#evilive 1x06
1liv · 5 months
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evilcentral · 12 days
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It's a way of facing down George. And when I do that, what do I do? Kill him? No. You face him down, ask him what he wants. Then tell him, "You have no power over me. I am in control of this dream. Now go away."
EVIL, S01E13 Book 27
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Someone liked one of my posts from back when everyone was debating the whole "Edward says he has no friends so Izzy can't be close to him" thing, and it reminded me of an argument I've probably made before, but usually as part of a larger, Izzy-focused tangent and not like. On its own merits. So, just for the record...
Generally, if someone is defending Edward's 1x06 bathtub claim of friendlessness as literally true for whatever reason, then Calico Jack is discounted as a "real" friend of Edward's by referencing Jack's quote from 1x08:
"What kinda pirate has a friend?!? We're all just in various stages of fucking each other over!"
The reasoning goes that Edward shares this belief / mindset, and doesn't truly trust Jack (or any other pirate) not to fuck him over. He has his guard up, always, and he's aware that he doesn't trust any of his lifetime of acquaintances with meaningful vulnerability. That's why he can sob to Stede in a bathtub that he has no friends and mean it literally. He's extending real trust for the first time ever, to Stede, and it's more proof they invented acceptance etc. etc.
Now, I have better and more robust reasons that I interpret the bathtub scene differently, but setting those aside... I think there's an argument in the text of 1x08 that Edward doesn't buy into Jack's line, even just looking at his relationship with Jack. The semantics, maybe - he noticeably doesn't use the word friend, preferring "mate" - but not the philosophy behind it.
Because Edward very much does seem to believe Jack (and Izzy) would not fuck him over.
Edward falls for Jack's bullshit hook, line, and sinker because he doesn't suspect Jack of any fuckery. His guard isn't up at all! Jack even calls him out on it! Edward is hurt, betrayed, and angry because he trusted Jack, as a friend, and then Jack used that trust to help Izzy. He's hurt and pissed that Izzy would sell Stede out, despite their last interaction literally being Izzy screaming that he hates Stede and swearing to return with a vengeance. Edward has absolutely no reason to expect "better" from either of these men - especially Jack given how cavalier he is about the whole thing - unless he thinks they have a bond of friendship that would preclude a plot against his new boyfriend. It's foundational to his emotional state!
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spacy-snail · 1 year
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“they’re quiet, do what they’re told.”
1.06 | Kin
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Aleksandr Gorbatov as Fyodor Mstislavsky in Годунов | Godunov, 1x06 (2018)
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mikimeiko · 2 years
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Loot | 1x06. The Philanthropic Humanitarian Awards
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lingeringscars · 9 months
shauna has an extreme capacity for gentleness, kindness, and compassion.
#i am just thinking about s1 teen shauna for a minute <33333333#i get it shauna is horrible (affectionate)#but people being like. she's never displayed motherly tendencies in her life. are quite frankly incorrect#and i get a little tired seeing things that constantly just talk about her callousness or bitterness or jealousy#bc she is all those things!!! but she is also kind! and compassionate!#she called lottie sweetie in 1x06! she tried to help mari when she thought there was something in her clothes!#she was the one protecting and caring for javi!#she has so much tenderness in her heart!#she went to stay with tai bc she didn't like the idea of her being alone. she held tai after the animal attack.#as an adult she welcomed tai back and gave her a place to stay!#shauna does horrible things and is a horrible parent and sometimes a horrible person#but she is also good#and everyone focusing just on how horrible she is can sometimes make me :(((( bc one of the most nuanced chars ever has so many layers#none of the team members are just one thing and that is why i can love all of them (except for the one non team member who is. vague. iykyk#shauna is not evil shauna is traumatized and shauna was a teenager who did DUMB TEENAGE THINGS THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN SOMEONE KILLED#BUT DID#muse: shauna shipman#meta: shauna shipman#i have to read like 400 pages a week for school so i'm always drowning on top of my sleep schedule being a mess#but know that i am always thinking about her
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screencapsontherun · 2 years
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Evil | 1.06 "Let x = 9"
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itachi86 · 2 years
the warlock blade is so cool
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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Blue Eye Samurai || 1x06 - All Evil Dreams and Angry Words
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mmelolabelle · 8 days
Dreamstat referring to Claudia as “our daughter”rather than “sister” doesn’t just reveal that whatever he tells Claudia (and himself), Louis still ultimately thinks of Claudia as his daughter and knows on some level that he’s failing her, but also tells us about the real Lestat’s view of her, because apparently even the most fucked up parts of Louis’ mind cannot conjure up a version of Lestat that doesn’t treat Claudia as his fledgling/child before everything else ->
“It's not as simple as choosing a new family configuration. 'Now I'm your cousin.' 'Now I'm your aunt.' I am your maker!’” (Lestat, 1x06) ->
“Claudia was my dark child, my love, evil of my evil. Claudia broke my heart.” (The Vampire Lestat)
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whumparound · 1 month
Midnight Studio - Whumplist
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Summary: Struggling lawyer Han Bom (Kwon Nara) has fallen on hard times: She’s behind with her rent and can’t find any clients who will pay her. But might she enjoy better luck representing clients in the afterlife? After she meets a short-tempered photographer named Seo Ki Joo (Joo Won) and his clientele of disgruntled ghosts and restless spirits, her luck begins to change. Will this unusual duo’s new partnership prove a hit for the living...and the living dead? 
**Description from VIKI, Show is a VIKI original**
Thoughts: I actually really enjoyed this drama. I feel like some pieces of it were never explained like his mother, and he only talked about his father once. Outside of that, the story was really entertaining and, as you can see, filled with whump. Joo Won is a great whumpee, and I would suggest watching Stealer: the treasure keeper or Alice if you want more whump from him. For this list I started paying attention to Baek Nam-gu around episode 7 but there is an ep early on that shows his death. I don't really count death as whump so I didn't add it.
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Seo Ki joo Played by Joo won
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Baek Nam-gu Played by Eum Moon Suk
1x01 - Seo Ki joo: carried (comical) ●● choked in air ●● Sick, Feverish, smoke Inhalation coughs ●● scared, attacked, choked
1x02 Seo Ki joo: thrown on accident●● attacked by spirits pinned down, saved
1x03 Seo Ki joo: *from last ep***pinned down, almost killed, saved*** ●● Arrested, manhandled, woke up yelling from a nightmare
1x04 Seo Ki joo: concerned for someone, ran into traffic to save FL
1x05 - Seo Ki joo: sleeping, woke frantic, someone throws salt at him, crowded and yelled at, ●● concern for someone ●● in fight ●● pinned against wall ●● Nightmare, wakes up sweating falls off bed unconscious
1x06 - Seo Ki joo: Sweaty, can't hold up his head, passes out ●● carried home by FL *it's was so funny I has to pause to laugh*, laid down, wakes up slowly, struggling, goes to work but is sick for 3 days
1x07 - Seo Ki joo: Choked, cared for Baek Nam-gu: fought, struggling to stand
1x08 - Seo Ki joo: scratch on arm ●● Sick, sweaty, falls asleep, wakes up, frantic (comedic) Baek Nam-gu: fought ●● found out upsetting news
1x09 - Seo Ki joo: Concerned for someone ●● Worried ●● Thrown by a visitor, concerned for, helped to stand Baek Nam-gu: upset, crying, throws vase through glass with powers. Concerned for, comforted, thrown by spirit
1x10 - Seo Ki joo: upset, crying ●● thrown to the ground, choked ●● found out shocking news, pretending to be okay ●● crying while confessing he's scared (really heartbreaking and great acting) ●● attacked with a wrench, chased, fought, choked with said wrench, almost passes out, choked again, saved, protecting FL, bruises on neck Baek Nam-gu: thrown to the ground
1x11 - Seo Ki joo: Client breaks glass that cuts ML cheek
1x12 - Seo Ki joo: scared, in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatlines Baek Nam-gu: Cries
1x13 - Seo Ki joo: found out shocking information, Fought, stabbed, knife twisted, struggling to run, falling, holding wound, falls wound bleeding more, finally makes it downstairs, passes out **this whole sequence was kind of funny on the Bad guys part because he looked so content** (from previous episode) in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatline ●● In hospital, coma, loved ones concerned for him●● Concerned for, slapped *comedic* ●● Concerned, saved FL worried Baek Nam-gu: slapped *comedic*, Upset, almost becomes evil, calms self, upset
1x14 - Seo Ki joo: crying, upset, bittersweet reunion with loved one ●● walking around with IV, looks weak ●● pain in stomach (Pretend), pain in neck (real, no consequence) ●● sad ●● teary Eyed, shocked, fought, throw Through wall of photos, chocked, dropped, chocked, almost stabbed, crying, screaming Baek Nam-gu: fought, thrown bookcase falls on him, fought, Collapsed, continues fighting, taken over, stabbed, crying
1x15- Seo Ki joo: dragged out of studio by a supernatural force, crying, comforted ●● Worried for loved one●● Worried for●● upset, trying to punch a ghost, collapses, teary Eyed, upset
1x16 - Seo Ki joo: Drunk, admitting he's scared, worried for ●● scared, chased, attacked, man's was jumped, jumps off a cliff into a gate, Rolls, grunting, cut on face, ●● stumbling, falls down hill, loosing energy, chased ●● thrown back by energy, upset, falls down a hill into rocks, knocked out ●●wakes up, kicked *comedic*, cut on hand
Sorry for any spelling errors. I am dumb 😊
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evilcentral · 1 year
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No. You face him down, ask him what he wants. Then tell him, "You have no power over me. I am in control of this dream. Now go away".
EVIL, S01E06 Let x = 9
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theoriginalsarchive · 10 months
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So, back to the murderous witches, I have some concerns. They're evil, and my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting. Yes. I think it's time we took care of that little problem.
THE ORIGINALS 1X06 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
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boylikeanangel · 11 months
can you please share a bit more of your thoughts on the spoilers? i haven't seen them anywhere and it would be nice to know them coming from you
hiii tumblr mobile does not give timestamps for asks so idk if this is in regard to the spoilers from the interviews or the screenings but all my thoughts are kinda connected to both so SPOILER WARNING FOR THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF SEASON 2 UNDER THE CUT LALALALA
I don't even know where to start like. I have been in a state of shock all day because literally everything my friends and I speculated about is real. literally all of it. all of our wildest theories about aziraphale and crowley's first meeting were confirmed by the fans who saw the screening. I have never won this fucking hard and ive won AT GOOD OMENS OF ALL THINGS. 2022 me would be laughing. june 2023 me would be laughing. two days ago me would be LAUGHING. I genuinely think this may be one of the best seasons of tv ever guys
like. do you understand. how much this changes. how our understanding of crowley and aziraphale's dynamic throughout time has been totally flipped on its head. aziraphale approached crowley first. crowley was the one who sheltered aziraphale with his wing. so eden was aziraphale returning the favour. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. AZIRAPHALE FELL FIRST. HE DIDNT TAKE SIX THOUSAND YEARS TO CATCH UP. HE HASN'T BEEN CLUELESS THIS ENTIRE TIME. they've literally been connected this entire time, right from before sides or the concept of evil or hatred or enemies were even invented. of course they'd never buy into the whole "hereditary enemies" thing. AZIRAPHALE KNOWS HIM. HE KNOWS CROWLEY. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN HIM.
and it doesn't even feel like a retcon. it doesn't feel like we need to ignore a bunch of stuff from season 1 to accept or enjoy the added content this season. it's literally just. more shit to help quantify the depth of their love for each other. their connection over countless millennia. I mean if you go back to the very first scene in season 1, aziraphale literally does a double take when crowley appears next to him. that's him realising who it is. he fucking recognised crowley and freaked out for a second. that's why he didn't hear what crowley said!!! he was processing!!!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH MORE SHIT FROM SEASON 1 HURTS NOW. AZIRAPHALE PLEADING WITH CROWLEY BECAUSE HE WAS AN ANGEL, ONCE. CROWLEY WANTING TO TAKE AZIRAPHALE AND RUN AWAY TO LIVE IN A GALAXY THEY HELPED BUILD TOGETHER. AZIRAPHALE ALWAYS TELLING CROWLEY NOT TO QUESTION GOD AND BEING SO AFRAID TO DO THE SAME BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT'S EXACTLY WHY CROWLEY FELL IN THE FIRST PLACE. it's not retconning its just making everything worse!!! azcrow is canon and everything is worse now!!!!!!
the biblical minisode. well. I cannot think about that without having to pace around my house like a person going into labour. I literally stress cleaned my entire house earlier to distract myself from thinking about it. crowley has always always ALWAYS protected aziraphale. always. literally the only reason aziraphale has never killed anything is because crowley has protected him from ever having to do that. crowley's dedication to preserving aziraphale's goodness and allowing him to be his own definition of angelic/holy is the greatest act of service he could bestow upon him and it makes me SICK because him pushing aziraphale to kill adam in 1x06 after all that shows just how desperate he was. both of them realising and understanding at the exact same time that the only person in the universe who really understands them or knows what they're going through is the other, the only person they can rely upon is the other, its just. we've been so wrong. about aziraphale. about the extent to which he knows how important crowley is to him. he's always known. he's just been so afraid. him being prepared to fall to keep doing what he believes is right is so fucking heartbreaking and weve done him such a disservice all these years for calling him naive and mocking him for being slow on the uptake. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN. HE JUST COULDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE. AND THAT'S SO MUCH WORSE
basically I have never been more scared in my entire life because if they packed this much into the first two episodes and it was deemed tame enough to show ahead of release then what the fuck is in the next four. what are we getting ourselves in for . it's really dawning on me the scope of what this experience is going to be and I simply dont think im going to survive it. again I never expected any of this. this was my definitive "high hopes low expectations" season of tv and it's now it's shaping up to be one the best things I've probably ever seen in my life and. it's cognitive dissonance in its crystallised form. how did we fucking get here.
in conclusion
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ladyluscinia · 6 months
I actually do think that possibly the main reason Edward's entire characterization arc around his relationship to enacting violence just... unceremoniously gets cut the second 2x08 opens is because it gets in the way of plot too much.
It's already getting yanked around by plot needs in S2 in general - They make him really push the boundary in the establishing Kraken era montage (gory discretion shot or no they aren't doing plausible deniability on "the big job" very well) and, yeah, ok, it does seem like they try to work with it being an evil-era rule slip and he returns to #NOkilling with Ned Lowe, and becomes fully #NOviolence to make him run away in 2x07. It's not an issue with Ned because they want Stede to kill him (and in the process play Ed's hugely complicated central trauma he could barely mention in 1x06 as a slightly funny speech opener, I guess? First red flag tbh). Ed's whole deal as a character gets fuzzier and more nebulous as the season goes on - and crucially more detached from his past traumatic experiences - but it doesn't really strain the writing because they can just have him stand around and look pretty from 2x04 to 2x07.
However... making their concept of 2x08 work if the primary badass can't actually hurt or kill anyone without having a breakdown would be really fucking hard.
The British soldiers who destroy the Republic of Pirates are introduced to be slaughtered mooks 🤷‍♀️ like, Jenkins is literally in interviews laughing about them being Stormtroopers who are there to die. The final episode is all about the plot of this daring escape / rescue from the occupied town. Also this conflict has all the makings to spill over into a potential S3, either with a payback plot against Ricky or getting run from the inn by the Brits hunting pirates like Rhys Darby keeps talking about. They literally have Blackbeard in this show and a hundred different ideas for kills they could shoot effortlessly cool in multiple fight scenes. Pulling off an awesome action sequence like this hinges on the heroes treating the mooks as disposable enemy cannon fodder, and it's not an issue because that's how plots work.
Except the little bump that all those people he could never bring himself to kill according to S1 rules would also have been - for all intents and purposes - enemy mooks. There's no difference. Edward's trauma means he can't kill Stormtroopers, either, and he hasn't been making any effort to change that.
So you cut the trauma or you cut the Stormtroopers, and Jenkins liked those Stormtrooper fights.
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