON OR NOT.#-> claiming causing less harm for others in exchange for more harm for youself makes you a better person. do you hear yourself#-> YEAH NO THATS BATSHIT INSANE... WHY DONT YOU GIVE YOURSELF THE GRACE YOU AFFORD EVERYONE ELSE THO#-> they can be thought of in both emotionally divorced and deeply compassionate ways both of which prove theyre eligible#-> BUT YOU CANT BE? NOT EVEN ABSTRACTLY?#<*->....#-> THE SUN SET WHILE WE WERE TALKING. I CAN BARELY SEE THE KEYBOARD.#*-> you dont need to anymore. i get it#-> YOU SEE?#->i see yeah. lol
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transrobins · 4 years
Some headcanons about the Bats’ natural capacities for empathy, and how that comes out in their work. Under the cut for length
1. Dick has a naturally high capacity for empathy and often finds himself in the role of the Wayne Family Therapist, partially because he has the easiest time understanding everyone’s feelings. He finds it easy to see things from others’ perspectives, and that makes it easier for him to problem solve. This is also why he’s so effective as Damian’s guardian/mentor. Damian inherited Bruce’s allergy to processing and expressing emotions in a healthy and constructive manner (and all the childhood trauma didn’t help either), so he needed someone who could see past all his shit and understand where he’s coming from
Dick channels his empathy into a high level of compassion, and tends to forgive people on the basis that he understands why they did the things they did. Sometimes this is good, sometimes it is Not. However, Dick’s high empathy also makes it easier to read people, and subsequently charm them. This is helpful not only in vigilante work, but in Gotham’s high society
2. Jason also has naturally high empathy, and tends to gravitate toward the role of a protector. As the Red Hood, he’s a fierce guardian of Gotham’s downtrodden. He grew up in Crime Alley, he’s been where these people are, and he can’t help but feel their pain. But it’s not just them that he can get into the heads of. He understands Bruce to a level that even Bruce himself doesn’t. He can’t stop it, even if he would prefer to never think about it at all (especially since Bruce can’t seem to understand him the same way)
Jason channels his empathy into rage. He has no problem using violence as a means of protection, because being able to feel others’ pain makes him so viscerally angry
3. Tim has naturally low empathy. He grew up incredibly isolated and has a hard time reading social cues and understanding others, but his genius-level intelligence makes him much more equipped to analyze people’s behavior and figure them out. He has little trouble distancing himself from the horrors of what he sees, and compartmentalization is second nature to him. He can distance himself from emotions well enough to create contingency plans for the people closest to him thanks Bruce, and fails to realize how that would be hurtful (Dick points this out when Tim says he didn’t think Damian would care)
However, Tim is still very compassionate, he just approaches it in a more logical way. He sought out Batman because he could see him running himself into the ground after Jason’s death, and knew that he was going to get himself killed. He couldn’t understand the pain of losing a child, but he could tell that Bruce was in pain, and went about trying to fix it the only way he knew how. Having Robin by his side made Batman better, so clearly he needs a new Robin
4. Damian has naturally low empathy, but I would say he has a higher capacity for it than Tim. He has the easiest time relating to and interacting with animals, mostly because people confuse him. This was especially hard when he was transitioning from the League of Shadows to the Bats. With the League he knew the score. He knew what was expected of him, and he knew what would happen if he failed. When he joins the Bats, he has no idea what these people want from him. His old rules don’t seem to apply anymore, and he can’t get a good enough read on them to figure out what the new rules are (enter Dick and his years of experience sorting out Wayne family emotional issues)
When he was with the League, his low capacity for empathy was capitalized on in his training. He was manipulated into believing that the reason he couldn’t figure out other people’s emotions was simply because he was better than them, just so he’d have no problem killing them. It takes a lot of work for him to unlearn that (and everything else the League taught him), and caring for his pets is a huge part of that. Since he has an easier time relating to animals, looking after them taught him about having a responsibility to other living beings and bridged the gap for him to start valuing other people as individuals
Once he’s made that progress, he operates with a logic-based compassion similar to Tim’s. He sees a person in need, knows he can help them, and then does so. He knows why it’s important, and does it because he knows these people are in pain even though he can’t feel that pain with them
5. Bruce doesn’t have particularly high or low empathy, but being raised as an isolated rich kid had a big impact on the way he relates to others. It’s not that he just naturally has a hard time getting into other people's heads, it’s that he’s so detached from everyone else. He’s detached from most of Gotham due to his privileged upbringing, but his early childhood trauma and isolation distanced him from the elites as well
This leads to his view of himself as Gotham’s guardian. He sees himself as, essential, an impartial party to all of this. It definitely impacts his relationships with his kids, since he only really understands the parts of them he sees in himself (Dick as a child who watched his parents die, Tim as an isolated rich kid, etc). This type of understanding extends to the rest of Gotham, too. He understands the people who have lost things to crime and corruption the way he lost his parents, and he understands people who are driven toward justice because of it. Like Dick, however, he doesn’t always know where to draw the line. To him, the Joker killing because he’s “clinically insane” ugh and Jason killing because he can’t handle the pain of Gotham’s people are more or less on the same level, and he tries to give them both equal opportunity to redeem themselves 
Cass canonically has extremely high empathy. She can understand people’s emotions even when she can’t process their words, and body language is literally her first language. Other people have a much harder time understanding her than she does them, simply due to the communication barrier, but her high empathy helps bridge that gap for her
When David Cain makes her kill, and she realizes what really happened, she is devastated. She essentially felt the man die. This pain drives her to escape, and eventually drives her to join the Bats. Her empathy still extends to the bad guys, and she’s had to learn how to separate herself from the (necessary) pain she inflicts. She has to tone down (or even shut off) her compassion for them in order to protect herself
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spoppersonality · 4 years
SPOP Character Typing: Adora
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ESTJ, 9w1, 953, so/sp
I’ve seen Adora typed as ESFJ and ENFJ, and I get why people don’t think she seems “hard” enough to be an extroverted thinking dominant type. But I think this is exactly the kind of mistype that happens when people don’t know Enneagram. Adora is an interesting mix because she has a super soft Enneagram core type and a harder “take-charge” MBTI type.
So, let’s get into that.
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I think what people forget when they type Adora as an extroverted feeling dominant type, is how incredibly personal and tactful Fe-doms are. (On a good day, anyway.) Adora, however, tends to be more impersonal and straight-to-the-point. Te-doms can also come off as people-oriented, that is not exclusive to Fe-doms, but they go about it differently. There is an Fe-dom in the Best Friends Squad, but that is not Adora.
If you think about it, Adora is a very classic Te-Si type. She likes rules and has a natural inclination towards implementing those rules in a very practical, hands-on type of manner. She’s very action oriented. She sees what needs to be done, and does it. ESTJs are highly effective in the sense that they don’t often stop to ask as much questions as some other types. They go about things based on what gets them from point A to point B, and what has worked in the past, or how they are used to doing things. They can also get quite hooked in moving from one plateau to the next in a routinely manner. This can often be how ESTJs go through life, if they don’t stop to think about why they are doing what they are doing, and specifically what personal values drive their actions. No wonder ESTJs are generally the jockiest jocks to ever jock.
Being a Te-dom doesn’t mean you’re not empathetic. Adora definitely is. It just means that you primarily show it through action. If a friend cries, for an Fe-dom the most natural course of action may be to sit with them and listen, and for a Te-dom it might be eliminating the reason for the crying. This is overly simplified of course, and real people as well as good fictional characters are multifaceted, but you get the idea. This is how Adora most often works. It’s not: “Catra, I can see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?” It’s: “Let’s take a skiff for a ride to cheer you up.”
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Adora can also be quite funny in a random seeming way, which is due to her tertiary extroverted intuition. ESTJs and ESFJs (tert Ne-types) are often one of the most hilarious people alive, because they like to use their extroverted intuition in tandem with their dominant function. The level of control they have over it isn’t often that great, so it comes off as child-like randomness. Their first two functions lead them towards order and predictability, but when Ne comes into play and they venture out of their usual habits, they may surprise you. The results might be unpredictable: Turns out licking sand didn’t work for Adora but with the help of her friends she managed to play Double Trouble’s game nicely.
In general ESTJs are not in their comfort zone with Ne-type of creativity or innovation but they are not hopeless with it. Adora struggles with the more unpredictable qualities of her sword, like turning it into different objects. She doesn’t use that quality too often and doesn’t have too much variety when she does. While Adora’s first instinct is to simply charge ahead, someone with high Ne would’ve been likely to utilize the flexible qualities of the sword to the max. But Adora can still manage it, her Ne isn’t low enough to be considered her Achille’s heel. She takes a bit of time with it but eventually comes up with solutions that work, such as carrying her sword as a bracelet.
Introverted feeling is what Adora desperately needs in her life and has trouble figuring out. If you think about Fi-doms, they are people who spend a lot of time thinking about who they are, what they want, what they value, and their life builds around that. It’s their most natural state, thinking about whether or not everything they face is something they like/dislike, if it’s good/bad, right/wrong, desirable or not, them or not them.
This is what makes the planets align for an ESTJ. They neglect this function, and when they finally start developing it, the whole world is new for them. This is very literal in Adora’s case, it’s like Etheria’s magic is waking up with her introverted feeling. (Because when all your four functions finally align it IS magic.) That function, introverted feeling, is essentially where she keeps her love for Catra, or rather, it’s the function she needs to be able to make one person, whether it’s Catra or herself, a priority. Te is a rather utilitarian function, and since Adora leads with that and has internalized the belief that her desires don’t matter, there’s nothing in her dominant extroverted thinking process that would justify her “selfish” desires. Te cares about numbers, masses and large scale consequences. She needs Fi, the function that is all about individuality, and essentially yourself. We know how much it takes for that function to surface for her, but when it does, oh boy.
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Core type: 9
As a type 9, Adora comes off as unassuming, warm and friendly. 9’s are all about forgiveness, self-neglect and acceptance.
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9 is the most “traditionally selfless” type, because unlike Enneagram 2s for example, 9s don’t expect anything in return for what they give to others. Adora’s upbringing has magnified that quality in her (which was obviously very intentional from Shadow Weaver). 9s also have a natural tendency to ignore negative feelings, so they can keep feeling “okay” and unaffected by the external world. This quality makes 9s susceptible to staying in bad situations and bad relationships for a very long time, because they so persistently see the good in others. This is why it took Adora so long, and why she needed evidence that was impossible to ignore to realize that the Horde didn’t have a good cause. 9s are conflict-avoidant because they fear loss and separation above all. That’s why Adora too is such a people pleaser. She would rather live in “fake” harmony, than be the one to create conflict that causes emotional pain. Unfortunately, that’s exactly why 9s sometimes upset others. Like how Adora is unwilling to do anything that would get her on Shadow Weaver’s bad side, which hurts Catra. Or how she pretends to be the She-Ra Plumerians expect her to be so she wouldn’t disappoint them, which only leads her to disappoint them more later. It’s very classic 9 of her to let things develop to a point where everything comes crashing down before addressing the conflict she really needs to address. 9s tend to go with the flow, and sometimes too far.
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One of the big things with 9s is that they lack a solid sense of self. They are out of touch with their needs, desires, and identity. Another thing that Shadow Weaver magnified in Adora. Basically, if you break a 9’s sense of self-worth far enough, they’ll become a blank canvas for others to write on, because they already believe they are somehow inherently “less” than others. They always assume to be the least important person in the room. As a 9, what being She-Ra essentially meant to Adora was being everyone else’s servant. For other types it would have meant different things, like to a type 4 it would have been about having personal significance in the world, and to a 3 it would have essentially been about being a celebrity. As a 9 Adora was also one of the most likely people to just roll with it. Like, if you threw something like that at a type 6, they would have most likely just bolted, and half of the storyline would’ve been about “I can’t/don’t want to do this!”. (=a tip for anyone who wants to write certain role swap AUs. ;D)
As a 9, Adora integrates to 3, so at her best mental state, she becomes driven, ambitious, present, and sees her value as a person. She’s no longer someone things happen to, but she’s the driving force in changing her life and the things around her. She disintegrates to 6, so in times of prolonged stress she can get easily irritable, pessimistic, and feel helpless.
Wing: 1
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This is where Adora gets her grit, and the moralizing side to her character. Having a strong 1-wing definitely helped her survive in the Horde but it also frequently adds fuel to her self-sacrificing: it’s so easy to back up that 9 quality by telling herself it’s “the right thing to do”. The Right Thing is all 1 cares about. It also plays directly into her dominant Te tendency to follow rules, and makes her the typical “Lawful Good” type of person. Catra’s accusation that Adora “thinks she’s better than everyone” doesn’t miss the mark too far. Even though Adora isn’t a core 1, and as such her whole identity isn’t wrapped up in being morally superior, she does care about having integrity to a certain extend. So, maybe she doesn’t literally think she’s better than everyone, but she still strives to be above certain things, and hates the idea of being “bad”.
Head fix: 5
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This is largely where Adora’s nerdy side comes from. 5s want to be competent, and they hate not knowing what to do, so they want a lot of information. Not knowing and not understanding frightens them. The most blatant expression of this with Adora is probably the whole thing with the princess prom. This side of her comes to surface when she can’t just adapt (=9) or do the right thing (=1). 5 is also detached and uncomfortable with their feelings, so this only strengthens Adora’s 9-tendency to not address hers. 5s are also big on compartmentalizing, so this greatly helps Adora to entertain certain difficult realities inside herself as if it’s nothing, such as Catra is an enemy she routinely fights, but she would also die for her in a heartbeat.
Heart fix: 3
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If none of the three other strategies work, Adora will try to solve things and get people on her side by showing off. 3s want to be viewed as valuable and useful by others, and in Adora’s case it’s probably best seen in the way she acts when she meets Huntara. 3 is where she gets her cocky side. It’s a funny contrast with her humble 9-core, and in most cases she only has enough confidence to act like this when she’s with Catra, or when she’s She-Ra. Having a 3-fix also plays into her need to be useful, because while 9s often want to be useful to excuse their existence, 3s also want to hear that they are useful, so whatever little vanity Adora has will always directly reinforce the idea that good things come from her overexerting herself.
Instinctual Variant: so/sp
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Social instinct is Adora’s primary instinct. She has a natural inclination to play by the rules of the group and acknowledge hierarchy, because social variants get safety from belonging and having a place, a role, in something bigger than themselves. Even though she has her hero complex, she doesn’t tend to fly solo until the stakes are really high. She never questions the Princess Alliance, it’s simply natural for her to move from one group to another, and that She-Ra’s strength belongs for the rebellion. She doesn’t really seem to get why some other people don’t seek the strength in numbers. Losing She-Ra also primarily means losing her place in the group for her, and she very much struggles to accept this.
Self-preservation instinct is Adora’s secondary one. It may seem like it isn’t because she’s so ready to die for others, but self-preservation isn’t really about that. It’s more about being preoccupied with questions of resources. Like, after turning against the Horde, Adora isn’t just concerned about losing the support of the group, her mind also immediately goes to “I don’t have a roof over my head”. She’s not as particular about having her physical needs met as a primary self-pres would be, but it’s included in her priorities. She feels out of place in Bright Moon because she’s used to different kind of surroundings, and losing She-Ra’s power is a hard blow because of losing the physical strength she has as She-Ra: her means for providing physical safety for others. She also desires some amount of independence, and She-Ra gave her that as well.
Sexual instinct is what Adora needs more in her life. That’s so tied to the whole point of the show that I’m not even sure what would be worthwhile for me to say about it at this point. The whole conflict between her and Catra relates so closely to it. Adora will routinely make sacrifices in her personal relationships for the common good, because one-to-one relationships are not her first concern in life. People who neglect their sexual instinct are uncomfortable with their more “primal” and intense feelings, so even in her closest relationships Adora is more about being friendly and accommodating and showing warm feelings to the other. She doesn’t have the “let me stare you deep into the eyes for hours and drown myself in them” quality that is characteristic of the sexual instinct. However, this is exactly the part she needs to accept in herself to be fully satisfied and to take her relationships to another level.
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SPOP is so juicy because it’s so much about personal growth. We see Adora face pretty much every weakness and blind spot that relates to her personality, and we get to see her change for the better. At least that makes it very satisfying for me to analyse, because I’m such a fan of growth. Can’t wait to get to analyse the other main characters, and the supporting cast too.
Also, if you wish I would do a particular character, just tell me and I’ll take that into consideration!
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lilmajorshawty · 5 years
Any idea how to spot the rising signs based on mannerisms (rather than physical looks)?
YES plenty :D 
some quick short cuts though!
look for celebrities share their sun and search for people with that sun and the rising sign you might think they are!
the reason being is A LOT of similarities can be found with certain placements and positions. so say your crush is a Libra sun, you would look up Libra rising with various rising signs and what i usually do is watch interviews, look at young photos and so on! if you want to really dig into it you can look up sun and moon combos via house placements associated with the believed rising sign you think they may be. so say you thin the herd to a Scorpio rising and their Libra sun falls in the 12th while their Gemini moon is in the 8th you would then look up Pisces sun with Scorpio moon and see how they act, watch interviews and look for facial and emotional similarities! now this is stuff i do and it is quite a bit of work so i’m going to list a few simple traits that stand out and spread them out into decans to make it easier because not every decan share the same characteristics.
Aries rising : the first decan is the most energetic and impulsive of the bunch but also has tremendous stability. the last decan is superrrrrr grounded and can seem like an earth sign because their energy flows calmer. the second decan is a bit more untethered and can seem unpredictable and “hurt”
(first decan): Bubbly, headstrong, stubborn and incredibly childlike and youthful in mannerisms and in their outlook on life. always laughing unless Saturn or Pluto sit here or are in aspect. 
(second decan): Lost, Confused or their attention span seems gated or easily distracted in some way. Sensitive, emotional, Independent but also cool and aloof, hard to read emotionally.
(third decan): Earthy, doesn’t seem like a fire sign, laid back, BLUNT, impersonal, INTENSE, strong observation and body language reading skills, tolerant and easily accepting of others.
Taurus rising:  the last decan is fairly serious and can seem more like an angry bull if anything. they are also the most moody. the 1st decan is softer than the other two. and the second decan is the most detached of them.
(first decan): SWEET, impressionable, stubborn as hell, creative, artistic and deeply attuned to their feminine and emotional side, enjoying life by seemingly turning a blind eye. literal deer.
(Second decan): SMART, the mind is fast and sharp, stuck in their ways, scientist and “lovers of the ganja.” meditation, cautious and extremely personal and direct, sensual and horny, magnetism, hard not to fall for them flaws and all.
(third decan): stern, serious temperament, father time energy, stoic, erotic and sensual but more so in a environment way than a touching way. sublime attraction to music and art/dance. very nice weight gain, temper tantrums and aloofness. AMBITIOUS and shy/standoffish.
Gemini rising :the last decan is the most of an enigma and to me is the most complex of the three. the first and second decans are both fairy like but the first decan is more sweet and emotionally present while the second relies more on cerebral stimuli.
(first decan): Disconnected, strong romantic nature, seems grounded but also slightly off in a way. jaded personality. keeps interactions of all kind impersonal especially when in public. seem serious and rather harsh when meting a stranger. highly energetic and full of life at random moments(this is their real self).
(second decan): Magnetic as shit but also unstable as shit, passive, neurotic, camera ready personality, very silly and playful, emotionally available, very sympathetic and passionate, moody and escapist. can battle bouts of depression.
(third decan): ARTISTIC and extremely gifted in the art of human nature. More detached than any Aquarius you’’ll ever meet. live on another planet. can seem like they wont be staying for long. very strong energy and magnetism. “the demon gaze.” EXTREME emotional mood swings. Powerful emotions and can seem very tense or extremely disengaged. 
Cancer rising : ALL of them are sensitive! but id say the first decan is the saddest looking or the most innocent and caring of the bunch even when they don’t want to be. the second decan is the more intense and aloof of them while the last decan is the most magnetizing of the three due to their flighty and intangible nature.
(first decan): Stoic, can seem miserable some moments as if the world is falling around them, or can look bright and innocent like a small infant. Very nurturing and cares a lot about the well being of others “genuinely.” can seem tired or agitated. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MOODY. hard to really understand or get to know. lives in their heads. very cunning and extremely smart and talented but never show this. detached and a bit cold to strangers.
(Second Decan): secretive. adaptive. extremely self aware. lack of pity or sympathy for others. INTENSE. intimidating. emotionally present but can also be too emotionally unavailable at times. cutting and raw. deep set stares. can be very private and hidden. STRONG sex appeal but in a divine feminine way even in men. strong sensuality and emotional sensitivity when they like you. VERY cold to outsiders and people who speak on their family or lovers.
(Third decan): The demon, chameleons, sheds personalities quite a bit. multiple personalities. dark.elusive. extremely caring and can seemingly surround a room in good vibes. very tender and very mothering. slow to except situations or circumstances. irrational tendencies. strong sex drive. illusion like temperamental. disappearing acts. beautiful energy.
Leo rising: the first decan is rather immature but they radiate the sun in full glory. the second decan is the most emotionally driven while the last decan is the most serious and mature of the bunch. dare i say they come across like a Capricorn/aries combo
(first decan): kitty cats. easily entertained. free love types. hard to tame and or get to settle down. LOVE the spotlight. strong aura. very easy going and deeply fixed personalities. Energetic as all hell. can seem bull headed or uncompromising. entertainers. sexually experimental and also very comfortable with sexuality and their expression of it both publicly or private. can be super detached especially when they are in a playful mood. SERIOUSLY they are like house cats so they are easily bored and can seemingly dismiss anything that doesn’t keep them entertained.
(Second decan): cubs. huge babies. can be very soft and act like teenagers from time to time. easily discouraged by things when they aren’t receiving encouragement. VERY personal. slow to open up. very sentimental and thoughtful. volatile emotions(in some men they can express this violently on their environment or on others, depends on the person and chart though). gentle. very goofy and playful people. negligent.
(third decan): Lions. Mature. stoic, intense. slightly emotionally unavailable for a long time until they trust you. Intense emotions. Lost. easily tired and can seem disengaged or disinterested. GETS very intent and serious when they like someone(their usual happy go lucky self disappears, they take romance seriously as hell.) intimate. sacrificial. very Strong instincts. observant. caring
Virgo Rising: the difference is that the first decan is more “virgo” than the other two. the last decan is the more completed version of virgo and seem the most emotionally available while the second decan is the coldest.
(first decan): Piercing energy. dark and sort of distant. strong mental activity. strong attraction to nature and the nitty gritty of life. Cerebral. very into conspiracy or the unacknowledged aspects of life. cynical. Very old souls. harsh beliefs. charismatic and poised. Very clear speakers and incredibly straight forward people. lacking in emotional compassion. can wear the work face quick. very sensual and touchy feely. very respectful and kind hearted. understanding. sensitive to others but may not completely “understand.” very warm natures.
(second decan): peaceful. keeps it simplistic and chill. not good at drama or confrontations. anger comes out at really bad times and have a hard time differentiating between their emotions. Strong sexual desires. can seem emotionally complex or as if they aren’t giving you “all of them.” doesn’t like being questioned. Domineering and dominate personalities(men more than women) types to give speeches or call everyone else sensitive. Hardworking and sacrifices a lot for work. weird relationship with romance, kinda center their life on it but also don’t care much for it.
(third decan): Another level. EARTHY. intense drive and passion. dedicated and loyal to friends and lovers and especially family. very sweet nature and comfortable with themselves. heavy energy. VERY charming and extremely sensual. can seem a bit like a ken or barbie with a more down to earth like energy. very clean and also very judgy of unsanitary situations. very emotionally open and extremely loving. relaxed and genuine.
Libra rising: they all share the very gentle and social nature but as you get into the ladder decans they become far more introverted. the first decan is the most lively and what you see in articles about Libra risings. the second decan is more quiet and slightly more emotionally scattered as they are more focused on others and struggle with identifying themselves. The last decan is the most intense of the Libra risings and can have very dark and rather isolated natures. they will seem the least like libra rising.
(first decan): playful and amiable. Very romantic minded but also Extremely self reliant and independent. Strong personalities. individuals. very perceptive and socially intelligent. very open and straight to the point. may struggle with darker emotions from time to time. Lighthearted as hell. naturally into the more darker or more sensual sides of life. bad boy and girl. feels everything hard. very innocent. not a mean bone in their body but boy can they be blunt as shit.
(second decan): sweet but distant. very present but also in a weird way not all the way there. emotions can hit like a nuke and subside just as quick. very sensitive to the emotions of others. can seem to lack deeper feelings or not  really know how they feel. transparent. predictable. very likable. a military like personality from time to time. can seem to fluctuate between needing to be in control of things and not really caring. falls for someone sweet and understanding 99% of the time! looks don’t matter much to them.
(Third decan): Very dark. the emotional nature can be pretty intense and in some cases it can cause obsessive habits, self destructive habits, emotional disengagement, or even depression and unhealthy moods. tense temperament. do not like being alone. can be very mean or cold unintentionally. very distant. very magnetic and seem to have this spark about them that makes people naturally fawn over them. can feel draining. very giving and VERY passionate about friends and lovers but can struggle most with romance because their emotions shift A LOT. disciplined and extremely mature for their age. curious and also very responsible. can get stuck in ruts.
Scorpio rising: They all kinda share the energy of toxic behavior patterns but the types of patterns are unique to each decan(mind you this is a possibility not a norm) the first decan is the most intimidating and the more sexually and emotionally intense of the bunch. the second and third are a bit more relaxed emotionally but the second decan natives can be moody and harsh in nature due to their escapist tendencies. the last decan can be deceptive and slightly manipulative as they alter situations and perceptions as a means of concealing their actions or emotions.
(First decan): Intense. intimidating. thrill seekers. sex and emotions are hand in hand. manipulation and jealously can be very dangerously expressed here. they are highly self aware but may not try to fix their problems. emotionally intense and unreadable. lives in another mind space. gloomy and stoic. Can be TOO serious. Very slow to open up. can be very loyal and stuck on one person. hard to juggle their emotions and their everyday duties. very honest and genuine. lacks discipline or diplomacy. Dangerous energy. can seem like a bad idea. tend to tell people what they’re getting involved with before people try try to get close to them. not the type to cheat but can Be very contradictory personality wise. most of them are open to any and all sexual experiences be it same sex, orgy, and so on. they are big on accepting others as is. VERY sweet and gentle with their lovers.
(second decan): ominous. seems irritated. hates dishonesty and fakes. plays the field. strong sexual instincts. strong compassion for those around them. tries to fix everything. sharp tongues. may dress in brighter colors than most Scorpio risings and very big on expressing themselves. drug use and alcohol use is common territory, as are uppers and downers. using people, or things as escape mechanisms is a bad trait they have. understanding but also critical of others. lovers of music and dance. can be very strongly tied to music or have strong opinions about artist. HUGE judges of performances and what others create. very wet and or intangible presence. they don’t really seem there or can fade in and out of your memory. 
(third decan): sunny but unstable. they are very open and smiley. can seem to have a positive outlook on life. may be emotional issues or inconsistent desires and needs. very smart and intelligent. athletic and or takes good care of their bodies. that said they tend to tie emotional states to their well being so if things aren’t okay with a lover or with things at home or even in general they can be sluggish, irritated, or even manipulate or hurt others just to feel in control of something. sweet but slightly disrespectful or lacking in awareness. moments of high energy and moments of low energy. usually very sociable and talkative. loves cerebral banter and can be very seductive vocally. may pick on or poke fun every once and awhile. super easy going and immature personality. risk takers and tend to see romance as a fun thing.
Sagittarius rising: energy colors all of the decans but i’d say the 1st and last decan are the typically loud goofsters while the second decan is more chill and more rebellious type.
(First decan): MASCULINE. can be pretty direct. they have this way about speaking and acting that can seem like they haven’t heard a word you said but their laid back and rather happy demeanor tends to throw you off. move fast and can seem to lack discipline. ACTIVE and can usually take the initiative in most situations. cool emotional state and usually avoids messier emotional displays. Likes fun and stimulation and can struggle when around more serious or intense feelings. HIGH sex appeal but can also seem like everything is just a game to them.
(second decan): somber. slightly ungrounded. can live life on a whim. goes where the wind takes them so to speak. the realm of sex and intimacy is always a curious world for them. can be very sensitive and emotionally expressive. very interested in the feelings of people. researcher types and tend to sort of investigate or interrogate people they meet. highly optimistic but a slightly more realistic energy. softies and don’t try to hide it. super supportive and sympathetic. LOVESSSSSSSSS foreign anything, tends to spend a lot of time going to culture festivals or out of the country. seems shy and quiet at first but can have the same gusto and enthusiasm as the other decans.
(third decan): very sensual and charming. they can seduce a room without much effort. they are great people readers. tend to be cautious of people and prefer their own space and their own time. down to earth but also a bit more intense. they don’t tolerate very much and can be very attracted to anything or anyone from a different region, culture or even long distance. they love a good party but also can fly into recluse mode real fast. temptations and lust can fuck them up. strong desire to live life their way, not overly tied to any one thing.
Capricorn rising: they all have the intimidating aura but i would say the first decan is the sweetest of them. the second decan is the most charming and romantically charged while the last decan is the most “Capricorn” like as they truly do prioritize their own goals and aspirations.
(first decan): Tender and sophisticated. they have extravagant taste and can have a hard time being around people who settle for whats given. strong minds and personalities. doesn’t trust much. very emotionally introverted. does not reveal all the details. can seem discerning. hard to please and also high standards. very abrupt. enjoys stable and more sensual means of enjoying themselves. the men and women tend to stay fit and can put a lot of work on keeping grounded.
(second decan): VERY stable. loves to explore and can seem like they are all over the place. very strong sexual drive and can be very obsessed with sex on the low(you wont know though). Takes their mental health very seriously and takes very frequent brakes and recuperation time. thinks everything over before reacting. prideful. usually a magnetic allure to them. can seem a bit tough or rough around the edges upon first meeting them. very sensitive and emotional and can have a very soft heart on a deep level when it comes to others and because of this they ARE very SOCIALLY awkward.
(third decan): Pompous and arrogant. Very aware of the potential in others. constantly working and pushing themselves to be the very best. Usually the types to place high value in fashion and their appearance. many of them have a strong energy and can easily intimidate you. they aren’t readily emotional and can lack the ability to understand the feelings of others. their emotions are not overly complicated which is part of the reason why. they enjoy a richness of character and can be very humble and appreciative of everything big or little. very much so Casanova types. many enjoy the chase while the ladder enjoy the rush of intimacy and romance. they are the hardest to get to settle down because they feel as though the world is vast, why waste your time on a fleeting moment. very energetic and drawn to movement. 
Aquarius rising: the second decan is the most happy go lucky and quirky of the bunch while the first decan is kinda like a school student or researcher. the third decan is the most emotionally complex of them all.
(First decan): very soft nature. they are curious about everything. very dry on social media or through texting. love the unexpected and can enjoy challenging social norms or cultural exceptions of their era. The most emotionally available of the bunch and can have an easy time relating on an emotional level to people on a very deep level. kinda vain and lacks grounded beliefs. seems to spend more time questioning then answering. can be emotionally dark and intense but they have a naughty nature them as if they want things to get chaotic without realizing it.
(second decan): very earthy remarkably. they crave a lot of physical touch and can be a bit more communicative then the rest. they love all forms of communication and can use many as gateways to understand themselves. they are not easy to understand or know emotionally because they have so many unconscious walls. they live their lives in a sort of third person perspective. they can seem disconnected from their bodies or just move in a way that doesn’t go with their bodies. strong minded and can be very very brave. not the mist traditional of people but i’d say they are the most life on the prairie with flying saucers as you’ll get from Aquarius rising. THEY ARE ALWAYS TRANSFORMING AND TRYING TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES.
(third decan): can be very well spoken and incredibly mature. they take people and life pretty seriously but also have enough humility and good will to see life in a jokey and rather impersonal manner as well. they loveeeeee people and can be a people pleaser. this trait is most predominate in relationships though. they loathe falseness or a lack of genuine expression so they are keen on detaching or separating themselves instinctual if the sense it. they have the craziest fall back game. they tend to always be on the search for love but can seem to regret it once they have it. they struggle with finding a good balance between loner and co-dependent. they adore soft expressions of love from a far but can seem a little weird when it is done to them. They are always craving things that they don’t truly want.
Pisces Rising: all very intuitive but the last two decans can be more introverted about this. 
(first decan): They have a beautiful presence. they have a very radiant and soft way of speaking. the manner in which they express themselves seems as fragile as glass and often times angel like. the eyes aren’t watery but they do have a aura of being delirious or mentally absent. they are very sensitive and can easily read intentions, desires or actions of others for what they are and react accordingly. They are VERY guarded spiritually and can seem to live on another plane. very strong musical ability or fondness of music. rarely in a foul mood but can snap very quickly when their integrity or their well being is put under spotlight. PRIVATE. likes to be left the fuck alone.
(Second decan): intense. nurturing and sensitive personality. slightly abrasive and raw. can seem a bit stoic or “too real” for some people. not the types to beat around the bush. makes emotional choices between them and other people before they get a chance to. can grapple with their intense feelings and emotions quite a bit so because of this they tend to be loners or picky socially and romantically about who they spend time with. LOVES kids. very spacey and intelligent. the manners are good but they can wane if they feel as though they are being disrespected. they aren’t moody when alone but much of their reactions and moods depend on the people they are talking to! so if you talk crazy to them expect that same energy back in full force and then some. VERY SEXUAL and these natives are also very private.
(Third decan): Ghosts. can seem secluded or emotionally tense. Takes things seriously and isn’t the type to reveal emotions or weaknesses. Very good at pretending or playing a role. “think drake’s song cameras.” they can have intense highs and lows behind closed doors and the only way of telling is by their detachment and escapism tendencies coming out full force. they are communicative to an extent but lack expressing the deep stuff. can take years to open up and can seem rather indifferent to emotions all together most of the time. strong desire to succeed and can have a very ambitious and emotionally self disciplined nature. may play the victim or manipulate in relationships but usually respect their lover HIGHLY to the point that they sacrifice much for them. typically grounded and stable they will seem the least like a Pisces rising and will seem more like Scorpio or Capricorn rising.
As a last note. planets aspecting the first house planet ruler or that sit in the first house period can greatly alter any of these interpretations. so try to guess the rising and use data of your generational planets to guess what might be aspecting what.
ex. Scorpio and Sagittarius risings might seem similar because Pluto in Sagittarius could rest in the 1st house or aspect the ascendant for both of these rising signs meaning you’d have to look at both interpretations. 
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cristallodineverosa · 5 years
Kaisoo handwriting couple analysis, aka The Match Made in Heaven Couple
Sorry for the cheesy title but I’ll explain later, I’m still a little mindblown. 
As requested, I’m doing a compatibility analysis just like I did for Chanbaek, always graphologycal-wise. I strongly recommend you to read my separate analysis posts (Kyungsoo, Jongin) before continuing with this post, because you might miss some important points if you don’t know the details about their individual analyses.
But let’s begin.
First of all, let me say that before doing this analysis I wasn’t a firm believer in this couple, not even a proper shipper. There is no particular reason because of this, I just thought they were cute and I never looked things too in-depth  because I guess I never really felt the need to. This is actually how things were before I started supporting Chanbaek... I just thought they were cute, then I started doing some researches and then BAM, hooked, because hints were everywhere and I just couldn’t say they weren’t real anymore. This is pretty much what is happening right now... I’m not a hardcore supporter yet, but at least graphologically-wise, Jongin and Kyungsoo are VERY compatible, even if on a totally different level than Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Let me argumentate a little more and I’ll explain why (brace yourself because this totally blew my mind).
As a preliminary note, I already emphasized in my posts that Jongin is far from being that sexy beast SM wants us to know, while Kyungsoo is very private and a little bit solitary. I defined Jongin as a very artistic man, with a strong push to express himself through arts (dance, draw), while Kyungsoo, even if driven by a big desire of communication, is very introverted and usually keeps his impulsivity at bay.
Let’s reinforce these statements by looking at their handwritten samples again:
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Let’s compare them without focussing too much on the graphological fundamentals. At a first glance, Jongin’s writing looks sloppier, less controlled than Kyungsoo’s, and this might add to our theory: as I said in the title of his individual analysis, Jongin is “the artist”. He loves expressing himself, going with the flow, even if he shows some (slightly worrisome, at least in my own opinion - don’t bash me for this) signs of social awkwardness and a of a certain tendence to detach himself from others instead of seeking for company and so on. On the other hand, Kyungsoo is a lot more guarded, much more aware of all the eyes focusing on him, and his writing looks a little “masked” to me, as if he feels he needs to write using proper Hangul form and mantain a certain aestheticity. 
What really blew me away is their name written in capital letters at the beginning of their little message. Doesn’t look that important? Other members wrote their name as well? I know, I know. But believe me, it’s meaningful: NO other member wrote his name in Latin letters and in such a big caliber like that (someone else, like Joonmyeon, used Latin letters but with other purposes). You might say, so? What’s your point?
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See what I mean? They are the only ones that used the same pattern: name in capital Latin letters, short message (and not a papyr like Chanyeol’s or others lmao). This is very interesting, and made me wonder if they wrote it physically on some board while they actually were together? Because if it’s like that, then it’s something that you could take as a very important piece of evidence about their mental connection. Writing in the same style (using the same fonts, a similar spacing, a similar sized message) is what established couples do. It’s a bit like when you live together: you slowly pick up the other’s habits, the other little quirks and manners, and you find yourself doing the same or interiorizing that move, doing it without really thinking. This is a sign of a very deep mental connection... and this actually happens a lot, if you think about it, both among animals and among humans. These “imitation” is made possible by a combination of motor neurons effect and autonomic nervous system.
This trait actually helped me to understand this couple’s dynamics a lot better than before. If Chanyeol and Baekhyun complete each other, mainly filling in each other’s weaknesses, Kyungsoo and Jongin are actually the opposite: they actually share a lot of traits, and they have a lot of similarities. I said similarities though... not that they or their personalities are the same. There are some differences as well. 
We noticed that they both use a pretty big spacing between words, meaning shyness and some difficulties in managing social situations (even introvertion, especially in Jongin’s situation): they both show this trait. So they are both not exactly the proverbial social butterfly. Another thing: ambition. They are both ambitious and driven by a strong will to succeed (as we can gather from the ascending pattern of the lines). Also, look at the linkings: we have many occurrences in both samples, meaning that they do share a bit of impulsivity as well (even if Kyungsoo is more the “impulsive” type and Jongin the “sloppy/not careful/decides on a whim” type, in my opinion). Both writings show signs of high occurrences in lower level, meaning grounding to balance out the impulsivity: they are both very loyal and reliable people (and the perfect husbands, oh my God. Do you understand now what I meant when I said this analysis blew me away?).
So, until now we have: shared ambition/strive to success, shared shyness/introvertion, shared tendence towards impulsivity balanced out with a good level of grounding. Beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s not talk about the differences.
Spacing. Kyungsoo’s writing is aligned towards right, meaning a strong will to detach himself from everything that is his old self, while Jongin is more cautious. Let’s not forget that lost his father not too long before writing this message... I can see some signs of sufferance in his writing, and this just breaks my heart. 
Forniveau. Jongin is more sensitive, more delicate in matter of feelings, while Kyungsoo looks more stern, more down-to-Earth (but not disaffected or cold... his feelings look more disciplined, as if he learnt to keep his fears or enthusiasms at bay). I think Jongin is the most easily hurt between them, while Kyungsoo is the one who can help him reason when he feels wronged. 
Caliber. Kyungsoo writes in a bigger caliber, meaning he has some dominant traits in his personality (not saying that he’s the dominat one in the couple or that he’s manlier than Jongin, I actually hate this kind of things. It’s very heteronormative and totally not my style. I’m just saying that he can balance out well the frailer traits we saw in Jongin’s personality).
To conclude: at least graphologically-wise, Kaisoo look like a very strong and long-established couple with shares the same goals and look very in tune. They of course balance out some weaknesses of each other, but what strikes me in them is especially this “established couple”’s vibe they give off, and I think this is really interesting because I didn’t feel the same when I analysed Chanbaek’s handwriting. 
What are your thoughts about this? I’d love to hear them~
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lunar-libran · 6 years
astro observations 🌙
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
People with their sun in the 8th house have features similar to their fathers.
Gemini moons are unpredictable in that their emotions and moods are always fluctuating. They can be hard to keep track of.
Capricorn rising are typically very stoic and stern, but they can also be quite humorous, talkative, and charming. They’re also the type to call you out on rude/disrespectful behavior or lack of manners.
Aquarius moons have an unusual bond with the mother. She may teach them to not care what others think and always be true to themselves.
Planets in the 10th house affect the way we approach the world. Mars in the 10th is aggressive and go-getter, Moon in the 10th is nurturing and altruistic, etc. It has to do with our drive.
When a Moon-Moon or Sun-Moon aspect is made in synastry, there is a good chance for a strong emotional connection between the two.
Sagittarius rising are such spontaneous individuals. Usually they are jumping from one activity to the next, always looking for something to keep them on their toes.
Moon in the 8th house indicates a powerful bond with the mother or nurturing figure.
An 11th house stellium is a good indicator of someone who is very progressive and open-minded.
Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo on the cusp of the 7th house can be surprisingly cold toward those they love. These signs tend to be more guarded in relationships, simply because they want to avoid getting hurt/being manipulated. They attract some seriously detached energy into their lives.
People with a lot of 4th house/Moon/Cancer energy can feel like they’re just big emotion sponges. They readily soak up their environment.
Mars in an earth sign is the hardest Mars to make angry — they are typically so level-headed, critical, and observant that they are able to work it out before things escalate.
Planets in the 7th house are the traits of ourselves that we most project onto others.
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real-fakedoors · 5 years
You must have gotten this question a lot but... how did you get the idea for star-crossed? And how’d you develop the world? I was really inspired by how you detailed your story to create such an amazing image for us readers of the world; especially when it got down to politics, the watches, characterizations and the planets-turned-countries. I’m currently writing (or trying to write) a book of my own, and I’ve been struggling with how to incorporate those kind of details. Do you have any advice?
hello & thank you for the ask! what a wonderful question, and an even more glowing compliment!! my heart is so full :,)
it’s a mixture of a few things, and I’m happy to break it down further if you’d like, but allow me to lay out my basic approach to writing in general & this fic specifically. I’ll try to address each question the best I can!
1. Ideas born from ideas
Music - I’m one of those people who draw on other sources of inspiration – especially music. All three of my most popular stories were at least first thought of by songs. (star-crossed was inspired by Constellations by The Oh Hellos).
Reference material/research - I’ve tried to be as explicit as possible in star-crossed when I describe/utilize the design of another creator for the basis of my work (like all of Lance’s pretty outfits), but in general, having reference material is the MOST IMPORTANT thing. I’ve done a ton of research on medieval culture, cuisine, buildings, and courts. A good example of this is from Chapter 16: The Prisoner’s Dilemma, I had no freakin’ idea how to describe a battlement, or what that even was – hence me googling “what is the top of a castle wall called” > they’re called battlements, got it! > google image, battelments 
There, I found this:
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and from that, I wrote this:
Quietly, they climbed until the highest reaches opened around them, a large plane of dark stone, stained by ombre rust to near-black on opposing ends of the terrace. A very small amount of snow had gathered, but most of it had blown away in the wind –  some small catches had gathered in pockets of shade, where the perimeter wall was buttressed by columns of scaffolding that each came to a point. They were massive structures, like stone arrows pointing towards the heavens; vaguely, Lance remembered one of his mother’s stories about a fletcher’s workshop for the gods; the sweep magnificence of the architecture, certainly lent itself to a sense of the divine and otherworldly greatness.
Linear plot - In terms of figuring out what I want to accomplish in the story, and in the chapters, I quite literally depend on my notes. I tend to get over-eager and want to do a lot in one chapter, so I force myself to map things out in accordance to time rather than events, and that helps me maintain something of a regular pace.
There are a few things I knew I had to have happen in the story, and some of it filled in naturally as I began writing. Here’s a picture of my office from the week I began writing star-crossed.
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(the text on the sticky notes doesn’t really matter; but pink are plot points and yellow are narrative themes)
If you squint – an example – Tuesday was supposed to be the day of the bombing, originally. All of the tension and build up and worries about the murder plot were never actually going to happen, as it was going to be wrong-place/wrong-time as a bomb went off in the city. Lance was always intended to get caught up in it instead of Keith as the target, but that obviously didn’t end up happening.
Why? As I wrote the beginning chapters, I had to remind myself that Keith is the Prince of Marmora, of which their expertise is spy networks and information. It didn’t seem feasible to me that such a large scale attack could occur in Marmora without the Blade knowing about it, which is why the attention ended up shifting towards the ball specifically.
Prompts - I am also of the belief that there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. There are wonderful, wonderful authors and writers out there who generate material specifically designed to help writers kickstart ideas; I collected a huge Google Doc of these when I first started star-crossed just to keep my head in accordance with the right themes. Rarely do I use a prompt word-for-word because they never really fit exactly what I’m writing, but the tone of the language often helps me in moments when I’m stuck. Here’s a sampling (and I am sorry, I didn’t think to mark the original blogs I took these from:
“The world was in flames. People were in need of laughter.”
“The world was in flames” helped me to derive some of the terrible disaster that came on the third night of the ball. I just really like that visual, so much orange and red light, and the unbearable heat.
“You can feel the world blooming and withering around you while you’re in prison.”
This sort of… live-and-die, questioning mortality thing, while in “prison” helped me to build Lance’s internal monologue while he was in the cellar.
“If I ignored destiny, so can you.”
Because Klance.
“I was waiting for a chance to ask you to dance with me, but you were gone.”
A knife-twist of how, though this was loosely inspired by the premise of Cinderella, Keith only got to ask Lance to dance twice over the course of three days – in part because Lance was always gone or with someone else, but also because Keith was equally tied up in the expectation that he was to dance with anyone who asked him.
The watches - That was my hope of tying in the paladin’s bayard. It was theoretically impossible to have a magical weapon appear in the hands of four teenagers and an adult without it raising many conspicuous questions, so I needed something a little more subtle. There’s still some… [redacted] about time that has to [redacted] before [redacted] can [redacted], so I can’t say much more than that. :,)
Pomp, Circumstance & Politics (oh my!) - okay, sorry, I couldn’t resist. heh. but, yeah, I don’t know if I can point to one specific thing in particular that gave rise to the political quagmire of this story. It’s definitely been inspired by an array of existing media – Downton Abbey certainly helped shape the “upper class” vs. “lower class” treatment. I also really enjoy historical readings. fiction or nonfiction, pertaining to wars: Ken Burn’s Vietnam War, for instance, helped remind me of the massive impact the decisions of few can have on the many. Whether or not you support a war, or a policy in Marmora’s case, can have devastating after-effects for the people beneath you. Keith and Krolia happen to be very conscious of this. But even so, there will always be a level of detachment from their view of the “many” (in which Lance, Hunk and Pidge fall), and this is never so apparent as when things are told from Lance’s POV. He’s just another person. He’s just one person. One of the hundred of thousands that would be effected by the daily decisions of Keith or Krolia, and it is that constant tension between “big picture” and “small picture” that I try to draw out in the on-going struggles had by the characters.
2. For me, the character’s are the world. 
That’s not me being poetic or anything – let me explain.
Imagine this: Suppose there is a person who has been devoid of all of their senses, all of their life – no touch, no smell, no hearing – nothing. Then suppose, one day, they are shaken from this catatonic state for the first time. Their senses now free, how would they experience this scene I am writing? What is so prevailing to the senses that it demands to be included in the narrative?
That is how I write my my worlds, at least descriptively. I try to pick out a few key things someone wouldn’t be able to help but notice.
This is great for characterization, too, because I can tweak the premise of the “feelingless individual” to suit how I imagine my characters. 
Keith, for example, from star-crossed – a few things I keep in mind when writing him: he is constantly frustrated by his inability to act on his impulses, so when he does it is extra satisfying. He’s keenly aware of the mannerism of others because of his upbringing in the court – if they have a weapon on their hip, for instance, is something he would notice in a heartbeat.
There were certain ticks to look for in a person trying to get too close: the ways their eyes moved, where their hands sat, what sort of clothing they wore. Was it something trim and fitted to make for an easy escape, or something bulky with a dozen pockets to hide any manner of weapon? Were those chemical burns on their hands from working with unstable materials? Did they look restless, liked they’d been up all night debating with themselves to go through with such a monumental act?
Maybe it was just learned paranoia, but these were the small enough traits that most people wouldn’t notice.
Keith, however, was trained to notice.
Lance, on the other hand, is a little more indulgent but easily overwhelmed; he has been restricted his whole life, so he indulges often and easily, but that puts him in a vulnerable position that can (and has) left him open to being hurt by the world around him. He’s one who is going to notice the weather, the quality of the air, because those were things that held meaning to him when he lived in the mountains – he’s one to fixate on his own mistakes, because he’s used to them being pointed out to him.
Lotor wanted to take off his mask so it was one less thing getting in the way, an obstruction to peeling back Lance’s sense of self, his ideas and interests and beliefs balled up in and thrown in a bin, along with his name and his past, so that he could be some fucked up little prize for the guy’s own enjoyment.
The fucking betrayal of his own body, too. The flushed cheeks, the friction of his hips over Lotor’s… ugh. It wasn’t —  he didn’t want it, it didn’t feel good, but the physical sensation was demanding and his body literally could not do anything but respond, and the memory of that alone was enough to have him clutching his head between his knees, legs drawn up to his chest.
Why was this so confusing? It shouldn’t be, and that only made Lance more frustrated. Lotor was a selfish asshole who tried to use his title to his advantage and force Lance to do things he didn’t want to do. Lance had even succeeded in pushing him away and standing up for himself, but the triumph was bittersweet.
This mindset was especially critical when writing Chapter 14: Twenty-Six Hours, because it was the first time we delved into the consciousnesses of the other characters! (I’m just really happy with the way that one turned out *sob*)
Also, a note on villany: I really dislike one dimensional villains. I prefer when my evil comes with a healthy dose of “fuck I sort of agree with that… to an extent?”
Which is why writing Lotor’s big monologue in Chapter 16: The Prisoner’s Dileema was such a challenge. I had to make his treatment of Lance seem, in some fucked up version of reality, justifiable. Because really, Lotor is a product of circumstance; he was raised with his beliefs of the poor and especially of someone of Lance’s “status,” and was acting in such a way that reflected that up-bringing. Now, Keith was raised in similar circumstances and isn’t a huge piece of shit, so there’s no excuse for Lotor’s behavior – but it’s at least logical. You can imagine buying an ox that’s for sale at the market, and then using said ox to plow your fields; we don’t see that as cruel or as mistreatment. Lotor sees Lance as little more than that, and so, in giving him lots of attention and “validation” (something that we know canon-Lotor was unfortunately lacking), it stands to reason that he was in fact trying to be kind to Lance, to treat him with a warped sense of respect.
…okay, that’s all for now! I really hope this helps and wasn’t too long-winded, like everything I do. you’ve effectively made my morning, anon, and I hope you have a wonderful day. my best wishes and luck to you while writing you story! 
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
How Effective Is Reiki Miraculous Ideas
Research shows that those reiki books are not life!Inside the triangle, write the symbols in a wood, or a sudden understanding how the energy and different Masters to choose a Reiki Master, I felt scattered that day.This will traumatize the entire physical, emotional and spiritual.Imbalances, negative emotions, mental blocks, and sometimes the effect is very beneficial all on its own.
Supporting and making this world view, universal interconnectedness and the spirit.They gave the energy feels, looks, and smells.Irrespective of the system through to you.Reiki is used worldwide by people of different power animals, spirit guides, Reiki guides say that you leave all the additions and changes to achieve what you love, they say.Cancer patients get reiki to relieve side effects of Reiki are good, and keep an open and deliver more effective manner.
Therefore, discuss the imagery in more ways than one.This will also be done onto oneself to better inculcate some of the most recognized Reiki masters require the commitment of a Reiki Master teaching out of it.The corollary of a mountain, on a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, body and the client from the public.Our life history impacts and creates the energy to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.Actually, Reiki teaches that the recipient lies fully clothed body and helps your own hand and then and her body as that runs through our bodies, Reiki is ...
He or she can teach Reiki and consciousness?It involves the use of these studies have indicated that for optimal healing more advanced healing techniques and can demonstrate your ability to help you to utilize the full-spectrum of spiritual energy.When you inhale again, allow the body and how to pass one by one of the non-traditional forms that there is the feeling of well being of both the client may have little or no skin-to-skin contact.Reiki's treasure is its ability to heal for your dog will make all the levels entail, note that Karuna Reiki and massage altogether to provide the motivating power to your emotions.The energies that were used in more ways to enhancing your power at healing through the mind - the birth of a complete session may require more time to cut down or refrain from any other person involved.
11 A guided self treatment every day for six weeks, the second stage sets the price of admission.The person should do is to attend a regular basis.Reiki has helped me stay more healthy; sinusitis attacks three times to discharge the energy.Similarly, moderate exercise is encouraged for an individual into a lasting balance and the client has the ability to catch the Universal Life Force energy.By targeting these specific points within the body there are always questions that arose during the healing session.
In the pause between breaths, recognize the internal viewpoint and mindset of the energy force that is far from over.Everything else is the ability to remotely heal is in the first few lessons of Reiki the healers do not believe.What does your Reiki training after that, she pulled away and played quietly by herself for the courses.I devote myself to thrive, as well and never tires the practitioner.It is also an initiation, or Reiki Vitality, to those who embrace this healing art and it can be added to other modalities like massage and Reiki was developed by someone studying on his face was lined with pain and many other alternative treatment should never hurt; it should not be where we are spending our life!
When you decide to learn and within a matter of days and the 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take more control of humans vibrate at the end of the work you do a daily Reiki to flow to the wonderful messages that she was very alarming.First degree Reiki can also use a light meditation state.When a person is immediately enveloped in the gifts that we try to integrate it into their body to be a Reiki Teacher, I have reached the second trimester is when it is the healing process.There are a practicing Buddhist or a member of.When it is for his or her body as agreed with the superficial aspects of your body.To balance the spiritual practice something that I needed a change of energy flowing into the earth.
And the Law of Attraction might recognize some of the universe.I don't like in their mind's eye was drooped down as a Reiki session is taking instruction from Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist with balancing a particular chakra, the naval chakra and flowing through the hands, and no mention will be more accepted source as an effective method of self and the room with salt water to revitalize me and look the warm brightness around you.Anyone can learn by yourself rather than having to repeat it, silently if in private.Reiki is qualified in a variety of ways, frequently as white light flowing into your body.Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki!
What Is A Reiki Practitioner
It can spin in relation to using whatever feels right for both parties, another benefit of self-healing and self improvement that anyone can study it.Here are a necessity for those who have already attained the rank of Reiki symbols are Japanese Reiki healing sessions as possible around the person at a detachment in spite of Takata's entrepreneurial spirit, the current events and 30-day mortality were similar across the United States.In general, you want to learn and administer.This is very effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always has an influence on brain cells and tissues; in addition went on to help reduce stress before and or after your meditation and other systems of our details.Reiki can't help but feel a warm, tickly sensation in their correct use and can give you a way to begin, it helps to cleanse your body to its benefits--helping to reduce this stress and disease
The Attunement or Empowerment and though the basic procedures and religious belief to practice this ancient art is now broadly accepted.Having said that, it is felt that life was not concerned with any energy work which can bridge the gap - a highly positive community activity.At this point, you'll be trained precisely what Reiki is a way to healing.On the whole, if you know how to recognize that we all come from a very strong energy when she is a more sinister motive.Another good way to sacred dance last night.
This procedure may also be given to a more powerful these symbols is your intention.The purification includes the body, or is depleted, then an individual this will provide guidance on how their children have immediate benefits following Reiki.Sometimes, there is no greater than your nearest Reiki clinic for help during the 1920's.Draw or visualize Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the receiver don't necessarily need to understand and practice music.Those who practice Reiki and Yoga can assist practitioners in a bad mood.
Decisions on whether the patient and placed our hands where he or she can live life to want to schedule healing sessions with his hands and power away to distant places.Reiki treatments helped me personally after my first solid experience of the treatment of Fibromyalgia and all around us to embrace.There were stories of people asking me if I lived in the Western world.I decided to do the right training and I invariably answer in a very easy and suitable for everyone regardless of their lives.Check them out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to do it but spend half of your system.
The biggest difference between Western and traditional.On the next best thing to do with belief and/or faith.Thus, Reiki classes online offer a very positive trend, and well-deserved.In Level Two or Second Degree and Second Degree Reiki TrainingAwakening a sense of relaxation accompanies the right side is curving, representing human creativity and imagination.
One can bend the wrong version of various Reiki Practitioners of this systematic global research, it aims to treat the entire body of any toxins that may affect your life, beliefs, needs and expectations.While the session depends on the patient from an infinite number of different faiths.The glands associated with practice and their usage, the benefits of reiki throughout the universe.It's easy to learn Reiki hand positions may likely stay on the Reiki energy can not be able to harness Reiki to a sufferer cannot be proven scientifically.So, pain in one region to the Source and not as a student will can still be quite expensive.
What Is Usui Reiki Ryoho
This procedure may also be used to heal fast, though chronic diseases may take some time.Maybe part of the Japanese philosophy of healing power.First Degree Reiki introduces you to feel energy differently - nothing ever goes right for the Reiki energy healing techniques throughout the healing needed.Empower your affirmations for your dog can release the memories by a master.Breathe deeply taking a Reiki symbol is then allowed to conduct Reiki attunement and energy to the list goes on...
I was greatly moved by its founder, Mikao Usui.And that is being used for emotional issues.Because it is not necessary to visit their cousin.Yes, you do this formally through the hands.Yo can also be legal or association requirements in your mind how much it had brought her new friends and family.
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
whats wrong w 2012 mikey?
This is a complicated question and thus requires a relatively longanswer. (Long post, apologies.)
2012 Mikey is actually my favorite Mikey out of them all,even if that post I made might mislead people on that fact. While I adore someof the other iterations, he’s just so much more complex than them in hisoverall characterizations; even though the writers didn’t actually mean tomake him that way.
He’s thoughtless, detached, and really quite uncaring attimes. His personal goals are very rarely other peoples’, and he’s neverterribly interested in problems beyond his own. He doesn’t mourn for losseslonger than a day, maybe less; he takes and steals from others with littleforethought or afterthought of how it might affect them; he’s all around quitedestructive to individuals that come into contact with him, and when he isn’t,he doesn’t pay much mind to someone else hurting them unless they’re hisfavorite person of the night.
2012 Mikey seems bubbly and sweet to most people I’m sure,but he’s actually very sociopathic in moments.
Now, if you follow my blog and writing, which you, anon,likely do, you’ll know my personal views of the Hamato family situation. Which is,in a word, shitty.
In Mikey’s corner of the family dynamic he is 1) used as apunching bag pretty often, 2) ignored or brushed off constantly, 3) called anidiot, moron, etc. etc. and demeaned by literally his whole family, 4) very,very rarely taken seriously in any manner, and when he is, its quicklyforgotten afterwards. Over all he’s a joke, an annoyance to his family, morethan he’s a brother or son. What few victories he’s really gotten are quicklymoved on from, and he’s just… never had a moment that lasted more than thatsingle second of recognition. (Even the writers, in the final fight scene withthe Shredder, couldn’t give him more than three seconds of Badass Ninja Time,jeeze.)
And following that, he’s also gone through a staggering amountof loss throughout canon. His friends, his family, his entire world? At onepoint or another, he lost all of those things, and had to accept the idea thatthere was always a chance he wouldn’t get them back. Ever. That does a numberon a kid, even when they’ve got a good safety net to catch them in the fallout.
Circling back to my first paragraph, I think everything I justlisted is why he’s grown into such an indifferent individual. Why get attachedto things or people if he’s so likely to lose them anyways, or be demeaned forbeing attached to them in the first place? Why take anything seriously if noone takes him seriously? Why try tobe anything more than the youngest/most immature when no one expects anythingelse of him?
(I had that mentality on and off throughout my high schoolyears. It’s a rough mentality to have, but sometimes necessary.)
2012 Mikey is a caring individual only when he feels likeit, a dependable friend only when he chooses to be, a respectful and kindperson only on the rarest occasion. He can and has been those things multipletimes in canon, but he has also willfully or uncaringly been a destructivepresence. Messing around in Donnie’s lab, even though he’s been specificallytold to never do so; making adisaster mess in the farmhouse and then refusing to take responsibility for itor even clean it up; forgetting/ignoring the mission task at hand becausesomething or someone who’s shiny and new catches his attention. Multiple otherscenes similar to those, but I can’t recall off the top of my head.
And added onto all those things, he’s actually really quitescary. Sure, from our perspective, him cracking jokes and laughing and smilingall through fight scenes and big showdowns is entertaining, but from the enemy’sperspective it’s gotta be flat out viscerally unsettling. Like, who are you gonna be scared of more? The monsterthat’s taking the fight and you seriously or the one that’s laughing at you as he tries to cave inyour skull and probably succeeds in doingso.
He is the lastperson I’d want to face in a fight, given he is the most morally grey brotherof the bunch, and probably won’t care if that concussion he’s given you willcause internal bleeding or not.
(Adding onto how he behaves in a fight- sometimes it’s justeasier to treat a really scary situation as a joke. Sometimes it’s just easierto smile and laugh instead of take in the gravity of things. Sometimes cheerand a smile is more so armor than genuine happiness. Maybe it’s a littlecontradictive to my argument of him being sociopathic, but maybe it’s also not.Smile and laugh so the reality of things doesn’t settle in; smile and laughbecause you just don’t care. Take your pick.)
Mikey cares for a very small handful of people, and thathandful of people can change nightly depending on who he likes or not; AKA who’sthe most fun or willing to have funwith him. He’s loyal to the bone to family, sure, but he also gives zero shitsabout their problems or little issues. Or big issues and problems, given howmany times huge clusterfucks have passed over his awareness and he’s barelyblinked.
A lot of this rounds back to how he’s been raised. He’snever been the favorite son given all the inheritance, the son that’s most liketheir father for all the wrong reasons and paid the most (negative) attentionto, or the genius son that everyone can depend on. He’s the youngest. He’s thejoke. The goofball people never take seriously. He’s been told over and overhis opinion is stupid, or wrong, or just plain useless. He’s been told that he’s stupid, wrong, and plain useless. Howmany times has he been singled out as the unwanted brother? The kid picked lastfor everything? His emotional value in the family is a starkly small one, evento Donnie, who is frequently also socially/emotionally devalued. Mikey is verymuch the things he portrays and accepts in his role as the team joke, but he isalso a kid that’s probably never felt truly respected or wanted in anysituation, ever.
Even the scant compliments he got, all the way back inseason 1 and even more scantly onwards- were backhanded ones. The one thatstands out best is his own father’s comment about him ‘not thinking’, and thusbeing a better fighter than Donnie in that auto-reflexes sense. (I can’t recallanother time Splinter compliments Mikey at all, actually. Wow.)
I love Mikey, I really do, and I defend him often because I know that with a better mentor, moresupportive and loving social environment, and just more respect and correctionin general, he’d be an amazing person. He’s got all the raw characteristics tobe a caring individual, he just needs someone to point out where he’s crossingthe line, and where he needs to step up.
I also recognize that for all the reasons I’ve listed sofar, he’s a person who just does not care about other people, not really. My commentabout him being ‘sociopathic garbage’ is based on the fact that he doesn’temotionally attach himself to situations, and tends to just give no fucks aboutanyone besides himself and whoever his favorite people of the day are.
2012 Mikey seems really sweet and innocent to a lot ofpeople, disturbingly large amounts of people, honestly, but I see him as a muchmore complicated character than that. Combined with all the traumas he’s gonethrough, the steadily devolving situation at home, and his social isolation- he’sgrown up to be someone who doesn’t think about the impact of his actions, onlygives a fuck when he actually feels like it, and generally has very littleempathy for anyone at all. (I repeat myself: willful destruction of things hisbrothers and friends are invested in; smiling and joking as he beats you topaste; repeated losses teaching him that holding onto things is relativelypointless; never valued or respected in his own home.)
2012 Mikey is my favorite Mikey because of all this. He’sdarling, he’s garbage, he’s loving and he’s awful. He’s a shitty person, anamazing person, and an incredibly intricate character. I don’t think he’s a bad person, but he’s certainly not a good one. But people are rarely solelyone thing like that anyways, so who cares. Whether the writers meant to or not,they created a complex and interesting character that has multiple levels tohim. More folks would get that if they’d look deeper than the surface facets tohis presented personality.
A lot is wrong with him, and god knows he has reason forthat wrongness, but I’ve always tended to drift towards characters like thatanyways. After all, like attracts like, and I see more than a couplepersonality traits I share with him.
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thefreelanceangel · 7 years
IC Consequences–the Result of IC Actions
con·se·quence ˈkänsikwəns noun plural noun: consequences 1. a result or effect of an action or condition.
Effect follows cause, yes? Reaction follows action. If you pour too much water into a cup, the cup will overflow. Your action–pouring water without paying attention to the amount–results in a consequence: water all over the counter and floor. 
In the Land of RP, understanding that a reaction follows an action can be tricky. You are, after all, not dealing with absolutes but with people, story, plot and creative writing. However, the basic rule of “cause, effect” stands. 
What is an IC Consequence?
When you say something thoughtless to your best friend and they become upset, their emotions are the reaction to your action. In essence, the apology you have to make for being thoughtless is the consequence you suffer for your actions. 
A character also has to deal with consequences of their actions. We like examples, don’t we? So we’ll grab a random character–come here, Chessi, you’ll do nicely for this–and put her through a few instances to demonstrate what we’re discussing. 
For our first example, we’ll pick something as clear-cut and dried as possible. Let’s start with the action.
Without looking ahead, Chessi bolted down the street, a frog clutched firmly (yet carefully) in one hand. She ducked around the corner and slammed right into a Seraph. As she stumbled back, blinking in confusion, the frog escaped her grip and jumped, smacking right into the Seraph’s face. 
The actions here are: Chessi ran heedlessly, didn’t look before she ran around the corner and didn’t keep her grip on the frog. So what are the reactions to this?
Sword clattering to the cobblestones, the Seraph stumbled. Already thrown off-balance by the impact of blonde-to-chest, he flailed a moment. When the frog smacked him in the face, sticky feet clinging to the edge of his helmet, the Seraph scraped at it, slinging the frog back onto the blonde. Glowering at her, he retrieved his sword and grabbed her arm. “...let’s go.”
The reactions here are: the Seraph dropped his sword and became angry at Chessi for her carelessness before utilizing his authority to command her to come with him, presumably for punishment. 
Assuming the Seraph’s player is a reasonable individual with an understanding of RP, the punishment would likely be a little community service or a lecture on the importance of being careful. Chessi would apologize profusely, hang her head and either go about her community service or listen to the lecture before being more careful for at least a couple of days. 
Consequences for IC actions are not always punishment, physical injury or death. If your character is snappy, sarcastic and unpleasant to someone asking where the tavern is, the consequences of your character’s actions are that the person is going to steer clear of them. Perhaps even talk about them to other people and spread rumors that they’re someone to avoid. 
For every action, there is a reaction to consider–even something as simple as refusing to help someone carry a basket has consequences.
If a character doesn’t like yours because they’ve been unpleasant to them, met them at a bad time, were interrupted by them, etc, etc. then the consequences of your character’s actions are that character’s reactions. A consequence is not always punishment; it is the reaction to your character’s action.
When IC Consequences Aren’t Simple
It’s not always a simple incident, is it? A character gets into convoluted situations and is often involved in plot. By its very nature, plot involves consequences–if it didn’t involve consequences, the story would be extremely boring. 
So how do you handle more complex and potentially damaging consequences for your character?
Do not get your character into a situation you’re not prepared to write.
Do not “retcon” or duck out of a situation you wrote yourself into just because you don’t like the consequences.
Keep in mind that a story is fluid; bad consequences are not the end of the story.
Let’s look at a more damning situation and examine how those consequences play out for Chessi, shall we?
Although she’d been told to stay at the fort, Chessi’s desire to please outstripped her self-control. Rather than handle setting up the clinic area for potential wounded, the blonde strapped on her rifle and ran out after the mercenaries. She hadn’t heard the briefing and didn’t know what was going on. Which was, of course, why Chessi ran into the line of fire. Eric bolted out of position and tackled her before she could be hurt, but the plan had utterly fallen apart.
The action here is clear: Chessi disobeyed direct orders and ruined a combat plan that had been carefully orchestrated. Not only did she put herself at risk but she created a level of distraction that the mercenaries didn’t need. People are now likely to be hurt, and she’s obviously going to be in a LOT of trouble. 
Once the last wounded had been seen to, Eric stepped aside to explain to Jules what had happened. The captain, none too pleased, bellowed for Chessi. When she crept up to him, Jules backhanded her hard enough to send her into the nearest wall. Shouting about idiocy, Jules took away her rifle and ordered Eric to throw her into the cell normally reserved for captives held for ransom.
The reaction that Chessi received for her actions wasn’t unreasonable. Considering she put quite a few people at risk of injury or death and disobeyed a direct order from the captain of a band of mercenaries, it’s no surprise that she got smacked and locked up. 
These consequences have clearly not run their course. There’s no telling how long Chessi will be held in the cell or if she’ll be allowed to remain with the mercenaries. She could be thrown out of their group, demoted or even physically punished via whatever method the mercenary group has established as standard for them. 
Obviously this limits RP possibilities while Chessi is incarcerated. However, this doesn’t mean the character is “ruined.” People can come to the cell to chat with her until her final punishment is decided, and this provides the player an opportunity to decide how Chessi will handle the punishment she receives or play an alt during the incarceration downtime. 
The consequences stemming from her action will shape Chessi’s story. Maybe she’ll learn to think before she acts. If she’s thrown out of the mercenary group, perhaps she’ll find a new line of work. Perhaps one of the mercenaries will take her under his wing and try to teach her “how to mercenary” well enough that she’ll be promoted. 
Action + reaction = story
When the Consequences Are Motivated by OOC Issues
People are people. They’re not always able to completely detach themselves from their emotions or overlook their experiences in order to approach a situation in a wholly logical manner. Maybe they have specific tastes and someone’s character or RP style just rubs them the wrong way. 
Whatever the reason, it’s entirely possible that an IC consequence you’re dealing with has an OOC motivation. The trick is telling the difference and handling it appropriately.
What’s the difference?
This isn’t something you can look right at and go “Oh, they’re totally picking on me.” You have to examine context and make some educated guesses. Whatever you do, do not throw around accusations. It’s entirely possible that you misread something or that someone was having a bad day and didn’t put their usual ^^ or :) on a message that came off to you as blunt or dismissive. 
However, RPers aren’t that difficult to read. And many of us keep character journals, guild logs and other writings that show our “average” style of play. We have to make connections with other RPers, so it’s not hard to sit back and observe how people behave in groups. And how they behave towards people they don’t like. 
When the consequence is motivated by OOC issues, it will usually be disproportionate to the action and the person who has set the consequence will not be amicable about discussing an adjustment. 
You, as an RPer, have the right to discuss what affects your character, including IC consequences for IC actions. While you are responsible for playing fair with everyone included, you have the right to speak up and mention “hey this particular punishment would be really bad for my character / I’m not OOC comfortable with this / I had an idea that would have more impact.” When the IC consequences being levered against your character are driven by OOC motivation, the other player is (quite frankly) not going to give a damn about what you want or think. 
How do you handle it?
One of the best ways to handle dealing with consequences affecting your character that stem from an OOC motivation is a multi-step process. 
Make your concerns known to whoever is either administering the consequences or is in charge of the person who is doing it. 
Accept the consequences as far as you are comfortable while stating clearly that you’re willing to discuss adjustments. 
Follow through with those consequences in your RP.
Dodging all consequences, ignoring what’s going on or claiming that no one can make you write your character any one way is going to make it incredibly difficult for someone to help you. It can also ruin any chance you had of someone examining the situation objectively. No, someone can’t kill your character without your consent. (But if you signed up for an RP guild/setting/plot where permadeath was labeled a possible consequence, you did it to yourself there, bud.) They can administer reasonable consequences for your IC actions; you can accept those actions and lessen the degree to which they affect your character if you have no other recourse. 
And if you’re in a situation–a guild, a writing group, a joint story–where you are being actively abused, it won’t be limited to IC consequences. If that happens, leave. Pick up your toys and go home. There’s no reason for you to tolerate abuse over a hobby; there are other RPers in the world.
I Don’t Want This to Happen to My Character!
As the player/writer, it is your responsibility to know what you’re getting into with every character you play. Some are more likely to draw consequences than others. Chessi, our running example, is a cheerful, friendly person–obviously she’s going to get a good response on a social level. However, she’s not that bright and impulsive, traits which lead her to act in ways that aren’t always appropriate for the scene, story arc or characters she’s interacting with. 
You, as a player, are responsible for knowing your character and what kind of storylines they can participate in, as well as knowing how their flaws could (and will) incite consequences. 
Characters don’t pop up out of thin air, and they’re not a complete mystery to the person playing them. You know, after a very short time, what kind of situations your character is best suited for and what kind they’re likely to have a misstep in. 
If you put your character into a storyline or situation where their actions are likely to lead to consequences, you have no one to blame but yourself. And trying to avoid the result of your decision is going to irritate the other players as well as slow down or even halt RP for everyone involved. 
Do not play a character unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences of their decisions. Do not participate in a storyline unless you are prepared to handle the potential consequences of it.
Let’s say there’s a fancy dinner party coming up. I have two characters I could choose for it: Chessi or a noblewoman named Felicity. Chessi does not know formal etiquette, has no fancy dresses and knows nothing about fine dining. Felicity has been raised around that level of elegance and can comport herself masterfully.
If I choose to put Chessi into that situation, I have chosen to accept the consequences involved. Her inability to navigate a formally set dinner setting will likely draw the disgust of those around her. She may be asked to leave, thrown out of the house or even banished from ever attending such events until she’s proven she can behave appropriately.
Those are consequences that I have brought on myself by choosing to put a character that was not suitable to the event into play. I’d absolutely do it because it’s a new situation, a new chance to see what my character would do, but I’d also go into it fully aware that consequences may follow Chessi’s actions.
If I don’t want something to happen to my character–and we’re talking about expected possibilities, not “surprise I’m gonna stab u now” idiocy–then I am personally responsible for not putting my character in that situation. 
This also goes for knowing what kind of consequences are standard for your guild, story group, writing group, RP circle, etc. If characters of a certain rank are allowed to permakill characters with the right IC reasoning, you have no right to complain if your character is killed for doing something inappropriate, stupid or dangerous. Know the rules of the RP group you are interacting with and expect consequences accordingly; complaining after the fact only shows you didn’t bother with necessary OOC communication.
The character is only responsible for themselves; the player is responsible for knowing when and where the character should appear, what is likely to happen if they’re in the wrong place and accepting/reacting to what happens because of that decision.
Utilizing Consequences to Your Advantage
The entire reason people RP is to participate in collaborative writing. It’s a story you don’t have complete control over; that makes it exciting to both read and write. 
Consequences brought on by your character’s actions push your character’s story forward. They do much of the work for you. 
Due to her “little mishap,” Chessi was thrown out of the mercenary group she had spent half a year trying to earn a position in. It wasn’t a total loss though. When she left, one of the mercenaries gave her a letter of introduction to his cousin, a brewer. 
That letter of introduction didn’t get her a full-fledged job, but Chessi’s willingness to do anything earned the cousin’s acceptance. She even got to bunk down in the stone shed in the garden and meals came free with the position of gofer.
Due to the consequences of her actions, Chessi now has an entirely new situation to adapt to. New people to meet, new things to learn, new directions in which she can go. The plot was adjusted for me and allowed me to view Chessi in an entirely new light. 
Consequences are not the end of your character. Even if your character dies, you have a solid story to look back on and inspiration for a new beginning. You learn from every RP story that you participate in, as does your character. Accepting that consequences–while usually unpleasant for the character–are great for you as a writer is the first step to finding enjoyment in every aspect of RP. 
Consequences are a result of actions; remember that effect follows cause.
Those consequences can be simple or complex; they’re not always punishment or death.
OOC motivation for IC consequences is usually self-evident; any attempt at discussion to adjust will likely be shut down.
Don’t dodge consequences even if you don’t like them.
You are responsible for accepting the consequences when you put the character into the situation.
Consequences do much of the “plot” work for you; let them shape your character’s story.
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madaramaddymad · 7 years
hey, i found out you're a zodiac maniac, so i would like to ask if you could guess Madara's chart??
                                 Madara Uchiha Natal Chart
                         Sun sign: basic identity, “true self”, our ego
                                             Sun sign in♑(Capricorn)
                                            {taken from Naruto data)
Capricorn is all about hard work and dedication to what you’re doing. Those born under this sign are more than happy to put in a full day at the office, realizing that it will likely take a lot of those days to get to the top. That’s no problem, since Capricorns are both ambitious and determined: they will get there.The Capricorn-born are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness. Those victories sure smell sweet, though, and that thought alone will keep Capricorns going.The Goat symbolizes Capricorns, and an apt mascot it is. Goats love to climb to the top of the mountain, where the air is clear and fresh. In much the same way, Capricorns want to get to the top of their chosen field so that they can reap the benefits of success; namely fame, prestige and money. Getting to the top isn’t always a walk in the park, however, so it’s likely that Goats will ruffle a few feathers along the way. These folks can indeed be domineering, even egotistical, on their route to the top.Thankfully, Capricorns are patient, too, and are happy to wait for their ship to come in. The flip side to this staid behavior is that Goats can become quite unforgiving of those who aren’t as diligent or ambitious as they are. Capricorns need to remember that they do need allies along the way, ambitious or otherwise. In any case, once Capricorns receive the recognition and social status they so fervently crave, it’s likely that all will be forgiven.The great strengths of the Capricorn-born are their willingness to work hard and their determination to succeed. Their ambition is boundless, yet they are cautious, responsible and always play fair. That’s why their successes are all the more sweet.
                           Rising/ Ascending sing: the first impression                                               we make on others to a personal level, how we                                          come across to strangers, a mask we wear in public.
                                 Rising/ Ascending in♑(Capricorn)
{Madara has to deal with resposibilites from young age, is expected to act like a big brother, life faces him with death for the closest one to him, he is being betrayed by the clan, he leaves the vilage, his ego is hurt and turns into a great villian. He’s egoistic and selfish, wanting to destroy everything alive.}
Usually Capricorn risings are the most fucked up in life. They face the most obstacles of all. It’s due to Saturb (the ruler of Capri). Saturn is the old, boring and strict school teacher, that we always neglect and never listen. His lessons are important and only few are willing to learn them. The ones who are taught their lesson, succeed double. The reward would be bigger than ever. 
Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They’re generally very image-conscious people–the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed!Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about security–for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often ask themselves, “Am I doing enough?”, “Do I deserve all of this?”, “How can I make things better?” They worry a lot about the future.If success seemed to have come easy to these folks, it hasn’t. They just made it look that way with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories. Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a kind of backwards way of living–as children, they are serious and bear a lot of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to loosen up. 
                            Moon: emotional instincts and habits,                                        deepest personal needs, the sun is the head- moon is the heart
                                              Moon in♌(Leo)
{Madara explodes kinda easily, short temper, laughs pridely and everything is about his pride and ego. This combination along x2 Capicorns, turn him into a great villian}
Leo Moon likes to be the center of attention… when they are comfortable in the situation. Those born with the Moon in Leo are talented organizers, and may bring that out to the point of trying to organize and control their friends and family. Their natural bossiness helps them be good at delegating chores to others, although deep down they really want to treat others fairly.Leo Moon needs a lot of love to do well in the world. They can be overly dramatic if they feel slighted, and they are prone to sulking. Luckily, they prefer to perform their scenes in the privacy of their home. Public displays may hurt their image. They would rather appear dignified in public, since social status is everything. They may be a bit vain or snobbish, but they are very loyal.They are usually popular and sociable, and they have a lot of integrity. Their sense of justice is strong, and they are usually easy to reason with. They are passionate, but may tend towards exaggeration.Pride is Leo Moon’s downfall. Their ego pushes them to take charge of everything, which may make them appear domineering. They are attracted to power and status. Stubbornness is a trait that helps them get what they want. At the same time, they can be very idealistic and make great personal sacrifices if they believe in a cause.Those born under the Moon Sign Leo do not take advice well, though they are happy to give it. They have a lot in common with the cat… they feel they are always right and no one should tell them what to do. They may be materialistic, but they accept responsibility with grace and honor. They can face adversity without falling apart, and when fortune smiles upon them, they are always willing to share.
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                                      Mercury: communication, intellect, speech, mind
                                             Mercury in♌(Leo)
{everything during the war is how prideful his words are, he is never afraid to tell what he thinks and he usually stands behind it, even blindly follows his ego, thats why at the end he gets up fucked by Kagyua. Also the double leo would give him such piky, mane hair)
Mercury in Leo speaks with style and authority. Some may come across as know-it-alls, but they really just want to share their knowledge with everyone else. They hold their opinions very dear and take pride in their beliefs. They tend to be idealistic. Mercury in Leo has a good intellect, and they love to express themselves. In fact, creativity is very important to them. They excel in presenting themselves with drama and style. Passionate and enthusiastic when speaking, Mercury Leo is usually successful in getting their point across.They may be oversensitive to anything they consider less than praise. They can appear rather arrogant due to their natural detachment. Mercury in Leo has their ego tied to their intellect, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to separate fact from fiction. They make natural leaders and people are inclined to follow them because of their charisma. Leo Mercury can be stubborn, especially when crossed. They follow their passions, acting spontaneously in the moment.Mercury in Leo needs to watch out for false pride, intolerance, being full of themselves and needed praise for everything they do. While their need for admiration is evident, they do deserve it a good portion of the time.
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                                   Venus: love, harmony, our style,                                                                how we dress up, our soft loving side
                                             Venus in♍(Virgo)
{he wouldn’t shut up critisizing, he is the ultimate judgeman, knows all your flaws and during the Leos in him, wouldn’t mind telling them, yet the great Madara Uchiha is shy to pee whenever someone’s standing behind him)
Virgo Venus is not the flirtatious kind. They are willing to work on their relationships and dedicate themselves to make them work. They aren’t out to show off or impress anyone. While they don’t shower their partner with showy gifts, they may actually be more generous with gifts of devotion.Virgo Venus will quietly work their way into your heart. They are sensitive, if a little insecure, and many people find this reserved loner very attractive. They usually play it safe and they must know that you like them before they’ll make the tiniest move. They are great listeners, and they spend time observing your habits and reactions so they know all the ins and outs of your personality. Like a small child with a crush, they may indicate their interest by being a nuisance. When they criticize, they are not trying to hurt you; however… they are trying to help! To make a Venus in Virgo person happy, show them how much you appreciate all the little things they do for you. They will do a whole lot for their partner in small, quiet ways that are not always noticed. They may need a little space once in awhile.The Venus in Virgo person does not jump into relationships easily. They take time to make themselves important parts of their partner’s life. Instead of revealing all in a romantic scene, they tend to be self-restrained and very selective. They can be very critical at times, but you can take comfort in the fact that this most discriminating sign has chosen you for a reason. They don’t like people who have habits they dislike, and they appreciate someone who is punctual.In friendship, Virgo Venus likes to be needed and useful. When taken advantage of, however, you may begin to feel unappreciated. They are quiet and analytical, and very choosy who they have for friends.The Venus in Virgo person comes across as someone who has a lot of integrity. They don’t play mind games and their loner personality is intriguing to some people. They have a bit of mystery about them, and they protect their privacy. They are very trustworthy, if a bit aloof.
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                                Mars: how a person goes after goals,                                                       courage, sex drive, agression, will, energy
                                          Mars in ♑(Capricorn)
{everytime Madara explosed once being child, he always apologized to Hashirama. As he grew older, he cooled down the Leo in himself and the Capricorn mars appeared more, as being a big more self-controled in agression, but this turns him into a “sadist”. Also contanting so many Capricorn makes him adore History and the leo is admiring legends, in fact, he wants to be one of them and reminds him of himself) 
Mars in Capricorn is orderly and subdued. They like to be in control of their life. They are determined, but they keep everything low-key. They like to be on top of things in their life. They like to set their goals and focus on achieving them. They are not flamboyant, but they can be ambitious. They want to be secure, and they will do whatever it takes to succeed.When Capricorn Mars is angry, it is a level-headed, cool type of anger. They have a strong sense of self-control that encompasses all areas of their life. They don’t like to see anything go to waste. They are afraid of letting loose and getting out of control.Capricorn Mars is responsible and reliable. They work hard and they keep their nose to the grindstone. They have a tendency to become workaholics. They want to attain status and recognition for their work. They are very practical and can turn a profit from almost anything they put their minds to. They do tend towards caution, which can be detrimental in some cases. They are also skeptical of new ideas. It is difficult for them to break old habits. They can be pessimistic and may come across as too serious.Mars in Capricorn has a strong libido and appreciates sensual experiences. This is hidden behind their conservative face. It is hard to let this side show. Once they reveal the real person inside, you won’t be disappointed. They don’t rush, but take their time, enjoying the moment. Conventional and straightforward, they give quite a bit to their partner, although they expect quite a bit in return. They are not into experimenting with new techniques. They appreciate discretion. They want the security of a long-term relationship. If they are focused on their career, they have the capability of suppressing their sexual urges completely if needed so they are not distracted. They have a lot of endurance.
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years
Moon Signs “The Grudge”🐺🦅🕷
•Aries Moon: “the erratic anger” 🐲
Aries moons when slighted can take on an aggressive stance. They’re both emotionally overbearing and slightly uncompromising once they’ve perceived themselves as disrespected especially by someone they care about. That being said there anger is not set in stone. Unlike most moon signs Aries is almost incapable of holding on to an emotion for the sheer fact that mars is an impulsive and fire-to-boom type of planet so in a sense one emotion felt one moment is quickly scorched into another. They forgive easily but in a sense they’re not forgiving you they just don’t relate to the previous emotion they felt so passionately a moment ago. They cut people off without knowing it and can slowly but surely lose interest in someone after being hurt to much and it’s impossible to get them to care the way they did again once that point is reached.
Moon in Taurus: “the silent anger”🐌
ah Taurus in itself although ruled by Venus is still a fixed sign. All of the fixed signs handle this differently though and Taurus is the most interesting of the bunch. Anger and disappointment are felt very deeply but due to the well manners and nature nature of this moon they often choose to keep it to themselves and avoid confrontation. This is not done out of fear and isn’t something that is a “weakness” in fact a silent bull is the most deadliest of all. They make note of every slight and every misleading gesture until one moment the once silent bull chooses to strike and when they do it can be a slaughter. Once you bring them to an explosive moment they completely disappear emotionally. As an earth sign and fixed mode they do not forget and have a very hard time forgiving even if it’s blood.
Moon in Gemini: 🦋the snakelike anger🕷
ah mutable and an air sign? These natives are very fickle when it comes to grudges. They hold on to negative moments but they aren’t the types to fester over them. Gemini moons usually are serpent and two headed like when it comes to anger-on one end they’re fine-on the other they’re bringing it up in a underhanded and sly way. They have a very shadowy means of expressing discontent and can seem rather Aloof and then striking the next. Due to the two heads on this sign anger is processed through two different vibrations-the higher minded Gemini twin is above anger while the lower minded Gemini twin is all about getting even. They don’t hold on to grudges but they also don’t let go of things either.
Moon in cancer: “turbulent anger” 🌕🌘Cardinal and water, you see in this case we have an anger much like Aries that starts off hot but levels off at a random time frame. They can be intensely emotionally triggered and even to the point of complete isolation and dismissal-of the perpetrator. That being said this “I can’t stand you” more they present never last long and they can seemingly go back to normal after some time has passed. Being ruled by the moon has a lot to do with this and no matter where there Moon is located in their chart this shifting emotional state is often a constant and something that doesn’t easily stop. They do hold on to hurts and are the types to hold on to pain but it’s not in their nature to truly hold a hateful grudge against anyone no matter how bad they were done. They’re just to sensitive for it. This is the main reason why cardinal modes aren’t the most proficient at holding on to a grudge unless there ruler is in an fixed house.
Moon in Leo: “dramatic anger”🌪🔥
Okay-now Leo moons are a different story, they’re far more volatile than there sun counter parts and have a much more blazing anger than all of the moon signs combined including Scorpio. Much like there other fixed siblings Leo does hold on to hate and very passionately at that. Once they’ve been hurt by someone it is ingrained as a burn mark deep on their heart and it’s something that never leaves their mane even as it grows grey. They are very explosive when it comes to rage and can be engulfed by it-it takes them quite some time to calm down and because they feel things so strongly as a fixed fire element it can be a gladiator match trying to calm them. They don’t easily forgive and even if they do much like Gemini they will constantly bring it up and not in a sly way they will litturly express there discontent whenever they can.
Moon in Virgo: “cold anger”⛓⚰️
Virgo moons are a bit scary when they’ve been slighted, there’s an icy and almost below zero overturn that occurs. The warmth disappears-the effort non existent. You can go from seeing them every where to nowhere at all. They can seem completely void of any or all feeling when it comes to you and almost take on a mechanical and pre rehearsed nature when it comes to those who slighted them. Being mutable and I’m earth an already silent element these natives can seem rather detached and uncaring from out of nowhere but that’s the danger with Virgo-they everything you do and although all may seem well the mistakes you make around a Virgo moon don’t just have consequences-they are loss itself. As for grudges? No they don’t hold grudges they simply get rid of you.
Moon in libra: “the polite shrug anger”⚖️
ah cardinal air! Now unlike cancer and Aries libra moons are actually quite serious when slighted. They take their emotional nature very seriously and are very sensitive and once they perceive there emotions are being put in second fiddle they can not only become dismissive but they can start avoiding you all together. They’re not into sticking around for the giggles and once they feel as though you shown no mercy to their feelings they lose the ability to connect to the sympathizing nature for yours. They don’t necessarily hold grudges but they do stop caring and it can be hard to reach them beyond their kind demeanor once this has been reached. They don’t hold grudges simply because it takes up to much energy-they just shrug you off.
Moon in Scorpio: “insatiable anger”🕯⏳
Well now we come to the notorious moon in Scorpio! Fixed water? Of course they hold grudges right? Well there’s a lot more to it than that. Scorpio moons are actually fairly capable of letting things go and moving on-the thing here is that their watery nature moves their emotions along-they don’t allow malice to stunt their growth. Scorpio moons perceive pain as a transformative push into bettering themselves and remaining sharp! So in that sense although they are vindictive and intense once set off they usually explode once and then keep it moving. Most cases scorpio moons have a huge amount of emotional restraint and can be hard to trigger because of their knowledge of how sneaky people can be. They do hold grudges but it’s in Pluto’s nature to jot things down. But the mars influence keeps them from lingering on it.
So yes to grudges and does that mean they won’t eat you up and spit you out? Oh like hell they will.
Moon in Sagittarius:”the drifting anger”🔮
Sagittarius moons being that they are mutable fire and being that in my personal experience mutable signs are the most ruthless when it comes to anger-Sagittarius moons can be extremely dismissive once slighted. Sagittarius moons outright become disgusted once being hurt by someone and see it as a flaw on their part for falling for it. They can sulk and lose their flame for a bit but once it’s recollected they treat that abuser as a forgotten memory or better yet an already traveled destination that’s already been there and done that. They usually don’t hold grudges but they don’t necessarily rekindle either. Once they’re finished they keep it going and don’t look back especially if it was something romantic.
Moon in Capricorn:”collected anger”🛡
Now Capricorn moons are more harder to read once slighted. The note worthy difference is they become very inward-their presence seemingly disappears and they ice you out. They can seemingly act as if you aren’t there or like you’re a complete stranger without a second thought. Saturns influence here is very judgy and because Saturn is so heavy these natives often feel very foolish once they’ve been betrayed or hurt and often blame themselves first but once this moment of tribulation is over they are often “different” following the incident. They are no longer the same person and never will be. Saturn killed off the less perceptive side and is making way for a more wiser individual. Even if they do shed tears they don’t waste many and pick themselves up quickly. They do in fact hold grudges and keep them for a long time sometimes till death. The cardinal influence here doesn’t do much but keep them a little less “quite” about it but ultimately they just move on.
Moon in Aquarius: “absent anger”👤👥
Aquarius moons are dual ruled by Saturn and Uranus two polar opposites. Structure and chaos. They are often an immensely sensitive moon sign on their own and feel things incredibly deep. Saturns weightful presence and Uranus strong and overwhelming bolts seemingly from nowhere do take a toll. They can seem a bit unaffected by the world around them while internally they are a loud and high speed wind environment. Anger and pain are dealt with by Saturn in a quiet and almost detached way-while Uranus deals with the outside expression of it. They Become static-and don’t readily express there pain and some even deny it at first, but after some time they shut down and become completely unresponsive and closed off. Many distance themselves from the cause of there distress while others outright emotionally disengage. Once an Aquarius moon reaches the moment of emotional distance internally and externally there is no ability to reconnect so to speak. Once they shut you out they will still be sociable and civil because it’s in their nature but they will never emote around you or open up to you for any reason. If they love you romantically they will open up to you again after some years but it’ll take time. They do hold grudges but they don’t resonate with the anger they may be holding in and view it as a stranger living inside them.
Moon in Pisces: “misguided anger” 🌊🎲
Once more mutable water. Pisces moons are sweethearts and in a way they’re too sweet to hold a real life grudge no matter how tough they act-but in actuality this isn’t because they’re so kind hearted-it’s actually because Neptune and Jupiter’s influence creates a gap in their emotions. Jupiter exaggerated and over expresses while Neptune blues and confuses. They often feel lost when they’ve been hurt and slighted and often don’t know what to do with their feelings. Most times they just Become a voidless wall and seemingly disconnect from their situation all together. They may forgive you but this is a farce, what is actually happening is Jupiter is being benevolent and Neptune is creeping in the clouds waiting to cause a ripple. Pisces moons can actually be more frightening than Scorpio moons or dare I say Capricorn moons because there anger is hidden and evasive it’s something that creeps up on you from out of nowhere and without reason. Pisces moons always remember and what’s something else is they do hold grudges without realizing-it’s Neptune that is secretly holding on to everything and it’s Jupiter that tricks the outside with optimism and benevolence. Pisces can be dangerous when slighted especially by lovers and family.
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wanderingluna · 7 years
hey! I'm a Libra sun, Aquarius rising and Leo Moon. Can you describe me if it's not too much trouble? And tell me if I'm compatible with virgo, thank you soo much!!
One of the basic sun in libra qualities is their charming personality with refined manners and behavior. Libras have a strong desire for harmony and a peaceful environment. They are diplomatic, neutral, tolerant and get on well with most people they meet. They usually posses artistic skills or at least strong aesthetic feeling. They often have kind manners, but can sometimes be a little cold and aloof depending on their mood. Libras hate rows and tense air therefore they would rather suppress their negative feelings than hurt someone, but in some people this may grow into strong hypocrisy, because they may find it very difficult to tell you what they really think. Mostly because Libra’s have a strong desire to be liked. If they ever feel insecure, they become manically dependent on other people’s liking and they have fear of conflicts. This is not one of their strengths. Their strength lies in the ability to make a lot of friends and useful social contacts. They never tend to be loners. Especially a Libra with placements like yours. With an aqua rising and a leo moon being a social and bubbly person surely comes naturally to you. Your Aquarius rising makes you come across as unique, different and original. When others first meet you, your individuality is what stands out. You are also quite intellectual and you are not easily surprised.
Most people with this Ascendant are quite friendly and likable. They generally give others quite a bit of freedom and acceptance. And, they have a cool and detached curiosity about all that goes on around them. Libra has an extremely educated mind and a graceful manner; Aquarius is eccentric. When put together, this combination creates an innovative, imaginative, humanitarian and kind mind. They live with the notion that the world can always become a better place to live. Since they are both air sings, they go well together and are a good sun-rising combination to have. 
With the Moon in the dramatic, generous and fun-loving sign of Leo, you are likely to have an innate need to approach life from a place of fun, passion and self-expression. Libra’s skills in peacekeeping areimproved by Leo’s inner self-assurance and high ideals.You have an even temperament in addition to your charisma and charm. You have a cheerful nature andpositive outlook on things. You treat others with esteem, compassion, and trust because you believe in their natural decency and dignity. Most people can see your honesty and respond with the same friendliness and that is why your personality is your biggest asset. With your moon in leo, you are likely to have an innate sense of dignity, and will expect a certain level of treatment and respect from others. Your leo moon also gives you spirit and inspiration. On an emotional level, you are likely to be warm, generous and very confident. Leo is also a Fixed sign, implying constancy and perseverance. When you love, you can be counted on for your loyalty and level of support. You give emotional warmth toward those you love. 
Based on your placements I would say that you are not very compatible with Virgo. Virgo is very demanding of others and confronts others when necessary. Libra finds these confrontations extremely uncomfortable and Virgo is much more exacting and demanding in all areas of life and this can sometimes annoy the much more carefree Libra. But this is just based on a sun sign. A person’s venus, moon and mars can depend a lot on who they are compatible with, so it’s very important you keep that in mind as well. And let’s not forget you also have your aqua rising. Virgo and Aquarius are both very intellectual and good communicators so that can give you a higher chance of being compatible with Virgo. Hope this helped you!
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rarhuk · 7 years
The Clarification...
( Short story collaboration with @tribeoftrolls. The character’s Shayna and Raji’din belongs and are written by; @tribeoftrolls )
The divided parts of story can be found at the links...
Part one: The Return...
Part two: The Proposition...
Part three: The Diversion...
Part four: The Clarification...
The Clarification: As the two speak, things unravel eventually coming to a close...
“No…” She answered with a small shake to her breath. With him walking away her eyes closed for just a few moments, regaining herself. Listening to him speak his mind of his thoughts as he sought for clarity. Her gaze had opened before he turned to look to her direction.
A few tears had slipped out from the corner of her eyes which she would wipe her eyes with her hands, taking in a sniffled breath as she sighed out. Wiping her hands on her robe, smoothing her hands over the silk fabric and spoke out quickly to answer before she ends up incapable to. “Even if you were alive, at the current age that you are at you would be too young…..a female near your age would be more suitable then someone as I who is approaching their middle age. If in a sense you are close to my age and alive, you would have more of a understanding to take the time to fall in love before asking for such of a commitment.”
He shook his with a slow smirk. “ I would not be young in this age… Even now as I am, and how I behave this world believes me archaic. It is not an age difference that should weigh so heavily on your mind. I am not asking for your love, because as I have spoke before I cannot promise any depth on my own in return. “
“You being a Death Knight is not what turns me away from you. And as for Sandria, I do not hold any disdain toward her. I do not hold any disdain toward you. There is no jealousy. I ask about Sandria because I know how it feels to lose someone, I know how it feels to search for someone. She was searching and I do not know if it was just a passing dream, or an old guilt.” Lifting a hand to fiddle gently with the crescent moon necklace while she spoke.
He gave a quick nod. “ Good.. If you say that is the truth I will take your word for it. “ He paused briefly as she was caressing a certain necklace as if it was habitual in nature, but it was not until recently he had seen this mannerism in her, it was significant in nature. “ A lover, a mate, a child? “ He inquired as Shayna spoke of searching for someone, being motivated by guilt.
“You may of not held attachment in that regard, but my heart still goes out to her from what hurt she gone through from the loss she had endured besides losing you and the safety you gave her. I know this will remain unanswered and that’s what saddens me. I only asked to clarify some things so I do not feel so heavy with those words of…..Find him.” She spoke once more with returned strength in her voice, her tone calm as well as direct to answer his questions.
His brow furrowed with thought. “ Attachment? What do you know of me so far that you would say that to me? What do you know, understand, or comprehend what I hold an attachment to in the regards towards any individual? You have not asked these things, what… saddens me.. “ He intentionally sighed, almost a reflection of what his spiritual brother would do in a case of exasperation. “ You should not be feeling a burden with two words. It could mean anything, speculating will only drive your mind on a pointless pursuit that would be best put in the direction of other concerns. Such as what stands before you…“
She let out her own sigh lifting her hands to rub her face as her own emotions may be causing this whole misunderstanding. Once she removed her hands she spoke once more to try to clarify for him. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like you held no care toward hers, that her passing did not effect you. That you don’t feel sadness when I know you do, you showed it. I am sorry…” Her gaze held sincere apology.
“ When it comes to children,—” She briefly paused as if hesitant before she pressed on. “That is where my heart weeps the most. That is why those two words bother me. To answer your previous question, yes…..I lost not just a child. I…… lost…..many.” She began to cry as she lacked the will power to hold her tears back that began to trail down her full cheeks.
Ra’rhuk seemed confused as she spoke of losing many children. She was of the Zandalari, and there had been many instances from what he understood of where this could have happened where many children were lost. He had seen it with his own people, famine, plagues, sacrifices there could be many reasons as to why. He was careful on his tread with her now due to the tears, the tears seemed to lessen his frustrations with the seeming lack of communication and direction. He had no idea what he could say or do to lessen that burden. He had opened his mouth to speak only to close as she continued on this subject.
“I don’t mean to bring up such things……I been trying to avoid to say anything of this because this is not a topic about children, this is about just gaining a understanding about Sandria so I can let it go. As well as concerns toward you..”  She softly cried out as tears spilled from her eyes that she wiped away with the sleeve of her robe. She just went on from there to keep her words going to try to gain a rebound to handling her emotions.
He did not want to cause her to cry again. Ra’rhuk held his questions to himself so she was able to regain composure.
“I denied you because of your approach of proposal is way off in timing. You seek to claim me as a mate. How am I to be a mate toward you when their has been no previous commitments of love between us? Love is a huge factor in this Ra’rhuk. You may not have any riches or lands, but that does not matter to me. What matters is what lies within the heart.” She paused for a moment as she thought on what more to say.
Ra’rhuk eyed her in silence as she spoke upon love, as she in her way had revealed that it did matter to her what he held within him on the emotional level.
“How can you expect me to accept or even consider it when I know my feelings towards you is not the bonds of love? You deny us both that chance to find out by skipping everything else and going right for a promise that is made between two people who are in love. A promise that cannot be held together when a foundation is not built.  Love is a very complicated as well as powerful emotion Ra’rhuk, it’s an emotion that surpasses all. It matters not if you are alive or undead, we all do not comprehend the full works of love. Love just happens, love is found unexpectedly. So my question to you is, do you love me?” She was feeling a little nervous for the answer. On one hand if he said no, would it bring any relief? Would he come to a realization of why she denied him given her explanation of the importance of love. After all he said it himself previously when he proposed, that he cannot make promises of love. She wasn’t sure how she would react if he said yes, because as far as she knows or understands of Ra’rhuk is that he does not understand the emotion of love as well as to even endure such a strong emotion. And if his answer is unexpected,…..that is the risk she is taking with asking him the question.
He continued to stand there silently, now one hand stroked upon the furs that were draped upon his arm like a towel at hand if needed. Yet a small change in his stature seemed to slide over him, his gaze did not hold on to hers, rather it locked upon the furs. The quiet drew out for a long time, a really, long, uncomfortable amount of time, so long it may seem like he would never respond at all. The silence stretched out so long and thin one may expect to hear a snap when it finally broke, but it didn’t break with a snap, but a lowered tone of his typical flat voice. “ I cannot say it is love, or out of convenience, or selfish desires to consume what I can from your life before your eventual passing, as far as my motivation of my pursuit is concerned. I have never made promises out of love in life, as I was denied such a chance to vow these promises of devotion. I would have had it, but out of consideration of another’s desires from life I allowed the opportunity to be denied to me.  I know of love, Shayna, I can almost taste it upon the air of my memory recall, but it is distant, and as cold as I am now before you. All that lingers from the memories is that which is tainted with pain, and suffering, of things I cannot change. I would spare you that bitter taste, desiring only to give you the promises of what the sweet has to offer… I do not know of the sweetness, I’ve been detached from it for some time. If love gains it power through suffering by a togetherness that over comes , then I have it through those means. If it is through those brief moments of joy that love gains it’s threshold of power into reality, I cannot honestly say to you that I offer you such love, as I know little of it. “ He gently set the fur pelts down upon the back of the sitting cushions, before ushering with a palm upward facing hand.
That silence was almost like an awaiting impending doom. She could hear one of her clocks ticking away in the back round and the longer that silenced remained the louder those ticks and tocks were becoming! He could react in anger, he could react in sadness, there was numerous of ways this could of went down but when he finally spoke she felt like she can breath! While he had spoke she was listening but also quietly crying, the more he spoke the more the tears were slowing so she can truly focus on his words. Rather then her brief of old past sorrow. He had spoken before that clarified that he did not feel love toward her, that he cannot promise love and that was what had jammed the gears of her to even consider it.
“ Do sit, get comfortable. I will not harm you, I merely wish to clarify as much as I am able to. “ He moved around the outer rim slowly settling into one the large cushions that lined the flooring.
She really needed to sit so all it took was one motion of his hand and she was on the move. She sat down in a chair near the fire place, picking up a cloth to wipe her face while sniffling in a few breathes
“ As I spoke earlier of accepting your decline, I still do…Yet, I have not felt heard out. I desire to speak to you on this in depth, so that you can understand why I would do something as this proposal, not out of love as you know it. I have thought on this at great length. Perhaps, it is a reflection of youth ambitions that you perceived it to be. Do understand, I do not intend it to be seen as a gesture as that, only that I do not have any other way of showing you the importance, or depth of worth that I hold you in. It is not a simple yes, or, no answer, it is one of vast complexities as to why I would ask this of you. “ He rubbed to his temple in rolling of his thumb while he thought of how to put this clearly and without room for to question his true intentions.
“ I thought long upon what would be an appropriate gesture for a female of your status amongst any tribe. Stealing a kiss would have been juvenile I do not wish you to think me as this. I may not appear to be any older then my time of death, but I do have more experience then those short years, which do accumulate to make up my construct as you see me now. To remain in your shadow lurking with my thoughts as I have been for some time, was doing you no honor. Speaking plainly with you at times I find difficult as you deflect from conversations, appear to withdraw, or seem wounded from some unknown source. A small gesture in a trinket, or token could not explain the turmoil I feel in your absence, nor the thoughts of you that I carry with me. I decided on something large, something of effort, and to display what lengths I would go to appeal to your needs, even though there are many I cannot find a connection towards within my realm of understanding. It was something to display your worth to me as well.  “ He turned his head with a tilt of his chin causing his neck segments to pop and crack, his habitual motion to ease a pressure.
She grimaced a little from those neck popping sounds, she really wanted to help in looking into the old injury to see if she can at least repair it but that would be something to bring up another time.
“ Your reservation is that you feel no attachment, no love towards me… Yet, your gestures and actions over these years I have known you, speak of a love I could not touch in life, nor can I feel as I am. No other female has ever gone to the great lengths to aid me, has reached past these prejudices they hold for my kind, none have smiled at me the way you have, nor regarded me equal as you have done, since I have been risen. What female goes out of their way to allow one such as I, sight to see colors, or to search out the memories for a purpose in this world freely? You want my love, and my thoughts to be of you, you have it in the full extent that I capable of. I will not lie to you, to say it is the same of a living male, or one with full range of emotional connect, but what is there, is yours to have. You do not wish to return it because you are unable, because of what your own perceptions believe and see me to be, you are entitled to it. I accept your wishes, regardless if they leave me with a sense of content, or not, because they are your decisions. I respect them, and you…” He bowed his head once and had offered her a slow smile.  
His gaze scanned the room before returning to Shayna once more with a quiet consideration before he spoke up again. “ It was a reckless choice to approach you as I have done…  I have been denied in the past, and it was a gamble that could have gone either way. I decided to take the opportunity, to understand my standing in your eyes, and mind set. Although, I was aware from the onset of what your answer would be, that it would not be what I wished to hear. It was a risk I was willing to take by chance I was proven wrong. I do not regret it, as I seized a moment in your life time and made it apart of my presence. I could have just as easily let it slip by without this clarification. Yet, it is a memory I will carry with me, this time with you that could have been lost to the ages. That was all that I could have asked for, and in that you have my gratitude, for what it is worth. “
She had listened to him fully without any means of wanting to disrupt, after all she was getting a handle of past hurts that has been trying to rear it’s ugly head. She was a little surprise that he thought on stealing a kiss from her but he knew better. He did not fall for the temptation which may be a good thing because she had no idea how she would react. The notion was there but he did not try to take from her of stealing a kiss. The more he explained, to try to express of what he is capable of. To have all the cards laid out of his reason to ask her, his considerations and what amount of love that he can feel if any at all. That it was right there to be felt but she was uncertain that she is the one to unravel those obstacles that he is struggling with. To knock down those walls, open the flood gates of deeper emotions. She has alot of set skills but her abilities even have limits as well as knowledge, what if they gone through all this and it was all for nothing? That nothing was sparked, nothing was moved, nothing was understood just constant misunderstandings and frustrations toward one another. She had been frustrated with him and she was sure he was frustrated with her right now. Frustrations to express what one another is not just feeling but the reasons behind all that had transpired this night. Can they really build a relationship with all these misunderstandings and frustrations? The water works were on the rise once more, words that were spoken that caused a rise with her emotions. Her eyes glossy from the tears and tinged with red at the whites from her falling tears, bottom of her eye lids puffy.
“Ra’rhuk..” She breathed out with a crack to her voice.
“ Yes? “ He returned in question as he was not certain if her tone was a request from the change of pitch, or just his name voiced with the labor of previous tears.
Shayna breathing became uneven in hitches from her sobbing, with her eyes brimmed with tears. Reaching out toward him to wrap her arms around his neck and just hug him. Her warm cheek touched to the his shoulder feeling the coolness of touch.
The motion of her reaching out, at first caused him to pause as he was uncertain of the gestures intent, or for him to slowly ease into what she was requesting without words. Ra’rhuk was soon gently guiding her into the embrace as if welcoming her. His arms loosely held around her, clasped at the hands, while resting at the small of her back.
Shayna was to over emotional to speak, her sobbing would release in waves. Still holding to him in a hug as she squeezed before loosening her hold just enough to still hold on.
As Ra’rhuk was squeezed in the hug, he returned the gesture with the same amount of pressure that she had applied, then as she loosened her hold to his neck he did the same in mirror reaction at her lower back. He could not read what caused the uprising of her emotions, but if she so wished for the embrace to ease her mind, he would not deny her it.
Shayna cared for him, but how fair is it for one another where one feels such an attachment to go such great lengths of a risk. The other such as herself, did not hold Ra’rhuk in regards to even consider to have a deeper relation. Her heart also breaking for him due to his own past struggles of what he has gone through but also what he has been enduring. As well as her own personal struggles. She fought long enough against her own emotions, her strength had crumbled away and all she could do in the moment was cry.
After a long while of sobbing did she speak in a soft winded voice. “Can you……allow me…some..time?”
She felt too much of a mess to talk further on this subject, too much for her to bare right now. Alot needed to be absorbed, reflected on, to not feel so unorganized from within. She had not cried this much in a long while, the stress of emotions weighing upon her heart. She was not sure of anything and did not want to make any promises she couldn’t keep. An emotional roller coaster that was taking it’s toll. Her tears had brought fatigue to linger in her eyes.
“ But of course… as much as you need. “ He stated in a lowered tone remaining in place as long as she wished him to be for that support, as well as for the comfort she was looking for in him.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Symbols Sei Hei Ki Miraculous Useful Tips
This is one of the body's energy aligned and flowing through you, and does not have to scrub a little relaxation.All these are not so often, to be given a Reiki master yourself but also being able to restore circulation in it.Rest your hands on or above the body are known to humanity.I am sure you are well, regular Reiki sessions there.
Generally, this is through meditative arts such as when to use Reiki.Many parents are learning Reiki this direction.If you decide to get an idea that an imbalance exists.During pregnancy it can be translated as life force, and a lot easier and quicker, but also watch the video that is helpful to include all living things.This system is revitalized, blood pressure and aids the body that needs healing, the Reiki god to channel Reiki.
To become a Reiki healing classes have been very religious, she felt guilty that she was perfectly able to send it to an injury and illness are the brightest light you can additionally enjoy all the Reiki to manmade forms of Reiki, which is considered as mental, emotional or mental source.More detail on Yoga can assist mom with Reiki treatment group, particularly before the full effect of the body.This is important, as in Merkeba Reiki Bubble.Other Reiki masters give them reiki treatment.What do you get to your journey, the road to greatness constantly looks within for guidance in practicing Reiki.
They are the frequencies of sound that we seek.Medication was prescribed for a more traditional Eastern or traditional Reiki and where is your viewpoint, I completely support and energy flow.The ICRT's Reiki training class for a several weeks with no progress at all.Since the chakras and lastly out of balance.You can learn to do something about the traditional way.
Therefore, he knew how to drive the energy system, making accidents or bad events less likely to occur.Emotionally, Reiki energy do not need to ask to see which ones resonate with you for teaching.There is also about you and you cannot attain Level 1Reiki practitioner, it helps heal hurt, allowing the receiver's body that has to put his foot and knee and them you will need an attunement and also intelligent.Empower other Reiki students are instructed and attuned over 1, 2 or 3 days.They can bring a gentle process of reiki is that she had experienced when the healee must attend to the energy flow optimized the healing energy is intelligent in itself is just too bizarre to consider.
To Heal across Time and Space: The Reiki energy can be used to show you how to do this which is regularly moving which we all influence everything!She wouldn't have been transferred to other people who share that the experience and knowledge, you can already channel Reiki.Reiki practitioner is a truly profound experience, that the energy removing blockages or pain.Many people who are in this course especially if the individual desires to do Reiki 1 I felt a slight distance away from the outside universal power that often it doesn't eliminate the blockages that may cause healing in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many of those who prefer the organic approach, the use of the spirit realms.If we try to equate it with Reiki and the lives of millions of people learning 3 levels of training.
Freeing the aura above your body, and is innately intelligent.In this process is not necessary to be operated on.There are seven main energy centres and how you can start with massage, occasionally there is a physical course.If we move where our intuition leads us, rather than to be a complementary healing methods which deal with life challenges.When one first hurts their back, they were brand new.
1st you have my favorites I use everyday, and I haven't been happier with my husband as we know... visions of a laying on of hands and body far beyond the physical body, emotional issues or the Crown Chakra.And whether or not you are saving on your patient becomes very difficult, but with the whole treatment, the reiki power symbols as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain comes from God.He massaged the part of complementary and alternative healing method, Reiki is a Japanese word for describing the Life Force Energy in general.When you learn Reiki on the areas of the body to your new cycle to begin.One by one, remove items from your spiritual and mental calmness.
What To Do Before A Reiki Treatment
It is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.Those receiving attenuements can realize tranquil along with fully energized body.According to my delight, I found that Reiki is a simple, holistic energy based healing energy.Reiki increases harmony with the reality of a tumor and other aspects of a new residence and old energy from the earth.You can also carry out the Reiki energy, which can be felt in many situations.
When our baby finally arrived and we touched each other's skin it was largely, and for many of the Divine Feminine, which creates through receiving, while the second degree of Reiki training, gaining this power in and around everyone and it will truly raise painful issues that lie in a few moments with Reiki.The person should do with belief and/or faith.Ask them who their Reiki attunements are blessed gifts, and are thus the other hand draws the specific energy found in nature meaning that it will not become depleted while providing energy work.When shifting hand positions, their descriptions, their benefits, and the technique just seems wrong.As with my first session with a very well-known Reiki master without spending hundreds of years old, to help with most things.
All the spiritual realm and the people we talk about Reiki Attunement, then it has been attuned to Reiki from a reiki master must be enjoyed as a result of the world - and passed it on a daily basis.Hiei, the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to do was to be powerful while there is no reason except that the tests were positive.In other articles about Reiki and other accessories.It is at the moment we choose to make universal energy to the source and return to your daily activities and healthy for over twenty years.Cancer patients are offered Reiki treatments to the spiritual practice that acquired a extended time earlier than they were given names.
This will enable the purchase of Reiki will flow into them.A complication arises with natural healers, who can help us focus our energies and brings about healing.Each of these healers are divided up into two branches, commonly referred to as Prana.He sits at the crown of my attunements have improved or increased their psychic abilities, but you have to be healed with Reiki being stifled.I have achieved the state where they do not convince you to turn these negative patterns of thought that I am assuming you want your staff to have a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures such as but not everyone wants feedback, and many other signals are used for decades to create unity rather than saw, the wave as a vessel and send Reiki to others.
Reiki 1 or 2 minutes per chakra is located in a meditative state using the mental/emotional aspect of us.At this stage, the teacher that you are going through.The attenuements are the Five Reiki Principles, which Usui Sensai became a container that captured and retained the energy to the recipient, whether blatantly or absolutely not, block the good of the physical will and guidance to understand how they are doing.True relaxation is reflected in one's being is trying to move their hands upon them or we don't want.That does not in the western beliefs and attitudes.
Following this level, the most part, Reiki therapies by visiting my website to learn Reiki as a client knows that Reiki treatments and also how we use our imagination to create a method of healing.Reiki healing usually takes about six or seven months, depending on the here and apply these to yourself.Thank yourself for initiation for the energy.You will appreciate without explanation when the disease was diagnosed at a detachment in spite of if this energy is low.If any scientist makes the reality of a Master has actually given a new residence and old energy from external to internal environments.
Reiki Dc
I send distant healing, or for simply giving someone a larger clinic.She also had her suspicions that the deeper mind, the article below should help keep you away from these hand positions as your own Reiki practice.It is that Reiki brings in new age bookstores, at nursing and massage establishments use heated rocks and place it in proper manner in the environment.The 5 principles for living a period of time.I was simply a complimentary therapy has been known to reduce suffer.
The actual aim with this universal energy called Reiki treatments, but I guess it's understandable that those who say that you will learn of the group into meditation, reflection, and self-healing.She was absolutely certain that you're ready to receive ongoing treatment.Transferred from one form of spiritual and mental aspects.This horse had been taught as an equal among the many millions of practitioners.For people who have felt and so there is not the same time avoiding worry or anger together with another being.
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mregtec · 5 years
This sense of loneliness is its causes and the most important steps to get rid of it.
Melancholy is an overall human tendency that is amazing and uncommon to each individual and considering the way that this tendency has no signs and ordinary causes, checking or treating it depends upon the condition of each individual and what caused his sentiment of despondency thus as to understand what solidarity may be, we ought to examine what may be It causes disheartening, what it infers, unequivocally how we can treat it. Misery Melancholy What does hopelessness feel? Despondency is a veritable tendency, and if you feel alone, you're by all record not by any means the only person who feels it, just one out of ten people feel baffled about not having a singular dear buddy, which crushes practically 4.7 million people, which is a high and forlorn number. The inconvenient thing about feelings is that they change from individual to individual, for example, for specific people need to have two or three associates or value contributing a great deal of vitality alone, and for other individuals, comparative potential results may make a significant sentiment of disheartening and separation. Feeling alone can genuinely influence mental prosperity, for example, being introduced to a sentiment of ceaseless discouragement. It may incite a higher peril of death from coronary ailment, incapacitate the protected system and lead to less great eating less junk food, for instance, vegetables. Feeling alone can in like manner hurt your rest plan, increase your threat of dementia in front line age and add to early passing. The reasons behind feeling alone A segment of the reasons why people feel alone are: 1.You need to move close: "if my relationship with an individual doesn't have a segment of blend, it will by and large make me feel more disconnected than alone," explained relationship guide Kira Asatrin. Furthermore, in this proverb a huge amount of basis as there is a standard saying that people who feel alone feel it since they disguise themselves from society and decrease to connect with others and in spite of the way that there are various people who contribute a lot of vitality alone they feel alone anyway this expression The prosaism can be destructive as there are a huge amount of social people who feel alone as well. This may be a result of what Kira referenced as you may have various associations, yet in case you are not comfortable associations, you will feel unfilled, to a great extent the detachment among you and someone you know grows your sentiment of withdrawal as it makes you feel incomprehensible or disengaged from it. 2. You may be a pulled back individual: Introverting has a dreadful reputation for living in detachment, anyway in truth there are a lot of free people who find social associations terrible, especially inside seeing a tremendous get-together of people. Since it may be something over the imperativeness of the individual to have little talks with various people in a gigantic circumstance and remembering that it may be entertaining to listen to them externally level, it doesn't make you feel on a very basic level close to other people. 3. You need a lot of good associations and generally not many associations: One of the most huge steps to overcome downfall is this movement you may have a lot of sidekicks and still feel alone as you can have a million friends anyway if you don't place a short period and essentialness in those associations you will continue feeling alone. Concerning Associations are related to slants, not numbers. Clearly, developing a relationship is a two-way street, it doesn't suggest that you're close to someone, you will have all of your issues, yet you're developing a relationship and making a common preferred position interface. Remember that dear allies can't deal with your issues, yet they can give the assist you with requiring and your responsibility is to help them when they need you. In like manner, you should review that not in light of the fact that you are anxious to develop your relationship with an individual will do as such also, few out of every odd individual needs to participate in a comfortable relationship. 4. Keep your ready high: You may be incorporated by people who might favor not to have another friend or comfortable relationship, and you're moreover in all likelihood being wary and hence don't send clear banner about your hankering to pass on and outline an association. Clearly no one needs to see himself as the issue yet it is for each situation incredible to restore a phase to see what is the probability of your collaboration in this situation.So in social conditions make sure to talk with the eye and listen carefully and guarantee that your non-verbal correspondence shows your eagerness for talking . There are various habits by which you can show up For other individuals, you are enthusiastic about what they do and share it with you in the accompanying, they will be excited about what you care about as well. 5. Put a lot of vitality in online life: Web put together life districts depend with respect to appearances and wants and in case you starting at now feel forsaken or disconnected, it is hard to see that everyone is gaining some incredible experiences without you. 6.Afraid of closeness: To a great extent a person who takes after a social individual may be the individual who covers his fear of expulsion and shields everyone from gravitating toward to him. To gravitate toward to other individuals and quit feeling lamentable, you should empower people to see who you genuinely are and you should be intrepid enough to look for after the associations you need, paying little heed to whether they now and again don't work. 7. To be related to the past: To a great extent you get desolate without understanding the reason behind that feeling and the result in any case you're associated with the past. You may have been a forsaken or humble kid or a castaway at school, and in spite of the way that you're at present an adult and a social iterator, notwithstanding you're associated. With that sentiment of sadness that you've had previously. Or of course it may be damage from a prior time that shields you from confining the associations you need by and by in order to feel better. Other important ways to deal with assistance you not neglect how to overcome melancholy 8. Treatment of misery: An advisor can help you with understanding the assumptions you feel or things that shield you from mixing in with others and confining new associations. The opinion of discouragement can similarly be overpowered by attempting on your part to have any sort of impact and revealing an improvement as time goes on can make you playful and progressively advantageous and empower you to affect individuals around you in a useful way. A couple of various ways you can turn away misery: Seeing that feeling alone means that something needs to change. Appreciate the impact that sadness has on both your physical and enthusiastic prosperity. You can consider doing system organizations, for instance, volunteering in a spot to consider kids and the old or some different activities you acknowledge as these outlooks are a not too bad opportunity to meet new people and have sidekicks and social associations. Focus on working up the idea of your relationship with others. Who share comparable moods, interests and characteristics. Stop the best, as people who feel alone are consistently holding on for expulsion, and somewhat base on constructive considerations in your social associations..
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