#everyone say thank you pete wentz
goldendiie · 3 months
the truth of the matter is that my entire sargemore au would not exist without that "beautiful new mexico sunset" and whatever tf happened between pete wentz and mikey way. "the torture of small talk with someone you used to love" was in ALLL of my document headers in 2018. that gay shit from "the summer of Like" and warped tour 2005 was the beginning of a domino effect that led to eight years of gay cars fanfiction. god bless.
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cloneboywonder · 1 year
petepatrick spotlight banter - Boston MA fenway 8/2/23
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fallouttboy · 9 months
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Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Out Magazine (August 2008) photographed by David Roemer // Pete's Blog [thisismynewperspective](September 2009) // Pavlove by Fall Out Boy (2008) // Pete's Blog myheartisbetweenmyknees - archived (September 1, 2006) // Pete's Blog [insincerelypete] (December 21, 2013) // The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy (2013) // Pete's falloutboyrocks blog - archived (December 20, 2006) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Pete's Fueled By Ramen blog - archived (September 18, 2006) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Out Magazine (August 2008) photographed by David Roemer // Pete's Fueled By Ramen blog - archived (May 26, 2005) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Black and Blue as performed by Louis Armstrong // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Gray by Pete Wentz (2013) // The Boy with the Thorn in His Side by Pete Wentz (2005) // Pavlove by Fall Out Boy (2008)
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t-a-l-i-a18 · 19 days
Guys how do you like, break up with someone?
For Context: I’ve known them since I was five, they were my best friend for like seven of those years, they came out to me as gay, but then three years later they said they were a bisexual and that they had a crush on me for like a year, they touch me when I don’t want to be touched, they always expect hugs and hand holding when I don’t want it, they’re friends with their ex (which like I’m chill about but when I say friends I mean they talk to/hangout with their ex more than they do with me), adding onto that: they get upset (or at least look upset) when I make jokes about being married/wanting to make out with one of my friends, they get mad at me when I want to be alone and listen to music (which I only do when I’m like having an anxiety/panic! attack), they don’t seem to respect the fact I’m genderfluid, and over the summer they basically like never texted me unless it was to tell me good night, but sometimes they’d stop texting me it because I wouldn’t respond the same night (because I have a tendency of like passing out)
Why I’m scared of breaking up: they’ve bought me a lot of presents and taken me out a couple times, we basically hangout with the same people (and like it’s not my like main friend group I’m worried about, it’s mostly like my theater friends and stuff because I think they like them more), and I’ve known them for so long that it might make everything worse
Resolution: I literally don’t know what to do, I don’t want to lose my friends, I’ll feel bad because they’ve bought me so many things, so I guess I might just have to suffer and end up marrying them and be miserable until I die.
Thank you for reading.
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dirtyrottenimbeecile · 2 months
love pre hiatus fall out boy and they way they encapsulate the anguish and destruction and hypersexuality and romanticism of misery and inner turmoil of cyclical self loathing to malice that goes on inside when having a car crash brain and a black hole heart.
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Patrick having Pete be halfway undressed during the Thnks Fr Th Mmrs music video and then having him be a vampire in A Little Less 16 Candles...He knows what the people want. He's just like me fr
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
having crazy thoughts about cryptozoology by patrick stump again....... the hidden track with lyrics about feeling like you need to prove yourself??? feeling like you'll never be the kid they want you to be??? the most hiatus song ever just in general. like to me its one of his most vulnerable like he talks about the struggle of expectations and how he feels like the ghost of the kid he was. how he feels studied and almost inhuman even when hes trying to express himself...
but also if we want to look into the whole pete/patrick angle?? omfg. just the image of "arms crossed nose turned up like youre trying to say impress me, good luck" - is that not pete wentz. like this is the most cruel interpretation of their musical partnership, one where they are bringing out the best in each other for the worst reasons. one where they only really act as foils to prove the other wrong and they can never really catch a break. and patrick is grating against it. i honestly this song is the only one on soul punk that reflects his relationship with pete/fob at all and its so devastating the way he does it. like he clearly needed it to process some stuff but oml.
anyways thanks for reading my little ramble <33 (and my earlier one about homesick at spacecamp.... can you tell im insane about overanalysing their songs) have a nice day!!
ahahaha welcome back! I love that you do this!
Cryptozoology has always killed me. A song named for the study of things that don't exist...and the song doesn't exist. It's hidden. And it's like the Patrick doesn't exist, not that particular one, not the one you mean. Not the one who had a Pete. You're right that that whole image and command of impress me is so loaded Peterick-wise: It's how they met, Pete wanting Patrick to impress him enough to join the band; it's their whole partnership, trying to one-up each other; it's Patrick tumbling into the hiatus, trying out a solo thing and feel Pete's judgment over his shoulder. There's so much there, and then there's Patrick insisting, I don't have to prove myself to you. Don't you?
There are so many little Pete flourishes in these lyrics, too. I can almost hear you trying too hard in answer to We must make it hard to look so easy doing something so hard. That whole thing about the ghost of the child who didn't die, he just grew up, makes me think of the crown to my head but I was only a kid. It also makes me think of the kid that Patrick was, who didn't die, who just grew up, and then was a has-been at 27. And then of course there's those old haunts, the old haunts full of Pete.
The song is a lot. You're right, Patrick had a lot to work through, and I approve of this album as therapy lol. He got a lot out and everyone came back together stronger.
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 4 months
Fall Out Berries (Written By me and made it for my friend @nicky-toony)
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The Concert they held in California was a complete success after the last song they played for their fans was incredible, The Band they called Fall Out Boy decided to take a break just to look over some fan mail left from their fans. Members Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohnam , and Andy Hurley look over some fan mail. One Saying that when are they going to come over to the state of Ohio to preform which is asked by a fan named Micheal and another one saying how much they love their music and when are they going to plan a new album from a fan girl named Isabelle.
“Wow, People really love us and our music” said Joe “Yeah, My hands are killing me after playing the drums during the concert” exclaimed Andy. As the rest of the band look for more fan mail, they found one that looks suspicious and a little sketchy, the paper the revive look crumpled up and there are four little strips of chewing gum wrapped around in silver wrapper that fell, and the writing looks a little sloppy but very visible to read and it saids:
“Hello there, I won’t say my name, gender, or the location of where I lived, I’ve been a huge fan of your music and reputation, so I left you a little treat for the four of you, make sure you try it out, I hope you won’t burst after this. From Anonymous.”
“hey, look, is that supposed to be gum?” Pete said as he picked up the little strip and as he unwrapped it, It reveals to be a blue strip of gum. “Wow Pete, How’d you know, I wanna try it out.” An excited Joe said as he also unwrapped the gum “Uh Guys, What if it was a trick, what if it’s gum laced with poison?” Said a worried and skeptical Patrick. “Don’t be such a wuss Pat, try it” said Andy “And it already taste good, Mm, like blueberries.” Patrick was hesitant a little but then he decided to try it out and And teas right, the gum does taste like blueberries, the members are enjoying this piece of gum so much that they feel like swallowing it (although they did so). “That gum was so good” exclaimed Patrick but the rest of the members look at Patrick strangely. “Okay, Why is everyone giving me looks?” “Patrick, your . . . . . Nose.” Said a worried Joe. “You should look at your nose Joe!” Pete pointed out at Joe who has a blue splotch on his nose. “What’s happening to us?” Said Andy as he looks at his arm and he could not believe his face, his arms are turning into a rich shade of blue, also the members of Fall Out Boy are in deep shock and terror as they are turning blue all over them and their garments. “What. The. FUCK?!?” Said the bands members until they heard some strange bubbling coming from their stomachs, that’s when their faces turn into complete horror as their stomachs are swelling up with a weird liquid churning inside of them. Which is nothing but blueberry juice inflating them, they feel their behinds also filling up with juice and they feel like they’re starting to lose their balance and they feel juice rushing towards their mouths by inflating their cheeks looking like chipmunks and all they see that they technicolor world they lived in turn into a monochrome blue color thanks to the juice affecting their vision. They started to round out and before they knew it, they all transformed into four giant blue balls, or so in case, 4 giant immobile blueberries standing in the backstage. They feel like calling for help but unable too because of the juice in their mouths but can only release a flow of blueberry juice. A stage crew member goes to the backstage and found the four blueberries rocking back and forth in their crotches moaning and groaning while the juices inside them are noisily sloshing inside of them. “Holy Lord, need they call the rest before you all grow any bigger, or worse leak or burst!” Said the male stage crew member as he grabs his walkie talkie “We’ve got a code blue on the backstage.” A few minutes later, several crew stage members rolled Blueberried Band to find a juicing machine, it took a while to find it until they already have near at a fruit juicing factory, one by one, Each Fall Out Boy Member gets the jucie extracted out of them which only took like 1-2 hours until the Fall Out Boy Band are back to their regular, slim, but blue selves.
“Whew! I’m glad to back to my old normal self again!” Said Andy. “Look, I’m more flexible without getting hurt!” Said Pete as he twist his hips around with no pain. “At least we’re alright, but please, whatever you do, do not eat anything from an anonymous fan mail from an unknown fan” said Patrick in an annoyed tone. “And I have no idea how is this blue pigment from our skin is going to wear out.” Suddenly an idea came from Patrick’s head “Guys I think there’s a new song idea coming up!” “A new song?” Answered Andy “what song is it now?” Patrick exclaimed “Andy, I think we are going to call this song Blue Pigment, Get it? Because we have Blue Pigment on our skin?”
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stumped-on-bennington · 4 months
Don't Wanna Forget How Your Voice Sounds
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Summary: Pete asks you out to prom, but his rough exterior angers your mom, who is always comparing you to your twin.
Pairing: Pete Wentz X Reader
Word count: 2,303
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You hated this time of year. The past 3 years had all been the same, dozens upon dozens of cringe worthy prom proposals, girls always walking around with massive flower bouquets, and your twin sister had already brought home 5.
Your twin sister, Stella, was always the popular one. Cheerleading captain, student body president, volleyball center; she did it all. Got good grades, was good at sports, and if that wasn't enough, she was also extremely pretty. She was also your complete opposite.
You, on the other hand, were quiet. You spent most of your time in the bandroom, either playing piano when no one else was there or drawing while everyone else practiced. You dyed your blonde hair black and kept the cut shaggy, something you did your freshman year to avoid getting mistaken for your sister.
Stella was the most popular girl in school, everyone either wanted to be her or date her. You only had a few friends, Pete and Andy, who were in the same class as you, and Patrick and Joe, who were younger than you, but had joined the friend group from the sheer fact of them also being social outcasts.
You entered the bandroom, being greeted with a wave from the guys. Andy was reading a comic, Joe was playing with a nylon guitar, Patrick was messing with an upright bass, and Pete was listening to music from his headphones. You walked over to the group and plopped down on one of the chairs.
Pete took out one of his ear buds, “Whats up with you?” he asks, and eyebrow raised.
You let out an aggravated sigh, “Guess who got asked out to prom, again?” You say.
“Hmm, was iiiit… you?” Patrick said, a smile on his face.
“Ha ha, very funny Stumph. No, it was Stella. Did you guys know she's already gotten asked 5 times? She hasn't even said yes to anyone yet, she just collects all the flowers and chocolates. She doesn't even eat the chocolate.” You say, very clearly annoyed.
“I hear she's holding out for jewelry.” Andy says, not even looking up from his comic.
You roll your eyes, knowing that was probably true.
Pete leans over towards you. “So has anyone asked you to prom?”
You let out a laugh, “Ha! Are you kidding me? Everyone in school calls me “Stella's weird sister”. You 4 are the only ones that treat me like a person.”
“Well, what if someone asked you? Would you go with them.” Pete asked.
You stopped to think for a moment, “Well, I can't think of anyone that would ask me, and if someone did I'm sure it would just be a prank, honestly. Like I said, you 4 are the only ones that treat me like a person, so if anyone Other than you guys asked me, then I'd say no”
Joe suddenly sat up, “Woah, wait, do you have a crush on us or somethin?”
You try your best to keep from blushing. You did, in fact, have a crush on one of them. You had known Pete the longest and had developed a crush on him. The way he was always the class clown and always trying to put a smile on your face. He was definitely the guy for you, but you didn't want to ruincyoir friendship with him.
“NO! I-I mean, like I want to go to prom with you guys as friends, it is Pete, Andy, and mine’s last year, so I'd like to go to our senior prom, but only if you guys want to go too.” you say, trying to cover the fact that you really want to go with Pete.
The 4 boys look at each other, before shrugging in unison.
“Sure, why not?” Patrick says.
“Cool, I can pick everyone up in my mom’s car.” Pete says.
You mentally let out a sigh, thankful that the guys don't know about your crush, but also sad that Pete won't be asking you to prom.
After school you go home, taking the bus like usual. You were just in the kitchen grabbing a snack when your sister got home, being dropped off by one of her friends. In her arms she carried 2 more bouquets. You roll your eyes and head back into your room. You could hear your mom being all excited over your sister, like usual. Your mom always wanted you to be more like Stella, and it annoyed the trap out of you. Luckily your dad was always there for you, always proud of you no matter what and never comparing you to her.
Just as it started to get dark, you hear pebbles tapping on your window. You walked over and open it, expecting it to be another one of the boys who wanted Stella. It wouldn't be the first time they accidentally tapped on your window when they wanted to see her.
Just as you were about to tell off whoever it was, you saw Pete. And infront of him was the word “Prom?” burning into tour parents lawn.
“What do you say Y/N?” Pete says looking up at you. You were in shock, absolutely stunned that he was asking you.
Before you could answer you hear the front door open and your mother screaming. before you know it, Pete is running off down the street. You rush down stairs and outside where your dad is calmly hosing down the flames.
“I can't believe this! That delinquent could have killed us!” Your mom was yelling.
“That was one of Y/N's friends! I've seen him around school, always causing trouble!” Stell says.
“Is this true, Y/N? Do you know that boy?” Your mom asks you, clearly angry.
“Yeah, but-” before you can finish your sentence, your mom interrupts you.
“You are grounded! I don't care if you didn't start this fire, but you are clearly hanging out with the wrong kids!” Your mom yells.
“But, mom!” You try to protest.
“I don't want you going anywhere for the next week. I already know if you keep seeing that boy you'll end up covered in tattoos, piercings, and in jail before you even turn 19!” As your mom says the final words, tear are already in your eyes, rage boiling in your face. You turn and run back inside, running to your room and slamming the door.
As you cry in your room, your phone goes off with a text from Pete.
Pete: I probably could have done that a little differently.
Y/N: yup, now I'm grounded because of it
Pete: Yea, I could hear your mom from across the neighborhood. I'm sorry Y/N, I just wanted to do something special, I don't know what I was thinking really
Y/N: I know, dude. I still appreciate it. If you makes you feel any better I was going to say yes, even if you were just asking me as a friend.
Pete: Well, actually I was asking you out for real, Y/N.
You heart skips a beat. Pete was actually asking you out for real, you couldn't believe it. Just then there was a knock on your door.
“It's me, sweetheart.” Your dad says from the hall.
“You can come in.” You say. Your dad enters your room, sitting next to you on your bed.
“I'm sorry the way your mom reacted, I thought the flames were a little much, but it was sweet of that boy.” He says.
“Yeah, too bad I won't be able to go with him.” You say, looking down at the floor.
“Do you really like that boy?” Your dad asks.
“I do.” You tell him. Your dad reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a 100 dollar bill and hands it to you.
“I know prom is tomorrow, so use this money as go buy yourself a dress in the morning. I'll keep your mom busy so she doesn't realize that you're getting ready.” Your dad says, a slight slime on his face.
You hug your dad, “thank you.” You whisper to him.
“No problem, sweetheart. You know that boy reminds me of myself when I was in high school, I pulled a few stunts back in my dad to try and win your mom's heart. So just enjoy the night and don't give your mother much mind.” Your dad stands up and leaves the room. You go back to your phone.
Y/N: Change of plans, we're going to prom tomorrow. and as more than friends.
You then quickly text Andy.
Y/N: hey, are you up for a trip to the mall tomorrow? I have to pick out a dress.
Andy: I thought I hear your mom grounded you? I could hear her yelling.
Y/N: dad came to the rescue.
Andy: cool, I do want to pick up the new issue of my comic book before prom, so I can take you. Meet at my place at 11AM
You smile, put your phone to charge and get ready for bed.
The next day you quickly get dressed and sneak out the back door while your mom and sister go out to get your sister's hair done. You run to Andy's house where he is leaning against his car, waiting for you. Joe and Patrick are there too. All 4 of you get in Andy's car and head to the mall.
“So, Pete really asked you?” Patrick says.
“Yeah, he did.” You say, a slight blush on your face.
“Thank God, I didn't know how much longer I could go with the weird tension between you too.” Joe says.
“What are you talk about?” You say, turning to Joe, who was sat behind you.
Andy pipes into the conversation, “We could all tell you had a thing for each other, Y/N. It's just a miracle he finally acted on it.”
Once at the mall you quick start looking for the dress you'll wear. You tried all the traditional places for dresses, disappointed when you only see these brightly colored dresses covered in glitter. You were about to give up when you finally spotted the perfect dress. It was black with beautiful tule detailing, all tied off with a red ribbon at the waist. You bought them dress and met back up with the boys, with their shopping already done. You all headed back home with your purchases.
When you gor home, you snuck back in through the back, making your way into your room undetected by your mom or sister. You locked your door and started getting ready, with Pete set to pick you up in just a few hours.
You did your hair and make up, put on your dress, and finished up the look with your red converse to match the ribbon on the dress. You watched out the window as Stella's date pulled up and took her away to prom. A few moments later your mom left on an errand your dad sent her on, and then Pete pulled up in his mom's car.
You quickly ran down the stairs, seeing Pete being let in by your dad. “Sorry about the lawn.” Pete says to your dad.
“Dont worry about it, so long as you treat my little girl right.” He says
Pete sees you as you turn the corner. He looks at you with him jaw dropped, before composing himself. “You look stunning.” He says as you stand next to him.
Your dad quickly takes your picture and you and Pete head out.
As you walk into the school gym you see the other guys and give them a wave. They all smile and wave back at you too. You and Pete dance and have so much fun, that us before you see Stella and her date terrorizing your friends. Before you know it, Pete is pulled away from you too. While looking for him you find that he's been pulled into the dance pit, where he's actually busting a move! You cheer him on as he dances.
Once the song ends you and pete finally get to dance together. The whole world melts away, leaving just the two of you.
“I've wanted to be like this with you for a while.” Pete whispers to you.
“Same here” you tell him. Before you know it your both leaning I'm towards each other. You slowly close your eyes and your lips meet, it feels like seeing the sunrise for the first time, running down to open presents on Christmas day, and when your pet comes to cuddle with you, all at the same time.
As you pull back from the kiss, the lights in the gym flicker on, signaling that it's tike to go home. As you and pete begin to leave you look around and notice that Stella and her date are nowhere to be seen. You shrug and wave goodbye to Patrick and Joe, while Andy is busy making out with some girl.
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When you get home you see that your mom and Stella’s date’s car are in the way. You thank Pete for the night and give him a quick kiss.
“I’ll text you when I get home. I love you Y/N." Pete says.
“I love you, too.” you tell him, and then make your way inside, ready to get yelled at by your mom.
As you open the door you see that Stella and her date are sitting on the couch, visibly disheveled with clothes and hair sloppy, the date has lipstick smeared on his face and neck.
Your mom is lecturing the two about underage drinking and sex, so you quickly sneak past and into your room, a smile across your face as for once it's your sister who is getting yelled at.
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trickytrick · 1 year
pete wentz’s reply to heychris’s hateful paragraph back in 05:
oh what a monster we've created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my "normal" life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn't to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn't make me anything less or more than humanyou dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we've given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are thereim not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn't need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time.
- petey
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snowbunnypatrick · 5 months
THANK GODDDD I FOUND A CORNER OF THE FANDOM THAT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT PETES A FUCKING CREEP!!!! Whenever i say "i hate pete wentz lol" i always back it up with "im joking ofc!" but deep down inside im really Not but i cant just Say that cause then everyone will get mad at me!!! Everyone seems to loves him and it always leaves me wondering "Um??? Are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room that is the fact that he dated a minor when he was an adult??? Like thats weird!!! Isnt it weird??? Hello???"
Anyways thank you for your service in pointing out that our faves are in fact Problematic you are braver than any US marine godspeed soldier o7
i will be a pete girl until i die unfortunately because i am mentally ill BUT. the fact that it's considered either propaganda or a straight up lie from people who supposedly wanna beat their meat to a fifteen year old heroin addict getting fucked over and over by him and that they're making it up for no reason.. i..... yeah i don't know. it's actually insane. there are interviews and articles from her about it. it's been the same story for years. morgan was also underage. he tried to set his WIFE ON FIRE but NOOOOO WE'RE THE WEIRD ONES WE'RE THE FREAKS NOT HIM HE'S OUR KING HE COULD NEVER DO WRONG WE'RE ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS I GUESS
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unholyverse · 1 year
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waterparks // rock sound awards 2017
(full text under the cut)
Best International Breakthrough WATERPARKS
Who else could be the winners of our Best International Breakthrough category besides Waterparks? Sold out tours, magazine covers, and even a new album on the way… there isn't a hotter new band on the planet. Awsten Knight joins us to look back on a year that completely changed his life, and gave the rock world their next superstars in the process.
PHOTOS: Jawn Rocha
Well there we have it - you're our Best International Breakthrough winners for 2017! We take it you're quite happy about this?
Says Awsten: "[Yells] YES! IT FEELS VERY COOL!"
Haha! It's been a crazy year for Waterparks. When you went into the studio last summer to record [debut album] 'Double Dare', could you have ever fathomed coming this far so quickly?
"I had hopes! The thing is, I listened to those songs before the album came out or anything, and it's hard to picture how they'll be received. If I listen to them and think, 'This is so fucking cool…' I wouldn't make it if I didn't think that they were the shit. They wouldn't come out if I didn't think t they were were awesome songs. Also, you can't count on them being as well received as you think they should be. Plenty of people make stuff they're proud of, put it out, and the public's kind of like…Okay', know what I mean? I never know what the response is going to be - I can't have any expectations."
You guys have always had a very unique sound, and that's very much the case on 'Double Dare'. Were there any nerves in making a record that was so left-field?
"Honestly, it was pretty natural just because there wasn't a whole lot of pressure with it. If you treat all of the songs like, 'No one's going to hear this, it doesn't matter', then you can go in and just do whatever you want, pretend that it's just for you or whatever you want to do. Then when the time comes to comes to actually pick what's going to make the album it's like, 'Oh, okay'. There's not any sure while it's actually happening, whether pressure it's stylistic, in terms of genres or weird lyrical shit—anything goes."
Even before the album you'd made fans of Joel and Benji Madden, Mikey Way played bass on your EP, you got to know Pete Wentz… You got to know all these people that you yourself were fans of. Was that a real giver of confidence, knowing you had these guys' support even before you went in to record an album?
"It's a strange thing, because it's like…before this all happened we were literally outside of all these peoples' shows passing out flyers. We'd be there like, 'Hey, check it out check it out!' Now those people are going, 'Hey everyone, check out this band', endorsing it or whatever. It's the first step of there being pressure behind everything. It's like, 'Oh dang, everybody I love is watching us right now! This is insane!'"
Earlier this year you had your first ever full band magazine cover with us. How huge was that moment for the band?
"Thank you for that! That was tight. That's probably the coolest thing that's happened to us at this point, to be honest with you. The first full band cover, as a collective, I think that's the coolest."
You've been playing some crazy venues across the year as well—you've toured almost everywhere there is to tour. Was that daunting, or was it just a lot of fun?
"The All Time Low UK tour near the start of the year was just a daze, because I was so sick, but it was also very cool. Going to Japan… okay, no beef with the UK or America or whatever, but Japan was the coolest place! Internationally, Japan is my favourite place to go. The food was ridiculous, and the people were so nice. It's weird—everywhere there's a sense of cynicism. Everybody has a cool guy wall, semi built up. But in Japan, everybody is just psyched as fuck on you. This dude ran up to me and was like jumping up and down, hugging me and shit. I was like, 'Holy shit, this guy's psyched!' It made me psyched, and I hugged him too. If everyone was like that I'd be so happy. Sometimes a guy will walk up to me and be like, 'Yo, I didn't want to like your music but it's really cool'. Then he gives me a cool guy handshake and I'm like, 'Thanks, I guess'. Nobody in Japan would ever say that. Like a backhanded compliment."
Your first ever UK headline tour sold out months in advance. Did it feel like that was the moment that the hard work you put in paid off?
"You know, you bust your ass doing something for so long, like… I love going to the UK now, I've figured out the food situation, it's cool. But it still is the most difficult place to tour, for us. If we go really far towards Japan or whatever, we're only three or four hours apart from loved ones in terms of staying on the clock, even though it's a whole day ahead. In the UK or Europe it's eight or nine hours, which makes it a lot harder. But to be able to do some of these tours that have been difficult, being able to come back and sell out our own shows, we felt the pay-off."
On a personal level, you're very much the musical engine of the band, but you're a very prominent frontman and voice for the band as well, especially online. Has that got overwhelming at any point? "When I'm not feeling stressed and can just sit for a second, I'll go [on Twitter] and look at replies and get back to people. If you reply to people they get so psyched, it's really fun. But I think when you're actually being being creative, you're making things that are now… if I'm sitting down to make a song that's not currently on Earth, and I want to make it the best thing it can be, so that when it's publicly thrown down, I want it to be the best thing it can be. I feel like too much input from outside people, it can't help the process. Leading the, I guess 'vision' or whatever of the band, it's not a lot of pressure because it's really just whatever I'm thinking. It's not a super-calculated, 'We're going to do this serious thing, we're going to drop this vague post on this' etc. I literally just go online and the posts are literally just me."
Geoff [Wigington, guitar] and Otto [Wood, drums] have been really embraced by fans as well. Has that been really cool to see?
"Yeah! The thing is, Waterparks is a band. It would feel weird if people were only embracing me, you know? Granted, when I have looked at our mentions and stuff like that, I see a lot more of like, 'Geoff's my favourite!' over the last six months. I'm like, 'Alright, I see you!""
The year isn't even over and you've already announced your second album. Did you feel like you should act on this year's success as fast as you can and make the most of it?
"Doing the album so quickly honestly just came from looking at it and going, 'There's already enough material for another album, so why wait?' I feel like bands take longer than anybody to put out new music. You don't see fucking Drake putting out an out an album, and then two years later going 'Deluxe Edition!' and throwing on two more songs. Like, milking that for another year, that just doesn't happen. I think that if we're able to make new albums quicker than everybody else and put out things quicker than most, why not? We don't require a bunch of time to go and sit with a bunch of writers and producers and be like, 'Alright guys, let's try and make a song today'. They just happen, and they happen quickly and all the time. It's always progressing, too. Stylistically it's got to the next point already, it's moving fast. It's like, 'Okay, the next album's ready, if we're ready to record, we have a month, let's do it!'"
Given rap and hip-hop artists seem to move so quickly these days, do you think it's important for bands to start releasing new music regularly, to keep up with them? "Bands need to catch up! If you're looking at it objectively…I'm not going to say it's harder to make band music than it is a rap song, but it's a hell of a lot more expensive. If you want to get really theoretical you can be a dick about it, but if you're talking about a real studio and d everything, you can technically go make a beat—one that can be in a popular rap song—you can make that on your laptop and then just go and put the vocals on it. Whereas with a band, you need a lot more equipment. You need to record live drums, you need to to record live bass, guitars, keyboards, you need to then do all the programming etc. Then the track gets made, programmed, cut up, fucked with…I'm not discrediting rap, I listen to it all the time, it's one of my favourite genres, but it takes more time, and probably a bigger budget, to make something that has more instruments and more involvement. And plus, for the rapper, he has to work with one schedule. With a band, a lot of bands are like five people. That's five schedules you've got to line up." We've had some brilliant conversations across the year, saying that people want to slap the pop-punk label on you guys and that sort of thing, and that actually in essence you guys aren't pop-punk at all. People build up these weird expectations and impressions of you out of out of nothing. Has that been quite annoying to deal with at times, or is it just something again that you've just taken on as you've gone?
"I used to get more bugged about it and go 'We're not pop-punk, fuck you!' or whatever. And if it comes up, I'll still try to clear it up best I can. But I don't actively try and fight that label anymore. If some dumb idiot wants to be like, 'This is a bad pop-punk album!' then I'll be like, 'You know what, you're a fucking bad person! The end!' I don't lose sleep over being called pop-punk, you know what I mean?"
Going towards 2018, how are you feeling looking forward? And how does it feel looking back on the year you've had?
"It's weird, I have a really tough time stopping and looking back at things, especially while there's still so much work going on. Right now, the last few days have just been stupid busy. We did a full-on photoshoot yesterday, did a bunch of stuff with the new album tracks, got the masters back, made a bunch of edits, made the setlist for the next tour…When you called, I was actually going over some production things. I'd got the songs we'd all written on a journal in front of me in the car, while we were returning some rental equipment, going over what's going to be on the screens during the shows, now I'm about to go back and do more mastering…it's like a whole thing. Once there's not a lot going on and I can just chill, I'll be able to look back more. The next year is going to be tight as fuck, I know that much!"
'Double Dare' is out now via Easy Life / Equal Vision. The band's new album 'Entertainment' is released on January 26.
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decaydanceredacted · 1 year
okay SO I am terrified to say this because I feel like everyone’s gonna be like “nah he doesn’t give me Pete vibes” but shh. Shut the fuck up when I was like 18 he filled the pete wentz sized hole in the horny part of my brain and all these years later he still kind of does that for me :’)
ANYWAYS the porn star’s name is Small Hands, I shit you not. He gives me like 2013-2015ish Pete vibes, and I personally believe Pete probably fucks the way this man does 🤪
thank you!!!
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myloveforhergoeson · 5 months
Lengthy comment left.
I make no apologies. ;)
oh my friend thank you so much!! literally just the sheer size of the comment in my email made my heart swell so so so much. i truly cannot put into words how much your support means to me :') thank you for giving me the space to share my story and talk about it all the time and taking precious time away from your day to dive into my content and share your thoughts <3
now, everything i have to say under the cut <3
"I love how Roxy was so excited when Gustavo mentioned going multiplatinum. Of course that would be her main focus. She's not interested in the sold out stadiums. She wants the awards."
yes!! while she's not worried about awards in the sense that collecting them means something in hollywood, its more about the reach of her music - someone nominating a song of hers for an award, what that implies about the impact and the effect of her words... good lord im crying just thinking about it 😭
"I love how you actually focused on another reason the New Town High song was a big deal - especially for Kendall. Being able to have one of his songs - preferably a love song - on his girlfriend's show would be a big deal for him. I actually wish the show focused on that angle a bit more."
thank you!! i know on here we like to joke about how season 3 and 4 kind of erase everyone's characterization from the first few seasons, but personally i've always felt this episode in particular also falls into that category. so weird for kendall to be a gustavo ass kisser, so i definitely needed to give him a reason if that's how i was going to write the story :)
kendall: write a song about love for my girlfriends show because im in love with her
roxy: what's that? you want to sing another song about my boyfriend?
"Okay, first of all, Storm in a Teacup or Rip-Off the Old Block are awesome song titles."
I'M TRYING SO HARD 😭 <- someone who could never be a songwriter. something early 2000s pop punk bands loved to do was take a common phrase and twist it into new meanings or make it punny or combine it with another phrase (i.e. i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off) (i love you pete wentz) so that's my attempt at a small nod to her taking inspiration from the scene around her to write her music in minnesota <3 now that it's all pop, her content's shifted just a bit for more palatable and straightforward titles
"And I love the way she immediately starts thinking about what her dad used to do for her when she was sick and immediately apply it to James. It was a very sweet touch."
in my first draft james actually fought her a bit more about taking care of him because he really didn't want her to get sick! but when i was writing out the parts where she was taking care of him i was thinking 'she's 17 where did she learn all of this?' and there's only one person that could've been LMAO so i took their back and forth out and made it more narrative, glad you thought it was a sweet touch :)
"And I love how James fell asleep on her. Shows how comfortable he is with her. (Also, the falling asleep in the middle of a conversation... that's my dad sometimes - the only difference is James doesn't snore.)"
i regret to inform you james diamond does snore but i cut it out of the final drift. at the end of the chapter when james makes fun of her for being a double dipper the conversation was essentially
james: rox! gross!
roxy: you literally just kissed me with tongue? and don't act like you're so perfect - you literally snore so loud you big jerk
james: don't you ever imply that i snore again!
roxy: imply? i'm stating it as fact
which was not as good as what i came up with afterward hehe
"Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Communication wins out in the end!"
😭 me when i project my communication issues onto my oc and then fix them 😭
"Why do I suddenly want Dak to appear again so Roxy can rub her newfound happiness in his face?"
i want dak to come back so bad (i say as the author of this story like i don't make the decisions) because i miss writing him aghhhh ! he will at some point some time eventually i just need to make up my mind about when. i have a few ideas but i'm not really married to any just yet. same with stephanie!! when will she return from the war!!!!!
"Oh. Then the jerks from Roxy's past had to come and ruin it. Once again, I shall like to offer my services in dealing with the douches. Maybe the guys and Gustavo could team up and destroy their career before it can even take off. Maybe something a la what they did to WayneWayne is in order..."
no comment. just love your ideas sm!
thank you so so so much again! <333
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
okay so, long list of fall out boy concert thoughts mostly for myself and also for anyone who cares:
-i've been pretty excited about getting to see bring me the horizon open for them, and they were soooooo fucking good and got me so hyped. oli got off the stage and walked through the crowd at one point which was pretty cool. wish he had come close to me.
-love from the other side is SO hype and so amazing to see live.
-songs like uma thurman and save rock and roll that aren't normally favorites of mine are also hype just because of everyone singing and dancing and having fun and all the awesome fun stage effects! i was in the vip box area and had a great view of said stage effects. i hadn't watched many tourdust videos before so most of them were a surprise to me. loved the underwater background and bubbles some songs had and the spooky forest looking background, loved all the colorful fireworks, fucking loved when they had a giant doberman and it lip sycned during this ain't a scene it's an arms race and pete made it look like he was putting his head in its mouth. wish i got a photo of that.
-i got chicago is so two years ago in the TTTYG slot and i'm happy with that!
-i am still reeling from getting to hear calm before the storm and disloyal order of water buffaloes. it's 2023 and those two songs are permanent fixtures on the setlist. what the fuck.
-have to be honest that i got disappointed for a second when the opening chords to bang the doldrums played for the IOH slot just because like i don't get to go to multiple shows in one tour and don't know when i'll ever get to go to another show where i have a chance to hear hum hallelujah. so yeah i wanted to hear it because it's probably my favorite FOB song.
-BUT after that second of disappointment i was still fucking hyped and dancing and singing wholeheartedly to bang the doldrums because it's a banger, it's something they only started playing live on this very tour, and it's the one that was almost a shrek song, so can i really complain?
-got headfirst slide in the folie slot, it would've been super cool if they switched it for 27 again but i love headfirst slide too so no complaints there!!
-i'm so glad we got one of the best MANIA songs for the tour, last of the real ones was so fun.
-umm okay so oli sykes may not have walked close to me but FUCKING. PETE WENTZ. GOT OFF THE STAGE DURING DANCE DANCE AND WALKED RIGHT BEHIND MY SEAT!?!?! i think my brain broke and i like almost died for a minute. i did not think to record a video of him walking by 😭 i panicked and snapped a blurry photo.
-look, the only reason i didn't put from now on we are enemies on my 8 ball wishlist was i didn't think they would even consider it. i thought it was just too delusional of a pick. i recorded a video of it and i'm pretty sure it starts with me shouting "HOLY SHIT" right at the opening chords and continues with patrick being inaudible because i'm screaming the lyrics
-made me sad that not many people seemed to know the song though :( like i GET IT because a song that was only ever released NOT EVEN as a b-side but on their 2009 greatest hits album and then never ever played live is a pretty big deep cut. but i wish there had been more energy for it. it does help that pete said "that went better than i expected!" afterward, and hey, i bet some people at that show heard it for the first time ever and loved it.
-the flame effects during my songs know what you did in the dark were sooo cool and fun and so were the big sparkly fireworks during thnks fr the mmrs and the confetti everywhere at the end.
-i saw someone say they should take saturday off the setlist. that is the most wrong opinion i've ever heard. fall out boy shows closing with saturday is a 20-year tradition still going strong and i'm so glad i finally got to experience it.
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
Hi! I’m a big fan of your writing, basically everything you put out there, fanfics, tumblr posts long and short, everything. Any topic you choose to discuss you manage to present very well, and get me interested every single time. If it is about a tv program I’ve never watched, or a theme park I’ve never been in - it’s captivating, it’s clever, it’s just GOOD writing! Are you subscribed to any newsletters? It’s quite a popular thing now, and a lot of time a real journalists are writing them. But unfortunately, very often this pieces are written pretty badly, like for example, they over edit and break the fourth wall at the same time, try to seem so deep, and profound, but at the same sentence drop some edgy joke and address me directly, as if we’re chatting and are buddies or something… like.. idk. And I know we all are very grateful for the Kerrang p2 interview, but did you see that sentence “the bassist grins at one point”? It’s like the worst #badfanfic cliche you can ever imagine. And it’s a big well known magazine, wtf??? What’s next? “The long haired man”, the “older boy”?? I’m sorry for the rant, but sometimes it just seems, that the best written articles about this band and others too, I’ve read on this website. Do you remember all those great things people wrote in retrospect about the tour this past year? A lot of very talented people are here. I’m really glad I’m subscribed to some of them.
Okay, first of all, thank you so much for the lovely compliment and I appreciate it, thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy listening to me babble. :-)
Second of all, though, I totally agree with you that I routinely read on Tumblr excellently written pieces that I do not read in professional publications, and it is infuriating to me. For some reason, "professional writing" is just so often...not good. Is it the editing? Is it, like, some kind of marketing data saying this is the tone everything should have? IS IT AI???? Like, for real, what is it??? But it is so frustrating to me.
I don't subscribe to any newsletters, I confess, but I have been trying to read more books, and I know I've talked about this before, but I keep reading highly recommended books and I'm just like, ....these are all terrible????? I read better fanfiction on literally a daily basis????? What is happening????? I just finished a queer romance and if anything should have been like a fic to read, you would have thought it would be that, but I was so distracted by how inconsistent the characters and even the story was, like, I was just like, This was professionally written and edited and this is what we ended up with?????
Anyway, I agree with you, everyone on here writes excellent Fall Out Boy analyses and reflections, thanks so much for them, I'm sure Pete Wentz also enjoys them.
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