#everyone loves a good coelacanth
fuckyeahcoelacanths · 5 months
Come for tales of Aotearoa's moa, Argentina's Nahuelito, the Congo's Mokele-Mbembe, and then 22 minutes in, stay for your beautiful coelacanth story.
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-points at you with delight and glee- FELLOW MARINE BIOLOGY/OCEANOGRAPHY ENTHUSIAST!!! hi I love your mer-attorneys and all the sea creatures you pick it delights my inner fish immensely
This whole AU would not have been possible without @original-character-chaos, who contributed to like half of the creature picks for the mers. It started out as me making a joke that if Miles Edgeworth was a mer, he'd be a frilled shark. Nox then asked if Gumshoe would be an octopus. Then I decided Franziska would be a sixgill because I love sixgills. We promptly spiraled out of control from there.
And when I say spiraled oh boy do I mean it. Under the cut is several paragraphs of infodumping.
First was our basic criteria: only deepsea animals.
Next came picking out deepsea animals for everyone. At this point we had Mia, Maya, Pearl, and Miles figured out, but we needed something for phoenix. At first I tossed around the idea of a coelacanth, since they're both blue and incredibly persistent, but they aren't able to swim very deep (only 700m down, mia would have had a 6,000 meter lead on him). Then I was looking up deep sea sharks. and one name stood out as odd to me. The basking shark was on there. Which was weird, they're surface dwellers. They literally have "basking" in their name, why would they be deepsea. Then I found out that they can dive up to 2,000 meters below the surface. for reference, that is as deep as GIANT SQUIDS.
And then it clicked that of COURSE Phoenix Wright, of all characters, would make a great deepsea mer to have basking in it's name. A few other factors, such as basking sharks being able to breach and being warm-blooded (just think of the cuddling possibilities), sealed him in.
Not only did we decide that we were only allowed to pick deepsea animals (reaching the twilight zone, aprox. 200 meters below sea level minimum, preferrably closer to the midnight zone at about 1,000 meters), but each character, save for identical twins, would be a different species. The specificity has gotten to the point where all mers in the Fey family have to be in the order scyphozoa, aka "true" sea jellies, and ON TOP OF THAT their bioluminescence directly correlates with their spritual power. So Mia, Maya, and pearl are all bioluminescent, but Dahlia and Iris aren't. Similarly, while we decided to give all characters distinct species, we also wanted bio family to show some relation to each other. So while Apollo is a thorny whiplash squid and Trucy's a vampire squid, they're both red cephalapods, and their common root, Thalassa, is a blanket octopus. Nox and I were kinda loosing our shit trying (and failing) to cross-reference the depth range of the gelatinous blanket octopus (Thalassa), which is different from a the shallow-dwelling rainbow blanket octopus, and even after digging up actual research papers our findings were unfortunately inconclusive. Another less complicated example is Manfred vonKarma, who we lovingly gave a greenland shark for the fact that he's old as fuck and also full of poison. Then of course Franziska had to be a shark too, so I said bluntnose sixgill because they are so fucking cool, and everyone sleeps on them.
And I mean it. Look up the largest sharks in the world. #1 will be the whale shark, for obvious reasons, the largest we've ever accurately measured was over 60 feet long. #2 will be the basking shark, which also checks out, their largest on record was over 40 feet.
But then you check for the next on the list. Now, weight-wise, the results do look different, but we're specifically focusing on the length of the shark from snout to tail-tip for this. And it's also where I start wanting to throw hands. On base reaction, most people would say the great white. A good record on measurements is this article, but they unfortunately appear to have fallen for the Great White propaganda, claiming the largest one on record was 23 feet. Wow, that's big! Sure would be cool if it was true. The largest great white that I can reliably find measurements on is Deep blue, who clocks in at just over 20 feet. There are unconfirmed reports from several hundred years ago of whites that were well over thirty feet... that I don't believe were actually great whites. See, they bear a striking similarity to the harmless, much larger basking shark, and I'd bet actual money on these reported catches just being very unfortunate baskers, sorry guys.
So, great whites only grow to about 21 feet MAXIUM, and most average 15-16 feet. Why have I spent so much time tearing them down over sixgills? WHEHEHEELLL. Buckle up. The largest recorded bluntnose sixgill shark was
Unlike great whites, a sixgill has no larger relatives to be mistaken for.
AND while I'm at it, I would like to add that the average size for this species, 11-14 feet, isn't nearly as well documented as other shallow-water sharks, and is based on when the shark reaches sexual maturity; sighted sixgills often reach well past 18 feet. Submersibles have encountered massive ones, such as this gorgeous beast, and because I'm so very normal, I did the math. It's stated in the extended cut of the exploration that her head is about 3 feet wide. And based on this reference, i measured out a sixgill's head width as about 1/7th of their total body length.
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3 x 7 is 21, so that shark is, give or take, about 21 feet, possibly longer. Since they are deep-sea sharks, with the adults sticking to deeper waters, it is entirely possible that the largest ones are just chilling near the seafloor having never seen a submersible or ROV. Even discounting that, we have a (albeit roughly) measured sixgill who is as big as Deep Blue, if not bigger, and google is a liar.
They also are responsible for trying to eat underwater ethernet cables
So yeah. that's a lil bit of lore for Law of the deep, the silly little deepsea mer au for ace attorney! Thank you so much for the ask, again :D
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zoroshark · 1 year
Zora OCs Pt. 1!
It’s zoramay and I haven't posted most if not all of my zora ocs! Some even gotten a mini redesign since I last posted them. I thought to remedy that and show them off. Warning this post will be a bit long!
First is Ayana!
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Gender: Female •  Age: 24 (hylian years) • Species: Doitsu (Scaleless) Butterfly Koi fish Zora • Height: 5'7 • Personality: Quiet, Caring, Curious, Adventurous, Stubborn  • Friends with: Hamar
General Info: At a young age, she lost her remaining family to a tragedy that affected her whole home. After being taken in by the elders, she became a selective mute after constantly being looked down upon by others and hearing whispers about her and her family. She had enough of the treatment she was receiving at one point and decides to run away from home, heading to the seas. She was found by a ship ran by zoras after getting lost and was taken to Hyrule. After years of spending with the ship's crew, she leaves to set on a new adventure and finds a place to stay in Faron.
Next Is Hamar!
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Gender: Male • Age: 36 (hylian years) • Species: Viper Dogfish/Coelacanth Zora • Height: 12'9" • Personality: Goofy, Laid-back, Loyal, Humble, Secretive • Friends with: Ayana, Moraiya  • Enemies with: Dalen
General info: A zora who travels all of Hyrule. He is a potion maker/seller and has a pet red panther chameleon. He generally wears a cloak as his appearance can be intimidating. He has done questionable things in the past, but he means well and is a big goofball and jokester. Everyone he meets he does his best to show respect, and even if they say mean things of him, he dismisses it and has a good laugh. Only his friends and loved ones he will absolutely protect with every fiber of his being. 
3rd up is Dalen!
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Gender: Male  •  Age: 32 (hylian years) • Species: Chambered Nautilus • Height: 7'6" • Personality: Confident, Calm, Manipulative, Suave, Deceitful • Enemies with: Hamar
General info: A hitman for hire, borderline serial killer. From growing up in a relatively wealthy family in one of the most shady places, to being mistreated by his corrupt father, Dalen strives to kill those in power, those he deem scum or for those who want revenge. These are done for a price, or by his own hands. His calm demeanor masks the manipulative and twisted side of him. He uses a sheikah weapon with a similar laser to the guardians, sniping those from afar with one killing blow. To him he is no madman, only serving true justice. 
Gonna post a part 2 of my Zora ocs!
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groovesnjams · 24 days
"coelacanth" by glass beach
So far no one's really bought my "glass beach are zoomer Animal Collective" comparison, for various reasons, mostly credible, but I'm still clinging to it by my fingernails and Grooves N Jams dot com does not have an editor obviously, so. I think of the first time I heard "Slippi," the sense that I had no idea what I was listening to or where it might go next. I think of how half their songs seemed to run on a first-idea-best-idea ethos that sometimes resulted in chaos or boredom but sometimes reached transcendence. I think of how they clearly got more out of drugs than I've ever managed. and these are all things that Animal Collective, classic millennial hipster band, has in common with glass beach, psych-pop zoomer group. Especially on "coelacanth," which throws in some early-period Panda Bear pyrotechnics on the drums for good measure. I like "coelacanth" more in concept than execution - it never quite coheres, the lead guitar isn't as hooky as it could be, and maybe it needs to let those interludes breathe a little more even if it means making the song nine minutes instead of almost seven. But there's something exciting happening here, even if it's not totally clicking into place yet. As another millennial band once put it, do not ignore the potential.
Um, but this is math rock? "coelacanth" has more in common with the "Eruption" solo than anything Animal Collective ever did, let's not drag those well-meaning improvisationalists into what is actually a highly composed post-rock dirge. In its boredom and recalcitrance, I suppose I do hear something kind of millennial -- it's like Bella Swan, or her wardrobe, at least. As it pertains to Gen Z, well, they are trying so, so hard to bring jazz back to the national consciousness and I think that's where "coelacanth" best fits. As much as mainstream media loves to complain about their short attention spans and irreverence for history and its import, I've always felt it's like avocado toast and Applebee's. glass beach are capable of dizzying complexity (less complexity next time, please) and clearly want to tap into some erstwhile dormant vein of creative expression. There's nothing new under the sun, this is sure to remind everyone of something.
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Any skills or things you really want to learn?
I see you're just learning to ride a bike, I also do not know how to ride a bike!! I picked up skateboarding during the pandemic (more specifically a long board) and I really haven't had time to practice or learn but I want to get back into it!! I have a permanent scar on my elbow now from my first time on it when I absolutely ate concrete, but I cherish it since I never did these kind of things as a kid. I also really want to learn how to play the guitar, I think people who can play an instrument are really cool (and also extremely hot). I think I might be tone death tho! I have a really hard time distinguishing notes, but I'd still love to try and learn!
Favorite (non pet) animal!! and why or what you love about them?
My favorite animal are octopuses!! I couldn't pick a specific species they're all so cool. I love how smart they are and I think they look incredible. I am very partial to aquatic wild life in general, I love me a water creature. My list of faves includes octopuses, sharks (whale shark and goblin shark especially), wild assortment of fish (coelacanths, chimaeras, and salmon are some specifics), axolotls, and frogs. My favorite non aquatic animals are snakes, insects (love beetles, mantises, and arthropods as some specifics), and rams/goats.
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
I wanna shapeshift. Something something queer and trans experience. I wanna be able to turn into a cat and do cat things, or a bird and do bird things, or a fish and do fish things. I think its only fair I get to half shift as well, let me have cat ears and a tail let me be a cat boy come on. I just think it would be so much fun being an animal or having animal features.
Any skills of things you really want to learn?
More than guitar, I want to learn to play violin and koto! I just think they are the sexiest sounding instruments. Unfortunately, I already know how to sing rather well, and any attempt to play an instrument has ended in failure as I get frustrated with my ability to make the sound with my mouth & inability to make the sound with my hands. I also want to learn to swim… Maybe the lessons will stick this time?
Favorite (non pet) animal!! and why or what you love about them?
I love penguins because they’re mean motherfuckers but look so cute. I love wild cats, especially Pallas cats because they’re mean motherfuckers but look so cute. I love sharks because they’re nice ocean dogs but look so mean (PSA: sharks are smooth). I love smiling fish like plecostomus and axolotls because they look like little happy guys and that makes me happy. I don’t like bugs but I’m fascinated by them (and rip past me who decided my animals > bugs tag should be “insects,” I feel bad each time I reblog an arachnid and am too lazy to change it). BASICALLY. It’s all about the 💞dichotomy💞 and snacks that smile back (legal disclaimer: joke)
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
I read Jumper by Steven Gould at a young and impressionable age. I want to teleport. I thought about invisibility for a while but given all the many methods of surveillance, it would be more difficult to escape undetected (which is whole the reason for that ability, to do crime, duh). Instead, if I could teleport, even with restrictions on the ability I could still find good ways to steal and escape. 😈
I have always known that my vice was avarice, for everything, and if I ever rationalized away and neutralized the reasons why not to, I would absolutely rob a bank one time for just enough money to get a house and live the rest of my life in peace with some interesting things. Big banks are FDIC ensured after all. Small businesses full of interesting little things are maybe not, and the art in galleries and museums is there for everyone to enjoy. I have always known how easy it would be for me (and anyone) to do villain activities, if I could but rationalize away my human empathy about it all and get away without repercussions. Stanford Prison or heist fiction, “what makes someone a villain” is always a fun thought experiment. But if organized religion in my youth did anything for me, it fostered empathy for all people and a fear of ephemeral spiritual repercussions which I can never entirely shake.
And I agree, really. I have enough things that I share them with any who need. I don’t need more things for myself. I just want enough things. At the end of the day avarice is just me attempting to shore up the fact that I feel (financially) unstable.
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twsted-princess · 3 years
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"Heeeeey!!!!! You look like you're lost, are you new here? My name's Mori, it's nice to-oops! Ehehe there goes my hand!!!"
(art done by @rosemariebush)
Name: "Mori" (real name currently unknown)
Nicknames: Coelacanth, (Floyd) Monsieur La Joie/Mr. Merriment (Rook)
Voice Actors: Ayumu Murase
Gender: Male (He/Him though he doesn't mind They/Them)
Age: 17 (real age 116)
Sexuality: Gay/Asexual
Height: 5'4
Race: Zombie
Homeland: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Starsign: Unknown
Family: Unknown (currently decreased)
Occupation: Student
Based off: Original character
Professional Status
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: Second
Class: 2-C
Best Subject: Flying
Club: Mountain Appreciation
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Potato soup, Bread
Hated Food: Peas
Likes: His friends, The ramshackle dorm, Seeing new faces, Learning new things
Dislikes: Nothing really
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, Making friends, Playing with Grimm, Sewing, Playing video games
Talents: Boundless positivity
Unique Magic: Unknown
The zombie of Ramshackle and NRC's most friendly boy ever! Mori is a good guy, he loves everybody and sees everything with big sparkly eyes. It's almost like he doesn't realize everyone being mildly freaked out over him being a zombie. Melanie and Maisie (@wispy-selfship-eden) found him under a broken floorboard one rainy night, screaming their heads off when he wakes up like he was taking a very very long nap. Since he's been.....dead for a while his brain's so scrambled that he doesn't remember much of anything aside from a few details. While he is a chipper super friendly guy he's dumb, very dumb. Dumb, gullible, easily swayed, will do/say stupid stuff just because, and has literally no sense of danger so his friends have to make very sure he doesn't get into serious trouble. But overall he's a dear friend to all once you get use to his quirks.
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zodiactalks · 3 years
Love Life with Aquarius Woman & 5 Brutal Truths
Aquarius women have long been considered one of the most unconventional signs in the Zodiac and with good reason! This quirky, charming, intelligent, and bold sign can easily turn your world upside down.
But, are you ready for her?
Falling in love with an Aquarius woman can be an easy, almost unavoidable thing to do. However, it doesn't come without its challenges; after all, a woman as outstanding is bound to be complicated.
Her intelligence, her ability and preference to think outside the box, her desire to explore the world in new ways, and her closely-guarded heart will make any attempt at a romantic relationship with this revolutionary sign a bit of an odyssey. It'll be the kind of romantic adventure you'll fondly look back on in years to come.
It can also be just plain challenging, full of bumps and arguments that make for bad memories rather than good.
So how do you make sure you're getting the former and not the latter? By learning as much as you can about Aquarius women as quickly as possible.
Here are five brutal truths about loving Aquarius Woman.
#1. They're obsessed with being authentic.
Aquarius women can't stand the thought of being one of the bunch and will go through all kinds of extremes just to make sure she stands out as unique.
They're often described as weird, quirky, eccentric, or just plain freaky, and while those adjectives fit rather nicely, it's essential to understand that Aquarius women often play up to them.
Make no mistake, Aquarius women are often into unusual things and love some of the weirdest things you can imagine, but they also tend to be a bit performative in their interest; the moment they find something quirky and fun to do, they'll make sure the world knows it.
It's not enough that they're into collecting spiders or photographing other people's auras, oh no, they'll talk about it, and they'll talk about it often, ensuring no one around them can miss the fact that they're so quirky and unique.
It's one thing to be into weird stuff. It's a whole other thing to make that "quirkiness" part of your personality, and Aquarius women tend to do both.
So, if you have unconventional interests, chances are you'll find something in common with an Aquarius woman, just be prepared for her to make a big deal about it.
#2. They're know-it-alls.
No one discusses the fact that Aquarius women are wicked smart and interested in cerebral pursuits. They love learning new things, adore reading non-fiction, are obsessed with collecting all kinds of useless little facts, and generally are always pursuing the opportunity to acquire new skills.
Aquarius women are one of the most brilliant and capable women in the Zodiac, and they'll make damn sure you know it.
Honestly? There's nothing wrong with this. They've earned the right to flaunt and share their knowledge and skills with the world. After all, what good is information if you don't use it? What good is knowledge if you don't share it?
The thing is, Aquarius women are far from humble, and if they're proud of their achievements –as they should be– they'll make it their life mission that you, and everyone else, are aware of them.
She wants people to know she's the smartest and wants people to look up to her. In fact, though she might not voice it, she wants people to feel a little dumb next to her because she knows she rocks that hard.
As you can imagine, this behavior can get quite annoying, so make sure you're ready for it because it's not going anywhere.
#3. They hate romance.
Aquarius women are one of the least romantic creatures in the face of the earth.
Their straightforward, logical, somewhat aloof personality translates to a person who thinks romantic gestures are corny and stupid, and someone who would rather skip all the niceties and superficial gestures and get straight to business.
It's not that they're incapable of love, as this sign loves fiercely, it's more that they prefer to keep their romantic gestures as plain and sincere as possible.
They tend to see traditional romantic acts as performative and not really honest. Flowers and chocolates may be nice, but did you buy those because she likes it or because you think that's what she expects of you?
Long walks down the beach, sunset kisses, expensive dinner dates followed by a movie? Those are perfectly serviceable dates, yes, but are they really what you want to do, or did you choose them because she's a woman and those are the to-go date ideas?
Aquarius women want something sincere, something honest, something that truly reflects what you two like and what unites you as a couple. Giant teddy-bears are good, and all, but they mean nothing if you just get them because you think that's expected of you.
Instead of using movies and pop culture to plan your date, personalize it to make sure it's something she really would love!
If she's into birdwatching, then a picnic in the forest might be better received than a romantic dinner at a restaurant. If she's really into fishes, then a coelacanth plushie will beat a teddy bear every single time.
Forget what the movies have told you. If you love an Aquarius woman, none of those tips will work!
#4. They're incredibly indecisive.
Maybe it's a side effect of their highly active mind, perhaps it's just the way they interact with the world, but Aquarius women overthink just about everything that happens in their lives, and, because of that, they can be incredibly indecisive.
Trust us; an Aquarius woman doesn't take decisions lightly.
Yes, she might be an adventurous spirit always on the lookout for new experiences, but that doesn't make her spontaneous. Far from it, Aquarius women like to consider the pros and cons of all activities she joins and will make their due diligence when it comes to researching and making sure that activity is right for them.
Even when they've done everything in their power to ensure the best possible outcome, they'll doubt themselves and second-guess their choices at any given moment, simply because they're well aware that no one can plan for everything.
#5. She reinvents herself constantly.
If you want to be with an Aquarius woman, you need to be prepared to love her through her many, many phases. None of that 'I hope she doesn't change' nonsense. She will change, and she will change constantly.
She'll explore new interests, try her hand at new hobbies, pursue new objectives, and follow new styles and fashions just to see if it works for her.
Aquarius women want to experience everything the world has to offer and, to do so, they can't allow themselves to be static. They need to be in constant motion, always changing themselves.
If this sounds challenging, it's because it is.
This trait is one of the things people have the most trouble understanding about Aquarius women, but it's the one you need to embrace the fastest to have a happy life with her.
She won't become a different person from one day to the other. Aquarius women are, after all, always loyal to themselves, but she will pull the rug under you just when you think you're getting used to her quirks.
Our advice? Don't try to understand her; just love her as she is.
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sejinxlgc · 4 years
hi hi hi legacy! this mono (from @woobinxlgc​) back with another try at a second muse oops this sunday i have this wonderful boy OH SEJIN for you! he’s been at legacy since july 2019 and while he originally joined to be an idol, lately he’s been taking an interest in musical acting. he loves to sing, especially with his trusty ukulele, and would likes to dip his toe into modeling when given the chance! he’s what most would call a soft boy and the physical manifestation of a cloud. you can find out more about him below the cut as well as some quick plots!
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i’ll be getting to everyone’s lovely welcome messages as soon as i can, but for now if you’re really vibing with sejin or any of the plots i’ve listed you can like this post and i’ll come into your dms! OR i’m also available on discord @ mono#5074 and twitter @monosmuses later i’ll also be making a  thread call/tracker for all the events going on right now!
find out more about him, and have some plot ideas.
a brief look into : SEJIN !
born and raised in honolulu, hawaii. yes he can technically surf but he’s honestly crap at it compared to his family. he preferred collecting seashells on the shore (he has a whole collection and brought a few of his favorites to seoul with him).
he’s always done well in school and actually considered being a mathematician at one point (math is just super fascinating to him, the art of higher level math is just beautiful) but he decided he liked singing much more than calculus!
theatre kid! got really into musicals when he was in high school and his theatre department were begging for boys to join his sophomore year...he had nothing better to do and biology is hard so he joined. this is where he fell in love with singing and stage performances.
started playing ukulele at age fifteen. he’s definitely not the best and is quite inconsistent with his practice but look at it! it’s a little guitar!! how cute!!! he strums on it a lot when he’s bored or homesick.
has always been a big kpop stan (his parents are from korea so he heard a lot about it from his cousins) especially blazing! his not very secret talent is girl group dances. decided to audition for legacy his senior year of high school, because he knew being an idol would be more fun than going to college. however his parents only agreed to let him go all the way to la for the audition if he promised to finish high school while training and got into a university (thank god he got into seoul institute of the arts).
much more of the timid and sensitive breed of shy. he’s not one to start a conversation up with a stranger by himself, but he has a warm disposition.
nintendo stan please let him show you his island it’s so cute and he’s got a bunch of flowers and he finally got the coelacanth statue he’s been trying to get it for ages.
recently has been much more enthusiastic about training and life in general! in high school he always felt like the foreigner but now that he’s in uni doing something he really loves, he finally feels like a real adult and is ready to focus on what he wants.
a few quick plots/thread concepts !
korean teacher/translator! he really struggled with the language & culture when he first got here so anyone that can help him out is very much appreciated and gets all the hugs!
fellow vocalists, especially ballad enthusiasts because they do not get enough love in sejin’s opinion. let’s have a high note competition.
someone get frustrated with him and yell at him make him cry especially if it’s something acting related cause that is something he really wants to do good in!
oh god he is lost again please help him find his way 
study buddies! he’s in university now and has to do well in that if he wants to stay in his parents’ good graces.
you and sejin haven’t ever interacted or really known of each other existence (different focuses/skills, seperate training groups, or just coincidence) but somehow you’ve ended up stuck together for one way or another. this could either go terribly or the both of you have just made a new best friend.
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nuttyrabbit · 5 years
Forge the Coelacanth Bio
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So a couple of days ago,an anon sent me an ask telling me to talk about my OC Forge. Seeing as how I’ve never formally introduced him on here, I thought I’d instead just post a ref an a brief description of him.  Instead, that turned into writing him a full on fucking bio.
So once again, before diving into the bio proper, I should give a major shout out to @pidgeonspen for not only designing Forge, but also helping to beta read and edit his bio. 
With that out of the way, let’s get into the bio proper. Like always, everything is under the cut
Name: Forge the Coelacanth
Age: 1000+
Height: 6'0
Occupation: (Former) Commander of the Atlantean Knights
Personality:  Contrary to what his imposing size, booming voice, and various scars may imply, Forge is an incredibly affable and endearing individual.  His commitment to those he is sworn to protect goes beyond the purview of his duties, going so far as to try to befriend or at least get to know most of the people within Atlantis, especially those he fights alongside.  Because of his extended lifespan, Forge has formed friendships that transcended generations, from the first  of a line to the last. As a result, many considered him just as much a part of their family as those related by blood.  
Forge is also an incredibly jovial person, often indulging in revelry with others following a successful mission or other joyous occasion. In these instances, his love for telling stories, singing classic Atlantean songs, and of course, his boisterous laughter all make themselves readily apparent.  His jovial nature also shows itself around children.  Forge absolutely adores children, having raised many himself over his long, long life and even having adopted some who had become orphaned.  But above all else, Forge  has an unwaveringly strong devotion to both Atlantis and what he believes to be “justice”, even two centuries after its fall.  As a result, he has no tolerance for anything he either perceives or is told is “evil” or a threat to Atlantis and resorting to any means he deems necessary to get rid of it.  On that note, Forge's morality is rather black and white, firmly believing in notions of objective "good" and "evil", leaving little to no room for any sort of nuance or moral "gray" area.  
All of these traits have in some way or another contributed to him becoming a sort of "living legend" amongst his people, treated with immense respect and in some cases, even reverence. 
 While Forge appreciated and even sometimes used his status as a living legend to inspire his people both on and off the battlefield, he disliked the idea of being out and out worshipped and even discouraged the few that partook in it from doing so.  At one point, Forge was rather religious. He  often prayed to Atlantis' patron  "god" of Levias for a variety of reasons, ranging from victory  in battle to the continued propserity and safety of Atlantis.  But as Atlantis fell to nothing, so too did his faith, feeling that he was no longer worthy of his god’s protection for one reason or another 
Skills: One of the things that gave Forge his status as a living legend amongst his people was his nearly unmatched skill in combat.  In particular, he is extremely skilled and adept in the realm of lightning magic, channeling it through both his armor and his sword  to devastating effect.  His most frequent application of this magic is simply shooting lightning from his sword, but he can also cover his entire body in lightning as a makeshift barrier, create massive shockwaves by slamming his charged sword into the ground, use it to supercharge his limbs, giving him a significant boost in strength, and even call down bolts of lightning.  Even without his magic, he is still devastatingly adept with his sword. The sword itself is a massive greatsword, forged by Forge himself from pure Atlantean steel and named "Tempest". The sword is also magical in nature, being attuned to Forge specifically.Despite having centuries of formal training,his  style  actually forgoes finesse and formal technique in favor of a surprisingly loose style, revolving around using a combination of swinging Tempest around, using his lightning magic, and his own raw power to simply overwhelm foes.  As stated before, Forge is able to use his status as a living legend to inspire his allies, especially on the battlefield.  
Hobbies: Forge is someone who has rarely, if ever had the time to truly pursue any hobbies between his duties as an Atlantean Knight,  his duties as a father and husband to the families he has helped to raise over his extensive lifespan, and other miscellanous matters. On the rare occasion he had a usable amount of free time, he usually either spent it honing his abilities through training.  However, that changed once he decided to not start another new family after the 2nd one he had formed ultimately ran its course.  With all this newfound free time, Forge had to find something to do, and indeed he did. He rediscovered a field he had very briefly considered pursuing a long, long time ago: blacksmithing, using it not only to craft novelty items, but also repair and improve both his equipment and that of his fighting companions.
Likes: Atlantis (Obviously), children, Octopus/squid (His favorite food. Don't worry, they're just normal animals, not mobians), storytelling, mead, combat/battle, blacksmithing, singing.
Dislikes: What he perceives as "evil" and general injustice, being the object of worship/reverence,  bureaucracy (Politics just goes over his head), his near-immortality, bitter foods.
Backstory: Forge was born into the world as Atlantis, which was but a  a small, simple city at the time started its expansion into the empire it would come to be mythologized as.   As such, Forge grew up hearing about the glorious conquests of the Atlantean armies, the brilliant innovations of Atlantean scientists, and how the people of Atlantis were the noblest, smartest, and strongest people of the Seven Seas. But above all else, Forge heard and witnessed countless tales regarding the Knights of Atlantis (Or more simply known as the Atlantean Knights); an elite group of soldiers and guardians who were said to represent the very best of Atlantis, men of unmatched valor and heroism whose explots inspired some of Atlantis' finest artistry.  The young coelacanth  could not help but be enraptured by these tales, by these men who seemed to be larger than life, who represented everything noble and good about Atlantis, who were equal parts loved and revered.  
As he grew up, Forge's fascination with the Atlantean Knights continued to grow larger and larger, as did his nationalistic attitude about Atlantis and all it stood for.  On the cusp of adulthood, Forge knew that he wanted to serve his country someway, somehow, but he wasn't sure as to how until it hit him. Instead of merely fawning over the Atlantean Knights like everyone else did, he could *become* one, be the shining knight that all others aspired to be.   Even though he knew it would require a nearly Herculean amount of time, effort, and perhaps even blood to do so, if it served Atlantis well, it would all be worth it.
And so, Forge enlisted in the Atlantean army. It was there he would earn his trademark armor, his legendary blade and mastery of magic. With these in hand, Forge would come to aid Atlantis in many of her conquests, quickly climbing the ranks and gaining the attention of his superiors due to a combination of his combat aptitude, valor in battle, and unmatched dedication to Atlantis' cause. Before he knew it, several decades had passed and  before he knew it, Forge would finally take his place amongst the Atlantean Knights, fulfilling his near-lifelong ambition, and even starting a family along the way. But something else had shown itself.  Despite his many battle scars and literal decades given to Atlantis' conquests, Forge himself looked as if he had barely aged at all.  
Forge continued to serve Atlantis, taking part in her many conquests, leading her crusades - all the while continuing to raise his family. Decades came and went, his love eventually passing on to the next world, their children growing older and older... and for Forge, time had seemed to stop. He outlived them all, never seeming to age further. No matter what he did, whether it be forming yet another family, leading endless crusades against Atlantis' enemies, or throwing himself fully into his duties and working tirelessly to uphold his personal sense of justice and righteousness, he could not escape one simple fact: he would come to outlive everyone he would ever know and loved. He would be forced to watch everyone he cared about wither and die, and no matter how much he tried not to, he would come to feel immense pain at every loss he suffered.   Forge tried to keep himself busy; starting yet another family, leading crusade after crusade against the enemies of Atlantis, burying himself into his work- but little of it helped to distract him from the truth: he would come to outlive them all. As time went on, he would bury everyone he came to know and care for, and it never did get easier. When the last of his children from his second marriage passed on, Forge solemnly decided that bloodline would be his last, instead focusing on his duties as Grand Commander of the Atlantean Knights. He defended his homeland against all her enemies, both real and imagined, his loyalty to those in power absolute and unwavering.
Forge was so convinced that this was what he was meant to be - a paladin of his people, carrying out Atlantis' will and standing as a testament to her greatness. He would gladly give his life and soul to protect his home from the perceived evils that dared threaten her... but he as unable to see that the greatest enemy to Atlantis came from within. The rulers of the great city, the aristocrats and the councilmen, nobles and advisors -- all of them polluting the seemingly unfaltering city with their greed and corruption. Forge was so eager to please, to abide by his superiors and do whatever it took to keep his city safe, that he didn't see any of it for what it was. He never questioned the crusades he was told to lead, the atrocities committed during those wars, the supposed heresy he was called to put an end to - he did it all for his homeland, for his people. He had to, in his mind, lest Atlantis fall for a moments hesitation.
But no matter how hard Forge fought to smite the "evils" plaguing Atlantis, he ultimately could not stave off the inevitable.  Centuries of greed, corruption, and in-fighting came to a head and the once seemingly invincible empire of Atlantis tore itself asunder from the inside out.  Soon, despite Forge's best efforts, the once great empire of Atlantis that had stood triumphantly and unfaltering for centuries, her capital city a shining beacon of greatness and prosperity, was reduced to naught but ash.  Her once vast empire, which stretched for endless miles, was shattered, with her territories either abandoned or fought over by the very people they had once conquered. And her people, once innumerable, were reduced to none but a select few surviors, amongst which was Forge.  Soon enough, they too would perish, leaving Forge as the sole survivor of his people, the last relic of a once glorious civilization.
Forge's worst fears had come to pass. Not only did he outlive all those he cared about, but he even outlived the very thing he had loved so dearly, the empire he had spent centuries helping to build and defend.  The streets he had spent his life patrolling, the houses he had raised his families in, the taverns in which he celebrated his greatest victories, the graveyards where he mourned his worst losses, they were all gone, which nothing but ash and rubble in their place.   There was nothing left for him there, but he couldn't just abandon all he had fought for for so long, could he?   No, he decided, he could not. He had sworn an oath so very long ago that he would defend Atlantis to his last dying breath from all that may harm her, and even though there was nobody left to defend, nothing left to protect, he could never break that oath.
And there he stayed, guarding the ashes of what little remained; an unmoving, unwavering sentinel with nothing left to protect. As he partook in his seemingly fruitless patrols, his mind couldn't help but wander, and it always end up at the same place asking the same question: Why? Why did Atlantis fall?  What had destroyed it?   And the answers to those questions would always pin the blame on one person and one person only: himself.  Forge had failed Atlantis somehow. Maybe he hadn't fought hard enough. Maybe he wasn't vigilant enough and let an "evil" in that had destroyed her people.  Maybe he wasn't able to unite the people in a time of crisis and be the leader that they had needed. No matter what it was, the blame would always shift inwards.   But he wouldn't fail them now, he couldn't. He may not have been able to save his people, but he can at least try to save what's left.   If there was anything to be gained from this curse of his, it was that he could stand vigilant forever,  and that the legacy and spirit of his people would never truly be lost.
For over a century, the coelacanth continued to stand vigil at the tomb of an empire, bound there by his unwavering sense of justice and his oath. Things would change over time, for a threat unlike any other would come to this hallowed ground: creatures of pure darkness and reek of fetid evil began to manifest, drawn to the very ruins Forge swore to protect with his life. And protect the remains of Atlantis he did -  but no matter how many of the foul creatures he smote, more would spawn as night fell.  The horde was unending, and Forge eventually realized to put an end to this evil, he would have to destroy it at its source, whatever and wherever it may be... and that meant he'd have to leave Atlantis to find it. Even if it meant  temporarily leaving the ruins at the mercy of these monsters, he knew he could not idly stand by while such vile creatures existed, seemingly intent on destruction. It was time to take action and to put a stop to these monsters for good.
And so, in his search for answers, he emerged from the depths to a land none of his kind had dared to venture: the surface world.  A world so vastly different from everything he's ever known, where the black & white ethicality he'd so strictly followed would be challenged, a land where he would be confronted with an evil far beyond anything he had ever encountered... and where he would ultimately come to face the truth about what really caused the fall of Atlantis.
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star-villager · 4 years
Ezra: Month 1 of Animal Crossing New Horizons!
Hello all! I’m here to tell my journey of the first month of New Horizons on Cillia Island!
There’ll be lots of pictures! I hope you enjoy! Future updates will probably be daily because this is... long at first... but I promise it slows down!
This post covers 32 days (skipping a few). It is indented to be a fun, long, read! I’ll say it’s a 10-15 minute read just to be on the longer side!
-Ezra; Island Resident Representative; Local Island Decorator; Mayor of Cillia (if it had a mayor hehe!)
Thursday, March 19th, 4pm -7GMT. The virus is present, but just starting. I have been home for not even 24 hours of my job that was supposed to keep me out of town all March. I make a phone call to a local Gamestop, asking if they’re still open, and how the midnight release of Animal Crossing is going to work. The worker tells me I can go pick it up right then, because they’re going to be closing early and had JUST gotten a phone call from corporate that they could give it out early - you can assume what I did /immediately/ after lol.
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Starting was incredibly easy! I’ve had my dead name as my New Leaf Mayor forever, and I loved that city name so Ezra and Cillia it was! And we began! My starting villagers were Cherry and Roald with Cherry Trees (fitting!), and I said I wasn’t gonna restart no matter what... so here we go!
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I picked a town that had a West Beach River Mouth as well as a South River Mouth - which matched my town in New Leaf! (The south exit, and the flow of the river - but the west exit would be where my original upper waterfall was so the shape was the same). Picked northern hemisphere (where I am). And placed my house right in a river bend (with the initial plan to section me off into my own island within an island!). Cherry and Roald’s homes were placed along the west-running river right at the top, with not much effort or forethought. Not that it was a bad thing! I knew they wouldn’t be permanent villagers, but wanted to give them some beautiful scenery while they were here.
I can definitely tell that I’m still acting and thinking like a mayor even thought I’m only an island rep. ... this doesn’t change bwahaha!
Day 1 March 19th, was all setup and prep for our REAL day 1! Blathers already was about to have a decent encyclopedia, and I was getting nook miles left and right - already expecting a house instead of a tent the next day. I wasn’t too surprised, I’ve done this song and dance before, and I’m just here to have a great time in my island paradise! Getting Blathers was definitely my highest priority!
Day 2 March 20th, was... difficult... giving 15 things to Blathers one at a time and finding 30 iron for the Nooklings was excruciating lol - but getting fossils and a pole vault to absolutely DECIMATE the weed ecosystem filled me with a glee that I’m sure you can understand. I managed to upgrade my house, get Blathers and Nooks Cranny all in one day *whew*. Now, time to have some fun!
I build my first QR code which was a cool outfit I called PRIDE Coat! It is a black coat with drawstrings and pockets on the front - a lil’ trans flag on the left arm, a bi flag on the right arm, and my (pretty decent!) attempt at a rainbow of paint (in the gay flag colors) falling down my back! And I made an Iwatobi Swim Club Beanie to match the one I wear every day!!
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I then played with my Passport a bit to have my title be “Future Fish” which is Free! Eternal Summer (the second season’s) Ending Song!!!! Which I thought was SUPER cute and VERY me. (It’s my second fave anime. I plan on making a Reigisa outfit in the future!!).
Already by the end of Day 2 I had my hair customization options, the tool wheel, and the DIY that I needed to buy. Everything Nook was offering I managed to get my grubby little day 2 hands on! So you KNOW my hair went to pink pigtails IMMEDIATELY. And took /many/ photos. But since my outfits are all the same just imagine the ones you just saw but with pink instead of blonde!
With that it was time to get my 3 villagers that would accompany Cherry and Roald (This correlates to getting the iron for Nooklings!) I wanted to grab the first 3 villagers that I saw just to try some new friends this go around - as I had already planned on making my New Leaf family my permies! So my first three were Ketchup (nice!), Hornsby (Aww!!), and... GALA!?!?
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Well how convenient! That was one permie immediately out of the way!! Welcome back, Gala!!! So excited to have you on the island!
Then I caught an Oarfish and saw *GASP* WISP!!!! To which, I immediately ran up to him and demanded he bring my girlfriend, Cece the Squirrel, to the island. He, instead, got spooked, had me collect his spirit, and offered me items. *sigh* Ok - can’t get Cece that way - so I decided to sleep!
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How naive I was...
Day 3 March 21st, was both good and bad! I had access to Nooklings, but that was about it. Blathers was getting a crowded amount of critters outside his roped off building, but it would be all worth it, tomorrow. But!! I found my first spider island! Which I sold off to Nooklings and happily went to sleep!
Day 4 March 22nd, had SO MUCH to offer! Blathers, Daisy Mae, Harvy, WHEW. Pretty sure I had a visit from Gulliver either today or yesterday, too! Nothing could POSSIBLY ruin this day!!
Oh how wrong.
How so terribly wrong I was.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is an incredible game that lets you invite so many villagers to your island!
All of them. But 14.  
14 Villagers from New Leaf are not available. The Sanrio Characters. And the Amiibo Characters.
No Felyne. No Ganon, Epona, Medli, or W. Link. No Viche or Inkwell. No Rilla, Chai, Morty, or Etoille.
No Toby.
No Chelsea.
No Cece.
To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. I was absolutely crushed. Not only were 3 of my permies out, but the one villager I couldn’t live without, wasn’t allowed in the game. She didn’t even get a poster.
So I did what any crushed lover would do, and made a memoir to her.
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And it started raining. Poetic. (I was only cheered up slightly when I got to catch a Coelacanth!) I didn’t do this until much later (April 4th) but for the sake of not talking about her too much, I would open New Leaf and wrote her a goodbye love letter, which, honestly, makes me tear up whenever I read it.
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And I went to sleep.
I have nothing for Day 5 other than scanning all my amiibo cards for the POSTERS which are UNDOUBTEDLY my FAVORITE new feature in the game!!
Day 6, March 24th, GALA MOVED IN! I was so excited, and it was definitely needed. My best friend also came over and we goofed off and we met each other’s villagers! Then I went to an island tour and got A PANSY HYBRID ISLAND!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I went crazy. Absolutely destroyed that ecosystem. I went full feral. MINE. ALL MINE!!!
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And I caught my first Sturgeon!! Which was awesome because I only had the rare fish left in my March collection! Trying to get a Golden Trout, I made many many fish bait, and got the 200 clam achievement! Which was exciting because that unlocked “Mermaid” for titles!! I doubt I’ll change from Future Fish, but Mermaid would be a second pick!
For Day 7 I went to a good friend’s village and desperately tried to make Chiyuki Fujito’s blue dress from Runway de Waratte... it didn’t work... but I like the attempt! (Will send pics in messenger if you’re curious!).
Day 8, March 26th, was the day ISABELLE WAS HERE!!! Welcome to your island paradise, QUEEN. I definitely dressed for the part ;)
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This, of course, opened up tunes and flag options! Flag was incredibly easy. It’s going to stay my picture of Cece until she’s added back into the game (which will probably be never, so...)
The tunes was much harder for me. But since I couldn’t think of anything else I made it “SO. NO. CHI. NO. SA. DA. ME.” from the first Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Opening (which is, ironically, what is playing as I type this... SO NO CHI NO SA DA ME <- was written in time with the music playing. Incredible.) It’s definitely not going to be that forever, but for now it makes me giggle!
Nothing for Day 9 except for a SICK tarantula island :) love those furry babes! I also built my campsite! Tomorrow was going to be big!! Who on Earth was going to move in!?
Day 10, March 28th, now, I have what I like to call “chaotic luck”. I’ll catch the bus, but my gosh did I almost miss it. I was absolutely positive I failed that test, and I did, but the question I messed up doesn’t count and I passed! Cece isn’t in the game but do you know who’s at my campsite??
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Can you even imagine my face??? Can you IMAGINE the jaw drop??  I moved him next to me IMMEDIATELY.
Day 12, March 30th, I saw kicks for the first time!!! Love that funky newsie skunk!
Day 13, March 31st, I saw Flick for the first time!!! Went on a mad tarantula hunt and made BANK. Fun story, I thought both Flick and C.J. were girls, so when I learned Flick was a boy I was really upset because I thought a canon gay ship was now straight, but WHOOPS they’re BOTH boys! 😎 Nice.
I also saw Celeste for the first time!!! Gosh how I missed her!! I actually sat and got all 200 stars in one night, just because of how much I like wishing on falling stars!!!
Day 14, April 1st, The Nightmare Begins. Love him or Hate him, Zipper was here. I won’t go on about the eggs. Everyone talks about the eggs. They sucked, fishing was a nightmare, not a big fan. I would end up not getting all the sakura DIYs which was very upsetting (but I’ll just get them next year). In INCREDIBLE news I got a golden trout!!! Which was the last thing I needed in my March encyclopedia - and it was on to April hunting! Every night thing I could get, I did! So I decided to set up my last 4 houses, and focus on getting K.K. Slider finally to my island!
The first house sold naturally to Pecan! NICE! I love squirrels so much! She was very welcome!
Day 15, April 2nd, in the interest in getting new villagers, I went on a tour and there she was: MERENGUE! She’s, truthfully, not a favorite of mine. She’s SO cute, but not someone I wanted permanently. However, she’s my other best friend’s FAVORITE and she doesn’t have a switch. So, there was NO WAY I wasn’t taking Merengue onto my island. I haven’t sent my friend pics, yet, but I hope I can soon!! She’s gonna be so happy!
Today was the first day I met C.J. which... stunning. Absolutely jaw dropping. I’m SMITTEN with a TAKEN BEAVER. He calls me fashionista. Asks about my anglersona. Takes selfies of/with me. He’s truly the ideal. I’d invite him back any day!
Over the next 3 days, Freya and Bruce move in as my last 2 villagers giving us a grand starting total of: Cherry, Roald, Ketchup, Hornsby, Gala, Raymond, Pecan, Merengue, Freya, and Bruce! Not bad not bad!
Day 19, April 6th, THE BEST GIRL IS HEEERE. LABEL CAME TO MY TOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME. I might have cried, honestly. I cannot believe someone that incredible would want to come to my island. She asked for me to give her an official look. Are you kidding me? Easy breezy. For my perfect outfit she rewarded me a Label Hat. Oh? DESIGNER? I was awestruck. The design was IMPECCABLE. The flavor was IMMACULATE.
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One of my villagers also happened to gift me a Pink SPRITE COSTUME??? I, honestly, have never been more in love with an outfit in my entire life??? A pink Peter Pan outfit??? LEGENDARY.
Day 20, April 7th, I don’t quite remember what day K.K. Slider visited the island when I hit my 3 star rating - so we’ll say it was today lol. That meant ISLAND EDITING, but I didn’t know what to do, yet, so I didn’t worry too much about it!
Label’s hat came in MORE COLORS in the store today. YOU BET I bought all of them. The talent. But this meant that I had a pink hat to match my pink sprite costume and you bet I was LIVING my best life. I had also finished the Anklyosaurus which is my FAVORITE dinosaur so I was LIVING it up.
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Later, Ketchup would approach me and ask to move. I was happy for her to explore new lands and bid her farewell, and gave her a sweet goodbye. With that, it was hunting time, and I found the perfect villager that would set everything in motion.
Day 22, April 9th, Label VISITS AGAIN!!!!!! Unfortunately, she asked for a sporty look, which I couldn’t pull off perfectly :/ So no new item from her... but my OUTFIT WAS FIRE AND WE WERE MAD CUTE TOGETHER.
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Day 23, April 10th, the villager has moved in, the cryptid gyroid herself, COCO!!!
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And her moving in gave me a BRILLIANT idea. I’d like to keep it under wraps for now, but I’m so, so, SO happy she’s here!
Day 24, April 11th, The Fishing Tourney. The Summer tourney will be significantly easier for me, now that I know you can double your points by fishing with someone else, but it took me HOURS to collect all the clams and get to 300 points. It wasn’t really worth it, but I love fish so much so I wasn’t going to miss a SINGLE thing. I got that gold trophy and I’m SO proud of myself.
Also my fishing outfit could slay for MILES
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Straight Fire.
Day 25, April 12th, With a golden trophy in hand and the last day of eggies, I was feeling really confident. I had the means and the idea to change cliffs + water for a couple days and just... made what my brain came up with! I’ll keep this vague for now, because I’m really excited about the final results! Just know that everyday I edit a little bit more and come up with more ideas!
Day 26, April 13th, Happy Homestuck, Neil Bangs out the Tunes, and Thomas Sanders goes to the Wedding Day!! And it did NOT disappoint. Label for A 3RD TIME!!! She must like me as much as I like her >w<!! Today she gave out her cap!!! It’s, honestly, not my thing, I’d rather stick with the brim hats, but I do think they’re cute!! So I would buy them all the next day! The Able Sister’s haul on Day 27 was oh my gosh amazing!!! They had the cap, of course, but they also had THE OTHER SPRITE COSTUMES!! Which I bought all of them. And now I wear, near exclusively, this outfit in 5 different colors bwahaha!
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Day 30, April 17th, I got my first golden item!!! The slingshot! Nice! Over the past few days, I’ve just been designing, moving houses, and building ramps! Learning new myth debunks, stuff like that!
I was also blessed with 3 encounters :OOOO I didn’t know this was even POSSIBLE!?
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Day 31, April 18th, Disaster Strikes. I’ve been moving so many homes that I didn’t consider that a villager couldn’t move in because you were already doing a home thing for the day. So when I went to invite camper Gonzo to my town he declined!? I was devastated. He was SO cute and I thought he could move into Bruce’s house to keep the peace of personalities! I think he’s someone in the future who I’ll ask for a poster of or ask for an amiibo card of! I know I’m going to check the campsite first before moving any buildings from here on out! D’:
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And that brings us to today,
Day 32, April 19th, one month from the day I started. I’ve been having the TIME of my life! There’s definitely been some ups and downs, but I have a goal in mind and it’s keeping me so focused! I organized an entire flower field today!! Due to a turnip mishap, I happen to be 2 days ahead of everyone, but I have been good about time traveling other than that. This means that I am fortunate enough to get my Nooklings upgrade 2 days early and they’ll be open tomorrow!!! I’m... I’m so excited!!! I NEED more flower seeds!!!!!!!
The future looks incredibly bright on Cillia island, and I cannot wait to hear about everyone else’s month!!
Thank you for your time. Please enjoy these random favorite photos of mine!
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bignookling · 5 years
100 days to acnh challenge - 1 to 74
found this challenge and decided it would be a great way to pass the time until the release date, and a good way to get people to know me a lil better too c’: i feel so powerful starting at this point, there are so few days left to wait! 
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? i never, ever used my own name... i always felt like this would be boring, and i kinda want to give myself the opportunity to create a new “character” based on the events that happen to them in the game... (my first character in wild world was named Scarlet :^)) 2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? i am bige resetter with bige plans all jokes aside i am way too indecisive and spent way too much time on this, i would even check people’s dream towns prior to resetting to gather ideas and fresh input on this. though usually, each time i remade my town i had a specific kind of map in mind? most of all, i like having a secluded nice little corner to put my house (being able to move your house in nh is a game changer honestly!) grass type and colors of buildings also matter. residents not so much because, hey, i can also reset for that later! (i am terrible) 3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? similarly, i use a guide. i think the only times i didn’t was my first times in wild world where i didn’t really have access to a fast internet connection :’^) (guess what i am also indecisive about this! my most used are the classic arched villager eyes, the almond shaped ones and the shiny anime ones THEY ARE TOO CUTE) 4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? I WON’T SAY YET... i have multiple options for now and idk what to do... but my nl town is named Suzuran, and i really like this name :] 5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? probably gonna be my own! my mother used to have a character in my wild world town though :) 6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? ALL but mostly the terraforming/switching everything up options!! for...reasons mentioned above... also the weeds. i never really got to dupe clovers or stuff like that so i am very pumped 7. Favourite fruit? buttfruit peaches probably... i also love perfect oranges and perfect pears because they’re like golden... i like gold like perfect fruits in general hehe i also love the new fruits in new leaf! 8. Least favourite fruit? apples are a bit tacky to me but i still love them i am sad i cannot really make a lot of fruit trees work in my minimally colored nl towns... some people do it so well though and i am TRYING 9.  Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) THIS IS HARD I DON’T HAVE A LOT OF MEMORIES i have fond memories of the beach in wild world just because of some people’s really pretty hacked towns. like they added a whole “manor” (big player house) in front of it and that was the bomb. i also loved the cliffs in city folk and am so glad they are back... 10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? as i said i like secluded, remote areas for the house, and i also loved to put it near the cliff in city folk! (you better be fully awake if you step out)  the beach is a neat option too. but in nl my favorite was next to a waterfall! 11.  Favourite grass pattern? triangles! when i was a kid it was my least fav and i always avoided it though... then i visited a friend’s cf town and was like “wait this is MORE LIKE REAL GRASS” and i had an awakening...  12. Least favourite grass pattern? circles are a bit... odd for grass i think 13. Favourite villager/s? purrl was my absolute queen when i played wild world and still is. i love cats in general... and deer. and coco. coco is so my aesthetic and goals for a town feeling if you know what i mean, i adore her. doyoing 14. Least favourite villager/s? i am basic and like cute things so the least cute and mostly most tacky, bright colored ones... i am sorry...i still care about all your villagers 15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? generally speaking i like them when i first play the game because they are immersive and kinda introduce you to the main concepts of the game? (the city in city folk, being mayor in nl etc) but with side characters and resetting they get a bit repetitive and frustrating upping your reputation to be able to work as a mayor in nl also is a pain 16. Favourite NPC/s? label is my queen and wife. i love her sisters too, and tom nook... BLANCA too i adored her when i played wild world and couldn’t get to see her in my town and was so hyped for her nl event laughs, and joan and daisy mae... i’m probably forgetting some faves I LOVE EVERYONE wait KAPPN has cute dialogue too!  17. Least favourite NPC/s? is there one? i don’t know? i’m gonna go check a list of npcs now ... i am back and honestly I DON’T KNOW 18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? i don’t use paths in my town because they are a mess to set up and i love the natural look anyway, but some people do it so well! i love the ones with natural colors and the little details.  the new path tool looks so convenient, but i don’t know if i like the textures! i’ll probably use it sparsely because i also wanna keep that wild look to my town 19. Favourite feature from an older entry?  the lights on the villagers’ houses in wild world is what came to mind first, hahah 20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? WILD WORLD!! i played it so much and for so long 21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? bug catching (ca-ching) is my fave out of this list, i also love visiting dream towns and playing with friends in general! 22. Least favourite activity? diving is so slow... 23. Favourite bug? the huge butterflies you see in summer (i was AMAZED when i first saw them), the fireflies (SAME, the first time i saw some was in someone else’s town in city folk as we crossed a bridge and it was just magical, laughs), and the big shiny beetles... it’s not just for the monies, i promise 24. Least favourite bug? either the small butterflies that you see everywhere when you’re trying to catch something neat for the bug-off, or the tarentulas/scorpios because i NEVER MANAGED TO CATCH THEM 25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? actually there’s barely a month remaining as we speak, so pretty fine! i still have to pick my character and town names, and to be honest i am mostly worried i’ll start procrastinating like crazy once the game is out. coughs. at least i’ll draw ac characters? 26.  Favourite fish? i love coelacanths because i am a big nerd, also the sharks and the cute colorful fishes 27.  Least favourite fish? just all the most common ones probably? sea bass isn’t the only one... 28.  Favourite fossil?  what are these questions. uh, i loved putting the small squares ones in my room in wild world...especially ammonites 29.  Least favourite fossil? the ones that bring less cash money? i only care about fossils when they’re displayed in the museum tbh. and there i just love them all 30. Favourite furniture series? the ranch series looked way better in wild world and i am mourning now i love alpine, rococo and modern wood the most! the green one looks cool recolored too! i like combining different series the most, too 31. Least favourite furniture series? anything bright and tacky (except maybe the lovely that’s still fairly cute?)  32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) i can’t remember but i get huge pangs of nostalgia if i listen to the wild world/city folk one 33. Least favourite soundtrack? i DON’T KNOW... maybe nl was a bit less whismical? 34. Favourite wallpaper? alpine, chic, exquisite, classic, [...] anything that looks warm and natural and makes for a comfortable house!  35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? when i was a young teen, i idolized someone in the wild world community because her town was honestly incredibly pretty? so much thought has been put into it and it was just a dream. it made me want to invest more time and planning into my own towns and that’s how i got really, really hooked on the game, i think 36. Least favourite wallpaper? anything really colorful and tacky again... 37.  Favourite carpet? the wood ones, mostly! 39. Favourite furniture item? i love the oven thing from pocket camp... and the rocking chair... and the fireplace... 40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? i have preordered the animal crossing one... i live for this (i am so glad i waited though honestly) 41. Least favourite furniture item? the huge tacky things or things that just look odd in a house perhaps... wait but i still like to see them and some people use them so well. why would i hate on furniture i wonder 42. Favourite flower? jacob’s ladders and white flowers in general. i adore the look of the ones in nh, holy sh- 43. Least favourite flower? pretty much anything that’s yellow. just never goes with my town plans... the roses especially are so bright i’m 44. Favourite hybrid? i miss the colors of the ones in ww/cf so much... so so much but in general i like anything that’s purple, black or blue i think :> 45. Least favourite hybrid? hmmmm the orange ones from new leaf i think? in the previous games they were so rich and warm though... 46. Favourite shirt? the canary shirt, maybe? though i mostly use qr codes, ahaha some of these outfits are still super cute... 47. Favourite dress? anything pocket camp tends to be good, also this one forever in my heart. i adore the flowery sleeveless dresses too! 48. Favourite accessory? bandages, heart shades, leaf, and tortoise specs! 49. Favourite hat/helmet? celeste’s ribbon, hibiscus hairpin, and that tiny straw hat 51. Favourite shop? i always adored able sisters, and leif’s little gardening shack :> 52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? we know they are compatible now, but i don’t have any! maybe i should buy some? 53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? bug-off is quicker and funnier >:] also i remember i ALWAYS WON in cf while playing with friends... fight me... 54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? there are so many nice ones already that my slots are always full, so i don’t bother... i remember making a two-toned shirt that i wanted irl when i got new leaf, but that’s pretty much all 55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I ALMOST NEVER DID...
56. Favourite villager species? CATS... also, deer. basic basic 57. Least favourite villager species? mice and monkeys have the least cute designs i think...? also hamsters idk. i don’t know i like villagers don’t make me choose 58. Favourite nickname from a villager? 59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I NEVER LET THEM NICKNAME ME... i am sorry to all the aminals 60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? in wild world i tried to fill my catalog, but now i only get what i need or what i know my friends might need 61. Favourite villager personality? i always had a thing for the snooty and cranky ones! the uchis are cool now too 62. Least favourite villager personality? the jocks are boring to me and they tend to have my least fav designs. when i like one i keep them though because it is so rare...wheeps 63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? i only really started doing that with the welcome amiibo update that apparently makes it easier, else i just waited for the annoying ones to move... (and time travelled a lot) 64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? i will COLLECT THOSE and COLOR COORDINATE 65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? 66. What’s your favourite season? i think summer, i want to hear the cicadas and see the fireflies again, and i also want to see how the rain and wind look like! i remember seeing really pretty storms in nl during summer too ♥ 67. Least favourite season? winter gets slow after a while? i still love it though 68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? 69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? i don’t remember ‘-’ honestly i feel like i liked them all for different reasons? wild world felt more “involved” in the community, REMEMBER THE GARDENING CONTESTS! and city folk gave you better rewards and was a fun minigame for the day.  70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? i had a vivid dream that your character could DIE in animal crossing once (i predicted new horizons yes) 71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? i tend to prefer the airchecks but the concerts are Special, no matter if it’s with friends or alone 72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? mmmnnh blanca always. i love her spirit 73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? really unpopular opinion probably but i wouldn’t miss reese and cyrus too much if they aren’t as present in nh 74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? the plushies are so good... i’d like like... a fauna one... idk WHEW I’M DONE... i’ll be posting the rest of it daily now! 
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lyricandword · 6 years
MOSAIC.WAV × Yumemi Nemu - “Arui wa Yumemi Nemu to Iu Gainen he no Succeed” - lyrics
[Note: “Arui wa Yumemi Nemu to Iu Gainen he no Succeed” (Or Maybe I’m The Successor to the Idea of Yumemi Nemu) is a direct continuation of Nemu’s 2014 solo song “Ano Ne... Jitsu wa Watashi, Yumemi Nemu Nanda...” (Well... to Tell You the Truth, I’m Yumemi Nemu...), written as a duet between the real Yumemi Nemu and the Vocaloid software of the same name.]
I’m Yumemi Nemu, too... I’m Yumemi Nemu, too... “Are you Yumemi Nemu as well?” Me too... Me too... Good morning Good morning
Alchemy: it’s the very first kind of magic, everyone’s got it and it can change the world What I’m seeing is the light of the stars as they illuminate the sky above  This computerised city is a visual, and as I stand alone in it, I am physical This world is the same as it ever was, but what is it that it’s missing?
I let my voice fly into the blue of the sky, but I find myself loving the mint green of the moss What if the meaning of my life is to inherit every single footstep you’ve taken?
So even if I were to disappear,  Yumemi Nemu would still live on But there’s one worry that keeps troubling me: Aren’t you afraid that everyone will forget about you and leave you behind? So, now:
Yumemi Nemu will become an idea
I’ll give my name to the god of the assembly line, And to you, born into this world without any real mission  I’ll give my name We met here, on this planet too small to be worth anything at all With hope, a light, a future, dreams
Yumemi Nemu isn’t asleep - she’s counting the stars passing by above Yumemi Nemu is dreaming - dreaming about far-off planets Yumemi Nemu isn’t asleep - but all while she’s living in the moments passing by Yumemi Nemu is dreaming - dreaming boundless dreams
Neoteny: if you looked at our brains from space, we’d still seem like children We all look the same, but we sparkle in different ways On the left, on the right, it’s all a cloning project, they plan how to process us in a top-down system But I love the errors that can never be covered up
You’re still thinking about it with that overly fragile heart, aren’t you? Your wits and your subtleties, your hard-to-define sense of taste are all going to end up there soon enough
“What does it mean to be ‘healed’?” “Having someone who can untie the knots of your heart.” “And do you need some kind of skill to do that?” “No, all you need to do is be there for them.” “Then I want...”
I want to be by your side
I’ll give my name to the god of rush-jobs And to you, born into this world through ordinary, plain old parameters I’ll give my name We met here, on this planet too small to be worth anything at all You, me, yesterday, tomorrow
Ah, we are still evolving
The rusted hearts of the coelacanths will melt into sweet mousse  “Who are you? Where did you come from?” “From the future you were hoping for.”
Don’t just copy how I sing and dance, what I want is for you to absorb and portray the cosmos right before your eyes
So we finally meet
I’ll give my name to the god of the assembly line, And to you, born into this world without any real mission I’ll give my name We met here, on this planet too small to be worth anything at all With hope, a light, a future, dreams
“Like how the trees stretch their branches to the sky Like mathematical laws that have lasted a thousand years You inherit this resolution and you’ll never be able to go back.” “Why is that?” “That’s all there is to the world.” “I don’t want you to be stuck in some sad loop, so could I be Yumemi Nemu, too?” “From today onwards, you are Yumemi Nemu.”
Yumemi Nemu isn’t asleep - she’s counting the stars passing by above Yumemi Nemu is dreaming - dreaming about far-off planets Yumemi Nemu isn’t asleep - but all while she’s living in the moments passing by Yumemi Nemu is dreaming - dreaming boundless dreams  Yumemi Nemu isn’t asleep - but all while she’s living in the moments passing by Yumemi Nemu is dreaming - dreaming boundless dreams
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guapo-t-w · 6 years
Local Craft Breweries in Tidewater Virginia
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SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BREWERY - 39 Local Craft Breweries, with more on the way! (Scroll down to the bottom for listing of local Growler Fill/Bottle Shops) NORFOLK (7): O'Connor Brewing Company, 211 W. 24th Street, Norfolk We are a mighty yet humble craft brewery located in an "industrial section" of Norfolk's Ghent neighborhood/district. Our mission is to create an original, world-class craft beer experience for all beer lovers through our innovative, evolving products and services while supporting our local communities. Cheers! www.oconnorbrewing.com/ Tasting Room Hours: Mon-Wed 3–9 pm, Thu-Fri 3–10 pm, Sat 12–10 pm, Sun 12–7 pm Smartmouth Brewing Company, 1309 Raleigh Avenue #300, Norfolk Epiphany and barley were not-so-secret ingredients that led our president, Porter Hardy, to take Smartmouth from homebrew experimentation to one of the Southeast's most promising startup breweries. After years of bottled up dreaming finally came to a head, he's traded his briefcase and corner office for pint glasses and tap handles, and now, with help from inspired brewers and a collection of like-minded investors/friends, Smartmouth is ready to please palettes anywhere that'll have us. www.smartmouthbrewing.com/ Tasting Room Hours: Wed-Fri 4:30-9 pm, Sat 12-9 pm, Sun 12-6 pm The Bold Mariner Brewing Company, 2409 Bowden's Ferry Rd., Norfolk A Veteran Owned and Operated Craft Brewery in Norfolk Virginia, brewing traditional styles of quality craft ales. The Bold Mariner has a beer garden and an onsite tasting room with open views of the Brewery. www.boldmariner.com Taproom Hours: Wed-Thu 5-9 pm, Fri 4-9 pm, Sat 12-9 pm, Sun 12-6 pm Coelacanth Brewing Company - CBC, 760 W 22nd St, Norfolk We are many things: A family-owned & independent brewery dedicated to the craft of brewing; a gathering place for locals and visitors; a venue for artists and musicians to showcase their talents; a painstaking, labor-of-love renovation of a derelict warehouse, and so much more. Offering unique takes on classic styles, Coelacanth will be your new favorite place to try interesting, hand-crafted ales & lagers in a relaxing atmosphere. www.coelacanth.com Taproom Hours: Wed-Thu 4:30-9 pm, Fri 4:30-10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 1-6 pm Rip Rap Brewing Company, 116 E 25th St., Norfolk The brainchild of 'Liam Bell and Ben McElroy. The two met at the Coast Guard Academy and were both stationed on the same cutter after graduating. After departing the ship, they picked up home brewing beer as a hobby that quickly spun out of control. Our Microbrewery in Norfolk has 8 rotating beers on tap so there's always something new on tap! We are family friendly and have board games to play. We also serve small snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, as well as Chips and Daddy G's Rockin' Salsa. www.riprapbrewing.com Taproom hours: Wed-Fri 4-10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 1-7 pm BenchTop Brewing Company, 1129 Boissevain Ave., Norfolk We focus on making hand crafted innovative ales that use local ingredients, and creating a collaborative atmosphere for all to enjoy. We harness all the beauty and complexity of brewing science and blend that with the bold creativity of an artist. www.benchtopbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 5-9 pm, Fri 3-10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 12-7 pm Bearded Bird Brewing Company, 727 Granby St., Norfolk A full service brewery with tasting room, as well as Hampton Roads Virginia's first ever co-op brewery. We look to unite local home brewers and help those interested in taking their craft to the next level. Not interested in brewing but still want to be a part of the community? Fear not, for a low yearly, or even monthly contribution, not only are you able to help support the brewery but enjoy the perks of our success, with our brew members’ benefits program; from exclusive tasting events, to special discounts just to say thanks. www.beardedbirdbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Tue-Wed 4-10 pm, Thu 4 pm-12 am, Fri 3-10 pm, Sat 11 am-10 pm, Sun 11 am-7 pm Coming Soon: Elation Brewing, 5104 Colley Ave., Norfolk Pouring in November 2018 Norfolk couple, Kenny and Annie VanHook will convert a former nondenominational Christian church into Elation Brewing. The site was previously the Tabernacle of Prayer for All People, and before that it was a Colonial Stores supermarket, built in 1947. Maker's Craft Brewery, 735 E 23rd St., Norfolk A new Craft Brewery based in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk, located in an 18,000square-foot warehouse just off Church Street. Half of the warehouse interior, will be used for brewery operations, and is expected to feature a tasting room along with a cigar bar and a sizable brew house. The brewery's large outdoor area will be used for yard games like giant chess, corn hole, bocce and more while, food trucks that will regularly be featured on location.  www.makers.beer The Reserve (The Bold Mariner Brewing), 1901 East Ocean View Ave., Norfolk This satellite Brewery/Taproom will be located in an attractive two-story beach house like structure with outdoor porches just 2 blocks from the sandy shore of the Chesapeake Bay in the Ocean View section of the city. We will serve Bold Mariner mainstays such as Frogman Lager, but the showcase will be on premium craft ales, sours, and barrel-aged beers. The Veil Brewing Co. Railroad District, 2314 Colonial Ave., Norfolk With some cooperation from the city of Norfolk, we hope to open a modern brewpub in the new and upcoming Railroad District of Norfolk in late Spring of 2019. Our new space will be located in the former Norfolk Chophouse House location. Ian Hock, of Farm-to-Table eatery Codex, will be the chef at the new location. COVA Brewing Company, 9529 Shore Dr., Norfolk Norfolk residents Scott and Susan Bateman want to turn a former auto repair garage into COVA Brewing Co. The site could hold nearly 60 customers inside and about 100 more outside. The COVA Brewing application lays the groundwork for a 10-barrel brewing system, a tasting room and various outdoor activities. Plans show a grassy dog run area, a small band shell, a couple of fire pits and a bocce ball and cornhole courts. The Batemans have the property under contract to purchase. Pending City Council approval, they want to open next summer. VIRGINIA BEACH (13): Reaver Beach Brewing Company, 1505 Taylor Farm Rd., Virginia Beach We are a craft brewery proudly residing in Virginia Beach, Virginia, focused on positively impacting Virginia Beach and the Commonwealth of Virginia, supporting a commitment to environmental sustainability, as well as local craft groups and the art of great craft brewing. Reaver Beach Brewing Co. has been in business since 2010. Come have a beer y’all! www.reaverbeach.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 2-10 pm, Fri-Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 12-8 pm Young Veterans Brewing Company, 2505 Horse Pasture Rd., Virginia Beach High Speed - High Quality. Veteran Owned and Operated. Our taproom is family and pet friendly. Likewise, one must be at least 21 years of age to enjoy YVBC's artisan beer(s). And yes, we only serve beer in our taproom. However, you may have food delivered to you, and/or bring it with you. www.yvbc.com Taproom Hours: Sun-Thu 1500-2000 (3-8 pm), Fri 1500-2300 (3-11 pm), Sat 1200-2300 (12-11 pm) Military Discount - 15% with valid ID Back Bay Brewing Company, 614 Norfolk Ave., Virginia Beach A locally-owned craft brewery, located near the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, our name pays homage to the spot where we first decided to make our dreams of brewing a reality-in a duck blind in the Back Bay of Virginia Beach. Founded on life-long friendships deeply rooted in Virginia Beach, a shared passion for brewing and a love of the outdoors, Back Bay Brewing Co. is proud to provide unique and innovative craft beers for our patrons every day! www.backbaybrewingco.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 3–10 pm, Fri-Sat 12 pm–12 am, Sun 2–9 pm Pleasure House Brewing, 3025 Shore Dr., Virginia Beach We are passionate about two things: making great beer and serving our community! We always brew excellent, flavorful beers in small batches so there's always something new on tap, we aim to please local beer enthusiasts and serve our community. www.pleasurehousebrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 3-10 pm, Fri-Sat 12-11 pm, Sun 12-10 pm Wasserhund Brewing Company, 1805 Laskin Road, Suite 102, Virginia Beach Meaning "water dog" in German, Wasserhund Brewing Company was born from a love of the beach, dogs, and German beer. We aspire to bring the German beer culture to Virginia Beach in the best way; by brewing the highest quality ales, lagers, and meads and providing the environment to enjoy them with family, friends, and strangers. www.wasserhundbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Sun-Wed 12-10 pm, Thu-Sat 12 pm-12 am Commonwealth Brewing Company, 2444 Pleasure House Rd., Virginia Beach An artisanal, local family owned craft brewery located in the former Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Fire and Rescue site. At Commonwealth Brewing Company, we believe that beer should be adventurous, diverse, extremely drinkable, and sometimes even wild. We think there is a beer for everyone and find no greater pleasure than when our craft beguiles a friend to try something new. We uphold rustic farmhouse traditions, huge hop American styles, and the complex depths of wild fermentations. www.commonwealthbrewingcompany.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Wed 3–10 pm, Thu 3–11 pm, Fri 12 pm–12 am, Sat 11 am–12 am, Sun 11 am–9 pm Home Republic, 328 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach A locally owned brewpub, restaurant, and wine shop. Our mission is to make every customer feel at home by sharing our passion for good beer, wine, and food. We serve our own beer, brewed on-site, locally brewed beers on draft, and bottled beers from around the world. www.homerepublicvabeach.com Hours: Mon-Tue 4-10 pm, Wed-Thu 11 am-10:30 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am–11 pm, Sun 11 am-10:30 pm Gordon Biersch, Town Center, 4561 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach Located in the new Virginia Beach Town Center, our free standing brewery restaurant features main and private dining, offering fresh handcrafted beer and premium, made from scratch food, all served up in a fun and friendly atmosphere. www.gordonbiersch.com/locations/virginia-beach?action=view Hours: Sun-Thu 11 am–12 am, Fri-Sat 11 am–2 am RIP - Green Flash Brewery & Tasting Room Virginia Beach Deadline Brewing Project, 2272 W. Great Neck Rd., Suite 2268, Virginia Beach A new, startup craft beer brewery specializing in unique, flavorful beers. www.deadlinebrewing.com Taproom Hours: Thu 5–10 pm, Fri 3–11 pm, Sat 12–11 pm, Sun 11 am–5 pm Smartmouth Pilot House, 313 32nd St., Virginia Beach Oceanfront Located in a former post office, just three blocks from the oceanfront, the fully-renovated space houses a small-batch brewery system, private event space, and a tasting room with back patio and additional outdoor space.  The new venue's name pays tribute to the area's nautical and aviation roots as well as the facility's core function of producing experimental and creative beers. www.smartmouthbrewing.com/ Taproom Hours: Tue-Thu 4-10 pm, Fri 1-10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 12-6 pm New Realm Brewing - VA, 1209 Craft Lane, Virginia Beach Join us at our expansive brewery in scenic coastal Virginia Beach, VA. The new taproom is complete with our main bar, a beer to-go (and merch) bar, and private event space. Head outside to our 44,000 sq. ft. outdoor beer garden to enjoy lawn games, bocce ball, fire pits, live music and our newly-added outdoor bar which allows quick access to all your New Realm favorites on draft. We’ve got live music all weekend long (Fri-Sun) and at least one local food truck onsite every day of the week! www.newrealmbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 4–11 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am–12 am, Sun 11 am–9 pm The Bunker Brewpub & Cadence Hall, 211 21st Street, Virginia Beach Oceanfront Young Veterans Brewing’s Bunker is divided into two large sections. The front is an open layout restaurant with flexible table arrangements to accommodate larger parties; A contemporary sports bar with a sleek bar top to match; Six wide screen TVs and a great selection of craft beer, liquor and wine to choose from. The back section is our concert hall equipped with a full bar, stage, 4 wide screen TVs, plenty of places to sit, and even more space to play games such as cornhole and giant Jenga. www.bunkerbrewpub.com Hours: Mon-Thu 3–10 pm, Fri 3 pm–12 am, Sat 12 pm–12 am, Sun 12–10 pm Back Bay's Farm House Brewing, 1805 Kempsville Rd., Virginia Beach Rooted in the soil of Virginia Beach, here at Back Bay's Farmhouse Brewing Co. we are dedicated to using the highest quality ingredients to produce the freshest beer and cider. We are aiming to redefine the meaning of "brewery," with a single goal in mind: To do what we love. The farm includes a tasting room in the original farm house that can also be used to host special events such as weddings. A farmer’s market is also planned and there are plans to plant additional fruit trees, including apple and peach, to be used in beer making. Other brewing ingredients, such as hops and barley, may also one day be grown. Hours: Mon-Thu 3–9 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am–10 pm, Sun 11 am–8 pm Coming Soon: Isley Brewing Company ViBe, 315 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach Craft Beer, Done Right. Isley Brewing Company is the true definition of microbrewing from Richmond VA.  Our goal here at Isley is to embrace the talents of our professional brewer with the passion commonly found in home brewing, to think outside the box every time and push limits while not following the path that others tend to follow, and to create a true crafted beer. The new brewery, located in a building built in 1946, will be capable of making 2,000 barrels of beer a year, and will have a tasting room and space for live music and events. Come try the fruits of our labor! https://www.isleybrewingcompany.com/home Vibrant Shore Brewing Company, 505 18th Street, Virginia Beach ViBe District A family owned, independent brewery in the heart of Virginia Beach's creative ViBe District. We are eager to join the artists and other creatives who have such a strong sense of community and interesting, well-established businesses there. Vibrant Shore Brewing Company hopes to blend the fine art of brewing with our commitment to promote, grow and serve as an integral part of the vibrant, local visual and acoustic arts community. Thin Brew Line Brewing Co., 1375 Oceana Blvd., Virginia Beach We plan to open our doors this fall. After 2 years of hard work, perfecting recipes and searching far and wide for the ideal location, we have been granted federal approval and secured our lease at Oceana Crossings in VA Beach. You can follow our progress leading up to the Grand Opening on facebook @ThinbrewLine CHESAPEAKE (1): Big Ugly Brewing Company, 845 Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake New, Bigger, Bolder. Big Ugly is Chesapeake's first microbrewery, and we plan on revolutionizing our town one beer at a time. From the brewing side, this move is huge. Not only do we have a much larger tasting room, but we also have a significantly larger brewing system. What this means for our beer drinking public is more different beers and higher quality beers. We have expanded from a 7-barrel system to a state of the art 15-barrel system, with multiple new 15-barrel fermenters. www.biguglybrewing.com Taproom Hours: Tue-Fri 3–10 pm, Sat 12–10 pm, Sun 12–6 pm Coming Soon: The Garage, 1011 Eden Way N., Chesapeake. Opening Summer 2019 PORTSMOUTH (2): MoMac Brewing Company, 3228 Academy Ave., Portsmouth Derived from Monitor Merrimac, MoMac Brewing is Craft Micro Brewery that opened in the Western Branch/Churchland area of Hampton Roads in 2017. MoMac utilizes a 10 BBL Alpha Brewing system to make its fresh, approachable craft beers. www.momacbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 3-10 pm, Fri 3 pm–12 am, Sat 12 pm–12 am, Sun 12–9 pm Legend Brewing Depot, 1 High St., Portsmouth Located right on the Elizabeth River in historic Olde Towne Portsmouth. The Depot is the first expansion of Virginia's Original Craft Brewery, providing true premium craft since 1993. Come in and see us for pints of tried-and-true Virginia brews, and we’re sure you’ll find your new favorite craft beer. www.legendbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 11 am-10 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-12 am, Sun 11 am-10 pm SUFFOLK (1): Brick & Mortar Brewing Company, 212 E Washington St., Suffolk Dave Stacknick and Scott Siebert - the Holland native who was experimenting with beer at 15 years old - already have big plans for the brewery they will set up next door to the Suffolk Police Department's First Precinct office. There will be specialty ales and lagers, along with a Peanut City Porter that could become the city's signature brew. http://BrickandMortarBrews.com Taproom Hours: Wed-Thu 5-10 pm, Fri 4-11 pm, Sat 12-11 pm, Sun 12-8 pm SMITHFIELD (1): Wharf Hill Brewing Company, 25 Main Street, Smithfield WHBC is a full-service restaurant, bar, and craft brewery that also offers an event space for special functions. WHBC serves satisfying food, craft beer, wine and spirits for people looking for a comfortable small-town brewpub. www.wharfhillbrewing.com Hours: Mon-Thu 11:30 am-11 pm, Fri-Sat 11:30 am - Midnight, Sun 11:30 am-10 pm Coming Soon: 757 Brewing Company, 895 W. Main Street, Smithfield Craft brewery based in Smithfield, VA. We are happy to announce that we have finally found a home for the brewery right here in Beautiful Smithfield! Close to downtown with large outdoor seating and entertainment area. We will be located at 895 W. Main Street between Farmers Service and Dave's Service Center. Let the build begin! http://www.757brewing.com Pagan River Brewing Co., at Captain Chuck-a-Muck’s restaurant 21088-B Marina Rd., Carrollton Adam Read of Smithfield and Mike Smith of Hampton plan to get a small three-barrel system installed to serve beers to boaters coming into the small marina. The goal is to have brews for consumption in 2019, starting with six core beers. http://paganriverbrewing.com Storm Forge Brewing Co., 17283 Benns Church Blvd., Smithfield Retired Army veterans and homebrewers Thierry Grom of Suffolk, Mike Sorrentino of York and Phil Martin of Hampton are leasing about four acres of farmland from Bennett’s Creek Nursery near an existing barn and plans to have an agricultural brewery where hops and other ingredients for the beers are grown on-site. Construction on a taproom and brewery with a 20-barrel system should start later this year. HAMPTON (5): St. George Brewing Company, 204 Challenger Way, Hampton We are the Oldest Hampton Roads Craft Brewery. We produce traditional beers w/one-off's in the mix. www.stgbeer.com Tap Room Hours: Mon 12–6 pm, Tue-Fri 12–8 pm, Sat 10 am–8 pm Retail and Tastings Mon through Sat. Brewery Tours Wed through Sat. The Oozlefinch Craft Brewery, 81 Patch Rd., Fort Monroe, Hampton Craft brewery serving the Hampton Roads, Virginia, community on Historic Fort Monroe. Our mission is to produce thought provoking beers that are hand crafted to challenge your palate in an atmosphere that shows a true appreciation for history and people! www.oozlefinchbeers.com Taproom Hours: Sun-Tue 11 am–9 pm, Wed-Thu 11 am–10 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am–11 pm Bull Island Brewing Company, 758 Settlers Landing Rd., Hampton Hampton's oldest (and only) 'waterfront' brewery offers fine ales and a superior atmosphere. Our kitchen is now open and serving the public. www.bullislandbrewing.com Taproom hours: Mon 3–9 pm, Tue-Thu 11 am-9 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-11 pm, Sun 11 am–9 pm Capstan Bar Brewing Company (CBBC), 2036 Exploration Way, Hampton A small-scale craft microbrewery and taproom located in the City of Hampton, one of Virginia’s oldest cities and one with a strong nautical heritage. CBBC creates outstanding handcrafted beers using the finest sourced ingredients in an efficient and sustainable manor blending old-world techniques with modern innovations in recipe development, bringing west coast-style and rotating artisanal handcrafted beers to the Hampton Roads Region of Virginia. www.capstanbarbrewing.com Taproom hours: Wed-Thu 3-9 pm, Fri 12-10 pm, Sat 11 am-10 pm, Sun 12-7 pm The Vanguard Brewpub and Distillery, 504 N. King St., Hampton Housed within the historic Hampton Armory in Hampton, Virginia. Built in 1936 as home to a National Guard armory, it was vacant for 23 years before seeing development again. Now a premiere entertainment venue featuring Caiseal Beer & Spirits (brewed and distilled on site), daily live music from local and national musicians, and a full restaurant with seasonal menu, all paired with select craft beer and small-batch spirits. www.TheVanguard757.com Taproom hours: Sun-Thu 11 am-11 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-12 am Coming Soon: Traffic Brewing Co., 9 South Mallory St., Phoebus, Hampton COMING SOON! Brewery and Coffee House in historic downtown Phoebus. The planned nano-brewery plans to start with a three-barrel system serving a variety of beer that can appeal to many tastes. Traffic would like to host local home brewers clubs, collaborate with other brewers and also host workshops. http://trafficbrewingcompany.com/ NEWPORT NEWS (2): Tradition Brewing Company, 700 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Ste. 103, Newport News The first craft brewery to open its doors in Newport News. Head Brewer Dan Powell joined forces with four craft beer enthusiasts, all born and raised in Newport News, who united to open this brewery in their hometown. The classic environment invites folks to reunite with friends and family to celebrate the Tradition of blending exceptional beers with amazing experiences. www.traditionbrewing.com Tap Room Hours: Tue-Thu 4–9 pm, Fri 2–11 pm, Sat 12–11 pm, Sun 12–6 pm BJ's Restaurant Brewhouse Newport News, 12090 Jefferson Ave. #1400, Newport News We're the place to go when you're looking for amazing craft beer, delicious pizza selections, and an extensive menu of high quality food-all in a fun, casual, accommodating setting. www.bjsrestaurants.com/locations/va/newport-news Hours: Sun-Thu 11 am–12 am, Fri-Sat 11 am–1 am Coming Soon: Twisted Knot Brewing Co., Canon Blvd., Newport News We are currently in the building and licensing phase. We will be opening on Canon Blvd. in Newport News hopefully in the spring of 2019. Follow our Facebook page to stay current!   WILLIAMSBURG (6): Alewerks Brewing Company, 189-B Ewell Road, Williamsburg Established in 2006 and located in the heart of the early colonies in Williamsburg, Virginia, we have rolled out a broad range of beer offerings and quickly established a reputation for fine beer. We operate a direct fired brick-clad Peter Austin brew house and ferment all our beers in state-of-the-art conical fermenters. www.alewerks.com Taproom Hours: Mon-Sat 12–9 pm, Sun 12–8 pm Brass Cannon Brewing, 5476 Mooretown Road, Williamsburg Founded by enthusiastic home brewers, Brass Cannon Brewing is a craft brewery dedicated to the production of high quality brews for sale on tap. We currently offer 6 quality brews at our tap room. We usually have 4 year-round offerings, 1 seasonal and 1 langrage tap that changes whenever we feel like it. www.brasscannonbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Tue-Thu 2-9 pm, Fri 2–10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 12-6 pm The Virginia Beer Company, 401 Second St., Williamsburg We are a former financial analyst, a former consultant, and a former high school teacher turned professional brewer joining forces to open a community-based and philanthropy focused force for good in the form of a brewery! We'll have plenty of beers and plenty of cheers ready and waiting for everyone. www.VirginiaBeerCo.com Taproom Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 4-9 pm, Fri-Sat 12-9:30 pm, Sun 12-7 pm Billsburg Brewery, Inc., 2054 Jamestown Road, Williamsburg Virginia Craft Beer, Brewery and Tasting Room - Forging a path forward for craft beer in Williamsburg VA. Dedicated to the artisan craft of small batch beer, delivering excellence without compromise in every pour. www.billsburg.com Taproom Fall Hours: Mon 4-9 pm, Tue-Sun 12-9 pm Precarious Beer Project, at Amber Ox Public House, 521 Prince George St., Williamsburg Brewing modern, creative, inspired, and expertly crafted beer. We precariously brew on the edge of modern inspiration and extreme approachability. From total crush-ability to long sipping offerings. Precariously delicious brews! www.theamberox.com Hours: Sun-Thu 11:30 am-12 am, Fri-Sat 11:30 am-1 am Alewerks Brewing Satellite Brewery & Taproom, Williamsburg Premium Outlets, 5711-36 Richmond Road, Williamsburg This is the newest addition to the Alewerks family, located right next to Columbia Sportswear. It features the same great selection of quality beers as the Brewery Taproom in a spacious setting with ample parking. The brewing area features a 3.5-barrel brew system allowing us a newfound versatility to brew a number of small batch beers throughout the year. http://www.alewerks.com/satellite-taproom.html Taproom Hours: Mon-Thu 12–9 pm, Sat 11 am-9 pm, Sun 11 am–7 pm YORKTOWN (0): Coming Soon: Blackbeard's Point Brewing Company, 204 York Ln., Yorktown We are in the development phase of opening a microbrewery and taproom in the Hampton Roads Region of Virginia. (757) 234-0721 [email protected] POQUOSON (0): Coming Soon: Straight Shot Brewing, City Hall Ave., Poquoson We will bring craft brewing to Poquoson, Virginia, brewing modern session ales and lagers, including some based on colonial-era recipes. We will establish a brewery that highlights a green commercial footprint with an emphasis on energy and water conservation throughout the brewing process and in everyday operations. Straight Shot will have an outdoor beer garden for walk-up service in a casual setting and a function room to host community events, music and more. www.straightshotbrewing.com MIDDLE PENINSULA (2): That Damn Mary Brewing Company, 5036B George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes Located on 3-½ acres and connected to Mobjack Tavern, TDM’s prime spot is all about bringing your Mary to the party! Our tagline, ‘Exceptional Beers for the Very Mary’, is about the idea that whatever makes you Mary (happy, in your groove, on your wild edge...), you're in the right place and space, and we've got a great beer for you. http://thatdamnmarybrewing.com Taproom Hours: Wed-Thu 4–9 pm, Fri 4–10 pm, Sat 12–10 pm, Sun 12–6 pm Gloucester Brewing Co., 6778 Main St., Gloucester Gloucester Courthouse's destination brewery and taproom, which uses a deadrise work boat in its logo, with a diverse range of eight or so rotating beers in addition to seasonal brews. The beer names reference Gloucester, such as Low Ground Brown or Ordinary Pilsner. https://www.globrewco.com Taproom Hours: Mon 4–9 pm, Thu-Fri 4-9 pm, Sat 12-9 pm, Sun 12-7 pm NORTHERN NECK (2): Montross Brewery & Beer Garden, 15381 Kings Hwy., Montross The first brewery in Virginia's Northern Neck is the culmination of the dream of a husband and wife team, John and Roxanne Warren. It’s the quintessential "little village brewery." Specializing in small batch brewing, the proprietors lovingly handcraft each of their brews. http://www.montrossbrewery.com Taproom Hours: Fri 5–9 pm, Sat 12–9 pm, Sun 12–5 pm Kilmarnock Brewhaus, 44 West Church St., Kilmarnock Kilmarnock's first brewery! Featuring fine craft beers and live music. Opened in May 2018. www.kilmarnockbrewhaus.com Hours: Thu-Fri 5-11 pm, Sat 1-9 pm, Sun 1-5 pm EASTERN SHORE (2): Black Narrows Brewing Company, 4522 Chicken City Rd., Chincoteague Island "Building bridges, Crafting change." We feel so fortunate to be the first brewery on Virginia's Eastern Shore. You'll find us over the Black Narrows on Chincoteague Island in the old Little Bay Seafood oyster shuckin' house on Chincoteague Island. http://blacknarrowsbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Mon, Thu and Fri 4-10 pm, Sat 12-10 pm, Sun 1–9 pm Cape Charles Brewing Company, 2198 Stone Rd, Cape Charles The seashore islands bring memories of a warmth and a quality of life not found elsewhere. Memories of family and friends – good food, drink, and conversation - these are the roots of the Cape Charles Brewing Co – a production Brewery and Brewpub that emphasizes quality and integrity in everything we do to bring the rhythm of the islands to life. Come see us! www.capecharlesbrewing.com Taproom Hours: Sun-Thu 11:30 am–9 pm, Fri-Sat 11:30 am–10 pm LOCAL GROWLER FILL/BOTTLE SHOPS NORFOLK: bottleBOX craft beer to-go, 325B W 21st St., Norfolk A retail craft beer store featuring 12 rotating taps and an extensive bottle selection. Let us fill your growler with your favorite local brew or exciting seasonal selection. www.bottlebox.beer Hours: Sun-Sat 12-8 pm VIRGINIA BEACH: Grape & Gourmet, 4000 Virginia Beach Blvd., Ste. 180, Virginia Beach Your local, independent wine & microbrew beer store serving Virginia Beach and all of Tidewater. With over 1000 different wines and 800 different microbrews from all around the world, all priced for you to enjoy, let us help you find the right wine or beer for you. www.grapeandgourmet.com Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-8 pm, Sun 10 am-4 pm Mix It Up Growlers, Flights & Pints, 2973 Shore Dr., Virginia Beach A new local business that is dedicated to providing customers convenience, new and unique products and personalized service. Mix it Up is the first of its kind in Hampton Roads providing drink mixers, craft beer, import and domestic beers and wine. Hours: Mon-Thu 11 am-10 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-12 pm, Sun 11 am-8 pm Bottlecraft Virginia Beach, 1560 Laskin Rd., suite 156, Virginia Beach A boutique beer shop and tasting room that curates the best local, domestic and international craft beer. www.bottlecraftbeer.com Hours: Mon-Wed 11 am-10 pm, Thu-Sat 11 am-12 am, Sun 11 am-9 pm Next Door Bottle Shop, 2238 W Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach We are a bottle shop next door to Lynnhaven Pub featuring the best of the best beer, cider, mead, knowledgeable staff, and educational events. Hours: Tue-Sat 12–7 pm SMITHFIELD: Bon Vivant Wine & Brew Smithfield, 1504 S Church St., Smithfield We offer personal service in a casual and local atmosphere for ~ Great Wine ~ World Class Beer ~ Gift Baskets ~ Cigars ~ Glassware and Accessories ~ And So Much More! www.bonvivantmarket.com Hours: Mon-Thu 11 am-6 pm, Fri 11 am-7 pm, Sat 10 am-6 pm SUFFOLK: Great Bottles LLC, 1901 Governors Pointe Dr., Suffolk An eclectic collection of wine, imported beer, friends, wine classes and tastings, cigars, whole bean coffee, cheese, and did we mention fun? Great Bottles wants to be your wine and craft beer destination! New wines and craft beer are selected weekly from tastings with over fifteen distributors, so there is always something new to try and love. www.greatbottlesva.com Hours: Mon-Sat 11 am-8 pm, Sun 12-5 pm Mix It Up Suffolk, Growlers, Flights & Pints, 5911 Harbour View Blvd #101, Suffolk A new local business that is dedicated to providing customers convenience, new and unique products and personalized service. Mix it Up is the first of its kind in Hampton Roads providing drink mixers, craft beer, import and domestic beers and wine. WILLIAMSBURG: The Wine Seller in Williamsburg, 4680-15 Monticello Avenue, Williamsburg We love great wine, and beer, cheese, and cigars. Become a fan, share your tastes, read our wine reviews, and stop by our FREE weekly tastings to give some great vino a try for yourself. www.grapesbythecrate.com Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-8 pm Hair of the DoG Bottle Shop, 401 W Duke of Gloucester St., Williamsburg Take DoG Street Pub home with you. Wide selection of Virginia, imported and domestic craft beers. cocktail mixers & supplies. Gourmet foods. www.hairofthedogbottleshop.com Hours: Sun-Thu 11:30 am-8 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-8:30 pm YORKTOWN: Hop Time, 5005F Victory Blvd., Yorktown Growler filling store that features 30 rotating taps of craft beer. A tasting bar of 25 flavor infused extra virgin olive oils and balsamic vinegars. www.hoptimegrowlers.com Hours: Mon-Wed 10 am-8 pm, Thu-Sat 10 am-9 pm, Sun 11 am-6 pm Howl-N-Growl, Growler Station & Bottle Shop, 800 Dare Rd., Yorktown A 20 Tap Growler filling station at Dare Deli & Steamhouse. http://www.daredeli.com/howl-ngrowl/ Hours: Tue-Sun, 11 am-9 pm Drink Happy - Be Safe Follow the blogs at: www.brew-n-rock-tidewater.blogspot.com or www.guapo-t-w.tumblr.com also check out the local brewery events posted on: www.facebook.com/groups/hamptonroadsbeerforum/
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mythaura-blog · 7 years
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Hey all! Welcome to our December development update. Here is what lies under the cut.
What’s new
NPCs on Mythaura
New Monsters and New Item Patreon Illustrations
Community spotlight
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This month, we have been working on basic back end set up. Login and register systems are currently being built and tested. We’ve had some continuous trouble with our current server, so we’ve found it best for development to move to a new server. We’re currently in the process of shifting everything over - there may be some downtime on the Beast Demo, we will give everyone a heads up on our social media channels when that time comes!
On the topic of the Demo - we are planning some new and exciting usability features for Demo V3. • Link generation for sharing After creating a Beast, a link will be generated. The link will be a url to your creation. You can also import a link from another creation. • Lock and unlock options Options can be locked and unlocked by clicking the lock symbol. This will ensure your option will not change even when clicking randomize. • Shift Special order Shift Special options by moving the arrows. This will change the layering order of Specials without having to choose options again, making it easier to customize.
• Loading animation A simple loading animation to appear before the Beasts image is generated. Some other additions would be an "Age" option which changes the Beasts base to the Young Base or the Grown Base. And the categorization of the Base area and Special Markings area so it's a little easier to tell options apart.
The young bases for the three starter Beasts - Dragon, Griffin and Unicorn have been completed. We are planning to have all Young bases and their 125 colors and the current catalog of Special Markings available for the next Demo V3 update.
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The Hybrid bases are being worked on and will be ready for the next demo update - here are the sketches for the young Quetzal, Hippogriff and Kirin!
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We’ll have news very soon about when Demo V3 will drop. For now, I can share that work has started on the next Hybrid Beasts. Here is a quick sneak peak.
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Every shop you visit in Mythaura is run by a shopkeep. These shopkeepers have their own unique personalities, quests and dialogue. They will interact with you, the player, through dialogue boxes. Some moments will give you different options to respond to the NPC and the NPCs portrait will change to different expressions depending on their mood and dialogue. For example; if a player hands in a completed quest, the NPC portrait will change to a pleased expression. Each character will play a large role within the story and game play.
This month our amazing Tier 3+ supporters on Patreon voted in a poll to choose the first NPC players will interact with on site out of three options. Acting as a tutorial guide, they will welcome the player into the world, introduce them to the currency, explain factions, walk players through creating their first Beast and finally leading them into the full game. This is an early look at the Mythaura “Welcome” NPC!
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“A cheerful elderly Quetzal. He is a travelling merchant who sells interesting items he found while on the road. His bird is his best bud.”
Next month, patrons will decide on the Quetzal Traveller’s coloring, define their personality, their shop and their name. We’ll have more to share on the NPC system and other characters that will feature in Mythaura soon!
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Tier 4 and 5 Patreon rewards have the opportunity to work with the artists to create their own Monsters and Items that will appear in-game. Here are the illustrations that have been created this month. Many thanks to our incredibly creative supporters! Monsters: Lunar Bone Thief - Created with Fizzywits Vitterfolk - Created with Malis (Work in progress! The Vitterfolk’s final illustration will be completed soon)
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Items: Crystallion - Created with Aku Reine Plushie - Created with TwinFishes Coelacanth - Created with Frillshark Pahoehoe Flower -  Created with Mezzo
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So many pet games have been ruined by multi accounts, botters & scammers. I'd like to know what your policies will be on these since I am wary of investing in another site that doesn't have the staff or motivation to keep a clean playing field for all. - Anonymous
Those are completely valid concerns. As with any multiplayer online game, there will inevitability be those who will exploit it in some way or another. We will take our security and code of conduct very seriously, any player found violating that will be restricted or banned.
How many times can you create a beast from scratch? Only when you first join or are there other ways to do so? (Through an item for example) - Anonymous
You will create your first Beast upon joining Mythaura - a Dragon, Griffin or Unicorn. You’ll be able to choose any of the 125 colors on the wheel to customize their Base, Bottom and Top areas on their bodies. At the moment, this will be the only time you will be able to create a Beast from scratch. We are definitely not ruling out any other options! At this point it’s too early to say for sure.
Will there be a way to keep beasts as their 'baby' forms? - katjoyy
Yes! I realize that some people might prefer the young Beast artworks to their grown versions. There will be a method in the game to keep them from growing up - whether through consumable items or another means.
I know there is crowd funding, but will you be using Kickstarter at any point? I am more familiar with them, as I feel many are, and would rather fund through there (Dappervolk Funded within Hours.. or minuets??) I'd love to know, thanks! - bobbybi
Our first priority before planning the final crowdfunding push is delivering on an alpha and beta. We are 100% focused on building Mythaura the best it can be now and our Patreon is helping out a great deal to reach that goal.  
I love Mythaura so much already, I can't explain it in words! I can't wait to see it reach it's max potential. I just wanted to know if there would be a feeding or age mechanic that would cause your creature to pass on eventually. I only ask, because I dislike the game mechanic cause death is no fun. - Anonymous
Thank you so much! Your support means the world  ❤ There will be no death mechanic. We expect players to put a lot of time and effort into customizing their Beasts and it would feel like a waste to have them pass on eventually. Rest easy knowing that your Beasts will be immortal.
In the future, would you be open to beast/monster/item suggestions from users? - Anonymous
We are always open to suggestions! I am actively listening on all our social media channels. I take any and all suggestions to heart and note them down. But if you’re super eager to have your ideas made into reality, Tier 4 and 5 Patreon rewards can have their suggestions made into actual items in-game. 
Okay so, you're making a Virtual Pet game. What do you have planned that will set you apart from other games like Flight Rising and even Neopets? I see the graphics are looking good, but do you have something else new that you intend to bring to the table with this? - formerlybees
As a long time fan and player of virtual pet games, I can say that we have a number of new ideas we are planning to bring into the genre. Some ideas inspired by other virtual pet games and some inspired by other MMOs. We have some incredibly ambitious ideas planned out that I wish I could tell you about, but we need to see if we can actually build them and get it all working! 
Hi, I'm very curious as to what you look for in a portfolio for artists/writers? I'm very new to submitting portfolios and unfortunately art school doesn't really teach you this sort of thing. Thanks in advance! - rexcaliburr
For Mythaura specifically - Artists that show pieces with 2D cel-shaded style similar to our own and demonstrate cohesive anatomy for animal-like creatures. Just a couple of their best polished pieces will deliver the best first impression!  For writers, a small section of writing that best showcases your creative flair and perhaps links to your previous works if any. 
For artists, I recommend checking out the Dear Art Director tumblr. It’s helped me out a lot personally when I was freelancing.
Any update on best boy reine's final art work? - twinfishieslove
No update as of yet! You’ll have to gaze upon his glorious mugshot for now.
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(In all seriousness, the Beast bases come first and are rather time consuming!)
Hey grif! Which, personally, if your favourite species - dragondrawsdragons
Hmm, good question. I’m rather partial to my namesake. Who can’t not love a half bird of prey, half lion?! I’ll give an honorable mention to Hippogriffs, albatross ponies are fun too. 
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Our community feature for this month is showcasing the artistic talents of the Mythaura Discord community. Check it out!
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I wish I could fit more in! I am so impressed by the art I get to see there almost everyday. It’s an absolute treat.
Every month we will be showcasing some community creations. If you’d like to share your Mythaura inspired artworks, make sure to tag them with  #mythaura on both Tumblr and Twitter. We’d love to see them.
If you would like to chat with other members of the community and members of the Mythaura team - Click here to join us on the official Mythaura Discord!
That’s it for this month. To finish, I’ll leave you with this super adorable sketch of a Beast family drawn by the very talented Luci!
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Have a happy new year!
❤ Grif
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galileosunshine · 7 years
Reposting my comment so it’ll show up in the tags. For everyone who wants to know what the heck happened in the Love Live! Sunshine!! Puppet Movie that Lantis just put out, here’s a summary.
Riko falls into the water or something and falls unconscious. When she wakes up, she finds that her, You, and Chika have turned into pigs. Chika explains that they’re the 3 Little Pigs (as in the bedtime story). Then a coelacanth appears, and Chika calls it the Big Bad Wolf. The “wolf” chases them and Chika tells them to run to her straw house, but it’s blown away. Then You says to run to her wooden house, but that’s also blown way. Riko thinks they’re going to the brick house next, following the story of the 3 Little Pigs, but Chika says they need to stop running, and BECOME SCHOOL IDOLS.
SCENE CHANGE. So You and Chika have taken their pig noses off, except for Riko, who complains that she can’t take hers off! They meet Kanan who is doing exercises with a coelacanth. AND CHIKA BEATS KANAN UP and saying she’s “saved the turtle” (the coelacanth). And Riko realizes that it’s the story of Urashima Tarou, a Japanese folktale of Urashima Tarou who saves a turtle and is rewarded by the dragon god of the sea Ryujin to visit his underwater palace the Ryugu-jo. 
So Chika says they get to go to the “Medaka Gakkou” (literally School of the Japanese rice fish), because in order to be “school” idols they need to enter a school right? So they go underwater and meet Mari, who is Otohime, the daughter of the dragon god Ryujin.  Chika asks Mari if they can enter the school, and she says sure, and Riko goes “that was fast!” And then they just RANDOMLY DANCE (and poor Riko is bullied by the coelacanth XD)
SCENE CHANGE. They’re back on shore and meet Dia (a rabbit), who is dragging Hanamaru (a tanuki). Chika tells Dia to stop being mean to the tanuki, but Dia explains that she’s punishing the Tanuki for playing a trick on an old couple. Riko realizes this is the story of Kachi-Kachi Yama.  Basically, in the folktale, a man caught a tanuki and was planning to eat it. But while he was out in town, the tanuki begged the man’s wife to release it. The wife freed the tanuki, but then the tanuki killed her and then turned itself into the man’s wife and fed her flesh to the man. The man was good friends with a rabbit, who found out about everything, and decided to punish the tanuki. Some things happen, and in the end the rabbit and tanuki have a contest to build a boat to race across the lake.
ANYWAY, Chika goes NOPE, we’re going to borrow that boat to go to Onigashima (the island of ogres/demons)! And this is referencing theJapanese story of Momotarou who also goes to Onigashima. So they get on the boat and sail off.
They get to Onigashima, and Riko asks why they have to come here. Chika says if they defeat the Oni, they’ll become legends, which is necessary to become school idols (LOL). Then Yohane shows up and summons the Oni King, another coelacanth, and orders it to fight them. Chika gives an Emotional Speech™ about how school idols must do things that are harsh and painful, including fighting Oni’s, to which Riko says that school idols don’t need to do that! Chika gets a sword and FIGHTS the coelacanth.
At first it seems like she’s losing, but then, Chika seems to summon some magic, and goes for a final attack!!….which is kissing the coelacanth, WHICH TURNS INTO RUBY. Chika then invites Ruby to join them in being school idols. All the Aqours members appear, and they sing Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiterukai, while Riko is still in disbelief about everything. 
Then Riko wakes up. You berates her for falling asleep, joking that “you’re not Chika”. Riko realizes that it was all a dream…except she then sees a coelacanth in the water! AND IT ENDS WITH THE ANIME ENDING SEQ EXCEPT EVERYONE IS PUPPETS.
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betterneko · 7 years
Get To Know Your Local Neko
I was tagged to answer these 20 questions by blue haired bombshell @caligurl32 
1) Name; Neko Squirrel Baxen
2) Nickname; Oh, good lord.  Let’s see... my husband calls me “Cats”, my mom calls me “Mouse” (I know.  Cats and mouse.  I don’t know how this happened.)  My family also calls me “Squirrel”, which I mentioned in one of these tag things eons ago and which @spoonriverrat zeroed in on like two seconds after I posted it, and I’ve been “Squirrel” to her ever since as well. 
3) Sign; Sagittarius.  I have no idea what that’s supposed to say about me.  
4) Height; 5′6
5)Orientation; A bit of this, a bit of that...
6) Nationality; English, Irish, and tiny amounts of various other things.  
7) Favorite Fruit; The only fruit I don’t really like is cantaloupe, but I guess my favorites are probably pink lady apples and clementines.
8) Favorite Season; Fall, hands down.  Every day that does not take place in Fall is spent either in gleeful anticipation of Fall or wistful longing for Fall.
9) Favorite Book; Favorite BOOK?!  Singular??  No.  I refuse to choose only one.  Here are SOME of my favorite BOOKS.  In no particular order:  Little, Big - John Crowley ~ Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte ~ Geek Love - Katherine Dunn ~ Of Human Bondage - W. Somerset Maugham ~ Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates ~ Dune - Frank Herbert ~ A Fish Caught in Time: The Search for the Coelacanth - Samantha Weinberg ~ The Ground Beneath Her Feet - Salman Rushdie ~ Sense & Sensibility - Jane Austen ~ I Am Legend - Richard Matheson ~ Good Omens - Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman ~ House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski ~ A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving ~ Death Makes a Holiday: A Cultural History of Halloween - David J. Skal ~ The Princess Bride - William Goldman ~ To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee ~ House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende ~ In Cold Blood - Truman Capote ~ The Elementals - Michael McDowell ~ Neuromancer - William Gibson ~ Born Standing Up - Steve Martin ~ Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro ~ The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo ~ Rebecca - Daphne duMaurier ~ Hyperion - Dan Simmons ~ If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino ~ 20th Century Ghosts - Joe Hill ~ Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper ~ The Dark Tower series, IT, The Stand, From a Buick 8, The Shining, 11/22/63 and so, so, so so, many more.
10) Favorite Flower; Tuberoses, Honeysuckles, Lilies
11) Favorite Scent; Honeysuckles, Tuberoses, Tomato leaves, Magnolia, Used Bookstores
12) Favorite color; Olive green and black
13) Favorite animal; Specifically, my sweet Ocicat kitty, Moxie Anne Scrambles the Death Dealer Stormborn, the First of Her Name.  Generally, Fennec Foxes, Red Pandas, Pygmy Jerboas, Quokkas, Flying Fox Bats, Capybaras, tiny goats.
14) Coffee or Tea; Both, frequently.
15) Average hours of sleep; 3 to 6
16)Cat or Dog person? I’m pretty equally balanced on both.  At the moment, I only have a kitty.  
17) Favorite Fictional Character?  There are so many.  Um, at right this very moment, Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop, Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse, and Withnail from Withnail & I.
18) Number of Blankets you sleep with? Two, usually.
19) Blog Created? December 2016, I think?  
20) Number of followers? 71
And now I’m supposed to tag 20 (!) people, but @caligurl32 covered basically everyone I know.  =)
So, feel free if you feel like it!  
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