#Aquarius zodiac
astro-royale · 5 months
「Things to keep secret★ 」
8th house edition…
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Based on research
The 8th house gives us a certain intangible, power… A power that cannot be taken away from us.
No matter how hard people try to stop your 8th house qualities from manifesting.. they will simply fail. Because what is in your 8th house is.. is directly linked your karmic debt.
The power you have, you are meant to use wisely depending on the planet/s residing within your 8th house. You are in fact tested..this is part of your karmic path; Will you use this power for the greater good? Will you ascend or will you descend?.. will you satisfy your ego, or your higher nature?
This is the test that comes with the power in the 8th house.
NOW the 8th house is the house of your longevity.. so a way to promote that “longevity “ aka your LIFE FORCE ENERGY is to preserve your POWER to preserve thy ENERGY. ⚡️
Now.. there are certain qualities which need to remain hidden in order for their power to remain preserved, depending on the planet.
Here is what they are:
SUN in the 8th house: Your schedule & routine
MOON in the 8th house: How you spend your time and what you enjoy doing.. what keeps you emotionally satisfied.
MARS in the 8th house: Your plans and strategies, how you implement things, and how you take action on things
MERCURY in the 8th house: What kind of data you consume; books, social media..etc
JUPITER in the 8th house: Your spiritual path & practises
VENUS in the 8th house: Plans & things you have learned through experiences.. keeping romantic relationships private is also best for this placement
SATURN in the 8th house: Plans, ideas & how you work.
KETU in the 8th house: Your intuitive insights,what you think will certainly happen, otherwise people can misuse it.. or if you tell them your ideas they may implement it first and get credits for it
RAHU in the 8th house: Don’t lie to make yourself seem greater than you really are. Be discerning with who you share information with and how, especially spiritual knowledge & knowledge to do with investing.
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astrology-by-sita · 1 month
This is a part of a series on the rising signs not necessarily in Zodiacal order.
Aquarius risings are social outcasts who feel that they don't belong in their birthplace. Saturn rules 12h and 1h. Night charts especially feel like their society doesn't want them. Their ruler exalts in 9h in libra - the house of foreign lands and religion. But they aren't really religious. They can be critical especially of conventional religion. Saturn exalts in libra because aquarians have that skepticism over traditional religion.
They exalt as in get success and status when they show a formidable rational critique of the dominant doctrine and dogma. They shift societal trends and paradigms. Karl Marx is a great example of an aquarius rising who reaches prominence by critiquing the dominant system in society, an economic system which privileges only the bourgeoisie.
They talk a lot they can be as talky as geminis cause they have aries in 3h and where you have aries is where you're impulsive. But their ruler saturn debilitates in 3h so they won't get success there. Talking just for the sake of talking takes them nowhere but if they show a rational, alternative view of the structures of society they'll be prominent influential figures in their country and even the world.
They view the general as well as the specific. Sagittarius 11h gives them a general (sagittarius) view on human society (11h) but saturn is also particular and detail oriented. Virgo 8h - they transform everything around them (8h) when they get into the details. They can transform a malfunctioning institution or organization into a more functional and efficient one for benefit of all members. State reform and organizational reform is their specialty.
11h is 4h from 8h - the home of 8h. Societal transformation and paradigm shifts are the basis of every personal transformation taking place in 8h. Aquarius has got the best of both. Jupiter is too busy with his grand visions to be occupied with details and mercury is too nitpicky, flighty, to visualize generalities. Saturn does both! Saturn is about small restrictions and binds but it rejoices in 12h where we transcend them all. Saturn rules their 12h.
They have scorpio 10h so bosses and authority figures are threatened by them. They can be better than their bosses at their job so the authority people sense a threat or intimidation. They don't get on well with people of higher positions than them. Especially day charts. Unlike Leos who might try to pander to people in power on order to reach status(Venus ruling 10h),aquarians don't do that and hate that as well. They'd rather work on their own as their 10h ruler Mars exalts in 12h in capricorn.
They have gemini 5h so without intellectual stimulation they won't be attracted to you. You have to impress their intellect and mind. Now let's address the elephant in the room, the moon ruling 6h. People close to aquarius risings (moon is close emotional connections) throw unnecessary burdens on their shoulders. People expect aquarius to serve them and when the aquarius rightfully sets boundaries, problems arise.
Sun rules 7h and 7h is sunset so it's not really a good place for the sun unless the condition of the sun plus its domicile lord states otherwise.
Aquarius get egoistic partners or partners who try to control them. They get arrogant partners who expect the aquarius to serve them. Sometimes partners who gossip behind their back as sun their 7h ruler exalts in 3h.
They should keep in mind that a healthy relationship is supposed to be between two equals. I think they and capricorns both know this deep down better than anyone cause their ruler exalts in libra the sign of equal partnership.
What the aquarius wants first of all is an identity, to be somebody. Where you have aquarius in your chart is what you wish for. They have it in 1h, so they wish for some sense of self. Of course saturn delays that but it never denies. They do find themselves even if somehow later in life. They are late bloomers but once they bloom they're unstoppable trend setters and ideological geniuses.
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thecuddlycauldron · 20 days
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The signs as Bratz dolls: Kiana // Aquarius
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insomni-frog · 10 months
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Aquarius, the air sign that you confuse for a water sign!
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beary-good-finds · 8 months
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♒ Vintage Aquarius sticker ♒
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erinmcdowellart · 8 months
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It's Aquarius season
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blueopinions49 · 10 months
Enneagram 4 Wanda Maximoff is Whack
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Hello so, this typing...I've talked about it before a bit on my misunderstanding of enneagram 4 however I wanted to go a bit more in-depth as to why I find it odd. It's been very common for Wanda to be typed as an E4 ever since her introduction to the MCU (same with her comic counter part). Even tho to me it doesn't make allot of sense. So Im gonna analyze the problems with this typing in this post. If you disagree thats ok we can discuss it.
Why Not Enneagram
E4 structure
The enneagram 4s core desire is Depth. Similar to everyone in the heart triad they look to full fill a desired image. In order to do so they create a persona of sort. The 4 creates an image of depth and brokenness. One important key aspect to distinguish with the 4 is the image (pseudo depression) vs real life depression. The part where it might get confusing is that the image of brokenness of the 4 can be a product, real or just made up.
Expressing Pain
I think one of the most interesting aspect of this typing is where is the line of sharing pain when it comes to enneagram 4 vs every other type. While the pseudo depressive aspects of four are usually in high display there is another key element that these arguments forget. The enneagram 4 expresses this sadness in order to be seen as deep ,authentic and special. They are frustration type after all, their dilemma is the need to be seen as deep while struggling to the reality that its an image they upheld.
They are an image type
Ive noticed this a constant when it comes to allot of mistypes that have come up as of recently (Nancy Downs SX4, Cassie Howard SX3 and Asuka Langley SX2). Image types are (imo at least) easier to understand but ive noticed there Is a constant misunderstanding of what the image is vs what the individual is. The Image types have these ideals they have in their head and go about life trying to imitate them in the closest way possible.
Enneagram 4 Wanda...
After this brief overview of the structure of 4, how does it apply to Wanda? When it comes to the core desires of 4 I don't see how it applies to Wanda. She never seems to look for depth in her self or others. And she doesn't seem to portray an image of uniqueness either. Most of her "reactions come from her upbringing in life rather than a need to express brokenness and uniqueness through experience. In simpler terms: she's just depressed and is traumatized, she doesn't use her trauma as a marketing tool. Im gonna go through every subtype in E4 since I've seen her typed ass all of them at least once.
4w5 so/sx The social 4 looks to relate to others through their 'brokenness' and have to share it with others. The SO type In general has this belief of a place of belonging in the world so most of them spent their lives looking to be listened and heard. This doesn't apply to Wanda at all. I dont believe Wanda is a SO type at all she doesn't look for a grand place where she can share her sadness and uniqueness with others.
4w5 sp/sx I don't think SP4 is as bad of a typing for Wanda however the SP4 subverts the 4s attitudes allot through a need of difference they aren't as angry and expressive. I think this typing is mostly superficial. Since the "sad girl" archetype is usually attached to it.
4w5 sx/sp This is definitely directed at her anger in MoM. I think most people focused on the anger part rather than why that anger is there to begin with. Also the SX4 is the most Envious of all 3 subtypes In the E4. Wanda doesn't ever express or even gets close to show the envy of the 4. Further more how does Wanda represent the envy of 4?.
The Envy of 4
Their envy is represent through this belief that they are inherently more deep and authentic than other people so "what is that others have that I don't" its a metaphysical question not literal one. Which is why I ask myself how does Wanda get constantly typed as a 4 if she has nothing other being sad that points to her being a 4.
Other Typings to Consider
To be positive here are some typings that I think fit her more.
6w5 sp/sx
In my personal opinion SP6 Wanda makes allot of sense. The idea that Wanda is a frustration type never made much sense to me either. Her being an attachment type and looking for emotional safety through interpersonal connections makes sense. I think the idea that she is an unhealthy 6 that has fully disintegrated to her 9 could also be a solid argument for her.
9w8 sp/sx
Personally this is my preferred typing for Wanda (Positive+Attachment+Withdrawn) she is clearly looking for emotional satisfaction and bliss in life. In WandaVision we see her overindulging in this. Also the SP subtype in general suits her well. Her needs are always related to her self and those around her rather than the outer world.
9w8 sx/sp I used to type her as an SX9 however Ive changed my mind a bit. I still think it's plausible for her to be an SX9 however she doesn't seem to fuse her own personal desires with others and ignore life through interpersonal connections. However I do see some traits of the SX9 such as a need for attachment.
I personally think ive settled for SP9 Wanda however im still open to having conversation if you disagree.
PS the next zodiac is Aries
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sokosmic · 8 months
Aquarius ♒ - The Water Bearer 💦
Element - Air 🌬
Modality - Fixed
Ruler - Saturn (Traditional) & Uranus (Modern)
Where's Aquarius in your chart?
I have asteroid Briede (19029) in Aquarius 9th House.
Do the images resonate with your Aquarius placement(s)?
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#Aquarius you are a born rebel who is always seeking to break free from the norms and expectations of society. You are inventive, progressive, original, and love to find ways to have new and exciting experiences. You value your freedom and individuality above all else, and you don’t like to be tied down by rules or obligations. You are friendly, sociable, and open-minded, but you also need your own space and time to recharge. You are attracted to people who are different, eccentric, and unconventional, and you enjoy stimulating conversations and debates.
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As a free spirit, Aquarius you are always following your own intuition and inspiration. You can come off emotionally detached, but that is because you are rational, and objective, and you don’t let your feelings cloud your judgment. You are not very sentimental or romantic, and you prefer to have a friendship-based relationship with your partner. You are loyal, honest, and faithful, but you also need a lotttt of independence and autonomy in your love life.
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You are a brilliant thinker, Aquarius; always curious and eager to learn new things. You have a futuristic and visionary mind, and you are fascinated by science, technology, and innovation. You are original, inventive, and unconventional, and you have your own way of expressing yourself. You are not afraid to speak your mind and challenge the authority, and you enjoy intellectual debates and discussions. You are friendly, witty, and humorous, and you have a knack for making people laugh.
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You want excitement and novelty in your relationships. right Aquarius? You tend to be attracted to people who are different, eccentric, and unpredictable, and who share your vision and ideals. You are not very romantic or emotional, and you value your friendship and intellectual compatibility with your partner more than anything else. You are not very possessive or jealous, and you don’t like to be controlled or restricted by your partner.
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Do you seek to change the world and make a difference, Aquarius? You are passionate, courageous, and assertive, and you don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way. You are innovative, original, and unconventional, and you have your own style and methods of doing things. You are not very competitive or aggressive, and you prefer to cooperate and collaborate with others. You are humanitarian, altruistic, and idealistic, and you fight for the causes and values that you believe in.
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sofia-illustrator · 4 months
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Sci-fi Zodiac Signs Girls
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Aquarius: While I'm gone, Leo is in charge.
Leo: Yay!
Aquarius, whispering: Capricorn, you're secretly in charge.
Capricorn, sighing: Obviously.
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astro-royale · 8 months
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Disclaimer: my opinion
I’ve met several men with their Venus in Leo, they are usually introverted men who prefer loud outgoing extravagant women, perhaps even prefer blonde or lighter hair leaning towards gold.
Venus in cancer men tend to really like feminine, nurturing women, also shorter women, that remind them of their mum in some way.
I’ve met several, Moon in Aquarius men and they have such a detached nature to them omg.
men with strong Aquarius placements could live alone in a forest with animals for the rest of their life and they would be satisfied and fulfilled.
Virgo men sound very monotone especially if they have a lot of Earth in their chart
Also earth sign as a mercury placement makes people less open and susceptible to jokes and humour, they take things very seriously 😅
“Am I joking or not? I guess you will never know” - Sagittarius
If you want a man to make you laugh he needs to have a Gemini or Libra placement.. or a few of them.
Earth sign men take people seriously but at the same time they’re the ones I see using women to level up or using women as stepping stones, then when they’re older they use the experience to bag a younger woman.
Earth sign men like to identify as “sigma”😭
Scorpio and Gemini in a chart really gives a man a good sense of self but at the same time they can be funny and not take things too seriously. They don’t mind being a clown because they know there’s more to them and their personality.
Scorpio men also do unhinged stuff to impress women lol.
Cancer sun men are very sensitive to jokes.
Venus in Leo men tend to be really supportive and like to uplift you.
Venus in Scorpio men are the type to cheat and you will never find out, or you find out decades later. Also they love darker hair on a woman or edgier haircuts. Also a darker aesthetic in general. Also dark circles.
Sagittarius men want you to impress them. If they are naturally impressed by you, you will know because they will comment on it. Otherwise they can be condescending or silently disapproving if they don’t find you appealing.
Pisces men usually make women laugh very easily, or their humour is easy to understand by women, either way there’s something about them which makes women feel comfortable and at ease, but they can easily ruin that also.seriously if you don’t feel safe around a Pisces man RUN because their expertise is making people feel comfy.
Mars in Sagittarius men are the ones who get on dating apps and enjoy hook up culture, they see sex as a sport
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sayxit · 2 months
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Fading away into the deep blue
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manifestmyfuture · 1 year
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krisseymage · 1 year
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Sun, Moon and Rising star designs for Aquarius constellation~
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arcanakiss · 7 months
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Aquarius is connected to Uranus and is associated with innovation and social conscience. Aquarius energy is logical, friendly, rebellious, humanitarian and progressive. As the fixed-air sign, Aquarius is both intelligent and empathic. Within our birth charts Aquarius energy often represents our friendships and achievements.
youtube.com/@arcanaKISS https://arcanakiss.tumblr.com/
Background image from Pexels by Roberto Vivancos
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blueopinions49 · 10 months
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Element: Air
Fixed: Structure and Stability
Ruling Planet:Uranus and Saturn
Characters that embody Aquarius
Lucy Gray Baird-Free spirited
Padme Amidala-Generous
Bonnie Bennett-Intelligent
Minato Namikaze- Kind
Dean Weinchester- Unique
Cady Heron-Intuitve
Donnie Darko-Introspective
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