#evil tiny demon laughting
rouge-666 · 2 years
the 2 Queens !
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Look at our 2 beautiful Queens, Hunter and Vio ( character of @quieteeks​ and @viviook​ ) 
I get the idea after finishing a drawing for Viviook, they make amazing drawings of My Dear Hatchet Man with they characters, but. What if for once they are the one who get fanart ! And allo because when a get bored and i see they drawings it brings me a smille on my face. And aspiration !  So i Hope you’re  two like it owo’
PS : You will never stop me viviook to do fanart for you ! NEVER !!!
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riverteatime · 5 years
Love's trouble (Reader, Hat Kid, Conductor and Dj Grooves fic)
Just, before you start reading, it is my first fic. English is not my native language. So if they errors or if I forget words, don't be mean. I wish you a good reading !
Today is a beautiful day to be out. The sun shine, they are not a single cloud in the sky and people go to the beach for passing a day far from the work.
But it's not your case. To explain the more simply as possible, you have a tiny (not very tiny) crush on your boss. Yes it's the "nasty" Snatcher, everyone know him as the demon of the cursed forest. But for you he is a nice guy. You love him but is that reciprocal? Does he love you? And if you telling him your fellings how can he react? If you have luck he can laught at you or say that "he have a reputation". But the worst scenario can be killing you and at this though you shake with fear.
You spend a good part of the morning to think about it and the more your think, the more you have a headache. Hat Kid ask you if you want a cookie and you decline polity. Even if it is polite the kid is shocking by your reaction. Normally you cannot say no to a cookie and the kid is shocking because she think that persons who reject the power of cookies are not normally persons.
With your headache you leave this thinking to an other subject. Maybe is the time for paying a visit to the inhabitants of this planet. But who ? You don't really love Mafia boss because most of the time he scares you. Cookie said this morning that she have work. You don't have really have the mood to go talking to Snatcher or Moonjumper. So it's lead two people, Conductor and Groove. And you remember that Grooves have invite you to drink something whenever you have time. So you go to Dead Bird Studio with Hat Kid because she doesn't want to lead you visit her friends without her.
At your arrival in front of Dead Bird Studio you note that they have more owls and pinguins than the normal. Maybe they have some auditions or shootings. You go in the front of the receptionist desk and it seem that his employee is busy. So you wait a few minutes. After he put the phone back you think to ask if Conductor and Groove are busy but your friend is more faster than you.
"Hello mister ! We are paying a visit to Conductor and Grooves ! Are they busy?" Ask the kid
"Hey, the two non-birds ! You're lucky because this is the breack time soon! I call them for you." Say the receptionist before taking his micro. "Ahem-hem... BREACK TIME ! And also Conductor and Groove you have a visit!"
And the worst happened. You heard the nice shooting of your favorite yelling bird. Yeah, the yell that everyone know. But to you own surprise they are not a single shout but two.
"WHO THE PECK NECK WANT TO VISIT ME ?" Yell a scotish voice
"DARLING ! SHOW SOME RESPECT !" Answer an other
And by the two gigantic doors you saw the two birds come at you. They seem surprise to saw you because you normally pay a visit to their just twice a week and this time is the third time of the week.
"Lassies! Why are you here?" Say Conductor and Grooves nod at him for telling is surprise.
"MC want to pay a visit to you!" Say Hat Kid pointing her finger to you
"Oh it's not like I want to bother you, but, Grooves you have telling me that you have invite me to drink something whenever I have the time. So I have think it's the time." You say shily
"Oh yes it's true darling ! You do well to remind me! Come with me!" Answer the groovy pinguin
"Yeah I come with you!" Shout Hat Kid
"No! I- I want to have a private talk with Groove." You say halting
"Conductor can you keep her with you while I talk to Grooves ?" You ask shily
Conductor scratch his head before telling "No problem, I'm used to babysit me grandkids"
"But... Fine" say the kid, giving up the battle.
So you lead your friend to the Conductor and follows Grooves. You think that maybe is a bad idea to lead the kid to Conductor. The last time, the owl have literally blow up his train. You comfort yourself by saying that he is the more capable to keep an eye on children.
------------------------------------------- You and your groovy friend arrive at the cafetaria of the studio. Even if it is breack time, they have not much people ... or birds. You sit at a table in a corner of the room, a habit you have taken to be alone. You don't like when a stranger look at you while you drink something. You order a tea and you friend a coffee. While the server prepares your order, you talk with your friend. You learn that he want to make an other science-fiction movie. Is not like you hate his movies but the last time you was one of the protagonists and you had to walk on electrified cables over a crowd. But to you own security Grooves say that you will not play a character. Meanwhile, you order is ready and to your surprise, it was really much faster than you think to prepare.
"So darling, you want to talk to me about something ?" Ask the pinguin. But you feel something strange, like your heart say no for telling at you friend what haunts your head. You have to do this, to ask him what he think.
"Grooves, have you ever loving someone? When I say love it's not the love between sisters and brothers or a mother to a child..."You begin to say
"But between two friend? If it is this I had loving someone in my life." Affirms Grooves
"Really?!" You ask surprised
"But I cannot tell you who! "
"I understand. But have you ever ask to you if it is good to love someone?"
"Darling, do you love someone?" Ask suddenly your friend.
"I-I..." You start but your voice break and you feel your tears coming back. Grooves note that and put his hand on yours.
"It is the Snatcher, right?" Ask your friend. And at this matter you start to cry. "Hey! Is not a cataclysm to love someone even if he is evil" Whisper the pinguin to calm you down. "Besides, he can be nice if you know him."
"B-but if he d-doesn't love me? He would k-kill me"
"Kill you!? Darling, you're kidding ! He cannot because he love you!" At this remark you gasp. "He would not hurt you. Even if I don't see him every day, from what I have seen he likes you like if you are his soulmate. So calm down! You heart is telling you to love him so do it! But if you are not ready to tell him so wait until it is the best moment !" Say Grooves quiety. "Stop crying and drink your tea before it is cold!"
You passed a wonderful morning, even if you have cried. You have thank Conductor to have keeping an eye on Hat Kid and give a hug to Grooves for the talk. After saying goodbye to your friend you go on the spaceship with the kid.
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