#Hunter and Vio
rouge-666 · 2 years
the 2 Queens !
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Look at our 2 beautiful Queens, Hunter and Vio ( character of @quieteeks​ and @viviook​ ) 
I get the idea after finishing a drawing for Viviook, they make amazing drawings of My Dear Hatchet Man with they characters, but. What if for once they are the one who get fanart ! And allo because when a get bored and i see they drawings it brings me a smille on my face. And aspiration !  So i Hope you’re  two like it owo’
PS : You will never stop me viviook to do fanart for you ! NEVER !!!
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anarchswild · 4 months
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A changeling, a revenant, and a hunter with true faith walk into a bar.
Just a WoD AU of Aurien, Vio, and @tenmillionbees' Arwen. All of them are Hunters for different but connected reasons, though Aurien tried to get the kids to go into any other profession.
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matthesoundless · 5 months
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long overdue OC dump again lel
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glowingmin · 2 months
Chapters:1/? Fandom: Monster Hunter (Video Games), The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blue Link & Green Link & Red Link & Vio Link Characters: Red Link (Legend of Zelda), Blue Link (Legend of Zelda), Vio Link (Legend of Zelda), Green Link (Legend of Zelda), Iverukaana | Velkhana, An Ishuwaruda | Shara Ishvalda, Xeno'jiiva (Monster Hunter), Kushala Daora Additional Tags: this is so self indulgent/shitposty and i'm sorry, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne DLC, Elder Dragons (Monster Hunter), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Minor Shadow Link/Vio Link (Legend of Zelda), Swearing, No beta we die like Shadow Link, Link-centric (Legend of Zelda) Summary:
It was supposed to be as easy as 'wake up and make a delivery to the castle'. Unfortunately, things for the heroes of the Four Sword are never quite this simple. Waking up in the bodies of monsters, the heroes must work against the clock to save themselves - and the world - from their newfound instincts.
Oh, and the hunters aren't helping things either.
A 'the colors are turned into the monsters from monster hunter' fic.
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balmungkriemhild · 1 year
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another doodle of this Sin Hunter. sorry i dont have an actual drawing i’ll draw more soon
i’m not very familiar with 70’s manga so i took to 80’s to 90’s OVA adaptations for inspiration
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hee-blee-art · 2 years
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clem and vio have been fighting for a long time...
[image ID: three scanned sketch pages of clem (she/any), a stocky middle-aged butch vampire hunter with light skin and short greying hair, and vio (she/her), a thin and strong youthful vampire with light skin, close-cropped curly blond hair, and prominent veins. in the first, vio is playfully grabbing clem's wrist and waist as clem frustratedly clutches wooden stakes in both hands, as if dancing. in the second, clem in shown tipping vio backwards and reeling back a stake with a furious shout, and in another sketch vio grabs clem by the lapels to pin her in place, both looking grave. in the third, vio is kneeling in front of clem with her arms behind her back as clem grabs a fistful of her hair, a stake in the other hand, and as vio gazes up at her she says, "you're enjoying this, aren't you?" end ID]
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i think hunter should get to use they/them pronouns. as a treat
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Vio and Shadow with "9) an empty book, cobwebs, a storm"
"What are you even expecting to find here?" Shadow asks for the millionth time.
He's lounging on the arm of a sheet-covered couch, sneering at the state of the room with disdain. He seems especially wary of the cobwebs covering nearly every inch of the walls, casting veiled shadows on the wall every time lightning flashes outside.
"I'm looking for what I'm always looking for." Vio sighs, adjusting his grip on the flashlight. He doesn't have to finish the thought- Shadow is only asking to be a nuisance. They both know what he's here to find.
A demon.
Rule number one of demon hunting: keep your ears to the rumor mill. Strange disappearances, abnormal behavior, warped amalgamations and violent murders are all early warning signs of demonic activity. Vio tries to stay on top of it all before too much damage can be done.
The less casualties, the better.
The rumor was that this house is haunted. Just from the state of it, Vio might have been inclined to agree- but there were too many signs to the contrary.
Stupid teenagers who thought it'd be fun to break in suddenly pulling a 180 on their personality.
Sweet kids turning cruel and malicious.
Bullies becoming nervous wrecks.
A highschool student with no behavior problems prior to entering and leaving the place got ahold of a knife and stabbed three other students before being subdued.
It's not hard to connect the dots.
Lightning flashes outside again, thunder rumbling the walls. A rat scurries across the floor. Vio notes how it seems unchanged.
"Whatever it is, it has no interest in animals." He says, mostly to himself. "It must need a humanoid host to possess."
He hears Shadow scoff from behind him. "Amazing detective work there, Sherlock. You've solved the mystery! Can we go home now?"
Vio clicks the flashlight off, pursing his lips at Shadow. "No, we cannot." He wrinkles his nose at him. "Your commentary is both unnecessary and unwelcome."
Shadow's eyes glow in the dark, casting his face in red. He sneers at Vio. "Oh? I thought you needed my help with all of this. Is our contract null and void? Vi-o-let?"
Vio can feel his eyebrow twitching. "It is not. I haven't completed my task. Therefore, you are still in my service." He puts his hands on his hips, staring him down. "Now, do you actually have anything useful to say? Or shall we move on?"
Shadow hisses, baring his unnaturally sharp teeth.
"I hate you."
"The feeling is mutual."
"It's not the house itself."
Vio raises his eyebrows.
Shadow huffs, crossing his arms. "The house isn't the demon. And there's nothing indicating that it has a physical form, or this place and everything in it- and probably for a few miles around- would be fucked to shit."
"Yes, I agree, Holmes." Vio can't help but smirk at the jab.
"Oh, fuck you!" Shadow throws his hands up. Vio can't help but note how his gaze flicks to the cobwebs in the room. "You asked me to be helpful, and that's my thanks?"
"You called me Sherlock." Vio shrugs, turning and moving to the next room. "Ergo, you are Holmes."
Shadow grumbles behind him, calling him a few choice insults in demonic as Vio walks into a dusty, trashed library. Oh, it breaks his heart to see such a place reduced to this. He observes a quick moment of silence before clicking his flashlight on and walking in.
The damage looks recent. What once was a handsome desk has caved in through the middle, likely from a body- or several- crashing into it. Rain splashes through a broken window, dripping water onto the floor and soaking into some of the books. The smell of mold and mildew is decadent in the worst possible way.
Something shiny catches his eye: a school ID card. He recognizes the photo on it as the student stabber.
"What a dump." Shadow grumbles. "Ugh, and there's more cobwebs. What the fuck is up with Hyrule and cobwebs?"
"Do you notice anything strange?" Vio asks.
"Uh, yeah. I think I see some bofa right there in the corner."
Vio rolls his eyes. "I'm aware of the joke. You will not catch me off guard yet."
Shadow curses him out in demonic some more, and lightning crashes outside, lighting up the room again. Vio spots the book then.
Inconspicuous, except it is the only book in the room not molded, waterlogged, torn to shreds, or too faded to read.
Vio gets an ill feeling in his stomach.
Rule number two of hunting demons: make sure you know what the demon is before you find it. An addendum to rule number two: expect the unexpected.
"Do you know of demons who inhabit books?" He asks Shadow, debating whether to reach for his knife or for the salt.
"I know demons who trade in books." Shadow scoffs. "Forbidden knowledge and all that jazz. I don't know of demons who hide in books, or who are books. That would be such a shitty form to take- who even does that?"
"You're asking me?" Vio tosses him the flashlight, and Shadow curses as he fumbles the catch. "Hold this."
He approaches it, muscles tensed and poised. The ill feeling only gets worse. The book is the demon- or holds the demon, maybe? Either way, he's sure of it. He nudges the book with his shoe.
No reaction.
He flips the cover open. The book slumps open, a conspicuous breeze flipping the pages rapidly and throwing more rain through the window. Vio takes a step back, hackles raising.
The light of his flashlight falls on his own face, captured in photo realistic detail on one of the pages.
"Motherfucker." He curses.
Ink lifts from the page, surging towards him, oozing black ichor reaching for his face, a face, his face, staring at him, eyes red bared grin teeth teeth teeth and he doesn't have time to grab his salt when he's suddenly on his back, fighting for his life. He pushes it back with all of his strength, kicks at any sensitive spot he might be able to reach but it's impossible to tell in the dark and his hands and foot sink into the ichor and it laughs a haunted house animatronic laugh that would be comical if it weren't coming from the death in his face.
"Shadow!" He shouts, because his demonic partner is just sitting and watching, amused.
Shadow just tsks at him. "My, my, seems you're in over your head, Sherlock."
"Do something!" Vio hisses, jerking to the side as the face-stealer lunges, it's dripping false face smashing into the floorboards inches from Vio's head.
"Hm. . .is that how we ask people for favors?" Shadow's teeth glint as lightning flashes, thunder shaking the walls.
Vio can feel his strength sapping away. He can feel himself being pulled into the demon's body. It lifts its face, his face, from the floorboards, looming over him.
Shadow leaves him no choice.
"Darkness within the Hero's Soul, I order you: protect me now!"
Vio's inverted triforce brand glows purple, and Shadow's gleam red in return, and everything happens very fast. The face stealer lunges, but Shadow is there, an eldritch mass of shadows and limbs and teeth, ripping into the demon and tearing him from Vio's body.
If Vio weren't used to seeing true demons, he'd be terrified. Shadow is the movement out of the corner of your eye, the darkness in your closet, the bogeyman under the bed. A waking nightmare, the visions at the end of your bed during sleep paralysis. Inky ichor is useless against his shifting roiling form, but he has no problem sinking his multiple maws into the face stealer.
"Close the book!" He shouts at Vio, snapping him from his reverie. It's all Vio needs to roll under their snapping and howling fight, grabbing the old tome and forcing it shut, dropping his weight on it as the demon is dragged back towards it. He pulls the knife from his cargo pants, its wicked gleam flashing, and plunges it through the cover.
Hellfire explodes from the book. Shadows slide over him like a second skin, protecting him from the unholy heat. The face stealer howls in its death throes, thrashing screaming roaring as he shoves the knife in deeper.
His ears ring as it finishes. The book crumbles to dust.
The rain outside seems to ease up.
"Well, isn't this intimate." Shadow purrs, his voice startlingly close to Vio's ear.
"Get off!" Vio jerks, ripping at the shadows still covering his skin. "Ugh!"
Shadow coalesces behind him, laughing. Vio has half a mind to throw salt at him.
"Oh man, your heart started beating so hard! Creepy haunted houses and face stealing demons don't phase you at all, but oh, intimacy, the horror!"
Vio stands up, brushes himself off, and glares at him, and then he smirks.
"You just rolled into a spiderweb." He informs him.
The satisfaction he gets from Shadow's undignified scream might be a little sick, but considering all the bullshit he just went through?
Worth it.
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ramblemeflowers · 9 months
vodskall85 thank you for keeping us fed so well... vault hunters behind the scenes my beloveds... i love his and etho's dynamic so so much aughhh
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vanguard-if · 9 months
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Vanguard is a high fantasy interactive fiction, driven heavily by the player character's decisions. Features a customizable playable faering character, romantic/platonic routes, and having fun as a dragon!
As a faering, you should want to keep to yourself. Your home is a safe haven where your dragon kin people reside; a place of true neutrality. There are no allies to the Midlands, nor are there enemies. Your people simply are, and this will not change.
But you were never one much for rules, were you? With whispers of a certain prince in the Northlands allegedly receiving death threats from your docile leader, Cirrus, you could only slip away into the depths of the North to go see for yourself. It's so hilariously outrageous that your peace-loving ruler has such rumours teeming about them.
You did not expect to find a bounty hunter bleeding out from her abdomen. And most of all, you did not expect her to know you by name, even through her raggedy breaths. And most of all, you did not expect her to have leads on the one you seek: the Northern Prince.
Customize a playable character (pronouns, gender, appearance, sexuality, etc.)
Be helpful to a stern prince...or not.
Develop relationships with a diverse cast of: three non-binary characters (Cirrus, Vio, Kiera), two male characters (Emilio and Charles), and two female characters (Vera and Nia). Note that Vio and Kiera are non-romanceable.
Approximately 12k words thus far; chapter one in progress.
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layraket · 23 days
"I said," Legend kept a firm tone "that you should consider the option of a full-rested night"
Four understood why was he saying this, he didn't woke up the veteran last night to his shift and decided to stay more late than he should've.
In my defense, Vio tried to justify himself. that book was interesting.
"Maybe, thanks for your suggestion" He turned back to reading his book, it was too early for getting scolded by their veteran.
"It wasn't a suggestion" That firm tone didn't leave, this time stronger "This is already the fifth time! And don't act like you don't get affected by this, I've noticed how clumsly you're getting each fight we get into"
He has a point, at this rate we will really get injuried. Green was considering Legend's words.
Sure, if they took other's shifts the rest of them will be having more rest, even if it means that they will be getting more and more wore off.
"If Rulie finds out that you got yourself injured just because you decided that sleeping is for the weak, may Farore protect your soul" Legend didn't say anything else and walked away, letting the cup that he brought to Four next to them.
They grabbed it and took a sip. Oh, its chamomile tea! and with honey! That was a sweet gesture from the pink-haired hero.
He could've brought coffee, its so much better if he wants us to not be all tired during fights. Blue showed aside the warm color, not too happy with their drink.
That's true, but right now? Some tea wouldn't do harm It was a little late and camp was already set up, there will not be any problem if they just fell asleep.
Aw, but I wanted to finish that book. We can read it tomorrow! I also want to see the ending. I bet the traitor is the hunter, he seems really suspicious. 50 rupees that it is the sorcerer. Deal!. Stop doing bets with our money!. Its the musician one!. RED-
Wild thought that some tea would help them to relax from their last fight, a horde like that could easily take all energy from any warrior. But it wasn't the main reason that he decided to use his chamomile reserve.
Legend came to him some hours ago to talk about something, he thought that it was about something from the fight, sure he was getting too much with the throwing-almost-broken-weapons thing, but it worked!
"Listen," The vet hushed, coming closer to the champion "I'm not sure if you already noticed, but haven't you seen Four acting a little off?"
Oh, so this was about their smithy.
"Uhm, no? I mean, he's been a little more..." How was it called?
"Clumsy? Distracted? Tired-looking?" Legend gave some options.
"Tired-looking, yeah" It is more often that he finds their smallest hero nodding off while traveling. "Why the question?"
He knew Legend, he could come as cold and a little harsh, but if he was asking this it must be for a reason.
"I know why, he has been taking longer shifts more and more frequently. I want you to help me to get him rest today, the whole night without interruptions" He kept the tone down, trying to not catch anyone's attention.
So, helping the smith to sleep? An easy task, he can do some tea and it will be it.
When the camp was set he started working, putting the water to boil and preparing the chamomile that he got from Twilight's era. After half an hour he went to give each one of the chain a cup, some with extra honey and others without nothing to make it sweeter. It was weird, drinking almost plain water, but he will not judge.
For Four he prepared a cup with some extra things; some mint leafs, a little bit of linden and, of course, sweet honey that Legend gave him specifically for the smithy's cup.
He send the veteran to deliver the special cup, and then went to work on their dinner.
Broth will make their stomachs warm, they skipped lunch and something with a lot of nutriens will do well for them. When Wild went to give the last bowl of dinner he found the results of Legend's plan.
Four was calmly sleeping, resting his back on the tree that he was sitting next earlier, with an open book and his bag slighly open next to him.
It would be mean to wake him up, so he left the bowl next to the smithy with a cloth covering it to keep it warm and free of bugs, made sure that his bag was closed (Wind will take any opportunity to stick his nose in anyone's bag) and covered him with a blanked.
Wild went back with the rest of the Chain to talk and finish his own portion. The only thing that was haunting his mind now was the musician being the traitor, but he didn't know who was the one that he betrayed. He needs to ask Four to let him borrow a copy of that book tomorrow.
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Sean bienvenidos japonitasarqueologicos, a un nuevo especial ya somos 2400 seguidores mil gracias por el apoyo y para agradeceros os traigo una de las leyendas más icónicas de Japón dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Qué significa Sakura? Significa Cerezo en flor, seguramente os suene el nombre por algún que otro personaje de anime como: Sakura cazadora de cartas o en la película llamada comerme tu páncreas. - ¿Cómo surgió está leyenda? Todo comienza, en un Japón que está desolado por las guerras y horrores de los seres humanos, nuestro personaje se localiza en un bosque donde hay un árbol al cual no le florecían las flores, los animales ni la hierba por el mal que emanaba de él. - Un día un hada se compadeció de él y le concedió el poder de transformarse en hombre durante 20 años para poder encontrar el amor pero no fue así lo único que vio fue horror. Cuando le quedaba poco tiempo seguía sin florecer en lo que respecta como árbol y como humano. Un día en la orilla del río se deslumbró al ver a Sakura y se enamoró de ella. Llegó el día en el que se transformó en árbol y Sakura abrazó el árbol, le confesó su amor el hada tenía dos opciones adherirse al Yohiro o no pero viendo los horrores del mundo decide fusionarse con él. - Esta leyenda está ligada a una de las festividades más importantes de Japón que se llama Hanami durante una semana los japoneses contemplan la flor de Sakura en todo su esplendor. Esto fue un símbolo para los Kamikazes durante la 2ww y para los samuráis que lo consideraban con la sangre. - Espero que os haya gustado el especial y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Arqueología japonesa. Un cordial saludo. - 日本考古学へようこそ。フォロワー数が 2,400 人になりました。ご支援いただき、ありがとうございます。そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。 - さくら とはどういう意味ですか?桜という意味です。カードハンターさくらや映画「君の膵臓をたべます」などのアニメのキャラクターでこの名前をよくご存じでしょう。 - この伝説はどのようにして生まれたのでしょうか?すべては、戦争と人間の恐怖によって荒廃した日本で、私たちのキャラクターは、そこから発せられる悪のために花、動物、草が咲かなかった木がある森にいます。 - ある日、彼を憐れんだ妖精が、愛を見つけるために20年間人間に変身する力を与えてくれましたが、そうではなく、彼が見たのは恐怖だけでした。 彼に残された時間がほとんどないとき、彼はまだ木としても人間としても成長していませんでした。ある日、彼は川岸で桜を見て幻惑し、恋に落ちました。彼が木に変身する日が来て、サクラは木に抱きつき、愛を告白しました。妖精には2つの選択肢がありました。ヨヒロに従うかどうか。しかし、世界の恐ろしさを見て、彼女は彼と融合することを決めました。 - この伝説は、花見と呼ばれる日本で最も重要なお祭りの 1 つと結びついており、日本人は 1 週間にわたってその素晴らしさを満喫する桜の花を鑑賞します。これは、第二次世界大戦中の特攻隊と、それを血をもって考えた武士たちの象徴でした。 - この特集を気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の日本考古学の出版物でお会いしましょう。心のこもった挨拶。 - Welcome japonitasarqueologicos, to a new special we are already 2400 followers thank you very much for the support and to thank you I bring you one of the most iconic legends of Japan that said make yourselves comfortable we begin. - What does Sakura mean? It means Cherry Blossom, surely you know the name from some other anime character like: Sakura card hunter or in the movie called eat your pancreas. - How did this legend come about? It all begins, in a Japan that is devastated by wars and horrors of human beings, our character is located in a forest where there is a tree that did not bloom flowers, animals or grass because of the evil that emanated from it. - One day a fairy took pity on him and granted him the power to transform into a man for 20 years to be able to find love but it was not like that the only thing he saw was horror. When he had little time left, he still did not blossom as a tree or as a human. One day on the river bank he was dazzled by the sight of Sakura and fell in love with her. The day came when he transformed into a tree and Sakura hugged the tree, confessed her love to him, the fairy had two options to join Yohiro or not, but seeing the horrors of the world she decided to merge with him. - This legend is linked to one of the most important festivals in Japan called Hanami, during which the Japanese contemplate the Sakura flower in all its splendor for a week. This was a symbol for the Kamikazes during WWII and for the samurai who considered it to be blood. - I hope you liked the special and see you in future publications of Japanese Archaeology. Best regards.
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howlingday · 2 months
Me gustó el tema de la simplicidad siendo una rareza con los cazadores así que imagina a jaune teniendo una tarantula del tamaño de una mano como mascota, es fácil de cuidar y a diferencia de otras mascotas sus hermanas nunca la acapararon y se que no es tan normal pero si lo comparamos con pet!au es muy normal, además me gustaría las reacciones del restó con jaune teniendo a anansi (su spider) en su cara
Nora o lo ama o intentó prender fuego a beacon bien la vio
I liked the theme of simplicity being a rarity with hunters so imagine Jaune having a hand sized tarantula as a pet, it's easy to care for and unlike other pets his sisters never hoarded it and I know it's not that normal but if we compare it with pet!au it is very normal, I would also like the reactions of the rest with jaune having Anansi (his spider) in his face. Nora either loves him or he tried to set Beacon on fire well she saw it.
I like this idea, and I also have a scene that would be perfect for it.
Weiss: Pyrrha, I have a gift for you~.
Weiss: (Thinking) And maybe this will keep someone as squeamish as Arc away from you~!
Pyrrha: Oh? What is it?
Jaune: Yeah, what is it?
Weiss: It's... a... (Removes cover, Leaps away) TARANTULA~!
Pyrrha: (Stumbles over the bed)
Weiss: Oh! I am so sorry, Arc! I should have considered your feelings before getting Pyrrha such a VILE, DISTURBING CREATURE! And in such a poorly constructed cage...
Jaune: What, are you kidding me? (Squeals) I LOVE THEM~! I used to have one as a pet until my sister's cat ate, but then her cat died... But Pyrrha, isn't this cool~?!
Pyrrha: Is- Is it on me? I feel like it's on me! I- I need to- (Runs into the bathroom)
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sleipliir · 3 months
🦇Your Vampire Lord main cast:
💛Y/N / Player - hunter/monster hunter ❤️Peter - Nobleman/Vampire Lord 💚TK - Inn owner 💜Lucy - Tavern waitress 🖤Vio - Tavern bartender/Owner 🤎Don - Town Mayor 💙Roy - Town guard/knight 🧡Sleip - Market vendor
Also, some setting names:
🏛️Town name - Craneswood 🌳Inn name - Thistle Keep Inn 🍻Tavern name - The Snake Bite 🏰Peter's home - The Azure Manor
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fandom-shitposter · 5 months
Tech logic
I appreciate that fandom doesn’t always lend itself well towards logic, emotions run high and get in the way of detached thought, but it’s overdue in this case
When Tech chose to fall he was on Eriadu, but that’s not a location under Hemlock’s control. We know this because Tarkin has a good bitch at him when he turns up late for the meeting there
Hemlock may have had Tech’s goggles in his possession later on, but it wouldn’t have been *his* people who went looking around the site of the monorail collapse, it would have been Tarkin’s
Tarkin makes it perfectly clear that he wouldn’t piss down Hemlock’s throat if his lungs were on fire, so he certainly wouldn’t have handed him anything that he thought he might have been able to gain any sort of advantage from, regardless of the condition it was in
So he gets the smashed up goggles and a ‘that was all we could salvage, such a shame. Anyway’ and gets packed off back to Tantiss
Not only does Tarkin dislike Hemlock but he couldn’t care less for the project he’s working on, he’s solely focused on his own work and considers Hemlock’s an unnecessary drain on the limited funding available
That doesn’t help to clear up where Tech is now, but he was never in Hemlock’s possession
But if Hemlock didn’t have Tech how come CX-2 used the same words and cadence when he talked?
For the same reason so many of the Knights of Ren background CX units had so many of Tech’s design features, with goggles, visors, and helmet shaping repeating amongst the crowd
Distraction and fan baiting, for the sadistic joy of stringing people along until the last possible moment and then spitting in your eye. To make you think that Tech is gone with zero hope of ever returning. To try to put off any fans who've shown themselves to be getting close to working it all out
But CX-2 sounded like Tech for the exact same reason Tech sounds like Tech. Because that’s the way he'd been programmed to speak. Which is also the reason Omega speaks with a space NZ accent
Just because all of the focus on reprogramming clones is put on Crosshair, the CX units, and Hunter (briefly) doesn’t mean it doesn’t go back much much further than that, back to before we ever met CF99. Hemlock is using the technology and data the Empire took from Kamino. The progress on his projects only stalls once Nala Se stops assisting him
Experimental Clone Force 99. Emphasis on the Experimental. Just because they give us a few details about one aspect of that work doesn’t mean they told us everything
Just like Hemlock juggling multiple projects on Tantiss, Nala Se was doing the same thing under Kamino, with her own female clone medical assistant by her side. And on Bora Vio before that
This show has taken scenes from multiple other franchises all the way back to the Clone Wars arc, but what it uses most of all is The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
They keep repeating an overhead circle motif – a ring or a set of concentric rings. Coming back to it more and more often the closer to the end we get. It even appears as a design on the shoulder of a street seller on Pabu in the finale
CF99 dying with Tech is the SW equivalent to the Fellowship of the Ring being broken. They’re no longer together but the quest goes on regardless. Just with a focus on some of the other characters and in a show we won't be supposed to think is related to Tech because it isn’t a clone centric show
Not only is Tech still vital to the resolution of the bigger story, but there’s still so much plot that's been set up and then left hanging, and they continued to set up new things to come back to later on right up to the finale episode so it’s clear that this story is far from over
There may not be any more clone based shows, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be shows with clones in them. Like Rebels. That wasn’t clone centric, but they were still a key part of the overall story
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hee-blee-art · 2 years
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vio and her favourite little vampire hunter <3
[image ID: six sketch pages featuring vio (she/any), a thin youthful vampire with light skin and light curly hair, and clem (she/he), a stocky middle-aged butch vampire hunter with light skin and dark greying hair. the first shows clem in a collared shirt and vest wearing a moustache, as well as in her more modern look, with shorter hair and in a dark tank top. in the subsequent sketches, she is shown in her modern look in various outfits and poses, mostly looking bored. in the final two pages, they are shown with clem. in the first, they are leaning their face close to clem's and tipping his chin up, smiling at him. in the next and final image, vio and clem are still embracing and turn to look at a blushing anonymous figure as vio says, "you should leave, this is about to get weird." end ID]
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