#Aquarius traits
2024 Aquarius Full Moon: What it means for YOU
What: Aquarius Full Moon
When: Aug. 19, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. fixed signs!
Takeaway: An electrifying conclusion, shocking disruption, or groundbreaking release.
     Look! Out there in the sky: it’s a bird–no, a plane! No! It’s a–a–SUPER FULL MOON. ARGHHHHHH. That’s right, on Aug. 19, we have our 8th full moon of 2024, this one—a rare, super blue full moon—is in the liberating, forward-thinking air sign Aquarius. Even though it’s in Aquarius, the most emotionally detached sign in the zodiac, don’t expect this full moon to make you objective or indifferent to your current situation. There’s simply too much dynamic energy to think or feel that way. 
     First, this 2024 Aquarius super full moon is riding the wave of tension, frustration, confidence, and determination of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the Mars-Saturn square. Secondly, it also has some planetary friction, making a tense square to rabble-rouser Uranus in Taurus, which is set for a headline-making square to Mercury Rx in Leo (same day as the Mercury Cazimi!)
     These tense alignments imbue the air with feelings of friction, frustration, hecticness, restlessness and maybe a little discontent. As the moon swells towards this peak moment, so do these feelings. Full moons often bring a tidal wave of emotion (since the Moon is the celestial body of the emotions), but this Aquarius full moon, which opposes both the Sun & Mercury Rx in Leo, is cranking things up a notch.
     With Uranus in the mix, there’s a stronger-than-normal desire to break up with, break out of, or break free from something. (Because this full moon happens the SAME day as the Democratic National Convention, we’ll probably hear rhetoric revolving around freedom, liberation, and moving on from the past.) Uranus is the planet of unexpected shakeups and much-needed wake-ups; it is a disruptor, a wild card, a groundbreaker and liberator of what’s stale, stodgy, and outdated. Uranus shocks and electrifies you with insight, ideas, or a wild hair up your ass to do something—anything!—different. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly have a soap-opera worthy break up, or get dramatically fired from your job on Aug. 19. 
Get the FULL SCOOP on this FULL MOON on The Cosmic Almanac:
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badbitchzodiac · 7 months
Do you agree with JT?
What do you think is the most toxic Aquarius trait? ♒️
Let us know in the comments and don't forget to check out our online store for more zodiac tea.
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the-football-chick · 1 year
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lilmeawmeawblog · 1 year
I firmly believe that things like enneagram, MBTI,astrology etc. are tools that are meant for self development, they are something that can induce greater empathy, more tolerance in you, give you a broader perspective. These tools are not meant for enforcing stereotypes like portraying certain types as immoral psychopaths, hard hearted robots and then certain types as angels or Messiah; People aren't really two dimensional like that. Just because you struggle with rational thinking or social skills as an effect of belonging to a certain type doesn't mean you have to stay that way till you die. Putting people in a box won't get us anywhere, it limits our potential, makes us close minded. Instead, these tools are are supposed to make you open minded by showing you that there is no only one true, right way of looking at or doing things, that each type plays an integral & equally important role in our society, its supposed to tell you your weakness & strengths so your can better yourself and become a more well rounded person
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mattscoquette · 2 months
matt saying he can’t date a girl who needs a birthweek 😞😞 i don’t but my birthday is two days before valentine’s day and i expect two separate gifts which i feel like is equivalent. i fear he would hate me
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alyjojo · 9 months
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🫥 Aquarius & Capricorn ✌️
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I just realized... Mafuyu's sign is Aquarius. Like, the aquarium she keeps on her room.
oh shit, i dunno if that was intentional but that's pretty neat
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luchicm04 · 3 months
January 20 to February 18 - Symbol: Water-bearer🪣
Sun: Ennui Moon: Fear Rising: Envy
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Personality Explanation:
Aquarius, the eleventh and penultimate air sign of the zodiac, is often mistaken for a water sign. However, it is actually the final air sign, dealing with air-related concepts from a macro-perspective. Aquarius is known for being innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. However, they also have a sensitive side that requires appreciation, support, and love.
Air energy is all about the mind, and Aquarius takes these concepts to a whole other level. As the last air sign in the zodiac, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water or life upon the land. The Star card in tarot can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot planted on the soil and one positioned in the water. Aquarius is positioned as an independent entity separate from the life-giving hydration it offers.
Aquarius is rooted in teamwork, collaboration, and the concept of the "greater good," determined to make a powerful difference in the world. It is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation, technology, and surprising events. Aquarians are big thinkers but must not forget their immediate surroundings. They can become so focused on implementing widespread reform that they neglect their family and friends, gaining a reputation for being distant in relationships. Aquarians should remember that progress always starts on a micro level and advocate empathy and compassion wherever possible.
Read what your sign's horoscope emotions mean for you right here, or check out the rest of my works here.
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Libra: Gemini is so annoying.
Aquarius: They’re loud, irresponsible, and too carefree.
Scorpio: Oh, I agree. I don't like Gem either.
Libra and Aquarius: How dare you!
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emoprincey · 8 months
The fact that Remus isn't a Gemini is an actual crime
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tommyscurls · 4 months
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Tagged by @starkguzman to take this quiz
I'm tagging:
@dijkstraspath @devirnis @wunderlass @becamitchell @queerbuckleys @bucksboobs @queenrikki @maygrantgf @buckbuckleys @kinardbuckleys (even though your were also tagged my katie) @polinscarriage and anyone who wants to do it
Thanks Katie <3
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 7 months
Your Mars & Venus in Aquarius HOROSCOPE
How these two transits are impacting your goals, worklife, relationships and money.
Since January, Venus and Mars have been traveling side-by-side in earth sign Capricorn, urging us to put our noses to the grindstone and get sh*t done—both in life and in love. While the dual earth transits have (hopefully) helped you get organized and practical with your energy, affections and wallet, they were also kinda boring. (No offense to my Capricorns out there.) Well, life’s about to liven up because on Feb. 13 & 16, both Mars and Venus enter Aquarius, bringing a shift in energy and sociability.  
     With Mars, the planet of action and energy, leading the charge on Feb. 13, your actions and drives are imbued with the revolutionary spirit of Aquarius. During this transit, you’re encouraged to break free from conventional constraints and embrace innovation and progress in your goals and pursuits. Work and career take on a new dynamic as you find yourself drawn to endeavors, businesses, or extracurricular endeavors that promote social change and advancement. Mars in Aquarius fuels your passion for humanitarian causes and pushes you to collaborate with like-minded individuals to effect positive change in your communities and beyond.
     Work that doesn’t stimulate your imagination or give you an opportunity to socialize with other people will be really hard to do during Mars in Aquarius. Mars is an enlivening planet that brings lots of action and momentum to the area of life ruled by the sign through which it transits. It can also bring swells of egotism, competitiveness, aggression, and/or conflict to that same area. So, pay attention to the area of your chart / life ruled by Aquarius; Mars is moving through this area, simultaneously enlivening, energizing, and making you a tad more aggressive. Good thing we have Venus in Aquarius moving into this arena in a few days (Feb. 16, to be exact). 
Read your FULL Mars & Venus in Aquarius Horoscope here:
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the-football-chick · 2 years
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kylos-starlight · 6 months
Since movies hate giving my boys canon birthdays I gotta do everything around here myself. So anyways Ronnie's birthday is December 20th.
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Relatable for Aquarius 😂
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alyjojo · 3 months
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🤫 Gemini & Aquarius 🤔
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