#evon gnashblade
commanderyes · 1 year
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The Commander And What Matters
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eternalalchemagical · 7 months
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“Burn it all.”
Proposition: You give me the teehee “get an achievement for throwing a water balloon at this idiot” side character merchant meow meow— and I turn him into a terrifying, ruthless mafioso who absolutely despises mesmers but enjoys the convenience of having an 8ft tall time wizard bound to him by a contract signed under duress that she can’t escape :)
And his tried and true problem solving skill rapidly becomes letting his fucked up rent-a-bestie beam the heat death of the universe directly into your mind before he lets her turn you into meat confetti :)
Also, he’s a big ol’ bisexual slut :) who said that
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
i am so sorry in advance, bestie.
nyra and evon gnashblade, because he stole my gold once.
Crackship points +10
Nyra would have a crapton of fun dragging him to battle, pretending she's "conscripting" him. As it is, I don't think she interacts with him very much unless she's ordering something but she did think his conscription was deserved and needed lmao
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So with Crow being a competitor to Black Lion, what is his main product he sells that differentiates him from Evon?
Crow runs the same things that evon runs but also he runs also runs underground and illegal item trades as well. His legal trading post also takes special orders since they have their own crafters under contract. So since they come from within the trade group they are sold at a reduced cost to what evon has. The main thing he cant compete with is the gem store items (and yes even if it was jokingly said in an interview i think, the gem store to me is canon) He hasnt figured out how evon does that bit yet. But crow has his own brand of things too, from coffee, fur oils, motor oil etc. You name it he likely makes it and sells it.
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alcairsei · 6 months
every day i discover another gw2 character voiced by sam riegel and it is always a joyous occasion when i correctly recognize that man's voice
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fireskarr · 1 year
GW2 Unused dialogue: Flirty lines?
So here's a fun one ;)
During my deep dive into the Living World S1 related dialogue lines in the game, I stumbled across a flirty line from Jory that I hadn't heard before. I didn't think much of it at the time, since several of her regular lines are rather flirty. But then I found one for Braham. And then Rox. And then I started to pay attention.
For most characters, there are blocks of what I like to call 'generic' lines. These blocks tend to be separate from the story-specific lines and ambient conversations, and include things like event-related chatter (let's go, follow me, go on ahead, etc), greetings, yes/no, calls for help, battle cries, etc. And I noticed some of the "thank you"/gratitude lines were almost always preceded by some kind of flirty line (and a few aren't, it's kinda messy haha). So I ran through all the other characters and pulled what I could find.
Not all named characters seem to have these though, and I might have missed one or two that weren't obviously flirty. There's also a chance that some of these are part of ambient conversations I'm not aware of, but most ambient conversations tend to be separate, so I dunno. Like I said; kinda messy.
I've separated them into two groups: Named NPCs and un-named NPCs
Marjory Delaqua: "Mmm, mm, mmm. You can walk into my bar any old time." Braham: "You'd look great in a bear skin." Rox: "I like you almost as much as meat!" Magnus the Bloody Handed: "You look like a kindred spirit. You like winter sports?" Evon Gnashblade: "You like gold? Jewels? I bet you do." Vorpp: "Hello beautiful. Are there anymore at home like you?" Scarlet Briar: "Hello, you're pretty cute. For a drone." Captain Mai Trin: "Do you have what it takes to be my First Mate?" Magister Tassi: "What do you say? You, me, a little romantic stroll through the library, hmm?" Mad King Thorn: "Heey! How would you like to be queen for a day?" Bloody Prince Thorn: "Mmm, you're as luscious as blood in the moonlight."
Lionguard 1: "Hey, good lookin'." Lionguard 2: "My shift's about to end, how about a drink?" Aetherblade 1: "Hey baby, wanna ride on an airship?" Aetherblade 2: "I'm all business. But I'm all pleasure too." Aetherblade 3: "Hey there, hot stuff." Zephyrite 1: "I feel a spark between us." Zephyrite 2: "You outshine the sun." Zephyrite 3: "Did I see a glint in your eye?" Zephyrite 4: "I feel balanced, now that you're here."
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myriad-lights · 9 days
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I just noticed that we have posters in the crafting area of the homestead!
From left to right: Southsun Cove karka warning, Metal Legion, Ellen Kiel campaign poster, Evon Gnashblade campaign poster
I love this game so much <3
EDIT: I MISSED SOME! We have a Kookoochoo poster and a miniature Joko as well. I'm laughing so hard.
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legendaryskyscale · 2 months
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This was an old trick and I'm sure a lot of folks didn't know this or have forgotten about it (I know I did), but If you typed 'I am Evon Gnashblade' in the Search, the icons will shrink and display more items. This effect will remain until you re-typed that phrase in the Search, or log off.
Just a fun little trick. Altho, it might take a very very long time to load if you click on Buy Items while this is in effect, rip
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bigsnaff · 5 months
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"FOR brilliant-minded individuals, BY brilliant-minded individuals."
Within the last recent months you may or may not have noticed the debut of a new, up-and-coming, self-proclaimed "rival" enterprise to the Black Lion Trading Company. But who is heading this new, mysterious mercantile? To the surprise of many, it's the renowned Ex-Councillor Phlunk of Divinity's Reach, former member of Rata Sum's own Arcane Council, and twin brother to the Councillor Phlunt, (still in office).
"No more blitzing your raptor to the nearest trading agent to receive your parcels -- now your items arrive directly on your doorstep for no extra charge!"
Following the Ex-Councillor's own success with his small wizardry services in Divinity's Reach, he believed it was high time to ascend to even greater heights.
"With the dragon crisis finally dealt with, the economy on the rise, and new trade deals arriving from Cantha, what better time for some new, improved organizations to dig their heels in against the longstanding oppression? It's time to break the monopoly. The Black Lion Trading Company is old news. Our trading company is a vision of a bright and golden tomorrow," Ex-Councillor Phlunk said confidently during an interview.
"What exactly will become of your 'wizardry' business now that you've started this new venture?" Asked Reporter Trekt.
"My business will remain active, although through select appointments by way of my apprentice, who will be handling the simpler affairs."
"Some have made claims that this new enterprise of yours is all just a far-reaching attempt to fund your own independent research in Divinity's Reach," said Reporter Trekt. "What's your response to these rumors?"
"All conjecture formed from envy," replied the Ex-Councillor, shaking his head. "My question is this: is it wrong to succeed? Is it wrong to rise beyond conceivable thought? Did our own Commander not vanquish the dragons by being better at it than everyone else? My enterprise was made by and for such brilliantly-minded individuals."
Further attempts at receiving a response to the aforementioned claims went unanswered.
(interview continued & concluded on pg. 8)
The newly established mercantile's routes and sources are currently unknown, but their lightning-fast deliveries and the unique quality of their goods speak for themselves. However, considering the Ex-Councillor's own proficiency with magic, could this indicate some form of sorcery being used?
Attempts at reaching Evon Gnashblade, head of the Black Lion Trading Company, to hear his opinion regarding the emergence of this new enterprise have had no luck.
Will this new Mist Merch. Trading stand the test of time in such a competitive arena? Or will the proud, black lion stamp yet another opponent under its heel?
It seems we'll all have to wait and see.
- excerpt by Journalist Rittz, writer for the Arch's Accounts.
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cindermetalheadgw2 · 1 year
Gw2 expansion idea: Evon Gnashblade discovers jade tech internet pitches jade tech tik tok to joon hires influencers to sell gem store fashion influencers become enemy faction commander has to fight canach becomes an influencer it's all very angsty and tragic anet hire me
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
I wouldn't put it past Snargle Goldclaw to write a novel about Evon Gnashblade and it be something like the guy with a pile of gems and gold, and the classic name changing he does-
Ebon Stashtrade "Love is Gold"
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commanderyes · 1 year
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The Commander And Mail
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ratasum · 1 year
I've had thoughts about Makko and Evon Gnashblade.
They hate each other most of the time but.
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grasping-earth · 2 years
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this here before, but in my head there’s this whole story about how Xunlai Jade take some time to make sure their tech is safe and secure after the events of End of Dragons which means they don’t immediately start selling it in Tyria. In the meantime, the Consortium make a deal with the Jade Brotherhood to import dodgy bootleg jadetech which the Consortium can sell in Lion’s Arch, making a fortune off eager Tyrians who have heard of this stuff even though there’s no readily available public batteries or recharging and the tech is low quality. What do they know, right?
Xunlai will eventually be ready to export and will probably sign a deal with the Black Lion Trading Company (and I would love to be in that negotiating room with Yu Joon and Evon Gnashblade, yikes) - but by that point unreliable, unsafe jade tech has been offloaded on Tyrians, and the Consortium will be out-competed but they already made their cash!
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fregion-bond-breaker · 18 hours
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Working on a lil thing of my thief the Shadow Lord Crow and soon @quintiliusheartripper character in an au we have for them :3 he wants to be a king of the charr, not khan ur, king. so the dudes a rival to evon gnashblade because of this he runs his own trade company, but unlike evon, he trades in anything and everything that brings him money. Including less savory things like drugs and slaves.
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Mr Tryphon answerrrr, 78, 52 and 53?
78: how emotionally stable is your character
“Look when you are a pirate captain- or well, a GOOD pirate captain you need to be emotionally stable. I work both the seas and the mists and both have their problems to solve. You need a good mind to move with the currents that doesnt destroy your people, you need to be a battle strategist and play your cards right to make sure you have as little desths as possible. You need to do a lot more accounting too…the sharing of money and making sure my pirates have a pool of money set for them if they become injured and cant work anymore. you cant be unhinged when your vying for a vote among the crew and being a stable force is a good thing in your ship” he then smiles, mischievousness in his eyes
“although some asura and a certain Evon Gnashblade would probably consider me violently unstable from my what my wanted posters say”
52: what is your characters worst flaw
“When I was a pirate my worst flaw was my softness. You may be able to tell but most pirates around work with kidnapping, ransom, and killing of innocents and i refuse to do that. Sure it can be admirable to the people who stand behind me but to some its a missed opportunity. But ive experience and I do not want to sell anyone to slavery or experimentation. And the other pirates know ill make their deaths slow for their actions if they come across me.”
He lays back and sips his wine and then sighs as he feels his bad back “but now that im landlocked its probably my slippery fingers and stubbornness to not be some puppet for the legions while im mated with a Primus. Cant be a pirate without being antiestablisment! I still fucking fought in that war though… not for what was left of. My mates blood legion’s sake but because i wanted to make sure my two boys were safe. I hate wars. ”
(What he doesnt say is that its because of this kindness he lost his whole crew from a fatal betrayal)
53: what is your characters great strength
Tryphon gives a smile and raises his cup. He then downs the whole thing in one gulp
“The same thing that could be seen as a flaw in the pirate world. My kindness and generosity. I have an allyship with the sylvari, i had loyal sailors in my heyday. I took care of my crew and we had fun doing it. We parties and id donate to the people suffering the most” he purrs and bows his head, flashing his golden capped fangs when he stands up to get another glass.
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