#evil!Tara Raeken
kingofangst · 1 year
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So I have created a moodboard. But this is for a WIP project I am creating as a fanfic where Theo Raeken doesn't kill Tara but she becomes part of the chimera experiment. Theo escapes the Dread Doctors at 9 years old and gets adopted by Sheriff Stilinski while hiding his Chimera werewolf-werecoyote status for the time being🖤🖤🖤🌙🌙🌃🌃
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yikeshereiam · 1 year
why is everyone so attached to tara raeken??? there’s two whole other characters we actually saw theo murder with our own eyes and tara is who we're stuck on????
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thiamblogger · 1 year
thanks to @thiamsxbitch i am deeper indulged in my heartbreak of the character that is theodore raeken
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we see theo standing at tara's bridge and with him, he has white lilies, which symbolise purity, innocence, rebirth AND the virgin mary herself.
BUT theo is an atheist, so he doesn't believe in the virgin mary.
the purity and innocence clearly represents both him and tara. it represents how young they both were, the purity of theo's actions and the innocence of being a child. theo's actions might not have been seen as pure to someone such as stiles, but to theo, a 9 year old, death isn't relative. not to mention he probably thought that once he got her heart that the dread doctors would clean their hands with him, not drag him down into this hole of evil.
the bridge is the rebirthing.
theo being back there at that very same bridge where his sister died, and him taking that moment to add those flowers was him taking something so horrific and turning it into something so beautiful. not only was he giving tara's name a new meaning, but he was also a different person and by doing this he was rebirthing who they once were.
theo not being religious makes a lot of sense.
after all why would he?
people often tend to say phrases such as "this is all part of god's plan", "god only gives you things you can handle", or "god doesn't make mistakes", but when your whole life has been nothing except you trying to survive you start to believe others, that god doesn't love you or that nobody is watching over you.
what child could handle so much trauma and still believe that someone is watching over them, looking out for them, wanting what's best for them?
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howdiditend17 · 1 year
On Theo Raeken and Manipulation
The purpose of this is to explore what manipulation really does and the effects it can have on people – especially young children. And, as should be no surprise to anyone, it is also an ode to Theo Raeken. A defense of Theo Raeken, if you will. I’ll be referencing three scholarly articles, one Tumblr post, and the show Teen Wolf (obviously). But, I will admit, most of this is speculative. I’m going to try hard to keep it to canon, but I know my bias is going to be in there. But instead of stating it as fact, I’ll ask open-ended questions you can feel free to fight with me about. But this really isn’t the post I intended on making. I intended to write a pure essay on defending Theo Raeken, but that’s been done before no one listens. I thought I’d switch it up and put my Psychology degree to good use, finally. Okay, that’s enough introduction. Let’s roll.
Who is Theo Raeken?
If you don’t know, you should probably stop reading unless you really care about manipulation and its effects. I’m writing this assuming you know who Theo Raeken is and why he needs defended.
Definitions of Manipulation
All of this comes from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344540018_PSYCHOLOGICAL_ASPECTS_OF_MANIPULATION_WITHIN_AN_INTERPERSONAL_INTERACTION_MANIPULATIONS_AND_MANIPULATORS. They refer to different types of manipulation, and use other terms for it occasionally. They start by defining “influence during interaction” – a subtype of manipulation – from psychological dictionaries as “a process when an individual is changing the behavior of another person as well as his/her attitudes, intentions, ideas, as a result of the person’s activity.” Cause and effect changes occur in the person’s mind, such as psychological characteristics of the individual*, group norms, public opinion, et cetera. Psychological impact can be explicit or implicit, depending on whether the goals of the manipulator are communicated in advance and not hidden. This is clearly the case in season 5 – Theo knows all about the Dread Doctors’ plan – but whose to say it was always like this? You can assume perhaps it was, if he knew what he was doing it for when he took Tara’s heart. But just because they told him one thing doesn’t mean they told him everything – did he know of their master plan when he was 8/9/10 (I wish canon gave us an actual age)? We have no way of knowing this, so for the sake of this article we’re going with the assumption both occurred at different stages. But implicit (covert) psychological influence emphasizes its destructive characteristics. Meaning, manipulation, at its core, can be positive or negative, depending on what the person is being manipulated to do. But obviously Theo wasn’t selected to do benevolent things, so we can get a sense of implicit manipulation here.
There is a latent impact in manipulation that can make the victim susceptible to pursuing various goals and intentions of the initiator. I talked to Des (the wonderful @bendystrah) about this particular point. Once again, what we know about Theo’s childhood is very limited. We don’t know what all he did for the ten-ish years he was with them. We don’t know what all they did to him. We don’t know a lot. But this point is saying the victim can be persuaded into doing what the perpetrator wants, even if they’re not their own goals or intentions. I bring up this point for a reason. We all know in season 5 he was acting on his own free will most of the time (does he even have free will still? Or has it been totally warped and convoluted?), but we know little about what happened with Tara. We know how she died, and why she died, and who is responsible for her death (well, I’m about to refute that one actually). What we don’t know is if Theo woke up one morning and went, “Huh, I kinda want Tara’s heart actually.” You can hate Theo and claim he did, but again, we have zero evidence that points to the fact Theo was already an evil child. We all know he was being visited by the Dread Doctors before Tara’s death, so I think it’s pretty obvious they were the ones who wanted Tara’s heart to make Theo a genetic chimera. Why her heart? Why them? We don’t know that, but we do know their goals and intentions – to make Theo a genetic chimera – and they get Theo to do the dirty work for them for whatever reason. So, in this point, I am claiming it’s possible Theo was completely manipulated into doing this and didn’t have any intentions of ever doing it until he was visited by the Dread Doctors. I mean, this is literally laid out in 5x16, so I’m just talking to talk. If you aren’t insane like me and don’t remember every Theo scene in an episode by just its number, it’s where he’s talking to Stiles in the sewers.
STILES: The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?
THEO: Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too.
So we know what the goals and intentions of the Dread Doctors are. It’s not hard to assume Theo is telling the truth in this scene (for a number of different reasons, including why lie and it lines up nicely with our theory), and, if he is, it goes to show he was psychologically influenced into doing this.
Furthermore, manipulation is always negative. Even if the goals were altruistic – which they are clearly not here – the process of manipulation is a negative one. This doesn’t really tie into our thesis here, but it is important to note.
The object of manipulation is viewed “as a means of achieving one’s own goals . . . without taking into account the interests, will, desire of the other side.” Meaning: the Dread Doctors didn’t care what Theo wanted. He was not their equal. They didn’t sit around a table and gently ask Theo what his interests, will, and desire was. We’ll never know Theo’s true interests, will, and desire before it was warped* into something else.
Okay, this next point is a bit complicated and is giving me a little bit of a headache (and I’m also a little high, which is so fun to admit to in an essay). But basically, “the manipulative impact focused on personality structures is characterized by the actualization of an interpersonal conflict, when the recipient of the manipulation is held responsible for the choice made through suffering in doubt.” So let’s break that down. That’s basically saying, there’s an impact of manipulation in which the victim is held responsible for what they did while being manipulated and thus feels interpersonal conflict. And obviously Theo is. No one ever argues the point that he killed his sister. And I’m not claiming otherwise, so don’t come at me yet, but this definition is claiming the victim of the manipulation is not at fault for their actions, but the person manipulating them is. And, as a result of this, the victim has interpersonal conflict. I mean, do I even need to say it? Theo’s entire Hell is this interpersonal conflict. To continue, it is claimed that “this type of manipulation the exploitation of the personality, because here . . . the desire [is] to shift the responsibility for the committed actions to the recipient, while the manipulator gets the win.” Once again, this claims the victim is not responsible for their actions, but the perpetrator(s) of the manipulation is. Now is where it gets tricky, and starts to give me a headache. It is said in these cases “it is extremely important for the manipular to create an illusion of choice for the agent of influence” and “when a person is sure that he/she is acting of his/her own free will, he/she will do much more than when he/she knows that he/she is fulfilling someone else’s decisions imposed on him/her.” Okay. I took a break (finally) and now I’m back. Knuckles cracked and everything. So, what this is talking about is when the manipulator wants something but, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to do it themselves and thus use the victim as a conduit to carry out their crime. They make it feel like the victim’s idea, because this makes the victim more likely to do it. I talked to Des about this one too, and what conclusion I came to was how this could possibly – possibly, still no coming at me yet – be the case with Theo’s desire to kill Scott. We know Theo wants Scott dead for his powers. But do the Dread Doctors also want him dead? That, here, is the key question. Me and Des think yes, as having Scott out of the way would make their work easier. But they don’t care so much that they’ll do it themselves. But what if they, really, want Theo to kill Scott? We don’t know if they do or don’t, so we can’t say for sure either way. I’ve done a little research on this but can’t seem to find any solid conclusions on the matter (trust me when I say I looked). So this one isn’t really sturdy, but it’s an interesting theory that the Dread Doctors allowed Theo to feel like he was making his own choices when really he was just helping the Dread Doctors carry out their plans. Maybe they, too, wanted the chaos and discord within the Pack. Now, obviously bringing the Chimeras back wasn’t their goal – hello, why kill them, then? – but I believe they also could’ve stopped Theo had they wanted to. They could’ve stopped Theo from doing anything if they had wanted to. The fact that they didn’t doesn’t point to them being nice and chill and just letting Theo do what he wants. To me, this is more likely stemming from the fact that, somehow, this all fit into their master plan – or, at least, didn’t interfere with it. But, like I said, if they wanted to stop Theo from doing any of this, they could’ve. Which makes me wonder if Theo’s free will wasn’t as free as it appears.
This article also mentions how authority is a particularly sound influence, but I will also explore a similar topic later on so I won’t bother with it now.
*This definition refers to the fact manipulation can cause changes in the psychological characteristics. Now, as a later source mentions, we will never know the full story of Theo’s childhood. All we know is what the show tells us, which isn’t a lot. But we can assume he wasn’t, like, one of those “evil children” who were just “born that way.” Because Scott or Stiles would’ve mentioned that, if he’d gone around killing animals or something. You can argue they didn’t know, but we also have literally zero evidence that he did do anything like that, so it’s a weird assumption to make. He had asthma, and played Little League, and no one ever mentions anything blaringly wrong with his early childhood. What I’m getting at here is a change in psychological characteristics. Maybe Theo was evil before, and that’s why the Dread Doctors targeted him. Or maybe he wasn’t, and went through actual psychological changes in his characteristics which caused him to act differently than he ever would have had he not been put on this path.
*In season 5, his interests, will, and desire are having a Pack and having power. These are his intentions and goals. First of all, I want to note that none of his goals are “murder.” Does murder fall into his plan? Absolutely. He’s clearly very much okay with it. But it’s not like his motivations are as shallow as “killing is fun!” He has reasons to kill Tracy and Josh, and reasons for wanting Scott dead. You can argue what he did to Scott was the worst thing he did, because he killed him out of emotion, not gaining anything from it. I know I’m basically saying premeditated murder is better, but that’s not what I mean. I just mean it isn’t like he originally set out to kill people for a good time. Killing people just happened to be the way to get what he wanted. Furthermore, who knows what his intentions would’ve been had he not lived the life he did? His intentions were formed as reactions. Wanting a Pack was a response to, well, not having one. And wanting power was a response to having none. If he’d been able to live a normal life, there’s no reason to assume he would’ve ever had aspirations like that.
Who is Manipulated?
Everything in this section comes from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8905186/. This article, actually, does not explore the heading at all. It explores radicalization in a religious sense in prisoners who were manipulated. But, the data in the article made it worth using for our purposes here. Starting with the fact “that the process of radicalization follows several phases, during which the recruiters indoctrinate and prepare young people for the use of violence.” And that sentence is what this section is really about: youth. This section will demonstrate how crucial of a factor age is, and what that says about Theo.
“According to this model, recruiters identify their targets in vulnerable contexts.” What this means is that the victim is usually already vulnerable in the eyes of the manipulator. Now, we don’t know why the Dread Doctors chose Theo. We know, like, three things about his early childhood, and none of those three things are even his age. But one of the three things is that he had asthma. Okay, you say, so did Scott. Well, maybe the Dread Doctors were looking for someone who had asthma and also a sibling. That sounds unlikely, but I’m simply illustrating the point that it is a possible weakness he had in his health, making him potentially already vulnerable. Or maybe he had shitty parents. Or maybe he had great parents. We don’t know anything else about his childhood. So we can’t really confirm this point, but what’s important is that we can also not deny it.
Next, “the first phase is psychological submission (emotional radicalization), whereby the young person loses their autonomy and becomes dependent.” Well, this is pretty obvious. The Dread Doctors took Theo away from his parents, and thus he became entirely dependent on them. What else is an 8/9/10 year old supposed to do? He has to depend on them, he has no other options. He can’t just depend on himself, because how is an 8/9/10 year old supposed to have or make money? How’s he supposed to eat? Where is he supposed to sleep? So, yeah, he’s dependent. But, this is also “achieved by using persuasive and aggressive communication strategies, such as social isolation and inducing confusion between reality and fantasy.” We definitely can check the social isolation. Now’s where one of the Tumblr articles comes in. In this post (https://demonzdust.tumblr.com/post/178486817906/part-i-introduction-theo-before-the-dread) the author states that, “We know that the Dread Doctors kidnap and experiment on people while they are still conscious. We also know that they are capable of inducing hallucinations. They can do all of this unbeknownst to others. That leaves them with a lot of tools to shape a young Theo into what they wanted.” I reference this post because it says what I wanted to say better and more succinctly than I could. Especially the part regarding the hallucinations, and how that ties into the article’s point about inducing confusion between reality and fantasy. Like we’ve said, we don’t know what all the Dread Doctors did to Theo. But it’s entirely possible they confused his reality and fantasy, at least for a period of time.
Now we get more into the actual article, which is about religious radicalization. But we’re going to spin this into a Theo context. “Finally, in the third phase of violent disinhibition and legitimization (violent radicalization), the recruit validates the use of violence by associating with the mistreatment and oppression allegedly suffered by their new group, identifies the enemy, and shifts responsibility by making an attack essential to improving their situation.” Okay, that was a lot of words. Let’s break it down. In short, for there to be violent radicalization, setting a clear enemy and making the victim feel like attacking that enemy is the only way to improve their situation must be present. This goes back to my earlier point about the Dread Doctors and possibly wanting Scott dead/chaos and discord in the Pack. Did the Dread Doctors convince him this Pack consisting of his old friends was the enemy? Did they make him think they needed to be disbanded for Theo to get his own Pack and the power he’s craving? We don’t know. We can’t say yes, but we also can’t say no.
Next is where we get into the youth aspect of this section. Youth is noted as “a particularly relevant stage in the radicalization process.” We know Theo is young. As young as 8 when this started, and around 18 during season 5. This article talks about 20-28 being young, so Theo would fall into the category of being extremely young. If youth is a relevant age in radicalizing 20-28 year olds, what exactly does it do to someone who might be 8 years old? The article continues by stating, “Age could be considered a risk factor for radicalization.” Which just means that Theo had a risk factor already before ever being visited by the Dread Doctors. Why? Why is being young more of a risk factor? Well, I’m glad you asked, because I have answers. 
The experience of more extreme and variable emotions
Greater threat/stress sensitivity
Commitment with violence
Basically, young people experience more extreme and variable emotions due to “deficits in both emotional regulation and emotion reactivity (sensitivity).” This also applies to the second point, and why threat/stress sensitivity is greater. Now, the last part is more for adolescents than a child. But it states that the youth are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and commit more violence than other age groups. Now, these are not reasons Theo is the way he is. Everyone is a child/adolescent at some point. But these are risk factors, and they could have played a role in making Theo more susceptible to manipulation and violence.
Barely Even Human
Yeah, I know it was cruel to name this section that. But it fits. Everything in this section comes from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-manipulation/. This article defines manipulation as “radical programming or reprogramming of all or most of an agent’s beliefs, desires, and other mental states.” The thought is that “that manipulative influences bypass the target’s capacity for rational deliberation.” This is implying that the Dread Doctors and their manipulation of Theo could’ve bypassed his ability to really think about the choices he was making. This has long-lasting implications. If we believe this to be true, it is possible that the Theo we see simply doesn’t have a “capacity for rational deliberation.” Meaning, he acts in irrational ways, or ways that look irrational to others but seem rational to  him because he lacks the ability to purposefully and calculatingly make decisions. Instead, he acts in a way that meets his most basic survival needs. And what does a wolf need? A Pack. And what does someone who has been manipulated for a decade need? Power. He needs a Pack and power, and thus those are his goals. Are they rationally deliberated goals? We don’t know, but this article suggests the possibility that the answer is no.
“Manipulation is commonly used aggressively, as a way to harm the manipulator’s target, or at least to benefit the manipulator at the target’s expense.” This point doesn’t have a lot to do with the points I’m making in this essay, but it does make me sad for Theo.
“Another natural way to account for the wrongness of manipulation would be to claim that it violates, undermines, or is otherwise antithetical to the target’s personal autonomy.” This is, more or less, what we talked about earlier. That Theo may never have made any of the decisions he made if not for the Dread Doctors. This implies none of this was done out of his own personal desire to do so, and that it may very well be things he never would have done otherwise. The article goes onto further state that, “It is natural to regard [manipulation] as interfering with autonomous decision-making. The idea that manipulation is wrong because it undermines autonomous choice is implicit in discussions of manipulation as a potential invalidator of consent.” Meaning, Theo’s consent wasn’t important during the time he spent with the Dread Doctors. The Dread Doctors didn’t take it into consideration. This doesn’t mean he actively did things he didn’t consent to doing, but it does bring up the possibility for further discussion.
Lastly, this article states that, “In this view, manipulation involves treating the target as a device to be operated rather than an agent to be reasoned with.” We already know the Dread Doctors viewed Theo as an object. Whether he could be a success or a failure. They never cared about him as a person, merely as a tool to do things they couldn’t/didn’t want to do. If you view Theo this way – as a device to be operated – it takes away some of the blame placed upon him for his actions. He was wound up and made to go, simply put.
TL;DR: Manipulation is bad. Don’t do it. Theo was manipulated, and primed to be so because of his status as a youth. In this essay, we explored his actions and the possibilities behind why they occurred. Our conclusions are that it’s entirely possible he was completely manipulated by the Dread Doctors and thus acted as a puppet whilst they pulled the strings.
If you disagree with anything I said, let me know. But not just in a “screw you you’re stupid” way. Let’s have an actual conversation.
I hope you enjoyed this at least a little bit, or learned something from this. This is Kay, signing off (for now . . . ).
xoxo, kay
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outcastpack · 1 year
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Theo Raeken Pokemon AU
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Theo Raeken is the son of the champion of Sinnoh. He spent most of his life feeling like he was living in his mother Cynthia's shadow and also Tara's. For his 8th birthday he received his 1st pokemon, a Houndour he named Jax who quickly became his trusted companion. Jax evolved into a Houndoom during a battle with the fire type Gym leader and Theo later was gifted the Houndoomite by his mother.
At the age of 10 Theo was introduced to the fighting type bear Kubfu when the pokemon was caught scavenging for food after its trainer abandoned it in the city and helped it find some food. Since that day the bear he learned was named Akira followed Theo around until he became part of the boys team at the age of 16.
Theo was gifted a strange looking froakie by professor sycamore when he was visiting Theos mother after the bubble frog became close to the boy, as it played with Theo and Jax during the professors stay until Sycamore gave Theo the ball telling the boy that Raya had chosen him from the start. It evolved into a Frogadier during a battle with Corey's Kecleon and she evolved into her final form of Greninja during a battle against his sisters Gabite.
Theo captured Luna the Eevee on his journey during one of his encounters with Liam. 2 Eevees were injured during a storm so the 2 of them rushed to help to 2 mons, but since the 2 boys were in the middle of nowhere and the nearest Poke Centre was miles away they had to take shelter in a cave and use what supplies they had on hand to help the 2 Eevees. Luckily they had enough on hand to heal the injuries and after the storm let up the 2 Eevees made it known they wanted to travel with the boys to repay their thanks. Luna evolved into Umbreon during a accidental encounter with a dusk stone in a Evolution stone shop after it was playing around with its sibling Eevee that it hadn't seen in awhile since Theo and Liam had parted ways again. Afterwards the 2 siblings didn't want to part again which forced Theo to travel with Liam and Mason while he was Adamant this was only for Luna and not because he secretly enjoyed Liams company.
While travelling through a forest Theo first encountered the Illusion mon Zoroark after he witnessed it protect a group a wild pokemon from a group of pouchers. It also attacked Theo due to it mistaking him for a poucher causing the boy to have to fight back with his own mons. Eventually the illusion mon and Theo teamed up against the Poachers before thr mon secretly started following Theo around before joining his team during a Gym battle against the Fighting type Gym leader.
Helios the Hydreigon had technically been with Theo since before the start of his journey when the boy wandered upon a group of Scientists experimenting on the Dragon Hydra. Theo sent out his own pokemon to help cause a distraction while he grabbed the Hydreigons pokeball and rescuing the mon. The mon had lost trust in humans and refused to obey or let Theo help it no matter how hard he tried. During a battle against the reigions evil team where they had caused wild pokemon to go berserk Theo was forced to call out Helios and Beg the Hydra to help stop them, the Hydreigon seen the pain the wild pokemon was in and attacked destroying the device being used on them before returning to its ball. Eventually it grew to accept theo as it trainer since after he called upon it he refused ro give up on the Hydra again.
Theo wins a spot in the Reigion championship along with Liam where the best of the best compete including champions.
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metagalacticx · 2 years
Character: Tracy
How I feel about this character: my babygirl. 2nd fave horror girl (only after lydia). she made s05 so fun! she was so tragic! so haunted!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: lydia. just… think about it for a second, i’m right, right?
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: lydia, josh, mason
My unpopular opinion about this character: i do not think tracy had feelings for theo raeken. the annoying little trashbag was manipulative and she clung to him not just for survival but because she looked at her options and she actively chose Evil. she’s just a girl with daddy issues and theo literally gave her life (the green serum kind). what else was she supposed to do?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i genuinely wish she would have haunted theo. like him seeing tara was good i liked that but he should have been haunted by tracy. i wish she was brought back just to beat him up, even if he just imagined it was happening for real. tracy didn’t deserve to die but her death should have served a greater purpose.
Favourite friendship for this character: josh (they’re besties they told me so themselves), mason (they’re childhood acquaintances they told me so themselves), lydia
My crossover ship: n/a
How I feel about this character: josh my tragic bestie.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: none, he’s aroace™️
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: corey, tracy
My unpopular opinion about this character: he is actually so caring? do you guys know what he did to save corey? do you guys remember that he helped kira? do you guys know he SAVED corey??? also that comment he made that theo should have let him stay dead should have been a bigger deal in canon!! in that same vein his ‘do it yourself’ defiance was legendary!! it’s a show about packs and ‘i’m your alpha’ because some guy with a god complex stuck something into your flesh, the illusion of free will and being used and manipulated but josh said UH UH, not me. he died for that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: hmm, i wish we could have seen him interact with tracy and corey and hayden more. and maybe him pissing off theo just for the hell of it.
Favourite friendship for this character: corey, tracy (i swear it’s canon that they’re besties, dude trust me) also mason but that’s just me being self-indulgent
My crossover ship: n/a
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usermischief · 3 years
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken ♞Warnings: - ♞Words: 1255 ♞Dialogue Prompt: “Winter Prompt -> Snowed In/A wears B's clothes” (for @jimmy12427 -> prompt 350) ♞Mini Fic Roulette: 8/∞
Stiles wanted to go to the library. The library would’ve been more than fine! Theo isn’t stupid. All he needed was someone helping him catch up after he missed a lot of school due to the consequences of his evil schemes biting him in the ass. But no, Theo insisted that they would have to study at his place. Because he needs silence to study — apparently, the library is too loud for someone with supernatural hearing. Stiles calls bullshit on that. So, the café wasn’t a viable option either. And Theo has puppy eyes, very effective puppy eyes. Go figure. As if Stiles didn’t already struggle enough when it comes to Theo fucking Raeken and his godforsaken everything.
All of that wouldn’t even be an issue, if not today the world decided that Beacon Hills is in dire need of a fucking snowstorm. Or maybe, one of the weather gods is doing this just to spite Stiles. Because it’s not just a snowstorm. That would be too easy. Roscoe refused to start, and Theo refused to drive in that weather. An hour into the storm, the whole street lost its power. To Stiles’ luck — and probably some god’s fucking amusement — he’s stuck in a house with a fireplace and a supernatural radiator. Theo took it upon himself to make sure that Stiles couldn’t possibly be cold because he decided to bring his mattress down into the living room and then, then, he wrapped them both in a blanket and himself around Stiles. Because clearly a thick blanket and a fireplace are not enough to keep a mere human warm.
Stiles hates how much he loves Theo pressed against his back or the feeling of his arm heavy around him. He hates it so much that he’s terrified to move because there’s absolutely no distance between them, and he intends to survive this night without any happy accidents.
“You’re stressing me out,” Theo mutters against his neck. His voice sounds deep and raw as if he has been asleep until a few seconds ago. Good for him.
Stiles licks his lips, staring at the low fire in front of him. “Do you think we have school tomorrow?”
Theo huffs out a laugh. “The school stayed open during and after multiple supernatural threats,” he mumbles, shifting around behind him — Stiles squeezes his eyes shut because fuck, fuck, fuck — and yawns. “Doubt they’re going to close it because of a snowstorm. Not as long as Coach Finstock is around.”
Stiles chuckles. “Can’t argue with that logic.”
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Theo asks, chuckling quietly — and the sound, god, that sound is killing him. “That we’ll have to go to school tomorrow?” The raised brow is audible in his fucking voice. It should be illegal. Everything about Theo should be fucking illegal.
Stiles licks his lips. “I’m not worried.”
“You smell worried,” Theo informs him. Pointing out the inconsistencies and little lies is something this asshole loves to do. It’s one of his hobbies, and Stiles has absolutely no clue why. Maybe he’s enjoying coaxing a reaction out of him way too much for his own good.
Clearing his throat, Stiles tugs on the blanket. “What you smell is anxiety,” he mutters because if he cannot beat this fucker, he might as well join him. “It’s just… too quiet. I don’t like the quiet.” Especially not at night when he’s trying to fall asleep.
Theo hums and brushes his thumb along the front of Stiles’ shirt. “You wanna watch another movie?”
Stiles shudders, but not because he’s cold. Not at all. He takes a deep breath. Yes, yes, he would like to watch another movie. However, “what about you?” Not that Stiles is going to survive a movie — or this night, really — if Theo keeps brushing his fingers over his stomach. That’s gonna keep him up even longer.
“I’ll fall asleep,” Theo mutters, yawning again, “just start the laptop. The pin is Tara’s birthday.”
Stiles swallows. “I don’t know your sister’s birthday.”
“0806.” Theo’s arm tightens around Stiles’ middle, and he pulls him even closer, pressing his face against the nape of his neck. “And relax, I’m not gonna bite you.” Yeah, right, as if Stiles would’ve come over had he thought Theo wanted to murder him. He’s not worried about dying. He’s worried about his body being a fucking traitor the second he allows himself to calm down.
This is going to be a long night.
“There was so much snow,” Stiles mutters, slipping out of Theo’s truck and shouldering his backpack. “How is all of it just gone?”
“Because this is California.” Theo pushes his keys into the pocket of his pants and sighs. “You look adorable, by the way.”
Stiles glares at him. He looks ridiculous. Theo’s sweater is way too big on him. So are his jeans. Which is equally ridiculous. Stiles is more than aware Theo is fit, but this? Fucking hell. As if looking like he’s wearing his big brother’s clothes isn’t bad enough already, now he’s got to run around smelling like Theo as well. Stiles scrubbed himself clean in the shower, only to come back out to find out his clothes have magically disappeared. Well, magically. Theo threw them in the washing machine. For reasons.
“Stiles?” Malia approaches them, lips curled in disgust. Their relationship ended a little over two months ago, right when Stiles noticed that he has the worst crush on Theo. She’s not over it. Not at all. Never date a pack member. Never date a fucking pack member. “What’s going on?” She curls her fingers around the straps of her backpack.
“He spent the night with me,” Theo says with a smirk.
Stiles shoots him a look. “I stayed over. We were snowed in.”
“We cuddled.” What is his fucking problem? Why does he keep saying shit like that?
“Theo,” Stiles whispers, narrowing his eyes.
Theo rolls his eyes instead. “How long are you planning on protecting her precious feelings?” he asks, gesturing in Malia’s general direction — almost as if she wasn’t standing two feet away from them. “Seriously. You want me. I want you.” With an impatient tsks, Theo shakes his head. “Let’s just get on with it.”
Stiles blinks. “You… what?”
“You think I’ll cook for and cuddle with every person I invite over?” Theo quirks a brow, pushing both hands in the pockets of his jeans as a slow smirk starts to curl around his lips. “Or force into wearing my clothes?”
That’s a lot of information within a very short span of time. “You…” Stiles licks his lips, flushing when Theo’s gaze drops to his mouth. “You want… me?” It took everything he had not to add another ‘me?’ because it’s just impossible. Did Theo look at himself? Did he? Did he?
Theo rolls his eyes once again, but instead of adding anything, he yanks Stiles closer by the collar of his shirt. A moment later, his lips are on his and the world just stops, vanishes, goes completely fucking silent until all Stiles can hear is his own heartbeat in his ears. Theo grabs his hip, and Stiles cups his neck, melting against the other boy. If he had known, fuck— Stiles could die right now, but at least he’d die the happiest he’s ever been in his life.
Theo pulls away just enough to talk. “We could skip school.”
Stiles licks his lips. His dad is going to kill him. “Yes,” he breathes against Theo’s lip. “Let’s go.”
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bbangsuns · 3 years
➞ 18+ for nsfw requests
➞ poly and age gap accepted
➞ if you don’t see a character here that you want to request, feel free to ask me if i would write for them!
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9-1-1 ➞ evan buckley | eddie diaz | bobby nash | howie “chimney” han | maddie buckley | athena grant | henrietta “hen” wilson
stranger things ➞ steve harrington | eddie munson | robin buckley | nancy wheeler | jim hopper | jonathan byers
one chicago ➞ connor rhodes | ethan choi | will halstead | matthew casey | kelly severide | leslie shay | gabby dawson | jay halstead | adam ruzek | kevin atwater | antonio dawson | hailey upton | kim burgess | greg “mouse” gerwitz | blake gallo
criminal minds ➞ spencer reid | emily prentiss | jennifer jareau | luke alvez | aaron hotchner | derek morgan | penelope garcia |
teen wolf ➞ stiles stilinski | scott mccall | malia hale | derek hale | liam dunbar | lydia martin | chris argent | isaac lahey | kira yukimura | theo raeken
marvel ➞ bucky barnes | steve rogers | thor odinson | loki laufeyson | sam wilson | eddie brock | peter parker | wanda maximoff | pietro maximoff | yelena belova | marc spector | steven grant | jake lockley | shuri | t’challa | natasha romanoff | frank castle | matt murdock | daisy johnson | melinda may | jemma simmons | leo fitz | robbie reyes | riri williams | druig | tony stark
the vampire diaries universe ➞ klaus mikaelson | bonnie bennet | elijah mikaelson | marcel gerard | rebekah mikaelson | hayley marshall | stefan salvatore
supernatural ➞ sam winchester | dean winchester | castiel | crowley
hawaii 5-0 ➞ steve mcgarrett | chin ho kelly | kono kalakaua | danny williams | adam noshimuri
outer banks ➞ rafe cameron | jj maybank | john b | kiara carrera | topper thornton | sarah cameron | pope heyward
the walking dead ➞ daryl dixon | rick grimes | glenn rhee | maggie rhee | rosita espinosa | michonne
scream ➞ stu macher | billy loomis | mickey altieri | ethan landry | sam carpenter | chad meeks-martin | tara carpenter | mindy meeks-martin | wes hicks | tatum riley | sidney prescott | gale weathers | dewey riley
shameless ➞ fiona gallagher | lip gallagher | kevin ball | veronica fisher
sons of anarchy ➞ jax teller | juice ortiz | chibs telford | opie winston | happy
mayans m.c. ➞ ez reyes | ángel reyes | miguel galindo
avatar ➞ jake sully | neytiri
grishaverse ➞ kaz brekker | jesper fahey | alina starkov | inej ghafa | nina zenik | matthias helvar | zoya nazyalensky | nikolai lantsov
dc ➞ bruce wayne | richard grayson | harley quinn | clark kent | arthur curry | mera | dinah lance | barry allen | oliver queen | lucifer morningstar | chloe decker | lena luthor | kara danvers
resident evil ➞ leon kennedy | carlos oliveira | luis sera | jill valentine | chris redfield | claire redfield | ada wong
call of duty ➞ Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley | John Price | Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish | Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick | König | Philip Graves | Valeria Garza | Alejandro Vargas | Kim ‘Horangi’ Hongjin | Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra | Keegan Russ
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maskthesimp · 2 years
My F/O List ✨️
~• Seven Deadly Sins •~
Ban - LuckyFox
Gelda - IcyBlood
Zeldris - FrozenHeir
Meliodas - EngravedSins
~• ROTG •~
Jack Frost - FrozenForests
~• Teen Wolf •~
Malia Tate - DesertSerpent
Derek Hale - DarkBlood
Isaac Lahey - EclipsedSins
Quinn Finch - PrimalLuck
Liam Dunbar - BlazenRage
Theo Raeken - BloodstainedSins
Tracy Stewart - ScalesOnScales
Allison Argent - ScarredScales
Ethan Steiner - TwinFangs
Stiles Stilinski - HyperactiveMess
Halwyn Deidrick - BurningWings
~• Marvel •~
Loki Laufeyson - TrickstersPride
~• Resident Evil 8 •~
Bela Dimitrescu - GoldenHarrier
Karl Heisenberg - IronWings
Alcina Dimitrescu - ToweringAvian
Daniela Dimitrescu - RoseyScruff
Donna Beneviento - WhisperingThreads
Cassandra Dimitrescu - MidnightDogs
~• HTTYD •~
Heather Oswaldotter - RavenSparks
~• Boyfriend Dungeon •~
Sunder the Talwar - BloodiedEdge
Rowan the Scythe - MysticEdge
Valeria the Dagger - ArtfulEdge
Seven the Lasersaber - MelodyEdge
~• Disney's Descendants •~
Mal Faery - MeanGreen
Evie Grimhilde - BlueberryScars
~• Demon Slayer •~
Shinobu Kocho - MetamorphicRage
Nezuko Kamado - RoseTintedFlames
Obanai Iguro - OceanicSerpentine
Mitsuri Kanroji - BlazingLove
Inosuke Hashibira - BeastlyNature
~• Wednesday •~
Enid Sinclair - BubblyKitten
Wednesday Addams - ClawingMystery
~• Black Clover •~
Vanessa Enoteca - DwarvenThreads
~• Doki Doki Literature Club •~
Natsuki - SweetTooth
~• Scream •~
Tara Carpenter - LovingThriller
Sam Carpenter - WoundedRaven
~• Polycules •~
Outcast Polycule - PastelGothStripes
Biwielder Polycule - TwinEdge
Dimitrescu Polycule - NobleFangs
Panwielder Polycule - SummersEdge
Deadly Sins Polycule - ImmortalGodslayers
Descendants Polycule - RottenApples
Demon Slayer Polycule - BladesAndClaws
Demon Family Polycule - RoyalSlayersOfGod
Cult of Miranda Polycule - VillageOfDemons
Carpenter Sisters Polycule - WoodsboroBlood
Pack of Beacon Hills Polycule - EternalShifting
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kingofangst · 1 year
Sorry for the late reply to the ask game 😅 I am really excited about this. But how about Theo?
No worries you are fine😁
Theo Raeken - To be very honest, in the last two seasons he often made me observant of his nature. Mysterious and alluring at first, then eerie and malevolent when it came to his machinations with those around him (his "'adoptive parents"), Scott, Stiles, Lydia and the rest of the pack. As one of my favorite characters, he uses alot of emotional and psychological intelligence to his advantage and as the only successful chimera to survive the experiments (not including him reviving Hayden, Corey, Josh and Tracy to complete their transformation) Theo has alot of endurance and durability, as well as being a master manipulator.
While he did do harsh and vile acts, these were the circumstances done to him through intense brainwashing and indoctrination by the Dread Doctors, with their sole purpose to create an artificial supernatural that could match the power of the Beast of Gevaudan by being a host to the legendary being. He was 9 years old when his sister was murdered, or was led to believe by the Dread Doctors that his sister was a hindrance to his potential and she had to be neutralized. It is a state of psychological torment where he killed his sister or the Dread Doctors had murdered her but was brainwashed to believe Tara was his misfortune. Yes Theo was evil, but the lack of having real emotions or connections with other humans or supernaturals (excluding the Dread Doctors) was what caused him to carry out his plans to break apart the McCall pack in "promises" by the Dread Doctors to become an Alpha and have his own pack, up until he felt pure rage when he was lied to and slain the pathological scientists for their false words and decided to become power hungry himself.
Instead, he was give a second chance by Liam who believed in him despite the lack of trust and since Liam followed in Scott’s footsteps to give people second chances, Theo became a better person little by little and gained character development throughout the last season. This made me watch him more and observe and how Theo's charming but snarky ways are entertaining within both seasons, plus his sexual tension arguments with Liam and fights give him more depth about his character and how he can be a lighthearted and brave person. At the same time being helpful and resourceful when he wants to be (although with Liam he is helping him regardless) and he can be empathetic when certain situations he experienced before happens in front of him like seeing Gabe in excruciating pain from his fatal wounds, so Theo takes his pain away since he is fully aware of what that feels like and did it out of mercy.
Theo is such an intriguing character and while he would still be the edgy, snarky, charming and chaotic chimera in the series, it the traits that make him such a exceptional character shine in the series and going from a master manipulating villain to a resourceful ally of the pack.
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sti1es · 4 years
Killing Stalking.... but make it steo. I read this manga in early 2017 and since its becoming popular again, i had the inspiration to write this. I don’t agree with a lot of the gross, disturbing stuff in the story - it’s a horror, not a romance, and i definitely don’t ship sangwoo and yoon. that’s why i changed a lot of the details in this fic, but the relationship in later chapters is going to get very, very, unhealthy. The abusive, toxic behaviours portrayed here should NEVER be considered okay in real life. SO MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT!
Stiles watches silently as Theo’s truck leaves the driveway. He emerges from his hiding place - a corner of the garden, cast in shadow by looming trees - and checks the time. Based on Theo’s usual routine, he should be gone for at least a couple hours. That gives Stiles abundant time to inspect the house. If the other boy is keeping anything secret, a thorough search should make it evident. Something about knowing Theo’s habits weirds Stiles out a little. He’s becoming quite the stalker. His intentions are good, though, and the police do it all the time, so he concludes that this is normal and not a result of incessant paranoia.
Casually, Stiles treads through neatly trimmed grass and stands in front of the door. It’s a decently sized home, the suburban dream for any nuclear family. Everything, down to the wooden planks of the porch and popcorn textured walls, is perfect - which is exactly why Stiles doesn’t trust it. Theo arrived like a miracle. A clever, charming, strong werewolf; the ideal pack mate. He’s buried his past deep underground, and Stiles is determined to uproot it.
He punches the security code into an electronic lock. 270804. At first, these were just meaningless numbers Stiles caught a glimpse of Theo entering, but after looking through medical records, researching family history, and overall obsessively indulging himself into this case, Stiles realised what it was. The date of Tara Raeken’s death.
Pushing aside whatever embarrassment would ensue if he were wrong about Theo, as well as the general fear of being caught, Stiles turns the door handle experimentally. The keypad chimes, a melodic buzz which enables Stiles to finally fucking breathe. He shoves the door open completely, a newfound rush of adrenaline and excitement clouding his mind, before entering the house.
It’s... normal. The entrance is decorated with antique furniature and various knickknacks. Picture frames line the walls, some depicting Theo and Tara, but none his whole family. The ones containing his parents look newer. Their smiles look strained, and Stiles could’ve sworn Ms. Raeken didn’t have dimples before. Him and Theo used to hang out after school a lot, and Ms. Raeken would always come pick her son up. The photos of her that adorn this interior just seem... different. Off. Before Stiles has the chance to contemplate any further, he’s distracted by a noise coming from downstairs. At the end of the hall, there’s a door - presumably leading to the basement - which has been left slightly ajar. A strange, muffled slapping sound travels through it.
Stiles’s heart beat spikes. He knew something was off about Theo, but to be presented something so obviously suspicious seems... well, suspicious. He quickly crosses the corridor and flicks on the light at the end of it. The basement is illuminated, which causes the slapping to increase. His stomach turns at the idea of something sentinent and scared being down there. Whatever shit Theo is hiding may be a lot more disturbing than he prepared for.
Swallowing nervously, Stiles decends the staircase and his worst fears are immediately confirmed. A girl lies on the cold floor, naked and tied up. Her wrists and ankles are bound, and a gag has been painfully jammed into her mouth. The source of the slapping was her legs beating against the concrete, most likely a frantic signal for a potential rescuer’s attention.
This has to be a joke. There’s no way Theo is this fucking sick. To kidnap someone is one thing, but to humilate them and leave them in this scared state was a level of cruelty Stiles finds difficult to imagine. He races downwards, and instantly recognises the terrified captive’s face. This is Tracy Stewart. Her photos have been plastered all over the news ever since she went missing a couple weeks ago. Stiles feels his gut twist in horror and disgust. There’s no goddamn way this is happening. It’s ironic, really, the fact that he was expecting to find something incriminating but can hardly believe it when he does.
Tracy’s struggles become even more desperate at this glimpse of salvation. Her eyes widen, and she starts shouting through the gag.
“Hey, hey, don’t worry... I-I’m gonna get you out of here. You’re safe,” Stiles begins to undo the ropes which restrain her hands, but the knot won’t give. Why the hell did Theo have to be so cautious? The thought of what he’s done to poor Tracy so far turns Stiles’s attempts to free her even more rapid. He picks at the rope with his nails, a fruitless attempt, really. As his frustration rises, he resorts to picking Tracy up in the state she’s in. He’d much rather get the hell out of here as fast as possible. Stiles places his hand under her knees, and goes to wrap his arm around her shoulders, when she starts to violently trash. He drops her instantly, worried that he provoked one of her potential injuries. But the thrashing continues, and she’s screaming around the cloth in her mouth. Stiles’s heart sinks as he realises her eyes aren’t focused on him.
They’re fixed behind his head.
He jerks around wildly, and sure enough, standing in the doorway is Theo Raeken. His eyes are narrowed in annoyance and his lips are quirked in a dark smirk. Fuck. Stiles feels like a caged animal, cornered by a predator that could easily overpower him.
“You’re smart, Stiles,” He chuckles, like this is all a twisted game. To Theo, it probably is. “You just aren’t smarter than me”.
Shit. Stiles’s mind is moving at a mile a minute, trying to think of any possible escape. There isn’t one. But he’s been through worse than a teenage werewolf. He can get through this. He has to.
Still, his heart is gripped by fear. He feels like there’s fingers at his neck, squeezing, constricting his oxygen until he’s gasping for breath. Breathe. Breathe. He stands no chance against Theo if he has a panic attack.
Then again, does he stand a chance in the first place?
Theo dawdles down the stairs, slowly dropping his feet in front of him, one step after another. Stiles’s lungs are on fire. His ribs are being crushed. Breathe. Breathe. You can trick him. Run past him. Just get a fucking grip.
“You really thought I wouldn’t notice-” Theo’s barely ten feet away, “That you’ve been following me?” He laughs humourlessly once again. “It’s funny how I considered stalking you, but you took it upon yourself to waltz right into the lion’s den with no help.”
Stiles barely register’s Theo’s words as the human lunges forward, past his legs. Caught off guard, Theo doesn’t have time to grab him as he practically scrambles up the stairs. But of-fucking-course Stiles has to look back, and when his eyes meet Tracy’s, he freezes to the spot. He can’t just leave her here.
That gives Theo’s reflexes ample time to set in. He makes a grab for Stiles’s hoodie sleeve and shoves him backwards. The brunet would’ve been grappling at the air if he had time to. Instead, he simply falls all the way down the stairs, back to the basement floor. Instead of everything occurring in the typical slow-mo montage they show in cliche movies, the moment passed so fast Stiles couldn’t even register it. One second he was almost free, the next he was lying on hard, cold stone, his head and legs throbbing. The human supposes he broke his legs. They’re mostly numb, but twisted grotesquely. He’s never been so thankful about nerve damage in his life. The real issue is his slowly blurring vision. He wants to throw up - from fear or pain, he doesn’t know.
“You’re the sheriff’s son,” Theo drawls, stupidly calm for a situation where Stiles feels as though he’s being drowned in anxiety. “So you surely understand why I can’t have any witnesses.”
“Why are you doing this?” He blurts out. “You’re killing her, and you’re gonna kill me too? At least have some sort of motive, serial murderers who ‘do it for the thrill’ are becoming pretty old.”
If there’s one thing Stiles learnt during his years of engtanglement with supernatural enemies, it’s that distraction buys you time. No matter how scared you are, a simple quip or provoking remark works wonders for stalling. All he has to do is snark Theo until the werewolf gets bored, or agitated, or anything else that buys him a bit of time. Stiles’s heart jumps against his ribcage as he glares at Theo as heatedly as possible, trying to conceal his trembling hands.
“You think I don’t have any motives?” Theo scoffs, clearly falling for Stiles’s blow to his ego. “Her father is a pretty powerful man. A lawyer who tried to get me thrown in fucking prison. This is his payback,” The werewolf shrugs, but Stiles doesn’t miss the edge of anger in his voice. He strides forward, then curls a hand around Stiles’s chin. The teen’s head is jerked upwards, so he’s forced to stare into cold, evil blue eyes. “And you’re going to rat me out to your daddy. Simple as that. There isn’t enough space in this basement for both of you.”
“So you’re a butthurt little boy who has to take his emotions out on defenesless humans?” Stiles grits out, and Theo’s grip on his chin tightens, “- real classy.”
That’s when Theo snaps. He backhands him across the faсe.
Stiles attempts to crawl away, his cheek stinging with what’s probably a fresh bruise. He pushes up against the ground, only to find that his knees buckle when he stands. So he was right about the broken legs. Normally, falling down the stairs wouldn’t injure someone this badly, but with the forceful thrust of a werewolf’s supernatural strength? Stiles doesn’t doubt it. Though his limbs are far too damaged to hurt, the mere pressure being put onto his bones makes him feel like he’s folding in on himself.
Stiles is helpless. He might as well be restrained like Tracy, it wouldn’t make a difference. Theo sighs in a way that conveys amusement, as though he’s watching a newborn deer struggle to walk. I’m gonna die.
What will his dad think when he doesn’t return home? What will his friends think? Scott, Malia, Lydia - Stiles will never see them again. His chest aches with the thought of Theo carrying through with whatever plans he has for the pack. All he can do is hope that his disappearance makes them suspicious enough not to trust the werewolf.
Theo hovers over him, face darkened by shadows in a threatening contrast against the blaring ceiling lights above. He crouches down, pressing his knees deliberately against Stiles’s legs in a way that makes the human cry out. He catches a glimpse of Tracy: she has tears running down her face, but looks somewhat resigned... as if Stiles is already dead. Theo clutches the brunet’s wrists and pins them to either side of his head. “If you’re planning on killing me, better do it quick. You wouldn’t want to be late for school,” the image of Theo’s charming smile, forever deceiving, lingers in his mind’s eye. A wave of annoyance washes over him, and he kicks upwards with the last of his rapidly draining perseverance. Theo doesn’t even budge.
The werewolf leans down, his breath ghosting over Stiles’s ear. “Kill you? Honestly, when this is over, you’ll be wishing I did.”
Everything goes black, but before he loses consciousness, Stiles is sure he caught a glimpse of a silver metal hammer.
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for-all-fans · 4 years
Mike Montgomery THEOry
(This is an essay I wrote for Year 12 and I decided I’d like to share i, it is completely stupid but also my best essay. Also I haven’t watched much Teen Wolf. It’s also not meant to be taken seriously)
Mike Montgomery is a character from the show “Pretty Little Liars” who is obviously the same person as Theo Raeken from “Teen Wolf” and here is my proof.
Mike is in seasons one, two, four, five and six of “Pretty Little Liars”, he has an older sister called Aria. He is around 21 in the final season. He was diagnosed with depression after his parents had a divorce and went through the “death” of his girlfriend who turned out to be alive. He likes to play lacrosse and work out as hobbies.
Theo is in seasons five and six of “Teen Wolf”, he also had an older sister called Tara. Theo is a megalomaniac (obsessed with power) Chimera (Part werewolf part were-coyote) created by the Dread Doctors. From the age of nine he was told he wasn’t good enough and never taught what is right and what is wrong. He is 18 years old and in his free time he likes to work out and kill people.  
So we see Mike in seasons one and two of “Pretty Little Liars” but he is gone by season three.
Then Theo appears in season five of “Teen Wolf” but by the end he is sent to hell aka Rosewood, the town in Pretty Little Liars.
Suddenly Mike is back in Pretty Little Liars season four and stays until season six. He does not appear in season seven but his father mentions he is at Hollis College but he doesn’t feel like he fits in and wants to move to BEACON Heights University.
BEACON Hills is the town where everyone lives in Teen Wolf.
Theo is back in season six of Teen Wolf which is what brings us to his boyfriend Little Gay Werewolf and Henry from “Light as a Feather.”
There’s no doubt Theo and the Liam are in love, you can tell by how they look at each other.
Liam also appears in the show “Light as a Feather” as Henry who mentions about going to see his “friend” Mike.
This brings us to the THEOries
Multiple personality disorder
Mike is Theo’s other personality. Whenever he is in the mind of one he doesn’t remember the other’s actions.This is caused by PTSD from the trauma of killing his sister Tara when he was 9 years old. Tara died when Theo pushed her off a bridge into a freezing lake causing her to break her leg and freeze to death. The Dread Doctors then ripped her heart out and replaced Theo’s with hers. The trauma gets worse when he is sent to hell and gets said heart ripped out over and over again by his dead sister. Mike comes out when his PTSD is triggered.
Alternate Universe
In one universe Mike was taken by the Dread Doctors and that is why Stiles says he is not the Theo from fourth grade. They experimented on and turned him into a Chimera.
Evil Twin
Neither of them show at the same time maybe because when they’re together they’re not as strong.  Mikes parents did not want three children so they gave up Theo which helped with him becoming evil.
Dark Side
Theo is Mike’s dark side, he is the persona he uses when he gives in to his evil tendencies.  
In conclusion they are obviously the same person.
Extra facts
Scott is the main character of Teen Wolf and also the name of Mike’s uncle.
Mike doesn’t even appear at his sister’s wedding.
Aria has called Mike a “cute werewolf type”
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fandomtrashoe · 5 years
Fandom Instagram /Social Media AU Masterlist:
You (white blonde female) x Sebastian Stan
You (white blonde female) x Tom Hiddleston
You (white blonde female) x Thomas Brodie-Sangster
You (white blonde female) x Theo James
You (white blonde female) x Matt Smith
You (white blonde female) x KJ Apa
You (white blonde female) x Oscar Isaac
You (white blonde female) x Robert Downey Jr.
You (white blonde female) x Barry Keoghan
You (brunette latina) x Barry Keoghan
You x Pedro Pascal (7/?)
You x Tom Holland (7/?)
You (white blonde female) x Camila Mendes
You x Shawn Mendes (13/?)
Teen Wolf:
Thiam / Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar (21/?)
Thiam ‘Airplanes’ series
Thiam x other fandoms
Morey / Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant (3/?)
Nett / Nolan Holloway x Brett Talbot parent
Chrissa / Melissa MCCall x Chris Argent (wedding)
Marrish / Lydia Martin x Jordan Parrish
Theo Raeken
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Scott McCall
Malia Tate / Malia Hale
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Isaac Lahey
Corey Bryant
Allison Argent
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Kira Yukimura
Chris Argent
Jackson Whittmore
Mason Hewitt
Melissa McCall
Noah / Sheriff Stilinski
Coach / Bobby Finstock
Hayden Romero
The Order:
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio 
Harry Potter:
The Not So Golden Trio / My Friends and me at Hogwarts
The Not So Golden Trio / My Friends and me at Hogwarts (Part 2 / Second houses)
You (white blonde Ravenclaw female) x Draco Malfoy
You (brunette Slytherin female) x Draco Malfoy
You (white blonde Ravenclaw and English Cocker Spaniel Animagus female) x Young Remus Lupin 
You (white blonde Ravenclaw female) x Luna Lovegood
Fantastic Beasts:
You (white blonde female) x Newt Scamander
You (white brunette female) x Jessica Jones
You (white blonde female) x 40s Bucky Barnes
You (white blonde female/Athena) x boyfriend!Loki and bestfriend!Thor
You (white blonde female/Selene) x Loki
You (white blonde female/Bruce Banner’s daughter) x Peter Parker
You (white brunette male) x  Peter Parker
Pepperony / Pepper Potts x Tony Stark as Peter Parker’s adoptive parents
Peter Parker as Pepperonys adoptive son
Shuri x Peter best friends
Peter Stark/Parker (as Tony Starks biological son)
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
REAL Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
Yondu Udonta
Peter Quill / Starlord
Doctor Who:
You (white blonde pansexual female) x Captain Jack Harkness
The Walking Dead:
Desus/Darus / Daryl Dixon x Jesus/Paul Rovia
Desus/Darus / Daryl Dixon x Jesus/Paul Rovia parent
Jesus / Paul Rovia
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Maggie Rhee / Maggie Grenne
Glenn Rhee
Eugene Porter
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Abraham Ford
Carl Grimes
Beth Greene
Carol Peletier
Eric Raleigh
Hershel Greene
Tyreese Williams
Shane Walsh
Lori Grimes
Dale Horvath
Merle Dixon
Father Gabriel
The Governor
King Ezekiel
Bob Stookey
Morgan Jones
Fear The Walking Dead:
Trick/Troick / Troy Otto x Nick Clark (taking drugs together in S03E14: how it should’ve ended)
Kate Austen
Sawyer / James Ford
Once Upon A Time:
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Emma Swan
Regina Mills / The Evil Queen
Robin Of Locksley
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Mary Margaret / Snow White
Star Wars:
You (white blonde female) x Han Solo
You (white blonde female/Leia&Han’s daugther/Resistance Pilot) x Poe Dameron
Stormpolot/Finnpoe / Finn x Poe Dameron (2/?)
Hunger Games:
You (white blonde female) x  Peeta Mellark
The Maze Runner:
You (white blonde female) x Newt
Mystrade / Greg Lestrade x Mycroft Holmes parent
You (legal white blonde female) x Chief Charlie Swan
Open for requests...
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hellofariderp-blog · 6 years
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Malia Hale - She was never turned into a werewolf for years. Instead, her father Peter raised her and that prompted her to develop a rebellious streak. She’s been kicked out of school several times because of it and feels most at home at her dance studio.
Caroline Forbes - She was never turned into a vampire and her father never died. Instead, the man stayed with her mother until Caroline accidentally walked in on him and his lover Stephen one day, which then caused her mother to divorce him. She’s currently an aspiring singer and attends karaoke and open mic nights in hopes of making it big.
Katherine Pierce - She was born five centuries later and is a witch instead of a vampire. She still had a daughter with someone she had a one night stand with and is currently taking care of baby Nadia.
Elena Gilbert - Her parents never died, so Elena grew up with Miranda, Grayson and Jenna and was never saved by Stefan from the Wickery bridge car crash. She became a huntress to avenge her brother Jeremy when his Gilbert ring killed him. She’s a freelance photographer at the moment.
Stefan Salvatore -  He’s a vampire still and a well known novelist/poet who teaches English at the high school.
Bonnie Bennett - Cassius Lawson got his hands on Bonnie when she was little and kept her as his own live in trainable personal witch and made her evil. She doesn’t know any of her original friends.
Jenna Sommers - Jenna took Jeremy’s ring when he died and wore it ever since, made her go crazy and a killer. She’s now less and less herself, coming out of it only a few hours a week and leaving bodies everywhere. 
Malachai Parker - Born as a normal witch, he opened a video game shop and nerds out.
Olivia Parker - Luke is still alive. They were able to escape Chicago together and moved to Mystic Falls. She works at a magic shop and is as happy as she can be. She’s even thinking of going back to school.
Hayley Marshall - She grew up in Mystic Falls in a loving family who never kicked her out since she never actually triggered her werewolf gene. She dated Derek Hale all through her high school years, eventually marrying him. She decided to become a social worker after graduation and is now pregnant with her and Derek’s first child.
Kol Mikaelson - Kol’s parents gave him away and he has been from foster home to foster home until the age of 16. He ran away believing he needed to take care of himself since he knew no one ever would. Ever since then he has been trying to survive in anyway he can. He is much more silent now and keeps people away never wanting to get to close in fear of getting hurt or abandon. Still a vampire but instead of being killed by his father he was killed during a robbery gone wrong and turned by a unknown vampire.
Davina Claire: She was raised in a loving home. Her father never left her and her mother, and she was just an ordinary human girl. Because of this, Davina develops a bit of a rebellious streak to oppose both her parents due their strict/overly protective nature. She has no recollection of who Marcel is, as he would have never been there to save her from the harvest since there was no harvest. Davina is currently a college freshman, and spends most her time going to college parties, and making the most out of her new college life. Despite being a bit of a party girl, one of her hobbies is painting, which she has a passion for and a natural artistic ability.
Scott McCall - Scott was raised by Raf, who was verbally and physically abusive to him, and Scott moved out as soon as he could. He has anxiety, is a little reclusive and has panic attacks from years of abuse, is resentful to his mom for leaving him. His dad never really taught him much control, trying to make him tough, so his full moons are pretty bad, he’s killed accidentally multiple times and felt awful, and is an omega.
Stiles Stilinski - Caroline ignored him in high school, wasn’t his friend and his mother didn’t die but his father did in line of duty. He becomes a sheriff like his father and is friends with Malia still.
Allison Argent - She never learned about the supernatural, still lived in Mystic Falls and is based there now, but travels a lot. She’s dating Scott and her mom was almost successful in killing him. Victoria was was caught and then sent to jail for murder. Allison trained to become an Olympic archer, winning gold in the last Olympics.
Derek Hale - The Hale fire never happened and Derek grew up with his two sisters, his mother, his father however still passed away. He played basketball all through high school, went to college with scholarships from it and is expecting his first child with his high school sweetheart Hayley Marshall. They’re holding off till after the baby is born for any wedding plans. He coaches basketball at the local college.
Isaac Lahey - His father wasn’t abusive and had a great relationship with him. He is an Alpha to his own pack and still a mechanic. He’s more hostile and unwelcoming to others.  
Theodore Raeken - His parents arrived in time to save Tara from Theo, getting him psychological help for his anger and his delusions of grandeur. He was put on medication to help with his issues at a young age. Because he was never manipulative or deceitful, he joined the McCall pack the first chance he was offered.
Melissa McCall - She gave Scott up as soon as he was born and dumped Rafael, moved to San Francisco and transferred into a good nursing college there, doing so well that she got scholarships to continue higher levels of nursing education. She worked for Doctors Without Borders for years in South American countries before moving back to San Francisco and moved up the rank until she was Director of Nursing for the ED department. Then she moved back to Mystic Falls one year ago after being offered Chief Nursing Officer for Mystic Falls hospital.
Christopher Argent - He’s still a hunter but more so a vampire killer. He doesn’t know much about werewolves yet and doesn’t know he’s a father to Allison as he had only a one night stand with Victoria. Victoria didn’t die, but he sees her around town often.
Joshua Montgomery - He’s a human and a baker. Incredibly confident but humble. Joshua started baking as a hobby until he realized just how much potential he had. He opened a very small bakery when he moved to Mystic Falls and charmed his way into people’s lives with fresh scones and his heart of gold. Nothing brings him more joy than pleasing other people and staying out of people’s way. Very confident in both himself and his profession.
Gabriella McKendrick - She doesn’t know her family’s secret and isn’t aware of the supernatural, but she’s less shy than she is.
Logan Turner - His mom is alive and he’s less closed off and not angry. He’ll be more happy go lucky, flirtatious, promiscuous, high on life Logan with a mother and a job as a hunter. Instead of working at the bar, he will instead be a personal trainer. He never needed quick money or security so ended up setting up his own fitness business.
Emma Montgomery - Before she was a werewolf, she was a huntress who was married to Jake, but that all changed when she turned and she hasn’t really spoken to Jake since. He doesn’t know she’s a werewolf, the other one.
Morgan Adler - Morgan’s family were never hunters, meaning she never killed her brothers and isn’t aware of the supernatural. She’s a gallery owner and a painter.
Gretchen Conrad - Her dad told her about the curse at a young age and reassured her that it was a good thing. She triggered her curse by accidentally killing her mother after an argument - she and her father then fled the state, going to Mystic Falls. Eventually, she murdered her father for his Alpha status, staying in Mystic Falls due to the draw of the Nemeton. She’s generally a little feral and not a good person.
Phoebe Sheridan: Instead of getting attacked by a werewolf in her old city, Phoebe actually got attacked by a vampire who turned her. She still decided to leave her hometown to get away from her friend, whom she was afraid she would hurt. She’s been struggling to adjust to being a vampire since, the bloodlust being overwhelming to her. She’s been staying away from her best friend Felix and has been taking online classes at the local college to avoid as much contact with humans as she could, but she knows she can’t go on living like this.
Felix Townsend: His mother never left him and he was raised with her thinking he was human and as normal as can be, only he has the worse luck ever and things just sort of happen around him. Things falling off shelves, windows breaking and fires just starting. He moved to Mystic Falls once he was done with school working one of the safest jobs he could find, an accountant.
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hellschimera · 3 years
[Theo Raeken] is [22] years old [Male] [Bisexual] , [Chimera - Werecoyote/Werewolf] who is part of [Teen Wolf] yet they are working to [get everyone home, have everyone stay, keep peace, create war] and is played by [Cody Christian]. They are [intelligent, willing, and charismatic] but also tend to be [obsessive, stubborn, and subservient]
Theo Raeken lived a normal life with a normal childhood. He had a sister, two parents who loved him. All of that changed when his nightmares started, people in masks, standing over him, talking to him. He woke up one night in the woods, no idea how he’d gotten there. But there was only one thing running through his head, his sister had to die. He didn’t want to kill her, but it was like once the thought was in his head that’s all he could think about.
He just wanted the nightmares to stop.
Theo just wanted the nightmares to end, he wanted to go back to having a normal childhood. Not waking up in the woods and near sewers. He just wanted it to stop.
He didn’t even mean for anything to happen, he just went for a walk. Tara was older than him, she was bigger. He could never kill her. He loved her. But like most things, it just.. happened. He tried telling her about the dreams, about the men who came to his room while he was sleeping to take him.
But then his head had started to hurt, he could hear them inside his head. Telling him what to do, what they needed him to do. How they could make him better, how he’d be a success.
Theo hadn’t meant to shove her, she’d moved to grab him and he’d panicked. It was just a slip up, but was that the truth? Maybe a part of him wanted her dead, wanted her to just go away so the nightmares would leave.
He watched her there, just laying in the water and calling out to him weakly. He watched when she died and he watched as the dread doctors took her heart. He was the nightmare.
After being taken by The Dread Doctors Theo knew something awful had befallen his family, with Tara dead and him missing he knew they would have to keep anyone from finding out what had happened so just a year after Tara’s death The Dread Doctor’s had come for him in the middle of the night when he was just nine years old, he’d woken up to his mom screaming and when they had entered his room he knew better than to try to run. It never ended well when he ran.
From there he was just a pawn in a bigger scheme, used to help The Dread Doctor’s find a suitable host for The Beast, since in their eyes he had been a failure. 
Failure, Theo Raeken. He had failed. Despite being one of the only successful chimeras, he had still failed.
So he’d tried to redeem himself, he went back to Beacon Hills where it had all began for him, he’d managed to worm his way into the pack, to deceive them, all in the vain hope that he could be a real wolf, feel like he could belong. To get the power promised to him, when all he really wanted was for someone to tell him it was okay, that he wasn’t a failure.
But in the end he’d failed that too.
Karma found him in the form of the Skinwalkers and their power to create phantoms, they had brought back Tara or at least.. they’d brought back something that looked like her, be it demon or just some vivid hallucination that dragged him to hell.
There he had suffered, he suffered for every god awful evil thing he’d done, he paid for his sins over and over again as Tara got her retribution in the form of ripping her heart rightfully from his chest. After all he had stolen it from her first.
It was only fair that she took it back.
Being brought back from hell had been jarring to Theo, he almost didn’t realize that he was back. When he’d seen Liam and even Hayden, he had just assumed this was some new form of torture. To find out that he was actually back, that they had brought him back. Well, it made him wonder if he could come back from it all, maybe he could be useful, maybe they wouldn’t send him back.
So he fought for them, helped them figure out what was going on with the wild hunt. To bypass the storm.
Once it was all said and done he again felt hopeful but then it all changed.
He’s calculating and a bit abrasive, but deep down he has a big heart. He wants to help, but he doesn’t know how to help anyone when he can’t even help himself.
He would visit the bridge where he killed Tara frequently
Despite being just a chimera and not physically needing an anchor, he found one in Liam
He likes to get under Stiles’ skin but will never admit to purposely doing it
He regrets killing Tara and wishes he could take it back
He misses his mom despite barely remembering her, a consequence of The Dread Doctors
He feels more connected to his coyote than his wolf, despite this he does yearn for a true pack.
When Theo roars it doesn’t sound like it should, more warbled. As if his coyote and wolf are howling together, against each other. Two halves fighting for dominance.
He has nightmares about Tara taking back her heart, at times it’s hard for him to tell reality from his dreams.
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formerprincess · 6 years
Our little paradise
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Words:  3118 Theo and Liam just enjoy a quiet afternoon after work. Just the two of them, no interruptions, and Theo could not be happier.
Also read on Ao3
Theo walked into the workshop and his nostrils flared when the familiar scent of gasoline, grease, sweat, and metal hit them. It was a scent he grew to like since he lived right above the workshop. He associated it with home, something Theo had not known for a long time. But things had changed since then, since he had come back to Beacon Hills to find a way into Scott McCall’s pack and destroy it from the inside, since the Dread Doctors, the Wild Hunt, the war. He had friends now, a pack even, and together they had graduated high school and even attended the same college. Yes, he, Theo Raeken, was part of something that wasn’t evil, wasn’t created to destroy something else. He was part of something good.
Good. Life was truly good, maybe even perfect, at the moment. Sure, there were still supernatural shenanigans happening, there were still hunters, and sometimes Scott had to call his gang together to defeat whatever came lurking, but they mostly had a regular life.
“I wasn’t aware you’re working as a pizza delivery guy now but I won’t complain either and gladly accept this. Just put the pizza here,” a deep voice shook Theo from his thoughts and he turned his head. The guy, Mojo, bigger than Theo himself (yes Theo was aware he wasn’t the tallest but this guy probably was taller than Derek Hale and twice as broad) with a buzz cut and a lightning bold shaved to the side of his head smirked at him. Theo had no idea how old Mojo really was, his guess would be 31/32 but really, it was just a guess. But Mojo was like a human teddy bear and incredibly funny. A woman with her brunette hair tied in a messy bun smirked and the corner of her eyes crinkled. “I’m sure this is just a bribe to let his other half leave earlier.” “Neither. This is our dinner and I will fight you both for this pizza,” Theo declared and grinned. “Yet, if you would let him leave earlier, Kiki…” The woman pointed a finger at him in a playful threat. “You’re getting way too sneaky, mister!” She laughed. “But who am I to get between guys and their dinner? He’s over there, showering his one true love with attention.” “I’m his one true love,” Theo reminded her with a chuckle but turned around again and ventured into the direction Kiki had pointed him. It wasn’t long until he reached the end of the bike shop and smiled at the picture in front of him.
Over the years Theo had not only found friendship and a place to belong, he had also found love. And that from a side he never expected it from in the beginning. Because if someone had told eighteen-year-old him he would be in love with Liam Dunbar, Scott’s angry Baby Beta, and they would be in a committed relationship, he would have laughed. Yes, Liam and he had become friends, but love? Even if Theo might have nursed a little crush on the younger man, Liam would have never returned his feelings. And yet, one of their many discussions had ended with Liam huffing out a breath and crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I want to strangle you almost as much as I want to kiss you, asshole,” he had said and Theo was not proud of it but he had gaped at him. Liam had given him a funny look but then obviously registered what he had said because he started to gesticulate wildly and tried to explain himself. “Oh fuck! I didn’t want to tell you like that! This is not how I pictured it!” “You want to kiss me?” Theo had asked weakly and Liam groaned and his hand movements contained Theo’s whole appearance. “Can you blame me? You have this going on.” It had hurt to know Liam was attracted to him just based on his looks while Theo really fell in love with Liam’s everything, his looks as well as his good heart, but he had nodded and put on a brave face. “So you want sex.” Liam had shrugged. “Sex, dates, a relationship, the usual stuff, you know?” And again, Theo had gaped which caused Liam to roll his eyes. “Seriously? I’m aware I’m bad with words but I thought I made myself very clear right now. I am not only attracted to you because you’re hotter than the sun, but I also feel very attracted to your character and would very much like to date you. Stop staring at me like a freaking goldfish. Turn me down so we can go on with our normal lives and I can crawl into a hole and die of mortification.”
Theo’s brain had not functioned properly because he would have loved to tell Liam how amazing he was, how happy this made Theo, and waxed poetically about the other’s whole self, but he just had managed a weak “Yes.” “Yes, what?” Liam had asked. “Yes to the date. To all of it, really.” They had stared at each other, Liam with narrowed eyes while he tried to figure out if Theo was joking or not, Theo still trying to figure out what the hell happened. Long story short, both overcame the initial shock of the sudden reveal and had decided to try this relationship thing with each other.
Fast forward two, almost three, years and you had them today. Still absolutely in love, living together in the apartment right above the motorcycle workshop Liam worked in. Life could not be better for Theo at the moment: An amazing boyfriend, a cool apartment, and a job where he could be creative and express himself through his art. They had to thank Liam’s grandpa for finding this little piece of home. After his death, Liam had come in contact with his grandfather’s best friend Rod who owned the workshop. They had met to reminisce the man they both had held so dear and Rod had inducted Liam to the world of motorcycle and workshops, repair, and tunings, and also the joy of riding one of those steel horses. Ilona Geyer had not been overly excited to see her son on such a thing but after she realized how happy Liam was to ride a motorcycle she had caved in and smiled. The people working in the shop had taken a great liking to Liam- he was an adorable puppy when he wanted to be - and had soon become part of his family. Kiki and her husband Jay had taken over the shop when Rod had retired and offered Liam a job in their shop. Liam could do what he liked, work with the motorcycles and also work on his own motorcycle, a blue Harley Davidson Fat Boy, on the side, what else could be better. And Theo found a job at the tattoo parlor right next to the workshop. His boss Bean (“My name is Gregory but nobody calls me that! It’s Bean.”) was also a friend of Rod, Kiki, and the others and he and Theo talked often. He saw some of Theo’s drawings one day and offered to take him in as an apprentice. Theo had not really thought about doing a creative job but he took the chance because he was curious. And now he was a quite popular artist in the shop, had his regulars, and loved what he was doing. Tattoos were a way for people to express themselves and he loved to help them with it a little bit.
Several tattoos adorned his own body as well, the newest piece being a Dias de Los Muertos woman on his right shoulder blade. Liam had suggested that one special tattoo after Theo had awoken from yet another nightmare. He had said he liked the Mexican holiday and the thought that the dead were never that far away and instead watched over their families. His boyfriend had suggested it would help Theo cope with the lingering guilt about Tara’s death and see a slightly more positive outlook on death, maybe even the hope to once get the chance to make up with his sister. Theo had battled the thought for weeks, going over the pros and cons, and finally decided to do it. He now loved the ink on his skin.
He wasn’t the only one with tattoos on his skin. Liam, for example, had also taken quite a liking to the ink art. The head of a howling wolf on his leg, and several other motifs on his arms and back. The first two tattoos had been done by Bean but the rest, every single one after that, had been done by Theo. There was something about Liam not only wearing something he drew but something he inked on Liam’s skin. It gave him a strange sense of possessiveness and belonging.
Liam’s style had changed in general since the first time Theo met him. He wasn’t looking like America’s sweetheart anymore, not like the typical jock, but his style had become a bit rougher around the edges. Ripped jeans, leather jackets, punk shirts, and due to his work in the bike shop, more tanks, and flannels. It wasn’t unusual to find him with dirt and grease on his hands and on his face and the smell of gasoline and grease always merged with his natural scent. Theo was here for that, he loved his boyfriend looking like that. Liam’s hair was shorter these days, shorter than it had been in high school, but the manual work had given him a new body feeling and since he often worked outside and mostly in a tank, he had a nice tan going on. He looked ridiculously hot if you asked Theo but maybe he was a little biased (He, after all, knew what Liam could do with this body...)
When he found Liam now, the younger male knelt in front of his motorcycle and oiled it. He wore a white loose fitting tank top and dark jeans, littered with oil stains. It had been a bit colder in the morning so Liam had worn a white-red flannel shirt which was now wrapped around his waist. He had not spotted Theo yet, too focused on his task, and Theo smirked. He was like that when it came to tattoos. “I’m aware you love this thing a lot but I brought pizza.”
Liam looked up and smiled when he saw Theo. “Hey, you.” His blue eyes sparkled with happiness and he grabbed the cloth next to him to clean his fingers. “How could I say No to pizza?” “Just to pizza? Not spending time with me? I am hurt, Liam.” “I know I will never say No to spending time with you.” Liam stepped closer to Theo and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Stop being a drama king.” Theo pouted playfully. “Only if I get a real kiss.” “I am greasy and sweaty.” Liam laughed and it coaxed a happy smile from Theo. “Liam, we literally kissed when we were bloodied and full of Gargoyle slime. This will be half as bad.” “Okay.” Liam grinned and then captured Theo’s lips with his in a sweet kiss. Even after three years, it made Theo happy and he eagerly returned the kiss. “Come on, Kiki said you could leave,” he then told his boyfriend and motioned towards the back door of the shop. It was the fastest way to get to their apartment instead of walking around the whole garage. “Yeah, leave before you start making out on Liam’s bike like the last time!” Kiki called from somewhere and the two young men snickered. Liam threw his rag in a container. “See you tomorrow, guys!” He yelled and then left the workshop with Theo.
They reached their apartment over some stairs and Liam unlocked the door. The space above the shop had originally not even been an apartment, more like some unused space. Theo and Liam had taken a lot of time and effort to turn it into a loft-like apartment where they could actually live. It was big enough for the two of them and their two Tamaskan dogs Aka and Koda who now came to greet them happily and then returned to chewing their favorite toys. The apartment even held space enough in case they ever wanted to add another member to their family and adopt a child, but that was something they had not discussed yet and didn’t feel the need to at the moment. They were not even married yet and enjoyed their time together.
“I’m taking a quick shower, you can already start eating,” Liam muttered and pressed a quick kiss against Theo’s cheek when he walked towards the bathroom. The door closed behind him and Theo carried the pizza box into the kitchen to grabbed two glasses and two beers from the fridge and then carry everything out to their little balcony. It wasn’t big, but they had two comfortable benches with soft pillows and a little table gathered there to sit and enjoy summer nights. Even a little barbecue had found its place in a corner. The whole balcony was surrounded by plants. It had started with Liam’s mom giving them one plant when they finally moved into their apartment, and then Liam had claimed one looked like shit. Over time they had gathered various things to make the banister a little friendlier. It looked like a little green oasis in the middle of a meek and otherwise empty backyard.
Theo set everything down on the table and then just ventured into the apartment and the bedroom to change into comfortable sweatpants. When he walked back to the balcony, he plopped down on one bench and sighed. He opened the pizza box and both beers and took a slice of the greasy food. It smelled delicious and was just as tasty as you would think after you smelled it. It made his mouth water and he eagerly took a bite from his slice. Liam wouldn’t mind, he knew Theo hated cold pizza. Chewing he leaned back and enjoyed the rays of the evening sun on his face. The perfect way to end the day.
Liam joined him some minutes later, hair still wet and disheveled from the towel, clad in sweatpants and a hoodie. He sat down on the other bench and leaned back with a groan, stretched out. Theo chuckled. “Long day?” “Uh uh. We had a very demanding customer and you know I love challenges but that guy was really a bit too much and constantly changed things.” He scrubbed his hands down his face and then made grabby hands at the pizza. Theo nudged the box closer to him and watched his boyfriend devour a slice fastly. “That should be unattractive. Strangely, it’s not.” Liam gave him a pearly grin. “You find everything I do attractive,” he stated simply and raised one of the beer bottles. “Cheers.” “Not everything but a lot. Cheers.” Theo raised the other bottle and clinked them together. They both took a gulp from their bottles almost perfectly in sync and grinned. Over the course of their relationship they had grown so close, got to know each other on a whole new level, and those quiet moments felt really nice. They didn’t need to talk, just sitting there an enjoying the sun, finishing the pizza up between the two of them, and sipping their beer was enough to make them both happy and relax them both. 
Theo liked the silence with Liam. He also liked the talks he had with him, don’t get him wrong. He liked Liam’s voice, could spend hours hearing him talk about the things that excited him, but he liked how easy this was as well. He didn’t feel the need to fill the silence with words and he felt himself relax. Theo had always used words as a tool, something to use to get what he wanted in every regard, and he had strongly related to them at the beginning of their, well, everything. He had used his words against Liam, used them to rile him up and manipulate him, but then they had grown closer and words became not necessary anymore. They learned to rely on each other without words, learned to fight together without talking about a tactic before, learned how to be a team without saying much. Again, talking with Liam was great, but Theo had been afraid of the silence for years and Liam helped him overcome it, so now he could also enjoy the silence with his boyfriend.
Liam moved after a while and squeezed the empty pizza box until it got smaller. He got up and carried the trash into the kitchen to throw the box away. Theo smirked. They both weren’t the tidiest people on the earth but Theo hated empty pizza boxes lying around so Liam has picked up the habit of throwing them away as fast as possible. It was a nice gestured and another one of the many little things Liam did to show Theo how much he loved him. 
He walked back but instead of walking back to the bench he had sat before, he walked towards Theo’s bench. Theo moved so Liam could slip behind him and Theo could lean against his chest. Liam’s arms loosely wrapped around him and played with his fingers.  Theo tilted his head back and looked at Liam and the younger smiled but understood. He moved closer and gave Theo a gentle upside down kiss. Both chuckled in the end and then Theo curled up against Liam again and held his face into the sun.  “I love you,” Liam muttered and gently tugged at Theo’s hair with one hand. Theo moaned softly and let his head fell back against Liam’s shoulder.  “I love you too,” Theo replied softly. A huff next to him and Aka trotted into the sun and laid down there again. Koda chewed a bit more on his toy then he grabbed it and carried it outside as well to lay down next to Aka and continue playing. 
Liam kissed his temple, then he leaned back and watched the sun shining down on them and creating various forms on the wooden floor of the balcony and on the plants. “Our little paradise,” he said happily. Theo chuckled. “Our little paradise,” he agreed. It wasn’t a mansion, it wasn’t that much, but it was perfect for them and Theo was once again reminded life was pretty much perfect right now. 
Just something cute to enjoy the evening. I am really curious how you liked that little story. I just love the idea of mechanic Liam and tattoo artist Theo and the rest just happened. What do you say? Any comments/hopes/wishes/dreams? I'm thinking about making this a series and always adding random ficlets to it.
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