#evil saint rain world
polinakotlikesthev · 4 months
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Inv is biggest Sain't fan for sure
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
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On the Echoes, cosmology, Saint's quest(/inner identity) and the Rubicon. Half of these are from February...
bonus Théta doodles:
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thylacid · 3 months
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the slugpilled catmaxxer
survivor, monk, and gourmand all have the same tail ring
gourmand is something along the lines of survivor and monk's grandma ^_^
hunter is orange to me because of the menu art. also my design is basically just a slightly altered version of my dms hunter lol
gourmand's tail was lost in a run in with a red lizard
spearmaster has fake teeth markings
i givemy slugcats blue blood and im not sure why it just kind of happened and i think its cute
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All the artists are so cool, I really like it. Can I ask for solar eclipse (monk x night cat) or karmaflower (artisan x saint)
Your creativity is great, I want you to know it :D
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HII SNAKE!! I love all the art you draw for me so I decided to do karmaflower for u
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roorkich · 8 months
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false-savior · 4 months
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evil saint au by @polinakotlikesthev
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saintdaily · 4 months
EVIL saint
day 123
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Hehe evil cat go brrr
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sb-is-a-thing · 1 month
Slugcat Genetic Post
As far as I know, one person is interested in this so I’m going to make a post going over everything This is all solely off headcanons and what I remember of 7th grade science and the genetics unit ————— Link to my post with the drawing:
Likely just going to be restating everything in this post but with extra thoughts, explanations, and maybe details.
Section one: Fur
Scugs having fur tends to be a relatively uncommon thing, with Saint canonically being the only one that is shown with fur. This led me to believe that fur is a recessive trait among scugs, with furless being the dominant trait ( Ex. Survivor, Monk, Hunter, etc. ). However, during and generally around Saint’s campaign, hybrid and recessive traits became more common in response to the colder environment. In conclusion, most scugs hold the dominant traits, with only few being hybrid and recessive ( Recessive scugs in my hcs are Arti, Saint, and Invenot/Sofanthiel. )
Subsection one: Fur Length
Among furred scugs, short fur is the dominant trait with medium length and long fur being the hybrid and recessive traits respectively. I don’t have much reasoning to why this is how it is other than the fact that no fur scugs are more common so with furred ones, it would probably be more likely to have shorter fur. At least up until Saint’s campaign, where medium length and longer fur likely becomes more common in scugs in response to the cold. In my designs, Saint has long fur, Invenot has long, and Arti has medium. In short, short fur is dominant, medium length is hybrid, long fur is recessive, and I’m losing my mind.
Section two: Scug height
Scug height was a bit difficult to figure out, but I fucked around and decided the dominant trait is tall, the hybrid trait is regular height, and recessive is short. Most scugs tend to have the hybrid trait here, very few like Invenot, Gourmand, and Spearmaster having the tall trait and likely fewer having the recessive like Monk. Wow.
Section three: Skinniness
Unlike everything else, this is not genetic. Most scugs start at a healthy size, only unfortunate ones winding up on the thinner side after being born due to (a) starved parent(s). Scug skinny or plumpness solely depends on the food readily available and how much it’s able to eat.
————— Section four: Coloration
I’m really in for it now.
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After staring at this for a while, I’ve figured a bit of coloration out. Looking at it, I noticed that there were a lot more warm colored slugcats than cool colors. This leads me to believe that warm colors are dominant ( Ex. Monk or Hunter’s colors ), hybrid could potentially be neutral, monochromatic, and darker/lighter variants of dominant or recessive colorations ( Ex. Survivor’s white or Arti’s maroon-dark red-whateverthehellthatcoloris ), and recessive colors are cool colors ( Ex. Saint ). What color scugs end up being is potentially random outside of if they have dominant, hybrid, or recessive coloration genes I will explore this more at some point but for now I’ll say that. -
Subsection four: Eye Color
From thinking about it while struggling to bold the subsection, I’ve decided/figured out that black eyes are dominant, white or differently colored eyes are hybrid, and whatever Rivulet has going on with their peepers is recessive solely because these no other scug with those odd eyes. Another potential genetic thing could be black is dominant, Rivulet’s is hybrid ( Due to the black and colored eyes ), and differently colored eyes are recessive ( Like Arti’s white eyes or Saint’s heterochomia ) I feel like this is probably more likely. I guess scugs with hybrid eye tend to be on the rare end. Another possibility is that Rivulet’s eyes are partially a genetic mutation, but it’s probably not. I don’t know, flip a coin.
————— Section five: Abilities
You might be wondering “what the hell do you mean abilities”. You also might know exactly what this section is about and think I’m stupid. Well, my dear reader, I am stupid, you’re correct. Anyway, this section is about things like Arti’s explosive jump and saliva ( Yes, she has an explosive compound that makes explosives, why else do you think she puts the spear you’re trying to make explosive to her not visible mouth :p ) or Rivulet’s gills. While these do have genetic factors, I’m not going to be saying “Oh, so and so is recessive”. I believe ( And are probably right about this ) that these are simply genetic mutations or evolutionary traits. Rivulet evolved to be able to manage being underwater and Arti simply has a mutation that made her a living bomb.
————— This ends my lengthy thing. I will add to this if I think of anything else :) @starfilled-galaxy @gay-for-a-fictional-ghost
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antipathy-arsonist · 5 months
I have an art recomendation for you my friend.
I saw you'r art of Rain World and i thought you could do a art of hank and Evil! Saint.
If you could, it will make my day :)
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weird, weird cat. what is she telling him.
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polinakotlikesthev · 5 months
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I don't have much to post as for now, sorry, have some stuff irl
Have some Sain't
Fun fact: his birthday is July 17
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cosmikazie · 10 months
Art Request #3: Evil Saint Listens to Will Wood
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request by @polinakotlikesthev
the only song i really know to any ends by will wood is BlackBoxWarrior but it's a BANGER
(request itself under cut)
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villageoflight · 1 year
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Official Resident Evil Slugcat Designs <3 (pt 1. I’ll probably design more later)
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shkika · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about how meaningful and strong the saint ending is, I’ve never heard someone discuss it in too much detail. Saint has to be one of my favorite characters.
All of the rambling below is my own interpertation so by all means I could be wrong of missing something. Spoilers obviously! (this blog isn’t all that spoiler friendly anyway)
You meet Moon/Pebbles, both or neither.
If you meet only Moon/Pebbles, they fear for you, they don’t understand you. Your cycle doesn’t spin around like theirs it eats itself.
When you meet them together, however, they can reflect, they can add a new perspective to each other and they understand what you are actually doing and why it’s for the better. You’re saving them!
“You need to wake up.”
So you do.
You swim backwards. You fight your way back through the void sea to return to the world outside the dreamscape to continue your own hellish cycle. And what you see in the distance above the clouds is iterator buildings.
And before they stood proudly as clouds and flashed with their storms, now they are barely poking above, lifeless and ruined. All of the iterators are in a state of decay. The way the world is confirms this as their rain used to warm up the atmosphere (according to broadcasts it was the only thing), so without them it’s a cold desert.
And that hit me like a brick honestly. The iterators were a gift to the world, the beings supposed to save it. They were its only hope to find the solution and free it.
But they’re all gone. Everything is dying and as the camera pans down you can see.
That all this world has is you.
You’re supposed to save them along with all the creatures trapped in the cycle. That is why you must endure a unique cycle of your own.
If you haven’t saved Moon and Pebbles, I can only assume how seeing his broken building (most likely Pebbles) in the ending cutscene would be a great way to tell the player that Saint will come back for them. As that is their job. They will come back for all of them.
MIND YOU Saint’s death also hints a solution to Sliver of Straws death????? That’s INSANE. (no not the challenge that’s not canon)
Moon in the void (with Pebbles dialouge) says that the solution was impossible to properly find or understand. It was one variable out of infinity. And if it WERE to be found, they wouldn’t be able to tell it appart from the faulty ones.
You see the answer once you’re on the other side. Wouldn’t that.. imply that perhaps Sliver accidentally got it right. Like won the lottery basically, but even more insane. Found that one variable that might or might not work out of infinity. Attempted it.
And then simply couldn’t come back to tell it to the others. She got lucky. The idea that it wasn’t like pure smarts and wisdom (she bet on animal fights too that’s silly), but luck that played a part is very nice. It implies the others weren’t .. not enlightened enough or not smart enough. They didn’t get lucky!
Another confirmation is that the void sea is a dream. Moon and Pebbles say it is one and they even tell you that your presence feels real. (Implying creatures and people can be just dreams.)
Which means Artificers children were a dream. (Pups can’t ascend makes sense). Nsh in Hunters cutscene is MORE than likely a dream.
Things CAN meet in the void (like Pebbles and Moon and hopefully Survivor and Monk), but it can also simulate.
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sleepingcuga · 5 months
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Evil Saint AU
I’m still surprised how barely fanart I see of them
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vivid-white-prism · 1 year
If ya'll got any unhinged/evil Saints please send them, I have a sudden liking for Saint being insane
Also here are some whiteboard doodles for ya (I'll type the text underneath for those who can't read my handwriting)
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[Saint]: wheee
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[Saint]: Hey can I borrow four bombs and 1000 spears?
[Artificer]: wtf
(after building a sacrificial altar)
[Spearmaster]: (holy shit...)
[Artificer]: Want me to get you some scavs to sacrifice?
[Saint]: Yeah sure
[Artificer]: k
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[Saint]: ew stop
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[Saint]: more pls
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[Saint]: ~*+Wa+*~
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[Saint]: In case you've forgotten, you're not the one in control.
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[Saint]: disgusting
Also some of the inspirations lol
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