#evillious doesnt make sense
behemobarisql · 2 years
on my way to make a silly little evillious modern au where everything is okay ahahhahahaahhahaahahha
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carcarrot · 3 months
im going to make my own dvd........
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mariannezinha · 2 years
just got caught up in the events of master of the heavenly yard and I Have Many Feelings But Mostly,
...you’re telling me no one mentioned ney-
actually, mariam i’m looking at you!! shouldn’t you have like a million questions that’s your daughter you raised for years that figuratively and literally stabbed you in the back out of the blue ma’am arent you even a tiny bit curious
why couldn’t we have a scene of any of them looking around being like ‘hey ney isnt here oh the glass of conchita right’ followed by anne and arth going ‘??’ prompting chartette and mariam to quickly update them on who the hell ney phutapie was and the things she did leading to KYLE AND YUKINA WHO WERE THERE to be like ‘actually haha she’s not a monster she’s my/his sister’ WHICH FINALLY ends with some truths coming out LIKE CMOM anne never learned the extent of prim’s pettiness, how her hatred for anne culminated in all the harm she did to her family AND ARTH never learned about his other daughter?????
and mariam never got to know the real ney, how similar their pasts were, how they were abused and manipulated by abyss IR and how ney killed prim in the end and in one last moment of clarity expressed her wish to be a real family?????
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immortal-cataclysm · 2 years
Hellsing monster of the week formula means more time for char n world development and whatever BUT most number one important thing is that i can make sertegra ballroom mission real in this context 😈
Northwest mansion mystery type EP where they have to get rid of some ghosts/monsters in a fancy mansion where a big event is gonna take place. EXCEPT integra has actually been personally invited to said event alongside being tasked to get rid of the ghosts so he has to manege a)being in the party and b) actually helping in getting the mission done. Like he's absolutely tired of dealing w all these fancy smuchs he doesn't care for and wishes he could just run for it and kick the ghost in the face himself esp when seras is calling him over the radio or smth like hey we found the problem. But um turns out the ghost has a long vendetta and is planning on turning everyone inside the building into stone - *loud noises and screaming can be heard B4 the call cuts off* and he just HAS to sit there like bro is at his limit 😭.
Seras (and ig pip is he's already there ) getting tasked w the job meanwhile seras laments the fact that this is such a big event but she doesn't really. Get to take part of it she's just running backstage beating some dead people back into the grave. Meanwhile integra is out there walking around in a gorgeous suit talking with people far more prettier and capable than her and she has nothing to show for it. Idk i guess it wouldn't be a Fake Date in this scenario but like,, they can still dance maybe. Like shits going down in the main hall n íntegras like FUCKING FINALLY he's so happy he finally gets to do something fr anddddd maybeeee he and seras work together to defeat the ghost and it's sort of like a dance yknow?? Except sometimes seras is bad at dancing and they aren't that in synch so they trip a few times but this is still more fun integra has had in Hours so he's probably having a blast. Either way they kick ass n everythings back to normal and they get to leave.
(idk where pip went in that fight scene maybe he just got turned into stone. Sorry bro u gotta get fridged for a moment it's important TRUST ME)
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cryptic-science · 8 months
there is a special kind of hurt for witnessing your baby brother become ashamed and embarrassed of you. there is a special kind of hurt for hearing your baby brother make fun of your pronouns, of who you are, to his friend. we share a room at this house, you know. you know that i can hear you, dont you ?
what happened to the brother, who, just this summer, was scared and crying about missing me, because i was at my friends a lot more now that ive graduated and he was afraid he was going to lose me. that i was going to leave. is that still the same boy ? are you still the same boy ?
where did the boy that called me in the middle of the night to come give him a hug go? where is my brother ? are you still my brother ? do you want to be my brother ?
you admitted tonight that you do not like me. i foolishly asked in response "do you not like me in the way a brother does not like his sibling, or do you not like me simply as a person ?" he of course replied with the latter. i hope it is not really the latter.
i was never supposed to let it get this far. i was supposed to steer you clear of this kind of hatred. i know you do not see the harm of your words and actions, the ones you call jokes.
i dont know what to do anymore. you make me so irrevocably pissed off some days. ypu make me want to yell until my lungs give out. i want nothing more than to give you a hug. i dont know what i would do without you. i dont know who i am without you. who am i, but at my core, the eldest child ? your older sister ?
let me love you, my brother. i love you.
and i wont stop loving you, even if you have chosen to stop loving me too.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Something similar happened in another show but as a black woman, I’m so sick and tired of White or White passing authors who write about oppression in their shows..only to make the ONLY character who stands firmly and vocally against their oppressors and openly speaks about their hatred or how unfair it is, some insane, irrational, narcissistic and/or hypocritical piece of shit.
We know that imps are the lowest creatures in hell. We know that they are treated badly, that it’s tough for them to establish themselves in Hell, that they are oppressed and looked down on. And yet, the only character who talks about this, is Striker for some reason. In fact, it’s completely plot irrelevant other than that. Oh, but he is crazy and hypocritical though! He takes jobs from the Royals even though he hates them a-a-and he looks down on other imps and is a SUPREMACIST!! HE HAS NO ACTUAL VALUES, SO DONT LISTEN TO HIM!
I fucking hate this troupe so much. It’s like the oppressed character in question starts making too much sense/is actually in the right for being angry but they don’t want people to actually THINK about it, be it because the oppression in question is not meant to be plot relevant or because the character is meant to be an antagonist so they decide to discredit them by demonising them unnecessarily and pulling the good ol “see, he DOESNT actually want to be treated as an equal, he doesn’t ACTUALLY care about the oppression, he is just evilly evil evil, he wants to OPPRESS and treat OTHERS badly!! Did you see him slaughter all those pregnant women and those newborn babies too?? Did you see him kick the little kitties as he was exiting the building????”(as if the “BLM/feminists/LGBT+ people doesn’t fight for equality, they actually want a white genocide which is why we must oppose them!!1 this is the FUTURE LIBERALS WANT!!” narrative is not a literal fucking far right dogwhistle)
Idk, it could work if there was another character who was also actively and vocally opposing the oppressors, but when you write your only character who has something to say and then decide to make them insane/hypocritical/sUpReMacIsT, is very telling. Like, you wanna talk Supremacy? Why don’t you address the supremacy of the actual oppressors first instead of writing your oppressed characters as the actual Hypocritical Supremacists instead? Idk it just screams “see? SEE? BOTH sides bad! ALL lives matter.” to me.
If you don’t plan to write oppression properly, and don’t plan to hold you favourite Soft Babies (Stolas for example) accountable, then don’t write it at all. There is literally no plot relevance in imps being inferior and being treated badly because of it.
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It's an ugly ass trope, and Vivzie's a deeply ugly person.
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molqr · 4 months
i think its interesting that scout not knowing spy is his dad is really prominent in fan content when its obvious he knows in the comics
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and im just thinking about this. evilly. because a lot of people really interpret scout as not being able to deal with it, immediately confronting spy and then freaking out and refusing to talk to him or the others or something. but truly? hes seems oddly passive about it. he's denying it, that's obvious, because of the whole, yknow,
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and im just wondering whether scout accepting tom jones being his dad was the blood loss taking its toll or he'd rather take it than the truth. he seems like hes just going 'if i dont think about it then its fine' through it all.
i'd argue that spy cares more about it than scout does, besides the whole 'i dont want it to be true' aspect. a lot of people interpret the tom jones scene as spy still hiding the truth from scout, and while that could be part of it, i think another form is that he thought scout was dying, so he gave him what he wanted before he carked it. i mean, think about it, favourite celebrity you like saying he's your dad? calm death. guy you hate saying hes your dad? worst way to die. yknow?
i dunno. i think a lot about the fact that it doesnt matter how or why spy left, because it wouldnt change scout's thoughts on it regardless. what's done is done and scout is probably over it, it just seems like a big issue because 'hey the weird dreams i have about my dad being a masked man aren't some weird i-dont-know-my-dads-face trauma thing, he's my coworker who wears the very same mask like a freak. what the fuck?'. if that makes sense. scout got over it, he can't miss someone who was never there, but then he ends up getting the same job as the guy from his weird memory-dreams and the pieces all come together. i'd be fucking pissed in his situation. anyway.
i think spy cares infinitely more about this than scout does, she just has like ten layers of 'oh the misery, woe is me' bullshit going on. its not that deep i dont think he will make a big fuss of it, you'll be fine. scout just might get real uncomfortable when it's all Out There because they do not like eachother. spy asks scout to play catch and scout throws a baseball in her face and shatters her (fake) teeth. sad!
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aztarion · 6 months
HI. 10/11 i actually don't know what route Deva is on💔 fake fan. also 7 and 15 👀
HI JULES!! omg no i dont think i ever mentioned it dont worry im actually not even 100% set on what i have at the moment either BUT lets go on an adventure 🫴
10. If on the Bobby route, did your detective and Bobby kiss? Unwanted or Wanted? How is your detective dealing with this? And how do you think M will react once they find out?
But but but… Dev is my messy chaos child of course she kissed Bobby 🤦‍♀️
its a complicated situation and theres a rat-king tangle of emotions she doesn’t want to even begin to parse through knotting in her chest and stomach after the carnival w Mason and what she overhears from him back at the warehouse. she didn’t particularly DESIRE to kiss Bobby (but the girl lying in bed w her cat and 18 kirbies cackling evilly and choosing whatever’s funniest did shh) but they have a history and hes easy and she has steam to blow off and destructive habits to engage and the devil you know, you know. if there’s one thing about Deva she does not let things go and she will get even after taking the slightest hit to her ego, as shitty as that sounds 😭 zero emotional regulation . so yeah she initiates the kiss 🕴️
she is meh towards bobby in general (thinks hes funny in ‘i hate my job and this nosey ass reporter i used to fw in college adds a little entertainment’ way) but doesn’t regret the kiss in terms of feeling bad with regards to mason. wildly, she went into book 3 with a good relationship with bobby (truly chaotic exes) despite being a huge bitch in book 1 to him so he did NOT bring up the kiss to mason which she had forgot all about until that point. i would say thats when it starts to weigh on her subconscious a little, an uncomfortable niggling that she suppresses with her usual vices and louder simpler thoughts and feelings. im hoping thats not the end of it and that it does get brought up again just to make her squirm hehe
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of M’s past and their “not guilty” judgment?
dev has an eerie sixth sense for weird shit and a knack for springing into action at pivotal and intense moments, but putting effort into dissecting and finding meaning in these strange situations is not her specialty so she doesnt bother. what she sees hardly makes sense to her at that moment other than the real flesh-and-blood-not-mirror Mason is on his knees in pain so um yeah she fucking shoots the mirror LMAO. crazy ass
later when its mentioned that what was playing out was Masons past, she feels sympathetic for sure — it looked like torture and experimentation to her, plus later when she gets another piece of the puzzle that M purposefully chose to have their memories wiped, she figures thats precisely why. having something like that haunting you, especially for an eternity as a vampire, would for sure fuck you up and she’d do the same.
as for the not guilty verdict, well she barely listened to Falk 😭 but she’d believe it. even if mason went beast mode and killed everyone in that room, it looked like they deserved it to her, and she has off-kilter morals and a twisted sense of justice anyway to put it lightly (capt sung was off the shits on his 8th line of coke with jeremy fragrance and mayor friedman on the day he promoted this woman in law enforcement I can tell u that much . Had to be)
15. What is your detective’s relationship with Rebecca like? If they saw the conversation that she has with M before the end of Book 2, what would they think?
BAD!! oh so so bad. *slaps devas head* this oc can pack so many grudges and let absolutely nothing go, ever . i delve a bit away from canon with her backstory and give an extra L to rebecca to keep secret and feel guilty about — in dev’s early childhood, after rooks death but before her 7th bday, rebecca permitted the agency to wipe a memory from deva which was of an imaginary friend that actually wasn’t imaginary and in fact a supernatural 🏃‍♀️ i go into that a lot more in the fic im writing and what it does to their relationship when dev finds out so ill spare details cuz this is long as hell already.
for the talk with Mason, god im fuzzy on it atm but if i remember right becky stays in her lane 😤 thats another thing that drives dev insane, is Rebecca thinking she can suddenly just involve herself in her personal life because theyre working together now. much too little far too late. rebecca is less than a stranger to her as far as deva is concerned and she is extremely harsh and unforgiving (which if mishka doesnt, i will make come back and bite dev in the ass bc truth be told i do like Rebecca as a character hehe)
thank you jules <33 you have GOT to rb one of these things some day so i can poke and prod about your love triangle menace 😤
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normalsnails · 5 months
Oooh Third High Rise World 👀👀 What is the big tower this time? We've got a railgun, we've got a space elevator.. *rubs hands evilly* I want to know everything >:D
Also I'm curious about your OCs! Are they participants, candidates, angels? *^*
Hii!! Thanks for asking :33 apologies that this took long I’ve been running errands!
So first, its a broadcasting tower! Its function is what it sounds like haha, it relies on a phone (and the ability, just like the railgun) for it to broadcast you the God’s code in a video form, kinda like a tv channel, which is why there are no tvs in that world! It’s a God mechanism similar to the og one, created by the creator of all of the realms to make a god out of people who were just like the “perfect” candidates, such as : Kuon, Juo, Aikawa (some may be family, but I’ll get into that later). So basically people who were closest to God / had great potential of becoming God!
The creator selected the people who were just like / related to the “perfect candidates” and threw in an extra 100+ (a lot, i know) people to give the people chances, give them opponents ect.
Now!! My ocs which i love aaaa my little babies have time to shineee
So first, Hidehisa Suzuki!!
•as you might have gathered, she’s Juo’s younger sister, shes the most similar to Juo in the sense of bloodlust (kinda), same principles (bad guys always win). So basically a lot of his qualities, not because it’s natural and in their genetics, its that Juo was a TERRIBLE influence on her growing up, aswell as their parents ect. So shes very dragged-up.
•Giving her a masculine name was intentional! Her parents probably thought it’d be “quirky” to give their kids such awful names.
•She isn’t a bully in the way her brother is, shes more of a “mean to everyone” type. Always gets into fights, causes trouble, makes fun of everyone sorta thing. She doesn’t have targets like Juo did.
•She wears her hair in all different hairstyles, one day its low pigtails, another its down, a braid ect.
•she has white eyes like her bro but they’re not as sharp as his, they’re quite big and round. (Still soulless-looking) and her hair is the same black with a hint of purple.
•she is currently a participant, but she’s probs gonna find a mouthless mask sometime soon (She probably will break it though, shes mentally weaker than Juo)
•she’s 15!
Thats about it on her!!
“I just wanna feel alive” so her. Thats just her.
Myra Aikawa!
•she isnt Mamoru’s daughter, she’s his niece! Shes similar to him on how she has a particular worldview (not an extreme darwinist like Mamoru, but similar), very collected, very strategic, polite, ambitious ect.
•when i wrote my Mamoru hcs ages ago, i mentioned he had a stepbrother, thats his stepbrother’s daughter!
• She wasnt influenced into thinking this way, she kind of just came to a sort of “the weak die, the strong live. Thats just natural selection.” Conclusion (shes very scholarly, reads alot of philosophy books)
•Student council president, takes her role far too seriously.
•Quite snobby and pretentious but doesnt realise, her father married a successful businesswoman who is the main breadwinner of the house.
•She is now a god candidate after randomly coming across a mouthless mask (we can all tell what her goals are now, yikessss)
•Her god candidate powers include :
Self strengthening ability (isnt that great)
Consciousness interference (can go into an awake person’s brain, it has drawbacks though as it exhausts her)
Ability to control Angels (only 1 currently!!)
•She is half Thai half Japanese (Thai on her mother’s side), she speaks both languages!
•she has light blonde hair (it almost looks white) and light brown eyes!
•she wears a half up half down ponytail with a black bow!
•she’s 16!
And last, Takeshi Akesofu
•He is the only one that isnt related to the “perfect candidates” legally or genetically, he is instead like Kuon in other ways. He is the son of a CEO (of a rival company to Shinzaki’s) and a retired actress, but he is not the heir to the company like kuon, instead his elder brother is the heir. He was raised to be superior to others, to carry himself properly because of the prestige of his family. He’s different to Kuon, but theres a reason they’re somewhat related (They may or may not be in a forced marriage / engagement, but thats just a rumour thats been circling around the internet (on earth in their universe))
•He pretends that he’s all serious and proper to please his family but in private he’s rude and informal. He often brags about what he gets from his parents to his (equally rich) friends. Just your classic spoiled rich kid but hides it.
•wears sunglasses almost all the time, says it makes him look hot but he just looks tacky.
•has quite a sheltered life because of the fame, but not as sheltered as kuon’s. For example, he can go out but only if he has bodyguards / people with him.
•is a God candidate! Same as Myra he came across one by accident. His abilities include :
Ability to control Angels (3 Angels at the moment)
Ability to observe an Angel’s strength
Self-transferring (undiscovered by him but it turns out to be weak and will make him confused and dizzy)
•he has dark brown hair and dark green eyes!
•very present on social media, has millions of followers. (Which boosts his already high ego)
•he’s 18!
Thats it for my ocs!! If you wanna know more about them or a character in specific then just tell me :>
And if the third high rise world was ever in written form (unlikely, too many wip fics and exams XP) they would be the protagonists! (Meaning it would be from one of their perspectives every chapter)
The third high rise world starts mid-arrive, and it’s still going on post arrive and isn’t gonna end because Yuri & co simply don’t know about its existence! Neither does the supervisor. They will find out eventually because Yuri is literally 100% God 100% human and i can ramble on and on about the 4 omnis ect.
There are titles which none of them have acheived, such as :
Seraph. (An angel (not in a TS sense) that is the closest being to God, yet not having the power of god.)
Idol. (Just as it sounds, basically having high numbers of followers, being worshipped basically by humans)
More to be added as i think about them and look at meanings ect! Most of these are religious terms because thats a heavy theme in TS and TSA!
Instead of lightning and cloud, they have light! So basically light radiates from them as lightning would in og TS!
So thats basically all for now, as this post is getting WAYY too long, but if you wanna know more then just send me an ask!! :3
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
Do you think in a woven song, Xiaohua sees any advertisements for the Monkey King and asks about Macaque about it? Like 'Oh Baba, do you know this other monkey that kind of looks like us?'
ohhohohoho i should be doing homework lmao youve got me laughing evilly over here bro bro I've thought about this so much you have no idea.
cause like...Xiaohua is still Mk, no matter the au or who raises them. they are still the same person.
and Mk is obviously hyper-fixated on Monkey king and his legends.
ehehehehe >:)
(i got carried away lmao, tw for mentions of blood, violence and implied death. also xiaohua's a little kid...like...i'd say 5. also if any of this seems ooc or doesn't make sense thats because this part skipsover like....SO much development for macaque i have planned. this part is after aws and more shit I have planned before mk gets to this age)
"Baba?" Xiaohua tugs on Macaques shirt while looking up at him.
"what is it star?" Macaque kneels down in front of them as Xiaohua lets go and instead fidgets with the end of thier shirt.
"Who's the monkey king?"
Macaque doesnt really know what happened after his starlight asked that, the best way he could explain it is a sharp ringing in his ears, echoing memories of metal sparking against metal, of metallic liquid filling his breath, of pain exploding through his head and then silent nothingness. until the cold creeped in awakening his senses and sparking him back to-
Macaque blinked, finnaly noticing how his breathing has become fast and heavy, how his gentle smile became a panicked frown. fuck, the scared look on Xiaohua's face hurts Macaque more then some damn flashback and he immediately recollects himself.
"sorry starlight" he soothes, cupping thier face and weaving his fingers between nd behind her ears. gently petting them and calming his cub.
"is he a monkey demon, like us?" Xiaohua asks, much calmer now and purring to the soothing pets.
"...ye-..well....he's" This conversation is painful. he doesnt know what to say. he doesnt know if he should say anything. he's still mad, yes. beyond angry but....
Macaque takes a deep breath
"he is someone humans look up to as a hero, he is a demon-"
"like us?!" Xiaohua gasps, her eyes sparkling like golden stars.
Xiaohua gasps again and rushes into the living room where the tv blasts the theme song to a cartoon xiaohua's been watching. Macaque never really paid attention but for once he decides to peak in and see what cartoon she's indulging in now.
Of course they make a cartoon for him...
At least the show looks, acts and sounds nothing like him.
Macaque wants to tear that television apart, he wants to rip out its cords and smash its metal. He wants to set it on fire and make sure there's nothing left of that damn peachy bastard in his home.
But xiaohua looks up at the screen with such wonderment. Her laughter and joy echoe's through the room with such vigor.
Hopefully she'll move on from this show soon enough.
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4uru · 1 year
Narcissistic art rant
Tw: anti cc
[I only take constructive criticism if u don't like/agree with my post either keep scrolling or *politely* express your opinion, i am a fragile little tea cup who doesn't like conflict and i will cry and overthink]
I know i might sound egotistical, but i don't like how any official art (the art posted by cc) of alastair carstairs looks.
I will 100% reblog an Alastair Carstairs fanart that maybe doesn't fit my vision of him, i wont criticise it or anything bc they did this from their heart. They were passionate about it. I will shut my mouth and appreciate the hell out of it. Also i know that my fanarts will also clash with some ppl's perception of him
But, I actually hate coming across official art of Thomas and Alastair, here are my reasons,
> the proportions are always wack on these two specifically for some reason. If y'all remember thr scarf one, i remember trying to figure out the proportions there, Alastair's arms were short and it just irks me. Bc ppl are paid for this. This isn't a fanart, this is a Commission prolly, and it just takes me out of the whole piece immediately.
>Thomas doesnt have a single, solo art that actually looks nice. One that i actually like started to bother me for some reason, so i tracked the proportions and his forehead was too big, and just the whole thing tuned me off from the piece.
He also has a chariot (?) fanart, (him on top of a chariot) and im sorry to say that was one of the fucking ugliest of Official art of thomas, his whole thing was off, it was a perspective drawing, and it just failed, his head looked to big, his face was stiffer than wood, his body' perspective made my brain hurt, it was just not good.
>for some reason only the alastair and thomas are non sensical (im talking their solo character drawings) like why is Alastair
Evilly reading a book? Why is thomas just flexing?? It makes no sense compared to the rest, matthew is laying there like a girl boss and that makes sense for him, like just these two are kinda awkwardly standing or sitting
> they make Alastair a twink. Theres nothing wrong with being a twink. But Alastair is literally a shadowhunter. An ACTIVE shadowhunter. And its not even that he looks like a twink compared to Thomas, no they actually make him a petite little boy. Wtf???? It feels like they are trying to put Alastair and Thomas in a heteronormative box. Doesn't help that almost the whole fandom agrees on the opinion that Alastair is the bottom. (Trust me i tried searching for bottom thomas lightwood....i found a barren land)
Their art feels forced to me...i dont feel jack shit. And these are my favourite fucking characters i have seen absolutely beginner stuff, and i have cried over it. I just dont feel anything when i look at these official arts.
Here ends my very narcissistic rant. At the end of the day...cc can just make characters and fuck em up, i will take them, put them.in a box and shake it violently until i like them.
I will have to say, i love the coloring of these fanarts, even the ones that make me want to die, but yeah the drawing is just not there, they feel hollow and wonky, and i dont care how smooth and cool the colors looks when it feels completely emotionless.
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theskyexists · 2 years
gundam ep 5 & ep 6 & ep 7 &8
Poor elan, raised a tool, tortured as a child. surprising he wouldnt want aerial for himself if it doesnt hurt him. but he can actually feel the robot as his own body....
i love that jeturk actually came to protect suletta. really like him now tho i dont understand him.
aha he did want it
Suletta is definitely starting to get on my nerves. i know shes just in it for the sleepovers and the boyfriends and whatever it takes to set up a school and not the high stakes intergalactic political game. but like. get with it. stop accepting duels.
hold up hold on, Elan was old enough to accept the role of being a surrogate Elan... i get that it takes the life out of the surrogate, they didnt want to make Elan go through it. i guess...i guess it makes sense.
why wouldnt aerial have thrusters. we SAW that lfrith has thrusters.we know she went flying around on mercury. you’re telling me she couldnt fly there? shes in zero gravity here....we SAW her pick up miorine. wwhat
theyre in outer space. they could blow each other to quick goddamn death here. aerials voice is that of a child....
theres a lot of Nanoha in this. she trounces everybody decidedly and befriends them in doing so. they realise that winning - everything they thought theyd get through winning - that its not actually what they want or need. But that Suletta can give them something else...
IM AN UNDERSTANDING BRIDE. I WILL TOLERATE SOME MINOR TWO-TIMING. i adore the concept of suletta harem anime. but mio is first of course
oh shit. ok they showed quite deliberately. by jeturk getting thrown out. by not-elan getting discarded. that capital does not CARE for fairytale befriending.
it is merciless
the beautiful and simple metaphor
Nika tries to compliment Mio and she takes it as sarcasm lololol
STAND UP STRAIGHT. their dynamic is so great sfjlkdsjfaksd
why is suletta’s mother trying to make an enemy of mio - why is she letting on shes not fully to be trusted? (or is she trying to teach her a lesson? why say it so evilly tho)
ah. Nika got the thrusters from Shaddiq.
she actually got out of her stutter because of mio’s harsh love haha
wtf. how are they getting out of this one. why did Delling let them go in the first place and why go about accusing her once again of possessing a gundam in public in such a roundabout way. what is stopping him from using his power fully?
ok thats cool. thats a very cool idea by miorine. but everybodys afraid of delling mio
VERY GOOD IDEA BY MIO. VERY GOOD. (it’s not pride, it’s hatred, far more effective lol)
japanese people always seem to think so weirdly from anime. ‘the gundams curse is heavier than you think’ - IT IS JUST A FUCKING MACHINE. A KILLING MACHINE. oh no its pilots die. yeah. so what. why the fuck is that the line. its not MAGIC. you cant just mash ‘witch hunt’ with ‘killer robot’ and be done with the worldbuilding..
Anyway Delling goes in for it lol why. does he care about miorine after all? he set this whole thing up to destroy the gundam and now he’s like ok yeah you can take on the curse then i guess. what.
anyway yeah its definitely better to be ceo of a startup company funded by the whole group including your father (who is only 3% owner!) than be a daughter completely dependent on him. i do not understand why Delling did what he did, why he made Mio a ‘bride’, why he didnt destroy Aerial last time nor why he went along with setting up a company for MAKING GUNDAMS when he already ‘knew’ the pilot dying problem had been solved. what is this man thinking
her mother is completely underestimating what having lied to her daughter and then admitting to it will do to their relationship
so is Mio buying up Peil’s team and shin sei’s to work on gundams based on Aerial and Pharact? Peil and shin sei didn’t even agree. tho i guess suletta’s mom was like: yep sure lets go
even the intro song is kannazuki no miko as heck.
still lying to suletta
‘i didnt come here to build mobile suits’ then why are you at the mobile suit school
miorine is very smart. suletta is not very smart but has other qualities.
miorine really does have a LOT of freedom of movement right now. yet she hasnt thought to use it at all to get to Earth.
no one but the vanadis group ever thought to use robot tech to save lives? prospera literally has a prosthesis and mio wasnt TOO shocked. how are spacians suriving space right now??
what the fuck lol. who in the world was like: yeah lets leave the billions of investment to the high schoolers to make a silly video with. THE WHOLE GROUP WAS LOOKING TO MAKE WEAPONS AND NOW THEY’RE LIKE HEY LOOK AERIAL IS HERE AND WE”RE GONNA......USE IT TO IMPROVE PEOPLE’S BODIES? there is simply no way to marry the giant robot with developing medical technology.... why do the cyborg parts need an ai....why develop a suit at all? just to please the shareholders? mio is gonna be in the same problems as vanadis
hold on. the group just invested 240 million in this startup and now some school regulations are gonna stop the establishment of the company? lol come on
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duccyslastbraincell · 4 years
Barisol’s child is an only child AU
Where Levia is afraid of becoming a furry, so she asks Seth for a way to avoid becoming a furry and he’s like “draw your fursona and yiff it lol”. So she makes her fursona and is about to yiff it but then she realizes “shit, if I yiff my fursona, I’ll actually become a furry” asdfgasdfdaf 
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cryptic-science · 3 years
my brain physically cannot handle the new puppet history, i am thriving, im so excited, im in shambles, i cried over multiple puppets, my heart hurts, i feel so incredible, ive never been this hyped, lore lore lore, im so conflicted, EMOTIONS
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maraczeks · 4 years
the office s4 thread pt 5
#shut up i love holly so much the women of this show truly >>>>>>>#mar 9 2021#i cant wait to watch them fall omg#ew no tobys obsession w pam is so weird stop#ok now just waiting for erin my puppy love#hes already making her a mixtape.... n he thinks he loves her ????????? im so excited bci know nothing abt them vs dwangela n pb+j#her smile im so soft#also ive definitely watched the clips of holly thinking kevins disabled before#u guys im so obsessed with her#ANGELA SMILING EVILLY I LOVE U SDFJLSDJFKJFJJ#ryan unhinged era also doesnt rlly make sense..... funny doe#why is kelly so hung up on ryan girl#i love knowing nothing abt michael holly its like watching benslie for the first time#HOLLYS SMILE OH MY GOD#the set up for michaelholly THEIR FIRST MEETING you KNOW theyre gonna b tgt forever sobbing emoji#no bc i love angela so much lord..#angela pam holly i lov u#erin doesnt come until 5.23 ??????????? crying thats so far away also i forgot erin and andy might b a thing thats gross#JAN PREGNANT??????? WHAT THE FRICK#man jan get out bro#they look so similar tho HSLEHAALAHAHA#WAIT SPERM BANKFJDSJFJ ann perkins tease#why are they bringing jan back in hollys ep not to pit women against each other but jan is awful#pb+j pROPOSAL?????????? please please please#mad!angela i lov u#NO NOT ANDY PROPOSING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHAHTHSDHDJDFJFDJLDFSLJKFLJKDJLKFLJKFD#NO HIS PARENTS ARE THERE THATS SO. IM I HATE IT HERE NOONONONONOONONONONONONSOFONSEOJ THIS IS ALL WRONG#thats so sick mike schur answer for your crimes#GODDDD how much longer do i have to wait for dwights crazy roadside proposal#holly is so pretty oh my god
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years
I have had a few bucky x read fic ideas bouncing around in my head and i cant write! So here is one,
Sam find a person who stairs and doesnt talk a whole lot because they uses ✨telepathy ✨. So Sam think they would be a good fit for Bucky, but he doesn’t know they have that power he just thinks they are mute. Then there is a thing where the reader is telling Buck how it works and they if they have something to connect them together like an object *reader motions to dog tags* they can have an unbreakable mind link. Then they fall in love or something. This is dumb, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Hey! Thank you so much for this request, it wasn't dumb at all. I really enjoyed writing this. I may have gotten a bit carried away, this may sit close to 4000 words but we vibe. I hope this is what you had in mind! Please enjoy! <3
Click here for my masterlist of other fics and check in my bio for requests if anyone wishes to ask!
Bucky had been enjoying a moments peace, he loved working with Sam but sometimes all he wanted was to put his feet up, put on some vinyl and enjoy a good cup of coffee all while reading a brilliant book. He had been trying to get into Game of Thrones lately, on Sam’s insistence, and he had been enjoying it. With the crackles of Glenn Miller from the turntable he missed the clunky footsteps coming up the stairs.
The sight that greeted Sam needed to be photographed. Bucky was lounging back on his ‘old man armchair’ feet up, hair in a towel, in a bathrobe, coffee in hand and facemask on, this was definitely one for the family album.
At the sound of the phone shutter Bucky practically launched himself out of the chair.
“Oh, you are never gonna live this one down old boy, it’s going to haunt you.” Sam almost cackled evilly as he began to email the photo to himself- he had learnt the hard way that Bucky was very proficient at breaking phones.
“You better not upload that photo anywhere, Wilson, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Pfft, reputation, that’s funny.”
Bucky scoffed as he stood up, placing his book carefully on the side table, “Big scary super soldier, people hardly run-in fear from a guy in a bathrobe.”
“I disagree, a man in a bathrobe is definitely something you should run from. AH NOPE!” Sam jumped backwards, on top of a nearby chair, as Bucky lunged for the phone, towel turban falling off in the process. “You are not breaking this phone as well.”
“Fine. But you gotta promise not to post that anywhere.” Bucky huffed.
“I won’t.”
“As long as- “
“Oh no, I’m not doing anything for you.”
“Think of it as payment for the last phone you broke and insurance for this picture.”
There was silence for a moment as the two friends eyed each other up. Sam raised his eyebrows, Bucky’s eyes narrowed. It was an intense staring match between a guy in a bathrobe and a precariously balanced man. A clock ticked.
“Fine.” Bucky conceded. “What do you want?”
“For you to come to a meeting.”
“The families of Veterans ones?”
“Yeah.” Sam slowly started climbing down from the chair. “And before you get your old man pants in a twist, I’m not trying to force you to talk or anything, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Suspicion laced through Bucky’s voice.
“You know sign language, right?”
“Which kind?”
“American? I think?”
“Yeah, I know ASL, might be a bit rusty but I’m sure it still holds up. Why do you ask?”
Sam shifted slightly on his feet, “There’s this person, they come in every week and listen. I tried to talk to them, but they communicate through sign language, and I don’t have anyone there to talk with them.” He cast his eyes to the floor, “I feel bad. They were brave enough to come to the group only to basically be ignored ‘because we didn’t plan well enough.”
Bucky smiled, face mask crinkling around his smile lines, “You could have just asked me to Sam. You didn’t have to blackmail me into this, of course I’ll help. When’s the next meeting?”
“This evening. You gonna be ready or do you need some more ‘me’ time.”
Bucky simply chuckled at Sam’s teasing tone, patted his shoulder making sure to squeeze just a bit too hard before retreating to his room.
“I’ll be there, Wilson, and I will look so much younger than you!”
It was frustrating to you, going along to these meetings and not being able to communicate. You could always speak into someone’s mind but all that usually accomplished was a very paranoid person. But just listening to other’s stories really helped the grief from losing someone so close to you. You related to most of the people there and even though they didn’t understand you a lot of the time, you were always made to feel welcome- with friendly pats on the back and the odd tissue thrown your way.
You bustled into the familiar building with a new sense of excitement as Sam had promised to bring a translator for you this week. It was finally time to say your thanks to some of the people there and finally let the group know about your brother, so that it wasn’t only you that remembered him.
You all but ran through the hallways until you caught sight of a familiar smiling man. Sam was facing you, talking animatedly to another man, the strangers back was to you. He was tall, broad shouldered and dressed in a vintage looking leather jacket and rather well fitted trousers. Now the debate was: does the tailoring make the ass, or does the ass make the tailoring. You were halfway through the arguments on either side when Sam shouting your name disrupted the intense debating in your mind. You blushed at being caught, then blushed some more when you caught sight of the stranger’s face. Twinkling blue eyes under a deep-set brow should have made him intimidating, but he was smiling, and his face was dazzling. There was an immediate fluttering in your stomach.
“Hey, I’m Bucky.” Dear lord even his voice was nice, what made you smile even more was the fact that he signed as he spoke. Well, Sam certainly knew how to pick them well. “Sam introduced me; said you wanted an interpreter.”
You nodded as you signed back, “Nice to meet you, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Sam has told me a bit about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Okay I recognise my own name, you two better not be conspiring against me.” Sam piped up, to be honest you had forgotten about him for a moment.
Bucky laughed, and it sent a little thrill down you, he really was adorable.
“No worries, Wilson, just letting them know all your dirty little secrets.”
“Right, you two get in there, before you make me sleep with one eye open.”
You and Bucky caught each other’s eye, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, and you couldn’t help the smile that overtook you. You had a feeling that the two of you would get on just fine.
The meeting passed easily. Bucky translated your signs and you finally felt like you could actually take part in these meetings. Everyone listened intently when you spoke of your brother and when you had thanked the whole group for being so open to you a couple of people shed a tear. By the end of the meeting though you were tired and very accepting of Bucky’s offer to walk you home.
It was a lot of side glances and hidden smiles and you walked side by side. Drawn to each other under the moonlit sky, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone who had such a kind aura. You spent the walk trying to work up the confidence to sign something, anything but nothing came to mind and Bucky seemed quite content to just walk in comfortable silence.
You soon reached your home, you turned to Bucky with a smile on your face and signed,
“Thanks for today, Bucky. You were really helpful.”
“No problem.” He signed back,
You hesitated slightly before signing, “Would you be happy to have a coffee with me, tomorrow?”
Bucky went a little red in the face, and chuckled, “I would love to, I know a nice place, real cosy. I’ll text you the details.”
“You know how to text?”
“Hey! I get enough stick from Sam, don’t need you getting on my case too. I’ll have you know that I am very adaptable.”
“Sure, Sure.” You smiled at his flustered tone. “I’ll wait for your text then, have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The two of you stared slightly awkwardly at each other, neither wanting to be the first to turn around. You shuffled your feet away slowing, smiling awkwardly once more at Bucky before turning. You heard his footsteps start to fade away as you walked towards your home. You were but three steps to the door when a large figure in a hoodie slammed into you, you raised your arms instinctively to block them when you noticed your shoulder was lighter. The bastard had stolen your bag.
You immediately took chase, chasing around the corner you just walked down but they were fast, faster then you at least. As you rounded the corner you caught sight of Bucky walking ahead. The thief wouldn’t stand a change against him. Without a second thought you cast your thoughts towards Bucky,
“Bucky! Thief! My Bag! Behind you!”
You saw Bucky flinch slightly then turn bewildered, his eyes widening when he saw you hurting towards him, chasing the hooded figure. He caught on and launched after the thief as well, with barely any effort he knocked the thief to the ground, grabbed your bag and whipped out his phone to call the cops.
Well, that was hot.
You took your bag back, immediately checking that you brother’s lucky coin was in the zippy pocket, to your relief it was still there. You looked up to see Bucky staring at you with a very puzzled look on his face. You sighed before casting your thoughts to his head once more,
“I’ll explain later.”
Bucky let out a strange, decompressed noise of shock, it made you giggle. The two of you waited in silence until the police came and took the thief away. The police car had barely driven away when he turned to you.
“Did you just, talk in my head? Or did my conscious just suddenly get really loud.”
“I did. Hi. Sorry about that.”
He waved his hands dismissively. “Believe it or not, not the weirdest thing I’ve encountered.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
There was an awkward silence.
“So,” You started, resorting back to sign language, it felt less invasive, “Still down for coffee?”
Bucky smiled, “One hundred percent. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Bye Bucky. Thanks for getting my bag back.”
“No problem, see ya.”
The coffee shop that Bucky invited you to, was tucked away, it was the kind of place that you would stumble over on accident. With a simple door and a big window out the front, that lead soft orange light filter out onto the alley. There was the faint sound of jazz leaking out of the building, you smirked. It was such an old fashioned place, of course this was where Bucky frequented.
The bell tinkled slightly as you entered the café, where you were greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You caught sight of Bucky’s broad shoulders sitting in the corner, and you made your way over to him, smiling at the barista as you passed.
As if sensing you, Bucky turned to smile and wave. He was dressed in casual clothes like last time, but this time his hair was loose around his shoulders. You smiled back before settling into the seat opposite him.
His hands moved hesitantly as he signed, “What would you like? I can recommend their hot chocolate, its very warming/”
“Hot chocolate it is.”
You could tell he wanted to ask you a million questions but to his credit he walked slowly to get the drinks, he even took his time carefully carrying the tray of drinks back to your table. He placed a delicious looking hot chocolate in front of you. You watched as he took a sip.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
“So,” Here we go, “What is it you can do, you can speak in peoples’ heads, can you,” He lowered his voice and leaned in, “Can you read people’s minds?”
You giggled slightly, his eyes were basically sparkling, he was definitely nerding out about this.
You set the hot chocolate down before casting your thoughts to his head, “I can speak in peoples heads relatively easily, it’s how I talk most of the time to people I know. I guess you could call it Telepathy.”
Bucky’s eyes were as wide as saucers, “So you can’t read thoughts, only… speak them?”
“I like to call it casting, makes me feel like a sorcerer. I can read thoughts, but it takes a lot of energy. I used to be able to talk with my brother from across the house. That usually requires some kind of connection.”
“Oh, so like a blood or family connection? Do you have to know the person very well?”
“That certainly helps but it’s not always necessary. If I have a personal object that belongs to that person, something I can hold and connect to them it isn’t hard to make a two-way connection. Especially if that person is willing to open their mind.”
Bucky seemed to be caught in thought for a second. “So, if I were to give you something of mine, we could both talk in our… heads?”
“Well yes, but Bucky we have only just met. Letting me into your head is a lot. I try not to pry but sometimes I’ve found that thoughts just burst through. Let’s get to know each other a before that happens.”
Bucky smiled at you before speaking and signing, “You’re right. Let’s get to know one another. I find you fascinating.”
It happened on the fifth date. Bucky was just walking you home after a lovely dinner at a small Italian that he claimed he went to back in the 40s. Just outside your door, under the glow of a lamppost he turned to you and took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know this may be a lot, but I wanted to give you these.” He reached around his neck and pulled off something silver. You gasped slightly as he held out his dog tags, immaculately preserved after all these years.
“Are you sure, Bucky? This is a lot.”
“I know and if you aren’t comfortable with it then just let me know but I want to give them to you.”
“You know what this means Bucky?”
“Yeah, I know, I just figured that you’re already in my head all the time anyways, just can’t seem to get you out of it.”
“You cheeseball.” You smirked at him before taking the dog tags and placing them around your neck. You gripped the cold metal for a moment, concentrating on the man in front of you. Taking everything, you knew about him and stretching out a connection, like a hand reaching out to clasp another.
“Testing, Testing, Testing, one two, one two, can my Telepathic partner hear me?”
You laughed, “Yes I can Bucky, you big dork.”
Bucky whooped out loud before sweeping you up in a big hug. The two of you laughing under the lamp light. His joy was infectious, and you couldn’t fight the smile off your face.
“Oh, we are going to have so much fun messing with Sam.”
“You’re evil.”
Of course, the two of you made a pact not to tell Sam until he worked it out, which wouldn’t be anytime soon according to Bucky. It led to some very memorable moments and Sam refusing to play any form of card or board game with either of you because you always managed to win, somehow. Not to mention all the times you had spoken in eery unison around him.
“I swear, its like you two can read each other’s minds sometimes.” Sam threw his hands up in frustration at another lost game of charades.
You smirked at Bucky across the room, “Should you tell him, or shall I?”
“I think he’s been through enough, I got it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, “We can.”
Sam whipped around to face Bucky, a look of sheer disbelief on his face, “Seriously Bucky-boy, if you think I believe that after all-
“Hello Sam.” You cast your thoughts to him, in the creepiest old lady voice you could muster.
Sam yelped, before turning accusingly at you, “You better be joking around with me right now, I am not dealing with any kind of ghosts in this house.”
“Sorry! Surprise I’m telepathic!”
“You’re serious.”
You nodded.
Sam put his head in his hands and sighed, “Not the weirdest thing ever. Wait, does this mean you have been cheating this entire time.”
You both looked guiltily at one another.
“You owe me. That poker night, void.”
You both laughed, “We’ll have a fair rematch this time Sam.”
It had been close to a year since you had made it official with Bucky and you were now much more comfortable around one another. He no longer just dropped you off at the lamppost but cam inside with you. You had spent many lovely mornings together sharing glances over steaming cups of coffee. Fighting each other for who got to spread their legs out on the couch, there wasn’t really a loser though as it usually ended up in sofa cuddles for both of you, while watching a film.
Life was pretty great, you thought, as you smiled down at the sleeping Bucky beside you. Finally reaching over to turn off the lamp and put your book down, you were finally reading the hobbit at Bucky’s insistence. As you clicked off the light beside you and settled down you noticed the faster than usual breathing coming from beside you.
You reached out, thinking he was awake but instead as you opened up your connection you caught flashes of night terrors. You were falling indefinitely, snow all around you, and in the distance, there were cries of pain, people pleading for their lives, there was gunfire and explosions. You gasped and took off the dog tags. You only gave yourself a moment to breathe before trying to shake Bucky awake. When it became clear that he wasn’t stirring you steadied yourself and settled your hands on his temples. You didn’t care you tired this would make you, you just wanted Bucky to stop suffering. You focused, offering out that hand of connection again, this time picturing it in the shape of a fist and, although it wasn’t subtle, you tried to shake Bucky’s brain awake. You forced your way into his dreams, punching through the dark fog that clouded his thoughts and almost screamed at him.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up! You’re dreaming my dear!”
Bucky woke up with a start. Tears flowing down his face, he stared at you blue eyes shining. No one spoke as he pulled you into his arms. You just breathed together for a moment, counting the breaths and the spaces in between. When he finally pulled back, you saw his eyes flicker with concern before lifting a hand to gently wipe under your nose, it came back red with blood.
“You, okay?”
You smiled sadly, reaching out to put the dog tags back on.
“I should be asking you that.”
“But you’re bleeding.”
“Occupational hazard.” You tried to subtly get rid of any of the extra blood. “That was pretty intense. Wanna talk?”
Bucky looked down to the sheets and shook his head. You smiled at him, tilting his head to yours.
“That’s fine, want me to go? Or would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
Bucky didn’t talk again, just pulled you gently down to the bed once more. Snuggling himself under your chin, resting his head on your chest. You felt his arms draw tightly against your waist. You pressed your lips into his hair.
“May I help you go to sleep? Keep the bad thoughts at bay for at least one night.”
You felt Bucky nod and let out a little sleepy hum of agreement. You closed your eyes, focused on your connection setting up a golden wall against the dark fog at the corners of his mind and settled into a deep sleep.
You woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the clinking of cups.
“Morning.” You opened your eyes at Bucky’s voice and took the offered cup greedily. Your mind still felt hazy from the energy you used last night.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Bucky sat and sipped at his cup as well, hair a bit of a mess from bed. He had evidently only just woken up as well.
He took a breath, “I had some pretty interesting dreams, sweetheart.”
You stiffened, “Good ones I hope.”
“Don’t worry, they were good. If a little strange.”
“I was watching myself most of the time.”
You snorted into the coffee, “Sounds creepy”
There was a slight chuckle, “Nah, I was watching myself build a home, a family- “
“Oh God Bucky.” You snapped your eyes to his, you knew what had happened. “I am so sorry my dreams must have stuck in your head.”
“Those were your dreams?”
“Yeah, its only happened once before but when the connection between two people is very strong, it can happen- I call it bleeding. Perhaps we should- “
“If the next words out of your mouth are take a break, I will spill your coffee.” You clutched your cup closer to your chest, “Truthfully, those were some of the beset dreams I have every had. I really loved them.”
You looked back up at him, hesitantly “You did?”
“And I love you.”
There was silence as you stared at him in shock. His face as nothing but adoration as the sunlight filtered over his face.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
Coffee cups were cast aside as you both collided. Giggling and joking, radiating happiness as the two of you shared the sweetest kiss. Your feelings merging together, amplifying one another until they shone brighter than the sun.
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