#since thats what happens in the original and it feels like it fits with both their characters
chaifootsteps · 9 days
With Moxxies origin, wouldn’t it have made more sense if Moxxie just lied about his home ring? This would explain why he didn’t fit in with the wrath imps in harvest moon and wasn’t used to the culture. It would also have more impact to find out he lied to Millie of all people, because it makes you wonder, “why would he do that? He trusts Millie.” And while Millie is upset and questions it, Blitzø understands. A turn around of the usual dynamic.
Moxxie: Oh no, no, I hate this place. I grew up right over there.
Blitzø: I thought wrath was your old stomping grounds Mox?
Moxxie: Shit, busted. Okay. I haven’t been honest. This may be hard to believe, but I didn’t grow up on a ranch in the wrath fields.
Blitzø: Thats actually not hard to believe. I get it. I’m a greed imp too. Not the prettiest place.
Moxxie: I didn’t know that.
(After meeting Crimson)
Millie: Mox, why did you lie to me about where you’re from, and how come I haven’t met your Pa before?
Moxxie: I just don’t like to talk about this part of my life. I’m ashamed of the things that happened here. I’ll explain everything later Millie.
(Maybe you could add Blitzø telling Millie that some people aren’t proud of their families or where they grew up. This is something Millie struggles to understand, since she’s so proud of her own.)
I feel like there are ways to make new ideas fit with your story, and if they have an obvious inconsistency at first, you can adapt that into characters voicing the same confusion and questions the audience may have. Then just provide an in-universe answer. Book no more explanatory Twitter threads needed for your show.
Don’t just throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks. Or less graphically, don’t paint a wall green then later touch up the paint with blue and call it the same colour. Paint it turquoise.
It makes sense that Moxxie would lie about his home ring since he changed his own name just to hide from it. And that twist even makes the story and conflict better. At the dinner table Millie might even bring this lie up, having Crimson use it to try and drive a wedge between them. Because what else is he lying about? Same with Blitzø going to wrath after leaving Verosika, but in the next episode say to stolas that hes never been there. Both cant be true.
This episode just missed so many marks. On paper, Crimson and Chaz are a good dynamic duo of villains, one serious and dangerous, the other the less scary comic relief. You could have kept Crimsons scene very dark and serious, then after it ends and he goes upstairs to bed, Chaz does the dumb dick jokes. You keep Crimson as a threat, and keep the silliness you wanted, just keep that part focussed on Chaz. That’s what a comic relief is.
I just feel like the show needs consideration of its audience. There are ways to resolve plot holes by adapting the story slightly, even use them to create new reveals and new conflict.
There are absolutely ways to resolve plot holes by adapting the story slightly and ways to paint a green wall turquoise and all of this other extremely good and actionable writing advice. Unfortunately, Viv's solution to writing dilemmas is a mixture of "Do whatever and let the fandom harass anyone who points it out" and "add more rape."
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morickkk · 11 months
hello. i am in love with your scarian school au. can you give me a long rant about it. please,
Hi omg hi hi okay okay sorri for future misspells and grammatical errors
Okay so like i said before uhh it all started with a prank, amd grian thought it would be a good idea to just pop a balloon to one of the most accident prone person, after that silly stupid little prank, scar fell on idk his back, injuring it
I wanted to give it a vibe where he was technically blown up on the back bc he didnt see the creeper, and i cannot make him explode here guys sorry HWHSJWHE
And then after like scar comes back to school, grian was like really worried duh so he immediately went to scar and asked that he owes him until he doesnt really feel that guilty
Scar was ecstatic yeysyes, a potential bestfriend no way!! So scar wholeheartedly agree and for some couple days after, grian notice scar literally just swindling people at school for their stuffs and maybe homework LMAO and grian was starting to regret it
Im not entirely sure what im gonna do for the interpretation of their failed monopolies, but for the traps in the series, i feel like its just gonna be silly pranks
The interpretation i was gonna do with the time scar losing his 2nd life was both of them doing a science/chem activity for class, and scar was liek im all for science and mixed like random things in the uhm yeah the 'potions' and it explodes, frian was too late to warn him, making scar injure himself again but now that i think about it i want to change it now help this really got me thinkign okay okay
What if i just make it like, interpretation of the 1st death, grian plays a prank with the chem lab, making it explode on scar, injuring him, i think that fits better
2nd death interpretation, was uhm scar and grian was thinking about pranking cleo for 'wrongin' them, but scar didnt see the slippery wet floor sign, making himself injured again
And then after that, scar asks grian if he still wanna be friends with a guy like him, and grian was still okay since he still owe his well kind of forgiveness?? Im not sire how to wrod it
Btw pizza is a scooter motorbike! Meanwhile mr bubbles is just a silly balloon
I might add like situations that didnt happen in the series bc i still wanna make soemthing original about itwjsuejs but i do have an idea about what will happen for the interpretation of the uhhh ending of 3rd life
Bqsically its still, Grian being betrayed by scar with bdubs and they go punchies in the halls ( people cheered LMAO )
IT WILL BE HARD TRYING TO INTERPRET LAST LIFE BC I BARELY UNDERSTOOD QHAT HAPPENED THERE IM SORRY i mostly understood lizzie's pov bc it was the first pov i watched, anwyays im getting sidetracked uhm basiclaly yeah its still ongoing, im suffering from my own consequences bc its so hard to make aus LMAO but feel free to give ideas pls
Im still scrapping like alot of the things i write for this au bc theres part where i change my mind, just like the interpretation on scar's 1st and 2nd death
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jamesheathridge · 2 months
can you please please please break down your end song passenger edit i have not stopped thinking about it since you posted it
buffy thank u for permission to let me be further insane on main
im putting it under the cut cause its kind of long lmao
okay. first and foremost. the line that got me the most with the song is "you know what they do to little dogs like you" which is. sooo incredibly ranson coded to me. its originally just over benson, but in the second chorus i wanted it over both of them, instead of just randy. i think the line fits more with benson seeing himself in randy, knowing what happens to boys who just lay down and let whatever happen happen, who don't fight back, who hold their tongue and endure the punches. he knows what happens to people like that because he's lived it firsthand, and he can't stomach the same trauma or feelings being handed to randy.
the first verse is incredibly benson to me, "i choose to stay / there is no other way" is just him staying in the same town he's lived his entire life, driving the same roads every day (which is why the first 3 shots i put in are just his house & him driving) it's an active choice whether he knows it or not, he's forever tied to this town thats made him this incredibly damaged guy that he is now. "i read the sign / i do not ask it why" is him taking what happened to randy that this is a sign that this is the day, this is the day he's going to do something about it, that he's going to drag randy by his collar and change his life, whether it ends in himself dying or not.
the first dual audio/parallel is just because how they start & end in the diner, with benson giving a willful monologue to randy vs almost the exact reverse. benson thinks he's about to change randy's life & randy thinks he's about to change benson's mind.
i put in the shots of miss beard's eye event + sheppard dying because they're both the catalysts for their own fucked up shit & their dynamic. the shots of benson in the car afterwards + randy on miss beard's couch because they're both healing in completely different ways. benson can only think of healing as violence, while randy gets his closure in a peaceful way, even though he also expects violence.
"there are certain decisions that are bad decisions that make me hurt you" + the restaurant murders = all of this was benson's decision, every decision randy makes is because of the large one benson made. whether he likes it or not, every single thing that happens is completely his fault. every time he hurts randy, every time randy questions him, its completely his fault, all because of this one decision he made.
"because of me her life was ruined" + bathroom scene + "you're the one who killed sheppard?" randy feels such immense guilt for trauma he inflicted someone while benson's abuser is walking free and loved and praised by everyone in his life. he can't understand the remorse that randy feels because no ones ever shown him any. sheppard dies guilt free and viewed as an innocent victim by others.
in general. they are both dogs dragging each other around on the same leash. they are almost exact mirrors of each other and it drives me insane
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kijosakka · 7 months
how. how would i even write out a proper fic of dramaturgy au,,
cutting this off bc i got too caught up in myself and rambled
ok umm,, dramaturgy as an au is just so character study-ish and generally character-focused,, plus the initial developments made on island are kiinda important to the cast dynamic?? so as i see it there are a few options:
A: rehash/go through the unchanged plot of island, the TDDDDI special, some eps of WT, using it to develop the Situation from other characters perspectives while maybe having one or two to emphasize noahs characterization
it gives a lot of time for character developments outside of noah himself, and time to reinforce noahs own characterization using that outside perspective,, but could potentially get boring/long-winded, since nothing different happens and its literally just Characters Having Screentime
^ maybe sub a full going-through with character vignettes and specific scenarios throughout island/the special/celeb. manhunt or after TD/eps of WT??? i guess you could also slot smth like this in with the other ideas aswell
B: begin the hypothetical fic post-jamaica challenge and leading into london, use it to exposition some minor things and generally establish characterization before getting into challenges and actual canon divergence
it doesnt drag on (as much atleast), gives you enough time with enough cast members to establish what the others think of noah and what noah thinks/how he behaves and why (probably slot in his distrust of alejandro here??), more challenges gives noah more chances (and reasons) to break character, though the character development has to be slow and conflict should probably be built up (but im kinda partial to this one ngl)
C: kindof half-baked but beginning in london (i’m imagining literally at his eel line), where hes eliminated that episode, but comes back via comeback challenge; arc kicked off by being so pissed off that he has to come back and do the Same Shit yet again (and probably because of producer-rigging. again.)
the conflict/character dynamics would move a little faster, its less to trudge through and figure out canon changes like the butterfly effect of noah staying in the game in london, but having less characters to have relationships/interactions with (but making the ones had can be more developed/rounded as a result), less Time in general, the original idea of noah ‘unmasking’ alejandro is kiiinda less impactful this late into the game?? slightly i feel like
or D: even more half-baked than C and kinda just 'possible' and feeling out of place, but you could have noahs arc happen in all-stars instead (smth smth the audience was vv dissatisfied with how he ranked in WT and so he gets brought back)
^ this is mostly bc i like the motif of noah having eel-pond related scars and seeing it as a physical reminder of where 'acting like the camera isn't there' can get him (but you could potentially fit this into the C idea, posing it more as a bitter feeling/theme rather than a motivation to continue his facade)
i dont really like this one from a storytelling standpoint, and it doesnt make much sense since theres no character motivation via unmasking alejandro since everyone already knows at this point?? idk it is there though
umm yeah thats all ive got, i guess you could also mismatch ideas like B&C so the fic starts post-jamaica but noah still gets eliminated, or have noah eliminated after london but still winning the comeback challenge and coming back swearing vengeance (within his own head mostly) or smth like that
i kinda wanted to just put this Out in the World and let it simmer before i start combing through WT to make the allotted ‘official’ canon changes of this au lol
(and not to mention theres still the issue of the actual Ending,, does he win?? is his winning both symbolic and the first genuine, intentional break of character he makes, to the audience and his peers beyond the unintentional ones hes made along the way???
smth smth character growth, hes learned how to let himself break character but now hes learning to do it intentionally too??? < im partial to that but im also biased towards noah and any hypothetical win of his
^ or does he lose?? and his ending watching the finalists parallel the island bit where he Did Not Care but now??? idk idk the longer i think the more i like the whole symbolic win thing but in terms of storytelling/the Themes, does it Work. i do like to think so
the original draft of this idea has noah not in fact winning but it also had a strangely,,,,, vindictive tone?? that might not be the word but the Themes were different and noah was more scheme-ish rather than defense mechanism-having so im thinking the ending should change as well)
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quirkle2 · 4 months
HELLO ermm i love ur zombie au and i have a few questions about it i came up with while scrolling thru the tag if thats fine !!!!
ritsu and mob arent quite the same after being cured and all, but what about teru and reigen and tome?
By the moment mob gets cured, is the apocalypse also coming to an end?
how did teru and reigens adventure while searching for the kagebrothers go?
how did reigen and teru react to meeting tome?
why were the kagebros and teru with reigen? where are the kageyamas' parents?
hello!! im glad ur likin it so far :]
this is a lotta questions (which, dw, i am stoked about) so this gets kinda long. tome backstory inside of a mini tangent tho so<3
(i talk abt the typical zombie au stuff but Also there's child and parental death here so be careful)
all of them are affected pretty greatly by this—it's an apocalypse after all. reigen is probably a bit hyper vigilant about keeping the kids in his sights, since last time he failed to do that, they got separated for like 2 years, mob got turned into a zombie, and ritsu gained trauma <3 he became quite protective over teru as time went on, since the kid was rly all he had left. it's actually a point of minor tension between him n teru; that is, teru being tired of his constant worry. reigen generally does a pretty good job at hiding those worries, but as time goes on that ability to mask it slips from his hold
he makes a strict rule that if they're going somewhere, they are using the buddy system and reigen Needs to know exactly where they're going. you can imagine a group of teenagers that want privacy have a bit of an issue w this sometimes, but they mostly understand
teru is very lucky to stick w his adoptive father for the whole journey (he'd.already adopted teru by the time the apocalypse rolled around) and he's very aware of that. he's no doubt run into plenty of dangerous situations with a plan that he does not bother to inform reigen abt, and therefore has given reigen approximately 16571651 heart attacks, and most likely has traumatized himself as well. teru is generally better at keeping a good mindset in situations like this, but it does indeed get to him sometimes. he's still just a kid, and it all feels kinda hopeless to him, bc even if they Do find ritsu n mob, what then? even living in a settlement doesn't guarantee your survival
teru seems to stick closer to people after everything—he hates being alone and gets kinda scared when left to his own devices. he likes hearing people talk around him; prolly a product of reigen constantly talking to him during the journey to keep their minds off of the Horrors. he cannot deal with silence
^ i WISH i had more to say about reigen n teru as a whole but unfortunately the main gang gets all of my attention and brain power . whyam i like this
tome is pretty hardy, and even though she lost her original family and ended up walking away from her adoptive one at the settlement, she rarely lets people know that gets to her other than a convo or two here and there with ritsu. she Is a little paranoid after everything, and it's a bit of a mix between her own paranoia and trauma getting to her along with ritsu's contagious vigilance. they both look over their shoulders for threats and sleep with their weapons—when tome joined ritsu n mob, she was targeted as well, so she's adopted some of those prey instincts
sorry if i go on a tome tangent here, but a theme w tome throughout this is that she never quite fits in anywhere. she never feels like she's somewhere she was Meant to be, and she's just kinda wandering from group to group searching for something that can replace the hole her original family's deaths left
i don't have a set-in-stone scene in my head for how it happens, but i've always imagined tome has a sister, either older or younger. in this au she's younger, and she unfortunately becomes a zombie. whether it was tome's fault or not, she Believes it is, and she did what everybody had told her to do—tome "mercy" killed her sister.
the Reason she joins ritsu n mob is because she sees a way for her to "redeem" herself—ritsu didn't go through with that choice. ritsu chose to spare mob, and take care of him, no matter How hard it got, and she feels like if she helps out w this, and aids in keeping somebody's beloved sibling safe, then she's still a good person. she doesn't rly do it for Him, Or his brother. she does it for herself (and sometimes she wonders if she's even More horrible for that)
she finds a purpose through ritsu and mob, but i wouldn't say she fully feels at home there. to delve into another question a lil bit, reigen n teru reacted well to tome, and reigen and her got along just like they do in canon. she becomes good friends w them, but there's times when she feels like the odd one out—because she is. she's the new person trying to meld into this group that already has a history and strong bonds, and even if she gets along w them well enough, she doesn't rly,,, sink right into it like it was made for her, yaknow?
she feels a little distant from everybody when mob is cured, too, bc their History is shining through and they're laughing and crying and hugging him and tome doesn't rly know how to intervene, or if she should, so she kinda hangs back and lets them have their moments of victory. and she quietly wonders if this "redeemed" her or not. she doesn't know. she doesn't feel like it did.
ANYWAY SORRY tome tangent over. is everybody still here [empty auditorium] excellent
to answer ur question about the apocalypse ending, no not rly ! it's certainly Slowing Down now that a solid cure has been created, and it will continue to do so for years, but i think it'll be ? a long while before zombies are a thing of the past for them. society was Wrecked by this shit so the kids will feel the effects of this well into their adult years
teru and reigen's adventures were generally ????a lot safer than ritsu's, since they were able to stay at settlements regularly, but they still ran into some trouble. the most fun parts about it to me are when they come across areas where ritsu n mob have been before
at some point they arrive at the settlement were tome was from ! and like clockwork, they Always ask—has anybody seen two kids, both with black hair, about yay high? one's got a bowl cut, the other spiky? names are ritsu n shigeo kageyama and they Finally get that spark of recognition in somebody's eyes. they ask the Head Guy of the settlement this and he goes "oh wow yes i Have seen ritsu, u must be the family he was lookin for! he was brought in here just a month ago... he was very sick,,he seemed better when he left with tome but i woulda liked him to stay a little longer, he still looked pale. no sign of that other kid tho... he did mention a brother" and they. ooookay. 1) ritsu was alive at least a month ago .holyshit.this is the closest to proof we've ever gotten, 2) the fact that ritsu was "very" sick has them concerned tho, and 3) He Wasn't With Mob ? uhm.
i rly am so sorry; reigen and teru tend to get the backburner spot in this au so i don't spend nearly as much time and energy fleshing out their story bits. they feel so shallow rn..,, ill hopefully fix that soon
aaaaand ritsu and mob were with reigen n teru bc their parents died. the only "good" detail abt this is that they didn't have to go through becoming zombies. ritsu was sleeping over at a friend's house when the worldwide panic set in, and the kageyama parents and mob were on their way to pick him up when they got into a crash in the crazy state of the roads. mob obviously survived w some wounds, but their parents weren't that lucky. teru and reigen were in the process of fleeing the city as well when they found him by the crash site by chance, and they picked up ritsu afterward in their mad dash to run. mob was the one to tell ritsu their parents just died—you can imagine how well that went
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elisedonut · 2 months
Hello hi hi it's the Percy/Sirius anon backk
I had to take a break from tumblr lol but I'm back now :)
Lately I haven't been writing much, feeling a little unmotivated for the ship rn ; - ; (totally have not been busy writing a James Potter/Percy Weasley fic with multiple POV's including Harry who is Not Happy with this asdfghj)
but anyway to your thing about omegaverse and control, for the purposes of the story it's not flat out sex pollen approach but yeah, pretty uncontrollable lol, which is fun to write sometimes :p
The most dubcon I think (I think) is the wedding night. So my approach is; Sirius has issues with control, with feeling like he has it, anxiety over losing it ect, but sex has always been the thing to make him feel calm, in his lane yk? So he kinda slips into his "role" during their wedding night while Percy is just there like "hello this is weird and I didn't know half this stuff existed why does this feel nice and why is everything so embarrassing literally kill me"
I'm trying to go for a Percy is very overwhelmed thing. Also! Idk if I've mentioned that they are in an arranged marriage because their ancestors had an agreement (before the Weasley's became known as blood traitors) that one Weasley omega was owed to a Black alpha (yeah, omegas really were treated like property back then haha) now originally I thought okay, percy would have to enter the agreement as soon as he's of age but I just. Ick. I just couldn't do it. It felt gross. I know it's not much better but Percy will be almost 19 at the time of his marriage instead because idk, consenting adult. Might bump it up to 20 tho. Thoughts?
On scents, I love the idea of scenting, as like a platonic or sexual thing. I just find it very intimate, very fun :) but I have no idea how to describe scents T^T like what does it smell like?? Can you describe someones scent as the scent of something else?? Maybe I'm overthinking lol
Also I only caught the typo on the snippet I sent as I sent it T^T "dragged a hard through his hair" lmaooo
also that is so valid I've been working on like seven things at once lately so i get you also neat rip Harry he really would hate that askdfjfads that's so fun
also hell yeah that sounds very fun for it a bit of a mid level of control nice nice
also Yeah Omega's being promised even before their birth is always an easy and fun set up
oh noo sdkjfklsd poor guys are just both suffering
overwhelmed Percy is always a vibe and rip Sirius his brain was like "this will relax you" but it was a lie he's now even more stressed
also yeah thats fair my thoughts are basic but i think you should do whatever makes you comfortable if you think you need to age him up you should age him up if you feel fine where he is you should leave him where he is
im so so not the best person to ask on that because ages in fiction just don't tend to ick me much and never have
like unless its really really outrageous i'm just like hmm alright this does not bother me in the slightest
like to me "of age" just is adult?
unless you mean like "of age" in a in-universe way where its the presentation age(in a lot of fics being like puberty age so early teens) in which case i can see what you mean about an expectation from those around them to jump into the relationship but also how you would be icked by it so yeah fair decision
but like i don't really think thats what you meant dkfjsdlf
IDK i'll be honest i just assumed it would be expected to happen as soon as Percy graduated so he'd be like 17 (since he only turns 17 a week or two before starting his 7th year)
But again you should do what makes you comfortable you can always hand wave anything with just "it being how things are done" or "Sirius was throwing a fit and was able to get it pushed back this much but he can't run forever"
for the whole scent thing
this might sound weird but i would just find a perfume/cologne you think works for the character and just steal the scent notes
like obv you can't say like
"She smelled so sweet, like Bath and Body Work Buttercups & Berry Bellini"
but you can just ignore the name and use the notes to just take and change as you see fit that makes it like sound pretty
like for that scent the notes are strawberry purée, buttercup flowers and bubbly prosecco
"She smelled so sweet, like a strawberry wine and freshly picked buttercups."
is that the same?
no but i think it works better then trying to make Prosecco fit if that makes sense
though you could always replace prosecco with like honeysuckle since according to google prosecco smells like honeysuckle
a more masc example is Like Freshwater - Italian bergamot, mountain spring water and oak moss
which again you can take and pick as you please but it gives an easy starting point maybe? and gives you a scent in your head if you have it with you
"He always smelled like the air after rainfall. With hints of bergamot from his tea and the oak of his wand it always made him feel like home."
or uh something like that idk
tbh most people only smell like person but in something like omegaverse you can be more creative with that like they don't have to just smell musky
I don't know how well this works in practice because i haven't really explained scents much in fic but it popped in my head when i read this so i think it could work as a method with some tweaking
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jackienautism · 1 year
please share your self indulgent aus 👀
fdjgdjgkg 🥺🥺🥺 to be honest w/ you i dont really have too many in my arsenal... as many as id thought id have i mean. but ill go through the ones i have now / remember from past interests! most of them aren't necessarily self indulgent just as a heads up... some are more practical than others though
the quarry / until dawn:
this is just at the forefront of my mind (since i tried making stuff for it today, it didnt work very well) but i wanna assign the TQ / UD girls / characters dog breeds..... i do have solid ideas / thoughts for the girls specifically but i think i waanna save it for it's own post / keep it a surprise
do not hurt me but ever since last summer i thought it would be sooooo cool to put a like. danganronpa spin on TQ / UD dkndkg LIKE LIKE.... itd have the danganronpa mechanics and stuff but not necessarily the killing game premise you know? itd make more sense if i like explained my ideas and such but i also think i wanna save it for later.... but know i have a shit ton of thoughts on what i wanna do and stuff dgkdg i WILL say however, protag!laura and protag!sam respectively
i wanna make this like... immediate swap of the UD characters w/ TQ charas ... like. emily woould swap w/ kaitlyn, jess w/ emma, sam w/ laura, ashley w/ abi etc etc. so instead of kaitlyn and dylan at the scrapyard, it'd be emily and matt at the scrapyard ya feel me? the same events that happened in TQ will happen but theyre just. w/ the UD characters instead
and speaking of... ive posted / talked abt this briefly but i have SOOOO many ideas for a UD / TQ situation swap AU... meaning the UD guys are in a TQ environment... and oh man do i have a ton of imo HELLA COOL AND EPIC ideas for it... i just gotta flesh things out more thoroughly and come up w/ "chapters" i suppose. ive got giant general ideas and some already solidified scenes but. thats kind of it. im super excited to work more on it though. it is my Child
this one is DEF on the sillier more self indulgent sidde but since i love drawing characters i love in diff styles of games i like... i wanted to draw the TQ / UD charas in the fire emblem style... which then lead me to. what if ijjust assign them classes and shit? i don't know which game id necessarily base the AU off of but. at the very least id just assign them fire emblem classes and create designs for them and stuff. that's always fun
speaking of games w/ sprites, this isnt reallly an AU but i reaaaally wanted to draw like sprites for the TQ / UD charas and rewrite / recreate scenes as if the game were a visual novel... so theres that
and this one isnt an au and i maaaaay have mentioned this before on this blog i cant remember BUT ANYWAYi had this dream a year ago w/ the UD charas and it just. yeah it spiraled dfgjnfdjg it began as this very warped AU of until dawn but as i began developing it more, the more realized that it just... it wasnt worth calling it an AU? like. ive been putting too much work and EXTRA extra stuff ve4ry much outside of UD for it to be considered an AU... sooooo i took them and made them my own characters and made it my own original story LOL its been almost a year and a half since i began development but its still faaar from being finished. i have a BUNCH of ideas and shit, but i def still wanna like. organize things a bit more before bouncing shit off of others. but yeah. i stole the UD girls and made them mine
TQ / UD GIRLS IN THE MEAN GIRLS MUSICAAAAAAL... i've only thought abt which roles the girls would fit since i rlyonly care about them buuuut maybe itll become more fully fledged as time goes on (it probably wont) but atm ive assigned both TQ / UD girls as mean girls musical characters :]
i was REAAAAALLLY into life is strange in the fall of 2021... hold on post on hold i can't believe its coming up to 2 years since i first watched my friend stream it. fuuuuuuuck. anyway. i had this life is strange in the fire emblem three houses universe AU gdgjnf like. the LIS charas were in FE3H and were in the diff houses and stuff. i didnt have too much of it fleshed out but i had this idea for rachel and max with rachel basically taking the role of sothis and oiiuggh i still love the idea so much
also had a danganronpa in a fire emblem three houses universe and vice versa... and for these i had more ideas for the DR in the FE3H universe AU for some reason. i think coming up w/ classes and backstory was easier for me idk. i remember having this whole thing written out.... i actually have a whole doc if anyonne is interested.... its real old and bad though so i probably wont share it publicly but 🤷 we'll see. came up w/ most of the ultimates / talents for the FE3H guys... didnt come up w/ much more than that however. i think coming up w/ whos gonna kill who + motives + murder details was too much for me to handle. hence why i dont have tooooo much w/ this AU. i really do want to go back to these one day though
also had a persona 5 in a DR universe AU sort of. despite my very limited knowledge on P5. i only really thought about ann and shiho's role in the AU and let me just tell you it does not end well for either of them ]: but the idea i have is so GOOOOOOD
this isnt an established AU or anything but i had this idea to like. randomly select 2 of my fandoms and attempt to make an AU out of it. i think that'd be fun
AU where claire teams up w/ ada instead in resident evil 2. i had this whole day dream sequence for it. hopefully i still remember it i rly need to get it down. i deeply care for them both. my ideas rock
i think that's everything? for as much as i love resident evil im kind of shocked there arent more. esp since ive had the fixation for like a year and a half now. maybe there will be more to come who knows. ill def add more if im reminded of some / more come to me later on
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theluxuriansecret · 8 months
Diary Entry 02092024
Dear Diary,
SO much has happened since the last time I wrote. I hate that I have kinda fallen off from writing but honestly, I only ever want to use my computer at my dsk and I never wanna sit here though LOL. But today I am feeling really good, fresh sheets on my bed, clean room, freshly showered, i feel really good right now. I don't know where to start really so I guess i'll just start with news thats not really news.
One, I'm still unemployed *palm to face*. I'm not going to lie I haven't sent in a job application in like a week because so many of these jobs are not real, they're already filled, I'm getting a bunch of rejections. It's a bit much I'm not gonna lie. I DID have a job interview yesterday because a previous interview that I had, the interviewer liked me so much and was like "yes, you didn't get this job, but I really like you and I think you'd make a great fit in our company somewhere, jus not here" basically. I think it went well, but I'm not going to hold a high flame to it this time. I am applying to these government job that was recommended to me. It's a job I guess. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not super ambitious, but truly it's for someone else. I don't care about all that stuff, not that I'm not a good worker or hard worker; there is simply more to life than work.
OKAY here it is. I am excited about this one. I have a boyfriend. WOAH I know, I can't believe I didn't lead with that, I had to get all the boring shit out of the way first. SO, I have written about this guy before. He was actually a guy I had a crush on around a year ago and ended up sleeping with in October. Turns out sleeping with a guy really doesn't stop him from liking you. Some of them just really don't like you, OUCH! That's alright though. Things are going so well with him and honestly I don't want to jinx it. But this shit is truly something I only thought I could have in a fairytale. He lets me be me. He understands I am a human. He understands I have dreams and goals and wishes outside of him. I have hobbies, I have friends, I have a life; he is not my world, I am my world. He lets me be and I love it. Our chemistry is other worldly and our connection is truly something I have never experienced before. In our conversation it's like we manifested each other. AS we got to know each other as friends and were working on ourselves, we found our way back to each other and deepen our connection. Last night I realized I really love him. I love him so much. He's wonderful. I mean I have always loved him, obviously in a friendly was. As a friend, I adore him; I did then and I do now, even more. This time around I love him, I really do. We both recognize that we are always growing and changing and that we need to work through things together as a team, as a partnership, and what makes it better is that he is a really easy person to talk to.
Last week I decided i was going to go se him because there was no way I could wait for our original date to se each other. He lives 4 hours away now, but this ain't my first rodeo. So, instead of waiting two months I drove down to where he lives and spent like two days with him, in that he did tis really cute Valentine's day thing for me and it was wonderful, got me flowers, chocolate, wrote me a card. It was so sweet and I loved it. Our time together was just mazing, nothing felt weird or awkward, it felt how it usually does, just with more love honestly. He took care of me the whole time, something I have never experienced before, and wow. i do just love him. (Which I have not said, or will say until I see him face to face honestly, but honestly want him to say first LOL)
I spoke on the phone with one of my besties yesterday and she is silently going through a lot right now, and I'm going to do my best in supporting her through it as much as I can. She struggles with substance abuse and she's entered a new relationship with a 30 year old insecure ass man. He is insecure about EVERYTHING. Mind you this girl is a Sagittarius, you can not be insecure dealing with a sag. I feel for her though, and I'm glad that she sees me as a confidant. I'm glad that she is able to trust me and really share with me her very ral struggles.
OH btw I am going to Miami in March and I'm very excited! Real first trip with no parents, my girls, and a beach AHHHH. I'm mad excited. (I REALLY WANT A JOB THOUGHHHH)
That's all I got for now though. Till next time xoxo
SOTD: Such a Thing by Alex Isley + Jack Dine
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oumaheroes · 1 year
So i went to reread the three other oneshots you tagged in your recent of Gabriel leaving Arthur and Francis home but it doesn't make much sense
In the one of them at the party, at/towards the end you mention Alfred being caught by Antonio having "a lot of fun' meaning he was caught doing something naughty 👀
And then you mention Matthew hiding the good wine from Alfred, meaning they're AT LEAST 18 years old to be at this party, drinking and going into lewd acts with others.
But in the Marriage Counseling AU, they're both kiddos being told "your dad and i got into a fight" and how kids can tell that something is going on between their parents
Also.... Uhhh, just my own opinion about what Arthur's feelings... Uhhh
Is it Wrong that I really want Francis and Arthur to divorce?
I'm not sure what Arthur did that was bad aside from missing out on couples therapy, and him mentioning to Gilbert at the bar that he ALMOST fucked up, but catching or finding out your husband fucked some other person isn't something you can simply move on from, and if Arthur isn't ready to forgive or forget, and if he doesn't want to at all then thats a valid response from him. Lord knows i wouldn't but i guess he just loves Francis so much that he's willing to stay with him still, or maybe he's doing it for the kids like he tells Gilbert .
I'm also assuming maybe it's Antonio that Francis slept with, since they mention their absence when it's him and Gil at the bar drinking , like he had something to do with it.
Not sure, but yes, the whole au seems a little confusing now
Oh Anon, you speak such truths!
The Couples' Therapy AU exists in scattered parts and, as each part was written so far away from the parts before, the story has changed from the original design (where Al and Matt are Arthur and Francis' adult friends) to what they are in the next three installments- their children.
I've never revealed (aside to NeedCake hehe) what the storyline actually is, or what Arthur and Francis are actually fighting about or have done to each other. This is a secret for now and the stories posted are little flashes into it!
Rather than go back and edit the first part to fit, I'd rather write the whole thing out officially and prettily ;u; Thank you for your patience with me! I'm sorry things are a little confusing
Okay, long detail under the cut:
The Couples' Therapy AU originally started out with this. I had a vague idea of what I wanted but it was only going to give context to the -this was never meant to be anything more than a one shot! Arthur and Fran were a newly married couple sorting out some jealousy issues, Al and Matt are there but aren't related to them, and it was all going to be fine and dandy
And then Whumptober happened
Whumptober did things to me, Anon. I saw Day 2's prompt and the whole AU came back to me with a bang but this time, in my Whumptober fuled mania, it came back evil
From this point I fleshed the entire story out, each character's involvement, and then let it simmer. In this fic, listed as part three of Couples' Therapy, I kept the core idea of jealousy issues but redesigned the whole structure- Fran and Art are now a family, they've been married for years, but over those years cracks have begun to show and someone from Arthur's past comes along and inadvertently, innocently, steps on some fragile ground and breaks the whole things apart
The second listed part of Couples' Therapy then, written near the end of Whumptober, is the direct aftermath. What has happened has happened, everyone's hurt and split by it all, and we get a glimpse into what really went down
As for the truth of what happened, you'll have to wait and see. I've been waiting for the motivation to sit down and write the thing from the start but cake's birthday gift makes part number 4, which is chronologically the second story in teh timeline of events. It's about to kick off and we just need to watch it happen
'Is it Wrong that I really want Francis and Arthur to divorce?'
No it is not, they have done terrible things to each other
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mariska · 2 years
here is a lil bit of fun fashion history i learned today and thought might be interesting to share;
so if u know me or have followed me p much anywhere online for the past few yrs especially u probably know i really do not like wearing a lot of modern style clothes (for the most part at least) and if i'm able to i prefer to get thrifted/pre-owned clothes from a whole bunch of different eras (also because Clothes Are Expensive and even if i did prefer modern styles i cant afford a lot of them normally unless huge sales are going on) but primarily my fav styles tend to be anywhere from like late 50's to mid 70's. i am disabled and have been my whole life and i only started being able to have any kind of income of my own in like late 2020 or early 2021 which means i have had a little bit more independence to find cool old clothes that i can afford and actually enjoy wearing, so thats been a huge positive change for me and my identity and getting to feel more like my Genuine Self by passing along clothes i can't or didn't want to wear now in my mid-20's to make room for fun vintage stuff i actually do want to wear.
lately i've been trying to find vintage nightgowns that are both clean/in good wearable condition and not expensive and a few days ago i happened to stumble onto a listing online for a super pretty light blue nylon nightgown in great pre-owned condition for $10 and was like oh my god thats awesome i need to get that; it came in the mail the other day and here's what it looks like:
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(the lace is much more white irl, my house has very yellow tinted lighting and my bedroom walls are like the same color green as my comforter sheet here so it tends to make things look more yellow in pics than they actually are lmao)
its got super stretchy elastic around the bust & waist as u can see there so its pretty versatile with the fit and i am just in love with the general style and shape of it so much, very Edwardian Revival which i have a decent amount of in my closet cus i love old takes on even older fashion styles. so anyways i was folding it to put in my pj/nightgown drawer in my room and happened to notice it still had its' original tag on completely in tact on the inner lining near the bust/arm area and found one of my absolute favorite logos to find on vintage clothes tags:
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Ladies Garment Union label!!! (International Ladies Garment Workers Union or ILGWU was a large clothing union group that made a lot of vintage clothes thru most of the 1900's and had a lot of different styled and colored tag logos like this on all their work over the decades), now there was not detailed info on the listing for this nightgown when i got it but the seller listed it as 70's era based on the style i assume, which i would've been fine with regardless of actual decade i just rly love comfy retro styles haha, but i was like yeah i can def see this being a 70's nightgown that checks out from my personal experience, but since i just noticed this label tonight i wanted to see if i could find a historical resource list of the different Union logos online because i have quite a few that look almost exactly like this specific tag and almost all of the other ones with it in my closet are from some time in the 60's.
so i found an awesome list with both info and example pictures of the Union tag logos throughout the decades from a site called sammydvintage and i was able to actually pin down the production date of this nightgown to less than a year of when it was made!!!
i know from my own experience that a lot of the 60's to early 70's era tags didn't have color printed on the logo yet so i was pretty sure it was from that general era and sure enough on the reference site i saw a pic of this same style logo with a timeline of 1964-1973; i was satisfied enough with that knowledge and was like yeah makes sense, this is probably early 70's towards the end of that.
NOPE! i read a little more on the page and it mentioned that the example picture on that site had a small (R) on the left side next to the logo, and that the R indicates the tag was printed after the Union trademarked the logo on April 21, 1964, so if you see a tag with that design but no little R, it was made *before* the logo was trademarked. sure enough, if you look at the pic i took of this gown's tag, there's no little R trademark next to the logo!
which means that, according to this site's information which seems very accurate and in-depth, this dress was made anywhere between June 28, 1963 (when the logo design changed from the previous version) to April 21, 1964. how cool is that!?!? i've never been able to ID such a specific less than a year date for a piece of vintage clothing i own before, and i was like 10 years off with my original guess lol!
it would be much more difficult to pin it down further obviously but knowing that new info, if i had to make an updated guess, i'd say this was probably either a Spring (of '64) or Fall/Autumn (of '63) fashion release since it's long and has sleeves but they aren't full-length sleeves and the nylon material is comfy but pretty thin for winter night-wear (it definitely could be though of course, i wouldn't be surprised if this was originally part of a multi-piece set that may have included a similar looking robe, sheer cape, or 'house coat' layer to wear over it since sleepwear sets like that were a very popular thing in 60's nightgown fashion)
i also thought it was cool in that '63-'64 was around the general era of this Edwardian/Victorian/Medieval Regal revival type trend having its early start which eventually helped popularize the style going into the remainder of the 60's and even further into the 70's with the eventual rise in popularity of brands like Gunne-Sax which has kind of become a cult classic icon of 70's 'cottagecore', 'prairie', 'medieval/regal' revival dresses from that era. that '63-'64 date timeline also makes complete sense in a more widespread pop culture way that i can't un-see now that i know when it was made; the 1965 movie version of The Sound Of Music was one of many popular pieces of media from that time that contributed heavily to the general popularization of this mod regal revival dress style, and if you changed the poofiness of the sleeves and lowered the length of my blue nightgown here, it has SUCH a similar silhouette structure to Liesl's "gazebo" dress from the '16 going on 17' music number from that movie:
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(bonus Fun Fact Within A Fun Fact: Mitski drew inspiration from that dress when she was working with the costume designers/creators for her 2022 tour outfits and had them made in 4 different colors all together, i believe. its a very good dress 💜)
anyways!!! i just wanted to share this fun deep dive into vintage fashion i unintentionally went on tonight because i am so excited to have learned so much information from such a random nightgown thrifting find. i have a huge special interest not only in the history of vintage fashion/trends/pop culture but also archiving that history and investigating the origins/influences of seemingly mundane bits of every day life in the past so this was such an awesome and exciting discovery to me! definitely makes me want to take out my other clothes with the various Union tags still on them and see if i can narrow down more detailed years for those pieces too 🥰
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thedistortedfroggit · 2 years
A Creative's Thought About Error and BluebERROR
....ok, I've just gained a realization and a theory while trying to think of an hypothetical--so just... Have you guys ever watched/read underplayer? Well, I'm going to be using the same concept of FUN value here so just..brace yourself Think of FUN value, and how, in the game, its able to change things that weren't there before....like a certain phone call, or a certain door, or a certain character in hotland.
What if, to those without or have left their timeline--they are given a set FUN value of their own? a FUN value similar, or perhaps more than their timeline? that FUN value lets that Sans, Frisk, Papyrus or whoever survive outside their timeline, perceive and interact with other AUs? or what if they always had that FUN value? but it was controlled by the timeline. All characters were given a FUN value, but they couldn't do anything with it because it was controlled by the RESET button.
Ok, that rant aside, where am I going with this? What if, long contact with the anti-void...a place outside ANY timeline or AU causes one's FUN value to change overtime? what if FUN kept the character alive? Think of it like this, do you know how your body would give itself a fever or make itself sick as a defence mechanism? Like...sure, it sucks and its painful--but atleast you're still alive against whatever even MORE bad and painful thing is in your body rn.
What if that was something FUN could do? change a human or monster to adapt to change? Like, Geno and Swap staying in an unfamiliar and, honestly, dangerous environment for a long period of time would probably affect their FUN value as..yk.....they aren't in their oh so familiar timeline anymore.
.... I realize that I'm making "getting stuck in the anti-void so long that they become a glitch" comparable to what is basically getting sick after flying to a new country ANYWAY
yeah, new environment sickness is probably the best way to explain this. Except, they don't feel the sickness until their body is starting to get used to their new environment. How do they know their body is getting used to the anti-void?
The voices. Both Geno and Swap heard their screams, screaming back, What if this was the sign their bodies were adapting to their environment? What if those screams were actually us talking to them? but their[Geno and Swap's] FUN value was still too low to comprehend our words, let alone our existence--so they register our words, our existence as their own words.
then their change into a glitch; This would be when their FUN value changed to properly fit their environment. Its been shown to be very painful(atleast I think? When BluebERROR described it, he said it to be painful--like eating something very spicy but it was all over unbearable)
It could be something akin to evolution, if going by my thought of their FUN value changing to fit their environment.. Evolution is something meant to be slow and span over decades, of course it would hurt if it happened only in the span of a few days or weeks--heck, even in a few years since evolution is a slow process.
But going back to the FUN value theory thing, like how when the FUN value changed in the main game, it caused different occurrences to happen, Error and Swap's change in their FUN value could allow them to comprehend us, creators, askers--whatever.
Anyway, yeh. Thats it. This got off the rails really fast. I'll probably have to cut out what this was originally about.
TL;DR: Thought about FUN value attributed to individual characters, and the anti-void being outside any timeline or AU caused Geno and Swap's FUN value to change so they could survive in the anti-void. Due to their FUN value making forcing them to adapt to the anti-void, their bodies changed aswell(turning them into Error and BluebERROR)--and when they fully adapted to the anti-void they were able to interact and comprehend the 'voices'(some askers, creators) who reside in the anti-void, outside the AUs and timelines to watch over, guide or control them without being physically in there. Thank you for coming to my ted talk! @askerrorsans-s2 -- 👈Heres where I got some of the ideas about this whole thing! @loverofpiggies -- 👈Heres originally made the main stars of this whole rant!
Go follow them! They're great! :D
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Hi! Congrats on 900!! May I have a romantic grishaverse match up please? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference, so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw. 
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
thanks for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you which of both the girls and the boys i ship you with, and then do the full detail and blurb with who i think you’re a better fit for.
i ship you with jesper and genya!
but i’m gonna go with genya for this, hope that’s alright :)
id consider genya to be a pretty hyperfeminine person. she really values her looks, and cares a lot about aesthetics. however, she’s definitely the type of person to care way more about personality and intellect than appearances. that’s not to say she wouldn’t be attracted to you, because she would be. but she’d just appreciate that you looked at her as more than a pretty face, and you cared about her enough to get to know her on a deeper level. she’d think you were so smart, and she’d feel lucky that she found someone who truly understand her beyond superficial things.
genya is a very confident person. she’s very dignified, and can easily carry a conversation. she’d have no trouble talking to you, and would consider it a personal challenge getting you to open up to her. she’d love watching you get excited about the things your interested in, showing her a side of you she didn’t often get to see. she didn’t care about what you two talked about, she just liked listening to you talk. in group situations, she’d take the lead. she’d make sure to keep an eye on you, never letting you be uncomfortable.
i think, despite what other people might think about genya, she’d have a lot in common with you. she’d have a natural talent at drawing, and she’d have a few books that she really really loved. she’d appreciate poetry as well. when you got into writing, she’d be so supportive. she’d love listening to any of your new work, and she’d give you ideas. i think she’s secretly a fantasy reader, fond of the idea of escaping into another world. you’d take her on walks into the forest nearby, taking afternoons to yourself. you’d both really enjoy the peace and quiet, and it would be a big refresher for her.
genya is also a very logical person, she definitely takes on tasks in the way a mother would. she’s also incredibly stubborn, and would win just about every argument or debate you two ever had, and you’d be content to let her win. after the darkling attacked her, people would begin to talk about her, and call her ruined. it would be the only time you’d ever see self conscious, and it would break your heart. you’d do all that you could to reassure her and make her feel beautiful, and tell anyone who made fun of her to piss off, or there’d be consequences. otherwise, you’d have to get the king involved, and nikolai would be more than happy to step in and help you.
she’d put on a front, but you could tell when things were getting to her. rather than bombard her with questions, you’d let her open up to you at her own pace. she always would, it just would take a little time. taking her into the forest would make it go a little faster because she’d feel more relaxed and at peace with you.
you’d try and get her mind off of whatever was bothering her, especially if it was because someone said something about her scars.
“look,” you’d smile, holding her hand. “there’s a caterpillar on this tree! he’s beautiful, isn’t he?”
she’d smile softly, watching it inch up the trunk. she’d stay quiet, making you frown. you’d sigh, squeezing her hand.
“do you know what metamorphosis is?” you’d ask.
she’d shake her head.
“it’s the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. it goes in one way, and comes out looking entirely different. metamorphosis means transformation, or change in shape.”
she’d look at it solemnly, watching it climb. “it doesn’t know it’s going to look different soon. don’t you think it’ll miss how it was before?”
you’d frown at her words. she may have been looking at the butterfly, but you knew she was referring to herself. she was missing her beauty, at least in the way she considered herself to be beautiful. to you, she was still the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. even more so, especially since she was strong enough to keep going even after all that had happened to her.
you’d turn to her, cupping her face in your palms. she’d flinch ever so slightly, but you’d gently calm her, running your thumbs along her cheekbones.
“i don’t know what he’ll feel, darling. yes, he’ll look different. but that doesn’t mean he isn’t beautiful…he just looks different. but he’s still the same on the inside, isn’t he? just with a new form. he hasn’t changed, not really. he just looks a little different. but beautiful both ways. don’t you agree?”
she’d lean into your touch, giving you a soft smile. you’d pull her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“you look beautiful today, by the way. just in case i haven’t told you that yet.”
she’d grin, clutching you tightly to her. “so do you, darling. so do you.”
hi again! hope you enjoyed this :)
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isaacathom · 2 years
accidentally prompted myself to reconsider the lotmv story, so thats fun
the premise, such that it was, was that Seora was a demigod of light, and had funky light magic. And there was a weird magical darkness that had corrupted the land, and she was one of a whole class of people who keep it at bay. But that 'bay' is pretty politicised, and at some point the whole forced to live with the magical darkness kidnap Seora to make her fix things for them. And then a whole lot of shit happens.
And that's... fine? i guess. but i think it could be better, and part of that is just. telling the big grand politics angle to leave. there was a lot of weird geopolitics happening and we dont need that.
the changes arent unprecedented, since i tried to fix the story earlier too lmao.
what i think id prefer is something a bit more. social?
In a reconsidered lotmv, Seora is still a light demigod, and still has these very specific duties that she's been practically raised for since birth. There's strict duties and hierarchies and so on, things she can and cant do. She has a 'boyfriend', a bodyguard called Roderick, who has absolutely has no interest in but cannot very well reject, because to do so would be stepping out of the social agreement. it would cause problems for them both, but mostly for her. So she's stuck in her job, and in a "relationship".
At some point, she is contacted by Esther, who is a member of a group trying to fix the magic goop problem - a group whose reasonable requests for aid keep being denied. The two start a very careful correspondence, each bound by the norms around them.
An idea comes into focus. Seora would like nothing more than to help them, but the binds of her position stay her hand. She cant do anything. And if she acts out and voices her support, she'll be stripped of whatever "authority" she had while remaining bound.
So, to get Seora into the correct locations, a kidnapping will be staged. The group will kidnap Seora, bring her back to their place, and "force" her to help them. Once she's done what she needs to do, the group will suddenly become amenable to any of the negotiations presented by Seora's people, and they'll return her. She'll not be harmed, her reputation will be preserved, everythings fine.
For the optics, to make it seem that she's unwilling, they'll need to play up some things. She understands this going in. That they'll need to skirt the line for the greater good. She has her part to play.
And what she doesnt reckon with, prior to agreeing to everything, is on falling in love with Esther. And Esther doesn't either.
And that's a problem. Because if Seora starts getting too comfortable, enjoys herself too much, then the whole part of the operation intended to preserve her reputation fails. Because, well, now she looks willing. And that defeats the whole point.
So the two of them are stuck in a complicated dance of the various expectations of them, what they need to do, what roles they have to serve, and what they want.
Because, for Esther, Seora's help is essential. She's the one person that was on board. They need her magical skills. Esther was willing to risk being caught kidnapping her, because the end goal is very important to her. And now she's in love. And that risks the whole fucking thing.
Strictly, this could have all been "present" in the original version of lotmv, but its a slight reframing to be about those expectations and complications. There's still the issue of what exactly Esther's group is, how they fit in/oppose Seora's. In the original, they're different countries. i feel like that still wooorks? two countries who are not on speaking terms, a group within that countries military (?) who feel they have no other choice. there's some little worldbuilding... bits that make things weird, but its workable, i think. maybe? idk
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sti1es · 4 years
Killing Stalking.... but make it steo. I read this manga in early 2017 and since its becoming popular again, i had the inspiration to write this. I don’t agree with a lot of the gross, disturbing stuff in the story - it’s a horror, not a romance, and i definitely don’t ship sangwoo and yoon. that’s why i changed a lot of the details in this fic, but the relationship in later chapters is going to get very, very, unhealthy. The abusive, toxic behaviours portrayed here should NEVER be considered okay in real life. SO MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT!
Stiles watches silently as Theo’s truck leaves the driveway. He emerges from his hiding place - a corner of the garden, cast in shadow by looming trees - and checks the time. Based on Theo’s usual routine, he should be gone for at least a couple hours. That gives Stiles abundant time to inspect the house. If the other boy is keeping anything secret, a thorough search should make it evident. Something about knowing Theo’s habits weirds Stiles out a little. He’s becoming quite the stalker. His intentions are good, though, and the police do it all the time, so he concludes that this is normal and not a result of incessant paranoia.
Casually, Stiles treads through neatly trimmed grass and stands in front of the door. It’s a decently sized home, the suburban dream for any nuclear family. Everything, down to the wooden planks of the porch and popcorn textured walls, is perfect - which is exactly why Stiles doesn’t trust it. Theo arrived like a miracle. A clever, charming, strong werewolf; the ideal pack mate. He’s buried his past deep underground, and Stiles is determined to uproot it.
He punches the security code into an electronic lock. 270804. At first, these were just meaningless numbers Stiles caught a glimpse of Theo entering, but after looking through medical records, researching family history, and overall obsessively indulging himself into this case, Stiles realised what it was. The date of Tara Raeken’s death.
Pushing aside whatever embarrassment would ensue if he were wrong about Theo, as well as the general fear of being caught, Stiles turns the door handle experimentally. The keypad chimes, a melodic buzz which enables Stiles to finally fucking breathe. He shoves the door open completely, a newfound rush of adrenaline and excitement clouding his mind, before entering the house.
It’s... normal. The entrance is decorated with antique furniature and various knickknacks. Picture frames line the walls, some depicting Theo and Tara, but none his whole family. The ones containing his parents look newer. Their smiles look strained, and Stiles could’ve sworn Ms. Raeken didn’t have dimples before. Him and Theo used to hang out after school a lot, and Ms. Raeken would always come pick her son up. The photos of her that adorn this interior just seem... different. Off. Before Stiles has the chance to contemplate any further, he’s distracted by a noise coming from downstairs. At the end of the hall, there’s a door - presumably leading to the basement - which has been left slightly ajar. A strange, muffled slapping sound travels through it.
Stiles’s heart beat spikes. He knew something was off about Theo, but to be presented something so obviously suspicious seems... well, suspicious. He quickly crosses the corridor and flicks on the light at the end of it. The basement is illuminated, which causes the slapping to increase. His stomach turns at the idea of something sentinent and scared being down there. Whatever shit Theo is hiding may be a lot more disturbing than he prepared for.
Swallowing nervously, Stiles decends the staircase and his worst fears are immediately confirmed. A girl lies on the cold floor, naked and tied up. Her wrists and ankles are bound, and a gag has been painfully jammed into her mouth. The source of the slapping was her legs beating against the concrete, most likely a frantic signal for a potential rescuer’s attention.
This has to be a joke. There’s no way Theo is this fucking sick. To kidnap someone is one thing, but to humilate them and leave them in this scared state was a level of cruelty Stiles finds difficult to imagine. He races downwards, and instantly recognises the terrified captive’s face. This is Tracy Stewart. Her photos have been plastered all over the news ever since she went missing a couple weeks ago. Stiles feels his gut twist in horror and disgust. There’s no goddamn way this is happening. It’s ironic, really, the fact that he was expecting to find something incriminating but can hardly believe it when he does.
Tracy’s struggles become even more desperate at this glimpse of salvation. Her eyes widen, and she starts shouting through the gag.
“Hey, hey, don’t worry... I-I’m gonna get you out of here. You’re safe,” Stiles begins to undo the ropes which restrain her hands, but the knot won’t give. Why the hell did Theo have to be so cautious? The thought of what he’s done to poor Tracy so far turns Stiles’s attempts to free her even more rapid. He picks at the rope with his nails, a fruitless attempt, really. As his frustration rises, he resorts to picking Tracy up in the state she’s in. He’d much rather get the hell out of here as fast as possible. Stiles places his hand under her knees, and goes to wrap his arm around her shoulders, when she starts to violently trash. He drops her instantly, worried that he provoked one of her potential injuries. But the thrashing continues, and she’s screaming around the cloth in her mouth. Stiles’s heart sinks as he realises her eyes aren’t focused on him.
They’re fixed behind his head.
He jerks around wildly, and sure enough, standing in the doorway is Theo Raeken. His eyes are narrowed in annoyance and his lips are quirked in a dark smirk. Fuck. Stiles feels like a caged animal, cornered by a predator that could easily overpower him.
“You’re smart, Stiles,” He chuckles, like this is all a twisted game. To Theo, it probably is. “You just aren’t smarter than me”.
Shit. Stiles’s mind is moving at a mile a minute, trying to think of any possible escape. There isn’t one. But he’s been through worse than a teenage werewolf. He can get through this. He has to.
Still, his heart is gripped by fear. He feels like there’s fingers at his neck, squeezing, constricting his oxygen until he’s gasping for breath. Breathe. Breathe. He stands no chance against Theo if he has a panic attack.
Then again, does he stand a chance in the first place?
Theo dawdles down the stairs, slowly dropping his feet in front of him, one step after another. Stiles’s lungs are on fire. His ribs are being crushed. Breathe. Breathe. You can trick him. Run past him. Just get a fucking grip.
“You really thought I wouldn’t notice-” Theo’s barely ten feet away, “That you’ve been following me?” He laughs humourlessly once again. “It’s funny how I considered stalking you, but you took it upon yourself to waltz right into the lion’s den with no help.”
Stiles barely register’s Theo’s words as the human lunges forward, past his legs. Caught off guard, Theo doesn’t have time to grab him as he practically scrambles up the stairs. But of-fucking-course Stiles has to look back, and when his eyes meet Tracy’s, he freezes to the spot. He can’t just leave her here.
That gives Theo’s reflexes ample time to set in. He makes a grab for Stiles’s hoodie sleeve and shoves him backwards. The brunet would’ve been grappling at the air if he had time to. Instead, he simply falls all the way down the stairs, back to the basement floor. Instead of everything occurring in the typical slow-mo montage they show in cliche movies, the moment passed so fast Stiles couldn’t even register it. One second he was almost free, the next he was lying on hard, cold stone, his head and legs throbbing. The human supposes he broke his legs. They’re mostly numb, but twisted grotesquely. He’s never been so thankful about nerve damage in his life. The real issue is his slowly blurring vision. He wants to throw up - from fear or pain, he doesn’t know.
“You’re the sheriff’s son,” Theo drawls, stupidly calm for a situation where Stiles feels as though he’s being drowned in anxiety. “So you surely understand why I can’t have any witnesses.”
“Why are you doing this?” He blurts out. “You’re killing her, and you’re gonna kill me too? At least have some sort of motive, serial murderers who ‘do it for the thrill’ are becoming pretty old.”
If there’s one thing Stiles learnt during his years of engtanglement with supernatural enemies, it’s that distraction buys you time. No matter how scared you are, a simple quip or provoking remark works wonders for stalling. All he has to do is snark Theo until the werewolf gets bored, or agitated, or anything else that buys him a bit of time. Stiles’s heart jumps against his ribcage as he glares at Theo as heatedly as possible, trying to conceal his trembling hands.
“You think I don’t have any motives?” Theo scoffs, clearly falling for Stiles’s blow to his ego. “Her father is a pretty powerful man. A lawyer who tried to get me thrown in fucking prison. This is his payback,” The werewolf shrugs, but Stiles doesn’t miss the edge of anger in his voice. He strides forward, then curls a hand around Stiles’s chin. The teen’s head is jerked upwards, so he’s forced to stare into cold, evil blue eyes. “And you’re going to rat me out to your daddy. Simple as that. There isn’t enough space in this basement for both of you.”
“So you’re a butthurt little boy who has to take his emotions out on defenesless humans?” Stiles grits out, and Theo’s grip on his chin tightens, “- real classy.”
That’s when Theo snaps. He backhands him across the faсe.
Stiles attempts to crawl away, his cheek stinging with what’s probably a fresh bruise. He pushes up against the ground, only to find that his knees buckle when he stands. So he was right about the broken legs. Normally, falling down the stairs wouldn’t injure someone this badly, but with the forceful thrust of a werewolf’s supernatural strength? Stiles doesn’t doubt it. Though his limbs are far too damaged to hurt, the mere pressure being put onto his bones makes him feel like he’s folding in on himself.
Stiles is helpless. He might as well be restrained like Tracy, it wouldn’t make a difference. Theo sighs in a way that conveys amusement, as though he’s watching a newborn deer struggle to walk. I’m gonna die.
What will his dad think when he doesn’t return home? What will his friends think? Scott, Malia, Lydia - Stiles will never see them again. His chest aches with the thought of Theo carrying through with whatever plans he has for the pack. All he can do is hope that his disappearance makes them suspicious enough not to trust the werewolf.
Theo hovers over him, face darkened by shadows in a threatening contrast against the blaring ceiling lights above. He crouches down, pressing his knees deliberately against Stiles’s legs in a way that makes the human cry out. He catches a glimpse of Tracy: she has tears running down her face, but looks somewhat resigned... as if Stiles is already dead. Theo clutches the brunet’s wrists and pins them to either side of his head. “If you’re planning on killing me, better do it quick. You wouldn’t want to be late for school,” the image of Theo’s charming smile, forever deceiving, lingers in his mind’s eye. A wave of annoyance washes over him, and he kicks upwards with the last of his rapidly draining perseverance. Theo doesn’t even budge.
The werewolf leans down, his breath ghosting over Stiles’s ear. “Kill you? Honestly, when this is over, you’ll be wishing I did.”
Everything goes black, but before he loses consciousness, Stiles is sure he caught a glimpse of a silver metal hammer.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
I have a really angsty request thats gonna hurt 😭 poly!Mikaelsons before they are dating, where their friendship started because they were trying to use the reader for something (maybe the stakes idk that part is up to you) but through the whole thing they started to actually fall in love, but the reader finds out they were using her (before them confessing their feelings) maybe end it in fluff and them finally confessing (ik I said fluff but if you think fluff doesn’t fit then u can change it)
Yooo we gonna be sad gals
Warnings: Angst, fluff at the end, protective Mikaelsons
Y/N felt like she was in a dream as she didn't know want she did to deserve four beautiful beings like the Mikaelsons to love her. Y/N had it rough as her adoptive father was asshole and her adoptive mother was verbally abusive, her friends was more worried about Elena than her. So to have not only one but four people to want her and that was way out of her league.
But want Y/N didn't know was that the Mikaelsons was using her to get all of the white oak until they found themselves falling hard for the girl. And it all came to light after a fight she had with Elena about her going to tell them how she felt for them.
"They are just using you! They don't really love you as they just wanted the white oak. No ones would want a fat useless wolf girl like you." Elena's words had cut the girl as she went and confronted them to find that Elena was right as she saw the white oak in the fire place.
"Baby.....it was all before.."
"Don't....I get it now." Y/N said tears falling from her eyes leaving not seeing the heartbreak on the siblings faces. Since that day Y/N had left town no one knew where she went as the siblings searched for her. The Mikaelsons had fell for the wolf while it had started to use her but they fell and fell hard as loving the wolf came to them easily but now she was gone and they wanted her back.
"Here is one black coffee Marcel." Y/N said with a cheery smile as the vampire smiled at her. Y/N had gone to New Orleans to get away from everyone back in Mystic Falls lucky she saved up money. When she first got to the city she met Marcel when he saved her from being bitten by a vampire and he looked after her.
"Thanks sweetheart. How are you? Diego said someone is bothering you."
"It...is fine. No need to do anything." Y/N said while Marcel was aware that Y/N was a werewolf. It was a surprise to him just how soft and gentle she was for a wolf never causing trouble and always turning far from town.
"Listen babygirl. If there is someone bothering my favorite wolf I want to know." Marcel said watching the young woman bite her bottom lip before sitting down.
"A few of the witches have been following me."
"I'll look into it babygirl don't worry." Marcel said getting up pressing a kiss on her head leaving the shop. Y/N finished up her shift seeing Thierry standing just outside making her worry and the vampire saw the worry on her face.
"The Originals are in town and Marcel doesn't trust them so I'm here to walk you home." Thierry said when Y/N frowned as it was a blur when Thrierry's neck was snapped and Elijah was standing in front of her.
"Really Niklaus?"
"We don't need him tell Marcel that we are talking to our little wolf." Klaus said as Y/N glared pushing past them both. Both men was quick to catch up to her and Klaus smirked.
"Here I thought you would be happy to see us."
"Well you are sorely mistaken." Y/N said rather coldly which surprised both of them. After leaving Mystic Falls Y/N cried over them then her sadness turned to anger that never went away.
"Listen what happened in......."
"Save it Elijah. I get it you four didn't really like me and was just using me to get the white oak."
"But we really....."
"What care? Yeah right, sorry if I don't believe you." Y/N said walking off and they both let her walk off and decided to watch over her from a distance. Two months of the four trying to get Y/N to forgive and to be with them while Marcel learned why the witches were following Y/N around.
"Pregnant? The witches think I am pregnant with Klaus's child?" Y/N said when Marcel had came into the coffee shop as she was happy that it was a slow day while Rebekah and Kol listened from a back table.
"That they do. So maybe find out if you are....I wasn't aware you two are......"
"We aren't. And if I am he won't be seeing my child." Y/N said coldly as Marcel watched her walk off wondering just what the Mikaelsons done to his little wolf. Y/N went to her doctor learning she was pregnant then made plans to not let the Mikaelsons know about the pregnancy.
"What do you two want?" Marcel asked seeing Elijah and Klaus walk into the Abattoir in a blur Klaus held him by his thoat holding him against a wall.
"Our little wolf where is she?"
"I have no idea where Hayley is....or did you mean Y/N? Here I thought that other wolf seen around you was your object of affection."
"Marcellus, tell us." Elijah said lowly when they heard her foot steps and they looked smiling as she glared.
"Wow not surprising that you both were going to hurt Mar to get your way." Y/N said ignoring how they both shamelessly raked their eyes over their love.
"Hey baby girl. Need something?" Marcel asked ignoring how both Originals glared at him as Y/N sighed.
"The witches are right."
"Oh....want to talk about it?" Marcel asked while Elijah and Klaus glared harder then stopped hearing a second heartbeat from Y/N.
"No. I'll let you finish up with them."
"Y/N is pregnant?!" Rebekah said surprised as Kol was equally upset like Elijah and Klaus that the idea their girl carrying another's child.
"From what I learned. Y/N is carrying Niklaus's child as the witches thought Hayley was the mother." Elijah said making them freeze and knew they needed to get Y/N under their protection.
"You are looking beautiful."
"What do you want Kol?" Y/N questioned glaring him as she worked cleaning off tables as Kol smiled.
"For you to forgive us as you are carrying Nik's baby. Let us protect you."
"No. I loved you four and you used me! And Klaus will never see my child!" Y/N said finishing up work leaving as Kol frowned before calling Rebekah.
"So you and Elijah?"
"I don't care Hayley. If you want to date the ass go ahead." Y/N tells the other wolf as Hayley smiled while Y/N looked at the book that Hayley brought her.
"This is a family tree. Most Alpha of a wolf pack has as one, this one is of the Crescent wolf pack."
"You know of the pack?" Hayley asked looking at the pregnant wolf.
"Yeah, it was my birth pack before given up for adoption." Y/N said pulling up her sleeve showing Hayley the Crescent mark on her wrist before continuing to telling Hayley about the wolf pack.
"Hayley seems to like you brother."
"I am aware Niklaus but much like you my heart belongs to Y/N." Elijah says as both were with Rebekah sitting in the coffee shop watching Y/N work and saw that she began to show a bit.
This went on for a month before Marcel got tired of it and had Davina trap Y/N with the siblings in the Abattoir to hash out their problems. So now Y/N sat pissed off arms crossed ignoring the Mikaelsons as Rebekah chewed on her bottom lip inching to touch Y/N's baby bump.
"Listen love yes at first we were using you. But we fell for you." Klaus said as Elijah stepped forward kneeling in front of Y/N getting her attention. Y/N saw the look of adoration and devotion in their eyes for her and it made her heart skip a beat.
"Baby, we fell for you and fell hard. And we were going to tell you the truth."
"Darling, we were heartbroken when you left and followed Hayley here to find you."
"Sweetheart, we are truly sorry and we understand if you don't forgive us but please don't take the child from us." Rebekah said sitting next to Y/N as the wolf looked at them seeing no lies but hurt broken vampires that loved a woman that they felt truly guilty for hurting.
"I forgive you. I missed you all." Y/N said tears falling down her cheeks as all four hugged her cuddling her. Y/N flushed burying her face in Kol's neck feeling them pressing closer as if to hide her away from the world promising to protect her from everything.
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shigarakisslutbag · 3 years
i'm not the original asker but i'd be down for some shig breeding headcanons that are more dom / not mommy kink
Tw: breeding, housewife, somnophilia, talk of having kids
A/N: sorry for any typos lol
Im a lil horny so heres some hcs of me just blabbing and dumping some thoughts out
I wanna start out by saying he loves your pussy so much
Literally worships it
Its all he can think about sometimes
It doesnt matter how small it is or how it looks he loves it
Youre so warm and tight and always wet and ready for him to breed
He hasnt given much thought to a family before but when it comes to you
Oh boy when it comes to you
He wants to fill you up and fuck his cum so deep inside it knocks you up
Doesnt want you to walk
Gets off to the thought of you carrying his offspring
Thinks about having a nice family . Maybe 3 or 4 kids .
Wants you to just sit at home and let him do everything for you while you take care of the kids
Doesnt want you to think about anything that could stress out his little wife
The ideal picture is
He comes home
Youre asleep in your shared bed
He sees you in your silk night gown
Almost showing your ass. You were too tired to even pull over the blankets you poor baby
Hes so turned on just by watching you
Seeing you breathe as your chest moves up and down
Gown slightly slipping down
Walks over and leans in to take in your smell
Hes so intoxicated by your scent. Really turns him on
Lifts up your gown and youre not even wearing underwear
Maybe you wamted this to happen
Either way youre getting fucked
Whether you initially wanted this or not
Rubs his finger up and down your cute little slit
You start to quiver in your sleep but you dont wake up
Good . He doesnt want you awake yet
Slips one finger in and curls it hitting your gspot . Soon adds another finger and all that can be heard in the room is the sound of your wet pussy clenching around his fingers
Youre starting to move a little now
Closing your legs slightly because your body cant handle it even if you arent conscious
Even youre unconscious self cant get enough him
Eventually he decides to take out his cock thats been hard ever since he opened the door and laid eyes on you. Taking in your entire body
Compared to how tight you are you wouldnt think he'd be able to fit his cock inside you with how girthy it is. But he'll fucking make it fit
He rubs hit cock up and down your cute pussy. So wet and ready for him to slide himself in and pound away
Fucking his hot cum deep inside your little womb
When hes done with you there'll be nothing but cum seeping out of your tight, wet little cunt
He whispers in your ear, trying to wake you up
"Do you like how this feels? How evey my cock is resting on you ? Do you think youll be able to take it? All this cock inside your already ready and wet pussy. You like taking this fat cock dont you? Sliding in and out so easily because you already wnated this didnt you. You were ready, huh? Always ready for me. Only me. My little slut. "
Youre awake now hut barelt conscious still, not knowing what's going on until you feel him slip himself inside. You almost scream from how good it feels until he slaps a hand over your mouth and tells you " take it. Take it like the good little slut i know you are. Please? For me, baby.
Its so good.
You feel so full
It hits all the right spots
All you can think about is how hard hes fucking you
Making your tits slightly move up and down
You wrap your arms and legs around him trying to keep yourself together
Fuck this feels so good
"I cant wait to breed this cunt of yours. We're going to be such a good family. Itll just be us and our little ones- fuck "
" youll be such a good mommy. A good mother to my kids-fuck you feel so good
Youre taking everything out of your poor husband . But then again hes doing the same to you. Youre both almost shaking. Ready to cum
"Are you ready, baby? Im gonna fuck all this cun inside until all you can think of is this warm feeling im about to give you."
All you can do is whine and cry out of pleasure in response as he shoots all of his hot cum inside you painting your insides
And here you are. Ears ringing from the orgasm he just gave you
And you wonder, hopefully this isnt just a one time thing
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