xxxevilfilms · 2 months
Bi-Curiosity Killed The Cat: Chapter 1
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Info: Scott and Stacey's parents are spending a long weekend together in New York City which means Scott has to babysit until they get back. When Scott is invited to Wallace's apartment for bowling and a few drinks, Stacey is dragged along by Scott so he can keep an eye on her. Bowling plans are abandoned however when Scott drinks too many pre-outing drinks, which leaves Stacey alone with a very bi-curious homosexual man who might be a bit too old for her.
Kinks: Bi-Curiosity, Dry Humping, Making Out, Size Difference, Couch Sex, First Time Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Fondling, Large Cock, Come Shot, Come Sharing, Come Swallowing, Large Breasts, Crack Treated Seriously
Disclaimer: Crack? Yes. Do I feel bad? No. I've loved this ship since high school and I'll die on this hill for them.
Stacey didn’t want to go, but twenty bucks was twenty bucks. If Scott didn’t give her the money, she would’ve assuredly narked on him to their parents, but there was no point if an incentive was involved. Stacey pocketed the cash and tailed after her brother to his friend’s apartment, the suspicious-looking one who smelled nice. Scott reminded her that his name was Wallace and implored her to behave when Wallace invited them inside for some pre-bowling drinks. Stacey couldn’t drink and couldn’t be bothered to listen to the idle prattle of college students, so she sat on Wallace’s couch and played with her GameBoy while drinking some root beer. Scott was already on his second gin and tonic thanks to Wallace constantly funneling alcohol his way while Wallace seemed fine with nursing a glass of wine. Stacey had the idea of telling Scott to go easy on the booze so he could walk them back home later, but the prospect of taking more money from him by threatening him with their parents for sleeping at a “stranger's” home was too good to pass up, so she let him drink to his heart's content. Plans to go bowling were eventually abandoned due to Scott's weak constitution, so instead of stewing in her winter clothes all night, Stacey shrugged off her coat and kicked off her boots before laying down on the couch. She barely noticed anyone coming up to her until she felt the other end of the couch dip and heard a voice that wasn't her brother's directly address her.
"Stacey, right?"
Stacey paused her game to regard the man who tried talking to her. It was Wallace, and when Stacey saw those slick black eyes peer into her own, she resumed her game and acted like she usually did around people she didn't know.
"Yup," She said bluntly. "Don't wear it out."
He chuckled.
"Well I don't mean to intrude, but your brother's down for the count and I'm still up for a chat."
Stacey looked up at the kitchen's bar and saw Scott's head, surrounded by four empty glasses, laying flat on the countertop, his hand holding a half-full glass of alcohol as he mumbled some nonsense about his girlfriend in his sleep. Stacey could only roll her eyes at the sight.
"Idiot..." She frowned. "Hope you gotta bed for me cuz I'm not sleeping here."
"Of course, m'lady, I could never." Wallace took a sip from his glass then. "I'm giving up the couch to Scotty-boy tonight."
"Good." She did the same to her root beer and then cursed when something killed her in her game. "Shit..."
"Whatcha playing?" He asked.
"Drill Dozer."
"Oh, I got that game," He scooted closer to her to see the screen. "What part are you stuck at?"
"Just this boss here," Stacey moved in close to show him. "The Collosobot keeps kicking me out."
"Alrighty, let's see here... May I?"
"Sure," Stacey nodded and handed her GameBoy to Wallace who quickly got to work. In about 5 minutes, he was able to defeat the boss without losing a life which Stacey greatly appreciated.
"Wow, you're pretty good..."
"You flatter me," He gave the console back to her. "I wouldn't have pegged you as a gamer."
"Having geeky brothers means you get hand-me-downs." She shrugged but smiled nonetheless. "I wouldn't have guessed you were one either."
"It's a good escape when I've been beating my head into the books too long. There's a lot of math when you're studying business."
"Oh," Stacey recalled that Wallace mentioned he was studying business and finance when he stayed over at her and Scott's house last time. "Is a major like that hard?"
"If you dunno how to work a calculator, sure." He then smirked as he sipped his glass. "Or if you don't know which professor to fuck."
"Ew, seriously?" Stacey sputtered out a laugh. "Old crusty sixty-somethings are your type? And I thought Scott had shit standards."
"Not every old guy is gross and derelict. Some are pretty hot when you know where to look." He sat back and threw an arm over the top of the couch. "You're a real smart girl, Stace. You don't look like the type to be smitten by boys."
"Hmm..." Stacey hummed to herself in thought. She's never had an interest in dating since the boys in her grade were kind of stupid. She wanted to wait till at least senior year before getting with someone worth her time. Hell, even college seemed like a good time to start, but she doubted she'd be with a guy her own age. Dating a guy half her age plus seven was something Stacey wanted to obtain, not something she wanted to avoid.
"I don't like the boys in my class," She confessed. "They're stupid little lice that seem more like my brother's crowd than anything." She paused her game and placed it in her lap before continuing. "I don't like them too old like you, but I like older men."
"How old?"
"Well, let's see..." She raised her hands up and made calculations with her fingers. "I think six to eight years is good. Whenever I'm in college myself, I want a cool older boyfriend who'll take good care of me."
"Ain't that the dream," Wallace raised his glass in reverence. "If I can't get a big ol' daddy who'll sweep me off my feet, guess I'll become the daddy instead."
"I'm rooting for you. You got a good head on your shoul...shoul..." Stacey wrinkled her nose when she felt a sneeze coming on. When it came, Stacey wiped her nose and sniffed. "Excuse me,"
"Gesundheit." Wallace chuckled. "It's getting a little cold in here, lemme get you something."
"Uh, you don't gotta..." She watched Wallace stand up and head towards the kitchen. "I have a coat if I really need it."
"Nah, you're a guest!" He rummaged for something in a cabinet and pulled out a long white bottle. "What kind of host would I be if I didn't make sure you were comfy, huh? I'm not that cruel, Stace."
"You letting us stay the night is telling if anything."
"I love Scott, and by extension, I love you~" He left the kitchen and approached her with a rocks glass and a bottle labeled with Spanish words she couldn't read. He had her take the glass while he uncapped the bottle, seemingly ignoring the surprised look that was on her face.
"What is this...?" She asked.
"Just some rum," He said matter of factly. "Don't tell me Scott and Larry never snuck you a shot before."
"I had some beer once but it didn't taste good..." Against her better judgment, she let Wallace pour the rum into her glass and grimaced. "I don't think I should be drinking this."
"It'll warm ya up, trust me. It's white rum, so it'll taste sweeter than beer. C’mon, give it a sip."
"Alright, alright..." Stacey steeled her nerves and took a sip, but cringed a little at the burn on her tongue. It was less bitter than beer but still had that astringent alcohol flavor she never liked. She narrowed her eyes and was about to give the tumbler back to Wallace, but he gently pushed it back her way.
"You barely tasted it, hon." He teased. "Ya gotta drink more than that if you don't wanna freeze in here. My space heater's on the fritz."
Stacey grumbled under her breath but followed Wallace's advice anyway. She steeled her nerves again and threw her head back to down about half of the glass, the burn extending from her tongue to her throat and making her cough. This time she tasted sugar, but it did little to help with the alcohol's overall taste, and she beat her chest once she was done having her fill. Wallace praised her anyway and tussled her hair, much to the younger girl's chagrin.
"Thatta girl!" He grinned from ear to ear and rose from the couch again. "I forgot to fetch something else so that glass better be empty by the time I get back!"
"...Or else what?"
"Shit, guess that makes you a bit of a chicken, don't it?"
"...I'm not a chicken..."
"Then prove it."
Wallace walked down the only hallway leading to what she assumed was his room, leaving Stacey to simmer in place as she glared at the tumbler in her hand. She sucked it up again and drank down what was left, determined to prove to Wallace she wasn't some dumb little kid. It tasted like shit still, but she found herself getting used to the taste.
"Is it empty!?" He yelled out.
"Clean as a whistle," Stacey pouted. "Ya want proof or what?"
"Well let's have a look-see," Wallace came back with a big white fluffy blanket in his arms and a fox-like smirk stretched across his face. He examined the carpet as if making sure Stacey didn't pour the rest of it on the floor and seemed satisfied when he didn't see anything.
"Wow, you're a big girl now, huh?"
"Don't patronize me." Stacey huffed but then mentioned the blanket. "Is that for me?"
"One and only," Wallace draped it over her body.
"Thanks, but you really didn't have to..." Stacey lay motionless when Wallace put the blanket over her but eventually curled into it when she felt how warm it was. She bundled it around her waist for now however to keep her legs warm and relaxed against the cushion when she was comfortable.
"Told you I like to be a good host." He took his spot back on the couch before grabbing the bottle of rum he put on the carpet. "Want some more?"
Stacey considered it but then shrugged. 
"A little is fine."
"There we go," He poured her a shot's worth when she extended her arm to let him fill the glass back up.
"Thanks." She downed it again, this time in one go, and quickly placed the tumbler on the carpet. "Okay, that's enough. For real this time."
"At least for now," Wallace placed the bottle back down. "We don't want you like your bro after all."
"That's what I'm afraid of..." Stacey sighed and then peered to the side when she saw Wallace sitting there without any of the blanket covering him. "Aren't you gonna get under here, too?"
"Figured you'd want all of it."
"I'd be sweltering. Go ahead, I don't care."
"Don't mind if I do then."
Wallace lifted his end of the blanket and draped it over himself before scooting super close to Stacey. She could feel his body touching her own and saw his arm go around the top of the couch again from the corner of her eye. For whatever reason, Stacey grew a little warm at the sudden skin-to-skin contact but figured it was the alcohol finally getting to her.
"I'm not crowding you, am I?" He asked.
"N-No..." She replied. "You're good..."
"Good," He moved his arm off the cushion to bring it around her shoulders. His hand stroked her bicep which Stacey tried to ignore but was unable to; it felt really soothing. "You're really warm."
"Probably the booze that's doing it..." Or at least she thinks it is.
"Told ya it'd work."
Stacey only nodded, too focused on Wallace’s hand to say much else. She eventually got less stiff and relaxed into him when her body gradually got loose and lax from what she assumed was the rum, and rather than pull away from Wallace, she leaned into him without even noticing it. She didn't feel shy anymore, which should have bothered her, but she felt too nice to really question herself right now.
"Feeling good, hon?" Wallace asked suddenly. She felt him pull her closer, but she didn't care.
"Mmm..." Stacey moaned softly in response. "It feels like I took a horse tranq..."
"Those would be in the medicine cabinet."
Stacey giggled and hardly noticed Wallace's hand move further down her arm. She felt too good just sitting there, taking in his warmth until she felt that same hand touch the top of her right thigh. Big, thick fingers massaged her through the denim of her jeans which would've felt nice, too if her cheeks didn't burn like cinder again. She didn't protest though and figured Wallace was just one of those touchy-feely types, so she let him be in spite of her discomfort.
"Anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?"
"H-Huh...?" Stacey blinked and then looked up at Wallace who was staring straight at her. "I mean, thank you, but..."
"But nothing," He tucked a lock of ink-black hair away from her eyes with his free hand. "And no boyfriend either, huh?"
"I don't want one right now..." She mumbled. 
"I see..." The finger that fixed her hair moved to her lips and traced them. "That means you never kissed a boy, right?"
"W-What are you getting at?" Her face was now completely red. "And why do you even care anyway?"
"It's kind of a moral obligation on my part to make sure no ankle biter gets to you first." 
Stacey's eyes widened. "Wait a minute," She tried to make some space between them, but it was hard with her back pressed up against the arm of the couch. "Aren't you...gay?"
"Gay guys can be curious, too, you know," He quipped. "And I like you a lot."
"No offense, but aren't I a little too young for you?"
"How old are you?"
"That's just making the cut, hon."
"Why me though? You can have any woman you want and you pick some high schooler?"
"Well, Stacey," Wallace got in real close to her face and smiled devilishly. "It would seem that you're the only woman who's ever interested me, and so..." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Might as well make my move now." He kissed her cheek again. "What do you say...?"
"W-Wait..." Stacey tried keeping Wallace back by pushing him off with her hands, but couldn't find the strength to shove him away. His lips left teasing, lingering pecks on her cheek and temple before finding their way to the lobe of her ear. He sucked on it gently, the feeling sending a chill up her spine she's never felt before, and she had to call on his name again to get him to calm down.
"Yeah, baby, I'm here," He whispered in her ear. "You sound so good when you say my name." He bit down on her lobe then, making Stacey squeak and wriggle.
Stacey moaned aloud when Wallace kissed a trail from her ear and back to her face again, lips mere millimeters away from her own. She then locked eyes with Wallace whose complexion now matched her own. Red-faced and smirking, Wallace gave Stacey a very chaste and short kiss on the lips before giving her another one and then another that was deep and longing. Stacey knew she liked this, but wasn't sure if it was okay to return the kiss or stop this whole thing completely. She barely knew the guy as she only ever interacted with him today and whenever he came over to bother Scott which was frequent but she never stuck around long enough to have a conversation with him. The sudden revelation that this college-aged bicurious gay man was interested in her floored her, but to say she wasn't liking what he was doing would be a lie. Wallace was attractive and charming, qualities no boy her age has ever possessed. It would be so easy to give herself up to him, but she had to know a few more things before he takes it too far, dammit!
“Hold on!” Stacey slapped her mouth over Wallace’s lips and scowled. "What happens if I let you do this, huh?"
“Depends,” He paused for a moment before continuing. "Where would you like for this to go?”
"...I...I don’t know! You started it!"
"I wasn't gonna toss you like an old rag if that's what you thought," He pulled Stacey by the hips so he could hover over her body and gaze into her eyes. "I plan to keep you around for a while." His thumb traced her lips again. "If you'd let me..."
"What, like...boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"It can be." He replied. "We can be friends, fuck buddies, BF and GF, whatever you want, hon."
Maybe it was the alcohol thrumming in her veins that colored her decision or perhaps it was youthful naivety, but she liked the idea; being in a relationship with him that is. Sure, she hardly knew him but he was a nice guy. Sighing, she lowered her hands from Wallace’s face and pouted his way.
“You’re super weird...”
“You’re super hot.”
Stacey blushed and turned her head the other way, but was made to look at Wallace again when he guided her back by holding her chin.
"Something on your mind, sweetie?” He asked.
“Shut up, I’m just thinking...”
“Need some convincing?"
Wallace’s face got closer to hers again, lips a hair length away from touching her own. Stacey didn't move however and merely watched Wallace close the gap between them by pressing his lips to hers once more. He then breached her lips and filled her mouth with a hot wet tongue that slipped and swiped against her own, the feeling sending a tingle down her spine. 
She finally let out a faint little moan, one that Wallace eagerly drank in when he heard it, and worked his tongue deeper into her mouth as he let his hands wander. Stacey felt the tips of his fingers nudge and prod against her lower right breast but didn't do much to stop it given how focused she was on letting him kiss her. His tongue was so big and fat compared to her own, filling her mouth and the front of her throat easily. It made Stacey squirm in place and pleasure bloom between her legs. Wallace apparently noticed this and brought her legs around his waist to hold her there so she could feel this big, hard, and hot thing pulse against her core. Stacey moaned again when she felt it press up against the spot where she needed it the most and the teenager bucked her hips against it out of instinct. Wallace groaned then and pushed back into Stacey with a strong roll of his own hips, the sensations that fluttered in her privates making her hands cling to Wallace for dear life. This prompted Wallace to do it again and again, humping Stacey into the couch with slow, rhythmic pumps of his hips to stoke the flame that burned hot in her belly.
"Oh God..." Stacey mewled against Wallace’s lips. "T-That feels..."
"Yeah, you like that, huh?" Wallace kissed the corner of her mouth and chuckled. "So fuckin' cute, wanna eat you up so bad..." His thrusts against her covered sex grew impassioned then, Stacey's body jostling up and making her breasts bounce as Wallace went faster. Wallace liked what he saw, and reached for the hem of Stacey's sweater to pull it over her stomach and chest, revealing cute pink breasts clad in a lily-white bra. Stacey wanted to cover herself but couldn't find the will to as she was too out of her mind to really care about modesty at the moment. Wallace looked like he'd fight her on it anyway as his hands were already sliding up her stomach to fondle her breasts.
"Wait, that's..." She protested anyway but did nothing more. Wallace’s hands slipped under the cups of her breasts to push them off of her and reveal her tits to him. Stacey blushed furiously and covered her face with her arm to hide her embarrassment but Wallace wasn't having any of that. Keeping one hand on a bouncing tit, he moved Stacey's arm and made her look at him.
"Got something to say, honey?"
"I-It's just..." She stuttered and huffed when Wallace pinched her nipple. "How far are we going?"
"As far as you want, baby." He reassured her. "We can keep doing this if you want."
"Okay..." Stacey relaxed and sunk deeper into the couch. "Just this is fine then..."
"Thatta girl, baby, get into it..."
Wallace went faster, his expression faltering when Stacey saw him near his limit. His hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts tenderly before pushing them together to rub her nipples against each other. Stacey's mouth hung open at the feeling, her hips finally meeting Wallace’s as she chased that high that's been burning in her core for the last hour. Her clit thrummed and pulsed against the older man's buried cock until she suddenly came with a harsh cant of her weary hips. Stacey nearly screamed but had her mouth covered by Wallace who silenced her just in case it woke up Scott.
"We don't wanna wake up Scotty, do we?" He panted out.
Stacey, whose eyes were too busy rolling into her head, barely registered what Wallace said but understood by the gesture that she had to keep quiet. She rode out her orgasm as silently as possible, little whines and whimpers escaping her while Wallace gradually slowed down his pace. Stacey, now reduced to a quivering, nubile mess of emotions and sensations, watched Wallace stop moving altogether through half-lidded eyes and saw him sit up to palm his crotch. He then unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans before pulling down his boxers just enough to reveal his cock to her which made Stacey gasp and worry her lip at how big he was.
"Don't worry, doll," Wallace stroked himself from base to tip when he saw Stacey's upturned face. "Ain't gonna fuck you tonight."
She breathed out a sigh of relief but didn't shift her sights away from his dripping length.
"It's big..." She mused.
"Thank you," Wallace smirked. "A lot of guys say the same thing.”
“Uh-huh...” Stacey was mesmerized by the way Wallace stroked himself, almost tempted to touch and play with it herself when she saw how it twitched under Wallace’s fingers. She heard the older man groan when he gripped himself a little tighter, wringing out a few pearlescent drops of precome that leaked from his slit and rolled over the head. Stacey for some reason had the urge to lick the drops away.
A bright red flush of heat washed over her entire body when the teenager leaned in to swipe her tongue over the tip of Wallace’s cock experimentally. The taste reminded her of hot, slick skin, a taste that she noticed didn’t offend her palette, and she licked it again to catch any more precome that was threatening to leak from the slit. Wallace’s hand flew to the back of Stacey’s head to hold her steady as he took in a sharp inhale of air, the hand that still fisted his cock faltering when Stacey licked him again. He looked down at her to watch the way her fat tongue swirled up and over the engorged head and jolted upwards at the feeling.
“Fuckin’ hell, honey, I didn’t expect you to do all that...” Wallace panted out. “Fuck, that feels good...”
Stacey liked the praise which prompted her to go a little further. She closed her lips around the tip and sucked on it gently, tongue curling around the head when she took him deeper into her mouth. Wallace cursed and weaved his fingers in her pretty black hair, gently rocking his hips in time with her mouth. It didn't take long for Wallace to start voicing his pleasure to her verbally, and suffice to say, Stacey liked that a lot, too.
"This is better than I imagined... You're a natural with that tongue, baby." He hissed out as he licked his lips. "I knew you'd be a good cock sucker."
Stacey moaned at that and rubbed her legs together. Even though she just came, hearing Wallace still made her horny which surprised her. His silver tongue and honeyed voice did a number on her, she noticed, which didn't bode well for her self-control if they took this relationship beyond just dry humping and oral sex. She was literally putty in his hands and they barely even did anything yet. So when Wallace asked her to show off a little more for him, Stacey did so without question, especially if that meant getting off to his voice more. 
"Can you squeeze those tits for me, hon?" He asked breathlessly. "So big and pretty, can't wait to blow my load on them."
Stacey did as she was told and brought her hands to her breasts to press them together for him. She remained like that when she pulled off of Wallace to lick up and down the sides of his shaft, savoring the taste of his manhood as she reveled in the sounds she got out of him. She felt the hand in her hair twitch and his hips stutter which probably meant he was almost there. She went back to just sucking him off then, taking him as deep as she could go while she kneaded her pink breasts for him, even going so far as to pinch her dusty nipples and bounce her tits up and down for his pleasure. Wallace let out a long, drawn-out curse he struggled to keep down and desperately followed Stacey's mouth each time she pulled back.
"I should've done this shit sooner, right in front of Scott, fuck..." Wallace threw his head back and grunted. "Should've tossed your ass in my lap and railed you right there in that basement..."
Stacey felt his cock pulse and twitch until suddenly, the teenager tasted something hot and bitter wash over her tongue. She pulled off of Wallace’s cock out of reflex and was hit in the face and chest with hot come that shot out of Wallace’s cock in spurts. She groaned at the feeling but didn't protest too much and let his seed coat her cheeks, nose, mouth, and tits white while Wallace panted over her, his eyes blown out and shifting constantly as he stroked the rest of his jism out onto Stacey's body. Eventually, his cock wilted and he was left staring at the sullied face of a raven-haired teenage girl who was greedily drinking down the semen that coated her tongue. Wallace shivered at that and immediately sat back on his legs to kiss and lick the mess off of her face. 
"Holy hell, Stace, you were made for me," He said in between licks. "I don't think I've ever seen a guy eat my come the way you do."
His lips eventually found hers again and he shoved his tongue inside with little warning. It's big and fat and touches her throat again and Stacey brings her arms around Wallace’s back to embrace him and return his kiss eagerly. Her tongue rakes over perfect teeth, pink gums, and a tongue that's more than half her size as she moans desperately into Wallace’s mouth. Her pussy was wet before, but now it was soaked, her slickness seeping through her panties and staining the inside of her jeans. Wallace enjoys, nay, loves her excitement, and reaches around to grab her ass and hold her close to him. Stacey was always self-conscious of it given how big it was but she didn't care now; she was too horny (and probably too drunk) to care anymore. 
Wallace breaks the kiss to hold her pink cheeks in his big hands. Stacey is panting and shivering when he does which makes Wallace bite his lip and chuckle.
"Horny little thing now, aren't you?"
"You've..." She clears her throat when she feels how hoarse it is. "You've convinced me."
"Oh yeah?" He strokes her skin with the back of his finger. "We goin' steady now?"
"I guess so..." Stacey replied. "How long have you been wanting to do this with me?"
"Hmm... Maybe three weeks now? I was surprised at first, but after a while, I just couldn't stop thinking about how tight your body was." Wallace then smiled a little crookedly. "In fact, when I heard your parents were gone, I just had to invite you and Scott over for some "bowling" before the week was over."
"Wait, you planned this!?"
"How else was I supposed to get any alone time with you?" He pouted. "Getting Scott piss drunk so I could bang his hot little sister seemed like a good idea."
"That's why you let Scott drink himself into a coma!? We weren't gonna go bowling at all!"
"Nope~" He hugged her close. "Not gonna lie, I hoped slipping you a little rum would get me into that ass, but you handle your booze pretty well, honey." He squeezed her tighter then. "But a blow job is fine, too~"
Stacey didn't know whether to be mad or annoyed before deciding to just stay quiet. This man was so, so weird; how could he have the gall to say this out in the open so shamelessly!? Her initial shock however is soon betrayed by her hormones when the thought of a man of his age and stature wanting her this badly made her cunt clench. She scowled at that but let it happen anyway.
"W-Whatever, can I use your shower please?" She pushed him off and motioned toward her body. "I can't go to bed like this."
"Hmm, already spent?" He cupped her covered sex from behind and pushed into the wet spot on her jeans. "Honey, you made a mess down here. Sure you don't want me to take care of you?"
"I don't even know if I should let you..." That was a bluff. Stacey really wanted him to take care of her, and she had a feeling Wallace knew that she was bullshitting him. He saw through the puffed up cheeks and crossed arms and promptly kissed her before letting his hands roam over her thighs and rear end. Stacey resisted the urge to kiss him back but eventually relented.
"So bratty..." Wallace laughed between kisses. "But I love brats..." He smothered her with his mouth again. Stacey moaned and collapsed back to the couch and brought Wallace with her. Scott was still sleeping soundly on the bar, completely oblivious to what was going on less than twenty feet away from him. Stacey wondered how it would feel for Scott to find out that his new gay friend was about to eat out his little sister's pussy, but pushed the thought away for now to enjoy Wallace’s company. 
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
Tierlist of rgg characters who would take candy from a baby
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serpentmessmer · 10 months
Your tags on the astarion cazador post. V real just wanna say
i wake up every day on a mission from the heavens to defend astarion ancunin's right to be a bit of an asshole who kind of sucks, in all honesty. its why i love him so much 😘😘
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Hmn.. the new wave?
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fantaseagal · 9 months
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Sazantos is such a great character, shame he got hit with the ol' evilfication beam
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caenith · 2 years
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ir-the-cat · 1 year
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I loved this scene in the manga. Thank you again the group of @turtlesoupscans for their work.
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genderqueer-miharu · 2 years
I just hit the uh. The evilfication arc? This is exactly where I stopped reading the wiki and I am so so stressed
IRUMEAN ARC!!! This arc is so good, i love the development it brings. If you're worried about iruma's whole uh thing, don't worry you'll love it.
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dreamcast-official · 10 months
You are killing me you are killing your best friend (the fucking song you said was Finn core. GAHHHHHHH)
evilface evilface evilf
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san-tsun · 2 years
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idk if it's been done before, but still a humble participation
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mokolat · 3 years
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TUA Inktober Day 5 : Gunpoint  (HarcestWhumptober)
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xxxevilfilms · 24 days
The Osaka Bowl | Chapter 6
Info: A dirty fic collection featuring Asuka getting acquainted with some of the Tekken studs and a few gals. Viewer discretion is advised, a lot of these get a little icky.
Summary: After the war between G-Corp and the Tekken Force destroys Tokyo, Hwoarang and Asuka find themselves in an unlikely partnership as they try to survive in war-torn Japan as thieving drifters.
Warnings: Breeding Kink, Implied Teen Pregnancy
Run With Me | Asuka Kazama x Hwoarang
Ao3 Link
Asuka's cheek is smooshed into Hwoarang's back, hair whipping in the wind as dirt and bugs hit the goggles he gave her. She frowns when a bot fly smashes into her left eyeshield and wipes it off on the back of his jacket out of reflex, denim already stained red and brown with blood and motor oil. From a distance, she sees a potential pit stop, a chance for food, and lightly beats her fist on his back to alert him.
“Yeah, yeah,” He responds. “I see it.”
Asuka smiles and remains patient, belly craving ponzu potato chips.
He drives off the freeway and turns into the direction of the pit stop. It's an abandoned gas station, bombed to hell, but still standing. Asuka thinks it stinks of old gasoline and burned shrapnel.
“What do you want?” Hwoarang parks along the curb.
“I want chips.” Asuka lifts the goggles on her face and sets it on her head. “Ponzu... Honey butter if they don't have ‘em.”
“You'll get what I can find, how ‘bout that?” He puts down his kickstand and hops off.
“No downstairs kisses then,” She sticks out her tongue. 
“Liar,” He pokes her nose. Asuka simpers at the touch. “Whatever you want, I'll be back.”
Asuka watches him leave, eyes following the swerve of his rear. She giggles before settling back onto his bike, gaze now focused on the clouds in the sky, floating like cotton along a great blue sea.
She recalls a time when she was no different than a cloud carried by the breeze, wind in her hair, going wherever life took her so long as it was somewhere. Such a life seems so long ago, so distant, and yet it’s barely been a year since she began living like this. She supposes she couldn't complain; she was alive at least, healthier than most people she's seen. She got away from Osaka with only a few scrapes, a broken arm, and a burn on her right shoulder; folks like her father weren't so lucky. He passed away the same night she escaped, orphaning her. She aimlessly wandered what remained of the city until Hwoarang showed up, looking for the man who started this war, but instead took pity on a little girl who bore his name.
Asuka sighs, belly suddenly hurting. If it weren't for him Hwoarang wouldn't have found her, but she can't help but feel resentful of him, whoever he is.
“I wish I was a cloud...”
Asuka watches her clouds and keeps an eye out for fellow drifters until Hwoarang walks out of the store. In his hands were Asuka’s snacks as well as some candies and lukewarm drinks. Asuka bounds off the motorcycle to retrieve her chips and whatever else Hwoarang had.
“Thank you~” Suddenly her belly didn’t hurt anymore.
“Of course,” He shoves what he doesn’t wanna carry in his bag before cracking open a can of beer. “You really love those things, huh? You've been eating them like crazy.”
“I just like ‘em, I guess.” She shrugs and tears the bag open, unwilling to elaborate. “Let’s sit down.”
Hwoarang pops a squat on the sidewalk as he sips at his beer. Asuka follows suit and sits between his legs, munching her chips like a starving child as she stares at the highway. As always, it's quiet save for the sound of a very distant air raid siren. Asuka thinks it’s a good thing; the last time they saw another human, she almost got robbed and things didn’t end too well for him when Hwoarang intervened.
“There should be a motel about twenty miles that way.” Hwoarang points to the right. A plume of smoke rises from the horizon. “We’ll bunker down there for a few days.”
“Are we still going to Okinawa?”
“For now.” He drinks again. “Not crawling with G-Corp goons.”
“Sucks that we can't go to Hokkaido anymore...”
“Fuckin’ Zaibatsu...” 
“Well, I guess it's no big deal...” She swallows a lump of chewed up potatoes. “I always wanted to work on my tan...”
“Look sexy with one,” He laughs. “Ever think about dyeing your hair, too?”
“Uhh... Kinda?” She twirls a chocolate-brown lock. “I always loved highlights more. I think blonde would look cute on me~”
“You’d make a cute beach bunny.”
Hwoarang sniggers, causing Asuka to do the same. 
Hokkaido, their initial destination, was safe up until a week ago; when G-Corp troops seized control of it from the government. Rumour has it that Okinawa was safe, one of the last prefectures spared from martial law and Tekken Force control. The American naval base did a great job securing the area it seemed and have been shipping refugees to foreign countries for safety. Hwoarang had plans to get them to a ship that would take them to South Korea so they could stay with Hwoarang's former master.
“We should go,” He scoots away from her to stand up. “Before something happens.”
“Haaaai,” Asuka does the same and skips to the motorcycle. “Do you think your master will like me?”
“We share a type, he’ll like you fine.” He climbs one and waits for Asuka to cling on to him. “He loves big tits.”
“Dirty old man...” Asuka smirks as she grabs the decorated goggles resting on her head, finger smoothing over a Sanrio sticker. “C’mon, I'm getting tired.”
“Yes ma'am,”
Hwoarang starts the bike and drives off, making a beeline down the highway.
It's nearly nighttime when they check into the motel, a shabby, cheap little room that was just barely clean enough for their comfort. Too tired to complain, the couple shower and settle in for the night and try to relax, or at least Hwoarang does. He's lying in bed watching TV with a smoke in his mouth while Asuka stands naked in a dusty mirror, examining her figure. She smooths her hands down big breasts and wide hips as she glares at her stomach, an area of concern she's recently been agonizing over.
Hwoarang notices her behavior but doesn't complain.
“Man, you gotta big ass.” He blurts out.
Asuka scoffs. “It'd probably be smaller if I wasn't so fat...”
“The hell are you talking about?” He raises a brow. “Ya look fine to me.”
“I think I'm gaining weight...” She complains as she touches her stomach. “I dunno... Feels like my belly is getting bigger.”
“Not gonna stop me from fucking you.” He ashes his cigarette in an empty beer can. “You're getting curves, so what?”
“Fachan...” Asuka whines. “It's not about that...”
“Then what is it?”
Asuka has her concerns, knows that they're not putting in an effort to have safer sex. It was very easy to blame the junk food that she's been gorging on lately, but she knew better than to do that.
“I haven't had my period in a while...”
Hwoarang is quiet, but she can see him in the mirror, eyes dancing between his cigarette and her figure as he puts two and two together.
“So...” He sits up. “You knocked up?”
“I...I could be, I don't...” She turns to him, fiddles with her fingers. “Would you be mad?”
“I'm not mad. Just means we should get to Okinawa sooner than we thought.” He then looks at her. “You'd wanna keep it, yeah?”
“If I could.” She walks back to bed and sits on the foot of it. “Are you sure you're not mad?”
“Can't get mad at nature, baby,” He finally puts his tab out in the can. “I hate condoms, you can't get on a pill, was gonna happen eventually.”
Asuka is silent for a time, a sudden fear welling in her heart.
“When we reach South Korea... You’re not dumping me with your master, are you?” She asks. “To go find...him?”
She feels two big arms pull her into a crushing hug. Asuka grunts but accepts his touch gratefully.
“Don't be so fucking stupid.” He growls. “You're pregnant. Whatever beef I have with that asshole is second to you.” He holds her tighter. “I'm not abandoning you.”
Asuka closes her eyes and breathes in his scent, content with his answer. 
“Thank you...” She sighs.
“I'm not leaving you, doll,” He kisses her hair. “Only pussy in the world I can count on right now.”
“Even when I'm fat and pregnant, you wanna fuck me?”
“I'd rather you be fat than skinny. Skinny bitches got nothing to grab.” He places his hand on her swelling stomach and squeezes lightly. “Got a body like a coke bottle already, can't imagine how fat your tits and ass are gonna get with a baby in you.” He then touches the meat of her backside and smacks it playfully. Asuka shudders in response. “You're gonna be a sexy little mama.”
“F-Fachan,” Asuka giggles at his enthusiasm, suddenly feeling happier about their situation than she did before. “I didn't know you'd be that excited about it~”
“It's a pretty hot thought,” Hwoarang cups her breasts, holds them up against Asuka's chest to flick dusty nipples with his fingers. “Nice big fat milky tits,” He pinches them, pulls them taut to make her whine. “Gonna make it hurt real good when I suck on them.”
“Y-You’re into that, huh?”
“I guess I am,” He's bouncing her tits in his hands now, entranced by jiggling flesh and rippling skin. “Wouldn't have enough to feed the damn brat once I'm done with you.”
“Ah… I don't want you taking that much,” She plays into the fantasy, arching her back to get him to do more to her. “What am I gonna feed him when–!”
Hwoarang takes her to the bed, gives her a devious look when he climbs on top of her.
“Guess you're bottle feeding then because I ain't sharing, not when they're this fucking big,” Hwoarang holds her tits together, lips pulled into a tight smirk when he opens his mouth. “This fucking perfect.”
Asuka sucks in a breath, both tits suddenly taken into Hwoarang's mouth. He rolls his tongue up and over fading areola and stiff nipples as wandering hands knead and toy with her breasts. Hwoarang refuses to break eye contact with her, watching her eyelids flutter like butterfly wings as he pretends to take milk from her. He sucks about as hard as she imagines he would if she were actually pregnant, belly big and full with their child as he wrestles her into the bed, humping a rigid cock into her pussy as he drank his fill of her. Her breasts would be so sore and tender after he's done with her, littered with bright red teeth marks and hickeys that Hwoarang would love to kiss and lick at as he bounced her in his lap. It's so lurid and so, so dirty to think about but she can't help it and neither can he.
“Fuck...” Hwoarang spits out her breasts, tongue now swirling around a swollen nipple. “You taste so fuckin sweet, baby girl...”
“You're greedy, Fachan...” Asuka mewls, thrusting her hips against his chest. “You're gonna milk me dry~”
“Oh baby,” He kisses along the curve of her tit while his hand moves down, down to where she needs him the most. “That's never gonna happen if I'm around.”
“W-Why--” Asuka gasps, suddenly plunged by two fingers that aggressively pump her cunt. “Ah, Fachan, why’s that...?”
“Cuz this won't be the last one,” He meets her gaze as he scales her figure. “I'll keep fuckin’ you, fuckin’ this pretty pussy,” A twist and a drag over her g-spot gets her wincing. “Knocking you up, making you a mommy,” Another finger, they go deeper this time, as far as they can reach. “Watching this fat belly get fatter...” He wriggles them up and down, side to side, bringing strings of slick with him with each pump of his hand. “Until you can't give me any, when I'm good and fuckin’ ready to stop.”
“Hwoarang...” Asuka's eyes cross, pussy close to coming, but she doesn't want it, not yet. “Please, Hwoarang, fuck me, hurry...”
“Yeah? You want this dick?” He kneels between her legs, grinning like a devil as he holds a foot-long, uncut cock above her sex. It's rock hard and framed by shocks of dark wiry hair. “Want me to breed you again, baby doll? Give you another one?”
“Yes, yes,” She wraps her legs around his waist, licks her lips. “Fuck me, fuck another baby in me, daddy. I need it...”
“Oh yeah, I hear you, baby...” Hwoarang holds her hips still, teeth chewing into his lip as he angles himself. “I hear you loud and clear.”
Asuka nearly cries when Hwoarang pushes in, slides against her walls, filling her with a girth that measures his wrist. It's so big, so fucking thick; she should feel grateful that such a mighty, hefty thing bred her so well, made her fit to be a mommy.
“So tight, fucking hell...” Hwoarang is slow, yet thoughtful once he fucks her, savoring the hold she had on his shaft, balls tightly drawn as they bounce against her ass. “Got me so fuckin’ horny for you, Asu, holy fuck...” He narrows his eyes, slaps his hand on her hip like a slut. “Gonna make you cum on my cock, make this cunt squirt,” He focuses on her breasts again. Hanging low on her body, sagging ever so slightly from rapid endowment, Hwoarang makes them bounce and jiggle, ripple and wobble along a slender chest by fucking her faster than he did before. Asuka yips and holds onto Hwoarang's sides, crying and gibbering like their unborn child would do. He smacks her again and then lifts her thighs to use it like a toy, treating it like a means to an end. He's gonna knock her up again, and if she isn't knocked up, he'll just top her off, finish the job and fuck her every day with his stud cock until she's finally with child.
“Love how hot, how sweet this little pussy is...” His hips knock her pelvis, pinking her skin, ass smacked red from swollen balls. “Want me to come that bad? This slutty pussy can't get enough of it?”
“Please, daddy, please knock me up...” She cries, holds her bouncing tits to pinch her nipples. “Fuck me, make me a mommy, I want it so bad...!”
“Fuck yes, baby, lemme beat it up...” Hwoarang topples over, forces her legs against his shoulders so he can pound down into her hole, folding her in half. Asuka wheezes but doesn't complain, too out of her mind from sex and attention to talk back. “Lemme beat this little pussy up...” He sacrifices speed for power, skin spanking skin as he hammers the flat end of his cock into her womb one thrust at a time. He holds her tight and smothers her with his breath when he kisses her. It's enough to make Asuka come, come so hard that she soils Hwoarang in sweet hot cunt juice. He practically bathes his cock in it, shoving his face into her neck when the thrum in his loins get too much to take.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck...!” He's so noisy when he's fucking her. Asuka loves it. “Take it baby, take it...!” She feels warmth, delicious warmth that blooms in her quim and ends at her womb. Asuka moans while Hwoarang pants, rocking his cock into her hole to wring out his balls. 
“Fachaaan... You gave me so much...” Asuka clutches his shoulders, kisses his chin and neck. “Such a manly, studly cock~”
“All for you, baby,” He huffs, wipes the sweat off his brow. “I'd do anything for you, I don't give a shit what it is.” He kisses her deeply then, thumb steadying her chin so he could cover her in love bites. “Fuck it, get pregnant, baby, make me a daddy...” A lingering peck filled with spit that he leaves on her lips makes her shiver. “Be such a cute, sexy little mama.”
Asuka revels in Hwoarang's words, delighted by his excitement, by his dedication to her. She can only pray that his master has room for three.
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lesbianriverphoenix · 4 years
right with all the spn girlies emotionally....i’ve been put it off but i’m finally watching ds9 season 6 finale 😭😭😭😭😖😖😖😞😞😫😫😫🤧🤧🤧🤧🥺🥺😢😢😩😩😩
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alcamoth · 4 years
my wow experience is disjointed and not up to date, but i will say i appreciate a guy getting evilfied
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the-villain-school · 5 years
How the hell does the school get funded
Sometimes parents of villain kids donate equipment or funds to make sure that everything is at peak performance for their kid, sometimes Maple goes out and pulls off a massive heist and comes back with like 5 million dollars it just kinda depends on how that year is turning out for them
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smoakiism · 5 years
continued from here [ @evilfates ]
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“I’m smart enough to take longer to do certain things too if you know what I mean– never mind that’s not important right now. I’m going to start talking.” Even her original statement about long and hard had been enough to get her blush and then she just had to take it one step further. “I’ll call you back once I have this done.”
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